Electrical Facility Effects on Hall Current Thrusters:
Electron Termination Pathway Manipulation
Jonathan A. Walker,
Samuel J. Langendorf,
and Mitchell L. R. Walker
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332
Vadim Khayms
Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Sunnyvale, California 94089
David King
and Peter Pertso n
Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc., Redmond, Washington 98052
DOI: 10.2514/1.B35904
A nonnegligible fraction of the charged particles in the Hall current thruster plume completes the electrical circuit
through the conductive wall of a ground-based vacuum test facility. The resultant electrical circuit is different from
the electrical circuit completed by the Hall current thruster in the onorbit environment. To understand the electrical
circuit created in ground-based testing, this work examines the effect of an electrically biased metal plate, placed in the
far-field plume of a Hall current thruster, on the plasma plume characteristics, the Hall current thruster thrust, and
the electron termination pathways. An Aerojet Rocketdyne T-140 Hall current thruster is operated at 300 V and 10.3
A on xenon propellant. The operational neutral background pressure is 7.3 × 10
torr, corrected for xenon. Two
aluminum plates, one representative of the radial wall of the vacuum chamber and one representative of the axial wall
of the vacuum chamber, are placed 2.3 m radially outward from the thruster centerline and 4.3 m axially downstream
from the discharge channel exit plane, respectively. At each axial bias plate voltage, measurements of thrust, electrical
characteristics of the Hall current thruster, thruster body electrical waveform, and radialaxial plate waveforms are
recorded. A Langmuir probe, a Faraday probe, and an emissive probe are placed 1 m downstream of the Hall current
thruster exit plane. The cathode-to-ground voltage and plasma potential behavior closely follow the trends observed
from in-flight measurements of the Small Missions for Advanced Research in Technology-1 PPS-1350 Hall current
thruster. This investigation experimentally quantifies the impact of the varying in-flight plasma plume conditions on
Hall current thruster operation in a ground-based vacuum facility.
I. Introduction
LECTRIC propulsion (EP) flight qualification and lifetime
testing typically occur in electrically conductive ground-based
vacuum chamber test facilities. Electrically conductive test facilities
present a unique challenge to EP devices because the electrically
grounded wall boundary imposed by the vacuum facilities is not
representative of the flight environment. Traditionally, operational
background neutral pressure corrections are used as a means to
translate ground-based Hall current thruster (HCT) behavior to
expected flight operation [111]. Recent work on the HCT suggests
that pressure considerations may not entirely capture the effect of the
vacuum chamber environment on HCT operation [1217].
Flight data from the Russian Express satellites northsouth and
eastwest station-keeping SPT-100 HCTs revealed an expanded in-
space plume that was not measured in ground testing [15]. The
expanded plume of the SPT-100 had high-energy ions in the offaxis
plume of the HCT and created anomalous disturbance torques due to
impingement of these high-energy ions on satellite surfaces [15].
This behavior has been attributed, but not yet demonstrated, to be the
result of facility enhanced chargeexchange collisions removing
energetic offaxis ions from the population [15,18]. These high-
energy ions were not measured in ground testing due to the increased
presence of chargeexchange ions in the vacuum facility environ-
ment. Anomalous thruster behavior was also experienced during the
European Space Agencys Small Missions for Advanced Research in
Technology-1 (SMART-1) mission using the PPS-1350 HCT. The
PPS-1350 HCT showed periods of positive cathode-to-satellite-bus
common voltage during times of elevated in-space plasma potential
measurements [12,13,19]. The causes of these elevated in-space
plasma potential measurements were attributed to exposure of low-
voltage solar panel contacts to the HCT plume [12]. To the best of the
authors knowledge, this behavior has not been replicated in a
ground-based testing environment.
Previous work by Frieman et al. showed that HCT cathode-to-
ground voltage was susceptible to the influence of a downstream bias
plate [20] and concluded that the conductive vacuum chamber was
indeed part of the HCT electrical circuit through the mediation of the
electron-ion loss rate of the plume. However, plume and performance
measurements were not taken. Further investigation by Frieman et al.
[17] identified three electron termination circuits: downstream axial
surfaces, downstream radial surfaces, and the thruster body. By
increasing the cathode radial position away from HCT centerline, the
magnitude of the electron current collected on the radial chamber
plate surfaces increased, indicating increased electron termination on
the radial walls of the vacuum facility. Figure 1 shows a graphical
representation of the electron termination pathways. It is important to
note that the resistors shown in Fig. 1 are done to help illustrate the
electron termination pathways in the facility testing, and the plasma
Received 2 June 2015; revision received 29 February 2016; accepted for
publication 8 June 2016; published online 31 August 2016. Copyright © 2016
by Jonathan A. Walker, Samuel J. Langendorf, and Mitchell L. R. Walker.
Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.,
with permission. Copies of this paper may be made for personal and internal
use, on condition that the copier pay the per-copy fee to the Copyright
Clearance Center (CCC). All requests for copying and permission to reprint
should be submitted to CCC at www.copyright.com; employ the ISSN 0748-
4658 (print) or 1533-3876 (online) to initiate your request.
*Graduate Research Assistant, Aerospace Engineering, High-Power
Electric Propulsion Laboratory; [email protected]. Student Member
Graduate Research Assistant, Aerospace Engineering, High-Power
Electric Propulsion Laboratory; [email protected]. Student
Member AIAA.
