All of Us Research Program Sample Consent Form Page |F1-1
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Consent to Join the
All of Us Research Program
Principal Investigator: Joshua Denny, MS, MD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
2525 West End Ave, Suite 1475
Nashville, TN 37203
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health
This form is for people age 18 or older.
This form tells about the All of Us Research Program (All of Us). It explains
what we will ask you to do if you join. Please read this form carefully. If you
have questions, there is a list of people you can ask at the end of this form.
We will give you a copy of this form if you want one.
What is All of Us?
All of Us is a health research program funded by the U.S. government. If
you join, we will gather data about you. We will combine it with data from
other people who join. Researchers will use this data for lots of studies. By
looking for patterns, researchers may learn more about what affects
people’s health.
We hope that 1 million people or more will join All of Us.
How long will All of Us last?
All of Us will last for at least ten years. If you decide to join, you can
withdraw (quit) at any time.
What will you ask me to do?
If you decide to join All of Us, we will gather data about you. We will gather
some of the data from you directly. We will gather some of the data from
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Data that we will gather from you directly:
1. Basic data
We will ask you for data like your name and date of birth. Once a year
we will ask if you have moved, or changed your phone number or email
address. We will ask for the phone number or email address for a friend
or family member as a backup in case we need to reach you. We might
use social media or public listings to help us keep your contact
information up to date.
2. Health data
We will ask you questions about your health, family, home, and work.
This will take about 30-60 minutes. From time to time, we will ask you
follow-up questions about your health. We may ask the same question
more than one time, so we can see if there are any changes. You do not
have to answer any question you do not want to answer.
3. Physical measurements
We may ask you to go to a local clinic to be measured. If you are asked,
you can decide yes or no. You can say no and still take part in All of Us.
If you say yes to being measured, it will take about 15 minutes. All of Us
trained research staff will do the measurements. We will measure your
height, weight, hips, and waist. We will check your blood pressure and
heart rate. We may ask you to have other measurements over time.
4. Samples
We may ask you to go to a local clinic to give a blood sample. If you are
asked, you can decide yes or no. You can say no and still take part in All
of Us.
If you say yes to giving a sample, we will use a needle to draw about 3
tablespoons of blood from your arm. We may ask you to give a urine
sample (“pee in a cup”). We may ask for other samples, like saliva
Researchers will study your samples. They may measure things that
naturally occur within our bodies, for example, cholesterol. They may
look for signs of outside factors that affect health. For example,
environmental toxins, medications, or drugs.
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Researchers may also want to study your DNA. DNA is in your blood
and other samples. Genes are made of DNA. Our hair color, eye color,
and risk for some diseases depend on our genes.
Genes are passed from parents to kids. Half of your genes came from
your mom and half came from your dad. If you have kids, each of them
will get half your genes. In this way, your genes also tell about your
Researchers will use many methods to study your samples. Because All
of Us will last for ten or more years, some of the methods may not even
be invented yet.
We will store your blood, urine, and saliva samples in the All of Us
biobank. The biobank is a secure storage place for samples. We will
store your samples at the biobank until they are used up by researchers
for different studies. If your samples get used up, we may ask you to
give more. You can say yes or no.
What researchers learn from studying your samples will be added to the
All of Us databases.
5. Fitness trackers
If you have a fitness tracker (like one to count the steps you take in a
day), you might be able to share data from it with All of Us. If you don’t
have a fitness tracker, we may ask you to use one that we give you. You
can say no and still take part in All of Us.
Data that we will gather from elsewhere:
1. Electronic health records
If you have electronic health records, we may ask for access. If you are
asked, you can decide yes or no. You can say no and still take part in All
of Us, but it might limit what other data we ask to collect from you. For
example, if you say no, you might not be asked to give samples.
There will be a separate form called the HIPAA Authorization for you to
sign if you decide to give us access. We will see data about your health
problems, test results, medical procedures, images (such as X-rays),
and medicines you take. Health records can contain sensitive data. For
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example, they may tell us about your mental health, genetic conditions,
or use of alcohol or drugs. They may contain sexual or infection data,
including HIV status.
2. Data about your health from other sources
We will add data from other sources to the data you give us. For
example, environmental data and pharmacy records. This will give
researchers more data about factors that might affect your health.
There are two ways we will add data from other sources to your All of Us
Based on where you live and work
We will add data about your area based on where you live and work.
For example, we may add data about the number of people in your
area. We may add pollution data. We may add data like how close
you live to the nearest grocery store or park.
