Smart Start User Guide
Separating Drinking From Driving 1-800-880-3394
Contact Info 1
SSI-1000, 20/20 User
Instructions 2
Policies & Procedures 4
Frequently Asked
Questions 5
Code of Maryland
Regulations (COMAR) 8
Who Do I Contact?
1) Contact the Main Hotline (1-800-880-3394) regarding:
General Information about our interlock devices
Scheduling the initial appointment/installation
Service Center Locations (or visit
Disputing a Violation Letter from the MVA (see Policies & Procedures)
2) Contact your local service center regarding:
Rescheduling an appointment
Scheduling a Removal (see Policies & Procedures)
3) Contact the Smart Start of Maryland (ph:410-848-9523) regarding:
Billing Inquires
Towing Policy (see Policies & Procedures)
4) Contact the MVA (1-800-950-1MVA(1682) regarding:
Information pertaining to log files
Questions about violation letters (see policies & procedures) Driver Services Driver Wellness Safety Ignition
Interlock Program
9 Tips to Help You Successfully
Complete the Smart Start Interlock Program
1) Read this user manual thoroughly.
2) Avoid violations and refer to the Code of Maryland Regulations. For additional
information from the MVA, please visit .
3) Learn how to operate the interlock device properly. Watch the video, refer to
this manual, or ask your technician. Call the 800 number for additional help.
4) Some foods can register a BAC reading and will cause a violation
. To avoid
these violations, drink or rinse your mouth with water prior to every test and
avoid eating food or drinking other beverages 5-10 minutes prior to blowing
into the device.
5) Show up on time and pay for your monthly service, or alert your technician if
you are unable to make an appointment or need to reschedule.
6) Be proactive if you receive a violation and are unsure of the reason. Call our
800 number for assistance.
7) Alert Smart Start immediately if you are unable to return for service or if there
are updates to your address, phone number, registration or drivers license.
8) Keep all receipts whenever your vehicle is being serviced.
9) The day following your final service, the MVA will receive your final report. If you
completed the program, a successful completion letter will be mailed to the address
registered with the MVA. When you receive this, call your service center to schedule
the removal of the unit.
Direct Access
Record System
The information you
provide to Smart Start
must match your
records with the MVA.
If your files are not
accepted, we must
research your records
in the DARS database.
This will result in a
$20.00 charge per
Nationwide Service
Smart Start
participants can be
serviced at any of our
shop locations
nationwide. Please
visit our website for a
list of locations. It is
strongly recommended
that you contact the
shop prior to arrival to
ensure that they are
able to service your
vehicle in a timely
Smart Start utilizes two ignition interlock devices, the SSI 1000 and the newer SSI
20/20. Both units require the user to take and pass a breath test before the
vehicle will start. If the breath alcohol sample submitted is at or above the preset
fail level, the vehicle will not start.
1. The unit is turned on by putting the ignition switch into the “on” position. The
unit will power up and the LED will display “BLOW”. In certain conditions, the
initial display may show “WAIT”, ###. This is a count down timer until the unit is
warmed up. This condition will occur more often in cold environments. When
display reaches 0, the LED will then display BLOW. You can only test when the
LED displays BLOW. In addition, it is highly recommended that you rinse your
mouth with water and avoid eating 10 minutes prior to testing to eliminate breath
contaminants from foods or other beverages.
2. The proper way to test is to blow steadily into the mouthpiece for 2-3 seconds
and then, without interrupting the air flow, hum while saying the word WHO” or
“EWW for the remainder of the test. During a test, the LED will display TEST.
Keep blowing into the mouthpiece until the unit clicks and beeps three times
indicating that the test is complete.
3. After a successful test the LED will display WAIT (20/20 unit will display ANALYZING) while it analyzes the breath
sample. The unit will analyze the breath sample and will display either PASS, WARN, FAIL, or VIOL. Once the
vehicle is started, your device will randomly ask for additional tests. See RETESTS below.
If you do not complete the test properly, the LED will display ABRT which means Abort. Please note that this is not a
failed test or a violation. Possible causes for an abort are blowing too hard (20/20 reads ABORT HARD), sucking air
through the mouthpiece, interrupting the flow of air between the blow & hum transition, not blowing hard enough or
long enough (20/20 reads ABORT EARLY), or not performing the voice tone properly (20/20 reads ABORT HUM).
Should this occur, wait for the unit to display TEST and try again
After you successfully complete a test, the unit will display either PASS, WARN, or FAIL/VIOL. If you blow a PASS or
a WARN you may operate your vehicle as normal. However, a WARN indicates that alcohol was detected and is
close to the .025 BAC limit.