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering, High-Power Electric
Propulsion Laboratory; [email protected]. Associate Fellow
Electric Propulsion Architect; [email protected]. Member
Technical Fellow, Engineering; [email protected]. Member AIAA.
**Project Engineering Specialist, Engineering; peter.peterson@rocket.
com. Senior Member AIAA.
Vol. 32, No. 6, November-December 2016
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of the HCT makes these pathways much more dynamic than a simple
resistive path. Plume measurements show an increase in plasma
potential with increased electron termination on radial walls. Their
findings indicated that electron magnetization near the cathode
orifice played a significant role in what the available electron
termination pathways are, but they were not able to measure a time-
averaged influence of the electron termination pathways on the thrust
of the HCT.
From the prior work, the exact impact of the artificial boundary
condition imposed by the facility walls on the HCT electrical circuit is
unclear. In the flight environment, the HCT plume does not typically
encounter these artificial termination sites [18]. Work done by
Frieman et al. showed that the HCT floating circuit voltage relative to
ground changed synchronously with changes in the downstream
potential of the axial chamber plate [20]. The work did not measure
plume characteristics or thrust. However, they concluded that the
plasma potential changed with the bias voltage of the downstream
plate, and the thrust generated by the HCT would not be affected. The
changing plasma potential would also affect electron current
collection at the radial walls of the vacuum chamber. The changing
plasma potential might have an impact on the discharge current
oscillations of the HCT, as work from Walker et al. [21] showed that
the discharge current oscillation frequency and full-width/half-
maximum of the discharge current oscillation frequency changed
along with changes in the electron flux to the radial chamber plate.
Time-resolved measurements of the discharge current by Walker
et al. [21] revealed that the discharge current oscillation frequency
and full-width/half-maximum depended on cathode position.
Their results also indicated that the electron Hall parameter near
the cathode orifice played an important role in determining the
frequency, peak to peak, and full-width/half maximum of the
discharge current oscillations. These changes in the discharge current
were also measured on the time-resolved current waveforms of the
chamber witness plates, and they demonstrated a strong statistical
correlation between the HCT discharge current and the chamber
plates that were independent of the magnitude of the electron Hall
parameter at the cathode orifice.
With previous cathode positioning work done by Frieman et al.
[17] and Walker et al. [21], it is difficult to separate the effect of the
cathode position and the electron termination pathways on the HCT.
The methodology of Frieman et al. [20] by electrically biasing the
downstream chamber plate presented a possible way to precisely
control the influence of the electron termination pathways on the
HCT electrical circuit. The biased downstream chamber plate had
already shown that it could influence the floating voltage of the HCT,
which was similar to the behavior seen during the SMART-1 mission.
The lack of precise knowledge of plume plasma potential prevented
direct comparison between the prior work of Frieman et al. [20]
and the results obtained from the SMART-1 mission [13]. To better
understand the influence of the electron termination pathways on
the HCT electrical circuit and its connection to the in-flight
environment, it is the goal of this investigation to better understand
the impact of electrically biasing the downstream axial plate on the
HCT performance, plume characteristics, and electron termination
II. Experimental Apparatus
A. Vacuum Facility
All experiments were performed in Vacuum T est Facility 2 (VTF-2)
at the Georgia Institute of Technologys High-Power Electric
Propulsion Laboratory. Figure 2 shows a schematic of this facility.
VTF-2 is a stainless-steel chamber measuring 9.2 m in length and 4.9 m
in diameter. VTF-2 was ev acuated to a rough vacuum using one 495
cubic feet per min ute (CFM) rotary-v ane pump and one 3800 CFM
blower. High vacuum was achieved using 10 liquid-nitroge n-cooled
CVI TM1200i reentrant cryopumps . The cryopump shroud s were fed
using the Stirling Cryogenics SPC-8 RL special closed-loop nitrogen
liquefaction system, detailed by Kieckhafe r and Walker [22]. The
facility had a combined nominal pumping speed 350;000 ls on xenon
and could achiev e a base pressure of 1.9 × 10
was monitored using two Agilent Bayard Alpert (B A) 571 hot filament
ionizationgaugescontrolledbyanAgilent XGS-600 gauge controller .
The pressure measurement uncertainty of the Agilent BA 571 was
expected to be 20%,whichwas10% of the indicated pressure [23].
One gauge was mounted to a flange on the exterior of the chamber,
whereas the other was mounted 0.6 m radially outward from the thruster
centered on the exit plane. To prevent plume ions from having a direct
line of sight to the ionization gauge filament of the interior ion gauge,
and potentially affect the pressure measurement, a gridded neutralizer
assembly identical to the one used by Walker and Gallimore [1] was
attached to the gauge orifice. The nominal operating pressure for this
work as measured by the interior and exterior ion gauges was 1.3 ×
torr and 7.3 × 10
torr, corrected for xenon, respectiv ely. As
specified by the manufacturer, the corrected pressure P
was found by
relating the indicated pressure P
and the vacuum chamber base
pressure P
to a gas-specific constant using the follo wing equation [24]:
B. T-140 Hall Current Thruster
All experiments detailed in this work were performed using the
Aerojet Rocketdyne T-140 HCT originally developed by Space
Power, Inc., in collaboration with the Keldysh Research Center and
Matra Marconi Space [25]. The T-140 HCT is a laboratory-model
HCT that has a discharge channel made of M26-grade boron nitride
with an outer channel diameter of 143 mm. The performance of
the T-140 has been extensively mapped by prior investigations [25].
