Digital Energy
imagination at work
Distribution Management System
Smart Distribution Management for Increased Operational Efficiency
With today’s technology, a utility can derive greater benefits from a PowerOn Control Distribution
Management System (DMS) than ever before. Examples of such advances are the installation of grid
modernization technologies and the developments in telecommunications that provide better and broader
communication with field devices. Using the PowerOn Control DMS to operate their distribution network
permits utilities to obtain significant improvements in operational and financial efficiency.
As utilities invest in grid improvement solutions, including both modern communications infrastructure
and Distribution Automation, PowerOn Control makes full use of these investments to improve customer
reliability and reduce operational costs. Through its advanced applications, the PowerOn Control enables
utilities to proactively manage their distribution networks, and at the same time, provides the tools
and means to deal with unplanned events and outages. Smart Grid technology is heavily influencing
operational systems and will continue to push technology limits as utilities gear up for more automation.
The PowerOn Control product vision therefore targets ongoing evolution of tools to update and maintain
network data, refinement and expansion of network operation applications and expanded interoperability.
Key Benefits
Significantly improved situational awareness and reliability: The PowerOn Control core Distribution
Network Analysis functions increase situational awareness of users and operators well beyond
available SCADA telemetry, detecting potentially unsecure conditions and automatically warning the
user of undesirable or dangerous effects of proposed switching actions via Pre-switching Validation.
Dramatically reduced outage restoration times: The Fault Detection, Isolation and Service
Restoration (FDIR) function automatically determines the location of faults using both fault data
available from modern relays and fault detectors to recommend switching steps to isolate the fault
and restore customers within seconds.
Reduced peak demand: The Integrated Volt-Var Control (IVVC) application utilizes available telemetry,
including flows and voltages, to accurately target voltage reduction to decrease load in periods of high
demand or reduce energy consumption and losses around the clock.
Increased network efficiency: PowerOn Control improves the utilization of network assets by
providing recommendations on how to reconfigure the network to improve the network state.
Flexibility: Platform independence adapts to specific corporate standards. Support for de-facto
standards and legacy protocols ensure compatibility with existing systems.
Scalability: The highly scalable architecture is designed for reliability and security. The PowerOn
Control can support networks comprised of millions of devices, delivering the same exceptional
performance regardless of the network size.
Cyber Security: PowerOn Control provides the tools to perform system lock-down and a complete set
of reporting capabilities required to demonstrate compliance to Cyber Security standards, such as
CIP 002–009.
GE’s Distribution
Management Systems
With, PowerOn Control GE’s Digital Energy
business is pleased to present a powerful DMS
solution that enables utilities to achieve their
objectives. PowerOn Control has a complete set
of applications and features that allow reliable
and high-quality power delivery, while helping to
ensure the safety of field crews and the public.
This, plus operational efficiency and optimal
asset utilization, results in improved customer
The PowerOn Control DMS system offers many key
A single, fully integrated user interface
environment with advanced and intuitive
navigation designed to help users focus their
attention where it is needed. This UI maximizes
productivity by offering easy-to-use tools and
A field-proven, highly scalable SCADA able to
interface to field equipment directly or to other
SCADA systems already in place.
Powerful modelling and analysis capabilities for
distribution networks, including a smart grid-
ready set of advanced applications to improve
network reliability and optimal asset utilization.
Fully integrated planned and emergency
switching management capability created with
safety and user efficiency as its principal design
A sophisticated training environment allowing
full simulation of realistic scenarios.
A highly scalable architecture designed for
reliability and security, including disaster
recovery solutions with or without real-time
data transfers.
PowerOn Control
PowerOn Control DMS Software Suite
PowerOn Control is a complete software suite that addresses the operational
and control needs of Distribution utilities. All PowerOn Control SCADA and
DMS applications are fully integrated into a secure platform based on the
most advanced technologies and as such offer features that assist users in
meeting the utility’s security, reliability and financial objectives.
PowerOn Control systems alert users to important events affecting the
network. This allows users to react quickly to control the network, minimize
outages, protect network assets and ensure public safety. The built-in
decision support tools and automated control functions improve utility
performance at all levels, reducing operating costs and meeting regulatory
and corporate objectives.
PowerOn Control includes grid modernization applications that improve
distribution reliability, reduce network operating costs and maximize
the investments in measurement, metering, control and communication
PowerOn Control includes an advanced SCADA integrated platform that
fits seamlessly into IT and control center infrastructures using any of the
standard interfaces available today such as SOA, EAI, ICCP, DNP, IEC
SQL and others.
