Purpose of Program
The Starbucks College Achievement Plan (“CAP” or the “Program”) has been developed to
provide Starbucks partners with an opportunity for high quality undergraduate education. This
Program was developed in conjunction with Arizona State University (“ASU”) to provide Eligible
Partners the ability to choose from any of the online-only bachelor’s degree programs offered
through ASU Online.
This document describes the components of the Program, which consists of:
(a) a CAP Scholarship, along with the opportunity to work with ASU to determine eligibility
for additional grants, loans and other sources of funding;
(b) the Starbucks Tuition Benefit to pay for tuition and fees; and
(c) highlights of the Starbucks Educational Assistance Plan; which, subject to statutory
limitations, provides tax-free educational assistance benefits under section 127 of the
Internal Revenue Code ("Code").
Benefits under the Program, as described below, are available only with respect to ASU Online
courses and online academic programs leading to a bachelor's degree.
Benefits provided to Eligible Partners under the Program are subject to all terms and conditions
set forth in this document and, in the case of the Starbucks Tuition Benefit, the terms and
conditions set forth in the Starbucks Educational Assistance Plan.
Effective Date
This Starbucks College Achievement Plan became effective as of June 15, 2014. As amended,
the Plan is effective May 17, 2021.
Eligibility and Participation
Program Eligibility
A partner must satisfy each of the following requirements in order to be eligible for and
participate in the Program. The “Eligible Partner”:
1) Is employed within the U.S. by Starbucks or one of its U.S. subsidiaries, including
Evolution Fresh, Siren Retail Corporation, and Starbucks Manufacturing;
2) Has established eligibility for Starbucks benefits on or before the final day of the enrolled
3) Is not a recipient of a prior bachelor’s degree from a nationally-accredited or regionally-
accredited college or university;
4) Has completed the required Program Application Process before session start; and
5) Satisfies ASU’s requirement of a student in “academic good standing” (as defined by
ASU at http://catalog.asu.edu/retention_standing).
Starbucks Benefits Eligibility
Additional information about Starbucks benefits eligibility is described in the U.S. Benefits Plan
Description, Eligibility and Enrollment chapter. A U.S. Benefits Plan Description is mailed to
partners when they enroll in a Starbucks benefits plan or program and it is available online at
Approved Leave of Absence
An Eligible Partner on an approved leave of absence may continue to participate in the Program
so long as he or she continues to maintain Starbucks benefits eligibility.
Loss of Benefits Eligibility
An Eligible Partner who receives the CAP Scholarship, but thereafter loses Starbucks benefits
eligibility, will not be required to pay back any previous CAP Scholarship. Similarly, an Eligible
Partner who loses benefits eligibility will not be required to repay any previous receipt of the
Starbucks Tuition Benefit. A partner may regain eligibility for the Program upon subsequent
satisfaction of all eligibility requirements.
Separation from Employment
Separation from employment mid-semester will not impact an Eligible Partner’s receipt of the
CAP Scholarship or the Starbucks Tuition Benefit for any courses in that semester that they are
currently registered for at the time of separation.
Separated partners will not be required to pay back receipt of the CAP Scholarship or Starbucks
Tuition Benefit. Tuition and fee costs incurred following separation from employment will not be
At the end of the year, Starbucks will report the value of the Starbucks Tuition Benefit as
additional income on Form W-2.
The Program Description
Program Application Process
The Program application process requires the following:
1) The partner submits and applies to any of ASU’s online bachelor’s degree programs;
2) ASU offers the partner admission to an online bachelor’s degree;
3) The partner submits a complete Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and
any documents requested to complete the partner’s financial aid file each school year,
available at the ASU web site;
4) The partner completes all online Program application documents requested by
Starbucks, including a signed acknowledgement form; and
5) Prior to starting classes, the partner completes the Program-specific preparation tutorial,
orientation, ASU 10; enrollment available through the partner’s ASU account after
CAP Credit Maximums
Eligible Partners may receive the CAP Scholarship and Starbucks Tuition Benefit for up to 135
credits within the Program. The 135 credit maximum will not include credits transferred to ASU
earned prior to being admitted to the Program, regardless of when they are transferred.
The CAP Scholarship
All Eligible Partners receive a CAP Scholarship in the amount of 42% of tuition. The CAP
Scholarship is automatically applied to the Eligible Partner’s ASU account each session.