The thruster body was isolated from the facility ground such that the
thruster body could be electrically configured as either floating or
grounded. The resistance to ground when the thruster body was
electrically grounded was measured to be less than 0.2Ω.
High-purity (99.9995%) xenon propellant was supplied to the
thruster and cathode using stainless-steel lines metered with MKS
Instruments 1179A mass flow controllers. The controllers were
Fig. 1 Notional diagram of discharge circuit of Hall current thruster
and electron termination pathways in a ground-testing environment.
Fig. 2 Overhead view of the vacuum chamber test facility, HCT, and
chamber plates.
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calibrated before each test by measuring gas pressure and
temperature as a function of time in a known control volume. After
calibration, the mass flow controllers had an uncertainty of
0.03 mgs (5.1% referenced at the tested flow rate) for the cathode
flow and 0.12 mgs (2% reference at the tested flow rate) for the
anode flow [26].
An Electric Propulsion Laboratory hollow cathode plasma
electron emitter 500-series cathode was located at the nine oclock
position of the HCT. The cathode flow rate was set to a constant
1.16 mgs for all HCT operating conditions. The orifice location of
the cathode was located approximately 2.5 cm downstream of the
thruster exit plane at a fixed declination of 55 deg with respect to the
thruster centerline. The nominal radial position of the cathode was
18.1 cm outward from HCT centerline. Time-resolved measurements
of the discharge current, radial chamber plate current and voltage, and
axial chamber plate current and voltage were taken at each axial bias
plate voltage.
The T-140 HCT discharge was controlled using a Magna-Power
TSA800-54 power supply. The thruster inner and outer magnet coils
were powered with TDK-Lambda GEN60-25 power supplies. A
TDK-Lambda Genesys 150 V10 A and a TDK-Lambda Genesys
40 V38 A power supply were used to power the cathode keeper and
heater, respectively. The thruster discharge supply was connected to a
discharge filter consisting of a 95 μF capacitor and 1.3Ω resistor in
order to prevent oscillations over 1.4 kHz in the discharge current
from reaching the discharge supply. Diagnostic and power
connections entered VTF-2 through separate feedthroughs to
eliminate potential crosstalk between the thruster discharge power
lines and diagnostic lines. Figure 3 shows the circuit used to operate
the T-140 HCT and current and voltage measurement points in
this work.
The discharge current oscillations, measured on the thruster side of
the discharge filter, of the T-140 HCT were recorded using a Teledyne
LeCroy CP150 current probe connected to a Teledyne LeCroy
HDO6104 oscilloscope. The uncertainty and bandwidth of the
current probe were 1% and 10 MHz; for the oscilloscope, they were
0.5% full scale and 1 GHz. In the floating thruster body
configuration, the thruster body floating voltage was measured
differentially using Teledyne LeCroy PP018 passive probes with a
bandwidth of 500 MHz and an accuracy of 0.5% connected to the
Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope. When the thruster body was
grounded, the current conducted through the thruster body to ground
was measured using a Teledyne LeCroy CP030 current probe
connected to the Teledyne LeCroy oscilloscope. The CP030 had a
bandwidth of 50 MHz and an accuracy of 1%. A filter sensitivity
analysis of the discharge current filter operating in tandem with the
discharge supply and hall thruster, as described by Spektor et al. [27],
was not performed.
The mean discharge voltage of the T-140 HCT was measured
differentially using a pair of Teledyne LeCroy PPE2KV 1001 high-
voltage probes connected to a Teledyne LeCroy HDO6104
Oscilloscope. The bandwidth of the voltage probes was 400 MHz;
the oscilloscope had an uncertainty and bandwidth of 2% and
300 MHz, respectively. This was done to ensure that the HCTelectrical
circuit remained floating relative to the ground. Figure 3 shows the
location of each telemetry measurement in the T-140 HCT circuit.
C. Thrust Stand
Thrust was measured using the null-type inverted pendulum thrust
stand of the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center design, detailed in
the work of Xu and Walker [28]. The thrust stand consisted of a pair of
parallel plates connected by a series of four flexures that supported
the top plate and permitted it to deflect in response to an applied force.
The position of the upper plate was measured using a linear voltage
differential transformer (LVDT) and was controlled using two
electromagnetic actuators. During operation, the current through
each actuator was controlled using a pair of proportional-integral-
derivative control loops that used the LVDT signal as the input and
then modulated the current through the actuators in order to remove
any vibrational noise (damper coil) and hold the upper plate
stationary (null coil). The thrust was correlated to the resulting
current through the null coil that was required to keep the upper plate
stationary. To maintain thermal equilibrium during thruster firings,
the thrust stand was actively cooled using three parallel loops: one
each through the structure, the null coil, and the outer radiation
shroud. Cooling water was supplied by a 1100 W VWR International
1173-P refrigerated recirculation chiller and did not vary by more
than 5°C as compared to the thruster-off condition [28]. The thrust
stand was calibrated by loading and offloading a set of known
weights that spanned the full range of expected thrust values. A linear
fit was then created in order to correlate the null coil current to the
force applied to the thrust stand. To minimize the thermal drift of the
zero position, the T-140 HCT was initially fired for 3 h at the 3.1 kW
nominal operating point to permit initial heating of the system to
near-thermal equilibrium [25] before the first calibration and was
then shut down every 4060 min so that a recalibration could be
performed. The thrust stand uncertainty for this work was 3mN
(1.7% full scale). All data were collected with the T-140 HCT
operating at a discharge voltage of 300 V, a discharge power of
3.16 kW, an anode xenon flow rate of 11.6 mgs, and a cathode
xenon flow rate of 1.16 mgs. The thruster discharge voltage, inner
and outer magnet currents, anode mass flow rate, and cathode mass
flow rate were held constant for all test configurations.
