An economic study prepared in response to the US-EU Trade and Technology Council Inaugural
Joint Statement
The views expressed here do not necessarily represent the positions of the United States or
European Union or its Member States.
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
a) Background for the Report ............................................................................................................ 3
b) Scope of the Report ......................................................................................................................... 3
c) Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 3
Part I: Overview of AI .................................................................................................................... 4
a) What Is AI? ..................................................................................................................................... 4
b) Recent Progress on AI .................................................................................................................... 4
c) Overall Progress and Future Directions ....................................................................................... 7
d) Economic Opportunities and Challenges Coming from AI ........................................................ 8
Part II: The Current State of AI Adoption.................................................................................. 11
a) Adoption of AI in the United States ............................................................................................ 11
b) Adoption of AI in the European Union ....................................................................................... 13
Part III: The Impact of AI on Work............................................................................................ 15
a) What Jobs and Worker Tasks Are at Risk from AI? ................................................................ 17
b) What New Jobs and Tasks Will Emerge from AI? .................................................................... 19
c) What Will Be the Impact of AI on Workers? ............................................................................. 20
d) What Will Be the Impact of AI on the Workplace? ................................................................... 22
Part IV: Case Studies ................................................................................................................... 24
a) Case Study 1: AI in Human Resources and Hiring ................................................................... 24
AI in Practice for Hiring ..................................................................................................................................... 24
AI for Applicants ................................................................................................................................................ 26
Algorithmic Creep and Unintended Consequences ............................................................................................ 26
Hiring and Job Loss ............................................................................................................................................ 28
The Future of AI and Hiring ............................................................................................................................... 29
Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
b) Case Study 2: Warehousing ......................................................................................................... 30
Supply chains and the logistics industry ............................................................................................................. 30
The growing importance of warehousing ........................................................................................................... 31
Algorithmic management in warehousing .......................................................................................................... 37
Working conditions in warehousing ................................................................................................................... 39
Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Part V: Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 41
References .................................................................................................................................... 46
a) Background for the Report
Both the US and European Commission (EC) expressed strong interest during the US-EU Trade
and Technology Council in late September 2021 in working on a joint study to assess the potential
impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on our workforces. The Pittsburgh statement committed to a
joint “economic study examining the impact of AI on the future of our workforces, with attention
to outcomes in employment, wages, and the dispersion of labor market opportunities. Through this
collaborative effort, we intend to inform approaches to AI consistent with an inclusive economic
policy that ensures the benefits of technological gains are broadly shared by workers across the
wage scale” (White House 2021, European Commission 2021).
b) Scope of the Report
Given the expansiveness of the possible scope of the project, this report is not designed to be
exhaustive; rather, it highlights some of the most important themes for the economics of AI in a
balanced manner. Because of the unique collaboration between the EC and the Council of
Economic Advisers (CEA) on this work, our goal is to synthesize the perspectives of the US and
European Union and academic work from both countries with a focus on implications relevant to
policymakers. Our goal for this joint report is to strengthen collaboration on analysis and policy to
ensure that the benefits of AI are broadly shared. The report is intended to highlight the economics
behind AI-driven technological change with a particular focus on the institutional and policy
decisions that will shape its future impact on the workforce.
c) Executive Summary
AI is a fast-evolving technology with great potential to make workers more productive, to make
firms more efficient, and to spur innovations in new products and services. At the same time, AI
can also be used to automate existing jobs and exacerbate inequality, and it can lead to
discrimination against workers. While previous technological advances in automation have tended
to affect “routine” tasks, AI has the potential to automate “nonroutine” tasks, exposing large new
swaths of the workforce to potential disruption. The challenge for policymakers is to foster
progress and innovation in AI while shielding workers and consumers from potential types of harm
that could arise. Parts I and II of this report introduce AI and document its widespread adoption in
the European Union and the United States; part III focuses on AI’s impact on labor; part IV
contains case studies on hiring and logistics; part V concludes.
Part I: Overview of AI
a) What Is AI?
The OECD defines an AI system thus: “an AI system is a machine-based system that is capable of
influencing the environment by producing an output (predictions, recommendations, or decisions)
for a given set of objectives. It uses machine and/or human-based data and inputs to (i) perceive
real and/or virtual environments; (ii) abstract these perceptions into models through analysis in an
automated manner (e.g., with machine learning), or manually; and (iii) use model inference to
formulate options for outcomes. AI systems are designed to operate with varying levels of
autonomy” (OECD 2019).
As an illustration of the practical use of AI, consider asking AI to give its own definition of AI.
The following prompt was submitted to a modern, trained AI engine called Generative Pre-Trained
Transformer 3 (GPT-3): “write a paragraph describing what AI is and what it can do.” The output
that followed from GPT-3 was:
AI stands for artificial intelligence. AI is the result of applying cognitive science
techniques to artificially create something that performs tasks that only humans
can perform, like reasoning, natural communication, and problem solving. AI is
important because it has the potential to help humans become better at
completing cognitive tasks, and to automate tasks that are currently difficult or
impossible for humans to do.
̶ GPT-3, a modern AI on the topic of AI
This illustration hopefully highlights the transformative power of AI technology. While many
previous technological advances led to the augmentation or automation of routine tasks, AI has
the power to augment or automate a much wider variety of tasks that are normally thought to only
be possible for humans to complete. In part III of this report, GPT-3’s thoughts on AI’s impact on
the workforce are included.
b) Recent Progress on AI
The power of AI comes from its use of machine learning, a branch of computational statistics that
focuses on designing algorithms that can automatically and iteratively build analytical models
from new data without explicitly programming the solution. It is a tool of prediction in the
statistical sense, taking information you have and using it to fill in information you do not have.
As shown in Figure 1, machine learning has been a dominant focus of AI research since the 1980s.
Over the last 10 years or so, the uses of machine learning as a prediction technology have grown
substantially. Machine learning is now commonplace: Pandora learns how to make better music
recommendations based on its users’ preferences; Google can automatically translate content into
different languages based on translated documents found online; and Facebook predicts the
responses of individuals to personalized adds to aid in the delivery of ads through its News Feed.
One of the most common applications of machine learning is computer vision, or the use of
computers to derive information from images and videos and is a major focus of research,
reflecting its importance across a range of applications, from determining the content of images
online for tagging or moderation, to enabling self-driving cars, to the retrieval of specific images
or videos from databases.
Figure 1. AI research publications by topic, 1980-2021
Count of publications
Source: Microsoft Academic via OECD:AI
In the last half decade, there has been an increasing research focus on a specific subset of machine
learning algorithms called neural networks. These algorithms use a combination of weights and
activation functions to translate a set of data inputs into predictions for outputs, measures the
“closeness” of these predictions to reality, and then adjusts the weights it uses to narrow the
distance between predictions and reality. In this way, a neural network can learn as it is fed more
data. Networks with more than two layers of transformation between input and output are called
“deep”. These architectures can learn hierarchical abstractions, which helps them efficiently
characterize complex relationships.
Dean (2019) summarizes the evolution of machine learning. Key ideas and algorithms underlying
machine learning have been around since the 1960s. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, there was
a surge of excitement in the AI community as people realized that machine learning could solve
some problems in interesting ways, with substantial advantages stemming from their ability to
accept raw forms of input data, and to train algorithms to perform predictive tasks. At that time,
however, computers were not powerful enough to process vast amounts of data. It was not until
the past several years, after decades of computational performance improvements driven by
Moore’s Law, that computers finally started to become powerful enough to allow for this approach.
Further, both public and private entities now have access to large and sophisticated data sets that
can be used for the development and training of AI models. The availability of databoth in the
form of physical exclusivity and in the form of formal intellectual property rightscan shape both
the level and direction of innovative activity. This is explored by Beraja, Yang, and Yuchtman
(2022), who show that Chinese firms with access to data-rich government contracts develop
substantially more commercial AI software.
Consider a few examples of the progress that has been achieved using machine learning. First,
Stanford University hosted the inaugural ImageNet Challenge in 2010. The challenge is, given a
“training set” set of 1.2 million color images divided into 1,000 categories, to train a model to
classify new color images to those same categories. The winning teams in 2010 and 2011 used
traditional coding approaches and could not achieve error rates below 25 percent. In 2012, an
entrant used a deep neural network for the first time and won with an error rate of 16.4 percent.
Subsequent years saw innovations in deep learning applied to the problem with a winning error
rate of only 2.3 percent in 2017, significantly lower than the average human tasked with the
classification exercise (Russakovsky et al. 2015).
Second, consider AlphaGo, a piece of software designed to play the ancient game Go against
human players. It used neural networks and in addition to knowing the rules of Go, the model was
trained both by playing against itself, as well as thousands of real amateur and professional games
to learn strategies. In March 2016, AlphaGo beat the top-ranked player in the world 4 games to 1.
Researchers then considered instead training the neural network by having it solely play games
against itselfand the result was AlphaGo Zero. The neural network started with only random
strategies and played against itself for 4.9 million games over three days. This new AI then
defeated the previous version of AlphaGo by 100 games to 0.
Third, consider DALL-E, which is based on the same technology as GPT-3. DALL-E is a model
trained to generate images from a text description provided by a user. It was trained on a set of 250
million textimage pairs. The result is that it can create images that it has never “seen” but that fit
the text description with which it was prompted. See Figure 2 for an example of the output given
when prompted with “a diverse group of economists and computer scientists assisted by a brown
and white dog trying to learn about AI next to a river.”
Figure 2. An Example of AI Output
Source: DALL-E
These examples highlight the types of tasks that were previously thought to be impossible but now
can be executed by AI, occasionally in a superior way to what a human could do.
c) Overall Progress and Future Directions
Progress in AI since the 1950s has been characterized by periodic cycles of breakthroughs and
massive investment (“AI spring”) and periods of disappointment and little funding (“AI winter”).
Technological breakthroughs lead to excited declarations of expected progress, which encourages
increased investment. When the research stalls, “the enthusiasm, funding, and jobs would dry up”
(Mitchell 2021). The 2010s were clearly a “spring,” with advances in image processing and
natural-language processing as well as greatly increased computing power. Some have suggested
that AI is now in a “Golden Age.” Nevertheless, there are concerns of a “winter” on the horizon
given that some goals remain elusive, such as fully autonomous vehicles (Mitchell 2021).
