CBSE Class 9 English Sample Paper
Classes IX
The design of the question papers in English - Language and Literature for classes IX & X has
undergone a few changes. They are as under:
Section A - Reading : 15 marks (Question 1-3)
In the existing scheme of the question paper students answer questions based on three
unseen passages (total--500 words) carrying five marks each -all MCQs.
The change proposed is that students be given two passages (carrying 5+5 marks) out of
three which are based on MCQ responses. One passage with questions carrying 5 marks
should be such that it requires effort on the part of the students to supply the responses.
In the proposed question paper scheme
Students will be expected to attempt three passages carrying five marks each.
Passage types will include literary, discursive or factual. One out of the three passages will
be a poem.
Two out of three passages will have Multiple Choice Questions carrying 5+5=10 marks
One out of three passages will have questions wherein students will be expected to supply
the responses. This will carry 5marks. Question types will be :
Sentence completion
Gap filling
Note : The weightage given to MCQs to be reduced from the existing 15 Marks in the
Reading Section to 10 Marks
Section B - Writing : 15 marks (Question 4-6)
Q4. Letter Writing: One out of two letters (formal/informal/email) in not more than 100 words based
on verbal stimulus and context provided.
Types of letter: Informal - personal, such as to family and friends.
Formal - letters to the Editor.
Email - formal letters to principal of the school or to the editor of a Newspaper or a Magazine.
6 Marks
Q5. Writing an article, speech or debate based on visual or verbal stimulus in not more than 120
words (One out of two). 6 Marks
Q6. Writing a short composition in the form of dialogue writing/story or report of minimum 80 words
(One out of two). 3 Marks
1. Travelling gives us happiness because ……………………………………
a. we see hills
b. we see oceans
c. we see new places
d. of better weather conditions
2. We should not bother our fellow passengers by…………………..
a. talking needlessly
b. taking their reading material
c. taking their sleeping space
d. not puling their luggage out
3. Being eco-friendly in the passage implies…………………..
a. planting trees
b. not wasting things
c. not littering the place
d. being kind to your hosts
4. One can be considerate towards the hosts by………………..
a. not visiting them
b. carrying plastic bags
c. not overstaying
d. not expecting too much
5. The antonym for 'sparingly' is……………
a. liberally
b. carefully
c. necessary
d. needful
2. Read the passage and complete the sentences given below the passage by choosing
the most appropriate option from those given. (5 Marks)
The ship is man's oldest and most important means of transportation. Today, thousands of
ships cross oceans, sail along sea coasts and ply inland waterways. Trade among countries
depends heavily on ships. Many kinds of ships are used to carry goods and people. Giant
tankers haul petroleum, vegetable oil, wine and other liquids. Other vessels carry cargoes such
as grain, ore and sand. Passenger liners carry travellers across the oceans. Man's first 'ship'
was probably a log that he used to cross a river. He probably used his hands to paddle the log.
Later, he learned to build rafts by lashing logs together. In ancient Egypt, the people made their
first rafts out of bundles of reeds. Later, they learned to lash bundles of reeds together to make
boats. By about 4000 B.C., the Egyptians had learned to build galleys. Galleys were long boats
powered by a row of paddles. By about 3200 B.C., the Egyptians had invented sails and there-
fore, they were able to use the power of the wind to propel their boats. The basic pattern for
ships became set with the invention of the sail. Shipbuilders began concentrating on designing
bigger and better ships.
The 20th century saw some of the biggest ships in the world. The three largest transatlantic
liners launched to carry passengers across the Atlantic during the 1960's were the 'Michelangelo',
the 'Raffaello' and the 'Queen Elizabeth II'. The ships of the future are expected to be even more
efficient and will cost less to operate.
1. The ship is the most important means of transportation because……
a. they carry goods and people
b. they are the oldest ways of transport
c. they travel both inland and overseas
d. people prefer to travel by ship
2. The origin of the ship was when man …………………
a. learnt to paddle
b. made a raft
c. used a log
d. built galleys
3. To use the force of the wind to propel boats…
a. galleys had to be built
b. sails were made
c. paddles were invented
d. a basic pattern of a ship had to be designed
4. Travelling by ship in future is likely to be ………………..
a. more economical and efficient
b. more entertaining and economical
c. more safe and efficient
d. more easy to operate
5. The antonym of 'efficient' is…………………
a. unefficient
b. inefficient
c. non efficient
d. disefficient
3. Read the poem given below and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences given
below the poem. (5 Marks)
Homework sits on top of Sunday, squashing Sunday flat.
