Global Zoonotic Disease Surveillance and Control
Chapter 13
Background of the One Medicine, One Health Concepts
Implementation of the One Health Concept
Program Background, Mission, and Veterinary Accomplishments
Accreditation Process, Requirements, and Credentialing
Background and Overview
Zoonotic Disease Surveillance and the Military Veterinarian
Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis Outbreak, Texas, 1971
H5N2 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreak, 1983
Military Veterinary Services
*Lieutenant Colonel, Veterinary Corps, US Army (Retired); formerly, Deputy Chief of Staff, Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, 11800 Tech Road,
Silver Spring, Maryland 20904; currently, Science Director, Cooperative Biological Engagement Program, Center for Global Health Engagement, 11300
Rockville Pike, Suite 707, Rockville, Maryland 20852-3065
Lieutenant Colonel, Veterinary Corps, US Army; Chief, Veterinary Services Division, US Army Public Health Command Region-South, 2899 Schofield
Road, Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234
Lieutenant Colonel, Veterinary Corps, US Army (Retired); Subject Matter Expert, US Army Public Health Command, Veterinary Services Systems
Management Program, 4270 Gorgas Circle, San Antonio, Texas 78234-2639
Lieutenant Colonel, Veterinary Corps, US Army; formerly, Chief, Internal Medicine and Outpatient Clinics, Department of Defense Military Working
Dog Center, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland Air Force Base, Texas; currently, Commander, 218
Medical Detachment (Veterinary Service Support),
Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washinton 98433
Lieutenant Colonel, Veterinary Corps, US Army; Veterinary Plans Officer, 248th Medical Detachment Small Animal Veterinary, Fort Bragg, North
Carolina 28310
**Lieutenant Colonel, Veterinary Corps, US Army (Retired); formerly, Command Veterinarian, Office of the Command Surgeon, US Army Europe, Unit
29351 Box 95, APO, AE 09014-9355
Lieutenant Colonel, Veterinary Corps, US Army; formerly, Deputy Director, Division of Global Emerging Infections Surveillance and Response System,
Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, Silver Spring, Maryland; currently, Chief, Veterinary Services Division, Public Health Command Region
West, Box 339500, MS 115, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington 98433.
Global Zoonotic Disease Surveillance and Control
Implementation of the One Health Concept
Although many associations and institutions con-
tinue to promote One Health, perhaps no organization
is better able to implement the concept than the US
military, particularly the US Army. In the civilian sec-
tor, the practice of medicine is generally fragmented
by patient species. Physicians tend to care for humans,
veterinarians care for nonhuman animals, and neither
doctor interacts with the other on a regular basis.
However, within the military, even though military
physicians and military veterinarians still care for the
same separate populations, the two professions tend
to interact more than their civilian counterparts for
several reasons, including more collaborative training.
Collaboration begins on day one of their military
careers when medical and veterinary officers attend
the same Basic Officer Leaders Course and continues
throughout the military education cycle, fostering
close working relationships and information sharing
between the two professions. Officers and enlisted
service members may also have multiple assignments
with their counterparts throughout their careers, par-
ticularly at research organizations (eg, Walter Reed
Army Institute of Research or the overseas research
laboratories), further promoting cross-professional
relationships and information sharing.
In addition to greater collaboration, the One Health
concept may succeed more in the military than in the
civilian sector because the military treats a relatively
closed population, using a consolidated health system.
Not only are human and veterinary medicine separate
in the civilian sector, but the civilian human health
care system also tends to be fragmented. The high
degree of specialization in human medicine results
in patients being seen by multiple physicians, often
at several, individual institutions, which may result
in each physician only seeing a portion of a patient’s
medical history. While military medicine is equally
specialized, military patients generally receive all or
the majority of their care within the military health
system, which allows military providers to view a
more comprehensive patient record.
Veterinary care is similarly consolidated, especially
at remote or overseas installations where the majority
of privately owned animals receive their care from
the military veterinary treatment facility. This com-
prehensive care, combined with the development of
cross-profession relationships, facilitates the rapid
communication of mutual concerns and, potentially,
Background of the One Medicine, One Health
Although many credit the late Dr Calvin Schwabe
with coining the term “One Medicine” in 1964, the
recognition that healthy animals are important to hu-
man health is far from new.