Computer scientists and philosophers thinking about the next leap forward in AI have emphasized
the feasibility of a true artificial general intelligence (AGI) that equals or exceeds human
intelligence. This AGI concept has been around since the era of electromechanical computing
began after World War II. The first AI conference was held at Dartmouth College in 1956. In 1965,
the Nobel laureate Herbert Simon predicted that “machines will be capable, within 20 years, of
doing any work a man can do.” In recent years, AGI has seen a resurgence because of the
development and advances in machine learning. While AGI is not a focal aspect of this study, the
economic and societal impact of machines that surpass human intelligence would be extraordinary.
While the rise of AI promises both to improve existing goods and services and to greatly increase
the efficiency with which they are produced, Cockburn, Henderson, and Scott (2019) argue that
machine learning may have an even larger impact on the economy by serving as a new general-
purpose technology (GPT) that is also an “invention in the method of invention” (IMI). What sets
GPTs apart from IMIs is that IMIs that can also reshape the nature of the innovation process and
the organization of research and development (R&D) itself. For example, Jumper et al. (2021)
showed the successful use of their machine learning-based tool AlphaFold in predicting the
physical structure of proteins and subsequently made available to the scientific community a
database of over 200 million predicted protein shapes for researchers to use. Machine learning may
be able to substantially “automate discovery” across many domains where classification and
prediction tasks play an important role and may also expand the set of problems that can be feasibly
Previous IMIs help illustrate their importance. For example, the invention of optical lenses had an
important direct economic impact on applications such as spectacles. But optical lenses in the form
of microscopes, invented in the 17th century, also had enormous and long-lasting indirect effects
on the progress of science: by making very small objects visible for the first time, microscopes
opened the field of microbiology. Today, deep learning enables us to better understand genomes,
thereby progressing the fields of molecular biology and genetics.
d) Economic Opportunities and Challenges Coming from AI
As AI technology continues to improve, it may have a substantial impact on the economy with
respect to productivity, growth, inequality, market power, innovation, and employment.
Policymakers could also use AI to create more efficient and equitable policymaking, as described
in box 1 below.
Quantifying the benefits that AI will bring is difficult both because of the uncertainty of the future
evolution of AI and also because the welfare contributions of AIembedded in the proliferation
of new and free goods such as search engines, digital assistants, or social mediaare not captured
well in our current national accounts. To this end, Brynjolfsson et al. (2019) propose a new metric
called GDP-B, which quantifies their benefits rather than costs. Through a series of choice
experiments, they estimate consumers’ willingness-to-pay for free digital goods and services. For
example, including the welfare gains from Facebook would have added between 0.05 and 0.11
percentage points to GDP-B growth per year in the US. These are significant changes, especially
considering that Facebook is just one product in the digital economy.
Box 1. Socially Optimal Applications of AI
Many policy problems facing governments require making decisions under uncertainty, but AI
combined with the large data sets to which governments have accesshas given policymakers
new tools to tackle that uncertainty. Kleinberg et al. (2018) use data from New York City on the
decision by judges to either grant bail to a criminal defendant or require them to remain in prison.
The authors find thatwhen compared with the decisions made by the judgea machine learning
algorithm could produce substantial welfare gains that could be allocated to either crime reduction
(up to 24.7 percent) or to reduced incarceration (up to 41.9 percent), all while reducing racial
disparities. However, the author’s note that while their model shows promise, actual
implementation of such a prediction model as an aid to judges in their decision-making would
require both a deep consideration of the objective courts are trying to achieve and how judges
would actually use the model. In another case, Aiken et al. (2022) show that using machine
learning algorithms and data from mobile phones improved the targeting of COVID-19 relief aid
in Togo. In Togo, millions of dollars in aid were allocated to individuals during the early days of
the COVID-19 pandemic based on a measure of need derived from machine learning models using
mobile phone and satellite records. The authors found that, relative to an alternative proposal of
allocating funds based on less granular measures of poverty, the algorithmic method increased the
probability of getting the aid to the individuals who were most at risk.
However, there are real costs posed by AI to society that – as noted by Acemoglu (2021)are all
the more important to understand and confront because of “AI’s promising and wide-reaching
potential”. Examples that stem directly from AI’s control of information include privacy
violations, creating anti-competitive environments, and behavioral manipulation by machine
learning techniques that enable companies to identify and exploit biases and vulnerabilities that
consumers themselves do not recognize. Further, there is the direct risk that workers will be
displaced by AI via excessive automation, as there is no guarantee that the current pace of the
development of AI tools will achieve the socially optimal mix of automation and augmentation of
tasks. Finally, there are a number of clear ways that AI have exacerbated social problems, including
issues of discrimination and concerns about the functioning of democratic governments. There is
substantial evidenceas discussed in Box 2 and in the hiring case study below that AI has
introduced and perpetuated racial or other forms of bias, both through issues with the underlying
datasets used to make decisions, and by unintentional or seemingly-benign decisions made by
algorithm designers. AI also can negatively impact how societies communicate on issues
fundamental to the functioning of democracies, such as how echo chambers in social media can
propagate false information and polarize society. While these costs are substantial, they are often
not inherent to AI, but very much a product of the choices made in the development and
deployment of the technology, meaning that there is a central role for governments in the studying,
monitoring, and regulating of AI, as evidenced by the United States AI Bill of Rights and the
European Commission Artificial Intelligence Act.
The particular focus of this report is the impact of AI on the workplace. While in the four decades
immediately after World War II, technological progress seemed to result in a prosperous labor
market for all workers, a very different path of technological development started to emerge in the
1980s that was much less inclusive for low-paid workers, thus posing several challenges for
policymakers. The resulting literature on skill biased technological change (SBTC), surveyed by
Acemoglu and Autor (2011), documented how SBTC can account for trends in earnings
distributions within the US and across different economics. However, the canonical SBTC model
is one of technology generating a greater benefit to high versus low skill workers, while AI could
either be a substitute or a complement to relatively higher skilled workers. One example is the
strong incentives for firms to develop and adopt AI for automation instead of augmentation of
tasks that were previously thought to require a human. Another example is that AI increases the
ability to monitor workers. Although some amount of monitoring may be useful, monitoring can
also be excessive if it is used to shift rents away from workers. In sum, unfettered AI could result
in less democratic labor markets, worse working conditions, and an erosion of labor market
institutions that favor workers.
Box 2. Failures in AI: Bias in Health Care
While AI algorithms have shown great promise in their ability to apply data to social and economic
problems, there are many cases where they can exacerbate existing societal inequities. Obermeyer
et al. (2019) examine the use of algorithms to determine which patients are “high-risk” and
therefore receive additional resources and attention from care providers. The authors find that the
algorithm they studied assigned poor patients to a lower risk score than an equally ill richer patient.
This was because the algorithm used health cost as a proxy for health need, and poor patients
generate lower costs than rich ones, potentially due to barriers in accessing care or bias they face
in the health care system. The use of this proxy introduced bias into the algorithm and resulted in
poor patients losing access to additional help they would otherwise have received.
AI’s enormous potential cannot be realized without a proper understanding and management of
the above-noted challenges. Mokyr (2005) highlights the importance of this point by putting it in
historical perspective. He argues that sustained economic growth after the onset of the Industrial
Revolution was not solely due to the specific inventions made but was also facilitated by our
understanding and management of these inventions. While there was also economic growth in the
pre-1750 world from inventions such as gunpowder, spectacles, and the mechanical clock, this
growth was not sustained because of a lack of understanding and management of these
technologies. But how much does society understand about the consequences of the current era of
AI and how can we best harness its enormous potential for sustained economic growth? Answering
this question is the aim of this report, with a particular focus on the impact of AI on labor markets.
Part II: The Current State of AI Adoption
a) Adoption of AI in the United States
In the United States, the most recent publicly available data on the adoption of different
technologies—including AIcome from the Census Bureau’s Annual Business Survey (ABS).
Two recent papersAcemoglu et al. (2022) and McElheran et al. (2022)respectively use the
2019 and 2018 ABS modules to describe the adoption of AI technologies across US firms. Both
papers find that overall adoption of AI is low, but that adoption is concentrated among a set of
large, young firms. McElheran et al. (2022) focus on how owner and management characteristics
correlate with AI adoption, finding that firms with younger, more educated, and more experienced
owners are more likely to adopt AI technologies. Acemoglu et al. (2022) are able to take advantage
of an expanded set of questions on AI adoption, and investigate the reasons behind firms’ adoption
of AI, the barriers to further adoption, and the connection between AI adoption and productivity.
Both papers find that few firms overall have adopted AI, but that statistics about firm-level
adoption mask the true share of US workers exposed to AI. McElheran et al. (2022) report that in
2017, 2.9 percent of firms used machine learning, 1.8 percent used machine vision, and 1.3 percent
used natural-language processing. Similarly, Acemoglu et al. (2022) find that only 3.2 percent of
US firms used AI as part of their processes and methods between 2016 and 2018. However, in
2017, 11.7 percent of workers worked at firms that used machine learning (and 6.8 and 8.8 percent
were at firms that used machine vision and natural-language processing, respectively), and
between 2016 and 2018, 12.6 percent of workers were employed at firms that utilized AI. This
difference between firm and worker-level exposure stems from a key finding of both papers: larger
firms are more likely to adopt AI technologies.
Important differences in AI adoption also exist irrespective of a firm’s size (see figure 3). First,
firms in industries like information, professional services, management, and finance are the most
likely to adopt AI technology. But workers in industries like retail trade, transportation, and
utilities are also more likely to be exposed to AI than average. Second, irrespective of a firm’s size,
younger firms are more likely to adopt AI. For example, of all large firms in the 95th to 99th
percentiles of the firm size distribution, roughly 7 percent of firms in the youngest age quartile
have adopted AI, whereas only about 3 to 4 percent of firms in oldest age quartile have done so.
The fact that AI adoption is concentrated in larger and younger firms most likely reflects the fact
that adopting this technology entails substantial costs and organizational barriers. Further, firms
with venture-capital funding and other characteristics McElheran et al. (2022) categorize as
“startup conditions consistent with high-growth entrepreneurship” are correlated with the use of
Figure 3. Percentage of firms and workers with some AI Adoption
Percent (%)
Source: Annual Business Survey 2019
; CEA calculations
The 2019 ABS module also asks why firms adopt AI, and what barriers they face in implementing
this technology. Both adopting and nonadopting firms report that the inapplicability of AI to the
firm’s business, and AI being too costly, are the main reasons for either not adopting AI or the
major existing barrier to further AI implementation. Of all AI adopters, around 80 percent
(employment-weighted) report doing so to improve the quality of their product or service, 65
percent to upgrade existing processes, and 54 percent to automate existing processes. While the
share of AI adopters stating that automation is one of their drivers is lower than other reasons, the
findings of Acemoglu et al. (2022) regarding labor productivitythat AI adopters have higher
labor productivity and lower labor shares than similar firmsare consistent with automation as a
major application of AI. The use of AI to automate existing processes could have important adverse
consequences for workers. AI competes more intensively with workers than other advanced
technologies, with potentially important adverse consequences for the employment of individual
The survey data discussed above are not a totally comprehensive look at firm-level adoption of AI
technology. Many uses of AI might be missed in these surveys. For example, the use of voice
assistancelike Siri, Cortana, or Alexais exceptionally common in the US. In 2017, 46 percent
of Americans used digital voice assistance, according to the Pew Research Center, with the vast
majority using the service through their smartphone. In 2019, the share of Americans reporting the
use of a digital voice assistant had grown to 72 percent, according to a Microsoft survey. This
speaks to the emergence of AI in many areas of life, and not just the adoption of AI by firms.
The private sector is not the only part of the US economy that has begun to utilize AI. The US
Federal Government has begun to implement AI in a range of settings, including improving
taxpayer waiting times when contacting the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and creating AI
competitions to predict patient health outcomes using Medicare data. The IRS, to address concerns
about the long waiting times faced by callers, has implemented an AI-based voice bot system that
currently allows taxpayers to set up payments and get notice questions answered. In the next year,
this service will be expanded to allow for the bots to retrieve more information about individual
taxpayers, further reducing waiting times. In 2019, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS) created the CMS Artificial Intelligence Health Outcomes Challenge, a
competition that was designed to accelerate “development of AI solutions for predicting patient
health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries.” In 2021, the competition concluded, with the winners
using Medicare case records to accurately predict patients who were likely to experience adverse
events and explain these predictions to clinicians.
b) Adoption of AI in the European Union
The overall trends of firm-level AI adoption appear similar in the European Union to those in the
United States: in 2021 8 percent of all enterprises with more than 10 employees employed AI
technology. The data, derived from Eurostat’s Community Survey on ICT Usage and E-Commerce
in Enterprises, asks about the usage of a range of AI technologies, including deep learning, the
analysis of images and written/spoken language, and the automation of work. Larger firms were
more likely to use some form of AI technology, with 28 percent of firms with more than 250
employees reporting their use. The survey also showed that firms most used AI to automate
workflows, employ machine learning, or analyze written language (3 percent of firms in each
case). The overall story is similar to that told by survey records from the prior year: in 2020, 7
percent of enterprises in the EU reported to use AI. Some common uses of the technology were
the analysis of large data sets via machine learning and the deployment of chatbots (2 percent of
firms in both cases). With these data, we can also see the distribution of AI usage across EU
Member States. In 2021, Denmark reported the largest share of enterprises employing AI, at 24
percent. Portugal (17 percent), Finland (16 percent), and Luxembourg and the Netherlands (both
13 percent) come next.
Hoffman and Nurski (2021) discuss the Eurostat Community Survey on ICT Usage and E-
Commerce in Enterprises as well as other surveys (including a smaller survey by the European
Commission) in more detail. As in the US, they find that robots are concentrated in manufacturing,
while the adoption of other types of advanced technologies is higher in services such as finance,
education, health, and social work. Within each of these sectors, larger firms are more likely to
adopt AI, suggesting that there are substantial costs and organizational barriers involved in
adopting AI. Skills and financial constraints are the leading reported barriers, with about 80 percent
of enterprises citing a lack of skills in their internal workforce and in the external labor market, as
well as the high cost of buying the technology and adapting their operational processes to AI.
Part III: The Impact of AI on Work
The previous parts of this report have argued that as AI continues to evolve and work its way into
a wide variety of applications, its potential gains for society are enormous. As GPT-3 notes below
in box 3, AI’s benefits could span industries, providing workers with time for new tasks and firms
with greater speed and accuracy through automation. The report has also shown how challenges
arise for policy in seeking to benefit from the impact of AIenumerated by GPT-3 in box 4 ,
including policies related to the collection and control of data, communication in society, and
safeguarding democratic principles.
This part of the report focuses on the opportunities and challenges resulting from AI for labor
markets. AI has the potential to increase productivity, create new jobs, and raise living standards.
However, by its very nature of performing “non-routine” tasks formerly thought to be strictly the
domain of humans, AI is likely to disrupt large swaths of jobs and tasks. This may lead to difficult
adjustments for workers as jobs are redesigned or required skills change.
Box 3. AI Prompt: “Write a paragraph describing how AI can benefit the workforce”
In Part I, GPT-3 (a modern, trained AI engine) was asked to give its own definition of AI. Next
consider the following prompt submitted to GPT-3: “write a paragraph describing how AI can
benefit the workforce.” The output that followed from GPT-3 was:
AI has the potential to streamline tasks across many industries, from health care to manufacturing.
For example, in health care, AI can be used to automate the tasks of sorting through medical images
to diagnose conditions. In manufacturing, AI can be used to automate the tasks of quality control
and inspection. By automating these tasks, AI has the potential to free up workers' time so that
they can focus on higher-level tasks. In addition, AI has the potential to improve the accuracy of
these tasks, as well as to identify tasks that are most suitable for automation.”
̶ GPT-3, a modern AI on the benefits of AI for workers
This poses several challenges for policymakers. One example illustrated in the previous part of the
report is that much of the development and adoption of AI is intended to automate work instead of
augmenting it. Private firms advancing AI technology are likely to do so in a direction that
maximizes profits, which may not be the socially desirable direction. Another example is that AI
increases the ability of employers to monitor workers. In sum, while the potential benefits of AI
for labor markets are numerous, unfettered AI could also result in a less democratic and less fair
labor market.
Box 4. AI Prompt: “What are the downsides of AI for workers?”
Consider the following prompt submitted to GPT-3: “What are the downsides are of AI for
workers.” The output that followed from GPT-3 was:
“1. Job Losses: One of the potential downsides of AI is that it could lead to increased
unemployment as machines begin to replace human workers in a variety of industries.
2. Inequality: Another potential downside of AI is that it could exacerbate existing economic
inequality as the benefits of AI technology disproportionately accrue to those who are already
wealthy and have access to the best resources.
3. Security Risks: Another potential downside of AI is that it could create new security risks as
malicious actors begin to use AI technology for malicious purposes.
4. Ethical Concerns: Another potential downside of AI is that it could raise ethical concerns as AI
technology increasingly begins to impact our human lives in ways that we may not be comfortable
̶ GPT-3, a modern AI on the downsides of AI for workers
Although the literature identifies more challenges than those listed by GPT-3 above, designing
policies to tackle these challenges requires a proper understanding of how technological progress
has affected labor markets in the recent past, and how AI is likely to change jobs in the future.
Autor (2022) provides an overview of the recent thinking about the impact of digital technologies
on labor markets. His starting point is a task-based view of labor markets that has become the
standard framework in the literature over the past decade.
The hypothesis arising from this view is that digital technologies can automate “routine tasks.”
What makes a task routine is that it follows an explicit, fully specified set of rules and procedures.
Tasks fitting this description can be codified in computer software and executed by machines (e.g.,
robots to assemble a car, email to deliver messages). Conversely, “non-routine tasks” have
historically been challenging to program because the explicit steps for accomplishing these tasks
are often not formally described. Paradoxically, even though we cannot formally express non-
routine tasks in an algorithm, many of these tasks are easy for humans to do. This is known as
Polanyi’s paradoxthat “humans know more than they can tell,” named after the 20th-century
philosopher Michael Polanyi and his argument that all our knowing is rooted in tacit knowledge.
Goos, Manning, and Salomons (2014) show that routine tasks are concentrated in middle-paid
occupations (e.g., machine operators, office clerks), while non-routine tasks (e.g., waiting tables
in a restaurant, cleaning a room, diagnosis diseases, or team management) are concentrated in low-
paid occupations (e.g. restaurant server, cleaner) and high-paid occupations (e.g., health
professionals, managers). Consequently, typical automation technologies have decreased demand
for middle relative to low-paid and high-paid occupations, resulting in a process of job
polarization. They show that this is happening in the 16 Western European countries that they
examine from 1993 to 2010, and similar evidence exists for the US (Acemoglu and Autor 2011).
AI has the potential to fundamentally change the relationship between automation technology,
labor demand, and inequality. While studies have so far examined digital technologies such as
computers and industrial robots, AI overturns the assumption that technology can accomplish only
routine tasks. AI can be used to infer tacit relationships that cannot be fully specified by underlying
software, because AI learns to perform these tasks inductively by training on examples instead of
by following explicit rules that are programmable.
Consequently, many non-routine tasks done in both low-paid and high-paid occupations that
cannot be performed by computers could be performed by AI in the future, with very different
implications for labor demand, job polarization, and inequality. For example, we might no longer
see a process of job polarization but one of stronger relative employment growth in high-paid
occupations (if AI automates non-routine tasks in low-paid occupations) or of stronger relative
employment growth in low-paid occupations (if AI automates non-routine tasks in high-paid
Because of AI’s promise of a paradigm shift in our thinking about its impact on work and
inequality, there is much uncertainty about AI’s implications for labor markets. The remainder of
this part of the report focuses on these four questions:
a) What jobs and tasks are at risk from AI?
b) What new jobs and tasks will emerge from AI?
c) What will be the impact of AI on workers?
d) What will be the impact of AI on the workplace?
a) What Jobs and Worker Tasks Are at Risk from AI?
Although earlier digital technologies automated occupations that were intensive in doing routine
tasks (e.g., machine operators, office clerks), AI as a prediction technology has the potential of
also automating various non-routine tasks across a wide range of occupations. To study this
question, a small but rapidly growing literature has emerged that applies a task approach to analyze
the effects of AI adoption on different occupations (Acemoglu et al. 2022; Brynjolfsson, Mitchell,
and Rock 2018; Felten, Raj, and Seamans 2020; Webb 2020). These studies do not start from the
premise that AI can only do a given set of tasks. Instead, they rely on various innovative ways to
determine what worker tasks AI can and cannot automate.
Webb (2020) offers one example. He uses natural-language processing (NLP) algorithms that
exploit the overlap between the text of job task descriptions and the text of patents to develop a
new method for identifying which tasks can be automated by any technology. This allows him to
construct a measure of the “exposure” of occupations to that technology. For example, suppose a
doctor’s job description includes the task “diagnose patient’s condition.” An NLP algorithm then
extracts the verbnoun pairs from this task, which would be “diagnose condition.” The algorithm
then quantifies the same verb–noun pairs in a different sample of patents to identify whether any
technology could automate a doctor’s tasks.
Using this approach, Webb (2020) first examines the impact of two previous types of new
technologies: software and robots. For software, exposure is decreasing with education, with
individuals in middle-wage occupations most exposed. Men are much more exposed to software
than women, reflecting the fact that women have historically clustered in occupations requiring
complex interpersonal interaction tasks, which software is not capable of performing. For robots,
individuals with less than a high school education, and men under the age of 30 years are most
exposed. By and large, these results are consistent with the literature on job polarization, which
has found that computers and robots reduced demand for routine, middle-wage jobs while
increasing it for non-routine, low- and high-wage jobs between 1980 and 2010.
Webb’s (2020) study then turns to the impact of AI on the demand for occupations. In contrast to
software and robots, AI performs tasks that involve detecting patterns, making judgments, and
optimizing. The most-exposed occupations include clinical laboratory technicians, chemical
engineers, optometrists, and power plant operators. More generally, high-skill occupations are
most exposed to AI. Moreover, as might be expected from the fact that AI-exposed jobs are
predominantly those involving high levels of education and accumulated experience, it is older
workers who are most exposed to AI. There are also some low-skilled jobs that are highly exposed
to AI. For example, production jobs that involve inspection and quality control are exposed.
However, these constitute only a small proportion of low-skill jobs.
To conclude, an emerging body of research suggests that AI can outperform workers in an
increasing set of complex tasks mainly done by educated workers. Compared with earlier digital
innovations, this suggests a paradigm shift in our thinking about AI’s potential to automate worker
tasks. For example, the automation of worker tasks by AI could exacerbate a process of
occupational deskilling instead of job polarization.
This paradigm shift will not be straightforward. One reason commonly argued is that, because AI
is unaware of the rich context of many real-world problems, it cannot accomplish the complex-
decision tasks that humans regularly undertake in their work. Another reason is pointed out by
Acemoglu et al. (2022): that so far, AI has no detectable effects on the labor market at the aggregate
occupation level. This current absence of any visible aggregate effects of AI could lower our sense
of urgency to understand its impact on work, even when such effects appear likely in the future.
b) What New Jobs and Tasks Will Emerge from AI?
In capturing AI’s benefits, an important lever for policymakers is that AI not only automates but
also augments work. History is full of examples of jobs that were predicted to be doomed by
automation but that instead flourished and were transformed. The introduction of the first ATMs
around 1970 was predicted to end the job of traditional bank tellers, but the US today instead has
many more bank tellers, at many more bank branches, doing different tasks than before because
ATMs are poorly suited to such as relationship banking (Bessen 2015). If the set of tasks were
fixed, then advancing automation would crowd workers into an ever-narrowing subset of tasks,
perhaps finally making human labor altogether obsolete, if AI would evolve into a state of AGI.
However, it is possible that even AGI will create many new jobs for workers.
While AI’s potential to automate jobs has received relatively little attention, even less is known
about AI’s potential to create new jobs for workers. However, it is possible to learn from the larger
literature that asks how many new jobs does technological progress create? To answer this
question, Autor et al. (2022) exploit the emergence of new job titles in the US Census Bureau’s
occupational descriptions that survey respondents supply on their Census forms. Their analyses
show that, irrespective of whether a new job is created because of technological progress or some
other reason, new work is quantitatively important. They estimate that more than 60 percent of US
employment in 2018 was found in job titles that did not exist in 1940. Examples of new titles are
“fingernail technician,” which was added in 2000, and “solar photovoltaic electrician,” which was
added in 2018. Interestingly, “artificial intelligence specialist” first appeared in 2000.
Turning to the nature of new work, they find that between 1940 and 1980, most new work that
employed non-college workers was found in middle-skilled occupations. After 1980, however, the
locus of new work creation for non-college workers shifted away from these middle-tier
occupations and toward traditionally lower-paid personal services. Conversely, new work creation
employing college-educated workers became increasingly concentrated in professional, technical,
and managerial occupations. In combination, these patterns indicate that new work creation has
polarized after 1980, mirroring (and in part driving) aggregate job polarization.
To further explain the creation of new job titles, and the role of technological progress, Autor et
al. (2022) follow a procedure like Webb (2020) by examining patent data using NLP. Different
from Webb (2020), however, is that they also instructed their NLP algorithm to look for text that
indicates augmentation instead of automation of worker tasks. For example, in 1999, the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office granted a patent for a “method of strengthening and repairing
fingernails.” Their algorithm links this patent to the occupational title of “Technician, fingernail,”
which was added by Census Bureau in 2000. Similarly, their algorithm links the 2014 patent
“systems for highly efficient solar power conversion” to the occupational title of “Solar
photovoltaic electrician,” which was added in 2018. In sum, Autor et al. (2022) show that new
technologies are an important driver of the creation of new worker tasks.
Autor et al. (2022) also instruct their NLP algorithm to look for text in patents that indicate a new
technology’s potential to automate (instead of augment) worker tasks. What they find is that some
occupations, such as radiologic technologists and machinists, have a high rate of automation
relative to augmentation. Therefore, labor demand and thus employment would tend to fall in these
occupations. Conversely, in other occupations, including industrial engineers and analysts,
augmentation has been more important than automation, resulting in an increase of employment
in these occupations. Interestingly, many occupations are either simultaneously exposed to both
augmentation and automation or are not exposed to any technology at all. Examples of occupations
with very limited exposure to technological progress as of yet include jobs that require
interpersonal skills such as childcare workers, hotel clerks, and clergy.
To conclude, though technology’s potential to automate jobs has received widespread attention, it
also augments work and is an important driver of new job creation. Autor et al. (2022) term this
double-sided impact of innovation on work “the race between automation and augmentation.” In
occupations with declining (increasing) employment shares, this race is won by automation
(augmentation). Understanding this race gives policymakers important levers to capture the
benefits of technological progress. For example, a race between automation and augmentation of
worker tasks, even within narrowly defined occupations, implies that new technologies can
perhaps be steered toward more augmentation and less automation.
Autor et al. (2022) do not specifically focus on AI. But many new jobs augmented by AI may soon
enter as new occupational titlesdigital assistant engineer, warehouse robot engineer; and
content-tagger on social media, among other jobs. An important policy question is whether these
are the jobs that society wants AI to create. Simultaneously, employment in many high-paid jobs
that is desirable from a policy perspective might be eroded by AI’s potential to automate their
c) What Will Be the Impact of AI on Workers?
The impact of technological progress, including AI, on work is characterized by competing forces
of automation and augmentation of worker tasks, even (and mainly) within narrowly defined
occupations. The focus of researchersas well as managers, entrepreneurs, and policymakers
should therefore be not only on AI’s automation or augmentation potential but also on job redesign.
For example, Brynjolfsson, Mitchell, and Rock (2018) conjecture that machine learning will
require a substantial redesign of tasks for concierges, credit authorizers, and brokerage clerks. The
need for job redesign also poses challenges for worker adaptability: worker skills to do certain
tasks, and worker mobility across jobs in the labor market.
Worker Skills
Acemoglu et al. (2022) leverage a new module introduced in the US Census Bureau’s 2019 ABS
not only to assess firms’ adoption of AI but also to explore firms’ self-assessment on the
implications of AI for their demand for labor and skills. Among AI adopters, 15 percent report that
AI increased overall employment levels and 6 percent indicate that AI decreased them, which
points to the limited and somewhat ambiguous effects of AI on employment levels. Instead, 41
percent of AI adopters increased their skill demand, while almost no firms (less than 2 percent)
report a reduction in their demand for skills. This self-reported increase in firms’ skill requirements
when they adopt AI explains part of the well-known skills gap and highlights the importance of
investments in worker skills.
Genz et al. (2022) provide similar evidence for Germany. They examine how German workers
adjust to firms’ investments into new digital technologies, including AI, augmented reality, or 3D
printing. For this, they collected novel data that link survey information on firms’ technology
adoption to administrative social security data for Germany. They then compare technology
adopters with non-adopters. Though they find little evidence that AI affected the number of jobs,
the absence of an overall employment effect masks substantial heterogeneity across workers. They
find that workers with vocational training benefit more than workers with a college degree. One
explanation might be that AI augments vocational workers more than it augments tasks done by
college workers. Another explanation is that Germany’s traditionally strong vocational training
system (76 percent of all workers in the sample completed vocational education) provides an
abundance of specialized skills that direct the development and adoption of AI toward making use
of (and thereby augmenting) vocational skills.
Worker Mobility Across Jobs
It is inevitable that workers in some jobs will be displaced because AI automates rather than
augments worker tasks and/or workers no longer have the required skills to do their jobs. Job
displacement is costly for those made redundant and could be disruptive for labor markets in
general. These adjustment costs and disruptions were also characteristic of previous technological
upheavals, exemplified by the automation of the role of telephone operator as discussed in box 5.
However, because of the rapidity with which AI is evolving, these costs now may be particularly
acute, but research documenting the transition of displaced workers to new jobs (or not) due to AI
is very limited.
One exception is Bessen et al. (2022). Using Dutch administrative data, they examine what
happens to workers who are made redundant when their firm invests in AI with the purpose of
automating the firm’s production process. They find that the expected annual income loss across
all workers before their firm adopts AI accumulates to 9 percent of one year’s earnings after 5
years. They also show that this annual income loss is driven by spells of unemployment within a
year (rather than, e.g., quickly moving into lower-paid jobs), with unemployment benefits only
insuring partially against their income losses. These adverse effects of AI automation are larger in
smaller firms, and for older and middle-educated workers. In sum, their results suggest that there
are substantial adjustment costs for displaced workers, and that these costs are only partially offset
by unemployment insurance. Relatedly, in a case study given in part IV below, AI’s role in the
hiring process is highlighted. In some ways, AI can improve the transition between jobs by
facilitating matches between employers and employees, although there are also potential
drawbacks discussed in that setting.
Box 5. Labor Market Adjustment after the Automation of Telephone Operating
Feigenbaum and Gross (2022) examine the introduction of mechanical switching in operating
telephone calls that took place in half of all US States between 1920 and 1940. They study
adjustments in the labor market for young female telephone operators, one of women’s main
occupations at the time. They find that telephone operators were significantly less likely to still be
working as operators 10 years after their state’s cutover to mechanical switching. While some
found other jobs in the telephone industry, others (especially older workers) left the workforce,
and those who remained employed were more likely to have switched to lower-paying
occupations. They also find that automation of telephone operating did not decrease overall
demand for young women in their local labor markets. After automation, young women were less
likely to become telephone operators, and they entered different jobs such as middle-skilled
clerical and lower-skilled service occupations (mainly typists and waitresses).
d) What Will Be the Impact of AI on the Workplace?
AI will also drastically change how we design our workplaces and companies’ business models.
In turn, these changes will affect working conditions.
Wood (2021) discusses the prevalence of algorithmic management of workplaces. Algorithmic
management relies on data collection and surveillance of workers to manage workforces in an
automated way. Online labor platforms are a well-known example. These platforms enable
workers to choose the clients and jobs they take, how they carry out those jobs, and the rates they
charge to do them. However, to varying degrees, workers’ ability to make these choices is strongly
shaped by platform rules and design features. Increasingly, algorithmic management is also being
used in other settings, such as in warehouses, retail, manufacturing, marketing, consultancy,
banking, hotels, call centers, and among journalists, lawyers, and the police. Wood (2021)
summarizes several detailed case studies from these sectors.
Consider the case of digital platforms for taxi services or home deliveries. On these platforms,
algorithms allocate tasks to drivers via their smartphones (or other handheld devices). For example,
a taxi platform can notify a driver with a trip request, which the driver must accept within a 15-
second window. Only after having accepted the request, the algorithm provides drivers with the
passenger’s location, fare, and destination. The limited time frame given by the algorithm to accept
a request while withholding key information is done to minimize the chances of drivers’ declining
trip requests. Moreover, if drivers decline too many requests, the algorithm can log them
temporarily out of the app as a punishment. Once a driver has accepted a trip request, the algorithm
recommends a route for reaching the drop-off location. If drivers deviate from the suggested route,
the algorithm can send notifications. If the app is also responsible for paying drivers, the app can
further punish drivers who take too long to get to their destinations by refusing to release drivers’
payments. In sum, despite the many advantages platforms bring to workers and their clients, their
algorithmic management can strongly reduce workers’ ability to choose clients, how to do their
tasks, and the rates they charge to do them.
Weil (2017) discusses the broader impact that algorithmic management has on business models
and labor relations. In his testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives, he argues that firms can
use information and communication technologies to erode the need for traditional employment
relationships. Since the 1980s, many large corporations have shed their role as direct employers,
in favor of outsourcing work to smaller subcontractors or franchisees. Competition between these
subcontractors or franchisees implies that costs, including wages, are lower compared with a
situation where the lead corporation directly employs these outsourced workers. Because this
fissuring of workplaces, as Weil calls it, mainly affects low-wage jobs, it has exacerbated higher
wage inequality, decreased occupational safety, and increased health risks for workers in fissured
jobs. Unfettered AI can become the glue to make the overall business strategy of fissuring operate
even more effectively. It can further enable lead companies and their shareholders to manage their
labor supply chains even better through the intelligent monitoring of outsourced workers.
Part IV: Case Studies
a) Case Study 1: AI in Human Resources and Hiring
The traditional approach to hiring during the latter half of the 20th century was straightforward:
applicants submitted their résumé and cover letter, perhaps with answers to job-specific questions,
to opportunities they saw advertised either on job boards or in classified ads. Hiring managers
waded through a stack of applicant files, winnowing through the list to determine who they wanted
to consider. After a series of interviews, a job offer was made, and the particulars of the offer were
perhaps negotiated. Eventually, a candidate would accept an offer and begin work.
During the past decade of AI innovations across modern economies, the hiring process has
dramatically changed. While the individual steps of the process are broadly similar, at each stage
firms have adopted AI-based tools to increase the speed and scale of the process. AI can match
résumés with job listings on a massive scale, saving both the applicant and hiring manager much
time. AI can screen résumés to discard applicants that are likely to be a poor fit; it can then put the
candidate through assessments to further narrow the field. For many firms, only at the later stages
of the process do humans enter the picture: final interviews, negotiations, and convincing a
candidate to accept an offer remain important tasks for HR professionals. However, once the
candidate has accepted, AI returns to assist in the retention and promotion roles. While the central
goal of hiring remains the same, the set of tools available has changed, primarily due to innovations
in AI that go far beyond the suite of tools previously available to hiring managers.
In order to explore the recent developments of AI in the field of hiring, staff at the Council of
Economic Advisors conducted a series of interviews with stakeholders in this space. Over the span
of the summer of 2022, they conducted six interviews with four firms, representatives of an
industry group, and a scholar in the field of AI. Each was asked a series of questions about the
current use of AI in hiring, with an emphasis on fostering an open and honest discussion. The
interviews were compiled by CEA staff and combined with independent research and consultations
with European Commission partners to form this case study.
AI in Practice for Hiring
Consider a firm that is looking to hire for a number of open jobs. They want to find the right
candidates for each position as fast as possible, a task that requires both maximizing match quality
as well as speed. Further, this requires high-volume hiring, as the firm is now facing the same
rising job turnover to which many firms in the modern labor market are exposed. This is new for
the firm, as historically it was not posting as many jobs and did not feel the pressure to hire with
much speed. This new world of hiring is quantitatively different in scale, with an increase in job
postings, applications submitted, and offers extended. This pressure to process more applications
faster and attract more diverse and qualified workers without sacrificing the quality of a given
match, leads firms to turn to AI solutions. The hiring manager is now faced with managing his or
her team of recruiters and juggling multiple job openings, each of which is at a different stage in
the recruitment process. However, at each stage they can turn to AI for guidance, advice, and
support. Trey Causey of the job search site Indeed offered some observations about the broader
hiring landscape; “it is hard to think of a place in hiring where AI is not appearing. Hiring managers
are able to couple AI solutions with human participation in the hiring process.”
At the very beginning of the process, the hiring manager needs to post a job opening, including
crafting the text of the job description that will be published across a range of job search platforms.
However, they do not need to do this alone. Rather, they can turn to a range of services that will
use natural-language processing to help them write job descriptions. The power of these tools is
that they link language to a data set of outcomes, allowing the hiring manager to craft job
descriptions that will maximize the chances of attracting the right kind of applicants.
Turning from writing the text for a new job posting, the hiring manager now needs to figure out
how to get this opportunity in front of candidates. To do this, they make use of one of the most
common applications of algorithms in hiring: the matching of job applicants with job postings.
These algorithms rely on the text of résumés and job postings, as well as information about the
positions and the background of the candidates to determine which candidates are the best fit for
a given job posting, or vice versa. In some cases, this results in a literal “fit score,” which hiring
managers can use in evaluating candidates. The use of these systems may require the hiring
manager to oversee the purchase of advertising on different recruitment platforms in order to get
the job posting in front of the right candidates.
A few days ago, the hiring manager posted a separate job opening, and already candidates are
reaching out for details about the position and with questions about the application process.
However, the hiring manager is not responding to these messages. Rather, a small army of
chatbotspowered by natural-language processingare tasked with responding to specific and
unique questions from candidates about the open positions. And the use of chatbots does not end
there. The hiring manager can turn to chatbots to screen the initial round of applicants, an important
step given the volume of applications the firm is receiving. These bots collect information on the
candidates’ backgrounds and experience that will be incorporated into the decision of whether to
advance a candidate to the next round.
With the new, smaller pool of applicants, the hiring manager can now utilize a range of evaluation
tools, ranging from recorded interviews that are transcribed and analyzed to “gamified”
assessments, essentially logic puzzles and other games that can assess particular skills among
applicants. As a result, they can assess a candidate’s personality, skills, and critical thinking, all
without interviewing a candidate directly. And these tests have science to back them up,
connecting the results of the test to the narrow skill set they are measuring. However, the hiring
manager is cautious about using these tools, both because the connections between the skill sets
and job performance have not been as thoroughly reviewed, and also because they have seen older
tools be withdrawn because of issues of blatant bias. At the same time, the hiring manager finds
these tools useful, as they both increase the speed of the application process and have the potential
to improve the quality of matches.
AI for Applicants
In preparing for the job hunt, all applicantswhether applying directly from college, transitioning
between roles within an industry, or thinking about a change of careerscan turn to a number of
AI-based tools for developing their interview skills and preparing their résumé. Firms such as
Indeed and VMock offer AI-powered tools that often highly weight specific terms to assess one’s
résumé and offer suggestions on ways to improve it. In particular, because many résumés now are
screened by AI-based tools, an important way to improve a résumé is to use keywords that help a
candidate survive an initial screening.
Another way AI can help applicants is by focusing on applicant skills that may apply to a broader
set of potential jobs than the candidate had considered. One example given by VMock was that
the day-to-day work of a chef involves managing a large number of people in a high-pressure
environment while meeting tight deadlines, a set of skills valuable in a wide number of positions
outside food service. ZipRecruiter’s platform uses an active learning algorithm to try to understand
which open positions appeal most to a candidate based on their interest level in the positions they
have shown them so far; they use a similar algorithm on the hiring side to learn what types of
candidates hiring managers are looking for. These learning algorithms lead to better matches on
both the applicant and hiring sides.
After a candidate has applied to a position, they may be interacting with some of the chatbots
described in the previous section; natural-language processing technology has advanced to the
point that chatbots provide human-like interactions with job candidates. The firm Indeed candidly
discusses the pros and cons of chatbots, noting that while they can be useful in reducing
unconscious human biases in the hiring process, they also have the potential to create a negative
impression with candidates. This reflects a larger question: to what degree are candidates aware of
bots when they are being evaluated by a human versus an algorithm?
Algorithmic Creep and Unintended Consequences
At almost every stage the hiring process at firms across the United States and Europe, the role of
AI-driven algorithms is increasing. This trenddubbed “algorithmic creep” by Alex Engler of the
Brookings Institutionencompasses both the expanded use of algorithms across different stages
of the hiring process and the higher share of firms employing algorithms at each stage. Most of the
firms that were spoken to for this report claimed that the result of this widespread adoption is a
process they claim is faster, scales up dramatically, and results in a greater number of qualified
candidates finding better jobs. However, as Engler notes, “this transition to an algorithm-
dominated hiring process is happening faster than firms, individuals, or governments are able to
evaluate its effects.”
One of the primary concerns raised by nearly everyone interviewed is that greater adoption of AI-
driven algorithms could potentially introduce bias across nearly every stage of the hiring process.
Machine learning algorithms are often referred to asmoney laundering for bias,” in that they give
the appearance of a fair and clean mathematical process while still exhibiting biases. Some firms
are aware of this risk and are conscious of the potential for AI to lead to a less-biased hiring process
than the former human-centric hiring process was known to be. However, even fair and well-
intentioned algorithms have been shown to introduce bias in unexpected ways. For example,
Lambrecht and Tucker (2019) show that STEM career ads that were explicitly meant to be gender
neutral were disproportionately displayed by an algorithm to potential male applicants because the
cost of advertising to younger female applicants is higher and the algorithm optimized cost-
efficiency. A team of researchers at Google studied how natural-language models interpret
discussions of disabilities and mental illness and found that various sentiment models penalized
such discussions, creating bias against even positive phrases such as “I will fight for people with
mental illness.”
