University Plan | Optional Plan | Dependent Plan
Benefits Information by Phone
Call the SSC HR Contact Center at 734-615-2000 or 866-
647-7657 (toll free) for help with your U-M benefits.
Representatives are available to assist you by phone
Monday Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Have your UMID
number available when you call.
711 for Telecommunications Relay
The Federal Communications Commission adopted use of
the 711 dialing code for access to Telecommunications
Relay Services (TRS). TRS permits persons with a hearing
or speech disability to use the telephone system via a text
telephone (TTY) or other device to call persons with or
without such disabilities. Dial 711 and ask the operator to
connect you to the SSC Service Center at 734-615-2000 or
toll free at 866-647-7657. For more information on TRS,
The university in its sole discretion may modify, amend, or
terminate the benefits provided in this booklet with respect
to any individual receiving benefits, including active
employees, retirees, and their dependents. Although the
university has elected to provide these benefits this year, no
individual has a vested right to any of the benefits
provided. Nothing in these materials gives any individual
the right to continued benefits beyond the time the
university modifies, amends, or terminates the benefit.
Anyone seeking or accepting any of the benefits provided
will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits
programs and the university’s right to modify, amend or
terminate them.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this book.
However, if statements in this book differ from applicable
contracts, certificates, and riders, then the terms of those
documents will prevail. All benefits are subject to change.
Section 1: Life Insurance Plans
Plan Highlights ...................................................... 1
Life Insurance Plan Benefits .................................. 4
Faculty and Staff Member Monthly Rates
for Optional Life Insurance Plan ........................ 4
What You Pay for Your
Optional Plan Insurance ..................................... 5
Your Coverage in Retirement ................................ 6
When Changes Occur ............................................ 7
How Benefits Are Paid .......................................... 8
Section 2: Dependent Life Insurance Plan
Spouse or Other Qualified Adult ........................... 9
Dependent Children ............................................... 9
Dependent Life Insurance Plan Options ................ 9
Beneficiary ............................................................ 9
Continuation of Coverage ...................................... 9
Termination of Coverage ....................................... 9
Dependent Life Insurance Plan Options .............. 10
Section 3 Certificate of Coverage
Certificate of Group Coverage ............................... 11
Benefits .................................................................. 11
Employee Group Term Life Insurance .................. 11
Mode of Settlement Provisions .............................. 11
Conversion Privilege for You ................................ 11
Conversion Privilege for Your Dependents ........... 12
Incontestability of Life Insurance .......................... 12
Beneficiary Provisions ........................................... 12
Option to Accelerate Payment of
Death Benefits .................................................... 12
Modification of the Group Life
Coverage Provisions .......................................... 13
Assignments .......................................................... 13
Section 1: Life Insurance Plans
The university provides a basic level of life insurance
coverage at no cost to faculty and staff, with the
option to add more coverage for yourself or your
The University Plan provides $30,000 of coverage
for you paid by the university.
The Optional Plan offers coverage for you at your
choice of coverage in amounts of $5,000, $50,000, or
one to eight times your annual salary up to $1.5
The Dependent Plan provides coverage for your
spouse or other qualified adult at amounts of
$10,000, $25,000, $50,000, or $100,000; or coverage
for your dependent children at $2,000 or $5,000, paid
for by you.
Retired faculty and staff who were participating in
the University or Optional Plans on the date of their
retirement will transfer to the Retiree Life Insurance
Plan Highlights
The University Plan of $30,000 is paid for by the
university. There are no employee contributions.
These term life plans have neither cash value nor
provision for loans, which means you must be
enrolled in the plan at the time of your death in
order for your beneficiary to receive benefits.
Enrollment in the Optional Plan and Dependent
Plan is not automatic. You must enroll to
New hires or newly eligible faculty and staff
hired after 1/1/2001 will be enrolled
automatically in the $30,000 University Plan at
no cost to the employee.
Both the University Plan and Optional Plan have
a “Living Needs Benefit” option, or accelerated
payment of death benefit, which is an advance
payment of life insurance proceeds when you are
terminally ill and have a life expectancy of 12
months or less.
