LEAVE PROCESS Fill out the Time Off Request Form as soon as you know you need leave. A minimum of a two-
week notice is ideal to allow time for managers to find alternative coverage for duties. Leave is STRONGLY discouraged
during peak operational times as follows:
Two (2) weeks before and two (2) weeks after the start of Fall Semester
Family Day/Homecoming Weekend
One (1) week before and one (1) week after the start of Spring Semester
Large catering events during April and May, dates will vary
All requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis with emergency and family obligations given priority within each work
area/title. Longevity of service will also be a consideration when multiple requests are for the same dates. Only two (2) staff
members in a unit/title maybe gone during the same period because of operational coverage needs.
Individuals who are less than 100% FTE and earn leave:
University Dining prefers full-time staff that are less than 100% and earn leave to take their time off during Thanksgiving break,
winter break, and spring break when University Dining operations are shutdown. These times will allow dining to continue
operating fully during the 32-week academic year when students, faculty, and staff are in residence.
Employee Na
Work Location: ___________________________________________________________________
Dates Requested:____________________________________________________________________________
Normal Shi
ft Hours Worked: ___________________________________________________________________
Return Date:
Reason for R
equest: __________________________________________________________________________
Employee Si
gnature: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Please fill out and e-mail to: [email protected]
Dining management team
will be consulted and review your request based on coverage/business needs.
Office Use Only
Manager’s Signature: _________________________________________________