Concur Expense:
Payment Types
Setup Guide for Concur Standard Edition
Last Revised: December 10, 2021
Applies to these SAP Concur solutions:
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
ii Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide for Concur Standard Edition
Last Revised: December 10, 2021
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Table of Contents
Section 1: Overview .................................................................................................... 1
Section 2: About Card Programs .................................................................................. 2
Selecting the Card Type ............................................................................................ 3
Card Program Details ............................................................................................... 4
Card Program Names ......................................................................................... 4
Create Multiple Card Programs for the Same Billing Recipient, Bill Payor, and Country 4
Card Registration............................................................................................... 4
Rich Data Transactions ............................................................................................. 4
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs ............................................................... 5
Access the Payment Types Page ................................................................................ 5
Create Corporate Card Programs ............................................................................... 6
Validate Credit Card Account Numbers ............................................................... 12
Create Business Card Programs ............................................................................... 17
Create American Express Business Card Programs ..................................................... 22
Create Personal Card Programs ............................................................................... 27
Filter Card Programs .............................................................................................. 30
Modify Card Programs ............................................................................................ 30
Edit Card Programs .......................................................................................... 30
Deactivate Business Card Programs ................................................................... 30
Configure Accounting Codes .................................................................................... 32
Set Batch Schedules for Payments ........................................................................... 34
Set Up Funding Accounts ........................................................................................ 36
Remittance Information Tab ............................................................................. 37
Section 4: Manage System Payment Types ................................................................ 37
Change the Default Payment Type ........................................................................... 38
Rename the Default Payment Type Label .................................................................. 39
Edit Payment Types ............................................................................................... 40
Deactivate Payment Types ...................................................................................... 40
Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide for Concur Standard Edition iii
Last Revised: December 10, 2021
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Revision History
Date Notes/Comments/Changes
January 21, 2022
Updated the copyright year; no other changes; cover date not
December 10, 2021 Updated instructions for Product Settings page
July 17, 2021
Removed the Implementation Options section describing the
temporary Welcome banner available during the deprecation of
the Company Cards page.
March 30, 2021 Minor edit. No cover date change.
March 25, 2021 Clarified text in the Remittance Information Tab section.
March 20, 2021 Setup guide created.
NOTE: Multiple SAP Concur product versions and UI themes are available, so this
content might contain images or procedures that do not precisely match your
implementation. For example, when SAP Fiori UI themes are implemented, home
page navigation is consolidated under the SAP Concur Home menu.
Section 1: Overview
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Payment Types
Section 1: Overview
The Payment Types page includes settings and configuration for management of
credit card programs and payment types used to classify employee spending.
NOTE: Existing clients migrating to the new Payment Types module will not see
existing user-managed card program details display in the Business and
Corporate Credit Card Programs section. The card program will be listed
here, but all field data may not display for each column.
Section 2: About Card Programs
2 Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide for Concur Standard Edition
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The Payment Types page allows you to:
Add, edit, activate, and deactivate company card programs
Create separate card programs for cards paid by employees and cards paid by
the company
Select the payment method for card programs
Select the payment batch schedule and accounting information for each card
View, sort, and filter payment types
Set a default payment type for new expenses
Rename the default Out-of-Pocket payment type
Edit payment types
Deactivate payment types
Section 2: About Card Programs
Before setting up card programs for your company, administrators first need to
determine the type of card programs their company is using.
Three card programs are available:
Corporate Card – Automated data feed from bank issuer for corporate cards
configured by the administrator.
Business Card – Automated data feed from bank issuer for users' business
cards configured by the administrator and set up by the user. Users register
business credit cards on their Profile page in Profile Settings. Users also
manage the data import for their charges from the card provider or manually
enter them.
Section 2: About Card Programs
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Personal Card Automated data feed from a bank issuer for users' personal
cards and set up by the user. Users register personal credit cards on their
Profile page in Profile Settings. Users also manage the data import for their
charges from the card provider or manually enter them.
Selecting the Card Type
To help determine the type of credit card your company has and the card program
type, you first need to examine the credit card.
Review the front of the credit to determine the card type:
Corporate credit cards should have the word "Corporate" printed on the front
of the card.
Business cards should have the word "Business" printed on the front of the
Personal cards do not have "Corporate" or Business" printed on the front of
the card.
If the type of card is still uncertain, call the card issuer using the phone number
printed on the back of the card.
To access the Select the Right Card Type page, click the Not sure of your card
type? link in the lower left corner of the Select Your Type of Program page. Click
OK to return to the Select Your Type of Program page.
