Principles of Adult
Learning & Instructional
Systems Design
Adult Learning
s an instructor, you should have a basic understanding of how adults learn.
Adult learners bring experiences and self-awareness to learning that
younger learners do not. To understand adult learning, you should
understand learning domains, learning styles, and how and why adults learn.
Educators have determined that most adults, adolescents, and children learn best by
experiencing a blend of activities that promote the three learning domains:
cognitive, affective, and behavioral. Cognitive refers to knowledge or a body of
subject matter, affective refers to attitudes and beliefs, and behavior refers to
practical application.
The table below shows examples of activities in each of the three domains.
Lectures Values clarification exercises Role plays
Brainstorms Nominal group process Simulations
Discussions Consensus-seeking activities Teach backs
Three Learning
The three primary learning styles are: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
§ Visual learners tend to learn by looking, seeing, viewing, and watching.
Visual learners need to see an instructor’s facial expressions and body
language to fully understand the content of a lesson. They tend to sit at the
front of the classroom to avoid visual distractions. They tend to think in
pictures and learn best from visual displays. During a lecture or discussion,
they tend to take detailed notes to absorb information.
§ Auditory learners tend to learn by listening, hearing, and speaking.
Auditory learners learn best through lectures, discussions, and
brainstorming. They interpret the underlying meaning of speech by
listening to voice tone, pitch, and speed and other speech nuances. Written
information has little meaning to them until they hear it. They benefit best
by reading text out loud and using a tape recorder.
§ Kinesthetic learners tend to learn by experiencing, moving, and doing.
Kinesthetic learners learn best through a hands-on approach and actively
exploring the physical world around them. They have difficulty sitting still
for long periods of time, and easily become distracted by their need for
activity and exploration.
We retain approximately 10 percent of what we see; 30 to 40 percent of what
we see and hear; and 90 percent of what we see, hear, and do. We all have the
capability to learn via all three styles, but are usually dominate in one.
The table below shows some of the methods that appeal to visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic learners. Training should take into account all three styles.
Transparencies Lectures Role plays
Videos/Slides Group discussions Simulations
Flip charts Informal conversations Practice demonstrations
Readings Stories and examples Writing/Note taking
Demonstrations Brainstorms Activities
Three Learning
A copy of the Learning Style Self-Assessment that you completed during
training can be found in Appendix A. You may use it in the courses you
instruct if you want to.
Malcolm S. Knowles, a well-known expert on adult learning, has made the
following assumptions regarding adult learners. Dr. Knowles also suggests how
instructors should deal with each of these assumptions.
Adults want to know why they should
Adults are motivated to put time and
energy into learning if they know the
benefits of learning and the costs of not
Develop “a need to know” in your
learnersmake a case for the value of
the learning in their lives. Help learners
answer the question, “What’s in it for
Adults need to take responsibility.
By definition, adult learners have a self-
concept of being in charge of their own
lives and being responsible for their own
decisions, and a need to be seen and
treated as being capable of taking
Realize that despite this self-concept and
need for responsibility, once they enter a
classroom many adults revert back to
their school and college days when they
tended to be passive learners. Do not
fall into a trap of assuming that they
want to learn passively. Empower them
to learn and to take responsibility for
learning. Enable learners to assess their
own learning, similar to the self-
assessment and feedback that you
experienced during the Instructor
Development course.
Adults bring experience to learning.
That experience is a resource for
themselves and for other learners, and
gives richer meaning to new ideas and
skills. Experience is a source of an
adult’s self-identify.
Experience is both a plus and a minus.
It is a plus because it is a vast resource.
It is a minus because it can lead to
biasness and presuppositions. Because
adults define themselves by their
experiences, respect and value that
Adult Learning
Adults are ready to learn when the
need arises.
