Burnet High School Spanish 3/ Dual Credit Spanish Syllabus 2017- 2018
Instructor: Brianna Trower, M.A. Email:[email protected] Room: D220
Necessary supplies: Pencils, spiral notebook, loose notebook paper for taking notes and completing assignments, a binder, folder, or section in your binder for
storing handouts for this class (you MUST keep up with all the handouts I give you in this class), several dry erase markers, and index cards for studying vocabulary
words. Students must bring ALL of these supplies to class EVERY DAY. Anything you submit to me to be graded MUST be done in either pencil, black ink, or blue
ink. Students may not keep their personal supplies or belongings in my classroom. Supplies that I keep in my classroom for student use must remain in my
Course credit: Successful completion of this course provides students with one year of high school Spanish credit, as well as credit for two semesters of college
Spanish Credit (Beginning Spanish I & II) through Angelo State University if you have completed the enrollment process by the deadline.
Course description: This course provides students with a review of Spanish greetings, the verb Ser and its uses, the verb Haber, interrogative words, days, months,
times, the present tense of regular verbs, descriptions, articles, adjective- noun agreement, subject- verb agreement, the verb Gustar, the verb Ir, the verb Estar and
its uses, verbs with irregular yo forms, stem-changing verbs, commands, comparisons, regular and irregular verbs in the preterite tense, the imperfect tense, the
contrasting uses of the preterite and imperfect tenses, and direct object pronouns, as well as accompanying vocabulary, verbs, artistic, historical, and cultural
information. This course provides detailed instruction in Spanish indirect object pronouns, double object pronouns, commands, adverbs, relative pronouns, por vs.
para, the Subjunctive Mood, the Future Tense, the Conditional Tense, the Present Perfect Subjunctive, the Past Subjunctive, and combinations of these tenses, as
well as accompanying vocabulary, verbs, artistic, historical, and cultural information.
Attendance and Tardies: If a student has not arrived at my classroom by the time the tardy bell rings, he or she is tardy and will be sent to the Assistant Principal’s
office for a Tardy Slip before being allowed to enter class. If a student is not in his or her assigned seat when the bell rings, he or she is marked tardy. Multiple tardies
will result in consequences according to the Burnet High School Student Handbook. If a student has not arrived at my classroom within 10 minutes of class starting,
he or she will be counted absent.
Classroom Conduct Expectations: Students are expected to listen to the teacher, pay attention, and stay on task at all times. It is never acceptable to interrupt the
teacher. If you need to speak when someone else is speaking, you must raise your hand and wait to be called on. Students may not behave in a way that is off-task,
disorderly, disruptive, disrespectful, disobedient, or dangerous according to the Burnet High School Student Handbook. Behaving this way will result in
consequences. Students should respect the school’s rules and the property of others and of the district and they should cooperate with and assist school staff in
maintaining safety and order. Students must comply with instructions given by school staff and must accept the discipline administered to them. They must not make
negative remarks or insults, use profanity or vulgar or inappropriate language or gestures, fight or scuffle with, bully, harass, abuse, or threaten others, possess
prohibited items in the classroom, or violate technology use policies. Students are expected to be respectful of others at all times.
Individual Disciplinary Procedures: Failure to abide by conduct expectations will result in the following:
offense: verbal warning. If a warning solves the problem, further disciplinary action will not be needed. If it does not…
offense: parent and coach/ sponsor contact If contacting your parents and coaches solves the problem, more disciplinary action is not needed. If it does not…
3rd offense: You will a disciplinary referral to your Assistant Principal.
*If you cause a problem in class that is so disruptive that class cannot continue, you will be sent to the AP office.
Class Disciplinary Procedures: If a large section of the class is behaving in a disruptive or uncooperative way, I will give the attention signal, which is a bell sound.
The first time I give the signal, if the class responds by quieting down and behaving correctly, no punishment will be administered. After the second time I have to
give the signal, the whole class will be held 3 seconds after the bell for each additional violation. This time will be spent in silence and will not start until everyone is
seated and silent. I, as the teacher dismiss the class and the individual students- NOT the bell. Leaving the classroom before I have dismissed you results in
disciplinary action.
Grading: The high school grade you receive for this follows the Burnet HS system of grading and grade categories for Dual Credit courses:
70% Test Grades; 30% Daily Grades
For dual credit students- You will also receive an additional grade at the end of each semester for Angelo State University.
Here is their grading scale: 90%- 100%- A; 80%- 89.9%- B; 70%- 79.9%- C; 60- 69.9%- D; Below 60%- F
Writing assignments are graded this way: minus 2 points for a minor grammar mistake; minus 3 points for a major grammar mistake.
Minus 1 point for a minor content error; For major content errors, the amount of content will be divided into 100 and the number of points subtracted will correspond to
how much each item is worth. I will not give extra credit assignments except in the case of extreme extenuating circumstances.
Tutorials: Before 1
period from Tuesday- Friday and Monday- Thursday after school. Any time you are going to come to tutoring, PLEASE email me to let me know
that I should expect you. This is SO helpful. It is YOUR responsibility to show up for tutorials and ask for help with understanding what we are studying or with your
assignments. If you need to make an after school tutoring appointment, please let me know one day ahead of time. If you fail a test or are failing at the 3 week
progress report, you will be required to attend mandatory tutorials with me until your grade situation is fixed. I will set these up with you and give you written notice
that you must attend. Failure to attend will result in a disciplinary referral and a call or email from me to your parents and/or guardians and/or coaches.
Daily Grades: ¡HOLA¡ (beginning of class activities) will be on the board when students enter the room. Students should have supplies on their desks and be working
on the ¡HOLA¡ when the bell rings without having to be told to do so. If this does not happen, the student will receive disciplinary action.
The ¡HOLA¡ activity will usually be filling in several blank verb conjugation charts with verb forms. Any end of class activities must be completed before a student can
leave at the end of class.
Oral participation will be one type of daily grade. I will draw students’ names and ask them to participate in class. Students will not be penalized for incorrect answers,
but in order to earn full oral participation credit, students must make a sincere effort to answer the questions they are asked. I will document Oral Participation on a
rubric. Classwork, homework, and quizzes will also be daily grades. Quizzes will be given frequently to reinforce vocabulary and grammar concepts.
Test Grades: Projects and tests (written and oral). Tests will be given over a chapter, multiple chapters, a major concept, or multiple major concepts. We will have at
least one vocabulary test and at least one oral assessment per 6 week period. Never put projects or tests in the black trays that are for turning in daily work!
Test Corrections: This department allows test corrections. Any student who scores below a 70 on a test will be required to do test corrections. If a student who scored
above a 70 wants to correct their test, they are allowed to do so; however, they may only earn back a maximum of half of the points they lost. Never put tests or test
corrections in the black trays that are for turning in daily work!
Phones and Electronic devices: Your phone/ other device MUST BE PUT AWAY during announcements, instructional time, presentations by students or others, and
any other time when the teacher is talking or asking for your full attention. Using your phone/ device during these times will result in me asking you to hand over your
phone or put it on my desk. I will hold onto your phone for the remainder of the class period. For repeat violations, I will confiscate your phone and I will then turn your
phone in to the AP Office in this building. You may use your phone/ device ONLY to look up words or verb forms (NOT sentences) on www.wordreference.com while
working on an assignment AFTER I have given permission. Earbuds and earphones/ headphones are NOT allowed in this class. You may not use your phone to
communicate with ANYONE during class. If you need to contact a parent or family member, you need to go to the office.
Reward Tickets: Each class begins each week with 5 tickets. Each ticket is worth 1 point on whatever assignment you choose to add it to. They class gets to keep
their tickets as long as the entire class demonstrates exceptionally great behavior. If a significant portion of the class gets too loud, refuses to quiet down, behaves in
an unruly manner, refuses to follow instructions, demonstrates rude or disrespectful behavior, or complains excessively, I will take away 1 ticket from the class for
each offense. The tickets may not be earned back in the same week during which they were lost. The number of tickets that the class has left at the end of the week
is the number of tickets each student receives at the end of the week. At the beginning of the next week, the class starts over with 5 tickets again. You may use them
on whatever assignments you want to by stapling the tickets to the assignment, NOT by asking me during class to add them to assignments in the grade book.
