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Cisco Video Surveillance Solution
Reference Network Design Guide
June, 2013
Text Part Number: OL-29538-01
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Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and phone numbers used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses and phone numbers. Any examples, command display
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Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
© 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Preface v
Purpose v
Audience v
Scope v
Assumptions v
Caveats vi
Related Documentation vi
Command Syntax Conventions vi
1 Solution Definition 1-1
Solution Overview 1-1
Video Endpoints 1-1
Client Endpoints 1-2
Video Surveillance Manager 1-2
Architectural Framework 1-2
Design Methodology 1-4
Design Objectives 1-4
Design Approach 1-5
Requirements Specification 1-5
Architecture Vision 1-6
Architecture Review 1-6
Solution Design 1-6
Solution Implementation 1-6
2 Enterprise Design Considerations 2-1
Reference Architectures 2-1
Centralized Architecture 2-1
Characteristics 2-1
Design Principles 2-2
Branch Architecture 2-4
Characteristics 2-4
Design Principles 2-5
Distributed Architecture 2-6
Characteristics 2-6
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Design Principles 2-7
Campus Network Design 2-8
Hierarchical Model 2-8
Access Layer 2-9
Distribution Layer 2-9
Core Layer 2-10
Layer 2 Design 2-10
LAN Switching 2-10
Virtual LAN 2-11
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) 2-12
Trunking 2-13
Etherchannels 2-13
Layer 3 Design 2-14
IP Addressing 2-14
IP Unicast Routing 2-15
IP Multicast Routing 2-16
Boundary Design 2-18
Layer 2 Distribution 2-18
Layer 3 Distribution 2-19
Layer 3 Access 2-20
Virtual Switching System 2-21
3 Network Video Considerations 3-1
Video Compression 3-1
Compression Algorithms 3-1
Chroma subsampling 3-1
Spatial compression 3-1
Temporal compression 3-2
Group of Pictures 3-2
Intra Frames 3-2
Predictive Frames 3-2
Bidirectional Predictive Frames 3-2
Video Codecs 3-3
Motion JPEG 3-3
MPEG-4 3-4
H.264 3-4
Stream Quality 3-5
Resolution 3-5
Bit Rate 3-6
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Frame Rate 3-6
Quantization Factor 3-7
4 Media Flow Considerations 4-1
Data Flow 4-1
Media Transport Protocols 4-3
Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) 4-3
PLAY 4-5
Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) 4-6
Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) 4-6
Flow Characterization 4-7
Video Endpoint-to-Media Server Flow 4-7
RTP over UDP 4-7
RTP over TCP 4-10
Media Server-to-Client Endpoint Flow 4-12
5 Network Services Considerations 5-1
Network Time Protocol 5-1
Dynamic Host Control Protocol 5-2
Simple Network Management Protocol 5-5
6 Quality of Service Considerations 6-1
QoS Processing 6-1
Classification and Marking 6-1
Congestion Management and Avoidance 6-4
Routers 6-4
LAN Switches 6-7
Traffic Shaping and Policing 6-7
7 Network Performance Considerations 7-1
Bandwidth 7-1
Packet Loss 7-3
Latency 7-4
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Jitter 7-5
8 Network Management Considerations 8-1
Endpoint Provisioning 8-1
IOS Device Sensor 8-1
Auto Smartport (ASP) Macros 8-2
Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) 8-4
Media Services Interface (MSI) 8-4
Network Validation 8-4
Proactive Monitoring 8-9
Reactive Monitoring 8-13
Mediatrace Poll 8-14
Hops Poll 8-14
System Poll 8-15
Performance Monitor Poll 8-17
Mediatrace Session 8-20
A Related Documentation A-1
Cisco Video Surveillance Documentation A-1
Design Documentation A-4
Cisco UCS Platform and VM Documentation A-5
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
This document summarizes high-level design recommendations and best practices for implementing
Cisco Video Surveillance on the enterprise network infrastructure. In some instances, existing network
equipment and topologies have the necessary configuration and performance characteristics to support
high-quality IP Video Surveillance. In other instances, network hardware might require upgrading or
reconfiguration to support increased bandwidth needed to support video. Quality-of-service (QoS)
techniques are important for any design because video has similar—in some instances, more
stringent—requirements than VoIP for loss, latency, and jitter.
The intended audiences for this Solution Reference Network Design (SRND) document are architects
and engineers responsible for the design of the IP Video Surveillance solution.
The scope of this document covers the network design considerations for Cisco VSM 7.0. Product
design, while discussed, is not emphasized and is only considered for the purpose of completeness. This
SRND should be used in conjunction with the product-specific collateral listed in the
Documentation” section.
The information presented in this document assumes that the reader has a working knowledge of, and
experience with the TCP/IP stack, and internet working technologies. Knowledge of the Cisco Video
Surveillance Manager (VSM) suite of applications is also assumed.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Each network environment is unique, and as such the considerations and recommendations presented in
this document must be judiciously and competently applied in the context of the current network
architecture deployed in the organization.
Cisco will not be held responsible for any network changes effected that adversely impact the network
or business operations, including but not limited to, performance, reliability or scalability.
Related Documentation
See the “Related Documentation” section.
Command Syntax Conventions
Table 1 describes the syntax used with the commands in this document.
Ta b l e 1 Command Syntax Guide
Convention Description
boldface Commands and keywords.
italic Command input that is supplied by you.
[ ] Keywords or arguments that appear within square brackets are optional.
{ x | x | x } A choice of keywords (represented by x) appears in braces separated by
vertical bars. You must select one.
^ or Ctrl Represent the key labeled Control. For example, when you read ^D or
Ctrl-D, you should hold down the Control key while you press the D key.
screen font Examples of information displayed on the screen.
boldface screen font Examples of information that you must enter.
< > Nonprinting characters, such as passwords, appear in angled brackets.
[ ] Default responses to system prompts appear in square brackets.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Solution Definition
Solution Overview
The Cisco IP Video Surveillance (IPVS) solution is a platform for the delivery, management and
monitoring of video across the enterprise network.
The solution consists of the following key components as illustrated below:
Figure 1-1 Key Solution Components
Video Endpoints
IP video traffic is generated by IP cameras and encoders and is transported over the network to client
endpoints and managed by the Video Surveillance Manager (VSM). Encoders are required to convert
video signals from analog cameras to digital format so that they can be transported over the IP network.
Cisco provides a range of IP cameras for various use-cases, including fixed and Pan, Tilt, Zoom (PTZ)
models that are capable of streaming in both standard and high-definition.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 1 Solution Definition
Architectural Framework
In addition, the Cisco VSM application provides support for several third-party IP cameras and encoders.
For more information, please contact your Cisco account representative to get the most up to date list of
supported devices.
Client Endpoints
The client endpoints are end-user workstations that include the following applications:
The Internet Explorer web browser used to access the Cisco VSM Operations Manager for
configuration, monitoring and other day-to-day operational and administrative tasks.
The Cisco Video Surveillance Safety and Security Desktop (Cisco SASD) application used to
monitor live and recorded video.
Due to the resource requirements for rendering video streams, workstations must meet or exceed specific
hardware specifications as stipulated in the
Cisco Video Surveillance Manager Workstation Baseline
Specifications document available at
Video Surveillance Manager
Cisco Video Surveillance Manager (VSM) is a suite of video management applications comprising of
Operations Manager (VSOM) and Media Server (VSMS) that utilize the network as a platform for
delivery of live streaming as well as recorded video from video endpoints to end users at client
The VSM server applications can be hosted on one of the following:
A Red Hat Linux-based Multi-Services Platform (MSP) appliance.
A SUSE Linux-based Multi-Services Platform (MSP) appliance.
Virtual machines (VMs) running on either Linux platform.
All requests for live and archived video are made from client endpoints to the Media Server; therefore,
the server in effect acts as a proxy for the video endpoints. The Media Server also acts as a de-jitter buffer
to smooth out any delay variation in the arrival of video packets from the video endpoints.
The VSM application also provides high availability for the Media Server application to mitigate service
outage in the event of a server fault.
For more information on the products and solution components referenced above, please consult the
Related Documentation section of this Guide.
Architectural Framework
The IP Video Surveillance architectural framework refers to a set of building blocks that are used as a
guiding tool when designing and evaluating a Cisco video surveillance solution. Based on the
customer-stated business and technical requirements, and the application of industry standards and best
practices, the right IP Video Surveillance solution can be developed and built for an organization.
The enterprise IP Video Surveillance environment is built on a solid foundational framework that is
composed of a stack of four horizontal building blocks that define the solution architecture, as well as a
vertical services overlay that enables its successful implementation and sustenance.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 1 Solution Definition
Architectural Framework
The IP Video Surveillance solution framework is illustrated below:
Figure 1-2 IP Video Surveillance Architectural Framework
Each block in the stack has a significant and integral role to play in the solution architecture to be
developed and should thus be exhaustively addressed to produce a scalable and resilient solution.
The enterprise architectures block defines the structure of the network deployment environment on
which the IP Video Surveillance solution will be implemented. In general, there are three main
architecture models: centralized, branch and distributed. Each architecture model has unique
requirements and considerations, though there are areas of overlap.
The infrastructure platforms block describes the major infrastructure components that comprise the IP
Video Surveillance environment. This layer includes the Local Area Network (LAN) and Storage Area
Network (SAN) that form the building blocks of the network design, as well as the Unified Computing
System (UCS) and Multiservice Platform (MSP) appliances onto which all applications are hosted.
The management instrumentation block defines the system tools and processes that enable the scalable
management and flexible monitoring of the IP Video Surveillance solution. These tools leverage
embedded instrumentation within IOS, NXOS and MSP devices to extract relevant data points for
assessing the total health of the solution, as well as for fault isolation and rapid resolution.
The endpoints and applications block sits at the very top of the stack, leveraging the infrastructure and
management capabilities offered by the lower layers. This layer defines the sources and consumers of
video data, including Video Surveillance Manager Server applications that manage these endpoint
devices as well as video traffic on the network.
The services block comprises the service offerings that support the IP Video Surveillance architecture.
These include security, business continuity and optimization services. Security services are composed
of the features and technologies necessary for securing the infrastructure and application environments.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 1 Solution Definition
Design Methodology
Security policies could be applied on the network devices, servers and endpoints. Business continuity
focuses on maintaining an organization’s IP Video Surveillance systems during and after a disruption,
and consist of both high availability and disaster recovery strategies. Optimization services provide
features that enhance the performance and intelligence of applications and the network environment,
including load balancing and caching. These services are not only related but dependent on each other,
supporting a fully functional solution architecture.
The solution framework forms the basis of the design and architecture of the IP Video Surveillance
environment, and as such it is important to understand its relevance. The following sections describe
these considerations in further detail.
Design Methodology
Network design considerations for IP Video Surveillance solutions are easy to overlook, and often are,
because it is assumed that the underlying network should be able to handle any type of traffic while
delivering acceptable performance.
While this may be true for very small deployments, it is most certainly a recipe for problems for
relatively larger deployments, and also for the time in the future when this small deployment needs to
grow. An IP Video Surveillance network that has not been designed in a systematic fashion will
invariably run into problems from the beginning of the implementation stage.
Network design is as much about developing the most appropriate solution given a set of requirements,
as much as it is about documenting these requirements, design decisions and proposed architecture. This
allows new team members to easily understand what problems the design solves, how the system
operates and how to extend and expand the network when needed.
Design Objectives
An effective IP Video Surveillance solution design should strive to meet the following objectives:
Customer-focus – the solution must be designed with a goal to meet the customer-stated
requirements and expectations. In reality, sometimes not all requirements are met by an existing
engineering solution in Cisco’s product portfolio, which is why it is necessary to distinguish
between “must-have’s” (needs) and “nice-to-have’s (wants). Prioritization ensures that the most
important requirements are met either through product enhancements or evaluation of external
products to close the requirements gap.
Scalability – the solution must be designed with a goal to allow for growth in capacity and
functionality. Sound scalable and extensible design allows for implementation of changes and
deployment of additional management servers, users and endpoints without requiring a major
re-design, or significantly impacting the performance and operation of the existing environment.
Determinism – the solution must be designed to be predictable. A predictable solution means that,
given a set of symptoms or conditions, the logical operation of the solution – including data flows,
actions executed, etc., – can be determined. This is especially useful for fault isolation and
Accountability – the design choices made when creating a solution must be responsible, defensible
and explainable. It is recommended to subject the design to a peer review under the counsel of
competent colleagues in order to ensure that the business and technical case being presented to the
end customer is sound and passes muster.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 1 Solution Definition
Design Methodology
Survivability – the solution must be designed to maintain maximum availability and functionality of
the solution components under the existence of one or more failure conditions in the deployment
environment. Designing for redundancy at the logical and physical level is critical to producing an
optimal solution.
Design Approach
The following figure illustrates the approach to IP Video Surveillance design:
Figure 1-3 Methodology
Requirements Specification
During this phase, all solution requirements and expectations should be gathered from discussions with
the customer. There are different types of requirements to gather when starting the solution design
Business requirements – these are high-level requirements that describe what goals the solution
should achieve for the customer and how it benefits their business operations. Examples could
include: “The solution should provide a means to constantly monitor at-risk patients in the hospital
wards using video”.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 1 Solution Definition
Design Methodology
Functional requirements – these requirements provide a more detailed specification of how the
system should work. For example: “The solution must provide N+1 high availability for the VSM
application and all camera streams at the central and remote campuses”.
Technical requirements – these requirements indicate what technical specifications the solution
must adhere to. These could include technology preferences, best-practices and industry standards.
Examples include: “All video streams must use the H.264 codec, UDP transport and 1Mbps bit rate”.
It is important to ensure that the list of requirements gathered is as exhaustive as possible so as to
mitigate instances of re-design of the solution in later phases.
Architecture Vision
The architecture vision essentially provides a high-level response to the requirements gathered. This
response presents the technical approach that will be adopted to meet the stated requirements.
During this phase a high-level architecture is developed that depicts the logical topology of the proposed
solution. In addition, the vision also describes what platforms – infrastructure, application, storage, etc.
– would be used in the solution.
Architecture Review
The architecture review phase provides an opportunity for the other stakeholders and subject matter
experts involved in the project to review the proposed design. This group may include the customer and
partner teams, as well as other internal or external audiences.
The purpose of the review is to ensure that the solution proposal is feasible given the deployment
environment and resource expectations, and that all the stated requirements have been considered and
addressed. Not all requirements may be met in the proposed solution, and in such instances justifications
for the design decisions taken should be offered.
Solution Design
It is during this phase that the detailed design of the solution is developed. At this point all requirements
have been gathered and considered, and the proposed design has been reviewed and accepted. The
requirements gathered are further unpacked and design choices are made where variations exist.
The rest of this SRND focuses on the low-level considerations that must be taken into account when
designing or evaluating the network component of the IP Video Surveillance solution.
Solution Implementation
While not a focus of this SRND, this phase is included for completeness. During this phase, the solution
is delivered as per the design developed.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Enterprise Design Considerations
This chapter discusses the considerations that need to be taken into account when designing the
enterprise IP Video Surveillance network.
Reference Architectures
Enterprise IP Video Surveillance architectures are characterized based on the following factors:
Network model (LAN/MAN or WAN)
Location of the VSM servers
Number of Operations Manager servers
Number of Media Servers
The following sections describe the different architecture models that can be adopted in terms of their
characterization and principles of design.
Centralized Architecture
The centralized IP Video Surveillance architecture is characterized by the existence of a single
Operations Manager server that manages one or more Media Servers at the same organizational and
geographical region. A campus with one or more locations that are interconnected by a Local Area
Network (LAN) or Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) defines this region.
In general, centralized architectures are classified as “medium-sized” deployments, which consist of 20
or fewer media servers, 1000, or fewer video endpoints and 20 or fewer active client endpoints, in a
single location.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 2 Enterprise Design Considerations
Reference Architectures
The following sample topology illustrates this model:
Figure 2-1 Centralized Architecture
In the figure above, the network spans two campuses that are interconnected over a LAN or MAN. This
implies that the campuses are within the same general geographic area with the network providing a
high-speed back-haul, e.g. 1Gbps, 10Gbps or 40Gbps. The VSM servers can be located at either or both
campuses – Building A and Building 1.
Design Principles
Computational resources for VSM servers, primarily CPU and memory, are provided either by MSP’s in
a physical environment or UCS’s in a virtualized environment. The provisioning of these resources for
VSM appliances should be guided by the expected workload from video endpoints, server processing
activities and servicing requests from client endpoints.
Cisco provides recommendations for sizing virtual environments in the VSM on UCS Deployment
Guides found at
MSPs that support Cisco Video Surveillance are equipped with up to a single-socket, quad-core
processor and 2GB of RAM. They provide a simple and standardized platform for deploying VSM in
centralized architectures. By that same token, the caveat that presents itself is that computational
resources cannot be grown to adapt to growth in workloads over time. So either the initial sizing will
need to be over-provisioned in anticipation of future resource demands, or multiple appliances would be
required to drive the same workload.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 2 Enterprise Design Considerations
Reference Architectures
For VSM instances that are virtualized on the UCS platform, these concerns are addressed due to the
ability of UCS appliances to handle larger CPU and memory capacities. VSM virtual appliances can be
hosted on B-series hosts that provide a dense deployment environment serviced by up to two-socket,
6-core processors and up to 384GB of RAM. C-series servers can be provisioned with up to two-socket,
8-core processors and up to 384GB of RAM. Therefore, these VSM virtual machines can be provisioned
with more memory and processor capacity flexibly when required.
For simple deployments, the network should be designed with traffic localization in mind. The VSM
media servers should be placed as close as possible to video endpoints from which streams are sourced.
This will allow relatively higher quality video to be recorded locally, without being required to traverse
the network, which could result in additional latency and higher potential for packet loss.
Sophisticated networks that have end-to-end QoS deployed, with the recommended per-hop behavior
(PHB) applied to the video traffic class, allow video traffic to traverse the network to a centralized
location. For example in the data center where the associated VSM media server is located.
Cisco recommends that video traffic should be placed in a separate local VLAN for easy identification
and classification. The VLAN should not span multiple switches. Similarly, Ethernet storage and
management traffic should be placed in separate VLANs.
A logical and consistent IP addressing scheme should be adopted that allows for simplified management,
scalability and route summarization.
Cisco recommends that a network readiness assessment should be carried out to ensure that the network
has sufficient capacity to meet the performance requirements for delivering video between endpoints and
Video traffic requires a significant amount of storage space for recording and as such is the most
dominant factor to consider when designing IP Video Surveillance environments. Both MSP and UCS
appliances can provide local and remote storage capabilities.
Local storage on the MSP platforms can scale up to 24TB of raw capacity per server, when using the
standard 2TB disks in a 12-bay 2RU CPS chassis. The UCS C240 M3, on the other hand, can handle up
to 36TB raw capacity per appliance, when using 3TB disks in a 12-bay 2RU chassis.
External storage is supported using fibre channel SAN devices. These devices can scale up in excess of
100TB per appliance. Multilayer directors can be used to provide zoning and other advanced features
where multiple hosts and storage devices exist.
In general, virtualized appliances leverage external storage to take advantage of high availability (which
requires shared storage), storage scalability and high performance. Local storage on MSP’s is suitable
for simple deployments that look for an all-in-one solution for recording and management.
A single Operations Manager server that is located in the central data center manages video endpoints
and media server resources. A single VSOM instance can scale management of up to 10,000 video
endpoints and up to 250 media servers. For deployment environments that exceed these endpoints and
servers, such as city-wide deployments, multiple VSOM instances can be provisioned to provide
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 2 Enterprise Design Considerations
Reference Architectures
The CPS MSP appliance models provide support for out-of-band management through Intelligent
Platform Management Interface (IPMI). Cisco recommends that this interface is configured for IP
connectivity to allow for remote access to the BIOS, MegaRAID WebBIOS configuration utility and to
carry out power operations (power cycle, power-off, power-on) remotely.
The UCS appliances also provide out-of-band management capabilities through the Cisco Integrated
Management Controller (CIMC). The virtual environment is managed using the vSphere client and is
used for all aspects of virtual machine provisioning and management.
Branch Architecture
The IP Video Surveillance branch architecture is characterized by the existence of a single Operations
Manager server that manages one or more Media Servers at the same organizational and geographical
region. This region is defined as an autonomous campus with one or more locations that are
interconnected by a Local Area Network (LAN).
In general, branch architectures are classified as “small-sized” deployments which consist of 5 or fewer
media servers, 100 or fewer video endpoints and 5 or fewer active client endpoints, in a single location.
Multiple such branches can exist in the organization; however, each is characterized as being managed
independently of each other.
The following sample topology illustrates this model:
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 2 Enterprise Design Considerations
Reference Architectures
Figure 2-2 Branch Architecture
Design Principles
Computational resources at the branch environment are provided either by an MSP appliance for
physical environments or the UCS E-series blades for virtual environments. The UCS E-series blade is
a Cisco ISR G2 router service module that provides the functionality of a compact, power-optimized,
multipurpose x86 64-bit blade server.
The E-series offers a single-socket, up to 6-core processor option with up to 48GB of RAM. These
specifications best the MSP appliances, while providing the flexibility of a virtualized environment and
functionality of a branch-in-a-box. The caveat to consider is that the ISR G2 is a required component,
which could add to the cost factor. However, this could also be an advantage to be leveraged if the router
exists already or is to be used to provide other services for the branch.
The MSP is a viable alternative where simplicity is key, and the solution requirements fall within the
fixed configuration options available.
The small office/branch office network is typically a flat, switched environment with relatively few
endpoints and traffic generated. Video traffic is not expected to traverse long distances from the
endpoints to the VSM server; however, Cisco recommends that QoS is implemented to provide
differentiated services from other traffic types, especially during periods of relatively higher than normal
Depending on the size of the environment, all devices may be placed into a single VLAN and IP
addresses sourced from a single subnet. If the IP address space is subdivided for different functions,
Cisco recommends that video traffic should be placed in its own VLAN for easy identification and
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 2 Enterprise Design Considerations
Reference Architectures
MSP appliances can provide local on-board storage for recording video. E-series blades, on the other
hand, do not have sufficient storage capacity to meet most solution recording needs. The blades provide
up to 3TB raw capacity for SATA drives. If RAID arrays are created for fault tolerance, this available
capacity is further diminished. As a result, whenever E-series blades are required, external storage
options will need to be evaluated.
In particular, iSCSI SAN devices are appropriate for this environment to provide the needed storage
scalability and at the same time leverage existing Ethernet infrastructure, which lowers the total cost of
ownership. The E-series has in-built optimizations for iSCSI, specifically TCP/IP Offload Engine (TOE)
and iSCSI hardware offload. These enhancements offload the processing of packet headers to hardware
ASICS which translate to a significant performance improvement for VSM applications.
The Operations Manager centrally provides management of the video surveillance environment. As
noted earlier, the CPS MSP appliances provide out-of-band management capabilities through IPMI. The
UCS E-series blade server has an integrated Emulex Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) that
provides for management via IPMI as well as through the CIMC interface.
In addition, the VSM virtual appliances can be managed using the vSphere client interface. This
capability is especially important in remote branch environments where IT staff may not be available at
every site for monitoring or troubleshooting.
Distributed Architecture
The distributed IP Video Surveillance architecture is characterized by the existence of a single
Operations Manager server that manages one or more Media Servers across multiple organizational and
geographical regions. These regions are typically composed of a central campus and one or more remote
campuses interconnected by a private Wide Area Network (WAN) or the public Internet over a secure
virtual private network.
In general, distributed architectures can be classified as a “small”, “medium” or “large” deployment
depending on the number of media servers, video and client endpoints, at each location. The
principle-defining characteristic of this architecture is that, except for large citywide deployments, a
single Operations Manager instance manages multiple media servers and endpoints that are spread out
across multiple locations in the enterprise. Each remote location does not operate independently but with
dependency on the central location where the VSOM instance is hosted.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 2 Enterprise Design Considerations
Reference Architectures
The following sample topology illustrates this model:
Figure 2-3 Distributed Architecture
Design Principles
The network connectivity between the branch and central campus could either be over a private WAN
service such as Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) or Frame Relay, or over the public internet,
typically over a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) service such as IPsec VPN, Dynamic Multipoint
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 2 Enterprise Design Considerations
Campus Network Design
Remote users can gain access to IP Video Surveillance resources, such as the Operations Manager
instance, through an ezVPN or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) VPN connection.
Bandwidth is typically a limiting factor as traffic traverses the WAN. Users also need to balance the need
to record high-fidelity, evidence-quality video with monitoring live video from remote locations. Cisco
recommends that in such cases secondary streams of lower resolution and bit rate or frame rate should
be considered. The lower quality stream is used for live viewing across the WAN from remote branches
to users at the central site, for example, while the higher-quality stream is recorded locally for later
retrieval should the need arise.
Cisco recommends that network readiness assessments should be carried out across the central campus
to multiple remote locations to determine the appropriate stream settings at which the network can
sustain acceptable video performance.
Network management tools should be leveraged to monitor the health of video traffic as it traverses the
enterprise network. This is especially important for distributed architectures due to the physical
separation and often the lack of trained IT staff at remote locations to assist with troubleshooting and
remediation measures.
IOS embedded instrumentation that is leveraged by the Medianet architecture should be employed to
provide proactive and reactive monitoring capabilities across the enterprise IP Video Surveillance
network. These tools should be used in conjunction with management capabilities available within the
campus environments.
Campus Network Design
Understanding and designing the structure of the network design is crucial to creating scalable and
available campus architectures. This section describes the building blocks of the enterprise campus
model as well as considerations for designing the IP Video Surveillance network structure.
Hierarchical Model
The hierarchical model of network design simplifies the architecture of campus networks into modular
components, each representing a functional service layer within the campus hierarchy. A hierarchical
design is also important as it avoids the need for a fully meshed node network.
The modularity of the design is important for the following reasons:
Allows the network to scale to meet current as well as future requirements
Allows traffic to flow in a more deterministic pattern
Allows for effective fault isolation and faster resolution
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 2 Enterprise Design Considerations
Campus Network Design
The enterprise campus hierarchical model consists of the following layers:
Figure 2-4 Hierarchical Model
Access Layer
The campus access layer aggregates end users and edge devices, such as IP cameras, and provides
uplinks to the distribution layer. At layer 2, each switchport creates a single collision domain.
In general, network devices at this layer provide the following features:
Power over Ethernet (PoE) – provides power to PoE-capable edge devices such as IP cameras
QoS trust boundary – traffic flows are typically marked at this layer on ingress at the switchport
Link aggregation – high availability is provided to the distribution layer through Etherchannel or 802.3ad
Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)
IGMP snooping – helps control multicast packet flooding for multicast applications
Security services – various security features are typically configured at this layer such as DHCP
snooping, 802.1x, port security, Dynamic ARP Inspection and IP source guard
Distribution Layer
The campus distribution layer acts as the services and policy boundary, connecting both access and core
layers. Network devices in this layer typically participate in Layer 2 switching on downstream access
trunks and Layer 3 switching on upstream core links.
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In general, network devices at this layer provide the following features:
Redundancy – through Virtual Switching System (VSS) for Catalyst 6500 series switches or first-hop
redundancy protocols such as Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP), Virtual Router Redundancy
Protocol (VRRP)
Route summarization –summarizes routes from the access layer to the core
Route filtering – limits route advertisements to access devices
Policy-based routing – controlled routing decisions and packet manipulation is carried out at this layer,
and also forms the boundary between static and dynamic routing protocols
Layer 2 boundary – VLAN’s are terminated at this layer and traffic is subsequently routed between
VLAN’s or to the core for external networks
Core Layer
The campus core layer acts as a high-speed backbone for fast and efficient movement of packets across
multiple networks. This layer provides a limited set of services and is designed to be highly available
and reliable to allow for rapid adaptation to network changes, for instance rerouting of traffic when
network failure occurs.
For smaller campuses, the core can be combined with the distribution to form a collapsed core. In this
configuration, the collapsed core must be fully meshed to provide proper connectivity. However, the
setup is difficult to scale. Additionally, network changes to one part of the core/distributed layer can
result in network disruption in other layers as well. As such, while convenient for small environments,
these caveats should be carefully considered.
Layer 2 Design
The two over-arching design goals for the IP Video Surveillance Layer 2 network are high availability
and determinism. The optimal Layer 2 design should provide a measure of redundancy and alternate
paths to network destinations, and should also establish predictable patterns for video traffic on the
The following features are important in ensuring a suitable Layer 2 design is formed. Considerations for
designing the IP Video Surveillance network with these features in mind are discussed in the following
LAN Switching
The goal of the Layer 2 switching or forwarding logic in IOS Catalyst devices is to deliver Ethernet
frames to appropriate receivers based on the destination MAC address. Physical switches can either be
statically configured with MAC addresses or they can be learned dynamically by inspecting the source
MAC address field of incoming frames.
If the MAC address is known, it would be present in the Content-Addressable Memory (CAM) table,
along with the associated VLAN ID, egress switchport and timestamp of when the MAC address was
last seen. This information will then be used to forward the frame.
If the MAC address is unknown, the forwarding behavior will depend on the type of address:
Unknown unicast – the frame is flooded out all interfaces, except the interface on which the frame was
Broadcast – the frame is flooded out in the same manner as unknown unicasts
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Multicast – the frame is flooded out in the same manner as unknown unicasts, except when optimizations
such as IGMP are implemented
For the switch to forward on the outgoing interface, the port must be the forwarding state in the STP
configuration. Spanning Tree Protocol enables switches overcome the possibility of bridging loops
occurring along redundant switching paths.
Virtual LAN
A virtual LAN (VLAN) refers to host devices linked to a subset of switchports that communicate as a
logical network segment. VLAN’s are used to limit the size of a broadcast domain, and to assist in
allocation and management of subnetworks. As such, VLAN’s form a critical component of hierarchical
and modular network designs, and they enable isolation of different traffic aggregates.
Cisco recommends that the following traffic aggregates should be separated by VLAN’s on the network:
Management traffic – generally consists of to-the-box traffic. Examples include Secure Shell (SSH),
telnet, vSphere connectivity, Cisco Integrated Management Console (CIMC), Cisco Integrated
Management Console Express (CIMCE) and device-generated data traffic such as L2/L3 protocols.
Video traffic – consists of traffic from camera endpoints to media servers, and on to client endpoints
Storage traffic – consists of fiber channel over Ethernet (FCoE) and iSCSI storage traffic
This traffic separation provides for simplicity in managing and monitoring endpoints, and in applying
differentiated service levels for these traffic classes.
When traffic is received on an ingress switchport, the frames are tagged with a VLAN ID. By default,
VLAN 1 is the tag that is applied to all traffic; however, each switchport can be associated with a
different VLAN as shown below:
! Configure the VLAN database
vlan 22
name management
vlan 23
name video
vlan 24
name storage
! Assign the VLAN’s to switchports
interface FastEthernet1/0/3
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 22
interface FastEthernet1/0/4
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 23
interface range FastEthernet1/0/5 - 6
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 24
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Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
STP is a LAN protocol that is used to prevent loops from occurring in a network with redundant Layer
2 links by deterministically blocking switchport interfaces.
Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus (PVST+) is an enhancement to STP (802.1d) that provides for a separate
spanning-tree instance for each VLAN in the network. Rapid PVST+ (RPVST+) further improves the
convergence time of STP, while providing optimizations to the STP instance.
! PortFast: access ports enter the forwarding state immediately by skipping the
listening and
! Learning STP states
! Do not configure on trunk ports (will likely cause STP loops).
interface range FastEthernet1/0/5
switchport access vlan 19
spanning-tree portfast
! BPDU Guard: if BPDU’s are seen on a switch port, the port goes into error-disable
state and
! must be manually recovered before traffic can pass through again
! Typically configured along with PortFast
interface range FastEthernet1/0/5
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
! Root Guard: if superior BPDU’s are seen on a switch port, the port goes into
! state to prevent the rogue switch from becoming the root. Automatically recovers the
! when the BPDU’s are no longer received on the interface
interface range FastEthernet1/0/5
spanning-tree guard root
! UplinkFast: for access switches with redundant uplinks, optimized convergence and
! to alternate links is achieved for direct link failures
! Configured globally on a switch
spanning-tree uplinkfast
! BackboneFast: when a switch learns of an indirect link failure independently,
instead of
! waiting for max_age timer to expire, it reduces convergence time by querying
! Must be configured globally on all switches in order to be effective
spanning-tree backbonefast
Cisco recommends that these spanning-tree optimizations should be implemented as a best practice,
where appropriate.
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In order to transport information from more than one VLAN across the switch fabric, trunks between
participating switches must be configured.
Packets belonging to each VLAN are tagged with identifying information in the frame header using
either 802.1q or Inter-Switch Link (ISL) encapsulation; dot1q is standards-based and the most prevalent
in networks today.
Also, set the native VLAN to something other than the default (VLAN 1) for security purposes in order
to mitigate VLAN-hopping attacks.
! Configure trunking on the connected ports on both switches
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/24
switchport trunk native vlan 22
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 22 - 24
EtherChannels allow multiple uplinks (up to eight Ethernet interfaces of the same type) to be combined
together and considered as a single link in the spanning-tree domain. All links are in the forwarding state
resulting in increased total bandwidth available. Without EtherChannels, only one link would be in the
forwarding state and all the others would be blocking in order to prevent STP loops.
EtherChannels also allow for load balancing between the configured link bundles based on the
EtherChannel hashing algorithm. Note that, while Cisco switches can, routers do not negotiate port
channels through LACP or PAgP, so the far end would need to be unconditionally on.
The link between SW6 and SW4 is configured as a Gigabit EtherChannel:
! Creating a Layer 2 port channel
! Trunk ports must have same native VLAN, encapsulation and list of allowed VLAN’s
interface port-channel 1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 22
interface range gi1/0/23 – 24
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 22
channel-group 1 mode on
! Creating a Layer 3 port channel
interface port-channel 2
ip address
interface range gi1/0/6 – 7
no switchport
channel-group 1 mode on
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Layer 3 Design
When designing the Layer 3 network, speed of convergence and scalability are two of the main features
to take into consideration. Layer 3 networks should also be designed to be resilient and highly available.
The following sections describe the considerations that should be taken into account to achieve these
IP Addressing
The foundation of an efficient, scalable and manageable routing domain is the IP addressing scheme. A
properly designed IP addressing scheme allows the network to take advantage of route summarization.
Route summarization allows a Layer 3 device to only advertise summary routes to upstream devices, thus
reducing router workloads and resource consumption. This leads to faster convergence times, reduces
instability during high-traffic periods and promotes determinism.
Properly designed IP addressing schemes also make it easier to implement access control lists for
matching interesting traffic for security purposes or applying differentiated services.
The IP addressing scheme should also be scalable and account for future growth; this allows for new
switches, routers or endpoints to be added to the network without impacting the rest of the topology.
Consider the following sample topology:
Figure 2-5 IP Addressing Scheme
In this example, the IP address allocation scheme allows for up to 255 distribution groups each with up
to 255 possible local VLAN’s. Each local VLAN can have up to 254 hosts. More importantly, the
distribution switches can send summary routes up to the core and to each other over Layer 3 links which
enable efficiency and fast routing protocol convergence.
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IP Unicast Routing
Unicast routing could occur either at the access or distribution layer, with high-speed hardware-based
switching reserved for the Campus core layer. In order for all participating hosts and routers to learn
about destinations within the network, an interior gateway routing protocol must be configured. For most
enterprise networks, the routing protocol of choice is either EIGRP or OSPF.
Enhanced Interior Gateway Protocol (EIGRP)
EIGRP is a classless, distance-vector routing protocol that is simple, scalable and fast. Classless
meaning subnet masks are included in route advertisements, and distance-vector meaning it shares all its
routing information but only to connected routes. The protocol is Cisco proprietary.
EIGRP provides multi-protocol support (IP, IPX, AppleTalk), sends some packets reliably
(acknowledgements required) using Reliable Transport Protocol (RTP), uses hellos to discover
neighbors and as a keep alive, and uses Diffusion Update Algorithm (DUAL) to select best paths and
feasible failover routes. A combination of bandwidth and delay (by default, and optionally load,
reliability and MTU) is used as the metric.
EIGRP achieves fast convergence through the concept of successors and feasible successors. A successor
route has the lowest metric to the destination prefix and is installed in the routing table. A feasible
successor has a higher feasible distance (metric to reach a destination) than the metric that its neighbor
reports – that it, it satisfies the feasibility condition. The FS is stored in the topology table. Should an
input event occur (new route, failed route), local computation is triggered, the result of which is that
either the FS is promoted to be the successor or neighbors are queried for a valid route (i.e. the route
goes active). EIGRP also offers MD5 authentication to protect routing updates between neighbors, as
well as unequal-cost load balancing of traffic.
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
OSPF is a classless, link-state routing protocol that is fast and offers scalability to much larger networks.
Link-state routing protocols advertise information only about directly connected links, but they share
this information with all routers in their OSPF area. The protocol is an open standard developed by the
OSPF employs the use of routing domains (areas) to subdivide the network in order to introduce a
two-level hierarchical framework that allows for scaling large and complex networks by containing the
flow of routing protocol traffic and thus reducing the impact on CPU and memory resources. The
two-level hierarchy consists of a backbone area (Area 0) and all other areas. If an OSPF design has
multiple areas, the Area Border Routers (ABR’s) must connect to the backbone area in addition to its
own attached area. If not physically feasible, an OSPF virtual link can be created that traverses a
non-backbone area, to Area 0. Autonomous System Boundary Routers (ASBR’s) inject external routes,
typically learned from an exterior protocol such as Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), into the OSPF
process. All OSPF-speaking routers in the same area have the exact same topological database.
For multi-access topologies, broadcast (e.g. LANs) and non-broadcast (e.g. Frame Relay), a Designated
Router (DR) and Backup Designated Router (BDR) are elected based on OSPF priority and/or router ID
in order to form adjacencies with all participating routers (DROther) on a segment. A DR/BDR
significantly lowers the number of neighbor relationships that need to be formed and as a result reduces
the volume of link-state advertisements (LSA) flooded in the domain. In selecting best routes to a
destination, OSPF uses a Shortest-Path First (SPF) calculation based on Dijkstras Algorithm. OSPF also
provides equal-cost load balancing as well as plain-text and MD5 authentication.
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Considerations for EIGRP and OSPF
Both EIGRP and OSPF are very capable routing protocols; however, in determining which IGP to select
for your network environment, there are several factors to take into account including, but not limited to:
EIGRP is cisco proprietary hence only works on Cisco devices, whereas OSPF is an open standard that
will work on multi-vendor devices
Link-state routing protocols require greater CPU and memory resources relative to distance-vector
protocols because they process routing information locally from all participating routers in the domain,
not just connected routes
OSPF adapts well to larger, more complex networks due to its hierarchical architecture, fast convergence
and varied network topology support; EIGRP is much simpler to deploy for relatively smaller networks
with fast performance
EIGRP, as a distance-vector protocol, is more susceptible to routing loops and counting-to-infinity and
as such must implement avoidance measures such as split-horizon, route-poisoning, and hold-down
timers; OSPF is not subject to these routing issues
IP Multicast Routing
Multicasting involves sending packets to a designated group address. In the IP Video Surveillance
environment, multicasting is used to transfer video traffic from a single source, the video endpoint, to
the Video Surveillance Manager server.
Multicasting is useful for bandwidth consumption. Instead of sending multiple video streams to
individual receivers, the same stream can be sent to a strategically placed rendezvous point on the
network and all interested receivers can subscribe to the group to receive the stream. The current release
of VSM does not support multicasting to client endpoints.
For multicast traffic to be properly routed, the network must be multicast-enabled. A multicast-enabled
network is defined as a network where the following requirements are met:
A defined set of IP addresses by which multicast groups are identified
A mechanism by which hosts can join and leave multicast groups
A routing protocol for efficient delivery of multicast traffic to group members
Class D IP addresses in the 224.x.x.x – 239.x.x.x range are reserved for multicast. Note that multicast
addresses always begin with 1110 as the first four bits and are not subject to subnetting rules because
these addresses are used to represent multicast applications, not hosts. Therefore, 28 bits (out of 32 in
an IPv4 address) are available for a total of 2
(268,435,456) multicast groups possible. However, there
are certain address ranges that have been reserved for specific use, for example for
link-local addresses. Of note is the reserved Administratively Scoped range of, defined in
RFC2365. This range is designed to be used in private multicast domains and can be bound by filtering
for these addresses at the network edge as well as other defined points where the multicast traffic should
not traverse. It is therefore required to select multicast IP addresses, for IPICS in particular, from this
address range.
