Insert Subtitle Here
1 / 28 May 2010 v4.0
HP Enterprise Services
Medicaid Information Technology System (MITS)
Electronic Document Management
System (EDMS)
Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual
2 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
Technical Courses
Orientation to FileNet System Administration
Orientation to Captiva System Administration
EDMS Catalog of Courses
Business Courses
Introduction to EDMS
Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
Correction Processing – Completion: NEW
Quality Assurance – Completion: VERIFY
FileNet One Step Workflow
COLD Reports
3 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
1. Explain the need for scanning documents into
2. Describe the objective and the activities of each step
of the scanning process in detail, including:
a) The types of inbound documents to be scanned
b) Sorting and batching the documents in
preparation for scanning
c) The scanning process itself
d) Disposition of the paper documents after
EDMS: Document Preparation, Scanning,
and Manual IQC
Course Objectives
4 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
1. Introduction
2. Background – What is Being Scanned?
3. Document Preparation
4. Scanning
5. Manual IQC
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Term Definition
Captiva Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software that manages the
scanner, from interpreting the scanned documents through
storing the resulting images on the FileNet data repository with
index values. Captiva can be programmed to recognize certain
documents (such as claim forms).
Coversheet EDMS’ predefined sheet that must precede certain documents to
be scanned, for identifying the document and its index/key value.
FileNet The database in which EDMS stores all MITS application data
received for storage.
IQC Image quality control is the process used by Captiva to
automatically detect image quality issues such as dog ears,
image darkness, etc.
OCR Optical character recognition, which is the Captiva software’s
ability to ‘read’ black typed data off red forms and eliminate the
need for data entry.
EDMS Related Definitions
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EDMS – A Bird’s Eye View …
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1. Claims (CMS1500, UB04, ADA2006) – only
those with attachments
2. Claims adjustments (6766, 6767, 6768)
3. Proprietary forms (9400, 9401, 9402, 9405)
4. Paper attachments sent by the provider to
support Claims, Provider Enrollments (PE),
and Prior Authorizations (PA) that the
provider uploaded via the Web Portal
What Information Does EDMS Store?
Images of scanned documents
With Go-Live, four types of documents will
be scanned:
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1. Provider enrollment (PE) attachments and prior
authorization (PA) attachments that were
uploaded by providers on the Web Portal and
stored directly into EDMS
2. COLD reports (standard business reports)
created by the interChange applications
3. Outbound letters and forms generated by MITS
and/or the business user, via the Letter
Generator process
What Information Does EDMS Store?
B. Documents that will be directly loaded into
EDMS – not from scanning:
What Is Being Scanned?
11 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
1. Introduction
2. Background – What is Being Scanned?
a) Claims (CMS1500, UB04, ADA2006) – only
those with attachments
b) Claim adjustment forms (6766. 6767. 6768)
c) Proprietary forms (9400, 9401, 9402, 9405)
d) Paper attachments sent by providers
3. Document Preparation
4. Scanning
5. Manual IQC
12 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
To create electronic images of paper documents
related to Claims, Claim Adjustments, PE requests,
PA requests, and other OHP related ‘transactions’
What is the goal of scanning?
Providers and other entities are instructed to mail them
to unique PO boxes, based on document type
Being separated by mailbox simplifies the process of
sorting the documents into the correct batches for
How do these documents come into OHP?
Background: What is Being Scanned
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Those documents to be scanned for storage
within EDMS:
Background: What is Being Scanned
1. Claims (CMS1500, UB04, ADA2006) – only
those with attachments
2. Claims adjustments (6766, 6767, 6768)
3. Proprietary forms (9400, 9401, 9402, 9405)
4. Paper attachments sent by the provider to
support Claims, Provider Enrollments (PE),
and Prior Authorizations (PA) that the
provider already uploaded via the Web Portal
14 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
There are three types of claims:
A. CMS1500 – Health Insurance Claim form
B. UB04 – Institutional Claims form
C. ADA2006 – Dental Claim form
Optical character recognition (OCR) reads the key
information off the red claim forms. Captiva is
programmed to find the key fields on each red form.
For black forms, data entry (‘Key From Image’, or KFI)
will manually capture key information.
1. Claims – only with attachments
Background: What is Being Scanned
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Examples of RED and BLACK claim forms
Background: What is Being Scanned
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All of the above forms relate to claims that are
already in the system.
Therefore, they should come in as a ‘stand-alone’,
i.e., not attached to a claim.