Nearly 90 years earlier,
Rudolf Virchow, popularly acknowledged as the father
of modern comparative pathology, and Sir William
Osler, a Canadian physician who is often called the
father of modern medicine, both supported the One
Medicine concept (ie, the well-being of humans is af-
fected by disease control in animals).
Historically, One Medicine also symbolized the
close association between physicians and veterinar-
ians. Decades before the first veterinary school was
established in 1761, physicians were charged with
responding to animal diseases such as the 1713 out-
break of “Rinderpest” (the German word for “cattle
plague”) in Rome, and long before human medicine
was established as a formal profession, humans had
been caring for the health and welfare of animals.
Much of this attention to animal health was due to the
critical roles animals played in preindustrial society;
at this time, they were used for food, transportation,
clothing, and farming. Even today, in many develop-
ing countries, the family cow or goat is not only a
potential source of milk, meat, and clothing, but also
represents a significant savings investment or liquid
asset against future needs and expenses. The loss or
death of the animal can negatively impact the health
and welfare of the family.
Although most people today do not depend so
heavily on animals for their basic needs, attention
still must be paid to animal health because of the
significant role animals play in disease transmission:
over 60 percent of the infectious diseases affecting
humans are zoonotic.
Since 1964, One Medicine has
evolved into the global concept “One Health,” an
initiative that continues to recognize the connection
between human and animal diseases and strives to
emphasize the more recent, holistic idea that health is
a whole, which is based on a fluid, shared ecosystem
(ie, humans, animals, and their environments). In
2007, in recognition of the interdependency of human
and animal health, the American Medical Association
adopted a One Health resolution, and the American
Veterinary Medical Association convened a One
Health task force to examine the ways to promote the
concept between the two organizations.
Military Veterinary Services
the early detection of significant disease trends and
activities that would otherwise not be readily visible
looking at only a portion of a single population.
The recent establishment of the Army Public Health
Center should further enhance detection capabilities
as this command extends the reporting and analysis
of human and animal disease activities from a single
installation to the entire military. These coordinated
surveillance activities are also conducted at the over-
seas research laboratories where military researchers
partner with local ministries of agriculture, health,
and defense to identify reservoirs and vectors and
determine disease prevalence and incidence in animal
and human populations. Additional information on
military veterinarians’ roles in conducting zoonotic
disease surveillance and control is presented in the
following sections, including how service member
animal practitioners become accredited.
Program Background, Mission, and Veterinary Ac-
The eradication of livestock and poultry diseases
such as contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, foot and
mouth disease, and screwworm has had a tremendous
impact on public health, livestock productivity, and,
thus, the United States economy.
The United States
is currently on the verge of eradicating brucellosis,
tuberculosis, and pseudorabies.
Military veterinarians
have played, and will continue to play, a pivotal role
in the eradication process via various means, including
becoming accredited practitioners who partner with
other veterinarians to promote animal health.
The United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) established a national veterinary accredita-
tion program in 1921 so that accredited veterinarians
could assist federal veterinarians in executing the
mission of controlling animal diseases and facilitat-
ing the movement of healthy animals. According to
a USDA publication, “[t]he mission of the National
Veterinary Accreditation Program [NVAP] is to en-
sure the health of the [n]ation’s livestock and animal
population and to protect the public health and well-
being,”; more specifically, “[a]ccredited veterinarians
work cooperatively with USDA’s Animal and Plant
Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and [s]tate animal
health officials to protect and improve the health, qual-
ity, productivity, and marketability of US animals by
preventing, controlling, and eradicating” both endemic
and foreign animal diseases.
Because of their unique missions worldwide,
military veterinarians must be familiar with disease
prevention, control, and eradication, and regulations
governing interstate, intrastate, and international ship-
ment of animals. Each year military veterinarians also
evaluate and facilitate the exportation and importation
of hundreds, if not thousands, of domestic animals
worldwide, giving these veterinarians the opportunity
not only to encounter foreign animal diseases, but also
to prevent diseased animals from entering or exiting
the United States. During the past decade, veterinary
practitioners, particularly military veterinarians, per-
formed key roles in the detection and eradication of
several diseases not previously found in the United
States: (a) contagious equine metritis, (b) exotic New-
castle disease, (c) West Nile virus, (d) screwworm, (e)
monkey pox, and (f) H1N1 influenza virus.
Accreditation Process, Requirements, and Creden-
Currently, qualified veterinarians can earn accredi-
tation in two existing categories: Category I and Cat-
egory II. Category I includes all animals “except food
and fiber species, horses, birds, farm-raised aquatic
animals, all other livestock species, and zoo animals
that can transmit exotic animal diseases to livestock.”
