Innovation Kit
Made possible in part by:
Teacher's Guide:
Lesson 1
Maine MILL’s Innovation Kit program provides lessons and materials to schools throughout
Maine designed to inspire them with stories, experiences, and paths for the future. The
Energy Innovation Kit focuses on energy innovation, renewables, and solar energy.
Students learn about the history of how power was generated in Maine’s mills and
factories, and how new forms of energy are captured and deployed. They explore
electricity, make circuits, and build solar cars. They learn about jobs in the field, including
electrician, solar installer, and electrical engineer, and hear from people in these jobs today.
Our Energy Information Kit offers teachers 2 weeks (6-8 class periods) of lessons and
activities and all the necessary materials to successfully complete each. Each lesson and
activity is linked to Maine State Learning Standards and Next Gen Science Standards,
where applicable, to help teachers achieve their curricular goals for the year.
How to Use the Energy Innovation Kit Teacher’s Guide
The lessons and activities in this kit are designed for students in upper elementary through
middle school. Each lesson contains learning objectives, complete instructions for the
lesson from set up to closing, assessment tools, and standards. Teacher’s have the flexibility
to deliver the lessons in sequential order, scaffolding students' knowledge, or they may
select individual lessons based on students’ past knowledge, experience or ability level.
Where appropriate cross-curricular activities, alternate ideas for assessment and lesson
alternatives are noted. Materials provided in the kit are only for the lessons provided in
this teacher's manual and not for alternate suggested lessons.
Care of the materials in the Energy Innovation Kit
Enough materials have been provided in this kit for 75 students (3 classes of 25 students
each). Many activities require students to work in pairs or small groups. All materials in
the Energy Innovation Kit are contained in sturdy plastic boxes. Handle the trunk the
materials are delivered in with care, it will be heavy. It is recommended that teacher’s store
materials in a room that can be secured. Each box is labeled with the activity the material
is for and a checklist for teachers to use when returning materials to the box. Please note
any materials that may have been damaged on the checklist sheet.
Note about Consumable Materials
Lesson 3 contains a selection of consumable materials for students to use in the
construction of their model water wheels. Please return any unused materials with the
kits to reduce the amount of waste.
Students will be able to explain basic definitions of forms of energy - kinetic, potential,
electrical, radiant, thermal, motion, sound, chemical, elastic, nuclear, gravitational.
Students will be able to explain how energy changes from one form to another.
Students will be able to identify evidence of the different forms of energy.
Students will have a detailed understanding of GPE and KE.
Students will be able to identify points when energy is stored or transferred.
Hair Dryer
Colliding Spheres (Newton’s Cradle)
Tuning Fork and large erasers
Rubber bands
"Understanding Energy " information sheet
"Energy Transformation Station" lab sheets
Set up materials above in stations around the room. There should be enough stations
for only 1 group of 2-3 students to work at a time. You may choose to use all or some of
these stations depending on the amount of students and the time you have for the
class period.
Have enough copies of the "Energy Transformation Station" and "Understanding
Energy" sheets for each student.
Time: 1 50-60 min. class period plus pre-reading and homework.
Learning Objectives:
Materials Needed
If students have not had any background lessons on forms of energy, or some years have
passed, it is recommended that students read the "Understanding Energy" information
sheet prior to the start of this lesson. This sheet can either be done together in class as a
guided class read or as homework the night before. This sheet should be kept in their
science notebook or folder so students can refer to it throughout the following station
Set Up
Energy Transformation
Station Activity
Innovation Kit Lesson 1
Create a class mind map - Write “Energy” on the board. Ask the class “When you think
of energy, what do you think of?” Write answers on the board. If pre-reading
"Understanding Energy" was assigned this can be a quick informal survey for
understanding or if not, a check for prior knowledge.
Watch Energy Defined Video from PBS Learning Media. Following the video ask the
students to define energy using their own words and what it means to convert one
form of energy to another.
Hand out copies of "Understanding Energy" sheets to each student if it was not assigned
as a pre-reading activity. Review together and explain that students will need this
information in order to complete the activity. Sheets should be kept in their science
notebook or folder for future reference.
Hand out copies of “Energy Transformation Station” lab sheets. If students have a
science lab notebook these pages can be added to the notebook or they can be
distributed as a separate packet.
