A Report to Congress by the
Federal Trade Commission
July 2007
Deborah Platt Majoras Chairman
Pamela Jones Harbour Commissioner
Jon Leibowitz Commissioner
William E. Kovacic Commissioner
J. Thomas Rosch Commissioner
Bureau of Economics
Michael R. Baye Director
Paul A. Pautler Deputy Director for Consumer Protection
Jesse B. Leary Assistant Director, Division of Consumer Protection
Bureau of Consumer Protection
Lydia B. Parnes Director
Mary Beth Richards Deputy Director
Peggy Twohig Associate Director, Division of Financial Practices
Thomas B. Pahl Assistant Director, Division of Financial Practices
Analysis Team
Matias Barenstein, Economist, Bureau of Economics, Div. of Consumer Protection
Archan Ruparel, Research Analyst, Bureau of Economics, Div. of Consumer Protection
Raymond K. Thompson, Research Analyst, Bureau of Economics, Div. of Consumer Protection
Other Contributors
Erik W
. Durbin, Dept. Assistant Director, Bureau of Economics, Div. of Consumer Protection
Christopher R. Kelley, Research Analyst, Bureau of Economics, Div. of Consumer Protection
Kenneth H. Kelly, Economist, Bureau of Economics, Div. of Consumer Protection
Michael J. Pickford, Research Analyst, Bureau of Economics, Div. of Consumer Protection
W. Russell Porter, Economist, Bureau of Economics, Div. of Consumer Protection
A. Background and Historical Experience 7
B. Development of Credit-Based Insurance Scores 12
C. Use of Credit-Based Insurance Scores 15
D. State Restrictions on Scores 17
A. Correlation Between Credit History and Risk 20
1. Prior Research 20
2. Commission Research 23
a. FTC Database 23
b. Other Data Sources 28
B. Potential Causal Link between Scores and Risk 30
A. Credit-Based Insurance Scores and Cross-Subsidization 35
1. Possible Impact on Car Ownership 39
2. Possible Impact on Uninsured Driving 40
3. Adverse Selection 42
B. Other Possible Effects of Credit-Based Insurance Scores 46
C. Effects on Residual Markets for Automobile Insurance 49
A. Credit- Based Insurance Scores and Racial, Ethnic, and Income Groups 51
1. Difference in Scores Across Groups 51
2. Possible Reasons for Differences in Scores Across Groups 56
3. Impact of Differences in Scores on Premiums Paid 58
a. Effect on Those for Whom Scores Were Available 58
b. Effect on Those for Whom Scores Were Not Available 59
B. Scores as a Proxy for Race and Ethnicity 61
1. Do Scores Act Solely as a Proxy for Race, Ethnicity, or Income? 62
2. Differences in Average Risk by Race, Ethnicity, and Income 64
3. Controlling for Race, Ethnicity, and Income to Test for a Proxy Effect 67
a. Existence of a Proxy Effect 67
b. Magnitude of a Proxy Effect 69
A. The FTC Baseline Model 74
B. Alternative Scoring Models 78
1. “Race Neutral” Scoring Models 78
2. Model Discounting Variables with Large Differences by Race and
Ethnicity 80
APPENDIX A. Text of Section 215 of the FACT ACT
APPENDIX B. Requests for Public Comment
APPENDIX C. The Automobile Policy Database
APPENDIX D. Modeling and Analysis Details
APPENDIX E. The Score Building Procedure
APPENDIX F. Robustness Checks and Limitations of the Analysis
TABLE 1. Typical Information Used in Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Models
TABLE 2. Claim Frequency, Claim Severity, and Average Total Amount Paid on
TABLE 3. Median Income and Age, and Gender Make-Up, by Race and Ethnicity
TABLE 4. Change in Predicted Amount Paid on Claims from Using Credit-Based
Insurance Scores, by Race and Ethnicity
TABLE 5. Estimated Relative Amount Paid on Claims, by Race, Ethnicity, and
Neighborhood Income
TABLE 6. Estimated Relative Amount Paid on Claims, by Score Decile, Race,
Ethnicity, and Neighborhood Income
TABLE 7. Change in Predicted Amount Paid on Claims from Using Credit-Based
Insurance Scores Without and With Controls for Race, Ethnicity, and
Income, by Race and Ethnicity
TABLE 8. Change in Predicted Amount Paid on Claims from Using Other Risk
Variables, Without and With Controls for Race, Ethnicity, and Income, by
Race and Ethnicity
TABLE 9. Baseline Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC
TABLE 10. Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC by
Including Controls for Race, Ethnicity, and Neighborhood Income in the
Score-Building Process
TABLE 11. Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC Using a
Sample of Only Non-Hispanic White Insurance Customers
TABLE 12. Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC by
Discounting Variables with Large Differences Across Racial and Ethnic
FIGURE 1. Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims, Relative to Highest
Score Decile
FIGURE 2. Frequency and Average Size (Severity) of Claims, Relative to Highest
Score Decile
FIGURE 3. "CLUE" Claims Data: Average Amount Paid Out on Claims, Relative to
Highest Score Decile
FIGURE 4. By Model Year of Car: Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims,
Relative to Highest Score Decile (Property Damage Liability Coverage)
FIGURE 5. Change in Predicted Amount Paid on Claims from Using Scores
FIGURE 6. The Ratio of Uninsured Motorist Claims to Liability Coverage Claims
FIGURE 7. Share of Cars Insured through States' "Residual Market" Insurance
Programs (1996-2003)
FIGURE 8. Distribution of Scores, by Race and Ethnicity
FIGURE 9. Distribution of Race and Ethnicity, by Score Decile
FIGURE 10. Distribution of Scores, by Neighborhood Income
FIGURE 11. Distribution of Neighborhood Income, by Score Decile
FIGURE 12. Distribution of Scores by Race and Ethnicity, After Controlling for Age,
Gender, and Neighborhood Income
FIGURE 13. By Race and Ethnicity: Change in Predicted Amount Paid on Claims from
Using Scores, by Race and Ethnicity
FIGURE 14. By Race and Ethnicity: Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims,
Relative to Non-Hispanic Whites in Highest Score Decile
FIGURE 15. By Neighborhood Income: Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on
Claims, Relative to People in Highest Score Decile in High Income Areas
FIGURE 16. Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims, Relative to Highest
Score Decile, with and without Controls for Race, Ethnicity, and
Neighborhood Income
FIGURE 17. FTC Baseline Model - Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims,
Relative to Highest Score Decile
FIGURE 18. Distribution of FTC Baseline Model Credit-Based Insurance Scores, by
Race and Ethnicity
FIGURE 19. FTC Score Models with Controls for Race, Ethnicity, and Neighborhood
Income: Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims, Relative to
Highest Score Decile
FIGURE 20. Distribution of FTC Credit-Based Insurance Scores, by Race and Ethnicity
FIGURE 21. An Additional FTC Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model: The
"Discounted Predictiveness" Model Estimated Average Amount Paid Out
on Claims, Relative to Highest Score Decile
FIGURE 22. Distribution of FTC Credit-Based Insurance Scores, by Race and Ethnicity
Section 215 of the FACT Act (FACTA)
requires the Federal Trade Commission
(FTC or the Commission) and the Federal Reserve Board (FRB), in consultation with the
Department of Housing and Urban Development, to study whether credit scores and
credit-based insurance scores affect the availability and affordability of consumer credit,
as well as automobile and homeowners insurance. FACTA also directs the agencies to
assess and report on how these scores are calculated and used; their effects on consumers,
specifically their impact on certain groups of consumers, such as low-income consumers,
racial and ethnic minority consumers, etc.; and whether alternative scoring models could
be developed that would predict risk in a manner comparable to current models but have
smaller differences in scores between different groups of consumers. The Commission
issues this report to address credit-based insurance scores
primarily in the context of
automobile insurance.
Credit-based insurance scores, like credit scores, are numerical summaries of
consumers’ credit histories. Credit-based insurance scores typically are calculated using
information about past delinquencies or information on the public record (e.g.,
bankruptcies); debt ratios (i.e., how close a consumer is to his or her credit limit);
evidence of seeking new credit (e.g., inquiries and new accounts); the length and age of
credit history; and the use of certain types of credit (e.g., automobile loans). Insurance
15 U.S.C. § 1681 note (2006). Appendix A contains the complete text of Section 215 of the FACT Act.
The FRB will submit a report addressing issues related to the use of credit scores and consumer credit
The Commission will conduct an empirical analysis of the effects of credit-based insurance scores on
issues relating to homeowners insurance; the FTC anticipates that it will submit a report to Congress
describing the results of this analysis in early 2008.
companies do not use credit-based insurance scores to predict payment behavior, such as
whether premiums will be paid. Rather, they use scores as a factor when estimating the
number or total cost of insurance claims that prospective customers (or customers
renewing their policies) are likely to file.
Credit-based insurance scores evolved from traditional credit scores, and
insurance companies began to use insurance scores in the mid-1990s. Since that time,
their use has grown very rapidly. Today, all major automobile insurance companies use
credit-based insurance scores in some capacity. Insurers use these scores to assign
consumers to risk pools and to determine the premiums that they pay.
Insurance companies argue that credit-based insurance scores assist them in
evaluating insurance risk more accurately, thereby helping them charge individual
consumers premiums that conform more closely to the insurance risk they actually pose.
Others criticize credit-based insurance scores on the grounds that there is no persuasive
reason that a consumer’s credit history should help predict insurance risk. Moreover,
others contend that the use of these scores results in low-income consumers and members
of minority groups paying higher premiums than other consumers.
Pursuant to FACTA, the FTC evaluated: (1) how credit-based insurance scores are
developed and used; and, in the context of automobile insurance (2) the relationship
between scores and risk; (3) possible causes of this relationship; (4) the effect of scores
on the price and availability of insurance; (5) the impact of scores on racial and ethnic
minority groups and on low-income groups; and (6) whether alternative scoring models
are available that predict risk as well as current models and narrow the differences in
scores among racial, ethnic, and other particular groups of consumers. In conducting this
evaluation, the Commission considered prior research, nearly 200 comments submitted in
response to requests for the public’s views, information presented in meetings with a
variety of interested parties, and its own original empirical research using a database of
automobile insurance policies. Based on a careful and comprehensive consideration of
this information, the FTC has reached the following findings and conclusions:
Insurance companies increasingly are using credit-based insurance scores
in deciding whether and at what price to offer coverage to consumers.
Credit-based insurance scores are effective predictors of risk under
automobile policies. They are predictive of the number of claims
consumers file and the total cost of those claims. The use of scores is
therefore likely to make the price of insurance better match the risk of loss
posed by the consumer. Thus, on average, higher-risk consumers will pay
higher premiums and lower-risk consumers will pay lower premiums.
Several alternative explanations for the source of the correlation between
credit-based insurance scores and risk have been suggested. At this time,
there is not sufficient evidence to judge which of these explanations, if
any, is correct.
Use of credit-based insurance scores may result in benefits for consumers.
For example, scores permit insurance companies to evaluate risk with
greater accuracy, which may make them more willing to offer insurance to
higher-risk consumers for whom they would otherwise not be able to
determine an appropriate premium. Scores also may make the process of
granting and pricing insurance quicker and cheaper, cost savings that may
be passed on to consumers in the form of lower premiums. However, little
hard data was submitted or available to quantify the magnitude of these
benefits to consumers.
Credit-based insurance scores are distributed differently among racial and
ethnic groups, and this difference is likely to have an effect on the
insurance premiums that these groups pay, on average.
Non-Hispanic whites and Asians are distributed relatively evenly
over the range of scores, while African Americans and Hispanics
are substantially overrepresented among consumers with the
lowest scores (the scores associated with the highest predicted risk)
and substantially underrepresented among those with the highest
With the use of scores for consumers whose information was
included in the FTC’s database, the average predicted risk (as
measured by the total cost of claims filed) for African Americans
and Hispanics increased by 10% and 4.2%, respectively, while the
average predicted risk for non-Hispanic whites and Asians
decreased by 1.6% and 4.9%, respectively.
Credit-based insurance scores appear to have little effect as a “proxy” for
membership in racial and ethnic groups in decisions related to insurance.
The relationship between scores and claims risk remains strong
when controls for race, ethnicity, and neighborhood income are
included in statistical models of risk.
In models with credit-based insurance scores but without controls
for race or ethnicity, African Americans and Hispanics are
predicted to have average predicted risk 10% and 4.2% higher,
respectively, than if scores were not used. In models with scores
and with controls for race, ethnicity, and income, these groups
have average predicted risk 8.9% and 3.5% higher, respectively
than if scores were not used. The difference between these two
predictions for African Americans and Hispanics (1.1% and 0.7%,
respectively) is a measure of the effect of scores on these groups
that is attributable to scores serving as a statistical proxy for race
and ethnicity.
Several other variables in the FTC’s database (e.g., the time period
that a consumer has been a customer of a particular firm) have a
proportional proxy effect that is similar in magnitude to the small
proxy effect associated with credit-based insurance scores.
Tests also showed that scores predict insurance risk within racial
and ethnic minority groups (e.g., Hispanics with lower scores have
higher estimated risk than Hispanics with higher scores). This
within-group effect of scores is inconsistent with the theory that
scores are solely a proxy for race and ethnicity.
After trying a variety of approaches, the FTC was not able to develop an
alternative credit-based insurance scoring model that would continue to
predict risk effectively, yet decrease the differences in scores on average
among racial and ethnic groups. This does not mean that a model could
not be constructed that meets both of these objectives. It does strongly
suggest, however, that there is no readily available scoring model that
would do so.
Over the past decade, insurance companies increasingly have used information
about credit history in the form of credit-based insurance scores to make decisions
whether to offer insurance to consumers, and, if so, at what price. Because of the
importance of insurance in the daily lives of consumers, the widespread use of these
scores raises questions about their impact on consumers. In particular, some have
expressed concerns about the effect of scores on the availability and affordability of
insurance to members of certain demographic groups, especially racial and ethnic
In 2003, Congress enacted the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act
(FACTA) to make comprehensive changes to the nation’s system of handling consumer
credit information. In response to concerns that had been raised about credit-based
insurance scores, in Section 215 of FACTA Congress directed certain federal agencies,
including the FTC, to conduct a broad and rigorous inquiry into the effects of these scores
and submit a report to Congress with findings and conclusions. The report is intended to
provide policymakers with critical information to enable them to make informed
decisions with regard to credit-based insurance scores.
Section 215 of FACTA sets forth specific requirements for studying the effects of
credit-based insurance scores in the context of automobile and homeowners insurance. It
directs the agencies to include a description of how these scores are created and used, as
well as an assessment of the impact of scores on the availability and affordability of
automobile and homeowners insurance products. Section 215 also requires a rigorous
and empirically sound statistical analysis of the relationship between scores and
membership in racial, ethnic, and other protected classes. The mandated study further
must evaluate whether scores act as a proxy for membership in racial, ethnic, and other
protected classes. Finally, Section 215 requires an analysis of whether scoring models
could be constructed that both are effective predictors of risk and result in narrower
differences in scores among racial, ethnic, and other protected classes.
Section 215 of FACTA also specifies the process to be used in conducting the
study, and the contents of the report to be submitted. The Act directed the agencies to
seek input from federal and state regulators and consumer and civil rights organizations,
and members of the public concerning methodology and research design. The Act
requires the report to include “findings and conclusions of the Commission,
recommendations to address specific areas of concerns addressed in the study, and
recommendations for legislative or administrative action that the Commission may
determine to be necessary to ensure that . . . credit-based insurance scores are used
appropriately and fairly to avoid negative effects.”
The Commission has conducted a study addressing credit-based insurance scores
in the context of automobile insurance. Pursuant to statutory directive, the FTC
published two Federal Register Notices
soliciting comments from the public concerning
methodology and research design. The Commission supplemented this information with
numerous discussions between its staff and representatives of other government agencies,
private companies, and community, civil rights, consumer, and housing groups. The
public comments and information obtained in meetings with the various interested parties
15 U.S.C. § 1681 note (2006).
Public Comment on Data, Studies, or Other Evidence Related to the Effects of Credit Scores and Credit-
Based Insurance Scores on the Availability and Affordability of Financial Products, 70 Fed. Reg. 9652
(Feb. 28, 2005); Public Comment on Methodology and Research Design for Conducting a Study of the
Effects of Credit Scores and Credit-Based Insurance Scores on Availability and Affordability of Financial
Products, 69 Fed. Reg. 34167 (June 18, 2004).
provided essential information that allowed the Commission to complete this report. In
addition, feedback from state regulators, industry participants, and the consumer, civil
rights, and housing groups had a substantial impact on the methodology and scope of the
This report discusses the information that the FTC considered, its analysis of that
information, and its findings and conclusions. Parts I and II above present an Executive
Summary and Introduction, respectively. Part III is an overview of the development and
use of credit-based insurance scores, and Part IV discusses the relationship between
credit history and risk. Part V addresses the effect of credit-based insurance scores on the
price and availability of insurance. Part VI explores the impact of credit-based insurance
scores on racial, ethnic, and other groups. Part VII describes the FTC’s efforts to develop
a model that reduces differences for protected classes of consumers while continuing to
effectively predict risk. Part VIII is a brief conclusion.
A. Background and Historical Experience
Consumers purchase insurance to protect themselves against the risk of suffering
losses. They tend to be “risk averse,” that is, consumers would prefer the certainty of
paying the expected value of a loss to the possibility of bearing the full amount of the
For example, assume that a driver faces a 1% risk of being in an automobile
accident that would cause him or her to suffer a $10,000 loss, which means that the
expected value of his or her loss is $100 (1% of $10,000). If the driver is risk averse, he
or she would be willing to pay $100 or more to avoid the possible loss of $10,000.
What makes insurance markets possible is that insurance companies do not
simply take on the risk of their customers, they actually reduce risk. This does not mean
that they reduce the total losses from car accidents or house fires, for example, but rather
that they reduce the uncertainty that individuals face without themselves facing nearly the
same amount of uncertainty. This is possible because the average loss on a large number
of policies can be predicted much more accurately than the losses of a single driver or
homeowner. For instance, while it is extremely difficult to predict who among a group of
100,000 drivers will have an accident, it may be possible to predict the total number of
accidents for these 100,000 drivers with a low margin of error.
By selling many policies
that cover the possible losses for many consumers, an insurance company faces much
lower uncertainty as to total losses than would each consumer if they did not purchase
Insurance companies have a strong economic incentive to try to predict risk as
accurately as possible. In a competitive market for insurance in which all firms have
access to the same information about risk, competition for customers will force insurance
companies to offer the lowest rates that cover the expected cost of each policy sold. If an
insurance company is able to predict risk better than its competitors, it can identify
consumers who currently are paying more than they should based on the risk they pose,
and target these consumers by offering them a slightly lower price. Thus, developing and
using better risk prediction methods is an important form of competition among insurance
This risk reduction is due to the “law of large numbers.” Uncertainty is reduced as long as there is a
sufficient degree of independence among the risk that individual consumers face. For example, selling
flood insurance to those who live in a single flood plain reduces risks less than selling the policies to those
who live in a broader geographic area.
For decades, insurance companies have divided consumers into groups based on
common characteristics which correlate with risk of loss. Automobile insurance
companies divide consumers into groups based on factors such as age, gender, marital
status, place of residence, and driving history, among others. Once insurance companies
have separated consumers into groups based on these characteristics, they use the average
risk of each of these groups in helping to determine the price to charge members of the
Insurance companies report that during the last decade they have begun to use
credit-based insurance scores to assist them in separating consumers into groups based on
risk. Insurers have long used some credit history information when evaluating insurance
applications, for example, considering bankruptcy in connection with offering
homeowners insurance. In the early 1980s, insurance companies and others began
assessing the utility of using additional information about credit history in assessing risk,
leading to a more formal use of such information in a fairly simple manner by the early
In the early 1990s, Fair Isaac Corporation (Fair Isaac), drawing on its experience
developing credit scores, led the initial research to develop credit-based insurance scores.
The company developed the first “modern” credit-based insurance score and made it
available to insurance companies in 1993.
This score was developed to predict the
likelihood of claims being submitted for homeowners policies. Fair Isaac introduced a
credit-based insurance score for automobile policies in 1995, and ChoicePoint introduced
Meeting between FTC staff and State Farm (July 13, 2004); Meeting between FTC staff and MetLife
Home and Auto (July 12, 2004); Meeting between FTC staff and Allstate (June 23, 2004).
E-mail from Karlene Bowen, Fair Isaac, to Jesse Leary, Assistant Director, Division of Consumer
Protection, Bureau of Economics (Jan. 30, 2006) (on file with FTC).
a competing score at about the same time.
These scores were developed to predict the
loss ratios – claims paid out divided by premiums received – of automobile policies.
Following the introduction of these third-party scores, some insurance companies began
developing and using their own proprietary scores.
Since the mid-1990s, the use of credit-based insurance scores has grown
dramatically. According to industry sources, some of this growth is attributable to
changes in technology and industry practices that have made it easier for companies to
and use these scores.
For example, during the 1990s insurance company
actuaries began using advanced statistical techniques that made it easier to control for
many predictive variables at the same time.
This made it easier for them to develop
proprietary scores and perhaps made them more receptive to using third-party scores.
Insurers also explained that at this time they began combining more and more data from
throughout their companies into integrated databases, and this “data warehousing” made
it much easier for actuaries and others to engage in the research needed to develop
More fundamentally, however, insurance companies increasingly used credit-
based insurance scores because their experience revealed that they were effective
Id.; E-mail from John Wilson, ChoicePoint, to Jesse Leary, Assistant Director, Division of Consumer
Protection, Bureau of Economics (June 13, 2005) (on file with FTC).
Developing scores is a fairly expensive process, requiring significant information technology resources
and technical expertise. It also requires a large amount of data on loss experience. Many smaller firms,
and even some larger firms, therefore do not develop their own scores. See, e.g., Lamont Boyd, Fair Isaac
Corporation, Remarks at the Fair Isaac Consumer Empowerment Forum (Sept. 2006) (noting only six firms
use a proprietary scoring model).
Industry participants estimate that of the firms that use credit-based risk scores, one-half (as measured by
market share) use a proprietary score and one-half use a score that others developed. Among insurers who
use a non-proprietary score, about two-thirds use a ChoicePoint score, and one-third use a Fair Isaac score.
These techniques are known as Generalized Linear Models (GLMs). GLMs make it easier to control for
many predictive variables at once, and can be used to develop credit-based scoring models. GLMs play a
central role in the analysis presented in this report, and are discussed in more detail in Appendix D.
Meeting between FTC staff and The Hartford (July 14, 2004).
predictors of risk. For example, according to a published case study, in the early 1990s,
Progressive entered the lower-risk portion of the automobile insurance market.
Progressive used sophisticated risk prediction techniques that it had developed in its other
lines of business to identify consumers who other insurers were overcharging relative to
the risk they posed. Progressive offered these consumers the same coverage at a lower
price, thereby persuading some of them to switch to Progressive.
The success of
Progressive’s strategy provided a powerful incentive for incumbent firms to improve
their own risk prediction techniques to compete more effectively.
Many of them
responded to this incentive by increasing their development and use of credit-based
insurance risk scores.
Insurance companies now widely use credit-based insurance scores. Today, the
fifteen largest automobile insurers (with a combined market share of 72% in 2005) all
utilize these scores.
Many smaller automobile insurers also use credit-based insurance
The development and increased use of credit-based insurance scores has been
accompanied by concerns and criticisms about the validity of the underlying relationship
between scores and risk and the fundamental fairness of using credit history information
to make decisions about insurance. According to critics, credit-based insurance scores: 1)
See, e.g., F. Frei, Innovation at Progressive (A): Pay as You Go Insurance, Harv. Bus. Sch. Case Study
9-602-175 (Apr. 29, 2004).
Incumbent firms had an incentive to use the new risk prediction technology in any case. The vigorous
competition of Progressive, however, likely spurred incumbent firms to move more aggressively to use this
technology than they otherwise would have.
See id.
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, “Auto Insurance Database Report 2003/2004” (2006)
(on file with the FTC); FTC staff reviews of websites and discussions with industry representatives. No
market share data more recent than 2005 was available.
Fair Isaac Corporation states that it sells credit-based insurance scores to roughly 350 firms. Comment
from Fair Isaac Corp. to FTC at 14 (Apr. 25, 2005), [hereinafter Fair Isaac Comment], available at
unfairly penalize consumers who have suffered from medical or economic crises, or who
have made perfectly legitimate financial decisions that are penalized by scoring models;
2) affect consumers in arbitrary ways, because credit history information may contain
errors; and, 3) have a negative impact on minority and low-income consumers.
B. Development of Credit-Based Insurance Scores
According to score developers and insurance companies, credit-based insurance
scores are developed in the same manner as credit scores generally. To construct a
model, score developers obtain a sample of insurance policies for which losses are
known. The period of time during which losses occurred or could have occurred is called
the “exposure period.” Score developers start with the credit information available about
customers at the beginning of the exposure period and the known losses for them during
the period. Score developers then use various statistical and other techniques to develop
a model that predicts losses based on the credit information that was available at the start
of the exposure period. If the relationship between the credit information and loss is
sufficiently stable over time, the model can be applied to the credit histories of other
consumers to predict the risk of loss they pose.
The details of the credit information used in particular models that produce credit-
based insurance scores generally are not available. As emphasized above, insurance
companies assert that risk prediction techniques are an important form of competition, so
Hearing Before the New York State Assembly Comm. on. Ins. (Oct. 22, 2003) (statement of Birny
Birnbaum, Executive Director, Center for Economic Justice).
firms generally do not want to reveal the credit-based insurance scoring models they
Some states require by law that insurance companies make their models public.
Insurance companies, however, explained that most insurance companies develop and use
different scoring models in these states than they use in other states to minimize the
competitive disadvantage elsewhere as a result of such mandated disclosures. An
important exception is ChoicePoint, which has made its Attract Auto Scoring and other
models available to the public.
Based on the information the agency reviewed, a general picture of what data are
used in credit-based insurance scoring model emerges.
Table 1 presents examples of
the types of information that often are used in models to predict credit-based insurance
scores. Firms, however, vary significantly in the particular information they use in their
models. For example, some insurance companies consider the type of credit granted,
while others do not. Moreover, within a category of information, firms may consider
different variables in calculating credit-based insurance scores. For instance, an
insurance company may use the age of the oldest account in a credit report or may
consider the average age of all accounts in the report.
Insurance companies explained that they use credit-based insurance scoring
models to predict the amount they will pay out in claims, i.e., claims risk. Some models
simply predict the likelihood that a customer will file a claim. These models are most
See Comment from National Association of Mutual Insurance Cos. to FTC at 2 (Apr. 25, 2005)
[hereinafter NAMIC Comment], available at
implementscorestudy/514719- 00088.pdf.
Although credit-based insurance scoring models are developed to predict insurance claims, instead of
credit behavior, many of the same types of information are used. A discussion of the factors that Fair Isaac
Corporation uses in calculating its credit scores of consumers (“FICO scores”) is available at:
useful in those situations in which credit information is predictive of claim frequency, but
not particularly predictive of the size of claims.
More commonly, however, models are used to predict the “loss ratio,”
which is
the amount that an insurance company pays out on claims divided by the amount that the
customers pay in premiums. This has the advantage of controlling for the effects of non-
credit factors on risk, such as age or driving history, as premiums are determined by those
other factors. For any particular customer, the loss ratio usually will be either zero (i.e.,
no claims paid), or a number greater than one (i.e., claims paid in an amount that exceeds
premiums received). In contrast, for a group of customers, the loss ratio typically will be
a positive number less than one (i.e., some claims paid but in an amount that is less than
total premiums received).
If there is a strong relationship between customers with a
particular credit-related attribute and historic loss ratios, this information can be used to
predict the risk of loss associated with a prospective customer who shares that attribute.
Other models are used to predict “pure premiums.” Pure premiums are the total
amount that an insurance company pays on claims to consumers, not the amount that
From a technical perspective, modeling frequency is relatively straight-forward. There are a number of
standard multivariate techniques that can be used to estimate either the likelihood of a claim occurring,
such as logistic regression, or the number of claims that would be expected during a period of time, such as
Poisson regression.
Loss ratios can be modeled in a variety of ways. Because loss ratios of individuals have such an oddly-
shaped distribution B many zeros and some positive numbers that extend over a wide range B the modeling
is not trivial, but it can be handled by GLMs. Loss ratios can also be modeled by decomposing the ratio
and modeling the two components B claims paid and premiums B separately. For example, some
ChoicePoint models use this technique.
See e-mail from John Wilson to Jesse Leary, supra note 9.
Indeed, for an insurance company to be profitable, the amount that it pays out in claims must be less
than the premiums it receives plus its return on investing those premiums.
MetLife has developed a rules-based system under which credit history information is used to sort
potential customers based on their predicted loss ratio. MetLife’s “Personal Financial Management” uses
combinations of various characteristics in an applicant’s credit report to assign the applicant to one of
several risk categories without ever calculating a numerical score. This type of system essentially is a
sophisticated analog to the simple rules-based approach sometimes used prior to the development of credit-
based scores, under which, for example, some companies would not write homeowners policies to
applicants with recent bankruptcies.
customers pay in to the company. To build a credit-based insurance scoring model based
on pure premiums, it is necessary to control for other risk variables and this can be done
in one of two ways. One approach is to scale each consumer’s losses by an index of how
risky they appear, based on other non-credit risk factors (e.g., age or driving history).
This is analogous to the modeling of loss-ratios, with the non-credit-variable risk index
playing the role of the premium, but avoids the complications that arise in loss ratio
models if a credit score affected the premiums of the policies in the development
The other approach involves treating credit history variables just like any other
variable in predicting risk. One benefit of this approach is that it allows for certain credit
history variables to have different effects on predicted risk for different groups of drivers.
For example, the age of a consumer’s oldest account might be less predictive for young
drivers than older drivers. Other credit characteristics might be very informative about
drivers without prior claims or violations, but provide limited insight for drivers with
poor driving records. Note that this approach may result in a model that does not produce
a numerical score based solely on credit history information.
C. Use of Credit-Based Insurance Scores
All insurance companies who use credit-based insurance scores explained that
they do so in making decisions concerning potential customers. Insurance companies,
however, also indicated that their use of scores in policy renewals for existing customers
is much more varied and complicated. Some states limit the ability of insurance
companies to use scores when customers renew policies. Even where not precluded by
state law, some insurance companies decide not to use scores when customers renew
policies to avoid damaging their relationship with these customers. Other states mandate
that firms must use, or must use if the customer requests,
updated credit-based insurance
scores to modify premium rates. Even where not mandated by state law, some insurance
companies use scores to modify premium rates for existing customers on request. In
sum, insurance companies use credit-related insurance scores to assess premiums for
potential customers and sometimes in determining premiums for existing customers who
are renewing their policies.
Insurance companies report that they use credit-based insurance scores in a
variety of ways as part of the process of determining whether to offer insurance to
prospective customers, and, if so, at what price. Making these determinations usually
consists of two steps, referred to as “underwriting” and “rating.” In “underwriting,”
insurance companies use certain characteristics of a consumer to assign him or her to a
pool based on the consumer’s apparent risk of loss. The pool into which the consumer is
placed sets the base premium rate for a policy, with the riskier pools having higher base
premium rates. In “rating,” the second step, the insurance company uses other risk
characteristics to adjust the base premium rate up or down to determine the actual amount
the consumer would be charged.
Some insurance companies said that they use credit characteristics in the
underwriting step. For example, a firm might assign a potential customer to a risk pool
based on the number of claims an applicant has filed in the past several years and the
See, e.g., R. I. Ins. Regulation 25 § 11 (although requiring firms to recalculate a consumer’s score upon
request every two years, firms generally can use a change in score only to lower premium rates), available
There has recently been some movement towards what can be called Acontinuous rating,” in which the
risk for each applicant is evaluated and priced without first being assigned to a risk pool, but the two-step
process is still standard.
applicant’s credit-based insurance score. Using credit-based insurance scores in
underwriting thus may affect the premiums that a potential customer would have to pay
to obtain coverage, as the risk pool in which the consumer is placed determines his or her
base premium rate.
Other insurance companies report that they use scores in the rating step.
simple way to include scores is to determine a consumer’s base premium using non-credit
factors, such as age or driving history, and then adjust that rate up or down in light of his
or her score. A more complex method of using scores is to include credit as a rating
factor when developing the entire rating scheme. Such an approach allows credit
characteristics to be used interactively with other rating factors. Because how a credit-
based insurance score predicts risk may vary with other rating variables, incorporating
credit more fully into the rating step may assist in determining premiums that more
accurately reflect risk.
D. State Restrictions on Scores
As of June 2006, forty-eight states have taken some form of legislative or
regulatory action addressing the use of consumer credit information in insurance
underwriting and rating; Pennsylvania and Vermont are the only states that have not
regulated insurance scoring.
Most of these laws and regulations are based on the
While we are not aware that any insurance companies consider credit-based insurance scores at both the
underwriting and rating stage, they could do so.
An approach that is intermediate between having credit as an add-on or treating credit like any other
rating factor is to make the size of a credit score discount or mark-up depend on other rating variables. For
example, the good-credit discount for young single male drivers could be larger or smaller than the good-
credit discount for middle-aged married drivers.
The information in this section pertaining to state legislative and regulatory action addressing insurance
scoring is from the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies’ (NAMIC) 2004 survey of state
laws governing insurance scoring practices. The report is available at:
National Conference of Insurance Legislators’ (NCOIL) “Model Act Regarding Use of
Credit Information in Personal Insurance,” which was released in 2002.
The NCOIL Model Act prohibits insurers from using credit information as the
sole basis for increasing rates or denying, canceling, or not renewing an insurance policy.
The model also prohibits consumer reporting agencies from providing or selling
information to others that was submitted to the agency pursuant to an insurance
company’s inquiry about a consumer’s credit information, credit report, or insurance
score. Further, the NCOIL model requires insurers to comply with five conditions:
insurance companies must (1) notify an applicant for insurance if credit information will
be used in underwriting or rating; (2) notify the applicant in the event of an adverse
action based on credit information and explain its reasoning for the adverse action; (3) re-
write and re-rate a policyholder whose credit report was corrected; (4) indemnify
insurance agents and brokers who obtained credit information or insurance scores
according to an insurance company’s procedures and according to applicable laws and
regulations; and (5) file its scoring models with the applicable state department of
Twenty-seven states have adopted laws or regulations that adopt verbatim
the language of the NCOIL model or incorporate restrictions that are very similar in
scope and nature to those in the NCOIL model. The information in NAMIC’s survey has
been updated to reflect newly enacted legislation and regulation through June 2006. Information on this
new legislation and regulation is from NAMIC’s annual surveys of new state insurance laws and NAMIC’s
2007 state law bulletins. The 2005 survey is available at:
, the 2006 survey is available at:
, and the 2007 state law bulletins are available at:
A copy of the text of the NCOIL model is available at:
In 2003, the National Association of Insurance Commissions described the NCOIL model in testimony
before the U.S. House of Representative, Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Financial
Institutions and Consumer Credit. This testimony is available at:
In addition, twenty-one states have adopted some of the same types of restrictions
included in the NCOIL model. Fifteen states prohibit certain uses of credit history
information or ban the use of certain negative credit factors in the calculation of an
insurance score. Eight states have adopted dispute resolution measures governing an
insurance company’s responsibility to re-write and re-rate a policyholder whose credit
report was corrected. Seven states require insurance companies to notify consumers that
their credit information will be used in underwriting or rating. Twelve states require
insurers to notify and explain to consumers any adverse action based on credit
information. Seven states further require insurers to file their insurance scoring
There are several other types of restrictions that have been placed on the use of
scores. Three states (Georgia, Illinois, and Utah) prohibit using credit history
information as the sole basis in making underwriting or rating decisions. Oregon
prohibits the use of credit history information to cancel or not renew existing customers
or increase their rates, and Maryland bans the use of credit history when underwriting or
rating existing customers.
