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Published by : P. Gokulanathan, Nithra Publications, AV Plaza 3rd & 4th Floor, South Car Street, Tiruchengode - 637211.
Book/PDF Name : Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams
Pages : 237
Rate : 200 /-
Edition : 2020
Copyright : Publisher
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Topics Name
Test No
Page No
Test -1
5 6
Test - 2
7 - 8
Test - 3
9 - 10
Test 4
11 - 12
Test - 5
13 - 15
Test - 6
15 - 17
Noun - 1
Test - 7
17 - 19
Noun - 2
Test - 8
19 - 20
Noun - 3
Test - 9
21 - 22
VERB - 1
Test - 10
22 - 24
VERB - 2
Test -11
24 - 26
VERB - 3
Test - 12
27 - 29
VERB - 4
Test -13
29 - 31
Test - 14
31 - 32
Test -15
33 - 34
Test - 16
35 - 37
Test -17
37 - 39
Test - 18
39 - 41
Test -19
41 - 43
Test - 20
43 - 45
Test -21
45 - 47
Test - 22
47 - 49
Test -23
49 - 51
Test - 24
52 - 54
Test -25
54 - 56
Test - 26
56 - 58
Test -27
58 - 60
Test - 28
60 - 62
Test -29
62 - 64
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test -30
64 - 66
Test - 31
66 - 68
Test - 32
68 - 70
Test 33
70 - 71
Test - 34
72 - 73
Test - 35
74 - 76
Test - 36
76 - 78
Test - 37
78 - 81
Test - 38
81 - 84
Test - 39
84 - 86
Test -40
86 - 88
Test 41
88 - 90
Test - 42
90 - 92
Test 43
92 - 94
Test 44
95 - 97
Test 45
97 - 99
Test - 46
99 - 101
Test 47
101 - 103
Test -48
103 - 106
Test 49
106 - 108
Test 50
108 - 110
Test 51
110 - 112
Test 52
113 - 115
Test 53
115 - 117
Test 54
117 - 119
Test 55
119 - 121
Test 56
121 -123
Test 57
123 - 125
Simple Present Tense - 1
Test -58
125 -127
Simple Present Tense - 2
Test - 59
127 - 129
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Simple Present Tense - 3
Test 60
130 -132
Simple Present Tense - 4
Test 61
132 - 134
Present Continuous Tense 1
Test 62
134 - 136
Present Continuous Tense 2
Test 63
136 - 138
Present Continuous Tense 3
Test 64
138 - 140
Present Continuous Tense 4
Test 65
140 - 142
Present Perfect Continuous Tense 1
Test - 66
142 - 144
Present Perfect Continuous Tense 2
Test - 67
144 - 146
Present Perfect Tense 1
Test - 68
146 - 148
Present Perfect Tense 2
Test - 69
149 - 151
Present Perfect Tense 3
Test 70
151 - 153
Simple Past Tense - 1
Test - 71
153 - 155
Simple Past Tense - 2
Test - 72
155 - 157
Simple Past Tense - 3
Test - 73
157 - 159
Simple Past Tense - 4
Test - 74
159 - 161
Simple Past Tense - 5
Test - 75
161 - 163
Past Continuous Tense - 1
Test - 76
163 - 165
Past Continuous Tense - 2
Test - 77
165 - 167
Past Continuous Tense - 3
Test 78
167 - 169
Past Perfect Tense - 1
Test - 79
169 - 171
Past Perfect Tense - 2
Test - 80
172 - 174
Past Perfect Continuous Tense - 1
Test 81
174 - 176
Simple Future Tense - 1
Test - 82
176 - 178
Simple Future Tense - 2
Test - 83
178 - 180
Future Continuous Tense - 1
Test - 84
180 - 182
Future Perfect Tense 1
Test - 85
182 - 184
Future Perfect Tense 2
Test - 86
184 - 186
Future Perfect Tense 3
Test - 87
186 - 188
Future Perfect Continuous Tense - 1
Test - 88
188 - 190
Miscellaneous Tense - 1
Test - 89
191 - 193
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Miscellaneous Tense - 2
Test - 90
193 - 195
One Word Substitute - 1
Test - 91
195 - 196
One Word Substitute - 2
Test 92
197 - 198
Conversation Completion - 1
Test - 93
198 - 200
Conversation Completion - 2
Test - 94
201 - 203
Conversation Completion - 3
Test 95
203 - 205
Test - 96
206 - 207
Test - 97
207 - 208
Homophones 1
Test - 98
209 - 211
Homophones 2
Test - 99
211 - 213
Homophones 3
Test - 100
213 - 215
Test - 101
215 - 217
Test 102
217 - 218
Test - 103
218 - 221
Test - 104
221 - 224
Test 105
224 - 226
Test - 106
226 - 228
Test - 107
228 - 229
Test - 108
230 - 232
Test - 109
232 - 234
Test - 110
235 - 237
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 1
1) Choose the correct part of speech of the word: and
A) Preposition B) Interjection
C) Conjunction D) Noun
2) Choose the correct part of speech of the word: speak
A) Verb B) Adjective
C) Noun D) Conjunction
3) Choose the correct part of speech of the word: the
A) Verb B) Article
C) Pronoun D) Noun
4) Choose the correct part of speech: Dance
A) Noun B) Verb
C) Adjective D) Adverb
5) Identify the part of speech of the underlined word: However, there are a number
of places and events that really must be seen and enjoyed if you are in London.
A) Adjective B) Adverb
C) Article D) Conjunction
6) This is a fast train.
In the above sentence fast denotes which part of speech?
A) Adjective B) Adverb
C) Noun D) Verb
7) This part of speech links nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in the
A) Adjective B) Interjection
C) Preposition D) Conjunction
8) This part of speech links nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in the
A) Pronoun B) Interjections
C) Preposition D) Verb
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
9) We left for the mountain just before six in the morning. Which part of speech is the
word 'left' in this sentence?
A) Verb B) Adverb
C) Adjective D) Noun
10) What part of speech connects words or groups of words? Examples are for, and,
nor, but, or, yet, so
A) Adverb B) Interjection
C) Conjunction D) Pronoun
11) Which part of speech expresses a mild or sudden burst of emotion?
A) Adverb B) Noun
C) Interjection D) Adjective
12) Which part of speech modifies a noun?
A) Conjunction B) Verb
C) Pronoun D) Adjective
13) Will you please water the plants? Which part of speech is the word 'water' in this
A) Noun B) Verb
C) Conjunction D) Preposition
14) Choose the answer that names the part of speech of the capitalized word in the
following sentence: EVERYONE met at the field house.
A) Noun B) Adjective
C) Adverb D) Pronoun
15) Choose the answer that names the part of speech of the capitalized word in the
following sentence:
Farmers had VERY poor crops this year.
A) Adjective B) Pronoun
C) Verb D) Adverb
Answers :
1) C
7) C
13) B
2) A
8) C
14) D
3) B
9) A
15) D
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 2
1) Fill in the blanks with more suitable Pronoun.
My mobile needs to be fixed, but _____ is working.
A) mine B) his
C) our D) their
2) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Pronoun.
It was Arthy and not Parvathi who did the cleaning all by ______.
A) herself B) ourselves
C) himself D) themselves
3) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Reflexive Pronoun.
I caught sight of _____ in the mirror.
A) myself B) ourselves
C) themselves D) herself
4) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Reflexive Pronoun.
I introduced _____ to my new neighbour.
A) ourselves B) themselves
C) myself D) yourselves
5) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Relative Pronoun.
The house _____windows are open is beautiful.
A) which B) who
C) whose D) where
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of subject/personal pronouns.
Andrews is American. ______ isn’t French.
A) He B) She
C) It D) They
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of subject/personal pronouns.
Bret Lee is American, too. ______isn’t German.
A) He B) She
C) It D) They
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of subject/personal pronouns.
My friend and I are high school students. ______ aren’t primary school students.
A) We B) She
C) It D) They
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of subject/personal pronouns.
Ram and Raj aren’t French. ______are American.
A) He B) She
C) It D) They
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of subject/personal pronouns.
The Statue of Liberty is in New York. ______ isn’t in Washington.
A) We B) She
C) It D) They
11) Find the correct relative pronoun.
Do you know that girl Jill is talking to?
A) Which B) That
C) Whom D) What
12) Find the suitable relative pronoun in given sentence.
A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital.
A) Whom B) Who
C) That D) Which
13) For each of the questions below, choose the best pronoun:
_____ showed _____ some photographs of my holiday in Paris.
A) We, me B) I, them
C) I, us D) You, they
14) Identify the indefinite pronoun:
A) Them B) They
C) Anyone D) Who
15) Identify the pronoun from the given sentence.
I helped him carry it.
A) Helped B) Carry
C) Him D) It
1) B
2) A
3) A
4) C
5) C
6) A
7) A
8) A
9) D
10) C
11) C
12) B
13) B
14) C
15) D
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 3
1) Identify the pronoun from the given sentence.
You have to believe in yourself if you ever expect to be successful at something.
A) Yourself B) Believe
C) Successful D) Ever
2) Name the pronoun: 'Tom gave the book to him’.
A) gave B) book
C) Tom D) him
3) Replace the underlined word with the correct pronoun My passport is in my bag.
______ is in my bag.
A) They B) Them
C) It D) We
4) Replace the underlined word with the correct pronoun Ram and I are the same age.
______ are the same age.
A) He B) We
C) She D) They
5) Replace the underlined word with the correct pronoun John and Robert had an
argument. ______ had an argument.
A) You B) Them
C) They D) We
6) Replace the underlined word with the correct pronoun.
Can you help me? Yes, ______ can help you.
A) you B) we
C) he D) I
7) Select the pronoun in the sentence:
This is the book the salesclerk suggested.
A) This B) suggested
C) book D) the
8) Select the pronoun in the sentence:
You and Ashok need to clean up the mess before Mom gets home.
A) up B) before
C) You D) home
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
9) The pronouns _____ as subjects are always used with a plural verb.
A) all, any, many B) both, few, others
C) each, everybody, one D) most, none, some
10) Which Object form of the personal pronoun can substitute the underlined phrase in
the sentence?
The teacher always gives the students homework.
A) Me B) You
C) Them D) Her
11) Fill in the blank with suitable Possessive Pronoun.
The boys play with ____ football.
A) them B) her
C) their D) None of these
12) Write some pronouns that you can use to refer to the following noun: An object
A) This B) That
C) Both A and B D) Your
13) Write the correct possessive pronoun for each sentence:
This apartment belongs to me and my cousin. This apartment is ______.
A) theirs B) mine
C) ours D) hers
14) Choose the correct reflexive pronoun:
My mother often talks to ______ in the kitchen.
A) myself B) yourself
C) itself D) herself
15) Choose the right Pronoun: Do you like apples? I love ______!
A) them B) her
C) it D) its
1) A
2) D
3) C
4) B
5) C
6) D
7) A
8) C
9) B
10) C
11) C
12) C
13) C
14) D
15) C
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 4
1) Choose whether the pronoun in the sentence is in the subject or object form in the
following sentence:
We live in Dubai.
A) Subject form B) Object form
C) Both A and B D) None of these
2) Complete the sentences with suitable reflexive pronoun.
I have always wanted to meet you but we′ve never had the chance to talk to ___
until now.
A) Myself B) Yourself
C) Each other D) Himself
3) Complete the sentences with suitable reflexive pronoun.
Let me introduce ____. My name is Alan.
A) Myself B) Yourself
C) Each other D) Himself
4) Complete the sentences with suitable reflexive pronoun.
They told ___ stories all night long.
A) Myself B) Yourself
C) Each other D) Himself
5) Fill in the blank with correct interrogative pronoun:
Who ______ that short story?
A) writes B) wrote
C) did write D) did wrote
6) Fill in the blank with correct pronoun:
Despite her parent’s complaints, she decided to live by ______ in New York City.
A) her B) herself
C) him D) himself
7) Fill in the blank with suitable Pronoun.
We decided to do all the cooking by ______ instead of hiring a catering company
for the party.
A) ours B) oneself
C) our own D) ourselves
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Fill in the blank with suitable Reflexive pronoun.
The children can look after _____.
A) themselves B) yourselves
C) himself D) None of these
9) We didn't spend the night there.
A) Verb B) Adverb
C) Noun D) Pronoun
10) Here is the pen ______ you are searching for.
A) who B) no pronoun
C) that D) which
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Pronoun.
Adam ran after the thief _____ snatched his mother′s handbag.
A) who B) whom
C) that D) which
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Pronoun.
I like _____ gloves.
A) This B) That
C) These D) Those
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.
_____ do you know about this subject, and who taught it to you?
A) What B) Who
C) Whom D) Which
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Pronouns.
_____ taxi is free.
A) This B) That
C) These D) Those
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Pronouns.
______ did you ask to tea?
A) Which B) Whose
C) What D) Who
1) A
2) C
3) A
4) C
5) B
6) B
7) D
8) A
9) B
10) B
11) A
12) D
13) A
14) B
15) D
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test - 5
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Pronouns.
Salim bought his sister a blouse. It fitted her very well.
A) Who B) Whom
C) That/which D) When
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun
The house _____ belongs to Julie is in London.
A) Himself B) which
C) which D) who
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
The bar in Barcelona _____ I met my wife is still there.
A) who B) whom
C) where D) which
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
The summer _____ I graduated from university was long and hot.
A) Who B) whom
C) whose D) which
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
The woman _____ car is a BMW is coming tonight.
A) Who B) whom
C) whose D) which
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
A bottle opener is a device _____ opens bottles.
A) Who B) Whom
C) Which D) Whose
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
A detective is someone _____discovers the truth about crimes.
A) Whom B) Whose
C) Who D) Which
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
A novelist is a person _____ writes novels.
A) Whom B) Who
C) Whose D) Which
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
A tiger is an animal _____is very strong.
A) Which B) Who
C) Whom D) Whose
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
He bought a lorry _____ runs fast.
A) Which B) Who
C) Whom D) Whose
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
He was wearing a clip _____ was black.
A) Who B) Whom
C) Whose D) Which
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
The boy_____ mother writes poems speak Chinese.
A) Who B) Whom
C) Which D) Whose
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
The house _____ windows are open is beautiful.
A) Whose B) Who
C) Whom D) Which
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
The woman _____brother loves is from Mexico.
A) Himself B) which
C) whose D) who
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
The writer _____ wrote that article won the Nobel Prize.
A) Whom B) Who
C) Which D) Whose
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
1) C
2) B
3) C
4) C
5) C
6) C
7) C
8) B
9) A
10) A
11) D
12) D
13) A
14) D
15) B
Test - 6
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
A bottle opener is a device _____ opens bottles.
A) himself B) which
C) whose D) who
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
A detective is someone _____discovers the truth about crimes.
A) himself B) which
C) whose D) who
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
A lion is an animal _____ is very strong.
A) himself B) which
C) whose D) who
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
A novelist is a person _____ writes novels.
A) himself B) which
C) whose D) who
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
Give me the plate _____ is on the table.
A) who B) whom
C) whose D) which
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
He bought a car _____ runs fast.
A) himself B) which
C) whose D) who
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
He bought all the tools _____ are required to fix his old car.
A) who B) whom
C) whose D) which
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
He was wearing a cap _____ was black.
A) himself B) which
C) whose D) who
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
I don’t know _____ did it.
A) who B) whom
C) whose D) which
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
I know the candidate _____ I am going to support in the next elections.
A) who B) whom
C) whose D) which
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
She managed to pass the exam in spite of all the difficulties, _____ didn’t surprise
people who knew her.
A) who B) whom
C) whose D) which
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
The criminals, two of _____ managed to escape, broke into a bank downtown.
A) who B) whom
C) whose D) which
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
The girl ______ mother writes poems speaks Chinese.
A) himself B) which
C) whose D) who
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
The house_____ windows are open is beautiful.
A) himself B) which
C) whose D) who
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronoun.
The police identified the murderer _____ fingerprints were on the knife.
A) who B) whom
C) whose D) which
1) B
2) D
3) B
4) D
5) D
6) B
7) D
8) B
9) A
10) B
11) D
12) B
13) C
14) C
15) C
Test 7
Noun - 1
1) Fill in the blank with correct noun:
His visit saved me _____ of writing to him.
A) the habit B) the occasion
C) the opportunity D) the trouble
2) Complete the sentence by choosing the correct word:
My hens lay _____ eggs every morning.
A) a large amount of B) several
C) more D) much number of
3) Fill in the blank with correct noun:
Nancy went to the _____ last Friday to buy a pair of shoes.
A) shoe store B) shoes store
C) shoe's store D) shoes’ store
4) Identify the Common Nouns in the following sentence.
He threw some salted nuts to the monkeys.
A) threw B) nuts, monkeys
C) he, some D) salted
5) Fill in the blank with correct noun:
Mother does most of _____ at home.
A) clean B) clear
C) cleaning D) the cleaning
6) An ant has two _____ in its body.
A) stomachs B) stomacks
C) stomaches D) stomackes
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Fill in the blank with the noun of the adjective as given in the first sentence.
The library is a completely silent place. The library is a place of complete _____.
A) silent B) silences
C) silence D) silently
8) I heard that ______ won the lottery.
A) her B) she
C) hers D) herself
9) I have two brothers. One is engineer, ______ is a chemist.
A) The other B) Other
C) Another D) Any other
10) Hey, don't touch that bag. It is ______.
A) my B) mine
C) her D) yours
11) George Washington is an example of a/an ______.
A) Common noun B) Proper noun
C) Concrete noun D) Abstract noun
12) Government is an example of a/an
A) Compound noun B) Possessive noun
C) Abstract noun D) Concrete noun
13) Cities' is an example of a
A) Singular noun B) Plural noun
C) Singular possessive noun D) Plural possessive noun
14) A proper noun is
A) names any person, place or thing B) names things you can see or
C) names ideas, qualities, or feelings that
cannot be seen or touched D) names a specific person, place
or thing
15) Fill in the blank with the correct noun:
There was not ______ damage caused by the floods this year.
A) many B) much
C) a large amount of D) a large number of
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
1) D
2) B
3) A
4) B
5) D
6) A
7) C
8) B
9) A
10) B
11) B
12) C
13) D
14) D
15) B
Test 8
Noun - 2
1) In the sentence 'Chicago is a great city', which words are nouns?
A) is a B) Chicago and city
C) great and city D) Chicago and is
2) In the sentence 'Don't eat with your mouth open', what is the noun?
A) open B) don't
C) eat D) mouth
3) In the sentence 'Earth is a beautiful green planet which spins very fast', which
words are nouns?
A) green and planet B) beautiful and green
C) Earth and planet D) is and spins
4) Identify the common noun in the following sentence.
London is the capital of England.
A) London B) Capital
C) England D) Capital of England
5) Identify the suitable abstract noun of the word Relation.
A) Relatives B) Relation
C) Relation hood D) Relationship
6) Identify the countable noun.
How many names do you know?
A) How many B) Do
C) Know D) names
7) Identify the singular noun.
A) Dogs B) trousers
C) Children D) News
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Fill in the blank with proper noun. _____ is my friend.
A) Robert B) Boy
C) River D) Animal
9) Fill in the blank with common noun.
You are a very pretty _____.
A) Meera B) Aunt sita
C) Robert D) Girl
10) Identify the proper noun.
A) The tempest B) Book
C) Team D) Mumbai
11) Choose the common noun.
A) Girl B) Boy
C) fleet D) crowd
12) Fill in the blank with proper noun.
My aunt is coming from_____.
A) City B) Chennai
C) School D) College
13) Identify the common noun:
A) Crowd B) Mumbai
C) Ocean D) Mount Everest
14) Fill in the blank with suitable proper noun.
______ is an important character in Ramayana.
A) Man B) Varanasi
C) Friend D) Rama
15) Choose the correct common noun.
A) February B) Meera
C) Game D) Cricket
1) B
2) D
3) C
4) B
5) D
6) D
7) D
8) A
9) D
10) C
11) A
12) B
13) C
14) D
15) C
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 9
Noun - 3
1) Identify the collective noun.
A) Rohit B) Friend
C) He D) Crew
2) Identify the collective noun.
A) Rama B) Ocean
C) Family D) City
3) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the noun for the following exercise.
I don't have much _____. Just two small bags.
A) job B) luggage
C) progress D) hair
4) Fill in the blank with suitable collective noun.
We noticed a _____ of ships in the harbor.
A) Fleet B) Crew
C) Bunch D) Team
5) Identify the abstract noun.
A) Children B) Team
C) Rama D) Boyhood
6) Give the collective noun for the following sentence. A collection of cards is ____.
A) Pack B) Fleet
C) Bale D) Cluster
7) Identify the abstract noun.
A) Robber B) Thief
C) Robbery D) Police
8) Identify the noun from the given option.
A) Celebrate B) Carelessness
C) Careless D) Cheap
9) Identify the noun from the given option.
A) Courage B) Courageous
C) Courageously D) Daily
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) Identify the noun from the given option.
A) Clear B) Clearly
C) Clearness D) Cleared
11) Identify the noun from the given sentence.
We had a breakfast at a cafe near the railway station.
A) Railway Station B) Cafe
C) Near D) Breakfast
12) Identify the noun in the sentence:
He would give you his last penny, but do not take his loyalty for granted.
A) last, penny B) loyalty
C) would, take D) penny, loyalty
13) Identify the nouns in the sentence
I got a good grade on this test.
A) good, grade B) grade, this
C) grade, test D) got
14) Identify the nouns in the sentence
He likes to play music on the piano.
A) piano B) play, music
C) music, piano D) likes, play
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable proper noun.
Can you speak_____?
A) English B) Language
C) Mouth D) Table
1) D
2) C
3) B
4) A
5) D
6) A
7) C
8) B
9) A
10) C
11) D
12) D
13) C
14) C
15) A
Test 10
VERB - 1
1) Fill in the blanks with most suitable verbs.
_____ my socks? “Yes, I saw them on your bed.”
A) Had you seen B) Do you see
C) Have you seen D) Would you see
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
2) Fill in the blanks with most suitable verbs.
_____ the mini marathon might be put off. “Yes, it all depends on the weather.”
A) I’ve told B) I’ve been told
C) I told D) I’m told
3) Fill in the blanks with most suitable verbs.
30 Kilometers _______ a long way to travel.
A) are B) were
C) seem to be D) is
4) Fill in the blanks with most suitable verbs.
500 million dollars _______ a large sum of money.
A) were B) are
C) is D) seem
5) Fill in the blanks with most suitable verbs.
Frank is the kind of person whom everybody likes to _______.
A) make friends of B) make friends
C) make friends with D) make friends to
6) Fill in the blanks with most suitable verbs.
Most of Dan’s time _____ writing editorials.
A) are spent B) is spent
C) was spending D) were spent
7) Fill in the blanks with most suitable verbs.
Most of the mistakes ______ because of carelessness.
A) are made B) were made
C) were making D) is made
8) Fill in the blanks with most suitable verbs.
Only less than 10 _____ of the population of this country ______ on hunting.
A) percent, live B) percent, lives
C) percents, lives D) percents, live
9) Fill in the blanks with most suitable verbs.
Only one answer _____ to the questions.
A) has been given B) have been given
C) had given D) was given
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) Fill in the blanks with most suitable verbs.
Over 90 percent of the population of Mainland China _____ uneducated in 2000.
A) is B) was
C) will be D) are
11) Identify the verb from the given option.
A) Attract B) Available
C) Beautiful D) Behavior
12) Identify the verb from the given option.
A) Cancellation B) Carefully
C) Cancel D) Brave
13) Identify the Verb from the given sentence.
We left for the mountain just before six in the morning.
A) Mountain B) Just
C) Before D) Left
14) Identify the verb or verb phrase in the sentence:
The bank lost millions of dollars in bad investments.
A) bank lost B) lost
C) lost millions D) in
15) Identify the verb in the sentence:
The boy ran down the street.
A) boy B) down
C) ran D) street
1) C
2) B
3) D
4) C
5) C
6) B
7) A
8) B
9) A
10) D
11) A
12) C
13) D
14) B
15) C
Test 11
VERB - 2
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verb.
______ you the new student?
A) Am B) Is
C) Are D) Be
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verb.
My sister and I _____ students.
A) am B) is
C) are D) be
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verb.
Nadia and Nancy ______ friends.
A) am B) is
C) are D) be
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verb.
Raja _____ Indian.
A) am B) is
C) are D) be
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verb.
Raja and Ramya ______ students.
A) am B) is
C) are D) be
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verb.
The boys _____ tired.
A) am B) Is
C) are D) be
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verb.
The newspaper ______cheap.
A) am B) is
C) are D) be
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verb.
The tea _____ delicious.
A) am B) is
C) are D) be
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verb.
These dogs _____ beautiful.
A) am B) is
C) are D) be
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verb.
Yes, I _____.
A) am B) is
C) are D) be
11) Fill in the blank with suitable verb
Raja and I _____ good friends.
A) Am B) Are
C) is D) have
12) Fill in the blank with suitable verb.
None of the computers_____ in good condition.
A) Are B) Is
C) have D) has
13) Fill in the blank with suitable verb.
Slow and steady _____race.
A) Win B) Wining
C) Wins D) Won
14) Fill in the blank with suitable verb.
Ten miles_____ a long way to walk.
A) Were B) is
C) Are D) Am
15) Fill in the blank with suitable verb.
Three and three_____ six.
A) Has B) have
C) are D) is
1) C
2) C
3) C
4) B
5) C
6) C
7) B
8) B
9) C
10) A
11) B
12) A
13) C
14) B
15) D
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Test 12
VERB - 3
1) Fill in the blank with suitable verb.
Yesterday the Prime minister with all his ministers _____ present at the meeting.
A) Is B) Were
C) are D) was
2) Identify the suitable verb for the given sentence.
I _____ (sit) in the train tomorrow at this time.
A) shall be sitting B) shall have sat
C) shall have been sitting D) shall sit
3) Choose the correct form of the verbs:
When ______ my mother?
A) did you meet B) does you met
C) do you meet D) had you met
4) Complete the following sentences using an appropriate verb form:
The Chinese _____ paper.
A) invented B) have invented
C) had invented D) invent
5) Complete the following sentences using an appropriate verb form.
If you knew the answer, why ___ you tell me?
A) Don′ t B) Didn′ t
C) Hadn′ t D) Hasn′ t
6) Complete the questions using a suitable verb.
A: Your house is very beautiful. How long ______ here?
B: Nearly eight years.
A) have you lived B) have you been living
C) have you been D) All the above
7) Complete the sentences using one of the verbs (in the correct form) +
I had a lot of notebooks that I didn't want to keep, so I ______ to a friend.
A) gave them away B) gave away them
C) gave away D) gave away it
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8) Which of the following sentences is correct?
The news was leaked.
The news were leaked.
A) A only correct B) B only correct
C) Both are correct D) Both are incorrect
9) Fill in the blank with the correct Verb:
The children were in their class when the fire alarm _____ off.
A) go B) goes
C) was going D) went
10) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Verb pattern.
My parents would _____ to meet you.
A) to love B) loving
C) love D) to loving
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Auxiliary Verb.
We _____not seen you for a long time.
A) do B) does
C) have D) has
12) Fill in the correct form of the verb:
The dog _____ you if it _____ you running through that garden.
A) bites, sees B) would bite, saw
C) will bite, sees D) bite, sees
13) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb:
We _____ last night, but we went to the concert instead.
A) must have studied B) might study
C) should have studied D) would study
14) Identify the Intransitive verb in the following sentence.
The waves beat against the rocks.
A) The Waves B) Best
C) Best against D) The rocks
15) Choose the correct verb tense to complete each of the following sentences.
________ reading the paper yet?
A) Have you finished B) has you finished
C) Were you finished D) Are you finishing
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1) D
2) A
3) A
4) A
5) B
6) D
7) A
8) A
9) D
10) C
11) C
12) C
13) C
14) C
15) A
Test 13
VERB - 4
1) Fill in the blank with the suitable past tense verb:
Yesterday I _____ to the shops with my mum.
A) will go B) went
C) was going D) walk
2) Identify the present perfect continuous verb
She has been waiting have for over two hours.
A) Has been B) Has
C) has been waiting D) been waiting
3) In the sentence 'The little girl whined because she wanted an ice cream', what
are the verbs?
A) little and ice B) an and the
C) whined and wanted D) the and little
4) In the sentence 'Andrea is a good friend', what is the verb?