If your BAC level is at .025 or above, you will receive a FAIL or VIOL, one violation point will be deducted and you will
also have to retest in order to start your vehicle. The unit will cycle back to WAIT and then to BLOW.
Once your vehicle is started, the device will ask for retests by beeping and flashing the word BLOW. Be sure to drink
some WATER prior to each and every test. Failure to take the retest in the allotted amount of time is a violation
When using the device, always practice safe driving habits and keep your eyes on the road. If necessary, you should
find a safe place to park before taking a retest.
WAIT -The unit is preparing for a breath test.
BLOW - The unit is ready to accept a breath test.
NV## or VIOL REMAIN ##- The number of violations remaining before the unit goes into the grace period before
lockout. (20/20 unit, press pound (#) three (3) for info)
SVC / L ### - A reminder of the hours remaining until you lockout due to missing your monthly service.
(L ###) / NV 0 or BLOW/VLOCK@#D## - A reminder of the hours remaining until you lockout due to violations.
LOCK / NV 0 or LOCKOUT VIOL- The device is in lockout due to violations. You must call the service center for
APPT - A reminder the appointment date is approaching. Press the 4 button to see the date and time. (20/20 unit: #1)
FALT - Unit has detected a problem –bring vehicle in for service immediately or call 800 # for assistance
WAIT 080- The unit has detected a problem and requires a replacement of the head unit. Please call the 800# for
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The LED displays the number of violations remaining while in normal operation mode as NV ##. The counter starts
with the maximum available violations and counts down. Each time a violation is indicated, the unit will subtract 1
from that number. The device will lockout, the LED will display LOCK, and not allow you to take a test under the
following 4 conditions.
1 TEMPORARY LOCKOUT - A short lockout, typically fifteen minutes, (set by your State laws) occurs when you
blow 3 fails in a 15 minute period. The device will temporarily lockout. This can happen before you start your vehicle
OR after you start the vehicle and then fail 3 RETESTS! During this lockout, the device will not allow you to test. Use
this time to drink WATER and test again when the device is ready. NOTE: If this happens while you are driving, the
device will not reset until you turn your vehicle off for 15 minutes.
2 - RESTRICTED DRIVE TIME LOCKOUT - A drive time lockout occurs if the unit is programmed with restricted
driving times, as ordered by the monitoring authority. During the restricted lockout time, the device will not allow you
to take a test or start your vehicle.
3 - SERVICE LOCKOUT - Before a service lockout occurs, the LED will display SVC / L ###. This is the number of
hours remaining before the device will lockout due to missing your service date. Once the device displays LOCK,
please contact your service provider for assistance or see below for UNLOCK CODES. DO NOT IGNORE THE
SERVICE WARNING grace period.
4 - VIOLATIONS LOCKOUT - A violation lockout occurs after losing your last violation AND exceeding the allowed
lockout grace period. A violation is caused by a high level breath failure, by missing a retest, or by starting the vehicle
without passing a test. The LED display will show the number of hours left until the lockout occurs. (L###). Once the
device displays LOCK (20/20 units will display LOCKOUT VIOL), please contact your service provider for assistance.
Once the device is in lockout, you may call the 800 number to receive an unlock
code to enter into the device (charges apply). Simply enter this code into the unit
by use of the keypad. This code will give you six (6) hours to take your vehicle
into a service center. Note that the code does not disable the device. It simply
resets the lockout time and still requires the user to take and pass a test before
the vehicle can be started. Upon passing a test, the vehicle should be brought
into a service center for resetting. This code changes every day and is only good
for one time. If you fail to return to a service center within the six hour window,
you will be responsible for having your vehicle towed.
Please be aware that:
You must drink WATER prior to each and every breath test. This will eliminate breath contaminants.
When using the device, always practice safe driving habits. You have several minutes when asked to take a Retest. Find a safe
place to park before taking a retest. Missing a Retest is a violation and will be recorded by the device. Also, once the device begins
asking for a retest, be sure to take the test before turning off your ignition or you will lose a violation.
A low car battery may cause you to retest every two minutes. It is your responsibility to maintain the electrical system in your
vehicle. If you need to replace your car battery or starter, keep a receipt for your battery purchase and keep the time between
disconnecting the battery and reconnecting it to less than one hour to avoid a power disconnection from being reported.
Anyone can drive your car, but they must use the device. You are responsible for all readings recorded by the device.
The interlock device does not affect the engine’s operation and cannot turn your engine off once it is running.
