60 mg pre-lled syringe, 60 mg SC every 6 months
Rell: x1 x2 x3 x4
Prescriber Signature: (required for legal prescription triage)
____________________________________ Date: ___________
Patient’s Scheduled Injection Date: ������������������������
M81.0 (Age-related osteoporosis without current pathological fracture)
M80.0 ______ (Age-related osteoporosis with current
pathological fracture...) Please provide complete code
Other (specify ICD Code) ________________________________
Please provide secondary ICD Code, if applicable: ______________
Original Diagnostic T-Score: ______ T-Score Date: _______________
History of osteoporotic fracture
Prior Osteoporosis Therapy (if any):
Generic alendronate Fosamax
(alendronate sodium)
(risedronate sodium) Boniva
(ibandronate sodium)
Other ________________________________________________
Reason for Discontinuing Previous Osteoporosis Therapy(ies):
Contraindications (if any):
Patient is currently taking calcium and vitamin D supplements: Yes No
Calcium level available: Yes No
Other pertinent information: ________________________________
The sample diagnosis codes are informational and not intended to be directive or
a guarantee of reimbursement and include potential codes that would include FDA
approved indications for Prolia
. Other codes may be more appropriate given internal
system guidelines, payer requirements, practice patterns, and the services rendered.
*Physician Name: ________________________________________
*NPI #: _____________________ Tax ID #: __________________
Specialty: ______________________________________________
*Enter Site ID: _________________OR Complete information below.
*Site Name: ______________________________________________
*Street Address: _________________________________________
*City: _________ *State: ________ *ZIP: _____________________
*Phone: _ ____________________ Fax: ______________________
Ofce Contact: __________________________________________
*Site Type: MD Ofce Hospital Outpatient
Insurance Verication and Prior Authorization Form
Fax with copies of insurance card(s), front and back, to Amgen Assist
: 1-877-877-6542
*Asterisk elds are required for processing. If you have any questions, please contact Amgen Assist
at 1-866-AMG-ASST (1-866-264-2778).
Please see Indications and Important Safety Information on page 2, and the accompanying Prolia
full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide.
By completing and faxing this form, you represent that your patient is aware of the disclosure of their personal health information to Amgen and its agents for
Amgen’s patient support services, including reimbursement and verication services and the services provided by eld reimbursement professionals in your ofce,
as part of the patient’s treatment with this product and that you have obtained appropriate patient authorizations as needed.
Fax Completed Form and/or Copy of Insurance Card(s) to Amgen Assist
: 1-877-877-6542.
© 2020 Amgen Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks are properties of respective owners. USA-162-82122 04/20
*Patient Name: __________________________________________
Attach patient demographic sheet OR Complete information below:
*Street Address: _________________________________________
*City: _________ *State: ________ *ZIP: _____________________
*Phone: ________________________________________________
M F *Date of Birth: _________________________________
Patient Information
Physician Information
(Defaults to Medical Benet)
Medical and Pharmacy Benet
Medical Benet (Physician Purchase)
Referral to treating site:
*Enter Site ID: _________________ OR Complete information below.
*Site Name: _____________________________________________
*Street Address: _________________________________________
*City: _________ *State: ________ *ZIP: _____________________
*Phone: _ ____________________ *Fax: _____________________
Ofce Contact: __________________________________________
*Site Type: MD Ofce Hospital Outpatient
Fulllment Method (Select only ONE)
Attach a copy of insurance card, front AND back OR provide:
*Insurance Name: ________________________________________
*Insurance Phone: ________________________________________
Subscriber Name: ________________________________________
Subscriber Date of Birth: ___________________________________
Subscriber Relationship to Patient: ___________________________
Group #: _______________________________________________
*Policy #: _______________________________________________
Primary Insurance Information
Attach a copy of insurance card, front AND back OR provide:
*Pharmacy Insurance Patient ID #: ___________________________
*Pharmacy Insurance Phone #: _____________________________
Pharmacy Insurance Information
Prescription Information
Injection Date
Attach a copy of insurance card, front AND back OR provide:
*Insurance Name: ________________________________________
*Is this a Medigap policy? Yes No Not Known
If yes, please indicate plan letter: ____________________________
*Insurance Phone: ________________________________________
Subscriber Name: ________________________________________
Subscriber Date of Birth: ___________________________________
Subscriber Relationship to Patient: ___________________________
Group #: _______________________________________________
*Policy #: _______________________________________________
Secondary Insurance Information
(If Applicable)
Patient Medical Information
Amgen Inc.
One Amgen Center Drive
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-1799
© 2020 Amgen Inc. All rights reserved.
USA-162-82122 04/20
Please see accompanying Prolia
full Prescribing
Information, including Medication Guide.
Prolia is indicated for the treatment of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at high risk for fracture, dened as a
history of osteoporotic fracture, or multiple risk factors for fracture; or patients who have failed or are intolerant to other
available osteoporosis therapy.
Prolia is indicated for treatment to increase bone mass in men with osteoporosis at high risk for fracture, dened as a history of osteoporotic fracture, or
multiple risk factors for fracture; or patients who have failed or are intolerant to other available osteoporosis therapy.
Important Safety Information
Contraindications: Prolia
is contraindicated in patients with hypocalcemia. Pre-existing hypocalcemia must be corrected prior to initiating
. Prolia
is contraindicated in women who are pregnant and may cause fetal harm. In women of reproductive potential, pregnancy
testing should be performed prior to initiating treatment with Prolia
. Prolia
is contraindicated in patients with a history of systemic
hypersensitivity to any component of the product. Reactions have included anaphylaxis, facial swelling and urticaria.