The AI-powered tools developed to evaluate applicants have been particularly troublesome in this
respect. The Center for Democracy & Technology issued a complete report in December 2020
titled “Algorithm-Driven Hiring Tools: Innovative Recruitment or Expedited Disability
Discrimination?” The report explored the challenges algorithmic evaluation of candidates face in
complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act, noting the many ways in which different
screening tools may be biased against those with disabilities. Because many AI assessment tools
employ a video interview, it is further worth noting that a study of automated speech recognition
software found large racial disparities between interviews with white and African American
individuals. Further, the Gender Shades project by the MIT Media Lab shows that three leading
AI tools perform systematically worse at analyzing images of darker-skinned individuals, and
particularly darker-skinned women, indicating that algorithmic tools introduce error for particular
groups. These studies raise serious questions about the introduction of bias when employing AI in
candidate evaluation and firms are responsible if they implement AI solutions that violate existing
laws and regulations on discrimination.
There was friction in most of our conversations between the knowledge that the pre-AI hiring
process was far from bias-freethere is evidence of long-standing bias against nonwhite workers,
and people with disabilities, among other groupsand the concern that the use of AI can
exacerbate these biases. However, in each conversation, there wasto a lesser or greater extent
the belief that correctly applied AI could reduce bias in hiring. Engler stated that the transition to
the heavy utilization of AI in hiring has the opportunity to “functionally be a re-set when it comes
to labor-market discrimination against workers across racial, gender, disability, and economic
lines.” And the Data and Trust Alliance stressed that they were working on utilizing AI to identify
existing bias within models, and to help their clients meet their individual diversity and inclusion
goals. Audits of AI technology are increasingly seen as necessary step in implementing new AI
systems, although clarifying exactly how these audits should be conducted is still an evolving
discussion within the field. There are also ongoing efforts within the private sector to create best
practices. The Data & Trust Alliance, for example, is a consortium of firms that has developed a
set of safeguards in the form of a list of questions that firms can ask of their AI tool vendors to
evaluate the potential for bias in their algorithms. The degree to which these efforts have begun to
move us toward a more egalitarian world of hiring is very much unknown, leaving all the actors
in this space split between the possibilities and perils of AI and bias.
Hiring and Job Loss
One concern that emerges with any discussion of automation is the potential for job loss, in this
case within the hiring and human resources profession. As discussed earlier in this report, AI has
the capacity to automate non-routine tasks, and the discussions with firms highlighted how, if an
HR department is using an AI algorithm to schedule appointments, review résumés, answer
candidates’ questions, and, overall, automate a range of tasksfrom the mundane to the
intricateit is conceivable that they will need fewer (or different) workers.
The consequence of this change in roles is that HR departments may be looking for a different
combination of skills or experiences from their HR professionals. An example raised by Causey
of Indeed is that HR managers now need to understand how to manage the promotion of their job
listing through various internal and external tools utilizing AI. Though many job-posting platforms
allow free posting services, most offer the opportunity to “promote” a job to increase its exposure
to more candidates. AI poses the opportunity to make this simple and reduce demands on hiring
managers. Different sites have different models for this: some use a “cost-per-click” model, where
the firm pays every time the job posting is clicked, while others use a “cost-per-application” model,
where the firm pays every time it receives an application. Both types of systems require hiring
managers to set daily budgets for how much to spend. This task is new to the HR profession and
requires learning about the different systems as well as the value of investing in promoting job
However, some firms we interviewed made the point that this is a potential benefit of the adoption
of AI in hiring. Mahe Bayireddi, CEO and cofounder of Phenom, stressed that many firms with
slim profit margins are looking to AI as a way to both increase the efficiency of their hiring and
reduce the costs associated with HR. He framed Phenom’s work as helping firms ask “where can
you personalize, and where can you automate.” With this framing, he both highlighted how AI can
allow firms to connect with more workers at a greater speed while preserving humans for activities
where more strategic value is needed, like convincing someone to accept an offer once it has been
extended. This reframing of the HR role as managers of AI and as “talent advisers” makes certain
elements of the hiring process more human.
The discussions above mirrored the questions posed in Part III regarding the difficulty of
ascertaining the net effect of AI on employment. The AI processes discussed by firms may end up
automating many of the tasks currently performed by people, although AI may make employees
more productive and create new tasks that require human intervention. While the net effect of AI
on employment is unclear, it is likely to result in an HR office that is able to manage a much larger
scale of operations.
The Future of AI and Hiring
The firms consulted for this report were asked how AI had changed the hiring process, and many
noted that AI has quantitatively changed the process by allowing the large-scale implementation
of systems to attract, screen, and assess potential employees. However, qualitatively, the HR
function has not changed; it is still the search for the right person for each job opening. AI has
been applied as a tool to the existing hiring process; there is optimism, however, that some
structural changes in the hiring process may be coming.
One such change cited by several firms was the possibility ofdigital credentials,” or “learning
and employment records,” as technologies that could improve how AI functions in the roles it
plays today. Standardized electronic records for education, training, and skills could streamline
how AI matches applicants with job postings, potentially in a fairer and more balanced way. Of
course, this relies on the assumption that the process of obtaining such records is itself fair and
unbiased. Though AI has proven effective at using existing résumés and job listings, it is not clear
that those are the best “inputs” to a matching system. As a result, firms have been thinking about
what might be the right way to design the process from scratch. There is therefore great potential
for more transformation of the HR process from AIIndeed’s Causey noted that “we are on the
cusp of a lot of qualitative changes” to hiring.
The overarching message from discussions with firms in the hiring space was that AI-powered
algorithms could improve nearly every step in the hiring process for firms, HR staff members, and
candidates. In fact, some firms very clearly structured their responses to questions by
systematically addressing each stakeholder in the hiring process, discussing how each could
benefit from the greater deployment of everything from chatbots to predictive models that match
candidates with potential employers. However, adoption of AI has been so rapid that firms may
not entirely recognize the implications of allowing algorithms into the HR function. Firms should
be auditing their usage of AI tools to ensure compliance both with labor regulations and also with
their own ethical standards.
b) Case Study 2: Warehousing
Supply chains and the logistics industry
In the 1990s, supply chain management became a major field as more and more industries
reassessed how products could be made because of new information technologies, combined with
the reduction of many international trade restrictions such as quotas and tariffs. Supply chains
benefit companies through gains from specialization, resulting in lower prices for intermediate
goods and services. Consumers benefit through lower prices for final goods, and workers benefit
through increased employment and wages. At the core of supply chain operations are logistics and
warehousing to move goods between companies and to consumers.
Supply chains lengthen when companies decide to outsource activities because the benefits of
finding outside suppliers capable of providing intermediate inputs at lower cost outweigh the
benefits of keeping those activities inside the organization. Supply chains often take the shape of
deeply integrated networks with lead companies at the center and their suppliers orbiting around
them, resulting in business models known as lean manufacturing, lean retailing, and global-value
Lean manufacturing
Lean manufacturing is a core production strategy famously developed by Toyota after WW-II. Its
objective is to reduce inventories of intermediate parts and finished products, carefully matching
real-time demand for goods with the quantity moving through the supply. In most supply chains,
this requires high levels of coordination at each step in the process, careful management of capital
and labor, attention to quality and factors that affect throughput, and strong logistics support
systems. Lean manufacturing started in the auto industry, and many other manufacturing and retail
sectors have adopted some or all of Toyota’s pioneering practices.
Lean retailing
Like lean manufacturing, lean retailing takes advantage of information technologies, automation,
industry standards, and innovations in logistics and warehousing to align orders from suppliers
more closely with what consumers are buying in the store. By using sales information collected
through millions of scans of bar-coded labels, retailers reduce their need to stockpile large
inventories of products, thereby reducing their risks of stock-outs, markdowns, and inventory
carrying costs.
Global-value chains
The reduction in quotas and tariffs together with falling costs of transportation transformed
domestic supply chains into global-value chains. In manufacturing, this implies seeking suppliers
for parts and assemblies that are outsourced to producers abroad (instead of at home). Outsourcing
to producers abroad is also known as offshoring.
Logistics and warehousing – the core of supply chains
As lean manufacturing, lean retailing, and global-value chains spread across sectors in the
economy in the past decades, the importance of logistics and warehousing increased. Moreover,
the emergence of digital technologies since the 1980s and, more recently AI, have transformed the
nature of logistics and warehousing.
Initially, a warehouse was simply the place where you store inventoryand where that inventory
can sit for long periods of time. Although warehousing required tracking and managing where
things had been left, it didn’t require a lot of attention to how quickly those things could be
accessed and moved once needed. However, with lean production, the warehouse becomes a
distribution centera place where intermediate or final products are efficiently tracked, processed,
and moved. Some modern distribution centers are also known as “fulfillment centers” or “FC”.
The growing importance of warehousing
Driven by the emergence of supply chains, the economic importance of warehousing as a sector
has increased over the past decades. This is illustrated in Figure 4, using data from the OECD’s
Structural Analysis (STAN) database, which includes the US and European countries with
sufficiently detailed data. For each country, the first black bar shows the percentage of a country’s
total value added in 2018 that is produced by the NAICS Revision 4 subsector “Warehousing and
support activities for transportation”. Countries in Figure 4 are ranked by their importance of
warehousing in total value added in 2018. In Ireland, warehousing accounted for 0.5 percent of
total value added. In the US, this number was 0.7 percent. The highest numbers are 2.7 percent for
Belgium and 3.6 percent for Lithuania. For each country, the second blue bar shows the percentage
of a country’s total workforce in 2018 that is employed in the subsector of warehousing. For
example, the highest fraction is found for Belgium, with 2.3 percent of the total workforce
employed in warehousing. In all countries, the subsector of warehousing is an important employer.
Figure 4: Warehousing value-added and employment shares by country
Warehousing as a percent of countries total (%)
OECD STAN database for industrial analysis, 2020 ed.