You should keep the unit in its mount so you can see the display. With the radio playing loudly, or a window down, you may not hear
the beeping the interlock will make when it is ready for a retest. If you can see the display, you will notice the RETEST indication. An
optional LED light is available for clients who are hearing impaired. Also, do not expose the unit to moisture or liquids. You are
responsible for damages due to negligence or abuse of the device.
Appointment information for the SSI-1000 can be accessed by pressing 4. Users with the SSI 20/20 can press pound (#) one (1).
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SSI 20/20
Towing Policy
If your unit locks out or is not operating properly, we may ask you to tow your vehicle to the nearest Smart Start
location (call the 800 number for the closest location). If the problem is found to be with the device, we will credit your
account for the amount of the tow bill. You will be responsible for the tow bill if the problem is not unit-related.
You will then need to fax a copy of your tow/service bill to Smart Start of Maryland at 410-848-9530. Be sure that the
copy is legible and include your name, birth date, contact number, and the reason you are requesting a credit. Once
the information is reviewed and it is confirmed that there was a problem with the device, the money owed will be
credited directly into your account so that the next time you arrive for service, you will have a negative balance. If you
have any questions or would prefer to speak with someone directly, please call the Smart Start of Maryland at 410-
Lockout Procedure
If you are locked out due to violations or missed service appointment, you may call the 800 number to receive a
lockout code (charges apply). This code will give you 6 hours to bring your vehicle in for service, after which you will
have to have it towed at your expense. It is important to note that if your vehicle has not been in use for an extended
amount of time, the battery may be dead and therefore the vehicle must be towed to a shop at your expense. See
above for more information on our towing policy.
MVA Violation Letters
If you receive a warning letter from the MVA and are not sure of the nature of the specific violation or would like to
dispute a violation, please be prepared to fax:
a) The complete violation letter
b) A legible written/typed explanation regarding the violation
c) Any other documentation or receipts pertaining to the incident
Please fax to our Smart Start corporate offices at 972-929-6638. Once the fax is received, your case will be reviewed
by Smart Start and the appropriate information forwarded to the MVA. It is recommended that you follow up within 24
hours to make sure they received your fax. We can not guarantee that the MVA will overturn your specific violation,
even after the review process occurs.
**Please keep in mind, violations due to alcohol readings will likely not be overturned and can not be contested by
Smart Start. If you received a violation due to a food, we strongly recommend that in the future, you don’t eat 10
minutes prior to use and that you drink or rinse your mouth with water prior to every test. If you still want to challenge
a reading, you will need to forward this information directly to your MVA case manager.
Access to Data
Currently, we are unable to provide data directly to clients. All log reports are sent directly to the MVA, so any
requests for such information can be made through them.
Removal Procedure
The current procedure, determined by the MVA, is that they will generate a “Successful Completion” letter, which will
be mailed directly to you once you have fulfilled your requirements. You will then need to schedule a removal with
your local service center, making sure to bring your letter along. Once again, these policies are created by the MVA
and subject to change at any time. If you choose to have the interlock removed without approval from the MVA, you
will need to contact our 800 number.
**Return of Leased Equipment**
If your car is inoperable, your license has been suspended, etc. Whatever the circumstances, as stated in your
lease agreement, it is your responsibility to return the leased equipment or to arrange for the removal of the
interlock device. To avoid accruing leasing charges, it is recommended that you act as soon as possible
when you know that you will be unable to return for normal service. Simply keeping the interlock on your
vehicle will not keep you in compliance with state regulations (see Code of Maryland Regulations) so it is in
your best interest to resolve this quickly. If there is a legitimate reason that you will miss a service (sickness,
auto repairs, etc.) you should contact Smart Start immediately at our 800 number as well as the MVA or your
case manager. Unreturned equipment is considered felony theft, and will be handled appropriately. If you
need to arrange for an on-location removal, please contact Smart Start of Maryland at 410-848-9523. Field service
charges will apply.
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1) What information is reported to the MVA by the Ignition Interlock Service Provider?
Typically, the provider prepares a report for the MVA each month that includes information about:
You the driver, your vehicle and other program information;
Any instances where you had a high blood alcohol concentration (BAC);
Any instances where you tried to start the vehicle without taking the test;
Any instances where you failed the rolling retest or refused to take it;
Any bypass of the device, which is if you tampered with or disconnected the device;
The number of times your vehicle was started and stopped;
The distance traveled by your vehicle.
2) How long must I participate in the Ignition Interlock Program?
