A Celebration of
Faculty Publications
October 30, 2019
Photo by Bill Gutsch
SPU Writers’ Reception
October 30, 2019 – 3:00 p.m.
Center for Digital Humanities in the Theresa and Edward O’Toole Library
An event to honor SPU faculty who have had their work published
July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019.
Introduction and Welcome
Andrea Bubka, Ph.D.
Director, Faculty Research and Sponsored Programs
Congratulatory Remarks
Frederick Bonato, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs
Research Presentations
Brandy Garrett Kluthe, Ph.D., Department of Biology
Using Biological Dating Techniques to Verify Folklore
Beth Adubato, Ph.D., Department of Criminal Justice
Football and Domestic Violence: Tackling the Issues
Scott Stoddart, Ph.D., Department of English
The Queer Aesthetics of Tom Ford’s Film Adaptations:
A Single Man and Nocturnal Animals
Brandy Garrett Kluthe, Ph.D.
Brandy Garrett Kluthe attended Missouri State University and received a
Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a minor in Geology. Upon graduation
she served as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Ghana, West
Africa. Her primary role was as a forestry volunteer working with local farmers to
improve soil fertility. Upon her completion of service she attended graduate
school at Western Illinois University in the Peace Corps Fellows
Program. During her time at Western she also served as an AmeriCorps
volunteer, working in a rural Illinois community.
Dr. Kluthe attended the University of Arkansas as a Doctoral Academy Fellow
where she earned her doctorate in Environmental Dynamics/Biology as well as a
Graduate Certificate in Sustainability. Her research took her back to Africa, this
time on the east side of the continent. Her research focused on the
introduced Eucalyptus tree and the impacts it has had on the environment and
society in the country of Kenya. Dr. Kluthe is currently working on allelopathic
chemicals and the mycorrhizal fungi associated with introduced species.
Beth Adubato, Ph.D.
Beth Adubato is an associate professor of Criminal Justice. She has a B.A. in
English, an M.A. in CJ, an MPAP from the Bloustein School of Planning and
Policy and earned her Ph.D. in 2011--all from Rutgers. In addition to academic
publications, she is the author of Grammar for Grownups and Life’s a Mother, a
novel about single moms.
Before academia, Adubato was a news anchor/reporter in Michigan; morning
anchor in Erie; and the first woman to anchor sports in Birmingham. She worked
for Court TV and News12NJ. She has appeared on Law & Order: Criminal
Intent, Cupid, and The Following.
Beth is founder and executive director of the LINDA Organization, which collects
toiletries, cosmetics, clothing, and children’s items for women who have been
adversely affected by the criminal justice system.
Scott F. Stoddart, Ph. D.
Dr. Scott F. Stoddart, Associate Professor of English, teaches courses in British
and American literature and cinema studies.
He has published over 30 essays on the fiction of Henry James, E. M. Forster, F.
Scott Fitzgerald and Patricia Highsmith; the musical plays of Stephen Sondheim;
and the films of the Coen Brothers, Tom Ford, Jane Campion, Jack Clayton,
George Cukor, John Ford, Oliver Stone and Martin Scorsese. He has also
published on the image of the president in Hollywood film and in television.
He is a host of the Sundance television series Love / Lust. He is also a
contributing correspondent for the PBS series American Icons. And he was a
featured contributor to the Smithsonian Channel series The Real Mad Men of
He has published five books: Exploring Downton Abbey: Critical Essays on the
PBS Series (McFarland, 2018); True Detective: Critical Essays on the HBO
Series (Lexington, 2018), co-edited by Michael Samuel; The New Western:
Critical Essays on the Genre since 9/11 (McFarland, 2015); Analyzing Mad Men:
Critical Essays on the Television Series (McFarland, 2011); and The 1980s:
American Popular Culture through History (Greenwood, 2006). Currently, he is
readying another essay collection for spring publication, House of Cards: Critical
Essays on the Netflix Series and at work on a book on the life and films of
George Cukor, to be published by University of Kentucky Press.
During the last two academic years (July 1, 2017-June 30, 2019), products
included 92 peer-reviewed journal articles, 32 documentaries, 20 book chapters,
18 published conference proceedings, 15 published abstracts, 12 editorials, 12
book reviews, 12 art exhibitions, 11 books, 11 magazine articles, 10 edited
books, 3 newspaper articles, 2 government reports, 1 encyclopedia entry, and 1
theater review for a total of 252 products. Sixty-eight members including two
librarians, two deans, the provost, two emerita faculty members, and one retired
distinguished faculty member from ALL departments contributed to the
*AY19 Publications – July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019
AY18 Publications - July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Applied Science and Technology
William Gutsch, Jr., Distinguished Professor (Retired)
Documentaries (Wrote Script, Co-Produced and Directed Narration Recordings
in Hollywood for World-Wide Distribution)
*Khrumka and the Magic Rocket, An Annotated Script for an Animated Feature
for Preschoolers for International IMAX Theaters, August 2018.
*A Mundos Lejaanos: Un Viaje a Traves del Sistema Solar, An
Annotated English Documentary Script adapted for a Spanish language version
of To Worlds Beyond written in conjunction with Sergio Barer for general
audiences for International IMAX theaters, January 2019
*Dancing Among the Stars: The Reasons for the Seasons, An Annotated
Documentary Script for Grades 4 - 8 for International IMAX Theaters, May 2019.
Khrumka’s Adventures in the Winter Forest, An Annotated Script for an Animated
Feature for Preschoolers for International IMAX Theaters, July 2017.
Our Violent Planet: Earthquakes, Tsumanis and Volcanic Eruptions, An
Annotated Documentary Script for International IMAX Theaters, January 2018.
Leonard Sciorra
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Ambi A*, Parikh N*, Vera C*, Burns K*, Montano N*, Sciorra L, Epstein J, Zeng
D, and Traba C. Anti-infection Silver Nanoparticle Immobilized Biomaterials
Facilitated by Argon Plasma Grafting Technology, Biofouling, 34:3; 2018; 273-
Debing Zeng
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Ambi A*, Parikh N*, Vera C*, Burns K*, Montano N*, Sciorra L, Epstein J, Zeng
D, and Traba C. Anti-infection Silver Nanoparticle Immobilized Biomaterials
Facilitated by Argon Plasma Grafting Technology, Biofouling, 34:3; 2018; 273-
WeiDong Zhu
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Y. Hu, W. Zhu, K. Liu, L. Han, Z. Zheng and H. Hu, Influence of water content on
the inactivation of P. digitatum spores using an air–water plasma jet, Plasma
Science and Technology, 20(4) (2018) 044011 (7 pages)
W. Zhu, and R. Wang, Diagnostics of an AC driven atmospheric pressure non-
thermal plasma jet and its use for radially directed jet array. The European
Physical Journal Special Topics, 226(13) (2017) pp.2965-2977.
R. Wang, H. Sun, W. Zhu, C. Zhang, S. Zhang and T. Shao, Uniformity
optimization and dynamic studies of plasma jet array interaction in argon.