The PowerOn Control SCADA integrated platform is designed with the highest
standards for reliability, security and performance, and is used in many of the
world’s largest and most secure utilities. Offering a throughput of 1 million-
plus SCADA points with near zero data latency, this platform is a leader in
the industry. With a wide selection of on- and off-site backup processes,
any operational environment will be secure with reliability levels in excess
of 99.98%.
The SCADA platform supports a wide range of standard and legacy protocols
and will interface with any commercially-available RTU.
The PowerOn Control DMS provides utilities with a comprehensive suite of
tools for efficient, reliable and cost-effective management of distribution
networks. For this, the PowerOn Control includes one of the most
comprehensive collections of modules available on the market today,
Unbalanced three-phase Load Flow to add a high-level of visibility to the
network state, even where there is no SCADA telemetry.
Power Analysis tools to identify opportunities for network improvements,
including Fault Level Calculations, Loss Calculations and Network
Distribution Automation tools to self-heal problematic network conditions,
including FDIR, Contingency Load Transfer (Overload Reduction), IVVC and
Load Shedding.
Intelligent Switching Management tools and processes including automatic
determination of optimum switching steps for effecting planned outages.
All of these SCADA and DMS modules are integrated into a common platform
and work in a fully-synchronized manner. The DMS Model Management tools
are a highlighted feature, supporting full and incremental model updates
from commercial GIS products, ensuring that the DMS network model is
always current.
The PowerOn Control DMS provides a complete Remote Access solution, from
Web-based interfaces for read-only data access to fully privileged, secure
remote consoles for standard operation, control and data interchange.
In addition to its functional capabilities, PowerOn Control provides standard
interfaces to GE’s PowerOn Restore OMS and Smallworld Electric Office™.
PowerOn Control also includes an Operator Training Simulator (OTS) for
conducting tailored training using real network conditions, accurate network
data and real RTU responses in a “safe mode” environment.
PowerOn Control Functional Components
Advanced DMS Apps
Fault Detection, Isolation and
Service Restoration
Integrated Volt-Var Control
Optimal Feeder Reconfiguration
Switching Advisor
Fault Level Analysis
Switching Management
Planned Switching
Emergency Switching
Network Operations Management
Alarm Management
Automatic Process Control
Historical Data Management
Real-time Calculation Engine
Tag Management
Data Acquisition and Control
RTU Communications
(DNP3, 60870-5-101/104, etc.)
(TASE 2 ICCP, Secure ICCP)
Remote Front-end
Core DMS Apps
Connectivity Analysis
Distribution Load Flow
Distribution State Estimation
Pre-switching Validation
PowerOn Control
PowerOn Control SCADA
Utilities are continuously searching for a
quality control system-something robust,
reliable, secure; something easy-to-use
and easy-to-maintain. The PowerOn
Control SCADA is that quality choice.
The PowerOn Control SCADA derives
from more than 40 years of experience
in energy control systems. Users of the
PowerOn Control SCADA agree that the
product is unique in its features, allowing
them a solid base for operations. This
sophisticated base allows users to feel at
ease in stormy weather and to gain and share information through flexible
communication interfaces.
The PowerOn Control SCADA protects assets with its advanced security
features. Highly scalable, it runs on today’s most popular platforms.
Whatever the specific needs, its extreme flexibility can help utilities meet
them. The PowerOn Control SCADA is seamlessly integrated with PowerOn
Control DMS high-level applications to form a base for reliable and high-
performance Distribution Management System.
The main strength of the PowerOn Control SCADA is that it is based on
field-proven, standard features and is easily modifiable to accommodate
particular configurations. Whenever a more complex arrangement is
required, its open architecture facilitates low-impact, cost-effective
customization, allowing utilities to take advantage of previous investments
by using legacy assets.
Feature-rich, Flexible Solution
PowerOn Control SCADA includes an impressive array of features, designed
to meet a wide variety of general and specific customer needs:
For RTU and field equipment communications, the PowerOn Control SCADA
system supports a wide range of protocols, including the industry-standard
DNP3 in both serial and TCP/IP versions, IEC
-60870-5-101/104, Telegyr
8979, Conitel 2020/2025 and MODBUS
. A variety of legacy protocols are
also supported. The PowerOn Control SCADA system can be configured to
support the specific protocol needs of any utility. Front-end processors are
LAN-based and can be geographically located anywhere on the corporate
Inter Control Center communications allow utilities to securely share data
with other utilities. The PowerOn Control SCADA system supports several
industry-standard data link protocols including ICCP and Secure ICCP.