A) Andrea B) good
C) is D) friend
5) Insert any missing verbs.
Only at night, my parents able to talk to us.
A) Only at night, my parents were able to talk to us.
B) Only at night, my parents able to talk to us.
C) Only at night, my parents may able to talk to us.
D) Only at night, my parents are able to talk to us.
6) Pick out the suitable verb.
No boy or girl_____ lucky.
A) Is B) Am
C) are D) were
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7) Read through these sentences and choose the correct form of each verb:
My brother has _____ his work.
A) complete B) completed
C) been completed D) completing
8) Sentences must have only one verb (doing word) in them.
C) Cannot be determined D) None of these
9) The cat slept under the table.
Which indicates the Verb in the above sentence?
A) The cat B) slept
C) under D) under the table
10) Use the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.
I____the Taj Mahal last month. (visit)
A) Visits B) Visiting
C) Visited D) Visit
11) Use the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.
It is not worth_____so much money for this concert. (pay)
A) Pay B) Paying
C) Is pay D) Was paying
12) Use the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.
Your friends____ for you for over an hour. (wait)
A) Waiting B) Wait
C) Waited D) Is wait
13) Use the correct form of the verbs given in brackets.
The criminal_____ the victim with a blunt object. (attack)
A) Is Attack B) Attacks
C) Attack D) Attacked
14) Which one of these is a verb (doing word)?
A) car B) walk
C) computer D) tree
15) Which one of these ISN'T a verb (doing word)?
A) walk B) talking
C) cooked D) jumper
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1) B
2) C
3) C
4) C
5) D
6) A
7) B
8) A
9) B
10) C
11) B
12) C
13) D
14) B
15) D
Test 14
1. Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? - "Mothers look GENTLY at their
A) Adverb of Time/Frequency B) Adverb of Place
C) Adverb of Degree D) Adverb of Manner
2. Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? - "The airline passengers were
COMPLETELY exhausted after their long flight."
A) Adverb of Time/Frequency B) Adverb of Place
C) Adverb of Degree D) Adverb of Manner
3. Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? - "Arvind coughed LOUDLY to
attract attention."
A) Adverb of Manner B) Adverb of Time/Frequency
C) Adverb of Place D) Adverb of Degree
4. Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? - "The child was lost and the parents
looked for her EVERYWHERE."
A) Adverb of Time/Frequency B) Adverb of Place
C) Adverb of Degree D) Adverb of Manner
5. Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals? - "When he knocked on the door, he
was asked to come INSIDE."
A) Adverb of Manner B) Adverb of Time/Frequency
C) Adverb of Place D) Adverb of Degree
6. Choose the correct adverb form: He usually cuts my hair ______.
A) quick B) quickly
C) more quickly D) none of these
7. Choose the correct adverb form: Roni runs ______ of the three of us.
A) Faster B) most fast
C) fastest D) none of these
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8. Choose the correct adverb form: Gibran drives the ______ of the four of us.
A) most carefully B) more carefully
C) carefullest D) careful
9. Choose the correct adverb form: The red bird sings ______.
A) louder B) loudly
C) loudest D) none of these
10. Our house is practically on the highway. The adverb "practically" modifies
A) sentence B) prepositional phrase
C) verb D) none of these
11. Obviously, I could be wrong. The adverb "obviously" modifies
A) verb B) pronoun
C) clause D) none of these
12. My grandfather walks extremely slowly. The adverb "extremely" modifies
A) verb B) adverb
C) noun D) none of these
13. Your friend Robert drives a fast car. The word "fast" is
A) pronoun B) adverb
C) adjective D) none of these
14. Your roommate drives quite fast, doesn't she? The adverb "quite" modifies
A) verb B) adjective
C) adverb D) none of these
15. We rarely go to the movies on the weekends. The adverb "rarely" modifies
A) adverb B) pronoun
C) verb D) none of these
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. C
12. B
13. C
14. C
15. C
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Test 15
1. Choose the correct adjective form:
Her hair is long and ______.
A) curly B) happy
C) slim D) late
2. Choose the correct adjective form:
He drives a bright red sports car. It's very _______.
A) wild B) shallow
C) fast D) tall
3. Choose the correct adjective form:
Today, the weather's going to be _______.
A) hopeful B) warm
C) blue D) urgent
4. Choose the correct adjective form:
This house is _______ and old.
A) awkward B) electric
C) large D) fat
5. Choose the correct adjective form:
I'm feeling really _______ today.
A) late B) long
C) happy D) round
6. Choose the correct adjective form:
The food at this supermarket is always _______.
A) gentle B) hopeful
C) empty D) fresh
7. Choose the correct adjective form:
Her new husband is very ________.
A) high B) smart
C) urgent D) relaxing
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8. Choose the correct adjective form:
Take care of this letter, it's ________.
A) urgent B) round
C) blonde D) fresh
9. Choose the correct adjective form:
I had a brilliant holiday. It was really _______.
A) relaxing B) loving
C) low D) straight
10. Choose the correct adjective form:
I have fallen in love with a _________ woman.
A) closed B) beautiful
C) wooden D) handsome
11. Which of the following word is an adjective?
A) after B) pretty
C) taste D) None of these
12. Which of the following word is an adjective?
A) dirty B) ran
C) away D) None of these
13. Choose the correct adjective form:
It is very ______ to write clearly.
A) dangerous B) important
C) silly D) poor
14. Choose the correct adjective form:
There are no more ______ towels in the cupboard.
A) white B) dirty
C) empty D) None of these
15. Choose the correct adjective form:
I can't afford that coat. I need to find a _______ one.
A) black B) cheaper
C) fashionable D) None of these
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. A
15. B
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Test 16
1. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
She counted _________ trucks going by her window.
A) three large red B) large three red
C) three red large D) None of these
2. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
I packed my ___________ suitcase and loaded it in the car.
A) flowered old big B) flowered big old
C) big old flowered D) None of these
3. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
In the field, I saw __________ flowers.
A) many pink small B) many small pink
C) small many pink D) None of these
4. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
I used to drive ________ car.
A) a blue old German B) an old German blue
C) an old blue German D) None of these
5. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
He recently married a ______ woman.
A) young beautiful Greek B) beautiful young Greek
C) beautiful Greek young D) None of these
6. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
This is a ______ movie.
A) new Italian wonderful B) wonderful Italian new
C) wonderful new Italian D) None of these
7. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
She is a ________ supermodel.
A) beautiful slim Brazilian B) Brazilian beautiful slim
C) slim Brazilian beautiful D) None of these
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8. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
It's in the ______ container.
A) large blue metal B) blue large metal
C) blue metal large D) None of these
9. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
We opened the basket and saw _______ kittens inside.
A) orange striped tiny B) tiny orange striped
C) striped orange tiny D) None of these
10. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
My mother made _______ apple sauce last summer.
A) homemade sweet cinnamon
B) cinnamon sweet homemade
C) homemade cinnamon sweet
D) None of these
11. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
He sat behind a ________ desk.
A) big wooden brown B) big brown wooden
C) wooden big brown D) None of these
12. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
She gave him a ______ vase.
A) small Egyptian black B) black Egyptian small
C) small black Egyptian D) None of these
13. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
He was wearing a ______ shirt.
A) dirty old flannel B) flannel old dirty
C) old dirty flannel D) None of these
14. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
Pass me the ______ cups.
A) plastic big blue B) big blue plastic
C) big plastic blue D) None of these
15. Fill the blank with suitable adjective order:
All the girls fell in love with the ______ teacher.
A) handsome new American B) American new handsome
C) new handsome American D) None of these
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1. A
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. C
Test 17
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
Do you like to live_____ busy road?
A) At B) On
C) From D) In
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
He went _____ a new school in London.
A) At B) To
C) From D) In
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
He will wait _____ three o’clock, then he’ll have to leave.
A) At B) On
C) Until D) In
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
I talk to my mother ______ the phone every weekend.
A) At B) On
C) From D) In
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
I’ll be home _____ 10 minutes.
A) At B) On
C) From D) In
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
They are rarely _____ home at lunch time.
A) At B) On
C) From D) In
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
They caught the fugitive _____ the corner of the street.
A) At B) On
C) From D) In
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8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
What time does the flight______ Amsterdam arrive?
A) At B) On
C) From D) In
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
I went ____ into the garden.
A) Into B) Being
C) Along D) Out
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
Peaceful co-existence is possible____ West and East.
A) Between B) On
C) Being D) Along
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
Do you think it′s telling its mother ___ me?
A) About B) Out
C) In D) None of these
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
I brought it _____ the house and dried it.
A) Out B) Along
C) Being D) Into
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
Is this the house you read ____ in the newspaper?
A) About B) Along
C) Being D) In
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
My brother and I carried the kitten ____ of the house.
A) Out B) In
C) Along D) Being
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
my brother came _____.
A) In B) Into
C) Being D) Along
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1) B
2) B
3) C
4) B
5) D
6) A
7) A
8) C
9) D
10) A
11) A
12) D
13) A
14) A
15) A
Test 18
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
My cousin lives _____ my house.
A) On B) Across
C) Over D) In front
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
Shakespeare is the greatest____ English poets.
A) Between B) On
C) Being D) Along
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
The boy was stabbed ______ a knife.
A) Out B) With
C) In D) Above
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
The prices of petrol will go ______ again in the coming month.
A) Past B) Across
C) Up D) Down
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
The train is traveling ______ the tunnel slowly.
A) Through B) Into
C) Past D) Across
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
Which drawer did he put his clothes ____?
A) In B) Which
C) At D) Along
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
William says that he aims _____ winning at least a consolation prize.
A) At B) To
C) For D) On
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
Come___the sitting room, we want to watch TV.
A) Across B) On
C) Via D) Into
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
The poet is famous _____ his humorous poems.
A) With B) For
C) In D) At
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
I like the smile ______ her face.
A) At B) On
C) From D) In
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
I think I′ve put your wallet ______ the drawer.
A) For B) Being
C) Along D) In
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
I′m leaving my house ______ the airport at 7.30.
A) Of B) Being
C) Along D) For
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
My uncle, who is a businessman, often travels _____ air.
A) On B) In
C) By D) From
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
She read the class a story ______ a clever mouse deer.
A) Against B) Over
C) Across D) About
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
Those who are sympathetic _____ that candidate have been asked to give active
support to him.
A) Towards B) To
C) For D) At
1) B
2) D
3) B
4) C
5) A
6) A
7) A
8) D
9) B
10) B
11) D
12) D
13) B
14) D
15) A
Test 19
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
We travelled to Lipoh ______ bus.
A) At B) In
C) On D) By
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
We waited ______ him for half an hour but he never came.
A) In B) Being
C) For D) None of these
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
You can obtain the answer ______ adding the date of birth to this figure.
A) In B) On
C) To D) By
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
You can′t write with a pen ______ a nib.
A) In B) Without
C) Above D) Against
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
Are you looking for anything ____ particular?
A) on B) at
C) off D) in
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
He left school and ran away from home _____ the age of sixteen.
A) on B) in
C) at D) None of these
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
Let′s meet ______ the coffee shop beside the cinema.
A) in B) on
C) at D) None of these
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
She is anxious _____ an end to this misunderstanding.
A) for B) to
C) of D) with
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
The students couldn′t get _____ the steel barricades.
A) into B) over
C) off D) towards
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
I will come _____ the evening.
A) on B) in
C) by D) for
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
It happened _____2010.
A) on B) in
C) by D) for
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
Play cricket _____rules.
A) on B) in
C) by D) for
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
She is working _____ a farm.
A) on B) in
C) by D) for
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
She will come _____ an hour.
A) in B) of
C) by D) from
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
Ships sail _____the sea.
A) on B) in
C) by D) for
1) D
2) C
3) D
4) B
5) D
6) C
7) C
8) A
9) B
10) B
11) B
12) C
13) A
14) A
15) A
Test 20
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
The price of motorbike fell_____20%.
A) on B) in
C) by D) for
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
The radio is _____ the corner of the hall.
A) on B) in
C) by D) for
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
The state was unveiled_____ a minister.
A) on B) in
C) by D) for
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
This is a pencil _____shorthand.
A) on B) in
C) by D) for
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.
Vote _____ Sachin.
A) on B) in
C) by D) for
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
A jaywalker is a person who walks ______ a street without paying attention to
A) Past B) Across
C) Up D) Down
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
Is this the book you spoke _____ yesterday?
A) On B) Of
C) Over D) For
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
My house is just opposite ____ the post office.
A) Into B) For
C) To D) On
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
The woman is searching ______ her handbag. But she can′t find it anywhere.
A) For B) Fron
C) In D) To
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Preposition.
He is not a difficult man to work ____.
A) On B) Along
C) Being D) With
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition
_____my point of view, you are right.
A) in B) of
C) by D) from
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition
17 _____30 is 13.
A) in B) of
C) by D) from
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition
Chennai is 400 kms _____here.
A) in B) of
C) by D) from
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition
He died _____ heart attack.
A) in B) of
C) by D) from
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition
Heat comes _____the sun.
A) in B) of
C) by D) from
1) C
2) B
3) C
4) D
5) D
6) B
7) B
8) C
9) A
10) D
11) D
12) D
13) D
14) B
15) D
Test 21
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition
I will come _____Monday.
A) in B) of
C) by D) from
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition
She is a professor _____computer science.
A) in B) of
C) by D) from
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition
The poems_____ Shakespeare are famous.
A) in B) of
C) by D) from
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition
The train _____ Trichy arrives at 8 o clock.
A) in B) of
C) by D) from
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions.
Dr Rusk works ___ a hospital.
A) With B) In
C) Being D) Along
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions.
This book is _____ the few that I really enjoyed reading.
A) Among B) From
C) By D) None of these
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions.
I advise you not to turn ______ offer which other people would jump at.
A) Down B) Off
C) Over D) At
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions.
Mark works ____ a car factory.
A) In B) None of these
C) Along D) At
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions.
The shop is open _____ 9 a.m.
A) By B) Among
C) From D) Being
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions.
Were you_____ the members present?
A) Between B) On
C) Along D) Among
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions.
Let′s go there, but only _____ one hour!
A) For B) Since
C) Along D) Being
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Prepositions.
Mary is very punctual. She is always _____ time for her appointments.
A) On B) By
C) From D) Among
13) Fill out the blank with suitable preposition given below.
He drives _____80 kms per hour.
A) of B) at
C) in D) on
14) Fill out the blank with suitable preposition given below.
The bus never arrives _____time.
A) on B) by
C) in D) at
15) Fill out the blank with suitable preposition given below.
We met a girl _____ 25.
A) on B) by
C) of D) in
1) C
2) B
3) B
4) D
5) B
6) A
7) A
8) D
9) C
10) D
11) A
12) A
13) B
14) A
15) C
Test - 22
1) Fill out the blank with suitable preposition given below.
Do not stand ____ one foot.
A) on B) no preposition
C) for D) in
2) Fill out the blank with suitable preposition given below.
The book comprises _____ seven lessons.
A) Of B) no preposition
C) for D) in
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
3) Fill out the blank with suitable preposition given below.
The college was opened _____ the chief minister.
A) of B) at
C) in D) by
4) Fill out the blank with suitable preposition given below.
This is a book _____college students.
A) on B) for
C) in D) of
5) Fill out the blank with suitable preposition given below.
Dry the clothes _____in the sun.
A) of B) no preposition
C) in D) on
6) Fill out the blank with suitable preposition given below.
I want to sit _____the front view.
A) of B) no preposition
C) for D) in
7) Choose the correct preposition sentence:
The trouble originated ___a petty quarrel.
A) in B) about
C) to D) beside
8) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
My father never showed if he was disappointed ________ me.
A) At B) About
C) With D) From
9) Fill with the correct preposition:
The meeting took us five hours, beginning ______ 2 o'clock.
A) by B) out
C) along D) at
10) Identify the Preposition from the given sentence.
We first went to the store to buy a few things.
A) To B) Buy
C) Few things D) First
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
11) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
Come _____ the sitting room, we want to watch TV.
A) Over B) Across
C) Below D) Into
12) Choose the correct preposition sentence:
There′s a real lack ___ cheap restaurants around here.
A) from B) by
C) about D) of
13) Fill out the blank with suitable preposition given below.
This is the road _____ Bangalore.
A) to B) for
C) in D) on
14) Choose the correct preposition sentence:
Do you always come to work ___ bike?
A) in B) on
C) by D) of
15) Choose the correct preposition sentence:
It is due to their lethargy that the plan fell____.
A) through B) out
C) away D) apart
1) A
2) A
3) D
4) B
5) C
6) D
7) A
8) C
9) D
10) A
11) D
12) D
13) A
14) C
15) A
Test - 23
1) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
When did you arrive ___________ London?
A) On B) In
C) To D) About
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
2) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
When did your interest ___________ philosophy?
A) In B) At
C) On D) With
3) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
I think we should apologize ___ him.
A) To B) At
C) For D) With
4) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
Do you believe ______ life after death?
A) In B) At
C) On D) For
5) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
I think we should apologize ______ him.
A) To B) At
C) For D) In
6) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
My father never showed if he was disappointed ______ me.
A) At B) With
C) About D) In
7) Choose the correct preposition sentence:
We must not carp _____ the errors of our ancestors.
A) from B) with
C) about D) in
8) Choose the correct preposition:
There is no exception _____ this rule.
A) for B) to
C) at D) about
9) Choose the correct preposition:
I am angry with him ___ his carelessness.
A) on B) to
C) for D) at
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition.
He is afflicted ___ a serious illness.
A) To B) By
C) Of D) With
11) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
When did you arrive ______ France?
A) In B) On
C) To D) At
12) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
When did your interest ______ philosophy begin?
A) In B) At
C) On D) About
13) Fill in the blank with more suitable Preposition.
He is not a difficult man to work ____.
A) out B) on
C) with D) to
14) Fill in the blank with more suitable Preposition.
I finally received the letter which I had been waiting _____.
A) to B) at
C) for D) on
15) Fill in the blank with more suitable Preposition.
The climate is perfect ____ growing fruits like pineapples and bananas.
A) with B) to
C) in D) for
1) B
2) A
3) A
4) A
5) A
6) B
7) C
8) B
9) C
10) D
11) A
12) A
13) C
14) C
15) D
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Test 24
1) Fill in the blank with suitable Preposition.
She is holding a book ____ her hand.
A) at B) in
C) the D) None of these
2) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition:
We had a long discussion _____ politics.
A) From B) About
C) At D) For
3) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
Would you like _____ go to the train tonight?
A) Over B) To
C) Below D) In
4) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
We might go camping - it depends _____ the weather.
A) At B) On
C) With D) From
5) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
Do you believe ___________ life after death?
A) At B) On
C) In D) To
6) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
Could you explain this rule _____ me?
A) With B) At
C) To D) None of these
7) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
I think we should apologize ___________ him.
A) To B) At
C) For D) About
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
No, thanks. I was _____ the cinema yesterday.
A) At B) Across
C) Below D) In
9) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
People have always been very kind _____ me.
A) To B) With
C) For D) From
10) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
Please put those orange _____ the bowl.
A) On B) In
C) Below D) with
11) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
The flight from Leipzig to London was _____ Frankfurt
A) Over B) Across
C) Below D) Via
12) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
The pencil is_____ the table.
A) On B) Over
C) Across D) With
13) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
There is a bridge _____ the river.
A) Over B) Across
C) Below D) In
14) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
There is a spider _____the tub.
A) In B) On
C) Below D) With
15) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
Those books belong _____ the top shelf.
A) From B) With
C) On D) All of the above
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
1) B
2) B
3) B
4) B
5) C
6) C
7) A
8) A
9) A
10) B
11) D
12) A
13) B
14) A
15) C
Test 25
1) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
We are going _____ holiday next week.
A) Over B) On
C) Below D) In
2) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
Who is the person _____ this picture?
A) Over B) Across
C) Below D) In
3) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
Would you like _____ go to the cinema tonight?
A) Over B) To
C) Below D) In
4) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
Miss Lost has worked___our firm for only two years.
A) Being B) Along
C) In D) None of these
5) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
Munich lies 530 meters ____ sea level.
A) Over B) Above
C) Below D) In
6) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
Ninety percent ______ the inhabitants depend _____ fishing for a livelihood.
A) Under,of B) From,on
C) Against,of D) Of,on
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
The animal hospital? It′s somewhere ______ that big blue building.
A) Around B) About
C) On D) With
8) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
The passengers ran ______ from the bus before it started to burn.
A) Away B) Along
C) Away D) Through
9) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
We don′t know what he is hinting ____.
A) At B) For
C) With D) From
10) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
We live ____ London.
A) Over B) Across
C) Below D) In
11) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
What have you been up to _____ I saw you last?
A) since B) With
C) Along D) Belong
12) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
You might get hurt if you jumped _____ from that height.
A) Down B) On
C) Out D) With
13) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
You shouldn′t pick ______ him just because he′s different.
A) On B) To
C) With D) Along
14) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
____ my wall, there are many picture postcards.
A) Along B) On
C) Being D) Across
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15) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.
A brave firefighter rushed ______ the burning house to save an elderly woman.
A) Having B) With
C) Along D) Into
1) B
2) D
3) B
4) C
5) B
6) D
7) A
8) A
9) A
10) D
11) A
12) A
13) A
14) B
15) D
Test 26
1) Choose the exact conjunction for the following sentence.
I hurt myself ____ I was playing tennis.
A) whenever B) when
C) while D) whatever
2) Choose the exact conjunction for the following sentences.
I’ll be glad ____ it’s finished.
A) when B) at
C) usually D) none
3) Choose the exact conjunction for the following sentences.
I’ll be ready when she ____.
A) arrives B) will arrive
C) will be arrive D) arriving
4) Choose the exact conjunction for the following sentences.
I’ll give her the message ____ she arrives.
A) a moment B) the moment
C) at a moment D) None
5) Choose the exact conjunction for the following sentences.
I’ll only pay you ____ you finish the work.
A) if B) unless
C) at D) then
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6) Choose the exact conjunction for the following sentences.
Wait here ____ I get back.
A) as soon as B) until
C) still D) when
7) Fill in the blanks with most suitable conjunction.
Everybody likes him because he is nice____ helpful.
A) since B) so that
C) and D) but
8) Choose the exact conjunction for the following sentences.
We must finish it ____ we leave.
A) until B) after
C) whenever D) before
9) Choose the exact conjunction for the following sentences.
We turned back _____ it was raining.
A) because B) because of
C) while D) although
10) Choose the exact conjunction for the following sentences.
We’ll be ready ___ the time you get back.
A) at B) after
C) when D) by
11) Choose the exact conjunction for the following sentences.
_____ I was tired, I managed to finish the work.
A) but B) whenever
C) yet D) although
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Conjunction.
______ Kavin lived alone, she was not afraid.
A) Since B) And
C) So D) Although
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Conjunction.
The villagers escaped _____ the river overflowed its banks.
A) before B) when
C) since D) if
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14) Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.
Are the questions right ______ wrong?
A) and B) so
C) or D) but
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.
Can you read ______ write English words?
A) but B) that
C) so D) and
1) C
2) A
3) A
4) B
5) A
6) B
7) C
8) D
9) A
10) D
11) D
12) D
13) A
14) C
15) D
Test 27
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.
Do we have French ______ music after the break?
A) and B) that
C) so D) or
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.
I like English ______ I like French very much.
A) and B) but
C) so D) that
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.
It was very warm, ______ we all went swimming.
A) and B) so
C) or D) that
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.
It’s great _____ it’s fun.
A) and B) but
C) that D) between
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5) Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.
My brother likes math’s ___________ he doesn’t like history.
A) and B) so
C) but D) or
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.
Our car is old, ______ it drives beautifully.
A) or B) that
C) and D) but
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.
The children forgot their homework, ___________ the teacher was angry with
A) so B) and
C) but D) or
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.
Would you like tea ______ hot chocolate for your breakfast?
A) and B) that
C) or D) so
9) Fill in the blank with appropriate Conjunctions:
It is snowing today _____ there are no buses and I can't come to school.
A) because B) but
C) so D) whereas
10) Fill in the blank with more suitable Conjunction.
The guests enjoyed the dessert ____ they had eaten the main course.
A) since B) though
C) before D) after
11) Fill in the blank with suitable Conjunction.
Everybody likes him because he is nice _____ helpful.
A) so that B) and
C) but D) None of these
12) Fill in the blank with suitable Conjunction.
____ we’ll go mountain climbing tomorrow depends on the weather.
A) Whether B) If
C) Where D) That
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13) Fill in the blank with suitable Conjunction. _________ the president’s speech
was a long one, nobody lost interest.
A) Because B) As
C) Though D) Even
14) Fill in the blank with suitable Conjunction.
You are going to take that job ______ you like it or not.
A) as B) whether
C) unless D) None of these
15) Fill in the blank with suitable Conjunction.
As you treat me, ___ will I treat you.
A) and B) so
C) like D) as
1) D
2) A
3) B
4) A
5) C
6) D
7) A
8) C
9) C
10) D
11) B
12) A
13) C
14) D
15) B
Test 28
1) Fill in the blank with suitable Conjunction.
I don’t like running _____ climbing. “I don’t like running, _____ I like climbing
very much”.
A) and, and B) and, but
C) or, but D) or, and
2) Fill in the blank with suitable Conjunction.
It rained ______ two days without stopping.
A) for B) while
C) during D) when
3) Fill in the blank with suitable Conjunction.
It will not be long _______ he comes back.
A) after B) before
C) until D) when
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4) Fill in the blank with suitable Conjunction.
Study hard, _____ you’ll make great progress.
A) and B) or
C) but D) while
5) Fill in the blank with suitable Conjunction.
Take an umbrella with you _____ it should rain.
A) unless B) even if
C) in case D) in time
6) Fill in the blank with suitable Conjunction.
The day broke, _____ the birds were beginning to sing.
A) as B) since
C) for D) because
7) Fill in the blank with suitable Conjunction.
The reason for his absence is _____ he was out on business.
A) why B) that
C) for D) because
8) Fill in the blanks using appropriate conjunctions.
The crow collected stones ___ dropped them into the pot.
A) And B) But
C) Even though D) After
9) Fill in the blanks using appropriate conjunctions.
The crow collected stones___ dropped them into the pot.
A) And B) But
C) It D) What
10) Fill in the blanks with more suitable Conjunction.
I don′t know _______ I can buy a pair of jeans.
A) when B) although
C) and D) where
11) Fill in the blanks with more suitable Conjunction.
It is just a week _____ we arrived here.
A) so B) but
C) since D) and
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
12) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Conjunction.
______ he was the best candidate, he didn′t win the elections.
A) Although B) Since
C) When D) None of these
13) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Conjunction.
I don′t know _____ I can buy a pair of jeans.
A) and B) when
C) since D) where
14) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Conjunction.
You have to wait ______ midnight before you can open your birthday gift.
A) until B) since
C) before D) despite
15) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Conjunction.
The men still went out to sea ______ multiple warnings that a storm was
A) unless B) despite
C) because D) but
1) D
2) A
3) B
4) A
5) C
6) C
7) B
8) A
9) A
10) D
11) C
12) A
13) D
14) A
15) B
Test 29
1) Find the right Interjection:
______! I didn't expect to see you here.
A) Wow B) Bravo
C) Duh D) Oh
2) Find the right Interjection:
______! My name is Stalin.
A) Oh B) Hush
C) Hello D) Awww
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
3) Find the right Interjection:
______! Something bit me.
A) Doh B) Argh
C) Aha D) Ouch
4) Find the right Interjection:
______! That airplane ride was awesome.
A) Whoops B) Wow
C) Ouch D) Yes
5) Find the right Interjection:
______! The baby is sleeping
A) Hush B) Doh
C) Hmm D) Oops
6) Find the right Interjection:
______! Was she mad?
A) Fie B) Ooh
C) Whoops D) Ouch
7) Find the right Interjection:
______! That was a great goal.
A) Oh B) Bravo
C) Ouch D) Oops
8) Find the interjection in sentence:
John made 25 points, amazing!
A) John B) amazing
C) made D) None of these
9) Find the interjection in sentence:
Man, Mr. Carol, you are terrible
A) terrible B) Mr. Carol
C) Man D) you
10) Find the interjection in sentence:
When I lost the game, I yelled, 'Bad luck.'
A) Bad luck B) yelled
C) lost D) I yelled
11) Find the correct Interjections in the following sentences (6 to 10):
______! That was an amazing play.
A) Whee B) Wow
C) eh D) Well
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
12) Select the Interjection in the following sentence:
Indeed, history is nothing more than a tableau of crimes and misfortunes.
A) Indeed B) nothing
C) tableau D) misfortunes
13) Identify the interjection from the given sentence.
My friend said, "Oh! What a cold weather!"
A) Weather B) Oh
C) What D) Friend
14) Name the interjection in this sentence:
'The small airplane flies across the sky. Wow!'
A) small B) across
C) Wow D) None of these
15) Name the interjection:
Hey! Can you name the interjection in this question?
A) can you B) Hey
C) this question D) No interjection
1) D
2) C
3) D
4) B
5) A
6) C
7) B
8) B
9) C
10) A
11) B
12) A
13) B
14) C
15) B
Test 30
1) What is the past participle form of sell?
A) Sell B) Sold
C) Selled D) solded
2) What is the past participle of form?
A) Formed B) forms
C) form D) from
3) What is the past participle of leave?
A) Leave B) leaves
C) left D) leaved
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
4) What is the past participle of May?
A) May B) may be
C) might D) might be
5) What is the past participle of sit?
A) Sit B) sat
C) sits D) sitting
6) What is the past particle of ask?
A) Asked B) Ask
C) will ask D) has asked
7) What is the past particle of deal?
A) Deal B) Deals
C) Dealing D) Dealt
8) What is the past particle of Run?
A) Running B) Run
C) Ran D) Runs
9) What is the present particle of Jumped?
A) Jumped B) Jumps
C) Jump D) Jumping
10) What is the present participle of could?
A) Can B) could
C) can be D) caught
11) What is the present participle of paid?
A) Pay B) paid
C) paced D) paying
12) What is the present participle of slept?
A) Sleeping B) slept
C) sleeps D) sleep
13) What is the present particle of begun?
A) Began B) Begin
C) begins D) Begun
14) What is the present particle of stood?
A) Stood B) Stands
C) Stand D) Standard
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
15) Write the past participle of the following: Catch
A) Catch B) Caught
C) Catching D) None of these
1) B
7) D
13) B
2) A
8) B
14) C
3) C
9) C
15) B
Test 31
1) Choose the correct participle adjective:
We were stopped by a man with a knife who took our money. It was ______.
A) terrified B) terrifying
C) terrify D) None of these
2) Choose the correct past participle for the verb: Study
A) Studies B) Study
C) Studied D) Studying
3) Choose the correct past participle for the verb: Understand
A) Understanded B) Understaned
C) Understood D) Understanding
4) Fill the correct participle form. (Present Participle, Past Participle or Perfect
All our companies went _____. (unnotice)
A) unnoticing B) having unnoticed
C) unnotice D) unnoticed
5) Fill the correct participle form. (Present Participle, Past Participle or Perfect
_____ into a rich family, she got everything she wished for.
A) Bearing B) Born
C) Having born D) Borning
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
6) Fill with the correct participle:
We saw a lot of _____ chairs in the basement.
A) being broken B) breaking
C) broken D) having broken
7) Identify the Participle phrase in the sentence:
Being a good kicker, Carolina tried out for the football team.
A) Being a good kicker B) tried out
C) for the football team D) None of these
8) Identify the Participle phrase in the sentence:
Glancing at the competitors, she discovered that three of them had on checkered
A) Glancing at the competitors B) discovered
C) checkered D) Both A and C
9) Identify the Participle phrase in the sentence:
They had a contest with the other two girls waiting in the stands.
A) had a contest B) with the other two girls
C) waiting in the stands. D) None of these
10) Identify the past participle form of the given verb: Spring
A) Spring B) Sprung
C) Sprang D) Springed
11) Identify the past participle.
A) Swung B) Gave
C) Ran D) Gone
12) Past participle form of Lend is
A) Lent B) Lend
C) Lended D) Lending
13) Pick out the past participle in the following sentence.
I had never seen such a beautiful girl.
A) Had B) Never seen
C) beautiful D) Seen
14) Pick out the right sequence which is in the order of present, past and past
A) Shut,Shut,Shut B) Buy, Bought, Buyed
C) Stick, Sticked, Stuck D) open, opened,open
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
15) Which is the past participle form of flee?
A) Fleed B) Flee
C) Flew D) Fled
1) B
7) A
13) D
2) C
8) D
14) A
3) C
9) C
15) D
Test - 32
1) Add a suffix to the word perform from the list given below to complete the
The Chief Guest appreciated his perform ______.
A) ing B) ance
C) ness D) ll
2) If you take away the prefix and the suffix, what is left of the word ‘unemployed’?
A) unemploy B) employed
C) employ D) none
3) If you take away the suffix, what is left of the word 'shoveling'?
A) shovelin B) shoveling
C) shovel D) none
4) Put the words in bracket with appropriate prefix or suffix.
The road was too narrow, so they had to _____ it. (wide)
A) wide B) widefy
C) unwide D) widen
5) Select the correct Suffix : CAPTIVATE
A) on B) en
C) tion D) ton
6) Select the correct Suffix : LARGE
A) ly B) est
C) ful D) ness
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Select the proper prefix: POST
A) be B) out
C) age D) on
8) Select the proper prefix: EDITOR
A) bye B) Sub
C) join D) bi
9) Select the proper prefix: MERIT
A) re B) di
C) de D) dis
10) What is the preferable prefix of the word: COMPASS
A) en B) un
C) mis D) ig
11) What is the preferable prefix of the word: STOP
A) un B) en
C) im D) non
12) What is the preferable suffix of the word: MUSIC
A) ian B) on
C) ful D) ity
13) What prefix would you add to the word ‘finished’ to show that there is still some
work to be done?
A) un B) dis
C) mis D) im
14) What prefix would you add to the word ‘view’ to indicate that you see something
before other people do?
A) re B) pre
C) dis D) un
15) What prefix would you add to the word 'stoppable' to show that there is still some
work to be done?
A) Un B) Dis
C) Mis D) None of these
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Answers :
1) B
7) B
13) A
2) C
8) B
14) B
3) C
9) C
15) A
Test - 33
1) Which suffix can you not add to the root word BOX to make a new word?
A) ful B) ing
C) es D) all the above
2) Which suffix could be added to the words TRAIN and CRICKET?
A) er B) fy
C) less D) ment
3) What prefix would you add to the word 'VIEW' to indicate that you see something
before other people do?
A) re B) pre
C) dis D) un
4) What suffix would you add to the word ‘AIR’ to show that a room is very stuffy?
A) ed B) ful
C) ing D) less
5) What suffix would you add to the word ‘BLAME’ to show you have done nothing
A) ness B) ful
C) ed D) less
6) Which two suffixes have the same meaning?
A) ful and less B) less and ness
C) s and es D) ful and less
7) Which of these words can not be made into another word by adding the prefix
A) way B) marine
C) book D) None of these
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Use a prefix to find the opposite of the verb: USUAL
A) mis B) dis
C) un D) in
9) Which of the following is not a suffix?
A) ful B) ing
C) re D) est
10) Which of the following is a suffix?
A) pre B) un
C) ed D) mis
11) Use a prefix to find the opposite of the verb: CLOSE
A) Mis B) Dis
C) Un D) De
12) Which suffix can you add to the end of COOK to make a new word?
A) ing B) ful
C) est D) none
13) Which suffix can you add to the word peace to make a new word?
A) ing B) ful
C) est D) ed
14) . What is the root, or base word, in the word PREHEAT?
A) heat B) pre
C) preheat D) none
15) The prefix RE, like in the word REPLAY means
A) not B) before
C) again D) dis
Answers :
1) A
7) C
13) B
2) A
8) C
14) A
3) B
9) C
15) C
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 34
1) Which of the following spellings is preferred in American English?
A) Acknowledgment B) Acknowledgement
C) Acknowlegment D) Acknowlegement
2) What’s the correct British spelling of this unit of measurement?
A) killometre B) kilometre
C) kilometer D) None of these
3) Which is the correct British English spelling of:
A) Tonite B) Tonight
C) To nite D) To night
4) Decide whether the word is written in British or American English: DRUGGIST
A) British English B) American English
C) Both A and B D) None of these
5) Decide whether the word is written in British or American English: NEIGHBOR
A) American English B) British English
C) Both A and B D) None of these
6) Decide whether the word is written in British or American English: Railway
A) British English B) American English
C) Both A and B D) None of these
7) Identify the American English word from the below words:
A) Autumn B) Carpet
C) Baggage D) Taxi
8) Identify the American English word from the below words:
A) Eraser B) Sweet
C) Toilet D) Flat
9) Identify the British English word from the below words:
A) Sink B) Time table
C) Motor cycle D) Apartment
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) Replace the underlined word with its equivalent American English word:
Children like biscuits.
A) Cookies B) Crispy
C) Biscuits D) Bread
11) Replace the underlined word with its equivalent American English word:
Could you please pass me the jug of water.
A) Jug B) Pitcher
C) Tier D) Yard
12) Replace the underlined word with its equivalent American English word:
This fellow is fifteen years old.
A) Feellow B) Man
C) Guy D) Person
13) Replace the underlined word with its equivalent American English word:
Children like jam.
A) Jaam B) Jeelly
C) Jelly D) None of these
14) Replace the underlined word with its equivalent American English word:
Throw the waste into the dustbin.
A) Trashcan B) Garbage can
C) Dust bin D) Both A and B
15) What is the American English word for the British English word FILM?
A) Picture B) Theatre
C) Drama D) Movie
Answers :
1) A
7) C
13) C
2) B
8) A
14) D
3) B
9) B
15) D
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test - 35
1) Choose the correct answer for Relative Clause.
Do you know the exact time _____ our orders will be delivered at?
A) where B) which
C) when D) whose
2) Choose the correct answer for Relative Clause.
I cannot remember the reason _____ he wanted us to leave.
A) Why B) When
C) Where D) Who
3) Choose the correct answer for Relative Clause.
Mary resigned from her post after she was rejected to promote, ____ did not
surprise us at all.
A) which B) by whom
C) for what D) that
4) Choose the correct answer for Relative Clause.
There are no special actors _____ I would like to meet one day.
A) when B) whose
C) whom D) where
5) Choose the correct answer for Relative Clause.
When we reached our arranged holiday resort, _____. we were planning to spend
two weeks, we realized that it was no worth.
A) which B) whose
C) where D) for which
6) Choose the correct answer for Relative Clause.
You are allowed to have just half an hour, after _____ you are supposed to
submit your exam paper.
A) what B) that
C) when D) which
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable relative clause.
This is the man ____ saved the kid.
A) himself B) which
C) whose D) who
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Fill with the correct relative clause for the following sentences:
He came with a friend _____ waited outside in the car.
A) who B) which
C) whose D) None of these
9) Choose the correct answer for Relative Clause.
Do you know the John _____ jockey picked me up?
A) Who B) When
C) Why D) Where
10) Combine the sentences using relative clause and without contact clause:
I have to learn new words. They are very difficult.
The new words _____.
A) are very difficult to I learn B) I learn are very difficult
C) I have to learn are very difficult D) are very difficult I have to learn
11) Combine the sentences using relative clause and without contact clause:
The girl is a singer. We met her at the party.
The girl _____.
A) is a singer whom we met at the party B) we met at the party is a singer.
C) we met at the party was a singer. D) whom we met at the party is a singer
12) Complete the sentence with relative clause:
An airport is a place (planes land) _____.
A) which planes land B) that planes land
C) as planes land D) where planes land
13) Complete the sentence with relative clause:
My mobile phone is something (be very important to me) _____.
A) very important to me B) which very important to me
C) which is very important to me D) None of these
14) Find and fill with the suitable word for the given relative clause sentences.
Joe believed without question __________ in his daily newspaper.
A) about what he read B) of what he read
C) whatever he read D) whenever he read
15) Form a relative clause:
People live in Scotland. They are called Scots.
A) The people that live in Scotland are called Scots
B) The people whose live in Scotland are called Scots
C) The people which live in Scotland are called Scots
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
D) The people who live in Scotland are called Scots
Answers :
1) B
7) A
13) C
2) A
8) A
14) C
3) A
9) D
15) D
Test - 36
1) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Phrasal Verb.
It is so dark in here, you can really ______ your sunglasses now.
A) take off B) take on
C) put on D) get off
2) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Phrasal Verb.
John had _____ a large sum of money for his retirement.
A) put up B) put by
C) put in D) put out
3) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Phrasal Verb.
My little sister woke me _____ in the middle of the night.
A) down B) on
C) up D) None of these
4) Fill in the blanks with most suitable phrasal verbs.
It is very hard to _____ smoking.
A) Put out B) Get on
C) Give up D) Take off
5) Fill in the blanks with most suitable phrasal verbs.
Who will _____ your cat when you′re on holiday?
A) Look after B) Put on
C) Get on D) Take off
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
6) Fill in the blanks with most suitable phrasal verbs.
It is so dark in here, you can really ____your sunglasses now.
A) Take off B) Look after
C) Look up D) Get on
7) Fill in the blanks with most suitable phrasal verbs.
It is so dark in here, you can really ______ your sunglasses now.
A) Take off B) Look after
C) Look up D) Get on
8) Fill in the blanks with most suitable phrasal verbs.
At the next stop we have to ______ the bus and walk along the street to the
A) Look after B) Look up
C) Get off D) Stand up
9) Fill in the blanks with most suitable phrasal verbs.
Can I _____ the TV? I want to watch the weather forecast.
A) Put on B) Get on
C) Take off D) Turn on
10) Fill in the blanks with most suitable phrasal verbs.
I often use Wikipedia to _____ information.
A) Look after B) Look up
C) Stand up D) Get off
11) Fill in the blanks with most suitable phrasal verbs.
If you want to ______ a bus in London, you will have to queue.
A) Put on B) Get on
C) Take off D) Turn on
12) Fill in the blanks with most suitable phrasal verbs.
It is so dark in here, you can really ______ your sunglasses now.
A) Take off B) Look after
C) Look up D) Get on
13) Fill in the blanks with most suitable phrasal verbs.
Shall I ______ and offer my seat to the old lady?
A) Stand up B) Get off
C) Look after D) Turn on
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
14) Fill in the blanks with most suitable phrasal verbs.
With a few buckets of water, we ______ the fire.
A) Put on B) Put out
C) Get on D) Take off
15) Fill in the blanks with most suitable phrasal verbs.
Would you like to ______ your new dress today?
A) Put on B) Look after
C) Look up D) Get on
Answers :
1) A
7) A
13) A
2) B
8) C
14) B
3) D
9) D
15) A
Test 37
1) Change the following sentence into an Indirect Speech using the Past Perfect tense.
'I did not read your letter,' she told her sister.
A) She tell her sister that she had not read her letter.
B) She told her sister that she have not read her letter.
C) She told her sister that she had not read her letter.
D) She told her sister that she had not read letter.
2) Change the following sentences from direct speech to indirect speech:
Catherine : "Will you come to my party on Saturday?"
A) Catherine asked me if I would come to her party on Saturday.
B) Catherine asked if I would come to her party on Saturday.
C) Both A and B
D) Catherine asked if I would have come to her party on Saturday.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
3) Change the given sentence into indirect speech.
The professor said to us, "The sun sets in the west".
A) The professor told us that the sun sets in the west.
B) The professor said that the sun sets in the west.
C) The professor told me that the sun set in the west
D) The professor said to them the sun sits in the west.
4) Change the given sentence into indirect speech.
She said, "She is happy now".
A) She told she is happy now
B) She said that she was happy then
C) She said that she is happy then
D) She said to her that she was happy now.
5) Change the given sentence into indirect speech
Rama said to her, "I shall see you tomorrow".
A) Rama told her that he would see her the next day.
B) Rama said to her that he would see her the next day.
C) Rama said to her that she would see him the next day.
D) She told Rama that she would see him tomorrow.
6) Change the given sentence into indirect speech
Sheela says to Leela, "I love music".
A) Sheela says Leela that I love music.
B) Leela says sheela that she loves music.
C) Leela tells sheela that she loves music.
D) Sheela tells Leela that she loves music.
7) Change these direct speech into reported speech:
'He works in a bank'
A) She said that he worked in a bank.
B) She said that he had worked in a bank.
C) She said that he is worked in a bank.
D) She said he had worked in a bank.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Complete the sentence in indirect speech:
'Don't waste your money' she said.
She told the boys _______ .
A) not waste their money B) not to waste your money
C) do not waste their money D) not to waste their money
9) Complete the sentence in indirect speech:
Arun: 'Where does Divya park her car?'
Arun asked me ______.
A) where Divya parked her car. B) where Divya park her car.
C) where Divya parked car. D) where had Divya parked her car.
10) Complete the sentence in indirect speech:
Teacher: 'Don't forget your homework!'
The teacher reminded me _____ .
A) not to forget homework. B) not to forget my homework.
C) not forget my homework. D) Do not forget my homework.
11) Identify the correct sentence which is in Direct speech.
A) He is right in that matter. B) He says, "The bus will be late".
C) She says that "she is right". D) He says that the bus was late.
12) Change the following into indirect speech.
'Buy some bananas for me,' my father told me.
A) My father told me to buy some bananas for him.
B) My father told me to buy some bananas.
C) My father told to buy some bananas for him.
D) My father tells me to buy some bananas for him.
13) Convert the below given time phrase into reported speech: Last week
A) A week before B) The week before
C) The weekend before D) The day before
14) Convert the below given time phrase into reported speech: Next week
A) A week before B) The day before
C) The next day D) The following week
15) Fill out the blank with suitable option.
Direct speech: Ramya will say, "I have seen the Taj Mahal"
Indirect speech: Ramya will say that ______ the Taj Mahal.
A) Have seen B) had seen
C) will be seen D) has been
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Answers :
1) C
7) A
13) B
2) C
8) D
14) D
3) A
9) A
15) D
1. Convert into indirect speech:
June said, "It is my car."
A) June said that it is my car. B) June said that it is her car.
C) June said that it was my car. D) June said that it was her car.
2. Convert into direct speech:
John's father reminded him to take his umbrella.
A) John's father said, "Remember your umbrella John ?"
B) "Here, is your umbrella John," said his father.
C) "Are you going to take your umbrella or not ?" said John to his father.
D) "Don't forget to take your umbrella, John" said his father.
3. Convert into indirect speech:
Jim said, "I work here every day."
A) Jim said that he worked here yesterday."
B) Jim said that he worked there everyday."
C) Jim said that he worked here everyday."
D) Jim said that he worked everyday."
4. Convert into direct speech:
Nelvin said that humans have evolved from apes.
A) Darwin said, “Humans had evolved from apes.”
B) Darwin said, “Humans have evolved from apes.”
C) Darwin stated that humans could have evolved from apes.
D) Darwin mention human evolution to be from apes.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
5. Convert into indirect speech:
She said to me, "I can sleep alone."
A) She said to me that she can sleep alone."
B) She told me that she can sleep alone."
C) She said to me that she could sleep alone."
D) She told me that she could sleep alone."
6. Convert into indirect speech:
Ron said, “They came at six.”
A) Ron informed us that they came at six. B) Ron said they came at six.
C) Ron said that they had come at six. D) Ron told us that they came at
7. Convert into indirect speech:
He said, “Smoking is injurious to health.”
a) He said that smoking was injurious to health.
b) He said that smoking is injurious to health.
c) He said that smoking had been injurious to health.
d) He told that smoking is injurious to health.
8. Convert into indirect speech:
He said, "I am a man."
A) He said that he was a man. B) He said that I am a man.
C) He said that he is a man. D) He said that I was a man.
9. Convert into direct speech:
She tells me that I am, indeed, very clever.
a) She tells me, “You are very clever indeed.”
b) She tells me, “I am, indeed, very clever.”
c) She says to me, “You are, indeed, very clever.”
d) She says to me, “You are very clever indeed.”
10. Convert into indirect speech:
We said, “ We are quite happy now”.
a) We told that we were quite happy now.
b) We said that we are quite happy now.
c) We said that we are quite happy then.
d) We said that we were quite happy then.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
11. Convert into indirect speech:
He said,"Babies, drink milk."
A) He said that babies drink milk
B) He told that babies should drink milk
C) He advised that babies to drink milk
D) He said that babies drank milk
12. Convert into indirect speech:
He said, "Yes, I'll come and see you."
A) He accepted that he will come and see me
B) He said that he will come and see me
C) He agreed that he will come and see me
D) He said that he would come and see me
13. Convert into direct speech:
He swore in the name of God that he was ignorant of the matter.
A) He said, “I’m ignorant by God
B) He declared, “God knows I was ignorant of the matter.”
C) He said, “By God ! I’m ignorant of the matter.”
D) He said he was ignorant of God
14. Convert into direct speech:
The father warned his son that he should be beware of him.
A) The father warned his son, “Beware of me!”
B) The father warned his son, “Watch that chap!”
C) The father warned his son, “Be careful about him.
D) The father warned his son, “Don’t fall into the trap.”
15. Convert into indirect speech:
“Are you ready Raju?" Mother asked.
A) Mother asked Raju if he would be ready.
B) Mother told Raju if he was ready.
C) Mother asked Raju if he was ready.
D) Mother wanted to know from Raju if he was ready.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
1) D
7) B
13) C
2) D
8) C
14) A
3) B
9) C
15) C
Test 39
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb.
______ you get me a cup of coffee?
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb.
______ you attend the phone?
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal verb.
The child _____ be very naughty at times.
A) will B) may
C) ought D) can
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal Verb.
You ____ drive with an international license for a year.
A) can B) need
C) should D) must
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal Verb.
You have such a beautiful voice. You ________ sing for us!
A) should B) can
C) must D) can′t
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb.
According to the News, it ____ rain this evening.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb.
He ______ be at mosque
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb.
He ______ pay 200 rupees.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb.
I ______ buy a car.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb.
I ______ climb any tree.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb.
I ______like to know where you have been.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb.
We ______not laugh at his mistakes.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb.
You ______not go there.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb
______ I try to take the effort again.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb
______we start packing our things.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
Answers :
1) C
7) D
13) A
2) B
8) A
14) A
3) D
9) D
15) A
Test 40
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb
He ______ pass the exam.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb
I ______ visit on Monday.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb
I thought he ______come.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb
I ______ have cleaned the room.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb
She ______be with her siblings.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb
She ______ lift a feather.
A) Should B) Could
C) Could D) Might
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb
They said we ______ park her.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal verb
We ______ arrive there by nine o’clock.
A) Should B) Could
C) Would D) Might
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Modal.
If you want to learn to speak English fluently, you ____ to work hard.
A) need B) must
C) could D) None of these
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals.
Although Leila was very hungry, she didn’t eat very much. She_____ the food.
A) Couldn’t have liked B) couldn’t liked
C) can’t like D) like
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals.
He ______ French. His French is terrible.
A) can’t have been B) can’t be
C) can be D) will be
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals.
He _____ so fast when he was young.
A) could have run B) can run
C) could run D) run
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals.
I am so tired. I need some rest. I think I _____ a week off.
A) should take B) should have taken
C) have taken D) should
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals.
I didn’t know you needed help. You ______ me.
A) Should have told B) must have told
C) should tell D) must tell
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals.
I don’t know why she got so many bad grades. She_____ lazy studying.
A) may be B) might have been
C) may be lazy D) might be
Answers :
1) D
7) B
13) A
2) D
8) A
14) A
3) C
9) A
15) B
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals.
John had a terrible accident. He _____ when the traffic lights were red.
A) Must have stopped B) had to stop
C) must stop D) stop
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals.
Nancy _____ on holiday. I have just met her in the street.
A) Can’t go B) couldn’t have gone
C) couldn’t go D) can’t have gone
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals.
The kids are calm today. They _____ tired.
A) must have been B) must be
C) had to be D) will be
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals.
The phone is ringing. It _____ Mary. She promised she would call.
A) had to be B) Must be
C) must have been D) must
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Model verb.
People ___ walk on grass.
A) couldn’t B) needn’t
C) mustn′t D) may not
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Modifier.
This little town is ______ for its friendly people and their hospitality.
A) notorious B) celebrated
C) famous D) illustrious
7) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
______ I use your pen?
A) should B) may
C) will D) might
8) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
______ you attend the phone?
A) should B) shall
C) might D) could
9) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
______ you see the picture clearly?
A) can B) should
C) shall D) might
10) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
______ you turn up the heat.
A) Should B) could
C) might D) ought to
11) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
Hand over me the papers. ______ you?
A) could B) should
C) shall D) will
12) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
He is ______ solve the problem.
A) Able to B) shall
C) could D) can
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
13) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
He is ______ solve the problem.
A) able to B) shall
C) could D) can
14) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
He ______ a marriage broker.
A) could be B) may be
C) will be D) would be
15) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
He ______ an engineer.
A) Could be B) may be
C) will be D) would be
Answers :
1) B
7) B
13) A
2) D
8) D
14) B
3) B
9) A
15) B
Test 42
1) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
I believe you ______ apologize.
A) Should B) could
C) might D) ought to
2) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
I ______ rather read than write.
A) shall B) can
C) would D) could
3) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
Prices ______go up next summer.
A) Will B) must
C) shall D) could
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
4) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
She ______ help us.
A) Can B) should
C) shall D) might
5) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
She ______ be punished, if she does the same mistake again.
A) shall B) can
C) will D) would
6) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
You ______ tell the truth.
A) Will B) must
C) shall D) could
7) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
You ______tell your friends.
A) Should B) could
C) might D) ought to
8) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Modal Verb.
Jacklin _____ play excellent golf when he was only ten.
A) can B) should
C) could D) None of these
9) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
Drivers ______ stop when the traffic lights are red.
A) Must B) Mustn’t
C) Might D) Can
10) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
It’s a hospital. You ______ smoke.
A) Mustn’t B) Might
C) Can D) Needn’t
11) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
People ______ walk on grass.
A) Mustn’t B) Might
C) Must D) Can
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
12) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
Take an umbrella. It ______ rain later.
A) Might B) Mustn’t
C) Needn’t D) Must
13) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
You ______ take your umbrella. It is not raining.
A) Needn’t B) Mustn’t
C) Might D) Can
14) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
If you want to learn to speak English fluently, you ______ to work hard.
A) Need B) Must
C) Might D) Can
15) Fill in the blanks with most suitable modal verb.
She ______ cook very well
A) should B) can
C) will D) shall
Answers :
1) D
7) D
13) A
2) C
8) D
14) A
3) A
9) A
15) B
Test 43
1) Add the correct punctuation mark(s):
Wow ______ Look at the flowers ______
A) !, . B) ., !
C) !, ! D) ?, !
2) Add the correct punctuation mark(s):
Do you want to play ______
A) 0 B) !
C) ? D) None of these
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
3) Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly.
A) Don't touch the wet paint. B) Don't touch the wet paint!
C) Don't touch the wet paint? D) Don't touch! the wet paint.
4) Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly.
A) Be very careful near that steep cliff? B) Be very careful near that steep cliff.
C) Be very careful near that steep cliff: D) Be very careful near that steep cliff!
5) Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly.
A) In the morning, Tom and I picked peppers, strawberries, and beans, Lauren and
Julie picked peas, celery, and beets.
B) In the morning, Tom and I, picked peppers, strawberries, and beans; Lauren and
Julie picked peas, celery, and beets.
C) In the morning, Tom and I picked peppers, strawberries, and beans; Lauren and
Julie picked peas, celery, and beets.
D) In the morning, Tom and I, picked peppers, strawberries, and beans; Lauren and
Julie, picked peas, celery, and beets.
6) Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly.
A) I'm worried Sandra that your book is lost.
B) I'm worried, Sandra, that your book is lost.
C) I'm worried, Sandra that your book is lost.
D) I'm worried Sandra, that your book is lost.
7) Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly.
A) "I'll be right back," said the doctor, "as soon as I eat lunch."
B) "I'll be right back" said the doctor "as soon as I eat lunch."
C) "I'll be right back", said the doctor, "as soon as I eat lunch."
D) "I'll be right back," said the doctor "as soon as I eat lunch."
8) Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly.
A) Did Jill say, "Wait at the corner?"
B) Did Jill say "Wait at the corner"?
C) Did Jill say "Wait at the corner?"
D) Did Jill say, "Wait at the corner"?
9) Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly.
A) "The cat clawed the new furniture", Melanie said.
B) "The cat clawed, the new furniture," Melanie said.
C) "The cat clawed the new furniture," Melanie said.