If you are enrolled in the Optional Plan or have
Retiree Life Insurance, you are eligible for will
preparation services provided by attorneys who
participate in the Hyatt Legal Plan Network.
Hyatt Legal Plans is a wholly owned subsidiary
of MetLife and is the administrator of the
university’s Legal Services Plan.
The Optional Plan gives you the flexibility of
setting your own level of coverage. There is a
$1.5 million maximum of coverage available.
You must be enrolled in the University Plan to
enroll in the Optional Plan.
If you are a nonsmoker, you qualify for a
premium discount on the Standard Optional Plan
rates. A nonsmoker is defined as a person who
has not smoked for 12 months. If you do not
indicate your nonsmoker status on the
application, you will be defaulted to the Standard
Rate. See rates on page 4.
Under the Optional Plan, if you choose coverage
based on your salary your coverage and its cost
will increase when your salary increases. Your
cost will also increase when you move into the
next higher age bracket.
If your salary increase results in your coverage
increasing above $650,000, your coverage will
be capped at a flat $650,000 until you furnish
evidence of insurability that is satisfactory to
Who is eligible to participate in the
Faculty and staff members who:
Have at least a 50% appointment, and
Have departmental funding for a minimum of four
continuous months.
GSRAs who have a least a 25% appointment and
department funding for a minimum of four
continuous months.
Research Fellows who have more than a 0%
appointment and university funding. Stipend
money is not eligible.
Temporary hourly wage staff are not eligible.
How do I enroll?
New enrollment is not automatic for the Optional
There are three times when you can enroll.
1. As a new hire to the university. You have
30 days to enroll. If you enroll as a new hire,
you will not be required to provide evidence
of insurability (a health statement) as long as
your Optional coverage is less than
2. As a newly eligible faculty or staff
member. As you become newly eligible for
life insurance due to a promotion or job
change that qualifies you for life insurance
benefits, you will receive an application
form. If you enroll within the 30 days
allowed, you will not be required to provide
evidence of insurability (a health statement)
as long as coverage is less than $650,000.
3. At any time. After the 30 days provided for
enrollment as a new employee or newly
eligible for life insurance benefits expires,
you can apply to enroll at any time you
choose, however you will be required to
provide evidence of insurability that is
satisfactory to MetLife. MetLife may also
require a physical examination before
approving coverage.
It is to your advantage to apply as soon as you are
eligible, and within the 30-day deadline.
Application Form
The application form is available at
Complete the form and return it to SSC Benefits
Transactions as indicated on the form.
Health Statement
If you enroll within 30 days of the date you become
eligible and choose less than $650,000 of coverage,
you will not need to provide a satisfactory health
statement as proof of insurability. Therefore, it is to
your advantage to enroll in Optional Life at the time
you become eligible.
The amount of coverage you elect and when you
enroll determines whether you need to submit a
health statement. You will need to submit a health
statement if you:
Enroll in or increase Optional Plan coverage
less than $650,000 more than 30 days after
you become eligible.
Elect Optional Plan coverage above
$650,000 at any time.
Request increased Optional Plan coverage
above $650,000, or your salary increases
raising your coverage above $650,000.
Enroll in the University Plan after the 30-
day deadline.
MetLife will send you notification by email when
you need to complete a health statement. Your
application for coverage is subject to approval from
MetLife. If you do not complete the health statement,
or if MetLife declines your application, your life
insurance coverage will be capped at $650,000.
Effective Date
If you are newly eligible, your insurance will become
effective on your service date or first day you are
newly eligible if you enroll within 30 days. If you are
not actively at work on the day your insurance would
otherwise become effective, you will become insured
on the day you return to active work. If proof of
insurability is required, your insurance will become
effective on the day the health statement is approved
by MetLife, the Benefits Office has been notified,
and you are actively at work.
Your Beneficiary
When you elect life insurance coverage for the first
time, you must complete the beneficiary designation
on the MetLife website, You
may choose any beneficiary you wish, such as a
family member, a friend, a trust, or an organization.
