Updated - 27 July 2023 Instructions TT/IATP
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TT/IATP For all travelers to the INDOPACOM AOR
1. Entering traveler information into the Travel Tracker/Individual Antiterrorism Plan (TT/IATP) program is
an INDOPACOM requirement for DoD travelers. A TT/IATP entry may include multiple travelers if the
itineraries are identical. To submit a TT/IATP entry, log on to https://iatp.pacom.mil.
a. TT/IATP entry is required for:
i. All active duty military and USCG personnel will enter their travel information into the
TT/IATP program prior to traveling to a foreign country in the USINDOPACOM AOR.
This applies to unofficial and official travel.
ii. All active duty personnel stationed in the USINDOPACOM AOR will enter their travel
information into the TT/IATP program prior to traveling to any foreign country
worldwide. This applies to unofficial travel official travel.
iii. All Reserve and National Guard personnel traveling in an official capacity will enter
their travel information into the TT/IATP program prior to traveling to a foreign
country in the USINDOPACOM AOR.
iv. Official travel for DoD civilians, USCG civilians, DoD contractors, and DoD sponsored
contractors to and within the INDOPACOM.
b. TT/IATP requires training completed dates for the following INDOPACOM Theater Travel
i. AT Level 1 Training (within 12 month of travel).
ii. PACOM Area of Responsibility (AOR) Location Specific Brief (within 90 days of travel).
1 This requirement can be met by reviewing DOS travel advisory information for the
country or countries being visited,
and reading the Safety and Security section linked to the country information page or
the Overseas Security Advisory Council (https://www.osac.gov) page and reviewing
the Country Security Report.
2 A brief from the traveler’s organization or unit Special Security Officer (SSO),
Intelligence Officer (IO), or Antiterrorism Officer (ATO) also fulfills this requirement.
iii. Isolated Personnel Report (ISOPREP) Only required if the traveler is designated as
High Risk of Isolation (HR)/High Risk of Exploitation (HRE) or completed the Level C
SERE course, in which cases, it must be validated within 12 months of travel).
iv. Level A Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE (100.2 or service equivalent))
training (within 36 months of travel). See Personnel Recovery (PR) Theater Entry
Requirements (TER) for additional information.
c. TT/IATP entry is not required for:
i. Unit deployment (i.e., an entire unit traveling with a designated Antiterrorism Officer
(ATO) and an approved AT plan for the unit. (exercises are generally not considered a
Updated - 27 July 2023 Instructions TT/IATP
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1 TT/IATP entry and an APACS travel request MUST be completed for any travel,
by one (1) or more travelers, NOT conducted as part of the main body (of the
unit) being deployed.
ii. PCS travel.
iii. Foreign nationals.
iv. DoD civilians, DoD contractors, and DoD-sponsored contractors in an unofficial status
(leave/other). Although not required, TT/IATP entry is recommended for DoD
civilians, DoD contractors, and DoD-sponsored contractors in an unofficial status.
2. Per the USPACOM Antiterrorism Program (USPACOMINST 0536.2) (instruction is being updated to
reflect USINDOPACOM vice USPACOM, the revision process is yet to be completed), a TT/IATP entry
must be approved at the specified level in the traveler’s chain of command for travel to and within the
INDOPACOM AOR. The level of approval is automatically set based on the country FPCON and/or
Service Component requirements. Service Components may require personnel to submit a full
individual AT plan (approved IATP entry) regardless of the destination (Army is currently the only
service doing this).
i. For travel to USINDOPACOM Travel Restricted areas a TT/IATP approved by a General
Officer (GO)/Flag Officer (FO)/Civilian Senior Executive Service (SES) is required prior
to travel.
3. Questions and assistance regarding the TT/IATP program should be addressed to the Service Member’s
Service Component TT/IATP Coordinator; contact information is available on the TT/IATP Home Page
4. For additional information regarding Theater Clearance or travel requirements, contact the
INDOPACOM Theater Clearance Office at COMM: 808-477-7203, Email: