OPEN RandoNode Request Processing Interface Page 1 of 62
RandoNode_API.doc February 20, 2009
Cancer Trials Support Unit
CTSU A Service of the National Cancer Institute
OPEN RandoNode Request Processing
Revision 04
20 February 2009
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Document Information
Revision Information for the Cancer Trials Support Unit OPEN RandoNode Request Processing
Document No. CTSU/DOC## Rev. 02
Revision History
# Date By Description
01 18-JUL-2002 Rajaram R Intitial version
02 14_sep_2008 Rajaram R Updated to make the architecture current as of Sep 2008
03 26_jan_2009 De S Updated OpenRequest operation types.
04 20_feb_2009 De S Updtaed Site Registrar scenarios.
Last Saved By Sushmita De on 2/20/2009 5:08 PM
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1650 Research Boulevard
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OPEN RandoNode Request Processing Interface
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 5
OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................... 5
INTERFACE DATA ......................................................................................................................................... 5
PURPOSE OF DOCUMENT ............................................................................................................................. 5
REQUEST API.............................................................................................................................................. 6
OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................... 6
RANDONODE- METHODS (REQUIRED)........................................................................................................... 6
Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 6
otherValues............................................................................................................................................ 6
Tretament of Nulls.................................................................................................................................. 6
Required Methods to Implement............................................................................................................ 7
doRegister Example............................................................................................................................... 8
INTERFACE CLASSES ................................................................................................................................... 9
Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Domain Classes................................................................................................................................... 10
Overview ..........................................................................................................................................................10
class OpenRegistration ....................................................................................................................................10
class OdmData.................................................................................................................................................13
Transaction Overhead Classes ........................................................................................................... 14
Overview ..........................................................................................................................................................14
class OpenTxHeader .......................................................................................................................................14
class OpenRequest..........................................................................................................................................15
class OpenResponse .......................................................................................................................................15
Specific Response Classes ................................................................................................................. 17
Overview ..........................................................................................................................................................17
class RegistrationResponse.............................................................................................................................17
DOREGISTRATION REQUEST FLOW EXAMPLE .............................................................................................. 18
Flow Diagram....................................................................................................................................... 18
RANDONODE JAR .................................................................................................................................... 18
OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................. 18
RandoNode Logic ................................................................................................................................ 19
RANDONODE FRAMEWORK CLASSES ................................................................................................. 20
FRAMEWORK CLASSES .............................................................................................................................. 20
ODMDATA CLASS..................................................................................................................................... 21
OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................. 21
METADATA XML........................................................................................................................................ 21
CLINICAL DATA XML.................................................................................................................................. 21
EXAMPLES................................................................................................................................................. 22
MetaData XML ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Clinical Data XML ................................................................................................................................ 23
OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................. 24
CLASS DIAGRAMS ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Naming Conventions............................................................................................................................ 24
MetaData Class Diagram..................................................................................................................... 26
Clinical Data Class Diagram ................................................................................................................ 27
API IMPLEMENTATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 28
API DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................................................ 28
EXTRACTION TO STAGING TABLES .............................................................................................................. 30
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SITE REGISTRAR SCENARIOS ............................................................................................................... 32
MAPPING CLASSES TO ODM TAGS....................................................................................................... 35
EXAMPLES................................................................................................................................................. 46
EXAMPLES-JAVA ........................................................................................................................................ 46
OPENPortalProxy ................................................................................................................................ 46
RandoNode Configuration ................................................................................................................... 47
Data Extraction .................................................................................................................................... 48
Example-2............................................................................................................................................ 52
Example-3............................................................................................................................................ 55
Example-4............................................................................................................................................ 57
EXAMPLES-.NET ........................................................................................................................................ 62
TABLE 1 STUDY CLASS ...............................................................................................................35
TABLE 2 METADATAVERSION CLASS............................................................................................36
TABLE 3 STUDYEVENT CLASS .....................................................................................................36
TABLE 4 FORM CLASS.................................................................................................................37
TABLE 5 ITEMGROUP CLASS .......................................................................................................38
TABLE 6 ITEM CLASS...................................................................................................................39
TABLE 7 LOCATION CLASS...........................................................................................................40
TABLE 8 USER CLASS .................................................................................................................40
TABLE 9 CLINICALDATA CLASS ....................................................................................................41
TABLE 10 SUBJECTDATA.............................................................................................................42
TABLE 11 STUDYEVENTDATA CLASS ...........................................................................................43
TABLE 12 FORMDATA CLASS.......................................................................................................43
TABLE 13 ITEMGROUPDATA CLASS .............................................................................................43
TABLE 14 ITEMDATA CLASS ........................................................................................................44
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OPEN is a web based system that will enable sites to enroll patients in Cooperative Group and other
research network protocols. The site users enter the credentialing and Eligibility check list data through
the OPEN Portal. On submission, a request is made to the lead Group’s RandoNode web service to
perform the registration. The RandoNode will process the data from OPEN in order to determine the
eligibility of the patient. After processing, the Group’s RandoNode will send a response to OPEN system
that includes the patient ID and treatment arm etc., if the patient is eligible and other information that is
required for performing these enrollments.
Interface Data
The transferred objects include data on enrolling site and investigator as well as the eligibility checklist
form data in an XML format (embedded in one of the request classes) that follows the specifications of
the Clinical Data Interchanges Consortium’s (CDISC) Operational Data Model (ODM) version 1.3.0. The
details of the ODM version 1.3 are available at CDISC 1.3 spec.
Purpose of Document
The purpose of this document is to describe the interface classes between RandoNode and Open portal
and the processing of the request objects that are sent to the RandoNode as a result of a patient
registration through the OPEN Portal.
It is important to understand that this document really describes two different interfaces:
1. The web service interface in the form of methods and classes that are exchanged. This interface
gets the data to and from the RandoNode. It does not include how to process it once it is at the
2. The API to access data from the clinical data object that contains the eligibility checklist data.
This data is transmitted in XML. The ODM API provided can be used as an object-oriented
mechanism to access the data.
The use of the web service interface is required. The use of the ODM API is not required, but is highly
recommended so that your RandoNode can be insulated from changes. A RandoNode can be
implemented to utilize the XML directly. This document also describes the CDISC XML format to some
degree, however, the CDISC 1.3 spec can be used for this purpose.
This document also describes a staging database schema to which the clinical data can be extracted.
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Request API
To process a request from the OPEN System, each Group’s RandoNode must be configured to receive
and recognize the OPEN request objects.
The requests that are transmitted from the OPEN Portal to the Randomization Node for every registration
will include three parameter objects: openRequest, openRegistration and, if applicable, odmData.
The OpenRequest consists of the transactional data such as transaction GUID, transaction time stamp
etc...OpenRegistration contains registration related data such as study name, enrolling site, investigator,
enrolling CRA, group receiving the accrual credit enrollment/randomization date etc... The
OpenRegistration has attributes for the group to fill out to send back to OPEN portal. odmData holds the
clinical data and form meta data and as per CDISC ODM format. Examples of each class/object, their
attributes are included below.
Other methods that are defined that are not registration specific may include simply the openRequest
object, or other simple data types, depending on their purpose.
RandoNode- Methods (Required)
In order for Open Portal to communicate with the Group RandoNodes, a defined interface is required.
Each Group RandoNode must implement the methods described below. The RandoNode methods
to be implemented by the Cooperative Groups are defined with the following WSDL:
The approach to the design of the method signatures was to avoid implementing special classes for
passing data to the methods. The methods will make use of domain classes where possible, and include
general purpose request and transaction classes to pass information to the methods. The methods
typically accept an OpenRequest object, plus one or more domain objects as parameters.
Because a method can only return a single value or object, special class(es) are required to return data to
the caller. A specific response class (e.g., RegistrationResponse) will include overhead objects, as well
as one or more domain objects that were operated on by the RandoNode (e.g., OpenRegistration).
Details of each specific response class are described below.
As you review the details of the classes, you will notice a common attribute named otherValues. This
attribute is included as a way to include additional values in a named-value pair configuration in an XML
format without the need to update the signature of the API. Over time, the class definitions used within
the interface will change and the system will accommodate the transitioning of one version to the next.
However, the use of this additional mechanism can minimize the number of versions of WSDL that are
Tretament of Nulls
There maybe cases where there is no value available for the attributes in the OpenRequest, or
OpenRegistration object. If there is no value for those attributes, OPEN is going to fill in with NULL for
string data type attribute, and to fill in -99 for number data type attribute.
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Required Methods to Implement
The following table summarizes the RandoNode method API that must be supported by each Group
RandoNode. The description below includes the required input parameters and return values. Note that
most of the parameters are classes that are described below.
Method Parameters Description
Input Output
isAvailable() OpenRequest OpenResponse The isAvailable is intended to find out if the group
RandoNode services are available for accepting requests.
If the group RandoNode service is ready, the node should
return the OpenResponse.responseCode as READY.
The value of NOT-READY should be returned if the
RandoNode is not able to process requests in the event of
system maintenance or other causes. If no response is
received at all, OPEN will assume NOT-READY.
doCredential OpenRequest
RegistrationResponse This method should perform any special site, investigator
and CRA information validation. Please note that this is not
required in most cases as OPEN validates this information
against RSS. This is required when the accrual is credited
to the lead group and the lead group is not maintaining the
roles data in RSS.
The OpenRegistration class contains the registration related
data such as protocol, site, investigator, credited Group etc.
The doCredential does not need the eligibility checklist data
(ODM object).
The OpenRegistration.status should be set to SUCCESS if
the registering user has enrollment privileges in the lead
group database, and the associated personnel have
permission to participate in the study.
The OpenRegistration.status should be set to FAILURE if
the registering user does not have enrollment privileges in
lead group database. The OpenRegistration.statusText
should contain failure explanation. This message should aid
the registrar in fixing the problem and re-initiate the
The OpenResponse.responseCode should be set to
· PROCESSED if the request is performed
· EXCEPTION if the request cannot be completed.