Section 2: About Card Programs
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Card Program Details
Card Program Names
Each card program name must be unique. Concur Expense provides a default name
when the card program is created. If a card program is accidentally created with the
same name as another program, an error message displays.
Edit the card program with a unique name and click Save. Or, click Reload this
page to refresh the page and return to the Payment Types page to create a new
card program.
Create Multiple Card Programs for the Same Billing Recipient, Bill Payor,
and Country
If needed, you can create multiple card programs for a card issuer with the same
billing recipient, bill payor, and country. Follow the same procedure for setting up the
additional card program as you did for the first card program. However, each
additional card program name must be unique.
For example, if the first card program is named Citibank VISA Corporate Card IBCP,
we recommend including a unique identifier, such as a "2", in the additional card
program's name, such as: Citibank VISA Corporate Card IBCP 2. This naming
convention helps ensure a unique name for each card program.
Card Registration
Before users can register business and personal credit cards, administrators must
create their user accounts in the system. To access the Users page, click User
Accounts in the Access to Concur section in Product Settings.
Once users are added to the system, admins can invite users to register their
business credit cards. Users register their business cards on their Profile page by
clicking Expense Credit Cards under Expense Settings. Users must have an online
account created with their card issuer before their credit cards can be registered in
Concur Expense.
For more information, refer to the Register a Credit Card help topic in the
Concur Expense Standard Edition End User Help system.
Rich Data Transactions
When transactions with rich data are imported through the credit card feeds, the rich
data can take the place of a required receipt. For countries that accept rich data, the
presence of rich data fulfills the receipt requirement.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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Example: On the Compliance Controls page in Product Settings, the company has
set the Car Rental expense type to require a receipt. Chris Miller has a company card
transaction for a car rental that includes rich data. Chris will be able to submit the
expense report without adding a receipt image to the car rental expense entry, as
the rich data counts as an attached receipt.
For more information, refer to the Client Fact: Sheet Rich Data Company
Card Transactions as Receipts in Standard Edition.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
Access the Payment Types Page
To access the Payment Types page:
1. Click Administration > Expense Settings or Expense & Invoice
2. In the Product list, click Expense.
3. In the Capturing Spend section, on the Payment Types tab, click Edit.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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The Payment Types page appears.
Create Corporate Card Programs
Corporate cards are credit cards are designed for larger businesses and tied to a
corporate account.
Corporate cards have a different verification process than business cards, so it is
important to know the type of credit card you have before creating card program for
it. If you are uncertain, please call the bank issuer for verification.
To create a corporate card program:
1. On the Payment Types page, click Add Credit Card Program. The Select
Your Type of Program page displays.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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2. On the Select Your Type of Program page, click Corporate Card. A
Corporate Card Verification page appears.
3. On the Corporate Card Verification page, verify that the credit card is
indeed a corporate card.
4. Click Yes, I Have a Corporate Card to confirm the selection.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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The Card Program Details page appears. In the Program Details section,
a series of questions will appear to help guide administrators through card
program configuration.
5. In the From what country/region is the card issued? list, select the
country of the card issuer.
The list of available countries/regions that display is reflective of the Country
Pack(s) that are enabled in the system for your company.
If a country or region has only one currency, it is automatically filled in the
What is the billing or posting currency? list. If a country or region has
more than one currency, select the appropriate billing or posting currency for
the card issuer.
6. In the What type of card is it? section, select the applicable card type.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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7. In the Who issues the card? list, select the card issuer.
8. In the What type of program is it? list, select the card program type:
Corporate Card or Purchasing Card.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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9. In the Who receives the card statement? section, select Company or
10. In the Who pays the issuer of the card? section, select Company or
If Company is selected as the recipient of the card statement, the only
option to select is Company.
If Individual is selected as the recipient of the card statement, both
Company and Individual display as options.
11. In the What do you want to name this card program? list, type or edit a
name for the card program as needed. A default name automatically displays.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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12. In the How do you want to pay for this card program? list, select a
payment option: Company Check (via Accounts Payable), Expense Pay by
Concur, or Other Reimbursement Method.
If your company uses Expense Pay to pay corporate credit cards, refer to the
Validate Credit Card Account Numbers section in this guide.
13. Verify whether the Prevent employees from manually entering credit
card charges check box should be selected. The option is selected by
When this option is selected, employees will not be able to manually enter
transactions on their expense reports and assign them to this card. Only
transactions that come from the automatic card feed will use this payment
type. This can be useful to prevent fraud or duplicate transactions.
14. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
The Credit Card Program Added page displays confirming card program
setup and outlining the next steps to take with your activation coach.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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15. Click Return to Payment Types Home.
The card program created now appears on the Payment Types page. This
card program is automatically set to Active status.
16. On the Payment Types page, select the card program that was created and
click Edit to review the card program summary, configure accounting codes,
and set the payment batch schedule.
Validate Credit Card Account Numbers
Clients who use Expense Pay to pay their corporate card can verify their card's issuer
identification number (IIN) to ensure Expense Pay supports payments to that card
NOTE: Expense Pay is not supported for every card program.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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To validate credit card account numbers for Expense Pay:
1. On the Payment Types page, complete the steps to create a corporate card
2. In the How do you want to pay for this card program? list, select
Expense Pay by Concur.
3. Click Expense Pay Verification to verify the issuer identification number
(IIN) of the card program you are entering. This button only appears if you
are using Expense Pay to pay the corporate card.
The Issuer Identification Number Verification page displays.
4. In the Issuer Identification Number field, type the first six digits of the
corporate card account number.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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5. Click Verify.
When the account number is verified as valid, a confirmation message
appears, and you can complete the steps for creating a corporate card
If the account number is not supported by Expense Pay, an error message
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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6. Click the IIN Ranges list to view valid account number ranges for Expense
NOTE: If you are certain you entered the numbers correctly, call your SAP
Concur account representative.
7. Click Cancel to close the page.
An error message appears on the page informing you that you can still set up
the card program if you select another payment option other than Expense
Pay by Concur.
8. Click Cancel or Previous to return to the Select Your Type of Program
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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Create Business Card Programs
Business cards are credit cards designed for smaller businesses that my not qualify
for a corporate credit card program.
NOTE: Business card integrations are not yet available for all countries/regions. If
you cannot find a business card for your country/region, please contact your
SAP Concur representative with any questions.
After program configuration is complete and users are added to the system, users
can register business cards by clicking the Add a New Personal Card link on the
Expense Credit Cards page in Profile settings.
For more information, refer to the Card Registration section in this guide.
To create a business card program:
1. On the Payment Types page, click Add Credit Card Program. The Select
Your Type of Program page displays.
2. On the Select Your Type of Program page, click Business Card.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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The Card Program Details page appears. In the Program Details section,
a series of questions will appear to help guide administrators through card
program configuration.
3. In the From what country/region is the card issued? list, select the
country of the card issuer.
The list of available countries/regions that display is reflective of the Country
Pack(s) that are enabled in the system for your company.
If a country or region has only one currency, it is automatically filled in the
What is the billing or posting currency? list. If a country or region has
more than one currency, select the appropriate billing or posting currency for
the card issuer.
4. In the What type of card is it? section, select the card type.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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5. In the Who issues the card? list, select the card issuer.
6. The What type of program is it? list automatically defaults to Business
7. In the Who receives the card statement? section, select Company or
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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8. In the Who pays the issuer of the card? section, select Company or
If Company is selected as the recipient of the card statement, the only
option to select is Company.
If Individual is selected as the recipient of the card statement, both
Company and Individual display as options.
9. In the What do you want to name this card program? list, type or edit a
name for the card program as needed. A default name automatically displays.
10. In the How do you want to pay for this card program? list, select a
payment option: Company Check (via Accounts Payable) or Other
Reimbursement Method.
11. Scroll to the bottom of the page and lick Save.
The Credit Card Program Added page displays confirming card program
setup and outlines the next steps you need to take to ensure successful
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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You can opt now to click Add Users to access the Users page and add
employees to Concur Expense.
12. Click Return to Payment Types Home.
The card program created now appears on the Payment Types page. This
card program is automatically set to Active status.
13. On the Payment Types page, select the card program that was created and
click Edit to review the card program summary, configure accounting codes,
and set the payment batch schedule.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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Create American Express Business Card Programs
SAP and American Express© have partnered to deliver a business card integration
that allows you to sync American Express© business cards with Concur Expense.
NOTE: Currently, this feature is only available to clients in the United States.
Please refer to the following table to ensure the American Express© Business Card
integration is configured correctly. When configured correctly, the Turn on the
American Express Business Card Integration activation setting will appear.
American Express Configuration table:
Field Entry
From what country/region is the card issued? United States
What is the billing or posting currency? USD
What type of card is it? American Express
Who issues the card? American Express
What type of program is it? Business Card
Who receives the card statement? Company
Who pays the issuer of the card? Company
What do you want to name this card program? American Express Business Card
How do you want to pay for this card program?
