p. 1 Funding Guidelines Liquidated Builders Customer Support Payment Scheme (April 2024)
The Victorian Government is supporting the Customers of Eligible Liquidated Builders who
signed a Domestic Building Contract or Agreement for a new residential home and paid an
amount to a liquidated builder that failed to secure Domestic Building Insurance.
This scheme covers Customers of Eligible Liquidated Builders (as assessed by the Victorian
Government) that have gone into liquidation between 1 July 2022 and 28 February 2024, as
well as the customers of Porter Davis Homes Group Pty Ltd who made a tender-stage
payment that includes payment for plans and specifications of a value of up to 5 per cent of
the New Home Contract Price. The funding supplied under this scheme is a one-off payment
to eligible affected Customers.
The Liquidated Builders Customer Support Payment Scheme is an extension of the Porter
Davis Homes Customer Support Payment Scheme which has now closed, for customers who
entered into a Housing Industry Association Domestic Building Contract with Porter Davis
and paid a 5 per cent deposit for the building works for their new home but were left without
Domestic Building Insurance.
Capitalised terms used in these guidelines are defined in Appendix 1.
How the support payment works
The scheme is open to Customers of Eligible Liquidated Builders, as assessed by the
Victorian Government, who have signed a Domestic Building Contract or Agreement for the
construction of a new residential home. These Customers have paid an amount (whether
described as a deposit or otherwise), including payment to prepare plans and specifications,
to the Eligible Liquidated Builder under the contract or agreement; they do not have
Domestic Building Insurance as a consequence of the Eligible Liquidated Builder’s failure to
obtain the insurance; nor have they had a building permit issued in relation to the Domestic
Building Contract or Agreement to allow work to start on their site.
The support payments may cover an amount up to 5 per cent of the New Home Contract
Price and will be subject to a cap of $50,000.
Customers must submit all requested documentation providing evidence of their eligibility
and status to initiate the payment process. Once the documentation has been assessed,
applicants will be notified of an outcome or may be requested to provide further information.
Funding Guidelines Liquidated
Builders Customer Support Payment
April 2024
p. 2 Funding Guidelines Liquidated Builders Customer Support Payment Scheme (April 2024)
Those found eligible for payment will then be asked to sign and submit a terms and
conditions form agreeing to the terms and conditions for the support payment as well as
providing bank account details for payment.
Eligible applicants must, in their terms and conditions form, agree to assign to the State of
Victoria their rights under their Domestic Building Contract or Agreement with their
nominated Eligible Liquidated Builder before receiving a support payment. This means
successful applicants cannot claim for the recovery of the amount paid under their
Domestic Building Contract or Agreement through the liquidation process to the extent that
the applicant has received a support payment through this scheme to cover their loss. The
State of Victoria may seek repayment of any money paid under this scheme from the
nominated Eligible Liquidated Builder’s liquidator. It is strongly recommended eligible
customers should obtain independent legal advice before applying.
This scheme is administered on behalf of the State of Victoria by the Department of
Government Services (Department) with support from the Victorian Building Authority (VBA)
and the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA).
1. Eligibility
1.1. To be eligible for the support payment, you must be the Customer of an Eligible
Liquidated Builder, as assessed by the Victorian Government, who paid an
amount under a Domestic Building Contract or Agreement that was not
covered by Domestic Building Insurance. You must have:
signed an eligible Domestic Building Contract or Agreement (see section
2) for the building works for your new residential home in Victoria that
includes payment to prepare plans and specifications with an Eligible
Liquidated Builder (as assessed by the Victorian Government) who went
into liquidation between 1 July 2022 and 28 February 2024 (note for Porter
Davis customers this does not include Englehart Homes). See the current
list of Eligible Liquidated Builders as assessed by the Victorian
paid to the Eligible Liquidated Builder an amount up to 5 per cent of the
New Home Contract Price under your Domestic Building Contract or
Agreement at the time you signed the contract/agreement but had no
Domestic Building Insurance in relation to that amount paid; and
had no building permit issued in relation to your Domestic Building
Contract or Agreement.
