Forms of Energy and Energy Transformations Practice Name_______________________________
Date _____________
LT: I can identify and describe the different forms of potential and kinetic energy. _____
LT: I can give/explain examples of energy transformations. _____
Potential and Kinetic Energy
Identify each of the following forms of energy as either potential energy (P) or kinetic energy (K).
_____ Sound _____ Nuclear _____ Elastic _____ Electric
_____ Chemical _____ Gravitational _____ Thermal _____ Electromagnetic
a. Choose one of the above forms of potential energy and describe why it fits in this category.
b. Choose one of the above forms of kinetic energy and describe why it fits in this category.
Forms of Energy
Match the energy form(s) to the description provided. Questions may have more than one answer. Pick the
form(s) of energy most clearly demonstrated.
_____________1. A boulder resting at the top of a hill a. Translational motion
_____________2. Release of energy from the Sun b. Electric
_____________3. A coiled spring c. Electromagnetic (radiant)
_____________4. Batteries not in use d. Chemical
_____________5. The energy that runs a refrigerator e. Nuclear
_____________6. Nuclear fission reactors f. Sound
_____________7. The rumble of thunder from a storm g. Elastic
_____________8. Rubbing your hands together h. Gravitational
_____________9. Gasoline stored in a tank i. Rotational motion
_____________10. Food before it is eaten j. Thermal (heat)
_____________11. A guitar string vibrating
_____________12. A top spinning
_____________13. Sledding down a hill
_____________14. Candle burning
_____________15. A taut rubber band (fully stretched)
Transformation of Energy
Use the following forms of energy to fill in the table below: rotational motion, translational motion, electric,
thermal, electromagnetic, chemical, nuclear, and sound. The first one has been done for you.
1. Electric motor
rotational motion
2. A battery that runs a moving toy
3. A solar panel on the roof of a house
4. A person lifting a chair
5. A nuclear power plant
6. A toaster
7. A church bell ringing
8. Gasoline powering a car
9. Turning on a lamp
10. Photosynthesis
Transformation of Energy II
Describe a scenario with the following energy transformations (do not include examples from the table
a. Electric energy being converted into sound energy
b. Chemical energy being converted to motion energy
c. Thermal energy being converted to sound energy
d. Gravitational potential energy being converted to motion energy
e. Electric energy being converted into electromagnetic energy