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Personal Property Security Agreement
(This form is intended for use in Washington State consumer transactions and for related personal
property specified in Exhibit A; it is not intended for general use in commercial or business transactions.
Typically the Washington State Limited Practice Officer will find this agreement useful in residential
appliance, vehicle and mobile home secured transactions.)
This Security Agreement (this “Agreement”) is made as of the date (the “Effective Date”) set forth
in Exhibit A attached to and incorporated into this Agreement, by the debtor(s) indicated shown in Exhibit
A (individually and collectively, whether one or more in number, and jointly and severally if more than
one, referred to herein as “Debtor”) for the benefit of the secured party shown in Exhibit A (individually
and collectively, whether one or more in number, referred to herein as “Secured Party”).
This Agreement is entered into in connection with Debtor’s promissory note or other evidence of
indebtedness to Secured Party described in Exhibit A, and dated, in the original principal amount and with
the final maturity all as shown in Exhibit A (the “Indebtedness”).
Debtor agrees as follows for the benefit of Secured Party as follows:
1. Certain Definitions. As used in this Agreement:
(a) “Collateral means all of the personal property of Debtor listed on Exhibit A, together with:
(1) all present and future substitutions, replacements, appurtenances and accessions
relating to any of such property and all property with which such property is
(2) all of the books and records pertaining to any of the property described on Exhibit A;
(3) all proceeds of the property listed on Exhibit A; and
(4) all amounts now and in the future owed by Secured Party or any affiliate of Secured
Party to Debtor and/or on deposit in any account maintained by Debtor with Secured
Party or any affiliate of Secured Party.
(b) “Event of Defaulthas the meaning set forth in Section 6 of this Agreement.
(c) “Obligations” means all of the following:
(1) Debtor’s obligations under the Indebtedness, this Agreement, and all other agreements
and instruments executed and delivered by Debtor and/or by any other Obligor or
person, singly or jointly as evidence of, security for, as guaranty or otherwise in
connection with the Obligations of Debtor to Secured Party, including any costs of
(2) the repayment of any amounts that Secured Party may advance or spend for the
maintenance or preservation of the Collateral and any other expenditures that Secured
Party may make under the provisions of this Agreement or for the benefit of Debtor;
(3) all amounts owed under any modifications, renewals or extensions of any of the
foregoing obligations; and
(4) any of the foregoing that arises after the filing of a petition by or against Debtor under
the Bankruptcy Code.
(d) “Obligor” means individually and collectively Debtor, each person primarily or secondarily
liable for repayment of any of the Obligations, and each party who has granted security for
repayment of the Obligations.
(e) “UCC” means the Washington Uniform Commercial Code (RCW 62A.9A-101et. seq.).
Any term defined in the UCC and not defined in this Agreement has the meaning given to
that term in the UCC.
2. Grant of Security Interest. Debtor grants a security interest in the Collateral to Secured Party to
secure the payment and performance of the Obligations.
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3. Further Assurances. Debtor at its expense will take all actions necessary or appropriate to
maintain Secured Party’s security interest under this Agreement as a fully-perfected first-
priority security interest, including:
(a) Filing of financing statement. Debtor authorizes Secured Party to file a financing statement
(the “Financing Statement”) describing the Collateral and any agricultural liens or other
statutory liens held by Secured Party.
(b) Possession. Debtor will deliver to Secured Party possession of any of the Collateral, a
security interest in which can be perfected, or first-lien priority of which can be assured,
only by possession. Where Collateral is in the possession of a third party, Debtor will join
with Secured Party in notifying the third party of Secured Party’s security interest and
obtaining an acknowledgment from the third party that it is holding the Collateral for the
benefit of Secured Party.
(c) Control. Debtor will execute one or more control agreements and otherwise cooperate with
Secured Party in obtaining control (as defined in the UCC) with respect to any and all
Collateral consisting of deposit accounts, investment property, letter of credit rights or
electronic chattel paper.
