ED 285 561
IR 012 7b7
Suzuki, Katsuaki
Schema Theory: A Basis for Domain Integration
Feb 87
12p.; Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the
Association for Educational Communications and
Technology (Atlanta, GA, February 26-March 1, 1987).
For the complete proceedings, see IR 012 723.
Information Analyses (070) -- Speeches/Conference
Papers (150)
MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
*Behavioral Objectives; *Instructional Design;
Learning Processes; Metacognition; *Outcomes of
Education; *Schemata (Cognition); Skills
Curriculum Mapping
The cognitive and affective domains of learning
outcomes--i.e., intellectual skills, verbal. information, cognitive
strategies, and attitudes--are parts of every schema. Located within
an individual schema, these capabilities are interrelated, and
acquiring one capability is likely to have an effect on other types
of capabilities within the same schema. The central role of the
intellectual skills domain and advantages of integrating various
outcome domains, also known as accompanying objectives, have
implications for instructional design. General types of accompanying
objectives include: (1) the terminal objective, i.e., the ability to
perform the skill; (2) knowing when the skill can be applied; (3) the
ability to use the skill when needed; and (4) choosing to use the
skill. The use of a generic instructional curriculum map (ICM) to
present interrelationships among the related objectives from various
outcome domains may help the instructional designer to select
instructional strategies, and to determine the sequence of
instruction among objectives. Fifteen references are listed. (MES)
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from the original document.
Schema Theory: A Basis for Domain Integration Design
Katsuaki Suzuki
Department of Educational Research
Florida State University
Rm. 307 Stone Bldg
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Paper prepared for the symposium, Application of
Schema Theory to Instructional Design, at the
Annual Meeting of the Association for Educational
Communications and Technology, Atlanta, GA (March,
1987) .
Schema Theory: A
In recent
structure have
of schemata
Schemata are
of knowledg
schema re
the schem
in var
Basis for Domain Integration Design
Katsuaki Suzuki
Florida State University
years, human cognition and knowledge
been extensively investigated in terms
e.g., Anderson, 1984a; Rumelhart, 1980).
claimed to be the basic units of human
A schema is defined as "an organized body
e, conceived theoretically as a set of
ted propositions centering around a general
d linked peripherally with other concepts
86, p. 12)". It has been demonstrated by
search (e.g., Richert & Anderson, 1977) that
ata existing in a person's knowledge structure
e the way newly-coming information is
ted and acquired.
hema theory explains internal conditions of
ng, which can be applied in instructional design
ious ways.
In this paper, schematic interpreta-
of human cognition is first related to human
ilities, for which instruction is designed.
ructional implication of the schema theory will be
ussed for integration of learning outcome domains.
ally, procedures for the design of instruction will
suggested emphasizing integration of various outcome
Schema and Associated Domains of Learning Outcomes
In order to relate schematic representation of
human knowledge and instructional design, it is helpful
to describe a schema in terms of the domains of learning
outcomes; intellectual skills, verbal information,
cognitive stragegies, attitudes, and motor skills
(Gagn6, 1985).
The domain of learning outcomes must be
identified for each objective in instruction because it
informs an instructional designer of a distinctive set
of effective instructional strategies.
In this sense,
analyzing a schema into the domains of learning
outcomes may enable us to identify what exactly a
schema is, in relation to how we can facilitate the
learning of it.
A schema is said to be formed around a general
concept, which belongs to the domain of intellectual
Concepts are intellectual skills in that they
provide rules for classifying incoming information
(Gagn6, 1985). Such a function is known as "ideational
scaffolding (Anderson, 1984a)", for which the "slot"
structure of a schema is utilized.
For example, if o.le
has a schema for "monument", he or she can tell if a
given description is about a monument or not by
applying such classification rules as "Is it a
structure (such as a building or sculpture)?" and "Is
it for a memorial?"
If the slot for the memorial
cannot be filled out by a person or event from the
description, then the example may not be considered to
be a monument, but a mere building.
Thus, by using the
monument schema, and other related schemata, one can
classify instances of monuments and other related
concepts (e.g.,
ordinary buildings, memorial holidays).
A schema also contains individual examples of the
schema, which are in the verbal information domain. A
schema has accumulated instances of the general
These instances are known as "instantiations"
of the schema (Anderson, 1984a).
For example, the
"monument schema" may contain the facts about the
Washington Monument as an instantiation; about its
location, history, configuration, and to whom it is
Other related information may be associated
with the monument schema, including episodic facts
(e.g., when the learner saw the monument, with whom,
the weather of the day, etc.), and historical notes of
the dedicator.
Another type of cognitive capability is associated
with a schema, which can be classified in the domain of
cognitive strategies.
