Federal Trade Commission | March 2013
How to Make Effective Disclosures
in Digital Advertising
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
The Applicability of FTC Law to Online Advertising
Clear and Conspicuous Disclosures in Online Advertisements
Background on Disclosures ...................................5
The Clear and Conspicuous Requirement
What Are Clear and Conspicuous Disclosures?
Proximity and Placement ......................................8
Distracting Factors in Ads
Multimedia Messages and Campaigns
Understandable Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Conclusion ................................................21
Appendix: Examples
Federal Trade Commission
In the online marketplace, consumers can transact business without the constraints of
time or distance. One can log on to the Internet day or night and purchase almost anything
one desires, and advances in mobile technology allow advertisers to reach consumers nearly
anywhere they go. But cyberspace is not without boundaries, and deception is unlawful no
matter what the medium. The FTC has enforced and will continue enforcing its consumer
protection laws to ensure that products and services are described truthfully online, and that
consumers understand what they are paying for. These activities benet consumers as well as
sellers, who expect and deserve the opportunity to compete in a marketplace free of deception
and unfair practices.
The general principles of advertising law apply online, but new issues arise almost
as fast as technology develops — most recently, new issues have arisen concerning space-
constrained screens and social media platforms. This FTC staff guidance document describes
the information businesses should consider as they develop ads for online media to ensure
that they comply with the law. Briey,
1. The same consumer protection laws that apply to commercial activities in other
media apply online, including activities in the mobile marketplace. The FTC Act’s
prohibition on “unfair or deceptive acts or practices” encompasses online advertising,
marketing, and sales. In addition, many Commission rules and guides are not
limited to any particular medium used to disseminate claims or advertising, and
therefore, apply to the wide spectrum of online activities.
2. When practical, advertisers should incorporate relevant limitations and qualifying
information into the underlying claim, rather than having a separate disclosure
qualifying the claim.
3. Required disclosures must be clear and conspicuous. In evaluating whether a
disclosure is likely to be clear and conspicuous, advertisers should consider its
placement in the ad and its proximity to the relevant claim. The closer the disclosure
is to the claim to which it relates, the better. Additional considerations include: the
prominence of the disclosure; whether it is unavoidable; whether other parts of
the ad distract attention from the disclosure; whether the disclosure needs to be
repeated at different places on a website; whether disclosures in audio messages
are presented in an adequate volume and cadence; whether visual disclosures
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
appear for a sufcient duration; and whether the language of the disclosure is
understandable to the intended audience.
4. To make a disclosure clear and conspicuous, advertisers should:
Place the disclosure as close as possible to the triggering claim.
Take account of the various devices and platforms consumers may use to view
advertising and any corresponding disclosure. If an ad is viewable on a particular
device or platform, any necessary disclosures should be sufcient to prevent the
ad from being misleading when viewed on that device or platform.
When a space-constrained ad requires a disclosure, incorporate the disclosure
into the ad whenever possible. However, when it is not possible to make a
disclosure in a space-constrained ad, it may, under some circumstances, be
acceptable to make the disclosure clearly and conspicuously on the page to
which the ad links.
When using a hyperlink to lead to a disclosure,
make the link obvious;
label the hyperlink appropriately to convey the importance, nature, and
relevance of the information it leads to;
use hyperlink styles consistently, so consumers know when a link is
place the hyperlink as close as possible to the relevant information it qualies
and make it noticeable;
take consumers directly to the disclosure on the click-through page;
assess the effectiveness of the hyperlink by monitoring click-through rates
and other information about consumer use and make changes accordingly.
Preferably, design advertisements so that “scrolling” is not necessary in order
to nd a disclosure. When scrolling is necessary, use text or visual cues to
encourage consumers to scroll to view the disclosure.
Keep abreast of empirical research about where consumers do and do not look
on a screen.
Recognize and respond to any technological limitations or unique characteristics
of a communication method when making disclosures.
Display disclosures before consumers make a decision to buy — e.g., before
they “add to shopping cart.” Also recognize that disclosures may have to be
Federal Trade Commission
repeated before purchase to ensure that they are adequately presented to
Repeat disclosures, as needed, on lengthy websites and in connection with
repeated claims. Disclosures may also have to be repeated if consumers have
multiple routes through a website.
If a product or service promoted online is intended to be (or can be) purchased
from “brick and mortar” stores or from online retailers other than the advertiser
itself, then any disclosure necessary to prevent deception or unfair injury should
be presented in the ad itself — that is, before consumers head to a store or
some other online retailer.
Necessary disclosures should not be relegated to “terms of use” and similar
contractual agreements.
Prominently display disclosures so they are noticeable to consumers, and
evaluate the size, color, and graphic treatment of the disclosure in relation to
other parts of the webpage.
Review the entire ad to assess whether the disclosure is effective in light of
other elements — text, graphics, hyperlinks, or sound — that might distract
consumers’ attention from the disclosure.
Use audio disclosures when making audio claims, and present them in a volume
and cadence so that consumers can hear and understand them.
Display visual disclosures for a duration sufcient for consumers to notice, read,
and understand them.
Use plain language and syntax so that consumers understand the disclosures.
5. If a disclosure is necessary to prevent an advertisement from being deceptive,
unfair, or otherwise violative of a Commission rule, and it is not possible to make the
disclosure clearly and conspicuously, then that ad should not be disseminated. This
means that if a particular platform does not provide an opportunity to make clear
and conspicuous disclosures, then that platform should not be used to disseminate
advertisements that require disclosures.
Negative consumer experiences can result in lost consumer goodwill and erode
consumer condence. Clear, conspicuous, and meaningful disclosures benet advertisers and
Federal Trade Commission
I. Introduction
Day in and day out, businesses advertise and sell their products and services online.
The online universe presents a rewarding and fast-paced experience for consumers, but also
raises interesting — and occasionally complex — questions about the applicability of laws that
were developed long before “dot com,” “smartphone,” and “social media” became household
In May 2000, following a public comment period and a public workshop held to
discuss the applicability of FTC rules and guides to online activities, FTC staff issued Dot
Com Disclosures. That guidance document examined how the Commission’s consumer
protection statutes, rules, and guides apply to online advertising and sales and discussed FTC
requirements that disclosures be presented clearly and conspicuously, in the context of online
In May 2011, FTC staff began seeking input to modify and update the guidance
document to reect the dramatic changes in the online world in the preceding eleven years.
After three public comment periods and a public workshop, this revised staff guidance
document was issued in March 2013.
This document provides FTC staff guidance concerning the making of clear and
conspicuous online disclosures that are necessary pursuant to the laws the FTC enforces. It
does not, however, purport to cover every issue associated with online advertising disclosures,
nor is it intended to provide a safe harbor from potential liability. It is intended only to provide
guidance concerning practices that may increase the likelihood that a disclosure is clear
and conspicuous. Whether a particular ad is deceptive, unfair, or otherwise violative of a
Commission rule will depend on the specic facts at hand. The ultimate test is not the size
of the font or the location of the disclosure, although they are important considerations; the
ultimate test is whether the information intended to be disclosed is actually conveyed to
1. In this document, the term “online” includes advertising and marketing via the Internet and other electronic
networks. It is device neutral and encompasses advertising and marketing on mobile devices, such as
smartphones and tablets.
2. This staff guidance document only addresses disclosures required pursuant to laws that the FTC enforces.
It does not address disclosures that may be required pursuant to local, state (e.g., many sweepstake
requirements), or other federal laws or regulations (e.g., regulations issued by the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau or the Food and Drug Administration).
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
There is no litmus test for determining whether a disclosure is clear and conspicuous,
and in some instances, there may be more than one method that seems reasonable. In such
cases, the best practice would be to select the method more likely to effectively communicate
the information in question.
II. The Applicability of FTC Law to Online
The FTC Act’s prohibition on “unfair or deceptive acts or practices” broadly covers
advertising claims, marketing and promotional activities, and sales practices in general.