You must also agree, that if you are found eligible, you will:
assign your rights under your contract to the State of Victoria. This means
you cannot claim for the recovery of the amount you paid under your
Domestic Building Contract or Agreement through the liquidation process
to the extent that you have received a support payment through this
scheme to cover your loss. The State of Victoria may seek repayment of
any money paid under this agreement from the liquidator.
1.2. Where there is more than one signatory to the Domestic Building Contract or
Agreement, one person must apply on behalf of all signatories. The applicant
must attest:
p. 3 Funding Guidelines Liquidated Builders Customer Support Payment Scheme (April 2024)
that they have authorisation and written permission from all signatories
to apply on their behalf and to provide their personal information, and, if
the application is successful, for the payment to be paid into a bank
account where the person applying is the/an account holder;
that all signatories agree to assign their rights as an Unsecured Creditor
of their nominated Eligible Liquidated Builder (or an associated entity of
the Eligible Liquidated Builder) to the State of Victoria if the application is
found eligible and they wish to accept the payment; and
that they will distribute any payment in accordance with the amount
payable to each individual they have attested to representing.
1.3. The Department will contact any additional signatories to confirm that they
have provided you with written authorisation to apply on their behalf.
2. What is an eligible Domestic Building Contract or
2.1. For the purposes of this scheme, a contract or agreement will be eligible if it is a
signed written agreement between an Eligible Liquidated Builder and Customer
to carry out, or to arrange or manage the carrying out of, domestic building
work (as defined in the Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 (Vic)) for a new
residential home (Domestic Building Contract or Agreement). The contract
must include payment to prepare plans and specifications.
2.2. The type of Building Contracts and Agreements that may be eligible may have
a number of different titles. For example, the contract type may be called a
domestic building contract, major domestic building contract, new homes
contract, tender agreement, tender-stage contract, preliminary tender
agreement, minor works agreement, major works agreement, building works
contract, cost plus contract, design and construct contract, construct only
contract, trade contract, new home contract.
2.3. If you have only signed other, earlier agreements in the building planning
process, such as holding or fixing contracts, consultancy agreement, early
contractor involvement contract, letter of intent, or memorandum of
understanding, you are not eligible to receive the support payment.
2.4. A quote or quotation document will not be accepted the contract must outline
a specific agreement between two parties.
p. 4 Funding Guidelines Liquidated Builders Customer Support Payment Scheme (April 2024)
3. Ineligible applicants
3.1. The following customers are not eligible for a support payment:
developers (defined as any person or company for whom three or more
homes were proposed to be built under a single Domestic Building
Contract or Agreement)
customers who have signed a Domestic Building Contract or Agreement
for a property site located outside of the State of Victoria
customers who have been insured by VMIA or another insurer and are
therefore eligible to make an insurance claim
customers who have signed a contract or agreement for building works of
anything other than a new residential home
customers who paid an amount up to $2000 for an activity such as soil
testing only
customers who have not signed any contract or agreement
customers of liquidated builders that have been assessed by the Victorian
Government as ineligible for this scheme
customers who have transferred (novated) their Domestic Building
Contract or Agreement and amount paid under their New Home Contract
Price to another builder and they have incurred no financial loss (i.e: they
have received a credit towards their New Home Contract Price with their
new builder despite the transfer and they are not at a monetary
disadvantage after the novation process).
4. Payments
4.1. If you are found eligible, you will be offered a support payment for the amount
you have paid to the Eligible Liquidated Builder under your Domestic Building
Contract or Agreement. The payments may only cover an amount paid of up to
5 per cent of the New Home Contract Price and will be subject to a cap of
$50,000. The payment will be based on the New Home Contract Price of the
Domestic Building Contract or Agreement at the time the applicant signed the
contract/agreement and paid the amount to the Eligible Liquidated Builder.
The maximum of 5 per cent is in line with the legal maximum deposit payment
under the Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 (Vic).
Customers who have paid amounts to their Eligible Liquidated Builder that
exceed 5 per cent of the New Home Contract Price or have paid beyond the
deposit stage of a build such as progress payments, are not eligible to seek
payment for these further payment amounts.