As a result of its optimized Alarm Management functions, the PowerOn
Control SCADA is perfectly equipped to handle hundreds of alarms per
minute without affecting performance. It gives users the ability to set
a virtually unlimited number of alarm summary windows with various
contents, according to immediate needs and preferences. The summaries
include active and historical data, and powerful re-configurable on-the-fly
filters. Additionally, the entire layout can be saved for further reference
on a user and console pair basis. Selected alarms, if so configured, are
automatically sent to SMS or e-mail servers and from there, to pagers or
targeted mailboxes. From the alarm summary to the one-line diagram and
back, the user is just one click away with the advanced Locate feature that
make operations more efficient and keep operators focused on the actual
The PowerOn Control SCADA features an Automatic Process Control
functionality, allowing users to write complex, multi-step sequences of
supervisory control commands including logical decisions based on the
state and quality of other telemetered points. Designed to execute any
coordinated sequence of operations, this package is typically used to
implement sequential switching lists and automatic process control scripts.
The execution of these sequences can be automatically triggered by a single
event, by user request or as a remote procedure call from an application.
Validation functions are available to verify that the script is error free and to
ensure no invalid sequences are executed.
Through its Historical Data Management functions, PowerOn Control
supports the collection, storage and calculation of time-dependent data
and provides user-friendly tools to view and modify this data. Tools include
tabular and graphical viewers and editors, Oracle
relational database
technology, detection and storage of disturbance data and an account
editor. For customers who are considering or who already have existing
historical data management functionalities from OSISoft
Inc. PI Historian,
PowerOn Control SCADA has a standard, fully functional interface with
complete support of automatic tag creation, edit and deletion.
PowerOn Control SCADA’s Real-time Calculation Engine fully supports
a rich set of calculations based on other SCADA points. Both logic and
mathematical calculations may be defined. Expressions that determine
calculated point values as a function of other real-time point values may
invoke complex relations between SCADA telemetry, user entered data,
other calculation results, SCADA points quality status and numerical
constants. Calculated points are processed conventionally and treated
exactly as telemetered points in all respects. Calculated points provide the
flexibility to both display and manipulate data in complex manners without
the need to write software. PowerOn Control includes a package of pre-
defined calculations and a powerful define-and-configure tool that allows a
very large number of logical and mathematical operators.
PowerOn Control SCADA fully implements Role Based Access Control;
this is enforced by assigning privileges (which globally define the actions
that can be executed by defined user roles) and by the console’s Area of
Jurisdiction (AoJ), which defines the extent of data and functions available
for visualization and execution on that console). PowerOn Control allows for
the definition of thousands of AoJs for increased flexibility.
A fully configurable Tag Management function allows the definition, addition,
modification and removal of device tags, also known as safety tags or work
tags. Tags are normally used to notify users of safety conditions or work-in-
progress on a device. Tag definition is fully configurable and allows PowerOn
Control to adapt to the utility’s current practices and procedures.
The PowerOn Control Active Alarm Browser
The PowerOn Control Active Alarm Browser.
PowerOn Control
PowerOn Control Distribution
PowerOn Control DMS and the Smart Grid
GE is avant-garde in its implementation of Smart Grid principles in its
applications. Our flagship FDIR application, first deployed in 2003, is a key
component of a self-healing network. It includes an automatic detection and
location of faults and an automatic execution of upstream and downstream
restoration switching. This means that more customers are restored more
rapidly, reducing outage minutes and improving Quality of Service Indices.
Another example of a Smart Grid solution within PowerOn Control include
achieving network optimization via IVVC or load transfers and supporting
distributed generation within PowerOn Control. At GE, we recognize the
potential of grid improvement initiatives and are committed to providing its
benefits to our customers.
Effective User Interface Maximizing Productivity
The PowerOn Control DMS user interface is designed to:
Allow users to quickly assess the state of the network. This means
different things to different types of users, but the unifying theme is to
help focus their attention where needed.
Give users the necessary feedback, for example in terms of potential
consequences, ensuring that they can make intelligent and informed
Assist users in performing daily tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible
and automating routines, while still giving them the necessary control.