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)
When a router becomes aware of a multicast stream from a connected source, it must be able to
determine whether any of its connected networks have hosts that want to join the group to receive the
traffic. Once the host has joined the group, the router needs to have a way to query the network to
determine if the host still wants to receive the multicast traffic, and when the host is done, it also needs
a means to efficiently leave the group. The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) carries out
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these functions. All participating hosts and routers must support IGMP to enable multicast sessions.
IGMP is designed to be limited to the local link only – this is enforced by always setting the
Time-To-Live (TTL) value in the encapsulated IP header to 1.
To join a group, a host sends a membership report message to the router. The router then identifies the
host as a group member and allows it joins the session. Periodically, the router sends a query to determine
if there are any remaining receivers in the subnet; group members receiving the query respond with a
report sent to the group address. Note that only one membership report is sent in a group per subnet and
it’s sufficient to inform the router that there are still members attached. To leave a group, a leave message
is sent to the “All routers on subnet” group address (
IGMP snooping is a standards-based switching feature that allows for identification of hosts that request
multicast traffic and therefore provide the ability to limit forwarding of group traffic to specific ports.
This feature is enabled by default.
Multicast Distribution Trees
While unicast routing attempts to find and forward packets through the shortest path to a particular
destination, multicast routing is concerned with finding and forwarding packets through the shortest path
to the source, also known as reverse path forwarding (RPF). Routers along these forwarding paths keep
the topology loop-free by implementing RPF checks on incoming traffic – the source IP address of an
ingress packet on an interface is examined, then the unicast routing table is consulted to determine the
next-hop interface as known by the router, and if they match then the packet is forwarded, otherwise it
is dropped. In other words, the RPF check verifies that the packet arrived on the same interface that
would be used if the router were to send traffic to the source.
These forwarding paths form the multicast distribution trees, and are of two types:
Shortest Path Tree (SPT) or source-based tree – rooted at the source, with individual (S,G) pairs
recorded for each multicast source within the group
Root Path Tree (RPT) or shared tree – rooted at a router designated as the Rendezvous Point (RP),
with only one (*,G) entry created for each group even if the RP has multiple upstream sources
Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
PIM is a routing protocol used to forward multicast traffic in an IP network. Other routing protocols exist
such as Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP), Multicast Open Shortest Path First
(MOSPF) and Core-Based Tree (CBT), however, only PIM is fully implemented in Cisco IOS and is thus
the preferred protocol.
PIM exists in four variants:
Dense Mode (PIM-DM) – source-based trees are built by sending traffic to every DM router in the
network; if no hosts register on DM routers via IGMP, a prune message is sent back to the host (i.e.
flood-and-prune method). Recommended where there’s a large number of recipients, who are
located on every subnet (dense) and bandwidth is plentiful (e.g. on a LAN).
Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) – shared trees are only built for and traffic forwarded to hosts that have sent
an explicit join message to the RP. Note that PIM-SM can initiate a switch over from RPT to SPT,
therefore potentially improving the packet forwarding efficiency with a shorter route to the source.
Recommended where there are relatively small number of sources, with recipients sparsely
distributed on the network and bandwidth is constrained (e.g. over a WAN).
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Sparse-Dense Mode – provides support for operating in DM or SM on the same interface depending
on the mode the multicast group is configured for. If a group has a known RP, then SM is selected,
otherwise DM becomes operational. Interfaces must be configured in this mode when implementing
group-to-RP mapping (automated RP discovery for SM) via Auto-RP. This is because RP mapping
announcements are sent to all participating routers through dense mode flooding.
Bidirectional (bidir-PIM) – an extension to PIM-SM that addresses its limitations in scaling to large
numbers of sources. When multicast traffic is sent from the source, the first-hop leaf router doesn’t
send Register messages to the RP so that it can join the source-specific tree as in SM; instead, it just
forwards the multicast traffic upstream to the RP, through its RPF interface. In SM this action is not
allowed as the RPF check only allows packets to be forwarded downstream, not upstream. To
maintain a loop-free topology, a Designated Forwarder (DF) is elected on each segment to forward
multicast traffic received on the network to the RP of the bidirectional group. As a result, any
multicast traffic from any source is sent through the RP, loop-free, and with little overhead for
multiple sources and recipients
Boundary Design
There are main models for designing the boundary of the Access – Distribution block. Each method
optimizes for different requirements and has caveats as discussed in the following sections.
Layer 2 Distribution
In this model, the Layer 2 – Layer 3 boundary is placed at the distribution layer, as illustrated in the
figure below:
Figure 2-6 Layer 2 Distribution
The distribution switches are interconnected via a Layer 2 trunk. This topology is considered suboptimal
due to the additional complexity and reliance on STP to maintain a loop-free topology. If a failure occurs,
convergence times are relatively slower.
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In this topology it’s also important to ensure that the HSRP primary node and STP root bridge are defined
on the same switch so that as VLAN’s are load-balanced, the inter-distribution link is not used
consistently for transit traffic.
This topology is typically used when VLAN’s are spanned across access switches. Cisco recommends
that VLAN’s should not be spanned across switches whenever possible, particularly when a first-hop
router protocol such as HSRP is deployed. This topology could lead to asymmetric routing which can
cause unicast flooding whenever traffic is sent to a receiver and this is due to the difference in the aging
timers of the Content Addressable Memory (CAM) table and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).
Layer 3 Distribution
In this model, the Layer 2 – Layer 3 boundary is also placed at the distribution layer, but the
inter-distribution link is routed. The following figure illustrates this topology:
Figure 2-7 Layer 3 Distribution
VLAN’s do not span across switches, but as in the previous model, the STP root is aligned with the HSRP
primary. All links on the distributed switches are in the forwarding state with HSRP providing the
first-hop redundancy.
This topology is considered optimal and provides the highest availability. At the access layer, Layer 2
switches can be used which saves on cost. The inter-distribution link allows for route summarization
between the distribution switches.
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Layer 3 Access
In this model, the Layer 2 – Layer 3 boundary is established at the access switch level, as illustrated
Figure 2-8 Layer 2 Access
VLAN’s do not span the access switches. Since a routing protocol is required on the switches, first-hop
redundancy protocols like HSRP are not required. This design also supports equal-cost load balancing
on all Layer 3 switch links.
This design is considered optimal because it’s relatively easier to implement and achieves the fastest
sub-second convergence due to the routing protocol convergence algorithms. However, multilayer
switches will be required for all access switches, which can drive up cost and may be prohibited due to
the existing architecture.
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Virtual Switching System
As an alternative to installing two independent chassis at the distribution layer for the datacenter
network, the Virtual Switching System can be deployed.
VSS 1440 is a system virtualization technology that combines a pair of Catalyst 6500 switches, deployed
in the datacenter, into a single logical network segment, as shown in the comparative illustration below:
Figure 2-9 Virtual Switching System
The benefits of VSS are that the need for first-hop redundancy protocols, like Virtual Redundancy
Routing Protocol (VRRP) and Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP), is negated since the chassis-pair
are pooled and operate as a single network node. Only one IP address is required per VLAN.
Also, the need for Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP) is negated as port channels on uplinks connect to a
single device, forming a loop-free topology. Access switches can connect to and form a port channel
between two different distribution switches through the use of a multi-pathing technology – Multichassis
Etherchannel (MEC).
A caveat to note with VSS designs is the fact that they must be deployed in pairs; it’s not possible to add
a third switch to a VSS to increase availability.
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Network Video Considerations
There are various considerations to be taken into account when transporting video over an IP network.
This section examines compression techniques as well as factors that impact overall video stream
Video Compression
Video endpoints consume a large amount of raw data from the scene in their field of view. This raw data
in its present form is unsuitable for transport over the network and for storage by the Media Server due
to its large footprint, so therefore must be intelligently compressed before transmission to the receiver.
Compression refers to the reduction of redundant and irrelevant signal data in a video stream to lower
the network bandwidth and storage requirements.
Compression Algorithms
When compressing raw data, video codecs strive to strike a balance between intelligently reducing the
size of output data, while still maintaining image quality. There are three main algorithms or techniques
that are widely used for compression of video streams:
Chroma subsampling
This technique involves the reduction of color detail (chroma) in a video frame, in favor of variations in
its brightness (luma) levels. This approach takes advantage of the fact that the human eye is
comparatively less perceptive of subtle changes to color richness, in contrast to changes in the amount
of light in the image.
Depending on the field of view, this technique has the potential to achieve relatively modest reductions
in the average frame size.
Spatial compression
This technique involves the reduction of redundant data within a video frame, also referred to as
intra-frame coding. This technique leverages the property that pixels in a video frame are closely related
to their neighbors.
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Chapter 3 Network Video Considerations
Video Compression
Therefore, a reduction in the number of pixels within a frame that contain very similar data, has the
potential to result in an appreciable 20 – 70% reduction in average frame sizes, depending on the scene
in the field of view.
Temporal compression
This technique involves the reduction of redundant data between successive frames, also referred to as
inter-frame coding. This technique exploits the property that, in general, sequential frames in a group of
pictures (GOP) contain areas with redundant data quite similar to those in preceding frames.
With this algorithm, average frame sizes can potentially be drastically reduced by 50 – 80% in scenes
with little to no motion as only the portions of the scenes that have changed are transmitted in subsequent
frames. In scenes with medium to high complexity, the gains in compression are capped as more data
must be transmitted in subsequent frames to represent scene changes in the field of view.
Group of Pictures
A Group of Pictures (GOP) is a sequence of frames in an encoded video stream. There are three types
of video frames as illustrated in
Figure 3-1
Figure 3-1 Sequence of Frames in an Encoded Video Stream
Intra Frames
These frame types consist of a complete picture, representing the complete scene in a field of view. The
image is coded without reference to other frames in the GOP. They are also referred to as I-frames. Each
GOP structure starts with this frame type. The I-frame interval is typically not directly configurable –
the Media Server programmatically determines this value based on other stream options. I-frames are
used with both spatial and compression algorithms.
Predictive Frames
These frames are also referred to as P-frames. These frame types represent only the data within a field
of view that has changed. They are coded with reference to the preceding I-frame or P-frame in the GOP.
P-frames are used with temporal compression.
Bidirectional Predictive Frames
B-frames utilize either the previous and next I-frame or P-frame as reference points for motion
compensation. B-frames are not as commonly implemented in compression due to increased latency
associated with the compensation prediction, which can potentially be a drawback for real-time video
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 3 Network Video Considerations
Video Compression
Video Codecs
Raw video data is encoded into a video stream in order to allow for efficient network and system resource
utilization. At the receiver, the data needs to be decoded for consumption by video clients. This process
is implemented using codecs.
The following codecs are commonly used in VSM for camera configuration:
Motion JPEG
Motion JPEG (MJPEG) consists of a series of individual JPEG images. These images are coded as
individual I-frames therefore every frame that is produced by the codec is a complete reference frame
that is representative of the field of view.
Figure 3-2 illustrates a typical MJPEG stream profile:
Figure 3-2 Typical MJPEG Stream Profile
The main advantage with this encoded format is that it provides a measure of robustness in stream
delivery. Any occurrence of packet loss in the network flow does not adversely affect subsequent frames,
since each frame is a complete image. In other words, if a frame is lost, the next frame clears up any
residual effects from the previous image (e.g. a frozen image on screen), since it has no missing
The main drawback with MJPEG is that it has higher bandwidth and storage requirements. Average
frame sizes are relatively large due to the fact that it uses spatial compression that realizes fairly modest
compression ratios within frames.
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Chapter 3 Network Video Considerations
Video Compression
Video data encoded in this MPEG-4 (strictly MPEG-4 Part 2) format is composed of both I-frames and
P-frames in its GOP structure. Since this format uses temporal compression, in general bandwidth and
storage utilization is much lower than MJPEG, although this is also dependent on the amount of motion
occurring in the scene.
This encoding format, also referred to as MPEG-4 Part 10 or AVC, is based on the MPEG-4 standard but
achieves much higher predictive compression ratios when compared to both MJPEG (up to 80%) and
MPEG-4 Part 2 (up to 50%). This format delivers high compression at high bit rates, while resulting in
higher quality streams. This codec uses temporal compression.
Figure 3-3 illustrates a typical H.264 stream profile, showing I-frames and P-frames:
Figure 3-3 Typical H.264 Stream Profile
Note The relative bandwidth and storage efficiencies are largely dependent on the scene complexity – high
complexity scenes result in very modest to no resource efficiencies when compared to MJPEG encoded
data under similar conditions, because each frame (I-frames and P-frames) will be coded essentially as
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 3 Network Video Considerations
Video Compression
complete frames in order to represent the scene changes in the field of view. However, where these
conditions are not sustained over long periods of time, H.264 turns out to be far superior as an encoding
The main drawback with H.264 is the higher hardware (GPU, CPU, memory) and software (DirectX and
other software components) resource requirements to perform the encoding and decoding operations.
This is especially pronounced at the client endpoint, as it will impact the total number of H.264 streams
that can be rendered at any point in time.
Stream Quality
The perception of the quality of a stream to end users is affected by various factors as outlined below:
Stream resolution describes the total number of pixels in each horizontal and vertical (x/y) dimension.
The following table defines some of the most common resolutions in use today:
Ta b l e 3-1 Common Stream Resolutions
Format Resolution
Analog QCIF 176 x 120
CIF 352 x 240
4CIF 704 x 480
D1/480p 720 x 480
HDTV 720p 1280 x 720 (0.9 MP)
1080p 1920 x 1080 (2.1 MP)
Digital VGA 640 x 480
SXGA 1280 x 1024 (1.3 MP)
EXGA 1400 x 1050 (1.5 MP)
UXGA 1600 x 1200 (1.9 MP)
WUXGA 1920 x 1200 (2.3 MP)
QSXGA 2560 x 2048 (5.2 MP)
The stream resolution directly influences the data-carrying capacity of each frame – the higher the
resolution, the larger the amount of video data that can be encoded and transmitted resulting in a “richer”
and sharper image quality. For example, 1080p resolution has six times as many pixels per frame as
compared to D1 resolution.
Consequently, higher resolutions are typically paired with higher bitrate settings in a stream profile in
order to allow the codec to produce compressed data at a rate that maintains the same perceived quality
as at lower profiles. The corollary is that if comparatively low bitrate settings are used with high
resolutions, the image may appear to be of lower quality (e.g. grainy or blurry), since the codec cannot
not produce enough data to be represented by all available pixels as required to maintain the same
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 3 Network Video Considerations
Video Compression
Processing of streams at higher resolutions is resource intensive thus imposes higher hardware
requirements particularly at the client since there is more pixel data to process per frame per unit time.
Therefore, in order to perform near real-time processing, higher-end GPU, CPU and memory is required.
Lower stream resolutions conversely have lower infrastructure resource requirements but also typically
result in relatively lower quality images. The choice of resolution will largely depend on the respective
use case.
Bit Rate
The stream bitrate describes the data transfer rate produced by a codec for transmission to receivers. A
stream profile can be defined with either of the modes below:
Variable Bit Rate (VBR) mode – the data transfer rate is automatically varied by the codec to match
a desired image quality. The image quality is defined by the quantization level. In a complex scene,
the amount of data required to fully represent the field of view is typically higher than in less
complex scenes where there’s little to no motion activity present.
Constant Bit Rate (CBR) mode – the image quality is varied to match the target data transfer rate.
In this case the data transfer rate is fixed so the encoder has to produce sufficient data to match the
mean target rate, typically with a small standard deviation. With CBR, on average the same amount
of data is produced always.
VBR is generally used in instances where image quality is fixed and is desired to be maintained at that
level regardless of the scene complexity. CBR is generally used in instances where determinism in the
bandwidth utilization of video streams on the network is desired.
Frame Rate
The frame rate refers to the number of individual encoded video frames transmitted per unit time.
As a primary function, the frame rate directly influences the visual perception of continuous motion in
a scene (i.e. the smoothness) as observed by the end user. High frame rates (generally above 25 fps)
produce the best perception of smooth video, while low frame rates (generally below 5 fps) cause the
eye to perceive the apparent discontinuity in the rendering of the image stream.
In addition, the frame rate of a video stream indirectly influences its network bandwidth utilization.
When VBR mode is selected, the bit rate is automatically adjusted to match a desired quality or
quantization level, which results in the respective variation in frame rate and average frame size as the
amount of encoded data increases or decreases based on the scene complexity.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 3 Network Video Considerations
Video Compression
In CBR mode, the frame rate does impact bandwidth but to a smaller extent than in VBR mode.
Increasing the frame rate may result in an increase in data transferred but does not exceed the target
bitrate. In
Figure 3-4 of an H.264 stream at 768 Kbps CBR, reducing the frame rate by 80% from 30fps
to 5fps, only resulted in a 30% drop in bandwidth, all else remaining constant.
Figure 3-4 H.264 Frame Rate Reduction Example
However, higher frame rates will also impose additional processing overhead due to the increased
number of frames in the same time period at the client endpoint. Therefore, when choosing stream frame
rates, pay close attention to the client compute resources available to ensure an appropriate viewing
experience is achieved for the environment.
Quantization Factor
The quantization level defines the compression level used by a codec to convert raw video data into an
encoded format. Typically, the reference scale varies by manufacturer e.g. 1-10, 0-100,
low/medium/high, etc. Lowering the quantization level on the respective reference scale increases the
compression level and lowers the image quality.
Lowering the image quality is appropriate in situations where bandwidth or storage resources are
limited, and the need for high quality images is not a top priority for users in the environment.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 3 Network Video Considerations
Video Compression
Figure 3-5 shows two stream profiles from the same camera, both H.264 15fps VBR, with different
quantization settings – “low” and “very high”:
Figure 3-5 Quantization Settings For Two Stream Profiles
Since the quantization level lets one set the desired image quality level, it is only directly configurable
when VBR mode is used. When CBR mode is used, the quantization level is varied automatically by the
codec compression algorithm in order to match the target bit rate. Therefore, the direct programmability
of quantization and CBR mode are mutually exclusive.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Media Flow Considerations
A media flow refers to the session that is established for media delivery between a source host producing
the video and a destination host receiving the video, using an agreed-upon transport protocol and
communicating between two established ports.
This chapter examines these data flows, protocols mechanics and the interaction between the servers and
endpoints on the network
Data Flow
Once a stream profile, based on options such as resolution, bitrate, frame rate, quality, etc., has been
established, the media server can initiate the stream request for video endpoints that are in the “Enabled”
state. The media server logs into the video endpoint device and applies the configuration settings, and
once completed successfully, the requested video data begins streaming to the server.
Figure 4-1 illustrates the high-level:
Figure 4-1 Media Server Data Flow and Components
All device management and streaming operations from particular camera endpoints are managed by
unique umsdevice processes on the server. The video stream from the endpoint is then made available to
internal processes that consume this data – such as the recording process, analytics or can be
immediately served out live to client endpoints through the MediaOut subsystem.
Each client request for streaming of live or recorded video is managed by a MediaOut process on the
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 4 Media Flow Considerations
Data Flow
When a client requests to view a particular stream, the server establishes the session to the client
endpoint and delivers the stream as it is available.
Figure 4-2 illustrates the data flow sequence:
Figure 4-2 Data Flow Sequence
Step 1 The end user will first be required to successfully authenticate their log-in credentials with the
Operations Manager (OM) server, using the web or desktop client application.
Step 2 Following a successful login-in, the client application retrieves and displays the list of configured
cameras in the OM database that the user is authorized to access.
Step 3 When a particular stream is selected for viewing by the end user, the OM server identifies the host Media
Server (MS) that manages the requested endpoint device and redirects the client to establish the media
session directly with that MS.
Step 4 Once established, if the camera is in a streaming state or the recording is available, the live or recorded
media stream is served to the client application.
Note The connection between the server and camera endpoint is always streaming, unless the stream is
optimized through the use of the economical streaming feature that only streams live from the video
endpoint when requested by client endpoints.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 4 Media Flow Considerations
Media Transport Protocols
Media Transport Protocols
IP video surveillance traffic is delivered from sources to receivers using a set of standards-based
protocols that govern the initialization, transfer and teardown of media flows on the network. This
section describes these protocol mechanics.
Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)
RTSP is an session-layer protocol that is used to control the delivery of real-time streaming audio and
video content over IP networks. RTSP is typically implemented over TCP, listening on the well-known
port 554. Video payload does not actually use RTSP for delivery; rather, Real-Time Protocol (RTP) is
used for this purpose.