You can name a single beneficiary or you can name
two or more joint beneficiaries to receive the
insurance payment. You may change your
beneficiary at any time. If you do not designate a
beneficiary, or if none of the beneficiaries you name
survives you, death benefits will be paid to the first of
the following:
Your surviving spouse or other qualified
Surviving children in equal shares;
Surviving parents in equal shares;
Surviving siblings in equal shares; or
Your estate.
You can choose different beneficiaries for each of the
different life insurance plans.
If you enroll in the plan and change the amount of
your coverage at a future date, the beneficiary you
designate now will remain your beneficiary until you
make a change. If you wish to change your
beneficiary, go to the MetLife website,
This booklet is not the same as a
This booklet describes your Group Term Life
Insurance Plans, but it is not a contract of insurance.
Likewise, possession of this booklet does not
constitute coverage. The complete terms of the Group
Term Life Insurance coverage are set forth in the
Group Term Life Insurance policy issued to the
University of Michigan by MetLife.
Life Insurance Plan Benefits
University Life Insurance Plan
If you are enrolled in the University Plan, $30,000 of
group term life insurance coverage is provided for
you, fully paid by the university. As of January 1,
2001, newly hired or newly eligible faculty and staff
members are enrolled automatically in the University
You must be enrolled in the University Plan in order
to enroll in Dependent Life and or Optional Life.
Optional Life Insurance Plan
Benefits for Active Faculty and
Staff Members
If you are enrolled in University Life and want
additional life insurance coverage, you may enroll in
Optional Life. You pay the full amount for your
Optional Life coverage.
Optional Plan Coverage Options
These are your coverage options under the Optional
Life plan:
No coverage
1 times salary
2 times salary
3 times salary
4 times salary
5 times salary
6 times salary
7 times salary
8 times salary
Maximum coverage is $1.5 million.
If the coverage option you elect results in coverage
over $650,000, your coverage will be capped at
$650,000 until you submit evidence of insurability
that is satisfactory to MetLife.
Your Cost for Optional Life
The cost of your Optional Life coverage depends on
the coverage you select, your age, your smoking
status, and your annual salary if you select a coverage
level based on salary.
The amount of coverage and its cost will increase
when your salary increases if your coverage is based
on your salary. Your cost will also increase when you
move into the next higher age bracket.
Your monthly rates are calculated per $1,000 of
Monthly Rates Per $1,000
30 - 34
35 - 39
40 - 44
45 - 49
50 - 54
55 - 59
60 - 64
65 - 69
70 & older
What You Pay for Your Optional Plan Insurance
To determine your monthly premiums for Optional Life, use the worksheet below, or use the Optional Life
Insurance Rate Calculator at:
If you are paid monthly, your premiums will be deducted from your monthly paycheck. If you are paid bi-weekly,
your premiums will be deducted from your first and second paycheck each month. Your premiums will be deducted
on an aftertax basis.
Optional Life Insurance Premium Worksheet
1. Box A.
From the Monthly Rates Per $1,000 chart on the previous page, find your age and smoker status. This is your rate.
Write the amount in Box A below.
2. Box B.
If you wish coverage for a flat amount of $5,000 or $50,000, enter 5 or 50 in Box B below.
If you select a salary-based option (1 to 8 times your salary), multiply your annual salary by 1-8. For example, if
your annual salary is $18,000 and you elect 3 times salary, your coverage would be $18,000 x 3 = $54,000. Drop the
last three zeros and write the amount in Box B below.
3. Box C.
Multiply the rate, Box A, by the coverage, Box B, and enter the amount in Box C. This is your monthly cost.
Rate x Coverage = Your Monthly Cost
For example, a staff member between 30 and 34 years old and a nonsmoker has a rate of $0.024 per $1,000 of
coverage. If her annual salary is $18,000 and she elects coverage at 3 times her salary ($54,000), her monthly cost
would be:
$0.024 x 54 = $1.30 per month
Your Coverage in Retirement
Coverage during Phased
Your life insurance coverage will not change because
you enter the university’s Phased Retirement
program unless other factors change, such as your
age and your salary. See page 7, Your Salary and
Age Affect Your Optional Life Insurance Cost.