Physics of Plasmas, 24(9) (2017) 093507 (9 pages)
C. Liu, Q. Cai, B. Xu, W. Zhu, L. Zhang, J. Zhao and X. Chen, Graphene oxide
functionalized long period grating for ultrasensitive label-free immunosensing.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 94 (2017) pp.200-206.
Editorial (Op-Ed)
J. Lopez, K. Becker, A. Dasgupta, W. Zhu, Editorial: Special Issue of Plenary and
Invited Talks and Selected Minicourse Papers from ICOPS 2017, IEEE
Transactions on Plasma Science, 46 (6) (2018) pp 1869-1870
Department of Biology
Jill Callahan
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*Poesel, A., Soha, J.A, Nolan, K.A, and Callahan, J. E. and (2019). From the
Columbus Zoo to the Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics: Animal Vocalizations III.
Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching Proceedings of the Association for
Biology Laboratory Education (K. McMahon, ed.) Vol. 40, art 16, 2019
Callahan, J. E. and Nolan, K.A, (2018) Fishing for parasites at your local seafood
market. Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching Proceedings of the Association
for Biology Laboratory Education (K. McMahon, ed.) Vol. 39, art12, 2018
Nolan, K.A, and Callahan, J. E., (2018) What Can Vocalization Tell Us about
Animal Behavior? A Workshop at the Henry Vilas Zoo, Madison, WI, Tested
Studies for Laboratory Teaching Proceedings of the Association for Biology
Laboratory Education (K. McMahon, ed.) Vol. 39, art 14, 2018
Edited Books
*Callahan, J., Wydner K.S (2018) Basic Microbiology Laboratory Exercises for
Nursing Majors – BI 161L Academx Publishing ISBN-13: 978-1-68284-544-8
Callahan, J., Wydner K.S (2018) Exercises for the Microbiology Laboratory.
Academx Publishing ISBN-13 9781682843994.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
Callahan, J. E. and Nolan, K.A, (2018) Fishing for parasites at your local seafood
market. Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching Proceedings of the Association
for Biology Laboratory Education (K. McMahon, ed.) Vol. 39, art12, 2018
Nolan, K.A, and Callahan, J. E., (2018) What Can Vocalization Tell Us about
Animal Behavior? A Workshop at the Henry Vilas Zoo, Madison, WI, Tested
Studies for Laboratory Teaching Proceedings of the Association for Biology
Laboratory Education (K. McMahon, ed.) Vol. 39, art 14, 2018
Brandy Garrett Kluthe
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*Garrett Kluthe, B., Guccione, M., Stephenson, S. L. 2018. Using lichenometry,
dendrochronology and historical data to establish the relative age of an
abandoned cemetery in Northern Arkansas. Ethnobiology Letters 9 (2):253–262.
DOI 10.14237/ebl.9.2.2018.1296
*Garrett Kluthe, B., Ben Hassine Ben Ali, M., Stephenson, S. L. 2018.
Allelopathic influence of Eucalyptus on common Kenyan agricultural crops.
Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Science 1 (2) Received: 19 June 2018
Accepted: 26 July 2018 Published: 10 August 2018
*Kluthe, B. G., Ben Hassine Ben Ali, M., Stephenson, S. L. 2018. An assessment
of the carbon sequestration potential of Eucalyptus in Kenya. In Vivo 40 (1): 12-
Ben Hassine Ben Ali M, Nelsen DJ, Garrett Kluthe B, Stephenson SL, Collins T
2018. Diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Quercus alba in
northwest Arkansas. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology
8(4), 418-424, Doi 10.5943/cream/8/4/1 (accepted for publication May 2018)
Published Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
*Garrett Kluthe B, Mortellaro C. 2019. Investigating ecosystems with vegetation:
a plant biology lab. Article 63 In: McMahon K, editor. Tested Studies for
Laboratory Teaching. Volume 40. Proceeding of the 40th Conference of the
Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE).
Michael Held
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
*Jones-Held, S.; Held, M.E.; Winstead, J.E.; Bryant, W.S. 2019 Immediate and
Delayed Effects of Severe Winds on an Old-Growth Forest in Kentucky: A Forty-
Year Retrospective. Forests 10: 271. (https://www.mdpi.com/1999-
Book Review
Held, M.E. (September 2017). Review of the book Nature’s Temples: The
Complex World of Old – Growth Forests by Joan Maloof, Castanea 82(2): 171.
Christina Mortellaro
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
*Thottumari, L., Mortellaro, C., Verile, M. , Antonucci, N., Raleigh, F. and L.
Twersky (2019). The effects of bisphenol A and its alternatives, individually and
in combination, on larval development of Xenopus laevis (clawed frog). In Vivo
40(2): 26-39.
Peer-Reviewed Published Conference Proceedings
*Garrett Kluthe, B. and C. Mortellaro. (2019). Investigating ecosystems with
vegetation: A plant biology lab. Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching
Proceedings of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education. 40(63), 1-3.
John Ruppert
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Ruppert, J.R., Duncan, R.G. & Chinn, C.A. (2017). Disentangling the role of
domain-specific and domain-general knowledge in student modeling. Research
in Science Education. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11165-017-9656-
Ruppert, J.R. & Duncan, R.G. (2017). Defining and Characterizing Ecosystem
Services for Education: A Delphi Study. Journal of Research in Science
Teaching, 54, 737-763.
Peer-Reviewed Published Conference Proceedings
Ruppert, J., Bartlett, P., Hankins, M., Pereira, R., & Infante, M. (2018).
Characterizing the epistemic role of aims in science engagement for
socioscientific sustainability. Paper presented at the Annual International Meeting
of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Atlanta GA.
Peer-Reviewed Abstract
Ruppert, J., Bartlett, P. (2018). Using socially acute questions focused on 'care'
to enhance epistemic thinking about ecosystem services and sustainability.
Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of
America, New Orleans, LA.
Laura Twersky
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
*Thottumari, L., Mortellaro, C., Verile, M. , Antonucci, N., Raleigh, F. and L.
Twersky (2019). The effects of bisphenol A and its alternatives, individually and
in combination, on larval development of Xenopus laevis (clawed frog). In Vivo
40(2): 26-39.
Peer-Reviewed Abstract
Molecular Biology of the Cell journal - Volume 28, Number 26, Dec. 15, 2017,
page 488 https://doi.org/10.1091/mbc.e17-10-0618
Katherine Wydner
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
*Wydner KS. 2019. Use of Project FeederWatch to Engage Undergraduates in
Bird Studies and Behavior. Article 55 In: McMahon K, editor. Tested studies for
laboratory teaching. Volume 40. Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the
Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE).
Edited Book
Callahan, J., Wydner K..S. (2018) Exercises for the Microbiology Laboratory.
