- Federal Aviation Administration -
Integrated Airman Certification and/or Rating Application
Instruction Manual
Version 7.5
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION......................................................................................I
FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION..........................................................................................I
1. WELCOME ..........................................................................................................................................1
2. A NEXT GENERATION TOOL ........................................................................................................1
3. IACRA ROLES.....................................................................................................................................1
4. PRE-REGISTRATION DATA REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................3
4.1 PART 141 / PART 142 PRE-REGISTRATION DATA IDENTIFIER REQUIREMENTS............................................................. 3
5. TIPS FOR IACRA APPLICANTS .....................................................................................................3
5.1 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.2 DELETING AN APPLICATION ......................................................................................................................................... 4
6. PROCESS OVERVIEW......................................................................................................................4
7. ONLINE HELP.....................................................................................................................................5
8. CONTACTING THE NATIONAL AVS IT SERVICE HELP DESK............................................6
10. APPLICANT PROCESS OVERVIEW..............................................................................................8
PILOTS........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Student Pilot .........................................................................................................................................................................8
FAR 61............................................................................................................................................................................................8
Sport Pilot............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test..........................................................................................................................................8
Using Ultralight Hours....................................................................................................................................................................9
Recreational Pilot ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test..........................................................................................................................................9
FAR 141 – Graduate of Approved Course....................................................................................................................................10
Private Pilot ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test........................................................................................................................................11
FAR 141 – Graduate Of Approved Course ...................................................................................................................................13
FAR 142 – Graduate of Approved Course....................................................................................................................................14
Restricted (Foreign-Based – FAR 61.75) ...........................................................................................................................................15
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test........................................................................................................................................15
Restricted (Add U.S. Test Passed Rating) ..........................................................................................................................................17
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test........................................................................................................................................17
FAR 141 – Graduate of Approved Course....................................................................................................................................18
Commercial Pilot................................................................................................................................................................ 19
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test........................................................................................................................................19
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
FAR 141 – Graduate of Approved Course....................................................................................................................................21
FAR 142 – Graduate of Approved Course....................................................................................................................................23
Military Competency ....................................................................................................................................................................24
Restricted (Foreign-Based – FAR 61.75) ...........................................................................................................................................25
FAR 61..........................................................................................................................................................................................25
Restricted (Special Purpose)...............................................................................................................................................................26
FAR 61..........................................................................................................................................................................................26
Restricted (Added U.S. Test Passed Rating) ......................................................................................................................................26
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test........................................................................................................................................26
Airline Transport Pilot........................................................................................................................................................28
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test........................................................................................................................................28
FAR 141 – Graduate of Approved Course....................................................................................................................................29
FAR 142 – Graduate of Approved Course....................................................................................................................................31
Military Competency ....................................................................................................................................................................32
FAR 121 – Training Program........................................................................................................................................................33
FAR 135 – Air Operator................................................................................................................................................................34
Restricted (Special Purpose)...............................................................................................................................................................36
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test........................................................................................................................................36
11. PILOT APPLICATION STEPS........................................................................................................37
STEP 1 APPLICANT PERSONAL INFORMATION........................................................................................................................ 37
Applicant's Addresses.........................................................................................................................................................40
STEP 2 CERTIFICATE SOUGHT DATA ..................................................................................................................................... 42
Select Category/Class Ratings............................................................................................................................................ 46
Completion of Required Test Information.......................................................................................................................... 50
Enter Sport Pilot Information ............................................................................................................................................. 52
Select Vintage Aircraft Authorizations............................................................................................................................... 53
Military Service Information.............................................................................................................................................. 55
STEP 3 CERTIFICATE HELD DATA..........................................................................................................................................56
STEP 4 SUPPLEMENTARY DATA............................................................................................................................................. 59
STEP 5 AERONAUTICAL EXPERIENCE ....................................................................................................................................61
STEP 6 SUMMARY PAGE ........................................................................................................................................................63
12. RE-ISSUE............................................................................................................................................67
REMOVE LIMITATION............................................................................................................................................................... 67
Re-Issue Applicant Personal Information...........................................................................................................................67
Re-Issue Certificate Held Data........................................................................................................................................... 70
Edit Certificate Data...........................................................................................................................................................................72
Delete Certificate Data .......................................................................................................................................................................73
Summary Page....................................................................................................................................................................74
CFI/CFII GOLD SEAL INITIAL.................................................................................................................................................. 77
Re-Issue Applicant Personal Information...........................................................................................................................77
Re-Issue Certificate Held Data........................................................................................................................................... 80
Edit Certificate Data...........................................................................................................................................................................82
Delete Certificate Data .......................................................................................................................................................................83
Summary Page....................................................................................................................................................................84
Table 1: Roles used in IACRA. ....................................................................................................................2
Revision Log
Revision Date Revised By Comment
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
12/15/09 Hartley Powell Modified to version 6. Added 135 paths.
11/13/07 Brian Sanderson Modified to version 5
11/19/07 Brian Sanderson Added Air Agency Administration Section
12/28/07 Brian Sanderson Updated from QA review (pilots) and added 6.0 changes
Approval Log
Approval Date Approved By Comment
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
1. Welcome
Welcome to IACRA – a next generation web-based airman certification tool based on the popular ACRA
software. IACRA allows you to register and work on airman certification applications from anywhere you have a
computer with an Internet connection.
The purpose of this document is to provide initial getting started instructions to register, log-in, and complete an
airman application. It will also provide guidance on what information is required for registration of certain roles.
2. A Next Generation Tool
ACRA was a stand-alone application that used an Access database. IACRA is a web-based system. You don’t
have to install or download any software to access the application. This web-based version has several
advantages over the original ACRA, such as:
You can access it anywhere you have an Internet connection (with Internet Explorer v 6.0 and higher
or Firefox v 3.0 and higher).
A single FAA tracking number (FTN) that is permanently assigned to each airman.
Your input data is validated to reduce potential errors.
Your data is captured, wrapped, and archived. Then, a required digital signature is applied to ensure
the certification data is not changed from time of signature.
Future feature includes improved accuracy and filing time for PTRS 1563, 3529, and 5529.
3. IACRA Roles
IACRA uses “roles” to determine the level of access a person has to the system. It validates an individual against
their FAA credentials. Each time an IACRA user, other than an applicant, chooses a role and registers the
information is verified against various FAA databases in order to determine currency. The breakdown of roles in
IACRA appears in Table 1.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Role Description
Applicant Any person applying for an airman certification
Recommending Instructor (RI) Any person who is authorized to instruct applicants and
considers them ready to take a practical test
Designated Examiner (DE) Any person authorized by the Administrator to issue airman
certificates. This person prepares applicants for and issues their
practical test.
Aviation Safety Inspector (ASI) /
Aviation Safety Technician (AST)
FAA personnel who are authorized to issue specific airman
School Administrators 14 CFR part 141 school /14 CFR part 142 training center
representatives authorized to complete part of student
application in IACRA. This person can complete all sections of
the application that student applicants can complete. The School
Administrator cannot fill out the Recommending Instructor or
Certifying Officer sections, nor can they sign the application for
the student.
Chief Flight Instructors /
Assistant Chief Flight Instructor
Any person who instructs applicants and authorizes them to take
a practical test. Does not include those instructors who are
neither Chief Flight Instructors or Assistant Chief Flight
Airman Certification
Representative (ACR)
Any person authorized by the Administrator to issue specific
airman certificates
Training Center Evaluator (TCE) A part 142 training center representative authorized by the
Administrator to instruct applicants, perform evaluations, and
issue specific airman certificates
Flight Instructor Renewal
Examiner (FIRE)
A Designated Examiner who can renew a Flight Instructors
Certificate through Renewal by Activities and Renewal by
Aircrew Program Designee An Aircrew Program Designee (APD) is authorized to perform
airman certification in one type of aircraft for an operator’s
pilots who have been trained under the operator’s Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA)—approved training program
142 Recommending Instructor The 142 RI is only associated with a particular 142 training
program and does not have to hold a current Flight Instructor
Administrative Officer
In lieu of a trainer, a qualified management official within the
trainer's organization that can sign the applicant's training
records or logbook and make the required endorsement.
Table 1: Roles used in IACRA.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
4. Pre-Registration Data Requirements
This section pertains only to part 141 flight schools / part 142 training centers. If this does not apply to you,
please skip to section 6, Process Overview.
4.1 Part 141 / part 142 Pre-Registration Data Identifier Requirements
If you are a registering in IACRA for part 141 flight schools / part 142 training centers, you are required
to have the following information available in order to complete the IACRA registration process. If you
are missing any piece of the required information, please contact your local Flight Standards District
Office (FSDO).
Airman Certificate and Date of Issuance
School Certificate Number
School Designation Code (This is a 4 digit alphanumeric code, usually the first four characters of
your certificate number)
If you are an ACR or TCE, a Designee Number is required
IMPORTANT Note to Chief / Assistant Chief Flight Instructors: It is highly recommended you contact your
local FSDO and check to ascertain how you are listed in the National Vitals Information System (NVIS) before
proceeding. IACRA uses NVIS to read your existing credentials. Any difference in nomenclature may result in a
registration delay.
4.2 Pre-Registration Activities for part 141 Flight School / part 142 Training Center
If you are a school administrator, Chief Flight Instructor, Airman Certification Representative (ACR), or
Training Center Evaluator (TCE), you must associate yourself with your primary school or training center
during the registration process before you can log into and use IACRA.
Note: For supplemental part 141 flight school / part 142 training center information and general
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding IACRA, see Appendix A in the back of this document or
visit the IACRA Web site at http://iacra.faa.gov/iacra/faq.aspx.
5. Tips for IACRA Applicants
IACRA provides the ability to electronically fill out the FAA form 8710-1, FAA form 8710-11, FAA
form 8400-3, FAA form 8610-1 and FAA form 8610-2. During the registration process, it is critical that
you record, in writing, the FAA Tracking Number (FTN) that will be assigned to you. IACRA uses the
FTN to identify an individual and you must provide that number throughout the airman certification
5.1 General
Additionally, keep in mind the following tips as you use IACRA:
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
If appropriate, have your flight times calculated and ready before starting an application.
Have your current certificate in front of you while filling in the application. This will help you
remember to list your entire certificate held information when prompted by IACRA.
Read the instructions that appear on each screen.
Before clicking a link, read the link text carefully. This may prevent you from spending time
linking to screens you do not need to visit.
If you are in doubt about what to do on a screen, look at the help files. There is a Help button on
all popup screens where help is available. Also, all main screens have a Help link in the upper
right corner of the page header.
If reading the help file does not answer your question, then you can call AVS Support Central for
help with your issue (see Section 8, Contacting the National AVS IT Service Desk, later in this
5.2 Deleting an application
The applicant has the ability to delete non-submitted application from the Retrieve Application page by
clicking on the trashcan icon in the Delete column.
6. Process Overview
Please read carefully the process steps that follow. Depending upon your role, the process varies slightly.
1. Retrieve your airman certificate and have it available during the registration process, as you will
be required to enter the information exactly as it appears on the certificate.
2. Start by opening Internet Explorer (version 6.0 and higher) or Firefox browser (version 3.0 and
higher) and browse to http://iacra.faa.gov/iacra/ to access the IACRA site.
3. Choose the Role and Register.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
4. Once you have registered and have your login information, an FAA Tracking Number (FTN) is
assigned to you. The FTN is a permanent and unique airman number. Please record and keep
your FTN Number as it will be needed for future use in completing this application.
5. If you are not a school administrator, proceed to step 6. Otherwise, if you are a school
administrator, you must be validated by an ACR or TCE using IACRA or by calling AVS Support
Central (see Section 8, Contacting the National AVS IT Service Desk, later in this document) prior
to logging in.
6. Login. Login to IACRA using the name and password you created, and the FTN assigned to you
during the Registration process.
7. Follow the on-screen instructions for your role. Each role type has unique tasks.
8. Check and re-check all of the information entered before you digitally sign/submit the
application. Once the application has been signed, you will not be able to correct previously
entered data.
9. The Result of this process is that the successful applicant is issued a results document that can be
printed while the application is electronically sent to the Airman Registry to be processed. The
results document can be a Notice of Disapproval, Letter of Discontinuance, or a Temporary
7. Online Help
For additional help while using the IACRA certification module, contextual help is always available for
the page on which you are currently working. Simply click the Help link in the upper right corner of the
application in your web browser. Note: Make sure you have any pop-up blocking software disabled.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
8. Contacting the National AVS IT Service Help Desk
The National AVS IT Service Desk aids users when they have support issues with IACRA. The following
information outlines AVS Support Central daily operations:
Hours of operations are: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Telephone number: Toll-free at 877-287-6731
E-mail address: [email protected]
The Web address for IACRA is http://iacra.faa.gov/iacra
9. Frequently Asked Questions and Supplemental Information
The unique nature of the IACRA web application creates situations where extra information is helpful in
order to complete a registration, affiliation, etc. Additional FAQs may be found on the IACRA Web site
http://iacra.faa.gov/iacra/faq.aspx. The following topics are provided here for your information:
Part 141 Flight School / part 142 Training Center Information
How do I add multiple student records for part 141 schools without
exiting the Student Affiliation screen?
It is possible to add multiple students in a single session without having to exit the Student Affiliation for
part 141 Flight Schools (Search) screen by doing the following:
1. Enter the student’s FAA Tracking Number (FTN) in the Enter Student’s FTN field.
2. Enter the student’s last name in the Enter Student’s Last Name field.
3. Next, click the Search button on the upper right side of the screen.
4. The student’s information is displayed. Click the Affiliate Student button to affiliate the student
with the school and the respective curriculum. This creates the student record.
5. To create a new student record without logging out of IACRA, repeat the process from step 1 for
the next student.
Can both Students and School Administrators Start an Application?
It is permissible for either students or school administrators to start a FAA form 8710-1 application.
Students can fill out a new application after registering. School Administrators can initiate multiple
student applications. They must make the affiliation between the student and school, and then affiliate the
school’s curriculum with the student’s application.
What is a Designation Code and how do I locate it?
A designation code is a 4-digit alphanumeric code that flight schools use in several ways to make
associations between the school, the school curriculums, and flight school representatives (School
Administrators, Airman Certification Representatives, Training Center Evaluators, etc.)
The designation code with which an application is started must be the same one with which the
application is finished. Therefore, a participant in the application process (school administrator, Chief
Flight Instructor, Recommending Instructor, Airman Certification Representative, etc.) must be assigned
to and use initial designation code.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
IMPORTANT: If you do not know the school’s designation code, you must contact your local Flight
Standard District Office (FSDO) and ask for the designation code as it appears in the National Vitals
Information System (NVIS).
How do I determine which curriculums have type ratings associated
with them?
As a TCE or School Administrator you must select a curriculum/type rating and affiliate it with the
student’s application. The student cannot do this. The individual schools will know what their courses
require as far as curriculum and type ratings that they use. Contact your school for more information.
Does the Close Browser Button Save My Information?
When you use the Close Browser link to exit IACRA, the information you have entered into the
application is saved before the browser closes. The browser closes to ensure that your session to the
IACRA web server is properly terminated. This occurs to ensure security for your application particularly
if you are using a computer other than your own, such as in a public library or cyber café.
Does entering incorrect data cause that data to appear on the results
If you enter incorrect information into IACRA, that same incorrect data will appear on the results
document, such as the temporary certificate. Although IACRA performs many checks against FAA
databases, some fields are comprised of basic text and they will appear as entered on the temporary
certificate. It is strongly recommended that you completely review your application prior to submission.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
10. Applicant Process Overview
Step 1 – Personal Information
Fill in any missing or incomplete personal information
Enter your Address Information
Step 2 – Select certificate
Student Pilot
FAR 61
Original Issuance
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Sport Pilot
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Sport Pilot Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Sport Pilot Information
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Using Ultralight Hours
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Sport Pilot Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Recreational Pilot
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
FAR 141 – Graduate of Approved Course
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Private Pilot
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Instrument Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Second In Command
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Vintage Aircraft Authorization
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Vintage Aircraft Authorizations
PIC hours military experience
PIC qualification/AGL-230 training program
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
FAR 141 – Graduate Of Approved Course
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Instrument Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Second In Command
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
FAR 142 – Graduate of Approved Course
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Instrument Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Second In Command
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Restricted (Foreign-Based – FAR 61.75)
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Instrument Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Restricted (Add U.S. Test Passed Rating)
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Instrument Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
FAR 141 – Graduate of Approved Course
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Instrument Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Commercial Pilot
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Instrument Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Second In Command
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Vintage Aircraft Authorization
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Vintage Aircraft Authorizations
PIC hours military experience
PIC qualification/AGL-230 training program
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
FAR 141 – Graduate of Approved Course
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Instrument Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Second In Command
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
FAR 142 – Graduate of Approved Course
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Training Center
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Training Center
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Instrument Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Training Center
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Second In Command
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Military Competency
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Military Service Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Military Service Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Military Service Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Instrument Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Military Service Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Restricted (Foreign-Based – FAR 61.75)
FAR 61
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Restricted (Special Purpose)
FAR 61
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Restricted (Added U.S. Test Passed Rating)
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Instrument Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Airline Transport Pilot
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Second In Command
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Vintage Aircraft Authorization
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Vintage Aircraft Authorizations
PIC hours military experience
PIC qualification/AGL-230 training program
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
FAR 141 – Graduate of Approved Course
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Second In Command
Step 2 – (continue)
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
FAR 142 – Graduate of Approved Course
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Training Center
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Training Center
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Second In Command
Step 2 – (continue)
Training Center
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Military Competency
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Military Service Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Category/Class Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Military Service Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Added Type Rating
Step 2 – (continue)
Military Service Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
FAR 121 – Training Program
Second In Command
Step 2 – (continue)
Air Operator Name
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Step 2 – (continue)
Air Operator Name
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Step 2 – (continue)
Air Operator Name
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Step 2 – (continue)
Air Operator Name
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
FAR 135 – Air Operator
Second In Command
Step 2 – (continue)
Air Operator Name
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Step 2 – (continue)
Air Operator Name
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Step 2 – (continue)
Air Operator Name
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Step 2 – (continue)
Air Operator Name
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
Restricted (Special Purpose)
FAR 61 – Completion of Required Test
Original Issuance
Step 2 – (continue)
Enter Completion of Required Test Information
Select Category/Class Ratings
Select Type Ratings
Step 3 –Certificate(s)
FAA pilot Certificate
Foreign Pilot License
Step 4 – Required Questions
Medical Certificate
Drug Convictions
Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience Grid
Step 6 – Review and Submit
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
11. Pilot Application Steps
Step 1 – Applicant Personal Information
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
The top half of Personal Information screen collects information from the applicant required for the front
page of the certification application form (8710-1, 8610-2, or 8400-3). Most of the information on this
screen will be pre-filled with information entered during the IACRA Registration process, or with
information obtained from Airman Records.
The following rules apply to any changes you may make to fields in the Personal Information screen.
1. Name Fields. Enter your legal name. Do not change your name on subsequent applications unless it is
done in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations FAR Section 61.25 . If you have an FAA pilot
certificate the name on this application should be the same as the name on the certificate unless you
have had it changed in accordance with FAR Section 61.25.
a. Last Name. Enter your legal last name.
b. First Name. Enter your full first name. If you have no first name, enter “NFN”.
c. Middle Name. Enter your full middle name. Use no more than one middle name for record
purposes. If you have no middle name enter “NMN”. If you have a middle initial only, enter the
initial and click the “Initial Only” checkbox.
d. Name Suffix. If you have a name suffix, select it from the drop down list box.
2. Citizenship. Select your citizenship from the drop down list box. Select USA if applicable. If
not, select the country where you are a citizen. If you are a citizen of a US territory that is not listed in
the drop down list box, select USA.
3. Date of Birth. Check for accuracy. Enter eight digits in the format mmddyyyy. Check to see that the
date entered here is the same date of birth that appears on your medical certificate.
4. Place of Birth. If you were born in the USA, enter the city and state where you were born. If the city
is unknown, enter the county and state. If you were born outside of the USA, enter the name of the
city and country where you were born.
a. City or County. Enter the City where you were born. If you don’t know the City, enter the County.
b. State (US Only). If you were born in the USA or a US Territory, select the state or territory code
from the drop down list box.
c. Country. Select the country where you were born from the drop down list box. If you were born in a
US territory, select USA from the drop down list box and select the territory code from the state drop
down list box.
5. Telephone. Type in your telephone number including the area code.
SSN#. (Optional) If you don’t want to disclose your Social Security Number, leave this field blank
and click the “Do Not Use” radio button. "Do Not Use" will appear on the certification application. If
you do not have a Social Security Number, click the "None" radio button. If you choose to disclose
your Social Security Number, use only a US SSN. Disclosure of your SSN is voluntary. Disclosure of
your SSN will facilitate maintenance of your records, which are maintained in alphabetical order and
cross-referenced with your SSN and Airman Certificate number to provide prompt access.
In the event
of nondisclosure, a unique number will be assigned to your file.
Social Security Numbers are not
shown on airman certificates.
7. E-Mail Address. If you have an e-mail address, enter it here.
Sex. Select your sex by clicking on the “Male” or “Female” radio button, or use the Tab key to set
focus on the Sex field. Use the arrow keys to switch focus between Male and Female. Then use
the Tab Key to set focus to the next field.
Height. Type in your height first, and then select the Unit of Measurement from the drop down list box.
IACRA will convert height entered in centimeters or meters to inches. If you enter your height in
inches, use whole inches only (no fractions).
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
10. Weight. Type in your weight first, and then select the Unit of Measurement from the drop down list
box. IACRA will convert weight entered in stones or kilometers to pounds. If you enter your weight
in pounds, use whole pounds only (no fractions).
Hair Color. Select your hair color from the drop down list box. If you wear a wig or toupee, enter the
color of your hair under the wig or toupee.
Eye Color. Select your eye color from the drop down list box.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Applicant's Addresses
The bottom half of the Personal Information screen collects information from the applicant
required to complete the Address block of the certification application form (8710-1, 8610-2,
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
1. Permanent Address. Enter your address into the fields provided. FAA policy requires that
you use your permanent mailing address.
Street/Line1. If you have a USA address, enter your street address into this field. If you
have a foreign address, enter the first line of your foreign address into this field.
Line 2. If you have a USA address, enter your PO Box, Rural Route Number, or “General
Delivery” into this field. If you have a foreign address, enter the second line of your
foreign address into this field.
City. Enter your city of residence. Canadian residents enter Province after City name.
State. If you have a USA address, select your state from the drop down list box.
Country. Select your country from then drop down list box.
Zip Code. Enter your zip code.
2. Physical Description. If you did not enter a street address in the Street/Line 1 field, you are
required to enter a
Physical Description showing the location of your residence.
3. Mailing Address. If you want your certificate to be mailed to an address other than your
permanent address, enter the address information in the provided fields.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Step 2 – Certificate Sought Data
The Certificate Sought Data screen allows you to select the type of certificate for which you are applying.
Make selections from the drop-down lists. The selections in remaining drop-down lists can change or
become active/inactive based on each selection made.
Select the type of Certificate you are applying for
Select from the following choices:
Student Pilot
Sport Pilot
Recreational Pilot
Private Pilot
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Commercial Pilot
Airline Transport Pilot
Flight Instructor
Ground Instructor
Authorized Instructor
Flight Instructor Sport Pilot
Based on the selection type you make, IACRA indicates the rest of the selections that you need to make
from the remaining drop-down lists by adding "* Required Field" in red or IACRA fills in the required
drop-down lists automatically.
For example, selecting Private Pilot makes the Select Restricted or Standard drop-down list active
because this choice is necessary when seeking a private pilot certification. However, if you selected
Recreational Pilot as the certification type, the Standard option is filled in automatically with 'Standard' in
the Select Restricted or Standard drop-down list because it is the only option for a Recreational Pilot.