The OpenResponse.reponseText should contain
a brief reason of why the operation cannot be
performed. The
OpenResponse.responseDetailText is available
for filling in detail message.
doValidate OpenRequest
RegistrationResponse This is used to validate the ClinicalData (ODM) before
invoking the doRegister method. When this method is
invoked, groups are expected to validate the data only and
do not perform any registration.
RegistrationResponse is the output from the RandoNode.
The OpenRegistration.status should be set to
· SUCCESS if the registration data passes the
group’s validation check.
· FAILURE if the data contains validation error.
The OpenRegistration.statusDetailText should contain
the validation failure detail.
The OpenResponse.responseCode should be set to
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Method Parameters Description
Input Output
· PROCESSED if the request is processed without
any operational error.
· EXCEPTION if the request is not completed due
to any operational error such as database is
doRegister OpenRequest
RegistrationResponse The OpenRegistration will contain only the registration
related data such as protocol, site, investigator, credited
Group etc.
The OdmData object will contain the EC data.
RegistrationResponse is the output from the RandoNode.
The OpenRegistration.status should be set to
· SUCCESS if the registration request is completed.
· FAILURE if the registration request is completed,
but the patient is not eligible for the study.
The OpenRegistration.patientId, and
OpenRegistration.treatmentAssignment should be filled
in by the group if the patient is eligible. The
OpenRegistration.eligibility should be set whether the
patient is eligible or not. The OpenRegistratoin.
ineligibilityReason should contain the reason if the
patient is not eligible to be registered into the study.
The lead group can use the OpenRegistration.
siteInstructions to communicate any additional
information for the registering site.
The OpenResponse.responseCode should be either
PROCESSED or EXCEPTION depending on whether the
request is processed without any operational error.
doRegisterTest OpenRequest
RegistrationResponse This is the registration request for testing purposes. This
method will be called only with test data during testing by
someone using the OPEN portal.
doRegister Example
Once you have created the web service on your side using the WSDL, the API methods will be empty and
you will have to implement each one.
At this point, however, you have the data in easy to use objects, which are described below. It is at this
point that the ODM API (described below) to access the data in the eligibility checklist can be utilized, or
you can process the XML “manually.”
For a registration request (doRegistration), your logic will essentially create a registration record in your
own patient registration system based on the OpenRegistration data and the eligibility checklist, and fill in
some values in the OpenRegistration object to be returned. To return the OpenRegistration object, you
will construct a RegistrationResponse object and place the OpenRegistration, and fill in some response
values (e.g., PROCESSED, etc.) The response object is returned to the OPEN Portal for completion of
the registration. The RegistrationResponse object contains 2 objects, OpenResponse and
OpenRegistration. You have to set the OpenResponse.header object to the OpenRequest.header object.
The OpenResponse.header object has to be filled in for all the web methods provided by RandoNode.
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Interface Classes
Currently there are six classes that comprise the interface between OpenPortal and RandoNode. These
classes are:
· OpenRegistration
· OdmData
· OpenTxHeader
· OpenRequest
· OpenResponse
· RegistrationResponse
The class diagram for these six classes is shown in the following diagram. For the back ground of class
diagrams and the naming convensions, see the section ODM API.
Figure 1 Interface Class Diagram
The description of the classes and the attributes are given in the table below. The organization and
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purpose of various classes are explained in the following section.
Domain Classes
The domain classes used in the interface carry the real application data and are used to communicate
this data between the OPEN Portal and the Group RandoNodes. These classes exclude the
transaction/request overhead data. The transaction/request overhead classes are described in the next
section and are used to augment or “wrap” the domain classes and provide request context, tracking, and
response information (including exceptions and other anomalies).
It is expected that the domain objects that are passed to the nodes are updated (e.g., with patient ids,
etc.) and returned to the Portal.
In the initial implementation, only two domain classes are used in the API. These two are the
OpenRegistration and the OdmData, and are described below.
class OpenRegistration
The OpenRegistration class contains registration related data such as study name, enrolling site,
investigator, enrolling CRA, group receiving the accrual credit enrollment/randomization date etc... The
OpenRegistration has attributes the group fills out to send back to OPEN portal.
Attribute dataType Example data Description
trackingNbr number 33413 This is the unique tracking number given by the OPEN
portal application to identify a patient registration uniquely.
The tracking number for different steps for the same patient
will be different.
protocolNbr v35 NSABP-B-42
The PIO protocol number for this registration request.
step v5 1, 2 The protocol step for this request.
regSiteCtepId v5 MN024
11027 (Canadian)
The enrolling site. This is the site where the patient is
enrolled at.
reponsibleInvCtepId v7 21961, 18186 The ctepid of the investigator who is responsible for the
patient for accrual credit, payment and auditing purposes.
This will be removed in future versions. This is equal to the
crediting investigatot ctep id.
treatingInvCtepId v7 21961, 18186 The ctepid of the treating investigator who is treating the
registrarCtepId v7 502230, 500995 The registrar's CTEP Id. Registrar is the person doing the
registration in OPEN portal.
registrarEmail v240 [email protected]om The registrar's Email account.
randomizedDate date 2008-04-
This is the date the patient is registered/randomized in to
the group registration system. CTSU will prefill this field with
the date the site is submitting the registration request. If for
any reason, the patient is not randomized on the same
date, the prefilled date will be updated upon SUCCESS
registration status from group.
creditRecipient v20 CALGB, ECOG,
The cooperative group that receives the accrual credit.
drugShipInvCtepId v7 21961, 18186 The CTEPID of the investigator to whom the study drug will
be shipped. This may not be collected for every protocol.
This is collected in OPEN portal based on the protocol set
up in RSS.
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Attribute dataType Example data Description
previousTrackingNbr number 31412 This is the tracking number corresponding to the previous
step for the same patient. Only applicable for protocols with
multistep registration.
ccopAccrual v3 YES, NO This is a flag that indicates whether the enrolling site is a
CCOP site or not. The values are YES or NO
otherPmtGroup v20 CALGB,
This is not used at this point. It is here for handling patient
transfers. To be used by OPEN portal in future.
eligibility v10 ELIGIBLE,
This should be filled in by the lead group after the
determination of the patient eligibility. The valid values are
· ELIGIBLE the patient is qualify and registered
to enroll in the study.
· INELIGIBLE the patient is not qualified to enroll
in the study. This registration should not allow
submitting again.
· INCOMPLETE the data contains validation
error, and the groupintends to allow the registrar
to correct the error and resubmit the same
ineligibilityReason v4000 Patient’s T score is
out of range
The reason for patient's ineligibility. This should be filled in
by the lead group if the group determines that the patient is
patientId v20 826599998, 52393,
patient id, if available. This is to be normally filed by the
lead cooperative group. In certain instances, (post
registration) OPEN portal will prefill this while sending the
request to Group.
treatmentAssignment v10 A, B, BLINDED The treatment arm assigned to the patient by the lead
cooperative group. To be filled in by the lead group.
Required only if the patient is eligible.
siteInstructions string
Please send the lab
sample to the
following address.
123, Main Street, Tin
Town, MD-20850
This should be filled in by the lead group. This is a general
use place holder. The group can provide instructions to the
site regarding this registration. The contents will be
displayed to the registrars in the OPEN portal's registration
confirmation page.
status v32 SUCCESS
The status of the registration request. The valid values are
data is processed successfully and the patient is
determined to be eligible or not eligible, the status will be
Success. If the data fails the validation checks, then groups
can return FAILURE. If due to some reason, the data
patient eligibility or the requested operation such as
credentialing, validation can not be determined at this time,
PENDING-GROUP can be used. A good example for use of
PENDING-GROUP is the case where the Group does not
have the metadata file as indicated within the OdmData.
Group needs time to download the metaf data file and
complete the set up.
statusText v500 No active IRB
approval record for
this institution in our
Short description of the status which can be displayed to
the site on the OPEN portal screen. No status text is
required in case of SUCCESS. This is mandatory in case of
FAILURE and PENDING-GROUP. This needs to be filled
by the Group. .
statusDetailText string
The last IRB
approval transaction
received was on
12/1/2006. the
approval has since
This should be filled in by the lead group to communicate in
case of FAILURE or PENDING-GROUP. This is a long
version of the status text. The information is for CTSU staff
and will not be communicated to the site. This is optionally
filled by the group.
stratification v15 Exes.+Trip, Trip To be filled in by the lead group. This is Optional.
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Attribute dataType Example data Description
otherValues string
XML This is included to provide a mechanism to pass additional
parameters without having to modify the class definition or
It will be named-value pairs in XML. APIs to access this
data easily will be provided.
courierName V40 AIRBORNE
This is the courier company. It is patient specific attribute.
This is an express courier account name at the time of
patient registration in order to expedite the shipment of the
initial clinical supplies to the registering clinical site
courierNbr V20 1234-5678-9 This is the account number associated with the cexpress
courier account. The express courier account name and
number are associated ONLY with the initial e-order, which
immediately follows the patient registration / randomization.
Subsequent orders will be sent via the normal shipment
creditingInvCtepId V7 21961, 18186 This is the same as responsibleInvCtepId. We will remove
the duplicated attribute in the future.
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class OdmData
The OdmData class contains clinical data collected such as responses to the eligibility checklist
questions. This class includes a reference to the openMetaData. Normally, this will be empty when sent
in a request as the meta data files will be provided to the groups as part of the configuration setup and the
OPEN ODM API will populate this. The details of OPEN ODM API are available in the later sections of
this document.
In OdmData oid has been used for FormData, ItemGroupData, ItemData etc. Oid is the Id constructed by
OPEN for an element. It is constructed generally using the CDE public Id or long name. For Forms, the
format is the word “FORM.” and the form public ID, e.g. FORM.2736526. For ItemGroupOID, it is the
word "IG." and the Item Group long name, e.g. IG.Race. For Items, ItemOID is the word "ID.” and the
item CDE public Id in general, e.g. ID.791. However there is a special case where the items with same
CDE public Id can recur within the itemgroup. In that case order number is also appended, e.g. ID.791.2
where 2 is the item order number within the module.
The RandoNode is not expected to send back the OdmData object to the Portal for the methods that have
been currently defined.
Attribute dataType Example data Description
openClinicalData string
See the example in
sections elsewhere
below in this
document. below.