The Starbucks Tuition Benefit
The Starbucks Tuition Benefit covers the expense of tuition, the financial aid trust fee, college
and class fees, net of the CAP Scholarship received at time of enrollment, any federal or military
student aid, and any need-based aid from ASU. Merit-based academic scholarships and private
scholarships applied to tuition and fees do not reduce the Starbucks Tuition Benefit eligible
To be eligible for the Starbucks Tuition Benefit, the expenses must meet the following criteria:
1) The course was subject to tuition and/or fees by ASU;
2) ASU has billed the Eligible Partner for the credit hours, net of any refund or adjustment;
3) The credit hours were earned by the Eligible Partner for the purpose of completing an
ASU Online bachelor’s degree.
Excluded Expenses
Except as specified above, no other expenses are eligible for the Starbucks Tuition Benefit
under the Program or by Starbucks. Ineligible expenses include but are not limited to:
textbooks; meals, lodging or transportation expenses; student loan interest; late registration
fees; purchase of a personal computer or other general school supplies; expenses related to
professional meetings, workshops, conventions, licensures, insurance costs, and preparation for
tests; expenses related to graduate degrees or on-campus bachelor’s degree programs or
classes; and individual courses for sports, recreation or hobbies, unless part of an approved
online bachelor’s degree program at ASU.
Dropped, Withdrawn or Failed Courses
The Starbucks Tuition Benefit will be provided for courses the Eligible Partner has dropped,
withdrawn from, or failed in the semester in which an Eligible Partner is enrolled.
Credits from dropped, withdrawn or failed courses will count toward the maximum number of
credit hours available under the Program.
Additionally, the value of the Starbucks Tuition Benefit provided for courses that have been
dropped, withdrawn from, or failed after the ASU session add/drop deadline will count towards
the Eligible Partner’s annual tuition coverage received. Annual totals up to $5,250 are excluded
from federal taxation under Internal Revenue Code Section 127. Annual totals in excess of the
Section 127 exclusion amount are subject to taxation.
Taxation of the Starbucks Tuition Benefit
To the extent required by applicable law, the amount of any Starbucks Tuition Benefit will be
included in an Eligible Partner’s ordinary income and subject to all applicable withholding taxes.
Each Starbucks Tuition Benefit paid to an Eligible Partner must be evaluated to determine the
amount that can be excluded from the Eligible Partner’s ordinary taxable income as a payment
under the Starbucks Education Assistance Plan (described below). Starbucks may include the
amount of any Starbucks Tuition Benefit in an Eligible Partner’s ordinary income if Starbucks
reasonably determines that it is required by applicable law.
Education Assistance Plan Overview
In conjunction with this Program, Starbucks has developed an Education Assistance Plan (“The
Plan”) pursuant to Section 127(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Partners
may request a copy of The Plan by sending a request to
In the event of a conflict between this overview and The Plan, the written terms of The Plan will
Under Code Section 127, an Eligible Partner may receive educational assistance on a tax-free
basis, for federal payroll tax purposes, provided that the aggregate payments do not exceed
$5,250 per calendar year. Applicable state law may or may not be consistent with the exclusion
provided under federal law. Highlights of The Plan are listed below.
1) Eligibility: The eligibility requirements under The Plan are consistent with eligibility
requirement of this Program
2) Benefits: The benefit covered by the Education Assistance Plan is consistent with all
Program rules related to the Starbucks Tuition Benefit with the following exceptions:
a. The Education Assistance Plan benefit is limited to $5,250 per calendar year.
If the total Starbucks Tuition Benefit in a calendar year exceeds $5,250, only the
amount above the $5,250 limitation will be excluded from the Education Assistance
Plan benefit (see Taxable Payments below).
b. The Education Assistance Plan benefit does not include any tuition coverage from
merit-based academic scholarships and private scholarships.
c. Starbucks may include the amount of any Starbucks Tuition Benefit in an Eligible
Partner’s ordinary income if necessary in the discretion of Starbucks to assure that
the Program meets the requirements of Code Section 127.
d. If the Starbucks Tuition Benefit to (a) officers of Starbucks, (b) highly compensated
employees of Starbucks (as defined by Code Section 414(q)), or (c) Partners who
are spouses or dependents of those listed in (a) and (b) of this paragraph results in
prohibited discrimination or exceeds benefit limitations under Treasury Regulation
Sections 1.127-2(e) and (f), the such Eligible Partners will receive the Starbucks
Tuition Benefit as taxable ordinary income.
3) Limitations: Limitations under the Education Assistance Plan are consistent with
payment Limitations associated with the Starbucks Tuition Benefit.
4) Funding: Starbucks shall contribute the amount required to pay Benefits under The Plan
out of the general assets of the Employer at the time such Benefits are to be paid.
5) Administration and Claims Procedure: The Administration and Claims Procedure of The
Plan are consistent with this Program.
Taxable Tuition Coverage
The Eligible Partner shall be responsible for any income tax liability arising from any Starbucks
Tuition Benefit payment received under this Plan, whether or not Starbucks withheld tax on
those benefits.
