Day Hiking in the Canadian Rockies
July 20 - 30, 2023
Trip #2333
Photo credit: Larry Yetter
Trip Overview
We are glad that you are interested in this exciting trip! Please read the information carefully, and then
contact us if you have specific questions about this trip: Leslie Carson, 508.737.6627,
[email protected] , or John English, 508.944.6650, en[email protected]om.
The National Geographic rates the Canadian Rockies one of the ten “must see” wilderness destinations
in the world. Towering snow-capped peaks, huge glaciers, serene glacial lakes, dramatic waterfalls,
flowering alpine meadows provide breathtaking views and memorable experiences each day.
We will fly into Calgary, Alberta, Canada to rent cars and begin our journey. We will spend our first night
at a motel in Calgary and our first day hiking to Lake Annette. After the hike we will drive to the Hi-Lake
Louise Alpine Center where we will spend the next eight nights. Each day we will hike trails with
panoramic vistas that will have a startling impact. They are hikes that you would be eager to do again.
Most hikes will be in Banff National Park, one will be in Yoho National Park and one in Jasper National
Park. We will spend our last night in Calgary at a motel near the airport and enjoy a farewell dinner
before departing for home.
Location of Banff National Park. Map credit: banffnationalpark.com.
Trip Difficulty
This is a moderate / vigorous (4 / 5) hike geared towards the outdoors adventurer and experienced
hiker. You must be able to hike up to 13 miles per day at a moderate pace with elevation gains between
1,500 feet and 3,400 feet, while carrying enough equipment to keep you safe in the event of bad
weather or injury. To see more about the rating system, click on this link: AMC Trip Rating System:
Photo credit: Ursula Anders
Daily Itinerary
Following is the daily itinerary which we plan to follow. Note that the hikes may be changed, or days
swapped, to take advantage of the best weather. (mi. = round trip mileage, ft. = feet of elevation gain).
On the full days of hiking, the hiking time per day will average in the 6 to 8 hours timeframe counting
breaks, lunch and photography stops.
Day 1, THUR 7/20:
Fly to Calgary, Alberta where we will rent cars, shop for lunch supplies, have dinner and spend the night.
Day 2, FRI 7/21:
We’ll begin our hiking by going to Lake Annette (8.7 mi., 820 ft.). While the lake is beautiful, it is the
views of Mt. Temple’s sheer 4,000 foot north face, which are the most impressive and the main
attraction. The hiking trail conditions vary from packed paths through larch and fir forests, to rocky
grassy slopes, and a steep ascent on a boot beaten route on a talus slope.
Day 3, SAT 7/22:
Hiking to Helen Lake, the packed dirt trail passes through a spruce and alpine fir forest before emerging
into a sub-alpine zone where we can see meadowland beauty and distant scenery. After a break at the
lake, we can continue to a high ridge with improved views. The ridge crest trail here is rocky but well-
defined. On a 2014 trip, this area was populated by many friendly marmots and in 2016, the group
encountered a grizzly. (8.3 mi. 2,300 ft.).
Day 4, SUN 7/23:
We will drive north on the beautiful Icefields Parkway, stopping at some scenic outlooks along the way.
Then we will do two short hikes: (1) to the saddle on Parker Ridge (2.5 mi. 892 ft), accessed via a broad
trail through open forest, which then switchbacks through heather to an open tundra, and a final steep
climb; and (2) to Wilcox Pass (5 mi. 1,100 ft.), reached by a trail that steeply ascends through a 400-year-
old forest of pine and spruce, then maintains an effortless grade through the pass. Few hikes anywhere
are as instantly and extravagantly gratifying as these are. The views of the Columbia Icefield are
Day 5, MON 7/24:
We'll want to get an early start to avoid the crowds for this very popular hike which starts at beautiful
Moraine Lake and goes through the Valley of the Ten Peaks to the eye-popping views from Sentinel Pass
(9.2 mi. 2,381 ft.). Hiking begins on a wide, well-maintained trail that runs through a forest, ascends to
alpine meadows with an easy grade, then reaches the Pass via sweeping switchbacks. On our return, we
will take a side trail for about a mile for close up views of the spectacular, and rightly famous, Valley of
the Ten Peaks.
Day 6, TUE 7/25:
Today we will climb the spectacular 9,000 ft. Fairview Mt. (6.6 mi. 3,328 ft.) on the highest-elevation
hiking trail in the Canadian Rockies. Hiking is steep the entire way to Fairview. Along the way, we will go
through Saddleback, a meadow-like pass rich with wildflowers and a destination in its own right. After
the Pass, the trail plunges deeply into a valley, then steeply switchbacks up to the summit, where you
can enjoy a spectacular view of the iconic Lake Louise.
Day 7, WED 7/26:
We will do a 3.4 mile walk through world-famous Johnston Canyon in the morning. Trail highlights
include crossing steel catwalks that are bolted to the rock walls, as well as an easy paved path past
cascades to a waterfall. After the hike, we drive into beautiful Banff for some sightseeing, food and/or
souvenir shopping and dinner.
Day 8, THUR 7/27:
In Yoho National Park, our hike starts at the awesome Takakkaw Falls, possibly the highest waterfall in
Canada. After admiring the Falls, we head to the Iceline Highpoint (10.5 mi. 2,265 ft.) This is a steep hike
on trails that traverse rocky slopes and a rugged glacial moraine, but the postcard-worthy scenery makes
the trip more than worthwhile. Views of Emerald Glacier and the west face of the Vice President are
dazzling highlights.
Photo credit: Ursula Anders
Day 9, FRI 7/28:
We will hike along Mosquito Creek to one of the finest wildflower meadows in Banff National Park at
Molar Pass. A rocky, rooty and at times muddy, mucky trail ascends towards the Pass, drying and
steepening as you complete the ascent up to the grassy, rocky headwall. The Pass offers an excellent
view of the twin-peaked Molar Mountain as well as the glacier-crested summits of Mount Hector. (12.6
mi. 1,775 ft.).
Day 10, SAT 7/29:
Today's hike from Chateau Lake Louise through the Plain of the Six Glaciers (8.6 mi. 1,522 ft.) is probably
the most famous and popular hike in the Canadian Rockies. We'll get up early for this, so we can enjoy
the dazzling beauty of this colossal amphitheater and get to the teahouse before things get too
crowded. Hiking is easy on a paved path to Lake Louise and around the lakeshore. There is a gentle
ascent to glacial rubble, some switchbacks, and the trail ends on a steep talus slope worth climbing only
for the spectacular viewpoint. After the hike, we will drive to Calgary for our Farewell Dinner and to
spend the night before our departure for home.
Day 11, SUN 7/30:
Fly Home.
Accommodations, Meals and Transportation
We will spend the first night in Calgary at a hotel near the airport. We will then drive to Banff National
Park where we will spend eight nights in a hostel in Lake Louise. We will return for our final night in the
Calgary airport area.
Hi Lake Louise Alpine Center is a modern hostel with in-room sinks and toilets, showers just outside the
room entrance, 4 people per roomy five-bed rooms, a pleasant dining room, a spacious, sunny deck, a
large, peaceful library and a complete kitchen.
Photo credit: hihostels.ca website
Dinners will be at local restaurants. Breakfast in Calgary will be provided by the hotel. While at Lake
Louise, all breakfasts and lunches are the participant’s responsibility. Breakfasts may be purchased at
the cafe in the hostel when time permits. On days when we will have to leave the hostel to start our hike
before the cafe opens, participants may prepare pre-purchased continental breakfast food in the kitchen
of the hostel and eat it in the dining area. All lunches should be “trail lunches,” which may be prepared
in the hostel’s kitchen facilities with pre-purchased food. We will purchase food before we leave Calgary
and then resupply as needed during the trip. There is a food mart in Lake Louise and supermarkets in
Some participants will be asked to share in the driving, which requires a check of your driving record.
Please inform the leaders if you are willing to do this.
Summary of Daily Itinerary Table
The weather in Banff National Park in July is pleasant and nice for hiking. The average highs are in the
mid 60s while the average lows are in the mid 30s at night. While rain is always a possibility, the park
only averages 2 inches of rain for the entire month of July.
Trip Price
The trip cost is $2,400 per person for shared occupancy for AMC members. The cost for Non-members is
$2,500. To join AMC (2020 pricing $50 individual, $75 family) click Join AMC.
The price for this excursion is based on quotes or estimates obtained at the time the trip was planned.
The final price of the trip will be adjusted in accordance with the best final arrangements we can make.
Any savings we achieve, as well as any cost increases we incur will be shared by trip participants. Our
cost estimates are conservative, and so a refund is more likely than a price increase. All Adventure Travel
trips are run on a non-profit basis and refunds, if any, are issued after the trip’s financial accounting is
In accordance with AMC policy, you are subsidizing the leaders' costs. Beyond this, the leaders are not
allowed to realize any profit from this excursion. The trip price includes an AMC overhead fee to cover
the administrative expenses of offering Adventure Travel excursions. The trip fee also includes
emergency medical and evacuation insurance coverage, which is required by the AMC. It does not
include insurance for travel delay, interruption, or cancellation, or for baggage loss. If these possibilities
concern you, individual travel insurance is recommended.
More information about included emergency medical and evacuation insurance, as well as about
optional and recommended travel insurance, will be provided to participants in their formal acceptance
letters, which will be sent out when the trip has the required number of accepted applicants.
A deposit of $1,000 is due with the application. The balance of $1,400 is due by April 1, 2023.
The trip fee includes:
● ten nights of lodging.
● Dinner for the entire trip, starting with dinner on July 20, 2023, excluding alcoholic beverages.
● Continental breakfast for the two nights spent at a Calgary Hotel (mornings of 7/21 and 7/30).
● Car rental and gas.
● Park Entrance fees.
● Emergency medical & evacuation insurance coverage.
The trip fee does not include:
● Airfare. The trip leaders will advise you and will facilitate group travel, but the purchase of tickets is
the responsibility of the participant. At this time, we estimate that the cost for a round trip ticket
between the US East Coast and Calgary will be in the range of $700 to $1000.
● Breakfasts (except those noted above), lunches, beverages, trail snacks, personal items, optional
activities, & incidental expenses.
● Travel insurance
Participant Expectations
Please see expectations described in the Terms and Conditions document. People wishing to participate
in this trip must have previous hiking experience at the intermediate level or higher. Although the hiking
will be at a moderate pace, this is not a trip for beginners or people who have not hiked during the past
year. This trip is not the right time for getting into shape. You should already be in good physical
condition by the time you arrive in Calgary.
Hiking with a pack, up mountains above 8,000 feet is physically demanding, especially for people who
generally reside at or near sea level. Although the elevations for the most part are not high enough for
contracting altitude sickness, the combination of physical exertion and lower oxygen levels will require
that we pace ourselves and pay close attention to proper nutrition and hydration.
Bears are rarely a problem in the Canadian Rockies, but we will be carrying bear spray and we will
review safe practices for hiking in bear country before we start our hikes.
National Park Rules: We will obey the rules and regulations of the National Parks that we will be
hiking in.
Application Process
We expect a group size of 16 people, including the 2 leaders. This trip is likely to fill quickly. If you are
interested, you should apply as soon as possible. When registration is complete, we will send all
participants the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all those going on the trip. A wait list will be
established when the trip is full.
If you decide that you would like to sign up for this trip, please follow Apply Here to the application and
forms. The application, medical form and waiver are now all included in this simple application. A
reservation deposit of $1,000 per person is due with your application.
Please make your check payable to the Appalachian Mountain Club and mail it to Leslie Carson at
64 Mill Road, East Sandwich, MA 02537.
You will be considered qualified for the trip when the leaders have determined by conversation with you
that you and the trip seem to be a good match. You will be formally accepted when the trip leader
confirms the trip has a sufficient number of participants and it is going as planned.
Cancellation Dates and Amounts
When the trip has been filled and non-refundable deposits are required, participants will be asked to
commit to spending these amounts, with the prospect of not getting these monies back should the trip
be canceled. If a participant cancels from the trip, the participant will be liable for any non-refundable
monies that have already been committed. Once the trip has been declared a go and the final payment
has been made, participants who cancel may be liable for any amount up to the full amount of the trip.
If a person on the waitlist is able to replace someone who cancels, then the person who cancels may be
refunded some or all of the funds they have paid.
Terms, Conditions and General Information
Please carefully read the terms and conditions
Subjects include:
Cancellation Policy
Leaders’ Right to Change Itinerary
Leaders’ Expectations of Participants
Trip Price
Travel Documents
AMC Activity Rating System
Traveling and COVID
Trip Leadership
Leslie Carson is a four-season hiking/backpacking leader with the
AMC Southeastern Massachusetts Chapter. She completed the
New England 67 4K Footers in 2017 and has led hikes for AMC’s
August Camp in the Pacific Northwest since 2013. She has led AT
trips hiking in the Dolomites, Nepal, Patagonia, Morocco, Utah,
Arizona, Idaho and trekking the Haute Route in Switzerland. Her
personal travels include the Tour du Mont Blanc, Nepal, Ireland,
Peru, New Zealand, Spain, Italy, Belize, Canada, Caribbean
islands, Hawaii and many of our national parks. She is certified in
Wilderness First Aid and CPR. When not hiking, planning trips or
traveling, she enjoys kayaking, cross-country skiing, reading and
Leslie can be reached at 508-737-6627 or
John English is a four-season day hike and trip leader for the AMC
NH Chapter. He has completed the NH 48, the NH 48 in winter,
and the NE 67. He is now working his way through the NE 111 and
NE 67 in winter. John has led at AMC August Camp and has taught
at the AMC NH Cardigan Lodge series. He has been hiking in over
40 of the US National Parks and Monuments. John has traveled to
over 20 foreign countries, hiked the Machu Picchu trek in Peru,
and has hiked in the Alpine areas of France, Germany, and
Switzerland. Contact: [email protected], c/ (508) 944-6650.
For questions: Leslie Carson, 508.737.6627, [email protected] , or John English,
508.944.6650, [email protected] .
What to Bring
A gear list will be provided to all participants closer to the dates of travel.