Homework has the smell of Monday, homework's very fat.
Heavy books and piles of paper, answers I don't know.
Sunday evening's almost finished, now I'm going to go
Do my homework in the kitchen. Maybe just a snack,
Then I'll sit right down and start as soon as I run back
For some chocolate sandwich cookies. Then I'll really do
All that homework in a minute. First I'll see what new
Show they's got on television in the living room.
Everybody is laughing there, but misery and gloom
And a full refrigerator are where I'm at.
I'll just have another sandwich. Homework's very fat.
1. The speaker in this poem feels that his homework is…………………
2. The literary device used in 'Homework sits on top of Sunday' is ……………
3. Homework is "fat" means………...........
4. Home work makes the speaker miserable and so he keeps……………
5. The speaker's diversions from homework are snacking and ……………...
4. You are Priyank/ Priyanka, living in the students' hostel of Sacred Heart Convent, Pathankot.
Write a letter to your mother, telling her how you felt on the first day in the hostel after your
parents left and how you met a friend(100 words) (6 Marks)
You are interested in joining a course in medicine after completing Class XII. Your school
conducts coaching classes for medical entrance tests. However, the seats are limited. Write
a letter to the co-ordinator of the coaching classes giving reasons why you should be permitted
to join the programme. Do not exceed 100 words. You are Priyank/ Priyanka studying in
Progressive Public School, Hyderabad.
5. Levels of education and literacy are growing but all of us seem to be becoming more inhuman,
unkind and inconsiderate. Look at the visual showing our attitude towards poor and helpless
creatures. Write an article on "Cruelty To Animals" with a view to sensitising people to the
needs of animals. (120 words) (6 Marks)
Traditions and rituals outline the existence of the Indian girl child. Amidst uproars of gender
equality and law enforcement, female infants are still found dumped in trash, while unborn foe-
tuses continue to be sniffed in the womb. Wrought with discrimination, our society has dealt the
girl child a raw deal. Now the issue has taken a serious turn as the girl child ratio has become
lopsided Look at the visual given below and write a short paragraph on "Girls Still at Risk" in
about 120 words.
6. The teacher asked the students to write a story. Retika could not complete the story. Help her
complete her story. (80 words) (3 Marks)
The green alien got down from his oval spaceship eagerly and looked around but could not see
anything. The ship had created a dense dust cloud on the ground as it landed and this was now
making visibility difficult. The alien got down………………….
Susie wants to wear fashionable dresses and dress like her role models in films but her mother
wants her to be simple and dress traditionally. Write a dialogue between them with Susie trying
to convince her mother. (80 words)
7. In the passage given below, some words are missing. Choose the correct words from the given
options to complete the passage meaningfully. (½x6=3Marks)
Governments are starting programmes (a) ............................ adults how to read and write, how
to do (b) ............................ better, how to farm, and how to (c) ............................ and take
(d)………………….. the health of their families. Programmes (e) ................................ launched
to help adults finish high school. Such adult education programmes are (f) ...................... in
many countries.
(a) (i) that teaching
(ii) to teach
(iii) which taught
(iv) were teaching
(b) (i) there jobs
(ii) their jobs
(iii) its jobs
(iv) it's jobs
(c) (i) became healthy
(ii) becoming healthy
(iii) becomes healthier
(iv) become healthier
(d) (i) better care of
(ii) more care of
(iii) good care of
(iv) equal care of
(e) (i) has also been
(ii) have too been
(iii) have also been
(iv) have been also
(f) (i) already in
(ii) already on
(iii) already underway
(iv) already through
8. Given below is a conversation between David and his friend, Meenu. Complete the dialogue
by choosing the correct option from those given. (3 Marks)
David : Hello. Is this 26897367?
Meenu : Yes. (a) ?
David : To Meenu. I am her friend David.
Meenu : David! It's Meenu. (b) ?