4.2. Only one support payment is available for each Domestic Building Contract or
Agreement with your nominated Eligible Liquidated Builder.
4.3. The payment must be made to a bank account where the person applying is
the/an account holder, or to a bank account in the name of the company, or
trust/trustee that is the signatory to the Domestic Building Contract or
p. 5 Funding Guidelines Liquidated Builders Customer Support Payment Scheme (April 2024)
5. Key dates
Applications open 15 April 2024
Applications close 4 pm, Thursday 20 June 2024
Outcome notifications and
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of
their application within 90 days of submission,
should the Victorian Government have
assessed the liquidated builder as being
eligible at the time of submission. Individual
outcome notification is subject to all
attachments and information being sufficiently
6. Who can apply?
6.1. You must be a person that has signed the Domestic Building Contract or
Agreement to apply for the support payment.
6.2. Where the eligible Domestic Building Contract or Agreement is between an
entity (such as a company or trust) and the nominated Eligible Liquidated
Builder, then the person applying must be an authorised representative who
can execute contracts and legally bind the applicant.
Depending on the entity type, the following people are authorised
representatives and can apply on behalf of their organisation:
Companies: a director listed at the Australian Business Register (ABR)
Trusts: an authorised representative of the trustee, being either the
trustee (if an individual) or a director of the trustee (if a company)
Partnerships: a partner (a director, if the partnership involves a company).
6.3. You must apply separately for each Domestic Building Contract or Agreement
that you wish to receive a support payment for.
6.4. You must attest that you have the authorisation and permission of all other
signatories to the Domestic Building Contract or Agreement to apply for a
support payment and share their personal information.
6.5. The person who applies must provide information from one of the following
current proof of identity documents on the application form:
Australian passport or New Zealand passport
Medicare card
Australian driver licence or learner permit
Australian visa (International passport).
If proof of identity is unable to be confirmed, the applicant will receive a follow-
up email with instructions on how to provide their proof of identity details.
p. 6 Funding Guidelines Liquidated Builders Customer Support Payment Scheme (April 2024)
7. How to apply
7.1. You must apply online at
https://grants.business.vic.gov.au/PublicForm?id=LBCSPSREV. Applications
must be submitted by the closure date published on the scheme’s website. Late
applications will not be accepted.
7.2. You must provide the following documentation in support of your application:
A signed Domestic Building Contract or Agreement with your nominated
Eligible Liquidated Builder (see the current list of Eligible Liquidated
Builders as assessed by the Victorian Government).
If you are unsure if the documents from your nominated Eligible
Liquidated Builder meet the criteria of a signed Domestic Building
Contract or Agreement, provide all relevant agreements you signed with
your Eligible Liquidated Builder.
A final statement or progress statement from your nominated Eligible
Liquidated Builder (showing amount paid which may have been in
instalments) under your Domestic Building Contract or Agreement, clearly
showing that the full amount required to be paid under the Domestic
Building Contract or Agreement has been paid.
If you do not have a final statement, official receipts from your Eligible
Liquidated builder showing evidence of payment of your deposit may be
accepted. Invoices and bank transaction statements will not be accepted.
7.3. If your application is found eligible, you will be notified via email, which will have
a link to the terms and conditions form where you can agree to the terms and
conditions of the payment, as outlined in these guidelines (and in that form),
and to give details of the Australian bank account where the payment will be
7.4. As part of the terms and conditions, you must assign to the State of Victoria
your rights under your Domestic Building Contract or Agreement with your
Eligible Liquidated Builder. This means you cannot claim for the recovery of the
amount paid under your Domestic Building Contract or Agreement through the
liquidation process to the extent that you have received a support payment
through this scheme to cover your loss.
7.5. If applicable you must also have sought and received written authorisation and
permission to apply from all other signatories to your Domestic Building
Contract or Agreement and have their agreement to assign their rights under
the Domestic Building Contract or Agreement as an Unsecured Creditor of your
nominated Eligible Liquidated Builder to the State of Victoria.
