Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
FY2016 Performance Accountability Report (PAR)
The Performance Accountability Report (PAR) measures each agency’s performance for the fiscal year against the agency’s performance plan and includes major
accomplishments, updates on initiatives’ progress and key performance indicators (KPIs).
The mission of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is to promote public safety by ensuring the safe operation of motor vehicles.
Summary of Services
The DMV provides service to approximately 600,000 licensed drivers and identification card holders (out of a population of more than 650,000) and 300,000 registered
vehicles at four service centers. We conduct adjudication services and collect ticket payments for 2.5 million tickets each year. We also conduct 200,000 annual vehicle
inspections. Combining these services into a customer centered, mission driven organization is the responsibility of the Agency Management Division. Department
performance expectations are listed by functional division.
Overview Agency Performance
The following section provides a summary of DMV performance in FY 2016 by listing DMV’s top accomplishments, and a summary of its progress achieving its
initiatives and progress on key performance indicators.
Top Agency Accomplishments
Accomplishment Impact on Agency Impact on Residents
The opening of the Benning Ridge service center.
The new locations is convenient for employees
who travel by metro and the spacious center is
conducive to better service. It’s a place
employees are proud to work.
It provides a new, spacious location, that
convenient to the metro for DMV services.
Phase one of the Inspection Station renovation
Employees can enjoy a new, spacious and
beautiful facility, that makes better use of space.
They are proud to work in a beautiful inspection
Residents can enjoy a new, spacious and
beautiful facility.
Automated Road Test appointments calendar
The system ensures customers acknowledge road
test instructions and requirements prior to
confirming the appointment. DC DMV approved
Third-party road test examiners have capability
to schedule and modify their customer
appointments. Previously, DC DMV was tasked
with managing this process on behalf of the
Third Party testers.
It allows DMV to auto-reschedule appointments,
when necessary, and customers are automatically
notified in real-time via email and text.
In FY 2016, DMV had 22 Key Performance Indicators. Of those, 0 were neutral. Of the remaining measures, 82% (18 KPIs) were met, 5% (1 KPIs) were nearly met,
and 14% (3 KPIs) were unmet. In FY 2016, DMV had 21 Initiatives. Of those, 76% (16) were completed and 10% (2) were nearly completed, and 14% (3) were not
completed. The next sections provide greater detail on the specific metrics and initiatives for DMV in FY 2016.
FY16 Objectives
Division Objective
Adjudication Services Make it easier, faster, and friendlier to do business with DMV.
Agency Management Make it easier, faster, and friendlier to do business with DMV.
Agency Management Ensure a skilled and diverse workforce for quality customer service.
Agency Management Ensure the integrity, security and safety of DMV’s processes.
Driver Services Ensure the integrity, security and safety of DMV’s licensing and identification cards.
Technology Services Make it easier, faster, and friendlier to do business with DMV.
Vehicle Services Make it easier, faster, and friendlier to do business with DMV.
Vehicle Services Ensure the integrity, security and safety of DMV’s titling and registration process.
Objective: Ensure the integrity, security and safety of DMV’s licensing and identification cards.
Target Freq Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total KPI Status
KPI Barriers
Percent of service center customers whose wait
times are 40 minutes or less
75 Q 85.11 89.29 75.68 72.91 80.5 Met
Percent of customers rating Driver Services as
satisfactory or better
85 Q 87.02 88.18 87.22 85.9 87 Met
Percent of driver related OUC service requests
addressed timely
90 Q 86.63 99.15 98.22 99.56 96.3 Met
Average service center customer wait time in
35 Q 22 22 27 31 25 Met
KPI was met. Average wait
time was 25 minutes.***
Objective: Make it easier, faster, and friendlier to do business with DMV.