Category II includes all animals; nothing is excluded.
Note that dogs and cats are included within Category
I, whereas all bird species fall only into Category II.
Category II accreditation may be most beneficial for
military veterinarians because they are frequently
required to examine dogs, cats, and birds and issue
health certificates for interstate and international travel
during deployments and permanent change of station
Veterinarians applying for accreditation under the
NVAP must fulfill the following four requirements: (1)
possess a current and valid license and otherwise be
legally able to practice in the state for which accredi-
tation is desired; (2) complete the web-based initial
accreditation training with a passing score of 80% or
higher (website access can be obtained from the APHIS
Veterinary Services Area Office in the state for which
accreditation is desired); (3) complete the core orien-
tation to include state-specific training in the state for
which accreditation is desired; and (4) complete the
NVAP application (VS Form 1-36A).
Each veterinarian’s accreditation is not valid until
written approval is obtained from APHIS, and initial
APHIS accreditation is good for 3 years. After 3 years,
APHIS-approved supplemental training is required
for accreditation renewal, and this mandatory training
Global Zoonotic Disease Surveillance and Control
is available online at no charge. As of this chapter’s
publication, three units of supplemental training
per renewal period are required for Category I vet-
erinarians and six units for Category II veterinarians.
Supplemental training options can be found at www.
Veterinary accreditation is usually not required for
interstate shipment of cats and dogs. However, several
states and territories do require health certificates be
counter-signed by a USDA-accredited veterinarian
(eg, Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Louisiana, New
Hampshire, and the US Virgin Islands). Similarly, the
shipment of dogs and cats internationally does not
normally require signature by a USDA-accredited
veterinarian; however, some countries do require
accredited veterinary endorsement on the official cer-
tificate of veterinary inspection. Given the lack of stan-
dardization among states, territories, and countries,
all military veterinarians must maintain knowledge
of both interstate and international animal shipping
The current Army Public Health Center definition
of a military veterinarian encompasses both commis-
sioned officers and general schedule veterinarians em-
ployed by the Army Public Health Center.
the current definition includes these two groups of
veterinarians, the US military has developed relation-
ships with countries where many military and family
members and accompanying pets reside (eg, Japan,
Korea, and the European Union) that permit a military
veterinarian to sign and stamp the health certificate in
lieu of the required USDA endorsement. In this capac-
ity the military veterinarian serves and is recognized
as an US government official veterinarian.
In addition to accreditation, many military veteri-
narians become credentialed as foreign animal disease
diagnosticians by attending the Foreign Animal Disease
Diagnostic School at the Plum Island Animal Disease
Center in Orient Point, New York. By so doing, the
military adds to the number of credentialed US veteri-
narians capable of supporting a USDA response to for-
eign animal disease introductions to the United States.
Humans have been using animals as sentinels of
zoonotic diseases since ancient times. It only stands
to reason that if one is looking for an outbreak of a
zoonosis, the occurrence of such a disease should
appear in the local animal population first. By study-
ing this group, informed decisions can later be made
regarding the preservation of health in the similarly
exposed human population. When the population of
domestic animals is routinely presented for veterinary
care, health records are created that can be analyzed for
the presence of zoonoses or effects of environmental
exposures, which is crucial to the decision-making
process. Traditionally, this zoonotic surveillance has
been conducted using paper records or, more recently,
locally maintained electronic records.
Unfortunately, both paper and local electronic
records present numerous obstacles to real-time zoo-
noses surveillance. Neither form is accessible globally
without the use of some means of transmission to a
centralized surveillance center, thus increasing time
to analysis. Paper records are also often difficult to
read, must be abstracted to provide data for analysis,
are easily lost, and are not usually standardized in
terminology or format. These drawbacks predispose
any analysis to errors based on the skill of the ab-
stractionist and the interpretations of the investigator.
Additionally, abstraction is manpower intensive and
time consuming, adding increased cost and rendering
most analyses retrospective in nature (much abstrac-
tion work is completed long after the occurrence of the
zoonosis or exposure of interest). Abstracted surveil-
lance data is even less useful on the battlefield, where
more immediate decision support is required.