D) "The cat clawed the new furniture," Melanie said,
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) Select the correctly punctuated sentence:
A) She always enjoyed sweets, chocolate, marshmallows and toffee apples.
B) She always enjoyed: sweets, chocolate, marshmallows and toffee apples.
C) She always enjoyed sweets chocolate marshmallows and toffee apples.
D) She always enjoyed sweet's, chocolate, marshmallow's and toffee apple's.
11) Select the correctly punctuated sentence:
A) We decided to visit: Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy's mountains.
B) We decided to visit Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italys mountains.
C) We decided to visit Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy's mountains.
D) We decided to visit Spain Greece Portugal and Italy's mountains.
12) Select the correctly punctuated sentence:
A) That tall man, Paul's granddad, is this month's winner.
B) That tall man Paul's granddad is this month's winner.
C) That tall man, Paul's granddad, is this months winner.
D) That tall man, Pauls granddad, is this month's winner.
13) Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
A) Paul's neighbours were terrible
B) so his brother's friends went round to have a word.
C) Paul's neighbours were terrible: so his brother's friends went round to have a word.
D) Paul's neighbours were terrible, so his brother's friends went round to have a word.
14) Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
A) I can't see Varun's car, there must have been an accident.
B) I cant see Varun's car
C) there must have been an accident.
D) I can't see Varun's car there must have been an accident.
15) Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
A) Malaysia is a beautiful country; the beache's are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
B) Malaysia is a beautiful country; the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
C) Malaysia is a beautiful country: the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
D) Malaysia is a beautiful country, the beaches are warm, sandy and spotlessly clean.
Answers :
1) C
7) A
13) C
2) C
8) D
14) D
3) B
9) C
15) B
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 44
1) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
Alice wrote a book on the French revolution .
A) Subject B) Direct Object
C) Indirect object D) Verb
2) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
He gave them a bag full of money.
A) Subject B) Direct Object
C) Indirect object D) Verb
3) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
He offered her a flower.
A) Subject B) Direct Object
C) Indirect object D) Verb
4) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
I helped him carry it.
A) Pronoun B) Verb
C) Adverb D) Noun
5) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
I need your help.
A) Subject B) Direct Object
C) Indirect object D) Verb
6) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
I wish you good luck.
A) Subject B) Direct Object
C) Indirect object D) Verb
7) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
John sold me his car.
A) Subject B) Direct Object
C) Indirect object D) Verb
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
My father bought us a new TV set.
A) Subject B) Direct Object
C) Indirect object D) Verb
9) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
My friend said, “Oh! What a cold weather!”
A) Pronoun B) Verb
C) Adverb D) Interjection
10) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
My friend wasn’t strong enough to lift his heavy rucksack.
A) Adjective B) Verb
C) Adverb D) Noun
11) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
Sally will help you with your housework.
A) Subject B) Direct Object
C) Indirect object D) Verb
12) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
She sent her friend an email .
A) Subject B) Direct Object
C) Indirect object D) Verb
13) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
The weather was very cold.
A) Pronoun B) Verb
C) Adverb D) Noun
14) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
We didn’t spend the night there
A) Pronoun B) Verb
C) Adverb D) Noun
15) Choose the correct option to the underlined word.
We first went to the store to buy a few things.
A) Pronoun B) Verb
C) Preposition D) Noun
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Answers :
1) A
7) D
13) C
2) C
8) C
14) C
3) B
9) D
15) C
Test 45
Choose the right sentence pattern for the following sentence
1) I am a programmer in this company.
A) S/V/C - subject-verb- complement
B) S/V/C/A - subject-verb- complement-adjective
C) S/V/A - subject-verb- adjective
D) S/V/O/A - subject - verb - object
2) I promised the children a trip to the zoo.
A) Subject + Verb
B) Subject + Verb + Direct Object
C) Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object
D) (Adjunct) + Subject + Verb + Direct Object
3) I wish you Happy new year.
A) S/V-subject-verb
B) S/V/A - subject - verb - adjective
C) S/V/IO/DO-subject-verb-indirect object-direct object
D) S/V/C-subject-verb- complement
4) Jennifer baked for weeks before the holidays.
A) subject + verb B) verb + subject
C) subject + verb + direct object D) subject + verb + subject complement
5) Mary ate three apples quickly.
The above sentence follows which sentence pattern?
A) Subject + Verb + Direct Object + Indirect Object
B) Subject + Direct Object + Verb
C) Subject + Verb + Object
D) Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
6) Match the sentences to its respective patterns:
The wall collapsed.
A) Subject + Verb
B) Subject + Verb + Direct Object
C) Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object
D) (Adjunct) + Subject + Verb + Direct Object
7) My grandfather told me a story.
A) S/V/C - subject-verb- complement
B) S/V/A - subject-verb- adjective
C) S/V/O - subject - verb object
D) S/V/IO/DO - subject-verb-indirect object-direct object
8) My parents always tell me stories.
The above sentence follows which sentence pattern?
A) Subject + Verb + Direct Object + Indirect Object
B) Subject + Verb + Indirect Object
C) Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object
D) Subject + Direct Object + Verb
9) Ricky is the team leader.
A) S/V/A -subject-verb- adjective B) S/V/C -subject-verb- complement
C) S/V - subject verb D) S/V/O - subject - verb object
10) Sam paints portraits, not walls!
A) verb + subject
B) subject + verb + indirect object + direct object
C) subject + verb + direct object
D) subject + verb + subject complement
11) Students don
A) S/V - subject-verb B) S/V/C - subject-verb- complement
C) S/V/A - subject - verb adjective D) S/V/O - subject - verb object
12) That was the message the group told delegates to take home.
A) S/V-subject-verb B) S/V/O - subject - verb
C) S/V/A - subject - verb adjective D) S/V/C-subject-verb- complement
13) The students said their immediate objective is to increase student turnout in
A) S/V/O-subject-verb-object B) S/V-subject-verb
C) S/V/C-subject-verb- complement D) None of these
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
14) The teacher called Robbie class clown.
A) verb + subject B) subject + verb
C) subject + verb + direct object D) subject + verb + direct object + object
15) When he was 12, David moved to London.
A) Subject + Verb
B) Subject + Verb + Direct Object
C) Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object
D) (Adjunct) + Subject + Verb + (Adjunct)
Answers :
1) B
7) D
13) A
2) C
8) C
14) D
3) B
9) B
15) D
Test 46
1) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence .
Close the window.
2) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
He appointed Jacky his assistant.
3) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
I called my dog john.
4) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
They are internal auditors.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
5) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
The news made the people sad.
6) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
The loksabha elected him their union chairman.
7) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
Floods cause destruction.
8) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
He ate an apple yesterday.
9) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
He bought his girlfriend a ring.
10) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
He brought me a cup of coffee.
11) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
He climbed up the tree.
12) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
He gave her a book.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
13) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
He has fixed the fridge.
14) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
He is brave.
15) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
He was frightened.
Answers :
1) D
7) D
13) D
2) C
8) C
14) D
3) A
9) B
15) B
Test 47
1) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
I wrote my friend a letter.
2) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
Indians eat idly everyday.
3) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
My sister is doing homework.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
4) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
Rosy and Marry are swimming.
5) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
She goes to school.
6) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
She runs very quickly.
7) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
The company has been very successful.
8) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
The gardener wanted the plants quickly.
9) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
The news made the people sad.
10) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
The news makes the people sad.
11) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
The professor called the student a fool.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
12) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
The student elected him their union chairman.
13) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
The teacher explained us the lesson.
14) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
They are in the class.
15) Identify the suitable pattern for the given sentence.
They are reading in the library.
Answers :
1) B
7) A
13) B
2) C
8) C
14) C
3) D
9) A
15) C
Test 48
1) Rearrange the words in correct order to make complete sentence in S+V+IO+DO
Her mother / cooked / her / some snacks.
A) Her mother cooked her snacks some.
B) Her mother cooked her some snacks.
C) Her mother cooked some snacks to her.
D) Both B and C
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
2) Rearrange the words in correct order to make complete sentence in S+V+IO+DO
me / some books / my father / gave
A) My father gave me some books
B) My father gave some books me
C) Some books gave me my father
D) My father some books gave me
3) Rearrange the words in correct order to make complete sentence in
S+V+IO+DO+A pattern:
teaches / grammar/ us / everyday / our teacher
A) Our teacher everyday teaches us grammar
B) Everyday our teacher teaches us grammar
C) Our teacher teaches us grammar everyday
D) Our teacher teaches us everyday grammar
4) Rearrange the words in correct order to make complete sentence in S+V+O pattern:
the robbers yesterday / the police / caught
A) The police caught the robbers yesterday.
B) The robbers caught police yesterday.
C) Yesterday the police caught the robbers.
D) All the above
5) Rearrange the words in correct order to make complete sentence in S+V+O pattern:
newspapers every day / my boss / reads
A) My boss reads newspapers every day
B) My boss newspapers every day reads
C) My boss reads every day newspapers
D) Reads newspapers every day my boss
6) Rewrite the following Complex sentence into Compound sentence:
As soon as the child saw the cockroach it cried.
A) On seeing the cockroach, the child cried.
B) Seeing the cockroach, the child cried.
C) Both A and B
D) The child saw the cockroach then cried.
7) Which of the given sentence follows the Subject + Verb + Direct Object +
Preposition + Indirect Object pattern?
A) My brother showed his new wallet to me.
B) He has never told his brother the secret.
C) The students have solved some Mathematics problems.
D) None of these
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Which of the given sentence follows the Subject + Verb + Object + Complement
A) Reading makes him a complete man.
B) He answered my question instantly.
C) My brother is going to Bangalore.
D) Birds fly in the sky.
9) Which of the given sentence follows the Subject + Verb + Object pattern?
A) It is there. B) He is a good teacher.
C) Birds fly. D) My friend bought a book.
10) Identify the given sentence pattern: SVOA
A) I wish you Happy new year.
B) All women love jewels and silk sarees.
C) Boys are playing in the ground.
D) My sister speaks English very well.
11) Identify the correct sentence for the pattern : S/V
A) She became a teacher B) It is dark everywhere
C) One of the boys must go D) He irons his shirt
12) Identify the correct sentence for the pattern : S/V/A
A) Mary cooks deliciously B) I gave her a doll
C) Raj is the team leader D) The sun shines
13) Identify the pattern of the following sentence:
He slept for a long time last night.
A) Subject +Verb + Adjunct + Complement B) Subject +Verb + Adjunct +
C) Subject +Verb + Object + Complement D) Subject +Verb + Complement
+ Object
14) Identify the pattern of the following sentence:
His father gave him his school bag.
A) Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object
B) Subject +Verb + Object + Complement
C) Subject +Verb + Object + Adjunct
D) Subject +Verb + Adjunct
15) Identify the pattern of the following sentence:
We wear woolen clothes in winter season.
A) Subject + Verb + Object + Compliment
B) Subject + Verb + Object + Adjunct
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
C) Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object
D) Subject + Verb + Compliment
1) B
7) A
13) B
2) A
8) A
14) A
3) C
9) D
15) B
Test 49
1) Identify the type of sentence:
Jack, Paul, George, and Simon went to the ballgame.
A) Compound sentence B) Complex sentence
C) Simple sentence D) None of these
2) Identify the type of sentence:
The girl who was here is called Annabelle.
A) Simple sentence B) Compound sentence
C) Both A and B D) Complex sentence
3) Identify the type of sentence:
Vancouver is beautiful, and I would really like to live there.
A) Simple sentence B) Compound sentence
C) Complex sentence D) Compound Complex sentence
4) Identify the type of sentence:
When the postman called, John was out, but he collected the parcel later.
A) Simple sentence B) Compound sentence
C) Compound Complex sentence D) Complex sentence
5) Identify the type of sentences below.
Her left arm was badly broken at the wrist during the car accident.
A) Simple sentence B) Compound sentence
C) Complex sentence D) None of these
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
6) Identify the type of the following sentence:
As she calm everyone likes her.
A) Simple B) complex
C) compound D) Compound complex
7) Identify the type of the following sentence:
Besides scolding me, my father beat me.
A) Complex B) Compound
C) Simple D) compound complex
8) Identify the type of the following sentence:
I do not know what to do.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) complex D) compound complex
9) Identify the type of the following sentence:
Although the sport is new, it has already attracted six collegiate teams in the
A) Simple sentence B) Compound sentence
C) Complex sentence D) None of these
10) Identify the type of the following sentence:
Many brave soldiers fought in the war, and they received medals.
A) Compound sentence B) Complex sentence
C) Compound-Complex sentence D) Simple sentence
11) Identify the type of the following sentence:
She runs every day, so she is very fit.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound-Complex
12) Identify the type of the following sentence:
The students work on special cars designed for their sport.
A) Simple sentence B) Compound sentence
C) Complex sentence D) Both A and C
13) Identify the type of the following sentence:
Their tools are screwdrivers and spanners rather than basketballs and footballs.
A) Compound sentence B) Simple sentence
C) Complex sentence D) Compound- Complex sentence
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
14) Identify the type of the following sentence:
He got up, walked over to the window, and jumped out.
A) Compound-Complex B) Complex
C) Compound D) Simple
15) Identify the type of the following sentence:
Her name is Praveena and she comes from India.
A) Complex B) Compound-Complex
C) Simple D) Compound
Answers :
1) C
7) C
13) B
2) D
8) A
14) D
3) B
9) C
15) D
Test 50
1) Identify the sentence.
Being late, I missed the train.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound complex
2) Identify the sentence.
Due to old age, she can’t cook.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound complex
3) Identify the sentence.
Having completed his work he returned.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound complex
4) Identify the sentence.
I am so weak that I cannot walk.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound complex
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
5) Identify the sentence.
I warned, but he did start the business.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound complex
6) Identify the sentence.
If you work hard, you will pass.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound complex
7) Identify the sentence.
On his entry the speaker found the hall was empty.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound complex
8) Identify the sentence.
The holidays were over and so they went to their school.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound complex
9) Identify the sentence.
When he came to school, we found it closed.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound complex
10) Identify the sentence.
After the sun had risen, the birds began to sing.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound-complex
11) Identify the sentence.
Being intelligent, Ram got a first class.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound-complex
12) Identify the sentence.
Having finished his letter, Raja posted it.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound-complex
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
13) Identify the sentence.
He had high marks but he did not get admission.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound-complex
14) Identify the sentence.
In spite of his laziness Ram gets good marks.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound-complex
15) Identify the sentence.
It is important yet it is omitted.
A) Simple B) Compound
C) Complex D) Compound-complex
Answers :
1) A
7) A
13) B
2) A
8) B
14) A
3) A
9) C
15) B
Test 51
1) Identify the complex sentence
A) Inspite of his poverty, he is honest. B) He is poor yet he is honest
C) Though he is poor, he is honest D) Taking his bat, he went to play
2) Identify the Complex sentence from the following options:
A) Don't come unless I call you. B) Are you sure of his honesty?
C) Could you tell me your name? D) Spare the rod and spoil the child.
3) Identify the Complex sentence from the following sentences:
A) He hoped to do something unique. B) I told Raju why he failed.
C) The reason of her refusal is not known. D) I heard the sound and rushed to the
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
4) Identify the Complex sentence from the following sentences:
A) You are permitted to go wherever you like.
B) The farmer returns home after the sunset.
C) I heard about your promotion.
D) He took his bat and went to play.
5) Identify the Complex sentence:
A) Marie and Bill and I stayed up until four in the morning.
B) Although it started to rain, we decided to continue our walk.
C) She wanted to go, but her child was sick.
D) She was going to school full-time and hoped to graduate in June.
6) Identify the complex sentence.
A) Could you tell me your name?
B) I will call you and then you may come.
C) We met Ram and asked for 100 rupees
D) The farmer returns home after the sun has set.
7) Identify the complex sentence.
A) I know his residence B) I know where he resides.
C) Do this or you will be punished. D) He stole the money and he denied.
8) Identify the compound sentence
A) As she saw the snake, she shouted
B) He is very honest and so he can not steal
C) Seeing the sentence, she shouted
D) I heard about your promotion.
9) Identify the Compound sentence from the following sentences:
A) Finishing her house work, she sat leisurely.
B) Hearing our mother's footsteps, we kept silent.
C) Owing to bad weather, the match was postponed.
D) He was both praised and rewarded.
10) Identify the Compound sentence:
A) As soon as Dick started a coin collection, his brother bought an album of rare
B) Joe is smart
C) he will go far.
D) I lost my passport.
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11) Identify the compound sentence.
A) I told Raju the reason of his failure. B) He hoped to do something unique
C) Her success is doubtful. D) I have no money so I can
12) Change the following Simple sentence into Complex sentence:
I have no money to help you.
A) I have no money so I can't help you. B) I have no money hence I help
C) I have no money that I can't help you with. D) I can't help you I have no
13) Change the following Simple sentence into Complex sentence:
To my surprise Arun got a distinction in the exam.
A) Arun got a distinction and I was surprised at it.
B) As Arun got a distinction I was surprised at it.
C) Arun got a distinction and I was surprise at it.
D) To my surprised Arun have got a distinction in the exam.
14) Change the following Complex sentence into Simple sentence:
As Mano was very hungry , he ate all the rice.
A) Mano was very hungry so he ate all the rice.
B) Being very hungry, Mano ate all the rice.
C) Both A and B
D) None of these
15) Change the following Compound sentence into Complex sentence:
You recommended him, so I gave my book to him.
A) I gave my book to him because you recommended him.
B) As you recommended him I gave my book to him.
C) Both A and B
D) Because of your recommendation I gave my book to him.
Answers :
1) C
7) B
13) B
2) A
8) B
14) B
3) B
9) D
15) C
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Test 52
1) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
I can′t imagine Peter going by bus.
A) Imagine B) Peter
C) Going D) Bus
2) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
Are you thinking of visiting London?
A) Thinking B) Visiting
C) London D) You
3) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
I learned to ride the bike at the age of 5.
A) Learned B) To ride
C) The bike D) Age
4) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
I look forward to seeing you at the weekend.
A) Look B) Forward
C) Seeing D) Weekend
5) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
She doesn’t mind working the night shift.
A) Mind B) Working
C) Night D) Shift
6) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
The man asked me how to get to the airport.
A) Man B) Asked
C) To get D) Airport
7) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
The teacher expected Sarah to study hard.
A) Teacher B) Expected
C) Sarah D) To study
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8) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
We decided to run through the forest.
A) Decided B) To run
C) Through D) Forest
9) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
I can′t imagine Peter going by bus.
A) Imagine B) Peter
C) Going D) Bus
10) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
He agreed to buy a new lorry.
A) Agreed B) To buy
C) New D) Lorry
11) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
I learned to ride the bike at the age of 5.
A) Learned B) To ride
C) The bike D) Age
12) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
The question is easy to answer .
A) Question B) Is
C) Easy D) To answer
13) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
A calendar is used for finding the date.
A) Calendar B) is used
C) finding D) the date
14) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
Accepting new ideas is wise.
A) Accepting B) new ideas
C) is D) wise
15) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
Are you thinking of visiting London?
A) London B) Thinking
C) Are D) Visiting
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Answers :
1) C
7) D
13) C
2) B
8) B
14) A
3) B
9) C
15) D
Test 53
1) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
Children like eating sweets.
A) Children B) like
C) sweets D) eating
2) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
Finding fault is very easy.
A) Finding B) fault
C) is D) very easy
3) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
He agreed to buy a new car.
A) Agreed B) A new
C) To buy D) Car
4) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
He agreed to buy a new lorry.
A) Agreed B) To buy
C) New D) Lorry
5) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
I am sorry for saying this.
A) I B) saying
C) I am D) sorry
6) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
I can’t imagine Peter going by bike.
A) Going B) Imagine
C) Bike D) I
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7) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
I learned to ride the bike at the age of 5.
A) Learned B) To ride
C) Bike D) Age
8) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
I look forward to seeing you at the weekend.
A) Forward B) Seeing
C) Weekend D) Look
9) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
Raja hopes for getting a job in the harbour.
A) Hopes B) getting
C) harbour D) job
10) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
Raja knows dancing.
A) Raja B) dancing
C) knows D) Raja knows
11) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
Reading your hand writing is difficult.
A) Reading B) difficult
C) hand writing D) is
12) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
Riding a horse is a fun.
A) Horse B) is
C) riding D) fun
13) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
Running is a good exercise.
A) is B) good
C) running D) exercise
14) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
She doesn’t mind working the night shift.
A) Shift B) She
C) Working D) Night
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15) Identify the gerund from the given sentence.
The man asked me how to get to the airport.
A) Man B) Asked me
C) To get D) Airport
Answers :
1) D
7) B
13) C
2) A
8) B
14) C
3) C
9) B
15) C
Test 54
1) Identify the infinitive.
A) To invite B) that to invite
C) invitation D) invite
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Gerund and infinitive.
I often ______ meeting my ex-boyfriend.
A) Request B) Recall
C) Refuse D) Manage
3) Fill in the blank with the gerund or an infinitive:
I am planning (buy) _____ a new laptop soon.
A) buying B) to buy
C) Both A and B D) None of these
4) Fill in the blank with the gerund or an infinitive:
I warned him _____ away from her.
A) to keep B) keeping
C) to keeping D) keep
5) Fill in the blank with the gerund or an infinitive:
She gave up _____ (argue) with James.
A) to argue B) argueing
C) arguing D) Both B and C
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6) Fill in the blank with the gerund or an infinitive:
We forgot ______ (pick) our friend at the airport.
A) picking B) to be pick
C) to pick D) to picking
7) Fill in the blank with the gerund or an infinitive:
You forgot (remind) ______ me (go) _____ to the hospital!
A) reminding, to go B) to remind, to go
C) to remind, going D) reminding, going
8) Replace the underlined words with suitable infinitive.
She is very confident that she will win.
A) That to win B) will to win
C) to will win D) to win
9) Replace the underlined words with suitable infinitive
They want that they should eat grapes.
A) That to eat B) to eat
C) to should eat D) should to eat
10) Identify the suitable infinitive for the given word: Calling
A) To calling B) to called
C) call D) to call
11) Identify the suitable infinitive for the given word: Cooking
A) To cook B) to cooked
C) to be cooked D) will be cooked
12) Identify the suitable infinitive for the given word: Getting
A) To got B) to get
C) to getting D) to be get
13) Identify the suitable infinitive for the given word: Running
A) Will run B) to run
C) may run D) run
14) Identify the suitable infinitive for the given word: Sleeping
A) To asleep B) to be slept
C) to sleep D) to sleeping
15) Identify the suitable infinitive for the given word: Swimming
A) Swim B) to swimming
C) swims D) to swim
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Answers :
1) A
7) B
13) B
2) B
8) D
14) C
3) B
9) B
15) D
Test 55
1) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase A BOLT FROM
A) A source of quarrel B) Narrow escape
C) A difficult problem D) Something unexpected
2) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase A MAN OF
A) A man of no substance B) A very active person
C) A worthy fellow D) An unreasonable person
3) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase AT THE DROP
A) Willingness to do something instantly B) Confused and lost
C) To support and sustain D) None of the Above
4) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase FROM THE
A) To make to bear the sins for others
B) From an authoritative or dependable source
C) Take a subordinate position
D) Worried for frivolous things
5) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO BREAK
A) To start a conversation B) To start quarreling
C) To end up partnership D) To end the hostility
6) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO EAT
A) To apologize B) To request
C) To show kindness D) Show weakness
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7) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO FLY OFF
A) To dislocate B) To lose one′s temper
C) To take of D) To be indifferent
8) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO SEE RED?
A) To find fault with B) To criticise others
C) To be very angry D) To victimise someone
9) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO SET ONE′S
A) To oppose with determination B) To judge by appearence
C) To get out of difficulty D) To look at one steadily
10) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO SMELL A
A) To see signs of plague epidemic B) To get bad small of a bad dead rat
C) To suspect foul dealings D) To be in a bad mood
11) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase APPLE OF
A) Sour apple B) A disturbing fact
C) Cause of quarrel D) A fight for an apple
12) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase AT ONE′S
A) To take revenge B) Matter of shame
C) Complete knowledge D) None of above
13) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase AT THE SPUR
A) Difficult Moment B) Without Delay
C) Great Moment D) Very Slow
14) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase BE IN THE
A) To be punished B) To be imprisoned
C) To be insulted D) To be in trouble
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15) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of Phrase BRING THE
A) Made the audience applaud enthusiastically
B) Made the audience leave
C) Made the audience cry
D) Made the audience request an encore
Answers :
1) D
7) D
13) B
2) A
8) A
14) D
3) A
9) A
15) A
Test 56
1) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase BRING THE
A) Made the audience applaud enthusiastically
B) Made the audience leave
C) Made the audience cry
D) Made the audience request an encore
2) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase BRING UP?
A) Grow B) Progress
C) Instill good values in children D) Raise a topic for discussion
3) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase BY FITS AND
A) To do intermittently or irregularly B) To do consistently
C) To be in high spirits D) To fight vigorously
4) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase DONKEY′S
A) A short time B) At the right time
C) To have a difficult time D) A long time
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5) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase GIVE AND
A) Compromise B) To give gift to someone
C) To take gift from someone D) Lively and active
6) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase HAND OUT?
A) Award B) Advertisement
C) Request D) None of these
7) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase HARD
A) Bewildered B) Insulted
C) Hard discipline D) In difficulties
8) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase NO AXE TO
A) A bad situation B) To rebuke
C) To act selflessly D) To confuse others
9) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase PAINTED THE
A) To white wash buildings B) To renovate buildings
C) To celebrate noisly in public places D) To create nuisances
10) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase PLOUGH A
A) Remain unaffected B) Do without the help of others
C) Survive in isolation D) Remain non-aligned
11) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of Phrase POINT -
A) Directly B) Clearly
C) Abruptly D) Briefly
12) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of Phrase SET ABOUT?
A) Look around B) Took charge
C) Start D) Took steps towards
13) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase STEW IN HIS
A) Make a stew B) Suffer in his own juice
C) Suffer for his own act D) None of these
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14) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase STORMED
A) Crept out through a different exit B) Went out meekly
C) Went out showing their anger D) Went out breaking things on their way
15) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase THE COLD
A) Scold B) Insult
C) Abuse D) Ignore
Answers :
1) A
7) C
13) C
2) D
8) C
14) C
3) A
9) C
15) D
Test 57
1) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase THE SECRET
A) The cat is out of the bag B) The cat jumped out of the bag
C) The cat jumped and now is out D) Out of the bag the cat has jumped
2) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO BEAT
A) To run around a nearby bush in fright
B) To talk indirectly, without coming to the main point
C) To stammer
D) To tap her feet in despair
3) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO BUY A PIG
A) To buy something without seeing it or knowing if it is satisfactory
B) To make a mess of something
C) To spend extravagantly on unwanted things
D) To try to spend as little money as possible
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4) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO GIVE
A) Space to breathe B) Time
C) Acting strange D) Behaving arrogantly
5) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO GO
A) To complete quickly B) To do a work without enthusiasm
C) To do without any interest D) To work at a slow speed
6) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO HAVE A
A) To appear and disappear suddenly B) To have an expressionless face
C) To look very angry D) To deal with something that is
7) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO HIT THE
A) To gamble B) To get an unexpected victory
C) To be wealthy D) To make money unexpectedly
8) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO KEEP HIS
A) To be very polite
B) To encourage backbiting
C) To keep informed about happening in surrounding.
D) To have a strict control over all.
9) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO PICK
A) To find some reason to quarrel B) To destroy something
C) To criticise someone D) To cut some part of an item
10) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO RUN
A) To have an appointed meeting B) To meet by chance
C) To run in the playground D) To run very fast
11) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrase TO RUN
A) To produce written material quickly B) Use something up completely
C) To make or sew something quickly D) To knock down something
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12) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of Phrases GREEN
A) To have a natural interest B) Ones nails are painted green
C) One is artistic D) One has a green tattoo on the thumb
13) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrases TO BEG THE
A) To refer to B) To take for granted
C) To raise objections D) To be discussed
14) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of phrases TO END IN
A) To make completely understand B) To ruin oneself
C) To excite great applause D) To overcome someone
15) Which one of the following best expresses the meaning of the Phrase: A BOLT
A) A delayed event B) An inexplicable event
C) An unexpected event D) An unpleasant event
Answers :
1) A
7) D
13) B
2) B
8) C
14) B
3) D
9) C
15) C
Test 58
Simple Present Tense - 1
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
Neither Ann nor I ______ to sleep tonight. we plan to talk all night. (intend)
A) Intend B) Intends
C) Intended D) Will intend
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
The management ______ every one of their employees a happy new year and
happy holidays. (wish)
A) Wishes B) Had wished
C) Is wishing D) Will wish
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3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
My brother ___his girlfriend everyday. (meet)
A) Meet B) Met
C) Is meet D) Meets
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
A river ______ downstream. (flow)
A) Flows B) Will flow
C) Is flowing D) Was flowing
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple present Tense.