4. Post-Closing Covenants and Rights Concerning the Collateral. Until the Obligations are paid
and performed in full Debtor agrees:
(a) to pay the Obligations when and as due and perform and observe the terms and Conditions
of the Obligations binding on Debtor;
(b) to maintain the Collateral in good repair and operating condition;
(c) to comply with all laws relating to the use, operation and ownership of the Collateral and to
which the Collateral or Debtor is subject;
(d) to pay all fees and taxes and assessments to which Debtor or the Collateral is subject;
(e) to keep the Collateral within the state and at the addresses shown on Exhibit A as the
Current location of the Collateral (except only for typical normal routine use of any
vehicular Collateral within the state), and Debtor will not do anything requiring registration
of a vehicle in another state;
(f) to maintain the principal residence, and chief executive office (if applicable), of Debtor at
the address indicated on Exhibit A;
(g) that Secured Party may inspect any Collateral at any time upon reasonable notice.
(h) that the Collateral will remain personal property at all times, and without the prior written
consent of Secured Party Debtor will not affix any of the Collateral to any real property in
any manner that would change its nature from that of personal property to real property or
to a fixture.
(i) that Debtor has all risk of loss of the Collateral.
(j) that Secured Party does not authorize, and Debtor agrees not to:
(1) make any sales or leases of any of the Collateral except for sales of inventory in the
ordinary course of business while no Event of Default exists;
(2) license any of the Collateral to any other person or entity; or
(3) create or permit the existence of any other lien or security interest in any of the
Collateral other than inchoate liens securing property taxes that are not delinquent.
(k) that Debtor will keep the tangible Collateral insured for its full replacement value and
provide Secured Party with an endorsement to the policy naming Secured Party as the first
loss payee and an additional insured thereunder, and otherwise insure the Collateral and
Debtor’s use of the Collateral in such forms, coverages and amounts, and with such
insurers, as Secured Party may approve or require. All insurance proceeds shall be payable
to Secured Party and all policies or certificates of insurance shall be furnished to Secured
party evidencing among other things not less than 30 day’s prior notice of cancellation to be
given Secured Party. Secured party is hereby irrevocably
(1) appointed Debtor’s attorney in fact to adjust, settle and cancel insurance and endorse
any draft or check payable to Debtor, and to collect proceeds of insurance or returned
premiums, and
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(2) authorized to apply such proceeds in the same manner and order as proceeds of sale or
other disposition of Collateral are applied pursuant to Section 8 hereof.
(l) that to the extent Debtor uses the proceeds of any of the Obligations to purchase Collateral,
Debtor’s repayment of the Obligations will apply on a “first-in-first-out basis so that the
portion of the proceeds used to purchase a particular item of Collateral will be paid in the
chronological order the Debtor purchased the item.
(m) that if Debtor is a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other legal entity,
Debtor will preserve its existence and not, in one transaction or a series of related
transactions, merge into or consolidate with any other entity, or sell all or substantially all
of its assets; and Debtor will not change Debtor’s name without providing Secured Party
with 30 days’ prior written notice of the change.
(n) that Secured Party shall have the right, but not the obligation, to pay amounts on behalf of
Debtor to cause compliance with any terms of this Agreement or the Obligations, including
without limitation discharge of liens and encumbrances, and payment of maintenance costs,
insurance premiums and tax obligations, and Debtor shall reimburse Secured Party on
demand for all such amounts paid by Secured Party. Secured Party may in its discretion add
such amounts to the unpaid principal balance of the Obligations and charge interest at the
highest rate charged on the Obligations.
(o) that Debtor authorizes Secured Party to request other secured parties of Debtor to provide
accountings, confirmations of Collateral, and confirmations of statements of account
concerning Debtor, and Debtor hereby designates and appoints Secured Party and its
designees as attorney in fact of Debtor, irrevocably and with power of substitution, with
authority to endorse Debtor’s name on requests to other secured parties of Debtor regarding
such information.
(p) that if any Collateral shall mature or otherwise become payable Secured Party may cause
the same to be renewed or reinvested under such terms as Secured Party may reasonably
determine. Secured Party shall have the right to receive and apply in its discretion to any of
the Obligations as Secured Party may determine any money or property payable on account
of any sale, assignment or transfer of any Collateral. Secured Party shall have no duty or
liability to collect any cash or other property or give any notices respecting same or protect
or preserve any rights pertaining to the Collateral.