They will have attachments themselves (all but
the 6768).
2. Claim adjustment forms (6766, 6767, 6768)
3. Proprietary forms (9400, 9401, 9402, 9405)
Background: What is Being Scanned
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These are attachments sent by the provider to
support claims, provider enrollments (PE), and
prior authorizations (PA) that the provider
uploaded via the Web Portal.
The provider did not have these in electronic
format to upload along with the claim, PE, or PA.
The Portal gave instructions to the provider to
mail these attachments in to OHP, to a specific
mailbox. That is how they get to EDMS for
4. Paper attachments sent by providers
Background: What is Being Scanned
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Possible types of Claim attachments:
1. COB (Coordination of Benefits) and/or OI (Other
Insurance) forms – these forms replace Medicaid
form 6780, which will no longer be accepted as of
Go Live *
* COB/OI forms should not be mailed in without a claim;
if they are, they will be returned to the provider.
Background: What is Being Scanned
Special Note: The COB and OI forms are discussed in this training
but may not be scanned as of Go Live, pending a JFS decision to
limit these forms to portal upload only.
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More Possible types of Claim attachments:
2. 6653 forms (for claims over 365 days old) *
3. HAS forms (Hysterectomy, Abortion, and
Sterilization consent forms) *
4. Any other documents that may accompany a claim
6653 and HAS forms should not be mailed in without a
Background: What is Being Scanned
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Q: What about claims with no attachments?
A: Possitivity will continue to scan ‘clean’ claims after
claims with no attachments.
Possitivity will send the images to OHP where
users can view them on existing CISS image
They will also send specific claim data via EDI
to interChange for processing and viewing.
No information from those ‘clean’ claims will be
stored on EDMS.
Background: What is Being Scanned
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Claims Adjustment forms
(6766, 6767, 6768)
Proprietary forms
(9400, 9401, 9402, 9405)
Background: What is Being Scanned
COB and/or OI forms
6653 forms (claims > 365 days old)
HAS forms (Hysterectomy,
Abortion, and Sterilization consent
These must
accompany a
claim, as
when received:
If received with
a claim, the
claim must be
an attachment
to these forms:
Document Preparation:
Inbound Documents and Mailboxes
Sorting and Batching
23 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
1. Introduction
2. Background – What is Being Scanned?
3. Document Preparation
a) Inbound Documents and Mailboxes
b) Sorting and Batching Documents for
4. Scanning
5. Manual IQC
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Inbound Documents and Mailboxes
PAGE: a single sheet of paper.
Terminology: Defining a ‘Document’
DOCUMENT: one or more pages,
usually consisting of a form (such as
a claim or adjustment form as page 1)
and possibly one or more
attachments to that form (pages 2, 3,
25 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
Inbound Documents and Mailboxes
Documents mailed to OHP/EDMS for
processing will have to be sorted by document
type and then batched, prior to being scanned.
Several individual PO boxes have been
established for providers and others to which
to mail these documents.
Using different PO boxes gives a head start on
sorting, as each PO box contains a different
type of document.
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1. A group of ‘like’ documents – the Captiva software
is configured to scan documents in batches.
2. Captiva records the following information for each
batch of documents being scanned:
3. These designations will enable the batches to
be routed automatically or manually to different
queues for verification and processing.
Date and time
Document type
Region code
Sorting and Batching Documents
Terminology: Defining a “Batch”
27 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
What Does Sorting Accomplish?
1. Sorting’s main benefit: to separate documents into
the batches to be scanned.
2. Sorting allows the mailroom personnel to identify
and pull out any inbound documents that lack the
proper identification or formatting. These intercepted
documents will undergo special error handling
procedures. In many or most cases, these
documents will be mailed back to the original sender
– usually a Medicaid provider.
3. Sorters have to remove staples, sticky notes, paper
clips, tape, etc., that often come in with the mail.
Sorting and Batching Documents
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1. Type of Document – such as Claims
(CMS1500, UB04, etc.) or Claim Adjustment
(6766, 6767, etc.)
2. Region Code – directs processing and
possible special handling by the Claims
What Are The Two Main Criteria For Sorting?
These two factors will result in as many as 13
different sorted stacks, which translate into 13
different types of batches to be scanned.