This contains XML
with the base node
as ODM.
This string contains the clinical data collected such as
responses to the eligibility checklist questions.
openMetadata string
This is normally
empty. This contains
XML with the base
node as ODM.
This string contains the form meta data. It is normally
empty. The OPEN message API will read the metadata
from the metadata files provided to the group and populate
this object.
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Transaction Overhead Classes
This section describes the classes used for the transaction/request overhead data. These request-
related classes are passed as parameters to the request methods, and the response related classes are
included in the response classes.
class OpenTxHeader
The OpenTxHeader is the common class that is included within the OpenRequest and returned in the
OpenResponse classes. The OpenTxHeader contains the request tracking information. Groups are
expected to return the OpenTxHeader back (within their response) whenever one of the methods are
invoked. This involves simply setting the reference to the header object that is passed in the response
The following table describes the members of the OpenTxHeader class.
Attribute dataType Example data Description
txGUID v32 OPEN-080913-
The unique request message id generated by the OPEN
application. In case transaction from databases other than
production the format of the txGUID will be OPEN-TST-080913-
0000682. The database name follows the string OPEN. In the
example, it indicates that the tx is coming from CTSUTST
timeStamp date 2008-04-
The date time that this request is generated by the OPEN or the
calling application.
targetGroup v20 NSABP
The cooperative group to which the OpenRequest is addressed
txType v32 Transaction type. Not used at this time. It is there for future use.
sourceComponent v32 PORTAL
This is the application or CTSU resource that is trying to
consume the RandoNode service. The example values are
PORTAL, OPENDB, and RSS etc...
isTest boolean TRUE
The isTest is intended to send test registration during
development phase to the group RandoNode. If isTest is TRUE,
the request is for test registration. For processing the
registration in production mode, groups should verify that the
isTest is FALSE. This is a redundant ability, in addition to the
registerTest method that the groups are implementing. Having
isTest will be helpful in other testing situations using methods
such doCredential, doValidate etc.
otherValues string
XML This is included to provide a mechanism to pass additional
parameters without having to modify the class definition or API.
It will be named-value pairs in XML. APIs to access this data
easily will be provided.
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class OpenRequest
This is a general purpose request class. This class contains the transactional information
(OpenTxHeader) as well as the requested Operation.
In general, specific request classes are not necessary because the API method signatures allow for the
passing of multiple parameters. However, if a specific request class is required, it will always include the
OpenTxHeader object.
The following table describes the members of the OpenRequest class.
Attribute dataType Example data Description
header OpenTxHeader See above See the OpenTxHeader.
operation v(32) REGISTER
This is the intended operation expected out of the request.
The example for operation includes REGISTER,
VALIDATE, CREDENTIAL, TEST etc. This is redundant in
addition to the web service methods doRegister,
doCredential, doValidate etc...
In case of CHECK_DUP_PT, the input request objects are
similar to doValidation. Groups are expected to verify,
based on the demographics data, that the patient is
existing or not in their database.
RETRynn indicates the registration is being submitted as a
retry. nnn is the number of attempts.
ManualRegistration and DataTransfer requests are only for
information, randomization is not performed. Both the
types are for sanding Registered data to group
Randonode. Some of the groups support manual
registration when system is not available, after OPEN
comes back Registered data along with patient id and
treatment assignment are entered in to the database using
OPEN screens and is sent to group for synchronization.
This type of request is called ManualRegistration.
DataTransfer is to send registered request data to group at
any later point of time in case group requests.
targetURL v(100) http://www.nsabp.pitt.e
The receiving group's RandoNode URL.
otherValues string (longtext) XML This is included to provide a mechanism to pass additional
parameters without having to modify the class definition or
It will be named-value pairs in XML. APIs to access this
data easily will be provided.
class OpenResponse
This class should be included in any special purpose response classes. The RegistrationResponse class
is described below and includes a reference to this object. This object includes a reference to the
originating OpenTxHeader object that was passed in the request. [Ravi, this is where the OpenTxHeader
could be specified to be directly included in the specific response class.]
The response attributes should be filled in per the specification of each request.
Note that for some methods, a specific response class is not
Attribute dataType Example data Description
header OpenTxHeader See OpenTxHeader.
Note: You have to set the header object in this class to
the OpenRequest.header object passed into your web
method. This has to be set for all the web methods
provided by RandoNode.
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Attribute dataType Example data Description
responseCode v(32) PROCESSED
The overall status of this request, not necessary related
to registration. The valid values are PROCESSED and
In case of isAvaiable method, the valid response statsues
responseText v500 Exception Occurred
processing the
message. Invalid
The brief text to describe the operation result. This is
mandatory in case of EXCEPTION.
responseDetailText string (longtext) Any relevant error
The detailed description of the operation status. This is
responseData string (longtext) XML This is included to provide a mechanism to pass
additional result data or to use this general purpose
response class without having to implement a specific
response class.
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Specific Response Classes
Specific response classes are defined primarily as wrappers so that multiple objects can be returned from
a method call. This avoids the copying of many attributes from objects into one big class. It simply
includes references to the transaction overhead classes (e.g., OpenResponse) and to domain objects
that need to be returned.
class RegistrationResponse
This is the return class for many of the OPEN Registration operation requests. The methods that are
implemented that use this class as a response includes:
· doCredential
· doValidate
· doRegister
· doRegisterTest
This object has two members. OpenResponse has the unique message header, and the operation
The OpenRegistration has attributes that the Group RandoNode completes during the registration
Attribute dataType Example data Description
openResponse OpenResponse See above See OpenResponse above
openRegistration OpenRegistration See above See OpenRegistration above
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doRegistration Request Flow Example
Flow Diagram
The object flow for a request from the OpenPortal to RandoNode when Open portal invokes the
doRegistration method is shown in the following diagram.
Figure 2 Object flow when invoking doRegistration method
RandoNode jar
As part of the starter kit CTSU provide the library Randonode.jar/dll. The following are the packages
included within the RandoNode jar/dll.
· com.westat.ctsu.open.node.framework – this is a framework suggested by OPEN on how to
design the RandoNode such that the web service code is isolated from the registration business
logic. This framework provides a clean separation between the web service input and the
registration business logic. Please refer to the framework classes section above for more
· com.westat.ctsu.open.node – this package contains the RandoNode web service code, the web
interface objects and the utility to convert between object and xml. This package is provided as
the starting point of the web service code.
· com.westat.ctsu.open.node.odm – this package contains the classes that represent the ODM
object model. The details of the ODM API are given below.
· com.westat.ctsu.open.node.domain – this package contains the persistent domain objects for
working with hibernate. If the group decides to persist the input from OPEN for audit trail, or for
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verification process, then the group can utilize this package with the persist package to save the
data to the database (randonode schema defined by CTSU).
· com.westat.ctsu.open.node.persist – This is the hibernate persistent layer
· com.westat.ctsu.open.node.example – this package contains a few examples on how to test the
local RandoNode, and how to retrieve the clinical data using the ClinicalDataUtil.java.
RandoNode Logic
When the request is invoked on the RandoNode side within the web service, you have the data in easy to
use objects. It is at this point that the ODM API (described below) to access the data in the eligibility
checklist can be utilized.
The logic in your RandoNode will be to create a registration record in your own patient registration system
based on the OpenRegistration data and the eligibility checklist, and fill in some values in the
OpenRegistration object to be returned. To return the OpenRegistration object, you will construct a
RegistrationResponse object and place the OpenRegistration, and fill in some response values (e.g.,
PROCESSED, etc.) The response object is returned to the OPEN Portal for completion of the
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RandoNode Framework Classes
FrameWork Classes
Apart from the interface classes, the Randonode consists of few Framework classes.The framework
classes reside in group Randonode and are not part of the data flow between OPEN and group
Randonode. The classes facilitate the processing of randonode requests as well as ease of segregation
of CTSU distributed classes for randonode from the group implemented classes. The following is the
diagram of the Framework classes for ECOG. The framework classes implement methods that operate on
the interface classes. The green colored classes will be maintained by OPEN and are part of the
‘starterkit’. The yellow colored classes are to be implemented by the group.
More details to come.
RandoNode Framework Classes
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OdmData Class
Many of the requests from Open Portal to randoNode include an odmData object. The Clinical data is
transferred to RandoNode through the odmData object which consists of openClincialData and
openMetaData as described in class OdmData. The openClincialData is a string that contains the clinical
data in CDISC ODM format.
The architecture of the system separates the MetaData XML from the clinical data message XML. Both
metadata and clinical data XML are CDISC ODM compliant XML strings with ODM as the root tag. The
MetaData XML is installed as part of the RanodNode configuration.
This section describes metadata and Clinical Data XML format as well as the API that converts the clinical
Data ODM string to objects to enable easier accessing of the data.
It is important to note that if you use the API, you do not need to understand all of the details of
the XML.
MetaData XML
A separate MetaData XML file will be developed and delivered to the lead Group from the CTSU IT team
for every version of the eligibility checklist form for each protocol. This XML file should become part of the
Group RandoNode system installation and must be installed before the RandoNode can process
registrations for that protocol version.
The ODM object will contain references to the metadata in that MetaData XML file. The following is an
example of the MetaData XML. For brevity, the repeating tags have been removed from the examples.
Clinical Data XML
The Clinical Data will contain the actual responses to the eligibility checklist questions and will include
references to the metadata in the specific version of a MetaData XML file. The following is an example of
the Clinical Data XML. For brevity, the repeating tags have been removed from then examples.