Select Company Check (via
Accounts Payable) or Other
Reimbursement Method
After program configuration is complete and users are added to the system, users
can register American Express© business cards by clicking the Add Amex Business
Card link on the Expense Credit Cards page in Profile settings.
For more information, refer to the Card Registration section in this guide.
To create an American Express business card program:
1. On the Payment Types page, click Add Credit Card Program.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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The Select Your Type of Program page displays.
2. On the Select Your Type of Program page, click Business Card.
3. In the From what country/region is the card issued? list, select United
The What is the billing or posting currency? list is automatically filled in
with US, Dollar.
4. In the What type of card is it? section, select American Express.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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5. In the Who issues the card? list, select American Express.
The What type of program is it? list is automatically filled with Business
6. In the Who receives the card statement? section, select Company.
7. In the Who pays the issuer of the card? section, select Company.
8. In the What do you want to name this card program? list, type or edit a
name for the card program as needed. A default name automatically displays.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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9. In the How do you want to pay for this card program? list, select
Company Check (via Accounts Payable) or Other Reimbursement Method.
10. Select (enable) the Turn on the American Express Business Card
Integration check box to activate this feature for your company. This setting
is disabled by default.
NOTE: The card program activation setting only displays if it is configured for
US American Express business cards and is set up as Company Bill
Company Paid (CBCP).
If the Turn on the American Express Business Card Integration check
box is selected (enabled), the Prevent employees from manually
entering credit card charges check box is automatically selected (enabled).
When the Prevent employees from manually entering credit card
charges check box is selected (enabled), employees will not be able to
manually enter transactions and assign them to this card. Only transactions
that come from the automatic card feed will use this payment type. This can
be useful to prevent fraud or duplicate transactions.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
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NOTE: If your company is not ready to activate the American Express©
business card program, you can leave the both check boxes clear
(disabled), save the configuration, and return to enable the feature at
a later time.
NOTE: To turn off the American Express Business Card Integration feature,
clear (disable) the Turn on the American Express Business Card
Integration check box.
11. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
The Credit Card Program Added page displays confirming card program
setup and outlines the next steps you need to take to ensure successful
12. Click Return to Payment Types Home.
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The card program created now appears on the Payment Types page. This
card program is automatically set to Active status. A connector icon displays
next to the program name to indicate that the card feed has been activated.
13. On the Payment Types page, select the card program that was created and
click Edit to review the card program summary, configure accounting codes,
and set the payment batch schedule.
Create Personal Card Programs
Personal cards are personal credit cards issued directly to the employee for their own
personal use and are sometimes used to pay for business expenses.
Personal card programs automatically default to an Out-of-Pocket payment type.
Employees who import transactions into expense report will have the default
payment type of Out-of-Pocket. This default setting will not affect expenses created
by importing card transactions of trip segments.
After users are added to the system, users can register personal cards by clicking the
Add a New Personal Card link on the Expense Credit Cards page in Profile
For more information, refer to the Card Registration section in this guide.
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To create a personal card program:
1. On the Payment Types page, click Add Credit Card Program. The Select
Your Type of Program page displays.
2. On the Select Your Type of Program page, click Personal Card.
The Personal Cards Next Steps page appears.
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3. On the Personal Cards Next Steps page, review the action item steps that
need to be completed for users to successfully register their personal credits
cards in the system.
The Personal Cards Next Steps page outlines the following steps:
Add employees to Concur Expense
Ensure employees have login credentials to their card issuer's
Invite employees to register their personal cards
Once employees have registered their personal cards in the system, they can
import transactions into expense reports which will be classified as Out-of-
Pocket by default.
4. Click Add Users to access the Users page and add users to the system.
5. Click Return to Payment Types Home.
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Filter Card Programs
Once card programs are created, you can filter card program display using the Show
filter. This filter defaults to Active Accounts.
Click in the Show list to select: All Accounts, Active Accounts, or Inactive Accounts.
Modify Card Programs
You can edit, deactivate, and activate card programs.
Edit Card Programs
Once you have created a card program, you can only edit fields on tabs in the
Settings section, such as modifying the batch schedule or editing an account code.
To edit card program information:
1. Select the check box next to the card program you want to edit.
2. Click Edit.
3. Change fields as necessary on tabs in the Settings section.
4. Click Save.
Deactivate Business Card Programs
You can only deactivate business card programs. Deactivating a business card
program is useful when your company changes banks or credit cards issued by a
bank. When this happens, you will want to deactivate the old card program to
discontinue its use.