Sorting and Batching Documents
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Thirteen (13)
stacks of
need to be
created when
sorting, as
shown here:
Each stack is
a different
type of batch
to be
Sorting and Batching Documents
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These Professional claim documents must be separated
into three stacks, representing three unique types of
batches to be scanned:
Looking at
the CMS1500
claim, as an
1. Those with a 6653 form attached (Region 91)
2. Those without a 6653 but which have been
designated as Region 90 (special projects)
3. All other CMS1500 claims received
Sorting and Batching Documents
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1. If any claims, claim adjustments, or proprietary forms
have attachments accompanying them in the mail, the
sort sequence of those attachments that follow the form
is not important – with two exceptions:
a. If a COB, OI, and/or 6653 comes in with a claim,
their sequence must be as shown below, right after
the claim form
(Claim form + COB + OI + 6653 + ..… )
b. If a 6766 or 6767 claim adjustment form comes in
with a check image, that image should be made the
attachment following the form
(6766/7 + check image + ..… )
Sorting and Batching Documents
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Standard OHP business processes should be followed
for handling any unscannable documents. Often this
will require mailing these documents back to the
2. The sorter may come upon documents that are not valid
for scanning and storing in EDMS, such as:
a. Claims with no attachments – must be routed to
Possitivity for processing
b. Unrecognizable documents with no coversheet
c. Damaged documents (torn, smeared ink, etc.)
d. Live checks that come in with any document (entire
document + check must be routed to Fiscal)
e. X-rays or other unscannable attachments
Sorting and Batching Documents
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EDMS Coversheets and Document
Certain document types require an EDMS coversheet,
to identify the document to Captiva and EDMS as well
as the key (index) by which the document is stored.
The keys or indexes include the following data fields:
³ Provider ID
³ Prior Auth. Number
³ Recipient ID
The coversheet is scanned and stored in EDMS along
with the document.
Sorting and Batching Documents
34 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
What documents to be scanned at Go-Live
require an EDMS coversheet?
9 Supporting documents for claims
9 Provider enrollment attachments
9 Prior authorization attachments
What documents do not require (and
cannot have) an EDMS coversheet?
X Claims
X Claim adjustment forms (6766, 6767, 6768)
X Proprietary forms (9400, 9401, 9402, 9405)
Sorting and Batching Documents
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Coversheet: Barcode
The coversheet that accompanies the
inbound documents will include a
The barcode is what Captiva actually
‘reads’ to identify the document and its
The information that is contained in the
barcode is also typed (and readable) on
the coversheet.
Sorting and Batching Documents
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Radio buttons
will indicate
the type of
that is being
Prior Authori-
zation, and
for Claim are
valid at Go
Live. All other
doc types will
be returned.
EDMS Coversheet (top half)
Sorting and Batching Documents
37 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
have sub-
categories to
further define
They are only
used when
the PA radio
button is
EDMS Coversheet (top half)
Sorting and Batching Documents
38 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
The bottom
half of the
coversheet is
populated with
one or more
pertaining to
the type of
EDMS Coversheet (bottom half)
Sorting and Batching Documents
39 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
The barcode
contains all the
data Captiva
needs to
capture the
document type
and the
EDMS Coversheet (bottom half)
Sorting and Batching Documents
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Document Dividers
The document divider (doc divider) is
a standard page inserted between
documents in most batches that do
not use EDMS coversheets.
When a batch of several documents is
scanned, it tells Captiva where each
document ends and the next one
Sorting and Batching Documents
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EDMS Coversheets and Document Dividers
In every batch of scanned documents
(except the 6768 form), every document
needs one or the other preceding it:
EDMS coversheet or Document divider
The 6768 is a single page form with no
attachments; it needs no separator page
such as an EDMS coversheet or doc
divider. 6768s will be in their own batch.
Sorting and Batching Documents
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EDMS Coversheet is required for:
Supporting documents for claims
Provider enrollment attachments
Prior authorization attachments
Claims adjustment forms (6766, 6767)
Proprietary forms (9400, 9401, 9402, 9405)
Document Divider is required for:
Sorting and Batching Documents
43 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
There can be up to 13 sorted stacks of documents
from which to create batches to be scanned.
The next step is to take each stack and create
batches from them.
Document dividers must be inserted before the
documents that require them.
Key point: a batch can only be created from
one sorted stack of documents!
Sorting and Batching Documents
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This chart
whether a
t or a
divider is
for each
of the 13
types of
Sorting and Batching Documents
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Batches with EDMS Coversheets:
. . . etc.
Batches with Document Dividers:
. . . etc.