Select Restricted or Standard
This drop-down list becomes active if you are required to select whether the certification you are seeking
is restricted or standard. The restricted certification can have different designations depending on the type
of certificate chosen. For example, a private pilot can have a Restricted (Foreign-Based - FAR 61.75)
rating or Restricted rating where then the U.S. Test Passed Rating is required.
Restricted Foreign Based - FAR 61.75
Restricted Special Purpose - FAR 61.77
Select the Certificate Basis
The Certificate Basis drop-down list becomes active when IACRA indicates that you need to select the
basis by which the certificate was obtained. Like the other drop-down lists, this list changes based on
previous selections. For example, while a Recreational Pilot with a Standard certificate can select FAR
61 - Completion of Required Test or a FAR 141 - Graduate of Approved Course, an Air Transport Pilot
with a Standard certificate can select from any of the following school/training designations:
FAR 61 - Completion of Required Test
FAR 141 - Graduate of Approved Course
FAR 142 - Graduate of Approved Course
Air Carrier Training Program
Military Competency
Using Ultralight Hours
Select the Type of Issuance
The Type of Issuance drop-down list is where you indicate whether the certificate is an original issuance
or is an additional issuance/type rating to an existing certificate.
Based on the selections made in previous drop-down lists, the options here can be any of the following:
Original Issuance
Added Category/Class Rating
Added Type Rating
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Based on selections made in the drop-down lists, different links appear that require you to click them in
order to input additional information regarding a specific option. You must fill in information for each
link that appears in order for your application to be considered complete.
Air Operator Name - This dropdown box displays the names of 121/135 Air Operators that offer
Advanced Qualification Programs. Choose the Air Operator that you are using to complete the
Advanced Qualification Program.
Training Center Name - This dropdown box displays the names of 142 Training Centers.
Choose the Training Center that you are using to obtain or add to your Pilot Certificate.
Click here to enter the Sport Pilot Information - This link activates the Sport Pilot Aircraft
Information screen where you enter the type of aircraft you are adding a rating for, the number
of hours of total time spent in the aircraft. Select OK to continue.
Click here to enter the Completion of Required Test Information - This link activates the
Completion of Required Test screen where you enter the type of aircraft you are adding a rating
for, the number of hours of total time spent in the aircraft, the number of hours in a simulator,
and/or the number of hours spent in a training device. Designate the training device type as well
and select OK to continue.
Click here to enter the Military Service Information - Access this link to make the Military
Competency screen appear. Enter the required information and click OK to continue.
Click here to Select Category/Class Ratings - Access this link to make the Rating Type screen
appear. Select the item you want and click the ADD > button to add it to the field at the right.
When you have entered all of the type ratings or aircraft you need, click OK to continue.
Click here to Select the Type Ratings - This link activates the Aircraft Type Ratings screen
where you select the type rating you are seeking to add. Type ratings are aircraft you add to a
certificate. ex. CE-500 is a Cessna Citation type rating added to your Private, Commercial, or ATP
certificate. To use this screen, enter a letter, for example, g, into the search field and select
Search. The list of Type Ratings will appear. Select the item you want and click the ADD >
button to add it to the field at the right. When you have entered all of the type ratings that apply,
click OK to continue.
Note!! "Select the Type Ratings" is optional unless Type of Issuance is "Added Type Rating".
Only choose this option if you have trained and are applying for a specific Aircraft Type to be
added to your Pilot Certificate.
Refer to Part 61.5(b)(7)
(7) Aircraft type ratings—
(i) Large aircraft other than lighter-than-air.
(ii) Turbojet-powered airplanes.
(iii) Other aircraft type ratings specified by the Administrator through the aircraft type certification
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
(iv) Second-in-command pilot type rating for aircraft that is certificated for operations with a
minimum crew of at least two pilots.
Refer to Part 61.63(d)
(d) Additional type rating. Except as specified in paragraph (d)(7) of this section, a person who
applies for an additional aircraft type rating to be added on a pilot certificate, or the addition of an
aircraft type rating that is accomplished concurrently with an additional aircraft category or class
(1) Must hold or concurrently obtain an instrument rating that is appropriate to the aircraft
category, class, or type rating sought;
(2) Must have an endorsement in his or her logbook or training record from an authorized
instructor, and that endorsement must attest that the applicant has been found competent in the
aeronautical knowledge areas appropriate to the pilot certificate for the aircraft category, class, or
type rating sought;
(3) Must have an endorsement in his or her logbook, or training record from an authorized
instructor, and that endorsement must attest that the applicant has been found proficient in the
areas of operation required for the issuance of an airline transport pilot certificate for the aircraft
category, class, and type rating sought;
(4) Must pass the required practical test appropriate to the airline transport pilot certificate for the
aircraft category, class, and type rating sought;
(5) Must perform the practical test in actual or simulated instrument conditions, unless the
aircraft's type certificate makes the aircraft incapable of operating under instrument flight rules. If
the practical test cannot be accomplished for this reason, the person may obtain a type rating
limited to “VFR only.” The “VFR only” limitation may be removed for that aircraft type when the
person passes the practical test in actual or simulated instrument conditions. When an instrument
rating is issued to a person who holds one or more type ratings, the type ratings on the amended
pilot certificate shall bear the “VFR only” limitation for each aircraft type rating for which the
person has not demonstrated instrument competency;
(6) Need not take an additional knowledge test, provided the applicant holds an airplane,
rotorcraft, powered-lift, or airship rating on their pilot certificate; and
(7) In the case of a pilot employee of a certificate holder operating under part 121 or 135 of this
chapter or of a fractional ownership program manager under subpart K of part 91 of this chapter,
must have—
(i) Met the appropriate requirements of paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(4), and (d)(5) of this section for the
aircraft type rating sought; and
(ii) Received an endorsement in his or her flight training record from the certificate holder or
program manager attesting that the applicant has completed the certificate holder's or program
manager's approved ground and flight training program appropriate to the aircraft type rating
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Select Category/Class Ratings
Single Selection Search for Category / Class Ratings
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
The Single Selection Search screen for Category/Class Ratings allows you to select the category/class
rating you are seeking. This screen will only allow you to select one Category/Class rating to add to your
certification data.
Note: You cannot select the search criteria by which to locate different Category/Class ratings or click on
the Search button, because all applicable ratings are automatically displayed in the Retrieval List.
1. Select the applicable Category/Class rating from the Retrieval List.
Your selection will appear in
the Selected Item text box.
2. Click the OK button to add your selected Category/Class Rating to your certification data, or
3. Click the Cancel button to return to the main screen without making a selection.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Select Type Ratings
Single Selection Search for Aircraft Type Ratings
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
The Single Selection Search screen for Aircraft Type Ratings allows you to select the type rating for
which you are seeking certification. This screen will only allow you to select one aircraft type rating to
add to your certification data.
1. Select Search Criteria
By ID or Type - Select this option to retrieve a list of type ratings based on the
current designation.
By Description - Select this option to retrieve a list of type ratings based on an aircraft's
2. Narrow the Field of Search. Enter 1 or more alphanumeric characters of the current type rating
designation or the aircraft manufacturer/model description (depending on the search criteria you selected
in step 1.), and click the Search button. For example, if you enter the letter "g" and click Search, only
aircraft type ratings beginning with the letter "g" appear in the retrieval list. The more characters you
enter into the field, the more the search function narrows your search results, and the faster your search
results will appear in the retrieval list. You can see how many records were found for your search by
looking in the Record Count field below the retrieval list.
Retrieval List - This is where your search results appear sorted by your selected search criteria.
Selected Item - The aircraft type rating you select from the Retrieval List will appear in the
Selected Item field.
3. Select an aircraft MMS. To add an aircraft type rating to your application, click on the type rating in
the Retrieval List. The selected type rating appears in the Selected Item field. Click OK and the aircraft
type rating is added to your application data. To select a different type rating, just click on a type rating
from the Retrieval List. The new selection will appear in the Selected Item field. To return to the
application page without making a selection, click the Cancel button.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Completion of Required Test Information
Completion of Required Test
The Completion of Required Test screen allows you to input information for block II.,A. of the Airman
Certificate and/or Rating Application.