D. Configuration of Plates
To assess the impact of the conductive walls of the vacuum chamber
facility on HCT operation, two 0.91 m × 0.91 m × 0.16 cm-thick
square aluminum plates served as representative chamber surfaces.
Each plate was mounted adjacent to, but electrically isolated from, the
walls of the vacuum test facility. One plate was placed 4.3 m
downstream from the exit plane of the thruster, and it is referred to as
the axial chamber plate or axial plate. The other plate was located
2.3 m radially outward from the thruster centerline and centered on the
exit plane of the T-140 HCT, and it is referred to as the radial chamber
plate or radial plate. These two locations were chosen because each
location was representative of unique plasma environments: inside the
HCT beam and outside the HCT beam 95% half-angle [29]. The axial
plate was in a quasi-neutral plasma environment composed primarily
of accelerated HCT ions and electrons, and the radial plate was in a
quasi-neutral plasma environment primarily composed of charge
exchange ions and electrons. Figure 2 shows the physical location of
the plates with respect to the T-140 HCT. Identical plates have been
used in previous studies of electrical facility effects [17,20,21]. The
radial chamber plate was electrically grounded using RG-58 coaxial
cable with a grounded shield that passed through a Bayonet Neill-
Concelman feedthrough into the chamber. The resistance between the
Fig. 3 Electrical diagram of current and voltage measurements of the
HCT discharge circuit.
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radial chamber plate and the chamber walls was measured to be 1.1Ω.
Based on current measurements made by Frieman et al. [17,20], the
current capacity of the inner conductor of the RG-58 was sufficient for
radial plate current collection and would not pose any thermal issues
during thruster testing. For radial plate current measurements, ground
loops were not a concern because the current probes were active clamp
current monitors. The axial chamber plate was biased relative to the
ground using a TDK Gen 60 V and 12.5 A power supply. To avoid
thermal issues with maintaining the axial plate bias voltage, the axial
chamber plate was connected to the power supply via 6-AWG copper
wire that connected to a 150 A power vacuum feedthrough. During this
investigation, the axial plate current did not exceed 10 A for testing
conditions. The resistance between the axial chamber plate and the
The current and voltage waveforms of the axial chamber plate were
measured using a LeCroy CP030 current clamp and a PP005A 101
voltage divider connected to a Teledyne LeCroy HDO6104
oscilloscope. The radial chamber plate was connected to the chamber
ground with the current conducted to the ground measured with a
Teledyne LeCroy CP030 current sensor connected to a Teledyne
LeCroy HDO6104 oscilloscope; the plate currents and thruster
telemetry waveforms were measured simultaneously at a sampling
frequency of 125 MSs (Mega-samples per second) for a 20 ms
window to ensure that multiple fundamental discharge current mode
periods were captured.
E. Plume Diagnostics
Plume diagnostics were taken along a 1 m 0.01 m radius centered
at the thruster centerline and discharge plane. Ion current density
measurements occurred throughout a full range of 180 deg, whereas
emissive probes and Langmuir probes sweeps were taken at select
angular positions based on the ion current density profile of the HCT
plume. A schematic overvie w of the plume diagnostics relative to the
HCT is shown in Fig. 4. The probe diagnostics were mounted to a
Parker Daedel RT-series 8 in. rotary motion table. All three of the
plume diagnostics (a Langmuir probe, a Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(JPL) nude-style Faraday probe, and an emissive probe) were attached
in an array on a radial probe arm. The arms of the array were angled
such that the probe-to-probe centerline linear distance was at 0.17
0.01 m apart and remained at a 1 m radial distance throughout the
probe arm sweep. Figure 4 shows the relative position of the
diagnostics arm, and Figs. 5 and 6 show a photograph and notional
diagram, respectively, of the probe arrangement on the diagnostics arm.
1. Emissive Probe
The probe tip used for this work was constructed from a loop of
0.13 mm thoriated-tungsten wire housed in a 4.8 mm double-bore
alumina tube. Emissive probe sweeps were performed at select
thruster-to-centerline angles at a radius of 1 m from the thruster
centerline and discharge exit plane. The inflection point method was
used for data collection. In this method, the probe was heated and then
the emission current was monitored as the probe bias voltagewasswept
in a manner similar to that used with Langmuir probes. The changing
characteristic of the emission current trace as a function of applied bias
voltage was then used to determine the plasma potential [30]. During
each measurement, the heating current to the emissive probe fila-
ment was held at five different heating current values to change the
electron emission of the probes. These heating current values varied
throughout the probe lifetime but were within a range between 1.2 and
1.8 A. One bias voltage sweep was taken per emissive probe filament
heating current. During each bias voltage sweep, the probe voltage was
varied over a range of 0 to 100 Vin 1 Vincrements, with a 300 ms dwell
time. The inflection point was then found in each of the Current-
Voltage (I-V) traces for each of the different heating current levels, and
the plasma potential was found by linearly extrapolating these values to
zero emission [30]. The uncertainty associated with this method was
approximately 0.5 V [30]. The heating current was controlled using
a Xantrex XPD 60-9 power supply. The probe bias was controlled by a
Keithley 2410 1100 V source meter, and the emission current was
measured using a Keithley 6487 picoammeter. The source meter and
picoammeter were simultaneously controlled using a LabView virtual
instrument to ensure synchronous recording of the probe bias voltage
and emitted current.