Act is not limited to any particular medium. Accordingly, the Commission’s role in protecting
consumers from unfair or deceptive acts or practices encompasses advertising, marketing,
and sales online, as well as the same activities in print, television, telephone, and radio. The
Commission has brought countless law enforcement actions to stop fraud and deception online
and works to educate businesses about their legal obligations and consumers about their
For certain industries or subject areas, the Commission issues rules and guides. Rules
prohibit specic acts or practices that the Commission has found to be unfair or deceptive.
Guides help businesses in their efforts to comply with the law by providing examples or
direction on how to avoid unfair or deceptive acts or practices.
Many rules and guides
address claims about products or services or advertising in general and apply to online
3. The Commission’s authority covers virtually every sector of the economy, except for certain excluded
industries, such as common carrier activities and the business of insurance, airlines, and banks.
4. The Commission issues rules pursuant to Section 5 of the FTC Act when it has reason to believe that certain
unfair or deceptive acts or practices are prevalent in an industry. 15 U.S.C. § 57a(a)(1)(B). In addition, the
Commission promulgates rules pursuant to specic statutes, which are designed to further particular policy
5. Guides are “administrative interpretations of laws administered by the Commission.” 16 C.F.R. § 1.5.
Although guides do not have the force and effect of law, if a person or company fails to comply with a guide,
the Commission might bring an enforcement action alleging an unfair or deceptive practice in violation of the
FTC Act.
Federal Trade Commission
advertising, as well as to other media.
Therefore, the plain language of many rules and
guides applies to claims made online.
For example, the Mail or Telephone Order Merchandise
6. The following rules and guides are included in this category: Guides for the Nursery Industry (16 C.F.R.
Part 18); Guides for the Rebuilt, Reconditioned and Other Used Automobile Parts Industry (16 C.F.R. Part
20); Guides for the Jewelry, Precious Metals, and Pewter Industries (16 C.F.R. Part 23); Guides for Select
Leather and Imitation Leather Products (16 C.F.R. Part 24); Guides Against Deceptive Pricing (16 C.F.R.
Part 233); Guides Against Bait Advertising (16 C.F.R. Part 238); Guides for the Advertising of Warranties and
Guarantees (16 C.F.R. Part 239); Guide Concerning Use of the Word “Free” and Similar Representations (16
C.F.R. Part 251); Guides for Private Vocational and Distance Education Schools (16 C.F.R. Part 254); Guides
Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising (16 C.F.R. Part 255); Guides Concerning
Fuel Economy Advertising for New Automobiles (16 C.F.R. Part 259); Guides for the Use of Environmental
Marketing Claims (16 C.F.R. Part 260); Rules and Regulations Under the Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939
(16 C.F.R. Part 300); Rules and Regulations Under Fur Products Labeling Act (16 C.F.R. Part 301); Rules and
Regulations Under the Textile Fiber Products Identication Act (16 C.F.R. Part 303); Energy and Water Use
Labeling for Consumer Products under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (“Energy Labeling Rule”) (16
C.F.R. Part 305); Contacts Lens Rule (16 C.F.R. Part 315); Prohibition of Energy Market Manipulation Rule
(16 C.F.R. Part 317); Deceptive Advertising as to Sizes of Viewable Pictures Shown by Television Receiving
Sets (16 C.F.R. Part 410); Retail Food Store Advertising and Marketing Practices (16 C.F.R. Part 424); Use
of Prenotication Negative Option Plans (16 C.F.R. Part 425); Power Output Claims for Ampliers Utilized
in Home Entertainment Products (16 C.F.R. Part 432); Preservation of Consumers’ Claims and Defenses
(16 C.F.R. Part 433); Mail or Telephone Order Merchandise (16 C.F.R. Part 435); Disclosure Requirements
and Prohibitions Concerning Franchising (16 C.F.R. Part 436); Business Opportunity Rule (16 C.F.R. Part
437); Credit Practices (16 C.F.R. Part 444); Used Motor Vehicle Trade Regulation Rule (16 C.F.R. Part
455); Labeling and Advertising of Home Insulation (16 C.F.R. Part 460); Interpretations of Magnuson-Moss
Warranty Act (16 C.F.R. Part 700); Disclosure of Written Consumer Product Warranty Terms and Conditions
(16 C.F.R. Part 701); Pre-Sale Availability of Written Warranty Terms (16 C.F.R. Part 702); Informal Dispute
Settlement Procedures (16 C.F.R. Part 703).
7. A rule or guide applies to online activities if its scope is not limited by how claims are communicated to
consumers, how advertising is disseminated, or where commercial activities occur. The Commission has a
program in place to systematically review its rules and guides to evaluate their continued need and to make any
necessary changes. As needed, the Commission has and will continue to amend or clarify the scope of any
particular rule or guide in more detail during its regularly scheduled review. For example, the Energy Labeling
Rule was updated to clarify that “catalog” includes “material disseminated over the Internet” and to allow certain
disclosures to be made available using the Internet. See 72 Fed. Reg. 49,948, 49,957, 49,961 (Aug. 29, 2007).
The rst Dot Com Disclosures guidance document contained a section discussing how certain FTC rules
and guides apply to online activities. Since that time, the Commission has addressed many of these issues
in rulemakings or its periodic rule and guide reviews, and the information is widely understood given the
ubiquitous nature and use of online technology. Nevertheless, the principles articulated in the original Dot
Com Disclosures remain the same. For the most part, rules and guides that use terms such as “written,”
“writing,” and “printed” apply online, and email may be used to comply with certain requirements to provide
or send required notices or documents to consumers as long as consumers understand or expect to receive
such information by email. For example, warranties communicated through visual text online are no different
than paper versions and the same rules apply. The requirement to make warranties available at the point
of purchase can be accomplished easily online by, for example, using a clearly-labeled hyperlink, in close
proximity to the description of the warrantied product, such as “get warranty information here” to lead to the
full text of the warranty, and presenting the warranty in a way that it can be preserved either by downloading
or printing so consumers can refer to it after purchase. Disclosure of Written Consumer Product Warranty
Terms and Conditions, 16 C.F.R. § 701.3 and Pre-Sale Availability of Written Warranty Terms, 16 C.F.R.
§ 702.3. Another example involves the Telemarketing Sales Rule. Advertisers who send email and text
messages that invite consumers to telephone the sender in order to make a purchase are subject to the
Telemarketing Sales Rule, unless they qualify for the direct mail exemption under 16 C.F.R. 310.6(b)(6) by
clearly and conspicuously making certain specied disclosures in the original solicitation.
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
rule, which addresses the sale of merchandise that is ordered by mail, telephone, facsimile
or computer, applies to those sales regardless of “the method used to solicit the order.”
Solicitations made in print, on the telephone, radio, TV, or online naturally fall within the rule’s
scope. In addition, the Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in
Advertising (“Endorsement Guides”) apply to “any advertising message . . . that consumers
are likely to believe reects the opinions, beliefs, ndings, or experience of a party other than
the sponsoring advertiser . . . .”
The Guides refer to advertising without limiting the media in
which it is disseminated and, therefore, encompass online ads.
III. Clear and Conspicuous Disclosures in
Online Advertisements
When it comes to online ads, the basic principles of advertising law apply:
1. Advertising must be truthful and not misleading;
2. Advertisers must have evidence to back up their claims (“substantiation”);
3. Advertisements cannot be unfair.
8. 16 C.F.R. § 435.2(a).
9. 16 C.F.R. § 255.0(b).
10. Indeed, when the Endorsement Guides were reviewed in 2009, examples involving blogs were included, to
make clear that the FTC Act applies to this then-new form of social media marketing.