RTSP maintains state between clients and servers when media sessions are active in order to correlate
RTSP requests with a video stream. The simplified finite-state machine is illustrated in
Figure 4-3:
Figure 4-3 Simplified Finite-state Machine
The RTSP state machine uses the following main protocol directives to control the multimedia session:
After establishing the TCP connection to the server on port 554, the client issues an OPTIONS command
to request the list of supported options. The server then responds with a list of all the options that it
supports e.g. DESCRIBE, SETUP, TEARDOWN, etc.
The client issues a DESCRIBE command to notify the server the URL of the media file that it’s
Figure 4-4 illustrates the request made from the VSM server (acting as the RTSP client) to a
Cisco 2611 IP camera:
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 4 Media Flow Considerations
Media Transport Protocols
Figure 4-4 DESCRIBE Command
The IP camera then responds with a description of the stream, as shown in Figure 4-5:
Figure 4-5 Stream Description
The parameters of the stream are defined in Session Description Protocol (SDP) format (Figure 4-6):
Figure 4-6 Stream Parameters
The client issues a SETUP command to indicate to the server the transport mechanisms to be used for
the session.
Figure 4-7 illustrates the client request:
Figure 4-7 Client Request
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 4 Media Flow Considerations
Media Transport Protocols
In this example, for media delivery the VSM server will use UDP port 16102 for RTP and 16103 for
RTCP. The IP camera then responds, acknowledging the client’s port assignment and indicating its own
(5002 and 5003, respectively) as well as a session ID, as illustrated in
Figure 4-8:
Figure 4-8 IP Camera Response
Once the client is ready to begin receiving video data, it issues a PLAY request to the server (Figure 4-9):
Figure 4-9 PLAY Request
If a client wants to momentarily stop the delivery of video traffic, the PAUSE request can be issued. This
directive has the effect of stopping the media stream without freeing server resources. Once the PLAY
command is re-issued, the stream resumes the data flow.
If a client wants to permanently stop receiving video traffic, the TEARDOWN request is issued
Figure 4-10):
Figure 4-10 TEARDOWN Request
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 4 Media Flow Considerations
Media Transport Protocols
Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP)
RTP is a transport-layer protocol that defines the set of conventions used to provide end-to-end network
transport capabilities for transmission of real-time data, such as voice and video. RTP utilizes either
UDP or TCP for transporting video data across the network.
RTP always selects even ports at the transport layer for both servers and clients. As described in the
previous section, during set up of the RTSP session the client first indicates its destination ports for
receiving video and then the server acknowledges and responds with the UDP ports that it will be using
to send the RTP data. Note that all RTP traffic is unidirectional – from source to receiver only.
The RTP packet contains three important fields:
Timestamp – used for ordering of incoming video packets for correct timing during playback
Sequence number – used to uniquely identify each packet in a flow for packet loss detection
Source Synchronization – used to uniquely identify the source of a media stream
Figure 4-11 illustrates the composition of the RTP packet:
Figure 4-11 RTP Packet
Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP)
RTCP is a protocol used in conjunction with RTP for reporting on stream-quality information to the
server. RTCP is bidirectional and uses UDP as the transport protocol.
RTCP always selects an odd-numbered port, and is always one port higher than the UDP port used for
RTP. In general, RTCP accounts for less than 5% of stream traffic.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 4 Media Flow Considerations
Flow Characterization
Flow Characterization
RTP media flows could either use UDP or TCP as the transport protocol of choice. This section describes
the considerations for both approaches.
Video Endpoint-to-Media Server Flow
Media delivery between video endpoints and the media server by RTP could either be accomplished
using UDP or TCP as the transport protocol.
It is important to note that the availability either or both protocols for use when defining the stream
profile in the media server is entirely dependent on the capabilities of the camera driver built for a
particular device model. These capabilities are in turn influenced by the API provided by the device
manufacturer. Therefore, the sockets used for session establishment and media streaming are device
The following sections examine the protocol mechanics of both methods, as well as techniques for
determining sockets that are being used by the VSM server to connect to IP video and client endpoints.
RTP over UDP
When a camera is configured in VSM to stream over UDP, the traffic patterns illustrated inFigure 4-12
are initiated:
Figure 4-12 UDP Traffic Patterns
The management plane is a logical path in the network communication architecture that handles all
device management traffic between the endpoints and the VSM server, and between VSM servers. In
addition, this plane coordinates the function of the other planes. Traffic is transferred and encrypted over
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 4 Media Flow Considerations
Flow Characterization
Secure HTTP. The Openwire protocol is used by the ActiveMQ broker for real-time messaging between
VSM servers and between VSM servers and the SASD client. Stomp protocol is a simpler, lightweight
alternative to Openwire and is used between the VSOM server and the web client.
At the control plane, RTSP is used to provide signalling for the media streams. RTSP is implemented at
the segments between both endpoints. The source port at the sender is always TCP 554; the destination
port on the VSM server and at the client endpoint is negotiated during the TCP connection establishment
At the data plane, the source and destination ports are both negotiated during the RTSP SETUP process.
The source ranges are defined and are configurable at the video endpoint web interface and at the media
server console, respectively. The media server UDP destination port range is statically defined to be in
the 16000 – 19999 range and is not configurable. Note that since RTP always transmits on even ports, at
any point in time an implied maximum of 2000 camera streams can be supported per media server.
However, this value is beyond the supported threshold at the time of this writing (250 Mbps stream IO).
Consult the current datasheets for up to date information on configuration maximums.
The implication of streaming RTP over UDP is that if the video traffic needs to traverse a firewall, all
ports in the range must be allowed for all video endpoints if the flow is in the outside-to-inside direction.
If the flow is inside-to-outside, a stateful firewall can be used to allow back returning control and
management traffic to the endpoint.
Client endpoints behind a firewall pose an even greater challenge since the UDP ports are assigned
dynamically so it’s difficult to determine which ports to open. In such a case, it would be recommended
to create a VPN tunnel to exchange traffic between the VSM’s server network and the client endpoint.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 4 Media Flow Considerations
Flow Characterization
The packet capture in Figure 4-13 illustrates the session establishment and video streaming over UDP:
Figure 4-13 UDP Session Establishment and Video Streaming
In the figure above, the VSM server ( logs into the camera ( over a HTTPS
(TCP/443) connection and completes the handshake. The stream negotiation process over RTSP
(TCP/554) is initiated and then subsequently RTP streaming is initiated over UDP/16102 on the Media
Server and UDP/5002 on the video endpoint.
In order to find out which ports have been opened for a particular camera stream on the Media Server,
first obtain the associated process ID and then retrieve the open sockets a shown below (note: applies to
VSM 7.x releases):
media-server:~# lsof –c umsdevice –[email protected] –a | awk ‘{print $2}’
media-server:~# lsof –p 24160 –i –a –n –P
umsdevice 24160 nobody 13u IPv4 44305817 TCP>
umsdevice 24160 nobody 14u IPv4 44305818 UDP *:16102
umsdevice 24160 nobody 15u IPv4 44305819 UDP *:16103
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 4 Media Flow Considerations
Flow Characterization
RTP over TCP
When a camera is configured in VSM to stream over TCP, the traffic patterns illustrated in Figure 4-14
are initiated:
Figure 4-14 TCP Streaming Traffic Patterns
The management and control plane are identical when transporting data over UDP and TCP.
At the data plane, RTP is interleaved onto the existing RTSP connection, which means that the RTP
stream is encapsulated and now transmitted over the same TCP connection that is being used for RTSP.
As a result, only one port is utilized to transport all media flows. This property is useful in environments
where the media flow needs to traverse a firewall – only one deterministic port is required to be opened
for the RTP traffic to go through. The server also interleaves RTCP messages over the TCP connection.
Interleaving is enabled whenever a camera stream is configured for TCP. Cisco recommends that the
TCP option should only be used in the case where firewalls exist in the end-to-end path between servers
and endpoints; in all other instances, UDP should be used to allow for faster delivery of real-time video
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 4 Media Flow Considerations
Flow Characterization
The following packet capture illustrates the session establishment and video streaming over TCP
Figure 4-15):
Figure 4-15 TCP Session Establishment and Video Streaming
The figure above (Figure 4-15) shows the connection establishment to the IP camera, this time over
HTTP (TCP/80). The RTSP (TCP/554) connection is established and the RTP video stream is interleaved
over the same RTSP connection; that is, over TCP 554.
Note that in some instances, some camera models may establish the management and data plane over
HTTP as opposed to over RTSP. In effect, the video stream is transmitted over TCP/80. In particular, this
behavior is true for Cisco 29xx series cameras, as illustrated in the output below of a Cisco 2911 PTZ
camera with IP
media-server:~ # lsof [email protected] -n -P
umsdevice 24160 nobody 9u IPv4 44302980 UDP>
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 4 Media Flow Considerations
Flow Characterization
umsdevice 24160 nobody 11u IPv4 44304849 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Media Server-to-Client Endpoint Flow
Media delivery between the media server and the client endpoint, regardless of the connectivity profile
between the video endpoint and media server, is accomplished by interleaving the RTP stream over the
RTSP session on TCP/554. Consequently, for each client connection to the server, a single media stream
session is initiated.
Figure 4-16 illustrates the flow pattern:
Figure 4-16 Media Server-to-Client Flow Pattern
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 4 Media Flow Considerations
Flow Characterization
Figure 4-17 illustrates the protocol mechanics in session establishment between the client and the server:
Figure 4-17 Media Server-to-Client Session Establishment
The first three packets illustrate the TCP three-way handshake, then RTSP protocol messages describing
and establishing connectivity. Note that once the stream starts flowing after the PLAY command, the
dynamic RTP connection is streamed over the RTSP port TCP/554 on the server to the client at
All outbound streaming from the media server is handled by the MediaOut subsystem. To examine which
ports have been opened for a particular streaming request from the client to the server, the following
commands can be executed:
media-server:~ # lsof -c MediaOut -i -a -n -P | grep EST
MediaOut 23519 root 7u IPv4 44957697 TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 4 Media Flow Considerations
Flow Characterization
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Network Services Considerations
In designing the IP Video Surveillance network, there are various essential IP services that are integral
in supporting the solution. These services are described below:
Network Time Protocol, page 5-1
Dynamic Host Control Protocol, page 5-2
Simple Network Management Protocol, page 5-5
Network Time Protocol
NTP is an internet standard protocol that is used to synchronize time on network machines to a defined
authoritative reference clock. Clock sources are organized in a hierarchical system of levels, where each
level is referred to as a stratum. The stratum number determines how many NTP hops the machine is
away from the authoritative time source.
Time synchronization is very important in an IP Video Surveillance environment because activities such
as recording, grooming, event correlation and troubleshooting are dependent on having correct time
across all participating servers and endpoints.
Among nodes on the network, time synchronization is also important in validating that predetermined
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for the solution are being met. Without correct time synchronization,
network latency and jitter cannot be accurately determined.
Cisco recommends that all client endpoints, video endpoints, network nodes, media servers and
operations manager servers be configured to synchronize to a common NTP master server.
The NTP master could be configured on a Layer 3 IOS device on the network that is used for
management, or on an external time server that is reachable by all devices in the subnetwork.
Layer 3 IOS devices can be configured to act as an NTP master as follows:
! Set the time zone information in global configuration mode
clock timezone PST -8
clock summer-time PDT recurring
! Set the hardware calendar configuration
clock calendar-valid
ntp update-calendar
! Ensure the correct time is set in privilege exec mode
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 5 Network Services Considerations
Dynamic Host Control Protocol
sh clock
! If not, then set the clock time, for example to 1:35pm 10
October 2012
clock set 13:35:00 10 OCT 2012
! Define the master time server
ntp master
! Set the interface from which NTP packets are sourced to the loopback address; note
! the loopback address needs to have been previously defined
ntp source loopback0
NTP authentication can also be configured but one would need to ensure that all devices that will
synchronize to this time server can support authentication, otherwise the synchronization will fail.
It is also important to take into account that if the current system time on a device that is not
synchronized differs significantly from the time server, NTP synchronization will not succeed. As a
precaution, it is advisable to manually set the system time on the client device, and then enable NTP
Dynamic Host Control Protocol
DHCP is an internet protocol that provides a framework for the automatic assignment of reusable IP
addresses, as well as passing other network configuration attributes, to a client on a network. For the IP
Video Surveillance solution, these additional attributes include:
Default gateway address
DNS server address(es)
VSM media server address(es)
DHCP is important in the IP Video Surveillance environment because it cuts down deployment times for
IP video endpoints. Instead of having to manually configure each camera with required IP parameters,
they are automatically discovered and assigned.
The Medianet architecture, implemented in IP video endpoints through the embedded Media Services
Interface (MSI), allows for discovery of preconfigured media servers on the network for subsequent
auto-registration to VSM. The list of media servers is supplied to the IP video client through the DHCP
option 125.
As previously discussed, Cisco recommends the use of local VLAN’s as opposed to spanning VLAN’s
across the network domain. For ease of management, most organizations typically configure one DHCP
server to service multiple subnets. Since initial DHCP messages are broadcast on the subnet, and Layer
3 devices do not forward broadcasts as they form the boundary of the broadcast domain, DHCP relay
agents will need to be configured in order to forward the messages to the DHCP server on a different
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 5 Network Services Considerations
Dynamic Host Control Protocol
The following illustration shows the sequence of events when a DHCP client connects to the network:
Figure 5-1 DHCP Client Connection
1. The video endpoint sends a DHCPDISCOVER message as a broadcast to all subnets (source IP, destination IP on UDP/67 (BootP server) to try reach a DHCP server on
the network
2. The Layer 3 device that acts as the DHCP relay agent (in this case a distribution node) intercepts the
broadcast message and generates a new unicast DHCP message, inserting the IP address of the
interface on which the relay agent is configured in the gateway address (giaddr) field of the DHCP
packet, and then forwards the request to the designated DHCP server on the network
3. Upon receiving the request, the DHCP server takes note of the giaddress field and examines the
configured DHCP pools to determine which subnet to allocate IP addresses from. The server then
responds with a DHCPOFFER as a UDP/67 packet that contains the configuration parameters, or
options. These options include:
a. IP address (Option 50)
b. Subnet mask (Option 1)
c. Default gateway (Option 3)
d. Lease duration (Option 51)
e. DNS server (Option 6)
f. Vendor-identifying vendor-specific (Option 125)
4. The DHCP relay agent receives the offer and forwards it to the DHCP client as a unicast message
on UDP/68. The DHCPOFFER is not a guarantee that the specified address will be allocated, but
the server will typically reserve the assignment until the client responds
5. Upon receiving the DHCPOFFER, the IP video endpoint sends a formal request for the offered
address in a DHCPREQUEST message. This is a broadcast request to notify any other DHCP servers
that received the initial DHCPDISCOVER message and may have responded so that they can
reclaim their assigned offers.
6. Finally the DHCP server upon receiving the formal request, allocates the IP address and sends a
DHCPACK message back to the client
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 5 Network Services Considerations
Dynamic Host Control Protocol
The DHCP relay agent can be configured as shown below:
! Configure a device as a relay agent to forward DHCP messages to the
DHCP server
interface vlan42
ip address
ip helper-address
The IOS DHCP server can be configured as shown below:
! In global configuration mode, exclude the IP address of the default router
! and any other static hosts, then configure the address pools
! If multiple address ranges will be required, configure a top-level pool
! from which common attributes will be inherited
! The IP address of the media server can also be passed in Option 125
! Option is in hex format: 0000.0009.0b14.0901.<vsm-ip-in-hex>.0050.0001
! In this example, the VSM server’s IP is 0a64.1516 (
ip excluded-address
ip dhcp pool 0
ip dhcp pool 1
option 125 hex 0000.0009.0b14.0901.0a64.1516.0050.0001
The following is sample output of the DHCP packet and event exchange between an IP camera and IOS
DHCP server:
17w1d: DHCPD: DHCPDISCOVER received from client 0100.22bd.dc78.19 on interface
17w1d: DHCPD: using received relay info.
17w1d: DHCPD: Sending notification of DISCOVER:
17w1d: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 0022.bddc.7819
17w1d: DHCPD: interface = Vlan101
17w1d: DHCPD: class id 436973636f2049502043616d657261
17w1d: DHCPD: out_vlan_id 0
17w1d: DHCPD: DHCPOFFER notify setup address mask
17w1d: DHCPD: Sending DHCPOFFER to client 0100.22bd.dc78.19 (
17w1d: DHCPD: no option 125
17w1d: DHCPD: Check for IPe on Vlan101
17w1d: DHCPD: creating ARP entry (, 0022.bddc.7819).
17w1d: DHCPD: unicasting BOOTREPLY to client 0022.bddc.7819 (
17w1d: DHCPD: Reload workspace interface Vlan101 tableid 0.
17w1d: DHCPD: tableid for on Vlan101 is 0
17w1d: DHCPD: client's VPN is.
17w1d: DHCPD: DHCPREQUEST received from client 0100.22bd.dc78.19.
17w1d: DHCPD: Sending notification of ASSIGNMENT:
17w1d: DHCPD: address mask
17w1d: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 0022.bddc.7819
17w1d: DHCPD: lease time remaining (secs) = 604800
17w1d: DHCPD: interface = Vlan101
17w1d: DHCPD: out_vlan_id 0
17w1d: DHCPD: Sending DHCPACK to client 0100.22bd.dc78.19 (
17w1d: DHCPD: no option 125
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 5 Network Services Considerations
Simple Network Management Protocol
17w1d: DHCPD: Check for IPe on Vlan101
17w1d: DHCPD: creating ARP entry (, 0022.bddc.7819).
17w1d: DHCPD: unicasting BOOTREPLY to client 0022.bddc.7819 (
17w1d: DHCPD: Reload workspace interface Vlan101 tableid 0.
17w1d: DHCPD: tableid for on Vlan101 is 0
17w1d: DHCPD: client's VPN is.
17w1d: DHCPD: DHCPINFORM received from client 0022.bddc.7819 (
17w1d: DHCPD: Sending DHCPACK to client 0022.bddc.7819 (
17w1d: DHCPD: option 125 already at end
17w1d: DHCPD: unicasting BOOTREPLY to client 0022.bddc.7819 (
Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMP is an application-layer protocol used for controlling and managing devices in a client-server
architecture on an IP network. The SNMP framework consists of the following components:
SNMP manager – the network management system (NMS) that monitors and controls the activities
of the network host using GET/SET operations and by use of notifications received from the
managed device
SNMP agent – the software component on the managed device that maintains and reports device
information to the NMS
Management Information Base (MIB) – the virtual information storage area for network
management information consisting of collections of managed objects and related objects (modules)
The SNMP agent can generate unsolicited notifications to alert the NMS of device status and activities.
There are two types of notifications:
Informs – alert messages sent reliably, that is, requiring an acknowledgement from the NMS of
Traps – alert messages sent to the NMS but do not expect any acknowledgements. Less reliable than
informs but do not consume as much device resources.
We recommend configuring VSM server and IP camera endpoints to send traps to an NMS on the
network to provide higher visibility into device and network conditions for fault, administrative and
performance management. The VSM server only provides support for sending SNMPv2c traps. Most
Cisco IP cameras support both SNMPv2c and SNMPv3.
Network devices along the network path should also be configured for SNMP since they form an integral
part of the IP Video Surveillance solution. If the health of any of the network nodes along the path is
negatively affected, the quality of experience could be degraded.
Cisco IOS devices can be configured as SNMP agents as shown below:
! Traps will be sent to the NMS as
! with the set community strings
snmp-server host traps version 2c public
snmp-server community public RO
snmp-server community cisco RW
snmp-server ifindex persist
snmp-server enable traps
Note that Cisco IP cameras by default use a read-only community string of “public”, while Cisco VSM
servers use a read-only community string of “broadware-snmp” in VSM 6.x and 7.0 versions. This in
effect means that MIB variables cannot the changed using GET/SET operations.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 5 Network Services Considerations
Simple Network Management Protocol
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Quality of Service Considerations
Quality of Service (QoS) refers to the ability of the network to provide special or preferential service to
a set of users or applications or both to the detriment of other users or applications or both. Proper design
of QoS in an IP Video Surveillance environment is crucial as video transport places unique demands on
the network infrastructure to ensure that it is usable, reliable and available to media servers and
The following sections describe the various considerations to take into account when designing to
provision QoS on the network.