Review the sheets together as a class. Explain how each station has an object to test and
students have 5 minutes at each station. Establish expectations for each lab activity and
Divide students into groups of 2-3. You may choose to assign groups or allow students to
choose their own.
Assign each group a station to start at and set a timer for 5 minutes.
Allow students 5 minutes to explore each item and to complete the Energy
Transformation Station lab sheet for that station.
Rotate students to the next station after 5 minutes.
Stop students working 5 min before the end of class to clean up all materials and hand
in worksheets. Incomplete sheets can be sent home as homework to return the next
class period.
Have students return to the mind map the board. Ask students what would they add to
the map based on their lab experience now? Can they identify any patterns?
Collect all lab sheets when completed and review for understanding.
As students enter the room set the mood with music. Before the bell rings/class period
begins, play a song that mentions energy or electricity. There are lots of options out there
but here are a few suggestions: High Voltage -AC/DC, I’ve Got the Power - Snap, Electric
Avenue - Eddy Grant, Make a Circuit With Me - The Polecats, Electric Boogy (Electric Slide)
- Marcia Griffths, Electric Youth - Debbie Gibson.
Instruction, Teacher Modeling, Guided Practice
Independent Work Time
Closing, Review and Assessment/Homework
Maine Learning Results
4-PS3-4 Apply scientific ideas to design, test and refine a device that converts energy from
one form to another.
Next Gen Science Standards
4-PS3-2. Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place
to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents. (Grade 4)
Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy is motion; it is the motion of waves, electrons, atoms, molecules,
substances, and objects.
Electrical energy is the movement of electrons. Everything is made of tiny
particles called atoms. Atoms are made of even smaller particles called
electrons, protons, and neutrons. Applying a force can make some of the
electrons move. Electrons moving through a wire are called electricity.
Lightening is another example of electrical energy.
Radiant energy is electromagnetic energy that travels in waves. Radiant
energy includes visible light, x-rays, gamma rays, and radio waves. Solar
energy is an example of radiant energy.
Thermal energy, or heat, is the internal energy in substances; it is the
vibration and movement of the atoms and molecules within a substance.
The more thermal energy in a substance, the faster the atoms and molecules
vibrate and move. Geothermal energy is an example of thermal energy.
Motion energy is the movement of objects and substances from one place to
another. Objects and substances move when an unbalanced force is applied
according to Newton’s Laws of Motion. Wind is an example of motion
Sound energy is the movement of energy through substances in horizontal
waves. Sound is produced when a force causes an object or substance to
vibrate; the energy is transferred through the substance in a wave.
Understanding Energy
Scientists define energy as the ability to do work. Energy makes things change. It can make an
elevator go up and down, keep the lights on in our homes, keep our cars moving down the road,
cook our food or keep it cold in the refrigerator. Energy makes our bodies grow and allows our
mind to think. There are many different forms of energy but they can be divided into two
categories, potential and kinetic energy.
Potential Energy
Potential energy is stored energy and the energy of position, or gravitational
potential energy. There are several forms of potential energy.
Chemical energy is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules. It is
the energy that holds these particles together. Biomass, petroleum, natural
gas, propane, and the foods we eat are examples of stored chemical energy.
Batteries also work by storing chemical energy.
Elastic energy is energy stored in objects by the application of a force.
Compressed springs and stretched rubber bands are examples of elastic
Nuclear energy is energy stored in the nucleus of an atom; it is the energy
that holds the nucleus together. The energy can be released when the nuclei
are combined or split apart. Nuclear power plants split the nuclei of
uranium atoms in a process called fission. The sun combines the nuclei of
hydrogen atoms in a process called fusion.
Gravitational potential energy is the energy of position or place. A rock
resting at the top of a hill contains gravitational potential energy because of
its position. Hydropower, such as water in a reservoir behind a dam, is an
example of gravitational potential energy.
The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can
neither be created nor destroyed, only altered in form.
What does that mean? We can not create energy from nothing but we can transform,
or convert, one form of energy into another.
Step # 1 - Plug in the hair dyer and turn it on.