When you receive information about the program, you should be advised of the minimum length of time that you must
participate. However, this time period could be extended if you violate any of the program rules or if you have other
driving-related problems. Also, it is important to understand that you will not begin receiving credit for participating in
the program until you have had the ignition interlock device installed AND obtained the restricted driver's license.
When you are near the end of your required participation period, the MVA will send you a letter explaining what to do
next. Typically, you will need to take the MVA letter and your restricted license to any MVA branch office and apply
for an "unrestricted" license. Then, take the MVA letter to your Ignition Interlock Service Provider and have the
device removed. Until both of these actions are completed, be sure to carry the MVA letter with you when you drive.
3) Why has my required time in the Ignition Interlock program been extended?
Each time you have one or more infractions during a monitoring period, you will receive a letter of notification, and
your required time in the program will be extended by one month. If there is a fourth monitoring period containing an
infraction, you will be terminated from the program, and your original suspension or revocation will be imposed.
4) Will the Ignition Interlock unit drain the battery?
The device draws less than 1/4 of one amp when not in operation and it draws (½) half of one amp when it is
preparing for a test. This is minimal drain on the battery of a properly functioning vehicle electrical system. The
device will not drain the battery to the point where it will not start unless the vehicle is not started for approximately 5
consecutive days
. This period will be shorter if the electrical system is not functioning properly such as poor
alternator output or dead cells in the vehicle battery. These symptoms are common in vehicles 5 years old and older.
In such a case, the vehicle would have battery problems with or without an interlock device. Just as tires on a car
wear out with use, so do batteries and alternators and they are considered standard maintenance items for proper
vehicle upkeep.
We encourage clients to start their vehicles on a regular basis so they maintain a charged battery. Keep in mind, the
court order states the unit should be installed in the vehicle most often used. If the car sits unused for extended
periods of time, it is an indicator that you may be driving another vehicle that is not equipped with interlock.
5) Why does my unit keep aborting?
The majority of all aborts are caused by improperly blowing into the unit. If the aborting continues, the client should
always call the Smart Start Service Center for advice.
6) Will the device shut my engine off?
The device is designed to prevent the starting of a vehicle if a breath test is not passed. There is only one wire
interrupted for the installation of the ignition interlock device and it serves no other purpose than to send the signal to
the starter for the vehicle to start once the test is passed. If the individual fails a test while driving, it simply records a
violation; it does not
shut the vehicle down.
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7) What is the difference between T-Cell (non-alcohol specific) vs. the Fuel cell (alcohol specific device)?
A fuel cell sensor is an electrochemical device in which the substance of interest, in this case alcohol, undergoes a
chemical oxidation reaction at a catalytic electrode surface (platinum) to generate an electrical response. This
response is then converted to an alcohol equivalent reading. By careful design and catalyst selection, the fuel cell
chemistry can be geared to work only with a limited range of fuel substances. This is what gives the cell its high
specificity to alcohol. T Cells, Taguchi, or Semi-conductor sensors, consist of a small bead of metal oxide, which is
heated to a high temperature, and a voltage is applied to produce a small current. As a substance comes into
contact with the small bead (alcohol) it changes this current. This change is then converted into an alcohol reading.
8) Can I can start my vehicle without taking a test?
This can only be accomplished by a deliberate means of circumventing the device. This would be considered
tampering and would be recorded by the device as a start violation.
9) What does anti-circumvention mean?
This is a generic term for features designed to make tampering of the device much more difficult. Some anti-
circumvention features include voice-tone, rolling-retests and the ability to detect power disconnects.
10) Isn’t taking the rolling retest while driving dangerous?
The rolling retest is programmed to ask for a test within 5 to 15 minutes after initial start up of the vehicle and then
randomly thereafter about every 45 minutes. Once the unit requests the test, the client has six (6) minutes to
respond. The test does not require eye contact with the device and the 6 minutes allows adequate time to pull over if
the client feels more comfortable doing so.
11) How accurate are the breath sample readings?
All interlock devices must be certified to meet NTHSA specifications for accuracy and dependability and often by
each State’s specs as well. When properly calibrated the devices are accurate enough to determine the presence of
alcohol and its concentration. The device cannot be used to determine if a client is “legally” intoxicated because the
test is unsupervised. Some of the evidentiary breath testing equipment used by the police departments actually
utilizes a fuel cell sensor as an additional means of verifying test results. Interlocks with fuel cell sensors are
12) Can anyone blow into the device?