Also, if a card program is accidentally configured incorrectly, you can deactivate it
and create a new card program with the correct configuration.
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NOTE: Corporate card programs can only be deactivated by an SAP Concur
administrator. Contact SAP Concur support to request deactivation of a
corporate card program.
NOTE: Personal card programs are managed by the user in their Profile settings.
To deactivate a business card program:
1. Select the card program that you want to deactivate.
2. Click Deactivate.
A message appears confirming the successful deactivation of the card
3. Click OK.
The deactivated card program no longer displays in the card program list if
the Show filter is set to Active Accounts.
To reactivate a business card program:
1. In the Show list, select Inactive Accounts.
2. Select the card program you want to reactivate and click Activate.
A message appears confirming the successful activation of the card program.
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The card program now displays in the card program list when the Show filter
is set to Active Accounts and All Accounts.
Configure Accounting Codes
The Accounting tab allows you to configure your accounting codes for each card
program. The codes entered on this page are included in the accounting export file
for the card program. We recommend completing this step with someone who is
familiar with your company's accounting practices.
If you connect Concur Expense to your financial system using one of the SAP Concur
financial integrations, you may see options on the Accounting tab specific to your
financial system.
Refer to the setup guide for your financial system integration for details.
To enter account codes:
1. On the Payment Types page, select the card program for which you want to
enter account codes.
2. Click Edit.
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3. In the Settings section, click the Accounting tab.
4. Fill in the liability, cash, and clearing account codes.
Account Codes Reference table:
Field Description
Liability Account Code
This is the accounting code that appears in the accounting
file "Payment Demand Company Liability Account Code"
field for payment made to this card program.
The Liability Account Code field may be used to record
when expenses are incurred. Clients may use this field to
capture a code that represents an offset account in the GL
extract. This account code commonly represents the credit
in the expense accounting entry.
NOTE: This field does not appear for QuickBooks clients.
Cash Account Code
This is the accounting code that appears in the accounting
file "Payment Demand Company Cash Account Code" field
for payments made to this card program.
The Cash Account Code field may be used to record
when expenses settle. Clients may use this field to capture
offsets against transactions that directly impact the bank
accounts. This account code commonly represents the
credit in the payment accounting entry.
NOTE: This field does not display for companies that use
one of the SAP Concur financial integrations, such as
QuickBooks, Xero, Sage, Intacct, etc.
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Field Description
Clearing Account Code
This is the accounting code that appears in the accounting
file "Payment Demand Company Cash Account Code" field
for payments made to this card program.
The Clearing Account Code field may be used to book
amounts in the company’s ledger that the employee owes
back to the company when they have charged amounts
that are not going to be reimbursed on a company paid
NOTE: This field only displays if the payment type is
Company Bill/Company Paid (CBCP).
Vendor Name for
Company Credit Card
(Optional) This field allows clients to enter the Vendor ID
value for the card issuer of your company-paid card
If clients choose to populate this field, the value is
available for output into their accounting file. If they have
multiple company paid card programs, they can set this
value independently for each company paid card program
they create in the system.
5. Click Save.
Once accounting codes are entered, you can now set the payment batch
Set Batch Schedules for Payments
Batch scheduling is used to set the dates that a payment batch is closed (preventing
any new payment demands from being entered) and processed.
Definitions table:
Term Definition
Batch A group of payment demands.
Payment Demand
The collection of all payment requests for a single payee (such as a
card issuer) for a report. A report with five expenses would have a
single payment demand for the total of the expenses.
The Payment Manager tool in Company > Tools allows administrators to view and
manage batches of expense reports ready for reimbursement. The Payment Manager
tool automatically closes the batches and creates the transaction file for the batch
based on the schedule selected.
The batches close at the end of the day on the selected dates. If you are using
Expense Pay, the batches are also sent to the payment engine on that day.
If you change the schedule once there is an open batch, the system waits until the
current batch is completed (using the old schedule), then opens a new batch using
the new schedule. Any reports that reach the Pending Payment status go into the
current open batch.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide for Concur Standard Edition 35
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For more information, refer to Concur Expense: Payment Manager User Guide
for Standard Edition.
To schedule the batch:
1. On the Payment Types page, select the card program for which you want to
set batch schedule.
2. Click Edit.
3. In the Settings section, click the Accounting tab.
4. Select the export schedule settings for the card program.
Batch Scheduling Settings table:
Schedule Description
The batch will remain open until you manually close it in Payment
Daily The batch closes daily at the end of the day.