How Retirement Affects Life
When you retire, you will be covered under the
university’s Retiree Life Insurance Plan. Your
amount of insurance will be the lesser of:
The amount for which you were insured on
your date of retirement from the university,
The amount applicable to your age as of
January 1.
In any event, during retirement the amount of
insurance will decrease as your age increases until
you reach age 66, at which time coverage at $2,000
becomes effective and will remain in effect for the
rest of your life.
Under present policy, which is subject to change, the
entire cost of the continued life insurance protection
during retirement is paid by the university.
Amounts of Insurance
Your insurance coverage amount is based on your
age as of January 1.
Note: Retirees with a date of service on or after July
1, 1988 will pay the full cost of benefits up to the
month they turn age 62.
Your Age
On and After Retirement
Amount of
50 years or less
51 years but less than 52 years
52 years but less than 53 years
53 years but less than 54 years
54 years but less than 55 years
55 years but less than 56 years
56 years but less than 57 years
57 years but less than 58 years
58 years but less than 59 years
59 years but less than 60 years
60 years but less than 61 years
61 years but less than 62 years
62 years but less than 63 years
63 years but less than 64 years
64 years but less than 65 years
65 years but less than 66 years
66 years and over
When Changes Occur
If you Lose Eligibility
Your life insurance will terminate if:
You become ineligible for the insurance;
You discontinue contributions;
You waive coverage;
Your employment terminates; or
The University or Optional Plans are
terminated by the university
However, if your coverage terminates for any reason,
your University Life and Optional Life Insurance
benefits will be paid in the event your death occurs
during the next 31 days after one of the events listed
above or during the remainder of the period for which
you have already paid the premium, whichever
occurs later. See Conversion Privilege for You on
page 11.
Leave of Absence or Temporary
If you are granted an official leave of
absence by the university, your life
insurance can be continued for the duration
of the leave, provided you make
arrangements with the Benefits Office prior
to the start of your leave to pay the
premiums during your leave.
If you are temporarily laid off for any
reason, your life insurance can be continued
during the layoff for up to 12 months,
provided you make arrangements prior to
the layoff with the Benefits Office for the
payment of premiums. If you request and
qualify for “extended layoff,” coverage can
be continued an additional six months.
If you choose not to continue coverage
during a leave of absence or layoff, and you
return to work at the university with an
eligible appointment, your coverage will be
reinstated at the same level at which you
were enrolled prior to your leave or layoff.
You must contact the Benefits Office within
30 days of your return to work if you need to
make allowable changes to your coverage.
If you become totally disabled and unable to work,
and you are enrolled in the university’s Long-Term
Disability Plan and approved for benefits, your life
insurance will remain in force, fully paid by the
Consult the University of Michigan Standard Practice
Guide (SPG) for the most up-to-date rules. Refer to
SPG 201.30-0 and 201.30-1 for information on
leaves, and SPG 201.72-0 and 201-72-1 about
Your Salary and Age Affect Your
Optional Life Insurance Cost
If you select a multiple of your salary for your
Optional Life coverage, the amount of coverage
selected and its cost will increase automatically when
your salary increases. Likewise your cost will
increase automatically when you move into the next
higher age bracket on the rate chart on page 4.
If you select a multiple of your salary for your
Optional Life coverage and your base salary is
reduced, your life insurance coverage and
contributions will be reduced to reflect your actual
How Benefits are Paid
If you die while your life insurance is in force,
regardless of how, where, or when death occurs, the
full amount of your insurance will be paid to your
beneficiaries when MetLife receives written proof of
your death. A certified copy of the death certificate is
The beneficiary may choose a lump-sum payment.
Beneficiaries of active university employees can
open an interest-bearing checking account
immediately when the claim is processed, in lieu of a
lump-sum distribution.
Payment to your beneficiary will be made within 10
business days after all documentation is received by
Living Needs Benefit Option
The accelerated payment of death benefit or “Living
Needs Benefit” option is an advance payment of life
insurance proceeds for terminally ill persons, and is
available under this plan. Under this option, a plan
participant whose life expectancy is 12 months or
less may receive, in advance, up to 80% of life
insurance benefits that would otherwise be payable
only at death (with a maximum of $24,000 for the
University Plan and $650,000 for the Optional Plan).