With respect to any benefit provided by Starbucks that does not qualify for exclusion under
section 127 of the Code (or under applicable state law), Starbucks will include the value of the
benefit in the partner's wages, apply the appropriate payroll taxes (e.g., federal and state
income tax withholding, and FICA taxation), and report it as additional income on Form W-2 and
the relevant state employee wage statement.
For example, an Eligible Partner completes the Spring Semester and has eligible tuition
expenses of $6,250. The Eligible Partner will receive the Starbucks Tuition Benefit in the
amount of $6,250, consisting of $5,250 that is not subject to Federal Income Tax, Social
Security Tax, or Medicare Tax and $1,000 that is subject to those taxes. The Eligible Partner will
see two line-items on their Starbucks pay statement at the end of the semester, as follows:
SCAP Pre Tax (Non-taxable SCAP Tuition Coverage): $5,250.00
SCAP Post Tax (Taxable SCAP Tuition Coverage): $1,000.00
The $1,000 SCAP Post Tax tuition coverage will be taxed.
The tax cost will reduce the partner’s regular wages for the pay period.
Federal Income Tax Withholding (22%) $220.00
Social Security Tax (6.2%) $62.00
Medicare Tax (1.45%) $14.50
Total Tax Cost (Paycheck Reduction): $296.50
This example is based on standard rates for federal income tax withholding, Social Security
Tax, and Medicare Tax and certain assumptions about the Eligible Partner’s income. The
Starbucks Tuition Benefit payment received by an Eligible Partner may vary from the example
based on the Eligible Partner’s Form W-4 Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate. State
taxes may apply depending upon the Eligible Partner’s state of residence.
Program Administration
The Program will be administered by Starbucks, acting through its Board of Directors or the
Board’s delegate.
Administrator’s Authority
The Administrator will have sole authority, in its absolute discretion, to: manage and administer
the Program, including the authority to delegate daily administrative functions; construe and
interpret the Program; define the terms used in this document; prescribe, amend, and rescind
the rules and regulations relating to the Program; correct any defect, supply any omission, or
reconcile any inconsistency in this document; approve or deny benefits under the Program;
determine the individuals or class of individuals who are eligible to receive benefits under the
Program; determine the times and terms under which benefits are provided under the Program;
and make all other determinations and interpretations necessary and advisable for the
administration of the Program. All decisions, determinations, and interpretations made by the
Administrator will be binding and conclusive on all partners and on their legal representatives,
heirs, and beneficiaries.
Partner Notice
The Administrator will give reasonable notice of the availability and terms of the Program to
Eligible Partners.
Program Records
The Administrator will keep accurate and complete records of all benefits paid to Eligible
Partners under the Program.
Career Planning
Support for career planning, including relocation support for select Starbucks internships, is a
part of the plan provision.
Amendment and Termination
Starbucks may amend or terminate the Program at any time in its discretion. The Program will
terminate automatically upon the termination of the definitive agreement between Starbucks and
ASU with respect to ASU’s online bachelor’s degree Programs.
Benefits under the Program cannot duplicate or be combined with another Starbucks tuition
reimbursement Program covering the same semester or period of time.
Partners must repay the full amount of any overpayment, regardless of the reason for the
Claims Procedures
If a partner believes eligibility for or benefits under the Program were denied inappropriately,
they may request an appeal review for reconsideration. The appeal must:
(a) Be emailed to starbuckscollegeplan@starbucks.com within 60 days of the semester end
date in which they were negatively affected; and
(b) Include appropriate supporting documentation including the SCAP Benefit Appeal
Review Form.
Employees will be notified once the appeal request has been received. Upon completion of the
review, a final decision will be mailed to the partner’s home address, generally within 60 days of
receipt for review. If more time is needed to review the appeal, the Employee will be notified of
the extension within the initial 60-day review period.
If the application or request denial is upheld, the Employee will be provided an explanation of
the reason(s), as well as reference to the plan provisions on which the decision is based. The
decision of the Program administrator is final and is not subject to further review or appeal.
If employment with Starbucks is terminated, any open appeal will no longer be eligible for
No Contract
The Program will not be deemed to constitute a contract between Starbucks and any partner, or
to be a consideration or an inducement for the employment of any partner. Nothing contained in
this document shall be deemed to give any partner the right to be retained in the service of
Starbucks or to interfere with the right of Starbucks to discharge any partner at any time
regardless of the effect that such discharge shall have upon him or her under the Program.
Governing Law
The Program will be construed and enforced according to the laws of the State of Washington,
other than its laws respecting choice of law, to the extent not preempted by any federal law.