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Brag sheet:
Student quesonnaire for teacher
leer of recommendaon
Brag sheets are a way for you to help your counselor and teachers write leers of recommendaon.
These forms give them more insight into who you are outside of school and your interests. Fill out
these forms, and share them with your counselor and teachers when you ask them for a leer of
This form is for students to ll out.
Complete this form to help your teacher write a leer of recommendaon on your behalf. Keep in mind,
the more specic the details you can give, the more personal and eecve your recommendaon will be.
Don’t forget to take the me to thank your teacher! At the top of the form you’ll nd a suggested thank
you note to include.
Dear [name of teacher],
Thank you so much for agreeing to write a leer of recommendaon on my behalf. I hope you nd the
addional informaon about me helpful.
Name of student (printed)
Name of student (signature)
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Student’s rst and last name:
What rst name would you like your teacher to use in their leer?
What pronouns would you like your teacher to use in their leer?
Student’s email address:
List the name of the course(s) you took with this teacher, including the grade you
were in (9,10,11,12, other) when you took the course(s).
List three adjecves you would use to describe yourself.
Describe why you have chosen this teacher to write a leer of recommendaon for
Describe a lesson or unit in the class that you enjoyed and why.
Describe a project you worked on in the class that you are proud of.
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Thank you for taking the me to share this important informaon with your teacher!
* Thank you to the members of Common App’s Counselor Advisory Commiee and counselors around the world for contribung to this resource.
What is something your teacher probably doesnt know about you?
Below is a list of aributes colleges consider when evaluang your applicaon.
Select 1 or 2 of these aributes and share an example of a me you demonstrated
these characteriscs in class.
Academic achievement, intellectual promise, quality of wring, creave and original thought, producve
class discussion, respect accorded by faculty, disciplined work habits, maturity, movaon, leadership,
integrity, reacon to setbacks, concern for others, self-condence, iniave, and independence.
Addional informaon.
Use this space to share any addional informaon with your teacher. Is there anything not already stated
that you want to make sure they know prior to wring your leer of recommendaon?