The global electronic health record (EHR) is de-
signed to negate the aforementioned surveillance ob-
stacles. Because the EHR is web-based, the individual
record is updated immediately upon completion of a
patient encounter, providing the ability to trend his-
torical medical diagnoses and results. Operating over
the internet also allows the updated data to be available
anywhere and at any time, permitting simultaneous
access to multiple users worldwide. Further, the data
is stored in a secure, redundant, and mineable database
that reduces the risk of data loss.
The EHR is particularly useful for tracking military
working dog (MWD) health in a more timely and
connected manner. The MWD undergoes a complete
physical exam every 6 months, resulting in a lifelong
longitudinal health history that is used in epidemio-
logical studies to investigate potential exposures and
theorized effects on health outcomes.
Like other
abstraction work, early studies of the MWDs tended
to be time consuming, manpower intensive, and tardy
(most being completed years after an exposure or
zoonotic disease occurred). However, by using the
EHR, animal location, environment, and complete
health history is centrally located and available for
multiple analyses. The EHR also provides the capa-
bility to follow a cohort of animals prospectively to
an anticipated medical outcome, or lack thereof, with
Military Veterinary Services
the data from all aspects of the epidemiological triad
available for analysis, rapid reporting, and informed
To be of optimum use, the EHR first must conform
to recognized standards. Coding systems that support
morphology, topography, and diagnostic terminol-
ogy standardization need to be incorporated into the
EHR application. The three most recognized coding
systems in human medicine are (1) the International
Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health
(2) the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders,
and (3) the Systematized No-
menclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms.
In conjunction with the American Animal Hospital
Association, starting in 2002, the veterinary community
began the onerous task of developing a standard termi-
nology for an animal coding system that is tied to the
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms
coding system.
This system is now maintained for the
veterinary community by the Veterinary Terminology
Services Laboratory located at the Virginia Maryland
Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, Virginia.
The ability to code to a standard
set of terms allows the greatest flexibility in data analysis
because cases are not erroneously included or excluded in
the case definition based on disparate terminology. Stan-
dardized coding also dramatically improves the value
of large, web-based databases for zoonotic surveillance.
Another critical element that affects EHR usability
is network connectivity. The EHR is hosted on a server
platform accessible to both military and commercial
networks, enabling the capture of animal health en-
counters from any environment where the warrior
animal may be found. Ideally, the application should
be accessible through a multitude of devices and means
(eg, laptop, tablet, handheld, and desktop end-user
devices) by local area network or wireless network con-
nections. This redundancy of data collection decreases
the risk of data loss through misplaced or damaged
paper records.
Security of data, both at rest and during transit,
is vital to the security of the entire internet and also
to the usefulness of the EHR system. The record
system must be compliant with all current Depart-
ment of Defense (DoD) security and information
assurance directives and needs to be stored within
a secure enclave. Common Access Card authentica-
tion is required for all users, and access is limited by
role-based permissions. Such restrictions ensure all
users are operating the application within the scope
of their duties and credentials, preserving the medi-
colegal requirement of the EHR. A full audit trail is
maintained for any transaction within a record with
a date and time stamp as well as identification of the
authenticated user.
The EHR system also contributes to a leader’s global
zoonotic disease surveillance and control decision-
making capabilities in multiple ways. For example, the
system provides a centrally managed large enterprise
veterinary practice, such as the military, with visibility
at all levels of military veterinary care. Reportable
disease triggers can be incorporated that will allow
real-time data transfer of zoonotic outbreaks, not only
to veterinary service command personnel, but also
to DoD public health officials throughout the area of
interest. Collection and reporting of this data in real
time can result in improved decision support and
employment of appropriate preventive measures by
Finally, EHRs provide the means to determine
outcome-based best practices that result in improved
health and treatment of zoonotic diseases. Secondary
benefits can also be received from administrative and
operational reporting capabilities, allowing for more
efficient manpower distribution, better inventory man-
agement, and streamlined corporate practice manage-
ment. All these capabilities lead to healthier animals
and, ultimately, service member wellness.
The multiple benefits of the EHR system aside, the
most important factor for its effective use is a will-
ingness of the veterinary community to accept the
system. The best-built application cannot function as
designed if the user is allowed to resist conversion to
it. Command emphasis from all levels is critical to the
successful implementation of any EHR and practice
management system.
Vector-borne diseases (VBDs), many of which are
considered enzootic, have long been studied in various
parts of the world to aid in the development of new
vector-control strategies for US military deployments.