Target Freq Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total KPI Status
KPI Barriers
Percent of adjudication customers wait times are
40 minutes or less
85 Q 99.84 98.94 96.3 96.86 98 Met
Percent of customers rating Adjudication
Services as satisfactory or better
84 Q 100 97.87 96.43 100 98.4 Met
Percent of appeals decided based on those filed
65 Q 556.63 446.02 195.24 67.45 296.1 Met
Percent of adjudication related OUC service
requests addressed timely
85 Q 67 93.71 98.08 89.89 88.3 Met
Number of vehicle inspections per staff hour
4 Q 4.2 3.9 4.2 4.2 4.1 Met
Percent of customers rating Vehicle Services as
satisfactory or better
87 Q 96 94.67 93.33 94.67 94.7 Met
Percent of vehicle related OUC service requests
addressed timely
90 Q 93.9 99.52 99.42 99.28 98 Met
Percentage usage of online driver/vehicle services
50 Q 68.03 67.11 67.13 65.65 66.9 Met
Percent of registrations renewed online
66 Q 71.2 71.52 72.61 75.01 72.7 Met
Percent of driver licenses renewed online
0 Q 4.53 7.89 10.43 11.07 9.6 Met
Percent of identification cards renewed online
0 Q 0.24 0.34 0 0.16 0.2 Met
Percent of customers rating overall DMV service
as satisfactory or better
85 Q 88.23 89.7 88 89.15 88.8 Met
Percent of correspondence addressed within
citywide standard of 15 days
95 Q 96.84 96.17 95.53 94.98 95.8 Met
Average adjudication customer wait time in
25 Q 13 11 11 10 11 Met
KPI was met. Average is 11
Percent of organ donors through DMV
40 Q 37.13 37.17 37.46 37.89 37.4 Nearly Met
There is a certain level of
unwillingness to resident to
sign up for organ donation.
Percent of mail adjudication hearings for parking
and moving violations completed within 90 days
of request
80 Q 9.12 17.46 37.99 17.03 21.3 Unmet
Six hearing examiner
vacancies and a 35%
increase in photo ticket
issuance led to the short
Percent of mail adjudication hearings for photo
violations completed within 150 days of request
75 Q 88.69 31.46 17.8 48.11 40.5 Unmet
Six hearing examiner
vacancies and a 35%
increase in photo ticket
issuance led to the short
Percent of hearing decisions reversed on appeal
28 Q 49.89 67.26 47.32 12.59 53.1 Unmet
Appeal backlog prevented
the timely review of
decisions. Vacancies and
photo ticket increase added
to the backlog.
FY16 Workload Measures
Freq Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
Number of active vehicle registration
A 303,333 304,306 307,853 308,362 305,963
Number of active driver licenses
A 452,396 451,890 457,544 463,650 456,370
Number of active identification cards
A 155,104 156,165 156,212 156,758 156,060
Number of parking tickets adjudicated
Q 47,556 49,589 58,663 58,916 214,724
Percent of parking tickets adjudicated
Q 11.7 14.01 14.59 15.57 13.9
Percent of adjudicated parking tickets dismissed
Q 58.84 58.32 55.04 56.83 57.1
Number of photo tickets adjudicated
Q 9,672 9,707 22,719 35,206 77,304
Percent of photo tickets adjudicated
Q 3.54 3.61 7.79 12.06 6.9
Percent of adjudicated photo tickets dismissed
Q 29.2 22.21 28.55 26.02 26.7
Number of moving tickets adjudicated
Q 6,628 6,247 7,765 8,259 28,899
Percent of moving tickets adjudicated
Q 39.4 39.86 49.13 51.89 45
Percent of adjudicated moving tickets dismissed
Q 77.79 76.23 77.01 78.99 77.6
Number of vehicle inspections
Q 45,235 41,622 45,332 45,474 177,663
Number of appeals filed
Q 166 176 210 212 764
FY16 Initiatives
Title: Relocate Adjudication Services into customer/employee focused facility.
Description: The current location of DC DMV’s Adjudication Services is fraught with facility issues that negatively impact customer service and employee morale.
Therefore, by September 2016, DC DMV will coordinate with the Department of General Services to relocate the Administration into a new facility that improves
the quality of life experience for both customers and employees.
Complete to Date: 50-74%
Status Update: A lease has been executed and construction started on HBX’s new space (which is needed for DMV’s new space). The Adjudication build
out and relocation is expected for February 2017
If Incomplete, Explanation: Lease has been executed and construction started on HBX’s new space (which is needed for DMV’s new space). Adjudication
build out and relocation expected for February 2017.
Title: Create online request for Limited Occupational License request.
Description: By January 2016, DC DMV will create an online transaction for residents to submit a Limited Occupational License request online. This online
transaction will ensure requests are properly routed in a timely manner to a hearing examiner for review and action.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: Limited occupational license request is available online for customer
Title: Develop ability for customers to print copy of parking ticket online.