Finally, four states either have or had effective bans on the use of credit history
information in underwriting or rating automobile insurance. Hawaii by statute
specifically bans the use of credit information. California and Massachusetts effectively
ban the use of scores through their rate regulation processes. Formerly, New Jersey had
an effective ban in place, but the use of credit-based insurance scores is now allowed.
Some prior researchers have studied the existence and nature of the relationship
between credit history and insurance risk. To explore this relationship, the Commission
conducted an analysis of a database of automobile insurance policies that the agency
compiled for this study.
A consistent finding of prior research and the FTC’s analysis is
that credit information, specifically credit-based insurance scores, is predictive of the
claims made under automobile policies.
However, it is not clear what causes scores to be
effective predictors of risk.
A. Correlation between Credit History and Risk
1. Prior Research
As discussed above, risk prediction is an important method of competition among
insurance firms. Research that insurance companies have conducted about the
relationship between credit history and insurance risk therefore typically is proprietary
and non-public. Nevertheless, several studies have been made public during the past
decade that show a relationship between credit history and insurance risk.
In 2000, James E. Monaghan, an actuary from MetLife Home and Auto,
published a study analyzing the relationship between credit history variables and claims
on automobile and homeowners insurance policies.
He separately assessed a number of
credit history variables, including delinquencies, inquiries, and debt utilization rates.
Monaghan found that customers with the worst values for these variables posed a greater
See section IV.A.2 and Appendix C for a description of the database.
James N. Monaghan, The Impact of Personal Credit History on Loss Performance in Personal Lines,
Casualty Actuarial Society Ratemaking Discussion Paper (2000) (presented at the Winter 2000 CAS
forum), available at
risk (as measured by loss ratios) than customers with the best values - often roughly 50%
more for automobile policies and over 90% more for homeowners policies.
He found
the same pattern of increased risks when he conducted his analysis controlling for other
non-credit risk factors one-by-one.
After this research, several insurance industry trade associations hired EPIC
Actuaries (EPIC) to construct a database of automobile policies with information from a
number of different insurers.
EPIC analyzed the link between credit history and risk,
and described its results in a report issued in 2003.
EPIC reported the relationship
between credit scores and different measures of risk. The study showed a strong
relationship between credit-based insurance scores and the frequency with which claims
were made, as well as between scores and the total dollar amount insurance companies
paid on these claims.
It also showed: (1) no correlation between scores and the size of
liability coverage claims; (2) a weak correlation between scores and the size of collision
coverage claims; and (3) a strong correlation between scores and the size of
comprehensive coverage claims.
In 2003, researchers at the Bureau of Business Research (BBR) at McCombs
School of Business at the University of Texas used data from five automobile insurance
companies in Texas to study the relationship between credit-based insurance scores and
As discussed in the section on the development of credit scores, the loss ratio can be used to control for
the effects of the variables used to determine premiums. However, this relies on the assumption that the
premiums accurately reflect the risks associated with those variables.
The automobile policy data that form the core of the database that we used to conduct our analysis for
this report are a subset of the data collected for use in the EPIC report. That database is discussed in more
detail below, and in Appendix C.
Michael J. Miller and Richard A. Smith, The Relationship of Credit-Based Insurance Scores to Private
Passenger Automobile Insurance Loss Propensity: An Actuarial Study by EPIC Actuaries, LLC (June
2003) [hereinafter EPIC Study], available at
EPIC also conducted a multivariate analysis that included controls for most non-credit risk variables
used to underwrite and rate automobile polices. While the relationship between scores and the total amount
paid out on claims was not as large once controls were included, it remained quite strong.
losses. The BBR researchers found that customers with lower scores were more likely to
file claims under their automobile insurance policies than customers with higher
insurance scores. In addition, the researchers reported that customers with lower scores
filed claims for larger dollar amounts than customers with higher scores.
To control for
the effects of non-credit risk factors, the BBR researchers used an analysis of loss ratios,
and found that loss ratios were higher for customers with lower scores than for customers
with higher scores.
In 2004, the Texas legislature directed the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI)
to conduct a study and issue a report addressing the relationship between credit-based
insurance scores and risk for automobile and homeowner policies. In reports issued in
late 2004 and early 2005,
TDI analyzed data from six large insurance firms operating in
Texas, using each company’s credit scoring model.
For automobile policies, it found
that scores were negatively correlated with total dollars of claims, i.e., as the scores of
customers increased, the total amount that the insurance companies paid out in claims
decreased. Insurance companies paid out less on automobile policies for customers with
higher scores because they filed fewer claims than customers with lower scores.
homeowners insurance, TDI found similar results. TDI found that scores were negatively
Bureau of Business Research, McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin, “A
Statistical Analysis of the Relationship Between Credit History and Insurance Loss” (Mar. 2003). The
report does not make clear which particular types of automobile coverage were studied.
Texas Department of Insurance, “Use of Credit Information by Insurers in Texas: The Multivariate
Analysis” (Jan. 31, 2005) (supplemental report) [hereinafter 2005 Texas Report]; Texas Department of
Insurance, “Use of Credit Information by Insurers in Texas” (Dec. 30, 2004) [hereinafter 2004 Texas
All six insurance companies provided TDI with data on automobile policies, and three of them provided
data on homeowners policies.
TDI’s findings with regard to automobile policies were consistent regardless of whether it controlled for
other risk factors in its analysis.
correlated with both total dollars of claims and loss ratios, i.e., as the scores of customers
increased, the total amount that insurance companies paid out on their policies decreased.
2. Commission Research
a. FTC Database
The FTC undertook an analysis to determine the relationship between credit
history and risk of loss. Five of the firms that provided automobile insurance policy data
for the EPIC study described above provided the same information for the Commission’s
This information included policy and driver characteristics, claims, and a
ChoicePoint Attract Standard Auto credit-based insurance score for the customer who is
named first on the policy. The information submitted to the Commission related to
automobile insurance policies in place at any time between July 1, 2000, and June 30,
The FTC combined this information from insurance companies with data from a
number of other sources to create its database. The agency included additional
information in the database to broaden the range of credit history variables analyzed; to
improve the set of other risk controls in the analysis; to provide an independent measure
of claims; and to analyze issues relating to race, ethnicity, income, and national origin.
One important feature of the FTC database was that we created weights to make it
The five firms together represented 27% of the automobile insurance market in 2000. The data were
drawn in a way that ensured a nationwide representation of policies. More information about the
companies and the database are provided in Appendix C. A discussion of the limitations of the database
and of our analysis is presented in Appendix F.
We obtained Fair Isaac credit-based insurance scores for a sub-sample of the people in the database. All
of the results presented in the body of the report are for the ChoicePoint Attract score. All of the analysis
was also conducted using the Fair Isaac score. The results were qualitatively similar regardless of whether
the ChoicePoint or the Fair Isaac score was used. Descriptions of all “robustness checks” and other
variations of the analysis are presented in Appendix F.
representative of car owners, by neighborhood income and race and ethnicity, throughout
the United States.
A more detailed description of the construction and contents of the
FTC database is provided in Appendix C.
In assessing the relationship between credit history and risk, the FTC focused its
analysis on four major types of coverage included in automobile policies: property
damage liability coverage, bodily injury liability coverage, collision coverage, and
comprehensive coverage.
Property damage liability coverage insures the customer
against liability for damage he or she causes to the cars and other property of others.
Bodily injury liability coverage protects the customer from liability for bodily injuries he
or she causes to others. Collision coverage insures the customer against damage to his or
her own car from collision or rollover. Comprehensive coverage protects the customer
against losses from theft of his or her own car and for damage to the car other than from
collision or rollover (e.g., vandalism, fire, hail, etc.).
The FTC first analyzed the simple relationship between credit-based insurance
scores and claims for these four coverages. Table 2 shows, for each coverage and for
each score decile, the average number of claims per year of coverage (per hundred cars,
to show detailed differences across deciles), the average size of claims, and the average
total amount paid out on claims per year of coverage (which is the product of the number
of claims and the average size of claims).
The weighting also makes the data representative by geographic area. See Appendix D for a discussion
of the development of the weights.
The FTC database also contains information on two first-party medical coverages, usually referred to as
MedPay and personal injury protection, or “PIP.” Claims on these policies are relatively infrequent, and
the coverages vary from state to state. For these reasons, we do not focus our analysis on these coverages.
These definitions come from the Insurance Information Institute, and are available in more detail at:
Figure 1 presents graphs of the relationship between scores and the average total
amount paid out on claims. In Figure 1, the horizontal axis shows automobile drivers
grouped into ten equal groups (“deciles”) based on their credit-based insurance score,
with drivers in the decile with lowest scores located at the far left and drivers in the decile
with the highest scores at the far right. The vertical axis measures the average dollars
paid out on claims per year. This measure of risk is calculated relative to drivers with the
highest credit-based insurance scores, which means that the value of the highest-score
group (i.e., those in the tenth decile) has been defined as one.
Figure 1 shows that there is a relationship between credit-based insurance scores
and risk for all four types of coverage analyzed. Specifically, the downward slopes of the
darker (higher) lines in Figure 1 show that as scores increase, the risk of loss consistently
decreases. (These lines were produced simply by graphing the average total paid on
claims – column (c) – from Table 2, relative to the highest score decile.) They show, for
example, that insurance companies paid out nearly twice as much on the property damage
liability policies of customers in the group with the lowest scores (i.e., those in the first
decile) as they did for the group with the highest scores (i.e., those in the tenth decile).
Credit-based insurance scores thus are predictive of the amount that insurance companies
pay in claims to consumers.
The FTC then constructed statistical models of insurance claims. These models
produce estimates of the relationship between scores and claims, and allow us to control
for the effects of other risk variables.
Score is measured by deciles because the units of scores are arbitrary, so there is no reason to believe that
the relationship between changes in score and changes in risk is constant across the score distribution. For
example, going from a score of 600 to 620 may have a different effect on predicted risk than going from
800 to 820.
The lighter (lower) lines in Figure 1 show the relationship between credit-based
insurance scores and the amount paid out after controlling for other standard risk factors,
such as age and driving history.
The slope of each line demonstrates that the
relationship between scores and risk persists when controls for other risk variables are
included, although the relationship is less strong. Once controls are included, for
instance, the amount that insurance companies paid out on property damage liability
claims to customers with the lowest credit-based insurance scores was 1.7 times the
amount they paid to customers with the highest credit-based insurance scores, down from
paying nearly twice as much if no controls are included. Because the relationship is less
strong when other variables are included, customers who appear more risky based on
non-credit variables are also more likely to have lower credit scores. Nevertheless, even
when non-credit variables are included in the analysis, credit-based insurance scores
continue to predict the amount that insurance companies are likely to pay out in claims to
Figure 1 therefore shows that there is a relationship between credit-based
insurance scores and the total dollar amount of claims that insurance companies paid. To
refine this analysis, the FTC assessed whether customers with the lowest scores were
likely to cause insurance companies to pay out more because the customers file more
claims, file claims for higher amounts, or both. As shown by the darker (higher) lines in
Figure 2, customers with lower scores filed substantially more claims than those with
These other factors are controlled for by estimating a Tweedie GLM model of total dollars of claims
using score deciles and all of the other risk factors. Modeling details and the other variables included in the
models are discussed in Appendix C. Race, ethnicity, and income are not included at this stage of the
higher scores.
For instance, customers with the lowest credit-based insurance scores
were about 1.7 times more likely to file a property damage liability claim as customers
with the highest credit-based insurance scores. On the other hand, as shown in the lighter
(lower) lines in Figure 2, the average size of the claims paid was nearly constant
regardless of credit-based insurance score. The one exception is comprehensive
coverage, which does show a relationship between claim size and score. The different
result for comprehensive coverage may be attributable to a correlation between having a
lower score and a higher probability of being a victim of automobile theft, because theft
claims are larger than claims resulting from most other events that this type of insurance
The underlying claims data presented in Table 2 (which are simple averages
without controls for other risk factors) show the same patterns as those in Figures 1 and
2, and provide additional information on the absolute size of claims risk for different
coverages and different score deciles. One important point that comes out in Table 2 is
the difficulty of predicting the claims of individual customers. While the average number
of claims per year in the lowest score decile of collision coverage, for example, was more
than twice that in the highest decile, there were still only 12 claims per hundred cars per
year of coverage for the lowest score decile. So, the vast majority of customers in even
the riskiest decile would not file a claim in a given year. As with other risk variables,
credit-based insurance scores are able to separate consumers into groups with different
average risk, but cannot predict the claims of individual consumers.
The results for the frequency and severity of claims come from models that include controls for other risk
variables. Modeling details and the other variables included in the models are discussed in Appendix C.
b. Other Data Sources
In addition to this analysis of the information in the FTC database, the
Commission evaluated alternative and independent information to assess the relationship
between credit-based insurance scores and risk. ChoicePoint Inc. collects data on claims
from most major automobile insurance firms in the United States. The data allow
insurance companies to learn whether a potential new customer has filed a claim under a
previous policy with another firm, and then use that information in underwriting and
rating. ChoicePoint refers to this data set as the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting
Exchange (“CLUE”).
We obtained the CLUE reports for each person in the FTC database for the period
July 1995 – June 2003. This encompasses three time periods: (1) the five years prior to
the period of the firm-submitted data; (2) the period of the firm-submitted data (July 2000
– June 2001); and (3) the two-year period following the period of the firm-submitted
data. The data on claims prior to the firm-submitted data (i.e., prior to July 2000) were
used to construct controls in the risk models that the FTC ran.
The CLUE data also give
us an alternative and independent source of data on claims to use to measure the
relationship between credit-based insurance scores and claims.
Figure 3 shows the average dollars paid out for each decile on policies for each of
the four main coverages studied.
Each panel includes average claims for three data
We used three years of prior claims data to construct the risk variables used in the risk models. The use
of information on prior claims is an improvement over previously published analyses of credit-based
insurance scores, which have not included controls for prior claims filed on policies with consumers’ prior
The results in Figures 1 and 2 are for a stratified sub-sample of the database. The stratification was based
on which policies had claims in the company-provided data. The sub-sample is discussed in Appendix C.
The results in Figure 3 are for the entire sample of 1.4 million policies. We use the full sample because the
stratified sub-sample does not have sufficient information to reliably measure claims in the CLUE data for
the six-month period starting July 1, 2001. The results shown on these graphs are not controlled for other
sources and samples: (1) claims in the data set we received from the firms; (2) claims in
CLUE for the year over-lapping with the company data set (July 2000 B June 2001); and,
(3) claims in CLUE for the six-month period following the company data set (July 2001 B
December 2001).
These results show a consistent pattern of average total dollars paid out on claims
being higher for individuals with lower credit-based insurance scores. The relationship is
generally similar across the data sources for the year of overlap, with the exception that it
is somewhat weaker for bodily injury liability coverage.
For the six months starting
July 1, 2001, the results vary for different types of automobile insurance coverage.
Comprehensive coverage results look very similar in the two time periods. The overall
slope is similar for bodily injury but the relationship is less stable. The relationship
becomes much flatter in the later time period for collision coverage, and somewhat flatter
for property damage liability. This may be evidence that credit-based insurance scores
become less predictive of claims for these coverages as more time passes from when the
scores were calculated.
non-credit risk variables, because we do not have reliable information about those variables outside of the
time period covered by the company data and because CLUE does not contain information at the car level.
For the same reasons, we use the sum of the earned car years for each coverage on each policy when
analyzing the CLUE data.
We used a six-month period because we were concerned that information on the number of insured
vehicles and coverage choices would become less reliable the further in time the data were from the data
that the companies provided. We also measured claims for the six-month period starting July 1, 2001, for a
sample of drivers limited to those who did not have any claims during the period covered by the company-
provided data. This gave results for that time period that were very similar to the results for the full sample
for that same time period.
Given the time it can take for the full cost of bodily injury liability claims to be determined, this may
affect how claims for bodily injury coverage are reported to the CLUE database.
B. Potential Causal Link between Scores and Risk
Thus, two different data sets, and previously published research, show that credit-
based insurance scores are correlated with the total amount that insurance companies pay
out on claims under automobile insurance policies.
The question that naturally arises is
why a customer’s credit history makes it more or less likely that he or she will suffer a
loss and file an insurance claim. The FTC considered various proposed explanations of
such a link and the data available bearing on those explanations. The information
available, however, does not allow the agency to draw any broad or definitive
explanations why there is a relationship between credit-based insurance scores and risk.
We emphasize that assessing the relationship between credit history and
insurance risk necessarily involves addressing the attributes and circumstances on
average of consumers with particular levels of credit-based insurance scores. Of course,
these attributes and circumstances do not necessarily apply to each consumer with a
particular level of score. People may have negative information on their credit histories
for reasons that would seem to be totally unrelated to insurance risk. The starkest
example is when the information is simply incorrect. Consumers also may wind up in
financial distress for all sorts of reasons that have no bearing on how risky they are as
In addition, consumers may have credit histories that lead to low scores
because of a lack of an extensive credit history. This may reflect societal effects like a
lack of mainstream credit offerings where a consumer lives, or a lack of sophistication
Section VII of this report contains the results of the FTC’s successful efforts to build scoring models that
are predictive of risk. The FTC’s scoring model predicts risk in the company-provided claims data, and in
the CLUE data for an entirely different set of people and a different time period. These results provide
additional evidence that credit history information can be used to predict automobile insurance claims.
Hearing Before the New York State Assembly of Comm. on Ins. (Oct. 22, 2003) (statement of Birny
Birnbaum, Executive Director, Center for Economic Justice).
about mainstream credit markets. Again, it is not apparent that these types of
circumstances should lead to higher insurance risk.
A strong credit history, however, might indicate that a consumer has taken care in
managing his or her financial affairs B avoiding loans that might be difficult to repay,
avoiding high balances on credit cards, making sure that bills are not misplaced and are
paid on time, etc. A consumer who is prudent in financial matters may also be cautious
in other matters related to insurance, such as being more likely to put time, effort, and
money into things like car and home maintenance, cautious driving habits, etc. An
overall inclination to be prudent may lead a consumer both to have a strong credit history
and file fewer insurance claims.
There is ongoing research reflected in the behavioral economics literature that
tends to show that people who engage in risky behavior in an area of their lives are often
willing to take on more risk in other areas, as well. Researchers have studied attitudes
toward risk, as well as behavior, in financial settings and driving, as well as a range of
other areas including smoking, occupational choice, and migration.
One recent article
argues that existing research shows that physiological and psychological factors affect
how much risk individuals are willing to take in their financial, driving, and other
behavior. Many of the psychological studies surveyed in that article analyze the
relationship between psychological factors and risk-taking in a single aspect of life. The
authors connect these results between financial behavior and driving from studies on
separate groups of people, and posit the theory that credit-based insurance scoring works
See, e.g., Thomas Dohmen, et al., Individual Risk Attitudes: New Evidence from a Large, Representative,
Experimentally-Validated Survey (Sept. 2005), available at
because scores reflect the psychological makeup of the individual in ways that affect
insurance risk.
Others have suggested that credit history provides information about a consumer’s
circumstances and those circumstances affect the likelihood or size of claims. One
example is that a driver with a low credit-based insurance score may be in a distressed
financial situation. This may cause stress that makes the consumer a less attentive
Being in a distressed financial situation also might give the driver a greater
incentive to try to obtain payment under an insurance policy. For example, he or she may
be more likely to file a claim for a small amount of damage to an automobile rather than
paying for those expenses out of pocket.
Another circumstance that could explain a correlation between credit-based
insurance scores and risk of loss under automobile insurance policies is differences in the
number of miles driven. The number of miles that a car is driven is directly related to
automobile insurance risk, but companies find it difficult to capture information on
“miles driven” with a great deal of accuracy. Consumers with lower scores may put more
miles on their cars than consumers with higher scores. For example, consumers with
lower scores may put more miles on their cars because they have more drivers per car in
their household, they share cars with others, etc. If there is a link between credit-based
insurance scores and number of miles driven, this could lead to a correlation between
credit-based insurance scores and risk.
Patrick L. Brackett and Linda L. Golden, Biological and Psychobehavioral Correlates of Risk Scores and
Automobile Insurance Losses: Toward an Explication of Why Credit Scoring Works, 74 J.
INS. 23 (2007).
See, e.g., Patrick Butler, Driver Negligence vs. Odometer Miles: Rival Theories to Explain 12
Predictors of Auto Insurance Claims (Aug. 9, 2006) (presented at the American Risk & Insurance
As discussed above, a circumstance that could explain the relationship between
credit-based insurance scores and risk under automobile insurance policies is differences
in the resources that consumers put into maintaining their cars. Consumers with lower
scores may not be willing or able to spend as much money to maintain their cars. This
may, in turn, make the cars more dangerous to operate and lead to more or larger claims.
If this were an important part of the explanation for the relationship between scores and
risk, one would expect the relationship to be weaker for newer cars, which presumably
would not have had the chance to develop maintenance-related safety problems.
The FTC used its database to test this hypothesis. We divided cars in our
database into three groups: model years 1992 and older, model years 1993 – 1996, and
model years 1997 and later. Using policy information from 2000 to 2001, we estimated
the relationship between credit-based insurance scores and property damage liability risk
separately for these three groups.
Figure 4 shows that credit-based insurance scores are
strongly correlated with risk for each group, that is, the slope of the lines reveal that
within each of the three model-year categories, consumers with lower scores pose a
greater risk of loss than consumers with higher scores.
The relationship between credit-based insurance scores and risk was slightly
stronger for the oldest cars. For the oldest cars, consumers with the lowest scores are
1.81 times riskier than consumers with the highest scores. By contrast, for the newest
cars, consumers with the lowest scores are 1.68 times riskier than consumers with the
highest scores, and for middle-aged cars, consumers with the lowest scores are 1.64 times
Association Annual Meeting), available at
We used property damage liability because (unlike collision or comprehensive coverage) the size of
claims does not depend on the value of the car covered by the policy. Car values will vary with model
year, so using coverages where the size of claims varies with the value of the car would complicate the
riskier than consumers with the highest scores. Our results are weakly consistent with the
hypothesis that some of the relationship is attributable to consumers with lower scores
spending less to maintain their vehicles, but also show that difference in maintenance is
not the primary cause of the relationship.
In short, many explanations have been offered as to why the characteristics or
circumstances of consumers might account for the relationship between scores and risk.
Little empirical data testing these possible explanations are available. The FTC tested
one possible explanation for the relationship between scores and risk under automobile
policies, and the results were weakly consistent with the hypothesis that some of the
relationship could be attributable to the lower amount that consumers with lower scores
may spend on maintenance. Although this result provides some insight, the information
available does not allow the agency to draw any broad or definitive conclusions as to the
reason that there is a relationship between scores and risk.
Credit-based insurance scores are predictive of risk for automobile policies.
Insurance companies therefore are able to use these scores to underwrite and rate policies
in ways that correspond more closely to individual risk, on average. Enhanced accuracy
results in decreased premiums for lower-risk consumers and in increased premiums for
higher-risk consumers, and reduces the extent to which lower-risk consumers subsidize
higher-risk consumers. Enhanced accuracy also may have broader effects in the
marketplace. It may make insurance companies willing to offer policies to consumers
posing a wider range of risk and it may reduce adverse selection among consumers.
A. Credit-Based Insurance Scores and Cross-Subsidization
Every insurance policy written for a consumer can be thought of as posing a true
level of claims risk, that is, the expected cost to the insurance company of claims that the
customer will submit. If the firm knew this true level of risk, it could base premiums on
this risk. Because of practical limitations on the ability of firms to obtain and process
information, they cannot determine the true level of risk that any particular consumer
Instead, they must use the information available to them to estimate the expected
claims cost for each consumer. Traditionally, insurance companies have divided
customers into groups based on their characteristics and calculated expected average
losses for the group, after which group members are charged premiums based on these
expected losses.
Because the true expected claims costs will vary within any group of customers,
some in the group will be paying premiums that are higher and others will be paying
premiums that are lower than their own individual true expected claims cost. Those in
the group with lower expected claims costs (i.e., the lower-risk customers) subsidize
those with the higher expected claims cost (i.e., the higher-risk customers).
In the
absence of perfect information about individual customer risks, there will always be some
consumers in an insured group who subsidize other consumers in the group.
Because insurers never have complete information about consumers, their estimates of expected claims
costs are, at best, only correct on average; some estimates are over-estimates and others under-estimates.
Such a situation is referred to as “imperfect information” about consumer risk.
This is ex ante cross-subsidization (or, cross-subsidization “in expectation”). It is a distinct concept from
ex post cross-subsidization. Inherent in the concept of insurance is ex post cross-subsidization, that is,
customers who do not experience loss subsidize customers who do.
Note that if information is symmetric between insurers and consumers (i.e., they both have the same
imperfect beliefs about expected claims costs), consumers will not know whether they are beneficiaries or
contributors to the subsidization. Given that consumers do not know whether they are paying more or less
Better risk prediction techniques allow insurance companies to more effectively
separate higher-risk consumers from lower-risk consumers. This information assists
insurance companies in charging consumers prices that correspond more closely to the
true risk they pose, on average. This, in turn, decreases the premiums of lower-risk
consumers and increases the premiums of higher-risk consumers, on average. Improved
risk prediction techniques therefore reduce the extent to which lower-risk consumers
subsidize higher-risk consumers.
Even though improved risk prediction techniques will make firms’ estimates of
the riskiness of consumers on average more accurate, the predicted risk of some
individual consumers may become less accurate. For example, there are some consumers
who are very safe drivers but have low credit-based insurance scores. If scores are used,
the predicted risk for these specific individuals will become less accurate. This result is
unavoidable in any scheme used to make predictions about the risk consumers pose.
Therefore, even if risk predictions become more accurate overall as additional predictive
information is considered, there will always be some people who are much safer – or
much riskier – than they appear.
The FTC analyzed the information in its automobile insurance database to
estimate the extent to which the use of credit-based insurance scores (a risk prediction
technique) could reduce cross-subsidization. Many of the premiums for policies included
in the database were calculated without using scores,
and the data do not indicate which
than their true risk, their decisions will be unaffected by the existence of cross-subsidization.
This is true even for customers of firms that do not adopt the more accurate prediction method, because
those firms will wind up with a riskier and more homogenous pool of customers. Because the pool of
customers is more homogenous, there will be less cross-subsidization within that group of consumers.
E-mail from Rick Smith, Towers Perrin, to Jesse Leary, Assistant Director, Division of Consumer
Protection, Bureau of Economics (Apr. 13, 2005) (on file with FTC).
policies these were. The FTC database contains information from 2000-2001, shortly
after the introduction of scores. As discussed above, scores typically are used in
determining the premiums to be charged to prospective customers. Customers who
renewed their policies during 2000-2001 thus were not likely to have had scores used to
determine their premiums. In addition, although by 2000 insurance companies were
using scores to determine premiums in many states, their use was not universal.
Accordingly, many, and probably most, of the premiums charged to consumers during
this period of time were determined without the use of credit-based insurance scores.
Because most of the premiums in the database likely do not reflect the use of
credit-based insurance scores, the FTC used risk, measured in expected total dollars of
claims, as a substitute for premiums in an analysis of the effects of scores. We believe
that this calculation of risk is a reasonable substitute for premiums in this context,
because the premiums that an insurance company charges consumers in a competitive
marketplace should be roughly proportional to the risk they appear to pose.
The FTC used a three step analysis to evaluate how expected risk changes if
insurance companies consider credit-based insurance scores. The first step was to use a
model to calculate a predicted dollar risk for each consumer using all risk factors in the
database, except score.
The second step was to calculate a predicted dollar risk for each
consumer using all risk factors plus a score. Both of these steps to calculate predicted
Some industry participants have stated that homeowners and automobile insurance markets are fiercely
competitive. See, e.g., Comment from State Farm Ins. Co. to FTC at 3-4 (Apr. 25, 2003) [hereinafter State
Farm Comment], available at
00100.pdf; Comment from the American Ins. Ass’n to FTC at 14 (Apr. 25, 2005) [hereinafter AIA
Comment], available at
This was done using a Tweedie GLM model. Modeling details are provided in Appendix C. Race,
ethnicity, and income were not considered at this stage of the analysis.
dollar risk were conducted separately for property damage liability, bodily injury
liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage.
The third and final step was to sum
the predicted dollar risks for all four types of insurance coverage with and without the use
of credit-based insurance scores.
This produced two estimates of total risk for each
insurance policy in the database: an estimate without using a score, and an estimate using
a score.
The FTC’s analysis predicts that the use of credit-based insurance scores
redistributes premium costs from consumers with higher scores to those with lower
This is a zero-sum calculation: the total increases in premiums predicted if
scores are used must be exactly the same as the total decreases in premiums predicted.
Figure 5 shows the results of the FTC’s analysis of the effect of credit-based
insurance scores on changes in premiums. It shows what share of consumers would be
predicted to have changes of different sizes. Figure 5 also reveals that if credit-based
insurance scores are used, more consumers (59%) would be predicted to have a decrease
in their premiums than an increase (41%).
We also conducted this analysis using a single-equation model of all coverages, instead of separate
models by coverage. As discussed in Appendix F, this yielded similar results.
This approach uses the actual coverage choices of individuals. That is, we predict claims cost for
individuals only for the coverages they had, and measure the change in their total predicted claims for those
coverages. This has the advantage of taking into account the real choices people made when purchasing
insurance, but the disadvantage of not allowing for the possibility that individuals would change their
coverage choices in response to changing premiums. To generate the overall distribution of changes, we
weighted consumers by the earned car years on their property damage liability coverage.
We emphasize that this is not a measure of how firms are actually using scores to price consumers.
Scores are not used to underwrite or rate all customers, especially existing customers. In addition, firms
may not adjust premiums in response to scores as much as our analysis would predict. For these two
reasons, this exercise may overstate the redistributive effects of using scores. The fundamental assumption
of the analysis, that premiums will be proportional to predicted risk, is likely to be violated in the short-
term, especially if existing customers are not fully re-underwritten and re-rated every year. In sum, this
approach probably overstates the redistributive effects to date of using scores, but should be a reasonable
substitute for the long-term effects of using scores.
The increased premiums for consumers whose premiums would rise are larger
than the decreased premiums for those whose premiums would fall. This can be seen in
the longer “tail” on the right-hand side of the graph, which shows larger changes in the
direction of an increase. The median increase for those with an increase in predicted risk
is 16% (i.e., one-half the increases in predicted risk are greater than 16% and one-half are
less than 16%), while the median decrease is 13%.
1. Possible Impact on Car Ownership
If using credit-based insurance scores results in consumers paying premiums that
are closer to the true risk that they pose, this could result in car owners incurring costs
closer to the real costs of owning and operating their cars. Internalizing these costs could
affect consumer decisions whether to own cars, thus resulting in more efficient car
If consumers decide how many cars to own based on the benefits and costs of car
ownership, their decisions can be said to be “efficient” in that they will choose to own
cars only when the benefits are at least as great as the costs. If consumers pay premiums
that are lower than the risk they actually pose, they will own more cars than is efficient,
because other people are helping to pay for the cost of their driving.
And, if consumers
pay premiums that are higher than the risk they pose, they will own fewer cars than
would be efficient, because they face costs higher than the true total costs of their driving.
The use of credit-based insurance scores to charge premiums that more accurately reflect
This is a classic “negative externality.” Negative externalities arise any time consumers or businesses
pay costs for a product that are less than the costs to society. Because societal costs are not considered in
the decision of consumers or businesses, their decisions will be inefficient for society.
the true cost of driving, on average, thus could lead to a more efficient level of car
The FTC was not able to determine whether and to what extent credit-based
insurance scores have an effect on automobile ownership. We are not aware of
information addressing specifically how much of an increase or decrease in the cost of
driving will cause consumers to decide whether to own a vehicle.
Moreover, even if we
were able to determine the effect of insurance scores on car ownership, this study does
not assess whether such an outcome would be equitable.
2. Possible Impact on Uninsured Driving
Using credit-based risk scores to determine premiums also could have an effect on
the number of drivers who drive without insurance. Although most states have
requirements that drivers carry specified minimum amounts of liability insurance, there
are still significant numbers of drivers who drive without insurance. Raising premiums
of drivers with lower scores could lead to more of them driving without insurance.
Lowering premiums of drivers with higher scores could lead to fewer of them driving
without insurance. Whether the use of scores on balance leads to more or fewer people
driving without insurance depends on which of these two effects is greater.
Even though there is published work on the effects of prices on new car sales, see, e.g., Patrick S.
McCarthy, Market Price and Income Elasticity of New Vehicle Demands, 78 R
543 (1996), we are not aware of studies that measure the effect of the cost of insurance on the number of
cars that households choose to own.
Although it is not obvious which change would be larger, there is strong intuition that suggests people
with higher scores are relatively less likely to be driving without insurance even when scores are not used
to determine premiums. This would be true if scores were correlated with wealth or if scores were a
measure of caution or responsibility. The value of liability insurance to an individual depends in part on
that individual’s wealth, because people with very little wealth may be nearly “judgment proof,” and
therefore face very little effective risk from liability claims. A company that issues a policy, however, is
liable up to the policy limits. So, liability insurance may be worth less to a low-wealth driver than it costs,
The FTC sought to estimate the impact of credit-based insurance scores on the
prevalence of consumers driving without insurance. It is difficult to obtain reliable data
concerning the number or share of drivers who drive without insurance, because this
conduct is illegal in most states. In an effort to derive such an estimate, the FTC
compared the number of uninsured motorist claims relative to other claims filed during
1996 to 2003 (i.e., when credit-based insurance scores were becoming more widely used)
for states in which these scores were used and in states in which they were not.
We assessed how often consumers filed uninsured motorist claims relative to how
often they filed bodily injury claims and property damage liability claims. Figure 6
shows that the number of uninsured motorist claims filed compared to the number of
bodily injury claims filed increased in states where credit-based insurance scores were
allowed, but decreased slightly in states where they were not.
Figure 6 also shows the
number of uninsured motorist claims filed compared to the number of property damage
claims filed was basically unchanged in states where scores were allowed and decreased
somewhat in states where they were not.
These results are consistent with the hypothesis that scores, because they raise the
premiums of some consumers, cause a larger share of consumers to drive without
and/or more risky consumers to drive without insurance.
These results,
because – if uninsured – the driver would have to pay out less to cover others’ losses from an accident than
would the insurance company if the drivers bought insurance.
The states identified as not allowing the use of scores during the relevant period of time are California,
New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Hawaii. Because of limitations in the data, Texas and South Carolina are
not included in either group.
If reduced cross-subsidization leads to more consumers driving without insurance, this could actually
lead to lower overall losses from accidents. Research shows that the effect on accidents of requiring
drivers to buy liability insurance in order to operate a car legally is unclear. Some drivers may choose not
to purchase insurance and then either not drive or drive less often or more carefully, to avoid detection,
leading to fewer accidents. Other drivers may purchase insurance they otherwise would have foregone, and
then drive more often or more riskily, because they no longer bear the liability risk of causing an accident,
however, should be treated with caution. First, the relative change between the groups of
states took place during the period 1997 – 2000. While scores were becoming widely
used during this period, credit-based insurance scoring had probably not yet affected
most consumers’ premiums, given that insurance companies generally do not use scores
when renewing customers. Perhaps more importantly, the FTC’s analysis could be
affected by any state-specific changes in insurance markets. Because the number of
states not allowing the use of credit-based insurance scores for automobile insurance was
small (California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and New Jersey), any such changes could
render them unreliable as a comparison group. In addition, because the analysis relies on
uninsured motorist claims to indirectly measure the level of driving without insurance,
differences over time in which consumers carried uninsured motorist coverage in states
which allow the use of scores and those that do not could affect the results.