QoS Processing
QoS processing of packets follows a specific set of steps, in an orderly fashion. The QoS tools available,
depends on the direction of the traffic flow.
On ingress on an interface:
Classification – the packet is inspected to determine the QoS label to apply based on the matching
criteria defined, for example ACL, NBAR.
Policing – the traffic rate is compared with the configured policer to determine whether the packets
conform or exceed the defined profile
Marking – the packets are marked with a defined descriptor, based on whether policing is configured
and whether the packet is deemed conformant or non-conformant
Queuing and scheduling – based on the QoS label, the packet is placed into one of the ingress
queues, and the queue is serviced based on the configured weights
On egress on an interface:
Queuing and scheduling – this is the only set of QoS tools and actions available on egress interfaces.
Classification and Marking
In order to provide preferential treatment for any traffic types through a switch, the interesting traffic
must first be classified and marked.
Traffic can be classified based on the following descriptors:
Destination MAC addresses
Source and destination IP addresses
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 6 Quality of Service Considerations
Classification and Marking
Network-based Application Recognition (NBAR) – matches a wide range of network protocols,
including stateful protocols, peer-to-peer applications, and hosts, URLs, or MIME types for HTTP
requests, by carrying out deep packet inspection
IP Precedence (IPP) – the high-order 3 bits in the IP Type of Service field
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) – the 6-bit (high-order 6 bits) in the Differentiated
Services (DS) field that replaced the ToS byte
Class of Service (802.1p) – the 3 high-order bits of the Tag Control field when 802.1q trunking is
used, and the 3 low-order bits of the User field when ISL is in use.
Traffic can be marked based on the following descriptors:
IP Precedence
QoS group ID
ATM C L P b i t
FR DE bit
To facilitate end-to-end QoS for any given packet, the IETF defined the IntServ and DiffServ models.
The IntServ model relies on Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) to signal and reserve the desired
QoS per network flow. A flow is defined as an individual, unidirectional data stream between two
applications, uniquely identified by the five-tuple: source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port,
transport protocol. However, per-flow QoS is difficult to achieve in an end-to-end network without
requiring introduction of significant complexity, in addition to scalability issues.
DiffServ, on the other hand, provides for grouping of network flows into aggregates (traffic classes), then
applying appropriate QoS for each aggregate. With this approach, the need for signaling is negated;
complexity is reduced and thus provides for a highly-scalable, end-to-end QoS solution.
As noted above, the DS field can be used for both traffic classification and marking. Each DSCP value
(codepoint) is expected to cause nodes (network devices) along an IP packet’s path to apply a specific
QoS treatment and forwarding behavior, i.e. Per-Hop Behavior (PHB), to the traffic. Packets traveling
in the same direction, with the same DSCP values assigned, are referred to as a Behavior Aggregate
(BA). Nodes that are DS-compliant must conform and implement the specifications of the PHB.
There are four defined PHB’s in the DiffServ model:
Default PHB – defines the codepoint ‘000000’ and provides ‘Best Effort’ service from a
DS-compliant node
Class Selector (CS) PHB – defines codepoints in the form ‘xyz000’ corresponding to the classes
CS0 (000000 or 0) – CS7 (111000 or 57); higher classes provide increasingly better service
treatment. Also provides backward compatibility with IP Precedence.
Assured Forwarding (AF) PHB – provides four traffic queues with bandwidth reservations.
Codepoints are defined in the form ‘xyzab0’ where ‘xyz’ is 001/010/011/100, and ‘ab’ is either 1 or
0 and corresponds to the drop probability
Expedited Forwarding (EF) PHB – provides for low-loss, low-latency, and guaranteed, but policed,
bandwidth service treatment of traffic. Recommended DSCP value is ‘101110’ or 46.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 6 Quality of Service Considerations
Classification and Marking
We recommend marking IP video packets with DSCP values, not CoS for two main reasons:
DSCP values are persistent end-to-end. Since CoS markings reside in the Layer 2 headers, they are
only preserved in the LAN; when a layer-3 device is encountered, the LAN header is discarded and
so this marking is lost
DSCP offers more granular and scalable marking with up to 64 classes of traffic; CoS only allows
for 8 traffic classes
Cisco recommends marking all traffic from IP video endpoints with DSCP 40 (which corresponds to
CS5) since a disproportionate amount of the traffic composition (video, voice and signaling), is video
traffic. However, users can also elect to differentiate these three traffic types through the use of
Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR) protocol discovery.
When using NBAR, we recommend marking interactive voice bearer traffic (VoIP) with DSCP 46 (which
corresponds to EF) and any signaling traffic (e.g. RTSP, SIP, and H.323) should be marked with DSCP
24 (which corresponds to CS3). Note that if any video streams are using RTSP interleaving, then RTSP
streams should be marked with CS5.
IP Video Surveillance traffic can be classified and marked as shown below:
! Identify “interesting traffic” based on source IP and use to classify traffic from
! Set the DSCP marking and apply the policy outbound on the ingress interface
mls qos
ip access-list standard ACL-IPVS
permit any
class-map match-all CMAP-IPVS
match access-group ACL-IPVS
policy-map PMAP-IPVS
set dscp cs5
interface gig0/0
service-policy input PMAP-IPVS
The access-list for identifying video traffic could be configured more restrictively, such as matching the
camera subnet, or security could be enforced by applying the service policy to the ingress interface along
with a smart-port macro that uses device identification mechanisms, such as CDP to identify camera
For Catalyst 2960, 2970, 3560 and 3750 devices, switching is handled in hardware and since QoS tools
are software based, the command
show policy-map interface gig0/0 does not show any hits on matched packets.
To gauge whether QoS marking is working correctly, the command
show mls qos interface g0/0 statistics should
be issued on the egress interface to the upstream device.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 6 Quality of Service Considerations
Congestion Management and Avoidance
Congestion Management and Avoidance
Congestion occurs when the rate of ingress traffic exceeds that of egress traffic. This congestion may be
due to a speed mismatch (traffic incoming on a higher-speed interface exits on a lower-speed interface)
or an aggregation issue (traffic incoming on multiple interfaces aggregated on a single egress interface).
While these two concepts are related, each serves different purposes. Congestion management involves
the use of interface queues to regulate the flow of packets out an interface through scheduling to prevent
congestion; congestion avoidance involves identification and early dropping of traffic (i.e. tail drop) in
the queue to prevent the queue from filling up.
Each network interface consists of two queues:
Software queue – are associated with physical interfaces and created by software queuing tools (e.g.
CBWFQ) that implement various algorithms for scheduling and de-queuing packets
Hardware queue – exists on the hardware NIC and implements strict First-In-First-Out (FIFO)
scheduling and also provide configurable queue lengths. Also referred to as transmit queue (Tx
queue) or transmit ring (Tx ring).
Cisco IOS provides congestion management and avoidance tools for both routers and switches as
discussed below.
There are three main queuing disciplines available on IOS routers:
First-In-First-Out (FIFO) – provides a single queue with no scheduling or dropping algorithm,
which can have adverse effects such as bandwidth starvation. The only configurable option is the
queue length. It’s the default queuing discipline on interfaces 2.048Mbps and higher (inversely
proportional to decreasing congestion probability), and also on the hardware queue.
Class-based Weighted Fair Queuing (CBWFQ) – defines traffic classes to be assigned to each queue
with minimum bandwidth guarantees provided to prevent starvation. Up to 64 classes, and therefore
64 queues, can be defined in addition to the default ‘class-default’ queue that has no bandwidth
reservation; it uses any remaining bandwidth. By default, 75% of the total interface bandwidth can
be reserved by the various queues – it is not recommended to change this value.
Low-latency Queuing (LLQ) – similar to CBWFQ but provides low-delay guarantees as well to
certain traffic types (e.g. VoIP) through the use of a strict priority queue. That is, it provides a
minimum bandwidth but does not exceed that if there’s congestion (policing) – priority traffic will
be dropped. LLQ’s can also have multiple priority queues, policed at different rates for different
traffic types.
So after routing decisions have been made on a router and there is no congestion on the egress interface
to the next-hop, the packet is placed directly on the hardware queue and immediately exits the interface.
However, if there is congestion, the packet is placed in the classified into a software queue based on its
marked traffic descriptor (e.g. DSCP), using either CBWFQ or LLQ. Packets are then scheduled and
de-queued to the hardware queue based on bandwidth resource assigned or priority, and based on the
congestion level of the hardware queue.
If the software queue fills up, packets are tail-dropped indiscriminately. This phenomenon can have
adverse effects on network traffic, particularly for TCP-based flows.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 6 Quality of Service Considerations
Congestion Management and Avoidance
One of the ways that TCP provides reliability is through acknowledging data sent by a host or device.
However, data segments and acknowledgements can get lost, for instance due to being tail-dropped when
there’s congestion. Congestion can be detected either by time-outs occurring or reception of duplicate
ACK’s. A time-out occurs when the TCP retransmission timer expires (RTO) before an expected ACK
is received and TCP sends duplicate ACK’s when expected packets are lost or received out-of-order.
When a segment is not acknowledged, TCP resends based on a binary exponential back-off algorithm,
i.e., the interval between retransmissions increases exponentially to a limit. Also, the current window
size (the smaller of the congestion and advertised window) is cut in half. If an ACK is later received,
slow start is engaged – the congestion window is initially set to one segment, then doubles each time an
ACK for sent data is received. Multiple flows getting tail-dropped and going into slow-start
simultaneously could lead to wave-like congestion recurrence – the TCP global synchronization
phenomenon. If no ACK is received, it gives up and sends a segment with the reset (RST) bit checked
that abruptly closes the session. Also, as TCP traffic gets throttled back, other non-TCP traffic types, e.g.
UDP and ICMP, fill up the queues leading to TCP starvation.
These behaviors affect IP video streams sent from the VSM media server to viewing clients as the stream
is based on TCP. To mitigate these effects, as the software queues begin to fill up, packets can be dropped
based on Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED).
WRED is a technique designed to monitor queue depth and discard a percentage of packets in the
software queue to reduce the offered load and thus alleviate congestion and prevent tail drop. WRED is
governed by three parameters:
Minimum threshold – when the queue length is below this integer value, no packets are dropped.
Minimum value is 0.
Maximum threshold – when the queue length is above this integer value, all new packets are dropped
(full-drop). Maximum output queue length is 40 packets.
Mark Probability Denominator (MPD) – an integer value between the minimum and maximum
threshold values that indicates the probability of a packet being randomly dropped. The relationship
is characterized as being 1 of MPD (1/MPD), for example an MPD of 10 means 1 of every 10 packets
is randomly dropped from the queue.
The packet drop probability is based on the minimum threshold, maximum threshold, and mark
probability denominator. When the average queue depth is above the minimum threshold, RED starts
dropping packets.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 6 Quality of Service Considerations
Congestion Management and Avoidance
The rate of packet drops increases linearly as the average queue size increases until the average queue
size reaches the maximum threshold. The mark probability denominator is the fraction of packets
dropped when the average queue depth is at the maximum threshold.
Figure 6-1 Packet Discard Possibility Thresholds
WRED allows for packets to be characterized into a profile based on either IP Precedence or DSCP
markings. In this way, high-latency traffic and highly-aggressive (high-volume) traffic can be
It is not recommended to apply WRED to IP Video Surveillance or VoIP traffic as this could lead to
packet loss, delay or jitter which lowers the quality of experience for end users. It is however
recommended to apply WRED to lower traffic aggregates in order to lower the chances of queues filling
up and therefore tail-drops.
If at all WRED must be applied, the IP Video Surveillance traffic aggregate should have a very high MPD
(35+) so that they are in fact the last traffic types to be considered for random drops. Such a scenario
should only occur as a temporal measure as the network architecture of the segment in question is
evaluated for opportunities for better design.
Cisco recommends that IP Video Surveillance traffic should be placed in the Low Latency Queue (LLQ)
to allow the delay-sensitive video traffic to be de-queued before other traffic types.
Queuing for IP Video Surveillance traffic could be implemented as shown below:
! Match all IPVS traffic and place in LLQ with 30% of interface bandwidth
! All other traffic is placed in the Weighted Fair Queue
class-map match-all CMAP-IPVS
match dscp cs5
policy-map PMAP-IPVS
priority percent 30
class class-default
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 6 Quality of Service Considerations
Traffic Shaping and Policing
interface gig0/0
service-policy out PMAP-IPVS
LAN Switches
Multilayer IOS LAN switches (e.g. Catalyst 3560) implement both ingress and egress queuing based on
either CoS or DSCP markings.
The switch packet scheduler operates in one of two modes:
Shared Round Robin mode – bandwidth is shared between the queues according to the weights
configured; however, any queue can take up unused capacity in the other queue in order to service
packets if its own assigned bandwidth is depleted. This mode allows for maximum use of available
interface bandwidth and increases queue efficiency. This is the default mode, and only mode
available to ingress queues.
Shaped Round Robin mode – fixed bandwidth is assigned to each queue and packets are sent at an
even rate (rate-limiting). This mode is useful in preventing some forms of denial-of-service attacks
that attempt to overwhelm an interface with traffic, denying other legit services access. Also allows
for configuring subrate packet speeds to prevent exceeding a configured percentage of an interface’s
bandwidth. This mode is only available for egress queues.
Ingress interfaces allow for up to 2 queues to be configured and only shared-mode dequeuing is possible.
One of the queues can be configured as a priority queue (by default this is queue 2) and will subsequently
be assigned traffic aggregates marked with CoS 5 and 10% of the interface bandwidth.
Egress interfaces allow for up to 4 queues and either shared or shaped mode to be configured. One of the
four queues can also be configured as the priority queue (this must be queue 1).
Cisco recommends the use of Shared Round Robin mode in order to allow the IP Video Surveillance
solution to make full use of all available interface bandwidth on the egress queue.
Traffic Shaping and Policing
Shaping is a type of traffic conditioning that addresses two problems:
Packets being dropped by a service provider because they exceed a predetermined bit rate, that is,
the Committed Information Rate (CIR) of the virtual circuit
Packets being marked-down or dropped due to a mismatch of ingress and egress interface speeds or
egress and far-side line rates. For example, 1Gbs ingress traffic exiting via 256Kbps circuits.
Shapers will buffer traffic that is in excess of a prearranged policy (SLA) and transmit evenly at the
desired rate.
Policing also monitors the rate of traffic flow and takes action against non-conforming traffic – either
marking down the packet’s QoS descriptor and then transmits (later, the packet can be dropped more
easily) or, more aggressively, discarding right away.
For both these traffic conditioning mechanisms, traffic rates are measured based on the token bucket
model. For a packet to be transmitted out an interface, a token needs to exist. At each time interval (Tc),
a certain number of tokens can be sent (Bc – the committed burst size) according to policy or contract
with the service provider. On occasion when there are periods of little or no activity, more traffic that
typical (that is, higher than the Bc) can be sent – the excess burst (Be).
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 6 Quality of Service Considerations
Traffic Shaping and Policing
In cases of networks with constrained bandwidth, policing of IP Video Surveillance traffic can cause
increased packet loss observed on the network. Traffic shaping can also lead to increased latency in the
delivery of video packets from the endpoints to the server.
In general, Cisco recommends as much as possible IP Video Surveillance and VoIP traffic be confined
to the LAN and that in the event this traffic needs to traverse the WAN, adequate bandwidth is available
to lessen the need to implement traffic conditioning, due to the adverse effects that these measures can
have on the user experience.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Network Performance Considerations
Service Level Agreement (SLA) refers to the minimum performance guarantees that need to be met in
order to ensure that the performance and quality of the IP Video Surveillance solution is assured. The
following sections describe the main SLA considerations that need to be taken into account when
designing the solution.
Bandwidth refers to the raw capacity available on a particular transport medium, and is dependent on its
physical characteristics and the technology used to detect and transmit signals.
The amount of available bandwidth on a network segment directly impacts the quality and performance
of the IP Video Surveillance solution and as such should be carefully considered. High-bandwidth,
low-delay networks typically do not encounter much performance degradation over time.
Low-bandwidth, low-delay networks on the other hand typically experience packet loss due to
congestion. High-bandwidth, high-delay networks (so-called Long Fat Networks), such as satellite links,
would typically experience significant performance degradation due to the latency.
Cisco recommends the following minimum network path bandwidth requirements:
100 Mbps between IP cameras and access switches
1000 Mbps between encoders and access switches
1000 Mbps between access switches and media servers
1000 Mbps between media servers and client endpoints
It is important to note, however, that raw interface bandwidth is not synonymous with the actual data
transfer capacity that is realized on the network. In other words, video traffic will not be transferred
end-to-end at the stated raw capacity; rather, the actual transfer capacity is measured as a function of the
time it takes for traffic to traverse the network end-to-end. This metric is known as throughput.
Throughput signifies the amount of data that could be transported along a network path over a given time
period. The time period refers to the network latency.
When TCP is selected as the transport protocol of choice for a media flow, the size of the sender and
receiver windows are a limiting factor to network performance. TCP windows reflect the amount of
buffer space available at the sender and receiver to process incoming packets.
During TCP connection establishment, the receiver notifies the sender of the size of its receive window,
also known as the advertised window (awnd). After connection establishment, the sender transmits data
conservatively setting its sender window, also known as congestion window (cwnd), initially to twice its
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 7 Network Performance Considerations
Maximum Segment Size (MSS) which is 536 bytes by default. As the data is received an acknowledged
back to the sender, the cwnd grows, first exponentially in slow-start mode then linearly in congestion
avoidance mode, until either packet loss is encountered or the awnd threshold is reached.
If packet loss is encountered, then the transmission rate is throttled back to slow-start mode where the
cwnd is set to 1MSS. Packet loss can be detected on the network either by reception of duplicate ACK
packets from the receiver, or expiration of the retransmission timeout (RTO).
If the awnd threshold is reached, it signifies that the receiver cannot accept any new packets because its
buffers are full. The receiver sends a window update indicating a window size of zero. The sender at this
point stops transmitting, but continuously probes for any new window updates.
At any point in time there can only be a finite amount of data in flight, whose value does not exceed the
receive window size (in bytes). This value is known as the bandwidth-delay product (BDP) and is defined
Figure 7-1
TotalBandwidth bps()
Latency zsec()×=
Bandwidth-delay Product
The design and optimization goal is to ensure that the BDP is as close to the size of the receive window
in order to maximize the data transfer rate, that is, throughput. Throughput can be calculated as follows:
Figure 7-2
Throughput bps()
TCPReviewWindow b()
RoundTripTime s()
The receive window size is 64KB by default. Since the RTT is guided by laws of physics and cannot be
changed, the throughput is almost always lower than the link bandwidth. The maximum bandwidth
available along the network path that video traffic traverses is equal to the bandwidth of the “smallest”
The window size can be increased in order to approach the raw bandwidth; however, the following
caveats should be taken into account:
Unless Selective Acknowledgements (SACK) is implemented in the client TCP/IP stack, if any
packet loss occurs, the entire window will need to be retransmitted. The SACK option causes the
client to only retransmit the missing packets, but it’s typically not enabled by default
To contain the entire widow of unacknowledged data in memory, more buffer space will be required
on network routers
Video surveillance traffic encoded with variants of the MPEG standard (H.264 and MPEG4) is bursty in
nature and as such this characteristic needs to be accounted for in network provisioning.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 7 Network Performance Considerations
Packet Loss
Packet Loss
Packet loss refers to the dropping of packets between a defined network ingress point and a defined
network egress point. Loss is detected by the reception of non-contiguous sequence numbers at the
receiver. Both TCP and RTP packets have a sequence number field in their respective packet headers for
this purpose.
In general, packet loss is caused by three main factors:
Congestion – due to queue build-up and exhaustion of buffer space
Lower-layer errors – bit errors, which might occur due to noise or attenuation in the transmission
Network element failure – link and device failures
When RTP data is transported over UDP, the sender is not notified of the packet loss because the
connection is on-way, sender to receiver, and there’s no concept of state. TCP, on the other hand, notifies
the sender through use of duplicate acknowledgements. The duplicate ACKs contain the sequence
number of the last contiguous packet received. If the lost packet did not make it to the receiver, the sender
discovers the packet loss when the retransmission timeout expires before the expected ACK is received.