11. As explained in the FTC’s Deception Policy Statement, an ad is deceptive if it contains a statement — or
omits information — that is likely to mislead consumers acting reasonably under the circumstances and
is “material” or important to a consumer’s decision to buy or use the product. See FTC Policy Statement
on Deception, appended to Cliffdale Associates, Inc., 103 F.T.C. 110, 174 (“Deception Policy Statement”),
also available at www.ftc.gov/bcp/policystmt/ad-decept.htm. A statement also may be deceptive if the
advertiser does not have a reasonable basis to support the claim. See FTC Policy Statement on Advertising
Substantiation, appended to Thompson Medical Co., 104 F.T.C. 648, 839 (1984), aff’d, 791 F.2d 189 (D.C.
Cir. 1986), also available at www.ftc.gov/bcp/guides/ad3subst.htm.
12. Before disseminating an ad, advertisers must have appropriate support for all express and implied objective
claims that the ad conveys to reasonable consumers. When an ad lends itself to more than one reasonable
interpretation, there must be substantiation for each interpretation. The type of evidence needed to
substantiate a claim may depend on the product, the claims, and what experts in the relevant eld believe is
necessary. If an ad species a certain level of support for a claim — “tests show x” — the advertiser must
have at least that level of support.
13. According to the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. § 45(n), and the FTC’s Unfairness Policy Statement, an advertisement
or business practice is unfair if it causes or is likely to cause substantial consumer injury that consumers
could not reasonably avoid and that is not outweighed by the benet to consumers or competition. See FTC
Policy Statement on Unfairness, appended to International Harvester Co., 104 F.T.C. 949, 1070 (1984), also
available at www.ftc.gov/bcp/policystmt/ad-unfair.htm.
Federal Trade Commission
Unique features in online ads — including advertising delivered via social media
platforms or on mobile devices — may affect how an ad and any required disclosures are
A. Background on Disclosures
Advertisers are responsible for ensuring that all express and implied claims that an
ad conveys to reasonable consumers are truthful and substantiated. When identifying these
claims, advertisers should not focus only on individual phrases or statements, but should
consider the ad as a whole, including the text, product name, and depictions.
If an ad makes
express or implied claims that are likely to be misleading without certain qualifying information,
the information must be disclosed.
A disclosure can only qualify or limit a claim to avoid a misleading impression. It cannot
cure a false claim. If a disclosure provides information that contradicts a material claim, the
disclosure will not be sufcient to prevent the ad from being deceptive. In that situation, the
claim itself must be modied.
Many Commission rules and guides spell out the information that must be disclosed
in connection with certain claims. In many cases, these disclosures prevent a claim from
being misleading or deceptive.
Other rules and guides require disclosures to ensure that
consumers receive material information to assist them in making better-informed decisions,
or to implement statutes furthering public policy goals.
In all of these instances, if a
disclosure is required, it must be clear and conspicuous.
14. Copy tests or other evidence of how consumers actually interpret an ad can be valuable. In many cases,
however, the implications of the ad are clear enough to determine the existence of the claim by examining the
ad alone, without extrinsic evidence.
15. For example, if an endorsement is not representative of the performance that consumers can generally expect
to achieve with a product, advertisers must disclose the generally expected performance in the depicted
circumstances. Endorsement Guides, 16 C.F.R. § 255.2.
16. For example, any solicitation for the purchase of consumer products with a warranty must disclose the text of
the warranty offer or how consumers can obtain it for free. Pre-Sale Availability of Written Warranty Terms, 16
C.F.R. § 702.3.
17. For example, the required energy disclosures in the Energy Labeling Rule, 16 C.F.R. § 305, further the public
policy goal of promoting energy conservation by providing consumers with clear comparative information.
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
B. The Clear and Conspicuous Requirement
Disclosures that are required to prevent an advertisement from being deceptive, unfair,
or otherwise violative of a Commission rule, must be presented “clearly and conspicuously.”
Whether a disclosure meets this standard is measured by its performance — that is, how
consumers actually perceive and understand the disclosure within the context of the entire ad.
The key is the overall net impression of the ad — that is, whether the claims consumers take
from the ad are truthful and substantiated.
If a disclosure is not seen or comprehended, it will
not change the net impression consumers take from the ad and therefore cannot qualify the
claim to avoid a misleading impression.
In reviewing their ads, advertisers should adopt the perspective of a reasonable
They also should assume that consumers don’t read an entire website or online
screen, just as they don’t read every word on a printed page.
Disclosures should be placed
as close as possible to the claim they qualify. Advertisers should keep in mind that having to
scroll increases the risk that consumers will miss a disclosure.
In addition, it is important for advertisers to draw attention to the disclosure. Consumers
may not be looking for — or expecting to nd — disclosures. Advertisers are responsible for
ensuring that their messages are truthful and not deceptive. Accordingly, disclosures must
be communicated effectively so that consumers are likely to notice and understand them in
connection with the representations that the disclosures modify. Simply making the disclosure
available somewhere in the ad, where some consumers might nd it, does not meet the clear
and conspicuous standard.
If a disclosure is necessary to prevent an advertisement from being deceptive, unfair, or
otherwise violative of a Commission rule, and if it is not possible to make the disclosure clear
and conspicuous, then either the claim should be modied so the disclosure is not necessary
or the ad should not be disseminated. Moreover, if a particular platform does not provide an
18. Some rules and guides, as well as some FTC cases, use the phrase “clearly and prominently” instead of
“clearly and conspicuously.” As used in FTC rules, guides, and cases, these two phrases are synonymous.
They may have different meanings under other statutes.
19. Deception Policy Statement at 175-76.
20. Deception Policy Statement at 178. The Deception Policy Statement also says that “[w]hen representations
or sales practices are targeted to a specic audience, such as children, the elderly, or the terminally ill, the
Commission determines the effect of the practice on a reasonable member of that group.” Id. at 179 (footnote
21. Deception Policy Statement at 180-81.
Federal Trade Commission
opportunity to make clear and conspicuous disclosures, it should not be used to disseminate
advertisements that require such disclosures.
C. What Are Clear and Conspicuous Disclosures?
There is no set formula for a clear and conspicuous disclosure; it depends on the
information that must be provided and the nature of the advertisement. Some disclosures are
quite short, while others are more detailed. Some ads use only text, while others use graphics,
video, or audio, or combinations thereof. Advertisers have the exibility to be creative in
designing their ads, as long as necessary information is communicated effectively and the
overall message conveyed to consumers is not misleading.
To evaluate whether a particular disclosure is clear and conspicuous, consider:
the placement of the disclosure in the advertisement and its proximity to the claim it
is qualifying;
the prominence of the disclosure;
whether the disclosure is unavoidable;
the extent to which items in other parts of the advertisement might distract attention
from the disclosure;
whether the disclosure needs to be repeated several times in order to be effectively
communicated, or because consumers may enter the site at different locations or
travel through the site on paths that cause them to miss the disclosure;
whether disclosures in audio messages are presented in an adequate volume and
cadence and visual disclosures appear for a sufcient duration; and
whether the language of the disclosure is understandable to the intended audience.
If there are indications that a signicant proportion of reasonable consumers are not
noticing or comprehending a necessary disclosure, the disclosure should be improved.
The following discussion uses these traditional factors to evaluate whether disclosures
are likely to be clear and conspicuous in the context of online ads. Hyperlinks labeled as
22. This approach mirrors one articulated by the Commission in 1970, when it said that if disclosures in television
ads could not be understood, then ads containing representations requiring those disclosures should not be
aired. See Commission Enforcement Policy Statement in Regard to Clear and Conspicuous Disclosures in
Television Advertising (Oct. 21, 1970).
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Examples in the text link to mock ads in the appendix. Each mock ad presents a scenario to
illustrate one or more particular factors. Advertisers must consider all of the factors, however,
and evaluate an actual disclosure in the context of the ad as a whole.