Click here to select First Aircraft to be used. Click this link to enter the aircraft you will use for
your practical test. This field is REQUIRED for applications based on Federal Aviation Regulations
(FAR) Part 61.
2. Enter Total Time In First Aircraft. Enter the total amount of flight time you have in the aircraft
selected in step 1 above. This field is REQUIRED for applications based on Federal Aviation
Regulations (FAR) Part 61.
3. Enter PIC Time In First Aircraft. Enter the Pilot-In-Command time you have in the aircraft
selected in step 1 above. This field is REQUIRED for applications based on Federal Aviation
Regulations (FAR) Part 61.
Click here to select the Second Aircraft to be used if applicable. You are allowed to take your
practical test in two different aircraft. If you are using a second aircraft click this link to enter the second
aircraft you will use for your practical test. If you are using only one aircraft, skip this step and steps 5
and 6.
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5. Enter Total Time In Second Aircraft. If you are using a second aircraft for your practical tests, enter
the total amount of flight time you have in the aircraft selected in step 4 above. If you are using only one
aircraft, leave this field blank.
6. Enter PIC Time In Second Aircraft. If you are using a second aircraft for your practical tests, enter
the total amount of Pilot In Command time you have in the aircraft selected in step 4 above. If you are
using only one aircraft, leave this field blank.
7. Select Simulator Level if Applicable. If you are using a simulator, select the simulator level from the
drop down list box. You must also, enter a first aircraft to be used, even if only training with a simulator.
8. Enter Total Time In Simulator. Enter the number of simulator hours in this field. This field is
required if you select a simulator in step 7 above.
An Aircraft MMS must be entered (see Step 1) when using Simulator. When obtaining training
through a simulator alone, you just enter an Aircraft MMS that reflects the Simulator type.
Select Training Device Level if Applicable. If you are using a training device, select the training
device level from the drop down list box. You must also, enter a first aircraft to be used.
11. Enter Total Time In Training Device. Enter the number of training device hours in this field. This
field is required if you select a simulator in step 9 above.
Click OK to add the information you've input on this screen to your certification application, or click
Cancel to leave the screen without adding any information to your certification application.
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Enter Sport Pilot Information
Sport Pilot Completion of Required Test
The Sport Pilot Completion of Required Test screen allows you to input information about the aircraft to
be used.
1. Click here to select First Aircraft to be used. Click this link to enter the aircraft you will use for
your practical test. This field is REQUIRED for applications based on Federal Aviation Regulations
(FAR) Part 61.
2. Enter Total Time In First Aircraft. Enter the total amount of flight time you have in the aircraft
selected in step 1 above.
3. Enter PIC Time In First Aircraft. Enter the Pilot-In-Command time you have in the aircraft
selected in step 1 above.
Click OK to add the information you've input on this screen to your certification application, or click
Cancel to leave the screen without adding any information to your certification application.
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Select Vintage Aircraft Authorizations
Single Selection Search for Vintage Aircraft Authorization Types
The Single Selection Search screen for Vintage Aircraft Authorization Types allows you to select a
Vintage Aircraft Type to add to your certification data.
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1. Select Search Criteria
By ID or Type - Select this option to retrieve a list of vintage aircraft types based on the
current designation.
By Description - Select this option to retrieve a list of vintage aircraft types based on an aircraft's
2. Narrow the Field of Search. Enter 1 or more alphanumeric characters of the vintage aircraft type or
the aircraft manufacturer/model description (depending on the search criteria you selected in step 1.), and
click the Search button. For example, if you enter the letter "g" and click Search, only aircraft types
beginning with the letter "g" appear in the retrieval list. The more characters you enter into the field, the
more the search function narrows your search results, and the faster your search results will appear in the
retrieval list. You can see how many records were found for your search by looking in the Record Count
field below the retrieval list.
Selected Item - The aircraft you select from the Retrieval List will appear in the Selected
Item field.
Retrieval List - This is where your search results appear sorted by your selected search
3. Click item below to Add to the Selected Item. Click on an item in this grid that you want to add to
your application data. When you select an item it will appear in the Selected Item field.
Click OK to add the item from the Selected Item field to your application data, or click Cancel to leave
the screen without adding any information to your certification application.
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Military Service Information
Military Competency
The Military Competency screen allows you enter information about your military experience.
1. Select your military service from the drop down list box.
2. Enter the date you were rated.
3. Select your Rank or Grade from the drop down list box.
4. Enter your Service Number in the field provided.
Click on OK to add your military information to your certification application, or click Cancel to leave the
screen without adding any information to your certification application
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Step 3 – Certificate Held Data
The Certificate Held Data screen is a check to see if you currently have or have ever held an FAA pilot
certificate. Depending on whether you answer Yes or No to the question, "Do you now hold or have you
ever held an FAA pilot Certificate?" you are asked to provide additional information on current
certificates or you are required to answer a questions about your military or foreign pilot experience.
Answering Yes to "Do you now hold or have you ever held an FAA Pilot Certificate?"
Select Yes or No. (NOTE: a student pilot certificate is a "Pilot Certificate".) If you select Yes to the
question, you are required to fill in information for all of the certificate types that you currently hold. The
following links appear:
Click here if you hold a Foreign Pilot License - This link makes the Foreign License Information
screen appear.
1. Enter your license number - Enter your pilot license number in the corresponding field. Copy
the number directly from your license to ensure accuracy.
2. Enter the issuing Country - Click the link to select the Country that issued your Foreign License.
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3. Select the grade of certificate and Category/Class Ratings you hold. Clicking on the link that
corresponds to the grade of foreign license you hold will allow you to enter your category class
ratings for that license. Select all Category/Class ratings that apply to your foreign license.
4. Select any Type Ratings you hold. Clicking on the Type Rating link that corresponds to the
grade of foreign license you hold will allow you to enter your Type Ratings. Select all Type
Ratings that apply to your foreign license.
5. Click OK to return to the Certificate Held Data main screen. If you need to edit the information
you just entered, click the Click here to EDIT foreign license information link that now appears.
Click here if you hold a US Restricted Pilot Certificate - This link makes the US Restricted Pilot
Certificate Information screen appear.
1. Enter your pilot certificate number - Enter your US restricted pilot certificate number in the
corresponding field. Copy the number directly from your certificate to ensure accuracy.
2. Enter the Date of Issuance - Enter the date your US restricted pilot certificate was officially
issued to you. Use the calendar icon to select the date, if necessary.
3. Select the grade of US Restricted Certificate and Category/Class Ratings you hold. Clicking
on the link that corresponds to the grade of US Restricted Certificate you hold will allow you to
enter your Category/Class Ratings for that certificate. Select all Category/Class ratings that apply
to your US Restricted Certificate.
4. Select any Type Ratings you hold. Clicking on the Type Rating link that corresponds to
the grade of US Restricted Certificate you hold will allow you to enter your Type Ratings. Select
all Type Ratings that apply to your US Restricted Certificate.
5. Click OK to return to the Certificate Held Data main screen. If you need to edit the information
you just entered, click the Click here to EDIT US Restricted Pilot Certificate information link
that now appears.
Click here if you hold a US Standard Pilot Certificate - This link makes the US Standard Pilot
Certificate Information screen appear.
1. Enter your US Standard Pilot Certificate number - Enter your US standard pilot certificate
number in the corresponding field. Copy the number directly from your certificate to ensure
accuracy. Include the letters "CFI" if they appear on your certificate number.
2. Enter the Date of Issuance - Enter the date your US standard pilot certificate was officially
issued to you. Use the calendar icon to select the date, if necessary.
3. Select the grade of US Standard Certificate and Category/Class Ratings you hold. Clicking
on the link that corresponds to the grade of US Standard Pilot Certificate you hold will allow you
to enter your Category/Class Ratings for that certificate. Select all Category/Class ratings that
apply to your US Standard Pilot Certificate.