5. Debtor’s Representations and Warranties. Debtor represents and warrants to Secured Party as
(a) Title to Collateral. The Collateral is free of all adverse claims, liens, security interests and
restrictions on transfer or pledge except as created by this Agreement.
(b) Location of Collateral. All Collateral consisting of goods is located solely at the Debtor
address(es) shown on Exhibit A
(c) Debtor’s Address. The correct current residence address (and chief executive office, if
applicable) of Debtor is as shown on Exhibit A.
(d) Place of Organization. If debtor is an entity such as an LLC or limited partnership, the place
of formation is and shall at all times remain the State of formation as shown in Exhibit A.
6. Events of Default. The occurrence of any of the following will be an “Event of Default”:
(a) Failure to pay or perform. Debtor’s failure to pay any sum when due under, or to comply
with any of the provisions of, the Obligations; or
(b) Breach of Warranty. The incorrectness when made of any representation or warranty
contained in this Agreement, in the Obligations, or in any of the other documents relating
thereto; or
(c) Damage or encumbrance of Collateral. The attachment, execution, levy, loss, theft, damage,
destruction, sale or encumbrance respecting any of the Collateral (unless such event is fully
insured and the loss payable actually satisfies the obligations in favor of Secured Party as
required by this Agreement); or
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(d) Acceleration of Indebtedness. Any event which results in the acceleration of the maturity of
the indebtedness of Debtor to others under any indenture, agreement or undertaking other
than the Obligations; or
(e) Death of Obligor. The death of Debtor or any other Obligor; or
(f) Insolvency. Debtor or any other Obligor voluntarily or involuntarily becomes subject to any
proceeding under the Bankruptcy Code or any receivership, composition, assignment for
benefit of creditors or other insolvency proceeding; or
(g) Non-compliance with certain laws. Debtor’s failure to comply with any federal, state or
(1) hazardous waste or environmental law,
(2) asset forfeiture or similar law that can result in the forfeiture of property, or
(3) other law where noncompliance may have any material effect on the Collateral.
7. Default Costs. Without limiting Section 4(n), if an Event of Default occurs, Debtor will pay to
Secured Party within ten days after written demand all costs reasonably incurred by Secured
Party for the purpose of enforcing its rights under this Agreement, including:
(a) costs of foreclosure or other disposition of the Collateral, protection of the Collateral and
preparation of the Collateral for sale or other disposition;
(b) costs of obtaining money damages; and
(c) a reasonable fee for the services of attorneys retained by Secured Party for any purpose
related to this Agreement or the Obligations, including consultation, drafting documents,
sending notices or instituting, prosecuting or defending litigation or arbitration, including
legal fees and costs incurred in bankruptcy proceedings.
8. Remedies Upon Default. While any Event of Default exists, Secured Party may pursue any
remedy available at law (including those available under the provisions of the UCC) or in equity
to collect or enforce the Obligations, including the following:
(a) Acceleration. Secured Party may at its option declare all or any part of the unpaid
Obligations, together with all accrued and unpaid interest, and including expenses of
retaking, holding, preparing for sale, selling or the like and Secured Party’s reasonable
attorney fees and legal expenses, to be immediately due and payable without presentment,
demand or notice, which are hereby waived by each Obligor.
(b) Litigation. Secured Party may file suit and obtain judgment, and, in conjunction with any
action, may seek any ancillary remedies provided by law, including receivership, levy of
attachment and garnishment, and Debtor waives any requirement for a bond or other
security in connection therewith.