Same Active Ingredient: Prolia
contains the same active ingredient (denosumab) found in XGEVA
. Patients receiving Prolia
should not
receive XGEVA
Hypersensitivity: Clinically signicant hypersensitivity including anaphylaxis has been reported with Prolia
. Symptoms have included
hypotension, dyspnea, throat tightness, facial and upper airway edema, pruritus and urticaria. If an anaphylactic or other clinically
signicant allergic reaction occurs, initiate appropriate therapy and discontinue further use of Prolia
Hypocalcemia: Hypocalcemia may worsen with the use of Prolia
, especially in patients with severe renal impairment. In patients
predisposed to hypocalcemia and disturbances of mineral metabolism, including treatment with other calcium-lowering drugs, clinical monitoring
of calcium and mineral levels is highly recommended within 14 days of Prolia
injection. Concomitant use of calcimimetic drugs may worsen
hypocalcemia risk and serum calcium should be closely monitored. Adequately supplement all patients with calcium and vitamin D.
Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ): ONJ, which can occur spontaneously, is generally associated with tooth extraction and/or local infection
with delayed healing, and has been reported in patients receiving Prolia
. An oral exam should be performed by the prescriber prior to
initiation of Prolia
. A dental examination with appropriate preventive dentistry is recommended prior to treatment in patients with risk factors
for ONJ such as invasive dental procedures, diagnosis of cancer, concomitant therapies (e.g. chemotherapy, corticosteroids, angiogenesis
inhibitors), poor oral hygiene, and co-morbid disorders. Good oral hygiene practices should be maintained during treatment with Prolia
. The
risk of ONJ may increase with duration of exposure to Prolia
For patients requiring invasive dental procedures, clinical judgment should guide the management plan of each patient. Patients who are suspected of
having or who develop ONJ should receive care by a dentist or an oral surgeon. Extensive dental surgery to treat ONJ may exacerbate the condition.
Discontinuation of Prolia
should be considered based on individual benefit-risk assessment.
Atypical Femoral Fractures: Atypical low-energy, or low trauma fractures of the shaft have been reported in patients receiving Prolia
Causality has not been established as these fractures also occur in osteoporotic patients who have not been treated with
antiresorptive agents.
During Prolia
treatment, patients should be advised to report new or unusual thigh, hip, or groin pain. Any patient who presents with thigh
or groin pain should be evaluated to rule out an incomplete femur fracture. Interruption of Prolia
therapy should be considered, pending a
risk/benet assessment, on an individual basis.
Multiple Vertebral Fractures (MVF) Following Discontinuation of Prolia
Treatment: Following discontinuation of Prolia
fracture risk increases, including the risk of multiple vertebral fractures. New vertebral fractures occurred as early as 7 months (on average
19 months) after the last dose of Prolia
. Prior vertebral fracture was a predictor of multiple vertebral fractures after Prolia
Evaluate an individual’s benet/risk before initiating treatment with Prolia
. If Prolia
treatment is discontinued, patients should be
transitioned to an alternative antiresorptive therapy.
Serious Infections: In a clinical trial (N = 7808) in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis, serious infections leading to hospitalization
were reported more frequently in the Prolia
group than in the placebo group. Serious skin infections, as well as infections of the abdomen,
urinary tract and ear, were more frequent in patients treated with Prolia
Endocarditis was also reported more frequently in Prolia
-treated patients. The incidence of opportunistic infections and the overall incidence
of infections were similar between the treatment groups. Advise patients to seek prompt medical attention if they develop
signs or symptoms of severe infection, including cellulitis.
Patients on concomitant immunosuppressant agents or with impaired immune systems may be at increased risk for serious infections. In patients
who develop serious infections while on Prolia
, prescribers should assess the need for continued Prolia
Dermatologic Adverse Reactions: In the same clinical trial in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis, epidermal and dermal adverse
events such as dermatitis, eczema and rashes occurred at a signicantly higher rate with Prolia
compared to placebo.
Most of these events were not specic to the injection site. Consider discontinuing Prolia
if severe symptoms develop.
Musculoskeletal Pain: Severe and occasionally incapacitating bone, joint, and/or muscle pain has been reported in patients taking
. Consider discontinuing use if severe symptoms develop.
Suppression of Bone Turnover: In clinical trials in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis, Prolia
resulted in signicant suppression
of bone remodeling as evidenced by markers of bone turnover and bone histomorphometry. The signicance of these ndings and the effect of
long-term treatment are unknown. Monitor patients for consequences, including ONJ, atypical fractures, and delayed fracture healing.
Adverse Reactions: The most common adverse reactions (> 5% and more common than placebo) in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis
are back pain, pain in extremity, musculoskeletal pain, hypercholesterolemia, and cystitis.
The most common adverse reactions (> 5% and more common than placebo) in men with osteoporosis are back pain, arthralgia, and nasopharyngitis.
Pancreatitis has been reported with Prolia
In women with postmenopausal osteoporosis, the overall incidence of new malignancies was 4.3% in the placebo group and 4.8% in the
group. In men with osteoporosis, new malignancies were reported in no patients in the placebo group and 4 (3.3%) patients in the
group. A causal relationship to drug exposure has not been established. Denosumab is a human monoclonal antibody. As with
all therapeutic proteins, there is potential for immunogenicity.