161011 2024-04-29
Received by
the Swedish mission abroad
Received by
the Swedish Migration Agency
To be filled out by the authority
Case number
Application for residence permit to settle in Sweden
Read the information before filling in the form.
Use this form if you want to apply for a permit to settle in Sweden. You must also use this form when applying
for an extension of your residence permit. If you apply for an extension, you must not fill in boxes 4 and 6.
Children under 18 must apply on a special form called Application for residence permit to settle in Sweden
For a child under the age of 18, 163011.
In order to be granted a temporary residence permit, you must have a passport that is valid for the entire permit
period. If you do not have a passport or if your passport will expire soon, you should apply for a new passport.
If you are an EU/EEA citizen and wish to apply for a residence permit to move to a Swedish citizen or other
person resident in Sweden, you must also use this form. There are special forms for other EU/EEA citizens,
Swiss dependants and those current residents and their close relatives.
On the last page you will see which attachments you need to send. You will also find this form and more
information at www.migrationsverket.se. Please complete the form on a computer if possible, as it makes it
easier for us to process your application.
A. I am applying for a residence and work permit to settle in Sweden because I
wish to live with my partner* whom I have not previously lived with
wish to live with my partner* whom I have lived with outside of Sweden
have children under 18 years of age in Sweden
have recently lived in another country together with a person who now lives in Sweden
live together with a family member who is also applying for a permit to live in Sweden
have lived in Sweden previously
have other reasons (which I describe in section 8: Other Information)
* By partner is here meant husband/wife/cohabiting/registered partner.
B. I am applying for an extension of my residence permit
I have a permit that expires soon and I wish to extend it.
My present permit expires on
Application for a permanent residence permit
If you have had a residence permit for at least three years, you can apply for a permanent residence
permit when you apply for an extension. First, state your reason for applying for an extended residence
permit above.
I want to apply for a permanent residence permit.
If you are 18 years of age or older, please tick one or more of the options below.
I can support myself as an employee.
I can support myself as a business owner.
I am exempt from the subsistence requirement because I am entitled to a pension.
I am exempt from the subsistence requirement for other special reasons.
1. Personal details
Surname (family name)
Previous surname(s), if any
First name(s)
Date of birth/Personal ID No. (YYYYMMDD-NNNN)
Previous or other citizenship
Place of birth
Country of birth
Native language
Also speak (languages)
Applying together with other persons
I am
Married or registered partner
2. Passport details
Do you have
a passport?
Type of passport
Passport number
Which authority issued the passport?
Date of issue (YYYY-MM-DD)
Expiry date
Do you have the right to return to your native
country or to the country where you now live?
If yes, state country where you have the right to return
Do you have permit to live in other countries?
If yes, state country where you have permit to live
3. Your address at present
Street address
Daytime telephone number with country code (e.g. +46 or 0046)
4. Address in your country of origin (only on the first application)
Same address as above
Street address
Daytime telephone number with country code (e.g. +46 or 0046)
5. Email address
6. Your previous contacts with Sweden (only on the first application)
Have you previously applied to come to Sweden?
Yes, year:
If yes, state case number from previous application
Have you been in Sweden before?
Yes, year:
When were you last in Sweden?
7. The person that you shall live with or currently live with (referee/reference person)
Surname (family name)
Previous surname(s), if any
First name(s)
Date of birth/Personal ID No. (YYYYMMDD-NNNN)
Previous citizenship
Email address
Daytime telephone number
Address (street, place, country)
8. Other information
Here you can provide information on whether you have any other grounds to why you should be granted
a residence permit in Sweden.
9. The address you would like the decision sent to
State the Swedish embassy, consulate-general or address in Sweden you would like us to send the decision to
10. Assurance
I hereby solemnly declare that the information that I have provided is true and that I have not knowingly left out
anything that may be of significance in the examination of the case and that I have read the information about
the processing of personal data in the appendix.
NOTE! This form is not valid without a signature.
Place and date
A person who provides incorrect information in the application, or knowingly omits information that is of importance,
can be fined or sentenced to imprisonment. See Chapter 20, section 6, paragraph 2 of the Aliens Act (2005:716).
Documents to enclose with the application
If you are applying for a residence permit for the first time:
the form: Family details Appendix to your application, 239011
copies of the pages in your passport which show personal information, the period of the
passport's validity, issuing country, signature, and whether you have permit to live in
countries other than your country of origin.
State which other documents you, who apply for the first time, will include with your application
If you are applying for an extension of your current permit:
the form: Assurance of cohabitation Appendix to application for extended
residence permit, 243011B completed and signed by yourself and your partner
copy of passport pages that show your identity and your passport’s expiry date
copy of your referee’s passport or ID, showing his or her personal data.
State which other documents you, who apply for an extension, will include with your application
If you are applying for a permanent residence permit:
If you are applying for a permanent residence permit, you must include appendices showing
that you meet the subsistence requirement or that you are exempt from the subsistence
requirement. This applies only to those aged 18 and over.