Therefore, TCP is more reliable than UDP as a transport protocol; however, UDP is more efficient
because of lower protocol overhead. For high packet loss and high latency networks, TCP should not be
used as the transport protocol as it will only exacerbate a bad situation, further inhibiting real-time
delivery of data. Whenever congestion is detected, TCP slows the transmission rate to adapt to the
change and mitigate packet loss; however, when loss does occur, then the throughput is significantly
impacted as slow-start mode is invoked.
Note that since a single Ethernet frame (1500 bytes) can carry more than one IP video packet as payload,
the loss of a frame can have significant effects on the quality of the decoded stream, typically manifested
as pixelated video streams and gaps in recordings.
In order to effectively measure packet loss, the IP Video Surveillance network needs to be preconfigured
to monitor and report on the status of all media flows from video endpoints to media servers, and media
servers to client endpoints. This method can be characterized as the passive approach, in that
performance measurements are taken without disturbing the data operation, and are achieved through the
deployment of Cisco performance monitor.
Performance monitoring allows network administrators to detect video degradation due to packet loss,
before it significantly impacts the performance of VSM. Whenever a predefined threshold is crossed, a
user can be immediately notified either through a syslog message or SNMP traps, allowing for quick
fault isolation and resolution.
Mediatrace can also be used to measure packet loss along a network path, and on an on-demand basis.
When degradation in the stream quality is visually observed, or reported by the performance monitor,
the end-to-end path and the specific flow can be examined to determine which node along the network
is causing the loss. This is done by calculating metrics from values in the TCP, UDP and RTP headers at
each node. All nodes need to be configured as mediatrace responders.
More details on performance monitoring and mediatrace are discussed in the chapter on network
Alternatively, packet loss along a network path can be measured on-demand through the use of synthetic
video traffic generated by IP SLA Video Operations probes. This is the active approach, since the IP SLA
VO probes emulate video endpoints by generating and sending realistic video traffic to receivers, along
the same network path that normal video traffic would take. As a result, the synthetic traffic is exposed
to the same path characteristics that real traffic would experience and therefore the packet loss metrics
collected are representative of the state of the network path
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 7 Network Performance Considerations
Typically, this tool is used for conducting pre-deployment assessments but can also be used to generate
synthetic traffic simulated endpoints. This is the advantage this tool has over mediatrace – the fact that
the flow does not need to already exist in order to determine path characteristics; the path characteristics
are determined using synthetic traffic which generate results that are statistically very close to the real
observed values.
Lastly, one other method of detecting packet loss is by manually collecting packet captures of a network
stream and analyzing sequence numbers of RTP and TCP packets to determine gaps in continuity. Data
will need to be carefully captured using Switch Port Analyzer (SPAN) feature of IOS Catalyst switches
and loaded into a packet analysis tool, such as Wireshark. This approach is much more tedious but
provides a wealth of information for deep packet inspection using raw captured data.
Cisco recommends that in order to provide an acceptable quality of experience, the following mean
thresholds should not be exceeded:
Standard definition video: 0.5%
High definition video: 0.05%
One-way network delay, or latency, is characterized by the time difference between when an IP packet
is received at a defined network ingress point and it when it’s transmitted at a defined egress point.
There are four main factors that contribute to network delay:
Propagation – refers to the time it takes for a packet to transit along the end-to-end network path,
from source to sink. The propagation speed depends on the medium that the electric current travels
on; data in fiber channel media travel at the speed of light while data in unshielded copper travels at
about 60% the speed of light.
Switching – refers to the time it takes to forward packets from an ingress interface to the respective
egress interface of a network device. In general, these lookup operations take a very short amount
of time especially since modern routing protocols converge quickly and switching is implemented
in hardware.
Queuing – refers to the time a packet spends in the output interface queue of a switch or router
awaiting to be de-queued. If the FIFO queue in the tx-ring begins to get full, software queuing tools
such as CBWFQ are required to manage packets and provide differentiated service. Congestion on
these queues can exacerbate network delay.
Serialization – refers to the time it takes to send all bits of a frame to the physical medium for
transmission. Any bit errors that occur could impact the time it takes to place data on the wire.
It is also important to distinguish between image latency from command latency. Whereas image latency
defines the time difference for a scene change in a video stream, command latency measures the time it
takes a PTZ camera to respond to commands issued from the VSM server. However, command latency
is affected by image latency, since PTZ control movements can only be perceived on a scene change on
Cisco recommends that the one-way network latency, both image and command, should not exceed
150ms when UDP is the transport protocol in order to provide an acceptable quality of experience to
viewing clients. For TCP, the round-trip time (RTT) should not exceed 50ms.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 7 Network Performance Considerations
Jitter refers to the variation in one-way network delay between two consecutive packets, caused by
factors such as fluctuations in queuing, scheduling delays at network elements or configuration errors.
An appropriately sized de-jitter buffer can accommodate the maximum value of the network jitter so that
it does not play-out beyond the worst-case end-to-end network delay. The VSM media server serves this
purpose as both a proxy and a de-jitter buffer; however, excessive jitter can overwhelm the ability of the
media server to compensate for the delay variation, thus impacting the VSM server application.
Cisco recommends that the mean jitter threshold should not exceed 2ms, in order to ensure an acceptable
quality of experience.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 7 Network Performance Considerations
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Network Management Considerations
In order to have an effective IP Video Surveillance solution that meet expectations, the video endpoints,
server applications and client endpoints need to be managed on a common network framework, to allow
for device and platform health monitoring, fault isolation and resolution.
This section describes considerations for managed provisioning of video endpoints, establishing
baselines for network capacity to transport video traffic, as well as monitoring and troubleshooting of
video networks leveraging IOS embedded instrumentation of the Medianet architecture.
Endpoint Provisioning
Cisco Video Surveillance Manager 7 supports the automated provisioning of video endpoints in IP Video
Surveillance architectures.
Auto-provisioning of video endpoints is enabled by the following key features:
IOS Device Sensor
The Cisco IOS device sensor provides device identification and classification services for endpoints that
are attached to network devices.
The device sensor infrastructure uses the following mechanisms for endpoint discovery:
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)
Link-Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP)
Media Access Control (MAC) address
When an endpoint is attached to an IOS switch, an event trigger is generated based on the discovery
mechanism. The device classifier then responds and gleans metadata from the device to establish a
profile for the endpoint based on the type, model and class of the device.
For endpoint devices to be identified, they need to provide native support for these protocols. All Cisco
IP cameras, with the exception of the 2900 series, provide native support for CDP.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Endpoint Provisioning
Auto Smartport (ASP) Macros
ASP macros provide a convenient method for dynamic configuration of network switchport attributes
for video endpoints. Once a video endpoint is attached to an IOS switch, a LINK-UP event is received
which subsequently triggers a CDP event, for endpoints that support this protocol. The ASP then uses
this event trigger to map the macro the respective switchport.
Macros require global activation on the IOS device before use. By default, ASP is globally disabled, but
is enabled on each interface. Since this feature may not be required for all switchports on the device, and
to avoid unintended consequences, it is recommended to first disable macro processing on all interfaces,
then manually enable only on the required interfaces, as shown below:
! First disable macro processing per interface, then enable globally
! Next, enable only on the interfaces where necessary
interface g0/1 – 24
no macro auto processing
macro auto global processing
interface range g0/1 – 10
macro auto processing
By default, a built-in shell function is defined in access switches for Cisco IP video endpoints, named
CISCO_IPVSC_AUTO_SMARTPORT. This macro automatically configures the following features:
Auto QoS – automatically configures QoS on the switchport by establishing the DSCP trust
boundary, creates an egress priority queue, and modifies the SRR bandwidth and queue set. This
configuration option assumes that the appropriate QoS marking is performed upstream and is
suitable for classification purposes
Port security – enables port security on the interface, allowing only one secure MAC address on the
switchport. Defaults to setting error-disable state if a security violation occurs, in addition to
sending SNMP traps and syslog messages to recipients, as configured on the network device.
Spanning-tree optimizations – applies PortFast and BPDU guard STP optimizations to allow for
endpoints to quickly transition to the forwarding state and to guard against the transmission of
bridge protocol data units which should not be received on an access port, respectively
The only user configurable option is the access VLAN the switchport is a member of and is set when the
macro is applied with the command:
C3560(config)# macro auto device ip-camera ACCESS-VLAN=100
The default ASP for Cisco video endpoints, CISCO_IPVSC_AUTO_SMARTPORT, applies the
following configuration settings:
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
switchport access vlan 100
switchport mode access
switchport block unicast
switchport port-security
srr-queue bandwidth share 1 30 35 5
queue-set 2
priority-queue out
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Endpoint Provisioning
mls qos trust device ip-camera
mls qos trust dscp
macro description CISCO_IPVSC_EVENT
auto qos video ip-camera
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
Some of the QoS changes applied by the built-in ASP affect the switch global configuration, and as such
may lead to unintended consequences. In addition, some of the features, for example port security, may
not be required in all environments. To meet specific requirements, custom ASP’s can be created.
The following ASP is executed whenever a CISCO_IPVSC_EVENT is triggered due to CDP after a
LINKUP event is detected:
macro auto execute CISCO_IPVSC_EVENT {
if [[$LINKUP -eq YES]]; then
conf t
interface $INTERFACE
macro description Custom IPC ASP
switchport access vlan 42
switchport mode access
switchport block unicast
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
service-policy PMAP-IPVS-IN in
if [[$LINKUP -eq NO]]; then
conf t
interface $INTERFACE
no macro description
no switchport access vlan 42
no switchport block unicast
no spanning-tree portfast
no spanning-tree bpduguard enable
no service-policy PMAP-IPVS-IN in
if [[$AUTH_ENABLED -eq NO]]; then
no switchport mode access
The switchport is placed in access VLAN 42, port mode is set to access, unicast storms are blocked,
PortFast and BPDU guard STP optimizations are enabled and a policy map that is used for device
classification and DSCP marking is applied.
Whenever the video endpoint is detached from the switch, the macro removes the configuration. It is
important to be aware that ASP’s replace existing interface configuration, therefore careful consideration
should be taken when enabling the macros.
Once the interface configuration is applied, the device can now begin data transmission over the network
segment to obtain an IP address.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Network Validation
Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP)
DHCP is an important protocol in the auto provisioning process as it allows endpoints to automatically
query and receive an IP address and other network attributes from a DHCP server.
A single DHCP server can be used to serve multiple endpoints across layer-3 boundaries. Once these
attributes have been learned by the endpoint, transmission of video traffic over the network can now
Media Services Interface (MSI)
MSI is a software development kit that Cisco rich-media applications leverage to take advantage of
Medianet services in the network efficiently and consistently. The MSI is embedded within several Cisco
video endpoints as well as a daemon running on the VSM server.
The MSI embedded within video endpoints facilitates the discovery of the IP address of the VSM media
server by inspecting the DHCP server response carried in Option 150, as described in the DHCP section
of this document.
Once the camera has this information, the MSI enables camera-based discovery which allows for
contacting a media server or list of media servers, if there are multiple discovered and the first on the list
does not respond.
Network Validation
When planning and designing the IP Video Surveillance network, it is important to consider the effect
that IP video will have on existing infrastructure. IP Video Surveillance traffic is similar to voice traffic
in the sense that it has high SLA requirements; unlike voice though, video traffic is bandwidth intensive.
Cisco recommends that a network readiness assessment is carried out to ascertain the capacity of the
network to transport video prior to any new IP Video Surveillance deployment or expansion of the
existing environment.
Establishing a traffic baseline should be the first step in the planning process. The IP Service Level
Agreement Video Operations (IPSLA-VO) probe can be used for generating synthetic media flows that
when injected into the network can be used to realistically stress the network and gather information
about the path between the two endpoints.
IPSLA-VO provides statistics on:
Round-trip time
Packet loss (missing, out-of-sequence, tail dropped and duplicate packets)
One-way latency
Inter-packet delay variation (jitter)
Synthetic traffic can be generated on a number of platforms, most commonly on the ISR G2 and the
Catalyst 3000 series switches. For more information on supported platforms view the datasheet at
On the Catalyst 3000 platform, traffic can be generated either using a standard profile or a custom
profile. The standard, pre-packaged profile for IP Video Surveillance traffic generates a video stream at
a maximum bitrate of 2.2Mbps. Custom profiles for use with IP SLA VO can only be generated using a
client application that extracts header and payload information from packet capture files. More
information can be found at
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Network Validation Also
note that the Catalyst 3000 platform can only generate up to a maximum of 20Mbps of traffic in all
sessions from the sender.
The preferred and more scalable method of video traffic generation is by using the ISR G2. Video
surveillance traffic can only be generated using custom profiles; however, these custom profiles can be
created on-demand using the IOS CLI. The ISR G2 generates traffic in hardware using DSP resources
on the high-density Packet Voice DSP Module 3 (PVDM3).
Performance of the hardware-accelerated video generation on the ISR is platform-specific; sizing
guidelines are tabulated below:
Figure 8-1 ISR Sizing Guidelines
The capacity for traffic generation by the DSP is based on the number of total credits available and the
stream bitrate, and is measured by the number of channels available. Each DSP has a fixed number of
credits based on the number of cores available.
For example, if a custom video profile specifies a 4Mbps bitrate when using a PVDM3 module, then the
IP SLA sender can create a maximum of 60 sessions. Note that this operation does have a variable CPU
cost which can impact the total number of sessions that can be created by the ISR based on the aggregate
utilization by other processes. If the CPU is experiencing high utilization due to other running processes,
performance may be impacted.
When measuring network performance of particular flows using IP SLA VO, it is important to replicate
as much of the network characteristics of a normal media flow as possible, to ensure the validity of the
results gathered. This includes ensuring that
Synthetic traffic flows in the same direction as the normal traffic would as policy maps could be
applies in either input or output direction on upstream switches
QoS markings are identical to provide the same differentiated services to the synthetic flows
Synthetic media profiles match normal media profiles generated by the video endpoints. Note that
IP SLA VO can only emulate media flows encoded in H.264; MJPEG is not supported.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Network Validation
Consider the following sample network:
Figure 8-2 Sample Network
In this example, we are interested in measuring the performance metrics (packet loss, latency and jitter)
of the flows between:
Video endpoint and media server
Media server and client endpoint
R1 and R2 are ISR G2 routers while the rest are Catalyst 3000 switches. R1 and R2 will need to be
configured as IP SLA senders and the switches as responders. Both routers are equipped with PVDM3
modules for on-demand traffic generation.
The sender and responder both need to be synchronized to the same NTP clock so that the time stamps
can be accurate. This can be verified by issuing the command:
R4-C2911#sh ntp status
Clock is synchronized, stratum 9, reference is
nominal frequency is 250.0000 Hz, actual frequency is 249.9998 Hz, precision is 2**21
reference time is D4625434.17554952 (13:37:56.091 PST Thu Nov 29 2012)
clock offset is 26.8172 msec, root delay is 1.00 msec
root dispersion is 43.03 msec, peer dispersion is 3.05 msec
loopfilter state is 'CTRL' (Normal Controlled Loop), drift is 0.000000811 s/s
system poll interval is 64, last update was 115 sec ago.
The following configuration is applied to the sample network to measure SLAs:
! Configure switches as responders
ip sla responder
! On the routers, reserve 90% of DSP resources for video traffic
voice-card 0
voice-service dsp-reservation 10
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Network Validation
! Create custom profile for video traffic
ip sla profile video IPVS-H264-1080P-30F-4M
endpoint custom
codec h.264 profile baseline
resolution 1080P
frame rate 30
bitrate maximum 4000
bitrate window-size 167
frame intra size maximum 100
frame intra refresh interval 1
rtp size average 1300
rtp buffer output shaped
content news-broadcast
no shutdown
! Define SLA probes initiated from R1 to SW3
ip sla 1
video 8888 source-ip source-port 9999 profile
reserve dsp
dscp cs5
duration 60
frequency 80
history hours-of-statistics-kept 24
! Schedule the SLA operation to start immediately and run for an hour
ip sla schedule 1 start-time now life 3600
Synthetic video can be generated to simulate varying levels of scene activity:
single-person – approximates slow scene motion
conference-room – approximates slow to medium scene motion
news-broadcast – approximates medium scene motion
street-view – approximates medium to fast scene motion for a busy street
sports – approximates fast scene motion
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Network Validation
The statistics can be viewed on-demand as they are being gathered by the router. The following figure
illustrates the SLA metrics collected using the Medianet visualizer by LiveAction:
Figure 8-3 SLA Metrics by LiveAction
Additional flow metrics can be gathered by executing a performance monitor mediatrace poll against the
synthetic media flow. The configuration and considerations are described in the Reactive Monitoring
section below.
The following is sample output collected from a mediatrace responder along the end-to-end path of the
traffic flow showing the additional data points that can be gathered to supplement the information
provided by IP SLA VO:
Hop Number: 1 (Mediatrace, host=SW9-C3560G, ttl=255)
Metrics Collection Status: Success
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/3
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Proactive Monitoring
Egress Interface: Gi0/48
Metrics Collected:
Flow Sampling Start Timestamp: 13:54:54
Loss of measurement confidence: FALSE
Media Stop Event Occurred: FALSE
IP Packet Drop Count (pkts): 0
IP Byte Count (KB): 7867.899
IP Packet Count (pkts): 7819
IP Byte Rate (Bps): 262263
Routing Forwarding Status: Unknown
IP TTL: 254
Flow Counter: 0
Flow Direction: Input
IP Protocol: 17
Media Byte Rate Average (Bps): 257050
Media Byte Count (KB): 7711.519
Media Packet Count (pkts): 7819
RTP Interarrival Jitter Average (usec): 2382
RTP Packets Lost (pkts): 0
RTP Packets Expected (pkts): 7814
RTP Packet Lost Event Count: 0
RTP Loss Percent (%): 0.00
Traceroute data:
Address List: NA
Round Trip Time List (msec): NA
Proactive Monitoring
Proactive monitoring of network health is implemented using Cisco Performance Monitor. Performance
monitor is a feature of the Medianet architecture that measures the hop-by-hop performance of
Real-Time Protocol (RTP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and IP Constant Bit Rate (CBR)
The granular performance data gathered at each hop enhances the speed of fault isolation and resolution.
Analysis is also carried out per-flow and both SNMP and Syslog alerts can be generated based on
Performance monitor maintains historical records of statistics gathered and these can be sent to a
network management system using NetFlow v9 or SNMP.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Proactive Monitoring
Consider the following sample network:
Figure 8-4 Sample Network
Performance monitor is typically deployed at strategic points in the network where traffic converges and
are useful for fault isolation, for example at the network edge router. In this example, performance
monitor is deployed on SW2 since all media flows traverse this device.
