Ignition Interlock
Violations &
Dottie McDonald
IID Drivers License Restrictions
DPS must be notified of all offenders who are required to install an ignition
Codified in Texas Government Code 509.004 (a)(5)
Information on each offender should be sent to:
Enforcement and Compliance Division
Phone number: 512-424-2031
*Email and phone number are not for public use
Report Downloads
Data log
Data uploaded to
Data log processed
for reporting
Data report
Report delivered to
Report delivered to
Report published on
Data Security
Ideally have a secure,
automated system to send
and receive reports
Vendors should be able to
demonstrate the security of
the IID data
Courts may subpoena IID
data for hearings
Reporting the Data Collected by the IID
Information Reported to the Monitoring Authority includes:
Client and Vehicle Information
Date of service
Any alcohol positive breath tests
Failure to provide breath tests as requested
Tampering and circumvention attempts
Violation Lockouts or early recalls for service
Violations &
What Causes a Violation?
Ignoring a rolling test
displayed as a
Providing a sample on an
initial or rolling test that
is not a pass displayed
as a
Bypassing the device by
starting your vehicle
without providing a
passing test displayed
Disconnecting the
handset unit from the
curly cord while the
engine is on
IID Terminology
Initial Test
Initial Test pass
Initial Test warn
Initial Test fail
Abort “blow harder“blow softer
How is this information used?
Look for multiple failures over a period of time (3 or more
over 15 min.) to validate CONSUMED alcohol
IID Terminology
Rolling Retest
Skipped rolling retest (within 5 min.)
Retests occur within 5 to 15 min. of starting car
Retests occur randomly thereafter
How is this information used?
If you have a passing breath test shortly after a skipped test and no fails before starting the car, client did not
intentionally skip the test
Skipped retest/no subsequent tests are passed before turning engine off, client may be trying to avoid a
failed reading
Multiple failed retests over period of 15 minutes is a serious concern drinking and driving!
IID Terminology
Circumvention or Illegal Start
Interlock detected engine is running but initial test
PASS was not provided within 4 minutes after
device detected engine run
This requires the deliberate “bypassingof the interlock
wiring but can be accomplished by push starting a
vehicle with manual transmission
How is this information used?
Look for passing test within few minutes after start violation and then look for subsequent “retest
PASS entries (used to check validity of circumvention)
If no subsequent passing breath tests & engine is not off for several minutes - indication circumvention
is valid and client drove car for duration of time between circumvention and “engine off event
IID Terminology
Power Fail
Source of power was lost or disconnected (low vehicle battery voltage; tampering with power to
device by disconnecting it; poor wire connection or short detected with multiple power on/fails
in short time span; blown fuse)
How is this information used?
Power fails that last more than 60 minutes is cause for concern if log did not have “low battery
events preceding the power fail entry
If client is tampering by disconnecting device from power it usually is done more than once and
for long periods of time
Very short power disconnects of a minute or two should not be a concern
IID Terminology
Connected or Disconnected Head
Not a violation or cause for concern
Allowable for client to remove head at end of driving event and take head
unit inside
How is this information used?
Concern only when the head connects and disconnects and there is a pattern
after engine starts w/o a head connect shortly after
IID Terminology
Violation Lockout
Interlock pre-set with allowable number of violations based on state regulations
Skips a test
Fails a test
Has illegal start or circumvention
How is this information used?
Device enters a grace period before going into final lockout
Displayed on clients interlock screen
This entry does not mean client is in violation; look at all events that occurred to create lockout
Types of Reports
Events Summary
Log File Removal
Client Summary
Initial Test
Random Retest
Power Fail
IID Violations & Reporting
Dottie McDonald