However, in Afghanistan, tick analyses, other indig-
enous animal seroprevalence, and molecular studies
are lacking; the unavailability of such information is
likely due to the austere state of Afghanistan’s infra-
structure. Since VBD information is considered a vital
component of a more complete and informative medi-
cal threat brief to medical and veterinary caregivers
serving in Afghanistan, an effort to identify the VBD
risk in Afghanistan was initiated in the spring of 2010.
Similar surveys have proven to be useful in com-
paring risk of disease for MWDs with the feral canine
population in Iraq.
One objective of this survey
Global Zoonotic Disease Surveillance and Control
effort was to determine the prevalence of the follow-
ing VBDs in the tick and feral dog population within
various regions across Afghanistan: Ehrlichia canis,
Babesia canis/gibsoni, Rickettsia spp., Leishmania infan-
tum, Bartonella spp., and Anaplasma phagocytophilum.
The survey, which was not completed, was supposed
to obtain samples from a minimum of 150 feral dogs
being euthanized in accordance with vector control
policies. Blood (serum and ethylenediamine tetraace-
tic acid-preserved whole blood) and tick samples
were to be collected for analysis. Analysis was to
consist of (1) tick species identification, (2) indirect
fluorescent antibody serology, and (3) molecular
polymerase chain reaction analysis on all serologi-
cally positive samples—as well as tick samples—to
assess for correlation between infection and exposure
and actual presence of pathogen deoxyribonucleic
acid (LTC Andrew McGraw, chapter author, unpub-
lished data, June 2012).
Unfortunately, although sampling materials and
instructions were distributed to no less than six sites
spread across Regional Command-South and Regional
Command-East in Afghanistan, the follow-on and re-
placement veterinary and preventive medicine units
within each Command elected not to participate in
this survey. Furthermore, an inadequate number of
specimens were collected to provide sufficient data
to interpret any valuable results. If it were more com-
plete, this survey’s conclusions and clinical relevance
could have provided veterinary health care providers
and handlers with vital medical threat information
about which relevant VBD are present in this area of
operations. Additionally, because some of these or-
ganisms possess zoonotic potential, this survey may
have served as vital public health information for hu-
man health care providers and preventive medicine
personnel (LTC Andrew McGraw, chapter author,
unpublished data, June 2012).
Lessons learned from this unfinished study rein-
force the precept that any disease surveillance initiative
in a given theater of operations needs to be mandated
in a “top down” fashion from the theater veterinarian
to prevent these initiatives from being dropped before
they are fully implemented or completed. Without
buy-in from follow-on personnel, the enduring poten-
tial for new surveillance programs is weak.
Background and Overview
In 1996, President Bill Clinton issued the Presiden-
tial Decision Directive National Science and Technolo-
gy Council-7 on Emerging Infectious Diseases,
guided the establishment of the DoD Global Emerging
Infectious Surveillance and Response System (GEIS).
Under the GEIS umbrella, the DoD’s overseas and
primary Military Health System research laboratories
perform infectious disease surveillance, including
the study of zoonotic infections within five infectious
disease categories: (1) respiratory infections, (2) febrile
and vector-borne infections, (3) gastrointestinal infec-
tions, (4) antimicrobial infections, and (5) sexually
transmitted infections.
Prior to GEIS (and beginning in 1985), the US
Army Medical Surveillance Activity (AMSA) devel-
oped and managed the Defense Medical Surveillance
System, a longitudinal database that included the
outpatient and inpatient healthcare information of
all active duty military members and some benefi-
ciary information. AMSA also housed and managed
the DoD’s serum repository, which is comprised of
serum contributions from human immunodeficiency
virus screenings and pre- and post-deployment do-
nations conducted or collected throughout service
members’ careers.
In 2008, GEIS and AMSA were consolidated into the
Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center (AFHSC),
providing a centralized location for more rounded
disease surveillance activities and a more integrated
gateway to public health for civilian and military ben-
eficiaries at home and abroad. By using the AFHSC’s
combined resources, stronger epidemiological studies
of disease occurrence among the military population,
including deployed US military personnel, can be
pursued. For example, by tapping into the surveil-
lance and monetary resources within the AFHSC, the
DoD infectious disease research laboratories can also
study diseases of global military importance, includ-
ing zoonoses.
In 2015, the AFHSC was realigned under the De-
fense Health Agency as a branch within the Public
Health Division. The AFHSC maintains its key roles
in disease surveillance, epidemiology, and biosurveil-
lance activities.