All family members must be trained to use the device; however, the client is responsible for any “positives” and all
readings registering on the monthly data logs. Yes, anyone can blow, but they must be able to make the voice tone
and pass a test, at a level determined by State requirements, and they must also submit to the rolling retests. *Please
note, however, that according to the Maryland State regulations, at no time is another individual that isn’t currently
operating the vehicle to blow into the device.
13) Can I take my vehicle to any Smart Start service center?
Yes! Please check our website or call the 800 number for a list of locations and phone numbers. We ask that you
contact that service center prior to getting serviced as their hours of operation vary.
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Mouthwash/ Mouth spray
Mouthwash and sprays usually contain up to 30% alcohol and will definitely react as alcohol in all interlock devices.
Non-alcohol mouthwash is available and all interlock users should use this mouthwash. The alcohol concentration
level can register as high as .250 but will dissipate within a fifteen (15) minute timeframe due to being mouth alcohol
only or quicker if the mouth is rinsed with water. Clients are always instructed to rinse their mouths out with water
before each and every test.
Chocolate mints, Altoids, Dentyne and other gums
Alcohol filled chocolates will register a fail; however, the alcohol in the chocolate will dissipate in 3 minutes.
Cinnamon Rolls and Donuts
The sugar and the active yeast can combine to create a low level alcohol fail some of the time. However, as with
cigarette smoke or mouthwash, a second test will indicate a drop or a completely clean test. Rinsing the mouth with
water after eating and before blowing into the device will eliminate a fail. Clients should ALWAYS rinse their mouth
with water before taking a test.
Spicy foods or Mexican foods
In some cases spicy foods, when mixed with the HCL in the stomach creates a gas called methane. With the non-
alcohol specific devices the methane gas will create a false positive because the sensor reacts to the hydrocarbons.
Anti-acids and water will usually relieve the situation. This phenomenon doesn't occur with the alcohol specific
Gasoline at the service station
Normal refueling at the gas station will NOT
create a failure. Gasoline in high concentration will not register enough
to be a fail on an alcohol specific device.
Perfume, hairspray, after-shave colognes
Most perfumes and colognes contain alcohol but the device will not react to it with normal usage.
Cigarette smoke and snuff
Clients are instructed to always take a few deep breaths before blowing into the unit if they are smokers. Cigarette
smoke does not affect the alcohol specific units however, smoke should never be blown into any unit.
To avoid receiving violations caused from foods, it is recommended that you do not eat
10 minutes prior the use of the interlock device and that you rinse your mouth with water
prior to each and every test.
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Ignition Interlock Program
Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration
In accordance with the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR), Section, a participant is in
violation of the program requirements if the individual:
1. Receives a suspension, revocation, refusal or cancellation of driving privileges.
2. Has the interlock device installed in a vehicle with an expired or invalid registration.
3. Removes the interlock device without prior approval from the MVA.
4. Operates a vehicle without an ignition interlock device installed in the vehicle.
5. Tampers with, bypasses, or damages the interlock device.
6. Attempts to start or operate a vehicle with a breath alcohol concentration greater than 0.025 %.
7. Fails to submit to a retest after starting the vehicle. Please note: Drivers must continue to be aware of
and be prepared to respond to rolling retests. Radio levels should be low, the car should be turned off
when unoccupied, and other accommodations should be made to insure that the test is noted. If there is a
retest request as the car is ready to be turned off, the driver must comply with the test before turning off
the ignition. Failure to do so will result in a violation.
8. Fails to operate the interlock-equipped vehicle at least 50 times during a reporting period. Please note:
If you are unable to reach at least 50 starts per reporting period, you should submit a written explanation
to the MVA explaining why this was not possible.
9. Fails to take the vehicle to a scheduled monthly appointment with the service provider
10. Fails to abide by the terms and conditions of the participant’s agreement with the service provider
11. Allows another individual to blow into the interlock device while the participant is operating the vehicle.
12. Participates in any other act or use of the interlock device that poses a threat to highway safety.
If the device is disconnected by a service station working on your vehicle, please submit documentation,
including a payment receipt, to the MVA.
For each month in which there is one or more violations, the participant’s required period of
participation in the program will be extended by 30 days, up to three extensions. The MVA shall
remove any participant who is in violation of program requirements during more than three
monthly monitoring cycles.
Once you have completed your required term in the program, bring your vehicle to your Smart Start service
center any time after the completion date for one final download of data. Once the MVA receives the data, if
there are no violations noted, a successful completion letter will be immediately issued. This letter may be
taken to any MVA branch office to have the restriction removed from your license. You may then have the
device removed from your car.
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