1. Proximity and Placement
A disclosure is more effective if it is placed near the claim it qualies or other relevant
information. Proximity increases the likelihood that consumers will see the disclosure and
relate it to the relevant claim or product. For print ads, an advertiser might measure proximity
in terms of whether the disclosure is placed adjacent to the claim, or whether it is separated
from the claim by text or graphics. The same approach can be used for online ads. Websites,
and mobile applications, however, are interactive and have a certain depth — with multiple
pages or screens linked together and pop-up screens, for example — that may affect how
proximity is evaluated. Mobile devices also present additional issues because a disclosure
that would appear on the same screen of a standard desktop computer might, instead, require
signicant vertical and horizontal scrolling on a mobile screen. In evaluating placement,
advertisers should also take into consideration empirical research about where consumers do
and do not look on a screen.
a. Evaluating Proximity
A disclosure is more likely to be effective if consumers view the disclosure and the claim
that raises the need for disclosure (often referred to as a “triggering claim”) together on the
same screen. Example 1 Even if a disclosure is not tied to a particular word or phrase, it is
more likely that consumers will notice it if it is placed next to the information, product, or service
to which it relates.
Often, disclosures consist of a word or phrase that may be easily incorporated into
the text, along with the claim. Doing so increases the likelihood that consumers will see the
disclosure and relate it to the relevant claim.
In some circumstances, it may be difcult to ensure that a disclosure appears on the
“same screen” as a claim or product information. Some disclosures are long and thus difcult
to place next to the claims they qualify. In addition, computers, tablets, smartphones, and
other connected devices have varying screen sizes that display ads and websites differently.
In these situations, an advertiser might place a disclosure where consumers might have
to scroll to reach it. Requiring consumers to scroll in order to view a disclosure may be
Federal Trade Commission
problematic, however, because consumers who don’t scroll enough (and in the right direction)
may miss important qualifying information and be misled.
When advertisers are putting disclosures in a place where consumers might have to
scroll in order to view them, they should use text or visual cues to encourage consumers to
scroll and avoid formats that discourage scrolling.
Text prompts can indicate that more information is available. An explicit instruction like
“see below for important information on restocking fees” will alert consumers to scroll and look
for the information. The text prompt should be tied to the disclosure to which it refers. General
or vague statements, such as “details below,” provide no indication about the subject matter or
importance of the information that consumers will nd and are not adequate cues.
The visual design of the page also could help alert consumers to the availability of more
information. For example, text that clearly continues below the screen, whether spread over
an entire page or in a column, would indicate that the reader needs to scroll for additional
information. Advertisers should consider how the page is displayed when viewed on different
Scroll bars along the edges of a screen are not a sufciently effective visual cue.
Although the scroll bars may indicate to some consumers that they have not reached
the bottom or sides of a page, many consumers may not look at the scroll bar and some
consumers access the Internet with devices that don’t display a scroll bar.
The design of some pages might indicate that there is no more information following
and, therefore, no need to continue scrolling. If the text ends before the bottom of the screen
or readers see an expanse of blank space, they may stop scrolling and miss the disclosure.
Example 2 They will also likely stop scrolling when they see the information and types of
links that normally signify the bottom of a webpage, e.g., “contact us,” “terms and conditions,”
“privacy policy,” and “copyright.” In addition, if there is a lot of unrelated information — either
words or graphics — separating a claim and a disclosure, even a consumer who is prompted
to scroll might miss the disclosure or not relate it to a distant claim they’ve already read.
If scrolling is necessary to view a disclosure, then, ideally, the disclosure should be
unavoidable — consumers should not be able to proceed further with a transaction, e.g., click
forward, without scrolling through the disclosure. Making a disclosure unavoidable increases
the likelihood that consumers will see it.
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Because of their small screens, smartphones (and some tablets) potentially require
horizontal, as well as vertical, scrolling. Placing a disclosure in a different column of a
webpage from the claim it modies could make it unlikely that consumers who have to zoom
in to read the claim on a small screen will scroll right or left to a different column and read the
disclosure. Example 3 Optimizing a website for mobile devices will eliminate the need for
consumers to scroll right or left, although it will not necessarily address the need for vertical
b. Hyperlinking to a Disclosure
Hyperlinks allow additional information to be placed on a webpage entirely separate
from the relevant claim. Hyperlinks can provide a useful means to access disclosures that
are not integral to the triggering claim, provided certain conditions (discussed below) are met.
Hyperlinked disclosures may be particularly useful if the disclosure is lengthy or if it needs to
be repeated (because of multiple triggering claims, for example).
However, in many situations, hyperlinks are not necessary to convey disclosures. If a
disclosure consists of a word or phrase that may be easily incorporated into the text, along with
the claim, this placement increases the likelihood that consumers will see the disclosure and
relate it to the relevant claim.
Disclosures that are an integral part of a claim or inseparable from it should not be
communicated through a hyperlink. Instead, they should be placed on the same page
and immediately next to the claim, and be sufciently prominent so that the claim and the
disclosure are read at the same time, without referring the consumer somewhere else to obtain
this important information. This is particularly true for cost information or certain health and
safety disclosures. Example 4 Indeed, required disclosures about serious health and safety
issues are unlikely to be effective when accessible only through a hyperlink. Similarly, if a
product’s basic cost (e.g., the cost of the item before taxes, shipping and handling, and any
other fees are added on) is advertised on one page, but there are signicant additional fees the
consumer would not expect to incur in order to purchase the product or use it on an ongoing
basis, the existence and nature of those additional fees should be disclosed on the same page
and immediately adjacent to the cost claim, and with appropriate prominence.
However, if the details about the additional fees are too complex to describe adjacent to
the price claim, those details may be provided by using a hyperlink. Example 5 The hyperlink
should be clearly labeled to communicate the specic nature of the information to which it
Federal Trade Commission
leads, e.g., “Service plan required. Get service plan prices.” The hyperlink should appear
adjacent to the price. Moreover, because consumers should not have to click on hyperlinks to
understand the full amount they will pay, all cost information — including any such additional
fees — should be presented to them clearly and conspicuously prior to purchase.
The key considerations for evaluating the effectiveness of all hyperlinks are:
the labeling or description of the hyperlink;
consistency in the use of hyperlink styles;
the placement and prominence of the hyperlink on the webpage or screen; and
the handling of the disclosure on the click-through page or screen.
Choosing the right label for the hyperlink. A hyperlink that leads to a disclosure
should be labeled clearly and conspicuously. The hyperlink’s label — the text or graphic
assigned to it — affects whether consumers actually click on it and see and read the
Make it obvious. Consumers should be able to tell that they can click on a
hyperlink to get more information. Simply underlining text may be insufcient to
inform consumers that the text is a hyperlink. Using multiple methods of identifying
hyperlinks, such as both a different color from other text and underscoring, makes it
more likely that hyperlinks will be recognized.
Label the link to convey the importance, nature, and relevance of the
information to which it leads. Example 6 The hyperlink should give consumers
a reason to click on it. That is, the label should make clear that the link is related to
a particular advertising claim or product and indicate the nature of the information
to be found by clicking on it. The hyperlink label should use clear, understandable
text. Although the label itself does not need to contain the complete disclosure,
it may be necessary to incorporate part of the disclosure to indicate the type and
importance of the information to which the link leads. On the other hand, in those
cases where seeing a hyperlinked disclosure is unavoidable if a consumer is going
to take any action with respect to a product or service — e.g., the product or service
can only be purchased online and the consumer must click on that link to proceed
to a transaction — the label of the hyperlink may be less important.
Don’t hide the ball. Some text links provide no indication about why a claim
is qualied or the nature of the disclosure. Example 7 In many cases, simply
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
hyperlinking a single word or phrase in the text of an ad is not likely to be
effective. Although some consumers may understand that additional information is
available, they may have different ideas about the nature of the information and its
Hyperlinks that simply say “disclaimer,” “more information,” “details,” “terms
and conditions,” or “ne print” do not convey the importance, nature, and relevance
of the information to which they lead and are likely to be inadequate. Even labels
such as “important information” or “important limitations” may be inadequate.