The amount of life insurance benefit that may be
accelerated must equal or exceed $20,000. A
$20,000 policy, for example, would pay a benefit of
$16,000.00. Faculty and staff members can choose to
have the benefit paid out in one lump sum or three
equal monthly payments. The money can be used at
the discretion of the insured. Benefits not paid in
advance remain payable to the named beneficiaries at
the death of the insured.
Filing Claims
When there is a claim, your family, beneficiary, or
other designated person should notify the university’s
Shared Services Center HR Contact Center
immediately by calling (734) 615-2000 locally or
(866) 647-7657 toll free, Monday Friday, 8 a.m. 5
p.m. A certified death certificate must be submitted
to MetLife before a claim can be paid. MetLife will
process all claims.
Section 2: Dependent Life Insurance Plan
The group term Dependent Life Insurance plan is
available for your spouse or other qualified adult
(OQA) and any eligible children. You must be
enrolled in the University Plan to enroll in the
Dependent Plan.
Coverage for Your Spouse or OQA
Your may enroll your spouse or OQA in the
Dependent Plan at any time. He or she will need to
provide satisfactory evidence of insurability (health
statement). Coverage will go into effect when the
Dependent Plan application is received and
satisfactory evidence of insurability has been
received and approved by MetLife.
Coverage for Your Dependent
No health statement is required to enroll your eligible
dependent children in the Dependent Plan, and you
may enroll them at any time.
No person may be insured as a Dependent of more
than one employee.
Dependent Plan coverage for newborns goes into
effect at age 15 days or when the application is
received, whichever is later.
You are automatically the beneficiary when you
enroll in the Dependent Plan. You do not need to
designate a beneficiary. If you and your covered
dependent die within a 24-hour period, benefits from
life insurance on you and your dependent will be paid
to the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, or to
your estate.
Continuation of Coverage
If your dependent has been enrolled in the Dependent
Life Plan, you have the option to convert life
insurance for your dependent when coverage ends
You cease to be eligible for the Dependent
Life Plan;
Your employment ends;
The group policy ends, provided your
dependent has been insured for at least five
years; or
The dependent ceases to qualify as an
eligible dependent.
See Conversion Privilege for Your Dependents on
page 12.
Terminating Coverage
You can terminate dependent coverage at any time.
To do so, complete a Group Term Life Insurance
Withdrawal Form and submit it as instructed on the
form. The form is available from
Dependent Spouse or OQA coverage terminates
when the faculty or staff member retires, terminates
employment with the university for any reason, or
In the case of divorce, Dependent Spouse Plan
coverage will terminate the date the faculty or staff
member’s divorce is final.
The Dependent OQA Plan coverage will terminate
the date the OQA is no longer an eligible dependent.
Cancellation is not automatic when your dependent
turns the age of 26. You must complete the Group
Term Life Insurance Withdrawal form to cancel
dependent life insurance. Cancellation is the first of
the following month following receipt of
withdrawal form.
Dependent Life Insurance Plan Options
Life Insurance For Your:
In These
Cost Per Month
Health Statement Needed
Spouse or other qualified adult
$2,000 per
$5,000 per
Enrollment in the Dependent Children Plan covers all of
your eligible dependent children.
Section 3: Certificate of Coverage
Certificate of Group Coverage
This Certificate of Group Coverage certifies that
subject to the terms and conditions of the Group
Policy, the insurance referred to herein is provided
for certain faculty and staff members of The Regents
of the University of Michigan, herein called the
The MetLife benefits for which you are insured are
described in this booklet in the sections preceding
this Certificate of Group Coverage. The benefits and
all provisions applicable to you are described in the
booklet and are effective only if you are eligible for
insurance, become insured, and remain insured in
accordance with the provisions of the Group Policy.
This certificate, which is merely evidence of
insurance provided under the Group Policy, is
furnished in accordance with, and subject to, the
Group Policy, which alone constitutes the agreement
under which payments are made. This certificate
replaces any certificates previously issued to you
with respect to the group coverage described herein.