Adults learn when they to choose to
learn and commit to learn. That desire
to learn usually coincides with the
transition from one developmental stage
to another and is related to
developmental tasks, such as career
planning, acquiring job competencies,
improving job performance, etc. Often,
however, adults perceive employer-
provided training as employer-required
Be aware that some learners might not
want to be there. In which case, be
honest. Acknowledge that fact and the
fact that nothing can be done about it.
Then, agree to make the most out of
training nevertheless. On the other
hand, be aware that for those who want
to be in the class, training is important
and they must walk away with
Adults are task-oriented.
Education is subject-centered, but adult
training should be task-centered. For
example, a child in a school composition
class learns grammar, and then sentence
and paragraph construction. An adult in
a composition training program learns
how to write a business letter, a
marketing plan, etc.
Organize content around tasks, not
See “Adult Learning,” by Malcolm S. Knowles, The ASTD Training & Development
Handbook: A Guide to Human Resource Development, Robert L. Craig, editor, 1996
Fundamentals of Instructional Systems Design
ven though you are an instructor and not an instructional designer, you
should have an appreciation of the fundamentals of instructional design.
You might find yourself in a position where the instructional materials that
you have been provided are not as well suited to adult learning as they could be.
Or, you might find yourself in a position where you need to modify the materials to
fit a specific audience.
This section will give you a basic knowledge of instructional design, and enable you
to recognize and apply basic, effective instructional design methods.
Good instructional design is based on the industry-standard Instructional System
Design (ISD) model. The ISD model comprises five stagesanalysis, design,
development, implementation, and evaluationand is a systems approach to
instructional design in that it views “human organizations and activities as systems
in which inputs, outputs, processes (throughputs), and feedback and control
elements are the salient features.” The ISD model is
§ Systematic, in that prescribed steps follow a logical order.
§ Systemic, in that the steps cover the processes that are critical for success.
§ Reliable, in that the steps are described in sufficient detail to be universally
§ Iterative, in that one might repeat the cycle of analysis, design,
development, implementation, and evaluation a number of times during any
given project.
§ Empirical, in that data gathering is built into the process, enabling designers
to make decisions based on that data.
See Michael Molenda, James A. Pershing, and Charles M. Reigeluth, “Designing Instructional
Systems,” The ASTD Training & Development Handbook, Robert L. Craig, ed.
The diagram on the next page succinctly identifies the five stages of the ISD model,
and the major activities that comprise each stage.
The Instructional
System Design
Collects student &
organization feedback.
Assesses effectiveness
of training.
Conduct final
Incorporate lessons
implementation plan
Deliver instruction
Validates product with
pilot audience.
Verifies that learning
outcomes are met.
Transfers knowledge
& skills.
Learning events &
Performance tracking
Integrates all design
Results in functional
training system.
Focuses product on
identified training
Organizational Goals
Jobs and tasks
Target audience
Cost benefit
Provides key data.
Identifies training
Involves subject matter
Focuses training on
measurable outcomes.
Links instructional
strategies & media
with training needs.
Provides early look at
end product.
Outcomes & tests
Instructional strategies
Structure & sequence
Instructional System Design Model
Because adult learners are task-centered, adult training should be task-centered.
Consequently, adult learning should be based on measurable, task-centered learning
outcomes. Inherent to good instructional design is the definition of clear learning
outcomes. Dr. Robert Mager, a well-known figure in training design, defines
learning outcomes (which he calls “learning objectives”) in this way:
Robert Mager on Learning Objectives
“[Learning] Objectives are a little like blueprints. They provide the
guides that will guarantee that you are teaching what needs to be
taught…Statements describing intended instructional outcomes are
called objectives because their accomplishment can be measured.
Goals are broad (fuzzy) statements of intent; objectives are measurable
statements of intent. In plain language, if an outcome statement isn’t
precise enough to measure whether the outcome has been achieved, it
isn’t an objective.”
“An objective describes student performance. It doesn’t say anything
about what the instructor will do or try to accomplish. It doesn’t
describe course content or the textbook.”
“An objective is about end rather than means. It describes a product of
instruction rather than the process of instruction. It describes what
students will be able to do when the are competent, rather than
describing how they will be made competent.”