Tickets may never be used to replace missing grades- only to improve your score on an assignment you did and turned in. Be mindful of the expiration dates on
Hall Passes: You must fill out the needed information on a line on your Hall Pass Sheet and then give it to me so that I can sign it if you want to leave the room. Then,
you must fill out one of the pink passes so that I can sign it and take it with you to your destination. You must also bring it back.
Late Work Policy: Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the due date. They are late if not turned in at this point. This is a college level class
and you should never turn your work in late because it will not be accepted. If you have been absent due to an excused reason and the number of days you are
allowed for making up your work have passed, the maximum grade a student can receive for turning an assignment in 1 day late is a 75. The maximum grade for an
assignment 2 days late is a 50. At three class periods late or later, the assignment will not be accepted and the student will receive a grade of zero. I will make
allowances for extenuating circumstances on an individual basis.
Missed Work due to Absence: For any class missed, the STUDENT will be responsible for obtaining and completing the makeup work upon returning to class.
A student who does not make up assigned work within the given time frame will receive a grade of zero for the assignment(s).
A student will be permitted to make up tests and to turn in projects in any class missed because of absence. Late work penalties will be assessed for projects that are
not turned in on time, after allowed make up days have been considered. Any assignment for which the due date was announced in advance will still be due on that
There are designated spots in the classroom for notes and/ or handouts for absentees, as well as for assignments missed. It is YOUR responsibility to visit these
spots to pick up what you missed. It is YOUR responsibility to either complete the work you missed and turn it in to the designated place or to arrange a time with me
to make it up. Missed work must be completed and turned in within the late work policy framework upon return to school.
The time allowed is one day to make up the work for each day that you were absent.
If we are working on a group project and you will be absent one of the days we are working on the project or the day the project is due, you must do your own project
as an individual. A student is encouraged to speak with or email the teacher if the student knows of an absence ahead of time, including an absence for
extracurricular activities, so that the student and teacher can communicate about any work that may be missed during the absence.
Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between
students during a quiz or exam. A student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty will receive a grade of zero for the assignment and will not be given the
opportunity to make up the assignment. They will also receive disciplinary action. Repeat offenses of cheating will earn the student a referral to the Assistant
Principal’s office. The use of Google Translate or any other online translator is strictly prohibited and is considered cheating. Please use www.wordreference.com as
an online dictionary.
The following are considered examples of scholastic dishonesty:
Plagiarism The taking of passages from the writing of others without giving proper credit to the sources
Collusion Using another’s work as one’s own, or working together with another person in the preparation of work, unless
such joint preparation is specifically approved in advance by the instructor.
Cheating Giving or receiving information on examinations.
Other Important Items of Business: Students should not expect to leave the classroom while class is in progress unless it is an emergency. If you have an
emergency, please see me for a hall pass. Food and drinks (other than water) are not allowed in the classroom.
You may not go to see another teacher during my class period. Doing assignments for another class during Spanish class will result in confiscation of the
assignment, which will not be returned to the student. Spanish class time is for doing Spanish work.
Asking for your grades: You may not ask me to tell you your grade for this class during class time. If you want to know your grade, you need to check it online. If you
have a concern, you should send me an email. Please don’t ask, “Is my ____ graded yet?” during class. You may ask this during tutorials or after school.
You or your parents can always email me if you have any concerns.
Some Course Student Learning Outcomes and Corresponding Angelo State Student Learning Outcomes
Students will ask questions to their classmates in Spanish and record their classmates’ answers in writing. (ASU SLOs: CS1 & CS2).
Students will do many oral presentations in Spanish. Many of these presentations will be accompanied by slideshows with culturally relevant images
(ASU SLOs: CS1, CS2, CS3, SR1).
Students will do research and compare and contrast the details of how we celebrate holidays in the United States with how people in Spanish-
speaking countries celebrate similar holidays (ASU SLOs: CT1, SR1, SR3).