He____them to watch movies every fortnight. (take)
A) Taken B) Take
C) Taking D) Takes
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple present tense.
I think he is going to ______ left. Get ready. (Turn)
A) Turned B) Turning
C) Turn D) Will turn
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
We ______ jungle-trekking. (dislike)
A) Are disliking B) Have disliked
C) Dislike D) Were disliking
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
I ______ about the vandalism at the museum in the newspaper yesterday. (read)
A) Is reading B) Read
C) Will read D) Reads
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
Bad driving _____ (cause) many accidents.
A) causes B) caused
C) will cause D) have caused
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
Lili ______ herself while cycling at the park earlier. (hurt)
A) Hurt B) Hurts
C) Has hurt D) Will hurt
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11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
My aunt is kind but she___(talk) too much and too often.
A) will talk B) talks
C) is talking D) taught
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
My mother ______ meat from the butcher once a week. (buy)
A) Is buying B) Has bought
C) Buys D) Will have bought
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
Passengers ______ to smoke in the train. (allow)
A) Are not allowed B) Was not allowed
C) Had not allowed D) Will not allow
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
Please ______ (pass) me the salt and pepper.
A) Pass B) Passes
C) Passed D) Passing
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
The girls often ___ (read) a book.
A) read B) reading
C) will read D) have been reading
1) A
2) A
3) D
4) A
5) D
6) C
7) C
8) B
9) A
10) A
11) B
12) C
13) A
14) A
15) A
Test 59
Simple Present Tense - 2
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
They _____ (play) basketball every Sunday.
A)are playing B)will play
C)play D)playing
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
Angel always _____ (try) to make new friends.
A)tried B)tries
C)trying D)have tried
3)Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
Bad driving _____ (cause) many accidents.
A)causes B)cause
C)caught D)is causing
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
Chandran is helping his father in the shop until school _____ (start).
A)starts B)will start
C)was starting D)is starting
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
Hari saw the dog ______ (bite) the child′s hand yesterday.
A)bit B)bites
C)bite D)bitten
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
He ______ (smoke) for many years despite the doctor′s warning.
A)smoke B)had smoked
C)smokes D)had been smoked
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
My sister ____ (talk) very fast.
A)talking B)talks
C)will talk D)talked
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
Ramu always _____ (take) the bus to go to school.
A)took B)taking
C)takes D)take
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
You ___(be) mistaken if you think that I will help you again this time.
A)was B)are
C)am D)were
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple present Tenses.
Be quiet while I ______ of a plan to get us out of here. (think)
A)Think B)Will think
C)Thought D)Have thought
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple present Tenses.
The books on the table ______ to me. (belong)
A)Belong B)Belongs
C)Belonging D)Has belonged
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple present tenses.
Robert ___ twenty five pounds a week. (earn)
A)Earned B)Earn
C)Earning D)Earns
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
Do not ______ the gift now, his father told him. (open)
A)Open B)Opens
C)Opened D)Opening
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
Every day, Kamal ______ to school together with his friend, Sam. (walk)
A)Walk B)Walks
C)Walking D)Have walked
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Present Tense.
I ______ I don′t know what she was talking about ! (swear)
A)Swear B)Swore
C)Am swearing D)Swears
1) C
2) B
3) A
4) A
5) C
6) C
7) B
8) C
9) B
10) A
11) A
12) B
13) A
14) B
15) A
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Test 60
Simple Present Tense - 3
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Simple tense.
Robert___ twenty-five pounds a week. (earn)
A) Earned B) Earning
C) Earns D) Earn
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Simple tense.
My teacher___ very hard. (work)
A) Is working B) Worked
C) Working D) Works
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Simple Tense.
Normally I ____ (finish) work at 5′clk.
A) Finished B) Finishing
C) Is finish D) Finish
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Simple tense.
Mike___ only thrillers. (read)
A) Is read B) Is reading
C) Read D) Reads
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Simple tense.
She___to come here. (want)
A) Were Want B) Wants
C) Was wanted D) Is want
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Simple tense.
Miss Gibb____very well. (dress)
A) Dress B) Is dresses
C) Dressing D) Dresses
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Simple Tenses.
The academic year _____ on October 1st. (start)
A) Starting B) Starts
C) Started D) Start
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8) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present tense verb.
Bad driving _______ many accidents.
A) take B) because
C) causes D) plays
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present tense verb.
I always _______ early in the morning.
A) wake up B) woke up
C) wakes up D) will wake up
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present tense verb.
I never _______ tea.
A) drinks B) drink
C) take D) takes
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present tense verb.
It _______ at 9:00 in the morning.
A) take B) takes
C) closes D) close
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present tense verb.
My parents _______ in a very small flat.
A) live B) lives
C) do D) take
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present tense verb.
My students ______ a little English.
A) speaks B) speak
C) does D) did
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present tense verb.
Raj ______ hand ball very well.
A) takes B) take
C) play D) plays
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present tense verb.
The Olympic Games ______ place every four years.
A) play B) plays
C) takes D) take
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
1) C
2) D
3) D
4) D
5) B
6) D
7) B
8) C
9) C
10) B
11) C
12) A
13) B
14) D
15) D
Test 61
Simple Present Tense - 4
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present tense verb.
The swimming pool ________ at 7:00 in the morning.
A) open B) opens
C) plays D) play
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present tense verb.
They are good students. They always ________ their homework.
A) perform B) do
C) does D) did
3) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable Simple present verb.
A liar is someone who ________ (not/tell) the truth.
A) don’t tell B) doesn’t tell
C) will not tell D) would not tell
4) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable Simple present verb.
A novelist ________ (write) novels.
A) wrote B) writes
C) will write D) would write
5) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable Simple present verb.
It (take) ________ me an hour to get to work.
A) will take B) took
C) did took D) takes
6) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable Simple present verb.
Jane (not/drink) ________ tea very often.
A) does not drink B) drink
C) drunk D) is drinking
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable Simple present verb.
She (not/wake) ________ up early on Sundays.
A) won’t wake B) doesn’t wake
C) don’t wake D) didn’t wake
8) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable Simple present verb.
The earth ________ (turn) around the sun.
A) turns B) will turn
C) turn D) turned
9) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable Simple present verb.
The sun ________ (rise) in the east.
A) rise B) rises
C) would raise D) will rise
10) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable Simple present verb.
Vegetarians ________ (not/eat)meat.
A) don’t eat B) will eat
C) doesn’t eat D) would eat
11) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable Simple present verb.
What time (the banks/open) ________ in Delhi?
A) does the banks open B) do the banks open
C) the banks D) open
12) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable Simple present verb.
Where (Ram/come) ________ from?
A) Ram Came B) did Ram came
C) does Ram come D) Ram come
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present verb.
The bag (be) ________ very beautiful.
A) was B) were
C) is D) are
14) She always ____ her purse.
A) forgets B) forget
C) forgave D) forgot
15) You can send the goods after we _____ the payment.
A) receive B) receives
C) received D) receiving
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
1) B
2) B
3) B
4) B
5) D
6) A
7) B
8) A
9) B
10) A
11) B
12) C
13) C
14) A
15) A
Test 62
Present Continuous Tense 1
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present continuous Tense.
Are you ______ (listen) to what I said ? I don′t want you stealing out of the house
in the middle of the night ever again.
A) Listening B) Listened
C) Is Listens D) Listen
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present continuous Tense.
They ______ (pray) for the safety of their friends who were on the hijacked flight.
A) Praying B) Prays
C) Are praying D) Was praying
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Ahmad___ for a new job in the private sector. (apply)
A) Apply B) Is applying
C) Applying D) Were applying
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Cherry___ fish curry for us and she is expecting us for dinner at eight. (cook)
A) Cook B) Is cooking
C) Cooking D) Cooked
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Emerald ______ water to make tea. The hot water will be done in a minute. (boil)
A) Was boiling B) Is boiling
C) Will boil D) Boiled
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Except for Troy, all the other children ______ their fees now. (pay)
A) Is paying B) Are paying
C) Pays D) Paid
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
He____his car. (Fix)
A) Fixed B) Is fixing
C) Were fixed D) Are fixing
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Katie liked ______ (help) the weaker girls in her class with their work.
A) Help B) Helps
C) Has helped D) Helping
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Look at that young bird ______ near the nest. (fly)
A) Fly B) Flying
C) Flew D) Has flown
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
She ______ her hair because it is all tangled up. So, do not disturb her now.
A) Is brushing B) Brush
C) Will brush D) Brushed
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Terry heard a dog ______ in the middle of the night. (bark)
A) Bark B) Barks
C) Barking D) Barked
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
The birds____. (chirp)
A) Was chirp B) Chirped
C) Are chirping D) Is chirping
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
The boy____for his parents. (wait)
A) Was waiting B) Were wait
C) Is waiting D) Are waiting
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
The students_____their exam. (write)
A) Are writing B) Were writing
C) Writing D) Was write
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
We ______ away next month. My father got transferred to a new branch. (move)
A) Are moving B) Moved
C) Moves D) Has moved
1) A
2) C
3) B
4) B
5) B
6) B
7) B
8) D
9) B
10) A
11) C
12) C
13) C
14) A
15) A
Test 63
Present Continuous Tense 2
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
What′s that noise ? What ______ ( happens )?
A) Happens B) Happening
C) Is happening D) Happened
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable present continuous tenses.
We___ dinner now.(have)
A) Are having B) Is have
C) Are have D) Was having
3) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Present Continuous Tenses.
It___late. We must go home. (get)
A) Got B) Get
C) Is getting D) Getting
4) Write questions in present continuous.
where / she / to go
A) Where is she going? B) Where does she goes?
C) Where she go? D) Where are they going?
5) Fill in the blank with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Do you know who ______ so much noise ? (make)
A) Are make B) Are making
C) Is make D) Is making
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
6) Fill in the blank with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
We ____ (move) away next month. My father got transferred to a new branch.
A) moved B) moves
C) are moving D) has moved
7) Fill in each blank with the correct words to change each present continuous tense
sentence into a future perfect tense sentence:
My sister and I are painting our apartment. By this time tomorrow, my sister and
I _______ our apartment.
A) will painting B) will be painted
C) would paint D) will have painted
8) Which is a signal word from the below for the present continuous?
A) Often B) Sometimes
C) Now D) Look
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable present continuous tense.
Everyone ____about Lin Dan′s achievement in the Beijing Olympics. ( talk )
A) Talking B) Is talk
C) Was talking D) Is talking
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
The athletes ______for Canada tomorrow. (leave)
A) Leaving B) Is leaving
C) Are leave D) Are leaving
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
She____ for her boyfriend now. (wait)
A) Is waiting B) Wait
C) Waiting D) Are waiting
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
All the plants, except the hibiscus, ______. (wilt)
A) Wilts B) Are wilting
C) Wilting D) Is wilting
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present continuous Tense.
He____the children to the movies. (take)
A) Is taking B) Take
C) Taken D) Was taking
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
I think he is just ______ with you. He does not mean to offend you. (play)
A) Had played B) Will play
C) Plays D) Playing
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
She____ of the day when she can go to China to visit her relatives. (dream)
A) Dreaming B) Is dreaming
C) Was dreaming D) Dream
1) C
2) A
3) C
4) A
5) D
6) C
7) D
8) C
9) D
10) D
11) A
12) B
13) A
14) D
15) B
Test 64
Present Continuous Tense 3
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present continuous Tense.
Sonia ___ (look) for a place to live.
A) Look B) Looking
C) Is looking D) Looked
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
The members ______ for a new committee in the coming meeting. (vote)
A) Were voting B) Are voting
C) Had voted D) Have voted
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
The sun___in the east. (rise)
A) Rise B) Was rises
C) Rises D) Is rises
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
We___ dinner now. (have)
A) Is having B) Are having
C) Having D) Have
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
At the moment I (revise) _____ English grammar.
A) Am , revising B) Is , revise
C) Are , revising D) Is , revise
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
He ______ about skipping school. Maybe he also lied about his activities during
the weekend. (lie)
A) Have lied B) Is lying
C) Are lying D) Were lying
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
She ____ (travel) to New York next weekend.
A) traveled B) traveling
C) will travel D) is traveling
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
He___at the moment. (type)
A) Type B) Are typing
C) Typing D) Is typing
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
We_____ (go) to a concert tonight.
A) went B) go
C) have been going D) are going
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
He _____ (drive) to his friend′s house.
A) driving B) have been driving
C) was driving D) is driving
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Look! That girl ________(try) to steal that man′s wallet.
A) is trying B) tried
C) will try D) have tried
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Ram and Madhu ____(work) late today.
A) works B) working
C) are working D) worked
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Sara usually puts on black shoes but now she _____ (wear) white trainers.
A) will wear B) is wearing
C) wore D) wearing
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
She ____ (dream) of the day when she can go to China to visit her relatives.
A) dreams B) dreamed
C) is dreaming D) have been dreaming
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
She _____ (travel) to New Delhi next weekend.
A) is traveling B) traveling
C) have been traveling D) will travel
1) C
2) B
3) C
4) B
5) A
6) B
7) D
8) D
9) D
10) D
11) A
12) C
13) B
14) C
15) A
Test 65
Present Continuous Tense 4
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Students ____ (read) their subject books.
A) reading B) are reading
C) read D) have read
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
The members ______ (vote) for a new committee in the coming meeting.
A) were voting B) had voted
C) are voting D) have noted
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Unemployment ______(fall) and is now down to 7.6%.
A) fell B) have been falling
C) will fall D) is falling
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
We _____ (meet) our friends next week.
A) are meeting B) meet
C) met D) will meet
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tenses.
The child laughed while ______ my funny questions. (answer)
A) Answer B) Answers
C) Answered D) Answering
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous tenses.
He____ at the moment.(type)
A) Typing B) Is typing
C) Type D) Typed
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous tenses.
He_____ for President in this election.(not/run)
A) Running B) Is running
C) Not running D) Is not running
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous tenses.
We_____ the receipt of your letter of June 8th. (acknowledge)
A) Acknowledges B) Are Acknowledge
C) Is Acknowledge D) Acknowledge
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tenses.
It _____late. We must go home. (get)
A) Getting B) Was getting
C) Is get D) Is getting
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous tenses.
He is at the bank. He___(draw) money from his account.
A) Is draw B) Was drawing
C) Are drawing D) Is drawing
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present continuous tenses.
The sun____ now. (rise)
A) Rise B) Rising
C) Is rising D) Is rise
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present continuous tenses.
Who____for? (you / wait)
A) Waiting B) Are you waiting
C) You waiting D) Wait
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
It___late. We must go home. (get)
A) Getting B) Is getting
C) Are getting D) Get
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Continuous Tense.
Mom, I am ____football. (play)
A) Play B) Playing
C) Plays D) Played
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present-continuous tenses.
The boy ___severe punishment. (deserve)
A) Deserved B) Deserves
C) Deserve D) Is Deserved
1) B
2) C
3) D
4) A
5) D
6) B
7) D
8) D
9) D
10) D
11) C
12) B
13) B
14) B
15) B
Test 66
Present Perfect Continuous Tense 1
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
I _____for this book ever since I heard about it. (look)
A) Had been looking B) Has been looking
C) Have been looking D) Will been looking
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
I ____to the radio for the last half hour. (listen)
A) Had been listening B) Have been listening
C) Have be listening D) Has been listening
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
She ____a book for two hours. (read)
A) Had been reading B) Has been reading
C) Has reading D) Have been reading
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present perfect continuous Tense.
We ____for mother since lunch.(wait)
A) Waiting B) Have been waiting
C) Was Waited D) Has Waiting
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
My father____hard all his life. He′s fifty now, and is still active. (work)
A) Working B) Has been working
C) Has working D) Have been working
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
The eldest brother _____the family since his father passed away. (support)
A) Has been supporting B) Had been supporting
C) Has supporting D) Supporting
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
The girls____ hard about interesting slogans to write in their entries for the
competition. (think)
A) Have been thinking B) Thinking
C) Had been thinking D) Has thinking
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
The students ______ to leave the building immediately. (order)
A) Ordered B) Will order
C) Have ordered D) Have been ordered
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
I (learn) ____ English for ten years now.
A) Have been learning B) Learned
C) Has learn D) Is learned
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
Hi Tracy, you look tired. I am tired. I ______ the living room all day. (Paint)
A) Painted B) Had painted
C) Have been painting D) Have painted
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
11) I _____ in this house for 40 years.
A) have been living B) has been living
B) had been living D) have living
12) I ______ up this mountain for over two hours.
A) have been climbing B) has been climbing
C) have climbing D) had been climbing
13) I _____ about you since you called.
A) have been thinking B) have thinking
C) has been thinking D) had been thinking
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous tense.
We___for mother since lunch. (wait)
A) Have been waiting B) Have waiting
C) Had waiting D) Waiting
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
She___this lullaby all the evening. (sing)
A) Been singing B) Has been singing
C) Had singing D) Have been singing
1) C
2) B
3) B
4) B
5) B
6) A
7) A
8) D
9) A
10) C
11) A
12) A
13) A
14) A
15) B
Test 67
Present Perfect Continuous Tense - 2
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
Balu and his friends ______ (play) golf since this morning.
A) playing B) have been playing
C) played D) will play
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
I ___ this website since 1999. (to run)
A) Were running B) Have been running
C) Had been running D) Has been running
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous tenses.
She ____ a book for two hours. (read)
A) Has been reading B) Has reading
C) Reading D) Read
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
Prema ______(win) this championship for last 2 years.
A) has winning B) has been winning
C) is winning D) was winning
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous tense.
Ramu ____(represent) his school at district-level sports for two years now.
A) representing B) has been representing
C) represented D) is represent
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
My cousins___with us all the weekend. (stay)
A) Staying B) Has been stay
C) Has stay D) Have been staying
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
He quit knitting yarns last month but he____(knit) a lot for the past one week.
A) is knitting B) has been knitting
C) knit D) will knit
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
I _____ (read) the book for several weeks now.
A) am reading B) have been reading
C) was reading D) read
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
We ______(wait) here for over half an hour.
A) are waiting B) have been waiting
C) waited D) had waited
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
My cousins___(stay)with us all the weekend.
A) Have staying B) Have been staying
C) Have stay D) Have been stay
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tenses.
Our athletes ____very hard for the Olympic Games. (train)
A) Training B) Has been training
C) Had training D) Have been training
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous.
Ritu_____ for the last two hours. (play)
A) Playing B) Had playing
C) Has been playing D) Have been playing
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
He___( work ) so hard today.
A) Work B) Has working
C) Had working D) Has been working
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
A priceless article ______ from the showroom. (steal)
A) Has been stolen B) Has stolen
C) Has been stealing D) Is stealing
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present perfect continuous tenses.
She ___in the lake for the last twenty minutes. (bath)
A) Had been bathing B) Have bathing
C) Had bathing D) Has been bathing
1) B
2) B
3) A
4) B
5) B
6) D
7) B
8) B
9) B
10) B
11) D
12) C
13) D
14) C
15) D
Test 68
Present Perfect Tense 1
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
Dave and Pat___ the museum. (visit)
A) Visited B) Has visited
C) Have visited D) Visiting
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
I ____ your name. (forget)
A) Forgotten B) Has forgotten
C) Have forgotten D) Having forget
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present perfect tense.
Kannan ___ in trichy for two years. (live)
A) Have B) Has lived
C) Lived D) Living
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
You are late. The bus____already. (leave)
A) Had left B) Has left
C) Having left D) Left
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
None of the new equipment ______ yet. (arrive)
A) Has arrived B) Have arrived
C) Were arriving D) Are arriving
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
Sriram ______ (choose) her new clothes.
A) has chosen B) chosen
C) chooses D) will choose
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
The boy ______ (sleep) for four hours.
A) sleeping B) slept
C) has slept D) will sleep
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
I ___ (be) thinking about what you said and I don′t agree.
A) am B) was
C) were D) have been
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
The minutes of the meeting _______ (write) by Shalini.
A) writing B) written
C) has been written D) wrote
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
All of the children _____ (brush) their teeth.
A) have been brushed B) brushing
C) have brushed D) will brush
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
I ____ (write) the letter but I can′t find a stamp.
A) is writing B) written
C) will be writing D) have written
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
I ______ (find) the watch that you lost yesterday.
A) find B) have been finding
C) have found D) am finding
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
I ______(be) at the library since morning.
A) having been B) had been
C) has been D) have been
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
Madhu ____ (finish) her homework.
A) have finished B) has finished
C) will finish D) has been finishing
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
She ____ (work) in the college for five years.
A) worked B) will work
C) have worked D) has worked
1) C
2) C
3) B
4) B
5) A
6) A
7) C
8) D
9) C
10) C
11) D
12) C
13) D
14) B
15) D
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 69
Present Perfect Tense 2
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
Suda _______(look) all morning for her glasses.
A) has looked B) looked
C) is looking D) was looked
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
The hardcore criminal ______(be) in solitary confinement for 65 days.
A) have been B) are
C) is D) has been
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
The students ______ (order) to leave the building immediately.
A) ordered B) will order
C) have ordered D) have been ordered
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
We _______(eat) too much chocolate.
A) has eaten B) ate
C) will eat D) have eaten
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense
My sister____ in New Orland for many years but she may move to Arkansas
soon. (live)
A) Live B) Living
C) Lived D) Has lived
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable present perfect tenses.
I____ the orphan a number of times since I first met him. ( help )
A) Have help B) Has helped
C) Have helped D) Helped
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
It____raining. (not stop)
A) Not Stopped B) Stopping
C) Hasn′t stopped D) Haven′t stopped
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
I think my ankle ____.(break)
A) Broke B) Is broken
C) Broken D) Has been broken
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
I____anything from her yet. (not hear)
A) Have not heard B) Has not heard
C) Was not heard D) Not hearing
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
It is raining heavily here. I will go to your house once the rain ______. (stop)
A) Will stop B) Stopping
C) Has stopped D) Stop
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
That castle____on the hill for 500 years. (stand)
A) Was stand B) Has stood
C) Having stand D) stood
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
The students___in their assignments. (hand)
A) Have handed B) Has handed
C) Were handed D) Was hand
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
The teacher scolded Farid, he ______ while the teacher was talking. (play)
A) Play B) Was playing
C) Plays D) Will play
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present perfect Tense.
Do your work after you ______ your lunch. (take)
A) Takes B) Had taken
C) Taking D) Have taken
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
I ______ the watch that you lost yesterday. (find)
A) Find B) Have been finding
C) Have found D) Am finding
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
1) A
2) D
3) D
4) D
5) D
6) C
7) C
8) D
9) A
10) C
11) B
12) A
13) B
14) D
15) C
Test 70
Present Perfect Tense 3
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
You ______ (push) the speed limit on the car too far, causing the engine to
A) Will push B) Have pushed
C) Pushes D) Is pushing
2) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect Tense.
He___ a lot of English papers. (bring)
A) Have bring B) Has bring
C) Have brought D) Has brought
3) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect Tense.
They ___ London this month. (leave)
A) Has left B) Have left
C) Has leave D) Have leave
4) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect.
The cat___ a mouse. (just/to catch)
A) Had just caught B) Has just catch
C) Has just caught D) Had caught
5) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect.
The students___ a flight to Vienna. (to book)
A) Has book B) Have booking
C) Have booked D) Has booking
6) Write questions in present perfect tense:
the waiter / bring / the tea
A) Did waiter brought the tea? B) Has the waiter brought the tea?
C) Is waiter bringing the tea? D) Would waiter bring the tea?
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Write questions in present perfect tense:
the waiter / bring / the tea
A) Has the waiter brought the tea? B) Did the waiter brought the tea?
C) Have the waiter brought the tea? D) None of these
8) Write sentence in present perfect tense:
They / ask / a question
A) They have asked a question B) They have asking a question
C) They has asking a question D) None of these
9) Write sentence in present perfect tense:
he / speak / English
A) He has spoken English. B) He have spoken English.
C) He is speaking English. D) He will have spoken English.
10) Write sentences in present perfect tense:
I/not/to wash my shirts/yet
A) I had not wash my shirts yet B) I has not washed my shirts yet
C) I have washed my shirts yet D) I have not washed my shirts yet
11) Choose the correct present perfect tense sentence:
A) Has she has lunch? B) Has she have lunch?
C) Has she had lunch? D) None of these
12) Make sentences in the present perfect tense.
I _____ my lessons. (learn)
A) have learnt B) has learnt
C) learnt D) had learnt
13) Fill in the verbs in brackets in present perfect.
Marcus (has)___an accident.
A) Have been B) Had been
C) Had D) Has been
14) Fill in the blank with suitable Present Perfect Tense.
The caretaker___ the gates. (lock)
A) Locked B) Has locked
C) Lock D) Had locked
15) Fill in the blank with suitable present perfect tense:
I _______ (fly) in a plane.
A) Am flown B) Have fly
C) Flown D) Have flown
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1) B
2) D
3) B
4) C
5) C
6) B
7) A
8) A
9) A
10) D
11) C
12) A
13) C
14) B
15) D
Test 71
Simple Past Tense - 1
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tenses.
When Sally ______ her first pay, she bought presents for her parents. (receive)
A) Receive B) Received
C) Has received D) Had received
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Simple Tense.
All the bodies were___yesterday. (identify)
A) Was Identified B) Is Identified
C) Identify D) Identified
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Simple Tense.
He _____ us at the bar. (Join)
A) Join B) Is joined
C) Joined D) Joining
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Simple Tense.
He ___his face with a handkerchief. (dry)
A) Dries B) Dried
C) Dry D) Drying
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Simple Tense.
He___the motto with great care. (copy)
A) Were Copied B) Copy
C) Was copied D) Copied
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Simple Tense.
I ____ what to do next. (wonder)
A) Is Wondered B) Wondered
C) Wonder D) Is Wonder
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Simple Tense.
The news____ them. (terrify)
A) Terrified B) Is terrify
C) Terrify D) Terrifying
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Simple Tense.
Tom___all possible means. (try)
A) Tried B) Try
C) Was trying D) Were trying
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Simple Tense.
We____ his whole speech.(Record)
A) Recording B) Is Record
C) Was Recorded D) Recorded
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Simple Tense.
I ___what to do next.(Wonder)
A) wondered B) wondering
C) wonders D) Was wondered
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Simple Tense.
I___what to do next. (Wonder)
A) Wondered B) Wonder
C) Is wonder D) Are wonder
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Simple Tense.
She____all the questions. (Answer)
A) Is answered B) Answer
C) Are answer D) Answered
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Simple Tense.
We _____ his whole speech. (Record)
A) Record B) Is recorded
C) Recorded D) Are record
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past simple Tense.
He _______ (ride) yesterday?
A) did he rided B) did he ried
C) do he ride D) did he ride
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past simple Tense.
He son ______ (write) a novel.
A) Writed B) Wrote
C) Written D) Writted
1) B
2) D
3) C
4) B
5) D
6) B
7) A
8) A
9) D
10) A
11) A
12) D
13) C
14) D
15) B
Test 72
Past Simple Tense - 2
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past simple Tense.
His wife ____________ (come) at 8.00 this morning.
A) come B) comed
C) comes D) came
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past simple Tense.
My mother _______ (choose) this hotel.
A) chose B) Choosed
C) Chosen D) Chooses
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past simple Tense.
She ______ (lend) you enough money?
A) did she lent B) did she lended
C) did she lend D) did she len
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past simple Tense.
She ______ (get) up at 6.30 last morning.
A) get B) gotten
C) got D) gets
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past simple Tense.
They _______ (not fly) to London.
A) didn’t fly B) didn’t flew
C) didn’t flied D) don’t fly
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6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past simple Tense.
They ________ (not spend) it all.
A) Didn’t spend B) Didn’t spent
C) Didn’t spended D) Do n’t spend
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past simple Tense.
We _________ (drink) wine last night.
A) drinked B) drank
C) drunk D) drink
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past simple Tense.