7.6. By completing and submitting the terms and conditions form you are making
an offer to the State of Victoria (on behalf of all contract signatories) and will be
bound by the terms and conditions of the offer if accepted by the State of
Victoria, unless varied by agreement, through a return email.
p. 7 Funding Guidelines Liquidated Builders Customer Support Payment Scheme (April 2024)
8. Assessment of eligibility
8.1. You will be required to confirm and attest you meet the eligibility criteria at the
time of application.
8.2. Applications and payment will be assessed using the information and evidence
provided by you and by verification with other sources as identified in section
8.3. As part of this process, any information provided by you may be used and
disclosed by the Department, other Victorian Government agencies and
external parties to determine your eligibility and support the delivery of the
support payments. Your information will be verified against information held by
the VBA and other insurers, the VMIA and against information from your builder
held by the appointed liquidator. Your proof of identify information will be
verified with parties external to the Department where required.
8.4. The Department will contact any additional signatories to confirm that they
have provided you with written authorisation to apply on their behalf.
8.5. You may be requested to provide further information or clarification to assist in
assessment of your application. The Victorian Government reserves, in its
absolute discretion, the right to refuse your application where eligibility criteria
are not met, or where you do not or cannot provide sufficient information in the
required timeframe to assess whether eligibility criteria have been met, or
where a claim cannot be supported.
8.6. Where eligibility cannot be determined
If eligibility cannot be verified sufficiently to the Department’s satisfaction by
evidence verification, either through the information provided by the applicant
or the verification processes described in sections 8.2 to 8.4 above, applicants
may then be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Department at its
The applicant will be responsible for providing sufficient evidence to be
considered on a case-by-case basis. In such cases, the decision of the
Department will be final.
The case-by-case consideration will not extend the scope of customers
intended to be covered by this scheme.
9. Application outcome and payment
9.1. The Department will endeavour to notify all applicants of the outcome of their
completed applications and facilitate payments in accordance with the
scheme timelines.
There may be longer processing and assessment times and delays in
notification of the outcome for applicants if:
p. 8 Funding Guidelines Liquidated Builders Customer Support Payment Scheme (April 2024)
the applicant does not initially provide sufficient information for the
Department to establish that the applicant satisfies the eligibility criteria
the application is incomplete or contains incorrect information
further information is required to verify or validate the application as
outlined in section 8.3 above
other signatories to the Domestic Building Contract or Agreement have
not been declared and/or have not authorised the applicant to apply for
or receive the support payment
there is difficulty in reaching the applicant or the applicant does not
respond in a timely manner.
10. Terms and Conditions of application and payment
10.1. By applying to receive a support payment, you consent to the Department
collecting, using and disclosing information provided by you, within the
Victorian Government and between the Victorian Government and external
parties for the purposes of validating your identity and eligibility requirements
and processing your application. You also consent to your information being
compared to existing data held by the VBA and VMIA or other insurance
provider(s), and your Eligible Liquidated Builder’s liquidator.
10.2. To receive a support payment, you and all other signatories to the Domestic
Building Contract or Agreement must agree to assign your rights under the
Domestic Building Contract or Agreement up to the value of the support
payment you received through this scheme. This means you will assign your
rights as an Unsecured Creditor of your Eligible Liquidated Builder to the State
of Victoria.
10.3. If applicable, the person applying must have written authorisation and
permission to apply for and receive the payment from all other signatories to
the same Domestic Building Contract or Agreement and that those signatories
are aware of the terms and conditions for payment under this scheme. You and
any other signatories to the contract must acknowledge that you have a duty
of disclosure to accurately share information that could impact the outcome of
your application.
10.4. By applying, you are declaring that the information provided in the application
form and supporting documentation is true, accurate and not misleading about
a material fact.