1. What type of energy is coming from the outlet in the wall to the hair dryer?
2. What type of energy comes out of the hair dryer?
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Hair dryer
Energy Before Energy After
Name another object that transforms energy in a similar way to the hair dryer. Explain
how they are alike.
Step #2 - Turn off and unplug the hair dryer. Wait until you are instructed to move to
the next station.
Step #1 - CAREFULLY pick up a tuning fork and eraser. The tuning fork is fragile
and can break, so please treat with care.
Step #2 - Place the eraser so that it lies flat on the table. Holding the end of the
tuning fork in your hand and GENTLY tap the fork on the eraser.
Step #3 - Hold the tuning fork up to your ear.
What form of energy is coming from the tuning fork? _______________________
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Tuning Fork
Energy Before Energy After
What did you hear, see and feel after you tapped the tuning fork? Record your
observations in at least 3 sentences.
Step #4 - Clean up your materials. Wait until you are instructed to move to the next
Step #1 - The Colliding Spheres, also called a Newton's Cradle, is fragile so please treat
it with care. CAREFULLY lift one of the spheres on the end slightly higher than the
What form of energy is this? _________________________________________
Step #2 - Let the sphere go.
Describe what happened. What form of energy is this?
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Colliding Spheres
Energy Before Energy After
Step #3 - Try lifting 2 spheres and let them go. Now try 3 spheres. What happens
each time?
Step #4 - Clean up your materials. Wait until you are instructed to move to the next
Step #1 - Each person should take a rubber band.
Step #2 - Stretch the rubber band between your fingers.
What form of energy is this?___________________
Step #3 - Aim for the floor and release the rubber band. Be careful not to hit anyone.
What form did the energy take when you released the rubber band?
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Rubber Bands
Energy Before Energy After
Step #3 - Think of another example of energy transforming in the same way as the
rubber bands. Describe below.
Step #4 - Clean up your materials. Wait until you are instructed to move to the next
Step #1 - Each person should take a pinwheel.
Step #2 - Blow on the pinwheel so it spins.
What form of energy is this?___________________
What form did the energy take when the pinwheel started to spin?___________
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Pinwheel
Energy Before Energy After
Step #3 - How does changing how hard you blow effect the rate that the pinwheel
spins? Try turning the pinwheel in different directions. How does that effect the spin
when you blow? Describe below.
Step #4 - Clean up your materials. Wait until you are instructed to move to the next
Step #1 - Take the ruler and place one end on a book and the other end on the table
so that it forms an incline.
Step #2 - Hold one marble at the top of the ruler on the book.
What form of energy is this?_____________________________________________
Step #3 - Let go of the marble and allow it to roll to the bottom of the ruler to the
table. Make sure to catch it before it rolls off the table!
What form of energy is this? _____________________________________________
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Marbles
Energy Before Energy After
Step #3 - Try stacking another book on top of the first so that your ramp is steeper.
How does this change how fast the marble rolls? Describe below.
Step #4 - Clean up your materials. Wait until you are instructed to move to the next
Step #1 - Take the batteries and insert them into the flashlight. Make sure the
batteries are lined up in the correct direction.
What type of potential energy is in the battery? ____________________________
Step #2 - Turn on the flashlight. Troubleshooting: If the flashlight will not turn on
trying changing the battery positions.
What form of energy is needed to turn on the flashlight? ____________________
What form of energy does the flashlight produce? __________________________
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Flashlight
Energy in Battery
Energy Coming from
the Flashlight
Step #3 - Many devises we use everyday require a battery to operate wirelessly. List
as many things as you can that you use in a day that require a battery to operate.
Step #4 - Remove the batteries from the flashlight and clean up materials. Wait until
you are instructed to move to the next station.
Energy in the
Step # 1 - Plug in the hair dyer and turn it on.
1. What type of energy is coming from the outlet in the wall to the hair dryer?
Electric Energy
2. What type of energy comes out of the hair dryer?
Thermal and/or sound energy
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Hair dryer
Answer Key
Energy Before Energy After
Name another object that transforms energy in a similar way to the hair dryer. Explain
how they are alike.
There are a number of devises that covert electrical to thermal energy- oven, stove,
curling iron/straightner, etc.
Step #2 - Turn off and unplug the hair dryer. Wait until you are instructed to move to
the next station.