We ______ (buy) them here yesterday.
A) buyed B) bought
C) buied D) buy
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable past simple tenses.
The hurricane____almost everything on its way. (destroy)
A) Destroyed B) Destroy
C) Destroys D) Destroying
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
Firemen who battled the fire reported that is ______ under control after forty
minutes. (bring)
A) Is brought B) Was brought
C) Can be brought D) Has been brought
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
Dana ______ about her creaking bed again this morning. (complain)
A) Complaining B) Complained
C) Is complaining D) Complains
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
I____my first baseball match. (see)
A) See B) Seeing
C) Saw D) Is seeing
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
They ___ (clean) the classroom.
A) Cleaned B) Clean
C) Cleaning D) Is Cleaning
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) ______ me on a language
course to France.
A) Sent B) Sending
C) Is sent D) Was sending
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
Alexa ______ (leave) for her class two hours ago.
A) left B) will leave
C) is leaving D) leaves
1) D
2) A
3) C
4) C
5) A
6) A
7) B
8) B
9) A
10) B
11) B
12) C
13) A
14) A
15) A
Test 73
Past Simple Tense - 3
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
It _____ great. (is)
A) Is B) Was
C) Were D) Are
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
Mammoths _____(be) big animals, bigger than elephants.
A) was B) is
C) were D) are
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
She ______ (take) the news calmly as if she had expected it.
A) Take B) Taking
C) Is take D) Took
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
The old lady and her maid ______ and tied up by the burglars. (gag)
A) Were gagged B) Was gagging
C) Gags D) Is gagging
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
The weather ____ (be) strangely fine.
A) is B) was
C) is being D) will be
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
They ___ (play) football in the backyard.
A) are playing B) played
C) will play D) have played
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
I ___ (break) my leg when I played rugby last week.
A) broke B) will break
C) breaking D) had broke
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
The cat _____ all the milk.
A) drinking B) drank
C) is drinking D) had drunk
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
The criminal ______ (attack) the victim with a blunt object.
A) was attacked B) attacks
C) attacked D) is attacking
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
The tragic news ______ (be) announced over the radio a while ago.
A) is B) was
C) are D) were
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
By the time the doctor ______ (arrive) at the house the patient had died.
A) is arriving B) arrives
C) arrived D) will arrive
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
I was not ______(inform) about this meeting. When was the memo circulated ?
A) inform B) informed
C) is informed D) were informing
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
Shakespeare ____ (write) a lot of plays.
A) wrote B) have written
C) had been writing D) will write
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
Shankar _______ (make) lots of films in his long career.
A) have been made B) was making
C) made D) will make
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Past Tense.
She always _______ (dance) in the summer.
A) will danced B) dancing
C) was danced D) danced
1) B
2) C
3) D
4) A
5) B
6) B
7) A
8) B
9) C
10) B
11) C
12) B
13) A
14) C
15) D
Test 74
Past Simple Tense - 4
1) Write sentence in simple past.
Ramesh / the bus / miss
A) Ramesh will miss the bus. B) Ramesh missed the bus.
C) Ramesh have miss the bus. D) Ramesh will be missing the
2) Write sentence in simple past.
Seeta / watch / not / television.
A) Seeta did not watch television. B) Seeta have not watch television.
C) Seeta have not watching television. D) Seeta is watching television.
3) Fill in the blank with suitable Simple Past Tense.
He ______(discover) a new star with his telescope Monday.
A) have been discovering B) will discover
C) discovered D) is discovering
4) Fill in the blank with suitable Simple Past Tense.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
It was a funny situation but nobody_____ (laugh).
A) laughed B) will laugh
C) had laughed D) laughing
5) Fill in the blank with suitable Simple Past Tense.
The tragic news ____ (be) announced over the ratio a while ago.
A) are B) is
C) have been D) was
6) Fill in the blank with suitable Simple Past Tense.
When she had cried for half an hour she ______ (begin ) to feel better.
A) will begin B) beginning
C) began D) have began
7) Transform the sentence into Simple Past tense.
The teacher tells the students to sit down.
A) The teacher was telling the students to sit down.
B) The teacher told the students to sit down.
C) The teacher had been told the students to sit down.
D) The teacher is telling the students to sit down.
8) Put the sentence into simple past.
They bring a sandwich.
A) They will bring a sandwich. B) They are bringing a sandwich.
C) They brought a sandwich. D) They were bringing a
9) Put the sentence into simple past.
They sell cars.
A) They were selling cars. B) They are selling cars.
C) They sold cars. D) None of these
10) Find the correct signal word for the sentences in the Simple Past.
Betty stayed at Sues house___.
A) At the moment B) A week ago
C) Tomorrow D) Now
11) Find the correct signal word for the sentences in the Simple Past.
Doris went skiing___.
A) Next Monday B) At the moment
C) Last Friday D) This moment
12) Find the correct signal word for the sentences in the Simple Past.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
The police arrested the thieves___.
A) Usually B) Now
C) Today D) Last Sunday
13) Find the correct signal word for the sentences in the Simple Past.
___My grandma did not feel well.
A) Today B) Yesterday
C) Tomorrow D) Now
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Simple Tense.
The students____all the sentences according to their complexity. (classify)
A) Was Classified B) Classified
C) Is Classified D) Classify
15) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Past Simple Tense.
I____$10 from him the other day. (borrow)
A) Is Borrow B) Borrowing
C) Borrow D) Borrowed
1) B
2) A
3) C
4) A
5) D
6) C
7) B
8) C
9) C
10) B
11) C
12) D
13) B
14) B
15) D
Test 75
Past Simple Tense - 5
1) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Past Simple Tense.
He ___ (teach) both French and English.
A) Taught B) Teachs
C) Teaches D) Teaching
2) Fill in the verbs in brackets in simple past.
Two years ago, I ___ (study) English in England.
A) Study B) Studying
C) Studies D) Studied
3) Put the verbs into the correct tense Simple Past.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
The receptionist___ (welcome) the guests and ___(ask) them to fill in the form.
A) Welcomed and asking B) Welcomed and asked
C) Welcoming and asked D) Welcoming and asking
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past-simple-tense.
The children____uncle Sam to stay. (pray)
A) Pray B) Prayed
C) Prays D) Praying
5) Which of the following is NOT an example of a past-tense verb?
A) Smiling B) Woke
C) Splashed D) Exploded
6) What is the past tense of 'to read'?
A) Read B) Red
C) Reading D) Reads
7) What is the past tense of the word sleep:
A) Sleep B) Had slept
C) Slept D) Had sleeped
8) What is the past tense of the word study:
A) Studyed B) Studying
C) Studied D) Was studying
9) What is the past tense verb of throw?
A) Threw B) Throw
C) Throws D) Thrown
10) What is the past tense verb of Begin ?
A) Begin B) Began
C) Begun D) Begined
11) What is the past tense verb of grow?
A) Grow B) grew
C) grows D) grown
12) What is the past tense verb of hide?
A) Hid B) Hidden
C) Hide D) Hides
13) What is the past tense verb of learn?
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
A) Learns B) learned
C) learnt D) learning
14) What is the past tense verb of met?
A) Meet B) meat
C) meets D) met
15) What is the past tense verb of put?
A) Puts B) putting
C) potted D) put
1) A
2) D
3) B
4) B
5) A
6) A
7) C
8) C
9) A
10) B
11) B
12) A
13) C
14) D
15) D
Test - 76
Past Continuous Tense - 1
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
The traffic warden ______ the cars pass the zebra crossing when a little girl
darted into the road. (wave)
A) Waved B) Will wave
C) Waves D) Was waving
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
He ___all day yesterday. (rest)
A) Was resting B) Is resting
C) Were resting D) Was rest
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
She still___when we returned home. (work)
A) Were working B) Is working
C) Was works D) Was working
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
We___ through the window when mother came in. (look)
A) Was looking B) Were look
C) Is look D) Were looking
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
When he___his garden he found a silver coin. (dig)
A) Is digging B) was digging
C) Is digging D) Was dig
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
I _____very hard when he called. (study)
A) Is studying B) Study
C) Was studying D) Studying
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
She____along the embankment when I met her yesterday. (walk)
A) Walking B) Is walking
C) Walk D) Was walking
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
They____ to the lecture when the light went off. (listen)
A) Was listening B) were listening
C) Was listen D) Were listen
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
When you telephoned I___ my room. (sweep)
A) Is sweeping B) was sweeping
C) Were sweeping D) Sweeping
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
She___when his friend arrived. (sleep)
A) Was sleeping B) Is sleeping
C) Was sleep D) Were sleeping
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
We ____home when, it started to snow. (go)
A) Went B) Was going
C) Going D) Were going
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
They___ with John′s wife when I came in. (talk)
A) Were talking B) Talking
C) Was talking D) Talk
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
When you telephoned I ____ my room. (sweep)
A) Sweeping B) Was sweeping
C) Is sweep D) Are sweeping
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
The woman said that she ______ here when she saw the accident. (walk)
A) Walked B) Is walking
C) Had walked D) Was walking
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
I ______(read) a book when I heard a noise outside.
A) will read B) was read
C) am reading D) was reading
1) D
2) A
3) D
4) D
5) B
6) C
7) D
8) B
9) B
10) A
11) D
12) A
13) B
14) D
15) A
Test 77
Past Continuous Tense - 2
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past continuous Tense.
Sam _____(sit) in the seat next to me when the clown threw a bucket of water at
A) sat B) have been sitting
C) is sitting D) was sitting
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
Shirley ______ a book about China last year but I don′t know whether she has
finished it. (write)
A) Has written B) Wrote
C) Had written D) Was writing
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
The man′s every movement _____(watch).
A) watched B) was watching
C) was being watched D) has watched
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
I ____ (read) an exciting book when the lights went out.
A) was read B) was reading
C) reading D) have been read
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
I _____ (dream) when the alarm clock went off.
A) will dream B) had been dreamed
C) dreaming D) was dreaming
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
Julie ______(wonder) when Kaity would call her when the phone rang.
A) wonders B) wondered
C) were wondering D) was wondering
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
When you phoned I _______(work) in the garden.
A) am working B) have been working
C) was working D) will be working
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
Chandru ______(mop) the house with an old rag.
A) mop B) was mopping
C) was being mopped D) mopping
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
He _______ (drive) very fast when the police stopped him.
A) drove B) drives
C) is driving D) was driving
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
I _____(cook) dinner when the visitors arrived.
A) was cooking B) is cooking
C) cooked D) have cooked
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
She _______(get) a new bicycle before the race.
A) got B) getting
C) have got D) was getting
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past continuous tenses.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
She ____ fruits from morning to evening. (sell)
A) Was selling B) Selling
C) Were selling D) Sell
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past continuous tenses.
We ___ (eat) apples.
A) Eating B) Was eating
C) Were eating D) Were eat
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
But while I (do) ___ the language course.
A) Is doing B) Are doing
C) Was doing D) Doing
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
Navi and pavi____ television. (watch)
A) Were watching B) Was watching
C) Watching D) Watched
1) D
2) D
3) B
4) B
5) D
6) D
7) C
8) B
9) D
10) A
11) D
12) A
13) C
14) C
15) A
Test 78
Past Continuous Tense - 3
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
Ants ______ everywhere when we entered Gillian′s room! (crawl)
A) Crawled B) Were crawling
C) Is crawling D) Will crawl
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
I ______ to cross the road when I saw smoke rising from that house. (wait)
A) Waited B) Had waited
C) Was waiting D) Had been waiting
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Continuous Tense. The fish ______ for air
once it was hauled on deck by the fisherman. (gasp)
A) Were gasping B) Will gasp
C) Was gasping D) Gasp
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable past-continuous tense.
I___very hard when he called. (study)
A) Were studying B) Is studying
C) Was studying D) Studying
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past-continuous Tense.
While we ___ we heard a shot. (play)
A) Was play B) Were playing
C) Were play D) Was playing
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable past-continuous tenses.
She___when his friend arrived. (sleep)
A) Sleeping B) Were sleeping
C) Was sleeping D) Sleep
7) Write questions in past continuous tense.
Anu / do / her homework
A) Whether Anu doing her homework? B) Was Anu doing her homework?
C) Anu did her homework. D) Anu was doing her homework.
8) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Past Continuous Tense.
I didnt go for a walk because it ___. (rain)
A) Were rain B) Was raining
C) Was rain D) Were raining
9) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Past Continuous Tense.
I__to her but she. didnt hear me. (speak)
A) Were speaking B) Was speak
C) Was speaking D) Were speak
10) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Past Continuous Tense.
We __ (drink) beer when my parents arrived.
A) Was drink B) Were drinking
C) Were drink D) Was drinking
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
11) Fill in the blank with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
He _____ (get) a new bicycle before the race.
A) got B) have been getting
C) was getting D) will get
12) Fill in the blank with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
Ants ____(crawl) everywhere when we entered Geetha′s room !
A) crawled B) is crawling
C) were crawling D) will crawl
13) Fill in the blank with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
Nobody _____ (use) the telephone an hour ago.
A) is using B) will use
C) have used D) was using
14) Fill in the blank with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
She ____ (look) for her pen when she discovered that she had it in her handbag
all the time.
A) was looking B) looked
C) have been looked D) will look
15) Fill in the blank with suitable Past Continuous Tense.
The sun ___ (shine) every day that summer.
A) was shining
B) shined
C) was shined
D) were shining
1) B
2) C
3) C
4) C
5) B
6) C
7) B
8) B
9) C
10) B
11) C
12) C
13) D
14) A
15) A
Test 79
Past Perfect Tense - 1
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
When I went back to my hometown three years ago, I found that a lot of changes
______ (take) place.
A) Are taken B) Were taken
C) Have taken D) Had taken
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
He said that he already twice____our town. (visit)
A) Have visited B) Visited
C) Has visiting D) Had visited
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
I said I____that play before. (see)
A) Have seen B) Seen
C) Had seen D) Have see
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
Nobody___where she had gone. (know)
A) Know B) Knew
C) Was knew D) Is knew
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
She___ all her money before her father came. (spend / come)
A) Has spent B) Have spent
C) Had spent D) Having spent
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
They____dinner when we arrived. (finish)
A) Finish B) Have finished
C) Had finished D) Finished
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
We____him just after he ___news of his dismissal. (meet / get)
A) Met, had got B) Meet, got
C) Met, got D) Meet,get
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
It ___to rain after we__ to the station. (start / get)
A) Started and goes B) Start and have go
C) Started and had go D) Start and going
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
After Max ___ his breakfast, he left the flat. (to finish)
A) Finishing B) Finish
C) Finished D) Had finished
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he ______ before.
A) Hasn ′t flown B) Didn ′t fly
C) Hadn ′t flown D) Wasn ′t flying
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
The plane ____ (depart) when I got to the airport.
A) Have departed B) Had departed
C) Was depart D) Has departed
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
By that time we___your telegram. (already get)
A) Has got B) Has already got
C) Have already got D) Had already got
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
I did not wait for my brother because I ____ (read) his text message.
A) had read B) read
C) have read D) will read
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
The baby ___(be) cranky all night.
A) had been B) have been
C) is D) will be
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
The ball hit the back of the net before the goalkeeper ________(notice).
A) will notice B) had noticed
C) noticed D) was noticed
1) D
2) D
3) C
4) B
5) C
6) C
7) A
8) C
9) D
10) C
11) B
12) D
13) A
14) A
15) B
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 80
Past Perfect Tense - 2
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
The patient _____(die) before they reached the hospital.
A) died B) will die
C) had died D) was died
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
I _____ (know) him a long time before I met his family.
A) had known B) knowing
C) had been known D) will know
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
Many cars _____(repair) by Raj before he received his mechanic′s license.
A) repaired B) repairing
C) had been repaired D) repairs
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
She told me that she ______(be) there.
A) have been B) was
C) will be D) had been
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
The fire _____ (destroy) almost the whole village before someone brought help.
A) destroyed B) destroys
C) had destroyed D) will destroy
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
The meeting _______ (start) when I arrived at the office.
A) will start B) had started
C) started D) have been starting
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
After I ___ (wash) my hands, I sat down to dinner.
A) had washed B) will wash
C) washing D) have been washing
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
I went outside as I _____ (hear) a noise.
A) is hearing B) will hear
C) had heard D) have heard
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
She retired at fifty-five, but she ___ (work) hard all her life.
A) was working B) work
C) had worked D) have worked
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
We went to Delhi because our friends ______(invite) us.
A) had invited B) inviting
C) are inviting D) invited
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tenses.
I ______ the door before I realised that the keys were inside the house. (lock)
A) Lock B) Locked
C) Has locked D) Had locked
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
He ______ (request) his father to increase his pocket-money.
A) requested B) requesting
C) have requested D) is requesting
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
Barbara ______ ( change ) so much that I didn′t recognise her.
A) Was changed B) Has changing
C) Change D) Had changed
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
He___ for paris before you called. (leave)
A) Has left B) Leave
C) Had left D) Have been left
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Tense.
The next day, she moved away, as she ______ ( plan ) to.
A) Had planned B) Has planned
C) Had been planned D) Planned
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
1) C
2) A
3) C
4) D
5) C
6) B
7) A
8) C
9) C
10) A
11) D
12) A
13) D
14) C
15) A
Test 81
Past Perfect Continuous Tense - 1
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
He was really angry because he ______ (wait) for more than half an hour when I
A) is waiting B) waiting
C) had been waiting D) will have wait
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
It ____(rain) all morning and there were large puddles in the road.
A) rains B) had been raining
C) raining D) will rain
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
She ____ (try) to find the hotel all evening
A) tried B) had tried
C) had been trying D) was trying
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
The old lady ______ (suffer) for a long time before she passed away.
A) suffered B) have suffered
C) had been suffering D) suffering
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
They _____ (race) cars at that track for twenty years before it closed.
A) have raced B) racing
C) was racing D) have been racing
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Past Perfect ContinuousTense.
He _____ (look) for his contact lens for an hour and he still hadn′ found it!
A) looking B) have looked
C) had been looking D) will look
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Write questions in the past perfect continuous tense:
He / eat / what?
A) What have he been eating? B) What he is eating?
C) What had he been eating? D) What he have eaten?
8) Write questions in the past perfect continuous tense:
Karan / play tennis
A) Had Karan been playing tennis? B) Is Karan playing tennis?
C) Karan is not playing tennis. D) Whether Karan is playing
9) Fill in the correct form of verb with past perfect continuous negative sentence:
Kavitha (write, not) ________ letters.
A) hadn't been writing B) had been writing
C) was not been writing D) is not writing
10) Fill in the correct form of verb with past perfect continuous negative sentence:
We ________ those comics long. (to read)
A) has been read B) haven't been reading
C) had been reading D) hadn't been reading
11) Fill in the correct form of verb with past perfect continuous sentence:
He _____ milk out the carton when Mom walked into the kitchen.
A) had been drinking B) was been drinking
C) has been drinking D) have been drinking
12) Fill in the correct form of verb with past perfect continuous sentence:
I ______ at the company for five years when I got the promotion.
A) had been working B) was been working
C) had working D) hadn’t been working
13) Fill in the correct form of verb with past perfect continuous sentence:
Martha _____ three miles a day before she broke her leg.
A) had been walking B) was been walking
C) had walking D) hadn’t been walking
14) Fill in the correct form of verb with past perfect continuous sentence:
You _______ there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.
A) had not been waiting B) was not been waiting
C) had not waiting D) had not been waiting
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
15) Jason was tired because he ______.
A) had been jogging B) hadn’t been jogging
C) was been jogging D) had jogging
1) C
2) B
3) C
4) C
5) D
6) C
7) C
8) A
9) A
10) D
11) A
12) A
13) A
14) A
15) A
Test 82
Simple Future Tense - 1
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tenses.
You (be) ______ very happy.
A) Will be B) Will been
C) Have been D) Been
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
Don′t worry about us. We___ good care of ourselves. (take)
A) Take B) Taken
C) Were taking D) Will take
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
Everyone ______ to know about it even if you do not tell them now. (come)
A) Comes B) Will come
C) Has come D) Came
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
My brothers ___ ( sleep ) till noon if no one wakes them.
A) is sleeping B) will sleep
C) was sleeping D) slept
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
She ______(return) to ask me about something.
A) returns B) returned
C) will return D) returning
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
If you are not honest, no one ______ (trust) you anymore.
A) has been trusting B) will have been trusted
C) trusting D) will trust
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
I guess I ______ (ride) the bus to save gas.
A) was riding B) will ride
C) have been riding D) riding
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
I ____ (send) you the information when I get it.
A) will send B) will be sending
C) sending D) has been sending
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
I ______ (take) you with me next month.
A) is taking B) took
C) will take D) will have taken
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
I ______(make) an appointment with the cardiologist soon.
A) make B) made
C) will make D) have made
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
I think I _____ (start) my trip tomorrow.
A) have been started B) will start
C) started D) starting
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
The wound ____ (heal) slowly.
A) healed B) healing
C) had heal D) will heal
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
We ____ (see) what your father says.
A) will see B) will be seeing
C) see D) saw
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
We ______ (hold) our annual sports day at the Stadium next Wenesday.
A) holds B) will hold
C) held D) holding
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
You ____ (buy) a beautiful house.
A) are buying B) bought
C) have bought D) will buy
1) A
2) D
3) B
4) B
5) C
6) D
7) B
8) A
9) C
10) C
11) B
12) D
13) A
14) B
15) D
Test 83
Simple Future Tense - 2
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
She___ to ask me about something. (return)
A) Shall be return B) Returned
C) Will return D) Has return
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
By the end of this year, this tree ______ fruit. (bear)
A) Will bear B) Is going to bear
C) Will be bear D) Is bearing
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Simple Future Tense.
It′s all right. My husband ______ (cook) dinner tonight so I can spend more time
chatting with you.
A) Cooks B) Cooking
C) Will cook D) Was cooking
4) Write questions in simple future tense:
(the teacher / test / our English)
A) Teacher will be testing our English. B) Will our English be tested by teacher?
C) Will the teacher test our English? D) Is the teacher test English?
5) Write questions in simple future tense:
(where / we / meet)
A) Where will we meet? B) We will meet where?
C) Will we meet where? D) Where we won't meet?
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
6) Fill in the blank with suitable Simple Future Tense.
I guess I _____ (ride) the bus to save gas.
A) will be riding B) have ridden
C) riding D) will ride
7) Fill in the blank with suitable Simple Future Tense.
If he arrives late just one more time I ______ (suspend) him.
A) suspended B) will suspend
C) will be suspending D) have suspended
8) Fill in the blank with correct simple future interrogative tense:
I'm going to a volleyball match. _____with me? (you/to come)
A) You will come B) Will you come
C) Are you coming D) Can you come
9) Fill in the blank with correct simple future negative tense:
My friends ______ in a city. (not / to live)
A) will not be living B) lived
C) will not live D) had not lived
10) Fill in the blank with correct simple future negative tense:
We _____ about the bad weather. (not/to worry)
A) will not worried B) will be worrying
C) won't worried D) will not worry
11) Fill in the verbs in brackets in simple future.
I am sure they ___ (understand) your problem.
A) Understand B) Will understanding
C) Will be understand D) Understanding
12) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Future Simple Tense.
I am afraid it ____ (be) quite impossible.
A) Be B) Was
C) Will be D) Is
13) Fill in the verbs in brackets in future tense.
Alfred _____ the seminar next month. (conduct)
A) Will conduct B) conduct
C) Will conducting D) Will conducted
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
14) Fill in the verbs in brackets in future tense.
Mr Cheng ______ in the marathon this coming month. ( participate )
A) Will participate B) Participating
C) Is participate D) Participate
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future simple tense.
She____ (buy)her ticket the day after tomorrow.
A) Buy B) Will buy
C) Will buying D) Buying
1) C
2) A
3) C
4) C
5) A
6) D
7) B
8) B
9) C
10) D
11) C
12) C
13) A
14) A
15) B
Test 84
Future Continuous Tense - 1
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
He ______ by my house on his way to school. (pass)
A) Shall pass B) Is going to pass
C) Will be passing D) Will be passed
2) Fill in the verbs in brackets in future continuous.
I ___ (study) English when you arrive tonight.
A) Will be studying B) Have study
C) Has study D) Studying
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
This time next week he___to South Africa. ( to fly)
A) Will be flying B) Flying
C) Shall be Fly D) Will flying
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
In future, famous singers ______ to perform at charity concerts. (invite)
A) Are invited B) Were inviting
C) Has been invited D) Will be inviting
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
Tom___the conference next month. (attend)
A) Attending B) Be attending
C) Will attend D) Will be attending
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
The air plane ______ off in a few minutes. Please fasten your seat-belts. (take)
A) Will be taking B) Will be taken
C) Shall take D) Are going to take
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
The ship____ to Singapore soon. (sail)
A) Be sailing B) Will be sailing
C) Will sailing D) Has sailing
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
This evening we _____ (watch) a talk show.
A) will watch B) will be watching
C) watching D) are watching
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
This time next week we _____(sit) at the beach.
A) will sit B) will be sitting
C) sitting D) sit
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
You ___(miss) the sunshine once you′re back in England.
A) are missing B) missed
C) will be missing D) have missed
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
He ____ (expect) honesty from his employees.
A) will be expecting B) expecting
C) will expect D) expected
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
The children ______ (laugh) while the clown is riding his tricycle.
A) will laugh B) laughed
C) was laughing D) will be laughing
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
The plumber _____ (connect) the water pipes to the house tomorrow.
A) will have been connecting B) connected
C) will connect D) will be connecting
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
A journalist _____ (come) to interview you later today.
A) had come B) has been coming
C) came D) will be coming
15) Fill in the blank with suitable Future Continuous Tense.
This time tomorrow I ___ (fly) over Europe.
A) have flied B) will be flying
C) flying D) will fly
1) C
2) A
3) A
4) D
5) D
6) A
7) B
8) B
9) B
10) C
11) A
12) D
13) D
14) D
15) B
Test 85
Future Perfect Tense 1
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future-perfect tense.
They _____ dinner by the time we get there.(Have)
A) Will has had B) Would have
C) Will have had D) Will have has
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future-perfect Tense.
A few centuries from now wars, I hope,_____ a thing of the past. (become)
A) Will has become B) Shall have become
C) Shall has become D) Will have become
3) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect Tense.
When you arrive I probably___ the job.(Start)
A) Will have started B) Will started
C) Will be start D) Will starting
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
4) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect:
_______ (finish, you) this project by the next week?
A) Will you have finished B) Will you have been finishing
C) Shall you have finished D) Shall you have finishing
5) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect.
Anne ___ (to repair) her bike next week.
A) Have repaired B) Will have repaired
C) Had repaired D) Has repaired
6) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect.
She ___ this with her mother tonight. (to discuss)
A) Have discussed B) Will have discussed
C) Will discussed D) Have been discussing
7) Fill in the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect.
The police ___the driver. (to arrest)
A) Have arrest B) Will have arrested
C) Arrest D) Has arresting
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
Next year we ____ together for ten years. (be)
A) Shall have been B) Have been
C) Will been D) Will have been
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
Be quick! The child___before you rescue it. (drown)
A) Will have drown B) Will have drowned
C) Drowned D) Will been drowned
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
I am sure that tomorrow you_____all these rules. (forget)
A) Shall have forgotten B) Will been forgotten
C) Will have forgotten D) Shall been forgotten
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
I am sure they _____ the new road before April. (complete)
A) Have completed B) Will have completed
C) Will completed D) Have complete
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
Next year we_____together for ten years. (be)
A) Will have been B) Have been
C) Shall have Been D) Has been
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
She____old before she learns the use of prepositions. (grow)
A) Have been grown B) Will been grown
C) Shall have grown D) Will have grown
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
If he doesn′t hurry, they ____before he comes. (leave)
A) Will have left B) Will left
C) Will had left D) Will has left
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
If you ring me up after nine o′clock. I_____ to the doctor. (speak)
A) Have spoken B) Will speak
C) Speaking D) Will have spoken
1) C
2) D
3) A
4) A
5) B
6) B
7) B
8) D
9) B
10) C
11) B
12) A
13) D
14) A
15) D
Test 86
Future Perfect Tense - 2
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
The airman _____ more than a thousand miles, before the end of this month.