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MetaData XML
The following is an example of the MetaData XML in CDISC format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ODM FileType="Snapshot" FileOID="meta.xml" CreationDateTime="2007-05-01T11:20:50"
xmlns="http://www.cdisc.org/ns/odm/v1.3" xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.cdisc.org/ns/odm/v1.3 ODM-1-3-0.xsd">
<Study OID="STUDY.NSABP-B-42">
<StudyDescription>A Clinical Trial to Determine the Efficacy</StudyDescription>
<MetaDataVersion OID="v.NSABP-B-42.1" Name="Version.1.0">
<StudyEventRef StudyEventOID="SE.Registration.1" Mandatory="Yes"></StudyEventRef>
<StudyEventDef OID="SE.Registration.1" Name="Registration" Repeating="No" Type="Scheduled">
<FormRef FormOID="FORM.2494107.1.0" Mandatory="Yes"></FormRef>
<FormDef OID="FORM.2494107.1.0" Name="NSABP Protocol B-42 - Protocol Entry Form
Worksheet" Repeating="No">
<ItemGroupRef ItemGroupOID="IG.2" OrderNumber="0" Mandatory="Yes"></ItemGroupRef>
<ItemGroupDef OID="IG.2" Name="Header" Repeating="No">
<ItemRef ItemOID="ID.7" OrderNumber="0" Mandatory="Yes"></ItemRef>
<ItemGroupDef OID="IG.3" Name="Protocol Eligibility" Repeating="No">
<ItemDef OID="ID.7" Name="Patient Initials" DataType="text">
<ExternalQuestion Dictionary="CaDSR" Version="4.0" Code="2001039"></ExternalQuestion>
<ItemDef OID="ID.8" Name="Site Name" DataType="text">
<CodeList OID="CL.32" Name="Medical Condition" DataType="text">
<CodeListItem CodedValue="diabetes">
<TranslatedText xml:lang="en">DIABETES</TranslatedText>
<CodeListItem CodedValue="hypertension">
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Clinical Data XML
The following is an example of the raw clinical data XML in CDISC format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ODM FileType="Snapshot" FileOID="NSABP-B-42_2494107_1_0_clinical_151.xml"
CreationDateTime="2007-05-14T02:21:07" xmlns="http://www.cdisc.org/ns/odm/v1.3"
xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-
instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.cdisc.org/ns/odm/v1.3 ODM-1-3-0.xsd">
<User OID="USER.10124">
<FirstName> Jasjeet Singh </FirstName>
<LastName>Sangha </LastName>
<Email>not available </Email>
<Phone>(319) 272-2700 </Phone>
<LocationRef LocationOID="LOC.FL035"></LocationRef>
<User OID="USER.500539">
<Location OID="LOC.FL035" Name="Cedars Medical Center">
<MetaDataVersionRef StudyOID="STUDY.NSABP-B-42" MetaDataVersionOID="v.NSABP-B-42.1.0"
<ClinicalData StudyOID="STUDY.NSABP-B-42" MetaDataVersionOID="v.NSABP-B-42.1.0">
<SubjectData SubjectKey="1">
<UserRef UserOID="USER.500539"></UserRef>
<LocationRef LocationOID="LOC.FL035"></LocationRef>
<DateTimeStamp>2007-05-14T02:21:07 </DateTimeStamp>
<SourceID>1 </SourceID>
<InvestigatorRef UserOID="USER.10124"></InvestigatorRef>
<SiteRef LocationOID="LOC.FL035"></SiteRef>
<StudyEventData StudyEventOID="SE.Registration.1">
<FormData FormOID="FORM.2494107.1.0">
<ItemGroupData ItemGroupOID="IG.1" ItemGroupRepeatKey="1" TransactionType="Insert">
<ItemData ItemOID="ID.1" Value="White"></ItemData>
<ItemData ItemOID="ID.2" Value="Private Insurance"></ItemData>
<ItemData ItemOID="ID.3" Value="NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO"></ItemData>
<ItemData ItemOID="ID.4" Value="20856"></ItemData>
<ItemData ItemOID="ID.5" Value="US"></ItemData>
<ItemGroupData ItemGroupOID="IG.2" ItemGroupRepeatKey="1" TransactionType="Insert">
<ItemData ItemOID="ID.7" Value="DSU"></ItemData>
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Since the metadata and clinical data XML are CDSIC OMD v1.3 compliant, knowledge of ODM would
generally be required for processing the ODM documents. This can become a bit complicated and
requires understanding much more than is really necessary to effectively use the data.
In order to simplify the processing of the odmData object sent by OPEN, we have developed an object-
oriented API. This API has been built on an object model derived from CDISC ODM. To help describe
the API, two class diagrams have been included:
· The MetaData class diagram, and
· The Clinical Data class diagram.
The class diagrams are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 below. The classes do not contain attributes for
all of tags in the CDISC ODM. They contain only classes corresponding to the ODM tags that OPEN
system intends to use at this time. CTSU will be adding more classes if additional tags are added to the
metadata and /or clinical data xml files.
Understanding the classes and the associated class methods will enable you to process the message
and prepare a response without interacting with the XML directly.
Class Diagrams
A class diagram is used to give an overview of the system, showing the hierarchy of classes and their
static relationships at varying levels of detail. Classes are represented as boxes in the diagrams. The
enclosing box is divided into three sections:
· The topmost section provides the name of the class, and is often used as the identifier for the
· The middle section contains a list of attributes (structures) for the class; (the attribute in the class
diagram maps into a column name in the data model and an attribute within the Java class);
· The bottom section lists the object’s operations (methods).
The associations between classes are also indicated along with the following multiplicities:
Multiplicities Description
0..1 Zero or one instance. The notation n..m indicates n to m instance
0..* or *
Zero to many; No limit on the number of instances (including asterisk (*) is used to represent
a multiplicity of many.
1 Exactly one instance
1..* At least one instance to many
Naming Conventions
The class name starts with an uppercase letter and an attribute starts with a lowercase letter. Names
contain no underscores. If the name contains two words, then both words are capitalized, with no space
between words. If an attribute contains two words, the second word is capitalized with no space between
The following notations (as shown in Fig.1 and Fig. 2) are used to indicate that a feature is public or
· “-” prefix signifies a private feature
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· “+” signifies a public feature
In addition to the regular classes there are two utility classes:
· metaDataUtil, and
· clinicalDataUtil.
The utility classes have many useful methods to simplify the extraction of the data. A system generated
javadoc and help files are also available for download. The documents describe the class definition, class
attributes, and class methods. The XMLHelper referred in the class diagrams is a Document Object
Model (DOM) object used to traverse the xml file.
The MetaDataUtil class extracts the registration form metadata in xml format, and puts the xml data
content into the corresponding classes according to the xml elements. This class is designed to
encapsulate the complexity of the ODM schema and to shield the end user from this complexity.
The ODM model assumes that a study's clinical data will consist of several kinds of entities. These
include subjects, study events, forms, item groups, items, and annotations.
· An item is an individual clinical data item, such as a single systolic blood pressure reading. Items
are collected together into item groups.
· An item group is a closely related set of items that are generally analyzed together. (Item groups
are sometimes referred to as "records" and are associated with "panels" or "tables".) Item groups
are aggregated into forms.
· A form is analogous to a page in a paper CRF book or electronic CRF screen. A form generally
collects a set of logically and temporally related information. A series of forms is collected as part
of a study event.
· A study event is a reusable package of forms usually corresponding to a study data-collection
· A study protocol design may include one or more planned subject visits at which data will be
collected. Each planned visit may correspond to one or more ODM study events and ODM study
events may be used for more than one subject visit.
· A subject is a patient participating in the study.
The metadata classes are designed to mimic the entities above. The ClinicalDataUtil class extracts the
registration form responses in xml format and puts the xml data content into the corresponding classes
according to the xml elements. This class is constructed in the similar fashion as the MetaDataUtil class
and attempts to achieve the same encapsulation of the complexity. The ClinicalDataUtil class loads the
MetaDataUtil object that corresponds to its form metadata.
The mapping between ODM tags and the classes is available in end of this document. This mapping
allows one to identify source of the class member values within the XML string. In addition, the mapping
tables provide the data type and length information for the variables.
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MetaData Class Diagram
Figure 3 Metadata Class Diagram
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Clinical Data Class Diagram
Figure 4 Clinical Data Class Diagram
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API Implementations
CTSU has developed the API in two languages.
· java version and
· C# (.NET) version.
The signatures of the classes used by both java and C# versions are the same as given the Figure1 and
Figure 2. The CTSU is providing a jar file (java version) and dll (for C# version) along with the
The jar and dll have been developed in such a way that these can be dropped into the library folder of the
RandoNode and can be invoked within the RandoNode application. The jar files and associated
documents can be downloaded from www.ctsu.org/open (Note: the URL for the documents will be
updated in future). At this site, there are two folders one for java and the other for .Net containing the
downloadable files.
API Documentation
The document list will be updated soon. The documents for the different versions are given Table-2
below. All the documents required for java language is included in the OPEN_Request.zip. Similarly, all
the documents required for java language is included in the RandoNodeExample.msi.
OPEN RandoNode Documentation
Version File Name Description
java, .NET RandoNode_API.doc This document on OPEN request processing.
java, .NET ODM-1-3-0.xsd CDISC ODM version 1.3 schema file.
java, .NET ODM1-3-0-foundation.xsd
Schema containing definitions of the elements, attributes
and data types that comprise ODM version 1.3
java, .NET ODM1-3-0-Final.htm
Specification for the CDISC ODM Version 1.3. Available at
CDISC_1.3 Specs
java OPEN_Request.jar Jar for the java version of the API
java Readme.doc Document containing the installation instruction.
.NET Readme.pdf Document containing the installation instruction.
javadoc folder within he
Javadoc for the API
.NET RandoNodeExample.msi msi file when clicked install the .dll in the local machine.
.NET Documentation.chm Help file for .NET version of the API.
java, .NET E1505_2555093_1_0_meta.xml
Sample meta data file for Registration worksheet for the
ECOG protocol E1505
java, .NET E1505_2555093_1_0_clinical_305.xml
Sample clinical data file containing data for Registration into
ECOG protocol E1505.
java, .NET
Sample meta data file for Protocol Entry Form Worksheet
for the NSABP protocol NSABP-B-42.
java, .NET NSABP-B-42_2494107_1_0_meta.xml
Sample clinical data file containing data for Registration into
NSABP protocol NSABP-B-42.
java, .NET ODM_DB_schema_definition.txt
Database schema definition file for the creation of staging
java, .NET Example1.java
Example java file that shows how to extract the enrolling
site and investigator CTEP ID from the clinical data
java, .NET Example2.java
Example java file that shows how to extract the clinical data
including the form name, question name and responses.