Ensure that users can investigate emergency situations quickly to assess
the extent of problems, evaluate options and take action.
The user interface offers very rich graphical display capabilities, including
geographic displays and automatically generated schematics. These
graphical displays can present results of Connectivity Analysis and Load
Flow as well as for the advanced applications-including location and extent
of faults-and identify the faulted device. These displays are complemented
by a set of tabular displays that present application results in an intuitive
fashion. PowerOn Control supports full navigation between tabular,
graphical and schematic displays.
Load Flow and State Estimation: Distribution
Network Visibility
The Load Flow and State Estimation application tremendously improves
the users’ visibility of the distribution network, allowing them to protect
against critical performance, reliability and security risks, without extensive
investment in expensive remote monitoring equipment.
As a result of the high-infrastructure costs for remote monitoring, the
network visibility offered to users by SCADA systems is generally limited
to the equipment inside the substation and to selected locations on
the feeders. The Load Flow and State Estimation calculation module
significantly improves this visibility. These applications use the estimated
load profiles at customer distribution points as well as voltages and flow
SCADA measurements-within the substation and anywhere along the
feeder-to compute individual phase voltages, currents and losses on the
entire distribution network. The enhanced visibility offers benefits such as
improved detection of system problems including voltage violations and
accurate assessment of system losses. The advanced State Estimation
algorithm will automatically correct the network state, and even network
parameters, to match calculated and measured quantities.
Load Flow and State Estimation produces a real-time, unbalanced single-,
two- and three-phase solution that is presented within system displays
providing a high-level of visibility to the system beyond that normally available
by SCADA. These accurate Load Flow calculations also provide the information
needed by other PowerOn Control DMS advanced functions.
PowerOn Control supports a Pre-switching Validation (PSV) function that
automatically evaluates in advance the consequences of every switching
action initiated by a user that will open or close a switch or apply a cut or
jumper. PSV determines the expected result of that action by automatically
executing connectivity and load flow analyses in the background and
advises the user of any undesirable consequences of the proposed action.
The operator is given options to either cancel the attempted action or to
proceed in spite of the existence of warning messages.
Examples of the determined conditions include:
Number and priority of customers to be de-energized.
Possible overloading of a device and/or voltage limit violations, or attempts
to open a switch where the current flow exceeds its interruption capacity.
Connection of an energized section of the network to a grounded section.
Changes in network configuration such as introducing or removing
abnormal network loop or parallel.
The PowerOn Control graphical user interface is capable of displaying information
from a variety of real-time sources for enhanced situational awareness.
Load Flow calculations can be presented as permanent results on Feeder
displays or by simply hovering over a selected device.
PowerOn Control
FDIR: Reduce Outage Impact
GE’s FDIR application is a key building block for any utility’s Smart Grid
solution. FDIR enables utilities to significantly improve their distribution
network reliability and reap economic benefits resulting in considerable cost
This application automatically determines, within seconds of detecting a fault,
the location of the fault using both fault data available from modern relays
and fault detectors. It then proposes switching steps to isolate the fault and
restore the distribution feeder upstream and downstream of the isolated fault
thereby rapidly reducing the number of outaged customers and dropping the
total outage minutes. On approval by the user, PowerOn Control translates
these switching instructions into a full-fledged Emergency Switching Order
that includes procedural steps such as issuing tags and safety documents, in
order to meet the operating standards of the utility.
FDIR offers:
Minimized outage areas: Intelligent algorithms restore the maximum
number of customers after fault occurrences.
Minimized outage duration: An optimized restoration algorithm ensures
minimized outage periods as well as the efficient use of field crews.
All safety precautions and rules are followed: For example, opened
switches and grounding network sections under work are automatically
tagged. As a result, FDIR promotes a safer working environment for field
All available equipment information and field data are considered when
analyzing faults: FDIR can carry out complex network configurations that
would be difficult to do manually.
Feasible solutions: Implemented recommendations will not adversely
affect the network, e.g., will not cause equipment overload or voltage
The fault detection mechanism makes use of available SCADA circuit
breaker and fault detector statuses. In addition, it accounts for any relevant
devices along the fault path, such as reclosure relays, when evaluating
network conditions. Suspect fault conditions are highlighted on graphical
network displays.
Users can set configuration options directly impacting the proposed
recommendations, such as specifying that only SCADA-controllable switches
are to be considered in the proposed isolation and restoration steps.
