What is Sweepercam?
“Sweepercam” is a photo enforcement system, which uses License Plate Recognition System
technology to increase the effectiveness of DPW’s street sweeping program. Street sweepers are
equipped with a state-of-the-art camera system to capture the image of vehicles parked in the
sweeping (curb) lane during restricted hours.
Why was Sweepercam introduced?
Every illegally parked vehicle means three spaces cannot be swept. We need motorists to comply
with the parking restrictions so the sweepers can reach the curb lane to remove debris and pollutants.
The mechanical sweepers clean nearly 4,000 "lane miles" of city streets every month, removing 10
pounds of oil and grease along with other pollutants for each mile that is swept. The sweeping
program is one of the best ways to keep pollutants from contaminating our waterways and drinking
water supply.
We look to Sweepercam to encourage motorists to raise compliance so this vital service can be
How many sweepers will have cameras?
Currently, 12 sweepers are equipped with the cameras.
How does Sweepercam work?
1. As the sweeper moves down the street, the automated system takes pictures of the violating
vehicles parked in the street sweeping lane, then digitally transmits images and data to a central
system for image verification.
2. Images are reviewed online and license plate information is entered into an online authorization
3. License plate information is electronically transferred to the Department of Motor Vehicles in the
appropriate state to establish the name and address of the registered owner(s).
4. The data and pictures go through a final review process by DPW Parking Enforcement personnel
to verify the vehicle identification and confirm that a violation has occurred.
5. Once the violation has been confirmed and approved, a citation is printed and mailed to the
registered vehicle owner.
How much will the citation be?
The fine for all street cleaning violations is $30 whether issued by a parking enforcement officer or
through the Sweepercam program. The fine will double to $60 after 30 calendar days if the ticket is
not paid or contested.
How long will I be given to pay the ticket?
Just like with any parking infraction, you must respond within 60 calendar days (including weekends
and holidays) of the mail date printed on the ticket. If you do not pay or contest (adjudicate) the
ticket within 30 calendar days, the fine doubles.
Where can I check to see if my vehicle has been issued parking tickets including (photo parking
enforcement tickets?
Your citation would be your first notice of the infraction. You also can visit DMV ticket information
online at https://wmq.etimspayments.com/pbw/include/dc_parking/input.jsp?ticketType=P and enter
your license plate number (or visit www.dmv.dc.gov and select Ticket Payment/Hearing). It will
display any citations your car has received in the District.
How long after my car is photographed will I receive a ticket?
DPW is trying to ensure that tags captured by the License Plate Recognition System are processed as
soon as possible. DPW estimates that it will take as little as two business days to a maximum of
seven days to mail a citation. Out-of-state tags may take longer.
How do I pay the ticket?
Following the instructions on the back of the citation, you have three options:
1. Pay through the Internet at http://www.dmv.dc.gov.
2. Mail your check or money order payable to the DC Treasurer along with the front
bottom portion of the ticket, to PO Box 2014, Washington, DC 20013. Or,
3. Bring the ticket and payment (cash, check, credit card, or money order) to 301 C Street, NW,
between 8:15 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
How do I contest a photo enforced ticket if I feel it was issued to me in error?
You may contest a parking ticket by mail or by appearing at a walk-in hearing within 60 calendar
days of the ticket issue date. However, if you do not contest or pay your ticket within 30 calendar
days of receiving the ticket, a penalty equal to the fine will be added. For more information, visit
Will I get points on my driver’s license?
No. You will not receive points on your driver’s license for parking infractions.
Can my vehicle be photographed/ticketed for any other infraction?
At this time, the Sweepercams are being used only to process street cleaning violations.
Does DPW have plans to use cameras for other areas of parking enforcement?
At present DPW is using the License Plate Recognition System to assist with booting operations and
Registration of Out-of-State Automobiles (ROSA). Cameras will be used in the very near future for
Residential Permit Parking and time limit zone enforcement.
Rev. June 2010