(c) Repossession of Collateral. Secured Party may take possession of any Collateral not already
in its possession without demand and without legal process. Upon Secured Party’s demand,
Debtor will assemble and make the Collateral available to Secured Party as Secured Party
may direct. Debtor grants to Secured Party the right, for this purpose, to enter into or on
any premises where Collateral may be located. If Secured Party takes possession of the
Collateral, Secured Party shall not be responsible for any of Debtor’s or any other person’s
property not covered by this Agreement and left inside the Collateral. Secured Party will
hold all such property at Debtor’s sole risk and expense, including storage charges, and
without liability on Secured Party’s part. If Debtor does not redeem any such property
within 90 days after repossession, Secured Party may dispose of it in any manner Secured
Party deems appropriate for such purposes and subject to any applicable laws. Secured
Party and its agents are irrevocably appointed Debtor’s true and lawful attorneys in fact to
make all necessary transfers of the Collateral upon resale after possession, in Debtor’s name
and stead.
(d) Setoff. Secured Party may exercise its right of setoff against any money, funds, credits or
other property of any nature whatsoever of Debtor or any other Obligor now or hereafter in
the possession of, in transit to or from, under the control or custody of, or on deposit with
Secured Party or any affiliate of Secured Party in any capacity whatsoever.
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(e) Sale or Lease of Collateral. Without taking possession, Secured Party may sell, lease or
otherwise dispose of the Collateral at public or private sale in accordance with the UCC.
(f) Collection of Collateral. Secured Party may collect any accounts or obligations constituting
a part of the Collateral and settle or compromise with any obligor thereof in Secured Party’s
All payments made by Debtor or any Obligor may be applied by Secured Party to any of the
obligations, matured or unmatured, as Secured Party may determine in its sole but reasonable
discretion, unless otherwise required by applicable law.
9. Foreclosure Procedures.
(a) No Waiver. No delay or omission by the Secured Party to exercise any right or remedy
accruing upon any Event of Default will
(1) impair any right or remedy,
(2) waive any default or operate as an acquiescence to the Event of Default, or
(3) affect any subsequent default of the same or of a different nature.
(b) Notices of Sale. Secured Party will give Debtor such notice of any private or public sale as
may be required by the UCC. Ten days notice of a sale or other disposition of the
Collateral will be deemed to be commercially reasonable notice.
(c) Condition of Collateral. Secured Party has no obligation to clean-up, repair or otherwise
prepare or process the Collateral for sale.
(d) Compliance With Laws. Secured Party may comply with any applicable state or federal
law requirements in connection with a disposition of the Collateral and compliance will not
be considered to adversely affect the commercial reasonableness of any sale of the
(e) Warranties-Disclaimer. Secured Party may sell the Collateral without giving any
warranties as to the Collateral. Secured Party may specifically disclaim any warranties.
This procedure will not be considered adversely to affect the commercial reasonableness of
any sale of the Collateral.
(f) Sales on Credit. All sales or other dispositions of the Collateral may be made for cash,
upon credit or for future delivery. If Secured Party sells any of the Collateral on credit,
Debtor will be credited only with net payments thereon actually received by Secured Party.
Secured party shall have no obligation to delay any disposition of the collateral because the
same may result in imposition of a forfeiture premium or penalty, Debtor hereby
acknowledging that risks of such matters are inherent in granting a security interest in the
Collateral to Secured Party.
(g) No Marshaling. Secured Party has no obligation to marshal any assets in favor of Debtor or
any other person or entity, or to sell the Collateral in any particular order.
(h) No Obligation to Pursue Others. Secured Party has no obligation to attempt to satisfy the
Obligations by collecting them from any other person or entity liable for them and Secured
Party may release, modify or waive any collateral provided by any other person or entity to
secure any of the Obligations, all without affecting Secured Party’s rights against Debtor.
Debtor waives any right it may have to require Secured Party to pursue any other person or
entity for any of the Obligations.
10. Miscellaneous.
(a) Assignment. This Agreement will bind and will inure to the benefit of the heirs, legatees,
executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of Secured Party and will bind all persons
who become bound as a debtor to this Agreement. Secured Party may assign its right or
interest under this Agreement. If such an assignment is made, Debtor will render
performance under this Agreement to the assignee.
(b) Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be void, invalid or
unenforceable by a court or panel of arbitrators of competent jurisdiction, that finding will
only affect the provisions found to be void, invalid or unenforceable and will not affect the
remaining provisions of this Agreement.