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4. Select any Type Ratings you hold. Clicking on the Type Rating link that corresponds to
the grade of US Standard Pilot Certificate you hold will allow you to enter your Type Ratings.
Select all Type Ratings that apply to your US Standard Pilot Certificate.
5. Click OK to return to the Certificate Held Data main screen. If you need to edit the information
you just entered, click the Click here to EDIT US Standard Pilot Certificate information link
that now appears.
Answering No to "Do you now hold or have you ever held an FAA pilot Certificate?"
If you select No to the question, two more questions appear that require you to select a Yes or No answer.
"Do you have a 10 PIC hours military experience that qualifies you for the issuance of a
Commercial Pilot Certificate?" Select Yes or No.
"Have you passed an Instrument Proficiency Check or received authorization for IFT Flight from
the US Armed Forces within the preceding 12 calendar months for the Aircraft Category and Class
sought?" Select Yes or No.
If you select No to either of the military experience questions, another question appears asking "Do you
hold a Foreign Pilot License of Private grade or higher without ICAO limitations?" Select Yes or
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Step 4 – Supplementary Data
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The Supplementary Data screen consists of a series of questions that, depending on how you answer them,
may or may not require more data.
Do you hold a medical certificate?
Answering Yes - Causes the following input fields to display:
o Enter the date of issue of your medical certificate.- Enter the date that your medical certificate
was issued to you.
o Select the certificate class. - Your choices are First, Second, or Third.
o Enter the Examiner's name. - In the field provided, enter the full name of the person who acted
as your Examiner. Enter the name as shown on your medical certificate.
Answering No - Proceed to next question.
Have you ever been convicted for violation of Federal or State statutes relating to narcotic
drugs, marijuana, or depressant or stimulant drugs or substances?
Click on appropriate radio button. Only click "Yes" if you have actually been convicted. If you have
been charged with a violation which has not been adjudicated, click the "No" radio button.
Answering Yes - Causes the following input field to display:
o Enter the date of conviction. - Enter the date in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
Answering No - Proceed to the next question.
Do you read, speak, write, and understand the English language?
Answering Yes - Proceed to the next question.
Answering No - Causes the following input field to display:
o Are there medical reasons why you are unable to read, speak, write, and understand the
English language? - Answer Yes or No and proceed to the next question.
Have you failed a test for this certificate or rating?
Answering Yes - Causes the following input field to display:
o Enter the number of failures. - Enter the number of times you have not passed the test for this
certificate or rating in the field provided. This number can be found on your last Notice Of
Answering No - Proceed to Step 5, Aeronautical Experience.
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Step 5 – Aeronautical Experience
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The Aeronautical Experience screen shows a grid, or matrix, where you can easily lay out and display all
of your flight experience from your log book. This grid is similar to the one found on the front of the
8710-1 form.
Note: The small island question (Are you a pilot based on a small island?) MUST BE ANSWERED!
The minimum pilot experience required by the appropriate regulation must be entered. It is
recommended, however, that ALL pilot time be entered. Night flying must be entered when required.
You should fill in the blocks that apply and ignore the blocks that do not. Second In Command "SIC"
time used may be entered in the appropriate blocks. Flight Simulator, Flight Training Device and
PCATD time may be entered in the blocks provided.
Note: The white areas indicate fields to which values can be added. The blue areas indicate areas that are
not accessible or relevant.
To use the Aeronautical Experience grid, simply select the block in which you want to place data and
enter the data. When you have finished filling in all relevant information, continue to Step 6, Summary.
If you need help in filling out the Aeronautical Experience grid, see your Recommending Instructor. Do
not submit the application in Step 6 until you are sure that your hours are entered correctly.
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Step 6 – Summary Page
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The Summary Page validates your application and requires you to review a summary of your
certificate information and an unofficial copy of your application before allowing you to submit
your application.
Your application will be validated and any error messages will be displayed at the top of the
Summary Page. Follow the instructions in the validation error messages to fix the problems then
return to the Summary Page. You will not be allowed to continue until all validation errors have
been corrected.
Look at each step on the navigation bar to ensure that you have completed all required information
for each program step. A green check mark on the step tab indicates that you have provided all
required information. A yellow question mark on the step tab indicates that you have not provided
all information required for that program step. A red "x" on the step tab indicates that you have
not accessed that program step. If you get a validation error message saying that you have not
completed all information required, look on the steps on the navigation bar for a step that has a
yellow question mark icon. Click on this step to complete any missing information, and then click
Step 6 to return to the summary page. You may have to repeat this process several times until all
validation errors have been resolved.
Click the Review Applicant's Certificate Summary button. This will display a summary of your
certificate information. Before you may review or submit your application you must first review
the certificate summary to ensure that the correct information has been entered. If corrections
need to be made, go back and make the appropriate changes before continuing. The Review
Applicant's Certificate Summary button will not be enabled until validations have been successful.
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Click the Review Application button. This will display an unofficial copy of your application.
You will not be able to print an unofficial copy of your application until after your application has
been submitted. Before you may submit your application you must review your application to
ensure that the correct information has been entered. If corrections need to be made, go back and
make the appropriate changes before continuing. The Review Application button will not be
enabled until the applicant's certificate summary has been reviewed.
Click the Submit Application button to submit your application. You will not be able to access
your application to make changes after the application has been submitted. So, be sure to review
the certificate summary and unofficial copy of your application then make any necessary
corrections before clicking the Submit Application button. If you're not sure that your application
is completed correctly, do not submit it until you have consulted your Recommending Instructor
or Examiner/Evaluator. The Submit Application button will not be enabled until after both the
applicant's certificate summary and application have been reviewed.
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Important Notice!!! Make sure all your information is entered correctly and you are ready
to submit your application before you click the Submit Application button. Once your
application has been submitted you will not be able to access the application file again. If
you need to make a correction to your application once it has been submitted, your
application will need to be reset by your Recommending Instructor or Examiner/Evaluator.
You will be able to view and print an Unofficial Copy of your application after your application
has been submitted.
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IACRA Instruction Manual
12. Re-Issue
Remove Limitation
Re-Issue Applicant Personal Information
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IACRA Instruction Manual
The Applicant Personal Information screen collects information from the applicant required for the
front page of the certification application form (8710-1, 8610-2, or 8400-3). Most of the
information on this screen will be pre-filled with information entered during the IACRA
Registration process, or with information obtained from Airman Records.
Two sections of information are displayed. Personal Information and Address information. If
either sections of information are incorrect or needs to be updated click the appropriate “Edit”
link. Change the necessary information and then click “Save”.
The following rules apply to any changes you may make to the mentioned sections:
Personal Information Section
1. Name Fields. Enter your legal name. Do not change your name on subsequent applications
unless it is done in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations FAR Section 61.25 . If
you have an FAA pilot certificate the name on this application should be the same as the name
on the certificate unless you have had it changed in accordance with FAR Section 61.25.
a. Last Name. Enter your legal last name.
b. First Name. Enter your full first name. If you have no first name, enter “NFN”.
c. Middle Name. Enter your full middle name. Use no more than one middle name for
record purposes. If you have no middle name enter “NMN”. If you have a middle
initial only, enter the initial and click the “Initial Only” checkbox.
d. Name Suffix. If you have a name suffix, select it from the drop down list box.
2. Citizenship. Select your citizenship from the drop down list box. Select USA if applicable. If
not, select the country where you are a citizen. If you are a citizen of a US territory that is not
listed in the drop down list box, select USA.
3. Date of Birth. Check for accuracy. Enter eight digits in the format mmddyyyy. Check to see
that the date entered here is the same date of birth that appears on your medical certificate.
Place of Birth. If you were born in the USA, enter the city and state where you were born. If
the city is unknown, enter the county and state. If you were born outside of the USA, enter the
name of the city and country where you were born.
a. City or County. Enter the City where you were born. If you don’t know the City,
enter the County.
State (US Only). If you were born in the USA or a US Territory, select the state or
territory code from the drop down list box.
Country. Select the country where you were born from the drop down list box. If you
were born in a US territory, select USA from the drop down list box and select the
territory code from the state drop down list box.