Robert F. Mager, Making Instruction Work, pages 73-75
The learning outcomes you will encounter in the Instructor Development Course
are task-centered and measurable.
The following tips will help you develop task-oriented, measurable learning
Tips for Writing Learning Outcomes
Look at skills necessary to perform a given task.
Tie a single outcome to a single task or skill (a task or skill may have
more than one learning outcome, but a learning outcome should have
only one task or skill associated with it).
If you cannot measure an outcome in some way, re-write it so that you
Use active verbs appropriate to what you want to measure. Refer to
the Writing Behavioral Learning Outcomes handout (included as
Appendix B).
Developing good learning outcomes is a process as described below.
§ Identify the tasks that people must perform in order to carry out their jobs.
§ Once you have identified the tasks, analyze each task to determine how a
competent person performs that task. Answer these questions: While
performing the task, what steps does that person follow? What decisions
does that person make?
§ From there, identify the skills necessary to perform the task.
§ With that information in hand, write the learning outcomes.
§ Determine prerequisite relationships among the learning outcomes. Does
one skill need to be mastered before another?
Once this process is complete, you can develop and organize the instruction that
enables students to master learning outcomes.
See Robert Mager, Preparing Instructional Objectives, chapter 3.
How to best organize training is dependent on the learning outcomes. Arrange
outcomes in a way that shows how they relate to each other. In this way, you can
create a hierarchy that shows a prerequisite relationship among the tasks or skills
that you intend to train. How would you have reacted if the instructor of this course
came in the first day, described the course, asked you to conduct a mock training for
which you would be evaluated, and said, “OK, that’s it; end of course”? You
probably would have been ill prepared to pass the course. Instead, the instructor
spent time on the small blocks of knowledge and skills necessary to prepare you to
conduct a presentation, and gave you an opportunity to develop that presentation.
Some tasks and skills stand-alone; they are not dependent on other tasks and skills.
So, you can teach the learning outcomes associated with these skills in any order
you choose. Take advantage of those instances to allow learners to have a say in
which order they learn those tasks and skills or to make prudent use of available
Knowing your audience also is vital to effectively organizing outcomes and training
content. The Assessing the Situation section of Chapter 4 will you help gain that
As you organize content, identify the main points necessary to accomplish each
learning outcome. Answer the question, “What must the students know and be able
to do when they leave this course?” Make an itemized list and then fully develop
each item. As you deliver training, be sure to identify the learning outcome up front
and then instruct specifically to that outcome. Before moving on to a new topic,
revisit the outcome and ensure the students can accomplish it.
See Robert F. Mager, Making Instruction Work, Chapters 7 and 8, 1997
To involve adults in their own learning and adhere to adult learning principles,
introduce interactivity wherever possible into your instruction. When training tasks
and skills, ensure they have opportunities to actually do those tasks and skills. The
majority of the Instructor Development Course, which trains instructor tasks and
skills, is spent developing and delivering a presentation, which is highly interactive.
Some tasks and skills lend themselves to interaction more easily than others, so you
might have to be creative. In those cases, look for opportunities to use case studies,
brainstorming exercises, facilitated discussions, role-plays, problem solving, etc.
Use the experience of your adult learners to help you introduce interactivity.
Some training courses depend too much on cognitive learning, using only lectures,
slide presentations. This type of learning requires the learner to passively absorb
and retain large amounts of content. To retain learning, learners need opportunities
to make a connection with the content and apply the learning to real-life.
The diagram that appears on the next page illustrates the balance of content,
connection, and application and how they relate to the three learning domains. The
inverted triangle represents training in which content is primary and takes the
majority of the time to impart, usually through one-way didactic presentations with
periodic opportunities for audience questions. The upright triangle represents the
more interactive design, in which learners have application opportunities using
demonstrations, workshops, case studies, or other engaging methods. Tailor the
courses you instruct to use the upright triangle.
Content vs.
Connection vs.