The batch closes at the end of the day on the selected day(s) of the
Every other
The batch closes at the end of the day on the selected day of the
week, every other week. The administrator selects the weekday,
and the batch closes on the second occurrence of that day.
Example: On Monday, the administrator chooses the Every other
week schedule and selects Thursday as the weekday. The next
Thursday (3 days later) is the first occurrence of the weekday and
marks the end of the first week. The Thursday after that is when
the batch closes for the first time.
Days of
The batch closes at the end of the day on the two selected days of
the month.
Section 3: Manage Company Card Programs
36 Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide for Concur Standard Edition
Last Revised: December 10, 2021
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Schedule Description
The batch closes at the end of the day on the selected day of the
NOTE: If you use Expense Pay, you can account for banking
holidays by setting the Monthly option to six calendar days prior to
your payment due date. These six calendar days will account for
three banking days for processing plus three non-banking days for
the weekend plus a bank holiday. If you set the day of the month
six calendar days out, you may pay your card prior to the due date.
If you choose this option, you will avoid the need to modify the
batch close date around bank holidays.
5. Click Save.
Now you can view and manage batches in Payment Manager. If you have not
yet entered accounting codes, you can do so on the Accounting tab.
Set Up Funding Accounts
Funding accounts are the bank accounts that Expense Pay draws funds from to fund
reimbursements paid to employees or card programs.
When Expense Pay by Concur is selected as the reimbursement method, the
Funding Account tab appears in the Settings section of the Card Program
Details page.
The Funding Account tab allows you to:
Create a funding account to activate Expense Pay
Manage the funding account
Set the funding account to active
Section 4: Manage System Payment Types
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For more information, refer to Concur Expense: Expense Pay User Guide for
Concur Standard Edition or Concur Expense: Expense Pay Global User Guide
for Concur Standard Edition.
Remittance Information Tab
Once a funding account is set up, the Remittance Information tab may appear for
certain payment type methods. This functionality is only available with certain card
issuers. The fields on this tab vary by card program.
The Remittance Information tab allows you to enter details required by your card
issuer to ensure correct allocations of your payments. The fields on this tab will
change depending on which card issuer you are using. Concur Expense will send the
payment and payment allocations to your card issuer.
For more information, refer to Concur Expense: Expense Pay User Guide for
Concur Standard Edition.
Section 4: Manage System Payment Types
The System Payment Types section of the Payment Types page provides an
overview of the payment types your company uses to pay expenses. You can sort
this list by clicking on the arrow next to each column header.
Section 4: Manage System Payment Types
38 Concur Expense: Payment Types Setup Guide for Concur Standard Edition
Last Revised: December 10, 2021
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In the System Payment Types section, you can:
Review all active and inactive payment types
Sort the payment types list by column
Change the default payment type for new expenses
Rename the Out-of-Pocket payment type
Edit the payment type
Deactivate the payment type status
Change the Default Payment Type
There are three payment types that can be set as the default payment type:
Company Paid
Pending Card Transaction
The default payment type is Out-of-Pocket. When a user creates a new expense, this
will be the default payment type.
NOTE: The default payment type setting will not affect expenses created by
importing card transactions or trip segments.
To change the default payment type:
1. In the Default Payment Type for New Expenses list, select an item as the
new payment type.
2. Click Save.
Section 4: Manage System Payment Types
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Rename the Default Payment Type Label
If you intend to rename the label for the default payment type, please keep in mind
that the name of this payment type should retain the original intent. For example,
another common name for "Out-of-Pocket" is "Cash".
To rename the Out-of-Pocket payment type:
1. In the payment types list, click Rename in the Actions column for the Out-
of-Pocket payment type.
2. In the Rename the Out-of-Pocket Payment Type field, type in a new
3. Click Rename.
The new name displays as the default payment type.
Section 4: Manage System Payment Types
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Edit Payment Types
Editing the payment type involves updating accounting fields for the card program.
To edit a payment type:
1. In the Edit column, click Edit for the payment type you wish to modify.
2. On the Accounting tab, edit the account codes or vendor name of the card
3. Click Save.
Deactivate Payment Types
You can only deactivate the Company Paid payment type. The only reason to
deactivate the Company Paid payment type is if your company does not want
employees to use it.
To deactivate a payment type:
1. In the Actions column for the payment type you want to deactivate.
2. Click Deactivate.
The payment type now displays as Inactive in the Status column.
3. To re-activate this payment type, click Activate.