5. Telephone. Type in your telephone number including the area code.
6. SSN#. (Optional) If you don’t want to disclose your Social Security Number, leave this field
blank and click the “Do Not Use” radio button. "Do Not Use" will appear on the certification
application. If you do not have a Social Security Number, click the "None" radio button. If
you choose to disclose your Social Security Number, use only a US SSN. Disclosure of your
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
SSN is voluntary. Disclosure of your SSN will facilitate maintenance of your records, which
are maintained in alphabetical order and cross-referenced with your SSN and Airman
Certificate number to provide prompt access. In the event of nondisclosure, a unique number
will be assigned to your file. Social Security Numbers are not shown on airman certificates.
E-Mail Address. If you have an e-mail address, enter it here.
Sex. Select your sex by clicking on the “Male” or “Female” radio button, or use the Tab key
to set focus on the Sex field.
Use the arrow keys to switch focus between Male and Female,
then use the Tab Key to set focus to the next field.
Height. Type in your height first, and then select the Unit of Measurement from the drop down
list box. IACRA will convert height entered in centimeters or meters to inches. If you enter
your height in inches, use whole inches only (no fractions).
10. Weight. Type in your weight first, and then select the Unit of Measurement from the drop
down list box. IACRA will convert weight entered in stones or kilometers to pounds. If you
enter your weight in pounds, use whole pounds only (no fractions).
11. Hair Color. Select your hair color from the drop down list box. If you wear a wig or toupee,
enter the color of your hair under the wig or toupee.
12. Eye Color. Select your eye color from the drop down list box.
Applicant's Address Section
1. Permanent Address. Enter your address into the fields provided. FAA policy requires that
you use your permanent mailing address.
Street/Line1. If you have a USA address, enter your street address into this field. If you
have a foreign address, enter the first line of your foreign address into this field.
Line 2. If you have a USA address, enter your PO Box, Rural Route Number, or “General
Delivery” into this field. If you have a foreign address, enter the second line of your
foreign address into this field.
City. Enter your city of residence. Canadian residents enter Province after City name.
State. If you have a USA address, select your state from the drop down list box.
Country. Select your country from then drop down list box.
Zip Code. Enter your zip code.
2. Physical Description. If you did not enter a street address in the Street/Line 1 field, you are
required to enter a Physical Description showing the location of your residence.
3. Mailing Address. If you want your certificate to be mailed to an address other than your
permanent address, enter the address information in the provided fields.
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IACRA Instruction Manual
Re-Issue Certificate Held Data
The Certificate Held Data screen is a check to see if you currently have or have ever held an FAA
pilot certificate.
Certificate – Enter your certificate number and click “Find Certificate”. If you Certificate is found
in the IACRA or Airman Databases the information will be show in the grid below.
Select the Certificate that you would like to Re-Issue. Click “Select” for the certificate you
would like to Re-Issue.
Edit U.S. Standard Pilot Certificate - This link makes the US Standard Pilot Certificate
Information screen appear.
1. Enter your US Standard Pilot Certificate number - Enter your US standard pilot certificate
number in the corresponding field. Copy the number directly from your certificate to ensure
accuracy. Include the letters "CFI" if they appear on your certificate number.
2. Enter the Date of Issuance - Enter the date your US standard pilot certificate was officially
issued to you. Use the calendar icon to select the date, if necessary.
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3. Select the grade of US Standard Certificate and Category/Class Ratings you hold.
Clicking on the link that corresponds to the grade of US Standard Pilot Certificate you hold
will allow you to enter your Category/Class Ratings for that certificate. Select all
Category/Class ratings that apply to your US Standard Pilot Certificate.
4. Select any Type Ratings you hold. Clicking on the Type Rating link that corresponds to
the grade of US Standard Pilot Certificate you hold will allow you to enter your Type Ratings.
Select all Type Ratings that apply to your US Standard Pilot Certificate.
5. Click OK to return to the Certificate Held Data main screen. If you need to edit the
information you just entered, click the Click here to EDIT US Standard Pilot
Certificate information link that now appears.
Once you have answered these questions, click Continue, Certificate Summary
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Edit Certificate Data
1. Enter the certificate / license number for the certificate / license you currently hold. Copy the
number directly from your certificate to ensure accuracy. Include the letters "CFI" if they appear
on your certificate number. Do not include a dash as part of the certificate number.
2. Click the link to select the date of issuance of the certificate you currently hold. If the
certificate you hold is a Foreign Pilot License, click the link to select the Country that issued the
3. Click the links along the left side of the screen to select the Class ratings you currently hold.
Select all that apply to your current US Pilot Certificate or Foreign Pilot License.
4. Click the links on the right side of the screen that correspond to the Class ratings you selected.
Select all type ratings that apply to your current US Pilot Certificate or Foreign Pilot License.
5. Click the link to enter Vintage Aircraft Authorizations if applicable.
6. Click the OK button to accept the data you have entered and return to the Step 3. Or, click the
Cancel button to return to the Step 3 screen without accepting the data you entered.
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Delete Certificate Data
Deleting the certificate information will remove it from this application. You will have to re-enter
your certificate information and click “Find Certificate” to proceed.
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Summary Page
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IACRA Instruction Manual
The Summary Page validates your application and requires you to review a summary of your
certificate information and an unofficial copy of your application before allowing you to submit
your application.
1. Your application will be validated and any error messages will be displayed at the top of the
Summary Page. Follow the instructions in the validation error messages to fix the problems then
return to the Summary Page. You will not be allowed to continue until all validation errors have
been corrected.
2. The Applicant's Certificate Summary is displayed on the screen for your review. Before you
may review or submit your application you must first review the Certificate summary and fix any
validation errors, to ensure that the correct information has been entered. If corrections need to be
made, go back and make the appropriate changes using the Edit links before continuing. The
Review Application button will not be enabled until validations have been successful.
3. Click the Review Application button. This will display an unofficial copy of your application.
You will not be able to print an unofficial copy of your application until after your application has
been submitted. Before you may submit your application you must review your application to
ensure that the correct information has been entered. If corrections need to be made, go back and
make the appropriate changes before continuing. The Review Application button will not be
enabled until the applicant's certificate summary has been reviewed.
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4. Click the Submit Application button to submit your application. You will not be able to
access your application to make changes after the application has been submitted. So, be sure to
review the certificate summary and unofficial copy of your application then make any necessary
corrections before clicking the Submit Application button. If you're not sure that your application
is completed correctly, do not submit it until you have consulted your Recommending Instructor
or Examiner/Evaluator. The Submit Application button will not be enabled until after both the
applicant's certificate summary and application have been reviewed.
Important Notice!!! Make sure all your information is entered correctly and you are ready to submit
your application before you click the Submit Application button. Once your application has been
submitted you will not be able to access the application file again. If you need to make a correction
to your application once it has been submitted, your application will need to be reset by your
Recommending Instructor or Examiner/Evaluator.
You will be able to view and print an Unofficial Copy of your application after your application
has been submitted.
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IACRA Instruction Manual
CFI/CFII Gold Seal Initial
Re-Issue Applicant Personal Information
The Applicant Personal Information screen collects information from the applicant required for the
front page of the certification application form (8710-1, 8610-2, or 8400-3).
Most of the
information on this screen will be pre-filled with information entered during the IACRA
Registration process, or with information obtained from Airman Records.
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IACRA Instruction Manual
Two sections of information are displayed. Personal Information and Address information. If
either sections of information are incorrect or needs to be updated click the appropriate “Edit”
link. Change the necessary information and then click “Save”.
The following rules apply to any changes you may make to the mentioned sections:
Personal Information Section
1. Name Fields. Enter your legal name. Do not change your name on subsequent applications
unless it is done in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations FAR Section 61.25 . If
you have an FAA pilot certificate the name on this application should be the same as the name
on the certificate unless you have had it changed in accordance with FAR Section 61.25.
a. Last Name. Enter your legal last name.
b. First Name. Enter your full first name. If you have no first name, enter “NFN”.
c. Middle Name. Enter your full middle name. Use no more than one middle name for
record purposes. If you have no middle name enter “NMN”. If you have a middle
initial only, enter the initial and click the “Initial Only” checkbox.
d. Name Suffix. If you have a name suffix, select it from the drop down list box.