A) Have been flown B) Will fly
C) Will have flown D) Flown
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
We____twenty miles more before we cross the frontier. (travel)
A) Will travelled B) Have travelled
C) Travelled D) Will have travelled
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
In a year′s time he___to some more serious sort of job. (take)
A) Will be taken B) Have been taken
C) Shall have taken D) Will have taken
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
She ______ a maid by next year. (employ)
A) Employs B) Employed
C) Has employed D) Will have employed
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
By the time I get home, my wife ______ (eat) the whole cake.
A) have eaten B) will have eaten
C) will eat D) will be eating
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
He _____ (correct) it by the end of next week.
A) corrected B) is correcting
C) will have corrected D) will correct
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
I am sure they___(complete)the new road before April.
A) Have completed B) Will be completed
C) Will have completed D) Have been completed
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
In June, my grandmother and grandfather _____ (be) married for fifty years.
A) is B) are
C) will have been D) will be
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
The students _____ (write) their essays by the end of next week.
A) will write B) have written
C) written D) will have written
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
He _____ (talk) on the phone before his wife arrives.
A) has been talking B) will have talked
C) talk D) talking
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
I ______ (finish) it by the end of this month.
A) is finishing B) finished
C) will finish D) will have finished
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
He ______ (pass) the driving test by Friday.
A) passed B) passing
C) will pass D) will have passed
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
I ______ (graduate) by the time you start school.
A) graduating B) will graduate
C) will have graduated D) was graduated
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
It _____(stop) raining.
A) will have stopped B) will stop
C) stopped D) had stopped
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
She ____ (finish) her exams by then, so we can go out for dinner.
A) will finish B) finished
C) will have finished D) finishing
1) C
2) D
3) D
4) D
5) B
6) C
7) C
8) C
9) D
10) B
11) D
12) D
13) C
14) A
15) C
Test 87
Future Perfect Tense - 3
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
The boss______(leave) by the time the orders come in.
A) will leave B) will be left
C) leaving D) will have left
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
The plane _____(land) by the time we arrive at the airport in this slow traffic.
A) have been landing B) will have landed
C) landed D) will land
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
They _____ (be) married for 40 years by the end of this month.
A) will have been B) are
C) will be D) have been
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future-perfect tense.
When you arrive I probably___the job.(Start)
A) Will have started B) Will has started
C) Will have start D) Would have started
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future-perfect Tense.
In a year′s time he ____ to some more serious sort of job. (take)
A) Shall have taken B) Shall has taken
C) Will have taken D) Will has taken
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable future-perfect Tense.
They____ dinner by the time we get there. (have)
A) Will have had B) Have had
C) Have been had D) Has have
7) Fill in the blank with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
I am sure all the guests ____ (leave) by now.
A) leaving B) will have left
C) have been left D) was leaving
8) Fill in the blank with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
The explorers ____ (climb) the mountain when the helicopter brings their
A) will have climbed B) will climb
C) climbing D) have climbed
9) Fill in the blank with suitable Future Perfect Tense.
The housekeeper _________ (clean) the house when the guests arrive.
A) will clean B) will have cleaned
C) have cleaned D) cleaning
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) Which is the correct structure of future perfect tense?
A) Subject + shall+ have+ past participle+ B) Subject + had+ past participle+
C) Subject+ has+past participle+ D) Subject +shall + have been + verb +
ing +
11) I ____ here for six months on June 23rd.
A) will been B) have been
C) will have been D) have
12) _______ arrived by 5:00?
A) Won't have they B) They won't have
C) Won't they have D) Won't they
13) You ______ your report by this time next week.
A) will have finished B) have finished
C) will finished D) finished
14) By the time you read this I _____.
A) will left B) have left
C) left D) will have left
15) _____ when I pick you up?
A) you have eaten B) have you eaten
C) Will you eaten D) Will you have eaten
1) D
2) B
3) A
4) A
5) C
6) A
7) B
8) A
9) B
10) A
11) C
12) C
13) A
14) D
15) D
Test 88
Future Perfect Continuous Tense - 1
1) Fill in the verbs in brackets in future perfect Continuous.
She___(talk) on the phone for the last couple of hours.
A) Have been talking B) Have been talk
C) Will Have been talked D) Will have been talking
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
Friends of the bride ________ (decorate) the banquet hall before the reception
A) have been decorating B) will have been decorating
C) decorated D) will decorate
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
The famous artist _____ (paint) the mural for over six months by the time it is
A) will have been painting B) will have painted
C) painting D) had painted
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
They ____ (stand) for a whole day.
A) have been standing B) will have been standing
C) will stand D) standing
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
They _____ (wait) for the chief for 5 hours.
A) will have been waiting B) will have waited
C) was waited D) waiting
6) Fill in the blank with suitable Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
The Vice President ______ (travel) overseas for three weeks when he returns.
A) will have been traveling B) have traveled
C) traveling D) was traveled
7) Write a sentence in future perfect continuous tense: (They / work all day so I will
A) They will have been working all day so I will cook.
B) They had been working all day so I will cook.
C) They were working all day so I will cook.
D) They will be working all day so I will cook.
8) Write an interrogative sentence in future perfect continuous tense: (Mani/sit in the
A) Is Mani sitting in the corner? B) Will Mani be sitting in the
C) Will Mani have been sitting in the corner? D) Will Mani had been sitting in
the corner?
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
9) Write an interrogative sentence in future perfect continuous tense: (They / cry /
A) Why they have been crying? B) Why they have been cried?
C) Why will not they have been crying? D) Why will they have been crying?
10) Fill in the blank with suitable Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
They _____ in Paris for five years.
A) will have been living B) will living
C) have been living D) will have living
11) Fill in the blank with suitable Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
We ______ your business since May.
A) will been starting B) will have starting
C) have been starting D) will have been starting
12) Fill in the blank with suitable Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
She _____ songs for three hours.
A) will been singing B) will have singing
C) will have been singing D) have been singing
13) Fill in the blank with suitable Negative Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
He ______ to music for nine hours.
A) will have been listening B) will not been listening
C) will have been listening D) will not have been listening
14) Fill in the blank with suitable Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
_______ her for five years?
A) Will he have been loving B) He will have been loving
C) Will he been loving D) Will he have loving
15) Fill in the blank with suitable Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
Will ______ medicine for his illness since Friday?
A) he have taking B) he been taking
C) he had been taking D) he have been taking
1) D
2) B
3) A
4) B
5) A
6) A
7) A
8) C
9) D
10) A
11) D
12) C
13) D
14) A
15) D
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 89
Miscellaneous Tense - 1
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple past or present perfect verb.
______ (They / spend) their holidays in Newyork last summer?
A) will they spent B) did they spend
C) did they spent D) spent
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple past or present perfect verb.
______ (you / ever / see) a whale?
A) has you seen B) have you seen
C) have you ever seen D) has you ever seen
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple past or present perfect verb.
I can’t take any pictures because I ______ (not /buy) a new film yet.
A) has not bought B) have not bought
C) is not bought D) was not bought
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple past or present perfect verb.
Last week, Raja and Ram _____ (go) to the cinema.
A) go B) will go
C) went D) gone
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple past or present perfect verb.
I _______ (already / travel) to Mumbai a couple of times.
A) has already travelled B) have already prepared
C) was already travelled D) were already prepared
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple past or present perfect verb.
I ________ (not / be) to Delhi so far.
A) has not been B) has been
C) have been D) have not been
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple past or present perfect verb.
My friend ______ (be) in London two years ago.
A) is B) am
C) was D) were
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple past or present perfect verb.
Tom _______ (move) to his home town in 1994.
A) move B) moves
C) moved D) has moved
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present and present progressive verb.
Sara usually ____ (put) on black shoes but now she _____ (wear) white trainers.
A) puts, is wearing B) put, wear
C) puts, was wearing D) put, is wearing
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present/ present continuous .
It ________. We’d better stay at home.
A) is raining B) rain
C) rains D) was raining
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present/ present continuous.
________ to the party tonight?
A) Are you coming B) Are coming
C) Will come D) Is you coming
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present/ present continuous.
Be quiet! The baby ________.
A) was sleeping B) will be sleeping
C) is sleeping D) sleep
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present/ present continuous.
He ________ regularly.
A) exercise B) exercises
C) will exercise D) may exercise
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present/ present continuous.
I ________ to the cinema often.
A) will go B) go
C) may go D) should go
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple present/ present continuous.
I ________ TV every day in the morning.
A) Am watching B) watch
C) will watch D) watches
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1) B
2) C
3) B
4) C
5) B
6) D
7) C
8) C
9) A
10) A
11) A
12) C
13) B
14) B
15) B
Test 90
Miscellaneous Tense - 2
1) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple future or future perfect verb.
Tomorrow I think I _____ (start) my new project.
A) would start B) is started
C) will start D) were started
2) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple future or future perfect verb.
They (leave) ________ the classroom by the end of the hour.
A) will left B) have left
C) will had left D) will have left
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple future or future perfect verb.
By 9 o’clock, we ____ (finish) our homework.
A) will be finished B) will finish
C) will have finished D) have finished
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple future or future perfect verb.
He _____ (correct) it by the end of next week.
A) has corrected B) have corrected
C) will have corrected D) will be corrected
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple future or future perfect verb.
I ______ (finish) it by the end of this month.
A) finished B) will have finished
C) will finish D) will have been finishing
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple past and past perfect verb.
When she ______ (wake up), his mother ______ (already /prepare) breakfast.
A) waked up, has already prepared B) woke up, had prepared
C) woke up, had already prepared D) woke up, was prepared
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7) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple past and past perfect verb.
I _____ (know) her a long time before I _____ (meet) her family.
A) had known, met B) knew, met
C) had known, meet D) knew, had met
8) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple past and past perfect verb.
It ______ (be) cloudy for days before it _____ (begin) to rain.
A) has been, begin B) has been, began
C) is, began D) had been, began
9) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple past and past perfect verb.
They (not / know) ________ where to meet because nobody (tell) ________ them.
A) did know, had told B) did not know, had told
C) knew, told D) had knew, had told
10) Fill in the blanks with suitable simple past and past perfect verb.
Before that day we ______ (never / think) of traveling to Japan.
A) thought B) has never thought
C) had never thought D) think
11) Fill in the blanks with suitable tense option.
As I ________ (want) pass my maths exam successfully next year.
A) Want to B) Wanted
C) Wants D) Is want
12) Fill in the blanks with suitable tense option.
At the moment I__________ (revise) English Grammar.
A) Am , revising B) Is , revise
C) Are , revising D) Was , revising
13) Fill in the blanks with suitable tense option.
Before I ________ (go) to London, I ___________ (not / enjoy) learning English.
A) Went , had not enjoyed B) Going , have enjoyed
C) Went , have not enjoyed D) Go , had enjoyed
14) Fill in the blanks with suitable tense option.
But while I ________ (do) the language course, I ______ (meet) lots of young
people from all over the world.
A) Is doing , meet B) Was doing , met
C) Are doing , met D) Doing , meet
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
15) Fill in the blanks with suitable tense option.
During my last summer holidays, my parents ______ (send) me on a language
course to France.
A) Sent B) Sending
C) Is sent D) Was sending
1) C
2) D
3) C
4) C
5) B
6) C
7) A
8) D
9) B
10) C
11) A
12) A
13) A
14) B
15) A
Test 91
One Word Substitute - 1
1) One word substitute: A person who eats too much is called as
A) Glutton B) Nibbler
C)Cannibal D)Omnivore
2) One word substitute: A short walk for pleasure or exercise
A)Jog B)Stroll
C)Gallop D)Promenade
3) One word substitute: Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool
A) Imbecility B) Senility
C) Dotage D) Superannuation
4) One word substitute: Government by one man
A) Autocracy B) Democracy
C) Monocracy D) Anarchy
5) One word substitute: The act of praying for divine protection
A) Malediction B) Benediction
C) Obscure D) Congregate
6) One word substitute: A bicycle for two or more people
A) Barrow B) Toboggan
C) Tricycle D) Tandem
7) One word substitute: A game in which no one wins
A) Drawn B) Postponed
C) Abandoned D) Obsolete
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) One word substitute: A house where an Eskimo lives
A) Dower B) Hamlet
C) Village D) Igloo
9) One word substitute: A jocular person who is full of amusing anecdotes
A) Spinster B) Alumni
C) Sacrilege D) Wag
10) One word substitute: A narrow stretch of land connecting two large bodies of
A) Peninsula B) Island
C) Strait D) Isthmus
11) One word substitute: A person involving in an activity for pleasure and not
money is called as
A) Amateur B) Follower
C) Altruist D) Antiquarian
12) One word substitute: A person who is talkative
A) Orator B) Speaker
C) Laxative D) Garrulous
13) One word substitute: A person who talks in sleep is called as
A) Philatelist B) Somnambulist
C) Somniloquist D) Oneirocritic
14) One word substitute: A poem of mourning
A) Epic B) Sonnet
C) Lyric D) Elegy
15) One word substitute: A study of sounds is known as
A) Stylistics B) Semantics
C) Phonetics D) Linguistics
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) A
5) B
6) D
7) A
8) D
9) D
10) D
11) A
12) D
13) C
14) D
15) C
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 92
One Word Substitute - 2
1) One word substitute: A writing or a speech in praise of someone?
A) etymology B) eulogy
C) bibliophile D) honorarium
2) One word substitute: The conference that takes place once in three year
A) Biennial B) Annual
C) Decadal D) Triennial
3) One word substitute: Fear of spiders is known as
A) Hydrophobia B) Social Phobia
C) Agoraphobia D) Arachnophobia
4) One word substitute: Feeling a guilt
A) Reparation B) Remorse
C) Recuperation D) Refulgence
5) One word substitute: Government by the few
A) Oligarchy B) Autocracy
C) Monarchy D) Anarchy
6) One word substitute: Government in which all regions are honored
A) Secular B) Catholic
C) Progressive D) Fanatic
7) One word substitute: Misappropriation of money
A) Fraud B) Spendthrift
C) Embezzlement D) Cheapskate
8) One word substitute: One who hates mankind
A) Rebel B) Hater
C) Misanthrope D) Philanthropist
9) One word substitute: One who lives among strangers
A) Alien B) Rustic
C) Stoic D) Recluse
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) One word substitute: Place for ammunition and weapons is called as
A) Asylum B) Arsenal
C) Archives D) Acoustics
11) One word substitute: Prohibited by law or treaty from being imported or
A) Contraband B) Smuggled
C) Counterfeit D) Forged
12) One word substitute: Ready to believe anything
A) Credible B) Incredible
C) Credulous D) Incredulous
13) One word substitute: The art of beautiful handwriting
A) painter B) Calligraphy
C) palegraphy D) Draftsman
14) One word substitute: The child talked too much in class. She was talkative
called as
A) Reserved B) Garrulous
C) Witty D) Teacher′s pet
15) One word substitute: The condition of being abnormally afraid of thunder and
A) Astraphobia B) Cynophobia
C) Enochlophobia D) Podophobia
1) B
2) D
3) D
4) B
5) A
6) A
7) C
8) C
9) A
10) B
11) A
12) C
13) B
14) B
15) A
Test 93
Conversation Completion - 1
1) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“Bill is not doing well in class.” “You must _____ that he is just a beginner at
this level.”
A) keep minding B) keep to mind
C) keep in mind D) keeping in mind
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
2) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“Excuse me. Do you know where the bus terminal is?” “It is _____ the large
police station.”
A) opposite of B) opposed to
C opposite with D) opposite to
3) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“Those students will perform the annual school play.” “Yes, it is _____ for next
A) due B) scheduled
C) time-tabled D) put on
4) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“Why are you driving so fast?” “I’m _____.”
A) must be hurry B) in hurry
C) in a hurry D) hurrying
5) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
I cannot understand my neighbour’s accent. I wish she would _____.
A) speak clearer B) clearer speak
C) more clearly speak D) speak more clearly
6) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
I have your music CD. I think I _____ your concert video.
A) also have B) have too
C) too have D) have further
7) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
It seems to be getting worse. You had better _____ a specialist.
A) consult B) consult to
C) consult for D) consult by
8) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“You are welcome to order the goods now.” “But payment should be made
A) for advance B) advancing
C) in advance D) to advance
9) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
Tomorrow is Muthu’s birthday. Let’s _____ it.
A) celebrate B) praise
C) honour D) congratulate
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“Do you know _____ that building is?” “I would say that it was built at least 100
years ago.”
A) old B) how age
C) how old D) which age
11) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“How _____ a crowd had gathered at the scene of the accident?” “I don’t know
exactly, but there were a lot of shocked onlookers.”
A) large B) often
C) many D) much
12) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“It is not very cold. I don’t think we need these big jackets.” “I don’t think so,
A) anyway B) neither
C) either D) too
13) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“What happened to them last night? They look depressed” “I don’t think _____
A) nothing B) everything
C) something D) anything
14) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“When _____ leaving for Toronto, Canada?” “We are planning to set out at 10
A) are we B) will we
C) will us D) are us
15) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“Where _____ last weekend?” “I went to see my aunt and uncle.”
A) are you go B) do you go
C) have you went D) did you go
1) C
2) D
3) B
4) C
5) D
6) A
7) A
8) C
9) A
10) C
11) A
12) C
13) D
14) A
15) D
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 94
Conversation Completion - 2
1) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“Where do you live now?” “I live in Utah.
A) parents too do B) parents do, too
C) parents do D) parents also do
2) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“Where should I put this key?” “You can _____ it on the shelf.”
A) hang B) deposit
C) sit D) put
3) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
“Why _____ she isn’t speaking to us?” “We must have done something that upset
her. She is just too sensitive.”
A) are you think B) are you imagine
C) do you think D) you think
4) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
Chicago is a large city, _____?
A) aren’t it B) doesn’t it
C) won’t it D) isn’t it
5) Complete the following using an appropriate word or phrase.
Do you like __of meat pie?
A) This sort B) These sort
C) These sorts D) This sorts
6) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
Do you enjoy _____?
A) to swim B) swimming
C) swim D) to swimming
7) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
Do you have _____ to do today? We could have a long lunch if not.
A) many work B) much work
C) many works D) much works
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8)Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
Does he feel like _____ now?
A) swimming B) to swim
C) swim D) to go swimming
9) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
Don’t leave your books near the open fire. They might easily _____.
A) catch to fire B) catch the fire
C) catch on fire D) catch with fire
10) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
I am familiar with that product. I don’t know _____ times I’ve seen it advertised
on TV.
A) how many B) how often
C) how much D) many often
11) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
I asked Robert when he could fix my leaking tap. He said that he would come
round and fix it _____.
A) as much as possible B) as possible as he could
C) as fast as he could possibly D) as soon as possible
12) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
I can meet you at Central Station. Will _____?
A) convenient for you B) that convenient
C) that be convenient D) you be convenient
13) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
I don’t have any results for you today. I _____ tomorrow.
A) have any B) may have any
C) have some D) may have some
14) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
I have trouble _____.
A) to remember my password B) to remembering my password
C) remember my password D) remembering my password
15) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
I hear you have started a new job. _____ like it?
A) How do you B) How
C) What you D) What do you
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
1) B
2) D
3) C
4) D
5) A
6) B
7) B
8) A
9) C
10) A
11) D
12) C
13) D
14) D
15) A
Test 95
Conversation Completion 3
1) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
I hope that this winter won’t be _____ last.
A) as cold as B) to cold as
C) as cold like D) so cold like
2) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
I really have to go now. I have _____ the doctor.
A) appointments to B) an appointment to
C) appointment with D) an appointment with
3) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
I was very surprised _____ that she didn’t pass the exam.
A) hearing B) to hearing
C) at hearing D) to hear
4) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
I would rather _____ a quiet cup of coffee in the office than sit in a noisy cafe.
A) have B) to have
C) prefer D) prefer to have
5) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
If you don’t understand the text, don’t hesitate _____.
A) ask a question B) asking a question
C) to ask a question D) to asking a question
6) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
It’s snowing. Would you like to _____ on Saturday or Sunday?
A) skiing B) go to ski
C) go skiing D) go ski
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
My brother will _____ for a few nights.
A) provide us up B) provide us in
C) put us up D) put us in
8) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
Our company didn’t pay _____ for that advertisement.
A) much funds B) many funds
C) many money D) much money
9) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
Raja was thrilled to be _____ such a beautiful and interesting person.
A) introduced B) introduced at
C) introduced with D) introduced to
10) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
Sorry to be late. I was delayed by _____.
A) a heavy traffic B) heavy traffic
C) some heavy traffic D) traffic being heavy
11) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
That awful accident occurred _____.
A) before three weeks B) three weeks before
C) three weeks ago D) three weeks past
12) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
That is the city _____ worst crime record.
A) on the B) in the
C) with the D) for the
13) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
The board meeting was held _____.
A) at Tuesday B) on Tuesday
C) with Tuesday D) in Tuesday
14) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
The man told us that the next train would arrive _____.
A) at three thirty B) at three thirty o’clock
C) in three thirty D) in three thirty o’clock
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
15) Choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation.
The sky is getting dark. It _____ rain is on its way.
A) looks B) looks like
C) seems to D) will be
1) A
2) D
3) D
4) A
5) C
6) C
7) C
8) D
9) D
10) B
11) C
12) C
13) B
14) A
15) B
Test 96
1) What is the correct plural of the word:
Most _____ (housewife) work more than ten hours a day at home.
A) housewife B) housewives
C) housewifes D) housewivies
2) 'A number of' is followed by a _____ verb.
A) Singular B) Plural
C) Both A and B D) None of these
3) Select the correct plural of the word: cross
A) Crossies B) Cross
C) Croos D) Crosses
4) Write down the correct singular form of the word: shelves
A) Shelve B) Shelf
C) Shelv D) None of these
5) Complete with the correct plural:
Scientists formulate _____ before they carry out research.
A) hypothesis B) hypothesises
C) hypotheses D) hypothesiss
6) What is the plural form of the word "goose"?
A) gooses B) geeses
C) gouse D) geese
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Finish the sentences with the singular or plural form of the nouns:
We have a _____.
A) dogs B) dog
C) doges D) None of these
8) Write down the correct plural form of the word: phenomenon
A) Phenomenons B) Phenomenones
C) Phenomena D) Phenomenas
9) Finish the sentences with the singular or plural form of the nouns:
They are riding their _____.
A) bike B) bikes
C) bikies D) Both A and B
10) Select the correct plural forms: Berry
A) berria B) berrys
C) berries D) berrians
11) Change the sentence into the singular form:
The policemen are old.
A) The policeman is old. B) The policemans is old.
C) The policeman were old. D) The policemen were
12) Write the below word in plural: Cherry
A) Cherrys B) Cherries
C) Cherryes D) Cherryies
13) Change the sentence into the plural form:
My tooth is white.
A) My tooth are white. B) My tooths are white.
C) My teeth are white. D) My teethes is white.
14) Select the correct plural forms: Fiction
A) fiction B) fictions
C) fictionia D) fictionese
15) Change the sentence into the singular form:
The sheep are ugly.
A) The sheeps are ugly. B) The sheep were ugly.
C) The sheep is ugly. D) The sheep were ugly.
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
1) B
2) B
3) D
4) B
5) C
6) D
7) B
8) C
9) B
10) C
11) A
12) B
13) C
14) A
15) C
Test 97
1) Identify the plural pronoun:
A) He B) We
C) She D) All the above
2) Identify the exact plural form of 'Half'?
A) Halfs B) Halves
C) Halfes D)Halvs
3) What is the plural form of 'Mouse', an animal?
A) Mouses B) Mouse
C) Mice D) Mousies
4) Pick out the sentence that contains exact plural form of 'Knife'?
A) Knifes B) Knives
C) Kinfies D) Knife
5) What is the singular form of ‘lice’?
A) Louse B) Licse
C) Lice D) Lousy
6) Pick out the exact plural form:
A) Mothers-in-law B) Mother-in-laws
C) Mother-in-law D) Mothers
7) Plural form of 'deer' is......?
A) Deers B) Deeres
C) Deeries D) Deer
8) What is the plural form of 'Belief'?
A) Beliefes B) Belives
C) Belive D) Belifs
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
9) Identify the plural form of wolf.
A) Wolve B) Wolfs
C) Wolves D) Wolfes
10) Plural form of Loaf is ____.
A) Loaf B) loafs
C) Loave D) loaves
11) What is the singular form sheep ?
A) Sheep B) Shepard
C) Goat D) sheeps
12) Write down the correct form of the plural.
I clean my _____ (tooth) three times a day.
A) Tooth B) Tooths
C) Teeth D) Tootest
13) Write down the correct form of the plural.
The ____ (fish) I bought is in the fridge.
A) Fishes B) Fishing
C) Fishery D) Fish
14) Write down the correct form of the plural.
They are sending some ___ (man) to fix the roof.
A) Men B) Mans
C) Women D) Man
15) Which is the plural form of ox?
A) oxen B) oxia
C) oxes D) oxi
1) B
2) B
3) C
4) B
5) A
6) A
7) D
8) D
9) C
10) D
11) A
12) C
13) D
14) A
15) A
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 98
Homophones 1
1) Choose the correct answer for Homonyms.
______ your history teacher?
A) Who’s B) Whose
C) Whom D) Whom’s
2) Choose the correct answer for Homonyms.
_______ going to have a wonderful vacation!
A) Your B) You’re
C) You’ve D) You ’s
3) Choose the correct answer for Homonyms.
Did you ______that sound?
A) here B) her
C) hear D) hence
4) Choose the correct answer for Homonyms.
Is that _______ book?
A) you’re B) your
C) you’s D) your is
5) Choose the correct answer for Homonyms.
My grandfather has a great deal of common _______.
A) sense B) since
C) suns D) hence
6) Choose the correct answer for Homonyms.
Returning students can enroll early for _______ classes.
A) there B) their
C) they’re D) they’s
7) Choose the correct answer for Homonyms.
The trail goes _________ the mountains.
A) threw B) through
C) brough D) brought
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Choose the correct answer for Homonyms.
The TV has lost _______ picture.
A) It’re B) It’ve
C) It was D) it’s
9) Choose the correct answer for Homonyms.
We _______ several trucks on the highway.
A) passed B) past
C) fast D) cast
10) Choose the correct answer for Homonyms.
Your answer is __________!
A) write B) rite
C) right D) none of these
11) Find out the Homophone:
In the forest, you might see a grizzly __________.
A) bear B) bare
C) barer D) bariest
12) Find out the Homophones:
We _______ several trucks on the highway.
A) passed B) past
C) passing D) None of these
13) Find out the Homophones:
_______ of you must do the work.
A) sum B) some
C) same D) None of these
14) Find out the Homophones:
Get up my _________.
A) sun B) son
C) soon D) None of these
15) Find out the Homophones:
Prasanna had a good ____ for stage.
A) trup B) troop
C) trupe D) troupe
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) B
5) A
6) B
7) B
8) D
9) A
10) C
11) A
12) A
13) B
14) B
15) D
Test 99
Homophones 2
1) Fill in the blank with suitable homophone.
He skidded because he did not apply the ____.
A) brake B) break
C) breek D) None of these
2) Fill in the blank with suitable homophones.
My ___ is a curly.
A) Her B) Here
C) Hair D) Hire
3) Fill in the blank with suitable homophones.
He is coming from ___ background.
A) Pour B) Pole
C) Poor D) Pool
4) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Homophones from the option.
____ the people you invited have attended.
A) All B) Awl
C) Alls D) Hall
5) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Homophones from the option.
Diamond is measured in____.
A) Carrot B) Cannel
C) Camel D) Carat
6) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Homophones from the option.
Edmond Hillary made his ____ on Mount Everest first.
A) Assent B) Accent
C) Ascent D) Ascant
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Homophones from the option.
Mental agony _____ her.
A) Ale B) Ails
C) Aim D) Ales
8) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Homophones from the option.
Police man ____ the whistle to stop the car.
A) Blue B) Clue
C) Clu D) Blew
9) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Homophones from the option.
Sachin found difficult to____ in England.
A) Adopt B) Adopted
C) Adopts D) Adapt
10) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Homophones from the option.
Sacrifices were offered on the____.
A) Alter B) Altar
C) Aller D) After
11) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Homophones from the option.
The angry man ______ at me.
A) Ball B) Bawled
C) Boul D) Bowl
12) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Homophones from the option.
There is always a dispute about the Indo China ____.
A) Board B) Broad
C) Broader D) Border
13) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Homophones from the option.
We sat under the shade in the____.
A) Beach B) Beech
C) Beached D) Beaches
14) Fill in the blanks with most suitable homophones.
Diamond is measured in____.