Examples 8 & 9 Unfortunately, there is no one-size-ts-all word or phrase that can
be used as a hyperlink label, but more specicity will generally be better.
Don’t be subtle. Symbols or icons by themselves are not likely to be effective as
hyperlink labels leading to disclosures that are necessary to prevent deception.
Example 10 A symbol or icon might not provide sufcient clues about why a claim
is qualied or the nature of the disclosure.
It is possible that consumers may
view a symbol as just another graphic on the page. Even if a website explains
that a particular symbol or icon is a hyperlink to important information, consumers
might miss the explanation, depending on where they enter the site and how they
navigate through it.
Account for technological differences and limitations. Consider whether and
how your linking technique will work on the various programs and devices that could
be used to view your advertisement.
Using hyperlink styles consistently increases the likelihood that consumers
will know when a link is available. Although the text or graphics used to signal a hyperlink
may differ across websites and applications, treating hyperlinks inconsistently within a single
site or application can increase the chances that consumers will miss — or not click on — a
23. The Commission has, however, acknowledged the potential utility of icons in the privacy area. See
FTC, Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change, Recommendations for Businesses and
Policymakers (Mar. 2012), available at www.ftc.gov/os/2012/03/120326privacyreport.pdf; see also FTC
Staff, Mobile Apps for Kids: Current Privacy Disclosures are Disappointing (Feb. 2012), available at
24. Symbols and icons also are used in different ways online, which could confuse consumers as to where
the related disclosure can be found. Some online symbols and icons are hyperlinks that click through to a
separate page; some are meant to communicate disclosure information themselves; and others are static,
referring to a disclosure at the bottom of the page.
25. For example, “mouse-overs” may not work on mobile devices that have no cursor to hover over a link.
Federal Trade Commission
disclosure hyperlink. For example, if hyperlinks usually are underlined in a site, chances are
consumers wouldn’t recognize italicized text as being a link, and could miss the disclosure.
Placing the link near relevant information and making it noticeable. The hyperlink
should be proximate to the claim that triggers the disclosure so consumers can notice it
easily and relate it to the claim. Examples 11 & 12 Typically, this means that the hyperlink is
adjacent to the triggering term or other relevant information. Consumers may miss disclosure
hyperlinks that are separated from the relevant claim by text, graphics, blank space, or
intervening hyperlinks, especially on devices with small screens. Format, color, or other
graphics treatment also can help to ensure that consumers notice the link. (See below for
more information on prominence.)
Getting to the disclosure on the click-through should be easy. The click-through
page or screen — that is, the page or screen the hyperlink leads to — must contain the
complete disclosure and that disclosure must be displayed prominently. Distracting visual
factors, extraneous information, and opportunities to “click” elsewhere before viewing the
disclosure can obscure an otherwise adequate disclaimer.
Get consumers to the message quickly. The hyperlink should take consumers
directly to the disclosure. They shouldn’t have to search a click-through page or
go to other places for the information. In addition, the disclosure should be easy to
Pay attention to indicia that hyperlinked disclosures are not effective.
Although advertisers are not required to use them, some available tools may
indicate to advertisers that their disclosures accessed through hyperlinks are not
effective. For example, advertisers can monitor click-through rates, i.e., how often
consumers click on a hyperlink and view the click-through information. Advertisers
also can evaluate the amount of time visitors spend on a certain page, which may
indicate whether consumers are reading the disclosure.
Don’t ignore your data. If hyperlinks are not followed, another method of
conveying the required information would be necessary.
c. Using High Tech Methods for Proximity and Placement
Disclosures may be displayed on websites or in applications in many ways. For
example, a disclosure may be placed in a frame that remains constant even as the consumer
scrolls down the page or navigates through another part of the site or application. A disclosure
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
also might be displayed in a window that pops up or on interstitial pages that appear while
another webpage is loading. New techniques for displaying information are being developed
all the time. But there are special considerations for evaluating whether a technique is
appropriate for providing required disclosures.
Don’t ignore technological limitations. Some browsers or devices may not
support certain techniques for displaying disclosures or may display them in a
manner that makes them difcult to read. For example, a disclosure that requires
Adobe Flash Player will not be displayed on certain mobile devices.
Don’t use blockable pop-up disclosures. Advertisers should not disclose
necessary information through the use of pop-ups that could be prevented from
appearing by pop-up blocking software.
Be aware of other issues with pop-up disclosures. Even the use of unblockable
pop-ups to disclose necessary information may be problematic. Some consumers
may not read information in pop-up windows or interstitials because they
immediately close the pop-ups or move to the next page in pursuit of completing
their intended tasks, or because they don’t associate information in a pop-up
window or on an interstitial page to a claim or product they haven’t encountered yet.
However, advertisers can take steps to avoid such problems, e.g., by requiring the
consumer to take some afrmative action to proceed past the pop-up or interstitial
(for example, by requiring consumers to choose between “yes” and “no” buttons
without use of preselected buttons before continuing). Research may be useful to
help advertisers determine whether a particular technique is an effective method of
communicating information to consumers.
d. Displaying Disclosures Prior to Purchase
Disclosures must be effectively communicated to consumers before they make a
purchase or incur a nancial obligation. In general, disclosures are more likely to be effective
if they are provided in the context of the ad, when the consumer is considering the purchase.
Different considerations apply, however, in different situations. Where advertising and selling
are combined on a website or mobile application — that is, the consumer will be completing
the transaction online — disclosures should be provided before the consumer makes the
decision to buy, e.g., before clicking on an “order now” button or a link that says “add to
shopping cart.” Example 13
Federal Trade Commission
Don’t focus only on the order screen. Some disclosures must be made in
conjunction with the relevant claim or product. Consumers may not relate a
disclosure on the order screen to information they viewed much earlier. It also is
possible that after surng a company’s website, some consumers may decide to
purchase the product from the company’s brick and mortar store. Those consumers
would miss any disclosures placed only on the ordering screen. So that these
consumers do not miss a necessary disclosure, it may have to be on the same
page as the claim it qualies.
When a product advertised online can be purchased from brick and mortar stores or
from online retailers other than the advertiser itself, necessary disclosures should be made
in the ad before consumers go to other outlets to make their purchase. Example 14 An
in-store disclosure or one placed on an unrelated online retailer’s website is unlikely to cure an
otherwise deceptive advertisement.
e. Evaluating Proximity in Space-Constrained Ads
Many space-constrained ads displayed today are teasers. Because of their small
size and/or short length, space-constrained ads, such as banner ads and tweets, generally
do not provide very much information about a product or service. Often, consumers must
click through to the website to get more information and learn the terms of an offer. If a
space-constrained ad contains a claim that requires qualication, the advertiser disseminating
it is not exempt from disclosure requirements.
Disclose required information in the space-constrained ad itself or clearly
and conspicuously on the website to which it links. In some cases, a required
disclosure can easily be incorporated into a space-constrained ad. Example 15
In other instances, the disclosures may be too detailed to be disclosed effectively
in the ad itself. These disclosures may sometimes be communicated effectively
to consumers if they are made clearly and conspicuously on the website to which
the ad links. In determining whether the disclosure should be placed in the
space-constrained ad itself or on the website to which the ad links, advertisers
should consider how important the information is to prevent deception, how much
information needs to be disclosed, the burden of disclosing it in the ad itself, how
much information the consumer may absorb from the ad, and how effective the
disclosure would be if it were made on the website. If a product promoted in a
space-constrained ad can be bought in a brick and mortar store, consumers who do
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
not click through to a linked website would miss any disclosure that was not in the
space-constrained ad itself. If the disclosure needs to be in the ad itself but it does
not t, the ad should be modied so it does not require such a disclosure or, if that
is not possible, that space-constrained ad should not be used.
Use creativity to incorporate or ag required information. Scrolling text or
rotating panels in a banner ad can present an abbreviated version of a required
disclosure that indicates additional important information and a more complete
disclosure are available on the click-through page.