Cognitive strategies control
internal information-procos-dAg, which are also known
as "metacognition", or more specifically, "self-
regulatory mechanisms used by an active learner"
(Armbruster & Brown, 1984, p. 274). Each schema not
only has intellectual skills and verbal information,
but also is equipped with cognitiv:_ strategies.
Rumelhart (1980) has stated: "Embedded in these packets
of knowledge [i.e. schemata] is, in addition to the
knowledge itself, information about how this knowledge
is to be used" (p. 34).
Although cognitive strategies
for general uses may be located elsewhere, the
strategies employed mainly for the learning about
monuments (i.e. domain specific strategies) is best
placed within the monument schema.
It is natural to assume that attitudes are related
to schemata, toward which the attitudes are formed.
Schemata are formed around general concepts of objects,
situations, and events. Attitudes are "internal states
that influence the individual's choice of personal
action [toward some category of objects, persons, or
events]" (Gagng, 1985, p. 219).
Thus, each schema is
likely to be accompanied with an affective proposition
about that schema, which influences personal choices
associated with the schema.
If a person is not
interested in history in general, he or she may not
choose to visit or study about monuments, for example.
A student of history and of architecture may develop
very different schemata of monuments because of their
different interests.
Although knowing something is
different from liking something, attitudes seem to be a
part of schemata.
In short, both cognitive and affective domains of
learning outcomes seem to be parts of each schema.
That is, a schema may be related to capabilities of
intellectual skills, verbal information, cognitive
strategies, and attitudes.
Located within an
individual schema, these various capabilities are
related to each other.
Acquiring one capability is
likely to have an effect on other types of capabilities
within the same schema.
From Schema Theory To Doman Integration Design
Gagne's (1985) distinction between the domains of
verbal information and intellectual skills can be made
parallel to the types of learning processes proposed by
schema theorists.
When verbal information is learned,
no change in schema structure is necessary; in-comirg
information will be assimilated to an existing schema
using existing "slots" of the schema.
If you learn
about a monument in Japan, for example, you will use
the same fact categories that are used to learn about
the Washington Monument: its location, history,
configuration, and to whom it is dedicated. In other
words, the existing "monument schema" will be activated
(Bransford, 1984) to assimilate another instantiation
of the schema.
Rumelhart and Norman (1978) have called
this process "accretion".
In contrast, when a child learns what a monument
is, he or she is acquiring the slots in "monument
schema". The Washington Monument may be used to
exemplify the classification rules of the monument
However, it is not the main objective of the
learning to be able to state the facts about the
Washington Monument. Instead, the objective is to
organize the "monument schema" so that new information
can be judged as to wether it is about another monument
or not.
This process involves either tuning up the
existing "monument schema", which is not yet well-
articulated, or creating a new "monument schema" by
using existing similar schemata.
Schema theory appears to be compatible with the
notion of intellectual skills as building blocks for
the design of instruction (Gagne & Briggs, 1979).
Rumelhart and Norman (1978) have distinguished these
processes of the evolution of existing schemata
(tuning) and the ore, ion of new ones (restructuring)
as different modes of learning from the accretion
These authors have also argued that the
tuning and restructuring processes are not as frequent
as accretion, but more significant. Without a change
in schema structure, new concepts cannot be formed. On
the other hand, when an intellectual skill is learned,
the basic structure of the schema surrounding that
skill is formulated.
Because the memory structure is
built by interrelated schemata, instruction may best be
planned for finishing up such a structure when a
lesson, or section is completed.
Even when a target objective is not an
intellectual skill, it may be advantageous to relate
the target objective to an intellectual skill
That is, try to identify and help
formulating a more structured schema surrounding that
target objective by adding related intellectual skill
For example, the terminal objective for a
math lesson may be to memorize conversion formulas
among metric units of length, area, anti volume
The learners could try to memorize all
individual formulas (e.g.,
1 m2 = 10000 cm2). However,
after studying the formulas for length, the learners
can be introduced to a rule that relates length with
area and volume.
Once thiq rule is acquired, the
learner does not need to remember all of the formulas,
but only the formulas for length and how to apply them
for area and volume (e.g.,
1 m = 100 cm; tus, 1 m2 =
1 T x 1 m = 100 cm x 100 cm = 100 x 100 cm
= 10000
cm ).
A more structured schema, which includes more
intellectual skills, will enable the learner to
transfer the structure to formulate ano_her schema when
The more structured a schema becomes, the more
useful it is for further learnii.g.
Anderson (1984b)
has pointed out that school education is likely to
reinforce the "weak" views of knowledge by teaching
individual facts separately.
By using intellectual
skills as the building blocks of curriculum, we may
also be able to support a strong 'view of knowledge,
with which the learners will try to utilize what they
know in a constructive manner.
Another implication from the schema theory is to
integrate various domains of learning outcomes, which
presumably are associated with the schema of the
terminal intellectual skill objective.