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Version File Name Description
java, .NET Example3.java
Example java file that shows how to construct the response
to be sent to OPEN portal when a message is received.
java, .NET Example4.java
Example java file that shows how to extract data from the
metadata file (With no clinical data) using metaDataUtil.
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Extraction to Staging Tables
The API also includes methods to extract the data from the metadata and the clinical data message and
process them in real time. It is possible that groups may want to store the extracted data in staging tables.
The following diagram (Figure 5) shows the database schema to which the data from the metadata and
the clinical data message can be persisted. The brown shaded boxes represent the metadata tables and
the green shaded boxes represent the clinical data tables. All of the tables closely match the class
diagrams. There is an extra table called ODM in the database schema that is not represented in the class
diagrams. The class diagrams will be changed to include ODM class in the next release of the API. The
table definition scripts that create the tables are also available from here. A hibernate utility is provided to
persist the data and to extract the data based on a search criteria.
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Figure 5
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Site Registrar Scenarios
During initial phase of OPEN production release, CTSU registrars will be responsible for entering
registration data in OPEN on behalf of Site. On CreateNew screen, "Site Registrar" was added in the
Person Type drop down (Figure 6) to make sure that OPEN captures the information of Site Person
responsible for that registration request. During initial phase of production, all groups will have the option
to select Site Registrar from the Person Type drop down.
Figure 6: Site Registrar
Group receives the Site Registrar detail from OPEN in clinical data XML.
OpenRegistration.registrarCtepId, OpenRegistration.registrarEmail and User (within ODM, Admin Data
section) contain the details of registrars. Different scenarios for Site Registrar have been explained below:
· Site Registrar Enrolling Patient - This situation will come up once Sites start enrolling
patients. Then OpenRegistration.registrarCtepId and registrarEmail will contain Site Registrar's
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· CTSU Registrar Enrolling Patient and selects a Site Registrar - This situation will arise
during initial period of production. CTSU Registrar will enter the data on behalf of Site registrar
and selects a Site Registrar. Then OpenRegistration.registrarCtepId & registrarEmail will
contain Site Registrar's data.
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· CTSU Registrar Enrolling Patient and does not select a Site Registrar - This situation may
arise if CTSU Registrar is entering data, but does not select a Site Registrar. Then
OpenRegistration.registrarCtepId and registrarEmail will contain CTSU Registrar's data.
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Mapping Classes to ODM Tags
The Mapping between the class members and the ODM xml elements and brief description is given in Table-1 below.
Table 1 Study Class
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
Study.oid ODM/Study.OID v25
Unique identifier for the study. The oid (short
form for ODM ID?) contains the protocol number
as defined in PIO (protocol information Office)
database. The format of the study OID is
Study.name ODM/Study/GlobalVariables.StudyName v200 This is the protocol number of the study.
Study.description ODM/Study/GlobalVariables.StduyDescription v2000 The title of the study
Study.protocolName ODM/Study. v200
The protocol number for the study. As per
CDISC ODM, each study can have multiple
protocols. For OPEN purposes, the protocol and
study will mean the same. The protocol and
study will be used interchangeably in this
Study.metaDataVersionList ODM/MetaDataVersion -
This indicates the version of the metadata in the
OPEN database. This facilitates the handling of
the protocol versions which require a changes in
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Table 2 MetaDataVersion Class
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype
MetaDataVersion.oid ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion.OID v100
The OID contains the study name, and the study
version number. The format is
>_<OPEN_Version_date_for the
form>_step<step number>_meta.xml. This is
equal to the attribute FileOID of the ODM tag.
Though by default the OPEN_version_date
defaults to a date string (yymmdd), it can be set
to any string as desired the cooperative group.
MetaDataVersion.name ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion.Name v25
The version number of the meta data. The
format is ‘v’.protocol_number.version_number
MetaDataVersion.description ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion.Description v2000 Brief description of this version.
ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/StudyEventRef -
Protocol can have many study events. A
StudyEvent describes a type of study event that
takes place during a study. A scheduled event is
one that is expected to occur for each subject as
part of the ordinary progress of the study. For
OPEN we will be dealing with REGISTRATION
events corresponding to different steps.
MetaDataVersion.study ODM/Study - Reverse association to Study class.
Table 3 StudyEvent Class
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
StudyEvent.oid ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/StudyEventDef.OID v25
Unique identifier for a study event. The format is
StudyEvent.name ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/StudyEventDef.Name v25 Study event name.
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Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
StudyEvent.repeating ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/StudyEventDef.Repeating v3
Whether the study event can be repeated within
the study. The Repeating flag indicates that this
type of study event can occur repeatedly within
the containing study
StudyEvent.type ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/StudyEventDef.Type v10
This defines the study event type. The value can
be Scheduled, Unscheduled or Common.
StudyEvent.category ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/StudyEventDef.Category v100
The study event category. The Category
attribute is typically used to indicate the study
phase appropriate to this type of study event.
For example, Step 1 registration.
StudyEvent.mandatory ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/StudyEventDef.mandatory v3
The value can be either Yes or No. The value
defines if this study event is mandatory. For
Registration events for OPEN, it is normally
equal to ‘Yes’.
StudyEvent.formList ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/StudyEventDef.FormRef -
Form describes a type of form that can occur in
a study.
StuydEvent.metaDataVersion ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion - Reverse association to MetaDataVersion class.
Table 4 Form Class
Form.oid ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/FormDef.OID v25
This contains the public id as defined by
CaDSR. The format is ‘FORM’.cadsr_public_id
Form.name ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/FormDef.Name
This is the name of the form as defined in
Form.publicId SubString of the ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/FormDef.OID v100 This is derived from the form.oid.
Form.version SubString of the ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/FormDef.OID v10
For OPEN, this corresponds to the meta data
Form.repeating ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/FormDef.Repeating v3
The Repeating flag indicates that this type of
form can occur repeatedly within the containing
study event. This defines if the form can be
used more than once under the same study and
study event. For example, the form can be used
for 1
visit, 2
visit, and so on.
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Form.mandatory ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/FormRef.Mandatory v3
Flag to indicate where the form is mandatory or
not. For OPEN, this always ‘Yes’.
Form.itemGroupList ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/FormDef/ItemGroupRef -
This contains all the item groups under this
form. An item group is logically grouped
questions under a section. The Item group
corresponds to the module defined in caDSR
form builder.
Form.studyEvent ODM.Study/MetaDataVersion/StudyEventDef - Reverse association to StudyEvent class.
Table 5 ItemGroup Class
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
ItemGroup.oid ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemGroupRef.OID v25
This identifies an item group within the form.
The format is ‘IG’.<module_name>
ItemGroup.orderNumber ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemGroupRef.OrderNumber number
This defines where this item group occurs within
the form. In other words the display sequence
number of the item group within a form.
ItemGroup.name ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemGroupDef.Name v500
The name of the item group. Equal to the
Module name as defined in caDSR form builder.
ItemGroup.mandatory ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemGroupRef.Mandatory v3
Flag to indicate where the item group is
mandatory or not.
ItemGroup.repeating ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemGroupDef.Repeating v3
This defines if the item group contains questions
(records) that can be repeated within the form.
An example of repeating item group is a tabular
module containing lab data such as lab name,
value, unit of measurement etc. Within this
repeating item group, there may be several
records corresponding to several lab tests.
ItemGroup.itemList ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemGroupDef.ItemRef -
This defines the item within an item group. For
example, the question patient race is under the
ItemGroup.form ODM.Study/MetaData/FormDef - Reverse association to Form class.
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Table 6 Item Class
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
Item.oid ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemDef.OID v25
OID of Item or Question within a form. The
format is ‘ID’. <caDSR public id (CDE ID) for the
Item.name ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemDef.Name v500
An Item describes a type of item that can occur
within a study. Item properties include name,
data type, data size, measurement units, range
or code list restrictions, and several other
Item.orderNumber ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemRef.OrderNumber number
This defines the item display order (or
occurrence order) within the item group.
Item.mandatory ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemRef.Mandatory. v3
Flag to indicate where the item is mandatory or
not. The mandatory field value can be either
Yes or No. It defines that this question has to
have a response.
Item.dataType ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemDef.DataType v50
This field defines the question response data
type. It can be integer, string, date, etc. See
ODM document for more details of data type at
v10 The question version as defined within CaDSR.
Item.code ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemDef/ExternalQuestion.Code v100
The question unique id given by CaDSR. It is
the CDE ID (Common Data Element ID) of the
question as defined in caDSR.
This value defines who the question originator
is. For example, if the question is originating
from CaDSR, the values will be equal to caDSR.
If the question is defined with OPEN to take
care of a custom requirement, then it will be
equal to OPEN.
Item.codeListList ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemDef/CodeListRef -
This defines a discrete set of permitted values
for an item. For example, the race question can
be one or more of the following values: White,
Black, Other, etc.
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Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
Item.itemGroup ODM.Study/MetaDataVersion/itemGroupDef - Reverse association to ItemGroup class.
Table 7 Location Class
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
Location.oid ODM/AdminData/Location.OID v25
A physical location -- typically a clinical research
site or a sponsor's office. The format is
‘LOC.’CTEP_ID of the institution.
Location.name ODM/AdminData/Location.Name v100
The name of the location. For example, the
name value can be “Cedars Medical Center”.
Location.locationType ODM/AdminData/Location.LocationType v10
This identifies the location type. The allowed
values are Sponsor, Site, CRO, Lab or Other.
Location.CtepId ODM/AdminData/Location.CtepId v10 This is the CTEP iD of the institution.
Location.OPENLocationType ODM/AdminData/Location. OPENLocationType v50
This attribute serves the similar purpose as the
OPENUserType. This attribute describes the
type of facility, for example, the location is a
doctor office, or a hospital.
Table 8 User Class
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
User.oid ODM/AdminData/User.OID v25
User contains Information about a specific user
of a clinical data collection system. This may be
an investigator, a CRA who is enrolling the
patient. Study subjects are not users in this
sense. This contains the CTSU unique id. The
format of OID is
User.locationOid ODM/AdminData/User/LocationRef.LocationOID v25 This is where the user is located.