Employee Group Term Life
Upon receipt of written proof of your death, the
amount of Employee Group Term Life Insurance for
which you are insured under the Group Policy shall
be payable to the beneficiary designated by you in
accordance with the terms of the Group Policy. Any
part of such insurance for which no beneficiary is
designated or surviving at your death will be payable
in accordance with the terms of the Group Policy.
Mode of Settlement Provisions
Your life insurance will be paid to your beneficiary in
a lump sum. However, other methods of payment
may be arranged with MetLife. Information on the
available methods may be obtained from MetLife.
Conversion Privilege for You
If your life insurance ends or is reduced for any of the
reasons stated below, you have the option to buy an
individual policy from MetLife. This is referred to as
the “option to convert.” The maximum amount of
insurance that you may elect under the conversion
policy is the amount which ends under the Group
Policy. Evidence of your insurability will not be
You have the option to convert when:
Your life insurance ends because:
o You cease to be in an eligible class;
o Your employment ends;
o The Group Policy ends, provided you have
been insured at least 5 years; or
o The Group Policy is amended to end life
insurance for an eligible class of which you
are a member, provided you have been
insured for at least 5 years; or
Your life insurance is reduced:
o On or after the date you attain age 60;
o Because you change from one eligible class
to another; or
o Due to an amendment of the Group Policy.
If you opt to convert your life insurance for any of
the reasons stated above, MetLife must receive a
completed conversion application form from you
within 31 days after the date your life insurance ends
or is reduced. Call the university’s SSC Contact
Center to request the conversion application.
If you die within 31 days after your life insurance
ends, the amount of life insurance you were entitled
to convert will be paid to your beneficiary, whether
or not you applied for conversion, when MetLife
receives due written proof of death (a certified death
Conversion Privilege for Your
If your dependent’s life insurance ends, you, or the
dependent, will have the option to buy an individual
policy on the life of the dependent. Evidence of the
dependent’s insurability will not be required.
You have the option to convert Dependent Life
Insurance when your dependent’s policy ends
You cease to be in an eligible class;
Your employment ends;
The Group Policy is amended to end life
insurance for dependents for an eligible
class of which you are member, provided
your dependent has been insured for at least
5 years; or
Your dependent ceases to qualify as a
If you opt to convert your dependent’s life insurance
for any of the reasons stated above, MetLife must
receive a completed conversion application form
from you within 31 days after the date your
dependent’s life insurance ends. Call the university’s
SSC Contact Center to request the conversion
If your dependent dies within 31 days after their life
insurance ends, the amount of life insurance they
were entitled to convert will be paid to you, whether
or not they applied for conversion, when MetLife
receives due written proof of death (a certified death
Incontestability of Life Insurance
All statements made by an insured person with
respect to the life insurance under this plan shall be
deemed representations and not warranties. With
respect to each amount of life insurance for which a
person is insured, no such statement shall be used in
any contest of such insurance unless a copy of the
instrument containing the statement is or has been
furnished to him/her or to his/her beneficiary. No
statement made by an insured person relating to
his/her insurability for such insurance shall be used in
contesting the validity of the insurance with respect
to which the statement as made after such insurance
has been in force prior to the contest for a period of
two years during his/her lifetime. Nor can such
statement be used unless it is contained in a written
instrument signed by him/her.
Beneficiary Provisions
These provisions apply to any coverage which pays a
benefit on account of your death. Any such benefit is
payable to the beneficiary you designate on a form
satisfactory to MetLife. You may change your
beneficiary at any time without your present
beneficiary’s consent. To do this, go to the MetLife
website, The new
designation will take effect on the date your change is
completed and is received by the Shared Services
Center or MetLife.
If you designate more than one beneficiary but do not
specify their shares, they will share equally. If a
beneficiary dies before you, his interest will
terminate and will be shared equally by any
remaining beneficiaries, unless you specify otherwise
in your beneficiary designation. Any amount of
insurance for which there is no beneficiary at your
death will be payable to the first of the following:
Your surviving spouse or OQA;
Surviving children in equal shares;
Surviving parents in equal shares;
Surviving siblings in equal shares; or
Your estate.