IVVC: Integrated Volt-Var Control
The IVVC application recommends optimal control of shunt capacitor
banks on feeders and in the substation, transformer and line regulator tap
positions and/or their automatic voltage regulator set points.
IVVC’s main objectives are the following:
Conservation Voltage Reduction, which uses voltage reduction to
minimize total energy consumption or to shave off the load peaks during
periods of high demand. This minimization is achieved via feeder voltage
reduction without violating customer voltage limits and other constraints
such as maximum number of device operations per day. The application
automatically takes into account abnormal network topologies.
Loss Minimization minimizes technical losses by switching capacitors to
minimize Var flows on feeders and respecting power factor limits set by
transmission operations.
IVVC recommendations can be issued automatically and directly to control
field equipment.
On-line Fault Level Analysis
The Fault Level Analysis application can interactively calculate fault currents
at an operator’s specified location in the network. This flexible and easy to
use application is able to calculate the three-phase fault currents as well
as the post-fault voltages. It can also compare the fault current magnitude
against the interruption capacity of breakers in the fault current path and
provides a display listing the breakers whose post-fault current flow is
greater than their current-interrupting capacity of those switches, alerting
the operator of potential problems before they occur.
The model used for this application is the same as for the rest of the DMS
applications and computation can be done using the actual network state
as pre-fault condition.
Optimal Feeder Reconfiguration:
Making Better Use of Distribution Network Assets
The Optimal Feeder Reconfiguration application analyzes the distribution
network and proposes switching actions that will result in better utilization
of the distribution assets. Its two modes of operation look to reduce system
losses and improve voltage profiles or to reduce overloads.
Loss Minimization through Feeder Reconfiguration: This mode seeks
to minimize system losses by providing recommendations for branch
exchange, i.e., closing one switch and opening another. It identifies what
the optimal tie point is between feeders resulting in minimal losses and
which avoids loading or voltage violation.
Contingency Load Transfer (Overload Reduction): In this mode, the
application provides the operator with switching recommendations for a
network re-configuration-transferring load from one feeder to another-
which will reduce overload on a particular device.
Graphical highlighting of affected equipment.
IVVC Recommendations Display
PowerOn Control
Switching Advisor and SMS:
Planned Switching Made Easy
PowerOn Control’s Planned Switching Advisor determines and proposes
switching operations in order to safely isolate a piece of equipment or
portion of the distribution network as part of a work order.
A typical context for a Work Order that requires switching involves the need
to isolate field equipment for maintenance. The Switching Advisor is capable
of proposed switching to completely isolate the device, while minimizing
the number of de-energized customers, without affecting any if possible.
Further, the proposed switching is validated so that it does not introduce
any overload or under-voltage conditions. The Switching Advisor uses real-
time connectivity information to trace through the network, so the network
model is always up-to-date. It also makes use of the powerful Load Flow
application as a means of checking the impact of the proposed actions.
The user can review the list of proposed switching and view the affected
switches highlighted on a graphical display.
Once the user is satisfied with the proposed switching, a single click
initiates the translation of the proposed switching steps into the Switching
Management Subsystem (SMS) for the creation of a Planned Switching Order.
This automatically generated list of Switching Order instructions will include
a number of additional steps, such as:
Tagging (e.g., Do-Not-Operate tags are placed on the isolating switches).
Actions, such as disabling of on-load tap changers, in the event that the
proposed switching involves creating a temporary parallel.
Tracing the affected circuits and locating and disabling reclosing relays.
Procedural steps defined by the client and configured to correspond to
the utility practices and processes.
The SMS provides users with an integrated environment for preparing,
validating, approving and executing planned and emergency switching orders.
Emergency Switching: Fast and Secure
SMS also supports the definition and life cycle activities of Emergency
Switching Orders, that in conjunction with FDIR dramatically improve the
response to unplanned events and emergencies.
Switching Order steps can be created manually, recorded from graphical
operations or created automatically by the advanced applications. The
automated switching order method produced by the Switching Advisor
ensures certain constraints, such as no resulting violations and proper
tagging, are respected.
SMS supports the archival of completed switching orders, as well as the
restoration and viewing of previously archived switching orders.
Access to all switching management functions is controlled via the
mechanism of user roles and privileges. This approach enables individual
utilities to assign responsibilities associated with the various functions to
different user types.
SMS maintains a detailed chronological audit trail that records and highlights
all changes made to a switching order after approval.