User.firstName ODM/AdminData/User/FirstName v50 User’s first name.
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Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
User.lastName ODM/AdminData/User/LastName v50 User’s last name.
User.email ODM/AdminData/User/Email v50 User’s email address.
User.phone ODM/AdminData/User/Phone v50 User’s phone number.
User.userType ODM/AdminData/User.UserType v15
This defines the type of the user. This is
optional. The allowable values are sponsor,
investigator, lab or other. This is defined by
User.streetName ODM/AdminData/User/Address/StreetName v100
The street address part of a user's postal
User.city ODM/AdminData/User/Address/City v50 The city name part of a user's postal address.
User.stateProv ODM/AdminData/User/Address/StateProv v50
The state or province name part of a user's
postal address.
User.country ODM/AdminData/User/Address/Country v2
The country name part of a user's postal
address. This must be represented by an ISO
3166 two-letter country code.
Example: FR for France, JP for Japan.
User.postalCode ODM/AdminData/User/Address/PostalCode v10 The postal code part of a user's postal address.
User.otherText ODM/AdminData/User/Address/OtherText v200
Any other text needed as part of a user's postal
User.CtepId ODM/AdminData/User.CtepID V5 CTEP ID of the person
User.OPENUserType ODM/AdminData/User.OPENUserType V50
User type of the person as defined in RSS for
the protocol. Example values are Treating
Investigator, Drug Shipment Investigator,
Associate Etc..
Table 9 ClinicalData Class
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
ClinicalData.studyOid ODM/ClinicalData.StudyOID v25 Same as the ODM/Study.OID.
ODM/ClinicalData.MetaDataVersionOID v100 Same as the ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion.OID.
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Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
ODM/ClinicalData/SubjectData -
The data for a subject. Each clinical file
represents a registration form for an accrual.
Note: Subject attributes (such as date of birth,
sex, responsible investigator, and so on) should
be treated as if they were clinical data. Thus
they can be changed as needed, and are
subject to normal auditing processes.
Table 10 SubjectData
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
ODM/ClinicalData/SubjectData.SubjectKey v25
This subject key is the unique key generated by
CTSU to identify the registration. This id does
not generated based on the Study, or
StudyEvent. In the future, we can use Study
name, study event and the patient natural data
to identify the subject for this clinical data.
This will be equal patient ID if available, For
multi step registrations this can be used to link
the patient across registrations.
- This is a link to the user date under the
AdminData section. This is the person who
fills out the registration form.
This is a link to the location data under the
AdminData section. This is the site where the
application is filled.
This is the datetime when the registration is
submitted to the group for approval.
ODM/ClinicalData/SubjectData. InvestigatorRef.UserOID
This is the link to a user defined in the
AdminData section. This identifies the treating
This a link to the location data under the
AdminData section. This is the site where the
subject is.
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Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
This links the patient information to a unique
study event.
Table 11 StudyEventData Class
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
ODM/ClinicalData/SubjectData.StudyEventData.StudyEventOID v25 This is the unique id for the studyEventData
StudyEventData.subjectData ODM/ClinicalData/SubjectData - Reverse association to subjectData.
StudyEventData.formDataList ODM/ClinicalData/SubjectData/StudyEventData/FormData -
This contains all the form data within the
StudyEventData.metadata ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/StudyEventDef - This is the link to studyEvent metadata.
Table 12 FormData Class
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
FormData.oid ODM/ClinicalData/StudyEventData.FormData.FormOID v25
This is the same form id as defined in the meta
This contains all the item group data within the
FormData.studyEventData ODM/ClinicalData/SubjectData.StudyEventData.StudyEventOID - Reverse association to studyEventData
FormData.metadata ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/FormDef - This is the link to form metadata.
Table 13 ItemGroupData Class
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
This links to the same item group in the meta
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Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
This identifies the repeating position of the item
group within the same form. For example,
tabular data that can be represented in a tabular
form are designed as repeating question
groups. Every row in the table is assigned a
unique Repeat key starting from 1.
To identify if the data transmitted within this form
is new, update or should be deleted. When the
form is submitted for the first time, it should be
This contains all the item data under one item
group data.
ItemGroupData.formData ODM/ClinicalData/StudyEventData/FormData - Reverse association to formData.
ItemGroupData.metadata ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemGroupDef - This is the link to itemGroup metadata.
Table 14 ItemData Class
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
v25 This is the unique ID for the item.
v200 The response for the question. It is ‘The Data’.
ItemData.metadata ODM/Study/MetaDataVersion/ItemDef -
This links to the meta data in order to get the
meta data information of this item.
ItemData.itemGroupData ODM/ClinicalData/StudyEventData/FormData/ItemGroupData - Reverse association to itemGroupData
Table 15 OverrideApproval Class
Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
OverrideApproval.id N/A Number
This is the unique id generated by the database
when the row is inserted.
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Class.member ODM XML Element path Datatype/
This is the CTEP/NCI id of the override
This is the CTEP/NCI id of the override
This is the override request status. It should
always be Approved.
V1000 The reviewer comments if available.
Date The override request review date.
Date The override request date.
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Few examples have been created to make it easier to understand the working of the API.
The following example shows the OPENPortalProxy which acts a a proxy for OPEN open portal. The
OPENPortalProxy reads the OpenRequestObjects.xml and a corresponding metadata xml file NSABP-B-
42_2494107_080320_step1_meta.xml. The OpenRequestObjects.xml should be available in the root
folder of the project and the NSABP-B-42_2494107_080320_step1_meta.xml should be available under
<CTSU_HOME>/RandoNode/meta folder. Click on the following objects to open the NSABP-B-
42_2494107_080320_step1_meta.xml and OpenRequestObjects.xml
NSABP-B-42_2494107_080320_step1_ meta.xml
package com.westat.ctsu.open.node.example;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.util.Scanner;
import com.westat.ctsu.open.node.OdmData;
import com.westat.ctsu.open.node.OpenRegistration;
import com.westat.ctsu.open.node.OpenRequest;
import com.westat.ctsu.open.node.OpenResponse;
import com.westat.ctsu.open.node.RandoNode;
import com.westat.ctsu.open.node.RegistrationResponse;
import com.westat.ctsu.open.node.RegistrationXML;
* Sample program to invoke the RandoNode method using the CTSU provided xml file
* OpenRequestObjects. This can be used a testing
* tool to test the RandoNode locally
public class OpenPortalProxy {
public static void main(String[] args) {
* Example to show how to use the xml file to invoke
* RandoNode web service. The xml ile contains data for the three objects
* OpenRequest, OpenRegistration and OdmData required to invoke the doRegister method
* The xml file has the same structure as the objects.
if(args.length < 1){
System.out.println("usage: Example1 OpenRequestObjectsXML");
try {
RandoNode Configuration
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FileReader reader = new FileReader(args[0]);
Scanner in = new Scanner(reader);
StringBuffer openRequestObjectsBuf = new StringBuffer();
while (in.hasNextLine()){
RegistrationXML toObj = new RegistrationXML();
RandoNode randonode = new RandoNode();
OpenRequest openRequest = toObj.getOpenRequest();
OpenRegistration openRegistration = toObj.getOpenRegistration();
OdmData odmData = toObj.getOdmData();
* Using the objects created from the XML string, call the web service that
* accepts the objects as input
RegistrationResponse registResponse = randonode.doRegister(openRequest,
openRegistration, odmData);
OpenRegistration openreg =registResponse.getOpenRegistration();
OpenResponse openres =registResponse.getOpenResponse();
System.out.println("OpenPortalProxy - reponse status= " + openres.getResponseCode());
System.out.println("OpenPortalProxy - Reg status= " + openreg.getStatus());
System.out.println("OpenPortalProxy - patient id= " + openreg.getPatientId());
System.out.println("OpenPortalProxy - tretament arm= " +
catch (Exception e) {
RandoNode Configuration
This example shows how to configure the RandoNode to initialize the registration class for specific
package com.NSABP.ctsu.open.node;
import com.westat.ctsu.open.node.OpenRegistration;
import com.westat.ctsu.open.node.framework.OpenTxBlock;
import com.westat.ctsu.open.node.framework.RandoNodeApp;
import com.westat.ctsu.open.node.framework.RegistrationCore;
import com.westat.kjdk.app.Logger;
* This is the core class that defines the API for the overall application
public class RandoNodeNSABP extends RandoNodeApp {
Data Extraction
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* Constructor saves reference to the singleton
public RandoNodeNSABP() {
public void startup() {
* do any start up work for the RandoNode, example open DB connection pool
Logger.log("RandoNode", "RandoNodeApp startup");
// Hook for the shutdown of the services
public void shutdown() {
Logger.log("RandoNode", "RandoNodeApp shutdown");
* Each node has to instantiate the specific sub-class of Registration
* that will be used.
public RegistrationCore getNewRegistration(OpenTxBlock tx,
OpenRegistration openRegistration) {
* the group can and may have different Registration Handler for
* the protocols. Below is an example on how to return the Registration
* Handler for NSABP-B-42.
* NOTE: check for null before proceed
* NOTE: openRegistratoion object can be null if the web method does
* not require OpenRegistration object as input object.
* The isAvailable method accepts only OpenRequest object,
* the openRegistration input object is null when this method
* is invoked.
if((openRegistration != null) &&
//RegistrationNSABPB42 reg = new RegistrationNSABPB42();
return (new RegistrationNSABPB42());
} else {
return (new RegistrationNSABP());
//return reg;
// Define other virtual functions here
Data Extraction
This example shows the data extraction wthin the doRegister method of RegistrationNSABPB42.java.The
example has several sections showing different ways of extracting data for simple questions, repeating
module questions, and perisisting data to the RandoNode schema. An annotatated B 42 form is available
Data Extraction
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at te end of the document shows the question public id(in red), module name (in blue) as well as data.
extract the data for the following questions:
· Ethnicity
· Date of Most Recent Mammogram
· Did this patient receive any tamoxifen?
In addition, it sets the OpenResponse.status, OpenResponse.statusText,
OpenRegistration.patientId, OpenRegistration.eligibility, OpenRegistration.status,
OpenRegistration.statusText, OpenRegistration.statusDetailText.