Notes: Warehouse industry defined as the NAICS Rev. 4 subsector “D52: Warehousing and related transport
support activities”
The markers in Figure 4 also show that warehousing has become more important relative to other
sectors since 1995. For example, in Germany the EU’s largest economy the share of
warehousing in total value-added increased from 1.0 percent in 1995 to 1.8 percent in 2018 (with
value added expressed in 2015 euros in both 1995 and 2018). In the US, the value-added share of
warehousing was 0.4 percent in 1995 and 0.7 percent in 2018. Overall, Figure 4 shows a growing
importance of warehousing in advanced economies since 1995, in line with the rapid expansion of
supply chains.
To see what drives the growing importance of warehousing, Figure 5 shows the evolution of
average labor productivity and average labor costs in OECD STAN subsector “Warehousing and
support activities for transportation in the five largest EU Member States in our sample (Germany,
France, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands) and the US. Average labor productivity is defined as value-
added (in 2015 euros or dollars for all years) per employee. In the long-run, average labor
productivity is expected to increase because of technological progress. Real average labor costs
(in 2015 euros or dollars per unit output) are informative about the extent to which this productivity
gain from technological progress is shared with workers through a higher average real wage. If
Value added in 2018 Employment in 2018 Value added in 1995 Employment in 1995
average labor productivity per worker increases relative to the average real wage, the labor share
(i.e., the share of value-added that goes to workers) decreases. Alternatively, if average labor
productivity per worker decreases relative to the average real wage, the labor share increases.
The solid black lines in Figure 5 plot the evolution of value-added per employee in warehousing,
normalizing values to an index with 1995=100. For example, panel (a) for Germany shows that
average labor productivity (i.e. value-added per employee) in warehousing was relatively low up
to 2000, then increased rapidly to peak in 2006, during the 2000-2008 economic boom, fell during
the recession of 2008-2010, and remained relatively stable thereafter. In the long-run, average
labor productivity in warehousing increased by a substantial 38 percent between 1991 and 2019.
The solid light blue line shows the evolution of average labor productivity for the entire economy.
Eyeballing both the black and light blue solid lines suggests that warehousing is more pro-cyclical
in the short-run and has stronger labor productivity growth in the long-run compared to the total
German economy.
The dashed lines in Figure 5 plot the evolution of labor costs per employee (adjusted for
productivity) in warehousing (the dashed orange line) and the total economy (the dashed green
line). For example, panel (a) for Germany shows that the average real wage in warehousing
increased 28 percent from 1995 to 2019. Before 2000, the average real wage in warehousing grew
in line with economy-wide changes. After 2000, average real wage growth in warehousing was
faster in the early 2000s, negative from 2005 to 2015 while average wages in the rest of the
economy continued to grow, and again faster after 2015. In the long-run, average real wage growth
in warehousing outpaced economy-wide average real wage growth, again pointing to the growing
importance of warehousing in the German economy.
Figure 5. Evolution of average labor productivity and average labor costs in
warehousing in several EU Member States and the US
Index (1995=100)
Value-added per employee (D52) Labor costs per employee (D52)
Value-added per employee (total) Labor costs per employee (total)
(a) Germany
Value-added per employee (D52) Labor costs per employee (D52)
Value-added per employee (total) Labor costs per employee (total)
(b) France
Value-added per employee (D52) Labor costs per employee (D52)
Value-added per employee (total) Labor costs per employee (total)
(c) Italy
Value-added per employee (D52) Labor costs per employee (D52)
Value-added per employee (total) Labor costs per employee (total)
(d) Spain
Source: OECD STAN database for industrial analysis, 2020 ed.
Turning to the group of all five EU Member States, panels (a) to (e) of Figure 5 show some
differences as well as some similarities between countries over the last three decades. The
following three stylized facts summarize a comparison of all five European countries:
1) Average labor productivity in warehousing increased in Germany, France, and the Netherlands but
held relatively constant in Spain and declined in Italy. In Germany, France, and the Netherlands,
Value-added per employee (D52) Labor costs per employee (D52)
Value-added per employee (total) Labor costs per employee (total)
(e) Netherlands
Value-added per employee (D52) Labor costs per employee (D52)
Value-added per employee (total) Labor costs per employee (total)
(f) United States
average labor productivity in warehousing increased by more than the increase in economy-wide
average labor productivity. The fast productivity growth of warehousing in some European
countries is indicative of the development and successful adoption of new technologies in
warehousing over time.
2) Average real wage changes in warehousing are more ambiguous across countries. The average real
wage grew most in Germany (exceeding economy-wide growth), followed by the Netherlands.
However, the average real wage stayed constant in the long run in France and decreased in Italy
(but by less than productivity) as well as in Spain (but only in the late 1990s).
3) In all European countries except Italy, average labor productivity has grown faster than the average
real wage in warehousing. This decoupling of productivity and wage growth is more outspoken for
warehousing than for the entire economy. What this suggests is that only part or even none of the
productivity gains in warehousing are shared with workers, resulting in a falling labor share.
Stansbury and Summers (2020)
examine several reasons why this could be the case. One reason
for a decline in the labor share could be that warehouse technologies automate labor more than it
augments what workers do. Another reason could be that the bargaining power of workers in
warehousing has decreased over time, resulting in less rent sharing of the productivity gains from
technological progress with workers. This could not only by driven by a decline in the unionization
rates among warehouse workers, but also by the emergence of fissured labor contracts made
possible by changes in labor law and labor market regulations.
Finally, panel (f) of Figure 5 shows the evolution of average labor productivity and the average
real wage for warehousing and for the total economy in the US. In line with strong economy-wide
productivity growth, average labor productivity in warehousing also increased 41 percent between
1995 and 2019. In contrast to the economy-wide decoupling of productivity and wage growth and
fall in the labor share since 2000, average labor productivity and the average real wage in
warehousing have shown a similar long-run trend.
Algorithmic management in warehousing
Productivity growth in warehousing could be driven by technological and/or organizational
innovations. Delfanti (2019) and Gent (2018) describe how Amazon distribution centers are
organized around four core processes: receive, store, pick, and pack. Receiving and storing are
part of the “inbound” process, while picking and packing constitute the “outbound process.”
Workers at receive stations unpack incoming pallets of commodities and identify each commodity
by a unique barcode. Workers then store items in the pick area. The pick area usually is a large
multi-floor area dense with thousands of shelves. When goods must be retrieved, workers walk
through the warehouse to pick goods and carry them to packing stations. In the pack area, workers
receive, package and label orders, which are then sent to shipping. Throughout these processes,
goods are sometimes moved in plastic warehouse boxes (e.g., the yellow boxes in Amazon
Delfanti (2019) writes that at the core of receiving, storing, picking and packing are product
barcodes and various types of barcode scanners. These barcodes and scanners are not only used to
keep inventory, but also to assist workers and collect information about workers’ productivity.
Workers pick up a portable barcode scanner at the beginning of their shift and use it to scan the
barcode on their badge, thus logging into the system. From that moment on, the scanner mediates
between workers and management, assigning tasks, communicating orders, and monitoring work.
This is similar to forms of algorithmic management in the “gig economy,” where the barcode
scanner is replaced by the phone apps commonly used to collect and use data. Most often, these
corporate algorithms are inherently opaque and access to them is prohibited by industrial secrecy
and nondisclosure agreements. Therefore, auditing these algorithms is difficult.
Based on interviews with Amazon warehouse workers, Delfanti (2021) further describes the tasks
of pickers in Amazon’s MXP5 warehouse in Piacenza, a small town in northern Italy. A picker
walks among the shelves pulling a cart which carries a box she needs to fill up with her batch of
items to pick. Once an item has been picked, the picker uses her barcode scanner to scan the item’s
barcode. The barcode scanner records, approves, and communicates to the picker the next item she
is to pick. It also communicates the position on the shelves and the time the picker has to complete
the taskoften a minute or so. One effect of this form of algorithmic management is that it
augments what workers do: no individual human being can efficiently navigate an area of several
thousand shelves to pick a list of wanted goods without the aid of an algorithm. Moreover,
algorithmic management further increases labor productivity by requiring pickers to keep a fast
“Amazon pace” (i.e., one cannot run but must walk as fast as possible).
However, the increased efficiency of warehouse operations due to data driven technologies also
comes at a cost for warehouse workers. As the data that they generate is managed by algorithms
and managers (who are often not working in the warehouse themselves but in some faraway global
headquarter), warehouse workers loose agency over the tasks they do. Algorithms can dictate the
pace and contents of work because they monopolize the knowledge about warehouse inventory
and processing, while workers can only guess what data are being extracted and what analytics are
being used to organize and surveil their activities. To illustrate this for the case of Amazon,
Delfanti (2021) writes:
Technology dictates the pace of work at Amazon. It is used to increase workers’
productivity, standardize tasks, facilitate worker turnover, and ultimately gain control over
the workforce. Workers are acutely aware of the uneven nature of their relationship with
machinery, and at the same time, they know the warehouse needs their living labor. As I
was told by a manager, “technology codifies, understands, and manages. But the real
machine is the human.”
- Delfanti (2021)
Working conditions in warehousing
On the one hand, warehouses need workers because receiving, storing, picking, and packing still
relies on workers’ dexterity. Only humans possess the flexibility and speed to efficiently store
items that are different in shape, weight, volume, color, and so on. On the other hand, workers
need algorithms because what workers do not possess, or quickly surrender to algorithms, is their
knowledge of the position of the commodities they have stored. In sum, workers and algorithmic
management must co-exist in today’s warehouses.
However, Wood (2021) argues that the balance of power between workers and algorithms may be
increasingly titled in favor of algorithms. As Figure 5 showed for all European countries in our
sample except Italy, the productivity gains in warehousing are increasingly going to shareholders,
in terms of dividends and stock options, at the expense of warehouse workers, in terms of their
average compensation. This could be due to an increased use of algorithmic management
combined with a decline in workers’ bargaining power. For example, Delfanti (2021) argues that
algorithmic management implies that minimal training for warehouse workers is needed to do their
jobs. Usually, it only takes hours to train new associates to work as pickers. This enables
warehouses to sustain high turnover rates while having access to a productive but also flexible
workforce needed if there are sudden spikes in sales. But minimizing the costs of training and
worker turnover is not enough: management also needs to ensure a smooth and productive relation
between workers and algorithms on the warehouse floor. Therefore, workplace discipline and
worker self-discipline are imposed by monitoring workers through the data they generate. To
further cement worker effort, a workplace culture is created through slogans such as Amazon’s
“Work Hard. Have Fun. Make History.”
During the past decades, the importance of warehousing has increased as lean manufacturing, lean
retailing, and global-value chains spread across the economy. Today, employment in warehouses
alone accounts for a sizeable 1% to 2% percent of total employment in advanced economies.