Zoonotic Disease Surveillance and the Military
Military veterinarians serve critical roles within the
DoD’s global infectious disease research laboratories.
Because veterinary officers are responsible for surveil-
lance project funding and providing oversight of an
Military Veterinary Services
infectious disease steering committee, they signifi-
cantly influence the research products and programs
performed in these DoD laboratories.
The oversight of global surveillance programs that
survey both human and animal disease profits from the
inclusion of a veterinary perspective, especially with
regards to the One Health concept. Since all tracked
infectious disease categories—except for the human
sexually transmitted infections programs—have a zoo-
notic or animal health component, veterinary preven-
tive medicine proficiency and public health expertise
are very beneficial management tools. Veterinarians
are also integral to developing innovative solutions
and programs to respond to outbreaks and emerging
threats, and interfacing, collaborating, and consulting
with senior representatives from the DoD, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of
Homeland Security, Department of State, and other
government and civilian agencies.
Zoonotic disease surveillance efforts that have
capitalized on, and demonstrated the broad utility of,
military veterinarians include development of diagnos-
tic assays; epidemiologic studies defining reservoirs,
disease prevalence, and transmission factors; disease
surveillance within high-risk populations; and sur-
veillance at the human-animal interface.
veterinarians have also played key roles in disease
outbreak response,
epidemiologic de-
vaccine evaluation and development,
and pandemic prevention and response.
(See also
Chapter 11, Zoonotic and Animal Diseases of Military
Importance, and Chapter 15, Veterinary Pathology.)
Using deployed military veterinarians to develop
and strengthen a host nation’s surveillance programs
and laboratory capacity is critical to global zoonotic
disease surveillance and control. Nation-building vet-
erinary missions are discussed in more detail in other
chapters of this volume. (See also Chapter 17, Veteri-
nary Support in the Irregular Warfare Environment)
As previously noted, the comparative knowledge and
expertise about animals and humans is the strength of
the veterinary medical officer. The veterinarian sees
the military and medical environment from a different
perspective: this officer brings a more encompassing
view to public health and preventive medicine, a spe-
cialized perspective that leads to considering different
approaches to disease surveillance, epidemiology, out-
break response, and prevention at home and abroad.
In 2009, a novel human influenza virus, capable of
causing serious disease to which the human popula-
tion had no immunity, emerged in North America
and swept the globe. Influenza A, H1N1, a virus that
contained swine, avian, and human influenza virus
gene segments, first caused human illness in Mexico in
March 2009.
Shortly thereafter, on April 21, 2009, the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported
the first cases of emerging H1N1 influenza A infection
in the United States.
The virus rapidly spread to all 50
states and across the Northern Hemisphere, and in June
2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared
the new strain of H1N1 a pandemic. By August 10, 2010,
the date this iteration of the influenza pandemic was
declared over by the WHO, more than 214 countries
had been affected and 18,000 deaths had occurred.
The global threat of pandemic influenza led federal
authorities to seek civil support from the DoD. Explod-
ing patient workload, coupled with high healthcare
worker absenteeism, overwhelmed regional and na-
tional medical infrastructures. The pandemic influenza
also had a major effect on the world economy and
politics by impacting international trade, markets,
travel, and investments.
However, care must be taken whenever the DoD
provides civil support for pandemics. For example,
as a group, DoD personnel are particularly vulnerable
to respiratory viral infections based on their exposure
to many different populations across the world, their
frequent mobility, and their close contact in personal
training environments and large-group work settings.
DoD mission assurance can be compromised during
a pandemic if entire military units or key personnel
become ill. The DoD could be affected in other ways
as well, including medical readiness, operational ca-
pabilities, and freedom of movement.
To mitigate the impact on mission assurance and
to prepare to support civil authorities, US Northern
Command (USNORTHCOM) operationalized pan-
demic influenza concept plans 3551—Concept Plan to
Synchronize DOD Pandemic Influenza Planning
3591—USNORTHCOM Response to Pandemic Influ-
USNORTHCOM’s Command Veterinarian
Lieutenant Colonel Martin LaGodna monitored and
analyzed biosurveillance information streams, collabo-
rated to develop influenza mitigation and response
plans, wrote force health protection guidance and
instructions, and advised the command as a subject
matter expert on infectious disease, animal health,
food safety, and preventive medicine.