Based on data that identifies you
We will use data that identifies you like your name and date of birth to
add data that is specific to you. For example, we may add data from
pharmacy records or health insurance records. If you have had
cancer, we may add data from cancer registries.
If you have a social security number, we may ask you for it to help
with adding data. It is optional. Even if we ask, you do not have to
give us your social security number. You can say no and still take
part in All of Us.
These other sources can contain sensitive data. For example, they may
tell us about your mental health, or use of alcohol or drugs. They may
contain sexual or infection data, including HIV status. Because of this,
we will ask the All of Us ethics committee to review and approve each
data source before we add it.
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What will you do with my data and samples?
We will store your data and samples securely, along with the data and
samples from all the other people who take part in All of Us. Researchers
will use the data and samples to make discoveries.
We will create a public database on the All of Us website. The data in the
public database will be about the group. It will not include data about
individual people. It will not include your name or other data that directly
identifies you. Everyone will be able to use the public database to make
We will also create a scientific database. The scientific database will have
individual-level data and samples. Access to this database will be
controlled. Researchers will have to be approved by All of Us to use this
database. These researchers may be from anywhere in the world. They
may work for commercial companies, like drug companies. They may be
citizen scientists. Citizen scientists are people who do science in their
spare time. Their research may be on nearly any topic. You can learn more
about the research being done at
Except if you withdraw (“quit”) or there are limits imposed by law, there is
no limit on the length of time we will store your samples and data.
Researchers will use your samples and data for research long into the
What else will you ask me to do?
We may ask if you want to hear about chances to take part in other studies.
You can say yes or no to taking part in other studies. You can say no and
still take part in All of Us.
What are the risks of taking part in All of Us?
The main risk of taking part in All of Us is to your privacy. A data breach is
when someone sees or uses data without permission. If there is a data
breach, someone could see or use the data we have about you. Even
without your name, there is a chance someone could figure out who you
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are. They could misuse your data. We believe the chance of this is very
small, but it is not zero.
We will gather data from you through the All of Us app and/or website. You
may be asked to wear a fitness tracker. There is a risk to your privacy
whenever you use an app, website, or fitness tracker. In general, there is
no additional risk to your privacy if you use any of them as part of All of Us.
That said, we will be gathering many different types of data in your All of Us
record. If there is a data breach, there may be additional risk to your
privacy because of the amount of data in your All of Us record.
Researchers will use basic facts like your race, ethnic group, and sex in
their studies. This data helps researchers learn if the things that affect
health are the same in different groups of people. These studies could one
day help people of the same race, ethnic group, or sex as you. However,
there is a risk that others could use this data to support harmful ideas about
If you give a blood sample, the most common risks are brief pain and
bruising. Some people may become dizzy or feel faint. There is also a
small risk of infection.
Taking part in All of Us may have risks that we don’t know about yet. We will
tell you if we learn anything that might change your decision to take part.
What will you do to protect my privacy?
Your privacy is very important to us. We will take great care to protect it.
Here are a few of the steps we will take:
Data we have about you will be stored on protected computers. We
will limit and keep track of who can see this data.
We will limit who is allowed to see information that could directly
identify you, like your name or social security number.
In order to work with your health data researchers must sign a
contract stating they will not to try to find out who you are.
We will tell you if there is a data breach.
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All of Us has Certificates of Confidentiality from the U.S. government.
These will help us fight legal demands (such as a court order or a
request from federal, state, or local law enforcement) to give out
information that could identify you.
Will you ever give out my name or other information
that identifies me?
There are a few times when we might need to give out your name or other
information that identifies you.
We will give out information about you to protect your health or the
health of others.
o If we learn or suspect that you are being abused.
o If we learn or suspect you are abusing, neglecting, or have
abandoned someone who depends on you for care, like a child
or dependent adult.
o If we learn that you plan to harm yourself or someone else.
o If we learn that you have a disease that is a risk to public
health, like measles.
We will give out any data needed to meet U.S. research laws and
regulations. This may include information that identifies you.
Once your information is shared with All of Us, it may no longer be
protected by patient privacy rules (like HIPAA). However, it will still be
protected by other privacy rules. These include the rules that researchers
must follow to access the All of Us scientific database.
Are there any benefits?
All of Us is not medical treatment. It is a research program. You will not get
direct medical benefit from taking part in All of Us.