2. Langmuir Probe
The ion and electron number densities were measured using a
cylindrical Langmuir probe. Langmuir probe sweeps were performed
at select thruster-to-centerline angles at a radius of 1 m from the
thruster centerline and discharge exit plane. The probe used in this
work was constructed using a 0.13-mm-diam, 18.3-mm-long tungsten
tip housed inside an alumina tube. The probe was bent at a right angle,
such the probe tip was not pointed at the HCT and was pointed 90 deg
out of the plane of the probe arm sweep. The bend in the probe was
done to minimize the effect of the probe tip on the I-V trace of the
Fig. 4 Overhead view of the vacuum chamber test facility, HCT, and
plume diagnostics.
Fig. 5 Probe arm with plume diagnostics attached Langmuir probe (A), Faraday probe (B), and emissive probe (C).
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Langmuir probe. A Keithley 2410 1100 V source meter was used to
control the probe tip bias and measure the collected current. During
each current-voltage sweep, the tip voltage was varied over a range of
50 to 100 V in 0.2 V increments, with a 300 ms dwell time. For low
axial plate bias voltage, ion saturation occurred near 12 V; and at higher
axial plate bias voltage, ion saturation occurred near the potential of the
downstream axial chamber plate. Two sweeps were taken per measure-
ment and were averaged together before processing. The results were
interpreted using an orbital-motion-limited theory, with an expected
uncertainty in ion and electron density measurements of
40% [31,32].
3. Faraday Probe
The ion current density was measured using a nude-type JPL Faraday
probe [33]. Faraday probe measurements occurred continuously along a
180 deg, 1m 0.01 m arc. Angular resolution during the sweep was
limited by the multiplexor hardware-required settling time given a
measurement voltage range. Angular resolution ranged from 0.34 deg in
the wings of the plume to 0.2 deg in the center of the HCT plume. The
diameter of the collector was 2.31 cm. The probe had a guard-ring
diameter of 2.54 cm with a 0.036 cm gap between the collector and the
guard ring. The guard ring and collector were biased to 30 V belo w
ground for all axial plate bias voltages. T o measure the current flowing to
the collector , the voltage drop across a 100Ω 12% precision resistor
was measu red using an Agilent 34980A Mainframe with an Agilent
34922 A armature multiplexor . Rotary table encoder information and
voltage drop measurements were taken using a LabView virtual instru-
ment to ensure the synchronous recording of the angular position and
voltage drop across the shunt resistor. Data reduction and correc tion
factors used to calculate the ion current density from the Faraday probe
data were performed according to the work of Bro wn [34] and Brown
and Gallimore [35].
III. Results
This section introduces the overall trends of each of the diagnostics
before discussing the impact on biasing of the axial plate on the
electrical facility effects. The following section covers the impact of
the axial chamber plate on the HCT cathode-to-ground voltage (HCT
circuit floating potential), the HCT plume, and the radial plate current
A. Axial Chamber Plate Behavior
As shown in Fig. 7, the axial chamber plate current collection
behavior exhibited three distinct regions. Because the plate was
biased with a positive voltage relative to the ground, the current
collected on bias plate transitioned from a net flux of ions to a net flux
of electrons. With the axial chamber plate bias at 0 V, the beam ions
generated by the HCT composed the majority of the net charge flux to
the plate. As the bias voltage increased, more electrons were gathered
to the axial chamber plate. Between 0 and 5 V, sufficient electrons
were collected by the plate such that there was no net charge flux to
the plate. This voltage was also known as the floating voltage of the
axial plate and was not precisely measured during this study. Based
on the measurements of Frieman et al. [17], the floating voltage of the
axial plate was expected to be approximately 4 V. At the axial
chamber plate bias beyond the floating voltage, there was a net
electron current collection reaching the axial chamber plate. This
increase in electron current continued monotonically until the net
electron current collection approached the beam current of the HCT.
Based on the acceleration voltage and the thrust measured by Frieman
et al. [17], the beam current of the HCT can be estimated as follows
where I
is the beam current, T
is the thrust produced by the HCT,
M is the mass of a xenon atom, and V
is the acceleration potential.
Fig. 6 Overhead view of notional layout of the radial diagnostics probe arm.
Fig. 7 Axial chamber plate current collected as a function of axial plate
bias voltage. Error bars are encompassed by plot markers.
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Using this model, the beam current is estimated to be near 7 A. This
relationship neglects the presence of multiply charged ions and does
not take into account the beam divergence. Based on E × B measure-
ments by Ekholm and Hargus [36] running a BHT200 HCT at
250 V, a lower range to the beam current estimate can be made, and it
is expected that the T-140 HCT operated at 300 V will have a doubly
charged xenon population that is approximately 12% of the total ion
population. This reduces the estimated beam current to be on the
order of 6 A. A better estimate of the beam current is not possible
using the Faraday probe because testing occurs at one operating
background pressure. Without current density profile measurements
at multiple background pressures, it is not possible to extrapolate the
vacuum current density profile, thus making the beam current
measurement via an integrated current profile artificially inflated.