3. Adverse Selection
Credit-based insurance scores also may make insurance markets more efficient if
they decrease the extent to which consumers make insurance purchasing decisions using
better risk information than that available to insurance companies. In a competitive
market, insurers will offer prices to groups of consumers reflecting the average expected
risk of loss for each group. But if a consumer has better information than the insurance
leading to more accidents. One study has reported that the latter effect predominates over the former effect.
Alma Cohen and Rajeev Dehejia, The Effect of Automobile Insurance and Accident Liability Laws on
Traffic Fatalities, 47 J.
OF LAW AND ECON. 357 (Oct. 2004).
If these results do reflect effects of credit-based insurance scores, they could have the indirect effect of
mitigating some of the savings that higher-score drivers get from the use of scores. If more higher-risk
drivers are uninsured, this could increase the expected cost of uninsured motorist claims that insured
drivers submit under their policies. In turn, this could increase the premiums that insurance companies
must charge lower-risk consumers to cover these increased uninsured driver claims. Accordingly, even
these increases in the cost of uninsured motorist coverage may offset somewhat the decrease in premiums
that higher-score consumers receive from the use of scores.
company about his or her own true expected risk of loss, he or she will know whether the
group price is higher or lower than his or her true expected claims cost. The consumer
may use this superior knowledge to determine whether and how much insurance to
purchase, a phenomenon known as “adverse selection.”
Adverse selection may be occurring if higher-risk consumers are more likely to
have insurance or more complete coverage than lower-risk consumers. A higher-risk
consumer who realizes that he or she is being charged a price that is lower than his or her
actual risk of loss cost will have an incentive to purchase more insurance coverage.
lower-risk consumer who realizes that he or she is being charged a price higher than his
or her actual risk of loss will have an incentive to purchase less insurance coverage.
higher-risk consumers purchase more insurance coverage and lower-risk consumers
purchase less insurance coverage, the average risk of the group of consumers who do buy
insurance will be higher. Premiums then would have to increase for insurance companies
to cover the total claims costs, providing a further disincentive for lower-risk consumers
to purchase insurance. If consumers know more about the risk of loss they pose than
The discussion here is of market-wide adverse selection, where consumers know more about their risk
than any firm does. A firm competing in an insurance market can face another form of adverse selection if
one of its competitors is able to do a better job of predicting risk and entices away low-risk customers while
leaving behind high-risk customers. See State Farm Comment, supra note 66, at 8.
It is conventional wisdom in the insurance industry, however, that the riskiest drivers are those who
choose to buy the least amount of coverage possible, and would buy no insurance if it were not legally
required. This conventional wisdom probably reflects, at least in part, that the “riskiest drivers” in question
are riskiest based on characteristics that are used to underwrite and rate policies, like driving history, and
they are charged the highest rates. If these drivers really are very risky, simple theory would predict that
they would still be willing to pay very high rates. Explanations for why these drivers would be unwilling to
buy insurance at rates that reflect their true risks could include: that the drivers have very limited assets and
are therefore “judgment proof,” and therefore face less actual risk than the firm would face; that these
drivers are less risk-averse than other drivers, or even risk-loving, and therefore unwilling to buy insurance
at market rates; that the drivers believe themselves to be less risky than firms judge them to be; or that the
drivers are cash-constrained, and do not buy insurance even though they would rather have the insurance
than face the risk of a large loss.
A consumer may do this by purchasing a policy with large deductibles or low liability limits, by not
purchasing certain types of coverage, or by not purchasing insurance at all.
insurance companies, it therefore can affect insurance purchasing decisions in ways that
cause economic inefficiency.
If scores allow insurance companies to predict risk more accurately, it could
decrease the difference between what consumers and insurance companies know about
the risk that individual consumers pose. Insurance companies therefore would be able to
charge consumers premiums that more accurately reflect the true risk. This would reduce
the incentive of higher-risk consumers to purchase more insurance and lower-risk
consumers to purchase less. Accordingly, scores may reduce the extent of adverse
selection and make insurance markets more efficient.
The FTC considered whether adverse selection exists in automobile insurance
markets in the United States.
It seems unlikely that consumers have better information
about the risk they pose than do insurance companies. Although consumers might have
some sense of how much risk they pose based on their own experience, it seems unlikely
that this sense is more accurate than the assessment insurance companies can make.
Insurers who realize that adverse coverage selection is occurring may attempt to separate the higher-
from the lower-risk consumers by offering different price-coverage combinations. One theoretical analysis
suggests that under some conditions, this approach can reduce the inefficiency caused by adverse selection.
Michael Rothschild and Joseph Stiglitz, Equilibrium in Competitive Insurance Markets: An Essay on the
Economics of Imperfect Information, 90 T
HE Q. J. OF ECON. 629 (Nov. 1976). In fact, firms do offer
different deductible choices, which could be a mechanism for separating high-risk and low-risk customers.
It may also be a pricing response by firms to differing levels of risk-aversion among customers.
The American Insurance Association has stated that an insurance company found that, after introducing
the use of credit-based insurance scores, “there is some evidence that higher limits of liability coverage and
lower physical damage deductibles are being purchased…” AIA Comment, supra note 66, at 14 (emphasis
in original). This would be consistent with a reduction in adverse selection resulting from the use of scores.
Empirical studies have found only limited evidence for adverse selection in automobile markets in other
countries, and even then only in very special circumstances. See Alma Cohen, Asymmetrical Information
and Learning: Evidence from the Automobile Insurance Market, 87 R
2005) (finding evidence that lower risk drivers in Israel purchased less insurance coverage than higher risk
drivers, but only for experienced drivers for a limited period of time after switching policies and in a
country in which insurance companies do not share data on prior claims); Pierre-Andre Chiappori, et al.,
Asymmetrical Information in Insurance: General Testable Implications, (Feb. 24, 2004) (finding no
evidence that lower risk drivers in France bought less insurance than higher risk drivers), available at
Specifically, companies make their assessment also using information about the
consumer’s past experience, such as extensive prior claim information included in a
database that insurance companies share and public record information, such as
convictions for driving while intoxicated or speeding.
Moreover, even assuming that consumers have better knowledge than insurance
companies of the risk they pose, there are significant limitations on the extent to which
consumers can use this advantage to alter their insurance purchasing decisions. Most
states mandate minimum liability coverage for cars, and lenders typically require even
greater coverage on cars they finance. Even though consumers retain some ability to
make choices concerning insurance coverage, such as deductibles and limits, these
choices are limited considerably.
The FTC analyzed its automobile insurance database to test whether there was
any indication that adverse selection may be occurring. We found that lower-risk drivers
tend to have policies with higher deductibles than do higher-risk drivers, that is, lower-
risk drivers have less insurance coverage than higher-risk drivers. This is consistent with
(but does not prove)
adverse selection is occurring in automobile insurance markets.
If credit-based insurance score information is considered in the analysis, i.e., the
risk information available to insurance companies relative to consumers is enhanced,
then adverse selection would be expected to decrease. However, when the FTC
considered scores in its analysis, lower-risk drivers were still found to have insurance
It is clear that adverse selection experienced by a single firm can be a powerful force. When different
firms have significantly different risk prediction technology, consumers will see the different prices
charged and will tend to choose the firms with lower premiums. This can lead to a negative-feedback loop
that can even cause a firm to collapse.
One alternative explanation is moral hazard. If people with more complete coverage take less care,
because they bear less of the cost of any accident or other damage or loss, this would result in the same
policies with higher deductibles than higher-risk drivers. This suggests that adverse
selection may not be occurring, or, if it is occurring, then scores may not reduce it.
B. Other Possible Effects of Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Innovations in risk prediction techniques like credit-based insurance scores may
affect the availability of insurance and some of the costs associated with selling
insurance. First, some consumers may have a broader range of options to choose from
when purchasing insurance. Because credit-based insurance scores predict risk more
accurately for consumers, insurance companies now may be willing to offer coverage to
some higher-risk consumers. In addition, credit-based insurance scores may make the
process of underwriting and rating quicker and cheaper, and competition between
insurance companies may cause cost savings from these process improvements to be
passed on to consumers in the form of lower premiums.
Insurance companies and industry representatives stated that the use of credit-
based insurance scores gives firms greater confidence in their ability to predict the risk
that consumers pose. That is, if firms have more confidence in their risk estimates, they
may be able to offer insurance to customers for whom they would otherwise not be able
to determine an appropriate premium. The American Insurance Association, for
example, has stated “(m)ore precise pricing enables insurers to accept greater risk by
ensuring that both good risks and more marginal risks are properly priced to reflect the
exposure they represent.”
Several firms, including The Hartford and MetLife Home and
Auto, have stated that the use of credit-based risk scores enabled them to offer policies to
AIA Comment, supra note 66, at 4.
higher-risk consumers than they had previously.
This could lead to higher-risk
consumers having more choices as they shop for insurance. No data, however, were
submitted or obtained to assess the extent to which credit-based insurance scores actually
have expanded insurance choices for higher-risk consumers.
In addition, several insurance companies and score developers emphasized that
the use of scores can save costs. Specifically, they asserted that the use of scores
facilitates automation, speeds up policy underwriting and rating, and otherwise reduces
the costs of underwriting and rating.
No data was submitted or obtained to allow the
FTC to develop reliable estimates of cost-savings associated with credit-based insurance
scores. Assuming that there are such savings, the FTC would anticipate that competition
in the market for automobile insurance would result in these savings being passed on to
consumers in the form of lower prices.
Further, banning the use of factors that are known to be correlated with risk could
have negative effects on insurance markets. If firms cannot adjust prices based on the
risk associated with a characteristic, they will have an incentive to refuse to offer policies
to people with the characteristic.
If the law prohibits firms from refusing to sell policies
to people with that characteristic, they will still have an incentive to try to avoid insuring
them. This could cause firms to expend resources on finding ways to avoid higher-risk
consumers, reducing the availability of insurance to higher-risk consumers and making
otherwise profitable distribution channels untenable.
Meeting between FTC staff and The Hartford (July 14, 2004); Meeting between FTC staff and MetLife
Home and Auto (July 12, 2004); Meeting between FTC staff and USAA, (July 14, 2004). See also AIA
Comment, supra note 66, at 7-8; NAMIC Comment, supra note 20, at 6-7.
AIA Comment, supra note 66, at 12; Fair Isaac Comment, supra note 18, at 15; State Farm Comment,
supra note 66, at 4.
Id. at 10.
A simple example illustrates the possible impact of banning the use of a
characteristic in making the decision whether to offer insurance to consumers. Assume
that geographic location is correlated with risk on insurance policies
and that firms are
allowed to refuse to sell insurance based on geography but are not allowed to charge
different prices based on geography. This would give insurance companies an incentive
to refuse to sell policies to people living in riskier areas.
If firms could not outright
refuse to sell policies based on geography, and could not charge different prices based on
geography, they would have an incentive to use other means to avoid insuring those who
live in more risky geographic areas, for example, not establishing offices, working with
independent agents, or advertising in these locations.
It is not clear, however, whether banning the use of credit-based insurance scores
would lead to distortions of the insurance market like those associated with banning the
use of geography. An insurance company does not see a consumer’s score until he or she
applies for insurance coverage. It therefore would be difficult for insurance companies to
directly avoid selling insurance to consumers with low scores. There may be, however,
different marketing approaches, such as alternative types of advertising, which bring in
consumers with different average scores. If firms cannot use scores to underwrite or rate,
they would have an incentive to market only through channels that bring in consumers
with higher scores. This could reduce the availability of information about insurance
options, particularly to consumers with lower insurance scores. No data was submitted or
obtained, however, to permit the FTC to determine whether restrictions on the use of
scores actually would have this type of effect.
Firms might specialize geographically, with firms with higher premiums offering policies everywhere but
mainly getting customers from high risk areas, while lower-cost firms refuse to write in high-risk areas.
Banning credit-based insurance scores may also give firms greater incentives to
invest in developing other risk-prediction tools. If the use of scores is banned, firms may
have an incentive to spend more on developing new risk variables to capture some of the
same risk prediction benefits of scores.
This could be seen as an unnecessary societal
cost, given that scoring technology has already been developed and scores are a fairly
low-cost risk prediction technique.
C. Effects on Residual Markets for Automobile Insurance
The introduction and growth in the use of credit-based insurance scores has taken
place during a time when one particular measure of the functioning of the market, the
share of consumers buying insurance through state-run “residual markets,” indicated the
market was working well. All states run some type of program to allow consumers to
purchase automobile insurance when they are unable to find a private firm willing to sell
them policies voluntarily.
To avoid attracting consumers who could otherwise obtain
private insurance coverage, these state-run programs typically charge higher prices than
private insurance companies.
Figure 7 shows the share of automobile policies that were purchased through
state-run programs during the years 1996 – 2003, broken down by states that allow the
use of credit-based insurance scores, and those that do not.
It shows that a larger share
of consumers participated in these programs in the states that did not allow the use of
See Cheng-Sheng Peter Wu, Deloitte and Touche, What to do When You Cannot Use Credit (Sept. 2000)
(presentation at the CAS Special Interest Seminar), available at
The states identified as not allowing the use of scores during the relevant period of time are California,
New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Hawaii. Because of limitations in the data, Texas and South Carolina are
not included in either group.
scores. However, this was true both before and after the introduction of scores, and
therefore this difference in levels of participation presumably reflects other differences
between states. Figure 7 shows that the state-run program share fell during the second
half of the 1990s, as score were being introduced, and then leveled off after 2000. The
pattern is nearly identical in states that allowed the use of scores and states that did not.
Therefore, Figure 7 is probably best interpreted as meaning that scores at least did not
interfere with the smooth functioning of automobile insurance markets.
FACTA requires that the FTC analyze the extent to which the use of credit-based
insurance scores affects the availability and affordability of insurance for members of
certain categories of consumers. The statute mandates that the Commission consider the
impact of these scores on categories of consumers based on race, ethnicity, national
origin, geography, income, religion, age, sex, and marital status. In particular, the agency
was instructed to assess whether scores act as a proxy for membership in these groups.
In fulfilling the statutory mandate, the FTC focused its analysis on the effect of
credit-based insurance scores on consumers in different racial, ethnic, national origin, and
income groups. The Commission did not focus its assessment on consumers in different
religious groups because we are not aware of any reliable data relating scores to religious
affiliation. In addition, the FTC also did not focus its analysis on consumers in different
geographic, age, sex, and marital status groups. In most locations in the United States,
insurance companies can and do use geography, age, sex, and marital status directly in
determining automobile insurance premiums.
While credit-based insurance scores may
vary based on these factors, the direct effect of using these factors to price insurance far
outweighs any indirect effects these factors may have through their impact on scores.
The FTC therefore did not try to measure any such indirect effects.
A. Credit-Based Insurance Scores and Racial, Ethnic, and Income Groups
1. Difference in Scores across Groups
The FTC analyzed whether there was a relationship between credit-based
insurance scores and race, ethnicity, national origin, and income. In undertaking this
analysis, the Commission first reviewed and considered prior research. In 1999, the
Virginia State Corporation Commission’s Bureau of Insurance issued a report assessing
the relationship at the ZIP code level between scores and race as well as between scores
and income.
The report stated that “nothing in (our) analysis leads the Bureau to the
conclusion that income or race alone is a reliable predictor of credit scores.”
Nevertheless, the absence of more detailed information about the results of this study
leaves unclear the relationship between scores and race and income.
The State of Missouri Department of Insurance released a study in 2004 that
relied on similar data.
The Missouri study used ZIP-code level data on scores and race,
income, and other demographic variables. The scores analyzed were credit-based
insurance scores that twelve large insurance companies used for automobile or
While the use of income to underwrite policies or set rates may not be expressly prohibited in some
locations, it appears to be generally regarded as an illegitimate variable for those purposes.
Report of the State Corp. Comm’n’s Bureau of Ins. to the Sen. Commerce and Labor Comm. of the Gen.
Assemb. of Va., Use of Credit Reports in Underwriting (1999) [hereinafter Virginia Study].
Brent Kabler, Ph.D., Insurance-Based Credit Scores: Impact on Minority and Low Income Populations
in Missouri (Jan. 2004) [hereinafter Missouri Study], available at
homeowners policies. The Missouri study found that scores were correlated with the
racial, ethnic, and income characteristics of ZIP codes. Specifically, as the proportion of
racial and ethnic minorities or lower-income consumers in a ZIP code increased, scores
These correlations remained after controlling for education, marital status,
and housing values.
Unlike prior researchers, the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) in its 2004
study moved beyond aggregate data and obtained data about individuals to analyze the
relationship between scores and race, ethnicity, and income. The TDI used automobile
and homeowners policy data from six large insurance companies. The TDI obtained race
data for each consumer from the Texas Department of Public Safety and ethnicity data
for each consumer from a Hispanic surname match. The TDI used median income for the
ZIP code in which consumers lived, because individual income information was not
The TDI’s analysis of this data showed that African Americans and Hispanics
tended to have lower scores than Asians and whites.
It revealed mixed results for
income. For some insurance companies, consumers in higher-income areas had higher
scores, while this was not the case for other insurance companies. It is not clear whether
these different results for income reflect differences in the credit scoring models that the
insurance companies used, or in the mix of customers at each firm.
An attempt was also made in the Missouri study to use the ZIP code level data to draw inferences about
individual-level differences in credit scores by race and income. The results of this analysis were more
speculative, but did demonstrate that it would be very unlikely that the differences found at the ZIP code
level could have been found if there were no differences at the individual level.
The TDI characterized the scores in this way: “In general, Blacks have an average credit score that is
roughly 10% to 35% worse than the credit scores for Whites. Hispanics have an average credit score that is
roughly 5% to 25% worse than those for Whites. Asians have average credit scores that are about the same
or slightly worse than those for Whites.” 2004 Texas Report, supra note 41, at 13.
After reviewing the prior research, the FTC analyzed the information in its own
automobile insurance database to assess the relationship between scores and race,
ethnicity, national origin, and income. Figure 8 shows how non-Hispanic whites,
African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians are distributed across the range of scores.
The horizontal axis shows score deciles, and the vertical axis shows the share of each
group that falls in each decile. The deciles are defined using the overall distribution of
scores. If a group had the same distribution of scores as the overall sample, then 10% of
that group’s population therefore would fall in each of the ten deciles.
Figure 8 shows that non-Hispanic whites and Asians are fairly evenly distributed
across the score range, resulting in a roughly flat line near 10%. In contrast, African
Americans and Hispanics are strongly over-represented in the lowest deciles and under-
represented in the highest deciles. For example, 26% of African Americans are in the
group with the lowest 10% of credit-based insurance scores, while only 3% are in the
highest 10% of scores. Similarly, 19% of Hispanics are in the group with the lowest 10%
of scores, and 5% are in the highest 10% of scores.
Another way of measuring these differences is to look at where the median
for each racial or ethnic group falls in the overall distribution of scores. If
scores were distributed identically across racial and ethnic groups, the median score for
each group would equal the overall median – the 50
percentile. The FTC’s data show
that the median scores for non-Hispanic whites and Asians are quite similar to that of the
overall sample, with the median score for non-Hispanic whites and Asians falling in the
and 52
percentile, respectively. In contrast, the median scores for the African
One-half of the group will have a score lower than the median person and one-half will have a score
higher than the median person.
Americans and Hispanics are much lower, with the median scores of African Americans
and Hispanics falling in the 23
and 32
percentile, respectively. So, more than one-half
of all African Americans have credit scores in the lowest quarter of the overall score
distribution, and one-half of all Hispanics have credit scores in the lowest third of the
overall score distribution.
Figure 9 presents an alternative way of viewing these differences. It shows the
racial and ethnic makeup of each decile in the score distribution, which varies
considerably across the range of scores. Because non-Hispanic whites make up such a
large share of the populations, they are a majority in every score decile. But, as Figure 8
shows, African Americans and Hispanics are heavily over-represented in the lower score
In addition to race and ethnicity, the FTC examined the relationship between
scores and national origin. To assess this relationship, the Commission compared scores
for foreign-born consumers with those of consumers born in the United States. The
scores for consumers born outside the United States were slightly lower than those of
consumers born in the United States, with the median score of the foreign-born
consumers falling in the 44
percentile of all scores.
The FTC also compared the scores for recent immigrants and other consumers.
Recent immigrants have scores that are slightly lower than other immigrants and lower
than consumers overall, with the median score for recent immigrants falling in the 39
percentile of all scores. We found that recent immigrants whose information is included
The FTC database does not contain information on the actual date of anyone’s arrival in the United
States. For this reason, recent immigrants were defined as people who first applied for a Social Security
card during the previous ten years, and who were 30 years old or older at the time of the sample. These
restrictions were an attempt to limit “recent immigrants” to people who arrived in the United States as
in the FTC database were much more likely to be Hispanic or Asian than consumers born
in the United States. This makes it complicated to evaluate and describe the relationship
between scores and race or ethnicity apart from the effect of national origin. Because
race and ethnicity are associated with much larger differences in scores than national
origin, the Commission focused its further analysis on race and ethnicity.
Finally, the FTC study evaluated the relationship between scores and income.
The Commission did not have access to information about the income of the particular
consumers in its database. The FTC instead used the median income of the United States
Census tract in which consumers live to divide them into low-to-moderate income,
middle income, and high-income neighborhood groups.
Figure 10 shows the share of
people in each income category in each decile of the distribution of scores. Low-to-
moderate income consumers are somewhat over-represented in the lower score deciles,
with 15% of these individuals in the lowest 10% of scores, and only 8% in the highest
10% of scores. Middle-income consumers are essentially evenly distributed across the
distribution of scores. High-income consumers are under-represented in the lowest 10%
of the score distribution, but otherwise fairly evenly distributed. Figure 11 shows the
income breakdown of each score decile. Again, it shows that there is some relationship
between neighborhood income and score.
The results for the FTC’s database show that as income increases, scores tend to
increase. These results, however, are much weaker than the results for race and ethnicity.
This approach follows methods used to analyze income in FRB studies of mortgage markets. The
groups were: (1) Low-to-moderate income: Tract median < 80% of MSA median income; (2) Middle
income: Tract median >= 80% of MSA median income and <%120 of MSA median income; and (3) High
income: Tract median >= %120 of MSA median income. As discussed in Appendix F, we have also done
much of the analysis using absolute median income, instead of income relative to the MSA, and the results
are not qualitatively different.
This may be because the relationship between score and income actually is weaker, or it
may simply be the result of only having data on income at the neighborhood level.
2. Possible Reasons for Differences in Scores across Groups
As discussed above, the FTC’s analysis shows a relationship between credit-based
insurance scores and race, ethnicity, and, to a lesser extent, income. The Commission
examined other information in its sample to determine what factors could account for
differences in scores among racial and ethnic groups. The FTC’s database contains some
information on factors that could explain some of the differences in scores among racial
and ethnic groups. Specifically, it includes information on the median income of the
neighborhood in which each consumer lives, and consumers who live in lower-income
neighborhoods tend to have lower scores. It also contains information from which the
age of the consumers whose score is in the database can be inferred,
and older
consumers tend to have higher scores. Finally, the FTC’s database contains information
about the gender of the consumers whose score is included (the “first named insured” on
the policy), and men in the FTC database tend to have higher scores than women,
although the difference in average score between men and women in the FTC database
cannot be generalized to the overall population.
For single-driver households, we know the age of the person for whom we have a credit score. For
multi-driver households, we need to make an assumption about whose age we have. We do this in several
ways. From Social Security Administration (“SSA”) data, we know the gender of the person whose credit
score we have. If there is only one driver in a household with that same gender, we assume that person is
the person for whom we have a credit score. If there are multiple people whose gender matches the SSA
data, we take the oldest, on the assumption that that person is most likely to be the first named insured.
We have a score for only one person covered by each policy. From examining our data, it is apparent
that in households with male and female adults (e.g., married couples), it is most often the male driver who
is the first named insured, and therefore the person for whom we have a score. About 75% of multi-driver
policies have a male first named insured, while the split for single-driver policies is 50/50. So, it appears
that the men for whom we have scores are much more likely to be married than the women for whom we
Table 3 presents median neighborhood income, age, and gender for racial and
ethnic groups for consumers whose information is in the FTC database. It shows that
African Americans and Hispanics live in neighborhoods with lower median incomes than
non-Hispanic whites and Asians. It reveals that Hispanics and Asians are younger than
non-Hispanic whites and African Americans. It further shows that the African-American
customers in this sample are much more likely to be female than are customers in other
racial and ethnic groups.
All of these differences are consistent with African
Americans and Hispanics having lower credit scores.
Figure 12 shows the distribution of scores by race and ethnicity after controlling
for neighborhood income, age, and gender of the person scored. It shows that large
differences remain in the distributions of scores across racial and ethnic groups, and that
these differences are only slightly smaller than they were prior to controlling for these
In particular, prior to controlling for these factors, the median score for
African Americans and Hispanics was in the 23
and 32
percentiles, respectively.
After using these controls, the median score for African Americans and Hispanics rose to
the 27
and 37
percentiles, respectively. In short, consideration of neighborhood
income, age, and gender explains only a small part of the difference in credit-based
insurance scores between racial and ethnic groups. It is not clear what explains the rest
of the difference.
have scores. The differences in score by gender in the FTC database, therefore, cannot be interpreted as the
difference in scores that would be observed between all men and all women, because they also reflect
differences in credit score by marital status and household size.
Recall that age and gender, like score, are for the customer who was the “first named insured” on a
It is our understanding that the Federal Reserve Board is undertaking a similar analysis using a richer set
of data about each individual.
3. Impact of Differences in Scores on Premiums Paid
a. Effect on Those for Whom Scores Were Available
The FTC assessed the implications of the differences in credit-based insurance
scores for the premiums that members of different racial and ethnic groups would be
predicted to pay. As discussed above, the FTC database can be used to predict
differences in claims risk with and without the use of scores. These differences, in turn,
can be used to estimate the effects of scores on expected insurance premiums for racial,
ethnic, and income groups.
Figure 13 shows the results of the FTC’s analysis. These are graphs that show the
share of each group with different size changes in their predicted risk between models
where scores were not used and models where scores were used. Comparing across
groups clearly shows that a much larger share of African American and Hispanics had
increases in their predicted risk than did non-Hispanic whites and Asians. When scores
are used, the predicted risk decreased for 62% of non-Hispanic whites and 66% of
Asians. On the other hand, the predicted risk increased for 64% of African Americans
and 53% of Hispanics. These results flow from the fact that, as discussed above, the
scores for African Americans and Hispanics are lower on average than the scores of non-
Hispanic whites and Asians.
Table 4 shows the magnitude of changes in predicted risk for racial and ethnic
groups as a result of the use of scores. The average predicted risk increased by 10% for
African Americans and 4.2% for Hispanics, and dropped by 1.6% for non-Hispanic
whites and 4.9% for Asians.
b. Effect on Those for Whom Scores Were Not Available
The FTC also sought to determine whether the likelihood that a credit-based
insurance score could not be generated for a consumer varied across racial and ethnic
groups, and what impact any such differences would be expected to have on the
premiums paid by consumers. A score may not be available for a consumer for one of
two reasons: either it cannot be located for a consumer (a “no-hit”), or a consumer may
have a credit history file, but it may not contain information sufficient to calculate a
credit-based insurance score (a “thin file”).
The FTC database does not contain Social Security Administration race and
ethnicity data for most customers who were “no hits” or “thin files.”
therefore used United States Census data to determine whether there are differences in
the proportions of racial and ethnic groups that do not have a credit score. Based on
block-level data, the Commission estimates that credit reports could not be located for
9.7% of African Americans, 9.2% of Hispanics, 7.8% of non-Hispanic whites, and 6.4%
of Asians. Similarly, 2.4% of Hispanics, 2.1% of African Americans, 1.8% of non-
The relatively large decrease in predicted risk for Asians relative to non-Hispanic whites was surprising,
given how similar the score distributions are for these two groups. In addition, the increase in predicted
risk for Hispanics was only half that of African Americans, even though Hispanics have average scores
closer to African American than to the overall population. Further examination of the results of the models
showed that the inclusion of scores affected the impact of other variables on predicted risk. This, in turn,
affected the predicted risk of Asians and Hispanics. In particular, the impact that short tenure with a firm
and low liability limits had on predicted risk shrank considerably when scores were included in the models.
Asians and Hispanics have low average tenure and low average liability limits, so when the impact of those
characteristics on predicted risk decreased, so did the average predicted risk of Asians and Hispanics.
The process of obtaining SSA race and ethnicity data relied on obtaining Social Security Numbers or
dates of birth from credit reports; thus we did not receive SSA information for people whose credit reports
could not be located, or who had very little information in their reports. Similarly, we do not have SSA
national origin information for these people, and therefore cannot analyze the impact on immigrants of a
lack of a credit-based insurance score.
Hispanic whites, and 1.8% of Asians had credit reports, but with too little information
available to calculate a score.
Note that because these results are based on geographic
data, they may not exactly reflect actual differences between racial and ethnic groups.
The FTC’s assessment indicates that consumers for whom scores were not
available appeared slightly riskier when scores were considered than when they were not.
The Commission compared the results from risk models without scores with results from
risk models with scores that also included categories for “no hit” and “thin file” in
making this determination. No-hit consumers were 1.06 times riskier in a model that
included controls for scores compared to a model that did not. Thin-file consumers were
1.02 times riskier in a model that included controls for scores compared to a model that
did not.
Given the relatively small differences across groups in the share of people who
were “no hits” or “thin files,” and the relatively small impact of not having a score on
predicted risk (as opposed to the large impacts of using scores on the predicted risk of
people in the lowest score deciles, for example), this is unlikely to be an important source
of differences in premiums across racial and ethnic groups. Again, this analysis is limited
by the lack of individual-level data on race and ethnicity for people for whom we do not
have credit scores.
The block data were used by assuming each person had a likelihood of being a member of each racial or
ethnic group that was proportional to the share of the population of each group in that person’s block. This
is implemented similarly to how imputed race/ethnicity information for SSA data are used. See Appendix
C for a discussion of that process.
B. Scores as a Proxy for Race and Ethnicity
Section 215 of FACTA mandates that the FTC create a statistical model of
insurance claims that includes credit-based insurance scores, standard non-credit risk
variables, and controls for protected classes under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.
We understand this to require the agency to analyze whether credit-based insurance
scores act as a “proxy” for membership in these classes. As discussed above, we focused
our analysis on effects on different groups defined by race, ethnicity, and income.
Understanding how a proxy functions is critical to the FTC’s analysis. Insurance
companies build statistical models that relate a variety of characteristics of customers
(e.g., age or driving history) to risk. Firms then use these models to predict the average
claims that customers with those characteristics will generate, and these predictions of
risk play a central role in determining the premiums that firms charge.
The risk models that companies build do not include information about race,
ethnicity, or income. If there are large differences in average risk based on race,
ethnicity, or income, then models may attribute some of those differences in risk to other
variables included in the model that differ across these groups. The included variable
thus may act in whole or in part as a statistical “proxy” for the excluded variables of race,
ethnicity, or income.
The FTC sought to determine whether credit-based insurance scores act as a
proxy for race, ethnicity, and income in insurance decisions. To determine whether there
is such an effect, and, if so, its magnitude, the Commission conducted three related
FACTA § 215(a)(2) (2006); 15 U.S.C. §1681 note (2006).
The econometric term for this effect is “omitted variable bias.” The omission of a predictive variable
(such as race, ethnicity, or income) causes the estimated effect of a variable that is correlated with the
omitted variables, such as score, to be “biased” away from the true effect. In this scenario, the direction of
the bias would be to overstate the relationship between score and claims.
analyses. First, the Commission analyzed whether scores predict risk within racial,
ethnic, and income groups. If scores do not predict risk within any group defined by
race, ethnicity, and income, then the sole reason that scores predict risk in the general
population would be because they act as a proxy for membership in different groups.
Second, the Commission analyzed whether average risk differed substantially by
race, ethnicity, and income. If there were no substantial differences in the average risk
across racial and ethnic groups, then there would be no underlying difference for which
scores could act as a proxy. If there are substantial differences in risk across groups,
scores may in part act as a proxy, even if scores also predict risk within groups (and are
therefore not solely acting as a proxy for membership in different groups).
Third, the FTC created models that included controls for race, ethnicity, and
income, along with credit-based insurance scores and the full range of other predictive
variables. The Commission quantified the proxy effect of scores by measuring the
impact of including these additional controls on the estimated relationship between scores
and claims. To provide a basis for comparison, the FTC also conducted this analysis for
several other variables that are predictive of risk.
1. Do Scores Act Solely as a Proxy for Race, Ethnicity, or Income?
Whether credit-based insurance scores predict risk within racial, ethnic, and
income groups provides critical insight into whether scores are a proxy for membership
in these groups. If scores did not predict claims within racial, ethnic, and income groups,
the relationship between scores and claims must come from scores acting as a proxy for
race, ethnicity, and income. On the other hand, if scores do predict risk within groups,
then they do not serve solely as a proxy if used to assess risk for all consumers.
Therefore, the FTC analyzed whether scores predict risk within race, ethnicity, and
income groups.
The results of the FTC’s analysis are presented in Figure 14 for each racial and
ethnic group for each type of automobile insurance coverage. If credit-based insurance
scores predict the amount that insurance companies paid out in claims within each group,
there should be a downward slope on each graph.
In other words, as scores increase for
members of each group, the amount paid out on claims should be decreasing.
Although the relatively small sample size for the minority groups in the FTC
database (which is a particular problem for bodily injury coverage, which has relatively
few claims) leads to results that sometimes vary substantially from decile to decile, the
overall pattern observed is that the amount paid out decreases as credit-based insurance
scores increase for each group for each type of coverage.
With the exception of
collision coverage, very few of the decile and coverage combinations have estimated risk
for a given racial or ethnic group that is statistically significantly different from that of
the overall sample.
Because they show that scores predict risk within groups, these
results show that credit-based insurance scores do not predict risk solely by acting as a
These were estimated by including interaction terms between the race/ethnicity variable and the scores
variables. The coefficients on non-race/ethnicity non-score variables are therefore forced to be the same
across groups. Entirely separate models cannot be estimated for many race/ethnicity/coverage
combinations, because the small sample size of the minority groups often leads to the non-convergence of
the estimation procedure.
One cell that jumps out as being out of line with that pattern is the ninth decile for African Americans
for comprehensive coverage. Further investigation showed that this result was affected by an outlier; a
single individual with a very large claim, very low earned car years, and a very large nationally-
representative weight had a large impact on the estimated risk for this decile. There are also few African
Americans in the ninth decile. The difference between the estimated risk for African Americans in the
ninth decile and the overall sample in the ninth decile was not statistically significant. When this outlier
was dropped the risk estimate for this decile was similar to the surrounding deciles. The treatment of
outliers is discussed in Appendix F.
Statistical significance was determined using a bootstrap procedure with 500 replications. The bootstrap
procedure is discussed in Appendix D.
proxy for membership in racial and ethnic groups.
The FTC conducted the same analysis based on neighborhood income. These
results are shown in Figure 15. These graphs show a consistent negative relationship
between amount paid and credit-based insurance score for all neighborhood income
groups. In other words, as scores increased, claims decreased for all income groups.
In short, because scores do predict risk within racial, ethnic, and income groups,
they do not act solely as a proxy for these characteristics.