Description: Customers often contact DC DMV for copies of parking tickets that were misplaced. Therefore, by March 2016, DC DMV will develop the ability
for customers to print a copy of a parking ticket online.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: Customers can print a copy of their ticket from the DMV website
Title: Open Benning Ridge Service Center as replacement for Penn Branch location.
Description: To better serve the citizens of the District, DMV will partner with the Department of General Services (DGS) to relocate the Penn Branch Service
Center. This initiative will increase both employee and customer satisfaction and will provide additional capacity to process a steadily increasing District population
and undocumented residents. The facility will open in February 2016.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: The Benning Ridge service center is open
Title: Expand HIV testing to second DMV service center location.
Description: DC DMV, the Family and Medical Counseling Service (FMCS) and the Department of Health will continue to support the Administration’s bold
goal of 90-90-90-50 by the year 2020: meaning 90% of DC residents with HIV will know their status, 90% of persons living with HIV will be in treatment, 90%
of persons with HIV will achieve viral load suppression, and the District will see a 50% decrease in new HIV cases. To support the goal of 90% of residents will
know their HIV status, we will expand free HIV testing to a second DMV Service Center location no later than March 2016. Since providing HIV testing at our
Penn Branch location in October 2010, over 25,000 residents have been tested. FMCS will also explore testing for high blood pressure and glucose screening at DC
DMV facilities.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: The HIV testing is now being offered at the Benning Ridge service center
Title: Provide annual employee customer service training.
Description: Consistent and accurate information, along with professional and friendly employees are a necessity for service excellence. Therefore, by September
2016, DMV will train 90% of frontline employees on customer service techniques.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: DMV trained 97% of the employees by September 20, 2016
Title: Provide weekly employee training, coaching and recognition.
Description: Currently, there is no time during the day or week in which management can provide the necessary training, coaching and recognition to employees
to ensure customers are provided with accurate and consistent information to deliver service excellence. This is especially relevant for communicating policy changes
and reiterating agency procedures. Therefore, by March 2016, one day each week, DC DMV will open an hour later to customers to provide the necessary time for
employee development. This concept is already in place at the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs and at several other motor vehicle agencies.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: Employees started weekly training in Marc
Title: Develop Fact vs Fiction webpage to ensure the accuracy of media information.
Description: The integrity of DMV operations, especially in terms of ticket adjudication, is often compromised when inaccurate information is published or
communicated without the ability to provide the public with accurate information. Customers often provide news copy and other media material as evidence to
support their beliefs that DC DMV should dismiss tickets or override laws. By developing a Fact vs Fiction webpage, DMV will be able to provide the public with
accurate information.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: Fact vs Fiction page is available to customers on DMV websit
Title: Implement DC DMV Human Trafficking Program.
Description: Sex trafficking in the District has been on a steady rise, with its value placed at $103 million in 2007 and 62 confirmed cases in DC in 2014. Motor
vehicle agencies have been identified as a key component in the trafficking industry as individuals receive credentials to function. To assist in eliminating human
trafficking, which may lead to other criminal activity, prior to July 2016, DC DMV will join the DC Human Trafficking Task Force, train employees in identifying
human trafficking victims, require parental consent for minors to obtain an identification card and distribute human trafficking information to truckers and those
with commercial driver licenses.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: This initiative was completed on July 31, 2016
Title: Require mandatory ignition interlock for 2nd DUI offenses.
Description: Currently, the ignition interlock device program is a voluntary option allowing first-time DUI offenders to obtain a restricted driver license and drive
designated vehicles with an installed ignition interlock device. This initiative, which requires legislation, will require second-time DUI offenders to be enrolled in
the ignition interlock program in an effort to reduce the number of alcohol-related collisions and reduce the number of repeat offenders.
Complete to Date: 75-99%
Status Update: This initiative was not completed because, as indicated in Q3, legislation discussion was not passed by the council prior to September 30
If Incomplete, Explanation: This initiative was not completed because, as indicated in Q3, legislation discussion was not passed by council prior to September
Title: Use DC DMV customer service monitors to support small businesses.
Description: Five days a week, DC DMV services approximately 1,500 customers in its four service centers. These locations have monitors that allow for public
service announcements (PSA) or advertisements. To support small business, by June 2016, DC DMV will develop a program to sell local ads or allow small
businesses to sponsor government PSAs.