The following configuration is applied to SW2:
! Classify all traffic based on the DSCP value. This assumes that marking was
! at the access edge
class-map match-all CMAP-IPVS
match dscp cs5
! Create a flow export destination. This is where flow records will be sent e.g.
syslog server
! In this example the syslog server is listening at the default port UDP/514.
flow exporter FLOW-EXPORT
transport udp 514
! Create a custom flow record. This specifies what fields are of interest to gather
statistics on
flow record type performance-monitor FLOW-REC
match ipv4 protocol
match ipv4 source address
match ipv4 destination address
match transport source-port
match transport destination-port
match transport rtp ssrc
collect routing forwarding-status
collect ipv4 dscp
collect ipv4 ttl
collect transport packets expected counter
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Proactive Monitoring
collect transport packets lost counter
collect transport packets lost rate
collect transport event packet-loss counter
collect transport rtp jitter mean
collect transport rtp jitter minimum
collect transport rtp jitter maximum
collect interface input
collect interface output
collect counter bytes
collect counter packets
collect counter bytes rate
collect counter packets dropped
collect timestamp interval
collect application media bytes counter
collect application media bytes rate
collect application media packets counter
collect application media packets rate
collect application media event
collect monitor event
collect transport round-trip-time
! Define a flow monitor. This ties together the flow record and flow export
! and is used to define policy
! The ‘default-rtp’ flow record can also be used; it only omits the RTT field from the
flow monitor type performance-monitor FLOW-MON
record FLOW-REC
exporter FLOW-EXPORT
! Apply the flexible netflow policy to the interesting traffic
policy-map type performance-mon PMAP-IPVS
flow monitor FLOW-MON
monitor metric rtp
min-sequential 2
max-dropout 2
max-reorder 4
monitor metric ip-cbr
rate layer3 packet 1
react 1 transport-packets-lost-rate
threshold value ge 1.00
alarm severity critical
action syslog
! Apply the policy map to an interface. The service policy can be applied in both
interface gig0/0
service-policy type performance-monitor input PMAP-IPVS
service-policy type performance-monitor output PMAP-IPVS
The status of the performance data can be validated using the command:
R6-C2851# show performance monitor status
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Proactive Monitoring
The following is sample output observed:
Match: ipv4 src addr =, ipv4 dst addr =, ipv4 prot = udp, trns
src port = 1024, trns dst port = 16874, SSRC = 1916670251
Policy: PMAP-FLOW-IPVS, Class: CMAP-IPVS, Interface: GigabitEthernet0/0, Direction:
*counter flow : 10
counter bytes : 5227454
counter bytes rate (Bps) : 17424
*counter bytes rate per flow (Bps) : 17424
*counter bytes rate per flow min (Bps) : 16009
*counter bytes rate per flow max (Bps) : 19126
counter packets : 4206
*counter packets rate per flow : 14
counter packets dropped : 0
routing forwarding-status reason : Unknown
interface input : Gi0/0
interface output : Gi0/1
monitor event : false
ipv4 dscp : 40
ipv4 ttl : 62
application media bytes counter : 5143334
application media packets counter : 4206
application media bytes rate (Bps): 17144
*application media bytes rate per flow (Bps) : 17144
*application media bytes rate per flow min (Bps) : 15751
*application media bytes rate per flow max (Bps) :: 18821
application media packets rate (pps): 14
application media event : Normal
*transport rtp flow count : 10
transport rtp jitter mean (usec) : 2766
transport rtp jitter minimum (usec): 2
transport rtp jitter maximum (usec) : 50098
*transport rtp payload type : 96
transport event packet-loss counter : 141
*transport event packet-loss counter min : 6
*transport event packet-loss counter max : 21
transport packets expected counter : 4347
transport packets lost counter : 141
*transport packets lost counter minimum : 6
*transport packets lost counter maximum : 21
transport packets lost rate ( % ) : 3.77
*transport packets lost rate min ( % ) : 1.35
*transport packets lost rate max ( % ) : 4.45
*transport tcp flow count : 0
*transport round-trip-time sum (msec) : NA
*transport round-trip-time samples : NA
transport round-trip-time (msec) : NA
*transport round-trip-time min (msec) : NA
*transport round-trip-time max (msec) : NA
Each media flow has a Source Synchronization ID (SSRC) which is used to uniquely identify each flow
from a particular source. In this example we see that jitter is at a mean of 2.7ms and packet loss is
occurring at a 3.77% rate.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Reactive Monitoring
Since the packet loss rate exceeds the 1% threshold set, a Threshold Crossing Alarm (TCA) is triggered
and sent to the syslog server as shown below:
Figure 8-5 Threshold Crossing Alarm (TCA) Triggered
Reactive Monitoring
Reactive monitoring of IP Video Surveillance networks is implemented using mediatrace. Mediatrace is
a technology feature of the Medianet architecture that dynamically enables monitoring capabilities on
network devices along a flow’s end-to-end path, collecting statistics on a hop-by-hop basis. Mediatrace
can collect metrics on TCP profiles, RTP profiles, interface profiles, CPU profiles, memory profiles and
application health. These statistics gathered assist in fault isolation and troubleshooting.
Each participating network node to be monitored must be configured as a mediatrace responder. Each
participating network node that will be used to initiate mediatrace polls or sessions must be configured
as an initiator. In addition, all switches in Layer-2 mode need to have Resource Reservation Protocol
(RSVP) snooping enabled for hop discovery.
This configuration is shown below:
! Configure mediatrace initiators
Mediatrace initiator source-interface gig0/1
! Configure mediatrace responders
Mediatrace responder
! Configure RSVP snooping
ip rsvp snooping
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Reactive Monitoring
There are two main frameworks for launching mediatrace:
Mediatrace Poll
A, mediatrace poll is an on-demand collection of system and network data from network nodes on a
specific path. The mediatrace runs on a hop-by-hop basis and reports on Layer 3 network devices along
the end-to-end path.
Devices with compatible IOS images and configured in Layer 2 mode support mediatrace with RSVP
snooping option enabled. The TTL field in the received mediatrace results remains unchanged because
the Time To Live (TTL) field is not decremented when an IP packet traverses the Layer 2 node.
There are three main types of mediatrace polls as described below:
Hops Poll
This one-time poll trace is useful for identifying what access edge node a video endpoint is attached to
as well as the network path that a media flow takes from one end-to-end, for instance taking a mediatrace
of a VSM server from the access switch that a video endpoint or client endpoint is located.
Consider the following sample topology:
Figure 8-6 Sample Topology
A reverse mediatrace is run from the initiator, SW9, to the VSM server attached to SW13. The output is
as shown below:
SW9-C3560G#mediatrace poll path dest hops
Started the data fetch operation.
Waiting for data from hops.
This may take several seconds to complete...
Data received for hop 1
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Reactive Monitoring
Data received for hop 2
Data received for hop 3
Data received for hop 4
Data received for hop 5
Data fetch complete.
Data Collection Summary:
Request Timestamp: 20:20:56.822 PST Wed Nov 28 2012
Request Status: Completed
Number of hops responded (includes success/error/no-record): 5
Number of hops with valid data report: 5
Number of hops with error report: 0
Number of hops with no data record: 0
Detailed Report of collected data:
Number of Mediatrace hops in the path: 5
Mediatrace Hop Number: 1 (host=R9-C3845, ttl=254)
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/1.102
Egress Interface: Gi0/0
Mediatrace Hop Number: 2 (host=SW8-C3560E, ttl=254)
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/4
Egress Interface: Gi0/3
Mediatrace Hop Number: 3 (host=R6-C2851, ttl=253)
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/0
Egress Interface: Gi0/1
Mediatrace Hop Number: 4 (host=SW13-C3560E, ttl=251)
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/22
Egress Interface: Gi0/1
Mediatrace Hop Number: 5 (host=pss-sj-vsm-1, ttl=251)
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: eth0
Egress Interface: None!
A source interface can optionally be specified. Notice that the TTL did not change at R8 – this is because
the switch is configured to operate in Layer-2 mode, not as a routing device. The switch still shows up
in the mediatrace results anyway since the IOS image installed supports mediatrace.
Currently, the 6500 series with Supervisor 720 engine IOS images do not support mediatrace, therefore
do not show up in the results. The TTL, however, does get decremented as IP packets traverse both 6500
appliances since they are operating as Layer-3 nodes.
System Poll
The system poll is used to fetch data on a system profile, including interface statistics. The following
output shows results from a system poll:
SW9-C3560G#mediatrace poll path sou dest system
Started the data fetch operation.
Waiting for data from hops.
This may take several seconds to complete...
Data received for hop 1
Data received for hop 2
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Reactive Monitoring
Data received for hop 3
Data received for hop 4
Data received for hop 5
Data fetch complete.
Data Collection Summary:
Request Timestamp: 20:27:56.072 PST Wed Nov 28 2012
Request Status: Completed
Number of hops responded (includes success/error/no-record): 5
Number of hops with valid data report: 5
Number of hops with error report: 0
Number of hops with no data record: 0
Detailed Report of collected data:
Number of Mediatrace hops in the path: 5
Mediatrace Hop Number: 1 (host=R9-C3845, ttl=254)
Metrics Collection Status: Success
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/1.102
Egress Interface: Gi0/0
Metrics Collected:
Collection timestamp: 20:27:56.089 PST Wed Nov 28 2012
Octet input at Ingress (MB): 3293.025335
Octet output at Egress (MB): 1424.502512
Pkts rcvd with err at Ingress (pkts): 0
Pkts errored at Egress (pkts): 0
Pkts discarded at Ingress (pkts): 0
Pkts discarded at Egress (pkts): 0
Ingress i/f speed (mbps): 1000.000000
Egress i/f speed (mbps): 1000.000000
Mediatrace Hop Number: 2 (host=SW8-C3560E, ttl=254)
Metrics Collection Status: Success
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/4
Egress Interface: Gi0/3
Metrics Collected:
Collection timestamp: 20:27:56.099 PST Wed Nov 28 2012
Octet input at Ingress (KB): 113485.264
Octet output at Egress (MB): 2157.843104
Pkts rcvd with err at Ingress (pkts): 0
Pkts errored at Egress (pkts): 0
Pkts discarded at Ingress (pkts): 0
Pkts discarded at Egress (pkts): 0
Ingress i/f speed (mbps): 1000.000000
Egress i/f speed (mbps): 1000.000000
Mediatrace Hop Number: 3 (host=R6-C2851, ttl=253)
Metrics Collection Status: Success
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/0
Egress Interface: Gi0/1
Metrics Collected:
Collection timestamp: 20:27:56.129 PST Wed Nov 28 2012
Octet input at Ingress (MB): 3554.028490
Octet output at Egress (KB): 947749.978
Pkts rcvd with err at Ingress (pkts): 0
Pkts errored at Egress (pkts): 0
Pkts discarded at Ingress (pkts): 0
Pkts discarded at Egress (pkts): 0
Ingress i/f speed (mbps): 1000.000000
Egress i/f speed (mbps): 1000.000000
Mediatrace Hop Number: 4 (host=SW13-C3560E, ttl=251)
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Reactive Monitoring
Metrics Collection Status: Success
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/22
Egress Interface: Gi0/1
Metrics Collected:
Collection timestamp: 20:27:56.137 PST Wed Nov 28 2012
Octet input at Ingress (KB): 383685.174
Octet output at Egress (MB): 1866.064738
Pkts rcvd with err at Ingress (pkts): 0
Pkts errored at Egress (pkts): 0
Pkts discarded at Ingress (pkts): 0
Pkts discarded at Egress (pkts): 0
Ingress i/f speed (mbps): 1000.000000
Egress i/f speed (mbps): 1000.000000
Mediatrace Hop Number: 5 (host=pss-sj-vsm-1, ttl=251)
Metrics Collection Status: Success
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: eth0
Egress Interface: None
Metrics Collected:
Collection timestamp: 20:27:56.000 PST Wed Nov 28 2012
Octet input at Ingress (KB): 535116.949
Octet output at Egress (Bytes): NOT COLLECTED
Pkts rcvd with err at Ingress (pkts): 0
Pkts errored at Egress (pkts): NOT COLLECTED
Pkts discarded at Ingress (pkts): 0
Pkts discarded at Egress (pkts): NOT COLLECTED
Ingress i/f speed (bps): 0
Egress i/f speed (bps): NOT COLLECTED
Performance Monitor Poll
A performance monitor poll can be used to collect network performance statistics between two endpoints
on-demand. In the IP Video Surveillance environment, if a network-related problem is suspected
between an IP camera and the VSM server, a perf-mon poll can be run from the access switch onto which
the IP camera is attached.
The five-tuple used in the path-specifier has to be exactly the same as the existing media flow. The
parameters can be retrieved either from the syslog notification or SNMP trap received, or on-demand
from the monitoring device.
Below is an example of how to gather the required parameters on-demand from a monitoring device:
! Identify the existing media flows using the SSRC as the unique search field
R9-C3845#show performance monitor status | include SSRC
Match: ipv4 src addr =, ipv4 dst addr =, ipv4 prot = udp,
trns src port = 6840, trns dst port = 18814, SSRC = 1835561719
Match: ipv4 src addr =, ipv4 dst addr =, ipv4 prot = udp, trns
src port = 1024, trns dst port = 18950, SSRC = 1321437565
Match: ipv4 src addr =, ipv4 dst addr =, ipv4 prot = udp, trns
src port = 1024, trns dst port = 18776, SSRC = 1327287406
The mediatrace will now need to be run from the initiator closest to the source (ideally the access switch
the endpoint is connected to), to the responder closest to the destination (ideally the access switch the
server is connected to).
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Reactive Monitoring
The following example shows statistics collected when a perf-mon poll is run between an IP camera and
a VSM server:
SW10-C3560E#mediatrace poll path dest perf-monitor source-ip
source-port 6840 destination-ip dest-port 18814 ip-protocol udp
Started the data fetch operation.
Waiting for data from hops.
This may take several seconds to complete...
Data received for hop 1
Data received for hop 2
Data received for hop 3
Data received for hop 4
Data received for hop 5
Data fetch complete.
Data Collection Summary:
Request Timestamp: 21:31:02.545 PST Wed Nov 28 2012
Request Status: Completed
Number of hops responded (includes success/error/no-record): 5
Number of hops with valid data report: 3
Number of hops with error report: 0
Number of hops with no data record: 2
Detailed Report of collected data:
Number of Mediatrace hops in the path: 5
Mediatrace Hop Number: 1 (host=SW9-C3560G, ttl=255)
Metrics Collection Status: Success
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/22
Egress Interface: Gi0/48
Metrics Collected:
Flow Sampling Start Timestamp: 21:30:30
Loss of measurement confidence: FALSE
Media Stop Event Occurred: FALSE
IP Packet Drop Count (pkts): 0
IP Byte Count (Bytes): 725691
IP Packet Count (pkts): 778
IP Byte Rate (Bps): 24189
Packet Drop Reason: 0
IP TTL: 64
IP Protocol: 17
Media Byte Rate Average (Bps): 23671
Media Byte Count (Bytes): 710131
Media Packet Count (pkts): 778
RTP Interarrival Jitter Average (usec): 5298
RTP Packets Lost (pkts): 0
RTP Packets Expected (pkts): 773
RTP Packet Lost Event Count: 0
RTP Loss Percent (%): 0.00
Mediatrace Hop Number: 2 (host=R9-C3845, ttl=254)
Metrics Collection Status: Fail (19, No statistic data available for reporting)
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/1.102
Egress Interface: Gi0/0
Metrics Collected:
Mediatrace Hop Number: 3 (host=SW8-C3560E, ttl=254)
Metrics Collection Status: Success
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/4
Egress Interface: Gi0/3
Metrics Collected:
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Reactive Monitoring
Flow Sampling Start Timestamp: 21:30:30
Loss of measurement confidence: FALSE
Media Stop Event Occurred: FALSE
IP Packet Drop Count (pkts): 0
IP Byte Count (Bytes): 726677
IP Packet Count (pkts): 780
IP Byte Rate (Bps): 24222
Packet Drop Reason: 0
IP TTL: 63
IP Protocol: 17
Media Byte Rate Average (Bps): 23702
Media Byte Count (Bytes): 711077
Media Packet Count (pkts): 780
RTP Interarrival Jitter Average (usec): 3722
RTP Packets Lost (pkts): 0
RTP Packets Expected (pkts): 775
RTP Packet Lost Event Count: 0
RTP Loss Percent (%): 0.00
Mediatrace Hop Number: 4 (host=R6-C2851, ttl=253)
Metrics Collection Status: Success
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/0
Egress Interface: Gi0/1
Metrics Collected:
Flow Sampling Start Timestamp: 21:30:30
Loss of measurement confidence: FALSE
Media Stop Event Occurred: FALSE
IP Packet Drop Count (pkts): 0
IP Byte Count (Bytes): 726677
IP Packet Count (pkts): 780
IP Byte Rate (Bps): 24222
Packet Drop Reason: 0
IP TTL: 62
IP Protocol: 17
Media Byte Rate Average (Bps): 23702
Media Byte Count (Bytes): 711077
Media Packet Count (pkts): 780
RTP Interarrival Jitter Average (usec): 3485
RTP Packets Lost (pkts): 0
RTP Packets Expected (pkts): 775
RTP Packet Lost Event Count: 0
RTP Loss Percent (%): 0.00
Mediatrace Hop Number: 5 (host=SW13-C3560E, ttl=251)
Metrics Collection Status: Fail (19, No statistic data available for reporting)
Reachability Address:
Ingress Interface: Gi0/22
Egress Interface: NOT COLLECTED
Metrics Collected:
A performance monitor poll can also be executed against a synthetic media flow. In the previous section
that discussed network validation, synthetic but realistic media flows were generated using IP SLA VO.
Once the probes have been initiated, the mediatrace poll can be set up as described in this section.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Reactive Monitoring
Mediatrace Session
A mediatrace session is a recurring monitoring session that can be scheduled to start at a particular time
and run for a particular duration. Specific metrics to be collected can be defined and hops along the
network path are automatically discovered.
A session would be configured in order to allow a network administrator gather statistics on a regular
basis on the state of the IP Video Surveillance network health. The endpoints need to be predefined –
meaning that each mediatrace session will correspond to a single source and single receiver. The
mediatrace session is typically defined on an initiator that is closest to the monitored source.
Configuring a mediatrace session is useful as a time-saving measure, to quickly gather monitoring
statistics from commonly used endpoints. For example, running a mediatrace session from an access
switch onto which a set of video endpoints are attached to the VSM server, or from the access switch
onto which the VSM server is attached to a client endpoint. Later, when in the process of
troubleshooting, instead of entering the entire session monitoring details (flow and path information),
the mediatrace session number can be quickly invoked.
The following example shows how to configure a mediatrace session between a VSM server (
and a client endpoint (
! Create the path-specifier. This defines the parameters used by RSVP to discover hops
mediatrace path-specifier IPVS-PATHSPEC-VSM-PC disc-proto rsvp destination ip source ip
! Create the flow-specifier. This defines the media flow five-tuple
mediatrace flow-specifier IPVS-FLOWSPEC-VSM-PC
source-ip source-port 1024
destination-ip dest-port 26602
ip-protocol udp
! Create session profile. This defines attributes for the performance monitoring
mediatrace profile perf-monitor IPVS-PROF-VSM-PC
metric-list rtp
clock-rate 96 35000
sampling-interval 60
! Create the session parameters.
mediatrace session-params IPVS-PARAMS-VSM-PC
response-timeout 20
history data-sets-kept 10
frequency on-demand
! Define and schedule the mediatrace session
Mediatrace 1
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Reactive Monitoring
path-specifier IPVS-PATHSPEC-VSM-PC
session-param IPVS-PARAMS-VSM-PC
profile perf-mon IPVS-PROF-VSM-PC flow-specifier IPVS-FLOWSPEC-VSM-PC
mediatrace schedule 1 start-time now
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Chapter 8 Network Management Considerations
Reactive Monitoring
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Related Documentation
Cisco Video Surveillance Documentation, page A-1
Design Documentation, page A-4
Cisco UCS Platform and VM Documentation, page A-5
Cisco Video Surveillance Documentation
Refer to the following documentation for additional information about Cisco Video Surveillance,
including server installation, system configuration, video monitoring, and other features.
Topic Related Document Description
All technical documentation Cisco Video Surveillance
documentation web site
Links to the technical documentation described in this table.
Data Sheets and Use Cases Cisco Video Surveillance
Manager Data Sheets and
See the Data Sheet for descriptions of the main features and
part numbers for the Cisco Video Surveillance solution.
This site also includes case studies, user cases, and other
Release Notes Release Notes for Cisco Video
Surveillance Manager, Release
Describes the new and changed features, open and resolved
caveats, and other information.
Network design and
Cisco Video Surveillance
Solution Reference Network
Design (SRND) Guide
Summarizes high-level design recommendations and best
practices for implementing IP Video Surveillance on the
enterprise network infrastructure.
Deployment design and
Cisco Video Surveillance
Solution Reference Network
Design (SRND) Guide
Summarizes the best practices and design considerations for
deploying the Cisco Video Surveillance solution. Topics
include best practices, security considerations,
high-availability, camera discovery and Medianet, virtual
machines on the Cisco UCS platform, and other topics.
Physical server installation Cisco Physical Security
Multiservices Platform Series
User Guide
Instructions to physically install and set up the Cisco VSM
server appliance. Each server can run the Media Server
application, the Operations Manager application, or both.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Appendix A Related Documentation
Cisco Video Surveillance Documentation
Virtual machine (VM)
Cisco Video Surveillance Virtual
Machine Deployment and
Recovery Guide for UCS
This document includes instructions to do the following:
Deploy a virtualized Cisco Video Surveillance server
on a supported Cisco Unified Computing System
Recover a virtual machine image (.OVA), and configure
high availability.
Deploy a Cisco VSM 7.0 VM using VMware HA.
External Storage Cisco Video Surveillance
Storage System:
Data Sheet
Installation Guide
Administration Guide
Installing and administering the CPS-SS-4RU and
CPS-SS-4RU-EX Cisco Video Surveillance Storage System
Management Console Cisco Video Surveillance
Management Console
Administration Guide
Use the browser-based Cisco VSM Management Console
to set up and maintain a Cisco VSM server. Tasks include
server software and driver pack upgrades, Media Server
configuration and
Cisco Video Surveillance
Operations Manager User Guide
Use the browser-based Operations Manager to configure
and manage a Cisco VSM deployment.