2. Citizenship. Select your citizenship from the drop down list box. Select USA if applicable. If
not, select the country where you are a citizen. If you are a citizen of a US territory that is not
listed in the drop down list box, select USA.
3. Date of Birth. Check for accuracy. Enter eight digits in the format mmddyyyy. Check to see
that the date entered here is the same date of birth that appears on your medical certificate.
4. Place of Birth. If you were born in the USA, enter the city and state where you were born. If
the city is unknown, enter the county and state. If you were born outside of the USA, enter the
name of the city and country where you were born.
a. City or County. Enter the City where you were born. If you don’t know the City,
enter the County.
State (US Only). If you were born in the USA or a US Territory, select the state or
territory code from the drop down list box.
c. Country. Select the country where you were born from the drop down list box. If you
were born in a US territory, select USA from the drop down list box and select the
territory code from the state drop down list box.
5. Telephone. Type in your telephone number including the area code.
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6. SSN#. (Optional) If you don’t want to disclose your Social Security Number, leave this field
blank and click the “Do Not Use” radio button. "Do Not Use" will appear on the certification
application. If you do not have a Social Security Number, click the "None" radio button. If
you choose to disclose your Social Security Number, use only a US SSN.
Disclosure of your
SSN is voluntary.
Disclosure of your SSN will facilitate maintenance of your records, which
are maintained in alphabetical order and cross-referenced with your SSN and Airman
Certificate number to provide prompt access.
In the event of nondisclosure, a unique number
will be assigned to your file.
Social Security Numbers are not shown on airman certificates.
7. E-Mail Address. If you have an e-mail address, enter it here.
8. Sex. Select your sex by clicking on the “Male” or “Female” radio button, or use the Tab key
to set focus on the Sex field. Use the arrow keys to switch focus between Male and Female.
Then use the Tab Key to set focus to the next field.
9. Height. Type in your height first, and then select the Unit of Measurement from the drop down
list box. IACRA will convert height entered in centimeters or meters to inches. If you enter
your height in inches, use whole inches only (no fractions).
10. Weight. Type in your weight first, and then select the Unit of Measurement from the drop
down list box. IACRA will convert weight entered in stones or kilometers to pounds. If you
enter your weight in pounds, use whole pounds only (no fractions).
11. Hair Color. Select your hair color from the drop down list box. If you wear a wig or toupee,
enter the color of your hair under the wig or toupee.
12. Eye Color. Select your eye color from the drop down list box.
Applicant's Address Section
1. Permanent Address. Enter your address into the fields provided. FAA policy requires that
you use your permanent mailing address.
Street/Line1. If you have a USA address, enter your street address into this field. If you
have a foreign address, enter the first line of your foreign address into this field.
Line 2. If you have a USA address, enter your PO Box, Rural Route Number, or “General
Delivery” into this field.
If you have a foreign address, enter the second line of your
foreign address into this field.
City. Enter your city of residence. Canadian residents enter Province after City name.
State. If you have a USA address, select your state from the drop down list box.
Country. Select your country from then drop down list box.
Zip Code. Enter your zip code.
2. Physical Description. If you did not enter a street address in the Street/Line 1 field, you are
required to enter a Physical Description showing the location of your residence.
3. Mailing Address. If you want your certificate to be mailed to an address other than your
permanent address, enter the address information in the provided fields.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Re-Issue Certificate Held Data
The Certificate Held Data screen is a check to see if you currently have or have ever held an FAA
pilot certificate.
Certificate – Enter your certificate number and click “Find Certificate”. If you Certificate is found
in the IACRA or Airman Databases the information will be show in the grid below.
Once a Certificate has been found you can edit or delete the certificate.
Edit U.S. Standard Pilot Certificate - This link makes the US Standard Pilot Certificate
Information screen appear.
1. Enter your US Standard Pilot Certificate number - Enter your US standard
pilot certificate number in the corresponding field. Copy the number directly from
your certificate to ensure accuracy. Include the letters "CFI" if they appear on your
certificate number.
2. Enter the Date of Issuance - Enter the date your US standard pilot certificate was
officially issued to you. Use the calendar icon to select the date, if necessary.
Select the grade of US Standard Certificate and Category/Class Ratings you hold.
Clicking on the link that corresponds to the grade of US Standard Pilot Certificate you hold
will allow you to enter your Category/Class Ratings for that certificate. Select all
Category/Class ratings that apply to your US Standard Pilot Certificate.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
4. Select any Type Ratings you hold. Clicking on the Type Rating link that corresponds to
the grade of US Standard Pilot Certificate you hold will allow you to enter your Type Ratings.
Select all Type Ratings that apply to your US Standard Pilot Certificate.
5. Click OK to return to the Certificate Held Data main screen. If you need to edit the
information you just entered, click the Click here to EDIT US Standard Pilot
Certificate information link that now appears.
Delete Certificate - This link will remove the certificate from your current application.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Edit Certificate Data
1. Enter the certificate / license number for the certificate / license you currently hold. Copy the
number directly from your certificate to ensure accuracy. Include the letters "CFI" if they appear
on your certificate number. Do not include a dash as part of the certificate number.
2. Click the link to select the date of issuance of the certificate you currently hold. If the
certificate you hold is a Foreign Pilot License, click the link to select the Country that issued the
3. Click the links along the left side of the screen to select the Class ratings you currently hold.
Select all that apply to your current US Pilot Certificate or Foreign Pilot License.
4. Click the links on the right side of the screen that correspond to the Class ratings you selected.
Select all type ratings that apply to your current US Pilot Certificate or Foreign Pilot License.
5. Click the link to enter Vintage Aircraft Authorizations if applicable.
6. Click the OK button to accept the data you have entered and return to the Step 3. Or, click the
Cancel button to return to the Step 3 screen without accepting the data you entered.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Delete Certificate Data
Deleting the certificate information will remove it from this application. You will have to re-enter
your certificate information and click “Find Certificate” to proceed.
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
Summary Page
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
The Summary Page validates your application and requires you to review a summary of your
certificate information and an unofficial copy of your application before allowing you to submit
your application.
1. Your application will be validated and any error messages will be displayed at the top of the
Summary Page. Follow the instructions in the validation error messages to fix the problems then
return to the Summary Page. You will not be allowed to continue until all validation errors have
been corrected.
2. The Applicant's Certificate Summary is displayed on the screen for your review. Before you
may review or submit your application you must first review the Certificate summary and fix any
validation errors, to ensure that the correct information has been entered. If corrections need to be
made, go back and make the appropriate changes using the Edit links before continuing. The
Review Application button will not be enabled until validations have been successful.
3. Click the Review Application button. This will display an unofficial copy of your application.
You will not be able to print an unofficial copy of your application until after your application has
been submitted. Before you may submit your application you must review your application to
ensure that the correct information has been entered. If corrections need to be made, go back and
make the appropriate changes before continuing. The Review Application button will not be
enabled until the applicant's certificate summary has been reviewed.
4. Click the Submit Application button to submit your application. You will not be able to
access your application to make changes after the application has been submitted. So, be sure to
review the certificate summary and unofficial copy of your application then make any necessary
corrections before clicking the Submit Application button. If you're not sure that your application
is completed correctly, do not submit it until you have consulted your Recommending Instructor
April 2010
IACRA Instruction Manual
or Examiner/Evaluator. The Submit Application button will not be enabled until after both the
applicant's certificate summary and application have been reviewed.
Important Notice!!! Make sure all your information is entered correctly and you are ready to submit
your application before you click the Submit Application button. Once your application has been
submitted you will not be able to access the application file again. If you need to make a correction
to your application once it has been submitted, your application will need to be reset by your
Recommending Instructor or Examiner/Evaluator.
You will be able to view and print an Unofficial Copy of your application after your application
has been submitted.
April 2010