Use disclosures in each ad. If a disclosure is required in a space-constrained ad,
such as a tweet, the disclosure should be in each and every ad that would require
a disclosure if that ad were viewed in isolation. Do not assume that consumers will
see and associate multiple space-constrained advertisements. Example 16
Short-form disclosures might or might not adequately inform consumers of
the essence of a required disclosure. For example, “Ad:” at the beginning of a
tweet or similar short-form message should inform consumers that the message
is an advertisement, and the word “Sponsored” likely informs consumers that
the message was sponsored by an advertiser. Other abbreviations or icons may
or may not be adequate, depending on whether they are presented clearly and
conspicuously, and whether consumers understand their meaning so they are not
Example 17 Misleading a signicant minority of reasonable consumers is
a violation of the FTC Act.
Maintaining disclosures with republication. Advertisers should employ
best practices to make it less likely that disclosures will be deleted from space-
constrained ads when they are republished by others. Some disclosures can be
placed at the beginning of a short-form message. Alternatively, if a disclosure is
placed at the end of a message, the original message can be written with enough
free space that the disclosure is not lost if the message is republished with a
comment by others.
26. Empirical evidence may be necessary to demonstrate that certain abbreviations or icons are effective, at least
until such time that their usage is sufciently widespread to provide condence that consumers see them and
understand what they mean. As of the date of publication of this document, such evidence was not available.
27. Deception Policy Statement at 177 n.20.
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Disclosures on the click-through. In some instances — e.g., when a teaser ad
does not actually identify the product being advertised, so the consumer must click
through to learn its identity, or when the advertised product is sold only through
the advertiser’s own website and the consumer must click through in order to
take any action — a space-constrained ad can direct consumers to a website
for more information if a detailed disclosure is necessary but will not t in the
space-constrained ad. The full disclosure must then be clearly and conspicuously
displayed on the website.
Providing required disclosures in interactive ads. If consumers can purchase
a product within an interactive ad, all required disclosures should be included in the
ad itself.
2. Prominence
It is the advertiser’s responsibility to draw attention to the required disclosures.
Display disclosures prominently so they are noticeable to consumers. The size,
color, and graphics of the disclosure affect its prominence.
Size Matters. Disclosures that are at least as large as the claim to which they
relate are more likely to be effective.
Color Counts. A disclosure in a color that contrasts with the background
emphasizes the text of the disclosure and makes it more noticeable. Information
in a color that blends in with the background of the ad is likely to be missed.
Example 18
Graphics Help. Although using graphics to display a disclosure is not required,
they may make the disclosure more prominent.
Evaluate the size, color, and graphics of the disclosure in relation to other parts
of the website, email or text message, or application.
The size of a disclosure should be
compared to the type size of the claim and other text on the screen. If a claim uses a particular
color or graphic treatment, the disclosure can be formatted the same way to help ensure that
consumers who see the claim are also able to see the disclosure and relate it back to the claim
28. Websites may display differently, depending on the program and device used. Advertisers should consider
different display options to ensure that qualifying information is displayed clearly and conspicuously.
Evaluating the prominence of the disclosure in relation to the rest of the ad, as it may appear on various
devices, helps ensure that consumers are able to view the disclosure.
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
it modies. In addition, the graphic treatment of the disclosure may be evaluated in relation to
how graphics are used to convey other items in the ad.
Account for viewing on different devices. Most webpages viewable on desktop
devices may also be viewable on smartphones. Therefore, unless a website defaults to a
mobile-optimized (or similarly responsive) version,
advertisers should design the website so
that any necessary disclosures are clear and conspicuous, regardless of the device on which
they are displayed. Example 19 Among many other considerations, if a disclosure is too small
to read on a mobile device and the text of the disclosure cannot be enlarged, it is not a clear
and conspicuous disclosure. If a disclosure is presented in a long line of text that does not
wrap around and t on a screen, it is unlikely to be adequate.
Don’t bury it. The prominence of the disclosure also may be affected by other factors.
A disclosure that is buried in a long paragraph of unrelated text will not be effective. The
unrelated text detracts from the message and makes it unlikely that a consumer would notice
the disclosure or recognize its importance. Even though the unrelated information may be
useful, advertisers must ensure that the disclosure is communicated effectively. For example,
it is highly unlikely that consumers will read disclosures buried in “terms of use” and similar
lengthy agreements. Even if such agreements may be sufcient for contractual or other
purposes, disclosures that are necessary to prevent deception or unfairness should not be
relegated to them. Similarly, simply because consumers click that they “agree” to a term or
condition, does not make the disclosure clear and conspicuous.
A disclosure that addresses a subject other than the primary subject of the ad.
Consumers who are trying to complete a task and obtain a specic product or service may
not pay adequate attention to a disclosure that does not relate to the
task at hand. This can
be problematic if, for example, an advertiser is selling a product or service together with a
negative option trial for a different product or service. In these circumstances, even a relatively
prominent disclosure about the negative option trial could be missed by consumers because
this additional product or service is not their primary focus. One way to increase the likelihood
that consumers have actually read and understood a disclosure in such circumstances is
to require consumers to afrmatively acknowledge having seen the disclosure by choosing
between multiple answer options, none of which is preselected. Any such afrmative
29. Website operators can identify visitors who are using mobile devices to visit their websites and display a
version of the site that has been designed or “optimized” to enable those consumers to view the site more
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acknowledgement should be displayed early in the decision-making process, e.g., before the
primary item is actually added to a shopping cart. Example 20
3. Distracting Factors in Ads
The clear and conspicuous analysis does not focus only on the disclosure itself. It also
is important to consider the entire ad. Elements like graphics, sound, text, links that lead to
other screens or sites, or “add to cart” buttons may result in consumers not noticing, reading,
or listening to the disclosure. Example 21
Don’t let other parts of an ad get in the way. On television, moving visuals
behind a text message make the text hard to read and may distract consumers’
attention from the message. Using graphics online raises similar concerns:
ashing images or animated graphics may reduce the prominence of a disclosure.
Graphics on a webpage alone may not undermine the effectiveness of a disclosure.
It is important, however, to consider all the elements in the ad, not just the text of
the disclosure. Example 22
4. Repetition
It may be necessary to disclose information more than once to convey a non-deceptive
message. Repeating a disclosure makes it more likely that a consumer will notice and
understand it, and will also increase the likelihood that it will be seen by consumers who may
be entering the website at different points. Still, the disclosure need not be repeated so often
that consumers would ignore it or it would clutter the ad.
Repeat disclosures on lengthy sites and applications, as needed. Consumers
can access and navigate websites or applications in different ways. Many
consumers may access a site through its home page, but others might enter in the
middle, perhaps by linking to that page from a search engine or another website.
Consumers also might not click on every page of the site and might not choose to
scroll to the bottom of each page. And many may not read every word on every
page of a website. As a result, advertisers should consider whether consumers
who see only a portion of their ad are likely to be misled because they will either
miss a necessary disclosure or not understand its relationship to the claim it
Repeat disclosures with repeated claims, as needed. If claims requiring
qualication are repeated throughout an ad, it may be necessary to repeat the
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
disclosure, too. In some situations, the disclosure itself is so integral to the claim
that it must always accompany the claim to prevent deception. In other instances, a
clearly-labeled hyperlink could be repeated on each page where the claim appears,
so that the full disclosure would be placed on only one page of the site.
5. Multimedia Messages and Campaigns
Online ads may contain or consist of audio messages, videos, animated segments, or
augmented reality experiences (interactive computer-generated experiences) with claims that
require qualication. As with radio and television ads, the disclosure should accompany the
claim. In evaluating whether disclosures in these multimedia portions of online ads are clear
and conspicuous, advertisers should evaluate all of the factors discussed in this guidance
document, as well as these special considerations:
For audio claims, use audio disclosures. The disclosure should be in a volume
and cadence sufcient for a reasonable consumer to hear and understand it. The
volume of the disclosure can be evaluated in relation to the rest of the message,
and in particular, the claim. Of course, consumers who do not have speakers,
appropriate software, or devices with audio capabilities or who have their sound
turned off will not hear either the claim or the disclosure.
