Operator's Handbook
Monarch 9855
©2003 Avery Dennison Corp. All rights reserved.
TC9855OH Rev. AJ 5/15
yton, Ohio
Each product and program carries a respective written warranty, the only warranty
on which the customer can rely. Avery Dennison Corp. reserves the right to make
changes in the product, the programs, and their availability at any time and without
notice. Although Avery Dennison Corp. has made every effort to provide complete
and accurate information in this manual, Avery Dennison Corp. shall not be liable
for any omissions or inaccuracies. Any update will be incorporated in a later
edition of this manual.
2003 Avery Dennison Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any
language in any form by any means, without the prior written permission of Avery
Dennison Corp.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is
operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at
his own expense.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise
emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of
the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant
les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le
Réglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicte par le ministère des
Communications du Canada.
Monarch, 7411, 9825, 9850, 9855, and 9860 are trademarks of Avery Dennison Retail Information
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Avery Dennison® is a trademark of Avery Dennison Corp.
HP Jet Admin and HP Web Jet Admin are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard, Inc.
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Centronics is a registered trademark of Centronics Data Computer Corporation.
TrueType is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
Other products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective countries and are hereby acknowledged.
Avery Dennison Printer Systems Division
170 Monarch Lane
Miamisburg, OH 45342
Table of Contents i
GETTING STARTED ....................................................................................... 1-1
Audience.................................................................................................. 1-2
Using this Manual ..................................................................................... 1-2
Unpacking the Printer ............................................................................... 1-3
Shipping the Printer ............................................................................... 1-3
9445™ Printer Online Emulation ................................................................ 1-4
Ordering Programmer's Manuals ................................................................ 1-4
About Monarch® MPCL™ Toolbox Utilities.................................................. 1-4
Connecting the Power Cable...................................................................... 1-4
Establishing Communications .................................................................... 1-5
Connecting the Communication Cable ..................................................... 1-5
Using the Control Panel ............................................................................ 1-6
Printer Status Lights .............................................................................. 1-6
Button Functions ................................................................................... 1-6
Display ................................................................................................. 1-7
Selecting a Function ................................................................................. 1-7
Exiting an Option ...................................................................................... 1-8
LOADING SUPPLIES ..................................................................................... 2-1
Loading Labels or Tags ............................................................................. 2-2
Loading Labels for the Optional Peel Mode ............................................. 2-7
Using the Optional Tear Bar ...................................................................... 2-9
Using String Tag Supply .......................................................................... 2-10
String Tag Considerations .................................................................... 2-10
Adjusting the Wide/Narrow Knobs ............................................................ 2-12
ii Operator's Handbook
LOADING RIBBON ......................................................................................... 3-1
Loading Ribbon ........................................................................................ 3-2
Using a High Energy Ribbon ...................................................................... 3-4
High Energy Ribbon Limitations .............................................................. 3-5
SETTING SUPPLY OPTIONS .......................................................................... 4-1
Setting the Supply Type ............................................................................ 4-3
Setting the Ribbon .................................................................................... 4-4
Setting the Speed ..................................................................................... 4-5
Setting the Feed Mode .............................................................................. 4-6
Setting the Backfeed ................................................................................. 4-7
Changing the Position Settings .................................................................. 4-8
Setting the Print Position ....................................................................... 4-8
Setting the Supply Position .................................................................. 4-10
Setting the Margin Position .................................................................. 4-11
Setting the Cut Position ....................................................................... 4-12
Setting the Dispense Position ............................................................... 4-13
Setting the Backfeed Distance .............................................................. 4-14
Using Batch Separators .......................................................................... 4-15
Using Skip Index .................................................................................... 4-16
Setting the Knife Control ......................................................................... 4-17
Setting the Error Action ........................................................................... 4-18
Setting the Print Contrast ........................................................................ 4-20
Enabling the Verifier ............................................................................... 4-22
Table of Contents iii
SETTING COMMUNICATIONS ........................................................................ 5-1
Setting the Baud Rate ............................................................................... 5-2
Setting the Word Length ............................................................................ 5-2
Setting the Stop Bits ................................................................................. 5-3
Setting the Parity ...................................................................................... 5-3
Setting the Flow Control ............................................................................ 5-4
Resetting to Default Values ....................................................................... 5-4
Using Parallel Communications .................................................................. 5-5
Setting the Port ..................................................................................... 5-5
Setting the Mode ................................................................................... 5-6
SETTING DEFAULTS ..................................................................................... 6-1
Setting the Monetary Sign ......................................................................... 6-3
Setting the Secondary Sign ....................................................................... 6-4
Setting the Number of Decimal Places ........................................................ 6-5
Setting the Slashed Zero Appearance ........................................................ 6-5
Setting the Power-Up Mode ....................................................................... 6-6
Changing the Prompt Set .......................................................................... 6-6
Setting the Numeric Format ....................................................................... 6-7
Using Flash Storage ................................................................................. 6-8
Disabling Image Errors .............................................................................. 6-9
Ignoring Configuration Packets ................................................................ 6-10
Using Error Retry Mode ........................................................................... 6-11
Adjusting the Image Length ..................................................................... 6-12
Using Flash Memory ............................................................................... 6-14
Formatting Flash Memory ..................................................................... 6-14
Checking Available Flash Memory ........................................................ 6-15
Packing Flash Memory ......................................................................... 6-16
iv Operator's Handbook
Memory Guidelines ................................................................................. 6-17
Setting Batch Options ............................................................................. 6-18
Setting Up the Network Printer ................................................................ 6-18
Setting Up the RFID Printer ..................................................................... 6-18
USING SCRIPTS ............................................................................................ 7-1
Initial Script Startup Procedures ................................................................ 7-2
Viewing Script Information ......................................................................... 7-2
Downloading a Script ................................................................................ 7-3
Enabling a Script ...................................................................................... 7-4
Deleting a Script ....................................................................................... 7-5
Enabling Status Polling ............................................................................. 7-6
Using Immediate Commands...................................................................... 7-7
PRINTING ..................................................................................................... 8-1
Printing .................................................................................................... 8-1
On-Demand Mode Printing......................................................................... 8-2
Printing an Error Label .......................................................................... 8-2
Pausing a Batch ....................................................................................... 8-3
Restarting a Batch .................................................................................... 8-3
Canceling a Paused Batch ......................................................................... 8-4
Repeating a Batch .................................................................................... 8-6
Offline Printing ......................................................................................... 8-6
Special Printing Considerations ................................................................. 8-7
Printing TrueType® Fonts ......................................................................... 8-8
Licensing Your Fonts ................................................................................ 8-8
CARE & MAINTENANCE ................................................................................ 9-1
Clearing Label Jams ................................................................................. 9-1
Cleaning .................................................................................................. 9-1
Replacing the Printhead ............................................................................ 9-5
Table of Contents v
DIAGNOSTICS & TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................... 10-1
Factory Set Password ............................................................................. 10-1
Checking the Software Version ................................................................ 10-1
Printing a Test Label ............................................................................... 10-2
Checking Supply Quality ......................................................................... 10-3
Using Password Protection ...................................................................... 10-4
Enabling the Password (System Administrators only) ............................. 10-4
Service Diagnostics ................................................................................ 10-5
Troubleshooting...................................................................................... 10-6
Error Messages ...................................................................................... 10-7
Common Errors ...................................................................................... 10-8
SPECIFCATIONS ........................................................................................... A-1
Printer ..................................................................................................... A-1
Tag Cut Dimensions .............................................................................. A-2
Supplies .................................................................................................. A-3
String Tag Supplies ............................................................................... A-4
Ribbon Specification ................................................................................. A-5
About Ribbons ...................................................................................... A-5
Cable Pinouts ........................................................................................... A-6
ACCESSORIES & OPTIONS ........................................................................... B-1
Accessories ............................................................................................. B-1
Packaging Materials .............................................................................. B-2
Factory-Installed Options .......................................................................... B-2
Ethernet Information .............................................................................. B-3
RF Information ...................................................................................... B-3
MENU STRUCTURE ....................................................................................... C-1
GLOSSARY .................................................................................................. G-1
INDEX .............................................................................................................. 1
vi Operator's Handbook
Getting Started 1-1
The Monarch® 9855® printer lets you print text, graphics, and bar
codes on thermal transfer (ribbon) and thermal direct labels or tags. The
9855 printer prints labels continuously (in one strip) or on-demand (one label
at a time).
You can print on aperture, die cut, black mark, or continuous (non-indexed)
supplies. Continuous supply must be used in continuous mode. See
"Supply Type" in Chapter 4 for more information about the supply types.
This chapter includes information about
unpacking the printer
connecting the power cord
connecting the communication cable
using the printer's control panel.
Several chapters of this manual have one or more charts showing the
printer's menu structure. For example:
Main Menu
Cancel All
Print Mode
Batch Entry
The black boxes show where you are; the bordered boxes show how you got
Refer to the MonarchNet2™ Operating Instructions for information about the
Network menu.
Refer to the RFID Application Notes for information about the RFID menu.
1-2 Operator's Handbook
The Operator's Handbook is for the person who prints and applies labels.
Using this Manual
Following is a summary of the contents of this manual.
Chapter Contents
1 Getting Started Contains information about connecting the power
cable and using the control panel.
2 Loading
Describes how to load a roll of supply, fan-fold
supply, and tag supply.
3 Loading Ribbon Describes how to load a roll of ribbon and lists high-
energy ribbon information.
4 Setting Supply
Using the Supply menu to set the various supply
options (supply, ribbon, feed mode, etc.).
5 Setting
Using the Port Settings menu to set the serial and
parallel communication values (baud rate, parity,
6 Setting Defaults Using the Defaults menu to set the monetary sign,
number of decimal places, prompt set, etc.
7 Using Scripts Using the Scripts menu to load a script, enable a
script, delete a script, etc.
8 Printing Explains how to print labels and use the Pause menu.
9 Care &
Describes how to clear a label jam, clean the printer,
and replace the printhead.
10 Diagnostics &
Describes how to print a test label and lists common
problems and their solutions.
A Specifications Contains printer and supply specifications.
B Accessories &
Contains printer accessories and optional equipment.
C Menu Structure Contains a chart of the printer’s menu options.
Getting Started 1-3
Unpacking the Printer
After you unpack the printer, you should have the printer, a power cord, and
a ribbon take-up core (may already be on take-up reel). Keep the box and
packaging material in case the printer ever needs repair.
Shipping the Printer
If you need to ship the printer to a different location:
1. Remove the ribbon roll, if one is loaded.
2. Remove the supply roll, if one is loaded.
3. Close the printhead by pressing down on the thumb well until you hear it
click into place.
4. Place the printer in the original box and secure with packaging material.
Make sure the printer is adequately packed to avoid damage during
shipment. See Appendix B, "Accessories & Options" for the packaging
materials part numbers.
Thumb Well
1-4 Operator's Handbook
9445™ Printer Online Emulation
The 9855 printer using 203 dpi (dots per inch) printing supports 94x5
emulation. You can send 94x5 data streams to this printer.
Refer to your 9445 Programmer's Manual for information about 94x5 data
Ordering Programmer's Manuals
The Packet Reference Manual, which describes how to create format and
batch packets for printing labels, how to configure the printer online, how to
diagnose printer error messages, and how to perform other advanced
techniques can be downloaded from our Web site
). You can print this manual or order a
hard-copy version (part number TC9800PM).
About Monarch® MPCL™ Toolbox Utilities
The Monarch® MPCL™ Toolbox utilities are available on our Web site and
are free to download. This group of development utilities helps you
configure the printer, customize fonts, and download files. Monarch MPCL
Toolbox utilities are not label production software. Call Customer Service
for information about label production software.
Connecting the Power Cable
The power supply automatically switches between 115V or 230V. No
operator settings are required.
1. Plug the power cable into the socket. Plug the other end of the cable
into a grounded electrical outlet.
Note: Only use a certified power cable with proper voltage for the country
of installation.
2. Turn on the printer. Press ( I ) to turn on and ( O ) to turn off the printer.
Getting Started 1-5
Establishing Communications
Before the printer can accept print jobs from the host, you must:
Connect the communication cable to the printer and to the host.
Set the communication values on the printer to match those at the host.
(Only required if you are using the serial port.)
Make sure the printer is off before connecting the cable to the
communication port.
Ask your System Administrator which
method to use to communicate with the host:
Serial Communication
9 to 25-pin cable
(Part #119806)
25 to 25-pin cable
(Part #126826)
Parallel Communication
IEEE-1284 or
Centronics® mode cable (Part #126805)
Connecting the Communication Cable
Connect the communication cable into the
appropriate port. Secure the cable with the connecting screws (serial) or
spring clips (parallel).
If you are communicating with the host through the serial port, make sure the
printer's communication values match those at the host. The factory default
values are 9600 Baud, 8 bit data frame, 1 stop bit, no parity, and DTR flow
The printer also has a USB (Universal Serial Bus) Version 1.1
communication port. Drivers are available on our Web site for a variety of
operating systems.
Note: The printer supports a baud rate up to 115200. Make sure your host
is capable of communicating at the speed you select for the printer.
Parallel Port
Power Cable
goes here
USB Port
Serial Port
1-6 Operator's Handbook
Using the Control Panel
The control panel has a two-line LCD display, 2 status lights, and five
buttons. The control panel displays error codes/messages, and allows you
to setup/configure the printer.
Printer Status Lights
The printer shows a steady green light
when it is on.
The Power light blinks when the battery
needs to be recharged (only on
battery-powered/cart models).
The printer shows a blinking amber
light when there is a printer error.
Button Functions
Prints a label in the on-demand mode.
When the printer is online, feeds a blank label if
there is no print job.
Prints a label with error information that is useful to
your System Administrator if an error is displayed.
When the printer is online, cuts the supply when
pressed and held for two seconds if a knife is
When the printer is offline, changes the displayed
value by one or 10.
When the printer is online, pauses the current print job or
resumes a paused print job. When the printer is offline,
selects the displayed menu item.
Getting Started 1-7
When an error is present, clears the error.
When a job (batch) is printing, cancels the print job
(batch). See "Canceling a Paused Batch" in Chapter
8 for more information.
When the printer is online (without errors), enters the
offline menu mode.
When the printer is in the offline menu mode, returns
the display to the next higher menu.
When the printer is in the offline menu mode, displays the
previous menu item.
When the printer is in the offline menu mode, displays the
next menu item.
In online mode, prints a test label when you press the
buttons at the same time. Hold for one second and release.
The display shows a three-digit error code and brief message to identify any
problem the printer may have. For a description of the problem, look up the
error code in Chapter 10, "Diagnostics & Troubleshooting."
Selecting a Function
The Main menu has several functions (operating modes). These functions
are shown in the chart below. See Appendix C, “Menu Structure” for a
complete list of menu options.
Main Menu
Cancel All
Print Mode
Batch Entry
Note: If the printer displays PRINT MODE Ready when you turn it on,
press Escape/Clear to display the Main menu.
1-8 Operator's Handbook
To display menu options, press or .
1. When the screen displays a right arrow, press to display more
Cancel All
2. When the screen displays a left arrow, press to display more options.
3. When the screen displays a left and a right arrow, press either or
to display more options.
Print Mode
4. When you see the menu option you want, press Enter/Pause to select it.
The Main Menu controls the printer's setup and operation. Through the
Setup Menu, you can select a sub-menu for the supply, contrast, default, or
port settings. Each of those sub-menus have several options, such as
ribbon, speed, monetary symbols, and baud rate.
Exiting an Option
To exit an option, press Escape/Clear once.
Loading Supplies 2-1
This chapter describes how to load:
a roll of supply
fan-fold supply
a roll of tag supply.
There are three types of supplies:
Thermal Direct heat activated supplies that do not use a ribbon for
Thermal Transfer standard supplies that require a ribbon for printing.
High Energy scratch, chemical, and temperature resistant supplies
that require an elevated heat setting for resin ribbon
applications. See "Using a High Energy Ribbon" in
Chapter 3 for more information.
If you are using thermal direct supplies, do not load a ribbon.
If you switch from black mark to die cut supplies, make sure the printer's
supply type is set correctly. See "Supply Type" in Chapter 4 for more
information. Your System Administrator can also send the supply setup
packet to change the supply type. Refer to the optional Packet Reference
Manual for more information about sending the supply setup packet.
2-2 Operator's Handbook
Loading Labels or Tags
Make sure the printer is configured for the correct supply type.
1. Open the cover.
2. Unlock the printhead by turning the retaining latch.
3. Lift printhead assembly using the printhead tab until the assembly locks
into place.
Printhead Tab
Deflector Tab
Loading Supplies 2-3
4. Place the roll of supply on the supply holder. For labels, the supply
unrolls from the top or the bottom. For tags, make sure the supply
unrolls from the bottom, because tag rolls are wound face in.
Note: Do not pick up the printer by the supply holder.
5. Adjust the supply holder guides so the sides barely touch the roll. Make
sure the supply roll turns freely.
If you are using fan-fold supplies, place the supply stack behind
the printer, label side facing up.
6. Push down on the supply lever to unlock the supply guides.
7. Lay the label strip across the supply guide so that a few inches extend
past the front of the printer. Tuck the supply under the nibs and in
between the die cut sensor. Do not feed supply between the supply
roller and deflector.
Supply Holder
Supply Roller
2-4 Operator's Handbook
For fan-fold supplies, lay the label strip over the supply holder and
across the supply guide so that a few inches extend past the front of
the printer. Tuck the supply under the nibs and in between the die
cut sensor.
Supply Roller
Supply Roller
Loading Supplies 2-5
For tag supplies using the optional knife, feed the supply through
the knife. Make sure at least 0.5 inches of supply is past the knife.
8. Adjust the supply guides so they touch the supply. Push up on the
supply lever to lock the supply guides into place.
Die Cut
Supply Lever
2-6 Operator's Handbook
9. Hold the printhead assembly by the printhead tab while pressing down on
the printhead release.
10. Close the printhead by pressing down on the thumb well until you hear it
click into place.
11. Close the cover.
12. Press Feed/Cut to position the supply under the printhead.
You may need to adjust the wide/narrow knobs depending on the width of
your supply. See "Adjusting the Wide/Narrow Knobs" for more
Note: If the printer will be unused for extended periods of time, we
recommend leaving the printhead unlatched.
Thumb Well
Loading Supplies 2-7
Loading Labels for the Optional Peel Mode
Peel mode is an option that must be purchased separately. In peel mode,
the printer separates the backing paper from the label. The next label is not
printed until the completed one is removed from the printer. Make sure the
printer is configured for on-demand mode and the correct supply type.
The minimum feed length is 1.5 inches for peel mode. We recommend using
0.5-inch gap supplies in peel mode when backfeed is disabled. Hold the
leading edge of peeled labels when printing on stock longer than six inches.
You must use non-perforated supplies for peel mode. Follow the steps for
loading supplies from the previous section. Then, follow these steps after
you close the printhead.
1. Remove the labels from the first 10 inches of the backing paper.
2. Press down on the exit cover tabs to open the exit cover on the front of
the printer.
Exit Cover
2-8 Operator's Handbook
3. Feed the backing paper over the peel bar.
4. Feed the backing paper through the lower opening of the exit cover.
Close the exit cover. Pull down on the backing paper to remove any
When removing the backing paper, pull up across the saw-
toothed tear edge. Make sure the backing paper tears at the edge.
Peel Bar
Lower Opening
Tear Edge
Backing Paper
Loading Supplies 2-9
5. Close the printer's cover.
6. Press Feed/Cut to position the supply under the printhead.
Using the Optional Tear Bar
Note the following change to loading labels if you have purchased the
optional tear bar. Tear labels against the tear bar. You cannot tear tags
with the tear bar.
Slide the supply between the tear bar and peel bar. It may be easier if you
cut or fold one corner of the supply first.
Note: Do not tear both label and backing paper at the same time.
Tear labels against the tear bar.
Tear backing paper against the tear edge.
Tear Bar
Peel Bar
Tear Edge
Backing Paper
2-10 Operator's Handbook
Using String Tag Supply
String tags are used in a variety of applications, such as jewelry tags and
item marking.
String Tag Considerations
Thermal direct printing, fan-fold supplies, and the knife are not supported
with string tags.
The maximum print speed with string tags is 6.0 inches per second (ips).
A non-print zone of 0.250 inches (6.4 mm) exists on the string side of the
Use the wide setting for string tags.
Make sure the printer is configured for the correct supply type.
1. Open the cover.
2. Unlock the printhead by turning the retaining latch.
3. Lift printhead assembly using the printhead tab until the assembly locks
into place.
4. Shake the roll of string tags down to untangle the roll.
Loading Supplies 2-11
5. Place the roll of supply on the supply holder with the strings facing out.
6. Adjust the supply holder guides so the sides barely touch the roll. Make
sure the supply roll turns freely.
7. Push down on the supply lever to unlock the supply guides. The supply
guides have been angled slightly for string tag supplies.
8. Lay the supply across the supply guide so that a few inches extend past
the front of the printer. Tuck the supply under the nibs and in between
the die cut sensor.
9. Adjust the supply guides so they touch the supply. Push up on the supply
lever to lock the supply guides into place.
Die Cut
Supply Lever
2-12 Operator's Handbook
10. Hold the printhead assembly by the printhead tab while pressing down on
the printhead release.
11. Close the printhead by pressing down on the thumb well until you hear it
click into place.
12. Close the cover.
13. Press Feed/Cut to position the supply under the printhead.
If the printer will be unused for extended periods of time, we recommend
leaving the printhead unlatched.
Adjusting the Wide/Narrow Knobs
You may need to adjust the two wide/narrow knobs according to the width of
your supply. For supply that is more than two inches, adjust the knobs to
the wide setting. For supply that is two inches or less, adjust the knobs to
the narrow setting. For string tag supply, use the wide setting (knobs are
You must adjust both of the knobs to the same position.
If you experience ribbon
smudging in cold, dry
environments, adjust the
wide/narrow knobs to the
wide setting.
For wide supplies, push
down and turn the
wide/narrow knobs
clockwise with a
For narrow supplies, turn the wide/narrow knobs counter-clockwise with a
screwdriver until it pops back up.
Note: The adjustment is shown in the wide position.
Loading Ribbon 3-1
This chapter describes how to load a ribbon roll.
There are different ribbon requirements for the three types of supplies:
Thermal Direct do not use a ribbon for printing.
Thermal Transfer require a ribbon for printing.
High Energy require a ribbon able to withstand high temperatures.
If you are using thermal direct supplies, do not load a ribbon.
If you are using high energy supply, be sure to use a high energy ribbon.
See "Using a High Energy Ribbon" for more information. To set ribbon
options at the printer, see "Ribbon" in Chapter 4.
3-2 Operator's Handbook
Loading Ribbon
Make sure the printer is configured to use a ribbon.
To load ribbon:
1. Open the cover.
2. Unlock the printhead by turning the retaining latch.
3. Lift printhead assembly using the printhead tab until the assembly locks
into place.
4. Push the deflector tab down.
5. Slide the extra ribbon core on the take-up reel as far as it will go with the
"This End Out" writing facing out. Use your empty ribbon core as the
take-up core. The take-up core only fits on the take-up reel one way.
(An extra take-up core is available by ordering part number 117961.)
Loading Ribbon 3-3
6. Remove the new ribbon from the package as shown. Do not wrinkle or
crush the new ribbon.
7. Slide the ribbon onto the back reel as far as it will go. The ribbon roll
only fits on the reel one way. Carefully unwind a few inches of ribbon
from the bottom of the roll.
Note: Make sure the “Monarch This End Out” writing is facing out.
The ribbon only fits on the reel one way.
8. Carefully feed the ribbon under both ribbon rollers and printhead as
9. Align the ribbon and make sure it is straight and centered throughout the
10. Tape the ribbon to the take-up core. Do not tape the ribbon to the
take-up reel.
11. Rotate the take-up core until the leader is past the printhead.
Take-up Core
Take-up Reel
Ribbon Rollers
3-4 Operator's Handbook
12. Remove any slack in the ribbon by turning the take-up reel clockwise.
13. Hold the printhead assembly by the printhead tab while pressing down on
the printhead release.
14. Close the printhead by pressing down on the thumb well until you hear it
click into place. Close the cover.
Using a High Energy Ribbon
High energy ribbon is an option for this printer. It enables you to print on
high energy (TUFF-MARK®) supplies.
When you select high energy ribbon for the printer setting, you are setting
the printer to a higher printing temperature. Select this setting only after you
have loaded a high energy ribbon and supply or it may damage your
printhead. See "Ribbon" in Chapter 4 for more information.
Thumb Well
Loading Ribbon 3-5
High Energy Ribbon Limitations
When using the high energy ribbon option:
Use a print speed of 2.5IPS (inches per second).
Printhead warranty is reduced to 100,000 inches.
Serial bar codes cannot be printed.
Do not use peel mode.
No more than 20% of the supply should have print (black coverage).
CAUTION: The high energy ribbon may break or stick to the supply when
more than 20% of the supply contains print.
Only white high energy supply should be used for bar code printing.
Reverse fonts cannot be used.
A non-printing area of at least .1 inch (2.54 mm) must exist on the left
and right edge of the ribbon.
Do not print horizontal lines or bars.
Graphics are limited.
3-6 Operator's Handbook
Setting Supply Options 4-1
This chapter explains how to select the supply type, ribbon, speed,
feed mode, backfeed, print position, supply position, margin position, cut
position, dispense position, backfeed distance, separators, skip index mode,
set knife control, and set error action.
This chapter also explains how to adjust the print contrast and enable the
Main Menu
Cancel All
Print Mode
Feed Mode
Your System Administrator may limit access to this menu to prevent supply,
network, script, or communication settings from being changed. If password
protection is turned on, you see
Enter Password
_ _ _ _ _ _
when you try to access the setup menu. Get the password from your System
Administrator to continue.
4-2 Operator's Handbook
The options are listed in the table below.
Supply Type Aperture/Die Cut/Black
Die Cut
Ribbon No/Yes/High Energy Yes
Speed 2.5/4.0/6.0/8.0/10.0/12.0/Default Default
Feed Mode Continuous/On-Demand Continuous
Backfeed Off/On/Extended Off
Print Position -450 to 450 0
Supply Position -300 to 300 0
Margin Position -99 to 99 0
Cut Position -300 to 300 0
50 to 200 65
10 to 200 65
Separators No/Yes/Long No
Skip Index No/Yes No
Knife Control -20 to 20 0
Error Action Normal
Overstrike/Continue x1
Overstrike/Continue x2
Overstrike/Continue x3
Overstrike/Continue x4
Overstrike/Continue x5
Contrast -699 to 699 0
To exit an option without changing the setting, press Escape/Clear.
Setting Supply Options 4-3
Setting the Supply Type
You can print on aperture, black mark, die cut, or continuous supplies. You
have to tell the printer which supplies you are using.
Note: If you are using edge aperture supplies, use the die cut setting. If
you are using center aperture supplies, use the aperture setting.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Supply. If
password protection in enabled, press Feed/Cut three times, then press
Enter/Pause before you see the Setup Menu options. Then, follow these
1. Press or until you see
Supply Type
2. Press Enter/Pause to set the supply type option. The current setting is
displayed, for example:
Black Mark
3. Press or to see the other options. After you display the option you
want, press Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main
4-4 Operator's Handbook
Setting the Ribbon
You have to tell the printer if your supplies require a ribbon. To change the
setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Supply. Then, follow these
1. Press or until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause to set the ribbon option. The current setting is
displayed, for example:
3. Press or to see the other options. After you display the option you
want, press Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main
Note: If you set the Ribbon option to Yes, install a ribbon before printing.
If you want to use a high energy ribbon, select high energy for the
Setting Supply Options 4-5
Setting the Speed
You can change the print speed for bar codes or graphics. If you select
"default" for speed, formats with serial bar codes automatically print at 2.5
ips and formats with parallel bar codes print at 6.0 ips. 12.0 ips printing is
an option that must be purchased separately.
Note: If you change the speed, you must resend your formats or turn the
printer off and back on before the change takes effect.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Supply.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause to set the speed option. The current setting is
displayed, for example:
3. Press or to see the other options. After you display the option you
want, press Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main
Note: For additional high speed printing information, see Chapter 8,
4-6 Operator's Handbook
Setting the Feed Mode
You can use continuous or on-demand printing. On-demand printing allows
you to remove a label before printing the next one.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Supply.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Feed Mode
2. Press Enter/Pause to set the feed mode. The current setting is
displayed, for example:
3. Press or to see the other option. After you display the option you
want, press Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main
Setting Supply Options 4-7
Setting the Backfeed
Backfeed works by advancing each printed label to the desired dispense
position. Once that label is removed, the next label to be printed is backed
up underneath the printhead. In continuous mode, only the last label in the
batch is advanced to the dispense position. Extended backfeed is available
on this printer with a knife installed. Extended backfeed feeds a tag far
enough out to be cut and backfeeds the next tag to the printhead line.
Extended backfeed eliminates printed tags being left between the printhead
and knife. Extended backfeed works with the selected cut modes. Refer to
the optional Packet Reference Manual to learn how to define the Backfeed
Control Packet. Extended backfeed does not work with non-indexed
(continuous) supply/mode. Do not use backfeed (normal or extended) with
supplies less than 0.75 inches.
Note: We recommend using 0.5-inch gap supplies in peel mode when
backfeed is disabled.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Supply.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause to set the backfeed option. The current setting is
displayed, for example:
3. Press or to see the other options. After you display the option you
want, press Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main
4-8 Operator's Handbook
Changing the Position Settings
This menu includes selections to change the print, supply, margin, cut, and
dispense positions along with the backfeed distance.
When you see
Enter print pos
[-450/450]: +0
Feed/Cut acts as a toggle switch to change the value by 10 or 1. For
example, to make the print position 23 (from the default of 0), press
Feed/Cut, then press twice (20), press Feed/Cut again and press three
times (23).
Setting the Print Position
This function adjusts where data prints vertically on the supply. Adjust the
print if it is too close to the top or bottom of the supply, or overtypes the pre-
printed area. One dot is 0.0049 inch.
If the data is too close to the bottom, increase the number.
If the data is too close to the top, decrease the number.
Note: Changing this setting only affects new formats sent to the printer.
Setting Supply Options 4-9
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, Supply, then
Positioning. Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Print Pos
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
Enter print pos
[-450/450]: +0
3. Press or to change the print position. Pressing decreases the
value (moves the image down); increases it (moves the image up).
4. Press Enter/Pause when the number you need appears. Press
Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
4-10 Operator's Handbook
Setting the Supply Position
This function adjusts the machine to print at the vertical 0,0 point on the
Note: The supply position adjustment should only be made on initial
printer setup. For format adjustments, change the print position.
You may need to adjust the supply in or out to allow
tags and labels to be removed.
die cut labels to be removed easily.
The adjustments are in dots (0.0049 inch).
Increase the number to feed more supply out of the chute.
Decrease the number to feed less supply out of the chute.
This option takes effect on the next label or tag printed. Changing supply
position may also affect print position.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, Supply, then
Positioning. Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Supply Pos
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
Enter supply pos
[-300/300]: +0
3. Press or to change the supply position. Pressing decreases the
value (feeds less supply); increases it (feeds more supply).
4. Press Enter/Pause when the number you need appears. Press
Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
Setting Supply Options 4-11
Setting the Margin Position
This function adjusts where the format prints horizontally on the supply. The
adjustments are in dots (0.0049 inch), which is the smallest measurement
the printer recognizes.
The width of the print area depends on your supply size. Maximum width is
four inches. When you move the image to the right or left on the supply,
avoid moving the image too close to either edge, because it may not print.
Print too far to the left. Print too far to the right.
If the data is too close to the left side, increase the number.
If the data is too close to the right side, decrease the number.
Note: Changing this setting only affects new formats sent to the printer.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, Supply, then
Positioning. Then, follow these steps.
4. Press or until you see
Margin Pos
5. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
Enter margin pos
[-99/99]: +0
6. Press or to change the margin position. Pressing decreases the
value (moves the image toward the left side of the supply); increases
it (moves the image toward the right side of the supply).
7. Press Enter/Pause when the number you need appears. Press
Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
4-12 Operator's Handbook
Setting the Cut Position
This function adjusts where the tag is cut. The printer adjusts the cut
position according to the black marks on the supply. You may need to adjust
for aperture supplies. Increase to move the cut up; decrease to move the
cut down.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, Supply, then
Positioning. Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Cut Pos
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
Enter knife adj
[-300/300]: +0
3. Press or to change the cut position. Pressing decreases the
value (moves the cut down); increases it (moves the cut up).
Note: We do not recommend setting a positive cut position while using
extended backfeed. You may cut off the leading edge of the next
4. Press Enter/Pause when the number you need appears. Press
Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
Setting Supply Options 4-13
Setting the Dispense Position
This function adjusts the stopping point of the label.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, Supply, then
Positioning. Follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Dispense Pos
2. Press Enter/Pause.
[50/200]: +65
3. Press or to change the dispense position. Pressing decreases
the value; increases it.
4. Press Enter/Pause when the number you need appears. Press
Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
4-14 Operator's Handbook
Setting the Backfeed Distance
This is the amount to move the label backwards. The backfeed distance
cannot be greater than the dispense position. If you make the backfeed
distance greater than the dispense position, the dispense position
automatically changes to match the backfeed distance.
The backfeed distance should equal the dispense position. An exception is
when you are tearing labels, instead of peeling. Then, the backfeed distance
must be 30 dots (0.15 inches) less than the dispense position to account for
improper tearing of butt cut supplies. You will have a 30-dot non-print zone
on your supply, but this prevents exposed adhesive under the printhead.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, Supply, then
Positioning. Follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Backfeed Dis
2. Press Enter/Pause.
[10/200]: +65
3. Press or to change the dispense position. Pressing decreases
the value; increases it.
4. Press Enter/Pause when the number you need appears.
Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
Setting Supply Options 4-15
Using Batch Separators
A batch separator is an extra tag printed in between batches with a pinstripe
pattern. If you select "Long" for the separator, a double-length (two tags)
separator prints. For non-indexed supply, the batch separator is always six
inches long. If you have the Monarch® 928™ stacker installed, the batch
separator is 3.66 inches long. The name of the batch is shown on the batch
Note: Changing this setting only affects new formats sent to the printer.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Supply.
Then, follow
these steps.
1. Press or until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause to set the batch separators option. The current
setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or to see the other options. After you display the option you
want, press Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main
Batch Separator
4-16 Operator's Handbook
Using Skip Index
You can use the skip index mode to skip (or ignore) a sense mark and print
an image over multiple labels, if necessary. For example, if you have 4.0"
long supplies loaded, but your image is 8.0" long, enable skip index mode to
print the 8.0" long image on two labels. The image length is determined by
the format header. See your System Administrator or the optional Packet
Reference Manual for more information. The skip index feature is useful
when you have a single format that contains two labels, such as a shelf
label and a carton label.
Note: When designing the format, make sure text or graphics do not print
in the gap of label rolls.
To change the setting, from the Main menu, select Setup, then Supply.
1. Press or until you see
Skip Index
2. Press Enter/Pause to set the skip index mode. You will see the current
setting, for example:
3. Press or to see the other options. After you display the option you
want, press Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main
Setting Supply Options 4-17
Setting the Knife Control
You may notice unevenly cut tags on one end or the other of your supply
(one end may appear longer than the other). Use the knife control
adjustment to balance the cut tag length from tag-to-tag.
You may need to make this adjustment
on initial printer setup.
if you load a different supply type (thickness) from the last ones printed.
when you change the print speed.
when you change to a different tag size from the last ones printed.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Supply.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Knife Ctrl
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
Enter knife ctrl
[-20/20]: +0
3. Press or to change the knife control. You may need to experiment
and cut a few test tags to check the tag cut length. Pressing
decreases the value; increases it.
Note: Depending on how unevenly the tags are cut, always start with a
small number, such as +- 1 or 2.
4. Press Enter/Pause when the number you need appears.
Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
4-18 Operator's Handbook
Setting the Error Action
The recovery action from an error condition is in the Setup, Supply Menu.
You can change how the printer responds to a bad scan. The choices
include normal and overstrike/continue one to five consecutive bad scans.
The overstrike pattern is created to prevent someone from using a bad label.
Selecting overstrike and continue 1x-5x sets the number of times the printer
prints an overstrike pattern on consecutively bad labels before generating an
error. The user must clear the error before operation can continue.
Do not use the overstrike action with
Peel mode
String tag supplies
For more information about the error actions, see the following table.
Error Action
with Peel
RFID with
Overstrike/Continue 1-5
Normal (no overstrike)
Consider this scenario when the error action is set to overstrike/continue 3x:
If the printer errors on the first label, an overstrike pattern is printed, but the
printer attempts to reprint the image up to three times. If the third
consecutive label also generates an error, an overstrike pattern is printed;
however, the printer stops and the error message is displayed. The operator
must resolve the error condition before printing continues.
In the above example, if the third label did NOT generate an error,
the batch image is printed
the consecutive error counter is reset
the printer continues processing the batch.
Setting Supply Options 4-19
Normal (default)
The printer errors and the condition causing
the error is displayed. The error must be
cleared before operation can continue. An
operator must press Escape/Clear to clear the
error and continue printing. No overstrike
pattern is printed.
Overstrike/Continue 1x
Overstrike/Continue 2x
Overstrike/Continue 3x
Overstrike/Continue 4x
Overstrike/Continue 5x
The printer prints an overstrike pattern on one,
two, three, four, or five consecutive labels and
stops printing after the selected number of
overstrike patterns have been printed. An
operator must press Escape/Clear to clear the
error and continue printing. Do not use the
label with the overstrike pattern.
Note: The printer re-calibrates (feeds a blank
label) after a motion or verifier error.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Supply. Then
follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Error Action
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
Ostrk/Cont 1x
3. Press or to see the other options. After you display the option you
want, press Enter/Pause.
4. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
Note: Depending on the selected error action, you may or may not see a
label with the overstrike pattern.
4-20 Operator's Handbook
Setting the Print Contrast
The print contrast controls the darkness of the printing on your supply. The
range is -699 to +699 and the default is 0. Having the correct print contrast
setting is important because it affects how well your bar codes scan and how
long your printhead lasts. You can use a verifier to check the bar code print
Main Menu
Cancel All
Print Mode
Batch Entry
High contrast settings may
require additional printhead cleaning.
create bar code growth, leading to reduced scanning.
CAUTION: Setting the print contrast higher than 399 reduces the printhead
warranty to 100,000 inches and may damage the printhead.
1. From the Main Menu, press or until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause. You will be at the Setup menu. Press or until
you see
3. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
Enter contrast
[-699/+699]: +0
4. Press or to change the contrast. Pressing darkens the print;
lightens the print.
Setting Supply Options 4-21
Feed/Cut acts as a toggle switch to change the value by 10 or 1.
For example, to make the contrast 50 (from the default of 0), press
Feed/Cut, then press five times (50).
5. Press Enter/Pause to select either "Yes" or "No" to print a test label and
check the print contrast. Press Enter/Pause.
6. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
We recommend you check the bar code print quality with a bar code verifier.
If you do not have a bar code verifier or scanner, check the bar code
visually. A bar code that is in spec has complete bars, clear spaces, and
small alphanumeric characters look complete. An in spec bar code may not
look as good as one that is too dark, but it has the highest scan rate.
Dark IN SPEC Light
4-22 Operator's Handbook
Enabling the Verifier
The verifier scans and checks the quality of bar codes as they are printed.
The optional verifier must be purchased separately. The verifier scans
parallel bar codes; it cannot scan serial bar codes.
The verifier must be enabled and set up before you can scan bar codes.
For additional set up procedures, refer to your verifier's Operating
To enable the verifier, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Verifier.
Then follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or to see the other option. After you display the option you
want, press Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main
Setting Communications 5-1
This chapter tells you how to set the serial or parallel
communication values. These values provide the link for normal online
Main Menu
Cancel All
Print Mode
Batch Entry
You need to set your Serial Comm values to match your computer's online
communications. Before entering the communication values, see your
System Administrator.
The serial communication values are listed in the table below.
Option Choices Default
Baud rate 1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/
Word length 7/8 8
Stop bits 1/2 1
Parity None/Odd/Even None
Flow control None/Xon/Xoff/DTR/CTS DTR
Reset No/Yes No
5-2 Operator's Handbook
Setting the Baud Rate
To change the setting, from the Main Menu select Setup, Port Settings, then
Serial Comm. If password protection in enabled, press Feed/Cut three
times, then press Enter/Pause before you see the Setup Menu options.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Baud Rate
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
Press or to display the baud rate you need, then press Enter/Pause.
Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
Setting the Word Length
To change the setting, from the Main Menu select Setup, Port Settings, then
Serial Comm. Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Word Length
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or to display the word length you need, then press
Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
Setting Communications 5-3
Setting the Stop Bits
To change the setting, from the Main Menu select Setup, Port Settings, then
Serial Comm. Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or to display the number of stop bits you need, then press
Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
Setting the Parity
To change the setting, from the Main Menu select Setup, Port Settings, then
Serial Comm. Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or to display the parity you need, then press Enter/Pause.
Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
5-4 Operator's Handbook
Setting the Flow Control
To change the setting, from the Main Menu select Setup, Port Settings, then
Serial Comm. Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Flow Control
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or to display the flow control you need, then press
Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
XON is 17; XOFF is 19. Set flow control to DTR for PC computers
(unless you have XON/XOFF software).
Resetting to Default Values
To change the setting, from the Main Menu select Setup, Port Settings, then
Serial Comm. Then, follow these steps.
1. Press until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause.
Are you sure?
Press or to make your selection, then press Enter/Pause. If you select
"Yes," the following defaults are restored: 9600 baud, No parity, 8 bit word
length, and 1 stop bit. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
Setting Communications 5-5
Using Parallel Communications
The parallel communications menu allows you to set the values for the active
parallel port. The values are listed in the table below.
Note: Turn the printer off and back on when you change the port or mode
Option Choices Default
Port External/Internal External
Mode Compatible/IEEE-1284 Compatible (Centronics mode)
Setting the Port
To change the setting, from the Main Menu select Setup, Port Settings, then
Parallel Comm. Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause.
3. Use or to select either "External" or "Internal." Press Enter/Pause.
The internal port is used for printer options installed inside the printer,
such as the Ethernet communication port. The external port is used to
connect a printer cable or external device directly to the parallel port.
4. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
5-6 Operator's Handbook
Setting the Mode
To change the setting, from the Main Menu select Setup, Port Settings, then
Parallel Comm. Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause.
3. Use or to select either "Compatible" or "IEEE1284." Press
Enter/Pause. Use compatible mode for a computer connection to the
printer with a parallel cable. Use IEEE-1284 for bi-directional Ethernet
communications. See Appendix B, "Accessories & Options" for more
information about Ethernet options.
4. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
Setting Defaults 6-1
This chapter explains how to select the monetary sign, secondary
sign, decimal places, slashed zero, power-up mode, prompt set, imaging
errors, ignore configuration packets, disable error retry, and adjust the
image length.
This chapter also explains how to format flash, check the available flash
memory, and pack flash memory.
Print Mode
up Mode
You can set your printer configurations to fit your daily operation, using
either the offline menus or the online configuration option. After an option is
selected in the online configuration or offline Setup Menu, the option is
saved when the printer is turned off.
6-2 Operator's Handbook
The default options are listed in the table below.
Monetary sign None/USA/UK/Japan/
Secondary Sign No/Yes No
Decimal Places 0/1/2/3 2
Slashed Zero No/Yes No
Power-up Mode Online/Offline Online
Prompt Set English/French/German/
Italian/Swedish/Spanish 2/
Numeric Format
Default, Arabic-Indic, Eastern
Flash Storage Disabled/Enabled Disabled
No Image Errors Disabled/Enabled Disabled
Ignore Config Disabled/Enabled Disabled
Error Retry Disabled/Enabled Enabled
Adjust Length -30 to 30 0
The monetary sign, secondary sign, and decimal places options are used in
conjunction with option 42. Refer to the optional Packet Reference Manual
for more information.
Note: The settings for Monetary Sign, Secondary Sign, Slashed Zero, and
Decimal Places are applied when a format is downloaded. Changing
the settings does not affect batches already in the printer.
Setting Defaults 6-3
Setting the Monetary Sign
You can also select None if you do not want a monetary sign to print in price
fields. The monetary signs available for 15 countries are shown in the table
USA $ dollar
UK £ pound
Japan ¥ yen
deutsche mark
France F franc
Spain P peseta
Italy L. lira
Sweden Kr krona
India Rs rupee
China ¥ yuan
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Defaults. If
password protection in enabled, press Feed/Cut three times, then press
Enter/Pause before you see the Setup Menu options. Then, follow these
steps. To exit an option without changing the setting, press Escape/Clear.
1. Press or until you see
Monetary Sign
6-4 Operator's Handbook
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or until you see the country's monetary sign you want.
4. Press Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
Setting the Secondary Sign
If you select USA as the monetary sign, you can print amounts less than
$1.00 either by using a dollar sign and decimal ($0.30) or by using a cent
sign (30¢).
If you set the secondary sign option to No, prices under $1.00 will print
like this: $ .45
If you set the secondary sign option to Yes, prices under $1.00 will print
like this: 45¢
The same option applies to the appropriate secondary sign for monetary
signs other than USA.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Defaults.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Secondary Sign
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or until you see the option you want. Then press
Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
Setting Defaults 6-5
Setting the Number of Decimal Places
You can set the printer for 0, 1, 2, or 3 places after the decimal in a price
field. In U.S. currency, you might print prices like this: $24.00 (2 decimal
places) or like this: $24 (0 decimal places).
1. Press or until you see
Decimal Places
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or until you see the option you want. Then press
Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
Setting the Slashed Zero Appearance
The slashed zero feature lets you select how you want the zero character
printed; either without a slash, 0 or, with a slash, Ø.
Standard or reduced fonts print the slashed zero character (Ø). Bold and
OCR fonts print the standard zero (0) only. The slashed zero selection does
not take effect until the format is sent to the printer again. If you change the
way zero is printed, you must resend your formats.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Defaults.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Slashed Zero
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
6-6 Operator's Handbook
3. Press or until you see the option you want. Then press
Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
Setting the Power-Up Mode
Power-up mode lets you decide how your printer starts each time you turn it
on. If you want the printer to be ready to start printing when it is turned on,
use the Online power-up mode. If you want the operator to perform some
other task first, use the Offline power-up mode.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Defaults.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Powerup Mode
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or until you see the option you want. Then press
Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
Changing the Prompt Set
Prompt set determines which language displays on the printer's menu. You
can select English, French, German, Spanish-ES, Japanese, Portuguese,
Italian, Swedish, Spanish 2, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, and Norwegian. Some
prompts may remain in English, even if you select a different language.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Defaults.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press until you see
Prompt Set
Setting Defaults 6-7
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or until you see the option you want. Then press
Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
Note: This option only affects the displayed prompts. It does not change
what is printed by the printer.
Setting the Numeric Format
Numeric format determines how numeric values appear in your printed data.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Defaults.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see Numeric Format.
Numeric Format
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or until you see the option you want. Then press
Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see Main menu.
Note: This option only affects the prompts; it does not affect what prints.
Default: 95% cotton
Arabic Numerals with Arabic Characters:
6-8 Operator's Handbook
Using Flash Storage
Flash storage allows packets (with "R" or "N" selectors) to be stored in flash
memory, instead of volatile RAM. Packets stored in flash memory are saved
when the printer is turned off. However, flash memory storage is limited.
Note: You must format flash memory before enabling this option.
Formatting flash memory is only required once during initial printer
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Defaults.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press until you see
Flash Storage
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or until you see the option you want. Then press
Enter/Pause. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
Setting Defaults 6-9
Disabling Image Errors
You can disable image error reporting. Image errors occur when there is a
problem producing a complete label. You must press Escape/Clear to clear
an image error.
Image errors include
unable to image batch
portion of field off label
problem during imaging
invalid PDF417 bar code data
missing batch
invalid font size
invalid font, bar code or density
missing font data
missing batch data
invalid downloaded font
reference point off label
not enough font memory
Note: With this option enabled, the format may not print as expected and
no error is reported. For example, bar codes require a non-print
zone and if a bar code is placed too close to the edge of the label,
no error is reported and the bar code may not scan properly.
Error 616 (bar code dot shifting failed) is always reported.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Defaults.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
No Image Error
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or until you see the option you need. Then press
6-10 Operator's Handbook
4. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
Ignoring Configuration Packets
You can ignore all online configuration packets. If the printer receives data
from a host system or software package that includes online configuration
packets with the format, those online configuration packets can be ignored.
Ignoring these packets is useful when you cannot change your host’s data or
when you want the printer to operate as specified through the printer’s menu.
Note: We recommend changing your host’s data stream, but if that is not
possible, enable this option.
Use caution if ignoring online configuration packets, because the
printer may need the configuration for proper operation.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Defaults.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Ignore Config
2. Press Enter/Pause. The current setting is displayed, for example:
3. Press or until you see the option you want. Then press
4. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
Setting Defaults 6-11
Using Error Retry Mode
You can set the printer to enable or disable error retries. The default is
enabled, which means the printer tries to reprint the label where the error
occurred and then continues printing the remainder of the batch. Depending
on your environment, you may not want jobs reprinted.
Select “enable error retry” to reprint the batch (job) that was in process
when the error occurred.
Select "disable error retry" to cancel the batch where a supply error
occurs while the batch. For example, an error occurs on label 5 with a
batch quantity of 25, the batch is canceled and the remaining 20 labels
are not printed. The host must know which batch was canceled and
resend it.
Note: We only recommend disabling error retry when sending batches of
one or with RFID supplies. Use caution disabling error retry
because batches are deleted and, therefore, may be incomplete.
The host must resend the canceled batch.
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Defaults.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Error Retry
2. Press Enter/Pause. You see
3. Press or until you see the option you want. Then, press
4. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
6-12 Operator's Handbook
Adjusting the Image Length
Using this setting requires continuous (non-indexed) supply. The printer
ignores this setting (does not error) when using other supply types.
This setting increases or decreases the image length based on the
percentage entered. Values are in tenths of a percent.
Note: If a print image is defined close to the label’s edge and adjust image
length is set to a negative value, the printed image may not be
complete. Some of the image may be lost. Verify your printed
image is complete.
Format A is 10.0 inches long (as defined in the format header).
Image Length is +20
Format A prints 10.20 inches long.
Format B is 6 inches long (as defined in the format header).
Image Length is -30
Format B prints 5.82 inches long.
Note: Refer to the Packet Reference Manual for more information about
defining the format header.
Setting Defaults 6-13
To change the setting, from the Main Menu, select Setup, then Defaults.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Adjust Length
2. Press Enter/Pause. You see
[-30/30]: +0
3. Press or to adjust the image’s length. Pressing decreases the
setting, which reduces the image length by the entered percentage.
Pressing increases the setting, which increases the image length by
the entered percentage.
Note: Press the left function button to change the amount (by 1 or 10).
4. Press Enter/Pause when the number you need appears. Press
Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
6-14 Operator's Handbook
Using Flash Memory
The flash memory options are listed in the table below.
Option Choices Default
Format Flash No/Yes No
Unused Flash NA NA
Pack Flash No/Yes No
Formatting Flash Memory
Before storing packets in flash memory, downloading a script, or if the
printer's firmware is updated, you must format the flash memory.
Formatting flash memory is only required once during initial printer
Note: When you format flash memory, the script and any downloaded
TrueType® fonts saved in the printer's flash memory are deleted and
must be resent to the printer.
To format flash memory, from the Main Menu, select Setup. Then, follow
these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Flash Memory
2. Press Enter/Pause.
Format Flash
3. Press Enter/Pause.
Are you sure?
4. Press to display "Yes" and press Enter/Pause.
Setting Defaults 6-15
The printer's flash memory is cleared and reformatted. This process may
take several minutes. The printer reboots automatically after formatting
flash memory. You need to resend any fonts you want to use to flash
memory again. You return to the "Print Mode Ready" menu.
Checking Available Flash Memory
If you receive errors when downloading a script or other packets, make sure
you have enough flash memory available.
Note: When you format flash memory, the script and any downloaded
TrueType fonts saved in the printer's flash memory are deleted and
must be resent to the printer.
To check available flash memory, from the Main Menu, select Setup. Then,
follow these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Flash Memory
2. Press Enter/Pause.
3. Press or until you see
Unused Flash
4. Press Enter/Pause. You see the number (in bytes) of available flash
Unused Flash
5. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
6-16 Operator's Handbook
Packing Flash Memory
Packing flash memory permanently removes any deleted files from memory.
Periodically select this option to "clean up" the printer's memory. Any
deleted files are removed from memory when you pack flash.
To pack flash memory, from the Main Menu, select Setup. Then, follow
these steps.
1. Press or until you see
Flash Memory
2. Press Enter/Pause. Press or until you see
Pack Flash
3. Press Enter/Pause.
Are you sure?
4. Press to display "Yes" and press Enter/Pause.
All the deleted files in flash memory are permanently erased.
5. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main menu.
Setting Defaults 6-17
Memory Guidelines
Use these basic guidelines when storing files in your printer's memory.
Your printer may have volatile RAM (packets deleted when the printer is
turned off), non-volatile RAM (packets saved when the printer is turned
off), and flash memory (packets saved when the printer is turned off).
Each printer has a different limit of available memory.
Before you save any packets in flash memory, you must format flash
memory first. See "Formatting Flash Memory" for more information.
Formats, graphics, and check digits can be saved in flash (but they are
also duplicated in RAM). Any packets saved in flash cannot exceed the
memory available in RAM.
Fonts are stored differently in flash. For example, the 9825 printer has
very limited flash font memory and one TrueType font may exceed that
limit. If you print TrueType or double-byte Asian fonts, use a 9855 or
9860 printer with the extended memory option.
There is not a 1-to-1 ratio between the memory in your printer and the
memory in your PC. For example, a file that is 5K in Windows may
require 15-20K to store in your printer.
When using graphics, use the lowest-resolution graphic possible. If your
printer uses a 203 dpi printhead, the graphic's resolution should be 150
to 200 dpi. In fact, 96 dpi may work. Try to create the smallest file size
Use temporary storage for graphics that are only used once or twice.
However, if you have a logo that is used on multiple formats, save the
graphic in flash. Once again, try to create the smallest file size possible
for your graphic.
Each line in a packet requires the same amount of memory. The smaller
the format, the less memory required to save it.
6-18 Operator's Handbook
Setting Batch Options
You can select Batch Options to change, which prompts appear during Batch
Entry mode and set default values for those prompts. Customizing which
prompts appear during batch entry can reduce the time it takes to enter data
for a format. If the optional knife is not installed, you can prevent those
prompts from appearing during batch entry mode. If you set a new default
value for an option, that value is used even if the prompt is not displayed. If
you do not change a default value for an option, the system default is used if
the prompt is not displayed.
Note: Setting batch options requires the optional keypad, which must be
purchased separately.
Refer to your keyboard's Operating Instructions for more information.
Setting Up the Network Printer
Your System Administrator should refer to the MonarchNet2
Instructions (available on our Web site) for more information about your
network printer.
Setting Up the RFID Printer
To set up your RFID printer, refer to the Packet Reference Manual or
Application Notes (available on our Web site). To load supplies or perform
care and maintenance, refer to the RFID Operator’s Handbook.
Using Scripts 7-1
This chapter explains how to load, enable, and delete scripts. You
can also enable status polling and immediate commands.
Using the Scripts menu requires custom software. It allows you to print data
streams written for other printers.
Note: Ignore these menus if you do not use Scripts.
Main Menu
Cancel All
Print Mode
Batch Entry
Your System Administrator may limit access to this menu to prevent supply,
network, script, or communication settings from being changed. If password
protection is turned on, you see
Enter Password
_ _ _ _ _ _
when you try to access the scripts menu. Get the password from your
System Administrator to continue.
7-2 Operator's Handbook
Initial Script Startup Procedures
Before you can start using a script, check the following items:
Check to see if a script is already loaded in the printer. See "Viewing
Script Information" to continue.
Format flash memory, if needed. See "Formatting Flash Memory" in
Chapter 6 for more information.
Download a script to the printer, if needed. See "Downloading a Script"
to continue.
Viewing Script Information
1. To see if your printer has a script loaded from the Main menu, press
or until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause. If password protection in enabled, press Feed/Cut2
three times, then press Enter/Pause before you see the Scripts Menu
3. Press2 or until you see
Script Info
4. Press Enter/Pause. What you see depends on the script. If a script is
not loaded, you see "No script loaded." If a script is loaded, you see the
script name and version number, for example,
Version 1.0
If a script is already loaded, see "Enabling a Script," to continue. If
you need to download a script, see "Formatting Flash Memory" in
Chapter 6.
Using Scripts 7-3
Downloading a Script
Follow these instructions to download a script from the MS DOS prompt. Set
the communication parameters using the MODE command. Then, prepare
the printer to accept a script.
1. From the printer's Script Menu, press or until you see
Load Script
2. Press Enter/Pause.
Script Load
Note: Only one script can be loaded in the printer at a time.
When downloading a script, if you receive an error:
Check the available flash memory. See "Checking Available Flash
Memory" in Chapter 6 for more information.
Format flash memory. See "Formatting Flash Memory" in Chapter 6 for
more information.
After downloading a script, if the script does not appear to be loaded, try
formatting flash memory and download the script again.
7-4 Operator's Handbook
Enabling a Script
The script must be enabled before you can use it.
To enable or disable a script:
1. From the Script Menu, press or until you see
Enable Script
2. Press Enter/Pause.
Enable Script?
3. Use or to select either "Yes" or "No" and press Enter/Pause.
Selecting "Yes" starts the script. Selecting "No" stops the script. If you
select "Yes," when you turn off the printer and turn it back on, the script
automatically starts.
Once the script is enabled, you will see
Print Mode
S Ready
The "S" in the lower left-hand corner of the screen indicates the
printer has a script loaded and enabled (the script is running).
Using Scripts 7-5
Deleting a Script
You can delete a script from the printer's memory.
To delete a script:
1. From the Script Menu, press or until you see
Delete Script
2. Press Enter/Pause.
Are you sure?
3. Use or to select either "Yes" or "No" and press Enter/Pause.
Selecting "Yes" deletes the current script.
Note: The flash memory used by the script is not available for other scripts
or fonts until the flash memory is reformatted. However, when you
format flash memory, you must resend the script and any
downloaded fonts to the printer.
4. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
7-6 Operator's Handbook
Enabling Status Polling
Status polling allows you to obtain information about the readiness of the
printer and the current (or last received) print job. Your System
Administrator can enable status polling while the printer is running in Script
mode. To enable status polling:
1. From the Script Menu, press or until you see
Status Polling
2. Press Enter/Pause.
Enable Polling
3. Use or to select either "Yes" or "No" and press Enter/Pause.
The default is "No."
Using Scripts 7-7
Using Immediate Commands
Your System Administrator can use immediate commands to reset the printer
or cancel and repeat batches. Immediate commands are turned on or off
through an MPCL packet. Your System Administration should refer to the
Packet Reference Manual (available on our Web site) for more information
about immediate commands and control characters.
Use this option to set whether the ADK script processes or ignores an
immediate command control character.
To enable the ADK script to process immediate commands:
1. From the Script Menu, press or until you see
Immed Commands
2. Press Enter/Pause.
Enable Immed?
3. Use or to select either "Yes" or "No" and press Enter/Pause. The
default is "No."
Selecting "Yes" allows the immediate command control character to
be processed by the printer and performs the requested immediate
Selecting "No" prevents the script and printer from processing the
immediate command control character. Instead, the immediate
command control character and immediate command are treated as
4. Press Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu.
7-8 Operator's Handbook
Printing 8-1
This chapter explains how to
use on-demand mode printing.
print an error label.
print, pause, restart, cancel, and repeat a batch.
You can send format, batch, and graphic data to the printer from a host.
When the printer receives the data, batches begin printing automatically.
The optional Packet Reference Manual tells how to create, store, and
download the data necessary to print batches. You can also use the
Monarch® MPCL™ Toolbox utilities to create and download packets.
Main Menu
Cancel All
Print Mode
Batch Entry
Print Mode
Before you print, make sure the printer is connected and ready to receive
1. Turn on the printer. Your printer is ready to receive and print batches
when you see "PRINT MODE Ready."
2. Download a format and a batch. Refer to the optional Packet Reference
Manual for information on downloading print jobs.
3. The printer prints a strip of labels.
4. Remove the printed labels.
8-2 Operator's Handbook
Note: If the printer will be unused for extended periods of time, we
recommend leaving the printhead unlatched.
An optional keyboard is also available to enter offline batch data. The
keyboard must be purchased separately. If there are offline batches in the
print queue, the offline batches print after the downloaded batches have
On-Demand Mode Printing
When this printer is operating in the on-demand mode, the next label prints
when the previous label is removed from the printer or when Feed/Cut is
pressed. The display shows "Printing X of Y" until all the labels in the batch
are printed.
If you have purchased the optional peel module, you must use on-demand
printing with peel mode. If you are using peel mode, remove the excess
backing paper by pulling up across the saw-toothed tear edge. Make sure
the backing paper tears at the edge. Hold the leading edge of peeled labels
when printing on stock longer than six inches. The minimum feed length for
peel mode is 1.5 inches. You must use non-perforated supplies for peel
mode. The maximum speed for peel mode is 8.0 ips.
Note: We recommend using 0.5-inch gap supplies in peel mode when
backfeed is disabled.
Printing an Error Label
If the printer displays a data error (errors
0-499), press Feed to print an error label
and continue printing. See your System
Administrator about the error label.
Printing 8-3
Pausing a Batch
You can pause printing by pressing Enter/Pause. You may want to interrupt
a batch to make adjustments for:
Loading a different roll of supply or a ribbon. See Chapter 2, "Loading
Supplies" or Chapter 3, "Loading Ribbon" for more information.
Adjusting the supply position or contrast using the Setup menu. See
Chapter 4, "Setting Supply Options" for more information.
When you press Enter/Pause you will see
Print Mode
You can press Enter/Pause to resume printing or press or to display
the Pause Menu options.
The following chart shows the Pause Menu options.
Pause Menu
Restarting a Batch
You can reprint a paused batch from the beginning (using the original
1. When you press Enter/Pause, you will see
Print Mode
2. Press or until you see
Restart Batch
3. Press Enter/Pause. The batch starts printing from the beginning.
8-4 Operator's Handbook
Canceling a Paused Batch
You can cancel a paused batch, delete a format, graphic, or font in memory,
or all the batches waiting to print.
Note: Before any format, graphic, or font in memory can be deleted, you
must cancel all batches.
Pause Menu
You can cancel a batch by pressing Escape/Clear while the batch is
printing, or you can use the Pause menu to cancel a batch.
1. Press Enter/Pause to interrupt printing.
Print Mode
If you want to cancel only the paused batch, skip step 3.
If you want to cancel all the batches, skip step 2.
2. To cancel only the paused batch, press or until you see
Cancel Batch
Then press Enter/Pause. The batch is deleted and the printer prints
any remaining batches.
Printing 8-5
3. To cancel all the batches (including the paused batch), press or
until you see
Cancel All
and press Enter/Pause.
Cancel Batches?
4. You can
exit without canceling any batches. Press Escape/Clear or
press to display No and then press Enter/Pause. The printer
returns to the Pause menu. Press or to select another function
from the Pause Menu, or to return to Print Mode and print all the
cancel all batches in the print queue. Press to display Yes, then
press Enter/Pause.
Cancel Format?
Press or then press Enter/Pause.
If password protection is enabled, you are prompted to enter a
password before the formats, graphics, and fonts are deleted. Press
Feed/Cut three times and then press Enter/Pause.
All formats are deleted. If you enter the wrong password, you return
to the Main menu. For more information about password protection,
see "Using Password Protection" in Chapter 10. If password
protection is disabled, you will see
Cancel Graphic?
Press or then press Enter/Pause.
Cancel Font?
8-6 Operator's Handbook
Press , then press Enter/Pause. You return to the Pause menu. If
you select "Yes," these prompts delete ALL formats, graphics, and/or
fonts in the printer.
5. Press or to select another function from the Pause menu, or to
return to Print mode.
Repeating a Batch
Before you start printing a new batch, you can reprint the last batch. The
batch can be either the last one you printed completely or one that you
canceled after starting to print.
1. From the Main Menu, press or until you see
Repeat Batch
2. Press Enter/Pause.
xxxx of xxxx
The number increments until the entire batch has printed. When it is
finished, you will see
Offline Printing
Offline printing requires the optional keyboard, which must be purchased
separately. Refer to your keyboard's Operating Instructions for more
information about offline printing and batch entry.
Printing 8-7
Special Printing Considerations
Keep in mind the following special printing considerations.
Print Speed
Printing Method Printhead
Knife Peel Mode
ips (inches
per second)
Thermal Direct
Thermal Transfer
203/300 dpi
dots per inch
Supported Supported
8.0 ips Thermal Direct
Thermal Transfer
203/300 dpi Not
10.0 ips Thermal
203 dpi only Not
Not Supported
12.0* ips Thermal
203 dpi only Not
Not Supported
*12.0 ips is the high speed option, which must be purchased separately.
The minimum label feed length is 0.75 inches (19 mm) using 8.0 ips or
94x5 emulation is not supported using 300 dpi.
The maximum supply and image length with the optional 300 dpi
printhead is 12.0 inches (305 mm).
You may need to clean the printhead and platen roller more frequently
when printing at high speeds. See Chapter 9, "Care & Maintenance," for
more information.
8-8 Operator's Handbook
Printing TrueType® Fonts
TrueType® fonts are available on this printer. TrueType fonts are scalable
and the characters print smoothly, without the jagged edges you see on
bitmap fonts. When downloading a TrueType font, you download the entire
font. You cannot specify a subset (particular characters or point size) of the
Note: These font files may be very large and image slower than bitmap
fonts. The size of the font file, in bytes, is the minimum amount of
memory you must have available for fonts in the printer's memory.
Your System Administrator may need to reconfigure the printer's memory to
use downloaded TrueType fonts. Refer to the optional Packet Reference
Manual (available on our Web site) to learn how to reconfigure the printer's
memory. After reconfiguring memory, resend the font, format, and batch
This printer can accept a TrueType font file that has been converted to Hex
or Run-Length encoding using the version of Font Utility. Font Utility is
available on our Web site (www.monarch.averydennison.com
). Font Utility is
a part of the Monarch MPCL Toolbox Utilities. You can also use a wide
variety of Code Pages with International (Turkish, Latin, Spanish, etc.)
characters. Using TrueType fonts allows you a greater range of fonts for
your formats. TrueType fonts are designed to be regionally specific;
therefore, all Code Pages may not be supported in a given font. Check with
your System Administrator if you need to use TrueType fonts.
Licensing Your Fonts
We provide the Font Utility to help you create and download international
code pages/characters. However, it is your responsibility to license the fonts
you purchase and download to your printer. Contact your font supplier for
licensing information.
Additional fonts that are compatible with this printer can be purchased from:
The Electronic Font Foundry; 11 Silwood Road; Ascot; SL5 OPY; England
(0)1344 875 201
Care & Maintenance 9-1
This chapter tells you how to
clear label jams and clean the printer.
replace a printhead.
CAUTION: Do not use sharp objects to clean the printhead or touch the
printhead with your fingers. This may damage the printer and
require a service charge.
Clearing Label Jams
When you are printing and a jam occurs, the Fault light on the printer's front
panel blinks. To clear the jam:
1. Turn off the printer and open the cover and printhead assembly.
2. If necessary, remove the label roll and ribbon.
3. Remove the jammed labels and reload the label roll.
4. Close the printhead assembly and turn on the printer.
5. Press Feed/Cut to position the supply under the printhead.
The rate and frequency at which you print determines how often you must
clean the printer.
Note: You must clean the printhead as described below to maintain
printhead life.
9-2 Operator's Handbook
You may need to clean the printhead, sensor, and platen roller:
if there is any adhesive build-up in the supply path.
after printing approximately 3 rolls of thermal
transfer/thermal direct supplies or
after each ribbon.
daily if your printer is in an excessively dirty,
hot, or humid environment.
when you see voids or streaking in the print
as shown.
When you are using higher speeds (with 203 or
300 dpi), and/or increased print contrast, we
recommend cleaning the printhead after each
ribbon with isopropyl alcohol. If you still notice
build-up on the printhead or black streaks on
your supply, order a printhead CLEAN-STRIP.
1. Turn off the printer and open the cover and printhead assembly.
2. Remove the label roll and ribbon (when cleaning the printhead).
3. Press down on the exit cover tabs to open the exit cover on the front of
the printer.
Exit Cover
Care & Maintenance 9-3
4. Clean the platen roller when you see significant adhesive build-up or a
label is wrapped around the platen roller. Use a dry, soft-bristle brush,
such as a toothbrush, to clean the standard (black) platen roller. If the
brush does not remove all the adhesive
Use isopropyl alcohol ONLY on the standard (black) platen roller.
Moisten a cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol and run the cotton swab
across the platen roller. Turn the platen roller with your finger to make
sure the platen roller is clean all the way around.
After cleaning, feed several inches of supply through without printing to
remove any remaining isopropyl alcohol.
5. Moisten a cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol. Rub the cotton swab
across the peel bar and remove any build-up.
6. Moisten another cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol. Rub the cotton swab
across the printhead and remove any build-up. You may need to use a
printhead CLEAN-STRIP if the printhead is extremely dirty or you see
streaks on the supply.
9-4 Operator's Handbook
7. Rub the cotton swab across the supply sensor and die cut sensor and
remove any build-up.
8. Clean the build-up in the supply path.
9. Let the printer dry before you reload supplies.
10. Close the exit cover by pushing firmly on it. Both latches will click into
11. Close the cover and printhead assembly.
12. Turn on the printer.
13. Press Feed/Cut to position the supply under the printhead. Resend your
format, batch, and check digit packets.
Die Cut Sensor
Supply Sensor
Care & Maintenance 9-5
Replacing the Printhead
You may have to replace the printhead if it is damaged or worn-out. For
example, you may see 616 (bad dot or dots) or 768 (printhead failure) error
codes. See Appendix B, "Accessories & Options" for the printhead part
CAUTION: The printhead is sensitive to static electricity, which can
damage the printhead or reduce its life. Ground yourself by
touching some metal, such as the printer's metal base, before
touching the printhead. Clean the printhead to remove any salt
or oil left from handling prior to operation.
To replace the printhead:
1. Turn off the printer.
2. Open the cover.
3. Unlock the printhead by turning the retaining latch.
4. Press forward and down on the two latches on top of the printhead
assembly as shown. The printhead drops down.
5. Lift the printhead assembly using the printhead tab and push back until
the printhead assembly clicks into place.
9-6 Operator's Handbook
6. Carefully unplug the cable from the printhead as shown. The printhead
is sensitive to static electricity, which can damage the printhead or
reduce its life. Ground yourself by touching some metal, such as the
printer's metal base, before touching the printhead.
7. Carefully plug the cable into the new printhead.
8. Align the new printhead with the tabs.
9. Snap the printhead into place.
Do not
touch here
Care & Maintenance 9-7
Note: Make sure the printhead cable does not touch the ribbon roll.
10. Clean the new printhead with a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol
to remove any salt or oil left from handling.
11. Let the printhead dry and reload your supplies.
12. Close the printhead assembly and the cover. Turn on the printer.
13. Press Feed/Cut to position the supply under the printhead.
9-8 Operator's Handbook
Diagnostics & Troubleshooting 10-1
This chapter explains how to perform simple diagnostic functions such as
checking the software version, the supply quality, printing test labels, and
using password protection. It also contains basic troubleshooting
Main Menu
Cancel All
Print Mode
Batch Entry
Factory Set Password
You need a password to access diagnostic functions. Press Feed/Cut three
times and then press Enter/Pause.
Checking the Software Version
1. From the Diagnostics Menu, press or until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause. You will see
Model M9855
V 1.0
Line one lists the printer model number (M9855) and line two gives the
version of software in the printer.
10-2 Operator's Handbook
Printing a Test Label
1. From the Diagnostics Menu, press or until you see
User Diag
2. Press Enter/Pause and until you see
Test Label
3. Press Enter/Pause. The following test labels print.
The first label shows the printer's configuration by packet (A-G). The second
label shows the model number, software version, stock count, voltage, print
contrast, printhead resistance, number of bad dots, and installed options.
The test label also shows an inch count for the high energy ribbon. This
information will help Technical Support diagnose the problem. Refer to the
optional Packet Reference Manual for more information about the test label.
You can also print a test label by pressing and at the same time. Hold
for one second and release. If test labels do not print, call Technical
Diagnostics & Troubleshooting 10-3
Checking Supply Quality
The printer continuously stores data from the most recent 16 supplies printed
to check the reflectivity of the sensor marks on the supply. Before you
check your supply quality, print a batch of supplies or test labels.
1. From the Diagnostics menu, press or until you see
User Diag
2. Press Enter/Pause. You will be at the User Diagnostics menu.
Press or until you see
Supply Quality
3. Press Enter/Pause. If you have not printed any labels, the message "No
data! Press Enter" appears. You will also see the "No data! Press
Enter" message if you are using continuous (non-indexed) supplies.
If you have printed labels since turning on the printer, you will see
Len Min Max OK
1568 034 124 Y
The Len listing is the length of the loaded supply in dots.
The Max listing should always be greater than the Min listing. The
OK listing tells whether the sense mark on the supply passed a
detection test. Press or to see the other readings.
10-4 Operator's Handbook
Using Password Protection
The password protection feature prevents formats, graphics or fonts from
accidentally being deleted from the printer's memory. It also limits access to
the Setup and Scripts menus.
Enabling the Password (System Administrators only)
A System Administrator can enable the password that must be entered
before formats, graphics or fonts can be deleted.
1. From the Main Menu, press or until you see
2. Press Enter/Pause. You will see
Enter Password
_ _ _ _ _ _
3. Enter the password: press Feed/Cut three times and then press
If you enter the wrong password, you return to the Main Menu.
4. From the Diagnostics Menu, press or until you see
User Diag
5. Press Enter/Pause. Then, press or until you see
6. Press Enter/Pause. You will see
Enable Password?
The default for password protection is "No," so you will always see
"No" even if passwords are enabled.
Diagnostics & Troubleshooting 10-5
7. If you do not want the user to enter a password before they can delete
formats, graphics, fonts, or access to the Setup and Scripts menus,
press Enter/Pause. You return to the User Diagnostics Menu.
Press to display "Yes" and press Enter/Pause. The password
protection is enabled for formats, graphics, fonts, and access to the
Setup and Scripts menus. You return to the User Diagnostics Menu.
8. Press Escape/Clear twice to exit to the Main Menu.
Note: When password protection is enabled, a password is not required to
clear batches, but it is needed to clear formats, graphics, and fonts.
Service Diagnostics
The Service Diagnostics menu can only be accessed by a Service
Representative, because it requires a separate password. If you need to call
Technical Support, print a test label first.
10-6 Operator's Handbook
This section helps you correct some problems that may occur.
Problem Action
Error message appears
during startup.
Turn off the printer. Wait fifteen seconds and then
turn on the printer. Call Technical Support if the error
message reappears.
Does not print. Check supply.
Check ribbon.
Send a corrected format and batch packet.
Does not feed. Set wide/narrow knobs correctly.
Partially printed data. Clean the printhead.
Send a corrected format packet.
Printing shadows or
Clean the printhead.
Change supply.
Check ribbon.
Light printing. Change supply.
Adjust the print contrast.
Check wide/narrow knobs.
Check ribbon.
Heavy printing. Clean the printhead.
Change supply.
Adjust the print contrast.
Check wide/narrow knobs.
Check ribbon.
Voids in printing. Clean the printhead.
Change supply type.
Check ribbon.
Serial bar codes do not
Leave printhead unlatched when not in use.
Use a print speed of 2.5 IPS.
Adjust the print contrast.
Diagnostics & Troubleshooting 10-7
Problem Action
Backing paper is wrapped
around platen or peel
Carefully remove the backing paper. Make sure the
backing paper tears at the saw-toothed tear edge
when using backfeed and peel mode.
Blank labels print or 750
series errors.
Clean supply sensors.
When downloading a script,
the printer errors.
Check the available flash memory. Format flash
memory or clear NVRAM.
After downloading a script,
the script does not appear
to be loaded.
Try formatting flash memory, then download the script
If you cannot fix a problem, call Technical Support.
Error Messages
You may receive the following types of error messages:
Data Errors
Communication Errors
Some errors numbered 400-438 and 500-574 are internal software errors.
Errors numbered 900-999 are hard printer failures. If you cannot clear an
error, turn off the printer, wait several seconds and then turn on the printer.
For a complete list of errors, refer to the optional Packet Reference Manual
available on our Web site. Call Technical Support if you need additional
10-8 Operator's Handbook
Common Errors
Errors 001 to 405 and 429 to 435 are data errors. This type of error
indicates that incorrect data was sent to the printer, and the printer is
ignoring it. Your System Administrator should correct the packet and send it
back to the printer.
Error Description/Action
Name must be 1 to 8 characters (excluding non-printable control
characters) inside quotes.
005 Supply width is invalid.
Code page selection defined in the field must be 0 (Internal), 1
(ANSI), 100 (Macintosh), 101 (Wingdings), 102 (UNICODE), 103
(BIG5 for UNICODE), 104 (GB2312 for UNICODE), 105 (SJIS for
UNICODE), 106 (GB2312), 107 (BIG5), 437 (DOS Page 437),
850 (DOS Page 850), 852 (Latin 2), 855 (Russian), 857
(Turkish), 860 (Portuguese), 1250 (Latin 2), 1251 (Cyrillic), 1252
(Latin 1), 1253 (Greek), 1254 (Turkish), 1255 (Hebrew), 1256
(Arabic), 1257 (Baltic), or 1258 (Vietnamese).
025 Data length is too long.
101 Format referenced by batch not in memory.
Invalid character following {.
403 Field separator was not found.
409 Printer memory is full. Delete unnecessary formats or graphics
from memory.
410 Parity mismatch.
411 Framing error (baud rate mismatch).
412 Flow control mismatch.
413 Online receive buffer is full. Check for a flow control problem.
Diagnostics & Troubleshooting 10-9
611 Font, bar code, or density in the batch does not fit the format.
612 The data in this line of the batch is either missing or does not
match the format.
613 Reference point off supply.
614 Portion of field off supply or there may be an invalid character in
the packet.
703 The printer sensed a calibration of different-sized black marks.
Make sure the correct supply type is loaded.
704 Printer has not sensed a supply mark within the specified
number of inches or is out of supplies. Check the supply
tracking, supply marks, black mark sensor position, and supply
roll for binding. Press Escape/Clear and try to continue
printing. Change supply.
750 Printhead is overheated. Turn off the printer.
751 Printer did not sense a black mark when expected. For errors
751-753, check the supply tracking, supply marks, black mark
sensor position, and supply roll for binding. Press
Escape/Clear and try to continue printing. Change supply.
752 Printer sensed a mark in the wrong place.
753 Printer sensed a mark that is too long.
754 Check for a ribbon jam or remove any slack in the ribbon by
turning the take-up reel clockwise. Load a new ribbon.
755 Printhead is open. Close the printhead.
756 Load supplies.
10-10 Operator's Handbook
757 Load supplies (supply length mismatch), because the calibrated
supply length differs by plus or minus .25 inches from the
format. Press Feed/Cut.
758 Either the supply is not seen or the on-demand sensor is
broken. Check for a label jam, clear the supply path, or reload
supplies. This error may occur if you remove a label too quickly
in the on-demand mode.
762 Low Voltage. For DC-powered printers, recharge the external
battery. For AC-powered printers, check the power inlet where
the printer is connected. The acceptable voltage range is
between 90-132 V
and 180-264 V
. If more or less power is
received, unpredictable results may occur.
Waiting to dispense label. Press Feed/Cut.
764 Verifier scan error (bad scan) on label when using normal (no
overstrike) mode. Press Escape/Clear to clear the error and
continue printing. The printer recalibrates (feeds a blank label)
after this error.
765 The printhead has less than 8 bad dots. The printer can shift
bar code fields to avoid bad dots. You may need to press
Escape/Clear to continue printing. Print a test label to confirm
the number of bad dots.
768 Printhead has more than 8 bad dots within the format area or is
not connected. Connect the printhead.
772 Verifier scan error (bad scan) on label or multiple labels in a row
when using overstrike and continue mode. The verifier detected
three or more bad scans in a row. Press Escape/Clear to clear
the error and continue printing. The printer recalibrates (feeds a
blank label) after this error.
773 Verifier failure. The verifier is enabled, but not connected. Make
sure the I/O cable and/or serial cable is connected to the
verifier. Refer to your verifier's Operating Instructions for more
791 The printer has an error pending. Turn off the printer. Wait 15
seconds (until the power light is completely dim) and turn it back
on. Resend the packets.
Specifcations A-1
Height: 12.5 inches (318 mm)
Width: 12 inches (305 mm)
Depth: 13 inches (330 mm)
with the optional 13.0" (330 mm) x 12.5" (318 mm) x 17.3" (439 mm)
metal cover
(H x W x D)
Weight: 21 lb. (9.5 kg)
Weight w/metal 29 lb. (13.2 kg)
Shipping Weight: 25 lb. (11.4 kg)
Shipping Weight 34 lb. (15.5 kg)
w/metal cover:
Power Source: 90-132V
with autoselect 50/60Hz
with autoselect 50/60Hz
Operating Limits: For Thermal Transfer (ribbon) 40° to 95°F
(4° to 35°C)
For Thermal Direct 40° to 104°F
(4º to 40°C)
Storage: 15°F to 120°F (-9°C to 49°C)
Humidity: 5% to 90% non-condensing
Printhead: Thermal at 4 inches (102 mm) wide
203 dpi (8.0 dots per mm) OR
300 dpi (11.8 dots per mm) This option must be
purchased separately.
A-2 Operator's Handbook
Printing Method: Thermal Transfer (ribbon) or Thermal Direct
Print Speed: 2.5 ips (64 mm) default for all serial bar codes, 4.0 ips
(102 mm), 6.0 ips (152 mm) default for parallel bar
codes, 8.0 ips (203 mm), and 10.0 ips (254 mm). 12.0
ips (305 mm) printing is an option that must be
purchased separately.
See Chapter 8, "Printing" for special considerations
when printing at speeds greater than 6.0 ips.
Maximum Print 4.0 inches x 16.0 inches (102 mm x 406 mm)
Area: with 203 dpi
4.0 inches x 13.0 inches (102 mm x 330 mm)
with 300 dpi
Tag Cut Dimensions
Use these specifications for the 926™ Knife.
Widths: 0.75 inches to 4.0 inches (19 mm to 102 mm)
Lengths: 1.2 inches to 16.0 inches (30 mm to 406 mm)
Note: The maximum cut tag length using the
stacker is 3.66 inches (93 mm).
Thickness: 7 mils to 10 mils
Cut Angle: 5 degrees (plus or minus) from 90 degrees with
respect to the edge.
Batch Separator: 3.66 inches (93 mm)
Specifcations A-3
For high temperature or high humidity environments, contact us for supply
recommendations. Continuous (non-indexed) supply does not have
perforations or black marks and must be used in continuous mode. We
recommend using continuous supply with a tear bar or the optional knife. If
you purchased the optional knife, you cannot use the tear bar. Aperture
supplies are tags or labels with holes (or openings) in them. The supply is
sensed using the holes. The holes can be only on the edge or in the center
of the supply.
Supply Types: Thermal Transfer or Direct
Supply Widths: 0.75 inches (19 mm) minimum
4.25 inches (108 mm) maximum
Supply Lengths: 0.32 inch (8 mm) minimum
0.75 inch (19 mm) minimum for tags
1.2 inches (30 mm) minimum for cutting tags
17.5 inches (445 mm) maximum
Total Thickness: 7to 12 mils
7 to 10 mils with the optional knife
Center Aperture Edge Aperture
A-4 Operator's Handbook
String Tag Supplies
Widths: 0.90 inches (23 mm) minimum
2.0 inches (51 mm) maximum
Lengths: 0.78 inch (20 mm) minimum
1.78 inches (45 mm) maximum
Thickness: 5.5 to 16 mils
String Loop Length: 1.5 inches (38 mm) maximum
String Orientation: Facing operator
Wind Direction: Face out
Max. Roll Diameter: 9.375 inches (238 mm)
Supply Core: 3.0 inches (76 mm) or 4.0 inches (102 mm)
4.0 inches is recommended.
Specifcations A-5
Ribbon Specification
Do not leave ribbon in sunlight, high temperatures or humidity.
Ribbon Type: Standard or High Energy
Ribbon Widths Use with Max. supply width
1.5 inches (38 mm) 1.3 inches (33 mm)
1.8 inches (46 mm) 1.5 inches (38 mm)
2.3 inches (58 mm)
standard or high energy
2.0 inches (51 mm)
3.3 inches (84 mm) 3.0 inches (76 mm)
4.3 inches (110 mm)
standard or high energy
4.0 inches (102 mm)
Ribbon Length: 23,600 inches (600 meters)
About Ribbons
The width of the ribbon must be greater than the supply width. Since some
supplies are more abrasive to printheads than others, using a ribbon wider
than your supply helps protect the printhead. Replacement printheads are
A-6 Operator's Handbook
Cable Pinouts
The following tables show the connector pins for a 9-pin to 25-pin (119806)
cable or a 25-pin to 25-pin cable (126826).
9-Pin (F) To 25-Pin (M)
CD 1 20 DTR
RD 2 2 TD
TD 3 3 RD
DTR 4 8 CD
N/C 9 1 Shield Drain Wire
25-Pin (F)
25-Pin (M)
FG 1 1 FS
TD 2 2 TD
RD 3 3 RD
SG 7 7 SG
CD 8 8 CD
N/C 20 20 DTR
Accessories & Options B-1
926™ Knife
927™ Catch Tray
928™ Stacker
935™ Rewind
938™ Verifier (Can not be used with 926 Knife)
939™ Keyboard or 939i™ Keyboard
945™ Unwinder
Replacement Printhead Kits:
12678301 203 dpi
12678401 300 dpi
High Energy Supplies (TUFFMARK®)
Ribbon Take-Up Core (11796120, 30, or 40; available in 2", 3", or 4"
Monarch® MPCL™ Toolbox (utilities to configure the printer, download
fonts, and design formats) available on our Web site.
Printhead CLEAN-STRIP (120350)
Printhead Cleaning Pen (114226)
Cables: 9-pin to 25-pin (119806), 25-pin to 25-pin (126826)
Note: You can use either the optional knife or peel mode, but not both.
B-2 Operator's Handbook
Packaging Materials
Use the following part numbers to order the appropriate packaging materials
should you need to ship the printer to a different location.
Plastic Cover
Description and Qty. Metal Cover
Description and Qty.
00065501 Carton (1) 00066101 Carton (1)
00065502 Corrugated Pad (1) 00066102 Foam Pad Set (1)
00065503 Corrugated Pad (1) 00066105 Corrugated Pad (1)
00065507 Foam Pad Set (1)
Factory-Installed Options
7411™ Print Server for 802.11b wireless networks (also supports wired
Ethernet printing).
300 dpi printhead (12678401)
Peel mode with on-demand sensor
Tear Bar
Metal Cover
Knife-ready (order Knife separately)
Accessories & Options B-3
Ethernet Information
We offer internal and external Ethernet connectivity solutions. These
solutions make it easy to set up, manage, and monitor a printer linked to an
Ethernet connection. The print server provides multiprotocol capabilities for
users with Windows® 95/98/2000 or Windows NT®, TCP/IP, and NetWare®.
Software is available on our Web site to configure the print server. It can
also be configured using HP Jet Admin™ or HP Web JetAdmin™ software.
Configuration information prints automatically if the Ethernet print server
senses a hardware error. To print configuration information on demand,
press the Test button on the side of the external Ethernet print server unit or
use the configuration utility provided for your network operating system. The
configuration label prints in MPCL format.
Note: The configuration label is best displayed using 4" wide by 6" long
labels. If the label is too small, some information may print outside
the label edges.
RF Information
We offer the 7411 Print Server that communicates with printers on an
802.11b wireless network. You can use the print server in ad-hoc (peer-to-
peer) or infrastructure (access point) wireless mode. In addition, the
wireless print server includes a unique dual-mode built-in wired Ethernet
connection. You can switch between wired and wireless mode without any
loss of data.
B-4 Operator's Handbook
Menu Structure C-1
Press Escape/Clear to see the Main Menu. Use or to scroll through options. Press Enter/Pause when you see the menu option you need.
C-2 Operator's Handbook
Glossary G-1
The following terms will help you use this manual.
continuous mode Mode in which the printer prints all the labels in the
batch without stopping.
download (send) Transmission of data from the host to your printer.
format Supply layout or design, which the System
Administrator downloads as a format packet to your
host Any mainframe, minicomputer, data collect terminal,
or personal computer sending data to the printer.
LCD Display on the printer used to indicate printer
conditions and problems.
leader Wrap around a new roll of ribbon with printing on it.
on-demand mode Mode in which the printer stops after each label to
allow you to remove it.
print job (batch) Actual data printed on a label or tag. The host may
download the print job together with the format, or as
a separate packet. The print job is also called a
online Direct communication between a computer and the
Supply Sensor Senses whether supply is loaded or needs to be
loaded in the printer. Located in the supply path.
Supplies Labels used for printing.
System Person responsible for creating and downloading
Administrator packets.
G-2 Operator's Handbook
Index 1
about fonts ........................ 8-8
accessories ....................... B-1
backfeed distance ......... 4-14
cut position ................... 4-12
dispense position .......... 4-13
margin position.............. 4-11
print position .................. 4-8
supply position .............. 4-10
supply width .................. 2-12
backfeed ........................... 4-7
repeating ....................... 8-6
restarting ....................... 8-3
baud rate
options .......................... 5-2
baud rate .......................... 5-1
paused batch ................. 8-4
print .............................. 10-2
software ........................ 10-1
cleaning printer ................. 9-1
clearing jams ..................... 9-1
errors ........................... 10-8
errors ........................... 10-7
communication parameters
baud rate ....................... 5-1
parity ............................. 5-1
start (XON) character ..... 5-1
stop (XOFF) character .... 5-1
stop bits ......................... 5-1
word length ..................... 5-1
parallel ........................... 5-5
setting .......................... 4-20
currency ............................ 6-3
position ........................ 4-12
port settings ............. 5-1, 5-5
values ..................... 5-1, 5-5
position ........................ 4-13
backfeed ....................... 4-14
ordering .......................... 1-4
emulating 9445................... 1-4
error label
printing ........................... 8-2
common ........................ 10-8
communication .............. 10-7
summary ....................... 10-7
Ethernet ............................ B-3
exiting an option ................. 1-8
memory .......................... 6-8
flow control
options ........................... 5-4
selecting ......................... 1-7
2 Operator's Handbook
high energy ribbon ............. 3-4
IEEE-1284 ......................... 5-5
printing .......................... 8-7
RF ................................. B-3
Ethernet ......................... B-3
clearing ......................... 9-1
specifications ................. A-3
adjusting for width ......... 2-12
clearing jams.................. 9-1
test ............................... 10-2
ribbon ............................ 3-2
cleaning printer .............. 9-1
adjusting ....................... 4-11
flash .............................. 6-8
offline ............................ 8-6
monetary sign
defining ......................... 6-3
offline mode ...................... 8-6
on-demand printing ............ 8-2
selecting ........................ 1-7
baud rate ........................ 5-2
flow control ..................... 5-4
parity .............................. 5-3
options ............................. B-1
parallel .............................. 5-5
communications .............. 5-5
parallel communication ....... 5-6
options ........................... 5-3
parity ................................. 5-1
setting .......................... 10-1
paused batch
cancel ............................ 8-4
port settings ................ 5-1, 5-5
adjusting position ............ 4-8
offline mode .................... 8-6
setting contrast ............. 4-20
print speed ......................... 4-5
9445 emulation ............... 1-4
buttons ........................... 1-6
checking status ............... 1-6
cleaning .......................... 9-1
defaults4-5, 4-7, 4-16, 6-3, 6-8
establishing communication1-5
features .......................... 1-1
lights .............................. 1-6
operating specifications .. A-1
physical specifications .... A-1
unpacking ....................... 1-3
printer accessories ............ B-1
printer options ................... B-2
printhead replacement ........ 9-5
on-demand...................... 8-2
error label ....................... 8-2
considerations ................ 8-7
Index 3
information ..................... 8-7
True Type fonts .............. 8-8
radio frequency ................. 0-3
high energy .................... 3-4
loading .......................... 3-2
specifications ................. A-5
supply options ................ 4-4
selecting a function............ 1-7
supply options ............... 4-15
communication parameters5-1
contrast ........................ 4-20
print contrast ................. 4-20
index ............................ 4-16
software ........................... 10-1
operating ....................... A-1
physical ......................... A-1
ribbon ............................ A-5
string tag ....................... A-4
supplies ......................... A-3
start (XON) character ......... 5-1
stop (XOFF) character ....... 5-1
stop bits ............................ 5-1
string tag
specifications ................. A-4
string tags
supply ........................... 2-10
adjusting position .......... 4-10
adjusting print options .... 4-8
options ........... 4-3, 4-6, 4-16
position ......................... 4-10
print options4-10, 4-12, 4-13, 4-14
string tags ..................... 2-10
supply options
ribbon ............................ 4-4
separators .................... 4-15
tag specifications .............. A-3
tear bar .............................. 2-9
tear edge ........................... 2-8
test .................................. 10-2
troubleshooting ................ 10-6
True Type fonts
printing ........................... 8-8
communication ......... 5-1, 5-5
default ..................... 5-1, 5-5
version ............................ 10-1
word length
options ........................... 5-2
word length ........................ 5-1
4 Operator's Handbook
Avery Dennison
170 Monarch Lane
Miamisburg, OH 45342
1-800-543-6650 (In the U.S.A.)
1-800-387-4740 (In Canada)