Fraudulent or deceptive claims
10.5. If any information in the application or claims for payment is found to be
untrue, inaccurate, misleading or fraudulent (as determined by the Department
in its discretion), the payment will be repayable on demand and the Victorian
Government reserves the right to take further action, including referring the
applicant to the relevant law enforcement agency or regulator. Providing
untrue, inaccurate, misleading or fraudulent information may result in an
offence being committed and serious penalties may apply.
p. 9 Funding Guidelines Liquidated Builders Customer Support Payment Scheme (April 2024)
10.6. Applications may be subject to audit by the Victorian Government or its
representatives for a period of up to three years following receipt of the
payment to determine whether the application and information provided was
11. Privacy statement
11.1. Information you provide, which includes personal information, will be collected,
used and disclosed by the Department for the purpose of assessing your
application for eligibility, to make payments and for the State of Victoria to
seek repayment of any money that is paid under this scheme if the application
is found to be untrue, inaccurate, misleading or fraudulent (as per section 10.6)
or to recover the amount paid by the State under this scheme from an Eligible
Liquidated Builder’s liquidator.
11.2. By applying for a payment, applicants consent to the collection, use and
disclosure of information as outlined in these guidelines. The Department as an
administrator may contact you to clarify your submitted information, and for
scheme review, reporting, monitoring, audit and evaluation purposes.
11.3. The Department will complete a range of eligibility assessments that may
include data matching to clarify the accuracy and quality of information
supplied by you. The data matching may occur on the information and
personal information provided in your application, your supporting evidence
and your terms and condition form.
11.4. In the case of applications suspected to be untrue, inaccurate, misleading or
fraudulent, the information you have provided may also be shared with law
enforcement agencies and regulators.
11.5. If there is an intention to include personal information about a third party, such
as an additional signatory to the Domestic Building Contract or Agreement, in
the application, the person applying must ensure the third party is aware of
and agrees to the contents of this privacy statement and the terms and
conditions of the payment.
11.6. Any personal information about the applicant applying or a third party will be
collected, held, managed, used, disclosed or transferred and stored in
accordance with the provisions of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014
(Vic) and other applicable laws.
11.7. For enquiries about access to, or correction of, your personal information,
please refer to the scheme webpage. Other concerns regarding the privacy of
personal information and Department’s privacy policy can be emailed to
12. Other information
12.1. The Department reserves the right to amend these guidelines and the terms
and conditions at any time as it deems appropriate (subject to appropriate
notice being given either by publication on the support payment website or by
email to applicants and recipients).
p. 10 Funding Guidelines Liquidated Builders Customer Support Payment Scheme (April 2024)
12.2. Receiving a support payment may result in financial, taxation, legal or other
implications for the recipient. It is strongly recommended applicants seek
independent professional advice in regard to these possible impacts.
Applicants may also seek advice from the Australian Tax Office on 1800 806 218
if they have questions about their individual situation.
12.3. The Victorian Government may ask you to complete a survey on how the
payment has helped you. This information will be treated in accordance with
the privacy statement detailed above.
12.4. If an unsuccessful applicant considers that their application has been
incorrectly assessed, they can lodge a complaint. The complaint must be
received within 60 days from the date the Department notifies the applicant of
the outcome of the application. If a complaint is not received within 60 days,
the decision will be final. For more information on complaint lodgement see the
support payment website.
13. Contact
For more information and support, please contact us at
p. 11 Funding Guidelines Liquidated Builders Customer Support Payment Scheme (April 2024)
Appendix 1: Definitions
Term Definition
Application form
The application to provide information and evidence of eligibility for the
support payment under this scheme
Customer A customer of an Eligible Liquidated Builder that went into liquidation
between 1 July 2022 to 28 February 2024.
For the purposes of the support payment any person or company for
whom three or more homes were proposed to be built under a single
Domestic Building Contract or Agreement
Domestic Building
Contract or
See section 2
Eligible Liquidated
A builder that went into liquidation between 1 July 2022 to 28 February
2024 (See the current list of Eligible Liquidated Builders as assessed by
the Victorian Government)
New Home
Contract Price
The price for the building works of a new residential home
Terms and
Conditions form
The form that sets out the terms and conditions on which the State of
Victoria may agree to make a support payment to a successful applicant
and includes the bank account details for the State to make the support
payment to the applicant
A creditor who does not hold a security interest in the company’s assets
VBA Victorian Building Authority
VMIA Victorian Managed Insurance Authority