: From Indira Gandhi International airport. I'm here for a visit.
Meenu : That's great. (c) ?
: I wanted to give you a surprise.
(a) (i) Who you are speaking to?
(ii) Who are you speaking?
(iii) Whom do you wanted to speak?
(iv) Whom do you want to speak to?
(b) (i) Where you are call from?
(ii) Where you are calling from?
(iii) Where are you calling from?
(iv) Where are you talking?
(c) (i) You did not let me know if you were coming?
(ii) Why didn't you let me know you were coming?
(iii) Why are you not letting me know you were coming?
(iv) Why you were not letting me know you are coming?
9. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line.Write the incorrect
word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct question number. Remember
to underline the word that you have supplied. The first one has been done as an example.
(3 Marks)
A study performed about the University of New York revealed that about by (example)
mobile-phone conversations was more annoying than those that occurred (a)............................
face-to-face, even after the volume was the same. The problem (b)...........................
seems to be that conversations on mobile phones are most noticeable than (c).............................
face-to-face conversations. Which seems odd, since two people talking (d)..............................
together project twice the amount of audio as one person talks on the phone (e)..............................
The problem seemed to be that people pay more attention when they hear (f).............................
only half a conversation.
10. Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences as in the
example. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet. (1x3=3 Marks)
Example : saw/ a rabid dog / being bitten/ a man /after/ in acute pain/ Louis Pasteur/ by
Louis Pasteur saw a man in acute pain after being bitten by a rabid dog.
1. then /there /no treatment /was
2. the/ red hot iron/ burnt / with /wound /to be/ had
3. this/ alternative solutions/ he saw/ decided /and /to find/ to /it
11. Read the dialogue and complete the following passage by filling in appropriate words.
(1x3=3 Marks)
Wife : Our son picks up money wherever I hide it.
Husband : Hide it in his books. He'll never find it there.
A worried wife told her husband that (a) ……… ………………………. wherever she hid it. Her
husband advised her (b) .. because
(c) …………………….
12. (a) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. (4 Marks)
At the Baudhnath stupa, the Buddhist shrine of Kathmandu, there is, in contrast, a sense of
stillness. Its immense white dome is ringed by a road. Small shops stand on its outer edge:
many of these are owned by Tibetan immigrants; felt bags, Tibetan prints and silver jewellery
can be bought here. There are no crowds: this is a haven of quietness in the busy streets
What is the writer's first feeling outside Baudhnath stupa?
In what way is Baudhnath stupa different from Pashupatinath?
What makes Baudhnath stupa important?
What is implied by the word 'haven'?
12. (b) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. (4 Marks)
GERRARD : This is your big surprise. I said you wouldn't kill me and I was right. Why do you
think I am here today and gone tomorrow, never see trades people? You say my habits would
suit you. You are a crook. Do you think I am a Sunday-school teacher? The game's up as far as
I'm concerned. Things went wrong with me. I said it with bullets and got away. Unfortunately they
got one of my men, and found things the fool should have burnt. Tonight I'm expecting trouble
Who is Gerrard talking to?
Why does Gerrard feel it would be useless killing him?
What reason does Gerrard give for living there?
What trait of Gerrard is revealed in these lines?
13. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most
appropriate options from those given. [attempt any two] (3X2 = 6 Marks)
a. No motion has she now, no force-
She neither hears nor sees,
Rolled round in earth's diurnal course
With rocks and stones and trees.
In the poem the poet is ………………..
a. praising natural beauty
b. missing the company of a friend
c. mourning the death of a loved one
d. talking about his blind friend
The poet feels that after death a person…………………
a. reaches beyond earth's power
b. goes into a better world
c. misses the world
d. misses his/ her friends
The words 'diurnal course' means ………………..
a. double course
b. routine path
c. circular path
d. moving on axis
b. It has grown
Slowly consuming the earth,
Rising out of it, feeding
Upon its crust, absorbing
Years of sunlight, air, water,
And out of its leprous hide
Sprouting leaves.