Data Management: Critical to DMS Success
The single most important factor that determines that the utility is getting
the most out of a DMS is effective and efficient data management. The GIS
Gateway can interface to a wide variety of Geographic Information Systems,
and will help streamline the process of keeping DMS data up-to-date,
both during initial build of the DMS network and through highly optimized
incremental imports. GE has a great deal of experience in helping utilities put
practical data management systems in place.
Advanced Architecture:
The Basis for Superior Performance
PowerOn Control has been designed to meet the functional, performance,
availability and expandability requirements of modern utilities. As a result,
PowerOn Control is based on a distributed client/server architecture
designed to internationally recognized standards. The use of appropriate
third-party hardware and software has been maximized in order to provide
the most convenient means of system expansion and integration with
corporate and legacy systems. System data is organized in databases
managed by commercially available industry-standard relational database
management systems (RDBMS). The data collected and processed by the
system is easily accessed by corporate applications such as Microsoft
, Microsoft Access
or corporate web applications using standard
ODBC drivers.
The Switching Order Editor showing the audit trail feature.
SMS Browser presenting a graphical overview of switching tasks.
PowerOn Control
Storage Area
Operational LAN
Maintenance LAN
Operator Workstation(s)
Remote Access
Access Security
Web Server(s)
Terminal Servers/Modems
GPS Clock
Dev Workstation
GIS Gateway
Dev/Test Environment
Enterprise WAN
PowerOn Control Main Control Center
By virtue of its distributed configuration, functions are allocated to
processing units based on the function/data modularity principle that
locates related groups of functions as closely as possible to the data they
frequently access. This avoids communication bottlenecks in the process of
distributing functionality.
In order to achieve the high availabilities required for any mission critical
system, fully redundant system components are provided. Fast, user-
transparent failovers give rise to an enhanced availability of critical
functions-an essential property of a mission-critical system.
PowerOn Control is capable of increasing its computing power via the
addition of further computing elements, such as additional memory,
processors, servers or workstations. In addition, PowerOn Control is designed
such that component failures are promptly detected and redundant
components are brought into use without operator intervention and without
causing degradation of functionality or performance.
Further, redundant elements are continuously monitored to avoid build-up
of hidden faults. Remote devices are monitored for malfunction and can be
readily removed from service when any such malfunction is detected.
PowerOn Control also supports a Hot-standby Backup Control Center with
optional full redundancy. This allows operations to transfer to a remote
location in the event of a disaster affecting the main control system.
PowerOn Control as Part of Your
Utility’s SmartGrid Strategy
GIS Interface: Leveraging Corporate Investments
in GIS Technology
The PowerOn Control GIS-Gateway interfaces the utility’s data residing in a
corporate GIS system or similar asset management systems with PowerOn
Control. This allows the integration between the GIS and PowerOn Control
data management.
The GIS Gateway by default accepts data exported in CIM/XML format as
defined by IEC 61968/61970 standard for network model data attributes,
and GML format for network graphical representations. If the utility already
has or is considering GE’s Smallworld Electric Office GIS, a productized
interface based on the same standards ensures seamless integration with
minimal efforts.
Where the GIS product used by a utility does not offer the capability to
export its data and graphics into CIM/XML and GML formats, specialized
services can be offered to implement utility-specific GIS data extraction
utilities compatible with the GIS-Gateway.
It is possible to categorize the incremental GIS network modifications based
on the complexity of the change. PowerOn Control can then automatically
apply changes categorized as simple all the way to the production system
without requiring user intervention. For changes categorized as complex,
PowerOn Control allows users to selectively review and approve changes
before application.
External Database Access
PowerOn Control offers a uniform and user-transparent mechanism for
accessing data stored in the various databases within the PowerOn Control
product. An advanced Application Programming Interface (API) provides the
client applications with a set of services to globally access data.
External applications can also access historical data through its standard
ODBC interface, or through Oracle’s standard SQL interface as well as
through stored procedures.
The system supports various transfer protocols ranging from simple secure
FTP file transfers or Web XML imports/exports to real-time Inter Control
Center Protocols including 60870-6-TASE 2 ICCP, ELCOM-90 and IEC 60870-
5-101/104 over serial or IP links respectively.
Typical PowerOn Control System
imagination at work
NERC is a registered trademark of North American Electric Reliability Council.
IEC is a registered trademark of Commission Electrotechnique Internationale.
Telegyr is a registered trademark of LG2 Landis and Gyr Zug AG.
Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Automation, Inc.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.