Sorting and Batching Documents
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Examples of Claim Documents, in a Batch
Sorting and Batching Documents
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6766, 6767, 6768, or 9400 series documents
(possibly with attachments), in a Batch
. . .
Sorting and Batching Documents
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Q: How big can a batch
A: The maximum batch
size is 50 documents
per batch.
The 50 document
limit allows batches
to cycle through the
scanning and
verification process
quickly and
Sorting and Batching Documents
50 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
1. Introduction
2. Background – What is Being Scanned?
3. Document Preparation
4. Scanning
a. Using Captiva
b. CMS 1500 Claim
c. UB04 Claim
d. ADA 2006 Claim
5. Manual IQC
e. Coversheet
f. 6700 Series
g. 9400 Series
51 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
A commercial, off-the-shelf software package that
manages the scanner, from interpreting the scanned
documents through storing the resulting images.
The three main components of Captiva are:
o InputAccel – the main processing software of
Captiva. All the panels the scanning team will use
are InputAccel panels.
o FormWare – recognizes the claim, adjustment,
and proprietary forms through its FormID
o Claimpack – extracts data from the red Federal
claim forms: CMS 1500 and UB04.
Scanning: Using Captiva
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1. To identify the scanner you will use and
the PC that is attached to it.
2. Your login credentials as an EDMS
scanning resource.
3. One or more batches of documents ready
to be scanned.
We will now walk through the process of
scanning a batch.
To begin, you will need:
Scanning: Using Captiva
53 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
1. Log in to Captiva using the InputAccel login screen.
2. The InputAccel Scan panel (also called the Captiva
Batch Creation panel) appears. The next steps will be:
a. Select ‘New Batch’ to start a new batch.
b. Identify the type of batch.
c. Set the Region Code, Priority, and other identifying
d. Do the scan.
e. Confirm the quality of the images.
f. Close the batch.
Overview of the Steps to Scan a Batch:
Scanning: Using Captiva
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CMS 1500 – Red Claim
UB04 – Red Claim
ADA 2006 – Black Claim
Coversheet document (PA and PE attachments)
Claim adjustment and proprietary forms
What Kind of Batches Are Scanned?
Scanning: Using Captiva
55 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
ADA: ADA2006 claim form
Claim_Adj: 6766, 6767,
6768 forms
ClaimPack36: CMS1500 or
UB04 (the red claim forms)
Coversheet: attachments for
PA or PE, and supporting
docs for claims
Proprietary: 9400, 9401,
9402, or 9405 forms
Choices in Captiva for the kind of batches to
Scanning: Using Captiva
56 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
Ima Sick 11 24 47 x
123 Happy Lane
Happy Town ID
04 01 10 04 03 10 3 12345 aa 12 1234.00
987654321 1234.00
Signature on file
Scanning: Using Captiva
Notice that with
any red form the
scanner’s ‘red
drop’ feature
drops the form’s
red ink, leaving
just the black
text in the
scanned image.
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Scanning: CMS 1500 Claim
If you are not
logged in:
CMS 1500 – Red Claim
1. On the PC
attached to
the scanner,
log in to
58 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
The InputAccel Scan screen appears.
Scanning: CMS 1500 Claim
2. Select New
The New
Batch window
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3. Select ClaimPack36 for CMS 1500 (one
of the two red claim forms):
… then click
Scanning: CMS 1500 Claim
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The Input Batch Information panel opens.
You will enter critical information regarding the
new batch on this panel.
Scanning: CMS 1500 Claim
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4. Select 11 - Paper Claim With Attachments
Scanning: CMS 1500 Claim
Remember, Possitivity is taking care of ‘clean’ claims
(those with no attachments) so you should not use
Region Code 10 as of Go Live.
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Batch Date defaults to the current date
Priority defaults to 50 (it can be modified – a
lower # means a higher priority)
Scanning: CMS 1500 Claim
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5. Select Professional Claims - CMS1500
Scanning: CMS 1500 Claim
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After the Input Batch
Information panel
closes, make sure
the batch is in place
in the scanner
6. Click the Scan
Pages button.
The scanner begins
to scan the batch.
Scanning: CMS 1500 Claim
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When the scan is done, the screen brings up thumbnail
images of each page.
7. Click on a thumbnail to view the full scanned
Scanning: CMS 1500 Claim
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This is an
for the scan
operator to
do a cursory
check to
look for
upside down
images or
issues with
or contrast.