For an axial plate bias greater than 20 V, the slope of the electron
current collection vs axial plate bias voltage decreases by approxi-
mately 85%. Data collection above the axial chamber plate bias of
50 V above ground is not possible due to arcing events on grounded
surfaces within the vacuum chamber. After raising the potential of the
axial chamber plate past the floating voltage of the chamber plate, the
axial chamber plate begins collecting a net flux of beam electrons
from the surrounding plasma. As the plasma sheath begins to expand
to collect more electrons, the plasma potential begins to increase.
Once the axial chamber plate begins to collect a net electron current
equal to the expected beam current, the electron current collection as
a function of the axial bias plate voltage above ground begins to level
off, forming a knee in the curve.
The floating thruster body and the grounded thruster body
configurations have similar overall current collection behaviors. At
thruster body biases between 0 and 15 V, however, the floating
thruster body configuration has an axial chamber plate current
collection 49% and 15% smaller current than comparable grounded
thruster body configurations. At greater than 15 V of the axial plate
bias voltage above ground, the floating thruster body configuration
has an axial chamber plate current collection 12% greater than
comparable grounded thruster body configurations. The reason for
the discrepancy between the thruster body configurations is not
yet clear.
B. Radial Plate Facility Interaction
As seen in prior work, the grounded radial chamber plate collects a
net flux of electron current [17]. As the bias voltage of the
downstream axial chamber plate increases, the electron current
collected on the radial plate decreases. Figure 8 shows the radial
chamber plate current collection as a function of axial chamber plate
bias voltage. The negative current collected corresponds to the net
electron current, and the positive current collected indicates the net
ion current.
Between 10 and 15 Vof the axial chamber plate bias potential, the
current collection on the radial chamber plate transitions from a net
flux of electron current to a net flux of ion current. At axial bias
chamber plate biases greater than 15 V, the plasma potential near the
radial chamber plate rises sufficiently relative to the chamber walls
that the potential difference between the plasma and the grounded
radial chamber plate repels electrons. The current collection behavior
of the radial chamber plate as shown in Fig. 9 indicates that, for axial
bias plate voltages greater than 25 V, electrons are driven away from
the radial chamber plate, and the radial chamber only collects a net
ion current.
C. Influence of the Axial Chamber Plate Bias on the HCT
The effect of the downstream bias voltage of the axial chamber
plate on the HCT was measured in two ways: thrust and characteris-
tics of the HCT electrical circuit. Measurements of the thrust showed
no statistically significant change in the thrust production of the HCT
circuit. Based on the conclusions drawn by Frieman et al. [20], this
was expected. In Fig. 10, the cathode-to-ground voltage and center-
line plasma potential measurements as a function of axial plate bias
voltage above ground are shown. As the axial plate bias voltage
increased, the cathode-to-ground voltage began to move syn-
chronously with the plasma potential. The cathode-to-ground voltage
relative to ground changed sign between 20 and 25 V of the axial
chamber plate bias. This axial plate bias voltage range corresponded
to the collected electron current on the axial chamber plate above
the HCTestimated beam current. From the axial chamber plate bias of
5 to 50 V, the difference between the centerline plasma potential and
the cathode-to-ground voltage remained a constant 32 V 2V.
Because the difference between the cathode-to-ground voltage and
the plasma potential remained nearly constant, there was no expected
measurable change in thrust of the HCT with the axial chamber plate
bias voltage. This was confirmed with direct thrust measurements.
Thrust stand measurements showed that the time-averaged thrust
of the HCT remained 177 mN 3mN for all axial bias plate
D. Plume Plasma Properties
Figure 11 shows the HCT plume profile. The HCT beam and
exponential decline region of the current density profile show little to
no dependence on the axial chamber bias plate bias. At angular
positions greater than 50 deg off the thruster centerline, elevated
current densities at a high (greater than 20 V) axial plate bias relative
to the ground are measured. In this region, colloquially referred to as
Fig. 8 Radial chamber plate current collection as a function of axial
chamber plate bias voltage relative to ground. Error bars are
encompassed by plot markers.
Fig. 9 Plasma potential measured at 25.4 cm radial distance away from
the radial plate. Measurement is centered on radial plate centerline.
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the wings, the ions present are primarily composed of charge
exchange ions [29,34]. This region is highlighted in Fig. 11. The
current density profiles of the grounded thruster body and floating
thruster body show no significant differences, and so Faraday probe
sweeps for the floating thruster body are not shown.
At least two Langmuir probe and emissive probe measurements
were sweeps taken in each ion current density profile region: thruster
centerline, exponential decline, and the wings. Assuming the plasma
properties to be axisymmetric, Langmuir and emissive probe
measurements were taken throughout an arc of 90 deg relative to the
thruster centerline. As shown in Fig. 12, the plasma potential
measurements showed a global increase in potential with respect to
axial plate bias voltage. The plasma density profile showed no change
outside the uncertainty of the measurement with respect to the axial
plate bias voltage, as shown in Fig. 13. For both the plasma potential
and ion number density, the floating thruster body configuration HCT
plume profile did not a show a measureable difference as compared to
the grounded thruster body, and is not presented.