2. Differences in Average Risk by Race, Ethnicity, and Income
Even though scores do not act solely as a proxy for race, ethnicity, and income,
there may still be some proxy effect. For such a partial proxy effect to occur, there must
be differences in average risk among racial, ethnic, or income groups, i.e., scores can
only have a proxy effect if there is an underlying relationship for which scores can serve
as a proxy. To determine whether such differences exist, the FTC created models that
evaluated the relative amount paid on claims by race, ethnicity, and neighborhood income
for the four main types of automobile insurance coverage. These models included other
risk variables, but not scores. The results of this analysis are shown in Table 5. For
purposes of comparisons in these tables, the FTC assigned a relative value of 1 to the
amount of claims that would be expected to be paid to non-Hispanic white consumers and
to consumers living in high income neighborhoods.
Column (a) shows that Asians and Hispanics had a higher amount of claims paid
under property damage liability coverage than did African Americans and non-Hispanic
We also did the same analysis for “foreign born” and “recent immigrants.” The results were similar, and
scores are correlated with risk for those groups.
whites, although the difference was not statistically significant for Hispanics. It also
shows that there was very little relationship between the amount of property damage
liability claims and whether a consumer lives in a neighborhood with a low, middle, or
high income. While Asians did have more claims under property damage liability
coverage, as discussed above, our analysis showed that they had scores that were similar
to the scores of the overall distribution. Therefore, scores cannot act as proxy for being
Asian, so it is unlikely that scores could act as a proxy for race or ethnicity in a model of
property damage liability claims.
Columns (b) through (d) of Table 5 present results concerning the amount paid
out for bodily injury, collision, and comprehensive coverage, respectively. After
controlling for other risk factors, insurance companies paid out 48% more to African
Americans than non-Hispanic whites for bodily injury, 43% more for collision, and 63%
more for comprehensive coverage. Similarly, they paid out 25% more to Hispanics than
non-Hispanic whites for bodily injury, 33% more for collision, and 45% more for
comprehensive coverage. Insurance companies paid out 30% more to Asians than non-
Hispanic whites for collision coverage. These differences were all statistically
significant. The differences for bodily injury liability and comprehensive coverages
between Asians and non-Hispanic whites were relatively small and not statistically
significant. The large differences in average risk on comprehensive coverage for
Hispanics and African Americans should be treated with some caution, as the geographic
risk variable in the FTC database is not a very effective control for geographic variation
in risk on comprehensive coverage.
Table 5 shows that the differences among neighborhood income groups were
much smaller than those among racial and ethnic groups. The one substantial difference
in risk was that customers in low-income neighborhoods pose a 16% higher risk for
comprehensive coverage. Again, this may in part be due to the lack of an effective
geographic risk measure for comprehensive coverage.
These results show that there were substantial differences in the average risk of
consumers in different racial and ethnic groups for all four major automobile insurance
For property damage liability coverage, Asians were the only group with
The geographic risk measure in the FTC database is based on property damage liability claims, which
result from accidents. The estimated effect of the geographic risk measure is much smaller in the
comprehensive coverage risk models than in the models for the other coverages, suggesting that it is a poor
control for geographic variation in comprehensive coverage risk. According to the Bureau of Justice
Statistics, African Americans and Hispanics are much more likely to be victims of automobile theft (a risk
covered by comprehensive coverage) than non-Hispanic whites. See Bureau of Justice Statistics file
cv0516.csv, available at
; Bureau of Justice
Statistics file cv0517.csv, available at In the
absence of a good measure of the geographic variation in comprehensive coverage risk, race, ethnicity, and
neighborhood income are likely picking up some of that variation in risk (e.g., they may be acting as a
proxy for other characteristics of neighborhoods that affect comprehensive coverage risk). Additional
support for this hypothesis was found by estimating separate risk and severity models that included race,
ethnicity, and income controls. In those models, race, ethnicity, and income affected only frequency in the
property damage liability, bodily injury liability, and collision coverage models. In the comprehensive
coverage model, race, ethnicity, and income were strongly related to claim severity. This is consistent with
those variables being related to the likelihood of theft claims.
We found similar patterns when we used loss ratios as the measure of relative risk, instead of the direct
results of the risk models. The loss ratio is the ratio of payments companies made on claims divided by
premiums customers paid in. Using loss ratios, therefore, shows whether customers in different racial and
ethnic groups generated greater or lesser total payouts on claims, on average, than predicted by the
companies, as reflected in the premiums the customers were charged. Loss ratios were fairly similar across
groups for property damage liability coverage, with Hispanics and Asians generating somewhat more
claims relative to premiums than African Americans and non-Hispanic whites. For bodily injury liability
coverage, collision coverage, and comprehensive coverage, African Americans and Hispanics generated
higher claims relative to premiums than did non-Hispanic whites. The same was true for Asians for
collision coverage, although Asians had a substantially smaller loss ratio for comprehensive coverage than
did any other group. For example, the loss ratios of African Americans and Hispanics for collision
coverage were 83.9% and 85.6%, respectively, for Asians 78.2%, and for non-Hispanic whites the loss ratio
was 63.3%. Unlike in our risk models, the coverage with the largest differences across groups was bodily
injury liability coverage, as opposed to comprehensive coverage. This again suggests that part of the
reason we find such large differences in risk across groups for comprehensive coverage in our models is the
lack of a geographic risk measure that is specific to risk on comprehensive coverage. For the four
significantly higher risk. For the other three coverages, Hispanics and African Americans
had substantially higher average payouts on claims than did non-Hispanic whites. Given
that Hispanics and African Americans have much lower credit-based insurance scores, on
average, than do non-Hispanic whites, there is the potential that scores could gain
additional predictive power by acting as a proxy for race and ethnicity in models of
claims under bodily injury, collision, and comprehensive coverages.
3. Controlling for Race, Ethnicity, and Income to Test for a Proxy Effect
a. Existence of a Proxy Effect
The FTC created models that evaluated the relative amount paid on claims by
score decile with and without controls for membership in racial, ethnic, and income
groups for the four main types of automobile insurance coverage. Table 6 shows the
For purposes of comparisons on this Table, the FTC assigned the relative value
of 1 to: (1) the amount of claims that would be expected to be paid to consumers in the
highest 10% of credit-based insurance scores; (2) non-Hispanic white consumers; and (3)
consumers living in high-income Census tracts. For each coverage, the first column
shows the predicted relative amount of claims for credit-based insurance score deciles for
a model that does not include controls for race, ethnicity and income. The second
column for each coverage shows the results from models that include scores and controls
for the prohibited factors.
Comparing the two columns for property damage liability coverage (columns (a)
and (b)) reveals that there was very little difference in the impact of credit-based
coverages combined, the loss ratios of the four groups were: for non-Hispanic whites, 62%; for African
Americans, 80%; for Hispanics, 81%; and, for Asians, 67%.
Again, the models used here are Tweedie GLMs. Modeling details are given in Appendix D.
insurance scores on predicted risk based on whether the model included controls for
membership in a protected class. The only statistically significant difference was that the
estimated relative risk for the lowest score decile was larger when protected class
controls were included in the model.
This is opposite of the change that would occur if
scores were acting as a proxy. This lack of a proxy effect is not surprising, given that the
only statistically significant difference in risk by racial or ethnic group for this coverage
was that Asians had higher average risk. As pointed out above, because Asians have
similar scores, on average, as the population as a whole, scores cannot act as a proxy for
being Asian. The lack of any proxy effect for property damage liability coverage is made
very clear in Figure 16, which shows the estimated relationship between claims risk and
credit-based insurance scores from Table 6.
Table 6 shows that the results were somewhat different for bodily injury liability,
collision, and comprehensive coverage. These are the coverages for which African
Americans and Hispanics had substantially higher average total payouts on claims than
did non-Hispanic whites. The FTC’s analysis revealed that including these controls did
reduce somewhat the effect of scores on predicted risk for these three coverages. The
results show, however, that scores do continue to predict claims strongly if controls for
race, ethnicity, and income are included in the risk models, which means that scores do
not predict risk primarily by acting as a proxy for these characteristics. In addition to
Table 6, the results are presented in Figure 16, which shows the estimated relationship
between scores and risk, with and without controls for race, ethnicity, and income.
Controls for race, ethnicity, and income decreased the impact of scores on predicted risk
A 95% confidence interval for the difference between the score decile parameter estimates from the two
models was computed using a bootstrap procedure with 500 replications. Details of the bootstrap
procedure are provided in Appendix C.
for these coverages most for the lowest credit-based insurance score deciles (where
African Americans and Hispanics are disproportionately located), and these decreases
were statistically significant. In short, the FTC’s analysis indicates that credit-based
insurance scores appear to have some proxy effect for three of the four coverages studied,
but that this is not the primary source of their relationship with claims risk. In the next
section, we address the magnitude of the proxy effect.
b. Magnitude of a Proxy Effect
The FTC also sought to determine the magnitude of any proxy effect from the use
of credit-based insurance scores. Controlling for race and ethnicity had the largest impact
on the predicted effect of scores on risk for comprehensive coverage. See columns (g)
and (h) of Table 6. Without these controls, consumers in the lowest 10% of scores were
estimated to pose 1.95 times more risk than consumers in the highest 10%. With the
controls, consumers in the lowest 10% of scores were estimated to pose 1.74 times more
risk than consumers in the highest 10%. As discussed above, this result should be treated
with caution, because it could be affected by the lack of a good measure of the
geographic variation in comprehensive coverage risk.
Controlling for race and ethnicity had a smaller effect on the predicted impact of
scores on risk for bodily injury liability and collision coverage. For bodily injury liability
coverage, without these controls, consumers who are in the lowest 10% of credit-based
insurance scores were estimated to pose 2.20 times more risk than consumers in the
highest 10% of scores, while with controls they were estimated to pose only 2.10 times
more risk. See columns (c) and (d) of Table 6. For collision coverage, without controls,
consumers who are in the lowest 10% of credit-based insurance scores were estimated to
pose 2.03 times more risk than consumers in the highest 10% of scores, while with
controls they posed only 1.93 times more risk. See columns (e) and (f) of Table 6.
It may be difficult to interpret the magnitudes of the proxy effects by examining
changes in the predicted effects of scores on claims risk. An alternative way to measure
the magnitude of the proxy effect is to examine how it affects the impact of scores on the
predicted risk of different race and ethnicity groups. The information presented in Table
7 compares the impact of scores on predicted risk for different groups, with and without
race, ethnicity, and income controls. The first column in Table 7 shows that if scores
were used, then on average the predicted risk of African Americans increased by 10%
and Hispanics increased by 4.2%, while the predicted risk of non-Hispanic whites
dropped by 1.6% and Asians dropped 4.9%.
The second column shows the effects of
scores on the average predicted risk of the different groups using the impact of scores on
predicted risk that comes from models that include controls for race, ethnicity, and
income. When these score effects were used, the average predicted risk of African
Americans increased by 8.9% and Hispanics by 3.5%, while the predicted risk of non-
Hispanic whites decreased by 1.4% and Asians by 4.8%.
The change in the impact of
scores on predicted risk when race, ethnicity, and income controls were included was
statistically significant for all racial and ethnic groups. However, given that the use of
these controls when determining the effects of scores resulted in relatively small
decreases in the effect of scores on predicted risk for African Americans (10% versus
These are the same results that were presented in Table 4.
The effects of other variables are held constant between the two models. This was done by using the
estimated risk effects of non-credit risk variables from the models without race, ethnicity, and income
controls, and the estimated risk effects of the score deciles from the models with the controls. The
estimated risk effects of the race, ethnicity, and income controls were not used to predict risk. This hybrid
risk estimate produced an overall average predicted claims payout that was lower than the actual average
amount of claims payouts, so every individual’s predicted risk was then inflated by the ratio of actual
average claims over predicted average claims.
8.9%) and Hispanics (4.2% versus 3.5%), it is apparent that most of the effect of using
scores on these groups is not because scores act as a proxy for race, ethnicity, and
To provide a basis for comparison in evaluating the importance of these proxy
effects, the FTC conducted the same analysis for several other standard risk variables.
This could only be done for a small set of the risk variables in the FTC database.
Variables that could be used were tenure (number of years the customer has been with the
company), the model year of the car, and the vehicle identification number (“VIN”),
which the FTC used to obtain information on vehicle characteristics like body type and
safety systems.
In addition, there are two risk variables in the FTC database that did
not come from the company policy-level database. These are the geographic risk
measure and the CLUE prior-claims data.
Table 8 shows the results of applying the FTC’s proxy-effect analysis to these
variables. The proxy-effect analysis was applied to these other variables in the same way
it was applied to scores.
These other variables have much smaller effects on the
average predicted risk of different racial and ethnic groups than do scores.
For three of
Most of the standard risk variables that came from the companies’ data had large numbers of missing
values, which reflects the fact that some companies did not collect or store information on some of the
variables. This means that evaluating these variables is complicated by the fact that when a group of
policies has “missing” as the value of a given variable, that may mean that most of the policies came from
the same company. When this is true, the effects of individual variables on risk may be confounded with
differences across companies in the average risk of their customers.
The VINs in the FTC database were truncated, so individual cars cannot be identified. While VIN is
missing for a substantial number of cars, this is mainly for cars in earlier model years. Newer model years
have relatively small numbers of missing values, roughly 12%, suggesting that the missing values are
unlikely to be driven primarily by differences across companies in reporting VINs.
The first column of Table 8 shows the difference in predicted risk between a model that does not include
the variable being tested and a model that does. The second column shows the difference between a model
that does not include the variable being tested and a model that does include the variable, where the impact
of the variable comes from a model that includes controls for race, ethnicity, and income.
There are several reasons that could explain why the impacts of these variables on the predicted risk of
different groups are not as large. It may be because the differences in these variables across groups are not
the four variables, adding race, ethnicity, and income controls reduced the magnitude of
the impact that the variables had on the change in predicted risk for different groups.
Adding the geographic risk measure increased average predicted risk 5.4% for African
Americans, 3.3% for Hispanics, and 4.4% for Asians.
When controls were included
for race, ethnicity, and income, the impact of the geographic risk measure decreased to
4.7% for African Americans, 2.2% for Hispanics, and 3.6% for Asians. The effect of
tenure on predicted risk for different groups was also reduced by adding race, ethnicity,
and income controls, from 0.4% to 0.1% for African Americans, from 2.4% to 1.9% for
Hispanics, and from 2.1% to 1.7% for Asians. Finally, including race, ethnicity, and
income controls reduced the impact of prior claims on predicted risk from 2.4% to 2.2%
for African Americans, from 0.3% to 0.2% for Hispanics, and from 1.5% to 1.4% for
Asians. While these effects are small in absolute value, they are of a similar proportion
to the effects that these controls have on scores’ impact on the predicted risk of different
racial and ethnic groups. Thus, like scores, these other risk variables also gain some
predictive power from acting as proxies for race, ethnicity, or income.
In summary, the FTC’s analysis shows that credit-based insurance scores do
predict risk within different racial, ethnic, and income groups. Thus, they do not act
solely as a proxy for membership in these groups. Scores, however, do gain a small
amount of additional predictive power because of a proxy effect. Controlling for race
as large as the differences for scores, because the impacts of these variables on predicted risk are not as
large as the impact of scores, and/or because the impact that the inclusion of the variable has on the risk
associated with other variables is not as large as the impact that scores have.
Note that this is not a geographic risk measure used by any company, but rather a variable created for
the purpose of this study. In addition, the geographic risk measure is not a very effective control for risk on
comprehensive coverage. A better geographic risk control for comprehensive risk would likely have a
larger impact on the average predicted risk of African Americans and Hispanics, for comprehensive
coverage, and thus overall, given the large risk differences between African Americans and Hispanics
versus non-Hispanic whites for that coverage.
and ethnicity in estimating the relationship between scores and risk causes a small
reduction in the extent to which scores increase the expected risk of African Americans
and Hispanics. Finally, this small proxy effect is not limited to scores, but was found for
three of four other risk variables studied.
FACTA directed the Commission to determine whether credit-based insurance
scoring models could be developed that would reduce the differences in scores for
consumers in protected classes relative to other consumers, yet continue to be effective
predictors of risk.
Because race and ethnicity account for the largest differences in
credit-based insurance scores among groups of consumers in the FTC database, the
agency focused on constructing an effective model that decreased differences among
racial and ethnic groups. To the extent practicable, the Commission also sought to build
an effective model that decreased differences among income groups.
As discussed above, credit-based insurance scores are calculated using models
that assign values to credit history variables to calculate numerical scores. To develop a
model that effectively predicts risk while reducing differences between racial and ethnic
groups, the FTC first created a baseline scoring model using the information in its
database. The Commission chose variables for its baseline model with regard only to
their power to generate a score that predicts risk as accurately as possible. The FTC then
used a number of different techniques to try to construct alternative scoring models that
FACTA § 215(a)(3) (2006); 15 U.S.C. § 1681 note (2006).
were as predictive as the FTC baseline model, yet had smaller differences in scores
among racial and ethnic groups.
The FTC was not able to develop a credit-based insurance scoring model that met
the dual objectives of maintaining predictive power and decreasing the differences in
scores between racial, ethnic, and income groups. This does not necessarily mean that a
model could not be constructed that meets these objectives. It does strongly suggest,
however, that there is no readily available scoring model or score development
methodology that would do so.
A. The FTC Baseline Model
Developing a baseline model to use for comparisons is the first step in
determining whether a model can produce scores that continue to predict risk but have
smaller differences by race and ethnicity.
The FTC used claims information in its
database, the non-credit risk variables in the database, and credit history variables that
were appended to the insurance policy data to build the model.
The FTC database
includes 180 credit history variables for each consumer in the development sample. This
is a set of variables that ChoicePoint developed over time for its own score-building, and
they are intended to capture all relevant information in a credit report.
Using either the ChoicePoint or FICO model as the base model would not be a useful test. Even a very
simplistic model developed with the FTC database is likely to do better at predicting claims in the FTC
database than either of those scores, because it is predicting “within sample.” That is, the model is
predicting the very claims that were used to develop it.
The development sample was limited to consumers for whom there is race, ethnicity, and income
information in the FTC database. This demographic information was used only to develop the alternative
scoring models, not the baseline model. Appendix G contains a description of the methodologies used to
produce this credit-based insurance score, as well as the other scoring models discussed in this section.
No ChoicePoint model uses all 180 variables, and many of these variables are not used in any model.
The Commission selected variables for its baseline model that would produce
credit-based insurance scores that were effective in predicting total dollars paid out on
claims per year,
after controlling for other non-credit risk factors, such as age and
driving history. This model was constructed without giving any consideration to race,
ethnicity, or income. Insurance companies and other private firms that develop scoring
models likewise build their models in a “race blind” fashion.
The variables that the FTC determined produced scores that were most predictive
of the claims of the consumers in its development sample are presented in Table 9.
shows the fifteen variables chosen and the scoring factor assigned to each of them.
calculate a score for a consumer, the factors for his or her values of each variable are
multiplied together.
The first five variables that enter the model each represent different aspects of a
credit report: (1) Delinquencies: presence of derogatory information on the file; (2)
Credit utilization: number of accounts with balance greater than 75% of the credit limit
or all-time high credit balance; (3) Age of accounts: average age of bank revolving
(credit card) accounts; (4) Inquiries; and (5) Type of Credit: presence of an open auto
finance account in the credit report.
The variables that entered the model later are all
The models are intended to be predictive of claims for all major types of coverage. For this reason,
claims were summed across coverages into a single measure of losses. Claims under first-party medical
coverage’s, “Med Pay” and personal injury protection, are also included in the “total losses” variable.
The variable descriptions are proprietary and confidential information of ChoicePoint. Some variable
descriptions have been made public previously. For other variables, we include only a general description
of the type of variable.
The Table shows the variables in the order in which they were chosen by the score-building
methodology. Variables chosen earlier are generally those that provide greater predictive power to the
scoring model.
The resulting score is the inverse of the relative predicted risk for the consumer. The inverse is used so
that higher scores are associated with lower predicted risk.
An auto finance account is an account with a lender associated with a car company, like GMAC or Ford
Motor Credit.
variations on these categories, with the exception of a variable that measures what share
of credit card accounts on the report are currently reported as “open.” The category with
the greatest impact on scores is delinquencies, which makes up six of the fifteen
The scores the FTC baseline model produces did predict risk. Figure 17 shows
the relationship between total claims paid out and the FTC credit-based insurance score
for the four major types of automobile coverage. Each graph shows three lines: (1) the
average total amount paid on claims by score decile in the development sample; (2) the
estimated relationship between scores and claims in the development sample from
models controlling for other risk factors; and, (3) the average total amount paid on claims
by score decile in CLUE data for the period June 2001 to December 2001, for people
who were not in the development sample (an “out of sample” check).
If the model
generated scores that effectively predicted risk, then the lines on the graph should slope
downward to the right. The FTC baseline model produced results consistent with this
expected pattern. For example, for bodily injury liability coverage, consumers in the
lowest 10% of scores were more than three and a half times riskier than consumers in the
highest 10% of scores. Even for property damage liability claims, which have the
weakest relationship with the FTC score, consumers in the lowest 10% of scores of the
In looking over the model, it is important to keep in mind that a piece of information in a credit report
can be represented in multiple ways and affect multiple variables. This means that care must be taken
when interpreting some of the results. For example, the score factors for variable C show that
delinquencies on a particular kind of account actually lead to a better score, which seems very strange in
isolation. But, it simply means that, in these data, a delinquency on that type of account is less indicative of
risk than delinquencies on other kinds of accounts, since there is another variable in the model that is a
broad measure of delinquencies and has a large negative impact on score.
The development sample consists only of the sub-sample of the FTC database for which we obtained
SSA race and ethnicity data. The development sub-sample includes everyone who had a claim in the
company data, so there was no way to use the company data to look at claims outside of the development
sample. Instead, we use CLUE data on claims for a different time period. We were able to use data on
roughly 800,000 policies for these checks.
development sample were more than twice as risky as consumers in the highest 10% of
scores. Consequently, the FTC baseline model is an effective predictor of risk. Figure 17
also shows that the FTC baseline model predicts risk for people outside the development
sample. This result is important in that it shows the FTC baseline model scores do not
simply predict the claims that were used to develop the model.
To establish a baseline for evaluating the results of other models, the FTC also
measured the extent to which its model resulted in differences in scores among racial and
ethnic groups. Figure 18 shows how the four groups were distributed across the range of
FTC baseline-model scores. The horizontal axis shows score deciles, and the vertical
axis shows the share of each group that fell in each decile. The deciles were defined
using the overall distribution of scores, so if a given group had the same distribution of
scores as the overall sample, 10% of that group’s population would fall in each decile.
Figure 18 shows that the FTC baseline model produced lower scores for African
Americans and Hispanics than for non-Hispanic whites and Asians.
Table 9 also shows the breakdown of the different racial and ethnic groups across
the variables used in the FTC’s baseline model. The variables that show large differences
across racial and ethnic group are those relating to payment history (e.g., delinquencies)
and public records, and the variable for the share of accounts with high balances relative
to credit limits. The inclusion of these variables in the FTC baseline model explains why
African Americans and Hispanics had lower scores than non-Hispanic whites and Asians.
Note that these differences across racial and ethnic groups for the FTC baseline model are very similar
to those for the ChoicePoint scores discussed above, with the only substantial difference being that Asians
were less well represented in the higher score categories for the FTC baseline model than for ChoicePoint
B. Alternative Scoring Models
1. “Race Neutral” Scoring Models
The FTC credit-based insurance scoring model described in the previous section
provides a baseline for evaluating alternative models. To construct a model that was
“neutral” with respect to race, ethnicity, and income, the FTC created a model in which it
controlled directly for these factors.
“Neutral” in this context means that while the
scores produced by the model still may vary across groups, the variables used in the
scoring model should not derive predictive power from a relationship with race, ethnicity,
or income. Controls mitigate the impact of credit history variables that differ widely
among different racial, ethnic, or income groups, if those variables derive a substantial
portion of their power to predict losses from those differences. If controls are used for
race, ethnicity, and income, these variables become less predictive of risk. With this loss
in predictive power, these variables are either not selected for a scoring model at all, or, if
selected, they are not given as much weight.
Table 10 shows the scoring model that was produced if controls for race,
ethnicity, and income were used in the model building process. Most significantly, the
variables selected in this model that controls for race (a race “neutral” model) are
extremely similar to those in the FTC baseline model (a race “blind” model).
Specifically, only two of the fifteen variables are different between these two models, and
these two particular variables have a relatively weak effect on predicting risk. Despite
controlling for race, ethnicity, and income, a very similar set of credit history variables
Several authors have proposed this approach. See Elaine Fortowsky and Michael Lacour-Little, Credit
Scoring and Disparate Impact (Dec. 31, 2001), available at; Stephen L. Ross and John Yinger, T
thus were found to be most predictive of claims. Even though some of these variables
have large differences across racial and ethnic groups, the variables were chosen not
because they vary by race, ethnicity, or income.
The Commission tried another approach to developing a race “neutral” model to
compare to the FTC baseline model. We constructed a credit-based insurance scoring
model using a development sample that included only non-Hispanic whites. Because
there were no other racial or ethnic groups in the sample used to construct such a model,
the predictive power of the variables selected cannot be attributed to any relationship
with race or ethnicity.
Table 11 shows the variables selected when a model was built using only non-
Hispanic whites as the development sample. Upon first examination, the variables
selected for this model appear quite different from the variables in the FTC baseline
model. Eight of the fifteen variables are different, including the variable with the second
greatest impact. However, there is an important similarity between the variables in these
two models. The same types of variables were found to be the most important:
delinquencies, inquiries, measures of high debt burden, age of the credit report, and type
of credit.
Both race-neutral models that the FTC developed predict risk within the
development sample about as well as the FTC baseline model. Figure 19 compares the
results for each of these models for each of the four types of automobile insurance
These graphs show that the FTC baseline model (a race blind model)
produced very similar results for each type of coverage as models that controlled for race
Although only non-Hispanic whites were used to develop the “non-Hispanic whites” model, the results
shown here are for the complete development sample.
and ethnicity or that were developed using only non-Hispanic whites (race neutral
models). Given the similarity between the types of variables selected for use in these
models, it is not surprising that these scores have comparable power in predicting risk.
Just as their risk prediction is comparable to that of the FTC baseline model, the
race neutral models also display large differences in scores among racial and ethnic
groups. Figure 20 shows the distribution of scores for the different racial and ethnic
groups for the two race neutral models and the FTC baseline model. To facilitate
comparisons, each graph shows the results for all three models for a single racial or
ethnic group. For all groups except Asians, the distribution of people across deciles was
nearly identical for the three scoring models. For Asians, the FTC baseline model and
the model developed using controls for race, ethnicity, and income gave very similar
results. The model built using only non-Hispanic whites, however, produced a
distribution of scores for Asians that was more skewed towards lower scores.
In short, these comparisons show that, although the race neutral models that the
FTC built accurately predict risk, they do not decrease the differences in credit-based
insurance scores among racial and ethnic groups.
2. Model Discounting Variables with Large Differences by Race and
In addition to developing race neutral models as possible alternatives, the FTC
also constructed alternative models that tried more directly to avoid selecting variables
with large differences among racial and ethnic groups. In building such models, the FTC
measured not just how well a given variable predicted claims, but how well it predicted
race and ethnicity. The FTC then chose the variables that contributed the most to
predicting risk and the least to predicting race and ethnicity.
Table 12 shows one of the models developed using this approach. It is very
different from the models described in the previous two sections. Most significantly,
there are no variables that relate directly to delinquencies, which Tables 9 – 11 showed
varied a great deal among racial and ethnic groups. Most variables selected relate to the
number and type of accounts that a consumer has. In addition, the discounted model
includes variables that relate to the age of the credit account and total indebtedness.
Figure 21 shows that the discounted model is much less predictive of risk than the
FTC baseline model for each of the four types of automobile insurance coverage. The
discounted model does produce credit-based insurance scores that predict risk. However,
each of these graphs shows that the relationship between the credit score and risk is much
weaker (flatter) for the discounted model than for the FTC baseline model. This shows
that this process of avoiding variables with large differences between groups resulted in a
model that is substantially less effective as a predictor of risk than the FTC baseline
Figure 22 compares scores for each racial and ethnic group based on the results
obtained from the discounted model and the FTC baseline model. The model that assigns
consumers in a racial or ethnic group most closely to 10% in each decile (i.e., a flat line
at 10% on the vertical axis) shows the least differences based on race and ethnicity. Each
of these graphs shows that the discounted model resulted in scores with smaller
differences between members of racial and ethnic minority groups than did the FTC
baseline model. These differences were most substantial for African Americans. While
they were still slightly over-represented in the lower score categories, the scores from the
discounted model showed 14% of African Americans are in the bottom 10% of scores.
The scores from the FTC baseline model, in contrast, showed 27% of African Americans
in the bottom 10% of scores. Although the discounted model did substantially reduce the
differences in scores among members of racial and ethnic groups, as discussed above, it
also provides far less effective risk prediction.
In summary, the FTC’s inability to build a model that produces scores that
continues to predict risk accurately at the same time as narrowing the differences in
scores among racial and ethnic minority groups are by no means definitive. Perhaps
someone could develop a model that meets both of these objectives. The FTC’s inability
to build to such a model, however, strongly suggests that there is no readily available
approach for doing so.
The FTC’s analysis demonstrates that credit-based insurance scores are effective
predictors of risk under automobile insurance policies. Using scores is likely to make the
price of insurance conform more closely to the risk of loss that consumers pose, resulting,
on average, in higher-risk consumers paying higher premiums and lower-risk consumers
paying lower premiums. It has not been clearly established why scores are predictive of
Credit-based insurance scores may benefit consumers overall. Scores may permit
insurance companies to evaluate risk with greater accuracy, which may make them more
willing to offer insurance to higher-risk consumers. Scores also may make the process of
granting and pricing insurance quicker and cheaper, cost savings that may be passed on to
consumers in the form of lower premiums. However, little hard data was submitted or
available to the FTC to quantify the magnitude of these potential benefits to consumers.
Credit-based insurance scores are distributed differently among racial and ethnic
groups. The FTC’s analysis revealed that the use of scores for consumers whose
information was included in the FTC’s database caused the average predicted risk for
African Americans and Hispanics to increase by 10% and 4.2%, respectively, while it
caused the average predicted risk for non-Hispanic whites and Asians to decrease by
1.6% and 4.9%, respectively. These changes in predicted risk are likely to have an effect
on the insurance premiums that these groups on average pay.
Credit-based insurance scores predict risk within racial, ethnic, and income
groups. Scores have only a small effect as a “proxy” for membership in racial and ethnic
groups in estimating of insurance risk, remaining strong predictors of risk when controls
for race, ethnicity and income are included in risk models. The FTC’s analysis revealed
that the use of scores for consumers whose information was included in the FTC’s
database caused the average predicted risk for African Americans and Hispanics to
increase by 10% and 4.2%, respectively. The Commission’s analysis also showed that
using the effects of scores on predicted risk that come from models that include controls
for race, ethnicity, and income caused scores to increase the average predicted risk for
African Americans and Hispanics by 8.9% and 3.5%, respectively. The difference
between these two predictions for these two groups (1.1% and 0.7%, respectively) shows
that a relatively small portion of the impact of scores on these groups comes from scores
acting as a proxy for race, ethnicity, and income.
Finally, the FTC was not able to develop an alternative credit-based insurance
scoring model that would continue to predict risk effectively, yet decrease the differences
in scores on average among racial and ethnic groups. This does not mean that a model
could not be constructed that meets both of these objectives. It does strongly suggest,
however, that there is no readily available scoring model that would do so.
Performance on Credit Obligations
Late payments/Delinquencies (-)
Collections (generally non-medical) (-)
Public records (judgments or bankruptcies) (-)
Credit-Seeking Behavior
Inquiries (generally non-insurance, non-medical) (-)
New accounts (-)
Use of Credit
Ratio of outstanding balances to available credit (-)
Length of Credit History
Age of oldest account (+)
Average age of all accounts (+)
Types of Credit Used
Department store trade lines (-)
Oil Company trade lines (-)
Travel and Entertainment trade lines (-)
Share of trade lines that are major bank credit cards or mortgages (+)
Note: (-) indicates that high values typically lead to a riskier score, and the converse for (+).
Typical Information Used in Credit-Based
Insurance Scoring Models
verage Number
of Claims Per
Year of Coverage
(per hundred)
verage Cost per
Average Total
Paid on Claims
Per Year of
[(a) x (b)]
(a) (b) (c)
Property Damage Liability Coverage
1 5.65 $2,100 $119
2 4.86 2,119 103
3 4.51 2,105 95
4 4.21 2,078 88
5 4.09 1,982 81
6 3.85 2,028 78
7 3.55 2,006 71
8 3.34 1,994 67
9 3.40 2,062 70
10 3.17 1,981 63
Overall 4.06 $2,053 $83
Bodily Injury Liablility Coverage
1 1.79 $8,560 $153
2 1.59 10,002 159
3 1.39 7,798 109
4 1.39 7,993 111
5 1.19 7,940 95
6 1.01 8,892 89
7 0.91 8,538 78
8 0.89 8,760 78
9 0.85 9,127 78
10 0.77 8,372 64
Overall 1.18 $8,609 $101
Claim Frequency, Claim Severity, and Average Total Amount Paid on Claims
verage Number
of Claims Per
Year of Coverage
(per hundred)
verage Cost per
Average Total
Paid on Claims
Per Year of
[(a) x (b)]
(a) (b) (c)
Collision Coverage
1 11.80 $2,364 $279
2 9.53 2,201 210
3 8.57 2,174 186
4 8.09 2,060 167
5 7.45 2,014 150
6 6.86 2,057 141
7 6.47 2,006 130
8 6.18 1,965 122
9 6.11 2,003 122
10 5.38 2,004 108
Overall 7.64 $2,112 $161
Comprehensive Coverage
1 11.50 $1,032 $119
2 9.69 879 85
3 9.06 828 75
4 9.06 773 70
5 8.34 773 64
6 8.07 752 61
7 7.46 774 58
8 7.42 718 53
9 7.03 722 51
10 6.95 688 48
Overall 8.44 $807 $68
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Claim Frequency, Claim Severity, and Average Total Amount Paid on Claims
Note: All numbers on this table represent actual means (i.e. , not derived from any risk modelling procedure).
Median Tract
Age Percent Male
(a) (b) (c)
African Americans $34,876 46 48%
Hispanics $38,475 42 60%
Asians $50,953 42 72%
Non-Hispanic Whites $44,356 48 68%
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Median Income and Age, and Gender Make-Up,
by Race and Ethnicity
Note: Age and gender are measured at the individual level. See section VI.A.2 of the report for a
discussion of how the age of the individual was determined. Neighborhood income is the median for the
Census tract where the individual lives. See Appendix C for details on the data sources and the
construction of the database.
Share With a
Share With
an Increase
Percent Change in
Mean Predicted Risk
(a) (b) (c)
frican Americans
36% 64% 10.0%
Hispanics 47% 53% 4.2%
Asians 66% 34% - 4.9%
Non-Hispanic Whites
62% 38% - 1.6%
Overall 59% 41% 0.0%
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Note: Predicted change in the amount paid on claims was estimated by comparing individuals' predicted total claims from
risk models that include ChoicePoint Attract Standard Auto credit-based insurance scores with risk models that do not
include scores. (By construction, the average of all changes for the sample is zero.) Both of these models include a
standard set of risk variables as controls, and were run separately for property damage liability, bodily injury liability,
collision, and comprehensive coverage. In the final step we sum the predicted dollar risks for all four types of insurance
coverage with and without the use of credit-based insurance scores. See section VI.A.3 of the report for additional details
on this analysis. Modeling details and a description of the variables included in the models are provided in Appendix D.