(c) Notices. Any notices required by this Agreement will be deemed to be delivered when
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(1) deposited in any United States postal box if postage is prepaid and the notice is
properly addressed to the intended recipient,
(2) received by telecopy, or
(3) personally delivered to the recipient. Notices shall be addressed to the recipient at the
address for such party shown in Exhibit A, or such other address of such party which
may from time to time be mutually acknowledged in writing as the notice address for
such party.
(d) Headings. Section headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only. They are not
a part of this Agreement and will not be used in construing it.
(e) Governing Law. This Agreement will be construed and enforced in accordance with the
internal laws of the State of Washington except to the extent that the UCC provides for the
application of the law of another jurisdiction.
(f) Rules of Construction. No reference to “proceeds” in this Agreement authorizes any sale,
transfer, or other disposition of the Collateral by the Debtor. As used in this Agreement,
“includes” and “including” are not limiting, “oris not exclusive, “allincludes “anyand
“anyincludes “all.”
(g) Integration and Modifications. This Agreement is the final expression of the entire
agreement of Debtor and Secured Party concerning its subject matter. Any modification to
this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by the party adversely affected.
(h) Further Assurances. Debtor agrees to execute any further documents, and to take any
further actions, reasonably requested by Secured Party to evidence or perfect the security
interests granted in this Agreement, to maintain the first priority of such security interests,
or to effectuate the rights granted to Secured Party in this Agreement.
DATED as of the Effective Date.
_______________________________________ ___________________________________
_______________________________________ ___________________________________
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Effective Date of Security Agreement: ____________________, ________.
Debtor: ____________________________
Address: ____________________________
Secured Party: ____________________________
Address: ____________________________
If the debtor is a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership, then the place of
incorporation or place of formation is: ____________________________.
Secured Obligations of Debtor to Secured Party
1. Debtor’s promissory note to Secured Party secured by this agreement:
Dated: __________________________
Amount: _________________________
Final maturity date: ________________
2. Other Debtor obligations to Secured Party secured by this Agreement (describe): _______________
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Description of Collateral:
[**ALTERNATIVE 1 - For security interest in all of Debtor’s personal property:**]
All personal property of Debtor, wherever located, and whether now owned or hereafter acquired, including
(i) accounts;
(ii) chattel paper;
(iii) inventory;
(iv) equipment;
(v) instruments, including promissory notes;
(vi) investment property;
(vii) documents;
(viii) deposit accounts;
(ix) letter of credit rights;
(x) general intangibles;
(xi) supporting obligations;
(xii) farm products; and
(xiii) to the extent not listed above as original collateral, proceeds and products of the foregoing.
If deposit accounts are included, list depositing institution and consult an attorney for steps to
* * * * *
[**ALTERNATIVE 2 - For security interest only in selected property of Debtor:**]
All of the following personal property of Debtor, wherever located, and whether now owned or hereafter
acquired, and all proceeds and products thereof : (Consult an attorney for steps to attach and perfect.)
motor vehicles:
mobile home:
manufactured housing:
farm products:
timber to be cut (Provide or attach legal description of real property having timber):
goods to become fixtures (Provide or attach legal description of real property to which annexed):
consumer goods (Debtor certifies that the obligation secured by this agreement is, and that the Collateral is,
used primarily for personal, family and household purposes) (Describe collateral with specificity):
boat (If documented with the Coast Guard, consult an attorney for attachment and perfection):
aircraft: (Consult an attorney for attachment and perfection):
other personal property (Describe):
* * * * * *
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Additional Required Data
1. Debtor is :
an individual, or
(describe Debtor entity) organized in (state):
2. Debtor residence [chief executive office, if applicable ] location: ______________________________
3. Location of collateral (State, county, street address):_______________________________________
3a. If collateral is in the hands of a third party bailee (such as a warehouseman), list bailee and consult
an attorney for steps to perfect.
4. Address for notices and communications:
To Debtor: ___________________________________________
To Secured Party: _____________________________________________
(End of Exhibit A)