The poet feels the growing of a tree is……………………….
a. a difficult process
b. a life consuming process
c. an energy consuming process
d. a slow paced process
The poem appreciates the …………………………..
a. strength of human beings
b. planting of trees
c. resilient qualities of a tree
d. ability of man to cut trees
"leprous hide" means…………………….
a. the rough bark of trees
b. the earth
c. the roots of plants
d. the soil
c. They, too, aware of sun and air and water,
Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war's long winter starv'd.
Who is the 'they' in these lines?
a. human beings all over the world
b. the soldiers who fight
c. our friends across counties
d. the farmers who grow crops for us
What is the theme of the poem?
a. respecting natural resources
b. political leadership
c. working hard
d. universal brotherhood
What does 'war's long winter starv'd' mean?
a. long winter takes lives
b. starve to death in times of war
c. war kills people
d. long wars destroy countries
14. Answer any three of the following questions in 40-50 words each.
1. How did Maria Sharapova learn tennis excellence would only come at a price?
2. What did George and Harris offer to pack and why?
3. Why did Santosh's parents agree to pay for her schooling in Delhi?
4. What difference does Vikram Seth notice between the flute seller and the other hawkers?
Q15. Answer the following question in about 80 words. (5 Marks)
On two occasions Bruno ate/drank something that should not be eaten/ drunk. What happened
to him on these occasions?
The Everest expedition shows Santosh's concern for her team-mates and for the environment.
Q16. Answer the following question in about 80 words. (4 Marks)
Behrman had a dream. How did it come true?
Sergei says, "I am happy that my words have taken effect." Is he right in saying so?
Q17. Answer any two of the following questions in 40-50 words each (2X3=6 Marks)
a. How did Prashant, a teenager, help the people of his village?
b. How does Bill Bryson end up in a "crash position" in the aircraft?
c. In the story 'A House is Not A Home' how do the schoolmates change the author's
understanding of life and people?
Code No. 184
(Language & Literature)
15 Marks
Q1. Objective : To identify the main points of the text.
Marking : 5 marks, one mark for each correct answer.
No penalty for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Accept any other answer equal in
meaning to the answers given below:
1. we see new places.
2. talking needlessly.
3. not littering the places.
4. not expecting too much.
5. liberally
Q 2. Objective : to identify the main points of the text.
Marking : 5 marks, one mark for each correct answer.
No penalty for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Accept any other answer equal in
meaning to the answers given below:
1. they carry goods and people.
2. used a log.
3. sails were made.
4. more economical and efficient.
5. inefficient.
Q 3 Objective : Local and global comprehension of a poem.
Marking : 5 marks, one mark for each correct answer.
No penalty for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Accept any other answer having the
same meaning as the answers given below:
1. a lot of work.
2. personification.
3. it is too much.
4. putting it off.
5. watching television.
Q 4. Letter writing (6 marks)
Objective : To write in a style appropriate to an informal letter
Content : 3 marks
Fluency : 1 mark
Accuracy: (2 marks)
Under content credit should be given for the candidate's creativity in presenting ideas.
However, some of the following points may be included.
Value Points :
How you felt after your mother left…………..lonely/ scared/ anxious etc.
How you met a friend…………… introduction.
How the meeting helped you recover from loneliness and anxiety.
Letter writing (6 marks)
Objective : To write in a style appropriate to a formal letter.
Content : 3 marks
Fluency : 1 mark
Accuracy : (2 marks)
Under content credit should be given for the candidate's creativity in presenting ideas.
However, some of the following points may be included.
Value Points:
Expression of desire to join the coaching classes.
Reasons - your interest in medicine, your good academic record, desire to serve in rural
Assurance to live up to the expectations of teachers and parents.
Q5. Writing an Article (6 marks)
Objective : To plan, organize and present ideas coherently.
Content : 3 marks
Fluency : 1 mark
Accuracy : (2 marks)
Under content credit should be given for the candidate's creativity in presenting ideas.
However, some of the following points may be included.
Value Points:
Instances of cruelty to animals.
Need for sensitizing people to the need for protecting animals and taking care of them.
How even educated people also are cruel to animals.
Measures to check cruelty to animals.
Paragraph writing (6 marks)
Objective : To plan, organize and present ideas coherently.
Content : 3 marks
Fluency : 1 mark
Accuracy : (2 marks)
Under content credit should be given for the candidate's creativity in presenting ideas.
However, some of the following points may be included.