Change in Predicted Amount Paid on Claims from Using Credit-Based
Insurance Scores, by Race and Ethnicity
Race and Ethnicity
African Americans 1.01 1.48 * 1.43 * 1.63 *
Hispanics 1.11 1.25 * 1.33 * 1.45 *
Asians 1.17 * 1.11 1.30 * 0.96
Non-Hispanic Whites 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Neighborhood Income
Low 0.97 1.01 1.05 1.16 *
Middle 0.95 * 1.02 0.99 1.06 *
High 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Estimated Relative Amount Paid on Claims,
by Race, Ethnicity, and Neighborhood Income
Asterisks indicate statistically significantly different from base category at 5% level.
1) For each variable – i.e. race and ethnicity, and neighborhood income – estimated amount paid on claims per year of
coverage is measured relative to a base category. For race and ethnicity, the base category is non-Hispanic whites;
and, for neighborhood income the base category is “high income” neighborhood.
2) Estimated relative amounts paid out on claims per year of coverage for each race, ethnicity and neighborhood income
category in each column are derived from Tweedie GLMs (Generalized Linear Models); which here include a set of
standard risk variables as controls, but not score. Since our GLM models are multiplicative, the relativities shown on this
table are equivalent to the exponentiated regression coefficients of the indicator variables for these categories. Modeling
details and a description of the variables included in the models are provided in Appendix D.
Property Damage
Liability Coverage
Bodily Injury
Liability Coverage
Score Decile
1 1.70 * 1.73 * 2.20 * 2.10 *
2 1.52 * 1.53 * 2.14 * 2.07 *
3 1.43 * 1.44 * 1.75 * 1.72 *
4 1.35 * 1.35 * 1.66 * 1.65 *
5 1.24 * 1.24 * 1.37 * 1.36 *
6 1.23 * 1.23 * 1.26 * 1.26 *
7 1.13 * 1.12 * 1.15 1.14
8 1.07 1.07 1.13 1.13
9 1.12 * 1.12 * 1.21 1.21
10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Race and Ethnicity
African Americans - 0.93 - 1.29 *
Hispanics - 1.06 - 1.15
Asians - 1.20 * - 1.15
Non-Hispanic Whites - 1.00 - 1.00
Low - 0.96 - 0.98
Middle - 0.94 * - 1.00
High - 1.00 - 1.00
(continued. . .)
Asterisks indicate statistically significantly different from base category at 5% level.
Estimated Relative Amount Paid on Claims, by Score Decile, Race, Ethnicity,
and Neighborhood Income
Property Damage Liability
Bodily Injury Liability
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Coefficients in dashed boxes are statistically significantly different across models (within a given coverage
type) at the 5% level.
Score Decile
1 2.03 * 1.93 * 1.95 * 1.74 *
2 1.65 * 1.59 * 1.43 * 1.33 *
3 1.52 * 1.48 * 1.33 * 1.26 *
4 1.39 * 1.36 * 1.28 * 1.23 *
5 1.27 * 1.25 * 1.19 * 1.16 *
6 1.26 * 1.25 * 1.15 * 1.12 *
7 1.16 * 1.15 * 1.12 * 1.10 *
8 1.09 1.08 1.05 1.04
9 1.12 * 1.12 * 1.01 0.99
10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Race and Ethnicity
African Americans - 1.26 * - 1.46 *
Hispanics - 1.24 * - 1.36 *
Asians - 1.33 * - 0.97
Non-Hispanic Whites - 1.00 - 1.00
Low - 1.01 - 1.13 *
Middle - 0.97 - 1.04
High - 1.00 - 1.00
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Asterisks indicate statistically significantly different from base category at 5% level.
Estimated Relative Amount Paid on Claims, by Score Decile, Race, Ethnicity,
and Neighborhood Income (Continued)
Coefficients in dashed boxes are statistically significantly different across models (within a given coverage
type) at the 5% level.
1) For each variable – score, race and ethnicity, and neighborhood income – estimated amount paid on
claims per year of coverage is measured relative to a base category. For scores, the base category is the
(highest) decile of scores; for race and ethnicity, the base category is non-Hispanic whites; and, for
neighborhood income the base category is “high income” neighborhood.
2) Estimated relative amounts paid out on claims per year of coverage for each race, ethnicity and
neighborhood income category in each column are derived from Tweedie GLMs (Generalized Linear
Models); which here include a set of standard risk variables as controls, as well as score deciles. Since
our GLM models are multiplicative, the relativities shown on this table are equivalent to the exponentiated
regression coefficients of the indicator variables for these categories. Modeling details and a description of
the variables included in the models are provided in Appendix D.
(e) (f) (g) (h)
Collision Coverage Comprehensive Coverage
Average Score Effect From
Model Without Race,
Ethnicity, and Income
Average Score Effect from
Model With Race, Ethnicity,
and Income Controls
(a) (b)
African Americans 10.0% 8.9%
Hispanics 4.2% 3.5%
Asians - 4.9% -4.8%
Non-Hispanic Whites - 1.6% -1.4%
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Change in Predicted Amount Paid on Claims from Using Credit-
Based Insurance Scores Without and With Controls for Race,
Ethnicity, and Income, by Race and Ethnicity
Column (b): Results in this column are calculated by combining the estimated risk effects of the score
deciles from models with controls for race, ethnicity, and income with the estimated risk effects of non-
credit risk variables from the models used in column (a), which do not include these additional controls.
The estimated risk effects of race, ethnicity, and income were not used to predict risk. This hybrid risk
estimate produced an overall average predicted claims payout that was lower than the actual sample
average amount of claims payouts, so every individual’s predicted risk was then inflated by the ratio of
actual average claims over predicted average claims.
Column (a): Results in this column come from the same analysis that was used to create Table 4.
Predicted change in the amount paid on claims was estimated by comparing individual predicted risk
from risk models that include ChoicePoint Attract Standard Auto credit-based insurance scores with risk
models that do not include scores. All models include a standard set of risk variables as controls, and
were run separately for property damage liability, bodily injury liability, collision, and comprehensive
coverage (in the final step we sum the predicted dollar risks for all four types of insurance coverage); the
same is true for column (b). This procedure is described in section VI.A.3 of the report. Modeling details
and a description of the variables included in the models are provided in Appendix D.
Numbers for all race and ethnicity groups are statistically significantly different across the models
in columns (a) and (b) at the 5% level.
Average Effect of Variable
Without Race, Ethnicity, and
Income Controls
Average Effect of Variable
With Race, Ethnicity, and
Income Controls
(a) (b)
Geographic Risk
African Americans 5.4% 4.7%
Hispanics 3.3% 2.2%
Asians 4.4% 3.6%
Non-Hispanic Whites -1.3% -1.0%
African Americans 0.4% 0.1%
Hispanics 2.4% 1.9%
Asians 2.1% 1.7%
Non-Hispanic Whites -0.5% -0.4%
Prior Claims
African Americans 2.4% 2.2%
Hispanics 0.3% 0.2%
Asians 1.5% 1.4%
Non-Hispanic Whites -0.3% -0.3%
Change in Predicted Amount Paid on Claims from Using Other Risk Variables,
Without and With Controls for Race, Ethnicity, and Income, by Race and
Average Effect of Variable
Without Race, Ethnicity, and
Income Controls
Average Effect of Variable
With Race, Ethnicity, and
Income Controls
(a) (b)
Model Year & Other Car Attributes
African Americans -1.0% -1.2%
Hispanics 0.5% 0.5%
Asians 2.8% 2.6%
Non-Hispanic Whites 0.0% 0.0%
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Column (a): Results in this column come from an analysis similar to that used to create Table 4 for score. Predicted change in
the amount paid on claims was estimated by comparing individual predicted risk from risk models that included the particular
variable being analyzed here with risk models that did not include the variable. All models include the standard set of risk
controls (including score), and were run separately for property damage liability, bodily injury liability, collision, and
comprehensive coverage (in the final step we sum the predicted dollar risks for all four types of insurance coverage); the same
is true for column (b). This procedure is described in section VI.A.3 of the report. Modeling details and a description of the
variables included in the models are provided in Appendix D.
Column (b): Results in this column are calculated by combining the estimated risk effects of the variable being analyzed from
models with controls for race, ethnicity, and income with the estimated risk effects of all other risk variables from the models
used in column (a), which do not include these additional controls. The estimated risk effects of race, ethnicity, and income
were not used to predict risk. This h
brid risk estimate produced an overall avera
e predicted claims pa
out that was lower tha
the actual sample average amount of claims payouts, so every individual’s predicted risk was then inflated by the ratio of actual
average claims over predicted average claims.
Change in Predicted Amount Paid on Claims from Using Other Risk Variables,
Without and With Controls for Race, Ethnicity, and Income, by Race and
Ethnicity (Continued)
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 1.14
84.5% 56.0% 69.9% 83.0%
1 or more 1.00
15.5% 44.0% 30.1% 17.0%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 1.25
43.2% 20.3% 28.9% 43.0%
1 - 2 1.16
24.9% 21.8% 24.6% 24.4%
2 - 3 1.09
13.1% 17.3% 15.9% 14.3%
3 - 6 1.04
14.0% 27.6% 23.3% 13.2%
6 or More 1.00
4.8% 13.0% 7.4% 5.1%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.16
3.2% 5.6% 5.5% 2.7%
0 - 24 0.67
3.6% 9.2% 10.0% 6.3%
24 - 51 0.80
10.4% 18.6% 18.6% 16.1%
51 - 64 0.83
9.4% 10.3% 12.0% 11.5%
64 - 99 0.84
34.8% 27.8% 31.3% 36.8%
99 - 205 0.87
36.2% 26.3% 21.5% 25.4%
205 or More 1.00
2.4% 2.1% 1.2% 1.3%
(continued. . .)
Baseline Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC
1) Variable A: Presence of Certain Delinquencies or Adverse Public Records on the Credit File
2) Number of Accounts with Balance Greater than 75% of High Credit (Credit Limit)
3) Average Number of Months Bank Revolving Accounts Have Been Open
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade lines 1.30
34.1% 21.6% 15.9% 19.8%
0 1.31
16.6% 13.9% 14.4% 16.2%
1 - 2 1.29
22.0% 22.8% 20.0% 21.3%
2 - 4 1.20
17.8% 23.2% 25.9% 23.6%
4 - 7 1.13
7.3% 12.6% 16.0% 12.7%
7 or more 1.00
2.4% 5.9% 7.8% 6.4%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.13
90.0% 84.1% 88.0% 85.3%
0 or more 1.00
10.0% 15.9% 12.0% 14.7%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 1.36
77.1% 47.4% 61.4% 75.8%
1 - 9 1.13
22.2% 50.3% 37.4% 23.6%
10 or more 1.00
0.7% 2.2% 1.2% 0.7%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.99
25.1% 23.8% 20.0% 25.1%
0 0.78
71.8% 67.0% 72.5% 71.4%
1 or more 1.00
3.1% 9.2% 7.5% 3.5%
(continued. . .)
6) Number of Accounts 30 Days Late or Worse in the Last 12 Months
4) Variable B: Relates to the Number of Inquiries on the File
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
5) Number of Open Auto Finance Accounts
7) Variable C: Presence of Delinquencies on a Particular Kind of Account
Baseline Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC (Continued)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.00
25.1% 23.8% 20.0% 25.1%
1 or more 1.17
72.3% 71.2% 74.4% 71.7%
6 or more 1.00
2.5% 5.0% 5.6% 3.2%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.75
5.4% 9.8% 8.9% 4.8%
0 - .135 0.89
2.8% 4.3% 3.5% 2.8%
> .135 1.00
91.7% 85.8% 87.7% 92.3%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 1.16
83.9% 54.1% 68.9% 82.3%
1 or more 1.00
16.1% 45.9% 31.1% 17.7%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 - 6 0.82
31.7% 37.2% 38.3% 37.4%
6 - 9 0.87
15.1% 18.0% 18.0% 15.6%
9 - 20 0.89
26.3% 26.7% 25.0% 26.0%
20 or more 1.00
26.9% 18.1% 18.7% 21.0%
(continued. . .)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
10) Variable D: Presence of a Particular Kind of Delinquency on the Account
Baseline Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC (Continued)
11) Age of Youngest Account (Months)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
8) Number of Department Store Accounts
9) Share of all Bank Revolving Accounts that are Open
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.89
0.2% 0.4% 0.5% 0.0%
0 - 3 0.82
3.7% 5.6% 4.6% 3.7%
3 or more 1.00
96.2% 94.1% 94.9% 96.3%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 - .02 1.17
94.6% 80.7% 88.4% 93.8%
.02 - .14 1.20
2.7% 9.4% 6.0% 2.8%
> .14 1.00
2.8% 9.9% 5.6% 3.5%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.62
3.0% 5.0% 5.2% 2.4%
0 0.90
90.1% 75.3% 81.8% 89.9%
1 or more 1.00
6.9% 19.8% 12.9% 7.7%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.92
91.6% 93.7% 88.7% 91.2%
0 or more 1.00
8.4% 6.3% 11.3% 8.8%
1) Variables in italics have not been described publicly, and ChoicePoint considers the descriptions of those variables to be
proprietary information.
2) This scoring model was developed to use credit history information to predict the relative risk posed by individuals, where
risk is defined as expected total dollars that would be paid out on claims in a year. To calculate a score for a given individual
with this model, the appropriate factors for each of the 15 variables are multiplied together. The resulting product is the
inverse of the estimated relative riskiness of the individual, based on the individual’s credit history. See Appendix E for a
detailed discussion of the score-building process.
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
13) Variable F: A Ratio Relating to Delinquencies
14) Number of Bank Revolving Accounts Ever Bad Debt
15) Number of Open Oil Accounts
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
12) Variable E: Relates to the Number of Accounts in the Credit File
Baseline Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC (Continued)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 1.14 84.5% 56.0% 69.9% 83.0%
1 or more 1.00 15.5% 44.0% 30.1% 17.0%
2) Number of Accounts with Balance Greater than 75% of High Credit (Credit Limit)
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 1.26 43.2% 20.3% 28.9% 43.0%
1 - 2 1.17 24.9% 21.8% 24.6% 24.4%
2 - 3 1.11 13.1% 17.3% 15.9% 14.3%
3 - 6 1.05 14.0% 27.6% 23.3% 13.2%
6 or More 1.00 4.8% 13.0% 7.4% 5.1%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.13 3.2% 5.6% 5.5% 2.7%
0 - 24 0.67 3.6% 9.2% 10.0% 6.3%
24 - 51 0.80 10.4% 18.6% 18.6% 16.1%
51 - 64 0.82 9.4% 10.3% 12.0% 11.5%
64 - 99 0.84 34.8% 27.8% 31.3% 36.8%
99 - 205 0.87 36.2% 26.3% 21.5% 25.4%
205 or More 1.00 2.4% 2.1% 1.2% 1.3%
4) Number of Open Auto Finance Accounts
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.12 90.0% 84.1% 88.0% 85.3%
0 or more 1.00 10.0% 15.9% 12.0% 14.7%
(continued. . .)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC by Including Controls for
Race, Ethnicity, and Neighborhood Income in the Score-Building Process
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
1) Variable A: Presence of Certain Delinquencies or Adverse Public Records on the Credit File
3) Average Number of Months Bank Revolving Accounts Have Been Open
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade lines 1.30 34.1% 21.6% 15.9% 19.8%
0 1.31 16.6% 13.9% 14.4% 16.2%
1 - 2 1.28 22.0% 22.8% 20.0% 21.3%
2 - 4 1.20 17.8% 23.2% 25.9% 23.6%
4 - 7 1.13 7.3% 12.6% 16.0% 12.7%
7 or more 1.00 2.4% 5.9% 7.8% 6.4%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 1.35 77.1% 47.4% 61.4% 75.8%
1 - 9 1.14 22.2% 50.3% 37.4% 23.6%
10 or more 1.00 0.7% 2.2% 1.2% 0.7%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.97 25.1% 23.8% 20.0% 25.1%
0 0.78 71.8% 67.0% 72.5% 71.4%
1 or more 1.00 3.1% 9.2% 7.5% 3.5%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.76 5.4% 9.8% 8.9% 4.8%
0 - .135 0.89 2.8% 4.3% 3.5% 2.8%
> .135 1.00 91.7% 85.8% 87.7% 92.3%
(continued. . .)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
5) Variable B: Relates to the Number of Inquiries on the File
6) Number of Accounts 30 Days Late or Worse in the Last 12 Months
Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC by Including Controls for
Race, Ethnicity, and Neighborhood Income in the Score-Building Process (Continued)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
8) Share of all Bank Revolving Accounts that are Open
7) Variable C: Presence of Delinquencies on a Particular Kind of Account
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
9) Number of Department Store Accounts
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.00 25.1% 23.8% 20.0% 25.1%
1 or more 1.15 72.3% 71.2% 74.4% 71.7%
6 or more 1.00 2.5% 5.0% 5.6% 3.2%
10) Age of Youngest Account (Months)
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 - 6 0.81 31.7% 37.2% 38.3% 37.4%
6 - 9 0.87 15.1% 18.0% 18.0% 15.6%
9 - 20 0.89 26.3% 26.7% 25.0% 26.0%
20 or more 1.00 26.9% 18.1% 18.7% 21.0%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 - 2 0.89 5.0% 9.9% 6.6% 4.1%
2 or more 1.00 95.0% 90.1% 93.4% 95.9%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 1.16 83.9% 54.1% 68.9% 82.3%
1 or more 1.00 16.1% 45.9% 31.1% 17.7%
(continued. . .)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC by Including Controls for
Race, Ethnicity, and Neighborhood Income in the Score-Building Process (Continued)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
11) Variable G: Relates to the Number of Accounts in the Credit File
12) Variable D: Presence of a Particular Kind of Delinquency on the Account
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
13) Number of Open Personal Finance Accounts
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.90 82.0% 66.4% 73.6% 82.9%
0 - 2 0.97 14.9% 24.6% 21.5% 14.2%
2 or more 1.00 3.1% 9.0% 4.9% 2.9%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 - .02 1.17 94.6% 80.7% 88.4% 93.8%
.02 - .14 1.20 2.7% 9.4% 6.0% 2.8%
> .14 1.00 2.8% 9.9% 5.6% 3.5%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.62 3.0% 5.0% 5.2% 2.4%
0 0.90 90.1% 75.3% 81.8% 89.9%
1 or more 1.00 6.9% 19.8% 12.9% 7.7%
1) Variables in italics have not been described publicly, and ChoicePoint considers the descriptions of those variables to be
proprietary information.
2) This scoring model was developed to use credit history information to predict the relative risk posed by individuals, where
risk is defined as expected total dollars that would be paid out on claims in a year. To calculate a score for a given individual
with this model, the appropriate factors for each of the 15 variables are multiplied together. The resulting product is the
inverse of the estimated relative riskiness of the individual, based on the individual’s credit history. This scoring model was
developed by including controls for race, ethnicity, and neighborhood income during the process of selecting variables for the
scoring model, and when estimating the final factors that are applied to the credit history variables. See Appendix E for a
detailed discussion of the score-building process.
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
15) Number of Bank Revolving Accounts Ever Bad Debt
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
14) Variable F: A Ratio Relating to Delinquencies
Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC by Including Controls for
Race, Ethnicity, and Neighborhood Income in the Score-Building Process (Continued)
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 1.23 84.5% 56.0% 69.9% 83.0%
1 or more 1.00 15.5% 44.0% 30.1% 17.0%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade lines 1.25 34.1% 21.6% 15.9% 19.8%
0 - 2 1.25 38.5% 36.7% 34.3% 37.5%
2 or more 1.14 21.5% 29.5% 32.0% 29.3%
5 or more 1.00 6.0% 12.3% 17.8% 13.4%
3) Total Average Debt Burden
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
Invalid past due amount 0.89 0.6% 0.8% 0.9% 0.7%
0 - .19 1.20 41.7% 18.4% 26.2% 44.0%
.19 - .46 1.13 25.5% 22.5% 25.5% 24.7%
.46 - .81 1.06 24.4% 38.8% 33.8% 23.7%
> .81 1.00 7.7% 19.4% 13.6% 6.8%
4) Age of Youngest Account (Months)
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 - 6 0.84 31.7% 37.2% 38.3% 37.4%
6 - 14 0.90 30.3% 35.5% 34.4% 31.1%
14 or more 1.00 38.0% 27.3% 27.3% 31.4%
(continued. . .)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC Using a Sample of Only
Non-Hispanic White Insurance Customers
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
1) Variable A: Presence of Certain Delinquencies or Adverse Public Records on the Credit File
2) Variable B: Relates to the Number of Inquiries on the File
5) Number of Accounts 30 Days Late in the Last 24 Months
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 1.15 83.9% 65.3% 73.9% 83.7%
1 or more 1.00 16.1% 34.7% 26.1% 16.3%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.82 5.4% 9.8% 8.9% 4.8%
0 or more 1.00 94.6% 90.2% 91.1% 95.2%
7) Number of Open Auto Finance Accounts
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.10 90.0% 84.1% 88.0% 85.3%
0 or more 1.00 10.0% 15.9% 12.0% 14.7%
8) Average Number of Months Account have been Open
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 - 32 0.68 3.8% 6.4% 9.8% 9.1%
32 - 75 0.90 30.5% 42.5% 45.2% 40.5%
75 - 118 0.95 41.7% 34.8% 32.7% 37.2%
118 or more 1.00 24.0% 16.4% 12.3% 13.2%
9) Number of Open Accounts
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 - 12 1.10 81.3% 76.0% 76.8% 75.4%
12 or more 1.00 18.7% 24.0% 23.2% 24.6%
(continued. . .)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC Using a Sample of Only
Non-Hispanic White Insurance Customers (Continued)
6) Share of all Bank Revolving Accounts that are Open
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 1.28 98.8% 95.4% 97.7% 98.7%
1 or more 1.00 1.2% 4.6% 2.3% 1.3%
11) Ratio of Open Personal Financial Accounts to Total Open Accounts
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.90 82.0% 66.4% 73.6% 82.9%
0 or more 1.00 18.0% 33.6% 26.4% 17.1%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 1.16 83.9% 54.1% 68.9% 82.3%
1 or more 1.00 16.1% 45.9% 31.1% 17.7%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.90 25.1% 23.8% 20.0% 25.1%
0 0.81 71.8% 67.0% 72.5% 71.4%
1 or more 1.00 3.1% 9.2% 7.5% 3.5%
(continued. . .)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
10) Variable H: Presence of a Particular Kind of Delinquency on the Account
Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC Using a Sample of Only
Non-Hispanic White Insurance Customers (Continued)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
12) Variable D: Presence of a Particular Kind of Delinquency on the Account
13) Variable C: Presence of Delinquencies on a Particular Kind of Account
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
Disputed 1.41 0.2% 0.5% 0.5% 0.0%
0 - 2 0.85 2.2% 5.0% 3.3% 2.4%
2 or more 1.00 97.6% 94.6% 96.2% 97.5%
15) Number of Bank Installment Accounts Ever Bad Debt
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.37 44.0% 46.8% 48.0% 49.9%
0 1.37 54.7% 49.5% 49.6% 48.7%
1 or more 1.00 1.3% 3.7% 2.4% 1.3%
1) Variables in italics have not been described publicly, and ChoicePoint considers the descriptions of those variables to be
proprietary information.
2) This scoring model was developed to use credit history information to predict the relative risk posed by individuals, where
risk is defined as expected total dollars that would be paid out on claims in a year. To calculate a score for a given individual
with this model, the appropriate factors for each of the 15 variables are multiplied together. The resulting product is the
inverse of the estimated relative riskiness of the individual, based on the individual’s credit history. This scoring model was
developed using a development sample of only non-Hispanic white insurance customers. See Appendix E for a detailed
discussion of the score-building process.
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
14) Variable I: Relates to the Number of Accounts in the Credit File
Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC Using a Sample of Only
Non-Hispanic White Insurance Customers (Continued)
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.22 5.6% 10.0% 8.9% 4.9%
$0 - $1,000 1.34 36.0% 28.6% 34.4% 38.1%
$1000 - $3,000 1.25 20.1% 18.0% 17.9% 20.8%
$3,000 - $14,000 1.14 27.4% 31.9% 29.5% 25.5%
$14,000 or more 1.00 10.9% 11.5% 9.2% 10.7%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.72 0.2% 0.4% 0.5% 0.0%
0 - 3 0.80 3.7% 5.6% 4.6% 3.7%
3 or more 1.00 96.2% 94.1% 94.9% 96.3%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 - .14 0.83 2.1% 2.6% 2.3% 1.6%
.14 - .27 0.89 8.3% 9.1% 8.1% 8.7%
.27 or more 1.00 89.6% 88.4% 89.6% 89.7%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.26 90.0% 84.1% 88.0% 85.3%
0 or more 1.00 10.0% 15.9% 12.0% 14.7%
(continued. . .)
Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC by Discounting
Variables with Large Differences Across Racial and Ethnic Groups
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
1) Variable J: Indebtedness on Accounts of a Particular Type
2) Variable E: Relates to the Number of Accounts in the Credit File
3) Share of all Accounts that are Open
4) Number of Open Auto Finance Accounts
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.13 68.5% 68.5% 67.9% 69.4%
0 or more 1.00 31.5% 31.5% 32.1% 30.6%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.85 91.6% 93.7% 88.7% 91.2%
0 or more 1.00 8.4% 6.3% 11.3% 8.8%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.00 91.6% 93.7% 88.7% 91.2%
0 - .0741 0.86 4.6% 4.3% 6.2% 5.3%
.0741 or more 1.00 3.8% 2.1% 5.2% 3.5%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 1.15 79.3% 75.6% 74.7% 74.5%
1 or more 1.00 20.7% 24.4% 25.3% 25.5%
(continued. . .)
Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC by Discounting
Variables with Large Differences Across Racial and Ethnic Groups (Continued)
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
8) Number of Accounts Opened in the Last 3 Months
7) Ratio of Open Oil Accounts to Total Open Accounts
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
5) Number of Open Bank Installment Accounts
6) Number of Open Oil Accounts
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.06 36.1% 37.2% 34.0% 31.7%
1 - 5 1.06 51.5% 49.0% 52.3% 56.0%
5 or more 1.00 12.4% 13.7% 13.6% 12.3%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
0 - 2 0.88 98.3% 97.8% 98.5% 98.5%
2 or more 1.00 1.7% 2.2% 1.5% 1.5%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.77 5.4% 9.8% 8.9% 4.8%
0 - 6 0.96 77.8% 75.2% 74.6% 68.3%
6 or more 1.00 16.8% 15.0% 16.6% 26.9%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.99 32.0% 31.7% 28.1% 33.2%
0 - .36 0.93 58.9% 59.0% 61.6% 60.0%
.36 or more 1.00 9.1% 9.3% 10.3% 6.8%
(continued. . .)
Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC by Discounting
Variables with Large Differences Across Racial and Ethnic Groups (Continued)
12) Ratio of Open Department Store Accounts to Total Open Accounts
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
10) Age of Last Activity
9) Number of Credit Union Accounts
11) Variable K: Number of Accounts of a Particular Type
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 1.00 68.5% 68.5% 67.9% 69.4%
0 - .2917 1.10 27.5% 28.3% 28.6% 27.2%
.2917 or more 1.00 4.0% 3.2% 3.5% 3.4%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
$0 - $3,000 0.91 4.7% 6.8% 6.7% 4.6%
$3,000 or more 1.00 95.3% 93.2% 93.3% 95.4%
Category Factor
Hispanics Asians
No trade line of this type 0.97 49.8% 48.9% 46.3% 45.1%
0 - .0789 0.95 7.4% 8.9% 8.6% 8.6%
.0789 or more 1.00 42.8% 42.2% 45.1% 46.3%
1) Variables in italics have not been described publicly, and ChoicePoint considers the descriptions of those variables to be
proprietary information.
2) This scoring model was developed to use credit history information to predict the relative risk posed by individuals, where
risk is defined as expected total dollars that would be paid out on claims in a year. To calculate a score for a given individual
with this model, the appropriate factors for each of the 15 variables are multiplied together. The resulting product is the
inverse of the estimated relative riskiness of the individual, based on the individual’s credit history. This scoring model was
developed by discounting the predictive power of variables that had large differences across racial and ethnic groups, so
that those variables would be less likely to be chosen by the score-building procedure. See Appendix E for a detailed
discussion of the score-building process.
13) Ratio of Open Bank Installment Accounts to Total Open Accounts
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
14) Variable L: Based on Total Available Credit
Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model Developed by the FTC by Discounting
Variables with Large Differences Across Racial and Ethnic Groups (Continued)
15) Ratio of Open Credit Union Accounts to Total Open Accounts
Share in each category, by race or ethnicity
Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims,
Relative to Highest Score Decile
Without Controlling for Other Risk Variables
After Controlling for Other Risk Variables
Property Damage
Liability Coverage
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
Bodily Injury
Liability Coverage
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Frequency and Average Size (Severity) of Claims,
Relative to Highest Score Decile
Frequency of Claims
Average Size of Claims (Severity)
Property Damage
Liability Coverage
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
or Severity
Bodily Injury
Liability Coverage
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
or Severity
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
or Severity
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
or Severity
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
"CLUE" Claims Data:
Average Amount Paid Out on Claims,
Relative to Highest Score Decile
Company Submitted Data (July 2000 - June 2001)
Clue July 2000 - June 2001
Clue July 2001 - December 2001
Property Damage
Liability Coverage
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
Bodily Injury
Liability Coverage
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relativ e
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
By Model Year of Car:
Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims,
Relative to Highest Score Decile
(Property Damage Liability Coverage)
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relative Claims
1992 and Prior
1997 and up
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Change in Predicted Amount Paid on Claims
from Using Scores
-30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Percent Change
% Share of
Percent with
Increase: 41%
Percent with
Decrease: 59%
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
The Ratio of Uninsured Motorist Claims to
Liability Coverage Claims
States Allowing the Use of Credit-Based Insurance Scores
States Not Allowing the Use of Credit-Based Insurance Scores
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of data from several National Association of Insurance Commissioners Database Reports.
Property Damage
Liability Coverage
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Bodily Injury
Liability Coverage
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Share of Cars Insured through States' "Residual Market" Insurance Programs
States Allowing the Use of Credit-Based Insurance Scores
States Not Allowing the Use of Credit-Based Insurance Scores
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Ye a r
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of data from several National Association of Insurance Commissioners Database Reports.
Distribution of Scores,
by Race and Ethnicity
ScoresDeciles of ChoicePoint Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Pe r c e n t
African Americans
Non-Hispanic Whites
Equal Distribution Line
Distribution of Race and Ethnicity, by Score Decile
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Non-Hispanic Whites African Americans Hispanics Asians
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Distribution of Scores,
by Neighborhood Income
Low est
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Low-to-Moderate Income
Equal Distribution Line
Distribution of Neighborhood Income, by Score Decile
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Pe rce n t
Low-to-Moderate Income Middle Income High Income
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Distribution of Scores by Race and Ethnicity,
After Controlling for Age, Gender, and Neighborhood Income
With Controls
Without Controls
Equal Distribution Line
Non-Hispanic Whites
Low est
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Pe r c e n t
African Americans
Low est
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Pe r c e n t
His p ani cs
Low est
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Pe r c e n t
Low est
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Pe r c e n t
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
By Race and Ethnicity:
Change in Predicted Amount Paid on Claims from Using Scores
Non-Hispanic Whites
-30%-20%-10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Percent Change
% Share
of Group
Percent with
Decrease: 62%
Percent with
Increase: 38%
African Americans
-30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Percent Change
% Share
of Group
Percent with
Decrease: 36%
Per cent w ith
Increase: 64%
Hisp an ics
-30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Percent Change
% Share
of Group
Percent with
Decrease: 47%
Percent w ith
Increase: 53%
-30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Percent Change
% Share
of Group
Per c ent w ith
Decrease: 66%
Per cent w ith
Increase: 34%
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
By Race and Ethnicity:
Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims,
Relative to Non-Hispanic Whites in Highest Score Decile
Property Damage
Liability Coverage
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Bodily Injury
Liability Coverage
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Relativ e
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Non-Hispanic Whites
African Americans
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
By Neighborhood Income:
Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims,
Relative to People in Highest Score Decile in High Income Areas
Property Damage
Liability Coverage
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Bodily Injury
Liability Coverage
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Score
Relat iv e
Low-to-Moderate Income
Middle Income
High Income
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims,
Relative to Highest Score Decile, with and without Controls for Race, Ethnicity,
and Neighborhood Income
Property Damage
Liability Coverage
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Bodily Injury
Liability Coverage
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Deciles of ChoicePoint
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Without Race, Ethnicity and Neighborhood Income Controls
With Race, Ethnicity and Neighborhood Income Controls
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
FTC Baseline Model -
Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims,
Relative to Highest Score Decile
Property Damage
Liability Coverage
Low est
Deciles of FTC
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Low est
Deciles of FTC
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Low est
Deciles of FTC
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Bodily Injury
Liability Coverage
Deciles of FTC
Credit-Based Insurance Scores
Within Sample with Controls
Within Sample without Controls
Out of Sample without Controls
Note that the vertical scale on these graphs is different than for previous graphs of relative claims and score deciles.
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Distribution of FTC Baseline Model Credit-Based Insurance Scores,
by Race and Ethnicity
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
African Americans
Non-Hispanic Whites
Equal Distribution Line
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
FTC Score Models
Built Controlling for Race, Ethnicity, and Neighborhood Income:
Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims,
Relative to Highest Score Decile
Property Damage
Liability Coverage
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Bodily Injury
Liability Coverage
Low est
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
FTC Baseline Model
Model Built with Race, Ethnicity, and Income Controls
Model Built with Non-Hispanic Whites Only
Note that the vertical scale on these graphs is different than for some previous graphs of relative claims and score deciles.
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Distribution of FTC Credit-Based Insurance Scores,
by Race and Ethnicity (A)
Non-Hispanic Whites
Low est
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Pe rc e n t
African Americans
Low est
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Pe r c e n t
His p ani cs
Low est
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Pe r c e n t
Low est
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Pe r c e n t
FTC Baseline Model
Model Built with Race, Ethnicity, and Income Controls
Model Built with Non-Hispanic Whites Only
Equal Distribution Line
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
An Additional FTC Credit-Based Insurance Scoring Model:
The "Discounted Predictiveness" Model
Estimated Average Amount Paid Out on Claims,
Relative to Highest Score Decile
Property Damage
Liability Coverage
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Bodily Injury
Liability Coverage
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Relat iv e
FTC Baseline Model
“Discounted Predictiveness” Model
Note that the vertical scale on these graphs is different than for some previous graphs of relative claims and score deciles.
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Distribution of FTC Credit-Based Insurance Scores,
by Race and Ethnicity (B)
Non-Hispanic Whites
Low est
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Pe r c e n t
African Americans
Low est
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Pe r c e n t
His p ani cs
Low est
Deciles of FTC Credit-Based
Insurance Scores
Pe r c e n t
Low est
Deciles of FTC Credit-Base
Insurance Scores
Pe r c e n t
FTC Baseline Model
“Discounted Predictiveness” Model
Equal Distribution Line
See notes on Figures at the end of this section.
Source: Analysis of FTC Automobile Insurance Policy Database
Notes on Figures
Figure 1:
The lines labeled “without controlling for other variables” show the actual average
amount paid out on claims per year of coverage for each score decile, relative to the
highest score decile. These are derived from the information in Table 2. For example,
the relativity for the lowest decile on the PD graph has a value of 1.89. This number is
calculated from column (c) on Table 2; by taking the average total paid on PD claims per
year of coverage for the 1st decile ($118.73) and dividing it by the respective value for the
10th decile ($62.70).
The lines labeled “after controlling for other variables” show the predicted amount paid
out on claims per year of coverage for each score decile, relative to the highest score
decile, from Tweedie GLMs (Generalized Linear Models) of claims risk that included
score and a set of standard risk variables as controls. Since our GLM models are
multiplicative, the relativities shown by these lines are equivalent to the exponentiated
coefficients of the score decile indicator variables. Modeling details and a description of
the variables in the models are provided in Appendix D.