Also for repeating module, example code extracts the following.
· Comments corresponding to Hypertension under Cardiac History module
· All the data from concomitant medications module corresponding to the agent category Lipid
Lowering Drug
public boolean doRegister(OpenTxBlock tx,
RegistrationResponse registrationResponse) {
// check to make sure this is not testing, if it is testing, you
// should handle the data appropriately
boolean successCode = false;
OpenTxHeader header = registrationResponse.getOpenResponse().getHeader();
OpenResponse response = registrationResponse.getOpenResponse();
OpenRegistration registration = registrationResponse.getOpenRegistration();
if (!header.getIsTest()) {
// it is recommended that the group performs the registration data
// validation first before it determines if the patient is eligible to
// enroll in the protocol
// first, check to make sure the meta data is available for this request
// if it is available, proceed, if not return error code, missing
// meta data file message
if (checklist.metaDataUtil.isMetaFileAvail()) {
// call to validate the data first
if(doValidate(tx, registrationResponse)){
* The clinical xml file has an attribute under ClinicalData
* element that specify the metadata file associated
* with this clinical responses. The MetaDataVersionOID attribute
* contains the metadata file name
ClinicalData clinicalData = checklist.clinicalData ;
// ClinicalDataUtil provides options to retrieve the question value
String studyOID = clinicalData.studyOid;
System.out.println("studyOID " + studyOID);
// The example below shows how to get the question value based on question long name.
// this returns all the question matches with the given long name.
ArrayList<ItemData> ethnicity = checklist.getItemDataByQName("Ethnicity");
// output the value for this example
if (ethnicity.size() > 0) {
System.out.print("Ethnicity - ");
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// show how to get the question value using question oid (combination
// of the String 'ID.' and the question public id
// get the question Date of most recent Mammogram using public id
ArrayList<ItemData> mammogram = checklist.getItemData("ID.2495106");
if (mammogram.size() > 0) {
System.out.print("Date of Most Recent Mammogram - ");
// show how to get the question value based on module name and question id
// get the question Did this patient receive any tamoxifen?
ArrayList<ItemData> tamoxifen = checklist.getItemDataByMNameQId(
"Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy History and Status", "ID.2203");
if (tamoxifen.size() > 0) {
System.out.print("Did this patient received any tamoxifen - ");
// The following method extracts data for one row for the
// repeating module concomitant medications
* Print out all the question/response
HashMap<String, ArrayList<ItemData>> itemMap = checklist.itemDataMap;
Set<String> dataKeySet = itemMap.keySet();
Iterator<String> dataIter = dataKeySet.iterator();
String itemKey = dataIter.next();
ArrayList<ItemData> cdItemData = itemMap.get(itemKey);
for(int index = 0; index < cdItemData.size(); index++){
ItemData itemData = cdItemData.get(index);
// please replace the below dummy logic with your own business logic
// for generating patient id, treatment arm, treatment assignment.
Random generator = new Random();
int patientId = Math.abs(generator.nextInt());
// perfrom randomization based on treating site
if (checklist.odm.fileOid.indexOf("B-42") >= 0) {
} else {
if ((patientId % 2) > 0) {
} else {
// set the return status
Data Extraction
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response.setResponseText(" Request processed successfully");
response.setResponseDetailText("No details");
openRegistration.setStatusText(" Registration complete");
// this is to give further information on what
// is required to complete the process, or further
// instruction. This can be use to transmit any data.
.setSiteInstructions("Please send form to the group address.");
openRegistration.setPatientId(new Integer(patientId).toString());
// read out from KAppConfig to find out if need to
// persist the data to a predefined RandoNode schema.
if (OdmUtil.getConfig("PersistData", "false").trim()
.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
RandoNodePersistInterface persistInterface = new RandoNodePersistInterface();
OpenRegistrations openRegistrations = new OpenRegistrations();
OpenResponses openResponses = new OpenResponses();
// persistInterface.persistInterface(openResponses);
// there are error in the data, return either
// Ineligible - terminate this registration
// Incomplete - give reason why the registration does not meet
// validation requirement, and allow to resubmit
successCode = true;
// tell open that meta data is missing
response.setResponseData("Missing meta data file " +
// Please download the meta data file using OpenDataService, you can
// invoke the service with the meta data file name
return successCode;
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The output from the example-1 is shown below.
DB id of the registration = 305
Patient id of the registration (for 2nd step and above) = 305
CTEP ID of the enrolling institution = LOC.FL035
Name of the enrolling institution = Cedars Medical Center
CTEP ID of the enrolling investigator = 10124
Phone no of the enrolling investigator = (319) 272-2700
This example shows the extraction the clinical data including the form name, question name and
***** COPY the pink portion from the example-1 here*****
* The following 2 lines of code are required from the randonode
* when OPEN portal invokes the randonode and
* pass in the clinical data as a String.
* The fist line creates the ClinicalDataUtil object to do the xml extraction
ClinicalDataUtil util = new ClinicalDataUtil();
* This call is to extract the clinical data and put the value
* into the classes as defined. Please see each class file for
* their usage. At this time, the metadata is also loaded into the
* respective metadata classes from the metadata file.
* The clinical xml file has an attribute under ODM
* element that specify the metadata file associated
* with this clinical responses
String metaDataFileName = util.getMetaDataFileName();
System.out.println("MetaDataFileName = " + metaDataFileName);
* The clinical xml file has an attribute under ODM
* element that specify the metadata file associated
* with this clinical responses
ClinicalData clinicalData = util.getClinicalData();
String studyOID = clinicalData.studyOid;
String mdvOID = clinicalData.metaDataVersionOid;
MetaDataUtil metaUtil = util.getMetaDataUtil();
MetaDataVersion metaDataVersion = metaUtil.getMetaDataVersion(mdvOID);
Study study = metaDataVersion.study;
String studyName = study.name;
System.out.println("Protocol number= " + studyName);
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* Get the study event (clinical and metadata) details.
* The current API handles only one Studyevent per study and one form
* within a study event.
StudyEventData studyEventData = util.getStudyEventData();
String studyEventOID = studyEventData.oid;
// the studyEventData contains the metadata for the study event also.
StudyEvent studyEvent = studyEventData.metaData;
String studyEventName = studyEvent.name;
String seRepeat = studyEvent.repeating;
System.out.println(" StudyEvent Name= " + studyEventName);
// To print all the studyEvenetData, uncomment the line below.
// System.out.println(studyEventData);
* Get the detail of the form (clinical and metadata)
FormData formData = util.getFormData();
String formOID = formData.oid;
// the formData contains the metadata for the form also.
// the form metadata can also be obtained using the metaDataUtil
// object created by the ClinicalDataUtil object.
// example: Form form = util.getMetaDataUtil().getForm();
Form form = formData.metaData;
String formName = form.name;
System.out.println(" Form Name= " + formName);
* Extracting itemGroupData from formData
HashMap<String, ArrayList<ItemGroupData>> itemGroupDataMap = formData.itemGroupDataMap;
Set igKeys = itemGroupDataMap.keySet();
Iterator<String> igKeysIter = igKeys.iterator();
// loop through the Items groups within a form
while (igKeysIter.hasNext()) {
String itemGroupOID = igKeysIter.next();
ArrayList<ItemGroupData> itemGroupDataList = itemGroupDataMap.get(itemGroupOID);
for(int i = 0; i < itemGroupDataList.size(); i++){
ItemGroupData itemGroupData = itemGroupDataList.get(i);
// the itemGroupData contains the metadata for the itemGroup also.
ItemGroup itemGroup = itemGroupData.metaData;
String itemGrouprepeatsn = itemGroupData.itemGroupRepeatKey;
String itemGroupName = itemGroup.name;
System.out.println(" Item Group Name[repeat_sn]= " + itemGroupName +
"[" + itemGrouprepeatsn + "]-"+itemGroupOID);
* Extracting itemData from itemGroupData
HashMap itemDataMap = itemGroupData.itemDataMap;
Set itemKeys = itemDataMap.keySet();
Iterator<String> itemKeysIter = itemKeys.iterator();
// loop through the Items within a itemGroups
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while (itemKeysIter.hasNext()) {
String itemOID = itemKeysIter.next();
ArrayList<ItemData> itemDataList = (ArrayList<ItemData>)itemDataMap.get(itemOID);
for(int k = 0; k < itemDataList.size(); k++){
ItemData itemData = itemDataList.get(k);
// the itemData contains the metadata for the item also.
Item item = itemData.metaData;
String value = itemData.value;
String itemCDEID = item.cdePublicId;
String itemName = item.name;
String itemDataType = item.dataType;
System.out.println(" "+itemName + "= " + value);
// To print all the item data, uncomment the line below.
// System.out.println(itemData.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
The output from the example is shown below.
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MetaDataFileName = E1505_2555093_1_0_meta.xml
Protocol number= E1505
StudyEvent Name= Registration
Form Name= E1505 Eligibility Checklist
Item Group Name[repeat_sn]= Eligibility[1]-IG.12
Patient Gender= FEMALE
What is the pateint's stage of disease= Stage II
Fax number of the contact person responsible for sample submission =
E-mail address of the contact person responsible for sample submission =
Histology= Squamous cell carcinoma
Has HIPAA authorization been obtained= Yes
Pt Initials= LY
Has the eligibility checklist been completed= Yes
Phone number of the contact person responsible for sample submission=
Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her blood to be kept for
use in research to learn about, prevent, treat, or cure cancer?= Yes
In the opinion of the investigator, is the patient eligible?= Yes
HIPAA Authorization Date= 20070507
Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her doctor (or somone from
the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group) to contact him or her in the future to ask him
or her to take part in more research?= Yes
Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her tissue and blood to be
kept for use in future research about other health problems (for example: causes of
diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and heart disease)?= Yes
Has written informed consent been obtained= Yes
Planned Chemotherapy Regimen= Cisplatin and Gemcitabine
Date Informed Consent Signed= 20050823
Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her tissue to be kept for
use in research to learn about, prevent, treat, or cure cancer?= Yes
Item Group Name[repeat_sn]= Patient Demographics / Pre-Treatment
Attending MD Name= John Doe
Patient Hospital No.= FL234
Date of Birth= 20010508
Patient Social Security Number= 125524587
Registrar= Jane ren
Country of Residence= US
Patient Zip Code= 12548
Method of payment= MEDICAID AND MEDICARE
Patient Race= Black or African American
Date= 20070514
Patient's Sex= F
Process exited with exit code 0.