The experience of recognizing and responding to a
human influenza virus of animal origin demonstrated
the relevance of the One World-One Health concept
(ie, effective public health is multidisciplinary and
multifaceted). Global leaders must understand the
inter-relationships between human, animal, and
Global Zoonotic Disease Surveillance and Control
environmental health, and public health challenges
and solutions need to be synchronized among medi-
cal, animal, food, agriculture, and environmental
stakeholders. Since infectious diseases do not respect
national boundaries, communication and cooperation
is also essential across the international public health
To foster a shared vision of the One Health concept
among the NORTHCOM Surgeon’s joint, interagen-
cy, and international partners, Lieutenant Colonel
Martin LaGodna obtained a grant from the Armed
Forces Health Surveillance Center to sponsor the first
NORTHCOM Surgeon’s One Health Conference, June
14 through 15, 2011, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
This strategic health meeting brought together more
than 100 senior civilian and military public health,
food, agriculture, wildlife, and environmental health
professionals from Canada, Mexico, the Bahamas,
and the United States to discuss biosurveillance,
the human-animal-environmental health triad, and
emerging One Health infectious disease threats af-
fecting North America and the Caribbean. A second
One Health Conference was held the following year
(June 12–14, 2012).
In addition to supporting global missions, the US
Army veterinarian has played an integral role in respond-
ing to domestic emergencies. Some of the capability
requested as part of the military response effort includes
providing veterinary medical expertise and furnishing
trained animal and food technicians and equipment to
protect public health, domestic and wild animals, and
the nation’s food supply. During domestic emergencies,
these US military personnel primarily use their allocated
resources and specialized training to accomplish the
following critical tasks: (a) assisting efforts to prevent
contamination of food; (b) preventing disease through
vaccination programs; (c) supporting disease eradication
programs; (d) establishing temporary animal shelters
and hospitals; and (e) performing food inspections.
Today’s interagency relationship between the US
Army Veterinary Corps (VC), the US Department of
Agriculture (USDA) Animal Plant Health Inspection
Service (APHIS), and the Federal Emergency Man-
agement Agency can be traced back to 1972 with the
creation of APHIS and the Defense Civil Prepared-
ness Agency (DCPA). In 1977, DCPA evolved into the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Since its creation in 1916, the Veterinary Corps’
duties to respond to national emergencies has trans-
formed from “ad hoc” response units to the more mod-
ern and sophisticated Medical Detachment Veterinary
Service Support units. Every year, one Medical Detach-
ment Veterinary Service Support unit is designated to
remain on alert and trains continuously to respond to
any national or state emergency.
The US Army VC senior leadership works closely
with the USDA and other federal agencies in times of
natural disasters. Two historical emergency response
events in which the VC provided significant con-
tributions to protect the nation from disease, food,
and animal loss are highlighted below. (In addition
to Chapter 17, Veterinary Support in the Irregular
Warfare Environment, already cross-referenced in
this chapter, see also Chapter 1, Military Veterinary
Support Before and After 1916, and Chapter 9, Food
Safety and Food Defense, for more information about
other US veterinary efforts to aid military and civilian
populations across the globe.)
Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis Outbreak,
Texas, 1971
The USDA and US Army began monitoring Ven-
ezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) outbreaks
in Central and South American horses and humans
since the viral disease was first identified in Venezuela
in 1938. VEE contributed to the death of hundreds of
thousands of horses in South America, and during
the 1960s, a VEE epidemic slowly advanced from up-
per South America through Central America and into
Mexico, threatening each country’s human and equine
populations and the US horse industry.
The governments of Colombia, Ecuador, Guate-
mala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica,
and Mexico requested US assistance to halt this deadly
emerging disease. US Army laboratories that had
been studying and investigating the disease since its
discovery evaluated VEE’s capabilities as a bioweapon
and developed a live attenuated human vaccine called
TC-83 to protect those scientists who studied the virus.
In 1968, TC-83 was used in Colombia in horses, and
the vaccine provided good immunity against VEE.
Overall, more than two million horses in Central and
South America were immunized with the TC-83 vac-
cine from 1967 to 1970. Horse deaths ended 7 to 10 days
after vaccination, and the vaccine protected 90 percent
of equine populations. Furthermore, following the vac-
cination of the majority of horses in rural communities,
human cases ceased to occur.
Despite such results,
during this time, TC-83 was still considered experimental
and was not approved for use in horses by the USDA.