Figure 2:
The lines labeled “frequency of claims” show the predicted number of claims per year of
coverage for each score decile, relative to the highest score decile, from Poisson GLM
models (“Poisson Regressions”) that included score and a set of standard risk variables as
controls. Since our GLM models are multiplicative, the relativities shown by these lines
are equivalent to the exponentiated coefficients of the score decile indicator variables.
Modeling details and a description of the variables in the models are provided in
Appendix D.
The lines labeled “average size of claims” show the predicted average size of claims for
each score decile, relative to the highest score decile, from Gamma GLM models that
included score and a set of standard risk variables as controls. Since our GLM model is
multiplicative, the relativities shown by these lines are equivalent to the exponentiated
coefficients of the score decile indicator variables. Modeling details and a description of
the variables in the models are provided in Appendix D.
Figure 3:
“CLUE” stands for Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange. This informational/
database exchange service is run by ChoicePoint, which collects data on claims from
most major automobile insurance firms in the United States. These data allow firms to
determine whether a potential new customer has filed a claim under a previous policy
with another firm, and use that information in underwriting and rating.
Each line on this graph shows the average total amount paid out on claims per year of
coverage for each score decile, relative to the highest decile. These results do not include
controls for other risk variables because reliable non-credit risk variables are not
available for the CLUE claims data. For this figure we use the full sample of 1.4 million
policies, as opposed to the set of policies within the sub-sample of 400,000 normally
used. This is because the latter would have proved a very limited sub-sample for the
CLUE analysis for the half a year period moving forward, i.e., for July 2001 to December
2001. See Appendix C for a description of the company-provided claims data and the
CLUE database and claims data.
Figure 4:
Each line shows the predicted amount paid out on claims per year of coverage for each
score decile, relative to the highest score decile, for each of three ranges of car model
years from a Tweedie GLM risk model of claims that included score and a set of standard
risk variables as controls. The different lines for the three groups of model years were
estimated by interacting three model year range indicator variables with the score decile
indicator variables. Modeling details and a description of the variables included in the
models are provided in Appendix D.
Figure 5:
Predicted change in premium was estimated by comparing individuals' predicted total
claims from risk models that included ChoicePoint Attract Standard Auto credit-based
insurance score decile indicator variables with risk models that did not include scores.
(By construction, the average of all changes is zero.) Both of these models were run
separately for property damage liability, bodily injury liability, collision, and
comprehensive coverage. In the final step we summed the predicted dollar risks for all
four types of insurance coverage with and without the use of credit-based insurance
scores. See section V.A. of the report for additional details on this analysis. Modeling
details and a description of the variables included in the models are provided in Appendix
Figure 6:
Analysis based on data from several National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Database Reports. (e.g., National Association of Insurance Commissioners, “Auto
Insurance Database Report 2003/2004” (2006)) The states included in the category
“states not allowing the use of credit-based insurance scores” are California, New Jersey,
Massachusetts, and Hawaii. The category "states allowing the use of credit-based
insurance scores" includes all other states, except South Carolina and Texas (for which
complete information was not provided in the NAIC reports).
Credit-based insurance scores for use in automobile insurance were first commercially
available in 1995, and were widely adopted by insurance companies (in states that
allowed their use) during the late 1990s.
Figure 7:
The “residual market” consists of state-sponsored programs to sell insurance to drivers
who are unable to purchase insurance in the normal “voluntary” market. Analysis based
on data from several National Association of Insurance Commissioners Database
Reports. (e.g., National Association of Insurance Commissioners, “Auto Insurance
Database Report 2003/2004” (2006)) The states included in the category “states not
allowing the use of credit-based insurance scores” are California, New Jersey,
Massachusetts, and Hawaii. The category "states allowing the use of credit-based
insurance scores" includes all other states, except South Carolina and Texas (for which
information was not provided in the NAIC report).
Credit-based insurance scores for use in automobile insurance were first commercially
available in 1995, and were widely adopted by insurance companies (in states that
allowed their use) during the late 1990s.
Figure 8:
Each line shows the share of each racial and ethnic group that is in each of the ten deciles
of the ChoicePoint Attract Standard Auto credit-based insurance score. If each racial and
ethnic group had the same distribution of scores, 10% of each group would be in each
Figure 9:
[No Notes]
Figure 10:
Each line shows the share of each neighborhood income group that is in each of the ten
deciles of the ChoicePoint Attract Standard Auto credit-based insurance score. If each
neighborhood income group had the same distribution of scores, 10% of each group
would be in each decile.
Figure 11:
[No Notes]
Figure 12:
Each line shows the share of each racial and ethnic group that is in each of the ten deciles
of the ChoicePoint Attract Standard Auto credit-based insurance score after controlling
for age, gender, and neighborhood income. This was calculated based on the residuals
from an Ordinary Least Squares regression of ChoicePoint Attract Standard Auto credit-
based insurance scores on age, gender, and neighborhood income. If each racial and
ethnic group had the same distribution of scores, after controlling for age, gender, and
neighborhood income, 10% of each group would be in each decile.
Figure 13:
Predicted change in premium was estimated by comparing individuals' predicted total
claims from risk models that included ChoicePoint Attract Standard Auto credit-based
insurance scores with risk models that did not include scores. By construction, the
average of all changes for the entire sample is zero as in Figure 5, but the changes by race
or ethnic group are not. See note for Figure 5 above or section V.A. of the report for
additional details on this analysis. Modeling details and a description of the variables
included in the models are provided in Appendix D.
Figure 14:
Each line shows the predicted amount paid out on claims per year of coverage for each
score decile, relative to non-Hispanic whites in the highest score decile, from a Tweedie
GLM risk model of claims that included score and a set of standard risk variables as
controls. These values were generated by interacting the race and ethnicity indicator
variables with the score decile indicator variables. The score decile cut-points used are
the same across all race and ethnicity groups (these are the same deciles used for all
previous Figures). Thus, given the race and ethnicity distributions across score deciles
observed in Figure 8, there are relatively few African Americans and Hispanics in each of
the higher score deciles intervals (i.e., fewer than 10% of their group). Modeling details
and a description of the variables included in the models are provided in Appendix D.
The differences in the estimates of the amount paid out in claims in higher score deciles
versus the bottom score decile, within each race group, are generally statistically
significant (at the 5% level), except for Asians (where they are only significant for
comprehensive coverage). We also estimated the slope for each race and ethnicity group
using a continuous score (as opposed to deciles), and found a statistically significant
downward sloping relationship between score and the amount paid out in claims within
each group, with the exception of bodily injury and property damage for Asians.
Property damage for Asians did have a downward slope but was significant only at the
10% level. Note that Asians are the smallest race or ethnic group in our sample.
Figure 15:
Each line shows the predicted amount paid out on claims per year of coverage for each
score decile, relative to the residents of high-income neighborhoods in the highest score
decile, from a Tweedie GLM risk model of claims that included score and a set of
standard risk variables as controls. These values were generated by interacting the
neighborhood income category indicator variables with the score decile indicator
variables. Modeling details and a description of the variables included in the models are
provided in Appendix D.
Figure 16:
Each line shows the predicted amount paid out on claims per year of coverage for each
score decile, relative to the highest score decile, from a Tweedie GLM risk model of
claims that included score and a set of standard risk variables as controls. Since our
GLM model is multiplicative, the relativities shown by this line are the exponentiated
coefficients of the score decile indicator variables. The lines labeled “with race,
ethnicity, and neighborhood controls” come from a model that also included indicator
variables for race, ethnicity, and Census tract median income category. Modeling details
and a description of the variables included in the models are provided in Appendix D.
Figure 17:
The line labeled “Within Sample” shows the predicted amount paid out on claims per
year of coverage for each score decile relative to the highest score decile, of the FTC
baseline model, from Tweedie GLM risk models of claims that included score and a set
of standard risk variables as controls. Modeling details and a description of the variables
included in the models are provided in Appendix D. Details on the score building
process are provided in Appendix E.
The line labeled “Within Sample without Controls” shows the average total amount paid
out on claims per year of coverage for each score decile relative to the highest decile, of
the FTC baseline model, without controlling for any other risk variables. (This line is
shown for comparison with the “Out of Sample” values below, for which we do not have
The “Out of Sample” line is based on CLUE claims data and shows the average total
amount paid out on claims per year of coverage for each score decile relative to the
highest decile, of the FTC baseline model, without controlling for any other risk variables
(since reliable non-credit risk variables are not available in CLUE). This “Out of
Sample” line is for the period July 2001 to December 2001, and uses CLUE claims data
only for individuals who were not in the score development sample.
The development sample consisted only of the sub-sample of the FTC database for which
we obtained SSA race and ethnicity data, which includes everyone who had a claim in the
company data, so there is no way to use the company data to look at claims outside of the
development sample. Therefore, we use CLUE data on claims for a different time period
and for a different set of people instead (we were able to use data on roughly 800,000
policies for this from the original 1.4 million dataset). See Appendix C for a description
of the CLUE database and claims data. Details on the score building process are
provided in Appendix E.
(Note that the vertical scale on the graphs in this Figure rises higher than it does for
previous graphs of relative claims and score deciles in Figures 1-4 and Figures 14-16)
Figure 18:
Each line shows the share of each racial and ethnic group that is in each of the ten deciles
of the scores produced by the FTC’s baseline credit-based insurance scoring model. If
each racial and ethnic group had the same distribution of scores, 10% of each group
would be in each decile.
Figure 19:
Each line shows the predicted amount paid out on claims per year of coverage for each
score decile, relative to the highest score decile, from Tweedie GLM risk models of
claims that included score and a set of standard risk variables as controls. Since our
GLM models are multiplicative, the relativities shown by these lines are equivalent to the
exponentiated coefficients of the score decile indicator variables. The lines labeled
“baseline model” use scores from the FTC baseline scoring model. The lines labeled
“race, ethnicity, and income controls model” use scores from a model built by controlling
for those variables during the score building process. The lines labeled “Non-Hispanic
whites model” come from a scoring model built using a development sample made up
exclusively of non-Hispanic white insurance customers. Modeling details and a
description of the variables included in the models are provided in Appendix D. Details
on the score building process are provided in Appendix E.
(Note that the vertical scale on the graphs in this Figure rises higher than it does for
previous graphs of relative claims and score deciles in Figures 1-4 and Figures 14-16)
Figure 20:
Each line shows the share of each racial and ethnic group that is in each of the ten deciles
of three FTC credit-based insurance scoring models. The lines labeled “baseline model”
use scores from the FTC baseline scoring model. The lines labeled “race, ethnicity, and
income controls model” use scores from a model built by controlling for those variables
during the score building process. The lines labeled “Non-Hispanic whites model” come
from a scoring model built using a development sample made up exclusively of non-
Hispanic white insurance customers. If each racial and ethnic group had the same
distribution of scores, 10% of each group would be in each decile. Details on the score
building process are provided in Appendix E.
Figure 21:
Each line shows the predicted relative amount paid out on claims per year of coverage for
each score decile, relative to the highest score decile, from Tweedie GLM risk models of
claims that included score and a set of standard risk variables as controls. Since our
GLM models are multiplicative, the relativities shown by these lines are equivalent to the
exponentiated coefficients of the score decile indicator variables. The lines labeled
“baseline model” use scores from the FTC baseline scoring model. The lines labeled
“discounted predictiveness model” use scores from a model built by discounting the
power of a variable to predict risk based on how different the variable was across racial
and ethnic groups. Modeling details and a description of the variables included in the
models are provided in Appendix D. Details on the score building process are provided
in Appendix E.
(Note that the vertical scale on the graphs in this Figure rises higher than it does for
previous graphs of relative claims and score deciles in Figures 1-4 and Figures 14-16)
Figure 22:
Each line shows the share of each racial and ethnic group that is in each of the ten deciles
of two FTC credit-based insurance scoring models. The lines labeled “baseline model”
use scores from the FTC baseline scoring model. The lines labeled “discounted
predictiveness model” use scores from a model built by discounting the power of a
variable to predict risk based on how different the variable was across racial and ethnic
groups. If each racial and ethnic group had the same distribution of scores, 10% of each
group would be in each decile. Details on the score building process are provided in
Appendix E.
(a) STUDY REQUIRED.—The Commission and the Board, in consultation with the
Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development, shall conduct a study of—
(1) the effects of the use of credit scores and credit-based insurance scores on the
availability and affordability of financial products and services, including credit
cards, mortgages, auto loans, and property and casualty insurance;
(2) the statistical relationship, utilizing a multivariate analysis that controls for
prohibited factors under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and other known risk
factors, between credit scores and credit-based insurance scores and the
quantifiable risks and actual losses experienced by businesses;
(3) the extent to which, if any, the use of credit scoring models, credit scores, and
credit-based insurance scores impact on the availability and affordability of credit
and insurance to the extent information is currently available or is available
through proxies, by geography, income, ethnicity, race, color, religion, national
origin, age, sex, marital status, and creed, including the extent to which the
consideration or lack of consideration of certain factors by credit scoring systems
could result in negative or differential treatment of protected classes under the
Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and the extent to which, if any, the use of
underwriting systems relying on these models could achieve comparable results
through the use of factors with less negative impact; and
(4) the extent to which credit scoring systems are used by businesses, the factors
considered by such systems, and the effects of variables which are not considered
by such systems.
(b) PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.—The Commission shall seek public input about the
prescribed methodology and research design of the study described in subsection (a),
including from relevant Federal regulators, State insurance regulators, community, civil
rights, consumer, and housing groups.
(1) IN GENERAL.—Before the end of the 24-month period beginning on the date
of enactment of this Act, the Commission shall submit a detailed report on the
study conducted pursuant to subsection (a) to the Committee on Financial
Services of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Banking,
Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate.
(2) CONTENTS OF REPORT.—The report submitted under paragraph (1) shall
include the findings and conclusions of the Commission, recommendations to
address specific areas of concerns addressed in the study, and recommendations
for legislative or administrative action that the Commission may determine to be
necessary to ensure that credit and credit-based insurance scores are used
appropriately and fairly to avoid negative effects.
[Billing Code 6750-01-P]
RIN 3084- [AA94]
Public Comment on Methodology and Research Design for Conducting a Study of
the Effects of Credit Scores and Credit-Based Insurance Scores on Availability and
Affordability of Financial Products
AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission
ACTION: Notice and request for public comment.
SUMMARY: The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (“FACT Act” or
“Act”) requires the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC” or “Commission”) and the
Federal Reserve Board (“Board”) to conduct a study on the effects of credit scores and
credit-based insurance scores on the availability and affordability of financial products.
These products include credit cards, mortgages, auto loans, and property and casualty
insurance. The Act requires the FTC to seek public input about “the prescribed
methodology and research design of the study.” As part of its efforts to fulfill its
obligations under the Act, the FTC seeks public comment on how the FTC and the Board
should conduct the study.
DATES: Comments must be received by August 16, 2004.
ADDRESSES: Public comments are invited, and may be filed with the Commission in
either paper or electronic form. Comments should refer to “FACT Act Scores Study,
Matter No. P044804,” to facilitate their organization. A comment filed in paper form
should include this reference both in the text and on the envelope, and should be mailed
or delivered to: Federal Trade Commission/Office of the Secretary, Room H-159 (Annex
N), 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580. The FTC urges that any
comment filed in paper form be sent by courier or overnight service, if possible, because
U.S. postal mail in the Washington area and at the Commission is subject to delay due to
heightened security precautions.
Comments that do not contain any nonpublic information may be filed in
electronic form (in ASCII format, WordPerfect, or Microsoft Word) as a part of or as an
attachment to email messages directed to: [email protected]. If a comment
contains nonpublic information, it must be filed in paper (rather than electronic) form,
and the first page of the document must be clearly labeled “Confidential.”
The FTC Act and other laws the Commission administers permit the collection of
public comments to consider and use in this proceeding as appropriate. All timely and
responsive public comments, whether filed in paper or electronic form, will be considered
by the Commission, and will be available to the public on the FTC Web site, to the extent
practicable, at As a matter of discretion, the FTC makes every effort to
remove home contact information for individuals from the public comments it receives
before placing those comments on the FTC Web site. More information, including
routine uses permitted by the Privacy Act, may be found in the FTC’s privacy policy, at
Director, (202) 326-3480, Division of Consumer Protection, Bureau of Economics,
Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20580.
Commission Rule 4.2(d), 16 CFR 4.2(d). The comment must also be accompanied by an explicit
request for confidential treatment, including the factual and legal basis for the request, and must identify
the specific portions of the comment to be withheld from the public record. The request will be granted or
denied by the Commission’s General Counsel, consistent with applicable law and the public interest. See
Commission Rule 4.9(c), 16 CFR 4.9(c).
I. Background
The FACT Act was signed into law on December 4, 2003. Fair and Accurate
Credit Transactions Act of 2003, Pub. L. No. 108-159 (2003). In general, the Act amends
the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”) to enhance the accuracy of consumer reports and
to allow consumers to exercise greater control regarding the type and amount of
marketing solicitations they receive. To promote increasingly efficient national credit
markets, the FACT Act also establishes uniform national standards in key areas of
regulation regarding consumer report information. The Act contains a number of
provisions intended to combat consumer fraud and related crimes, including identity
theft, and to assist its victims. Finally, the Act requires a number of studies be conducted
on credit reporting and related issues.
Section 215 of the FACT Act requires the FTC and the Board, in consultation
with the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity of the Department of Housing and
Urban Development, to conduct a study on the effects of credit scores and credit-based
insurance scores on the availability and affordability of financial products. These
products include mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, and property and casualty insurance.
Section 215 further requires the FTC and the Board to study: 1) “the statistical
relationship, utilizing a multivariate analysis that controls for prohibited factors under the
Equal Credit Opportunity Act and other known risk factors, between credit scores and
credit-based insurance scores and the quantifiable risks and actual losses;” and 2) “the
extent to which, if any, the use of credit scoring models, credit scores, and credit-based
insurance scores impact on the availability and affordability of credit to the extent
information is currently available or is available through proxies, by geography, income,
ethnicity, race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, and creed,
including the extent to which the consideration or lack of consideration of certain factors
by credit scoring systems could result in negative or differential treatment of the
protected classes, under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and the extent to which, if
any, the use of underwriting systems relying on these models could achieve comparable
results through the use of factors with less negative impact.”
The study is due December 4, 2005.
II. Request for Comments
The Act requires the FTC to seek public input about “the prescribed methodology
and research design of the study.” As part of its efforts to fulfill its obligations under the
Act, the FTC seeks public comment on how the FTC and the Board should conduct the
study. Public comment is requested on all aspects of the study. In addition, the FTC seeks
comment on the following questions:
1. How should the effects of credit scores and credit based insurance scores on the
price and availability of mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, other credit products, and
property and casualty insurance be studied? What is a reasonable methodology for
measuring the price and availability of mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, other credit.
Products, and property and casualty insurance, and the impact of credit scores and credit
based insurance scores on those prices and availability?
2. An effect can often only be measured relative to a counterfactual (that is,
relative to some hypothetical alternative situation). To determine the effects of credit
scores on the price and availability of credit products, what is a reasonable counterfactual
to the current use of credit scores? To determine the effects of credit-based insurance
scores on the price and availability of property and casualty insurance, what is a
reasonable counterfactual to the current use of credit-based insurance scores?
3. Paragraph (a)(2) of Section 215 requires a study of “the statistical relationship,
utilizing a multivariate analysis that controls for prohibited factors under the
(ECOA) and other known risk factors, between credit scores and credit-based insurance
scores and the quantifiable risks and actual losses experienced by businesses.” (The
ECOA “prohibited factors” are race, color, religion, national origin, sex or marital status,
and age.) What is an appropriate multivariate technique for studying this relationship?
What data would be required to undertake such an analysis? What data are available to
undertake such an analysis?
4. What is an appropriate methodology to determine whether the use of credit
scores or credit based insurance scores results in “negative or differential treatment” of
ECOA-protected classes?
5. What is an appropriate methodology to determine whether the use of specific
factors in credit scores or credit based insurance scores results in “negative or differential
treatment” of ECOA protected classes?
6. What is an appropriate methodology to determine whether there are factors that
are not considered by credit scores or credit based insurance scores that result in
“negative or differential treatment” of ECOA protected classes?
7. In order to address paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of Section 215, data are needed
on the geography, income, ethnicity, race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex,
marital status, or creed of borrowers, potential borrowers, insurance customers, or
potential insurance customers. Are these data available, and if so, where?
8. If the data discussed in question 7 are not available, what proxies are available
for the geography, income, ethnicity, race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex,
marital status, or creed of borrowers, potential borrowers, insurance customers, or
potential insurance customers?
9. If there are proxies for the geography, income, ethnicity, race, color, religion,
national origin, age, sex, marital status, or creed of borrowers, potential borrowers,
insurance customers, or potential insurance customers, what type of analysis would allow
inferences to be drawn using the proxies instead of actual data on individual
characteristics? What limitations are there to the inferences that can be drawn using
proxies in place of data on individual characteristics?
10. One potential proxy for individual characteristics may be Census data about
the location where a borrower or insurance customer resides. What type of analysis
would allow inferences to be drawn using data about the characteristics of the location
where a borrower or insurance customer resides instead of data on individual
characteristics? What limitations are there to the inferences that can be drawn using data
about the characteristics of the location where a borrower or insurance customer resides
in place of data on individual characteristics?
Authority: Sec. 112(b), Pub. L. 108-159, 117 Stat. 1956 (15 U.S.C. 1681c-1).
By direction of the Commission.
Donald S. Clark
[Billing Code 6750-01-P]
RIN [3084-AA94]
Public Comment on Data, Studies, or Other Evidence Related to the Effects of
Credit Scores and Credit-Based Insurance Scores on the Availability and
Affordability of Financial Products
AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission
ACTION: Notice and request for public comment.
SUMMARY: The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (“FACT Act” or
“Act”) requires the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC” or “Commission”) and the
Federal Reserve Board (“Board”) to conduct a study on the effects of credit scores and
credit-based insurance scores on the availability and affordability of financial products.
These products include credit cards, mortgages, auto loans, and property and casualty
insurance. As part of its efforts to fulfill its obligations under the Act, the FTC seeks
public comment on any evidence the FTC and the Board should consider in conducting
the study.
DATES: Comments must be received by April 25, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Public comments are invited, and may be filed with the Commission in
either paper or electronic form. Comments filed in paper form should refer to “FACT
Act Scores Study” both in the text and on the envelope, to facilitate their organization,
and should be mailed or delivered to: Federal Trade Commission/Office of the Secretary,
Room H-159 (Annex Z), 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580.
The FTC requests that any comment filed in paper form be sent by courier or overnight
service, if possible, because U.S. postal mail in the Washington area and at the
Commission is subject to delay due to heightened security precautions. Comments may
be filed in electronic form by clicking on the following: and following the instructions
on the web-based form. If a comment contains confidential information, it must be filed
in paper (rather than electronic) form, and the first page of the document must be clearly
labeled “Confidential.”
To ensure that the Commission considers an electronic comment, you must file it
on the web-based form at
You also may visit to read this Notice, and may file an
electronic comment through that website. The Commission will consider all comments
that forwards to it.
The FTC Act and other laws the Commission administers permit the collection of
public comments to consider and use in this proceeding as appropriate. All timely and
responsive public comments, whether filed in paper or electronic form, will be considered
by the Commission, and will be available to the public on the FTC Web site, to the extent
practicable, at As a matter of discretion, the FTC makes every effort to
remove home contact information for individuals from the public comments it receives
before placing those comments on the FTC Web site. More Information, including
routine uses permitted by the Privacy Act, may be found in the FTC’s privacy policy, at
Commission Rule 4.2(d), 16 CFR 4.2(d). The comment must also be accompanied by an explicit
request for confidential treatment, including the factual and legal basis for the request, and must identify
the specific portions of the comment to be withheld from the public record. The request will be granted or
denied by the Commission’s General Counsel, consistent with applicable law and the public interest. See
Commission Rule 4.9(c), 16 CFR 4.9(c).
Jesse Leary, Deputy Assistant Director, (202) 326-3480, Division of Consumer
Protection, Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
N.W., Washington, DC 20580.
I. Background
The FACT Act was signed into law on December 4, 2003. Fair and Accurate
Credit Transactions Act of 2003, Pub. L. No. 108-159 (2003). In general, the Act amends
the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”) to enhance the accuracy of consumer reports and
to allow consumers to exercise greater control regarding the type and amount of
marketing solicitations they receive. The Act contains a number of provisions intended to
combat consumer fraud and related crimes, including identity theft, and to assist its
victims. Finally, the Act requires that a number of studies be conducted on credit
reporting and related issues.
Section 215 of the FACT Act requires the FTC and the Board, in consultation
with the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity of the Department of Housing and
Urban Development, to conduct a study on the effects of credit scores and credit based
insurance scores on the availability and affordability of financial products. These
products include mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, and property and casualty insurance.
Section 215 further requires the FTC and the Board to study: 1) “the statistical
relationship, utilizing a multivariate analysis that controls for prohibited factors under the
Equal Credit Opportunity Act and other known risk factors, between credit scores and
credit-based insurance scores and the quantifiable risks and actual losses;” and 2) “the
extent to which, if any, the use of credit scoring models, credit scores, and credit-based
insurance scores impact on the availability and affordability of credit to the extent
information is currently available or is available through proxies, by geography, income,
ethnicity, race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, and creed,
including the extent to which the consideration or lack of consideration of certain factors
by credit scoring systems could result in negative or differential treatment of the
protected classes, under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and the extent to which, if
any, the use of underwriting systems relying on these models could achieve comparable
results through the use of factors with less negative impact.”
The study is due on December 4, 2005.
II. Request for Comments
The Act requires the FTC to seek public input about “the prescribed methodology
and research design of the study.” As part of its efforts to fulfill its obligations under the
Act, the FTC, (in a Federal Register notice dated June 18, 2004, see 69 FR 34167) sought
public comment on methodological aspects of the study. The FTC received comments in
response to that notice, and the FTC and the Board are considering them as they conduct
the study. In the present request, the FTC seeks comment on specific studies, data, or
other evidence that might be useful for the study. Although we enumerate a set of
questions below, we encourage commenters to provide information on any aspects of
credit scores, credit-based insurance scores, and the effects of scores on the relevant
markets that would be useful to the study. In particular, the FTC seeks information that
bears on the following questions:
A. Credit Scores and Credit:
1. Specifically, how are credit scoring models developed? Who develops credit
scoring models? What data and methodologies are used to develop credit scoring models?
What factors are used in credit scoring models? Why are those factors used?
What other factors have been considered for use in credit scoring models, but are not
used? Why are those other factors not used? Are there benefits or disadvantages, either to
creditors or consumers, from the use of particular factors by credit scoring models?
2. How many different credit scoring models are in use today? What different
types of general purpose or specialized credit scoring models are available?
Who offers credit scores?
3. How are credit scores used? Who uses credit scores, and how widely are they
used? How do they fit into the underwriting process for mortgages, auto loans, credit
cards, and other credit products? For what purposes are credit scores used, other than the
initial underwriting or pricing decision?
4. How has the use of credit scores changed over time? When were they first used
for each type of financial product (credit cards, mortgages, auto loans, etc.)? How has
their use expanded to encompass different groups of borrowers (e.g., lower income
borrowers, urban/rural borrowers, borrowers with poor credit histories, borrowers with
non-traditional credit histories)? If the use of credit scores has expanded to encompass
Different groups of borrowers, how has this affected the price or availability of credit to
those borrowers?
5. Has the use of credit scores affected the price and availability of mortgages,
auto loans, credit cards, or other credit products? If so, are there estimates of the type and
size of such changes? Have some groups of consumers experienced cost reductions while
others have experienced cost increases? Have some groups of consumers experienced
greater access to credit while others have experienced reduced access?
6. Has the use of credit scores affected the amount of credit made available to
consumers? Has it affected initial loan-to-value ratios at which auto loans or mortgages
(first- or second-lien) are originated to different groups of borrowers? Has it affected
credit limits on credit cards and home equity lines of credit for different groups of
7. How has the use of credit scores affected the costs of underwriting and/or the
time needed to underwrite?
8. What impact has the use of credit scores had on the accuracy of underwriting
decisions? What impact has the use of credit scores had on the share of applicants that are
approved for mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, or other credit products? What impact
has the use of credit scores had on the default rates of mortgages, auto loans, credit cards,
or other credit products? Have the sizes of such changes or effects been estimated and
9. Has the use of credit scores affected the cost and availability of credit to
consumers with poor credit histories? If so, how? What effect has it had on the use of
credit by consumers with poor credit histories?
10. How has the use of credit scores affected the cost and availability of credit to
consumers with no credit history? What effect has it had on the use of credit by
consumers with no credit history?
11. How has the use of credit scores affected refinancing behavior for mortgage,
auto, or student loans? How has it affected the average life of revolving lines of credit
(including credit cards)?
12. Has the use of credit scores and credit scoring models impacted the
availability or cost of credit to consumers by geography, income, ethnicity, race, color,
religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, or creed? If so, how has it impacted each
such category? What are the estimated sizes of any such changes for each of the above
13. To what extent does consideration or lack of consideration of certain factors
by credit scoring systems result in negative or differential treatment of those categories of
consumers who are protected under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (“ECOA”) (e.g.,
race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, and marital status)?
14. To what extent, if any, could the use of underwriting systems that rely on
scoring models achieve comparable results through the use of factors with less negative
impact on those categories of consumers who are protected under the ECOA?
15. What steps, if any, do score developers, lenders, or other users of credit scores
take to ensure that the use of credit scores does not result in negative or differential
treatment of protected categories of consumers under the ECOA? Have score developers,
lenders, or other users of credit scores changed the way credit scores are developed or
used in order to avoid negative or differential treatment of protected categories of
consumers under the ECOA? Are any particular credit history factors not used because of
actual or potential negative or differential treatment of protected categories of consumers
under the ECOA? If so, what are they?
16. Has the use of credit scores caused a change in the rate of home ownership?
What is the estimated size of such a change?
17. Has the use of credit scores caused a change in the method and amount of pre-
screening consumers for credit offers? What effects has this had on the terms offered to
18. What specific role do credit scores play in granting “instant credit?” What
impact have credit scores had on the availability and use of instant credit?
19. How has the use of credit scores affected companies' ability to enter new lines
of business or expand activities in the various credit industries?
20. What role does credit scoring play in secondary market activities? In what
ways has the availability of credit scores affected the development of the secondary
market for credit products? Has the use of credit scoring increased or decreased creditors’
access to capital? In what ways?
21. How are credit scores used to manage existing credit accounts, such as credit
card accounts? How has the use of credit scores affected the way credit accounts are
managed? How are credit scores used in the servicing of mortgages, and how has the use
of credit scores affected the way mortgages are serviced?
22. How are records of inquiries used by credit scoring systems? Does concern
about the possible effects on their credit scores affect consumers’ credit shopping
behavior? If so, what impact does this have on the consumers or on competition in the
various credit markets?
23. How does the use of credit scores affect consumers with inaccurate
information on their credit reports? How does the use of credit scores affect consumers
who have been the victims of identity theft?
24. Are there particular forms of inaccuracy or incompleteness in the credit
reporting system, such as incomplete reporting by creditors, that affect either the
usefulness of credit scores to lenders or the benefits or disadvantages of scoring to
consumers? What are those types of inaccuracies or incompleteness? How do they affect
the usefulness of credit scores to lenders or the benefits or disadvantages of scoring to
B. Credit-Based Insurance Scores and Property and Casualty Insurance:
1. Specifically, how are credit-based insurance scoring models developed?
Who develops credit-based insurance scoring models? What data and methodologies are
used to develop credit-based insurance scoring models? What factors are used in credit
based insurance scoring models? Why are those factors used? What other factors have
been considered for use in credit-based insurance scoring models, but are not used? Why
are those other factors not used? Are there benefits or disadvantages, either to insurers or
consumers, from the use of particular factors by credit-based insurance scoring models?
2. How many different credit-based insurance scoring models are in use today?
Who offers credit-based insurance scores?
3. How are credit-based insurance scores used? Who uses credit-based insurance
scores, and how widely are they used? How do they fit into the underwriting and rating
process for automobile and homeowners insurance?
4. Has the use of credit-based insurance scores affected the price and availability
of automobile and homeowners insurance? We are especially interested in evidence
containing estimates of the size of such changes. Have some groups of consumers
experienced cost reductions while others have experienced cost increases? If so, which
consumers have experienced reductions and which have experienced increases, and what
are the magnitudes of those changes? Have some consumers experienced dramatic
increases in their insurance premiums, solely as the result of the introduction of credit-
based insurance scoring? If so, what has been the impact of this rise in premiums on these
5. How has the use of credit-based insurance scores affected the costs of
underwriting and rating and/or the time needed to underwrite and rate?
6. How has the use of credit-based insurance scores affected the accuracy of
underwriting and rating decisions? Have the sizes of such changes been estimated and
7. Has the use of credit-based insurance scores affected the amount of automobile
or homeowners insurance purchased by consumers? Has it affected the limits or
deductibles that consumers select when purchasing automobile or homeowners
insurance? Has it affected the number of drivers who drive without insurance? Has it
affected the number of homeowners that have no homeowners insurance? What are the
estimated sizes of such changes?
8. How has the use of credit-based insurance scores affected the cost and
availability of automobile or homeowners insurance to consumers with poor credit
histories? What effect has it had on the purchasing of automobile or homeowners
insurance by consumers with poor credit histories?
9. Has the use of credit-based insurance scores affected the cost and availability of
automobile or homeowners insurance to consumers with no credit history? If so, how?
What effect has it had on the purchasing of automobile or homeowners insurance by
consumers with no credit histories?
10. How has the use of credit-based insurance scores impacted the availability or
cost of insurance to consumers by geography, income, ethnicity, race, color, religion,
national origin, age, sex, marital status, or creed? What are the estimated sizes of such
changes for each of the above categories?
11. To what extent does consideration or lack of consideration of certain factors
by credit-based insurance scoring systems result in negative or differential treatment of
protected classes of consumers, that is, the same categories of consumers against whom
discrimination is prohibited under the ECOA (e.g. race, color, religion, national origin,
sex, age, and marital status)?
12. To what extent, if any, could the use of underwriting systems relying on
credit-based insurance scoring models achieve comparable results through the use of
factors with less negative impact on consumers in the ECOA protected categories?
13. What steps, if any, do score developers or insurance companies take to ensure
that the use of credit-based insurance scores does not result in negative or differential
treatment of protected categories of consumers listed in the ECOA? Have score
developers or insurance companies changed the way credit-based insurance scores are
developed or used in order to avoid negative or differential treatment of protected
categories of consumers listed in the ECOA? Are any particular credit history factors not
used because of actual or potential negative or differential treatment of protected
categories of consumers listed in the ECOA? If so, what are they?
14. Has the use of credit-based insurance scores caused a change in the method
and amount of pre-screening consumers for insurance offers? What effects has this had
on the terms offered to consumers?
15. How has the use of credit-based insurance scores affected companies’ ability
to enter new lines of the automobile or home- owners insurance business?
16. If the use of credit-based insurance scores has affected the costs individual
consumers pay for insurance, has it (i) caused a change in the overall average cost of
insurance for consumers?; (ii) changed the distribution of individual costs?; or (iii)
Caused any other change in the costs to consumers? What are the magnitudes of any such
17. Would an analysis of the share or number of consumers that purchase
automobile or homeowners insurance from “involuntary,” “pooled risk,” “assigned risk,”
or other types of insurance other than insurance offered on a voluntary basis by private
insurers, be informative about the price and/or availability of automobile or homeowners
insurance? Would an analysis of the share of drivers that drive without automobile
insurance be informative about the price and/or availability of automobile insurance?
