Digital Commons Site Setup Form
Version: December 2022 | Available at
Welcome to Digital Commons!
This form will help guide the setup and design of your new repository site. Please review it with your
team. When you're ready to get started with the process, contact Consulting Services to arrange a
design tour, then complete the form and return it to us!
Our Consulting Services team is here to advise you and answer any questions you might have about
your new Digital Commons site. Don’t hesitate to email us at or phone us
weekdays at 510-665-1200 x 2, 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Pacific Time (North America).
Before You Begin
Read the DC Design Customization Guide. The guide contains important information about the
repository design process and guidelines.
Review existing Digital Commons repositories. Find links to other subscriber sites and
inspiration for your own design.
Gather your team. Key decision makers from around your institution might be involved at the
beginning. Include members of your IT and marketing and communication departments who can
assist with setup and design.
Arrange a Design Tour. When you're ready to fill out the form, Consulting Services will lead
your team through a design tour and advise on your unique implementation.
Part 1. Basic Repository Setup
Please provide the details below regarding basic Digital Commons site settings and contacts.
Institution Name:
Desired Repository Name:
Desired Repository URL:
Accepted URL structures:; Please make sure this is
final. Changes after initial Domain Name System (DNS)
setup may incur a fee.
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Specific Launch Date, if any:
Our team implements sites in the order that we receive
final mock-up approval. Leave this blank, unless the site
must launch by a certain date.
Privacy Policy Link:
Recommended for GDPR compliance.
Primary Contact Name:
You may leave this field blank, unless someone other
than the IR administrator will be overseeing the initial
design process.
Primary Contact Email:
Primary Contact Phone:
Repository Administrator Name:
Repository Administrator Email:
Repository Administrator Phone:
IT Contact Name:
Required only for a one-time DNS setup.
IT Contact Email:
IT Phone:
Expert Gallery Suite Contact Name:
If your institution subscribes, please indicate if we should
contact a separate administrator about the Expert
Gallery Suite instead of the repository administrator.
Expert Gallery Suite Contact Email:
Expert Gallery Suite Contact Phone:
Does your institution use OpenURL?
Additional information can be found at:
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OpenURL Link Resolver URL:
OpenURL IP Range:
Would you like details about setting up
bepress Archive?
If yes, we will send you information about pushing
content to an Amazon S3 account owned by your
institution. Learn more in the bepress Archive guide
Part 2. Site Design
Each Digital Commons repository is provided with a custom design in order to achieve a unique look
that fits your branding needs. Please read over the details below and complete the design questions
so we may begin the process of creating your site. You will have the opportunity to assemble your
team for a virtual design tour before filling out and submitting this form.
Design Process Overview
We will provide up to three iterations to deliver a polished, professional repository design:
First iteration: Consulting Services works with our design and technical teams to create a
mock-up image based on the information you provide with this form. The design team
may ask for additional information before preparing the first iteration.
Second iteration: Once you receive your first mock-up, you may want to make changes
or provide feedback to hone the design. The design team will incorporate these requests
into the second mock-up.
Third iteration: If further changes are necessary, you may request a third iteration. Once
this is complete, you may choose from any of the iterations for your final design.
Approved design: When you approve the design, it is considered finalized and applied
to a demo site. Changes requested after the finalized design may incur fees and/or
delay the launch of your repository. If you have questions about this, please don’t
hesitate to contact Consulting Services.
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Please choose one of the following:
1. A design based on your institution’s website
We will use your institution’s site as a guide for your Digital Commons site design. Please
enter the URL here.
You may specify any preferences in the sections below and in the Additional Design Notes at
the bottom of this form. Please include branding guidelines (attachment or link), if available.
2. A unique design distinct from your institutional branding
We can generate a unique design using any of the following sources. Please specify your
preferred source(s) for the design below.
a. The design of another website.
b. Attached images and any design notes you’ve included at the bottom of this form.
c. A mock-up you have created with the DC Photoshop template (available from
Consulting Services upon request).
Preferred site layout:
(select one) XXXXXXXXXX
Navigation Tabs * XXXXXXX
(select one) XXXXXXXXXXX
Left-aligned XXXXXXXXX Above header XXXXXXXXX
Right-aligned XXXXXXXX Below header XXXXXXXXXX
* Navigation tabs are the Home, About, FAQ, My Account tabs near the top of most DC sites.
Preferred site typography:
When designing your site, we will use web-safe typefaces that complement your site. If you
have any specifications, please list them below.
For more information on site typography, please see the Customization Guide.
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Please include any logos or other graphics when returning the setup form, or indicate here if there is
another location where we may retrieve the file(s).
ogos/images URL:__________________________________________________________________________
If you’ve included images, please note where you’d like each of them to appear in the design:
Notes: 1) Please make sure that your logos and images are properly licensed for use with your design.
) W
hile we can accommodate a range of file types, high resolution (minimum 72 dpi) images in .jpg,
.png, or .gif format are preferred, as are logos in .svg or .eps format. 3) We will incorporate your
images in the design, but aren’t able to provide or create them for you.
Creating a mock-up or header banner: Please request the DC Photoshop template from Consulting
Services if you are planning to supply your own mock-up. For complete layout guidelines, refer to the
Customization Guide. You can provide a header banner without using the template, but please do not
compress the image file for the web or reduce the width to less than 980 pixels.
Our design team may need to make some alterations to your design to work within our template
parameters and/or they may request additional files to fulfill your request(s).
Digital Commons repository homepages can feature browse buttons instead of browse links that lead
to your site’s main content categories.
Specify your homepage browse preference:
Browse links (Example) - you may skip the rest of this section
Browse buttons (Example) - see below
The options for buttons are:
Google Material icons: Please include links to specific icons along with your desired text for
each button.
Your own custom buttons or icons: Please provide .svg or .eps files, if possible. If files don’t
include text, please tell us the desired text for each button. (Note: Changes after launch may
be less flexible for this option; please ask your consultant if you have any questions.)
Text-only buttons: Please specify the desired text for each button.
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Additional Design Notes
Please let us know here if you have any special requests or additional details to provide. You may use
email to share your preferences as well. If you are electing to have our design team create a unique
design unrelated to your institution site, please provide as much specific detail about your vision as
possible, especially any color preferences.