A) Carat B) Cannel
C) Carrot D) Camel
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
15) Fill in the blanks with most suitable Homophones.
Edmond Hillary made his ___on Mount Everest first.
A) Assent B) Accent
C) Ascent D) Ascant
1) A
2) C
3) C
4) A
5) D
6) C
7) B
8) D
9) D
10) B
11) B
12) D
13) B
14) A
15) C
Test 100
Homophones 3
1) Fill in the blanks with most suitable homophones.
My ___is a dark color in the winter and light during the summer because my hair
is weird.
A) Hare B) Here
C) Hire D) Hair
2) Fill in the blanks with most suitable homophones.
We sat under the shade in the___.
A) Beach B) Beech
C) Beached D) Beaches
3) Fill in the blanks with suitable homophones.
I go out to ___ every year with my parents for a cruise on blue majestic waters.
A) See B) Sea
C) Shell D) She
4) Fill in the blanks with suitable Homophones.
He told me the ___ of a fox.
A) Tail B) Toe
C) Tom D) Tale
5) Fill in the blanks with suitable homophones.
She put a single___ in the vase.
A) Flower B) Flour
C) Floor D) None of these
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
6) Fill in the blanks with suitable Homophones.
The cupboards are___.
A) Bears B) Bore
C) Bare D) Beard
7) Fill in the blanks with suitable homophones.
I go out to ___ every year with my parents for a cruise on blue majestic waters.
A) See B) Sea
C) Shell D) She
8) Fill the blank with suitable homophones.
____ float on the sea to warn ships of danger.
A) Buoys B) Boys
C) Buy D) Bye
9) Fill the blank with suitable homophones.
Get up my____.
A) Sun B) Son
C) Some D) Sum
10) Identify the correct Homophone:
He ____ well when he was at school.
A) rote B) wrote
C) rout D) route
11) Fill the blank with suitable homophones.
He told me the____ of a fox.
A) Tail B) Table
C) Ton D) Tale
12) Fill the blank with suitable homophones.
I did not have the ____.
A) Hart B) Hot
C) Heart D) Hate
13) Fill the blank with suitable homophones.
The ____ has a short tail.
A) Hair B) Hare
C) Have D) Heaven
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
14) Fill the blank with suitable homophones.
The flesh of Kangaroo sells very ____.
A) Dear B) Deer
C) Dare D) Dot
15) Fill the blank with suitable homophones.
The Traveler had a terrible journey through the ____ road.
A) Torturous B) Tortuous
C) Mouse D) Moose
1) D
2) B
3) B
4) D
5) A
6) C
7) B
8) A
9) B
10) B
11) D
12) C
13) B
14) A
15) B
Test 101
1) Choose the correct synonym for Morsel.
A) Sculpture B) Hunk
C) Whole D) Complete
2) Choose the correct synonym for Abnormal.
A) Normal B) Rational
C) Unusual D) Reason
3) Choose the correct synonym for Adversity.
A) Failure B) Helplessness
C) Misfortune D) Crisis
4) Choose the correct synonym for Alert.
A) Energetic B) Observant
C) Intelligent D) Watchful
5) Choose the correct synonym for Announce.
A) Refrain B) Publish
C) Repress D) Silence
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
6) Choose the correct synonym for Brief
A) Limited B) Small
C) Little D) Short
7) Choose the correct synonym for Canny.
A) Obstinate B) Handsome
C) Clever D) Stout
8) Choose the correct synonym for Corpulent.
A) Lean B) Gaunt
C) Emaciated D) Obese
9) Choose the correct synonym for Creative.
A) Original B) Impotent
C) Old D) Uncreative
10) Choose the correct synonym for Distant.
A) Far B) Removed
C) Reserved D) Separate
11) Choose the correct synonym for Embezzle.
A) Balance B) Remunerate
C) Misappropriate D) Clear
12) Choose the correct synonym for Gather.
A) Accumulate B) Allot
C) Deal D) Spread
13) Choose the correct synonym for Induce.
A) Discourage B) Halt
C) Hinder D) Actuate
14) Choose the correct synonym for Judicious.
A) Foolish B) Hasty
C) Discreet D) Reckless
15) Choose the correct synonym for Ruthless.
A) Gentle B) Merciless
C) Giving D) Kind
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
1) B
2) C
3) C
4) D
5) B
6) D
7) C
8) D
9) A
10) A
11) C
12) A
13) D
14) C
15) B
Test 102
1) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of EPITOMIZE?
A) Disappoint B) Distend
C) Exemplify D) Generate
2) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of MAGNILOQUENT?
A) Amusing B) Humorous
C) Intelligent D) Boastful
3) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of PONDEROUS?
A) Contemplative B) Moist
C) Erect D) Bulky
4) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of ABEYANCE?
A) Suspension B) Persistence
C) Continuation D) Rigid
5) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of ABSTAIN?
A) Refrain B) Ingest
C) Take in D) Consume
6) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of CHARISMA?
A) Ghost B) Force
C) Charm D) Courage
7) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of COMMENSURATE?
A) Measurable B) Proportionate
C) Begining D) Appropriate
8) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of ERSATZ?
A) Tumultuous B) Artificial
C) Unstudied D) Vague
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
9) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of EVADE?
A) Avoid B) Imitate
C) Grave D) Harass
10) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of GULLIBLE?
A) Credible B) Believable
C) Credulous D) Fallible
11) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of LISSOME?
A) Straight B) Sedate
C) Supple D) Lazy
12) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of LOUCHE?
A) Gauche B) Fine
C) Brilliant D) Indecent
13) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of MUNDANE?
A) Spatial B) Heretic
C) Worldly D) Global
14) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of PHLEGMATIC?
A) Practical B) Salivary
C) Dishonest D) Calm
15) Choose the word which has the SIMILAR meaning of STENTORIAN?
A) Violent B) Misbegotten
C) Loud D) Stealthy
1) C
2) D
3) D
4) A
5) A
6) C
7) B
8) B
9) A
10) C
11) C
12) D
13) C
14) D
15) C
Test 103
1) Choose the word/phrases which is most similar in meaning to the word/phrases
from the given word. Sporadic
A) Epidemic B) Whirling
C) Occasional D) Stagnant
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
2) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
A discount of 0.75 per cent on petrol and diesel will kick-in from Tuesday on fuel
purchases made using digital payment.
A) Achieve B) Buy
C) Retail D) Stumble
3) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Apart from this, the hill state also ranks fourth in the list of the highest per capita
income in India. According to a 2005 Transparency survey, Himachal is ranked the
second-least corrupt state in the country after Kerala.
A) Opacity B) Clarity
C) Vagueness D) Cloudiness
4) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Centuries of pain and guilt were distilled in an extraordinary encounter that took place
on December 5, in the improbable venue of the auditorium of a casino in the
Midwestern state of North Dakota.
A) Incredible B) Possible
C) Rare D) Fanciful
5) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
China successfully launched the advanced weather satellite Fengyun-4 satellite into
geostationary orbit in December 2016.
A) Abolish B) Initiate
C) Deviate D) Agree
6) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Flight operations at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi have been
resumed after being temporarily suspended early Thursday morning due to dense fog.
A) Heavy B) Fade
C) Extent D) Gravel
7) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Formers in Bengal have said that if the situation carries on for 15 days more, the state
could be headed for a famine as the state stares at an impending food shortage.
A) Abundance B) Contempt
C) Shortage D) Pursuit
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
8) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
From a community-style kitchen that churns out dishes by the second, to elegant fine-
dining amidst a themed decor these five restaurants are local favourites, and come
highly recommended for their consistency in quality.
A) Beautiful B) Common
C) Dull D) Crude
9) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
You can indulge in a number of activities including bungee jumping,yoga, air
safari,camping, paintball,trekking and more.
A) Deny B) Disturb
C) Refuse D) Allow
10) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
India′s first banking robot named Lakshmi was launched by the City Union Bank in
Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
A) Dribble B) Revival
C) Initiate D) Concentrate
11) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Portuguese football star Cristiano Ronaldo has won the esteemed 2016 Ballon d′Or
award of France Football magazine in Ballon d′Or ceremony.
A) abuse B) respect
C) deride D) mock
12) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Rajasthan Government has decided to start Annapurna Rasoi Programme to provide
quality meal at cheap and affordable price to people belonging to the weaker section
and labourers.
A) Expensive B) Reasonable
C) Prudent D) Encapsulate
13) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Sprint king Usain Bolt won an unprecedented sixth IAAF male Athlete of the Year
award on Friday, Ethiopian Almaz Ayana picking up the female award after her record
setting 10,000m gold in Rio.
A) Unpleasant B) Unanimous
C) Unusual D) Unexceptional
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
14) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
The Delhi High Court has quashed ban imposed on 344 fixed dose combination
(FDC) drugs by the Central Government over fears that they are potential health and
safety hazards.
A) Suppress B) Implicit
C) Endure D) Archive
15) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
The Indian Navy has formally inducted four types of indigenously developed sonars
that will boost its underwater surveillance capability.
A) Contempt B) Observation
C) Verdict D) Neglect
1) C
2) B
3) B
4) A
5) B
6) A
7) C
8) A
9) D
10) C
11) B
12) A
13) C
14) A
15) C
Test 104
1) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
North Korea′s nuclear weapons capabilities and ballistic missile defense programs
constitute a serious threat to the United States, Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on
A) Separate B) Exclude
C) Prevent D) Afford
2) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Physician-scientist Siddhartha Mukherjee′s history of the gene is one of the most
powerful and accessible books on science this year as well as related to a topic that′s
increasingly gaining resonance across the world.
A) Crevice B) Vibration
C) Defect D) Frailty
3) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Pinaka is an unguided rocket weapon area system (WAS) with a range of 40 km. It
meant to neutralise large areas with rapid salvos.
A) Debase B) Engage
C) Counteract D) Activate
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
4) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Rawat, who visited some forwards areas in Akhnoor and Rajouri sectors and
interacted with troops, commended the soldiers for strongly reciprocating to the
unprovoked ceasefire violations by Pakistan.
A) Retaliate B) Refuse
C) Disagree D) Take
5) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Regulator TRAI invited public views on contentious net neutrality issue to finalise a
framework that would ensure telecom operators do not manipulate network speeds for
giving preference to any website or platform over internet.
A) Amicable B) Irrefutable
C) Pleasant D) Quarrelsome
6) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Scientists created a high-resolution imagery of the sea floor by using data which
unveiled deformations that had occurred on the Indo-Australian Plate.
A) Conceal B) Hide
C) Unseen D) Exposed
7) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Seven out of the nine directors of Tata Sons voted for his replacement after Farida
Khambata abstained and Mistry was declared ineligible to vote as he was an interest
A) Embrace B) Accept
C) Refrain D) Continue
8) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Shares in Australian mining companies have fallen after the government forecasted a
dramatic decline in iron ore prices.
A) Predict B) Ignorance
C) Wisdom D) Knowledge
9) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
The Agni-V is 17.5m (57ft) tall and solid-fuelled. It has three stages and a launch
weight of 50 tonnes. The missiles are among India′s most sophisticated weapons.
A) Naive B) Coarse
C) Refined D) Divide
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
The Chardham Mahamarg Vikas Pariyojna is an ambitious initiative to improve
connectivity to the Char Dham pilgrimage centres in the Himalayas.
A) Amenable B) Anxious
C) Achieve D) Attain
11) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
The Finance Ministry has asked all the public sector banks and the Indian Banks
Association to ensure that deposits of old and new notes are properly reflected in
A) Neglect B) Deviate
C) Replace D) Assure
12) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
The President and President-elect committed to staying in touch over the next several
weeks and agreed their respective teams would continue to work together to
effectuate a smooth transition.
A) Abandon B) Prepare
C) Vanish D) Accomplish
13) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
The Type 093 Shang submarine, docked at the Karachi harbor, is likely being used to
scrutinize the movements of Indian warships far more closely than ever before at a
time when China is competing with India for domination of the Indian Ocean.
A) Require B) Glimpse
C) Quash D) Examine
14) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Turkish police have launched raids in Istanbul and arrested 12 people, as the hunt for
an attacker who killed 39 people in a nightclub intensifies.
A) Lessen B) Abate
C) Reduce D) Escalate
15) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
Indian Cricket Team will be aiming to extend their 1-0 lead after securing a record
innings and 92-run win in Antigua.
A) Fault B) Attaining
C) Difficult D) Easy
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
1) D
2) B
3) C
4) A
5) D
6) D
7) C
8) A
9) C
10) B
11) D
12) D
13) D
14) D
15) B
Test 105
1) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
BCCI president Anurag Thakur confirmed that declaration of the new head coach
will be made by Thursday evening, according to ANI.
A) Denial B) Quiet
C) Announcement D) Silence
2) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
Nadella writes that uniquely human qualities like empathy will become more valuable
in a world where the torrent of technology will disrupt like never before Microsoft
CEO Satya Nadellas.
A) Render B) Compose
C) Clear D) Explain
3) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
John Nicholson to bolster Afghan offensive with U.S. combat advisers, airstrikes,
surveillance aircraft and pilots to fly alongside the fledgling Afghan air force.
A) Horrible B) Kind
C) Good D) Pleasant
4) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
There were rumors speculation and whispers in the corridors of power over the
aspirants and possible names.
A) Gossip B) Proof
C) Quiet D) Truth
5) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
Twelve persons were killed and 25 others were missing as torrential rains and
landslides hit Uttarakhand Pithoragarh and Chamoli districts in the wee hours today,
burying villages in sludge with many residents trapped under the debris.
A) Tank B) Clean
C) Sink D) Mire
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
6) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
Home to a myriad of communities, cultures and religions, Singapore is one of
Southeast Asia′s most pulsating cities.
A) Limited B) Countless
C) Measurable D) Bounded
7) Find out the synonyms for underlined word.
A few hundred meters on as the arrow flies the people start to thin out and the going
gets a little steeper, the final open section to the left has really steep stairs to climb
and there was a nice sense of international camaraderie as people gee′d each other on
to get to the top section.
A) Vertical B) Gradual
C) Mild D) Moderate
8) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
Surrounded by snow-clad peaks and dense cedar forests, it is a quaint hill town that is
home to a surfeit of budget stays, a few charming attractions, and a variety of cafe and
A) Lack B) Overmuch
C) Need D) Base
9) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
The country has in recent years seen a spate of attacks in major cities targeting people
from the Northeast, whose physical appearance is often different from people in the
rest of the country.
A) Rarely B) Seldom
C) Infrequently D) Regularly
10) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
The long hot summer comes to an end as the month of June elapses, and the parched
Earth cools down with the incessant downpour which rides in on the Monsoon winds.
A) Arid B) Moist
C) Wet D) Damp
11) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
The sea off Colachels coast has been mostly quiet since August 1741, when the forces
of Travancore king Marthanda Varma ended the imperial ambitions of the Dutch by
defeating their navy under Capt De Lannoy.
A) Fail B) Beat
C) Lose D) Allow
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
12) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
With its pristine waters, good climate and perfect wind pattern, Brazil offers
numerous water sports.
A) Affected B) Original
C) Dirty D) Bad
13) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
A purple heron that was struggling to remove a dead snake coiled around its neck was
rescued from Rajarajesh warinagar lake on Tuesday.
A) Laze B) Rest
C) Wrestle D) Yield
14) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
Britains exit from the European Union will not have any immediate impact on Indias
trade and investment with the U.K. and the EU.
A) Avoidance B) Stillness
C) Failure D) Outcome
15) Read the following sentence and find out the synonyms.
Canada is a clean, safe, friendly country to visit with an abundance of outdoor
activities, a unique culture and vibrant, diverse urban landscapes.
A) Little B) Need
C) Poverty D) Plenty
1) C
2) A
3) A
4) A
5) D
6) B
7) A
8) B
9) D
10) A
11) B
12) B
13) C
14) D
15) D
Test 106
1) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of RUEFUL?
A) Sorrowful B) Inadequate
C) Tragic D) Joyful
2) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of SERVITUDE?
A) Disservice B) Retirement
C) Freedom D) Termination
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
3) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of ABDICATE?
A) Argue B) Placate
C) Usurp D) Destroy
4) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of DELUDE?
A) Show B) Clever
C) Undeceive D) Enrage
5) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of EVOLVE?
A) Prompt B) Repent
C) Block D) Atone
6) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of IGNOMINIOUS?
A) Laudable B) Ominous
C) Dishonest D) Terrible
7) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of KEMP?
A) Professional B) Successor
C) Brave D) Loser
8) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of MORBID?
A) Healthy B) Liberal
C) Progressive D) Stale
9) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of PERILOUS?
A) Disciplined B) Similar
C) Safe D) Honest
10) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of RESPLENDENT?
A) Illuminated B) Disarming
C) Dowdy D) Delightful
11) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of SARTORIAL?
A) Cheerful B) Sincere
C) Inelegant D) Homespun
12) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of STERILE?
A) Short B) Wild
C) Common D) Fertile
13) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of BLISS?
A) Demise B) Fame
C) Sorrow D) Paradise
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
14) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of DWINDLE?
A) Opaque B) Diminish
C) Enhance D) Somber
15) Choose the word which best expresses the antonym of GATHER?
A) Industrious, energetic B) Kind
C) Distribute D) Patient
1) D
2) C
3) C
4) C
5) C
6) A
7) D
8) A
9) C
10) C
11) D
12) D
13) C
14) C
15) C
Test 107
1) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of ENTICE?
A) Piece B) Repulse
C) Attract D) Repeat
2) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of LACHRYMOSE?
A) Quick B) Loquacious
C) Beaming D) Plentiful
3) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of ADHERE?
A) Disjoin B) Stand By
C) Obey D) Follow
4) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of APPROBATE?
A) Ingratitude B) Condemn
C) Permit D) Master
5) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of BOISTEROUS?
A) Rowdy B) Tumultuous
C) Violent D) Serene
6) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of SAPIENT?
A) Hunched B) Strong
C) Simple D) Simian
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of SOGGY?
A) Juicy B) Damp
C) Withered D) Dry
8) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of SPURIOUS?
A) Virtuous B) Inferior
C) Genuine D) Contemptuous
9) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of TIMID?
A) Gentle B) Tired
C) Brave D) Snicker
10) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of CACOPHONOUS?
A) Melodious B) Loud
C) Sonorous D) Harsh
11) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of DEMUR?
A) Embrace B) Crude
C) Boisterous D) Falter
12) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of ENSCONCE?
A) Captive B) Subjugate
C) Castigate D) Expose
13) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of GUMPTION?
A) Seriousness B) Stupidity
C) Levity D) Despair
14) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of HIRSUTE?
A) Shaggy B) Bald
C) Erudite D) Glorious
15) Choose the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning of OPPROBRIOUS?
A) Respectful B) Miscible
C) Inspiring D) Imitable
1) B
2) C
3) A
4) B
5) D
6) C
7) D
8) C
9) C
10) A
11) A
12) D
13) B
14) B
15) A
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 108
1) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
Its efforts were partially rewarded in May 2015, when the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the Federal Circuit reversed the damages on trademark liability.
A) Moderate B) Halfway
C) Completely D) Able
2) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
Sarva stands for all, ang means parts of a body and asana denotes posture. This pose
engage the entire body below the neck and is considered as an advance stage of yogic
A) Enlist B) Enroll
C) Reserve D) Loss
3) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
The three nights I stayed there, I skipped dinner, simply because I overate during
lunch, gorging on Bengali food that was prepared in its sanitised kitchens, but tasted
very home-cooked.
A) Clean B) Neat
C) Unhealthy D) Refiner
4) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
They prioritize which investments deserve most of their money and also which
spends they should go ahead with and which they shouldn′t.
A) Arrange B) Rejection
C) Figure D) Engage
5) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
A loaf of bread, the dough for which was order kneaded on an industrial scale by
stamping on it with, we hope, clean feet.
A) Massage B) Press
C) Neglect D) Mold
6) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
The village of Vashist is famous for its sulphurous Hot Water Springs and is a
popular attraction among tourist and pilgrims.
A) Good B) Underworld
C) Wicked D) Lower
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
7) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
With the increasing popularity of winter sports, there are plenty of destinations
offering skiing in India, along with snowboarding and trekking.
A) Fame B) Esteem
C) Demand D) Dislike
8) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
2015 was a landmark year for young self-trained motor head and automobile
enthusiast Anam Hashim.
A) Devotee B) Eccentric
C) Freak D) Opponent
9) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
Get a dose of the innovative cuisine of San Sabastian or a feel of the Old Quarters of
Bilbao Tourism Abandoibarra at night in Bilbao.
A) Creative B) Novel
C) Traditional D) Modern
10) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
Owing to a largely expatriate population, the restaurants in Hong Kong cater to
flavours and influences from around the globe.
A) Emigrant B) Refugee
C) Exiled D) Indigenous
11) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
Parana State in Brazil is known for agriculture and its pristine rainforest landscape.
This is an area that focuses mainly on the preservation of natural habitats and the
ecosystems within them.
A) Snowy B) Clean
C) Pure D) Dirty
12) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
Plastics are prohibited and if you insist in taking any inside then you′ll be required to
furnish a refundable deposit at the entrance.
A) Banned B) Allowed
C) Illicit D) Refused
13) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
Whether you′re on the lookout for some superb bargains or willing to carpet bomb
your credit card with something more indulgent, we guide you through the city′s
streets to give you the best there is.
A) Giving B) Intolerant
C) Kindly D) Easy
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
14) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
Pluck tea leaves while you explore Munnar′s dense tea plantations, prance about in
gurgling brooks while hiking on cloud-covered slopes.
A) Extract B) Wrest
C) Insert D) Mettle
15) Find out the antonyms for underlined word.
Sprawling over a distance of 13 km, Marina Beach is the longest natural city beach in
India and the second longest in the world after Miami.
A) Stand B) Flop
C) Slump D) Extend
1) C
2) D
3) C
4) B
5) C
6) A
7) D
8) D
9) C
10) D
11) D
12) B
13) B
14) C
15) A
Test 108
1) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
Amazon India is now well ahead of homegrown e-tailer Flipkart in overall website
traffic including both PCs and mobile.
A) Excluding B) As well as
C) Prevent D) Counting
2) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
After announcing the Mi Max smart phone in China, Xiaomi has finally launched the
massive device in India.
A) Big B) Heavy
C) Little D) Bulky
3) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
India is better served fashioning an appropriate strategy for the changing global order
rather than single-mindedly pursuing NSG membership.
A) Little B) Fairly
C) Quite D) Same
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
4) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
As the fight for market share took nationalist overtones, Indian ride-hailing startup Ola
hit out at its San Francisco-based rival Uber for fanning the nationalism debate to hide
its identity of being a multinational.
A) Argument B) Contest
C) Quiet D) Dispute
5) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
As you visit booths selling spices, snacks and saris, you′ll experience the true taste of
Singapore′s foremost Indian enclave.
A) Power B) Easy
C) Control D) Outside
6) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
The Necklace Road inherits its name from the way the road curves around Hyderabad
Tank Bund, resembling a beautiful necklace when seen from the sky.
A) Double B) Parallel
C) Differ D) feature
7) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
Eder collected the ball in midfield, held off his marker and fired a low 25-metre shot
past Hugo Lloris with 11 minutes of extra time left to stun the Stade de France after
the home team had dominated the match.
A) Surrender B) Command
C) Control D) Dictate
8) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
Imagine swaying palms dancing to the tune of the winds, quaint lanes washed by rain
waters, ominous grey layers of thick clouds that rule the skies and swirling waters
roaring out at the beaches.
A) Weird B) Regular
C) Funny D) Erratic
9) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
In February, hundreds protested at the district collectorate in Nagercoil. All these
decades, the talk was about building a port to the east of Colachel.
A) Agree B) Declare
C) Attest D) Kick
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
10) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
Endowed with a number of things to do and places to see, the drive to Madikeri is not
only scenic but probably the brightest green you will ever see in any part of
A) Possibility B) Perhaps
C) Improbably D) Seemingly
11) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
Seahorses live amongst the mangrove roots where the water is still and they hang on
to the roots with their tails during tidal movements, so they are easy to spot.
A) Falling B) Rolling
C) Empty D) Rich
12) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
The salts of the sea are in my lips as I experience this virtual flight, taking me from
one coast to another.
A) Basic B) Indirect
C) Practical D) Authentic
13) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
The Portuguese adopted the word after it was invented on India′s West Coast, though
some would hotly dispute that chronology.
A) Follow B) Approve
C) Discard D) Accept
14) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
A vastly sprawling archipelago of about 260 little islands, Hong Kong can be
experienced in typical old-world style by maneuvring the rugged coast in a hired junk
(a traditional Chinese fishing boat).
A) Rough B) Smooth
C) Rocky D) Harsh
15) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
Carrying a phone is essential for both safety and convenience, I believe, as India is a
mobile phone obsessed nation.
A) Benefit B) Comfort
C) Aid D) Damage
1) A
2) C
3) D
4) C
5) D
6) C
7) A
8) B
9) A
10) C
11) C
12) D
13) C
14) B
15) D
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
Test 110
1) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
Drop the idea of heading out and getting all muddy and instead just relax in the
balcony of your resort, sipping on a hot cup of tea or coffee. Watching the rain pour is
as relaxing as a walk on the beach in rainy months.
A) Dirty B) Clear
C) Dull D) Soggy
2) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
Googles own Android phone, Facebooks Slideshow, and how to download music
legally from Torrent.
A) Justly B) Illegally
C) Licitly D) Conceded
3) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
One of the seized computers was part of a Mee Seva Kendra, it is an integrated service
delivery gateway launched by the Andhra Pradesh government as part of its e-
governance initiative.
A) Punch B) Energy
C) Action D) Laziness
4) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
The Centre does not see any immediate impact of Brexit on ties with the U.K. and the
EU as trade and investment with the two are currently happening not on the basis of an
FTA but on a bilateral basis, Teaotia told reporters on the sidelines of a CII event here.
A) Actual B) Urgent
C) Later D) Extant
5) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
The decision to unleash more U.S. firepower during the traditional peak fighting
season stems from the need to help Afghan forces generate strategic effects on the
battlefield, Carter said last week in Brussels.
A) Critical B) Vital
C) Loose D) Important
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
6) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
The new Governor will face number of challenges ranging from reining in inflation to
managing currency volatility.
A) Reduction B) Rise
C) Boost D) Hike
7) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
The performance of the squad over the last three editions gives a clearer picture of
their medal-winning potential. It oscillates between commendable to no show.
A) Toss B) Vary
C) Steady D) Rock
8) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
The PMs message, sources said, was very clear, that he wanted more vigor action and
energy in the performance of the government.
A) Ability B) Weakness
C) Bang D) Fire
9) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
The previous national record stood at 17.17 metres in the name of Arpinder Singh,
who has undergone a dip in form and failed to qualify for the Games.
A) Ascent B) Dive
C) Soak D) Ducking
10) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
This despite Amir having only recently returned from a five-year ban and jail sentence
imposed for his part in bowling deliberate no balls as part of a tabloid newspaper sting
during the 2010 Test between England and Pakistan at Lords.
A) Prevent B) Put
C) Compel D) Levy
11) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
Today the Colosseum stands partly in ruins, nonetheless imposing in the center of
Rome. It is worth taking a tour inside the Colosseum to get the sense of expansive
central arena, the interior walls and structural designs.
A) Modest B) Grand
C) Moving D) Noble
12) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
We are preparing to petition to the Competition Commission of India (CCI) to probe
the recent hike in the ticket cancellation charges by the Indian airlines.
A) Ordinary B) Examine
C) Feel D) Explore
Grammar Practice Test for Competitive Exams Nithra
13) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
While many property owners are accused of under-declaration, the civic body has
failed to cross-verify 10 p.c. of properties every year.
A) Criminal B) Liable
C) Praised D) Charged
14) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
William Brumby was firing his weapon at the High Noon Gun Range in Sarasota on
Monday when a spent shell casing deflected off a nearby wall and landed inside the
back of his shirt.
A) Bend B) Deviate
C) Stay D) Twist
15) Read the following sentence and find out the antonyms.
An Iraqi woman who was admitted to a well-known private hospital in the city in May
has moved her country′s embassy, alleging she was molested by a person she did not
know while undergoing treatment.
A) Charge B) Cite
C) Offer D) Withdraw
1) B
2) B
3) D
4) C
5) C
6) A
7) C
8) B
9) A
10) A
11) A
12) A
13) C
14) C
15) D