Your beneficiary designation will be maintained by
MetLife and will not be contained or updated in this
Option to Accelerate Payment of
Death Benefits
Accelerated Payment of Death Benefits is an option
which provides early payment of life insurance
proceeds when you are terminally ill or totally and
permanently disabled with a life expectancy of 12
months or less. It is not intended or designated to
provide health, nursing home, or long-term care
When you elect this option, the total amount of
Employee Term Life Insurance otherwise payable on
your death, including any amount under the extended
death benefit, will be reduced by the accelerated
proceeds. Also, any amount you could otherwise
have converted to an individual contract will be
reduced by the accelerated proceeds. In other words,
this benefit is in lieu of the benefits that would have
been paid on your death with respect to the
accelerated proceeds.
You are totally and permanently disabled for the
purposes of this option when you furnish proof,
including a certification by a doctor, that satisfies
MetLife that your life expectancy is 12 months or
The terminal illness proceeds are equal to 80% of the
amount of life insurance in force on your life on the
date MetLife receives proof that you are totally and
permanently disabled, but not more than $24,000 for
the University Plan or $650,000 for the Optional
Plan. However, the accelerated proceeds may be
reduced if, within 6 months after the date MetLife
receives such proof, a reduction on account of age
would have applied to the amount of your Employee
Term Life Insurance. In that case, the amount of
terminal illness proceeds may not exceed the amount
of such insurance after applying the reduction.
If you elect this option, MetLife will make the
accelerated proceeds payable to you either in a lump
sum or in 3 monthly installments.
Your rights to be paid under this option are subject to
the following terms:
1. You must choose this option in writing in a
form that satisfies MetLife; and
2. Your Employee Term Life Insurance must
not be assigned.
3. Accelerated proceeds will be made available
to you on a voluntary basis only. Therefore:
a. If you are required by law to use
this option to meet the claims of
creditors, whether in bankruptcy or
otherwise, you are not eligible for
this benefit.
b. If you are required by a
government agency to use this
option in order to apply for,
receive, or maintain a government
benefit or entitlement, you are not
eligible for this benefit.
Modification of the Group Life
Coverage Provisions
The meaning of “Form” for an individual life
insurance contract which appears in the Conversion
Privilege of the Group Life Coverage provisions is
replaced by:
“Form: Any form of a life insurance contract that:
1. Conforms to Title VII of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, as amended, having no
distinction based on sex; and
2. Is one that MetLife usually issues at the age
and amount applied for.”
This does not include term insurance or a contract
with disability or supplementary benefits.
Irrevocable assignments to an individual or a trust are
permitted for the Optional Plan only.
Published by
Benefits Office
University of Michigan
Wolverine Tower Low Rise G405
3003 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1278
Call the Shared Services Center (SSC) Contact
Center (734) 615-2000 locally, 5-2000 from the U-M
Ann Arbor campus, or ( 866) 647-7657 (toll-free for
off-campus long-distance calling) Monday-Friday,
8:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.
The Benefits Office is a unit of University Human
Richard S. Holcomb, Jr.
Associate Vice President for Human Resources
Brian Vasher
Interim Senior Director for Benefits
January 2020
the University
of Michigan
Jordan B. Acker
Michael J. Behm
Mark J. Bernstein
Paul W. Brown
Shauna Ryder Diggs
Denise Ilitch
Ron Weiser
Katherine E. White
Mark S. Schlissel (ex officio)
Nondiscrimination Policy Statement
The University of Michigan, as an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer, complies with all
applicable federal and state laws regarding
nondiscrimination and affirmative action. The University of
Michigan is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for
all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability,
religion, height, weight, or veteran status in employment,
educational programs and activities, and admissions.
Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to The Senior
Director for Institutional Equity, and Title IX/Section 504/
ADA Coordinator, Office of Institutional Equity, 2072
Administrative Services Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109-1432, 734-763-0235, TTY 734-647-1388. For other
University of Michigan information call 734-764-1817.
© 2020 The Regents of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109