IV. Discussion
With the information presented in the Results section (Sec. III), it is
important to begin to understand how the axial plate is able to drive
global changes in the HCT testing environment. The discussion
begins with examining the measured influence of the axial chamber
plate bias voltage on the plasma potential and whether this impact
agrees with first-order plume models. Once the impact of the axial
plate bias is established, the discussion then proceeds to address the
impact of the axial chamber plate on the behavior of the electron
termination pathways. The discussion concludes with how the
observed thruster behavior is reflective of measurements taken
onorbit with the PPS-1350 HCT on the SMART-1 mission.
A. Plasma Potential and Plate Current
To better understand the interaction between the axial plate and the
HCTelectrical circuit, it is first important to understand the interaction
between the axial plate and the thruster plume environment. Between
Fig. 10 Cathode-to-ground voltage and centerline plasma potential as a function of axial plate bias. Error bars for cathode-to-ground voltage are
encompassed by plot markers (GND, electrically grounded; 2GND, -to ground; FLT, electrically floating).
Fig. 11 Grounded thruster body HCT ion current density profile at differing axial plate bias voltages: a) full plume profile, and b) enlarged section of the
plume profile.
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the axial plate and the plume environment, a plasma sheath mediates
the current collection. It is then critical to understand how this sheath
responds to changes in the axial plate bias voltage.
Examining the data presented in Fig. 7, the current collected by the
axial plate rises with bias voltage until it reaches the thruster beam
current that occurs at 20 V abov e ground. At this potential, the plate
collects an electron current equiv alent to the neutralization current
supplied by the cathode. Above 20 V, increases in the axial plate bias
voltage result in an equal increase of the plasma potential and the floating
potential of the thruster anode and cathode (Fig. 10). At these voltages, it
is possible to increase the cathode potential above ground. The collected
current increases slowly, as all the cathode neutralization electrons are
already being collected and additional electrons must be sourced from
grounded chamber surfaces. The physical connection between the two
phenomena (knee in current collection and start of plasma potential rise)
is the plasma charge balance. If the plate is biased positive, the plasma
will electrostatically respond and the plasma potential will adjust to
equalize charge loss rates and keep the plasma electrically neutral.
To illustrate the effect of the plasma charge balance and to
determine if there are other sources for the additional electron current
collected on the axial plate outside of the HCT beam, we model the
current collection by the plate and chamber boundary to compare to
the experiment. To know the current collection, we need the local
plasma parameters at the boundary. To this end, we apply the self-
similar plume model of Korsun and Tverdokhlebova [37] as reported
by Azziz [38]. This model neglects collisional effects in the chamber,
and it assumes a two-component plasma, and adiabatic expansion of
the HCT plume. The model gives the following relations to calculate
the ion flux j
, electron density n
, electron temperature T
, and
plasma potential ϕ at any location in the plume:
θ1 tan
1γ 2
Fig. 12 Plasma potential profile as a function of axial plate bias voltage for the grounded thruster body.
Fig. 13 Ion number density profile as a function of axial plate bias voltage.
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1 tan
ϕ ϕ
γ 1
In Eqs. (38), R and θ are polar coordinates with the origin at the
center of the thruster exit plane, θ
is the thruster beam divergence, γ
is the plasma polytropic index that we set to 1.3, and subscript c refers
to the centerline or reference value. We assume that the model form of
the plasma potential is always true, no matter the bias voltage of the
axial plate, and thus the plasma potential in the chamber has a fixed
spatial distribution. This can be considered true to the first order
because the expanding plume structure described by the model is set
up by the operation of the thruster, and the measured plasma potential
profile (Fig. 12) has approximately the same plasma potential spatial
distribution relative to other positions.
The chamber wall and axial plate are paneled as a series of rings of
0.1 m width. At each boundary panel, the ion flux, electron density,
electron temperature, and plasma potential are calculated from
Eqs. (38). We then calculate the ion current to the panel from the ion
flux assuming singly charged ions [Eq. (9)] and the electron current to
the panel [Eq. (10)]:
eA (9)
< ϕ
We then solve numerically for the value of plasma potential that
equalizes the total ion and electron currents lost from the plasma to all
panels. Figure 14 shows the result for the plasma potential 1 m from
the thruster compared to the experimental data. Figure 15 shows the
collected current on the axial plate compared to the experimen-
tal data.
Figure 14 shows that the plasma potential behavior in the model
agrees well with experimental data and shows a 34 Voffset between
the model and the experimental data. The remaining offset between the
model and the experiment may result from collisional effects changing
the plasma scaling in the far-field region, where the chargeexchange
background plasma becomes significant with respect to the expanding-
plume plasma. It may also be due to the simplified assumed geometry,
which neglects ion and electron fluxes to detailed chamber features
such as the central I beam and personnel support grating. Figure 15
shows that the collected current agrees qualitatively, but all of the
cathode electrons are theoretically collected at a much lower bias
voltage than is observed experimentally. This is most likely because the
model does not take into account collisional effects and the charge
exchange background plasma. In the model, the plasma density is very
low at chamber wall surfaces thatare not directly impinged by the beam
where, in reality, the plasma is denser at the walls due to charge
exchange collisions and the associated diffusion of the plasma. This in
turn means that the plate does not collect all the electrons until a higher
bias voltage.