For written claims, use written disclosures. Disclosures triggered by a claim
or other information in an ad’s written text should be made in writing, and not be
placed solely in an audio or video clip. Consumers who do not have speakers,
appropriate software, or devices with audio capabilities or who have their sound
turned off will not hear an audio disclosure; similarly, consumers might not be able
to view a video clip on some devices or simply might not choose to watch it.
Display visual disclosures for a sufcient duration. Visual disclosures
presented in video clips or other dynamic portions of online ads should appear for
a duration sufcient for consumers to notice, read, and understand them. As with
brief video superscripts in television ads, eeting online disclosures are not likely to
be effective.
Advertisers should also recognize that consumers today may be viewing their messages
through multiple media (e.g., watching television, surng the web on a computer, viewing
space constrained messages on a smartphone, etc.). This multiple media access does not
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alter the requirement that required disclosures be made clearly and conspicuously in each
advertisement that would require a disclosure if viewed in isolation.
6. Understandable Language
For disclosures to be effective, consumers must be able to understand them.
Advertisers should use clear language and syntax and avoid legalese or technical jargon.
Disclosures should be as simple and straightforward as possible. Icons and abbreviations are
not adequate to prevent a claim from being misleading if a signicant minority of consumers do
not understand their meaning.
Incorporating extraneous material into the disclosure also may
diminish communication of the message to consumers.
IV. Conclusion
Although online commerce (including mobile and social media marketing) is booming,
deception can dampen consumer condence in the online marketplace. T
o ensure that
products and services are described truthfully online and that consumers get what they pay for,
the FTC will continue to enforce its consumer protection laws. Most of the general principles
of advertising law apply to online ads, but new issues arise almost as fast as technology
develops. The FTC will continue to evaluate online advertising, using traditional criteria, while
recognizing the challenges that may be presented by future innovation. Businesses, as well,
should consider these criteria when developing online ads and ensuring they comply with the
30. See supra note 23.
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Example 1
The disclosure “imitation” needs to accompany the triggering term “pearl,” so that
consumers are not misled about the type of pearls being sold. The disclosure would not be
as effective if it was separated from the word “pearl” or placed on a different page. The FTC’s
Guides for the Jewelry, Precious Metals, and Pewter Industries, 16 C.F.R. § 23.19, recognize this
and advise that the disclosure “imitation” immediately precede the word pearl. In this situation,
there is no reason to evaluate proximity differently in online ads than other types of ads.
Federal Trade Commission
Example 2
This ad must disclose that the diamond weights are not exact and that a 3/4 carat
diamond may weigh between .72 and .78 carats. Here, though, because of the blank space
between the textual description of the product and the disclosure, even consumers who scroll
down to the end of the text (see second screen) will probably think that there is no more
information to view and are likely to miss the disclosure.
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Example 3
Advertisers should take into consideration the variety of devices and platforms that
consumers can use to view their ads and ensure that necessary disclosures are clear and
conspicuous on any device or platform that is capable of displaying their message.
In this example, consumers might not expect a monthly service fee for cameras used to
monitor their homes over the Internet, so a disclosure is necessary to prevent the ad from being
misleading. Placing the disclosure in a different column than the camera price it qualies, as in
this example, rather than directly under the price information, makes it less likely that consumers
viewing this webpage on a desktop computer would notice the disclosure here.
Webpage on a desktop
(continued on next page)
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Example 3 (cont’d)
Consumers viewing this webpage on a smartphone or other device with a small screen,
however, would likely nd it too small to read (see mobile screen without zooming, below),
requiring them to zoom in on the part or parts that they wish to read.
They are likely to zoom in on the center column (see zoomed-in mobile screen, below),
which contains the main information on the page and might not scroll left to see the disclosure
in the left column. As a result, consumers who use a smart phone to view this website, which
has not been optimized for mobile devices, might easily miss the monthly monitoring fee
Mobile screen (no zooming) Mobile screen (zoomed-in)
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Example 4
Hyperlinks should not be used to communicate disclosures that are an integral part of a
claim or inseparable from it, including important health and safety information. In this example,
the hyperlink “Important Health Information” leads to a disclosure, “Frost-a-tron may not keep
perishable food items cold enough to prevent the growth of bacteria when the temperature is
over 80ºF, such as in a hot car. Use in these conditions could lead to food-borne illness.” The
fact that the cooler might not keep food cold enough to prevent the growth of dangerous bacteria
should not be hidden behind a hyperlink, even one labeled “Important Health Information.” This
is especially true when the cooler is promoted for keeping perishable food fresh and cold on
road trips. Moreover, any disclosure that is integral to the primary claim should be immediately
adjacent to that claim.
Federal Trade Commission
Example 5
Although hyperlinks generally should not be used to disclose information integral to the
claim — such as the existence and nature of additional fees consumers might not expect — a
hyperlink can be used to disclose the details if they are too complex to describe next to the basic
price information. Here the hyperlink leads to the disclosure, “Monitoring plan price: $15.95
per month with one camera, $9.95 per month/per camera with two cameras, $7.95 per month/
per camera with three or more cameras. Save 10% with a 12-month commitment, 20% with a
24-month commitment. Additional 5% discount for seniors and families of active duty military
This information about the monitoring plan’s prices is likely is too complex to appear
adjacent to the price per camera claim, and thus can be placed behind a properly labeled
hyperlink. The statement “Service plan required” and the hyperlink are next to the price per
camera; and together, the statement and the hyperlink’s label communicate to consumers the
specic nature and importance of the information to which the hyperlink leads.
Moreover, all cost information, including any such fees, should be presented clearly and
conspicuously to consumers prior to purchase.
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Example 6
Because the advertiser’s assertion that “Satisfaction is guaranteed” implies that
dissatised consumers can get a full refund of the purchase price, the advertiser should clearly
and conspicuously disclose any restocking fees.
The hyperlink “Restocking fee applies to all returns.” leads to the disclosure, “If you return
the Frost-a-tron within 30 days there is a restocking fee of $19.95. After 30 days and before 90
days, the restocking fee is $29.95. After 90 days, the restocking fee is $49.95. Shipping and
handling fees are non-refundable. No COD on returns.” The details in this return policy are likely
too complex to disclose next to the guarantee. The label of the hyperlink adequately conveys the
nature and relevance of the information to which it leads.
Federal Trade Commission
Example 7
This ad must disclose that the diamond weights are not exact and that a 3/4 carat
diamond may weigh between .72 and .78 carats. Even if the hyperlink “3/4 Ct.” clicks through to
a page that lists the weight range for every size diamond sold by the advertiser, this disclosure is
not clear and conspicuous.
Underlining “3/4 Ct.” may or may not indicate to consumers that this is a hyperlink. Even
if consumers recognize it as a hyperlink, the label here does not communicate the relevance of
the information to which that link leads — in this case, to a disclosure that diamond weights are
not exact, that the diamonds sold by this merchant may vary in weight, and that the advertised
¾ carat diamonds might each actually weight less than 0.75 carats. Consumers might expect
to nd additional general information about “carats” or diamond weights generally, but not
necessarily information that qualies the claim that they are purchasing diamonds of a specic
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Example 8
Because the advertiser’s assertion that “Satisfaction is guaranteed” implies that
dissatised consumers can get a full refund of the purchase price, the advertiser should
disclose any restocking fees. The hyperlink “Disclaimer” leads to the disclosure, “If you return
the Frost-a-tron within 30 days there is a restocking fee of $19.95. After 30 days and before 90
days, the restocking fee is $29.95. After 90 days, the restocking fee is $49.95. Shipping and
handling fees are non-refundable. No COD on returns.”