Complete to Date: 25-49%
Status Update: This was not completed because OAG concluded we did not have the legal ability to implement this initiative
If Incomplete, Explanation: This was not completed because OAG concluded we did not have the legal ability to implement this initiative.
Title: Create DC DMV certified driver record online transaction.
Description: By February 2016, DC DMV will create an online transaction for customers to request a certified driver record online. Currently, customers can
only request a non-certified driver record online. However, certified records are often needed for employment purposes; therefore, this transaction will improve
customer service.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: Completed Feb 201
Title: Create DC DMV online no-fee 5 day registration transaction.
Description: By September 2016, DC DMV will create an online, no-fee 5 day registration transaction for residents who need to take vehicles through inspection
prior to registration. This transaction, which currently can only be conducted in person, will improve customer service and reduce customer volume.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: Initiative was implemented prior to June 30, 2016. Online transaction available as part of vehicle registration renewal transaction at website
Title: Create mobile ID unit for disabled/senior residents.
Description: By February 2016, DC DMV will create the ability to provide identification services to disabled/seniors unable to make an in-person visit to a DMV
service center.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: DMV staff can make travel to those customers who, due to age or disability, cannot make an in-person visit to the DMV for an ID car
Title: Integrate registration system with DCRA business license system.
Description: Currently, when businesses want to title and register a vehicle in the name of the business, DC DMV requires the original business license for
authentication purposes. However, this requirement conflicts with the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs’ (DCRA) requirement for businesses to
display the original business license at all times. To resolve this conflict, DCRA will provide DMV with real-time business license data to allow for an accurate
confirmation prior to the business vehicle registration process.
Complete to Date: 50-74%
Status Update: DMV will not implement this initiative in the future
If Incomplete, Explanation: Due to DCRA constraints, this was not completed.
Title: Renovate Inspection Station into customer/employee focused facility.
Description: The Inspection Station is over 20 years old without the benefit of any facility improvements. Therefore, by September 2016, DC DMV will coordinate
with the Department of General Services to renovate the employee, customer and inspection areas to improve the quality of life experience for both customers and
Complete to Date: 75-99%
Status Update: Phase two of the renovation, is pending finalization of requirements and the transfer of additional DMV funds to DGS due to the budget
If Incomplete, Explanation: Phase one was completed in April 2016. Phase two is pending finalization of requirements and transfer of additional DMV
funds to DGS due to budget shortfall.
Title: Create enhanced fee for dealers to receive expedited services.
Description: Often, organizations have requested the ability to pay for expedited government services. Therefore, by June 2016, DC DMV will submit legislation
to allow automobile dealers and contractors to pay an enhanced fee for employee overtime to expedite services.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: The legislation was submitted, prior to June 30, 2016, to OCA to allow expedited DMV services to dealers/contractors
Title: Create online estimate for DMV titling/registration fee calculation.
Description: By April 2016, DC DMV will create an online transaction for residents to calculate their titling and registration fees prior to visiting a DMV Service
Center. This online calculation will ensure customers are aware of their fees prior to their in-person visit.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: By April 2016, the online estimate for DMV titling/registration fee calculation was rolled out
Title: Explore allowing physicians to certify DMV vision and medical reports online.
Description: By March 2016, DC DMV will determine the feasibility of creating a program and the process to allow physicians to certify DC DMV’s vision
and medical reports online for those residents who qualify. Currently, residents must have their physicians complete a paper form and submit to DC DMV for
processing to ensure uninterrupted, safe driving that could be compromised due to medical issues.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: Completed on March 30,2016
Title: Implement a wireless monitoring technology for inspecting OBD vehicles.
Description: By September 2016, DC DMV will coordinate with the Department of Energy and the Environment to implement a wireless monitoring technology
for inspecting on-board diagnostics (OBD) in eligible vehicles. This initiative will reduce the number of vehicles which will need to physically go through the
Inspection lanes.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: This initiative was completed on September 30, 2016
Title: Refresh the six-digit license plates to improve readability.
Description: The District’s existing 4,800 six-digit license plates are faded due to significant wear and tear. This fading greatly diminishes law enforcement’s
ability to properly identify tag numbers. To resolve this issue, by April 2016, DC DMV will reissue these tags to the current customers.
Complete to Date: Complete
Status Update: DC DMV has currently replaced six-digit license plates for more than 1700 residents.