Walmart Associate Discount Card | 020419A
Internal Use Only
Walmart Inc.
Walmart Associate Discount Card
What you need to know about your Walmart Associate Discount Card
NOTE: Any information in this document is intended to support the Discount Card Policy. In the event of a discrepancy
between this document and the Discount Card Policy, please use the policy for clarification.
As a Walmart associate, you get a 10 percent discount on regularly priced general merchandise and fresh produce when
you use your Walmart Associate Discount Card at any Walmart store in the United States. You can also get the same
discount on select merchandise on
Sam’s Club field associates get a free membership to Sam’s Club rather than a Walmart discount card. Sam’s Club
associates are, however, eligible for a 10 percent discount on fresh produce at Sam’s Club with their membership card.
Who’s eligible?
As a newly hired Walmart associate, you and your legal spouse or domestic partner are eligible for an associate discount
card on your 91st day of continuous employment.
You don’t need to enroll for a discount card—it’s automatically ordered for you and your spouse and mailed to your
home address.
Make sure you’ve given your current home mailing address to your personnel representative. If your address is wrong, it
might take longer to get your discount card.
If you have an eligible dependent, he/she can borrow your discount card and use it for his/her own purchases. An eligible
dependent is defined as (1) an unmarried child 19 years of age or younger or (2) an unmarried child 22 years of age or
younger if he/she is a full-time college student. Individual discount cards will not be issued to your dependent children.
Changes in marital status
If you get married, you can order a card for your spouse by using the Online Discount Card Application available on the
at If you get divorced, your ex-spouse is no longer eligible for any discounts. Please
cancel their card using the Online Discount Card Application.
Spouse/domestic partner eligibility
The spouse of an associate is defined by the law of the state where the associate resides and includes same-gender
Domestic partners are eligible for a discount card that meets the domestic partner definition on the discount card
policy. You must request a discount card for your domestic partner on the Discount Card Online Application available
Walmart Associate Discount Card | 012519A
Internal Use Only
Walmart Inc.
Tax requirements
Federal tax law requires that discounts received by an associate’s domestic partner or civil-union partner must be
treated as taxable income to the associate. State and local laws may have similar requirements. Talk to your tax advisor
for more information.
Some states require associate discounts to be treated as taxable discounts, and you may see your discount reported as
taxable income. You should speak with your tax advisor for more information.
Proper use of your discount card
You’re personally responsible for the proper use of your discount card—whether it’s used by you, your spouse, or your
legal dependents as defined above. Please remember:
Don’t lend your card to anyone who isn’t authorized to get the discount.
You shouldn’t use another associate’s discount card.
You shouldn’t shop for others to get the discount for them.
Items you buy with your discount card shouldn’t be bought for the purpose of resale, for use in a business, or if
you’re going to be reimbursed for the purchase.
You should cancel a lost or stolen card immediately to avoid unauthorized use by someone else. To cancel, go to the
Online Discount Card Application available at A replacement card will be mailed
to you within 7–14 business days.
Any discount will be applied to all items you return or exchange.
Unauthorized use of the Associate Discount Card and abuse of this benefit can result in: Loss of the benefit; and
Disciplinary action, up to and including, termination.
What isn’t eligible for a discount?
Items that don’t qualify for a discount include:
Sale, clearance, or marked-down items
Most grocery items (other than fresh produce)
Eye exams in vision centers
Items bought using a tax-exemption ID number
Items bought for company use when Walmart is reimbursing the expense
Gasoline purchases
Items bought for charitable events if the associate receives money to buy items or they’ll be reimbursed
Terms and Conditions that apply when you use your discount card on
Every time you buy something on, you’ll be asked to enter your discount card information.
Items that aren’t eligible for a discount include, but aren’t limited to:
Clearance items
Shopping cards
Walmart Associate Discount Card | 012519A
Internal Use Only
Walmart Inc.
Marketplace items
Online gift cards
Digital download – album (audio)
Digital download – track (audio)
Shipping charges reserves the right to change its policy on what items are eligible for an associate discount at any time.
How do I change or replace my card?
You can ask for a replacement card by using the Online Discount Card Application available at
What if my card is lost or stolen?
Tell your personnel representative when your card is lost or stolen and order a replacement card by using the Online
Discount Card Application available at
How does the Long-Term Service Discount card work?
If you’re eligible for a Long-Term Service Discount Card, you won’t have to fill out a form to get it. You don’t need a new
card, and you don’t have to do a thing! Our system will know when you’ve reached your length of service milestone, so
your current discount card will automatically convert to a Long-Term Service Discount Card. It will remain active after
you leave the company.
As always, if your card is lost, stolen, or needs replacing, please contact People Services right away at 800-421-1362.
Other Resources
Discount Card Policy on
Online Discount Card Application at
Personnel Contacts:
Facility Manager
Personnel Representative
People Services Team 800-421-1362