The Operation Manager can also be used to monitor live and
recorded video.
Workstation Profiler Tool Using the Cisco Video
Surveillance Monitoring
Workstation Pofiler Tool
Describes how to use the Cisco Video Surveillance
Workstation Profiler Tool to analyze the ability of a PC
client to render video.
Workstation requirements Cisco Video Surveillance
Monitoring Workstation
Performance Baseline
Baseline performance specifications for a video
surveillance monitoring workstation.
Workstation video
Cisco Video Surveillance Safety
and Security Desktop User
Use the Cisco Video Surveillance Safety and Security
Desktop (Cisco SASD) application to view cameras, video
and alerts on a graphical map. You can also display a video
grid on a separate monitor, view Video Walls on multiple
workstations, or create unattended workstations.
Video clip player Cisco Video Surveillance
Review Player User Guide
Use the Cisco VSM Review Player desktop application for
basic playback of multi-pane video clips.
Topic Related Document Description
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Appendix A Related Documentation
Cisco Video Surveillance Documentation
Restore or repair the server
Cisco Video Surveillance
Manager Flash Drive Recovery
Instructions to repair or restore the Cisco VSM server
Repair: reinstalls the Operating System files and
partitions without erasing video files stored on the
server. You must backup the Cisco VSM database
before using the recovery image, and then restore the
database after the recovery process is complete. This
action also preserves the RAID configuration.
Factory Restore: Restores the server to its factory
default settings, reinstalls the operating system, and
clears and reconfigures the RAID. This action deletes
all data, configurations, software and video files from
the appliance, and then reinstalls the operating system
and Cisco VSM software. Perform this procedure only
if necessary.
API Reference Cisco Video Surveillance
API Programming Guide
Cisco Video Surveillance
API Reference Guide
Describes the application programming interface (API)
used to display video using third party applications.
Note These documents are available on the Cisco
Developer Network (CDN). See your Cisco support
representative for more information.
Migrating a 6.3.2 system to
release 7.0
Cisco Video Surveillance
Migration Guide, Release 6.3.2
to 7.0
Describes how to migrate a release 6.3.2 Cisco Video
Surveillance Manager (Cisco VSM) deployment to release
Migrating a Cisco Video Surveillance deployment from
release 6.3.2 to release 7.0 is a one-time process that is
performed using a special set of Cisco utilities. You can
migrate the entire deployment, including all Media Servers
at a single time, or migrate the Media Servers over an
extended period of time.
Note To access this document, contact PDI, Cisco
Advanced Services or your Cisco support
representative for more information.
Topic Related Document Description
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Appendix A Related Documentation
Design Documentation
Design Documentation
For more information to design a Cisco Video Surveillance deployment, see the following resources:
Subject Or Document Location
Network design and
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution
Reference Network Design (SRND)
Summarizes high-level design recommendations and
best practices for implementing IP Video Surveillance
on the enterprise network infrastructure.
Deployment design
and planning
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution
Reference Network Design (SRND)
Summarizes the best practices and design
considerations for deploying the Cisco Video
Surveillance solution. Topics include best practices,
security considerations, high-availability, camera
discovery and Medianet, virtual machines on the Cisco
UCS platform, and other topics.
Related Design
Network Readiness Assessment for
IP Video Surveillance
Cisco Validated Designs
Cisco Design Zone
See the Cisco IP Video Surveillance Design page at:
Designing a Campus Network for
High Availability
HA Campus Recovery Analysis
Not All Packets Are Equal, Part 1:
Streaming Video Coding and SLA
Network Security Cisco SAFE: Security Blueprints for
Enterprise Networks
At-a Glance Cisco Enterprise Campus and
Branch Network Architecture for IP
Video Surveillance - At-a-Glance
Cisco IP Video Surveillance Solution
Offering - At-a-Glance Document
MediaNet Design Zone for Medianet/Video:
IP Video Surveillance
Overview of a Medianet Architecture:
IP Video Surveillance
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Appendix A Related Documentation
Cisco UCS Platform and VM Documentation
Cisco UCS Platform and VM Documentation
For more information about Cisco UCS servers and blades, VMWare and deploying Cisco Video
Surveillance OVA images, see the following resources:
Cisco Medianet website
Cisco Medianet FAQ
Medianet Reference Guide
Auto Smartports Configuration
IP and Standards TCP/IP Illustrated Vol 1: The
Protocols, 2
IEEE Standards Organization
Documentation Subject Or Document Location
VM Documentation Description URL
Virtual machine (VM)
deployment, recovery and high
Deploy a virtualized Cisco Video
Surveillance server on a
supported Cisco Unified
Computing System platform.
Recover a virtual machine image
(.OVA), and configure high
Deploy a Cisco VSM 7.0 VM
using VMware HA.
Cisco Video Surveillance Virtual Machine
Deployment and Recovery Guide for UCS
Physical Security Virtualized
Applications for UCS
Information to deploy virtualized
physical security applications on
Cisco UCS platforms.
Data Sheets Data Sheets for virtualized Cisco
Video Surveillance on the UCS
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Appendix A Related Documentation
Cisco UCS Platform and VM Documentation
Cisco UCS Platform Cisco Unified Computing and
Servers general information
Cisco UCS Manager Configuration
VMware Installing and Configuring VMware
Tools (EN-000478-01)
VMware ESXi Configuration Guides
vSphere High Availability
Deployment Best Practices (White
Troubleshooting VMware High
Availability (HA) in vSphere (KB
Cisco UCS Manager Cisco UCS Manager Configuration
UCS B- & C-Series Platforms Cisco UCS Site Preparation Guide
Cisco UCS 6100 Series Fabric
Interconnect Hardware Installation
Cisco UCS 5108 Server Chassis
Installation Guide
Cisco UCS C-Series Rack Servers
Installation and Upgrade Guides
Cisco UCS Servers RAID Guide
Cisco UCS B-Series Blade Servers
VMware Installation Guide
UCS E-Series Platform Data sheets and installation and
configuration guides
UCS Express Data sheets and installation and
configuration guides
VM Documentation Description URL
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
The action or event that triggers an alarm for which an event profile is logged. Events can be caused by
an encoder with serial contact closures, a motion detected above defined thresholds, or another
application using the soft-trigger command API.
Alarm Trigger
The action or event that triggers an alarm for which an event profile is logged. Events can be caused by
an encoder with serial contact closures, a motion detected above defined thresholds, another application
using the soft-trigger command API, or a window or door opening/closing.
The action or event that triggers an alarm for which an event profile is logged. Events can be caused by
an encoder with serial contact closures, a motion detected above defined thresholds, or another
application using the soft-trigger command API.
Application Programming Interface
A place in which records or historical documents are stored and/or preserved. An archive is a collection
of video data from any given proxy source. This enables a feed from a camera-encoder to be stored in
multiple locations and formats to be viewed at a later time. There are three types of archives: Regular,
where the archive recording terminates after a pre-set time duration lapses and is stored for the duration
of its Days-to-Live. Loop, where the archive continuously records until the archive is stopped. Loop
archives reuse the space (first-in-first-out) allocated after every completion of the specified loop time.
Clip, the source of the archive is extracted from one of the previous two types and is stored for the
duration of its Days-to-Live.
Archive Clip
The source of the archive that is extracted from one of the other two types and stored for the duration
of its Days-to-Live.
Archive Server
Programs which receive incoming video streams or loops, interprets them, and takes the applicable
An application that manages off-line storage of video/audio onto back-up tapes, floppy disks, optical
disks, etc.
Camera Controls
Permits users to change the camera lens direction and field view depth. Panning a camera moves its
field of view back and forth along a horizontal axis. Tilting commands move it up and down the vertical
axis. Zooming a camera moves objects closer to or further from the field of view. Many of these
cameras also include focus and iris control. A camera may have a subset of these features such as zoom,
pan, or tilt only.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Camera Drivers
Responsible for converting standardized URL commands supported by the module into binary control
protocols read by a specific camera model.
Child Proxy
An agent, process, or function that acts as a substitute or stand-in for another. A proxy is a process that
is started on a host acting as a source for a camera and encoder. This enables a single camera-encoder
source to be viewed and recorded by hundreds of clients. There are three types of proxies:
A “direct” proxy is the initial or direct connection between the edge camera-encoder source. By
definition at least one direct proxy exists for a given video source.
A “parent” proxy is the source of a nested or child proxy. Parent proxies may be from remote or local
hosts. Proxies are nested in a hierarchy with inheritance rights.
A “child” proxy is the result of a nested or parent proxy. Child proxies run on the local host. Proxies
are nested in a hierarchy with inheritance rights. A child proxy has the same resolution, quality, and
media type of its parent, but can have a lower framerate for motion JPEG.
A place in which records or historical documents are stored and/or preserved. An archive is a collection
of video data from any given proxy source. This enables a feed from a camera-encoder to be stored in
multiple locations and formats to be viewed at a later time. There are three types of archives:
Regular: where the archive recording terminates after a pre-set time duration lapses and is stored for
the duration of its Days-to-Live.
Loop: where the archive continuously records until the archive is stopped. Loop archives reuse the
space (first-in-first-out) allocated after every completion of the specified loop time.
Clip: the source of the archive is extracted from one of the previous two types and is stored for the
duration of its Days-to-Live.
Direct Proxy
An agent, process, or function that acts as a substitute or stand-in for another. A proxy is a process that
is started on a host acting as a source for a camera and encoder. This enables a single camera-encoder
source to be viewed and recorded by hundreds of clients. There are three types of proxies: A “direct”
proxy is the initial or direct connection between the edge camera-encoder source. By definition at least
one direct proxy exists for a given video source. A “parent” proxy is the source of a nested or child
proxy. Parent proxies may be from remote or local hosts. Proxies are nested in a hierarchy with
inheritance rights. A “child” proxy is the result of a nested or parent proxy. Child proxies run on the
local host. Proxies are nested in a hierarchy with inheritance rights. A child proxy has the same
resolution, quality, and media type of its parent, but can have a lower frame rate for motion JPEG.
Digital Video Recorder/Recording: broadcasts on a hard disk drive which can then be played back at a
later time
Encoder Driver
Sends the output of a camera driver to the encoder to which the camera is attached (via the network
protocol supported by a particular type of encoder).
Cisco Video Surveillance Encoding Server
When an incident or event occurs, it is captured by a device or application and is tagged. An event is a
collection of information about an incident, including name, associated video sources, and a timestamp.
If the event setup includes triggered clips, an event will have trigger tracking or video data associated
directly with it. Users will need to use the event log to refer to times within a referenced archive,
typically a master loop. By using the API to seek to a specific UTC timestamp, events can be used to
look up occurrences in an archive that were not necessarily associated with the original event.
Event Setup
A collection of processes and configurations designed to track and notify when alarms or alerts are
triggered. Types of event profiles includes event trigger tracking only, event triggers with archive clips,
and motion detection. When an event profile includes a trigger from an encoder, part of the profile
includes scripts copied to the encoder which release an event notification. When an event profile
includes event triggered clips, a pre-post buffer archive is started from the proxies associated with the
event profile. Once a trigger occurs, a clip is extracted from the pre-post buffer.
The transmission of a video signal from point to point.
Frames Per Second
Frame Rate
The rate at which the source is being recorded. For motion JPEG sources, the play rate is the number
of frames-per-second or fps. For MPEG sources, the play rate is the number of megabits-per-second or
Mbps and kilobits per second or Kbps.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Java 2 Enterprise Edition
JPEG (pronounced “jay-peg”) stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, the original name of the
committee that wrote the standard. JPEG is designed for compressing full color or gray-scale images
of natural, real-world scenes. JPEG is “lossy,” meaning that the decompressed image is not exactly the
same as the original. A useful property of JPEG is that the degree of lossiness can be varied by adjusting
compression parameters. This means that the image maker can trade off file size against output image
quality. The play rate is the number of frames-per-second or fps.
The rate at which the source is being recorded. For motion JPEG sources, the play rate is the number
of frames-per-second or fps. For MPEG sources, the play rate is the number of megabits-per-second or
Mbps and kilobits per second or Kbps.
The geometric description of one or more video panes.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
A loop is a hardware or software device which feeds the incoming signal or data back to the sender. It
is used to aid in debugging physical connection problems.
The rate at which the source is being recorded. For motion JPEG sources, the play rate is the number
of frames-per-second or fps. For MPEG sources, the play rate is the number of megabits-per-second or
Mbps and kilobits per second or Kbps.
Media Server
A device that processes multimedia applications.
MPEG (pronounced “em-peg”) stands for Moving Picture Experts Group and is the name of family of
standards used for the compression of digital video and audio sequences. MPEG files are smaller for
and use very sophisticated compression techniques. The play rate is the number of megabits-per-second
or Mbps and kilobits per second or Kbps.
National Television System Committee
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Permits users to change the camera lens direction and field view depth. Panning a camera moves its
field of view back and forth along a horizontal axis. Tilting commands move it up and down the vertical
axis. Zooming a camera moves objects closer to or further from the field of view. Many of these
cameras also include focus and iris control. A camera may have a subset of these features such as zoom,
pan, or tilt only.
Parent proxy
An agent, process, or function that acts as a substitute or stand-in for another. A proxy is a process that
is started on a host acting as a source for a camera and encoder. This enables a single camera-encoder
source to be viewed and recorded by hundreds of clients. There are three types of proxies: A “direct”
proxy is the initial or direct connection between the edge camera-encoder source. By definition at least
one direct proxy exists for a given video source. A “parent” proxy is the source of a nested or child
proxy. Parent proxies may be from remote or local hosts. Proxies are nested in a hierarchy with
inheritance rights. A “child” proxy is the result of a nested or parent proxy. Child proxies run on the
local host. Proxies are nested in a hierarchy with inheritance rights. A child proxy has the same
resolution, quality, and media type of its parent, but can have a lower frame rate for motion JPEG.
An agent, process, or function that acts as a substitute or stand-in for another. A proxy is a process that
is started on a host acting as a source for a camera and encoder. This enables a single camera-encoder
source to be viewed and recorded by hundreds of clients. There are three types of proxies: A “direct”
proxy is the initial or direct connection between the edge camera-encoder source. By definition at least
one direct proxy exists for a given video source. A “parent” proxy is the source of a nested or child
proxy. Parent proxies may be from remote or local hosts. Proxies are nested in a hierarchy with
inheritance rights. A “child” proxy is the result of a nested or parent proxy. Child proxies run on the
local host. Proxies are nested in a hierarchy with inheritance rights. A child proxy has the same
resolution, quality, and media type of its parent, but can have a lower frame rate for motion JPEG.
Proxy Command
A URL-based API that is neither application-platform nor programming language specific. Commands
are sent to dynamically loaded modules (e.g. info.bwt, command.bwt, event.bwt, &c.) using arguments
in the form of name-value pairs.
Proxy Server
An agent, process, or function that acts as a substitute or stand-in for another. A proxy is a process that
is started on a host acting as a source for a camera and encoder. This enables a single camera-encoder
source to be viewed and recorded by hundreds of clients. There are three types of proxies: A “direct”
proxy is the initial or direct connection between the edge camera-encoder source. By definition at least
one direct proxy exists for a given video source. A “parent” proxy is the source of a nested or child
proxy. Parent proxies may be from remote or local hosts. Proxies are nested in a hierarchy with
inheritance rights. A “child” proxy is the result of a nested or parent proxy. Child proxies run on the
local host. Proxies are nested in a hierarchy with inheritance rights. A child proxy has the same
resolution, quality, and media type of its parent, but can have a lower frame rate for motion JPEG.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Proxy Source
An agent, process, or function that acts as a substitute or stand-in for another. A proxy is a process that
is started on a host acting as a source for a camera and encoder. This enables a single camera-encoder
source to be viewed and recorded by hundreds of clients. There are three types of proxies: A “direct”
proxy is the initial or direct connection between the edge camera-encoder source. By definition at least
one direct proxy exists for a given video source. A “parent” proxy is the source of a nested or child
proxy. Parent proxies may be from remote or local hosts. Proxies are nested in a hierarchy with
inheritance rights. A “child” proxy is the result of a nested or parent proxy. Child proxies run on the
local host. Proxies are nested in a hierarchy with inheritance rights. A child proxy has the same
resolution, quality, and media type of its parent, but can have a lower frame rate for motion JPEG.
PTZ: Pan Tilt Zoom
Permits users to change the camera lens direction and field view depth. Panning a camera moves its
field of view back and forth along a horizontal axis. Tilting commands move it up and down the vertical
axis. Zooming a camera moves objects closer to or further from the field of view. Many of these
cameras also include focus and iris control. A camera may have a subset of these features such as zoom,
pan, or tilt only.
The rate at which the source is being recorded. For motion JPEG sources, the play rate is the number
of frames-per-second or fps. For MPEG sources, the play rate is the number of megabits-per-second or
Mbps and kilobits per second or Kbps.
Record Rate
The rate at which the source is being recorded. For motion JPEG sources, the play rate is the number
of frames-per-second or fps. For MPEG sources, the play rate is the number of megabits-per-second or
Mbps and kilobits per second or Kbps.
A place in which records or historical documents are stored and/or preserved. An archive is a collection
of video data from any given proxy source. This enables a feed from a camera-encoder to be stored in
multiple locations and formats to be viewed at a later time. There are three types of archives: Regular,
where the archive recording terminates after a pre-set time duration lapses and is stored for the duration
of its Days-to-Live. Loop, where the archive continuously records until the archive is stopped. Loop
archives reuse the space (first-in-first-out) allocated after every completion of the specified loop time.
Clip, the source of the archive is extracted from one of the previous two types and is stored for the
duration of its Days-to-Live.
Recording Archive
An archive whose state is running/recording. A running regular archive gathers additional data and
increases in size. A running loop archive gathers more data and reuses its allocated space. Regular
archives that have not reached their duration and loops that are still recording are running. Running
archives have a Days-to-Live value of v”-1” which does not update until they have stopped.
A central place where data is stored and maintained. A repository can be a place where multiple
databases or files are located for distribution over a network, or a repository can be a location that is
directly accessible to the user without having to travel across a network.
Stopped Archive
An archive whose state is stopped. A shelved archive does not gather additional data or increase in size.
Regular archives, clips, recordings, and loops that have reached their duration are considered shelved.
Shelved archives are stored for the duration of their Days-to-Live.
Stored Archive
An archive whose state is stopped. A shelved archive does not gather additional data or increase in size.
Regular archives, clips, recordings, and loops that have reached their duration are considered shelved.
Shelved archives are stored for the duration of their Days-to-Live.
Any data transmission that occurs in a continuous flow.
Tagged Event
When an incident or event occurs, it is captured by a device or application and is tagged. An event is a
collection of information about an incident, including name, associated video sources, and a timestamp.
If the event setup includes triggered clips, an event will have trigger tracking or video data associated
directly with it. Users will need to use the event log to refer to times within a referenced archive,
typically a master loop. By using the API to seek to a specific timestamp, events can be used to look
up occurrences in an archive that were not necessarily associated with the original event.
Time stamp
An international and universal time system. Representation of time used by computers and many
programming languages are most often accurate down to the millisecond. UTC values are used to track
archive date/time values and records when events are triggered.
Used to report alerts or other asynchronous event s pertaining to a managed subsystem.
The action or event that triggers an alarm for which an event profile is logged. Events can be caused by
an encoder with serial contact closures, a motion detected above defined thresholds, or another
application using the soft-trigger command API.
User Interface
Update Proxy
Changes the registered information for a proxy source so that the proxy process will serve multiple
videos as required. Once a proxy has been updated, all requests for that proxy will be served via the
new feed. All clients requesting the feeds will be switched. Proxies are not trans-coded meaning some
attributes may not be changed once registered.
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide
Video Feed
The transmission of a video signal from point to point. View: A layout, dwell time, and media sources.
VM: Cisco Video Surveillance Virtual Matrix Client VMR: Video Mixing Renderer
All or a portion of the camera view. The display can contain multiple windows either by stacking (only
the top one is entirely visible) or tiling (all are visible) or a combination of both.
Windows Media Video
Cisco Video Surveillance Solution Reference Network Design Guide