Scanning: CMS 1500 Claim
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The left side of the
InputAccel panel has
some controls to
allow you to modify
the view of the
image (or, the view
of all images in the
batch at once).
It does not allow you
to save the
modification of the
Scanning: CMS 1500 Claim
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The Scan tab on the
left side of the
InputAccel panel
enables the option to
switch between single
side scanning and
duplex (two-sided)
Defaults for each type
of batch have been
pre-set in the
Scanning: CMS 1500 Claim
69 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
8. If the images look good and everything has been
scanned for this batch, click Close Batch to end the scan
of this batch. If you have finished scanning the batch,
click Yes at the prompt.
Scanning: CMS 1500 Claim
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Scanning: UB04 Claim
To scan a UB04
1. Click New
2. Select
(used for both
red forms).
UB04 – Red Claim
71 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
3. Select 11 for the Region Code.
4. Select Institutional Claims – UB04 for the
Batch Group.
Scanning: UB04 Claim
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When done scanning the UB04 batch, you again
see the images in the window to the right.
Scanning: UB04 Claim
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Scanning: ADA 2006 Claim
Unlike the
CMS 1500
and UB04
claim forms,
the ADA
2006 is a
black form.
Select ADA
as the
ADA 2006 – Black Claim
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Region Code: 11
Batch Group: Dental Claims – ADA2006
Scanning: ADA 2006 Claim
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When the scan is completed, you can view the
scanned images, on the right of the screen.
Scanning: ADA 2006 Claim
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Scanning: Coversheet Documents
The next type
of document
to scan are
preceded by
Coversheet Documents (always black)
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For all coversheet batches:
Region Code defaults to 50
Priority defaults to 50
Scanning: Coversheet Documents
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The coversheet batch is completed (a single
document batch in this example). Notice that the
coversheet itself is the first page of the document.
Scanning: Coversheet Documents
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Scanning: 6700 & 9400 Series Documents
The same steps
are used as for the
claim forms and
Each of these sets
of forms has its
own process:
Claim Adj or
Claim Adjustment forms – 6766, 6767, and 6768
Proprietary forms – 9400, 9401, 9402, and 9405
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Scanning: 6700 Series Documents
Claim Adjustments: select the Claim_Adj process
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Scanning: 6700 Series Documents
On the next panel, make the following selections:
Region Code: 63 - Claims Adjustment Documents
Batch Group: Claim Adjustment (6766, 6767, 6768)
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Scanning: 9400 Series Documents
Proprietary forms: select the Proprietary process
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Scanning: 9400 Series Documents
Region Code: 11 - Paper Claim with Attachments
Batch Group: Proprietary (9400, 9401, 9402, 9405)
On the next panel, make the following selections:
Manual IQC
85 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
1. Introduction
2. Background – What is Being Scanned?
3. Document Preparation
4. Scanning
5. Manual IQC
a. Overview
b. Functionality Buttons
c. Sequence and Coversheets
d. Rejection
86 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
Manual Image Quality Check is a built-in Captiva
function. For EDMS it cause human intervention to
address a document that Captiva’s Form ID component
has flagged during the scan. Batches that Captiva found
no issue with will not stop at the Manual IQC step.
The most common reasons for flagged documents:
Manual IQC
High Level Overview
A form is not recognized by Captiva
A document such as an EDMS coversheet or
document divider is out of sequence
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When Captiva recognizes a problem requiring Manual
IQC attention:
1. It immediately puts the entire batch on hold.
2. The Manual IQC worker opens the faulty document
to analyze and try to fix the problem.
3. Once the faulty document is fixed (or flagged by the
Manual IQC worker for possible rejection from the
batch), the batch can be released from hold and
proceed to the Completion: New step.
How Does It Work?
Manual IQC
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How Problems Are Fixed
Manual IQC
The Manual IQC worker’s goal is to immediately
remedy the problem and release the batch from hold.
Among the more frequent fixes that are made :
1. The worker can change the sequence of the
pages, if they were scanned out of order
2. The worker can rotate a page if it was scanned
upside down
3. The worker can tentatively reject the document
with a reject code. The Completion: Verify operator
makes the final decision to reject.
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Logging In
Manual IQC
The Manual IQC worker must first be logged in to the
Manual IQC application:
1. The worker clicks on the
Manual IQC icon.
2. Then, the worker logs on via
Single Signon with their ID and
While the Manual IQC worker is logged in, Captiva will
automatically open faulty documents on the worker’s
PC screen, as they are encountered.