Students will write narratives in various tenses in Spanish that include specifically assigned grammar elements together as groups. (ASU SLOs:
CT1, CS1, TW2).
Students will take written vocabulary and grammar tests in order to demonstrate their level of fluency in Spanish. (ASU SLO: CS1).
Students will participate in Spanish conversations with classmates and will take oral exams in order to demonstrate their level of fluency in Spanish.
Critical Thinking Skills (CT)
• THECB Description: “to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information.
CT 1. Gather, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information relevant to a question or issue.
CT 2. Develop and demonstrate a logical position (i.e. perspective, thesis, hypothesis) that acknowledges ambiguities or contradictions.
Communication Skills (CS)
•THECB Description: “to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication.”
CS 1. Develop, interpret, and express ideas through effective written communication.
CS 2. Develop, interpret, and express ideas through effective oral communication.
CS 3. Develop, interpret, and express ideas through effective visual communication.
Empirical and Quantitative Skills (EQS)
•THECB Description: “to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions.”
EQS 1. Manipulate and analyze numerical data and arrive at an informed conclusion.
EQS 2. Manipulate and analyze observable facts and arrive at an informed conclusion.
Teamwork (TW)
•THECB Description: “to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or
TW 1. Consider different viewpoints as a member of a team.
TW 2. Work effectively with others to support and accomplish a shared goal.
Social Responsibility (SR)
•THECB Description: “to include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national,
and global communities.
SR 1. Demonstrate intercultural competence.
SR 2. Demonstrate knowledge of civic responsibility.
SR 3. Demonstrate the ability to engage effectively in the campus, regional, national or global communities.
Personal Responsibility (PR)
•THECB Description: “to include the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making.
PR 1. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate choices, actions and consequences as related to ethical decision-making.
Student Absence for observance of a religious holy day:
A student who intends to observe a religious holy day should make that intention known in writing to the instructor prior to the absence. A student
who is absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled
for that day within a reasonable time after the absence.
Course Requirements:
*Students must demonstrate mastery of the verb Ser and its uses, the verb Haber, interrogative words, days, months, times, the present tense of
regular verbs, descriptions, articles, adjective- noun agreement, subject- verb agreement, the verb Gustar, the verb Ir, the verb Estar and its uses,
verbs with irregular yo forms, stem-changing verbs, commands, comparisons, regular and irregular verbs in the preterite tense, the imperfect tense,
the contrasting uses of the preterite and imperfect tenses, and direct object pronouns, accompanying vocabulary, verbs, artistic, historical, and
cultural information, indirect object pronouns, double object pronouns, commands, adverbs, relative pronouns, and por vs. para.
We will have an exam over the vocabulary from each chapter of the 4
edition of Plazas: Lugar de Encuentros by Robert Hershberger, Susan
Navey- Davis, and Guiomar Borrás Álvarez. This textbook is published by Cengage Learning.
We will have a Chapter Exam over each chapter’s major grammar concepts.
Ch. 1: Number and gender agreement between articles and nouns, the present tense of regular AR verbs
Ch. 2: Expressing ownership, uses of Ser, agreement between nouns and adjectives, the present tense of ER and IR verbs, uses of Tener
Ch. 3: Using Gustar and similar verbs, Using “Ir”, verbs with irregular “yo” forms, Using Saber and Conocer, weather expressions
Ch. 4: Stem changing verbs in the present tense, the present progressive tense, Affirmative informal commands
Ch. 5: Reflexive verbs in the present tense, Using “acabar + de + infinitive, Ser vs. Estar, Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns
Ch. 6: Comparatives and Superlatives, Regular verbs and verbs with spelling changes in the preterite, stem changing verbs in the preterite
Ch 7: Stressed possessive adjectives and pronouns, irregular verbs in the preterite, direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns, double object
Ch. 8: the Imperfect tense, Interrogative words, Preterite vs. Imperfect, “Hace + que” expressions
Ch. 9: Formal commands and negative informal commands
Ch. 10: The present perfect tense
Ch. 11: Por vs. Para, Introduction to The subjunctive
Ch. 12: More uses of the subjuntive
Outcomes for this course: (1) Students will be able to use the grammar and vocabulary mentioned above in speaking and in writing the Spanish
language with at least 70 percent accuracy. (2) Students will be able to understand spoken and written Spanish with at least 70 percent accuracy.
