Revision 01-16-19
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Waiver of HIPAA Authorization for Research
Use this form to request a waiver of patient authorization to use protected health information
(PHI) in research.
Do not use this form if the research or a demonstration project is to be conducted by or subject
to the approval of state or local government officials and is designed to study, evaluate, or
otherwise examine public benefit or service programs. Instead, contact the Office of the UAB IRB
1. IRB Protocol Title: Access to the Data in the N3C Data Enclave for [xxx]
2. Principal Investigator:
3. Request to Waive HIPAA Authorization for Research. Provide protocol-specific
responses to the following items that describe why the waiver is being requested
for this use of PHI in this research.
a. The use/disclosure of protected health information (PHI) involves no more than minimal
risk to the privacy of individuals.
i. Describe the plan to protect the identifiers from improper use and disclosure:
Identifiers in the NIH Data Enclave are excluded except date and zip code. No individual data will be
downloaded from the Enclave.
ii. Describe the plan to destroy the identifiers at the earliest opportunity consistent with
conduct of the research, unless there is a health or research justification for retaining
the identifiers or such retention is otherwise required by law:
No individual data will be downloaded from the Enclave.
b. Describe why the research cannot practicably be conducted without the waiver or
alteration of patient authorization to use PHI in research:
Data will be from many thousands of patients who have already been discharged or possible died, making contact
difficult or impossible.
c. Describe why the research cannot practicably be conducted without access to and use of
the PHI:
Data will be used in part for epidemiologic studies that will require some knowledge of geographic location
and dates in order to correlated findings with environmental factors, including season, weather, and
4. Non-UAB Disclosure or Use of PHI
Do you plan to use the waiver from the UAB IRB to justify disclosure or use of PHI from a
non-UAB covered entity? Yes No
If yes, complete a and b.
a. What covered entity or entities will disclose or use the PHI?
b. What PHI will the entity or entity disclose or use?
If the IRB approves this request for waiver, the PI can forward the IRB-issued waiver to
the non-UAB covered entity as documentation of the waiver of authorization for the
disclosure of PHI to UAB. Please note the entity may or may not accept the IRB's waiver
and may request an additional review.
Revision 01-16-19
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By submitting this request for waiver of patient authorization, I certify that the PHI will not be
reused or disclosed to any other person or entity, except as required by law, for authorized
oversight of the research study, or for other research for which the use or disclosure of PHI
would be permitted.