In mid- to late June, VEE cases were identified
among horses and humans in Mexico just south of
the US border in Brownsville, Texas.
On June 19,
Military Veterinary Services
1971, a task force was assembled in Harlingen, Texas,
to prevent the spread of VEE using vaccination as a
primary mitigation measure. The objective was to
protect horses and humans from VEE, and in the event
of its appearance in the United States, to implement
additional control measures such as aerial spraying
and quarantines to halt the spread of the disease. The
task force consisted of multidisciplinary specialists,
including representatives from USDA, US Public
Health Service, DoD (ie, US Army veterinarians,
preventive medicine officers, and Air Force officers),
Texas Animal Health Commission, and Texas State
Department of Health. On June 25, 1971, vaccination
in horses was started.
Despite vaccination, VEE virus was isolated from
a horse on June 30, 1971. During the first week in
July, equine encephalitis fatalities were identified,
and on July 5, 1971, the first confirmed human case
was diagnosed (in a man). The Texas outbreak was
the first documented VEE outbreak in the United
The US Air Force began aerial spraying on July
10, 1971. Six days later, the Secretary of Agriculture
Clifford M. Hardin declared Texas under a state of
emergency. New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and
Louisiana were placed under quarantine to ensure
VEE would be contained and not spread to other states.
The USDA also obtained TC-83 from the military to
vaccinate all horses in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma,
Arkansas, and Louisiana.
The disease peaked among Texas horses during the
third week in July, but cases continued presenting until
November 7, 1971. The role of the military veterinar-
ian during this crisis included detection of equine
cases, vaccination of horses, working cooperatively
with county extension agents, and contributing to the
newly established equine surveillance system. Prior to
the outbreak, military veterinarians were instrumental
in the study of VEE and development of the vaccine
used to protect both humans and horses.
H5N2 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Out-
break, 1983
On April 22, 1983, the first cases of low pathogenic
avian influenza H5N2 were diagnosed among layer
flocks near Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Clinical signs
included mild to moderate loss of production and
mortality at less than 10 percent. This pattern of
disease continued until October 1983 when the low
pathogenic form became a highly pathogenic form
and the state requested federal assistance. Poultry
mortality reached high levels (ie, up to 90 percent) in
Pennsylvania, and within a month, the disease spread
to New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia.
Each state
determined its own quarantine areas and, with some
federal assistance, enforced control measures to reduce
the movement of infected animals or contaminated
vehicles, equipment, and product.
Depopulation, which focused only on flocks that
resided within the quarantined areas, was determined
to be the best control measure. This control was first
implemented in Virginia and Maryland, followed by
Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Over 17 million birds
were euthanized from 448 flocks that were affected.
Quarantine areas in New Jersey were released by state
and federal quarantine authorities in March 1984 and
in Virginia and Pennsylvania in September and Octo-
ber 1984, respectively; surveillance programs were set
up thereafter and continued several months past the
quarantine release.
In order to accomplish the surveillance and control
measures, the US Veterinary Corps provided over
40 veterinarians to assist in the areas of diagnostics,
pathology, and epidemiology among the 200-plus
DoD soldiers and civilian employees who deployed
to the quarantined areas. The military also provided
equipment for communications, transportation, and
laboratory analysis and supplemented the control ef-
forts to overcome the logistical challenges faced in this
extensive animal disease outbreak.
Military veterinarians understand the One Health
concept and promote this modern initiative’s imple-
mentation in various global and domestic endeavors:
(a) they work collaboratively within the military health
system and contribute to the health and well-being of
the military member and their families; (b) they are ex-
tensively trained and can be accredited and credentialed
in the specialized roles of disease surveillance and con-
trol, at home and internationally, as they provide care
for animals, food safety, and security; (c) they proffer
insights for zoonotic disease surveillance, epidemiology,
prevention, and outbreak response at home and abroad;
and (d) they track diseases of military importance and
contribute to the health of military members using
new technologies and data management that assist
in surveillance. As coordinating participants within
the US interagency, the US Army VCs contribute key
subject matter expertise, experience, and capability to
emergency response measures that keep the United
States safe and secure from diseases that affect the
economy, security, and health of animal and humans.
Military veterinarians will continue to serve as valuable
team members of the military health care team, helping
to keep all service members fit and healthy to fight.
Global Zoonotic Disease Surveillance and Control
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Military Veterinary Services