The methods for assessing these outcomes consist of verbal, listening and written exercises, projects and exams given in class over the topics
mentioned above.
This semester, We will have a lecture over:
1. Number and gender agreement between articles and nouns 2. agreement between nouns and adjectives
3. the present tense of regular verbs 4. Expressing ownership 5. uses of the verb Ser
6. uses of the verb Tener 7. Using Gustar and similar verbs
8. Using the verb “Ir” with places and infinitives 9. verbs with irregular “yo” forms 10. Saber vs. Conocer
11. Stem-changing verbs in the present tense 12. Reflexive verbs in the present tense
13. Using “acabar + de + infinitive
14. The present progressive tense with regular verbs, with object pronouns, with stem changing verbs
15. Affirmative informal commands 16. Ser vs. Estar
17. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns 18. Comparatives and Superlatives
19. Regular verbs and verbs with spelling changes in the preterite 19. Stem- changing verbs in the preterite
20. Stressed possessive adjectives and pronouns 21. Irregular verbs in the preterite 22. Direct object pronouns
23. Indirect object pronouns 24. Double object pronouns 25. the Imperfect tense
26. Interrogative words 27. “Hace + que” expressions 28. The Preterite vs. the Imperfect
29. Forming Formal Commands 30. Negative commands 31. The present perfect tense
32. Using Por and Para 33. Using the Subjunctive in noun, adjective, and adverb clauses
Receiving Accommodations as a Dual Credit Student at Angelo State University
Complete and submit the online application for accommodations. Select “Dual Credit” under the classification section.
All forms can be located at www.angelo.edu/ADA
Request your high school counselor send supporting documentation to the address, fax number, or email address listed below.
Meet with your high school counselor and Dallas Swafford, the Director of Student Disability Services at ASU, to determine appropriate
Your Letter of Accommodation will be shared with you, your counselor, and your teacher before classes begin.
Renew your accommodations with each subsequent semester by submitting the Renewal Request Form.
Send documentation to: Fax: 325-942-2211
Office of Student Affairs Email: ADA@angelo.edu
ASU Station #11047 For more information: 325-942-2047
San Angelo, 76909 www.angelo.edu/ADA
Syllabus Receipt- Spanish 3
Please read through this syllabus with a parent and/or guardian. You both need to sign it, indicating you have read it. When you bring it back to class signed, turn it in
to your class’s tray by the due date and I will give you a grade for having done so.
Students enrolled through Angelo State University and are enrolled in this class through dual credit have certain rights under the Federal Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended. In compliance with these rights, as the instructor for the university in this class, I and the university are prohibited
from providing certain information such as class schedule, final grades, billing and other student record information from the student’s record to a third party. You hold
the rights for the course(s) you are registered in at Angelo State University, and we may not release any record information to anyone without your permission. By
signing this syllabus, you are giving Mrs. Trower permission to release and share educational records relevant to this class to your parents/legal guardians, Burnet
High School, Burnet CISD, Burnet High School/Burnet CISD administration, counselors, and relevant school officials or their designees.
Parents/Legal Guardians of Angelo State University Dual Credit Students: Under FERPA, when a student reaches the age of 18 OR is attending a postsecondary
institution, regardless of age, FERPA rights transfer from the parent to the student. Parents of Angelo State University students may not receive non-directory
information without the signed written consent of the student. Your student’s signature on this syllabus will grant Mrs. Trower written consent to share with you
educational records relevant to this class.
Thank you,
Mrs. Trower
Student name _________________________________________________ Student Signature _______________________________________________________
Parent/ guardian name __________________________________________ Parent/guardian signature _________________________________________________
Date _________________________________________________________ Date __________________________________________________________________