18. What impact, if any, does banning or limiting the use of particular
underwriting or rating factors, such as gender, territory, or credit-based insurance score,
have on the price or availability of automobile or homeowners insurance? Has the
prohibition on the use of credit-based scores for insurance in particular states had any
impact on the price or availability of automobile or homeowners insurance for consumers
in those states? If so, what has that impact been? If the use of credit-based insurance
scores was not allowed in additional states, what impact would this have on the price or
availability of automobile or homeowners insurance? Are there, or would there be, any
specific effects on those insurance consumers who are within protected categories listed
in the ECOA?
19. How are records of inquiries used by credit-based insurance scoring systems?
Does concern about the possible effects on their credit-based insurance scores affect
consumers’ insurance-shopping behavior? If so, what impact does this have on
competition in the insurance markets?
20. How does the use of credit-based insurance scores affect consumers with
inaccurate information on their credit reports? How does the use of credit-based
insurance scores affect consumers who have been the victims of identity theft?
21. Are there particular forms of inaccuracy or incompleteness in the credit
reporting system, such as incomplete reporting by creditors, that affect either the
usefulness of credit-based insurance scores to insurers or the benefits or disadvantages of
scoring to consumers? What are those types of inaccuracies or incompleteness? How do
they affect the usefulness of credit-based insurance scores to insurers or the benefits or
disadvantages of scoring to consumers?
Authority: Sec. 112(b), Pub. L. 108-159, 117 Stat. 1956 (15 U.S.C. 1681c-1).
By direction of the Commission.
Donald S. Clark
APPENDIX C. The Automobile Policy Database
The FTC constructed the database of automobile policies used to do the analysis
for this report by combining policy data from five large auto insurance firms submitted
with data from a range of additional sources. This Appendix describes that process.
C.1. The EPIC Database
The automobile policy data in the FTC database were originally collected for a
study conducted by EPIC, a firm of consulting actuaries, that was released in 2003.
The EPIC database was constructed by randomly sampling from the policies in place at
the participating firms between July 1, 2000 and June 30, 2001. Data on policies that
were in place throughout the sample year were collected for the entire year. Data on
policies of customers that left a firm during the year were collected until the policy
ended, and data on the policies of customers that joined were collected from the date the
policy began until the end of the year. While the EPIC report did not include information
on the number of cars in their database, it did provide information on the total “earned car
years.” An “earned car year” is equivalent to one year of insurance coverage for one car.
The EPIC database contained roughly 2.7 million earned car years.
The sampling of policies was done in a way that produced roughly the same
number of records from each firm. This means that the larger firms in the database are
under-represented, relative to their market share. All cars covered by a sampled policy
were included in the sample. The samples were drawn to ensure that some minimum
number of policies would be available for each state. This means that drivers in small
Michael J. Miller and Richard A. Smith, The Relationship of Credit-Based Insurance Scores to Private
Passenger Automobile Insurance Loss Propensity: An Actuarial Study by EPIC Actuaries, LLC (June
2003) [hereinafter EPIC Study], available at
states were over-represented in the sample.
EPIC received data on the cars and drivers covered by each policy. Car
information included vehicle identification number (VIN), miles driven, coverages,
limits, deductibles, premiums, and claims paid. Driver information included most
standard risk variables, including age, gender, marital status, and driving history (e.g.,
violations). Important risk variables missing from the data were prior claims (on
accidents at companies other than the customer’s current company) and territory. EPIC
did attempt to control for territory in their analysis by using the population density of
each ZIP code, based on Census data.
Claims were included in the data if they were for events that occurred between
July 1, 2000 and June 30, 2001. The samples were drawn in the second half of 2002, and
information on claims is as of June 30, 2002. For some claims, especially bodily injury
liability claims, the reported amount paid out on the claim may not reflect the actual
ultimate cost of the claim. This is because the process of determining the final cost of a
claim can take a very long time, especially if the claim goes to litigation. For claims that
were not yet resolved, any reserves for the claims were included as an amount paid.
Credit-based insurance scores had never been calculated for many of the policies
in the database. For those that had been scored, different companies may have used
different models, and the models may have varied by state. The credit scores EPIC
obtained for the study were ChoicePoint Attract Standard Auto scores. Scores were only
calculated for one person, the first named insured, for each policy. This means that the
same score was assigned to each car covered by a policy, even if a different person was
All of the analysis presented in the body of the report uses data that have been weighted to be
geographically representative.
the primary driver of that car.
Credit history data used by ChoicePoint to calculate
scores came from the June 2000 archives of Experian (just before the beginning of the
sample period). There were three possible outcomes for each individual submitted for
scoring: a score, a “no-hit,” meaning a credit report for the person could not be located in
Experian’s records, and a “thin-file,” meaning a credit report for the person could be
located, but it did not contain enough information to calculate a score.
High-risk drivers are likely under-represented in the database. None of the firms
provided data on “residual market” policies. These are policies purchased through state-
run plans that offer access to insurance for customers who are unable to purchase
insurance in the normal “voluntary” market. They make up less than 2% of the total
market for automobile insurance. In addition, while four of the five firms that submitted
data to the FTC did sell policies to high-risk drivers, two of them did so through
subsidiaries that did not use the same data systems, and therefore policies from the high-
risk subsidiaries were not included in the sample. These subsidiaries represented less
than 5% of the total business of any one firm, and less than 2% of the total business of the
five firms. Although these are small portions of these firms’ total customers, it is quite
possible that the sample under-represents the highest-risk portion of the insurance market.
For this reason, we conducted an analysis that focused on the highest-risk portion of the
sample that was collected. This analysis is described in Appendix F.
C.2 The FTC Database
The database analyzed by the FTC is a subset of the original EPIC database. Not
all of the firms that contributed data to the EPIC database agreed to have their data
This is a form of measurement error that should have the effect of understating the relationship between
credit score and claims.
forwarded to the FTC for this study. Data from five firms were submitted to the FTC.
These five firms together represented 27% of the U.S. market of automobile insurance in
2000 (the time period covered by the data).
The database submitted by the five firms includes over 2.5 million records. Each
record has data on one car for up to one year. Many records cover only part of the year,
either because customers commenced or discontinued coverage during the year, or
because the company generated a separate record each time a policy was renewed or
modified. Adjusting for the period of time covered by each record, the total number of
“car-years” in the database is just over 1.8 million. Many of the policies in the database
cover more than one car; the total number of policies in the database is 1.4 million.
The FTC combined the information the insurance firms submitted with data from
a number of other sources. The agency obtained additional information to broaden the
range of credit history variables analyzed; to improve the set of other risk controls in the
analysis; to provide an independent measure of claims; and to analyze issues relating to
race, ethnicity, income, and national origin. In constructing the database, the FTC never
took possession of any personally identifying information. The following describes the
data that were collected and the process by which they were collected.
C.2.1 Additional Information Obtained for the Full Sample
Core Policy Data and ChoicePoint Credit Scores
The participating firms submitted their samples of policy data to EPIC.
forwarded the data to ChoicePoint. ChoicePoint calculated and appended the Attract
During the course of this project, EPIC was purchased by Tillinghast/Towers Perrin Consulting. For
simplicity, we refer to “EPIC” throughout this appendix, even though some of the steps in the data
collection and preparation process took place after the change in ownership.
Standard Auto credit-based insurance scores, stripped off the names and addresses, and
created a new anonymous unique identifier. ChoicePoint then returned the database to
EPIC standardized the coding of the data and combined the data from the five
firms into a single database. When a particular variable was always missing for a
particular company, a small portion (5%) of records of that variable for other companies
were chosen at random and changed to missing. This was done to mask which policies
came from the same company. The combined database was then forwarded to the FTC.
Territorial Risk Variable
The five firms also submitted to EPIC data on earned car years and claims on
property damage liability policies by ZIP code for a three-year period from 2000 to 2002,
for their full book of business. EPIC combined the data from the five firms to calculate
ZIP-code level average property damage liability pure premiums (i.e., average dollars
paid out per year of coverage per car).
This is an improvement over the original
Census-based population density measure that EPIC used in its report. The new ZIP code
risk variable was included in the policy database EPIC forwarded to the FTC.
Geographic Location Information and Census Data
ChoicePoint used commercial mapping software to match the addresses of the
drivers in the database to Census location information (a process commonly referred to as
“geo-coding”). These data were sent to EPIC, and forwarded to the FTC with the core
policy database. ChoicePoint was able to determine the Census block location for 95%
of the overall sample, and 98% of the sub-sample for which Social Security
For ZIP codes with fewer than 3,000 property damage liability claims, data from surrounding ZIP codes
were also used to calculate average pure premiums.
Administration race and ethnicity data were obtained (see below for a discussion of the
Social Security Administration data). FTC staff used the Census location information to
append data on race, ethnicity, vehicle ownership, and income from the 2000 Census.
ChoicePoint Credit History Variables
In the process of calculating the ChoicePoint credit scores, ChoicePoint generated
and maintained 180 credit history variables for each person for whom Experian was able
to locate a credit report. These are a set of variables that ChoicePoint has developed over
time for its score-building research that are intended to capture all important information
contained in a credit report. These 180 credit history variables are from the June 2000
Experian credit report archive. ChoicePoint forwarded the credit history variables
directly to the FTC.
ChoicePoint collects data on claims from most major automobile insurance firms
in the United States. These data allow firms to determine whether a potential new
customer has filed a claim under a previous policy with another firm, and use that
information in underwriting and rating. The database is referred to as the Comprehensive
Loss Underwriting Exchange (“CLUE”).
Pursuant to two 6(b) orders, the FTC obtained the CLUE records for everyone in
our database for the period July 1995 – June 2003:
five years prior to the year covered
by the firm-submitted data, the year covered by the firm data, and two years after.
The CLUE database maintains records on individual claims, with name and address and other
identifying information about the policy on which the claim was filed. The CLUE records that the FTC
obtained were found by matching the names and addresses in the company-submitted data to the CLUE
database. Claims, therefore, were only located for people who had the same address in the company data
and the CLUE database, and the claims of people who had moved were not located.
ChoicePoint sent the CLUE data directly to the FTC.
Hispanic Surname Match
ChoicePoint forwarded to Experian a database containing the names and
addresses of the individuals in the sample, along with the anonymous unique identifier
created by ChoicePoint. The FTC forwarded to Experian a file containing a list of
Hispanic surnames created by the Census Department following the 1990 Census.
Experian matched the last names of all of the drivers in the database against the list of
Hispanic surnames. Experian then forwarded directly to the FTC a database containing
only the anonymous unique identifier for each record in the database, and an indicator for
whether the surname of the person associated with that record was on the Census list of
Hispanic surnames.
Vehicle Characteristics
Included with the database EPIC forwarded to the FTC was a 10-digit Vehicle
Identification Number (VIN). These are not enough digits to identify a particular vehicle,
but enough to identify make and model. The 10-digit VINs were matched to Edmunds
data on a range of vehicle characteristics, including vehicle body type (e.g., sedan, pickup
truck, etc.), engine displacement, and safety features.
C.2.2 Additional Information Obtained for a Sub-Sample of 400,000
Some data were obtained for only a sub-sample of the records. A sub-sample was
used for budgetary reasons. The sub-sample consisted of 400,000 of the 1.4 million
policies in the FTC database. Using a smaller sample can reduce the power of statistical
tests. To minimize that effect, the sub-sample was drawn using stratification: all policies
The list and a paper that describes how it was developed are available at:
with claims were included in the sub-sample, and policies without claims were sampled
at a rate sufficient to bring the total to 400,000.
This results in a much smaller
reduction in statistical power than simple, un-stratified random sampling. ChoicePoint
conducted the sampling following directions from the FTC.
FICO Scores
ChoicePoint arranged for Experian to match the names and addresses of the first
named insureds of the 400,000 policy sub-sample against the June 2000 credit history
archive, and calculate a FICO “Standard Auto, Greater than Minimum Limits” credit-
based insurance score. Experian forwarded the FICO scores (or an indicator for why a
score could not be calculated – either “no-hit” or “thin file”) directly to the FTC.
SSA Data on Race, Ethnicity, National Origin, and Gender
Whenever someone applies for a Social Security card, the Social Security
Administration (SSA) attempts to collect information on race, ethnicity, national origin,
and gender. That information is recorded in the SSA’s “Numident” file. Experian
attempted to locate Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and dates of birth (DOBs) for the
400,000-person sub-sample in Experian’s consumer credit history files. DOBs were only
used when an actual day, month, and year could be found. Experian located an SSN or
valid DOB for 324,563 individuals. The name, SSN, DOB, and the anonymous identifier
for those individuals were forwarded to the SSA. The SSA matched name, SSN, and
DOB against the Numident file, and was able to locate information for 308,746
individuals. The SSA then deleted the names, SSNs, and DOBs, and forwarded to the
Of the 400,000, 56% had a claim in at least one coverage, and 44% had no claim. We used the sampling
probabilities to construct sampling weights, which are used throughout the analysis to keep the sub-sample
representative of the overall sample.
FTC the anonymous unique identifier and data on race, ethnicity, national origin, and
APPENDIX D Analysis and Modeling Details
D.1 Intermediate Analysis and Data Preparation
The process of preparing and analyzing the FTC database included several
intermediate analyses and data preparation steps that require further explanation. First,
the race and ethnicity data in the database were from several imperfect sources, and were
combined in a way to take advantage of the strengths of each. Second, the sample likely
was not representative of the national population of automobile insurance customers, and
so was weighted to be representative by geography, and race and ethnicity. Finally, the
risk models were not run on the full sample, mainly because race and ethnicity data are
only present for a sub-set of the policies. The process of creating the modeling sample is
described below.
D.1.1 Using Race and Ethnicity Data
The data on race and ethnicity in the FTC database come from three sources:
SSA data, a Hispanic surname match, and Census information about the racial and ethnic
makeup of the location where each individual lives. The SSA data have the two most
important attributes of race/ethnicity data: they are at the individual level, and they are
self-reported. The Hispanic surname match is at the individual level, but is not self-
reported. (Comparing the SSA data and the Hispanic surname match shows that there are
many people who have a Hispanic surname who do not report themselves to be Hispanic,
and vice-versa.) The Census data come from self-reports, but they are only available for
geographic areas, not for individuals.
The SSA data do have an important limitation. Prior to 1981, the only available
answers to the race/ethnicity question were: “White,” “Black,” or “Other.” After 1981,
the choices were expanded to include “Hispanic,” “Asian, Asian-American, or Pacific
Islander,” and “North American Indian or Native Alaskan,” and the “White” and “Black”
categories were specifically labeled “non-Hispanic.”
The “Other” option was dropped.
Our only option for identifying Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans among people
for whom we only had pre-1981 responses was to make inferences using the information
we did have.
The SSA was able to locate the records of 308,746 people, out of the 324,563 for
whom Experian was able to locate an SSN or a valid date of birth. Of those, 10,661 did
not have a valid response to a race/ethnicity question. Of the 298,085 people for whom
we had valid race/ethnicity data, 162,755 had only a pre-1981 response. These are the
people for whom we only had answers for the limited race/ethnicity options. We did,
however, have pre- and post-1981 responses for 91,519 people. This allows us to
evaluate how people identified themselves when given the limited set of race/ethnicity
choices, and how they subsequently identified themselves when given the broader set of
choices. Based on those patterns, we determined that very few people who answered
“Black” pre-1981 chose some other option post-1981, and very few people who answered
“White” pre-1981 chose “Black” post-1981. For this reason, anyone who answered
“Black” pre-1981 was identified as African American, and no one who answered
“White” pre-1981 was identified as African American.
The remaining challenge was to try to determine how someone who answered
The post-1981 options raise other concerns. In particular, “Hispanic” is presented as a mutually
exclusive alternative to the other options. In recent Census questionnaires, “Hispanic/Non-Hispanic”
information is collected separately from race information. In our data, we find a lower number of people
with Hispanic surnames self-identifying as Hispanic, post-1981, than does the Census. This is likely due to
the fact that the Census questionnaire, unlike the SSA questionnaire, collects race and ethnicity data
“White” or “Other” pre-1981 would have answered if given the broader post-1981 set of
choices. We did that using a statistical analysis of individuals for whom we have pre-
and post-1981 responses. The analysis was based on the following factors: the pre-1981
response (“White” or “Other”); whether someone had a Hispanic surname (from the
surname match); country of birth (from the SSA data); gender (from the SSA data), and
the racial/ethnic makeup of the Census block where the person lived.
We split the group of people who have both a pre-1981 and a post-1981 SSA
race/ethnicity answer into cells using the following characteristics:
Pre-1981 SSA race/ethnicity answer (i.e., “white” or “other”) (2
Gender (2 categories)
Region of Birth, based on Country of Birth from SSA data (4 categories):
o U.S. born.
o “Hispanic” Countries: Countries of birth where more than half of
the people born in that country identified themselves as Hispanic in
their post-1981 SSA race/ethnicity response.
o “Asian” Countries: Countries of birth where more than half of the
people born in that country identified themselves as Asian in their
post-1981 SSA race/ethnicity response.
o All Other Countries: Countries of birth that were not included in
the three prior categories (these are mainly countries in Europe, the
Middle East, and Africa).
Hispanic surname match flag (2 categories)
This generated 32 cells (i.e., 2x2x4x2). Within each cell, we ran a simple logit
model to predict the probabilities that someone would answer “Hispanic” vs. “white”,
“Asian” vs. “white”, or “Black” vs. “white” (the latter only for people who answered
“Other” pre-1981) using the relative Census block race/ethnicity concentration for that
race/ethnic group vs. non-Hispanic whites as the explanatory variable.
We then imputed the probability of being of each race for the individuals in each
cell for whom we only have a pre-1981 race/ethnicity answer. This was a two-step
process. We first estimated the probability of being of a given race/ethnicity relative to
the probability of being non-Hispanic white, and then used a log-odds ratio calculation to
determine the probability of being of a given race or ethnicity.
To use the predicted probabilities that come out of this process, we generated a
record for each race/ethnicity that was estimated to have a positive probability for each
person. Each of these records was identical, except for the race/ethnicity variable. We
included the multiple records in the analysis, giving each record a weight equal to the
predicted probability. For example, someone who is predicted to be non-Hispanic white
with 85% probability, Asian with 10% probability, and Hispanic with 5% probability will
have three records in the database. One record will have “non-Hispanic white” as the
race/ethnicity, and a weight of .85; one record will have “Asian” as the race/ethnicity,
and a weight of .1; and one record will have “Hispanic” as the race/ethnicity, and a
weight of .05.
For several cells where everyone, or nearly everyone, gave the same post-1981 answer we simply
assigned everyone in that cell to that category with probability one. For example, all men who answered
“other” pre-1981, were born in a Hispanic country, and had a Hispanic surname were considered to be
The predicted values from a logit are bounded between zero and one, and therefore a logit model gives
every person for whom we predicted race/ethnicity a positive predicted probability of being each race or
ethnicity. This is true even for people who lived on blocks with no residents of that race or ethnicity,
according to the 2000 Census. We therefore reset the predicted probabilities of being of a given race or
ethnicity to zero if someone lived on a block with no residents of that race or ethnicity and had a predicted
probability from the logit model of being of that race or ethnicity that was less than 1%. As discussed in
Appendix F, we also ran the analysis without that restriction and the results were unaffected.
We also estimated the probability of being Native American, but there were so few Native Americans in
the sample that we did not include them in the analysis.
D.1.2 Nationally Representative Weighting
One limitation of the database is that it was a random sample of policies of
customers of five insurance firms, not a random sample of all insurance customers in the
nation. We did not have sufficient information about the automobile insurance market as
a whole to know exactly how well our sample represented the entire market.
much of the analysis presented in this report focuses on the relationship between race,
ethnicity, income and credit history and insurance risk, the racial, ethnic, and income mix
of the sample could have affected the results.
We did not know the racial, ethnic, and neighborhood-income makeup of car
insurance customers nationwide. We did, however, observe the racial, ethnic, and
income breakdowns of car ownership, using the 2000 Census. This is shown in column
(a) of Table A.1.
Column (b) shows the same breakdowns in our sample.
Comparing our sample with Census data on car owners, we see that our sample under-
represented minorities and residents of low-to-moderate income tracts, and over-
represented non-Hispanic whites and residents of upper-income tracts. We did not know
how much of this difference is due to differences between the customers of the
companies in the sample relative to the market as a whole, versus differences between the
racial, ethnic and income make-up of the general population of car owners relative to the
We do know that the sample likely under-represents the highest-risk portion of the market. As described
in Appendix F, the robustness checks appendix, we also estimated risk models for the riskiest segment of
the sample.
The distribution of race and ethnicity for vehicle owners in the overall Census data, which was used as
the “target” for the weighting, was adjusted using Census race and ethnicity data for the full sample of 1.4
million policies and the sub-sample for which we obtained SSA race and ethnicity data. This was done so
that if the weights developed on the sub-sample were applied to the full sample (which would require
obtaining SSA race and ethnicity data for the full sample), that full sample would have the correct
distribution of race and ethnicity.
The racial and ethnic makeup of the FTC sample is based on the SSA race and ethnicity data, including
the imputed results for people for whom we only have pre-1981 data.
population of car owners with insurance.
To make our sample close to nationally representative, we weighted the sample
using a two-step process. We first created a geographic weight at the Census tract level.
Our database contained cars from most Census tracts in the country. There were 64,946
tracts with cars in the 2000 Census, and our database contains records from 62,964 of
those tracts.
We therefore could make our sample almost perfectly geographically
representative of the entire country by applying a weight that was the ratio of the share of
all cars in the country that are in a tract over the share of cars in our sample that are in
that tract.
Column (c) of Table A.1 shows the racial, ethnic and income breakdown
after weighting the sample in this way. The weighted sample was now almost perfectly
nationally representative by income group, because income is measured at the tract level,
but minorities were still under-represented. We therefore applied a second weight, which
was the ratio of the share of cars owned by each racial or ethnic group in the country over
the share of cars owned by each racial or ethnic group in the sample after applying the
tract weights. Column (d) of Table A.1 shows the racial, ethnic, and income breakdowns
after applying those weights.
The racial and ethnic proportions were now the same as
those for the nation as a whole, by construction. Adding this second weight did make the
weighted sample slightly over-representative of residents of low-to-moderate income
The 62,964 tracts are in the full database. Tract weights are applied to the full database, and the second
step – the race-weight step – is done with the sub-sample for whom we have SSA race and ethnicity data.
To be precise, the measure in the FTC database is the share of property damage liability earned car years
by tract. There were a small number of tracts with very small number of earned car years (for example,
someone may have only had a week of coverage) that resulted in very large tract weights. We capped the
tract weights at the 99.95 percentile of their distribution. Even with that cap, there were some outliers once
claims paid were adjusted for earned car years. Removing these outliers did not affect the results of the
analysis. These results are discussed in Appendix F, the robustness check appendix.
Because individuals with imputed race and ethnicity are represented by multiple records in the database,
each record received the appropriate nationally representative weight associated with the race or ethnicity
of that record.
tracts, but it was very close to the national numbers. We used these weights throughout
the analysis, except where noted.
CLUE data were analyzed using the full sample of 1.4 million policies. Because
the main weights were developed to apply to SSA race and ethnicity data, and we only
have SSA race and ethnicity data for a sub-sample, we cannot generate those weights for
the full sample of 1.4 million. Instead, we first developed a set of weights to make the
sample geographically representative at the tract level, and then calculated race and
ethnicity weights based on Census block-level race data.
D.1.3 The Modeling Sample
Most of the analysis presented in the report was conducted using a sub-sample of
the original database. As discussed in Appendix C, which describes the construction of
the database, the FTC only obtained SSA race and ethnicity data for a stratified sub-
sample of the database. Although not all of the analysis required the use of race/ethnicity
data, the sub-sample with that information was used throughout the report for the sake of
For a record to be included in the modeling sample, the following conditions had
to be met:
It had to have valid SSA race/ethnicity data.
It had to have a Census block location.
The combination of coverages on the policy had to be “plausible,”
meaning the policy had to have one of the following combinations:
o All four main coverages, or
o Liability coverages and comprehensive, or
o Liability coverages only.
All of the analyses that did not require race or ethnicity data were also run on the full sample, and all
results were very similar. These results are discussed in Appendix F.
For the ChoicePoint score and FICO score risk models, the sample was
limited to policies with a score. This was done because there were very
few policies with a “no hit” or “thin file” that had SSA race and ethnicity
In addition to the overall analysis sub-sample restrictions, there were additional
restrictions for the individual coverage risk models:
The earned car years for each record for the coverage being modeled had
to be greater than zero and not greater than one.
Total claims count had to be less than six. (This eliminated only a handful
of records).
Table A.2 shows summary statistics for the database we analyzed. Column (a)
shows statistics for the full sample of 1.4 million policies and 2.3 million vehicles.
Column (b) shows the characteristics of the modeling sub-sample, and column (c) shows
the characteristics of the modeling sub-sample when weights were applied to make the
sub-sample nationally representative by geography, race, ethnicity, and income.
Comparing columns (a) and (b) shows that the sub-sample used for most of the
analysis did not differ in any dramatic way from the full sample. This similarity is
reassuring, especially given that some of the steps that produced the sub-sample could be
quite non-random; in particular, the process of locating Social Security Numbers at
Experian, which eliminated roughly ¼ of the original sub-sample of 400,000.
Comparing columns (b) and (c) shows that applying the nationally representative
weights did affect some of the characteristics of the sub-sample. In particular, the share
of people with missing values for many of the characteristics was quite different once
nationally representative weights are applied. The likelihood that a characteristic is
We did a separate analysis of “no hits” and “thin files” using Census race/ethnicity data. Those results
are presented in part V of the report.
“missing” is determined by the information that the data providing firms collected and
maintained. So, we reasoned that the change in the shares of many of the characteristics
with unknown values reflected an effect of the nationally representative weights on the
relative mix of the companies in the sample. As noted in Appendix F, all of the analyses
were also run without the nationally representative weights, and this had very little effect
on any of the results.
D.2 The Risk Models
The statistical models that the FTC constructed and used throughout the report are
forms of Generalized Linear Models. These are fairly standard modeling techniques in
the insurance industry. This section describes those techniques, and the specifics of how
they were used to analyze the FTC database.
To better understand insurance claims risk, it helps to think of that risk as being
made up of two components. The first component of risk is the probability that someone
will file a claim. This is usually called “frequency.” The second component of risk is the
size of a claim, usually called “severity.” Any risk factor, such as driver experience,
geography, or credit history, could be correlated with either or both components of
Because claims are generated in this way, claims data have certain distinct
features. The data consist of a mix of a large number of zeros (policies with no claims)
and a smaller number of positive dollar amounts. The mass of claims is centered around
a relatively low number – the hundreds or low thousands of dollars – but claims can
Some factors might affect both types of risk in the same direction. For example, someone who drives
especially fast might be more likely to get into an accident, and any accident would probably be more
severe than average. Other factors might affect the two types of risk in off-setting ways. For instance,
someone with a very expensive car might be especially cautious and unlikely to have an accident, but face
very high repair costs in the event of an accident.
range into the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Both of these features – the
many zeros and the long “tail” in the distribution of claims size – require the use of
specialized statistical techniques.
There are two approaches to modeling risk. Either frequency and severity can be
modeled separately, and the results combined, or total claims cost can be modeled in one
step. Most of the analysis in the body of the report is concerned only with the total
effects on risk of given variables, such as credit based insurance scores, so most of the
analysis is done with total claims estimated in a single step. In the discussion of the
predictive power of scores, however, separate results for frequency and severity are
presented, as this may provide insights into how scores are predictive of risk. Whether
risk is modeled in a single step or the two components of risk are modeled separately, the
standard approaches are all built around Generalized Linear Models (GLMs).
D.2.1 Generalized Linear Models
“Generalized Linear Models” are, as the name suggests, a class of statistical
models that are generalized forms of standard linear models. GLMs generalize from
linear models by allowing for the dependent variable to be distributed according to any
member of the exponential family of distributions. GLMs also allow for the variance of
the error term to vary with the mean of the distribution. Finally, GLMs allow the effects
of explanatory variables to be a transformation of a linear function. The transformation is
referred to as the “link function.” A specific GLM model is defined by the link function
and by the assumption made about the distribution of the dependent variable. The
An excellent source for GLMs, especially in the context of modeling insurance claims, is Duncan
Anderson, et al., A Practitioner’s Guide To Generalized Linear Models, CAS 2004 Discussion Paper 1 –
116 (May 2005) (presented at Program CAS – Arlington).
standard Ordinary Least Squares regression model is a special case of the GLM, with an
identity link function and normally distributed errors.
D.2.1.1 Modeling “Frequency”
The standard approach to modeling frequency is called “Poisson regression,”
because it is a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) that uses the Poisson distribution. The
Poisson distribution gives the likelihood that a certain number of events will occur in a
given period of time, such as how many claims will be filed on an insurance policy
during a year. The link function we used in our Poisson regression models was the
natural log, so the regressions provided estimates of the multiplicative effects of the
variables on risk. That is, the estimates show the effects of variables on relative risk, so
an estimated effect of “2” means “predicted claims double when the variable takes this
To implement a Poisson regression with the FTC database for a given coverage,
the dependent variable was the number of claims for that coverage divided by the earned
car years of that coverage.
To limit the effects of outliers, we dropped records that had
more than six claims on a given coverage in a year.
Earned car years were also used as
weights, because records with higher earned car years (that is, records that cover longer
periods of time) contain more information about risk. Other weights were the sampling
weights (which are necessary because the modeling sample was a stratified sub-sample of
The value “2” here would be the exponentiated coefficient estimate from the regression.
Records with a positive count for a coverage but zero dollars paid out on claims for that coverage had
the count set to zero. It is fairly common for a customer to file a claim that never results in a payment. For
records with multiple claims and positive dollars paid on claims on a coverage, we cannot determine
whether all of the claims resulted in payments, as we have only one variable on the total dollars paid on
claims for each coverage. So, those records may overstate the number of claims that resulted in payments.
This restriction caused very few records to be dropped, and it did not affect the results. Appendix F
includes a discussion of the treatment of outliers.
the original sample), the nationally-representative weights,
and, where necessary, the
weights used to implement the race/ethnicity imputation. The explanatory variables in
the model are listed below.
D.2.1.2 Modeling “Severity”
The standard approach to modeling the severity of claims is to use a GLM with a
Gamma distribution. The Gamma distribution is used because it has the features of the
observed distribution of claims, all positive values with a relatively low central mass and
a long tail of larger values. As with the Poisson regressions, we used a natural log link
function for the Gamma GLM models, so the estimated effects from the model are
To implement a Gamma GLM for a given coverage in the FTC database, the
sample was first limited to those records with claims on that coverage that resulted in
payouts. The dependent variable for the severity regression was dollars paid out on
claims for that coverage divided by the claim count for that coverage.
The size of
claims was capped at the 99
percentile to mitigate the effects of outliers. The weights
were the claim count, the sampling weight, the nationally representative weight, and the
race-imputation weight, where needed. The explanatory variables were the same as for
the frequency models, and are described below.
D.2.1.2 Modeling Total Claims Cost (“Pure Premiums”)
All of the analyses were also run without the nationally representative weights. As described in
Appendix F, this had very little effect on any of the results.
This may be affected by the problem of people with multiple claims on a single coverage, where we
could not determine if all of the claims resulted in payments. For records with multiple claims and positive
dollars paid on claims on a coverage, we cannot determine whether all of the claims resulted in payments,
as we have only one variable on the total dollars paid on claims on a coverage. So, those records may
overstate the number of claims that resulted in payments, which, in turn, will understate the average claim
size for that record.
When frequency and severity are modeled separately, the results of the two
models can be combined and the overall effect of a particular factor on expected dollars
of claims can be calculated. It is also possible to model claims risk in a single step. This
can be done by using a GLM with a “Tweedie” distribution.
The Tweedie distribution
is a compound distribution of the Poisson and Gamma.
In essence, the Tweedie GLM
approach addresses both the frequency effect and severity effect of risk factors in a single
model. That is, it estimates the effect of a given factor on the total dollars of claims paid
out per year of coverage.
To implement the Tweedie GLM with the FTC database for a given coverage, the
dependent variable is dollars paid out on that coverage divided by earned car years. The
same restrictions were placed on the dependent variable to limit outliers as were used in
the frequency and severity models.
The weights in the pure premiums regressions
were the same as for the frequency model: earned car years, the sampling weight, the
nationally representative weight, and, where necessary, the race imputation weight. The
explanatory variables were the same as those used in the frequency and severity models.
D.2.2 Bootstrapping Significance Tests
In several places in the analysis, we report the results of statistical significance
The distribution is named for M. C. K. Tweedie, who first introduced it in 1984. Tweedie MCK (1984).
“An index which distinguishes between some important exponential families.” In ‘Statistics Applications
and New Directions’, Proceedings of the Indian Statistical Institute Golden Jubilee International
Conference. (Ed. JK Ghosh and J Roy) pp. 579-604. (Indian Statistical Institute: Calcutta).
Estimating the Tweedie GLM models required choosing the value of a parameter of the distribution, P,
that relates to the shape of the distribution and can vary between one and two. A standard approach is to
use P=1.5, and that was used to produce the results presented in the report. We also tested values of P
across the range from one to two, and the results of the models were not affected in any meaningful way.
Using the same restrictions to avoid outliers did not eliminate all outliers from the pure premium
models. Even though claim size and the nationally representative weights were capped, several claims
became outliers when claim size, earned car years, and nationally geographic weights were combined.
These were not excluded from the results reported in the body of the report. As discussed in Appendix F
removing those records had no qualitative effects on the results, with one minor exception.
tests. In each case, these tests were done using an approach known as “bootstrapping.”
A bootstrap works by repeatedly drawing random samples, with replacement, from the
analysis sample that are the same size as the analysis sample. Because these “pseudo-
samples” are drawn with replacement, a record in the analysis sample may appear
repeatedly, or not at all, in a given pseudo-sample. The parameter of interest is estimated
for each pseudo-sample, and this is repeated many times. The confidence interval for the
parameter can then be estimated simply by measuring the observed distribution of
parameter estimates from all of the pseudo-samples.
For example, bootstrapping was used to determine whether including race,
ethnicity, and income controls had a statistically significant impact on the estimated risk
impact of each score decile. This was done by first generating 500 pseudo-samples by
drawing samples, with replacement, from the modeling sample.
The pseudo-samples
were drawn at the policy level, so that any correlation in the unobserved risk across cars
on the same policy would be accounted for in the bootstrapped confidence intervals.
Once the pseudo-samples were generated, the risk models were estimated for each
pseudo-sample, with and without controls for race, ethnicity, and income. The difference
between the estimated risk for each score decile for the models with and without the
controls was computed. Those differences are collected, and form the estimated
distribution of the difference for each score decile. The 95% confidence interval for the
difference for a given score decile can then be determined simply by measuring the value
of the 2.5 percentile and 97.5 percentile of that distribution of estimated differences.
A standard reference for the bootstrap is B. Efron and R. Tibshihanit, An Introduction to the Bootstrap,
1993, Chapman and Hall, Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability (1993), at 57.
The number of pseudo-samples is arbitrary. We found that our confidence intervals converged after 200
to 300 replications.
We also calculated robust standard errors for the parameter estimates of the GLM
Tweedie models that took account of the fact that many records come from the same
policies (i.e.,“clustering”). The resulting standard errors for the parameters of the models
were very similar to those produced by the bootstrapping procedure. We rely on the
bootstrap procedure, however, because statistical significance tests on the parameter
estimates across different models cannot be done using the standard errors from those
models (e.g., comparing score decile parameter estimates across models with and without
controls for race, ethnicity, and income).
