Finding relevant information quickly is a
challenge in almost every institution today.
Colleges and universities are continually
striving to incorporate full-text search
components that will increase productivity,
speed access to relevant information, and
help put their content to work.
With EMC® ApplicationXtender® xPlore Full
Text Search, you can make information
easier to discover and help sta put
information to work quickly. The full-text
search engine automatically extracts
key concepts from the content residing
within EMC ApplicationXtender to make
information readily available.
Superior performance
Today, most users search for information on
an application-by-application basis, which
can be time consuming and frustrating.
ApplicationXtender xPlore Full Text Search
enables a single point-of-search for all
information, saving your institution time
and money. Its search engine capabilities
provide flexibility for institutions that
store documents in a variety of formats
throughout its system, and also needs to
perform unstructured searches for content
within its repositories.
ApplicationXtender xPlore Full Text Search
gives your institution:
Increased productivity by making relevant
information easier to access
Quick navigation of search results
Intuitive content and document export,
viewing, and printing capabilities
Powerful search capabilities
For colleges and universities with
indexing requirements, a full-text indexing
environment within ApplicationXtender
xPlore gives users the ability to search
unstructured data by providing various
advanced search methods to quickly and
easily locate specific information. Full-text
searches can be performed on a variety
of document formats, including COLD/
ERM documents, text renditions of image
documents (OCR’d images), HTML and
XML, as well as many third-party application
documents such as Microsoft® Word,
WordPerfect®, Microsoft Excel®, or Adobe®
PDF. With most file formats, all search hits
are highlighted directly on the document,
xPlore Full Text
Search enables a
single point-of-
search for all
saving your
institution time
and money.
Solution Brief
EMC® ApplicationXtender® xPlore Full Text Search
Find the information you need quickly and easily
Ellucian helps education institutions thrive in an open and dynamic world. We deliver
a broad portfolio of technology solutions, developed in collaboration with a global
education community, and provide strategic guidance to help education institutions
of all kinds navigate change, achieve greater transparency, and drive efficiencies. More
than 2,400 institutions in 40 countries around the world look to Ellucian for the ideas
and insights that will move education forward, helping people everywhere discover
their potential through learning. To learn more, please visit
© 2016 Ellucian. All rights reserved. ESS-649
and users can easily navigate between hits by the
click of a button.
Various powerful search methods, such as simple
word, wildcard, stemming, proximity, and thesaurus,
make information easier to find. Also, text searches
can be combined with keywords or date range
searches to define and limit the documents returned.
These searches are significantly faster than regular
text searches.
Reduce risks
Missing information is unacceptable when trying to
follow strict governance and compliance policies.
The ability to filter files and content is critical for
any application platform leveraging unstructured
information—a content form that dominates the
institution’s landscape. ApplicationXtender xPlore
Full Text Search not only adds value by expediting
the retrieval process, but it also significantly reduces
the risks associated with excessive information.
Help your sta work more eciently
Relying on manual processes frequently results in
numerous procedural bottlenecks and obstacles
that negatively impact the constituent experience,
contributing to lower productivity and higher
operational expenses.
With ApplicationXtender xPlore Full Text Search,
users can quickly access the right information
in order to exceed constituents’ expectations.
ApplicationXtender’s xPlore search capabilities
provide sta with convenient web-based and
desktop access to relevant content. This important
add-on provides users a holistic view of the available
pertinent information, allowing them to provide
better service.
Full-text indexing
Key features of ApplicationXtender
xPlore Full Text Search include:
Powerful search functionality
High performance and scalability
Improved supportability and ease
of use
Combine keyword and full-text
searches for a powerful solution
that quickly returns precise,
search results
Perform advanced search functions
without complex search syntax,
including thesaurus, stemming,
proximity, and wildcard searches
Search more than 200 file formats
out of the box
Provide role-based user access
to ensure appropriate access to