The example-3 shows how to construct the response that is to be sent to OPEN portal when a clinical
data message is received.
***** COPY the pink portion from the example-1 here*****
* The following 2 lines of code are required from the randonode
* when OPEN portal invokes the randonode and
* pass in the clinical data as a String.
* The fist line creates the ClinicalDataUtil object to do the xml extraction
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ClinicalDataUtil util = new ClinicalDataUtil();
* This call is to extract the clinical data and put the value
* into the classes as defined. Please see each class file for
* their usage. At this time, the metadata is also loaded into the
* respective metadata classes from the metadata file.
* The clinical xml file has an attribute under ClinicalData
* element that specify the metadata file associated
* with this clinical responses. The MetaDataVersionOID attribute
* contains the metadata file name
ClinicalData clinicalData = util.getClinicalData();
String studyOID = clinicalData.studyOid;
* Extract the clinical data(form responses) and perform the randomization
* Please see Example2.java on how to extract the form responses.
* Please perform your randomization logic and fill in the group
* response object to be sent back to OPEN portal
* Get the group reponse object partially filled in by the ClinicalDataUtil
* class.
GroupResponse groupResponse = util.getGroupResponse();
* Fill in the GroupId (your GroupId) and the GroupUrl (your
* GroupUrl) in the MessageHeader object
groupResponse.msgHeader.groupId = "ECOG";
groupResponse.msgHeader.groupUrl = "www.ecog.org/RandoNode";
* Fill in the MessagePayload object which include the
* patient id, treatment arm, site instructions, patient eligibility,
* and ineligibility reason where applicable from the randomization
* result
groupResponse.msgPayload.patientId = "123";
groupResponse.msgPayload.treatmentArm = "A";
groupResponse.msgPayload.ineligibilityReason = "none";
groupResponse.msgPayload.patientEligibility = "eligible";
groupResponse.msgPayload.siteInstructions = "Specimen should be shipped to ECOG.";
* Call the group response object method "toXML" and return the
* result string to OPEN PORTAL
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String xmlResponse = groupResponse.toXML();
* return the above string to OPEN Portal
} catch (Exception e) {
The output from the example is shown below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<SITE_INSTRUCTIONS>Specimen should be shipped to ECOG.</SITE_INSTRUCTIONS>
Process exited with exit code 0
This example shows how to extract the metadata from the metadata xml file. This will be useful when
setting up the protocol form version for the first time.
import com.westat.ctsu.open.node.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
* Sample program to show how to use Meta Data Utility and
* Classes to retrieve metadata
public class Example4 {
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public static void main(String[] args) {
* example program to show how to use the provided metadata classes
* to retrieve the metadata
try {
if(args.length < 1){
System.out.println("usage: MetaDataExample MetaDataFile");
* this is an example code of how to use the metadata classes.
* The metadata xml file is created by OPEN. It conforms to
* the Cdisc standard to translate the clinical form content
* in xml format
MetaDataUtil util = new MetaDataUtil();
* this call to extract the metadata and put the value
* into the classes as defined. Please see each class file for
* their usage.
* get Study metadata information
Study study = util.getStudy();
String studyName = study.name;
String studyDescription = study.description;
System.out.println(" Output from Example4 - Extraction of metadata for " +
* get the metadata version for this study. Per ODM, a study can
* have multiple metadata versions
HashMap<String, MetaDataVersion> metaDataVersionMap = study.metaDataVersionMap;
Set metaDataKeys = metaDataVersionMap.keySet();
Iterator<String> metaDataKeysIter = metaDataKeys.iterator();
// loop through the metadata version within the file
while (metaDataKeysIter.hasNext()) {
String metaDataOID = metaDataKeysIter.next();
MetaDataVersion metaDataVersion = metaDataVersionMap.get(metaDataOID);
// metaDataOID stors the filename of the metadata.xml
System.out.println(" metadada file name = "+ metaDataOID);
* the metaDataVersion has name, oid and reference to the study and
* study event
HashMap<String, StudyEvent> studyEventMap = metaDataVersion.studyEventMap;
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* get the study event metadata information. The metadata conveys
* if the event can be repeated within the study, the event category
* such as Unscheduled, and whether the event is mandatory.
Set studyEventKeys = studyEventMap.keySet();
Iterator<String> studyEventKeysIter = studyEventKeys.iterator();
// loop through the metadata version within the file
while (studyEventKeysIter.hasNext()) {
String studyEventOID = studyEventKeysIter.next();
StudyEvent studyEvent = studyEventMap.get(studyEventOID);
// this is the name of the study event, e.g. Registration
String studyEventName = studyEvent.name;
System.out.println(" Study Event name = " + studyEventName);
* the form object contains the form related metadata and
* an array list of all the item groups within the form
HashMap formMap = util.getForm();
Set keys = formMap.keySet();
Iterator<String> keysIter = keys.iterator();
String oid = keysIter.next();
Form form = (Form)formMap.get(oid);
String formName=form.name;
System.out.println(" Form Name = " + formName);
* loop through the form to get all the itemgroups and
* items within the itemgroup
HashMap<String, ItemGroup> itemGroupMap = form.itemGroupMap;
Set igKeys = itemGroupMap.keySet();
Iterator<String> igKeysIter = igKeys.iterator();
// loop through the itemgroups within a form
ItemGroup ig = itemGroupMap.get(igKeysIter.next());
String itemGroupName = ig.name;
String igrepeatyn =ig.repeating;
System.out.println(" Item Group Name[RepeatYN] = " +
HashMap<String, Item> itemMap = ig.itemMap;
Set itemKeys = itemMap.keySet();
Iterator<String> itemKeysIter = itemKeys.iterator();
// loop through the items within an itemgroup
while (itemKeysIter.hasNext()) {
String itemOID = itemKeysIter.next();
Item item = itemMap.get(itemOID);
String itemName = item.name;
String itemCDEID =item.cdePublicId;
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String itemDataType = item.dataType;
//System.out.println(" Item Name[CDEID][Datatype] = " +
itemName+"["+ itemCDEID+"]"+"["+ itemDataType+"]");
System.out.println(" " + itemName+"["+ itemCDEID+"]"+"["+
HashMap<String, CodeList> codeListMap = item.codeListMap;
Set codeListKeys = codeListMap.keySet();
Iterator<String> codeListIter = codeListKeys.iterator();
// loop through the codelist values for an item, if exists
String codeListOid = codeListIter.next();
CodeList codeList = codeListMap.get(codeListOid);
ArrayList<String> codeListValues = codeList.codedValueList;
System.out.println(" Valid values for item ");
for (int i=0; i<codeListValues.size(); i++) {
System.out.println(" "+(String)codeListValues.get(i)) ;
} catch (Exception e) {
The output from the example is shown below.
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Output from Example4 - Extraction of metadata for E1505
metadada file name = v.E1505_2555093_1_0_meta.xml
Study Event name = Registration
Form Name = E1505 Eligibility Checklist
Item Group Name[RepeatYN] = Eligibility[No]
What is the pateint's stage of disease[2004255][text]
Valid values for item
Stage IB
Stage II
Stage IIIA-N2
Stage IIIA-T3N1
Patient Gender[62][text]
Valid values for item
E-mail address of the contact person responsible for sample submission
Fax number of the contact person responsible for sample submission
Valid values for item
Squamous cell carcinoma
Other Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Pt Initials[2001039][text]
Has the eligibility checklist been completed[2597470][text]
Valid values for item
Has HIPAA authorization been obtained[2598189][text]
Valid values for item
Phone number of the contact person responsible for sample
Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her blood to be kept for
use in research to learn about, prevent, treat, or cure cancer?[2598139][text]
Valid values for item
N/A - Institution outside the USA or Canada
In the opinion of the investigator, is the patient eligible?[1235][text]
Valid values for item
HIPAA Authorization Date[2006960][date]
Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her doctor (or somone from
the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group) to contact him or her in the future to ask him
or her to take part in more research?[2177934][text]
Valid values for item
Name of the contact person responsible for sample submission[2597588][text]
Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her tissue and blood to be
kept for use in future research about other health problems (for example: causes of
diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and heart disease)?[58325][text]
Valid values for item
Has written informed consent been obtained[2004073][text]
Valid values for item
Planned Chemotherapy Regimen[2007212][text]
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Valid values for item
Cisplatin and Docetaxel
Cisplatin and Gemcitabine
Cisplatin and Vinorelbine
Please indicate the CTEP ID of the institution and Cooperative Group
affiliation of the surgeon[2597574][text]
Date Informed Consent Signed[656][date]
Have you obtained the patient's consent for his or her tissue to be kept for
use in research to learn about, prevent, treat, or cure cancer?[2428316][text]
Valid values for item
Item Group Name[RepeatYN] = Patient Demographics / Pre-Treatment
Attending MD Name[2008248][text]
Date of Birth[793][date]
Patient Hospital No.[905][text]
Patient Social Security Number[780][integer]
Signature of treating physician[2598179][text]
Patient Zip Code[316][text]
Country of Residence[315][text]
Method of payment[2614937][text]
Valid values for item
Medicaid and Medicare
Medicare and Private Insurance
Military or Veterans Sponsored, Not Otherwise Specified (NOS)
Military Sponsored (including CHAMPUS & TRICARE)
National Health Service
No means of payment (no insurance)
Private Insurance
Self Pay (No Insurance)
Veterans Sponsored
Patient Race[106][text]
Valid values for item
Black or African American
Not Reported
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
American Indian or Alaska Native
Patient's Sex[2413190][text]
Valid values for item
Process exited with exit code 0
The .Net example files for all the four examples above, are available in the RandoNodeExample.msi file
that can be downloaded from www.ctsu.org/open.