Academx Publishing ISBN-13 9781682843994. 246 pages (In house: edited lab
manual for BI450L)
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts
*Alaa Barbour, Sara Gonzalez, Busayo Adewale, Gabriela Mosqueda, Brittanie
Fils, Sherane Raymond, Alexis O’Callahan, Vasilios Orologas, Brandy Garrett
Kluthe, and Katherine Wydner. Project Feeder Watch at Saint Peter’s: How Four
Years Have Flown By. Winter 2019 In Vivo, Vol 40(2): page 52.
Sara Gonzalez, Alaa Barbour, Abdul-Mumin SanniAdam, Sherane Raymond,
Adewale Busayo, Lauren Chukrallah, Vasilios Orologas, Brittanie Fils, Gabriela
Mosqueda, Naidel Montano, Dolly Basaldua, Vy Giang, Catalina Melendez,
Frances Raleigh and Katherine Wydner. FeederWatch: A Third Winter of Flurries
and Feathers. Winter 2018 In Vivo, Vol 39(2): page 58.
Chelsea Agbay, Diana Paneque, Rizelle Ng, Katherine Wydner, Leonard Sciorra,
Time Course Morphologic and Gene Expression Characterization of Direct
Reprogrammed Human Fibroblasts along Nerve-like-Lineages in Vitro. J Stem
Cell Res Ther 2018, Volume 8 DOI: 10.4172/2157-7633-C2-036
Department of Chemistry
Yosra Badiei
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
*Y.M. Badiei, Y. Xie, G. Renderos, J.J. Concepcion, D. Szalda, J. Guevara, R.
Rosales, E. Ortiz, M. Hankins, Rapid identification of homogeneous O2 evolution
catalysts and comparative studies of Ru(II)-carboxamides vs. Ru(II)-carboxylates
in water-oxidation, Journal of Catalysis, 369, 10-20, 2019.
*A. Bakhoda, Q. Jiang, Y. M. Badiei, J. A. Bertke, T. R. Cundari, T. H. Warren,
Angew. Copper-Catalyzed C(sp
)-H Amidation: Sterically Driven Primary and
Secondary C-H Site-Selectivity. Angewandte Chemie, 131, 3459, 2019.
G Renderos, T Aquino, K Gutierrez, YM Badiei. Journal of Chemical Education
Facile Method To Study Catalytic Osygen Evolution Using a Dissolved Oxygen
Optical Probe: An Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory To Appreciate Artificial
Photosynthesis, 94 (7), 922-927, 2017.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
Undergraduate chemistry laboratory to study the catalytic oxygen evolution
reaction using a Dissolved-Oxygen Optical Probe (DOOP) to appreciate artificial
photosynthesis Y Badiei, G Renderos, J Guevara - ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS
Identification of oxygen evolution complexes using a dissolved oxygen optical
probe J Guevara, G Renderos, Y Badiei - ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE
AMERICAN …, 2017
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts
Identification of oxygen evolution complexes using a dissolved oxygen optical
probe J Guevara, G Renderos, Y Badiei - ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE
AMERICAN …, 2017
Undergraduate chemistry laboratory to study the catalytic oxygen evolution
reaction using a Dissolved-Oxygen Optical Probe (DOOP) to appreciate artificial
photosynthesis Y Badiei, G Renderos, J Guevara - ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS
Jessica Epstein
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*Jessica L. Epstein 2018 Drugs that Shaped the FDA: From Elixir Sulfanilamide
to Thalidomide, Bulletin for the History of Chemistry, 43 (2), 102-110.
Ambi A*, Parikh N*, Vera C*, Burns K*, Montano N*, Sciorra L, Epstein J, Zeng
D, and Traba C. Anti-infection Silver Nanoparticle Immobilized Biomaterials
Facilitated by Argon Plasma Grafting Technology, Biofouling,, 34:3; 2018; 273-
Daniel Fried
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
*Fried, Daniel B.; Tinio, Pablo P. L.; Gubi, Aaron; Gaffney, Jean P. Enhancing
elementary science learning through organic chemistry modeling and
visualization, European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 2019 Vol.
7, No 2 73-82.
Book Chapter
Anders Barth, Jelle Hendrix, Daniel Fried, Yoav Barak, Edward Bayer, Don C.
Lamb. Dynamic interactions of type I cohesin modules fine-tune the structure of
cellulosome of Clostridium thermocellum, PNAS (in print)
*Biochemistry Literacy for Kids (2019): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP-
Patricia Redden
"Guidelines for Chemical Laboratory Safety in Academic Institutions," American
Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2016 (published August 2017)
Christian Traba
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Ambi A*, Parikh N*, Vera C*, Burns K*, Montano N*, Sciorra L, Epstein J, Zeng
D, and Traba C. Anti-infection Silver Nanoparticle Immobilized Biomaterials
Facilitated by Argon Plasma Grafting Technology, Biofouling,, 34:3; 2018; 273-
Ambi A*, Vera C*, Borbon K*, Bryan J*, Parikh N*, Perez N*, Rojas A.L.*, Kumar
S*, Stradford C*, and Traba C. Plasma-initiated Graft Polymerization as an
Immobilization Platform for Metal Free Russian Propolis Ethanol Extracts
Designed Specifically for Biomaterials. Biofouling, 34:5; 2018; 557-568.
Department of Communication and Media Culture
Ernabel Demillo
*9 magazine segments, which including research, reporting, shooting, writing and
editing, ranging from 5 minutes to 7 for Asian American Life
15 video documentaries ranging from 5 minutes to 25 minutes
Barna Donovan
*"Confirmation: Investigations of the Unexplained." World Castle Publishing:
Pensacola, FL. Published July 16, 2018.
Book Chapter
*“Asian Action Cinema and Its Impact on Hollywood,” in James Kedrick (Ed.) "A
Companion to the Action Film," Wiley Blackwell: Hoboken, NJ. published March,
Fatima Shaik
Magazine Article
Lit Hub online magazine "Margaret Atwood, Molly Crabapple, and More
Recommend Books to Donal Trump" November 6, 2017
Editorial (Op-Ed)
PEN America website "On the Separation of Families at the US Border" June 28,
2018 (attributed to Fatima Shaik and Paul Zelinsky -- but authored by Fatima
PEN America website "On the March for Our Lives" March 24, 2018
Both articles are still posted at https://pen.org/current-members/childrens-and-
Department of Criminal Justice
Beth Adubato
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Adubato, B. and N. Sachs. “Football and Domestic Violence: Developing a
Method to Measure the Madness.” Sage Research Methods Case Series,
January 2018.
Equal Means Equal
Brian Royster
Book Review
Royster, Brian L. Review of Humane Policing: How Perspectives Can Influence
Our Performance. Spencer, D. (2017). Security Management: Vol.1. (January
Department of English
Stephen Cicirelli
Book Chapter
Short story anthologized in "Nothing Short Of" (Outpost19 Books), April 2018.
Magazine Article
Short Story "Hegelianism" in Flash (volume 10, issue 1), December 2017.
William Luhr
*Thinking About Movies: Watching, Questioning, Enjoying, was published by
John Wiley – Blackwell Publishing in October 2018 (Fourth Edition).