If you are employed, you must include an employment contract, your one to three most
recent pay slips, and a document with the name, phone number and e-mail address of a
contact person at the company where you are employed.
If you are a business owner, you must include documents showing that you are a
business owner and what income you have from your company. For example, such
documentation could be your F-tax certificate, the registration certificate for your
company, your final assessment notice for the previous income year, and a copy of your
income tax return (together with a copy of the NE or N3A attachment) for the previous
income year.
If you are entitled to a pension, you must submit a decision from the Swedish Pensions
Agency that shows that you are entitled to an income-based retirement pension, a
guarantee pension or financial support for the elderly.
If you are exempt from the maintenance requirement for other special reasons, you
must include documents showing that you have a permanently reduced ability to work,
e.g., a decision on entitlement to sickness benefits or activity compensation from the
Swedish Social Insurance Agency, an investigation from the Swedish Public
Employment Service or a medical certificate.
Your housing cost when you are applying for a permanent residence permit
You must provide the total housing cost for the home you live in when you are applying for
a permanent residence permit. This also applies even if it is not you who pays for the home.
If the home is a rental flat, the housing cost is the rent and the cost for heating if it is not
included in the rent. If the home is a tenant-owner flat or a villa, the housing cost is the
interest on the home loan, the monthly fee and operating costs. If you live together with
other adults, the actual housing cost will be divided evenly by the number of adults in the
Total monthly housing cost for the household
Number of adults who live in the household
If you live in a rental flat, you must enclose a lease that shows the rent.
If you live in a villa, you must enclose a purchase contract.
If you live in a tenant-owner flat, you must enclose a purchase contract and a document
that shows the monthly fee.
Appendix Information on the processing of personal data
Note that this appendix shall not be sent in to the Swedish Migration Agency.
General information
This information is provided to meet the information requirements pursuant to
the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679), hereinafter referred to
as the “GDPR”.
Processing of personal data
The Swedish Migration Agency processes personal data that you provide in the
application and during the Swedish Migration Agency’s handling of the
application. The Swedish Migration Agency processes personal data pursuant
to the GDPR and the Swedish Migration Agency’s register statute, i.e., the Act
on the Personal Data of Aliens (2016:27). The Act on the Personal Data of
Aliens includes regulations that mean that personal data may be processed
without you having to provide your consent.
Swedish Migration Agency’s responsibility
Personal data is collected by the Swedish Migration Agency, which is the
personal data controller and is responsible for the processing of personal data in
the application and in the handling. There may be exceptions in case it is
another authority or organisation that processes the personal data that you
submitted to the Swedish Migration Agency.
Processing of personal data at another authority or organisation
The personal data you submitted to the Swedish Migration Agency may also be
processed at another authority (e.g., the Swedish Tax Agency or a
municipality) or organisation, provided that they have the right to process the
personal data. That authority or organisation may in these cases be responsible
for the processing of personal data.
Purpose of personal data processing
The Swedish Migration Agency processes your personal data for multiple
purposes. The Swedish Migration Agency saves personal data in order for the
application process to be carried out, i.e., processing a case concerning, e.g., a
residence or work permit. This may also refer to automatic processing,
including automatic decisions. The Swedish Migration Agency also processes
your personal data to identify you, produce statistics, conduct registration,
follow-up, plan, retrace decisions and release information to other authorities.
Your personal data is also used in registers of applicants and in archiving at the
Swedish Migration Agency.
The Swedish Migration Agency will use the personal data for checks in
registers, which are necessary to make a decision in the matter. This may
involve, for example, checking if you are registered in the Schengen
Information System (SIS) and if you appear in the Swedish register of suspects
and criminal records (MR/BR).
What data
The data the Swedish Migration Agency intends to collect and process include
name, personal identity number, address, contact information and other
information that is needed to process a case, for example. Depending on what
the application concerns, photographs and fingerprints may also be processed.
Transfer of personal data
After a review, your personal data may be released to those who need access to
the information as a result of a legal obligation, a task of public interest, such
as statistical information, or a task in connection with the exercise of public
authority, where a processing of the information is necessary. The Swedish
Migration Agency may forward personal information submitted if the Swedish
Migration Agency is the wrong body for the information and it should be
forwarded to the correct recipient. Transfer of personal data takes place in
accordance with personal data or secrecy legislation.
You have the right to obtain information from the Swedish Migration Agency
on what data there is on you and you can request correction, transfer, deletion
or restriction of your personal data.
The Agency’s address is:
Swedish Migration Agency
601 70 Norrköping
Website address: www.migrationsverket.se
Phone +46-(0)77-123 52 35
Registration number 202100-2163
If you request that your personal data be deleted, it is important to know that
there are requirements that personal data shall be preserved according to
national archive rules.
You can contact the Swedish Migration Agency’s data protection officer at the
address dataskyddsombud@migrationsverket.se if you have questions about
the personal data processing. You also have the right to file a complaint with
the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (www.imy.se) if you believe that
the Swedish Migration Agency is processing your personal data in an incorrect