Step #1 - CAREFULLY pick up the tuning fork and eraser. The tuning fork is fragile
and can break, so please treat with care.
Step #2 - Place the eraser so that it lies flat on the table. Holding the end of the
tuning fork in your hand GENTLY tap the fork on the eraser.
Step #3 - Hold the tuning fork up to your ear.
What form of energy is coming from the tuning fork? Sound Energy
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Tuning Fork
Energy Before Energy After
What did you hear, see and feel after you tapped the tuning fork? Record your
observations in at least 3 sentences.
Answers will vary but expect observations of the sound the fork makes and the
vibration they feel in their hands.
Step #4 - Clean up your materials. Wait until you are instructed to move to the next
Step #1 - The Colliding Spheres, also called a Newton's Cradle, is fragile so please treat
it with care. CAREFULLY lift one of the spheres on the end and lift is slightly higher
than the others.
What form of energy is this? Potential
Step #2 - Let the sphere go.
Describe what happened. What form of energy is this?
When the sphere falls and collides with the next one it causes the sphere on the
opposite side to move. This is motion or mechanical energy.
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Colliding Spheres
Answer Key
Energy Before Energy After
Step #3 - Try lifting 2 spheres and let them go. Now try 3 spheres. What happens each
If 2 spheres are lifted, the opposite 2 will move. Students should note changes in speed,
height of the moving spheres and differences in the sounds they make.
Step #4 - Clean up your materials. Wait until you are instructed to move to the next
Step #1 - Each person should take a rubber band.
Step #2 - Stretch the rubber band between your fingers.
What form of energy is this? Potential
Step #3 - Aim for the floor and release the rubber band. Be careful not to hit anyone.
What form did the energy take when you released the rubber band?
Mechanical or Kinetic
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Rubber Bands
Answer Key
Energy Before Energy After
Step #3 - Think of another example of energy transforming in the same way as the
rubber bands. Describe below.
Answers will vary but could include springs, hair ties, etc.
Step #4 - Clean up your materials. Wait until you are instructed to move to the next
Step #1 - Each person should take a pinwheel.
Step #2 - Blow on the pinwheel so it spins.
What form of energy is this? Mechanical
What form did the energy take when the pinwheel started to spin? Mechanical
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Pinwheel
Answer Key
Energy Before Energy After
Step #3 - How does changing how hard you blow effect the rate that the pinwheel
spins? Try turning the pinwheel in different directions. How does that effect the spin
when you blow. Describe below.
Answers will vary but should include observations of the harder you blow the faster
the wheel turns and changing the angle can make the wheel pin faster or slower.
Step #4 - Clean up your materials. Wait until you are instructed to move to the next
Mechanical Mechanical
Step #1 - Take the ruler and place one end on a book and the other end on the table
so that it forms an incline.
Step #2 - Hold one marble at the top of the ruler on the book.
What form of energy is this? Potential gravitational energy
Step #3 - Let go of the marble and allow it to roll to the bottom of the ruler to the
table. Make sure to catch it before it rolls off the table!
What form of energy is this? Mechanical
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Marbles
Answer Key
Energy Before Energy After
Step #3 - Try stacking another book on top of the first so that your ramp is steeper.
How does this change how fast the marble rolls? Describe below.
The steeper the incline the faster the marble rolls.
Step #4 - Clean up your materials. Wait until you are instructed to move to the next
Step #1 - Take the batteries and insert them into the flashlight. Make sure the
batteries are lined up in the correct direction.
What type of potential energy is in the battery? Chemical
Step #2 - Turn on the flashlight. Troubleshooting: If the flashlight will not turn on
trying changing the battery positions.
What form of energy is needed to turn on the flashlight? Electrical
What form of energy does the flashlight produce? Radiant
Complete the table below. You may use text and/or a small drawing to illustrate
your answer.
Energy Transformation Station - Flashlight
Energy in Battery
Energy Coming from
the Flashlight
Step #3 - Many devises we use everyday require a battery to operate wirelessly. List
as many things as you can that you use in a day that require a battery to operate.
Step #4 - Remove the batteries from the flashlight and clean up materials. Wait until
you are instructed to move to the next station.
Energy in the
Chemical Electrical Radiant