That said, you may indirectly benefit from taking part in All of Us. For
example, we will provide ways for you to get access to all the data you
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share with us and some of the results about you. This information may be
interesting to you. You may learn about your health. You will be able to
share your All of Us information with your healthcare provider if you
choose. You will have the option to learn about additional study
opportunities. Finally, you will be helping researchers make discoveries that
may help future generations.
Are there any costs?
There are no direct costs to taking part in the All of Us Research Program.
However, we will do various medical tests as part of this study. We will give
you the results. You can decide to seek follow up care on your own
because of these results. If you receive follow-up care, your doctor will bill
you or your insurance company per usual practice. If you do not have
insurance, or if your insurance will not pay, you will be responsible for the
cost of follow-up care.
Are there any payments?
If we ask you to be physically measured and give samples and you decide
to do it, we will offer you a one-time payment of $25.
Researchers will use your data to make discoveries. If any of their studies
lead to new tests, drugs, or other commercial products, you will not get any
profits. These inventions will be the property of the researchers who
develop them.
Will I be able to see my data?
Yes, you will be able to see some of the data we collect about you. This
Any data you give us, like your health data.
Your physical measurements.
Some measurements from your samples.
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You will be able to share this data if you choose. For example, you might
want to share your All of Us data with your family or your healthcare
Will I find out the results of the research?
Results explain or interpret data. All of Us involves two kinds of results:
results about you and results about the group.
1. Results about you
We may tell you if there are results about you. You will be able to
choose if you want to see these results.
Results that might change your medical care
These are results that could be used by a healthcare provider to take
better care of you. For example, if any of your physical
measurements are outside of what we would expect, we will tell you
so you can follow-up with your healthcare provider. You will have to
pay for the cost of follow-up care with your own healthcare provider.
Results that would not change your medical care
These results might be interesting to you, but a healthcare provider
probably would not use them to take better care of you. For example,
these results might come from tests that are still experimental.
2. Results about the group
These are reports of what researchers learn about health from studying
data from all the different people in the All of Us Research Program. You
can get these reports, as well as general news and updates about All of
Us at
What if I get injured?
If you think you have been injured because of taking part in All of Us,
contact us using the information at the end of this form. If we find that you
were injured as a direct result of taking part in All of Us:
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You will not have to pay for any immediate medical care to treat your
Beyond your immediate medical care, we will not pay for your injury.
If you need follow-up care to treat your injury, you and/or your
insurance will have to pay for it.
If you have any long-term costs to treat your injury, you and/or your
insurance will have to pay them.
You do not give up any of your legal rights if you take part in All of Us.
Do I have to take part?
Taking part in All of Us is voluntary. You can choose to join or not. No
matter what you decide, now or in the future, it will not affect your medical
If you decide to join All of Us, you can change your mind at any time. If you
decide you want to withdraw (quit), you need to tell us. You can tell us
through the app or website, or use the contact information at the end of this
form to call or write to us.
If you withdraw, your samples will be destroyed. Your data will not be used
for new studies. However, if researchers already have your data or
samples for their studies, we at All of Us cannot get it back. Also, we will let
researchers check the results of past studies. If they need your old data to
do this work, we will give it to them.
Even if you withdraw, we will keep your name and contact information. We
keep this information so we can follow U.S. research laws and regulations.
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Who can answer my questions?
If you have questions about:
Please contact the:
The All of Us Research
All of Us Support Center
Hours: Mon-Sun, 7am-10pm ET
Phone: 1-844-842-2855
Chat (website or app):
Languages: English and Spanish
Your rights as a research
All of Us Institutional Review Board
Phone: 1-844-200-8990
401 N. Washington Street, 7
Rockville, MD 20850
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I know and agree that:
My data will be stored in the All of Us databases.
If I give a blood, urine, or saliva sample, it will be stored at the All of
Us biobank. This includes my DNA. Information that researchers
learn by studying my samples will be stored in the All of Us
Researchers will do studies using the All of Us databases and
biobank. Their research may be on nearly any topic.
If my samples are used up, I may be asked to give more blood, urine,
or saliva. I can say yes or no.
My contact information may be used to tell me about other studies.
I can withdraw (quit) at any time. There is no penalty if I withdraw.
Please check the box below if you agree to take part:
I have read this consent form (or someone read it to me). I
understand the information in this form. All of my questions
have been answered. I freely and willingly choose to take part
in the All of Us Research Program.
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Please check the box below if someone from All of Us helped you with
completing the consent process:
I received help from All of Us to complete the consent process.