The hyperlink label “Disclaimer” does not adequately convey that the information to
which this hyperlink leads concerns signicant restocking fees applied to all product returns;
nor would hyperlinks labeled “Disclosure,” “Details,” or even “Return Information.”
In contrast, the hyperlink in Example 6, “Restocking fee applies to all returns,” does
convey the nature and importance of the information in question.
Federal Trade Commission
Example 9
This ad must disclose that the diamond weights are not exact and that a 3/4 carat
diamond may weigh between .72 and .78 carats. Even if the hyperlink clicks through to a page
that lists the weight range for every size diamond sold by the advertiser, this disclosure is not
clear and conspicuous because the hyperlink’s label does not indicate the importance of the
information to which the link leads so that consumers understand why they should click on
it. Although the label does indicate that more information about the earrings is available if the
consumer clicks through, it does not indicate that it is related to the weight of the diamonds being
advertised. Consumers could expect, for example, that this link takes them to shipping and
ordering information, rather than information about the diamond weights.
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Example 10
Julie Brown’s endorsement is followed by a symbol consisting of the letters “FS” in a
circle that is intended to disclose that she received a free sample (in this case, a free camera) in
exchange for providing her endorsement.
Icons, abbreviations, and symbols such as this are not adequate to prevent a claim from
being misleading if they do not provide sufcient clues about why a claim is qualied or about the
nature of the disclosure, or if consumers simply do not understand their meaning. The fact that
the icon or symbol also functions as a hyperlink to an explanation of its meaning would not be
sufcient to make the disclosure clear and conspicuous.
Federal Trade Commission
Example 11
Hyperlinks should be adjacent to the claims to which they relate, in order to increase the
likelihood that consumers will see them and understand their relevance.
In this example, the hyperlink about restocking fees is right next to the claim that triggers
the need for this qualifying information — that satisfaction is guaranteed.
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Example 12
Hyperlinks should be adjacent to the claim to which they relate, in order to increase the
likelihood that consumers will see them and understand their relevance.
In this example, the substantial gap between the end of the webpage’s main text and
the hyperlink makes it unlikely that consumers will notice the hyperlink. In addition, as noted in
Example 9, the hyperlink is inadequately labeled.
Federal Trade Commission
Example 13
If the purchase or use of the advertised product entails signicant additional charges
beyond the basic price of the product and consumers reasonably might not expect those
charges, they should be disclosed prominently on the same page as, and immediately adjacent
to, statements of the product’s basic cost.
In this example, disclosure of the existence and amount of a monthly monitoring fee
only on the check-out page (see next page) would likely be deemed insufciently clear and
conspicuous; this fee should be clearly stated next to the price of the cameras on the preceding
website pages that provide that price information.
(continue on next page)
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Example 13 (continued)
However, disclosure on the check-out page of the sales tax the consumer owes on this
purchase, as well as reasonable shipping and handling charges, would not be problematic,
because consumers expect these charges.
Federal Trade Commission
Example 14
This space-constrained message requires two disclosures: (1) that JuliStarz is a paid
endorser for Fat-away; and (2) the amount of weight that consumers who use Fat-away
can generally expect to lose in the depicted circumstances, which is much less than the 30
pounds Juli says she lost in 6 weeks. See Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and
Testimonials in Advertising, 16 CFR Part 255.
Even if the link in the message led directly to those disclosures on the Fat-away website,
those disclosures would not be adequate if consumers could purchase Fat-away at a brick and
mortar store or from a third-party online retailer (a retailer that is not afliated with the advertiser).
In either case, they might not click through to the Fat-away website, and thus would not see
these disclosures.
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Example 15
In some cases, required disclosures can easily be incorporated into a space-constrained
ad. This space-constrained message requires two disclosures: (1) that JuliStarz is a paid
endorser for Fat-away; and (2) the amount of weight that consumers who use Fat-away can
generally expect to lose in the depicted circumstances, which is much less than the 30 pounds
Juli says she lost in 6 weeks. This space-constrained ad signals that Juli is a paid endorser by
beginning with “Ad:” which only takes up four characters. It also succinctly discloses, “Typical
loss: 1lb/wk.”
Federal Trade Commission
Example 16
The initial space-constrained message requires two disclosures: (1) that Juli is a paid
endorser for Fat-away; and (2) the amount of weight that consumers who use Fat-away can
generally expect to lose in the depicted circumstances, which is much less than the 30 pounds
Juli says she lost in 6 weeks. Putting that information in a subsequent message is problematic,
because unrelated messages may arrive in the interim. By the time Juli’s disclosures arrive,
consumers might no longer be reading these messages, or they simply might not realize that
those disclosures pertain to the original message.
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Example 17
These space-constrained messages all require the following disclosures: (1) that
JuliStarz is a paid endorser for Fat-away; and (2) the amount of weight that consumers who
use Fat-away can generally expect to lose in the depicted circumstances which is much less
than the 30 pounds Juli says she lost in 6 weeks. Although each of these messages includes
an abbreviation or link that leads to disclosure of the relevant information, each of them may be
inadequate to prevent consumers from being misled.
Consumers might not understand that “#spon” means that the message was sponsored
by an advertiser. If a signicant proportion of reasonable viewers would not, then the ad would
be deceptive.
Putting #spon directly after the link might confuse consumers and make it less likely that
they would understand that it is a disclosure.
Consumers viewing “bit.ly/f56,” which links to the advertiser’s ofcial website for the
product, might not realize the nature and relevance of the information that could be found by
clicking on it. Moreover, if consumers can buy Fat-away in brick and mortar stores, at third-party
online retailers, or in any way other than by clicking on the link, consumers who do not click on
the link would be misled.
Similarly, consumers viewing “bit.ly/f56/disclose[6],” which leads to a third-party website
with disclosures, would not necessarily understand what they will nd at that website, or why they
should click on that link.
Federal Trade Commission
Example 18
Both disclosures in this ad appear in text that contrasts poorly with the background of the
page and they therefore are both easy to miss. Because the disclosures are not prominent, they
are not clear and conspicuous.
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Example 19
Most webpages viewable on desktop devices may also be viewable on smartphones, but,
as discussed earlier, consumers may miss disclosures on mobile devices because of the need to
zoom in on text and to scroll horizontally as well as vertically.
Disclosures are more likely to be clear and conspicuous on websites that are optimized
for mobile devices or created using responsive design, which automatically detects the kind of
device the consumer is using to access the site and arranges the content on the site so it makes
sense for that device.
In this example, the website is optimized for mobile devices, and both the information
about the service plan requirement and the hyperlink to the plan’s prices are immediately
adjacent to the camera price they qualify.
Federal Trade Commission
Example 20
Because the negative option in this example (enrollment in a recipe club) addresses
a different subject than the main offer (cookware), the advertiser should take special care to
ensure that the disclosure of the negative option is clear and conspicuous. In this case, requiring
consumers to afrmatively acknowledge the disclosure by clicking on one of the two boxes
on the second page — neither of which has been preselected — before they can proceed to
checkout, should achieve that goal.
(continue on next page)
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Example 20 (continued)
Federal Trade Commission
Example 21
The blogger in this example obtained the paint she is reviewing for free and must disclose
that fact. Although she does so at the end of her blog post, there are several hyperlinks before
that disclosure that could distract readers and cause them to click away before they get to the
end of the post. Given these distractions, the disclosure likely is not clear and conspicuous.
.com Disclosures: How to Make Effective Disclosures in Digital Advertising
Example 22
All of the elements of an ad should be considered in assessing whether a disclosure is
clear and conspicuous. In some cases, elements that the advertiser might think make an ad
more eye-catching could actually distract consumers from important disclosures.
In this example, an animated spokesperson moving around and discussing the benets of
the Eye on Your Home monitoring cameras might distract consumers from the disclosure of the
monthly monitoring fee.
Federal Trade Commission | ftc.gov