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The Manual IQC screen is displayed. On the left, below
the row of buttons, a scanned image is shown. On the
right is a thumbnail of each image within the document
with which Captiva has a problem.
Manual IQC
91 / 28 May 2010 v4.0 EDMS – Document Preparation, Scanning, and Manual IQC
The buttons on top of the Manual IQC panel enable the
worker to do multiple things to fix a problem.
in a
to see
Manual IQC
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Manual IQC
Explanation of some of the buttons:
1. Previous form – navigates backwards to the previous document
or form.
2. Next Form – navigates forward to the previous document or form.
3. First Form – navigates forward in the batch to the first document
or form.
4. Last Form – navigates backwards to the last document or form.
5. Current form – returns to the current document or form.
6. Reject Form – displays the Select Reject dialog to reject an
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Manual IQC
7. Previous Field moves the cursor to the previous image in the
current BDF (batch definition file – or, the batch document being
8. Next Field
moves the cursor to the next image (not field) in the
current BDF. You can also press <Enter> to move to the next
field in the current BDF.
9. First Field
moves the cursor to the first image (not field) in the
current BDF.
10. Last Field
moves the cursor to the last image (not field) in the
current BDF.
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Manual IQC
11. Cut – cuts the current image from the BDF and stores it into the
clipboard memory. This option is used with the Paste function to
reorder the images in the current BDF.
12. Paste – pastes the image from the clipboard after the currently
selected image.
13. Assign Form – displays the Assign Form dialog, used to associate
a data form with the current image. Type a number for the Form
Number or select a Form Name and then select OK.
14. Assign Variant – not used.
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Manual IQC
15. Rotate Image Right rotates an image 90° clockwise. Select this
option more than once to continue to rotate the image. This
function only applies to the image when it is displayed in the Full
Screen Viewport.
16. Rotate Image Left
rotates an image 90° counterclockwise.
Select this option more than once to continue to rotate the image.
This function only applies to the image when it is displayed in the
Full Screen Viewport.
17. Rotate Image Over
rotates an image 180° so that it displays
upside-down from the original viewpoint. This function only
applies to the image when it is displayed in the Full Screen
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Manual IQC
18. Register Image – not used.
19. Invert Image – displays the image in negative, so the black portions
of the image display as white, and the white portions of the image
display as black. This function only applies to the image when it is
displayed in Full Screen Viewport.
20. Full Screen Viewport – displays the thumbnail image in the Manual
IQC window, allowing modifications to be made to the image that
can be saved (not recommended). Select this option again to
return the Manual IQC window to its original display.
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Manual IQC
21. Image Rescan – not used. This option is only available when the
worker’s workstation is attached to a scanner.
22. Image Print
Sends the current image to the printer.
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Reminder: the pages in any scanned document must
always be in one of these sequences:
Manual IQC
followed by
Doc Divider
followed by
form, then
6768 Claim
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In this first example, an attachment came before the
claim form that it should have followed.
Manual IQC
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The Manual IQC worker can ‘drag & drop’ the pages to
re-sequence them, putting the claim form ahead of the
Manual IQC
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An inverted Doc Divider, Coversheet, or form can be
rotated to make Captiva accept the document.
Manual IQC
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If Captiva does not
recognize the first
page of a new
document as:
a form
a coversheet
a Doc Divider
(1) The worker presses
the Assign Form
(2) Then, the worker
enters a form number
from a predefined list.
Manual IQC
NOTE: The options shown
on this list correspond to
the type of batch being
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Finally, if the document is invalid, the worker can mark
the document for possible rejection. The decision is made
by the Completion: Verify worker
Manual IQC
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The Reject Form button marks the document for
possible rejection. The Manual IQC worker selects a
reason code, when prompted:
A - Image not readable
B - Wrong image
C - Wrong orientation
D - Wrong side of form
E - Wrong form selected
F - Recognition failed
Manual IQC
G - Other
H – Other-Document Pulled
I – Other-Document Not Pulled
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Once a batch is successfully through the scanning
process, the batch then:
1. Goes to the Completion: New step, where any fields
that Captiva flagged as invalid are keyed.
2. Continues to the Completion: Verify step, where all
key/index data is keyed by the operator, as a final
step to ensure quality.
3. When the Completion Verify operator is done keying
in the information, the document is accepted for
storage into EDMS.
What Happens Next in EDMS Scanning?
HP Enterprise Services
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107 / 28 May 2010 v4.0
© 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P