It is important to note that secondary electron emission effects on
the aluminum chamber plate collected current are neglected in the
model for the following reasons: Electron energy distribution
measurements of the secondary electron emission (SEE) of
aluminum (from Baglin et al. [39], Pillon et al. [40], and Yamauchi
and Shimizu [41]) show that the energy distribution of secondary
electrons is to the first-order invariant of incoming energy of electrons
or ions, and the maximum energy of these electrons is on the order of
15 eV with a most probable energy on the order of 34 eV. This means
that electrons produced via SEE from the aluminum plate do not have
enough energy to overcome the potential difference between the
biased axial chamber plate and the surrounding plasma, and they are
recollected by the axial chamber plate. The overall first-order net
effect is that electrons produced by the SEE from the aluminum
chamber plate do not influence the current collection measured. The
collected current in the model does not increase above the cathode
electron current because additional electrons gained from other
chamber sources are not included in the model. At the axial chamber
plate biases greater than 20 V, there is an experimentally measured
current collection that is well outside what is known to be generated
by the HCT beam; therefore, it is concluded that an electrical circuit is
formed between the axial chamber plate and the grounded vacuum
chamber surfaces through the plasma.
B. Electrical Facility Interaction
The bias voltage of the axial chamber plate is able to control the
electron termination pathways of the HCT plume. When the axial
plate is grounded, electrons sourced from the cathode are driven
Fig. 14 Plasma potential as a function of axial plate bias voltage: model
versus experiment.
Fig. 15 Axial plate current collected as a function of applied bias
voltage: model versus experiment.
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electrostatically into the plume and are collected onto grounded
chamber surfaces. This includes the electron current collected onto a
grounded thruster body. As the axial chamber plate electron current
collection surpasses the available beam current of the HCT, the
cathode potential (relative to ground) floats above ground due to the
increase in the global plasma potential, as shown in Figs. 10, 12, and
14. Due to the adverse potential gradient between the grounded
chamber walls and the cathode-to-ground voltage, electron
termination on grounded chamber surfaces diminishes. Figure 16
shows that the decrease in collected electron current on grounded
surfaces is also seen in the collected electron current on the grounded
thruster body. The floating potential of the electrically floating
thruster body also begins to shift positive to attract additional electron
flux to maintain a zero net current condition.
At axial plate bias voltages above 20 V, 100% of the HCT beam
current is collected on the axial chamber plate, but electron current
collection continues to increase with increases in axial chamber plate
bias voltage. As demonstrated by the first-order analysis of the
current collection on the axial plate (shown in Fig. 15), grounded
chamber surfaces are possible sources for these electrons due to field
emission or secondary electron emission from chamber surfaces to
the plume plasma, because increasing the axial chamber plate bias
voltage increases the potential gradient between the plasma and the
grounded chamber. As the potential gradient between the chamber
wall and the plasma increases, at bias voltages above 40 V, arcing
events are witnessed on grounded chamber surfaces. These arcing
events indicate a momentary discharge between grounded surfaces
and the ambient plasma. At axial plate bias voltages greater than 40 V,
the potential gradient between the plasma potential and grounded
chamber surfaces drives all electrons away from grounded surfaces.
This potential difference removes the vacuum chamber as an effective
electron termination pathway and allows grounded chamber surfaces
to become a source of electrons. Figure 17 is a graphical
representation of the electron termination pathways for the
aforementioned three axial chamber plate bias voltages.
C. Impact of the Axial Chamber Plate Electrical Power
As seen from radial chamber plate current measurements (Fig. 8)
and plasma potential measurements near the radial plate (Fig. 9),
electrons are driven away from grounded surfaces due to the
increased potential difference between the facility walls. The
decrease in electron current to grounded surfaces is more indicative of
a spacelike environment [18,42]. According to Korsun et al. [18],
testing in a ground-facility environment produces a secondary
plasma that interacts with the facility walls, and currents leak out of
the HCT plume into this secondary plasma. These currents represent
a loss of energy from the HCT plume into the vacuum chamber walls.
With the axial chamber plate, the forced collection of electrons
provides additional energy into the plume. By multiplying the current
and the voltage of the axial chamber plate, the power being
introduced by the axial chamber plate is calculated and shown in
Fig. 18. Based on the data presented in this investigation, it is within
Fig. 16 Thruster body current to ground and thruster body floating
voltage as a function of axial plate bias.
Fig. 17 Notional diagram of electron pathways: a) no axial plate bias voltage or nominal condition, b) low axial plate bias voltage, and c) high axial plate
bias voltage.
Fig. 18 Power sourced by the axial chamber plate for both thruster
electrical configurations.
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reason to conclude that the power introduced by the axial chamber
plate, in manipulation of the electron termination pathways, helps
offset the energy normally loss to conductive grounded surfaces. The
compensation of power loss to the conductive walls of the vacuum
chamber helps make the HCT plume more representative of the
onorbit environment.
D. Enhanced Current Density in the Offaxis Plume
As shown in Fig. 11, the offaxis region of the plume has a current
density that is influenced by the axial chamber plate bias voltage. As
stated earlier, the Faraday probe has a fixed electron repulsion voltage
throughout the testing; therefore, it is not immediately clear if the
measured increase in the current density profile is due to changes in
the plume or as a result of the Faraday probe fixed electron repulsion
voltage. Without further modeling, the increase in current collected
on the Faraday probe due to the increase in the potential gradient
between the probe and the plasma cannot be estimated. In Fig. 19,
data are presented that offer an alternative means of assessing the
validity of the measured current density in the offaxis region of the
plume. