Energy Efficiency Measure Database (EEM)
User Guide
Version 3.0
ISO New England Inc.
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ISO-NE Public
About this user guide
The Energy Efficiency Measure Database User Guide is grouped into independent sections
arranged by topic and user role. This guide details the EEM Database user interface for Lead
Participants to create, view and edit their energy efficiency measure information. It is not
necessary to read the guide from beginning to end.
You may:
Select a topic from the How to: list on page 8.
Start with an Overview on page 9.
Select a Relevant EEM Role from the list on page 65.
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ISO-NE Public
Though we strive to maintain this document, the screen shots in this
guide may not fully reflect the current production environment.
Do not rely only on this user guide for information or requirements regarding
demand resources and demand assets registration or market participation as
the Market Rule and Manuals serve that function.
Please consult:
o the ISO New England Inc. Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff
(“Tariff”) at:
Section I General Terms and Conditions
Section I.2.2 Definitions
Section III Market Rule 1
Section III.13 Forward Capacity Market
o the relevant ISO New England Manuals at:
M-RPA Registration and Performance Auditing
M-MVDR Measurement and Verification of Demand Reduction
Value from Demand Resources
M-20 Forward Capacity Market (FCM)
M-28 Market Rule 1 Accounting
o ISO New England Operating Procedures at:
o ISO New England Planning Procedures at:
o ISO New England training materials at:
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Change Summary
Version 1.0
January 14, 2015
Initial release
Version 2.0
February 24, 2015
Updates to reflect first release to production
Version 3.0
June 1, 2017
Updates including CSV Upload capability and
requirement that EEM is source of record for
monthly reporting
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Table of Contents
1 Overview of the Energy Efficiency Measure Database ................................ 7
2 How to: ...................................................................................................... 8
Get started ........................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Overview ...........................................................................................................................9
2.1.2 Accessing the Energy Efficiency Measure Database User Interface ............................... 10
2.1.3 EEM User Interface ........................................................................................................ 13
Manage Energy Efficiency Measures .................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Measure Detail Overview and Concepts ........................................................................ 15
Versioning .................................................................................................................. 15
First Month in Market/Measure Expiration Date ...................................................... 16
Measure Detail Modification State ............................................................................ 16
ISO Approval Process/Pending Measure Detail Records ........................................... 16
No Deleting of a Measure Detail ................................................................................ 17
2.2.2 Add Measure Detail ....................................................................................................... 18
Manual Entry ............................................................................................................. 18
CSV Upload ................................................................................................................ 24
2.2.3 Measure Detail Search ................................................................................................... 29
2.2.4 View Measure Detail ...................................................................................................... 34
2.2.5 View Measure Detail History .......................................................................................... 37
2.2.6 Update Measure Detail .................................................................................................. 40
Manual Entry ............................................................................................................. 40
CSV Update ................................................................................................................ 46
2.2.7 View Pending Changes ................................................................................................... 51
2.2.8 View Pending Measure Detail ........................................................................................ 54
2.2.9 CSV Download ................................................................................................................ 57
Demand Reduction Reporting ............................................................................. 60
2.3.1 Demand Reduction Reporting Requirement .................................................................. 60
2.3.2 Demand Reduction Supporting Document .................................................................... 60
3 Customer Support...................................................................................... 62
By Internet ......................................................................................................... 62
By Telephone ..................................................................................................... 62
By Email ............................................................................................................. 63
Ask ISO ............................................................................................................... 63
4 Links .......................................................................................................... 64
ISO New England Home Page .............................................................................. 64
ISO New England Training Page .......................................................................... 64
ISO New England FAQ Page ................................................................................ 64
SMD Site for ISO Applications ............................................................................. 64
SMD Site for ISO Sandbox Applications ............................................................... 64
ISO New England Glossary and Acronyms ........................................................... 64
5 Reference Tables ....................................................................................... 65
Table 1: EEM Security Roles ................................................................................ 65
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Table 2: EEM Fields, Definitions and Validation Rules .......................................... 66
Table 3: Sectors/End Uses .................................................................................. 69
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1 Overview of the Energy Efficiency Measure Database
The Energy Efficiency Measure Database (EEM) records and maintains detailed measure level
data for On-Peak and Seasonal Peak Demand Resources participating in the Forward Capacity
Market with energy efficiency measures. This data is utilized on an ongoing basis by ISO-NE for
existing capacity qualification, performance verification and auditing, trending and analysis,
system planning, and market monitoring.
EEM is available to Lead Participants as an internet-based tool for:
Entering new energy efficiency measure data
Updating existing energy efficiency measure data
Generating specific reports relating to energy efficiency measure data
Note that beginning June 1, 2017, EEM became the primary source of energy efficiency On-Peak
and Seasonal Peak asset reduction values for monthly reporting in CAMS.
Users can interface with EEM via either the user interface or via Web Services. This user guide
covers the EEM user interface system functionality. Web Services functionality is covered in the
following documents available on ISO New England’s website at:
Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM) Web Services Data Exchange Specification and
EEM Web Services API Documentation (WADL, XSD)
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2 How to:
Get started
This section applies to the following EEM roles:
External EEM Maintainer
External EEM Viewer
See Table 5.1: EEM Security Roles (page 65) for a summary of user roles
This section covers the following topics:
Overview (page 9)
Accessing the Energy Efficiency Measure Database (page 10)
EEM User Interface (page 13)
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2.1.1 Overview
CAMS Security Administrator (SA)
Access to EEM is managed through the Customer and Asset Management System
Your company’s Security Administrator (SA) is responsible for assigning roles per
your company’s internal procedures and controls.
The SA is also responsible for issuing digital certificates to users, as required (e.g., a
customer may already have a digital certificate if they already have access to
another ISO SMD application).
For details on managing access, SAs can refer to the “CAMS User Guide for Digital
Certificates” which is available by contacting ISO-NE Customer Support.
Browser Navigation
ISO recommends using the navigation buttons within EEM. Navigation using the
browser Back button or the keyboard backspace will take you out of EEM and back
to the previously opened web page.
Online CAMS Frequently Asked Questions
See the “Customer and Asset and Management System (CAMS)” section on ISO New
England’s website FAQ page, located at:
ISO New England Glossary and Acronyms
For a full list of ISO New England terms and acronyms, see the Glossary and
Acronyms listing on ISO New England’s website at:
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2.1.2 Accessing the Energy Efficiency Measure Database User Interface
I do not have an EEM role or have not installed a digital certificate. How do I access the
Energy Efficiency Measure Database user interface?
To get an EEM role and digital certificate:
1. Contact your company’s Security Administrator (SA) to request access to EEM.
a. To learn who at your company is an SA, contact ISO New England Customer Support at
(413) 540-4220 or via e-mail at
2. Your SA will assign you a specific EEM role.
3. Your SA will issue you a digital certificate if you do not already have one.
4. ISO New England will email you instructions for installing the certificate on your computer.
a. See “Install a digital certificate” in the CAMS User Guide for Digital Certificates which is
available by contacting ISO-NE Customer Support or your SA.
b. You will need the “PIN #” or “Pickup Password from your SA to complete the
installation process.
5. After you have installed your digital certificate, you may access the EEM database through
the SMD Applications Homepage or the SMD Applications Sandbox Homepage based on
your EEM role.
It may take up to two hours for the system to implement a new CAMS role.
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I have an EEM role and have installed my digital certificate. How do I access the
Energy Efficiency Measure Database user interface?
1. For the EEM Production environment navigate to the ISO New England SMD Applications
Home Page at:
2. Click on Energy Efficiency Measure Database”:
The EEM Database Sandbox is a separate and independent environment that requires
separate EEM roles and is accessed via the following link:
The SMD Applications Sandbox Home Page uses different fonts, shapes and a red
background to differentiate it from the Production SMD Applications Home Page shown
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3. The Energy Efficiency Measure Database Search screen displays by default:
When the Search screen is opened before any Measure Details have been added to the database,
it will be blank as shown above. Once Measure Details have been added, the Search screen will
display the first page of all the Measure Details belonging to the Lead Participant matching the
certificate used.
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2.1.3 EEM User Interface
The EEM user interface presents menu options on one menu bar.
o Click on a menu item to navigate to the relevant screen.
o Action buttons appear as needed.
The same menu selections are available for each role in EEM.
Action buttons and functionality that do not pertain to your role(s) will not be displayed.
For details on the different EEM roles, see the Table 1: EEM Security Roles on page 65.
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Manage Energy Efficiency Measures
This section of the guide explains the processes for managing energy efficiency Measure Details
within the user interface. Topics covered include creating and updating Measure Details, including
those that require ISO-NE approval, the process of searching for Measure Details, and producing
CSV file downloads based on the search results. To access EEM, see Accessing the Energy Efficiency
Measure Database on page 10.
This section applies to the following EEM roles:
External EEM Maintainer
External EEM Viewer
This section covers the following topics:
Measure Detail Overview and Concepts (page 15)
Add Measure Detail (page 18)
Measure Detail Search (page 29)
View Measure Detail (page 34)
View Measure Detail History (page 37)
Update Measure Detail (page 40)
View Pending Changes (page 51)
View Pending Measure Detail (page 54)
CSV Download (page 57)
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2.2.1 Measure Detail Overview and Concepts
A Measure Detail is a component of an existing On-Peak or Seasonal Peak Measure registered in the
Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS). It contains detailed measure level data that
better describes its part of the CAMS Measure. A single CAMS Measure is generally comprised of
many Measure Detail records stored in EEM. There are several key concepts that are important to
understand when creating or maintaining a Measure Detail.
There will only be one version of a Measure Detail effective at any given time. Each Measure Detail
version has a Record Begin Date which is when the set of data associated with that version became
effective, and a Record End date which is the end of the effective period for that set of data. The
Record Begin Date is set to the system time when a Measure Detail record is created or updated.
When an update is done, the existing record will have its Record End Date set to the Record Begin
Date of the new set of Measure Detail data. This versioning scheme provides the ability to store a
searchable history of changes to a Measure Detail. The History tab will display the various versions
associated with the Measure Detail (see View Measure Detail History on page 37).
Record Begin Date and Record End Date are independent of First Month in
Market and Measure Expiration Date, which are driven by Installation Date
and Measure Life.
The History tab will display the versions of the Measure Detail.
The As of Date in the search screen may be used to view a specific version.
See “Measure Detail Search” on page 29 for instructions on searching
measure detail data.
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First Month in Market/Measure Expiration Date
First Month in Market (also known as First Month of Savings) is determined by the EEM system at
the time of Measure Detail creation by taking the greater of:
The first of the month following the user provided Installation Date, or
The date found by subtracting 70 days from the current system time and taking the top of
the month within which this date falls.
These calculations model the customer data submission deadlines for initial settlement and data
reconciliation (e.g., resettlement).
The Measure Expiration Date is determined by the EEM system by the following process:
The Measure Life in years (one decimal point allowed) is converted to months. The whole
number of months is used and any decimal values are truncated. For example: 1.9 years x
12 = 22.8 months = 22 months in the market.
To get the Measure Expiration Date, the calculated number of months is added to the
Installation Date and recorded as the first of the month. This is the Measure Expiration Date
and the month is the last month in market.
o Measure Detail installed June 25, 2015 with a 1.9 year life
July 2015 is First Month in Market
Measure Expiration Date is April 1, 2017
April 2017 is last month in market
22 months of performance in the FCM
The Measure Expiration Date and the First Month in Market will be recalculated and may change if
a user modifies the Installation Date.
Measure Detail Modification State
Measure Details can be in two modification states during their lifetime: Open or Closed, as defined
below. These states are used to determine whether modifications to certain fields (such as Monthly
kW Summer and Monthly kW Winter) require ISO approval.
Open: The resettlement data correction deadline for the First Month in Market has not
Closed: The resettlement data correction deadline for its First Month in Market has passed.
ISO Approval Process/Pending Measure Detail Records
In certain cases (Installation Date is more than three years prior to the date of Measure Detail entry,
monthly kW Summer or Winter values are being modified for a Measure Detail that is Closed, etc.)
the Measure Detail record will be stored in a Pending status. When a Measure Detail is Pending, no
further edits can be made and the measure must be reviewed and approved by ISO before
becoming effective. Users have the ability to view and cancel Pending records through the User
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Interface if additional edits are required. Measure Details or changes to a Measure Detail that are in
a Pending status and either cancelled by the LP or rejected by ISO are not searchable through the UI
and are not recorded in the Measure Detail History. When an ISO analyst approves or rejects a
pending Measure Detail, the ISO analyst will notify the LP of the disposition of the change. (See
View Pending Changes” on page 51 and “View Pending Measure Detail” on page 54.)
No Deleting of a Measure Detail
Once a Measure Detail is submitted and/or approved in the Production environment, it cannot be
deleted from the database. If a Measure Detail is erroneously submitted and/or approved, both the
Summer and Winter kW must be set to zero and the Measure Life set to the minimum allowed to
remove the contribution of this Measure Detail from all past and future performance and capacity
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2.2.2 Add Measure Detail
This section covers the process of adding a new Measure Detail to the system.
Role that can perform this task:
o External EEM Maintainer
See Table 2: EEM Fields, Definitions and Validation Rules on page 66 for an overview of the
requirements of every database field.
Manual Entry
1. Launch the EEM user interface application. See the Accessing the Energy Efficiency
Measure Databasesection on page 10.
2. Click on “Add Measure Detail” in the menu bar:
3. The Measure Detail screen is displayed and is ready for data entry. Required fields are
highlighted in red:
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4. Enter data in each field based on following rules and validations:
Lead Participant: Not editable. Displays Customer Name and ID for logged in
external user.
ISO Measure Detail ID: Not editable. System generated after successful creation of
Measure Detail. Each ISO Measure Detail ID is unique throughout the EEM database
LP Measure Detail ID: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100
characters. Must be unique to the Lead Participant. Used during the Measure Detail
creation process for measures created by either the user interface or uploaded
through web services in an attempt to limit duplicate Measure Detail records and
provide Participant with a key field to match with their database. The LP Program
Manager determines the format the creation of this field. Since the search will
return partial matches based on the search string, the LP database administrator
must select the format for the creation of this field as well as the search string
required for any Measure Detail.
Measure Detail Name: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100
characters. Special characters such as commas and double quotation marks should
not be used.
Distribution Company: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW
Summer or Monthly kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Only numeric
values accepted. Request the numeric code for a specific distribution company
through an Ask ISO Issue.
Installation Date: Required. Must be a valid date in MM/DD/YYYY format, after
June 16, 2006 the initial qualification date for the Forward Capacity Market and
prior to the current system date. If more than three years prior to the current
system date, the new Measure Detail will be put into Pending and will require ISO
approval before being applied (see ISO Approval Process/Pending Measure Detail
Records” on page 16).
Fields are highlighted in red at the beginning of the creation
process to indicate they are required fields for all Measure Detail
Some fields are only required for certain Measure Detail data
If a field becomes required based on the entered data, it will
become highlighted in red.
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First Month in Market: Not editable. System generated using Installation Date and
system date. See First Month in Market/Measure Expiration Date on page 16.
Measure Life (yrs): Required. Must be numeric, with at most one decimal place.
Cannot be greater than ISO defined maximum (currently 30 years).
Measure Expiration Date: Not editable. System generated using Installation Date
and Measure Life (yrs). See First Month in Market/Measure Expiration Date on
page 16.
Program Name: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100
Sector/End Use: Required. Value must be chosen from drop-down list. Each
Sector has a “Custom Measures” option. See Table 3: Sectors/End Uses on page 69
for the full list.
Custom End Use: Required if a “Custom Measures” option is chosen for Sector/End
Use. Limited to 100 characters.
Aggregation: Required. Limited to Y and N. Defaults to N. Yes is used when
multiple end uses are aggregated into a single Measure Detail.
Number of Aggregation: Required. Only editable if Aggregation value is Y. Must
be greater than zero. Defaults to 1 if Aggregation = N. Rounds to the nearest whole
number using standard rounding rules. Limited to seven digits.
Monthly kW Summer: Required. Only numeric values accepted. If Aggregation
value is Y, the kW value divided by Number of Aggregation must be less than 10kW.
Entered value is rounded to three decimal places using standard rounding rules.
Monthly kW Winter: Required. Only numeric values accepted. If Aggregation
value is Y, the kW value divided by Number of Aggregation must be less than 10kW.
Entered value is rounded to three decimal places using standard rounding rules.
CAMS Fields
Measure: Required. Value must be chosen from a drop-down list. List contains
CAMS measures that are On-Peak or Seasonal Peak that belong to the Lead
Participant of the logged in user.
Asset: Not editable. System generated based on value chosen in Measure drop-
down list.
Resource: Not editable. System generated based on value chosen in Measure drop-
down list.
Load Zone: Not editable. System generated based on value chosen in Measure
drop-down list.
Retail Customer
Retail Customer Name: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW
Summer or Monthly kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Alphanumeric
values accepted. Limited to 100 characters.
Street: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly
kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Limited to 50 characters.
City: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW
Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to
50 characters.
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State: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW
Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Limited to the six New England states.
Value must be chosen from a drop-down list.
Zip: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW
Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Must contain exactly five digits.
Reference Documentation
Reference Document Name: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to
100 characters.
Measure Reference Code: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to
100 characters.
Date Updated: Not Editable. Generated by EEM using the system date and time of
the Measure Detail creation. See “Versioningon page 15.
Updated By: Not editable. Generated by EEM using the user name associated with
the certificate of the logged in user.
Comments: Optional on data entry but required for data updates. Alphanumeric
values accepted. Limited to 4,000 characters.
5. Click the “Submit” or “Cancel” button.
o If there are validation errors, a message will be displayed asking the user to
correct the indicated validation errors and try again:
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o If the entered Installation Date is more than three years prior to the current
system date, the new Measure Detail will be put into Pending and will
require ISO approval before being applied:
o Otherwise, if there are no validation errors, a message will be displayed
informing the user that the data was successfully added and the user will be
brought to the Measure Detail tab for the just created Measure Detail:
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o Creation of Measure Detail is abandoned and user is sent to the Search page.
No record of a cancelled Measure Detail is stored in the database.
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CSV Upload
Multiple new Measure Details can be added simultaneously using the CSV Upload function. Up to
50 records may be uploaded at a time.
1. Prepare a file in CSV format for upload. Specify values for column fields in the following
CAMS Measure ID: Required. This must be for an On-Peak or Seasonal Peak
Measure belonging to the Lead Participant of the logged in user.
Measure Detail ID: Leave blank. A system generated number will be provided
once the Detail data is successfully uploaded.
Lead Participant ID: Required. Only numeric values accepted.
LP Measure Detail ID: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100
characters. Must be unique to the Lead Participant. Used during the Measure Detail
creation process for measures created by either the user interface or uploaded
through web services in an attempt to limit duplicate Measure Detail records and
provide Participant with a key field to match with their database. The LP Program
Manager determines the format the creation of this field. Since the search will
return partial matches based on the search string, the LP database administrator
must select the format for the creation of this field as well as the search string
required for any Measure Detail.
Measure Detail Name: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100
Distribution Company ID: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW
Summer or Monthly kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Only numeric
values accepted. Request the numeric code for a specific distribution company
through an Ask ISO Issue.
Measure Life (yrs): Required. Must be numeric, with at most one decimal place.
Cannot be greater than ISO defined maximum (currently 30 years).
Program Name: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100
Sector Type: Required. See Table 3: Sectors/End Uses on page 69 for the full list of
eligible options. Must match one of the options on Table 3 completely, including
End Use Type: Required. See Table 3: Sectors/End Uses on page 69 for the full list
of eligible options. Must match one of the options on Table 3 completely, including
Custom End Use: Required if a “Custom Measures” option is chosen for End Use.
Limited to 100 characters.
Aggregation Flag: Required. Limited to ‘Y’and ’N’. Yes is used when multiple end
uses are aggregated into a single Measure Detail.
Summer kW: Required. Only numeric values accepted. If Aggregation value is ‘Y’,
the kW value divided by Number of Aggregation must be less than 10kW. Entered
value is rounded to three decimal places using standard rounding rules.
Winter kW: Required. Only numeric values accepted. If Aggregation value is ‘Y’,
the kW value divided by Number of Aggregation must be less than 10kW. Entered
value is rounded to three decimal places using standard rounding rules.
Retail Customer Name: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW
Summer or Monthly kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Alphanumeric
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values accepted. Limited to 100 characters.
Street: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly
kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Limited to 50 characters.
City: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly
kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Limited to 50 characters.
State: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly
kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Limited to the six New England states.
Must contain exactly two letters.
Postal Code: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or
Monthly kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Must contain exactly five
Reference Doc Name: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100
Reference Code: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100
Comments: Optional for initial entry but required for data updates. Alphanumeric
values accepted. Limited to 4,000 characters.
Installation Date: Required. Must be a valid date in MM/DD/YYYY format after
June 16, 2006 the initial qualification date for the Forward Capacity Market and
prior to the current system date. If more than three years prior to the current
system date, the new Measure Detail will be put into Pending and will require ISO
approval before being applied (see “ISO Approval Process/Pending Measure Detail
Records” on page 16).
Aggregation Count: Required. Must be ‘1’ if Aggregation value is ‘N’. Must be
greater than zero. Rounds to the nearest whole number using standard rounding
rules. Limited to seven digits.
Do not include column headings in the CSV file that will be uploaded.
Doing so will prevent the upload of data.
Do not use special characters in the Measure Detail Name field as these
can create errors when exporting data from EEM.
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2. Launch the EEM user interface application. See the “Accessing the Energy Efficiency
Measure Databasesection on page 10.
3. Click on “Upload CSV” in the menu bar:
4. The CSV Upload Input Data grid will display, showing the column headings described in step
1 above:
5. Drag and drop the file intended for upload directly into the blank table body on the CSV
Upload Input Data screen. The file data will populate on this screen momentarily. Once this
has occurred, click the “Add” button.
The “Clear” button may be used at any time to remove uploaded data before it is
added to the database.
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6. If there are no validation errors, all data that was previously in the data upload grid will
disappear and a success message will be shown indicating that these Measure Details have
been uploaded.
7. If there are problems with the file, the user may receive an error message similar to this
Click “OK” to be taken back to the data upload screen.
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8. To review any errors in the upload file, select “Edit”. A list of formatting errors will appear
above the table of uploaded data, along with an additional error message.
Click “OK” on the error message to review the list of formatting errors.
9. Data cannot be edited directly on the CSV Upload Input Data screen. When review of the list
of errors is completed and the CSV file is corrected, click the “Clear” button to remove all
data from the upload grid. Re-upload the entire file, including data that was originally
correct, by dragging and dropping the corrected file, then selecting the “Add” button.
10. If you still receive an error message after correcting all formatting errors and re-uploading a
corrected file, there may be validation errors in the EEM database. Some Meaure Details
may have been uploaded before an error was detected causing this upload to terminate. If
you are unable to find an error in your file, or otherwise unable to upload your own file,
reach out to ISO New England Customer Service for additional assistance.
New Measure Detail Data and updates to existing Measure Detail Data
must be uploaded in separate files.
It is not possible to upload two separate CSV files at the same time.
Attempting to drag a second file into the upload window will overwrite
the original data.
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2.2.3 Measure Detail Search
This section covers the process of searching for Measure Details.
Roles that can perform this task:
o External EEM Maintainer
o External EEM Viewer
1. Launch the EEM user interface application. See the “Accessing the Energy Efficiency
Measure Databasesection on page 10.
2. The application opens to the Search page by default (note that the As Of Date is
prepopulated to the current date by default):
3. Enter a value in one or many of the fields in the Search Criteria section:
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The following fields are available and add to the granularity of the search:
As Of Date: Required. The search will return all Measure Detail versions that are
effective as of this date.
ISO Measure Detail ID: ISO’s internal identifier that is unique throughout the EEM
system. Must be an integer. Search will only return exact matches.
Lead Participant: The only value available in the drop-down list for external users will
be the Customer Name and ID for the logged in external user.
LP Measure Detail ID: Company created unique identifier for the Measure Detail.
Alphanumeric values accepted. Since the search will return partial matches based on
the search string, the LP database administrator must select the format for the creation
of this field as well as the search string required for any Measure Detail.
Sector/End Use: The Sector and End Use combination to be included in search. Value
chosen must be from drop-down list. Each Sector has a “Custom Measures” option. See
Table 3: Sectors/End Uses on page 69 for a list of Sectors and End Uses.
Retail Customer Name: Name of Retail Customer to be included in search.
Alphanumeric values accepted. Search will return partial matches.
Asset ID: ID of CAMS Asset to be included in the search. Must be an integer. Search will
only return exact matches.
Resource ID: ID of CAMS Resource to be included in the search. Must be an integer.
Search will only return exact matches.
Load Zone ID: ID of CAMS Load Zone to be included in the search. Must be an integer.
Search will only return exact matches.
Program Name: Name of Program to be included in search. Alphanumeric values
accepted. Search will return partial matches.
Reference Code: Name of Program to be included in search. Alphanumeric values
accepted. Search will return partial matches.
City: Name of the City to be included in search. Alphanumeric values accepted. Search
will only return exact matches.
State: Name of the State to be included in search. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Searches will only return matches to the two letter abbreviation for a New England
Market Month: When Market Month is set as a search criterion, the search will return
unexpired Measure Detail records with a First Month in Market date that is prior or
equal to the month chosen as a search criterion. This search calculates the performace
value claimed in CAMS.
Min Installation: When Min Installation is set as a search criterion, the search will
return Measure Detail records with an Installation Date that is greater than or equal to
the date chosen as a search criterion.
Max Installation: When Max Installation is set as a search criterion, the search will
return Measure Detail records with an Installation Date that is less than or equal to the
date chosen as a search criterion.
Min Expiration: When Min Expiration is set as a search criterion, the search will return
Measure Detail records with a Measure Expiration Date that is greater than or equal to
the date chosen as a search criterion.
Max Expiration: When Max Expiration is set as a search criterion, the search will
return Measure Detail records with a Measure Expiration Date that is less than or equal
to the date chosen as a search criterion.
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4. Click the “Search” or “Reset” button.
o A search will be performed using the criteria specified. The results of the
search will be populated in the Search Results section:
o Below the list of Measure Details is a line labeled “Totals. The two values
displayed are the totals of either the demand reduction or the expired
measures total of the Monthly kW Summer and Monthly kW Winter values
for all of the Measure Details returned in the search.
o Each column of the search results may be Sorted in Ascending or Descending
order by clicking on the arrow that appears in the left of the column header
if the mouse cursor is moved over it:
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o Columns may be added or removed from the search results display by
moving the mouse cursor over the Columns menu item and selecting one or
more columns by clicking in the box next to the column name.
o Controls are available at the bottom of the Search Results section which
allow the user to navigate between the displayed pages of Measure Detail
results. Clicking the arrows will move back and forth between the pages and
entering a number in the white box next to the Page label will navigate
directly to that page.
o Clicking on a Measure Detail to select it and then clicking on the “View
Detail” button or double clicking on a Measure Detail will navigate to the
Measure Detail tab for the selected Measure Detail. See View Measure
Detail” on page 34.
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o Clicking on the “CSV” button will generate a CSV file containing the current
search results for view or download. See CSV Download” on page 57.
o The Search Criteria section will be reset to its initial state. The As Of Date
field will be set to the current date and the rest of the fields will be cleared. If
the Search fields are not reset, the previously entered search parameters are
retained for the next Search.
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2.2.4 View Measure Detail
This section covers the process of viewing Measure Details.
Roles that can perform this task:
o External EEM Maintainer
o External EEM Viewer
1. Launch the EEM user interface application. See the “Accessing the Energy Efficiency
Measure Databasesection on page 10.
2. The application opens to the Search page by default:
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3. Click on a Measure Detail in the Search Results section to select it and then click on the
“View Detail” button OR double click on a Measure Detail. This will navigate to the Measure
Detail tab for the selected Measure Detail:
4. When accessing this page from the Search Results screen, the version of the Measure Detail
displayed will be the version that was selected in the Search Results; i.e., if a search was
done with an As Of Date in the past, the version that was effective on that date will be
5. When accessing this page after adding or updating a Measure Detail, the version of the
Measure Detail displayed will be the version that was just created or updated.
6. The “Edit” button is only available to users with the External EEM Maintainer role.
7. The “Edit” button is only available when viewing the most recent version of the Measure
8. Clicking the Edit” button will make the fields editable for update. See Update Measure
Detail” on page 40.
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External EEM users can only view data for Measure Details for which
they are the Lead Participant. This means the CAMS Measure to which
the Measure Detail is associated is mapped to an Asset which is
mapped to a Resource for which the logged in user’s company is the
Lead Participant.
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2.2.5 View Measure Detail History
This section covers the process of viewing the history for a Measure Detail.
Roles that can perform this task:
o External EEM Maintainer
o External EEM Viewer
1. Launch the EEM user interface application. See the “Accessing the Energy Efficiency
Measure Databasesection on page 10.
2. The application opens to the Search page by default:
3. Click on a Measure Detail in the Search Results section to select it and then click on the
“View Detail” button OR double click on a Measure Detail. This will navigate to the Measure
Detail tab for the selected Measure Detail. Click on the History tab:
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4. This will display the history for the Measure Detail:
5. The Measure Detail versions are sorted by Record Begin Date in descending order (newest
version first).
6. The following columns are present in the history view:
Measure Detail ID
Record Begin Date
Record End Date
LP Measure Detail ID
Measure Detail Name
Installation Date
First Month in Market
Measure Life
Measure Expiration Date
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Summer kW
Winter kW
CAMS Measure Name (ID)
Program Name
End Use
Retail Customer Name
Aggregation Count
Updated By
7. Each column of the History display may be Sorted in Ascending or Descending order by
clicking on the arrow that appears in the left of the column header if the mouse cursor is
moved over it:
8. Columns may be added or removed from the History display by moving the mouse cursor
over the Columns menu item and selecting one or more columns by clicking in the box next
to the column name:
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2.2.6 Update Measure Detail
This section covers the process of updating a Measure Detail.
Role that can perform this task:
o External EEM Maintainer
Manual Entry
1. Launch the EEM user interface application. See the “Accessing the Energy Efficiency
Measure Databasesection on page 10.
2. The application opens to the Search page by default:
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3. Click on a Measure Detail in the Search Results section to select it and then click on the
“View Detail” button OR double click on a Measure Detail. This will navigate to the Measure
Detail tab for the selected Measure Detail:
4. Click the “Edit” button to make the fields editable for update:
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5. Field data is available for updates based on following rules and validations:
Lead Participant: Not editable. Displays Customer Name and ID for logged in
external user.
ISO Measure Detail ID: Not editable. Each ISO Measure Detail ID is unique
throughout the EEM database system.
LP Measure Detail ID: Must be unique to the Lead Participant. Company created
unique identifier for the Measure Detail. Alphanumeric values accepted. Since the
search will return partial matches based on the search string, the LP database
administrator must select the format for the creation of this field as well as the
search string required for any Measure Detail. Limited to 100 characters.
Measure Detail Name: Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100 characters.
Distribution Company: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW
Summer or Monthly kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Only numeric
values accepted.
Installation Date: Must be a valid date in MM/DD/YYYY format. If being modified
for a Measure Detail that is “Closed” (see Measure Detail Modification State on
page 16), a Comment is required to be entered in the “Comments” field and the
Measure Detail will be moved to Pending (see ISO Approval Process/Pending
Measure Detail Records” on page 16). It will require ISO approval before the change
is applied.
First Month in Market: Not editable. System generated using Installation Date and
system date. See First Month in Market/Measure Expiration Date” on page 16.
Measure Life (yrs): Must be numeric, with at most one decimal place. Cannot be
greater than ISO defined maximum (currently 30 years). If being modified for a
Measure Detail that is “Closed” (see Measure Detail Modification State” on page 16),
a Comment is required to be entered in the “Comments” field and the Measure Detail
will be moved to Pending (see ISO Approval Process/Pending Measure Detail
Records” on page 16). It will require ISO approval before the change is applied.
Measure Expiration Date: Not editable. System generated using Installation Date
and Measure Life (yrs). See First Month in Market/Measure Expiration Date on
page 16.
Program Name: Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100 characters.
Sector/End Use: Value chosen from drop-down list. See Table 3: Sectors/End Uses
on page 69 for a list of Sectors and End Uses.
Custom End Use: Required if a “Custom Measures” option is chosen for Sector/End
Use. Limited to 100 characters.
Aggregation: Limited to Y and N. Defaults to N.
Number of Aggregation: Only editable if Aggregation value is Y. Must be greater
than zero. Defaults to 1 if Aggregation = N. Rounds to the nearest whole number
using standard rounding rules. Limited to seven digits.
Monthly kW Summer: Only numeric values accepted. If Aggregation value is Y,
the kW value divided by Number of Aggregation must be less than 10kW. Entered
value is rounded to three decimal places using standard rounding rules. If being
modified for a Measure Detail that is “Closed” (see Measure Detail Modification
State” on page 16), a Comment is required to be entered in the “Comments” field and
the Measure Detail will be moved to Pending (see ISO Approval Process/Pending
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Measure Detail Records” on page 16). It will require ISO approval before the change
is applied.
Monthly kW Winter: Only numeric values accepted. If Aggregation value is Y, the
kW value divided by Number of Aggregation must be less than 10kW. Entered value
is rounded to three decimal places using standard rounding rules. If being modified
for a Measure Detail that is “Closed” (see Measure Detail Modification State on
page 16), a Comment is required to be entered in the “Comments” field and the
Measure Detail will be moved to Pending (see ISO Approval Process/Pending
Measure Detail Records” on page 16). It will require ISO Approval before the change
is applied.
CAMS Fields
Measure: Required. Value chosen from a drop-down list. If being modified for a
Measure Detail that is “Closed” (see Measure Detail Modification State” on page 16),
a Comment is required to be entered in the “Comments” field and the Measure Detail
will be moved to Pending (see ISO Approval Process/Pending Measure Detail
Records” on page 16). It will require ISO approval before the change is applied.
Asset: Not editable. System generated based on value chosen in Measure drop-
down list.
Resource: Not editable. System generated based on value chosen in Measure drop-
down list.
Load Zone: Not editable. System generated based on value chosen in Measure
drop-down list.
Retail Customer
Retail Customer Name: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW
Summer or Monthly kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Alphanumeric
values accepted. Limited to 100 characters.
Street: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly
kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Limited to 50 characters.
City: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW
Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to
50 characters.
State: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW
Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Limited to the six New England states.
Value must be chosen from a drop-down list.
Zip: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW
Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Must contain exactly five digits.
Reference Documentation
Reference Document Name: Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100
Measure Reference Code: Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100
Date Updated: Not Editable. Generated by EEM using the system date and time of
the Measure Detail update. See “Versioning” on page 15.
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Updated By: Not editable. Generated by EEM using the user name associated with
the certificate of the logged in user.
Comments: Required if the Measure Detail is “Closed” (see Measure Detail
Modification State on page 16) and a change was made to Installation Date,
Measure Life (yrs), Monthly kW Summer, Monthly kW Winter, or Measure. Limited
to 4,000 characters.
6. Click the “Submit” or “Cancel” button.
o If there are validation errors, a message will be displayed asking the user to
correct the indicated validation errors and try again:
o If a change was made to Installation Date, Measure Life (yrs), Monthly kW
Summer, Monthly kW Winter, or Measure, Measure Detail is be set to
Pending and will require ISO approval before changes are applied:
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o Otherwise, if there are no validation errors, a message will be displayed
informing the user that the data was successfully updated and the user will
be brought to the Measure Detail tab for the just updated Measure Detail:
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o Update of Measure Detail is abandoned, the Measure Detail fields are made
unavailable for update and the Measure Detail reverts back with no changes.
CSV Update
Multiple Measure Details can be updated simultaneously using the CSV Upload function. Up to 50
record revisions may be uploaded at a time.
1. Prepare a file in CSV format for upload. Specify values for fields in the following order using
the new data to be added to EEM.
CAMS Measure ID: Required. This must be for an On-Peak or Seasonal Peak Measure
belonging to the Lead Participant of the logged in user.
Measure Detail ID: Required. Failure to complete this field will result in a new record
being created.
Lead Participant ID: Required. Numeric values acccepted.
LP Measure Detail ID: Required. This must match the original ID uploaded to EEM
Measure Detail Name: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100
Distribution Company ID: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW
Summer or Monthly kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Only numeric values
accepted. Request the numeric code for a specific distribution company through an Ask
ISO Issue.
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Measure Life (yrs): Required. Must be numeric, with at most one decimal place.
Cannot be greater than ISO defined maximum (currently 30 years).
Program Name: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100 characters.
Sector Type: Required. See Table 3: Sectors/End Uses on page 69 for the full list of
eligible options.
End Use Type: Required. See Table 3: Sectors/End Uses on page 69 for the full list of
eligible options.
Custom End Use: Required if a “Custom Measures” option is chosen for End Use.
Limited to 100 characters.
Aggregation Flag: Required. Limited to ‘Y’ and ’N’. Yes is used when multiple end uses
are aggregated into a single Measure Detail.
Summer kW: Required. Only numeric values accepted. If Aggregation value is ‘Y’, the
kW value divided by Number of Aggregation must be less than 10kW. Entered value is
rounded to three decimal places using standard rounding rules.
Winter kW: Required. Only numeric values accepted. If Aggregation value is ‘Y’, the
kW value divided by Number of Aggregation must be less than 10kW. Entered value is
rounded to three decimal places using standard rounding rules.
Retail Customer Name: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer
or Monthly kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Limited to 100 characters.
Street: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW
Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 50
City: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW
Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 50
State: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW
Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Limited to the six New England states. Must
contain exactly two letters.
Postal Code: Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either Monthly kW Summer or Monthly
kW Winter is greater than or equal to 10kW. Must contain exactly five digits.
Reference Doc Name: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100
Reference Code: Required. Alphanumeric values accepted. Limited to 100 characters.
Comments: Optional for initial entry but required for data updates. Alphanumeric
values accepted. Limited to 4,000 characters.
Installation Date: Required. Must be a valid date in MM/DD/YYYY format, after June
16, 2006 the initial qualification date for the Forward Capacity Market and prior to
the current system date. If more than three years prior to the current system date, the
new Measure Detail will be put into Pending and will require ISO approval before being
applied (see “ISO Approval Process/Pending Measure Detail Records” on page 16).
Aggregation Count: Required. Must be ‘1’ if Aggregation value is ‘N’. Must be greater
than zero. Rounds to the nearest whole number using standard rounding rules. Limited
to seven digits.
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2. Launch the EEM user interface application. See the “Accessing the Energy Efficiency
Measure Databasesection on page 10.
3. Click on “Upload CSV” in the menu bar:
4. A blank CSV Upload Input Data screen is displayed with the column headings outlined in
step 1 above.
Do not include column headings in the CSV file that will be uploaded.
Doing so will prevent the upload of data.
When downloading a CSV of existing Measure Details from the EEM
database in order to prepare an update file, be sure to adjust the
column order and values to reflect the instructions outlined above.
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5. Drag and drop the file intended for upload directly into the blank table body on the CSV
Upload Input Data screen. The file data will populate on this screen momentarily. Once this
has occurred, click the “Edit” button.
If the “Add” button is selected, the user will receive an error message. If this occurs,
simply close the error message and select “Edit” instead.
The “Clear” button may be used at any time to remove uploaded data before it is
added to the database.
6. If there are no validation errors, all data that was previously in the data upload grid will
disappear and a success message will be shown indicating that these Measure Detail
updates have been accepted.
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7. If there are problems with the file, the user may receive an error message similar to this
after clicking “Edit”:
The box that appears at the top of the screen will list all existing validation errors.
Click OK on the error message box to review this list.
8. Data cannot be edited directly on the CSV Upload Input Data screen. When review of the list
of errors is completed and the CSV file is corrected, click the “Clear” button to remove all
data from the upload grid. Re-upload the file by dragging and dropping the corrected file,
then selecting the “Edit” button.
New Measure Detail Data and updates to existing Measure Detail Data
must be uploaded in separate files.
It is not possible to upload two separate CSV files at the same time.
Attempting to drag a second file into the upload window will overwrite
the original data.
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2.2.7 View Pending Changes
This section covers the process of adding, viewing and acting upon Pending changes to Measure
Roles that can perform this task:
o External EEM Maintainer
o External EEM Viewer (view steps only)
1. Launch the EEM user interface application. See the Accessing the Energy Efficiency
Measure Databasesection on page 10.
2. Click on “Pending” in the menu bar:
3. The Pending Measure Details screen is displayed:
4. Each row in the display is organized by the Measure Detail ID and contains two sub-rows.
The first row is the pending values, and the second row is the current values. The exception
to this is if a Measure Detail was placed into pending upon creation. In this case there will
be only one sub-row.
5. Double clicking on a Measure Detail with a status of “PENDING will navigate to the Pending
tab for the selected Measure Detail (see View Pending Measure Detail on page 54). Double
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clicking on a Measure Detail with a status of CURRENT” will navigate to the Measure Detail
tab for the selected Measure Detail (see View Measure Detail” on page 34).
NOTE: The following steps only apply to an External EEM Maintainer.
6. Each row has a checkbox in the first column. Clicking on the checkbox selects the Measure
Detail for action.
7. The header row contains a checkbox that serves as a “Select All” and “Select None” option.
8. The display contains the following columns:
Lead Participant Name (ID)
Measure Detail ID
Installation Date
First Month in Market
Measure Life
Measure Expiration Date
Summer kW
Winter kW
Measure (ID)
Submitted Date The system time at which the change that caused this pending record
was made.
9. Clicking the “Cancel” button (External EEM Maintainer only) will display a confirmation
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10. Upon confirmation that the user wants to continue with the Cancel operation, the Measure
Detail associated with each checked row is left intact and the Pending version of the
Measure Detail is discarded.
11. After Cancelling a set of changes, a Success or Failure message appears and the display is
refreshed with any remaining Pending changes:
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2.2.8 View Pending Measure Detail
This section covers the process of viewing the pending version of a Measure Detail.
Roles that can perform this task:
o External EEM Maintainer
o External EEM Viewer (view steps only)
1. Launch the EEM user interface application. See the “Accessing the Energy Efficiency
Measure Databasesection on page 10.
2. Click on “Pending” in the menu bar:
3. The Pending Measure Details screen is displayed:
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4. Double click on a Measure Detail with a status of “PENDING” to navigate to the Pending tab
for the selected Measure Detail:
NOTE: The following steps only apply to an External EEM Maintainer.
5. The “Cancel” button is used to cancel an update request prior to ISO review.
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6. Clicking the “Cancel” button displays a confirmation dialog:
7. Upon confirmation of the cancel, the Pending record is discarded, leaving the current
version of the Measure Detail record intact. The “Measure Detail” tab is displayed with the
current Measure Detail data (the current record is unaffected see View Measure Detail
on page 34):
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2.2.9 CSV Download
This section covers the process of generating a CSV file containing search results for view or
Roles that can perform this task:
o External EEM Maintainer
o External EEM Viewer
1. Launch the EEM user interface application. See the “Accessing the Energy Efficiency
Measure Databasesection on page 10.
2. The application opens to the Search page by default:
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3. Select the Search criteria desired. (See Measure Detail Search on page 29.) If no limiting
Search criteria are selected, the CSV file will include all Measure Details currently in the
database matching the Lead Participant certificate used.
4. Clicking on the “CSV” button opens a dialog box giving the user the option to Open or Save a
CSV file:
5. The CSV downloaded contains all records matched by the search criteria, regardless of
pagination. The following fields are included in the CSV download:
Lead Participant ID
Measure Detail ID
Record Begin Date
Record Date
Lead Participant Measure Detail ID
Measure Detail Name
Measure ID
Distribution Company ID
Aggregation Flag
Number of Aggregation
Installation Date
First Month in Market
Measure Life
Measure Expiration Date
Program Name
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End Use
Custom End Use
Asset ID
Resource ID
Load Zone ID
Retail Customer Name
Reference Document Name
Measure Reference Code
Monthly kW Summer
Monthly kW Winter
Updated By
Updated Date
If Measure Detail Data is downloaded from EEM in order to make edits
and then re-upload with changes, make sure that the columns are re-
ordered to match the format outlined in “CSV Upload” on page 24.
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Demand Reduction Reporting
On June 1, 2017, EEM became the primary source of energy efficiency On-Peak and Seasonal Peak
asset demand reduction values as reported in CAMS.
2.3.1 Demand Reduction Reporting Requirement
Participants must report demand reduction values for all months for each energy efficiency On-
Peak and Seasonal Peak asset through CAMS as outlined in ISO New England Manual for Market Rule
1 Accounting, M-28.
Demand reduction values must be submitted for both initial and final settlement for each month,
and a supporting document is required with each submission outlining the calculation used to
arrive at the entered value. Data submissions for initial settlement are due by 13:00 on the third
business day after the last operating day of the settlement month; the data reconciliation submittal
deadline is at 17:00 on the 70
calendar day after day 1 of the month following the settlement
Prior to June 1, 2017, a variety of supporting documents were acceptable to confirm the submitted
value. Beginning June 1, 2017, the kW totals for each asset contained in the EEM became the only
acceptable source for data submissions. Supporting documents are still required, but the only
acceptable submissions are screenshots from the EEM reflecting the entered values.
2.3.2 Demand Reduction Supporting Document
Beginning June 1, 2017, the only acceptable supporting documents that may be submitted with
demand reduction values in CAMS are screenshots from EEM. The following steps should be taken
to capture the correct values in a screenshot.
Starting on June 1, 2017, the demand reduction kW value entered in
CAMS for each asset must match the appropriate seasonal kW value
for the asset in EEM.
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ISO-NE Public
1. From the Search screen of EEM enter the appropriate Asset ID and select as Market Month
the first day of the month under review. Make sure that the As Of Date field is a date
within the Customer Data Submittal Window as outlined above. Then select Search.
2. A screenshot should be taken of the first results page. Capture all of the search criteria, as
well as the Summer kW and Winter kW totals. It may be necessary to expand the width of
these two columns to ensure that the full kW value displays on the screen. Important fields
to capture are highlighted in the image below:
3. Save the screenshot in one of the following formats that are compatible with CAMS upload:
*.doc, *. pdf, *.xlsx.
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3 Customer Support
By Internet
By Telephone
Days of Operation
During Regular Business Hours, Monday through Friday:
8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. ET:
(413) 540-4220
The Customer Support Hotline is NOT staffed on the following days:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Day
Presidents’ Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
For after-hours business emergencies, contact Customer Support at (877) 226-4814 (pager).
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By Email
Ask ISO is available to market participants who have a valid digital certificate and who have been
assigned the role of “Ask ISO / External Userby their Security Administrator.
Ask ISO is located at:
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4 Links
ISO New England Home Page
ISO New England Training Page
ISO New England FAQ Page
SMD Site for ISO Applications
SMD Site for ISO Sandbox Applications
ISO New England Glossary and Acronyms
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5 Reference Tables
Table 1: EEM Security Roles
Activities Allowed
Pertinent Sections in User Guide
Search for data for
any Measure Detail
that the Lead
Participant owns
View data for any
Measure Detail that
the Lead Participant
“Get Started” (page 8)
“Manage Energy Efficiency Measures”
(page 14)
Measure Detail Search” (page 29)
View Measure Detail” (page 34)
View Measure Detail History” (page 37)
View Pending Changes” (page 51)
View Pending Measure Detail” (page 54)
CSV Download” (page 57)
Upload/update data
for any Measure
Detail that the Lead
Participant owns
Search for data for
any Measure Detail
that the Lead
Participant owns
View data for any
Measure Detail that
the Lead Participant
“Get Started” (page 8)
“Manage Energy Efficiency Measures”
(page 14)
Add Measure Detail” (page 18)
Measure Detail Search” (page 29)
View Measure Detail” (page 34)
View Measure Detail History” (page 37)
Update Measure Detail” (page 40)
View Pending Changes” (page 51)
View Pending Measure Detail” (page 54)
CSV Download” (page 57)
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Table 2: EEM Fields, Definitions and Validation Rules
Lead Participant ID
Customer Name and ID for
Not Editable. System generated.
ISO Measure Detail
Each ISO Measure Detail ID
is unique throughout the
Not Editable. System generated after
successful creation of Measure Detail.
LP Measure Detail ID
Provides participant with
key field to match with
their database
Required. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Limited to 100 characters.
Must be unique to Lead Participant.
Record Begin Date
Date the version of the data
set for a Measure Detail
became effective
System generated using the system date and
time at the point that the version of the data
was written to the database.
Record End Date
Date the version of the data
record for a Measure Detail
ends; always null for
current version
System generated.
Measure Detail
Name of Measure Detail
Required. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Limited to 100 characters.
Company ID
ID of distribution company
where Measure Detail is
Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either
Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW Winter
>= 10kW. Only numeric values accepted.
Request from ISO if needed.
Installation Date
Date Measure Detail was
Required. Must be a valid date in
MM/DD/YYYY format, after June 16, 2006
and prior to the current system date.
If more than three years prior to the current
system date, the new Measure Detail will be
put into Pending and will require ISO review
before being applied.
First Month in
First month savings can be
reported for the Measure
Derived by the system based on Measure
Installation Date and the initial performance
month resettlement date. Always the first
day of a month.
Measure Life
Measure Detail life in years
Required. Must be numeric, with at most one
decimal place. Cannot be greater than ISO
defined maximum (currently 30 years).
Measure Expiration
Month, day and year the
Measure Detail will have
reached its end of useful life
Not editable. System calculated using
Installation Date and Measure Life. Set as the
first day of the last month that the measure
detail contributes to demand reduction.
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Program Name
Name of the program in
which the Measure Detail
Required. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Limited to 100 characters.
Sector applicable to
Measure Detail
Required. Limited to values in Table 5.3.
End Use
Describes type of measure
Required. Limited to values in Table 5.3.
Custom measure option for each sector.
Custom End Use
Used when Custom End Use
is chosen or for elaboration
of non-custom Measure
Required if a “Custom Measure” option is
chosen for End Use. Limited to 100
Flag that indicates if
multiple end uses are
aggregated into a single
Measure Detail
Required. Limited to Y and N.
Number of
(Aggregation Count)
Number of end uses
aggregated into a single
Measure Detail
Required. Only editable if Aggregation value
is Y. Must be greater than zero. Defaults to
1 if Aggregation = N.
Rounded to the nearest whole number using
standard rounding rules.
Limited to seven digits.
Monthly kW
Calculated kW savings from
Measure Detail for a
summer month
Required. Only numeric values accepted. If
Aggregation value is Y, the kW value divided
by Number of Aggregation must be less than
Rounded to three decimal places using
standard rounding rules.
Monthly kW Winter
Calculated kW savings from
Measure Detail for a winter
Required. Only numeric values accepted. If
Aggregation value is Y, the kW value divided
by Number of Aggregation must be less than
Rounded to three decimal places using
standard rounding rules.
CAMS Measure ID
CAMS Measure ID used to
represent full set of
Measure Details
Required. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Must be an On-Peak or Seasonal Peak CAMS
measure that belongs to Lead Participant
entering Measure Detail.
CAMS Asset associated with
the Measure Detail
Not editable. System generated based on
value chosen for CAMS Measure ID.
CAMS Resource associated
with the asset
Not editable. System generated based on
value chosen for CAMS Measure ID.
Load Zone
Load Zone where the
resource is located
Not editable. System generated based on
value chosen for CAMS Measure ID.
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Retail Customer
Name of retail customer for
Measure Detail
Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either
Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW Winter
>= 10kW. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Limited to 100 characters.
Street address where the
Measure Detail is located
Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either
Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW Winter
>= 10kW. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Limited to 50 characters.
City where the Measure
Detail is located
Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either
Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW Winter
>= 10kW. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Limited to 50 characters.
State where the Measure
Detail is located
Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either
Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW Winter
>= 10kW. Limited to the six New England
Zip Code
Zip code where the
Measure Detail is located
Required if Aggregation is ‘N’ and either
Monthly kW Summer or Monthly kW Winter
>= 10kW. Five digits.
Reference Document
Name and version of the
document from which
Measure Detail savings and
measure life information is
Required. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Limited to 100 characters.
Measure Reference
Code for Measure Detail as
it appears in reference
document cited
Required. Alphanumeric values accepted.
Limited to 100 characters.
Updated Date
Date that this version of the
Measure Detail was created
Not Editable. System generated.
Updated By
The user that created this
version of the Measure
Detail’s data
Not editable. Generated using the name
associated with the certificate of the user.
Free form field for Lead
Participant comment entry.
The main purpose of this
field is expected to be for
descriptions of why an
update is being done.
Required if the Measure Detail is Closed and
a change was made to Installation Date,
Measure Life (yrs), Monthly kW Summer,
Monthly kW Winter, or Measure.
Limited to 4,000 characters.
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Table 3: Sectors/End Uses