Book Chapters
“Classical Hollywood, 1928-1946: The Company Man and the Boy Genius,”
appeared in Directing, edited by Virginia Wright Wexman, Rutgers University
Press (New Brunswick, New Jersey, 2017), pp. 48-67.
My recently commissioned essay on the relationship between James M. Cain’s
1943 novel, Double Indemnity, and Billy Wilder’s classic 1944 film of the same
name, as well as about the cultural influence of each, appeared in the inaugural
Cengage Learning-Gale Publishing volume 1 on literary adaptations entitled
Books to Film: Cinematic Adaptations of Literary Works. I submitted it to my
publisher in fall 2017 and it is available online.
Encyclopedia Entries/Articles
*Luhr, William. “Film Noir.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media, and
Popular Culture, Edited by Michelle Brown. New York: Oxford University Press,
2018. For information on Oxford’s overall bibliographical project, see
http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/obo/page/take-a-tour, and for more
information on the bibliography in which I am directly involved, see
Scott Stoddart
Book Chapters
“The Queer Aesthetics of Tom Ford’s Adaptations: A Single Man and Nocturnal
Animals” in Queer / Adaptation. Ed. Pamela Demory. Continuum, 2018.
“’Even Elizabeth Bennett paid to see what Pemberley was like inside’”: The
Manor House as Character.” with Michael Samuel. Exploring Downton Abbey:
Critical Essays on the Television Series. Ed. Scott F. Stoddart. McFarland & Co.,
Edited Books
Exploring Downton Abbey: Critical Essays on the Television Series. Jefferson,
NC: McFarland & Co., 2018.
True Detective: Critical Essays on the Television Series. (with Michael Samuel)
Washington, D. C.: Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.
Michael Walonen
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*“Violence, Diasporic Transnationalism, and Neo-imperialism in A Brief History of
Seven Killings." _Small Axe_ (https://read.dukeupress.edu/small-axe/article-
*“Violence, Imperialism and Male Socialization in Cormac McCarthy’s Blood
Meridian and Marlon James’ A Brief History of Seven Killings” _Journal of West
Indian Literature_ (https://www.jwilonline.org/downloads/category/archive/)
*“Power, Sex, and Detection in Tarun Tejpal’s The Story of My Assassins” _The
South Asian Review_
*“Histories of Resistance, Political Violence, and Revolutionary Possibility in the
Neoliberal-Era Naxalite Novel” _The Journal of Commonwealth Literature_
*Walonen, M.K. (2018). Imagining neoliberal globalization in contemporary world
fiction. New York: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Imagining-Neoliberal-
Rachel Wifall
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
"Rome, Dismembered: Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus and Julie Taymor's
Titus." Major Genres, Forms, and Media in British Literature, edited by Kirilka
Stavreva, Gale, 2017. Gale Researcher (online).
*Wifall, Rachel. Eluder. (Self-published novella)
Magazine Article
Wifall, Rachel. “How Should Jesuit Universities Respond to the Repeal of
DACA?” Conversations, no. 53, Spring 2018.
*Wifall, Rachel. “Yoga and the Principles of Cura Personalis.” Conversations, no.
54, Fall 2018.
Theater Review
Measure for Measure, Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Shakespeare
Bulletin, vol. 35, no. 2, Summer 2017.
Department of Fine Arts
Beatrice Mady
Art Exhibitions
*“Identity”, The Gallery Space, Rahway, NJ
*“New Surroundings”, Pietra at 912 Gallery, New Orleans, LA
*“How Are We? How Am I?” Grace Church Van Vorst, Jersey City, NJ
“Momentum”, Nimbus Dance Works, Jersey City, NJ
“Women’s History”, Rontunda Gallery, Jersey City, NJ
“Past, Present, Future” Gallery Bergen, Paramus, NJ
“What’s Next?” The Gallery Space, Rahway, NJ
“Truth” Jersey City Theater Center, Jersey City, NJ
“Big Small Show”, Drawing Rooms, Jersey City, NJ
“Motion: Emotionl”, Barrow Mansion, Jersey City, NJ
“Group Show”. Triangle Building, Jersey City,NJ
“ProArts Members Show”, Harborside, Jersey City, NJ
Department of History
David Gerlach
The Economy of Ethnic Cleansing: The Transformation of the German-Czech
Borderlands after World War II (Cambridge University Press, November 2017.)
Book Chapters
*“Property Confiscation and Industrial Nationalization in Postwar Poland,
Czechoslovakia and East Germany,” eds. Dieter Gosewinkel, Milan Roman
Holec, and Miloš Řezník, Eigentumsregime und Eigentumskonflikte im 20.
Jahrhundert: Deutschland und die Tschechoslowakei im internationalen Kontext
(Essen: Klartext, 2018), 323-338.
*"Towards a Material Culture of Jewish Loss," ed. Jacob Labenz, Jewish
Property after 1945 (New York: Routledge, 2018).
Book Reviews
*Matthew Frank, Making Minorities History: Population Transfer in Twentieth-
Century Europe (Oxford: Oxford University, 2017). Journal of Contemporary
History, 54 no. 1 (2019): 208-209.
*Kevin McDermott , Communist Czechoslovakia, 1945-89, (Palgrave: New York,
2016). European History Quarterly, 48 no. 3 (2018): 580-581.
Timothy Nicholson
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Nicholson, T., 2018, An Empire of Individuals: American Expansion, British Angst
and Tanzanian Anger, USAbroad: Journal of American History and Politics, 1.
Eugenia Palmegiano, Emerita
Book Review
*Michael Mann. Wiring the Nation: Telecommunication, Newspaper-Reportage
and Nation Building in British India, 1850-1930. J-history, 15 November 2018.
*American Journalism Historians Association: Kobre Award for Lifetime
Achievement in Journalism History, Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, UT, 4
October 2018.
Department of Mathematics
Rebecca Conley
Book Reviews
Review of Teaching Statistics: A Bag of Tricks (2nd edition) by Andrew Gelman
and Deborah Nolan for the Mathematical Association of America, January 2,
Review of Equivalence: Elizabeth L. Scott at Berkeley by Amanda L. Golbeck for
the Mathematical Association of America, July 18, 2017
Brian Hopkins
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*Brian Hopkins and Aram Tangboonduangjit (2018). Fibonacci-Producing
Rational Polynomials, Fibonacci Quarterly, volume 56, issue 4, pp 303-312.
Brian Hopkins, Mark Shattuck, Andrew Sills, Thotsaporn Thanatipanonda, and
Hua Wang (2017). Parts and Subword Patterns in Compositions. Journal of
Combinatorics and Number Theory 9(1) : 1 – 14.
Jaclyn Anderson, Kristina Garrett, Brian Hopkins (2017). Garden of Eden
Partitions in the Sand Pile and Related Models. Theoretical Computer Science
694 : 10 – 20.
Brian Hopkins (2018). Proof Without Words: Products of Odd Squares and
Triangular Numbers. Mathematics Magazine 91: 70.
Book Review
*Brian Hopkins (2019). Classic Book Review: Pythagorean Triangles by Waclaw
Sierpinski. College Mathematics Journal, volume 50, issue 1, pp 68-72.
Brian Hopkins (2018). Review of Combinatorics: A Very Short Introduction by
Robin Wilson and Infinity: A Very Short Introduction by Ian Stewart. College
Mathematics Journal 49: 147–152.
Nickolas Kintos
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts
Liquido M, Kintos N. (2017). Using a mathematical model to explain the role of
patterned neural input on a rhythmic oscillatory network. Mathematical
Association of America–MathFest. Chicago, IL. July 26–29, 2017.
Liquido M, Kintos N. (2018). A simplified mathematical model to explore the
output of a rhythmic neural network. Joint Mathematics Meetings. San Diego,
CA. January 10–13, 2018.
Dawn Nelson
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*Bin Decompositions", D. Gotshall '20, P. Harris, D. Nelson, M. Vega, and C.
Voigt, Involve, 12:3 (2019) p.503-520.
New Behavior in Legal Decompositions Arising from Non-Positive Linear
Recurrences, M. Catral, P. Ford, P. Harris, S. J. Miller, D. Nelson, Z. Pan, and H.
Xu, Fibonacci Quarterly, 55 (2017), no. 3, 252-275.
Katherine Safford-Ramus, Emerita
Book Chapters
*Safford-Ramus, K. (2018). Learning from research, advancing the field. In
Safford-Ramus, K., Maasz, J., and Süss-Stepancik (Eds.), Contemporary
research in adult and lifelong learning of mathematics: international perspectives
(pp. 285-306). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
*Safford-Ramus, K. (2018). Intervention strategies that foster student success. In
Safford-Ramus, K., Keogh, J., O’Donoghue, J., and Maguire, T. (Eds.), Adults
learning mathematics – a research forum: celebrating 25 years: a lot done, a lot
more yet to do (pp. 35-41). London: Adults Learning Mathematics.
Edited Books
*Safford-Ramus, K., Maasz, J., and Süss-Stepancik, E. (Eds.). (2018).
Contemporary research in adult and lifelong learning of mathematics:
international perspectives. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
*Safford-Ramus, K., Keogh, J., O’Donoghue, J., and Maguire, T. (Eds.) (2018).
Adults learning mathematics – a research forum: celebrating 25 years: a lot
done, a lot more yet to do. London: Adults Learning Mathematics.
Book Review
*Safford-Ramus, K., Maasz, J., and Süss-Stepancik, E. (Eds.). (2018).
Contemporary research in adult and lifelong learning of mathematics:
international perspectives. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Safford-Ramus, K.,
Keogh, J., O’Donoghue, J., and Maguire, T. (Eds.) (2018). Adults learning
mathematics – a research forum: celebrating 25 years: a lot done, a lot more yet
to do. London: Adults Learning Mathematics.
Safford-Ramus, K. (October, 2017). Review of Engaging Families as Children’s
First Mathematics Educators, by S. Phillipson, A. Gervasoni, and P. Sullivan
(Eds.). MAA Reviews.
Government Report
*Luminary Labs (2019). From Creation to Adoption: How to Develop and Deploy
Successful Edtech. https://lincs.ed.gov/publications/pdf/power-in-numbers-
Luminary Labs (2017). The Math Gap: Implications for Investing in America’s
Workforce. New York: Luminary Labs.
Matthew Sequin
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts
*Limit Points of Folding Sequences: Abstract for the Special Paper Session in
Recreational Mathematics at the Spring 2019 Meeting of the New Jersey Chapter
of the Mathematical Association of America. (April 2019) [It can be viewed online
at: http://sections.maa.org/newjersey/Main/Spring2019MAAProgram.pdf on page
*A Functorial Formulation of the Hennings Invariant: Abstract for the Contributed
Paper Session in Topology at the Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical
Society and the Mathematical Association of America. (January 2019)
racts_journal.pdf on page 540]
Department of Modern and Classical Languages
Mark DeStephano
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
*"A Search for the Meaning of Life: James A. Michener, Youth, and Eternal
Spain." Revista de Filologia de la Universidad de La Laguna 38 (2019): 43-59
Book Chapter
*"Lei Feng, National Memory, and New China's Rise from Backwater to
Superpower." Reconstructing Historical Memories. Ed. Richard Mason and
Esmaeil Zeiny. Bangi, Malaysia: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Press,
2018: 154-171.
Department of Philosophy
Peter Cvek
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
John Locke on the Relationship between God and Morality, Journal of Ultimate
Reality and Meaning, volume 35, nos. 3-4, 2017.
Daniel Murphy
Newspaper Article
*“19th Century Inscription Found on Westfield House”(The Westfield Leader,
Department of Political Science
Philip Plotch
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
“Mitigating Gridlock: Lessons on Regional Governance from the Organization
that Keeps New York Moving,” co-authored with Jen Nelles, Articulo – the
Journal of Urban Research, 2017.
Politics Across the Hudson: The Tappan Zee Megaproject. Rutgers University
Press, 2018. (new edition of book).
Editorials (Op-Ed)
“How the governor latched onto decades of planning to achieve his new Mario M.
Cuomo Bridge.” Journal News. Op-Ed. June 4, 2018.
“Effective Collaboration in an Unlikely Place,” co-authored with Jen Nelles,
Voices Of The Governing Institute – Governing Magazine, December 21, 2017.
“Open questions about the new Tappan Zee/Mario Cuomo Bridge,” Daily News,
August 24, 2017.
*“Cuomo Astride Our infrastructure: He Got the Second Ave. Subway and New
Tappan Zee Over the Finish Line, But How?” Daily News. Op-Ed. September
Newspaper Article
*"Battles Over the MTA’s Long-Term Planning Are About to Really Heat Up."
Gotham Gazette. April 2019.
Department of Psychology
Frederick Bonato
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Propper, R.E., Bonato, F., Ward, L., & Sumner, K. (February 2018). Findings of
an effect of gender, but not handedness, on self-reported motion sickness
propensity. BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 12(2), https://doi.org/10.1186/s13030-
Ishak, S., Bubka, A., & Bonato, F. (February 2018). Visual occlusion decreases
motion sickness in a flight simulator. Perception, 47, 596-605. doi:
Blue, R.S., Bonato, F., Seaton, K., Bubka, A., Vardiman, J.L., Mathers, C.,
Castleberry, T.L., & Vanderploeg, J.M. (July 2017). The effects of training on
anxiety and task performance in simulated suborbital spaceflight. Aerospace
Medicine and Human Performance, 88(7), 641-650. doi:
Bonato, F. (2018). [editorial] The Year in Review. Aerospace medicine and
human performance, 89(1), 1-1.
Peer-Reviewed Abstract
Stratton, E., Blue, R.S., Vardiman, J., Mathers, C., Castleberry, T.L., Bonato, F.,
Bubka, A., Seaton, K., & Vanderploeg, J.M. (May, 2018). Insight and task
performance in simulated suborbital spaceflight: Implications for informed
consent [Abstract]. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 89(3), 255.
Andrea Bubka
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Ishak, S., Bubka, A., & Bonato, F. (February 2018). Visual occlusion decreases
motion sickness in a flight simulator. Perception, 47, 596-605. doi:
Blue, R.S., Bonato, F., Seaton, K., Bubka, A., Vardiman, J.L., Mathers, C.,
Castleberry, T.L., & Vanderploeg, J.M. (July 2017). The effects of training on
anxiety and task performance in simulated suborbital spaceflight. Aerospace
Medicine and Human Performance, 88(7), 641-650. doi:
Peer-Reviewed Abstract
Stratton, E., Blue, R.S., Vardiman, J., Mathers, C., Castleberry, T.L., Bonato, F.,
Bubka, A., Seaton, K., & Vanderploeg, J.M. (May, 2018). Insight and task
performance in simulated suborbital spaceflight: Implications for informed
consent [Abstract]. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 89(3), 255.
Maryellen Hamilton
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Bryan, S., Hamilton, M., & Finn, E. (2018). Mindfulness Meditation in College
Students to Advance Health Equity. OBM Integrative and Complementary
Medicine, 3(2), 1-13. doi:10.21926
Brittany Hanson
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Skitka, L. J., Hanson, B. E, Washburn, A. N. & Mueller, A. B. (2018). Moral and
religious convictions: Are they the same or different things? PlosONE, 13(6),
e0199311. Published: June 21, 2018
Washburn, A. N., Hanson, B. E., Motyl, M., Skitka, L. J., Yantis, C., Wong, K.
M.,…& Carsel, T. S. (2018). Why do some psychology researchers resist using
proposed reforms to research practices? A description of researchers’ rationales.
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(2), 166 – 173.
Published March 7, 2018
Leonor Lega
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
*Lega, L., Wisneski, D.C., Heman Contreras, A., O’Kelly, M., Kumar, S.,
Lindenbaum, A.*, and Basaldua, D.* (2018).Women’s Irrational Beliefs about
traditional Femenine Sex Role Stereotypes with the Multi-cultural Version of the
O’Kelly Women Beliefs Scale, Berhavioral Psychology/Psicologia Conductual,
26(3), 407-420.
Daniel Wisneski
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*Lega, L., Wisneski, D.C., Heman Contreras, A., O’Kelly, M., Kumar, S.,
Lindenbaum, A.*, and Basaldua, D.* (2018).Women’s Irrational Beliefs about
traditional Femenine Sex Role Stereotypes with the Multi-cultural Version of the
O’Kelly Women Beliefs Scale, Berhavioral Psychology/Psicologia Conductual,
26(3), 407-420.
*Hofmann, W., Brandt, M. J., Wisneski, D. C., Rockenbach, B., & Skitka, L. J
(2018). Moral punishment in everyday life. Personality and Social Psychology
Bulletin. 44(12), 1697-1711.
Morgan, G. S. & Wisneski, D. C. (2017). The structure of ideology varies
between and within people: Implications for theories about ideology’s causes.
Social Cognition, 35, 395-414.
Skitka, L. J., Wisneski, D. C., & Brandt, M. J. (2018). Attitude moralization:
Probably not intuitive or rooted in perceptions of harm. Current Directions in
Psychological Science, 27, 9-13.
Department of Sociology and Urban Studies
Donal Malone
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
*"Are Worker Cooperatives A Viable Way to Create More Equitable Economy?"
Solutions Journal Vol. 10, Issue 3, June 2019
Editorial (Op-Ed)
*"Who Decides How a City Redevelops and Why Does That Matter?" Jersey
Journal, 8/9/2018
Newspaper Article
Malone, D. (November 7, 2017). Jersey City’s Real Estate Investment Summit –
Investment for Whom? Jersey Journal.
Edgar Rivera Colon
Book Chapter
*Rivera Con E. (Mar 2019) This Aint No Tool, This Ain’t No Toolbox. In:
Hansen H., Metzl J. (eds) Structural Competency in Mental Health and
Medicine. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-10525-9_3
Department of Theology
Chris Durante
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Durante, Chris. 2018. Bioethics & Multiculturalism: Nuancing the Discussion.
Journal of Medical Ethics, 44: 77-83
Book Chapters
Durante, Chris. 2018. Ch. 5: Philanthropic Healthcare: Christian Conceptions of
Social Responsibility & Healthcare in: Religious Perspectives on Social
Responsibility in Health: Towards A Dialogical Approach. Advancing Global
Bioethics Series. Springer Publishing.
Durante, Chris. 2018. Ch. 7: Virtuosity Beyond the Call of Duty: A Reply to David
Heyd in: Religious Perspectives on Social Responsibility in Health: Towards A
Dialogical Approach. Advancing Global Bioethics Series. Springer Publishing.
*Durante, Chris. 2018. Ch. 2: Cosmopolitan Conversations in: Interreligious
Perspectives on Mind, Genes & Self: Emerging Technologies & Human Identity.
Joseph Tham, Chris Durante & Alberto Garcia, Eds. Routledge Series on
Science & Religion. Routledge Publishing.
Edited Book
*Durante, Chris. Managing Editor. 2018. Interreligious Perspectives on Mind,
Genes & Self: Emerging Technologies & Human Identity, Routledge Series on
Science & Religion. Routledge.
Durante, Chris, Managing Editor. 2018. Religious Perspectives on Social
Responsibility in Health: Towards a Dialogical Approach, Advancing Global
Bioethics Book Series, Springer.
Editorial (Op-Ed)
*Durante, Chris. April 2019. Fasting & Ecological Awareness. Public Orthodoxy.
*Durante, Chris. September 2018. Reconceiving Healthcare: Philanthropia &
Vocations of Healing. Public Orthodoxy
Durante, Chris. 2017. Ecological Economics as Care for Creation. Public
School of Business
Department of Accountancy and Business Law
Karen Beerbower
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
SCOTUS Protects Offensive Trademarks Pursuant to First Amendment, New
Jersey Law Journal, August 2017
Lori Buza
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*“Mindfulness Practice for Successful Lawyering and a Peaceful Life,” New
Jersey Lawyer Magazine, No. 316, February 2019.
“Use Mindfulness to Master Lawyering and Live a Balanced Life,” New Jersey
Law Journal, 224 N.J.L.J. 1747, June 18, 2018.
“The Lawyer in the Black Leather Skirt Who Wore Several Hats,” New Jersey
Women Lawyers Association Annual Journal: Women’s Initiative and Leaders in
the Law, March 20, 2018.
“SCOTUS Protects Offensive Trademarks Pursuant to First Amendment,” New
Jersey Law Journal, 223 N.J.L.J. 2651, August 28, 2017
Philip Sookram
Magazine Article
*Sookram, Philip. How CPA Exam Review Courses Measure Up. New Jersey
CPA magazine, 2019, 13.
Department of Business Administration
Chanaz Gargouri
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*Gargouri, C., & Naatus, M.K. (2019). Building Entrepreneurial Mindsets in the
Classroom. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(3), 1-20.
Gargouri, C., & Guaman, C. (2017). Discriminating against millennials in the
workplace: Analysis on age discrimination against young adults. Journal of US-
China Public Administration, 13(8). doi: 10.17265/1548-6591/2016.08.
Gargouri, C., & Naatus, M. (2017). An experiment in mind-mapping and
argument mapping: Tools for assessing outcomes in the business curriculum. e-
Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 2(11), 39-78.
Jack Hampton
Liberal Arts in the Doldrums – Rethink, Revise, and Reverse the Trend. Argues
for changes to the professoriate and restructuring the liberal arts, Rowman and
Littlefield, August 2017.
The Malaise of Academic Scholarship: Why it Starts with the Doctoral
Dissertation as a Baptism of Fire. Argues for reforms to the mundane and
excessive requirements for scholarly research, Rowman and Littlefield
Publishers, January 2018.
Magazine Articles in Risk and Insurance
*This Risk Taker Finds a Passion in Teaching Risk Management (September 14,
A Risk Perspective on College Students (October 3, 2017)
The Relevance of Lloyd’s (November 20, 2017)
Least Risk or Most Opportunity (March 12, 2018)
Colleges that Don’t Adapt to Modern Needs Face Bankruptcy (May 17, 2018)
Marilu Marcillo
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
Marcillo, M. & Naatus, M. (2018). Ethical Dilemma: A case of illegal dumping and
whistleblowing. Journal of Business Cases and Applications, Vol. 20, 1-6.
Mary McDonough
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
McDonough, M. (2018). Nudging students toward timeliness. Journal for
Excellence in Business & Teaching 5 (2).
Mary Kate Naatus
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*Bandera, C., Somers, M., Passerini, K, Naatus, M, Pon, K. (2019). Disruptions
as opportunities for new thinking: applying the studio model to business
education. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 1-12.
*Gargouri, G., Naatus, M. (2019). Building Entrepreneurial Mindsets in the
Classroom. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22 (3), 1-20.
Marcillo, M. & Naatus, M. (2018). Ethical Dilemma: A case of illegal dumping and
whistleblowing. Journal of Business Cases and Applications, Vol. 20, 1-6.
Gargouri, C. & Naatus, M. (2017). An Experiment in Mind-Mapping: Tools for
Assessing Knowledge Acquisition and Integration in the Business Curriculum. e-
Journal of Business Education and Scholarship of Teaching, 11(2), 39-78.
DeCoster, D. & Naatus, M. (2017) Experiential Learning in Digital Marketing: A
Library Social Media Takeover. Business Education Innovation Journal, 9(1), 84-
Reinhart, L. & Naatus, M. (2017). Groupon, m-commerce and mobile apps:
perceptions of small business owners and consumers, Business and
Entrepreneurship, 6(1), 27-38, 2017.
Magazine Article
Naatus, M., Caslin, M., Szocik, J., Demarco, T., Venti, C. Moving the World to a
Better Place: Business, Social Entrepreneurship, and Social Good, 2018 Inner
Compass Magazine Link: https://www.slideshare.net/GCSEN/2018-inner-
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
*La Cava, A. & Naatus, M. (2018). Disruption in the Remittance Market:
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies. Business and Applied Sciences Academy
Annual Meeting.
Naatus, M. & Caslin, M. Universities as Place-makers in the Local Economy.
Conference Proceedings at IAJBS (International Association of Jesuit Business
Schools) at Seattle University, July 2018.
Passerini, K., Bandera, C., Somers, M., Naatus, M. & Pon. K. The Next
Disruption: Education, and how the “Art” could Save it. Art of Management
Symposium, St. John's University, November 2017.
Naatus, M., Caslin, M. & Szocik, J. From Social Entrepreneur to Social
Enterprise to Systems Change. Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference –
University of Southern California Marshall School of Business and Northeastern
University, November 2017.
Gargouri, C. & Naatus, M. Mind mapping and argument-mapping as tools to
assess knowledge acquisition in the business curriculum, Conference
Proceedings, at BASAANA (Business & Applied Sciences Academy of N.
America) conference at University of Exeter, U.K. August 2017.
Caslin, M., Naatus, M., Green, L. & Szocik, J. Pracademic Social
Entrepreneurship and a Sustainable World, Conference Proceedings at IAJBS
(International Association of Jesuit Business Schools) at University of Namur,
Belgium, July 2017.
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Alberto La Cava
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
*La Cava, A. & Naatus, M. (2018). Disruption in the Remittance Market:
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies. Business and Applied Sciences Academy
Annual Meeting.
Edward Moskal
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*Imputing Missing Social Media Data Stream in Multisensor Studies of Human
Behavior. Koustuv Saha, Manikanta D. Reddy, Vedant Das Swain, Julie M.
Gregg, Ted Grover, Suwen Lin, Gonzalo J. Martinez, Stephen M. Mattingly,
Shayan Mirjafari, Raghu Mulukutla, Kari Nies, Pablo Robles-Granda, Anusha
Sirigiri, Dong Whi Yoo, Pino Audia, Andrew T. Campbell, Nitesh V. Chawla,
Sidney K. D’Mello, Anind K. Dey, Kaifeng Jiang, Qiang Liu, Gloria Mark, Edward
Moskal, Aaron Striegel, and Munmun De Choudhury
978-1-7281-3888-6/19©2019 IEEE
*Differentiating Higher and Lower Job Performers in the Workplace Using Mobile
Sensing. Shayan Mirjafari, Kizito Masaba, Ted Grover, Weichen Wang, Pino
Audia, Andrew T. Campbell, Nitesh V. Chawla, Vedant Das Swain, Munmun De
Choudhury, Anind K. Dey, Sidney K. D’Mello, Ge Gao, Julie M. Gregg, Krithika
Jagannath, Kaifeng Jiang, Suwen Lin, Qiang Liu, Gloria Mark, Gonzalo J.
Martinez, Stephen M. Mattingly, Edward Moskal, Raghu Mulukutla, Subigya
Nepal, Kari Nies, Manikanta D. Reddy, Pablo Robles-Granda, Koustuv Saha,
Anusha Sirigiri, Aaron Striegel. © 2019 Association for Computing Machinery.
2474-9567/2019/ https://doi.org/10.1145/3328908. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob.
Wearable Ubiquitous Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, Article 37. Publication date: June
Peer-Reviewed Published Conference Proceedings
*The Tesserae Project: Large-Scale, Longitudinal, In Situ, Multimodal Sensing of
Information Workers Stephen M. Mattingly, Julie M. Gregg, Pino Audia, Ayse
Elvan Bayraktaroglu, Andrew T. Campbell, Nitesh V. Chawla, Vedant Das Swain,
Munmun De Choudhury, Sidney K. D’Mello, Anind K. Dey, Ge Gao, Krithika
Jagannath, Kaifeng Jiang, Suwen Lin, Qiang Liu, Gloria Mark, Gonzalo J.
Martinez, Kizito Masaba, Shayan Mirjafari, Edward Moskal, Raghu Mulukutla,
Kari Nies, Manikanta D. Reddy, Pablo Robles-Granda, Koustuv Saha, Anusha
Sirigiri, Aaron Striegel After first and second authors, other authors are listed in
alphabetical order. CHI’19 Extended Abstracts, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow,
Scotland UK © 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). ACM ISBN 978-1-
4503-5971-9/19/05. https://doi.org/10.1145/3290607.3299041
*Social Media as a Passive Sensor in Longitudinal Studies of Human Behavior
and Wellbeing Koustuv Saha, Ayse E. Bayraktaroglu, Andrew T. Campbell,
Nitesh V. Chawla, Munmun De Choudhury, Sidney K. D’Mello, Anind K. Dey, Ge
Gao, Julie M. Gregg, Krithika Jagannath, Gloria Mark, Gonzalo J. Martinez,
Stephen M. Ma ingly, Edward Moskal, Anusha Sirigiri, Aaron Striegel, Dong Whi
Yoo. All non-first authors are listed in alphabetical order. CHI’19 Extended
Abstracts, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland UK © 2019 Copyright held by the
owner/author(s). ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5971-9/19/05.
Department of Economics and Finance
Devin Rafferty
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
“The IMF’s ‘New’ Institutional View: A Trojan Horse for Financial Instability”,
Global Summitry, Vol. 4, No. 1, Summer 2018
“Analyzing the IMF’s ‘New’ Institutional View for Regulating International Capital
Flows Using Minsky and Kregel: Do They Finally Get It?”, International Journal of
Political Economy, Vol. 46, No. 2, Summer 2017
“Macroeconomic Flaws in the IMF’s ‘New’ Institutional View: The Case of Brazil”,
Brazilian Keynesian Review, Vol. 3, No. 1, August 2017
“In Case of Emergency, Break Open Glass: The IMF’s ‘New’ Institutional View,
Financial Instability, and Financing Development Processes”, Review of Radical
Political Economy, Vol. 49, No. 4, December 2017
School of Education
Jennifer Ayala
Edited Book
Ayala, J., Cammarota, J., Rivera, M., Rodriguez, L.R., Berta-Avila, M., Torre,
M.E. (2018). PAR EntreMundos: A Pedagogy of the Américas. Peter Lang
Publishing, Inc.
Jung Choi
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
*Choi, Jug-ah (2019). Am I Supposed to Create Knowledge?: Pedagogical
Challenges of Doctoral Mentors. Educational Process: International Journal, 8(2),
Choi, J.A. (Nov 2017). Why I’m not involved: Parental involvement from a
parent’s perspective. Phi Delta Kappan, 99(3), 46-49.
Book Chapter
Choi, Jung-ah (2018). Teaching Vulnerably: Pedagogical Strategies for
Immigrant Professors. Edited by Hui, Y.“Voices of Asian Americans in America’s
Higher Education: Unheard Stories” Information Age Publishing.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
*Mathematics Instruction in a Post-Truth Era: Shaping Instructions with Research
and Identity, poster presented at American Educational Research Association,
April, 2019
Michael Finetti
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
*Finetti, M. (2019). Assistive technology for students with learning disabilities in
the math classroom. Association of Mathematics Teachers of New Jersey, 77(1).
Peer-Reviewed Published Conference Proceedings
*Finetti, M. & Garrels, J. (2019). Acting on active learning: Successful faculty
development strategies. Faculty Resource Network: A National Symposium,
Spring 2019.
Nicole Luongo
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*Luongo, N. (Spring 2019) Using mobile devices and online polling software to
communicate in the classroom. The New Jersey Mathematics Teacher: Journal
of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of New Jersey, 77(1), 38-47.
*Luongo, N., & O'Brien, S. T. (Fall 2018). Empowering faculty using distance
learning mentoring programs. Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence, 2(2),
Article 6, 1-12.
*Luongo, N. (July 2018). An examination of distance learning faculty satisfaction
levels and self-perceived barriers. Journal Of Educators Online, 15(2), 1-12. doi:
*Luongo, N. (2019). The new world of assessment: Teaching in a digital world.
1st ed. Cognella Academic Publishing, San Diego, CA.
Luongo, N. (2018). Assessment in today's K-12 classroom (Preliminary ed.).
Cognella Academic Publishing, San Diego, CA.
Book Chapter
*Luongo, N. (May 2019). Promoting digital teaching and learning: Faculty
development options for distance learning instructors. In Elçi, A., Beith, L. L., &
Elçi, A. (2019). Handbook of research on faculty development for digital teaching
and learning (pp. 56-76). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-8476-
School of Nursing
Lisa Garsman
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
*D’Alonzo, K.T., Munet-Vilaro, F., Carmody, D.P., Guarnaccia, P., Linn, A.M., &
Garsman, L. (2019). Acculturation stress and allostatic load among Mexican
immigrant women. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 27. DOI:
Valera Hascup
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Hascup, V. (2017). The Role of the PhD RN: The journey to motivating and
engaging the direct care RN in evidence-based practice and original research
part I. New Jersey Nurse & The Institute for Nursing Newsletter, 47(2). Trenton,
Hascup, V. (2017). The Role of the PhD RN: The journey to motivating and
engaging the direct care RN in evidence-based practice and original research
part II. New Jersey Nurse & the Institute for Nursing Newsletter, 47(3). Trenton,
Book Chapter
Hascup, V. (2018). Beliefs, Practices, and experiences of postpartum Mexican
American women. In M. McFarland and H. Webbe-Almah (Eds) Transcultural
nursing: Concepts, theories, research and practice (4th ed). New York: McGraw
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts
Hascup, V. (March 28, 2018). NJ LN, Atlantic City, N.J. The Faces of Incivility:
The Lived Experience of Bullying Among Nursing Faculty. Peer Reviewed,
Poster Presentation.
Hascup, V. (2017). The Role of the PhD RN: The journey to motivating and
engaging the direct care RN in evidence-based practice and original research
part II. New Jersey Nurse & the Institute for Nursing Newsletter, 47(3). Trenton,
Daisy DeCoster
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
DeCoster, D. & Naatus, M. (2017) Experiential Learning in Digital Marketing: A
Library Social Media Takeover. Business Education Innovation Journal, 9(1), 84-
Mark Graceffo
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
*Graceffo, Mark. "Patanjali's Kriya Yoga in the Rule of Saint Benedict."
Spirituality Studies, 4 (2) , pp. 24- 29, Fall 2018.
Graceffo, Mark. 2017. "Metanoia Meets Magis at the Feet of the Guru."
Spirituality Studies." 3 (2) : 24-27.