D.2.3 Variables Used in the Risk Models
The following variables were used in the risk models. All variables were included
in all models, except where otherwise indicated. All variables entered the models as
indicator (“dummy”) variables. A number of variables have “missing” as one of the
categories, and this category was included in the models. Whether a variable was
missing for a record was determined by whether the company that provided that record
had collected and maintained the information, and therefore when multiple records are
missing the same variable it may mean they came from the same company. This
complicates the interpretation of some variables, but may have the benefit of acting like
an indicator variable for a particular company.
Credit-Based Insurance Score Decile
The credit-based insurance score decile of the score on the policy. Deciles were
determined using property damage liability coverage earned car years as a weight, so
each decile contains 10% of the property damage liability earned car years. The
nationally representative weights were used when the score deciles were determined, and
the same decile cut-points were used throughout the analysis.
Race and ethnicity category – from the SSA data, census data, and Hispanic
surname match. As discussed above, this is a simple indicator variable for people for
whom we have a post-1981 SSA race/ethnicity response, or who responded “Black” pre-
1981. Individuals for whom we had only a pre-1981 response which was either “White”
or “Other,” have separate records for each race or ethnicity that had a positive estimated
probability, with a weight equal to the estimated probability. Race or ethnicity was
included in models only where indicated.
Tract-Level Income
The median tract income relative to the Metropolitan Statistical Area median
income. This variable takes the values of less than 80% of the MSA median (“low
income”), 80% and greater but less than 120% of the MSA median (“middle income”),
and 120% of the MSA median and greater (“high income”). Income was only used
where indicated.
Age / Gender / Marital Status
The effects of age, gender, and marital status are all inter-dependent. The effect
of age on risk varies with gender and marital status, the effect of gender on risk varies
with age and marital status, etc. Fully interacting the three variables, however, leads to
literally hundreds of possible combinations. To reduce the set of controls used in the
models, we created groupings of age/gender/marital status that were of similar risk. We
first created a set of seven age ranges. The age ranges were determined by estimated
frequency risk models with varying age bands, which in turn were based in part on the
public rate filings of several firms. The chosen categories were interacted with gender
and marital status. Because gender could take three values (male, female, unknown) and
marital status could take four values (single, married, divorced or widowed, unknown),
this produced a total of 7x3x4=84 cells. We then ran risk models for each of the four
major coverages using all 84 cells. The results showed that the effects on risk of the
age/gender/marital status categories were fairly similar across the accident-related
coverages (the liability coverages and collision), but somewhat different for
comprehensive coverage. We therefore created two sets of age/gender/marital status
categories. After examining the estimated risk effects of the 84 cells, we created nine
risk categories for the accident-related coverages and six categories for comprehensive.
This was done based on the predicted risk for the 84 cells, with attention paid to creating
“reasonable” categories made up of cells that were “close” to each other on a grid of
age/gender/marital status.
Territorial Risk
The territorial risk variable was calculated by EPIC using three-year average
property damage liability claims for the five companies, by ZIP-code. This is described
in more detail in Appendix C. Territorial risk entered the model as quintiles, five groups
that each contain 20% of the vehicles in the sample, weighted by property damage
liability coverage earned car years. As described in Appendix F, using deciles instead of
quintiles did not affect the risk models.
The CLUE data contains information on the number and size of claims for the full
range of coverages. Several variables were used to capture that information for inclusion
in the risk models.
CLUE Data – Prior Uninsured Motorist / Underinsured Motorist Claims
The number of claims that involved an uninsured or underinsured motorist claim
with a positive dollar value in the prior three years. It takes the values of “0” and “1 or
CLUE Data – Prior Bodily Injury / Property Damage Claims
The number of claims that involved a bodily injury or property damage claim
with a positive dollar value and did not involve uninsured or underinsured motorist
claims, in the prior three years. This variable takes the values “0,” “1,” “2,” and “3 or
CLUE Data – Prior Collision / Medical Payments / Personal Injury Claims
The number of claims that had a collision, medical payments or personal injury
claim with a positive dollar value, and did not have uninsured or underinsured motorist,
bodily injury, or property damage claims, in the prior three years. This variable takes the
values “0,” “1,” and “2 or more.”
CLUE Data – Prior Comprehensive-Only Claims
Number of claims involving only comprehensive coverage with a positive dollar
value, in the three prior years. This variable takes the values “0,” “1,” “2,” and “3 or
CLUE Data – Prior Towing and Labor-Only Claims
Number of claims involving only towing and labor with a positive dollar value, in
Because we received prior-claims data only for people who had the same address in the company data
and in the CLUE data, the prior claims data used in the FTC’s analysis may be more limited than that used
by companies when they underwrite and rate policies. Companies can ask applicants for prior addresses,
and submit those addresses to be matched, as well.
the prior three years. This variable takes the values “0,” “1,” “2,” and “3 or more.”
CLUE Data – Prior Rental Reimbursement Claims
Number of claims involving rental reimbursement, in the prior three years. This
variable takes the values “0,” “1,” and “2 or more.”
Number of Accidents
Number of accidents indicates the number of “chargeable” accidents that occurred
prior to the beginning of the policy period.
This variable came from the companies,
and may only reflect claims made policies at that company. The variable is missing for a
large portion of the sample. The definition of “chargeable accident” may vary by
company and by state, but is usually based on a dollar threshold and often on whether the
driver was found to be at fault. For an accident to be considered chargeable, it must
typically have occurred in the previous three years. This variable takes the values of
“zero,” “one or more,” and “unknown.”
Number of Violations
The number of violations indicates the sum of major and minor moving violations
for the driver assigned to a car that occurred prior to the beginning of the policy period.
The definition of major violation may vary by company and by state. Typically, this
variable only includes major and minor violations in the past three years. This variable
takes the values “zero,” “one or more,” and “unknown.”
Tenure is the number of years the customer had been with the company. Each
year of tenure is a separate category for years 1 through 14, and then years of tenure are
This variable may in many or all cases exclude accidents that occurred while the consumer was a
customer of a different firm, which is one reason the CLUE data provides important additional information.
combined into categories for “15 or 16 years,” “17, 18, or 19 years,” and a final category
for tenures of 20 years or more.
Property Damage Liability Limits
This is the maximum amount customers would be reimbursed for a property
damage liability claim. It was used only in liability regressions. Property Damage
liability limits takes the values “$5,000 - $10,000,” “$15,000 - $20,000,” “$25,000 -
$45,000,” “$50,000 - $80,000,” “$100,000 - $200,000,” “$250,000 - $325,000,”
“$500,000 - $2,000,000,” and “missing or zero.” (Note that when these ranges are non-
contiguous there were no policies in the database with values between the ranges.)
Bodily Injury Liability Limits
Bodily injury limit is the maximum amount customers would be reimbursed for
bodily injury claims. There are two limits on bodily injury liability, the per-person limit
and the total cost limit per occurrence. The two limits are highly correlated, so we based
our bodily injury liability limit variable on the per-person limit. It was used only in
liability regressions. It takes the values “$10,000,” “$12,500 - $15,000,” “$20,000,”
“$25,000 - $40,000,” “$50,000 - $75,000,” “$100,000 - $150,000,” “$200,000 -
$250,000,” “$300,000 - $400,000,” “$500,000 - $2,000,000,” and “missing or zero.”
(Note that when these ranges are non-contiguous there were no policies in the database
with values between the ranges.)
State Minimums
State minimums indicated whether the policy had only the minimum liability
coverage required by law. It takes the values of “yes” and “no”. The FTC created this
variable by comparing the liability limit variables with data on state legal minimum
liability requirements. Information on state minimums, as of 2000, came from the NAIC
2001/2002 Auto Insurance Database Report.
Collision Deductible
This is the deductible for collision claims. It takes the values “$0 - $50,” “$100 -
$150,” “$200,” “$250 - $400,” “$500,” “$1,000 - $1,500,” and “missing.” This variable
was used only in collision regressions. (Note that when these ranges are non-contiguous
there were no policies in the database with values between the ranges.)
Comprehensive Deductible
This is the deductible for comprehensive claims. It takes the values “$0 - $25,”
“$50,” “$100 - $150,” “$200,” “$250 - $300,” “$400 - $750,” “$1,000 - $5,000,” and
“missing.” This variable was used only in comprehensive coverage regressions. (Note
that when these ranges are non-contiguous there were no policies in the database with
values between the ranges.)
Annual Mileage
Estimated annual mileage as reported by the customer. It takes the values of
“7,500 miles or less,” “more than 7,500 miles,” and “unknown.”
Principal / Occasional Driver
Principal or occasional operator identifies whether the driver assigned to a vehicle
was the primary user of the vehicle, or only used it occasionally. It is an indicator that is
typically used only for young drivers. The variable had categories for “principal
(driver),” “occasional (driver),” and “unknown”.
National Association of Insurance Commissioners, “Auto Insurance Database Report 2001/2002”
Vehicle usage reflects whether the vehicle was used primarily for “pleasure,”
“farm,” “business,” “travel to work,” “all other uses,” or whether the use was “unknown.”
Indicates whether the customer owned a home. It takes the values “yes” and
Multi-line Discount
Multi-line discount designates whether a customer had multiple types of insurance
with their auto carrier. The discount is commonly applied when a customer purchases
homeowners insurance from the same company. Multi-line discount takes the values of
“yes,” “no,” and “unknown.”
Multi-car indicates whether there were multiple cars in the household covered by
the same insurer. It takes the values “yes,” “no,” and “unknown.”
State where the vehicle was principally garaged.
Model Year
Model year of the vehicle. Each model year is a separate category, except the
following groups of years: “2001 – 2002,” “1981 – 1984,” and “1980 or older.”
Body Type
Data from Edmund’s on the vehicle type. Body type takes the values
“convertible,” “coupe,” “extended or crew cab pickup,” “regular cab pickup,” “four-door
SUV,” “two-door SUV,” “hatchback,” “passenger minivan,” “wagon,” “sedan,” and
Restraint System
Data from Edmund’s on airbags and seat belts. Restraint system takes the values
“only passive seatbelts,” “only active seatbelts,” “seatbelts and driver’s front airbag,”
“seatbelts and driver and passenger front airbags,” “more than seatbelts and front
airbags,” and “unknown.”
Data from Edmund’s on the size of the engine in the vehicle. Engine
displacement is an indicator of the power of the engine. It takes the values “less than 2.7
liters,” “2.7 – 4.3 liters,” “More than 4.3 liters,” and “unknown.”
APPENDIX E. Score Building Procedures
E. 1. Developing the FTC Base Model
The FTC credit-based insurance score-building methodology produces “pure
premium” scoring models. That is, the models are developed to predict total dollars paid
out on claims on a policy in a year.
To have a single scoring model that predicts losses
for any of the four major coverages, we combined total claims across coverages into a
single measure of losses.
The steps for building a credit-based insurance scoring model are first described,
and then the logic underlying the procedure is discussed.
An ordinary least squares model (“OLS model”) is run using total dollars of
claims as the dependent variable, and the 180 credit history variables as the
explanatory variables.
The results of the OLS model are used to generate a
A Tweedie GLM model is run, using total dollars of claims as the dependent
variable, and all the standard risk variables and the proto-score as the explanatory
Predicted total dollars of claims are calculated for each record using
the results of the Tweedie GLM model.
An “adjusted claims” variable is
calculated by dividing actual total dollars of claims by predicted total dollars of
Each credit history variable is then divided into optimal “bins.” This is done
using an approach developed by staff of the FRB. The relationship between each
credit history variable and adjusted claims is evaluated separately. First, the
Because many of the records are for less than a full year, total dollars of claims are adjusted for the
period of time each car was actually covered by one of the companies in the sample.
Claims on first party medical coverages – MedPay and personal injury protection – are also included in
the “total losses” variable.
The credit history variables were first converted from continuous variables into discrete variables. This
was done using a simple rule of thumb of dividing the values into “bins” that each contains at least roughly
10% of the sample. (So, if 50% of the sample had a value of zero for a given variable, there would be one
category for “zero,” and up to five additional bins.)
Because we are combining claims from across coverages, we also include dummy variables indicating
whether the policy included collision, comprehensive, MedPay, and/or personal injury protection coverage.
The “proto-score” is used in the model estimation as a control, but is not used when the predicted pure
premium is calculated. The use of a “proto-score” in this way follows a suggestion from several score
builders at firms. It is done simply to minimize the effect of other variables that are correlated with score,
such as age, picking up variation that would be attributed to score if score were included in the model.
credit history variable is divided into the two categories that create the biggest
difference in mean adjusted claims between the two categories. These categories
are then divided into additional categories, until the point where further divisions
would not lead to statistically significant differences in mean adjusted claims
across new categories.
A forward-selection OLS model is run, with adjusted claims as the dependent
variable, and the binned credit history variables as the candidate explanatory
variables. The process works by first choosing the variable that, on its own, is
most predictive of risk, based on an F-test. The next variable chosen is the
variable that adds the most predictive value when used in a model with the first
variable chosen (again, based on an F-test). This process continues, with credit
history variables being added, one by one, until a pre-determined threshold is
A Tweedie GLM model is run with actual total dollars of claims as the dependent
variable, and the standard risk variables and the “winning” credit history variables
as the explanatory variables.
The coefficients on the credit history variables from the Tweedie GLM estimated
in the previous step are used to generate a scorecard for the “FTC credit-based
insurance scoring model.”
The underlying logic of this procedure is that we are attempting to find the set of
credit history variables that best predict total dollars of claims, after controlling for non-
credit risk variables. The non-credit risk variables are initially included in the model by
adjusting total dollars of claims by a measure of risk based on these variables. Steps one
and two do this. The third step, the binning of the credit-history variables, is done for
two reasons. (The alternative would be to keep the credit-history variables as continuous
variables.) Dividing the values into bins is a simple way of allowing the effects of the
variables to vary in complex non-linear ways over the range of values. Using bins also
Two restrictions are placed on the binning process. The first is that no bin could be less than ½% of the
total sample. This is done to avoid “over fitting” the data, and to avoid convergence problems when binned
data are used in the Tweedie GLM stage. The binning procedure was also run using either a monotonicity
requirement, meaning that average claims must either rise or fall across the range of bins, or a “single-
turning” requirement, meaning that if average adjusted claims were not monotonic, they could first go up
and then down, or vice-versa, but not go up-down-up or down-up-down, etc. Both restrictions led to the
same set of optimal bins.
makes the scorecard – the tool for actually calculating a score – much simpler than would
other ways of allowing non-linear effects.
The fourth and fifth steps are the core of the score-building process. First, the
most predictive credit-history variables are determined by the forward-selection
procedure. The forward-selection procedure runs a separate OLS model regression, with
adjusted claims as the dependent variable, for every credit-history variable (i.e., 180
separate regressions). It then determines which credit-history variable provides the most
predictive power. It then runs through that same process, and chooses the variable that
adds the most predictive power to a model that includes the “winning” variable from the
first step. This process continues, adding variables one-by-one, until it hits some
stopping rule.
We used two stopping rules. The first was that if the estimated effect on
adjusted claims of the next potential variable was not statistically significantly different
from zero (“no effect”) at the 10% level, the procedure stopped. This approach tended to
produce a model with a very small number of variables, fewer than ten. We also used an
alternative where the procedure continued until it had selected the first fifteen “winning”
variables. Fifteen was chosen arbitrarily, based on scorecards we reviewed and
discussions with professional score builders and staff at the Federal Reserve Board.
The final step in the score building process is calculating the scorecard. This is
done by estimating a Tweedie GLM with actual total claims, instead of adjusted total
claims, as the dependent variable. All of the non-credit risk variables are included in the
Ideally, the forward selection procedure would be run using a Tweedie GLM model, as that is the
preferred way of modeling total dollars of insurance claims. Maximum likelihood procedures are apt to
“crash,” however, especially when run on data with many highly-correlated variables, like credit history
data. (It is common in the industry to use some form of OLS-based variable selection procedure.) Our
approach is a compromise. We use the OLS model for the forward-selection procedure, which determines
the “winning” variables, but estimate the final scoring model using a Tweedie GLM model of the actual
pure premiums with all of the non-credit variables.
model, along with the “winning” credit history variables. The scorecard is made up of
the estimated coefficients on the credit history variables. The scorecards we report show
the inverse of the exponentiated coefficients. A score is calculated by multiplying
together the coefficients for each credit history variable, and this produces the inverse of
the predicted relative risk. The coefficients must be exponentiated because the Tweedie
GLM has a log-linear functional form. We use the inverse of the coefficients so that a
higher score will be associated with a lower predicted risk.
E.2 Developing “Race Neutral” Models
The FTC used two approaches to controlling for race, ethnicity, and income in the
score-building process. One approach was to include controls for race, ethnicity, and
income in the forward-selection step, when the “winning” credit history variables were
This means that the variables were not chosen because of a correlation with
race, ethnicity, or income. Race, ethnicity, and income controls were also included when
the final Tweedie GLM was run to generate the scorecard. So, any relationship between
risk and race, ethnicity, and income was controlled for, and would not be picked up by
the weights on the credit history variables. (Note that while race, ethnicity, and income
are included in the model that determines the scorecard, they are not themselves used to
calculate a score.)
The other approach was to build the model using only non-Hispanic whites. This
An alternative approach we used was to include race, ethnicity, and income controls in the step of the
model-building process when the “adjusted pure premium” is calculated. The adjusted pure premium was
therefore adjusted for those variables. The binning of the credit history variables was therefore done in a
way that was purged of any relationship between race, ethnicity, and income, and claims. In addition, the
forward-selection process was done with the race adjusted pure premium as the dependent variable. So, the
credit history variables were chosen for the model using a dependent variable that was adjusted for race,
ethnicity, and income. This approach gave very similar results to results of the model discussed in the body
of the report.
was done by limiting the development sample to people who answered “White, Non-
Hispanic” to the post-1981 SSA questionnaire and the records that represent the “non-
Hispanic white” imputed probabilities of people for whom we only have pre-1981 SSA
data (which include the weight from the imputation process).
E.3 Discounting Variables for Differences across Racial and Ethnic Groups
To force the model-building procedure to produce models with smaller
differences across racial and ethnic groups, we modified the forward selection step to
take those differences into account. Normally, the forward selection step runs a series of
OLS regression models, with adjusted total claims as the dependent variable and credit
history variables as the explanatory variables. One regression is run for each credit
history variable. The credit history variable with the largest impact on predicted risk at
each step, as measured by an F-test, is added to the set of “winning” variables.
This step was modified by also running an OLS regression for each credit history
variable with race and ethnicity as the dependent variable. Race and ethnicity was
captured using indicator variable for whether the individual was non-Hispanic white or
minority (i.e., all minority groups were combined into one category, to simplify the
modeling). The R
statistics were then calculated for the risk OLS model and the
race/ethnicity OLS model, and used jointly to choose winning variables. The R
from the risk equation is a measure of how much power the credit history variable has to
predict risk. The R
statistic from the race and ethnicity model is a measure of how much
the credit history variable differs by race and ethnicity. We used these two measures to
choose variables for the model in a variety of ways. The approach described in the body
of the report was to first normalize the R
statistics within each set of regressions – the
risk regressions or the race and ethnicity regressions – by dividing the R
for the
regression for each variable by the largest R
in that set of regressions. That is, the R
statistics from the risk regressions for each credit history variable were divided by the
largest R
from all of the risk regressions, and similarly for the race and ethnicity
regressions. We then compared the normalized R
statistics to select the variables to
include in the model.
The model described in the body of the report was determined by subtracting twice the normalized R
the race and ethnicity regression for each variable from the normalized R
of the risk regression for that
variable. At each step, we chose the variable with the largest difference as the winning variable. Taking
the difference between the normalized R
statistics, without doubling the normalized R
from the
race/ethnicity regression, resulted in a model with much larger differences across racial and ethnic groups.
Using the ratio of the R
statistics from the two regressions resulted in a model that was very similar to that
discussed in the body of the report.
APPENDIX F. Robustness Checks and Limitations of the Analysis
The FTC conducted numerous additional analyses to confirm the results presented
in the body of the report, and to test whether those results are robust to the credit score
used, the database used, the use of a sub-sample, and a variety of modeling decisions.
There remain several limitations of the database and the analysis that could not be fully
addressed through these robustness checks.
F.1 Limitations of the Data and the Analysis
No Information on People who did not Obtain Insurance
The FTC did not have information on insurance applicants who were denied
coverage by the firms that provided data. We could therefore not directly evaluate the
impacts of credit-based insurance scores on consumers’ ability to obtain insurance from a
given firm. However, the analysis of state residual markets data in NAIC reports shows
that scores do not appear to have adversely affected consumers’ ability to obtain
insurance through the normal, voluntary market for automobile insurance.
Single National Model
Underwriting and rating plans are determined by firms below the national level,
and often at the state level. The FTC’s analysis includes controls for state, but does not
separately model risk by state. The results of our national model may differ from the
results of separate state-level models, especially if the effects of particular risk variables
differ across states.
Pooled Company Data
The FTC risk models were estimated using pooled data from multiple firms.
Individual firms estimate the risk posed by their customers, and the results of models
estimated using data from a single company may differ from those of a model estimated
using pooled data.
Sub-Sample of Industry
The FTC database includes data from five firms that together represented over ¼
of the entire automobile insurance market as of 2000. Despite having data from a fairly
large share of the market, we know that this sample likely under-represents the highest-
risk segment of the market. (An analysis that focuses on a sub-sample of the riskiest
policies in our database is presented in section F.2, below.) In addition, there may be
other ways in which these firms differ from the market, as a whole.
Territorial Risk Variable
The territorial risk variable in the FTC database is based on ZIP-code average
property damage liability claims. It is a powerful predictor of risk for property damage
liability, bodily injury liability, and collision coverages, but it may differ from the
territorial risk measures used by individual firms. More importantly, this territorial risk
variable is not a powerful predictor of risk for comprehensive coverage. As discussed in
the text, this is likely to lead to over-estimates of the relationship of both score and
demographic characteristics like race, ethnicity, and neighborhood income to
comprehensive coverage risk.
F.2 Robustness Checks
FICO Score
The credit-based insurance score results reported in the body of the report are for
the ChoicePoint Attract Standard Auto score. All of the analyses were also run using the
FICO “Standard Auto, Greater than Minimum Limits” credit-based insurance score. The
results were similar, both qualitatively and quantitatively, to the results for the
ChoicePoint score.
No Nationally Representative Weights
The level of racial, ethnic, and income diversity of the sample could affect the
results of the “proxy” analysis. The analysis in the body of the report was done using a
sample weighted to match the racial, ethnic, and neighborhood income distribution of the
national population of car owners. While this seems a reasonable approach, that
population may have a different racial, ethnic, or income mix than the national population
of car insurance customers, or the mix of the pool of customers of any individual firm.
We also did the analysis without using the tract and race weights that make the sample
nationally representative. The results were qualitatively very similar to the results from
using the weights. The impact of scores on the estimated risk of African Americans and
Hispanics was slightly larger, with the impact on African Americans being an average
increase of 11.6% (versus 10.0% with weights) and for Hispanics 5.8% (versus 4.2%
with weights). The estimated proxy effect was very similar.
We suspected that policies with more than six claims on a coverage may have
reflected data errors, so those policies were dropped from the analysis reported in the
body of the report. Leaving those policies in did not affect the results of the analysis.
The use of nationally representative weights resulted in several claims becoming
outliers, despite the capping of those weights at the 99.95
percentile. There were four
people with large claims and small earned car years who lived on Census tracts that were
highly under-represented in the database whose claims became outliers when the Census
tract weights were applied. Two of these had no impact on any results. These were a
collision claim paid to a Hispanic consumer in the lowest score decile, and a
comprehensive claim paid to an African American consumer in the 3
-lowest score
decile. There were two outliers that did have a small impact on the results described in
the body of the report. There was one bodily injury liability claim, filed by a non-
Hispanic white consumer in the second score decile (the second from the bottom) that
became an outlier. Capping the weighted value of the claim at the size of the next-largest
weighted claim reduced the estimated risk effect of the second decile in the bodily injury
liability model by several percentage points. This did not affect any other results of the
analysis. There was one comprehensive claim, filed by an African American consumer
in the 9
score decile (second from the top) that became an outlier when the nationally
representative weight was applied. This did not affect the estimated risk effect for the 9
decile in the overall comprehensive claims model, and therefore does not affect any of
the overall results of the analysis. It did have a large effect on the estimated risk effect of
the 9
decile for African Americans when race and ethnicity were interacted with score
deciles (this is shown in Figure 14). Capping this claim brought that estimated risk effect
down somewhat, but only when the observation was dropped did the estimate fall in line
with the surrounding deciles. In any case, the estimated risk for the 9
decile for African
Americans was not statistically significantly different from that of the overall sample,
even when the outlier was not capped.
Full-Sample Models
With the exception of the analysis of the CLUE claims data, the results in the
body of the report are based on a sub-sample of records. Much of the analysis required
the SSA race ethnicity data, and therefore could be done only with the sub-sample for
which we obtained those data. We also estimated the basic risk models, without
race/ethnicity/income controls, on the complete sample. The results were very similar to
the results from the sub-sample that are described in the body of the report.
Census-Only Race and Ethnicity Data
In the body of the report, we combined data on race and ethnicity from three
sources: Social Security Administration records, a Hispanic Surname match, and Census
data. We also estimated models using only Census race and ethnicity data, measured at
the Census block level. This resulted in a weaker relationship between race/ethnicity and
claims risk, which, in turn, resulted in a smaller estimated “proxy effect.” These results
are what would be expected when race and ethnicity are measured less precisely.
Absolute Income Measure
The results presented in the body of the report that relate to income are based on
assigning people to one of three income categories based on the median income of the
Census tract where the person lived relative to the median income in their MSA. To
determine whether using relative income instead of absolute income affects the results of
our analysis, we re-ran the analysis using three categories based on tract median income,
not relative to the MSA median. This did not affect the results of the analysis.
Race and Ethnicity Imputation Cut-Offs
As discussed in Appendix C, when multiple data sources were used to impute the
race and ethnicity of people for whom we only had a pre-1981 SSA race/ethnicity
answer, we imposed a minimum cut-off on the predicted likelihood that someone was of
a given race or ethnicity. When the estimated likelihood of being of a particular race or
ethnicity was very low, we set the probability to zero. To test whether this decision
affected the results, we re-ran the analysis without using the cut-off. This did not affect
the results.
High-Risk Sub-Group
Because of the way the sample was drawn by the companies, the FTC database
probably under-represents the highest-risk portion of the automobile insurance market.
In an attempt to determine whether our analysis would extend to that portion of the
market, we estimated risk models limited to the riskiest people in our database, as
determined by non-credit factors. To do this, we first ran a risk model without credit
score, on the full model sample, that combined claims from the four major coverages.
We then predicted each individual’s expected total claims (their risk), and created a sub-
sample consisting of the 20% of the sample with the highest predicted total dollars of
claims. We then ran risk models for each of the four major coverages that included credit
scores on the “risky” sub-sample. The estimated relationships between risk and score for
the sub-sample were similar to the relationships in the overall sample.
Estimating Total Losses by Modeling Frequency and Severity Separately
Most of the results in the report are from Tweedie GLMs of total dollars of
claims. In addition, we modeled total dollars of claims by separately modeling frequency
of claims, using Poisson regressions, and severity of claims, using Gamma GLMs, and
then combined the estimates from the two models. The estimated relationships between
score and risk from combining the results from these two models were essentially
identical to the results from the single-step model.
Single Combined-Coverage Model
In the body of the report, we present results from analyzing each type of
automobile coverage separately. In addition to the separate models by coverage, we
estimated a combined-risk model for the four major coverages. This was done by
summing claims on the four major coverages into a single claims variable. Indicator
variables were included to control for differences in the set of coverages purchased by
consumers. Scores were predictive of risk in this combined-coverage model, and the
effects of scores on the predicted risk of different racial and ethnic groups from the
combined-risk model were very similar to the results from combining the results from the
separate coverage models. The overall “proxy” results for scores were also similar to the
results from combining the results from the separate coverage models.
The risk models used in the body of the report are single-equation models, where
all risk factors enter into the single equation. Some firms use credit-based insurance
scores to determine the risk category in which a customer is placed. This may allow the
effects of non-credit risk variables to vary depending on a person’s score (essentially
interacting score with other risk variables). To determine whether this would affect the
results of our analysis, we divided the sample into three groups based on score. We then
ran separate risk models for the three groups, with and without score, and measured the
impact on predicted risk for different racial and ethnic groups. The results were very
similar to the single-model approach used in the body of the report.
Number of Score Categories
We use score deciles throughout the report. To test whether the choice of deciles
was important to the results, we re-ran the analysis using 20 categories of scores
(“ventiles”). The results for predicted risk, predicted impacts on minorities, and the
results relating to “proxy effects” from using ventiles was very similar to the results from
using deciles.
Number of Geographic Risk Categories
In the results reported in the body of the report, we use controls for geographic
risk that assign people to five categories (“quintiles”). To test whether the choice of
quintiles was important to the results, we re-ran the analysis using ten categories of
geographic risk (deciles). Using deciles of geographic risk, instead of quintiles, did not
affect the results.
Tract Weights
Tract and Race
(a) (b) (c) (d)
African Americans
8.4% 4.3% 6.0% 8.4%
7.8% 2.8% 3.7% 7.8%
3.1% 3.1% 2.9% 3.1%
Non-Hispanic Whites
80.8% 89.8% 87.5% 80.8%
Low 18.2% 12.3% 17.6% 19.2%
Medium 50.6% 44.0% 51.0% 50.3%
High 31.3% 43.7% 31.4% 30.5%
1) Percentages are relative to the group of consumers included in these calculations.
FTC Database
2) The tract weights were calculated using the ratio of the share of vehicles in the 2000 Census in each tract divided by
the share of vehicles in the FTC database in each tract. The subsequent race weights are simply the ratio of the share of
each race group in the Census data over the share of each race group in the FTC database, after applying the tract
weights. See Appendix C for details on the development of the weights.
3) The final proportions differ slightly from those reported in the table on the sub-sample used for model estimation and
analysis because that sample has several additional minor restrictions that were not applied to the sample used to
develop the weights.
Development of Nationally Representative Weights:
Share of Vehicles by Race, Ethnicity and Neighborhood Income
Model Sub-Sample
With Nationally
Full Sample Model Sub-Sample Represenative Weights
(a) (b) (c)
(Median or Percent) (Median or Percent) (Median or Percent)
Male 29.8% 29.2% 25.8%
Female 31.4% 32.1% 28.9%
Unknown 38.8% 38.7% 45.3%
Marital Status
Single 12.3% 13.1% 12.3%
Married 31.6% 33.1% 27.4%
Divorced / Widowed 2.4% 2.6% 2.9%
Unknown 53.7% 51.1% 57.5%
Zero 56.8% 59.7% 60.7%
One or More 4.5% 4.9% 4.7%
Unknown 38.6% 35.4% 34.6%
Miles Driven
<7500 22.1% 22.0% 22.5%
>7500 50.4% 50.6% 55.0%
Unknown 27.6% 27.5% 22.5%
Multi-Line Discount
Yes 34.5% 34.1% 36.6%
No 35.3% 34.8% 40.4%
Unknown 30.3% 31.1% 23.1%
Principal Operator
Yes 28.2% 27.8% 27.0%
No 6.0% 5.7% 5.9%
Unknown 65.8% 66.5% 67.1%
Business 0.7% 0.6% 0.6%
Farm 0.8% 0.6% 1.0%
Pleasure 42.3% 43.1% 44.0%
Work 15.7% 16.9% 18.5%
All Other 12.8% 9.6% 11.2%
Unknown 27.8% 29.2% 24.8%
Yes 55.6% 56.3% 52.5%
No 44.4% 43.7% 47.5%
Multiple Cars
Yes 61.8% 60.1% 53.0%
No 14.5% 14.8% 14.9%
Unknown 23.7% 25.1% 32.0%
(continued. . .)
Summary Statistics for the Full FTC Database and the Sub-Sample Used for
Model Estimation and Analysis
Model Sub-Sample
With Nationally
Full Sample Model Sub-Sample Represenative Weights
(a) (b) (c)
(Median or Percent) (Median or Percent) (Median or Percent)
Major Violations
Positive 0.3% 0.3% 0.4%
Zero 64.6% 64.9% 59.5%
Unknown 35.1% 34.8% 40.1%
Minor Violations
Positive 5.1% 5.5% 5.1%
Zero 54.3% 53.9% 47.2%
Unknown 40.6% 40.6% 47.8%
Vehicle Body Type
Convertible 1.6% 1.6% 1.2%
Coupe 5.5% 5.8% 6.2%
Ext/Crew cab pickup 4.4% 4.4% 4.8%
Four-door SUV 9.7% 9.8% 8.5%
Hatchback 3.7% 3.8% 3.7%
Passenger MiniVan 5.5% 5.7% 5.5%
Regular Cab Pickup 3.6% 3.5% 4.5%
Two-door SUV 1.8% 1.8% 1.8%
Wagon 2.9% 3.0% 2.1%
Sedan 31.0% 31.5% 30.2%
Unknown 30.4% 29.0% 31.5%
Restraint System
Driver's front airbags 10.7% 10.9% 10.8%
Driver/Psgr front airbags 36.3% 37.4% 35.5%
Just active belts 12.1% 12.0% 12.5%
Just passive belts 5.6% 5.7% 6.1%
More than front airbags 5.0% 5.0% 3.5%
Unknown 30.4% 29.0% 31.5%
Prior Claim
Under & Uninsured Motorist 1.6% 1.7% 2.0%
BI & PD 14.4% 15.1% 14.4%
Coll., Med, & PIP 12.9% 13.9% 13.5%
Comprehensive 19.3% 20.6% 19.8%
Towing and Labor 6.7% 7.2% 8.1%
Rental Reimbursement 7.3% 8.1% 8.4%
None of the above 60.9% 58.3% 58.9%
Age 47 46 46
Share Unknown 12.6% 12.3% 11.7%
Tenure 10 10 8
Share Unknown 11.7% 11.3% 12.8%
(continued. . .)
Summary Statistics for the Full FTC Database and the Sub-Sample Used for
Model Estimation and Analysis (Continued)
Model Sub-Sample
With Nationally
Full Sample Model Sub-Sample Represenative Weights
(a) (b) (c)
(Median or Percent) (Median or Percent) (Median or Percent)
Property Damage Liability Limit $50,000 $50,000 $50,000
Share Unknown 3.2% 3.1% 2.0%
Bodily Injury Liability Limit $100,000 $100,000 $100,000
Share Unknown 3.6% 3.4% 2.3%
Collision Deductible $500 $500 $300
Share Unknown 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Comprehensive Deductible $200 $200 $100
Share Unknown 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Model Year 1994 1994 1994
Share Unknown 0.8% 0.4% 0.3%
Coverage Combinations
All Four Main Coverages 77.3% 82.6% 80.6%
Liability and Comprehensive 13.3% 13.3% 15.4%
Liability Only 4.1% 4.1% 4.1%
Other Coverage Combinations 5.4% 0.0% 0.0%
African American NA 4.3% 8.4%
Hispanic NA 2.8% 7.7%
Asian NA 3.1% 3.1%
Non-Hispanic White NA 89.9% 80.8%
Number of Policies 1,434,041 275,509 275,509
Number of Vehicles 2,284,330 458,940 458,940
Total Car Years 1,808,584 399,100 399,100
Note: See Appendix C for details on the data sources and the construction of the database. See Appendix D for a discussion of
how the sub-sample used for model estimation and analysis was chosen.
Summary Statistics for the Full FTC Database and the Sub-Sample Used for
Model Estimation and Analysis (Continued)
†: Some Prior Claims categories are not mutually exclusive, therefore the shares can add up to more than 100%