Value Points :
Injustice done to the girl child in our society (female infanticide, discrimination, lack of
facilities for education etc.)
Measures to be taken: empowerment of women and mothers, education, self help groups,
self employment, health and medicine etc.
Need for attitudinal change.
Government measures against dowry, gender discrimination etc.
Q6. Writing a Story (3 marks)
Objective : To expand the given idea in to a story.
Marking : The story will be marked for 3 marks giving weightage to imaginative ideas,
effective presentation, fluent and accurate language.
Dialogue writing (3 marks)
Objective : To write a dialogue using the given idea.
Marking : The dialogue will be marked for three marks giving weightage to content, use of
persuasive language, fluency and accuracy.
Q7. Marking : 3 marks-1/2 mark for each correct answer.
a. to teach
b. their jobs
c. become healthier
d. better care of
e. have also been
f. already underway
Q8. Marking : 3 marks-1 mark for each correct answer.
a. Whom do you want to speak to?
b. Where are you calling from?
c. Why didn't you let me know you were coming?
Q 9. Marking : 3 marks-1/2 mark for each correct answer.
though/ if / when
Q 10. Marking : 3 marks-1 mark for each correct answer.
a. There was no treatment then.
b. The wound had to be burnt with red hot iron.
c. He saw this and decided to find alternative solutions to it.
Q11. Marking : 3 marks-1 mark for each correct answer.
a. their son picked up money
b. to hide the money in his books
c. he would never find it there.
Q12. (a). Marking : 4 marks-1 mark for each correct answer.
Accept equivalent answers also.
Suggested answers.
a. that of tranquility
b. Baudhnath stupa has peaceful environment; Pashupatinath is full of people and is noisy.
c. It is a Baudhist shrine.
d. Refuge.
(b) Marking : 4 marks-1 mark for each correct answer.
Accept equivalent answers also.
Suggested answers.
a. a burglar
b. He would be arrested even as Gerrard
c. Running away from the police/ hiding from the police
d. His being quick-witted
Q13. (a) Marking : 3 marks-1 mark for each correct answer.
a. mourning the death of a loved one
b. reaches beyond earth's power
c. double course
(b) Marking : 3 marks-1 mark for each correct answer.
a. a slow paced process
b. resilient qualities of a tree
c. the rough bark of a tree
(c) Marking : 3 marks-1 mark for each correct answer.
a. human beings all over the world
b. universal brotherhood
c. starve to death in times of war
Q14. Marking : 6 marks-2 marks for each correct answer.
1. Maria Sharapova had to endure two-year separation from her mother. She was lonely in
Florida. She had to put up with humiliation and insults from other tennis pupils.
2. Offered to pack the bag which would contain edible items; to show off their packing skills.
3. Threatened to work part time to manage her school fees; hearing this her parents agreed to
pay for her schooling in Delhi.
4. Flute seller was not at all bothered about selling his wares; engrossed in playing his flutes;
sale was incidental for him.
Q15. Marking : 5 marks
1. Ate the rat poison from the library; became paralysed; taken to a veterinary doctor for
treatment; drank the discarded engine oil which was kept in the garage; nothing hap-
pened to him
She tried to save her fellow climbers' lives; shared her oxygen cylinder with her team mates;
she brought back 500 kgs of rubbish; many mountaineers leave lots of garbage in their trail
threatening the ecology of the Everest.
Q16. Marking : 4 marks.
Behrman had a dream of creating a masterpiece; by painting of leaf after the last leaf fell was
able to inspire Johnsy to live her life; he sacrificed his life to help her.
Sergei thinks that because of his timely advice Lushkoff could get rid of begging and is
financially independent. But it is not true; it happens because of Olga who chops his wood.
Q17. Marking : 6 marks-3 marks for each correct answer.
a. Showed true leadership qualities; motivated people for self help; worked miracles in
awakening people to fight with the after effects of the super cyclone.
b. Leans down to tie his shoelaces; the person on the seat ahead of him pushes back his
seat; gets stuck in the kneel down position.
c. Schoolmates develop empathy with the author's plight; pool resources to buy what he needs;
author realizes that the new school is full of friends and well-wishers; gives him motivation to
start his life afresh.