Moreover, the emergence of digital technologies since the 1980s and, more recently, AI have
transformed the nature of warehousing. Indicative of the successful adoption of new digital
technologies in warehouses is an increase in average labor productivity and the average real wage.
However, growth in average labor productivity has outpaced average real wage growth, resulting
in a fall in the labor share in warehousing. In modern fulfillment centers this could result from the
use of algorithmic management together with a less strong representation of employees at the
workplace. Despite strong growth in employment and wages in warehousing, these changing
working conditions in warehouses pose an important challenge for workers. With advances in AI,
the future of warehousing could be converging to algorithmic management systems that are fully
independent of workers. Fully automated warehouses that operate without the use of human labor
are popularly known as “dark warehouses”. Dark warehouses imply that all the productivity gains
in warehousing due to algorithmic management have entirely shifted away from warehouse
workers (who are all displaced such that the labor share has fallen to zero). Although it is uncertain
that most warehouses will become dark warehouses in the future, technologies currently developed
for warehousing are in part geared towards automation instead of augmentation of human labor.
Part V: Conclusions
The use of AI undoubtedly presents many opportunities to positively transform the economy. The
last decade has seen incredible advances in natural-language processing and computer vision,
enabling new applications of AI to tasks previously thought to be firmly in the domain of humans.
Firms are rapidly adopting AI around the world for its ability to scale and lower costs, to absorb
and process enormous amounts of data, and to help make better decisions, often assisted by
humans. And all this process of transition is likely to create new jobs that never would have existed
without AI.
At the same time, AI poses several challenges. Huge swaths of the workforce are likely to be
exposed to AI, in the sense that AI can now address nonroutine tasks, including tasks in high-skill
jobs that until now had never been threatened by any kind of automation. The primary risk of AI
to the workforce is in the general disruption it is likely to cause to workers, whether they find that
their jobs are newly automated or that their job design has fundamentally changed. The additional
risk of AI is that it may lead firmsunintentionally or notto violate existing laws about bias,
fraud, or antitrust, exposing themselves to legal or financial risk, and inflicting economic harm on
workers and consumers. Given the black box nature of these systems, detecting, and addressing
these violations is far from a simple task. This presents governments with a clear agenda on how
to guide AI development in a positive direction.
a) Investing in training and job transition services so that those employees most
disrupted by AI can transition effectively to new positions where their skills and
experience are most applicable.
The introduction of AI across all areas of firms is likely to lead to large disruptions to the
workforce. As seen in the case study on HR in part IV, AI can be a useful tool for helping workers
find new opportunities with the same company by matching skills with job openings. This use of
AI could help soften the disruption for some workers. However, there is likely to be a need for
large investments in training, either to develop the new skills required for existing jobs that are
being redesigned due to AI or for new jobs where there is growing demand for workers.
Long-term trends in employment complicate the idea of retraining workers. The increased
prevalence of shorter contract durations lowers incentives for firms to invest in worker training,
leading to underinvestment in skill acquisition. Policies that promote or subsidize intermediaries
that share the costs and benefits of training are needed to reduce skill gaps, especially for workers
at risk of automation. For example, temporary help agencies that provide training and match
workers to employers for a fee avoid the flight risk that makes employers reluctant to invest in-
house training, and can also split the cost of training across multiple employers or between
employers and workers. Employers pay a premium to such agencies for access to already trained
workers, and workers receive part of their increased productivity in higher wages.
Intermediaries that invest in workers’ skills to reduce skill gaps can be public, private, or hybrid.
Examples include Public Employment Services, which offer training; outplacement offices,
funded by companies that serve laid-off workers, which assist displaced workers in finding new
jobs; and temporary help agencies specialized in training and finding jobs for workers who are
otherwise unlikely to participate in the labor market. Katz et al. (2020) show that such policies
could be particularly effective in increasing earnings and job mobility for trained workers.
Another set of programs that have been shown to increase wages focus on providing digital skills
to workers. Companies report that the lack of staff with adequate digital skills is an obstacle to
investment. Therefore, digital education action plans should ensure that more workers have basic
digital skills. Digital skills not only include knowledge about computer science, technology,
engineering, or mathematics (STEM), but also contain other skills that can complement new
technologies. These other skills include communication and social skills that remain important
competencies for workers even in workplaces that adopt AI systems.
b) Encouragement of development and adoption of AI that is beneficial for labor
Firms, given their goal of maximizing profits, are most likely to conduct AI research and deploy
AI systems that will directly benefit their bottom line. As a result, the development and adoption
of AI is likely to diverge from what would be optimal for labor markets, i.e. workers’ wages and
employment. Three concerns emerge from our study:
1. Investing in the development of AI that augments workers: The most straightforward
concern many workers face when it comes to AI is that of automation. Acemoglu et al.
(2022) document that 54 percent of AI adopters do so to automate existing processes and
a recurring theme raised by firms in the hiring space was that automation of certain
elements of the HR profession was a key part of their business model and was being
sought by their clients. Also, the case study of warehousing showed that algorithmic
management of distribution centers is geared toward process and workforce automation.
The use of AI to automate existing processes has important adverse effects on some
workers, either through the full automation of their job or by substantially shifting the
skill set required to perform the role. Acemoglu (2021) claims that while investment in
AI and other technologies can lead to economic growth, firm incentives to reduce costs,
increase shareholder value, and increase profits can direct firms away from a socially
optimal split between automation and augmentation of worker tasks. One way to correct
for private incentive-driven deviations from the optimal development of AI technology
is to utilize public funds to encourage and stimulate AI research that augments instead
of automates work.
Further, in contrast to private efforts to develop AI, publicly funded academic research
can focus on a wider array of AI methods and topics. This encompasses everything from
an expanded set of AI methods, exploring the impact of AI on workers’ wages and
employment, the effects of algorithms on anti-competitive behavior in markets, the
development of AI ethics, as well as how AI can exacerbate existing biases that are
present in society, resulting in discrimination along racial, gender, and economic lines.
There is an ongoing effort along these lines to involve the public sector in AI research in
both the US and the European Union. In the US, the National Security Commission on
Artificial Intelligence, in its final report, urged Congress to double federal R&D spending
on AI each year, until it reached $32 billion in 2026. The Biden Administration, in its
fiscal 2023 budget request, proposed increasing the federal R&D budget to more than
$204 billion, a 28 percent increase from 2021 enacted levels. Part of this funding would
support new and existing National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes. These
institutes bring federal, state, and local agencies together with the private sector,
nonprofits, and academia to tackle AI research. In Europe, several funds support AI
research, including Horizon Europe, the European Research Council, the European
Innovation Council, and European Partnerships. An important focus in these ongoing
efforts should be whether AI augments workers in their current jobs and whether AI
creates new jobs for workers.
2. Public procurement of AI that augments workers: Public bodies can also direct the
development of AI that complements workers through their procurement of AI systems.
This public procurement can be aided by access to public data for AI developers. The
availability of data can shape both the level and direction of innovative activity. This is
explored by Beraja et al. (2022), who show that Chinese firms with access to data-rich
government contracts develop substantially more commercial AI software.
3. Incentivizing private firms to adopt AI that augments workers: Beyond these ongoing
efforts to fund AI research, governments have other mechanisms at their disposal to
incentivize private firms to invest responsibly in AI. While public research efforts can be
used to consciously prioritize AI research that improves worker productivity and
encourages a diversity of techniques, governments should also be aware of the set of
incentives faced by firms. These include firm business models that promote cutting costs,
economic distortions in the tax and regulatory space that increase the cost to firms of
using labor relative to capital, and even the “aspirations of researchers” at private firms
who are excited and motivated to develop branches of AI that are more suited to
automation (Acemoglu 2021). All these channels might push the society towards an
undesirable equilibrium in terms of the balance of automation and augmentation AI
c) Investing in the capacity of regulatory agencies to ensure that AI systems are
transparent and fair for workers.
The case studies in part IV showed that AI systems can be made more transparent and fairer for
workers in hiring processes and in algorithmic management of workplaces:
1. Algorithmic hiring: As discussed in part IV of this report, well-intentioned algorithms may
still exhibit biases due to unforeseen implementation issues. And, as noted in the case study
of AI and hiring, instances of bias are exacerbated when algorithms are being employed at
nearly every step of a multistage process. And bias is not the only concern in this space. The
black box nature of these tools means that there is a risk of fraud, where firms market their
product as providing a service but their customers have no mechanism to determine the
accuracy of their claims. Additionally, there is evidence that AI algorithms can learn to
effectively collude with each other when setting prices. Existing discrimination, fraud, and
antitrust rules and enforcement practices may be insufficient to counteract AI-created fraud
and bias.
2. Algorithmic management of workplaces: The case study of warehousing also illustrates that
workplace algorithms are inherently opaque, are shrouded in industrial secrecy, and are
protected by nondisclosure agreements with workers. Even warehouse workers themselves
are not always made aware of the software that manages them. This reflects workers’ own
relation with corporate technology: workers’ relations with AI are based on information
asymmetries, given that workers can only guess the procedures of data extraction and
analytics that organize and surveil their activities.
Firms that utilize AI are not freed of the responsibility of abiding by antifraud, antitrust, and
antidiscrimination laws, as well as workplace safety and health regulations. It should be a principal
goal of policymakers to make sure that government institutions are well-equipped to investigate
and enforce these laws when necessary. Doing so is not a straightforward process. A recent
Brookings Institution report highlighted several necessary steps: creating robust standards for
algorithmic audits, assuring that regulatory agencies have the access to firms when they need to
perform an audit, building technical expertise within agencies, and revising and crafting policies
that are aware of the challenges of overseeing algorithm-driven workplaces. The goal is to create
the appropriate incentives so that firms develop fairer algorithms that abide by national laws. As
noted in the hiring case study, well-designed algorithms have the potential to actual reduce
instances of bias, and firms have voiced a desire to use algorithms to address instances of
discrimination. However, without the proper oversight and regulation, this potential for positive
transformative change is unlikely to be realized.
Governments are already moving toward more effective regulation of the impact of AI. In October
2022, Spain launched a pilot regulatory sandbox on AI. This sandbox is a way to connect
policymakers with AI developers and adopters. It is expected to generate easy-to-follow best
practice guidelines for companies, including small and medium-size enterprises and start-ups, to
stimulate the development of and reduce barriers to adopt AI, in compliance with the future
European Commission Artificial Intelligence Act. Further, the US has announced an initiative to
create a “Bill of Rightsfor AI covering many areas, such as consumer protections and equity of
opportunity in employment, education, housing and finance, and health care.
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