The basic units
of memory structure are schemata, and each of the
schemata is more than its core intellectual skill.
Therefore, oGher related capabilities can also be
learned to make the new learning more com2lete.
For the sake of argument, such capabilities may be
called as "accompanying objectives".
Instruction would
be designed for an intellectual skill terminal
objective and its accompanying objectives.
accompanying objectives are NOT subordinate to the
terminal objective in the sense of "essential
prerequisites", the absence of which disabl
learning of the terrjnal objective.
Although these
related capabilities may support the learning of the
terminal objective
"supportive prerequisites"),
the accompl!shment of the accompanying objectives are,
for themselves, terminal.
The teminal intellectual
skill objective plus the accorpanying objectives may
represent more complete schema than the intellectual
skill alone.
Various types of accompanying objectives have been
proposed in the literature in several different terms.
White and Mayer (1980) proposed a c]assification system
of verbal information related to the learning of an
intellectual skill into productive and unproductive
Accompanying cognitive strategies have been
investigated by the learning strategy researchers.
Derry and Murphy (1986) have proposed that the learning
f cognitive strategies be embodied into the cognitive
skill and knowledge instruction after the initial
exposure to the strategies.
An intellectual skill and
an accompanying attitud
are called "twin objectives"
by Briggs and Wager (1981), who have suggested the
inclusion of an attitude counterpart of the target
objective in lesson and unit design.
Other related
affective outcomes have been integrated in design of
cognitive outcome domains by Martin and Briggs (1986)
and Keller
Given a specific lesson objective, cr.e may be able
to derive accompanying objectives by seeking a more
complete schema.
To follow Gagne's approach in
constructing learning hierarchies, a question can be
"What else can the learner learn in order to
enhance the schema related to the target intellectual
skill objective, absence of which restricts the
utilization of the target skill?"
The target objective
alone will be sufficient for a learner to demonstrate
the skill when and if so asked.
However, the
accompanying objectives will help in enhancing the
surrounding schema, with which the target skill may
better be utilized for practical situations, or for
related learning tasks. In other words, when this
question is asked, not only the end-of-lesson
accomplishments, but also long-term effects should be
taken into consideration.
In order for the target skill to be utilized, a
learner must be able to perform the skill.
addition, there seem to be several other general types
of the accompanying capabilities.
The learner must:
(1) be able to perform the skill (terminal
(2) know when the skill can be applied (contextual
knowledge; verbal information).
(3) be able to use the skill when needed
(initiating internal processes; cognitive
(4) choose to use the skill (positive attitude
toward using the skill).
In Figure 1, these terminal and accompanying
objectives, and some other supporting objectives are
summarized in the form of a generic Instructional
Curriculum Map (ICM, Briggs & Wager, 1981).
presents hypothesized interrelationships among the
related objectives from various outcome domains. It
should be helpful for an instructional designer to
visualize how objectives from different domains of
learning outcomes may help each other. It may be used
to select instructional strategies, as well as to
determine the sequence of instruction among the
depicted objectives.
Note: Dotted box indicates
an intellectual skill
learning hierarchy.
The arrow shows inputs
from other domains,
intellectual skills
Cognitive strate' es
Verbal information
Figure 1. Generic ICM Summarizing Accompanying
Concluding Remarks
Looking at the schema theory of human cognition,
this paper discussed some implications for designing
These implications include the central
role of the intellectual skills domain in learning and
the advantages of integrating various outcome domains
in instructional design.
The notion of accompanying
objectives was proposed to design an instructional
segment for a richer learning outcome, which presumably
represents a more complete state of the surrounding
Instructional Curriculum Maps are employed as
visual representations for integrating various domain
of learning outcomes in design effort.
In order to apply the two implications emerged
from the schema theory, the procedures for the
instructional design will be as follows:
Define the lesson objective. If the lesson
objective is not an intellectual skill, find a
related intellectual skill.
2. Lay out essential subordinate skills,
constructing a learning heirarchy.
Explore accompanying objectives that help
utilizing the teminal skill.
The generic ICM
(Figure 1)
may be helpful at this point.
4. Lay out the accompanying objectives and other
supportive objectives, forming an ICM.
Determine the instructional strategies for the
terminal objective taking other objectives
into account.
It is the presenter's hope that a strong view of
knowledge (Anderson, 1984b) will be emphasized in as
many occasions as possible whenever an instructional
segment is systematically designed.
To accomplish that
end, it seems to be a good course of action to
emphasize the domain of intellectual skills and also to
take other types of learning outcomes into account.
integrating various outcome domains in instructional
we can also develop positive attitudes toward
learning, knowledge for applying the learned skills,
and strategies for learning within the instrucion
emphasizing the learning of intellectual skills.
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