OSISoft is a registered trademark of OSI Soft, LLC.
Microsoft, Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excelare registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in
the United States and/or other countries.
ISO is a registered trademark of the International Organization for Standardization.
GE, the GE monogram, PowerOn, Smallworld and Electric Office are trademarks and service marks of
General Electric Company.
GE reserves the right to make changes to specifications of products described at any time without
notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
Copyright 2013, General Electric Company.
Digital Energy
2018 Powers Ferry Road
Atlanta, GA 30339
1-877-605-6777 (toll-free in North America)
678-844-3777 (direct number)
PowerOn Control Operator Training
The best defense for coping with difficult situations is preparedness. GE
provides the “real case” simulation training with its state-of-the-art OTS. This
environment provides models that emulate the real-world devices of the
system. The OTS ensures that the team is sharp and ready, and well-versed
in many real-life eventualities.
With the OTS utilities have an environment that is a functional replica of their
DMS and distribution network, and is safe to use to develop best practices in
keeping with today’s quality assurance and cost efficiency demands.
In addition to acting as a Trainee/Instructor Simulator the OTS can also be
used as a pre-production environment to pre-test software and database
releases before integrating them into the live system.
The following applications are packaged with each OTS:
Training Monitor and Control: This application enables the instructor to
monitor and control the simulator’s state at any point in time.
Scenario Manager: The scenario manager is used to facilitate the
manipulation of the scenario files. Through its menu, the instructor can
define, edit and execute scenarios or put a scenario in a learning state.
When in the learning state, all trainee/instructor actions affecting the
simulation are automatically recorded in the scenario. This scenario can
be later replayed to re-execute the sequence of actions.
Base Case/Snapshot Manager: With this application the instructor can save
and restore snapshots/base cases or initialize the OTS from a base case.
Audit Trail: All activities in the OTS are recorded for review by the
instructor in the Audit Trail application. Commands performed by the
instructor and trainee, all scenario events, all alarms and events normally
generated by the applications are recorded in the Audit Trail.
Scenarios representing real situations, such as bad weather, disasters or
high-volume usage or peak period can be generated from the production
historical database to create scenarios that will test the trainee to think and
act on his feet under exceptional conditions. The OTS gives the user real-life
situations in a perfectly safe environment.
Cyber Security
As control systems have become an integral part of tightly-integrated
enterprise business applications, keeping control systems secure is a top
priority for effective use of these advanced applications.
PowerOn Control Cyber Security is guided by North-American and
International Security Standards, such as NERC CIP, NIST Security Checklists,
NIST SP 800 Series (800-53, 800-82), ISA-TR99, ISO
/IEC-27002:2005, and
CIS Guidelines. It is based on a Defense-in-Depth security approach which
includes Network, Application and Host Security.
PowerOn Control - Secure: Lock-down and
Demonstrate Cyber-Security Compliance
PowerOn Control - Secure provides a solution to gain control of, and confidence
in, a mission-critical system’s security posture. Secure has the ability to identify
security, compliance and configuration issues that may compromise the
system. Using Secure on a regular basis to audit mission-critical servers and
workstations is a key policy in a sound self-assessment certification process.
Secure does much more than simply audit against certified configurations. It
has the ability to perform the configuration changes required to lockdown and
secure workstations and servers. In audit mode, Secure will execute a selected
set of security controls and generate a conformance report. In lockdown mode,
Secure will configure the workstation or server as per security best-practices
conforming to industry standards such as the NERC-CIP and ISO-17799.
Reports are made available in both text and HTML formats. Using a standard
web browser interface, Secure audit reports can be conveniently viewed by
authorized personnel. A list of all available reports is presented and each
one is easily and conveniently accessible from the Secure Cyber Security
Dashboard. A quick glance at the dashboard can reveal security, compliance
and configuration deviations in the system that require attention.
PowerOn Control - Advisor: Simplify and Optimize
Patch Management
PowerOn Control - Advisor is an extension to the Secure utility. It provides
PowerOn Control-specific value-added information on third-party advisories
and patch updates. Whenever a third-party issues a patch update, Advisor
instantly analyzes the impact on the PowerOn Control system, the authorized
software and the management tools installed on a server or workstation. A
preliminary patch management assessment report indicating the potential
impact on the system is e-mailed to GE’s customer support team and
optionally, the utility’s patch management team. The report from Advisor
helps to focus the testing required for patch management certification and
reduce turn-around time.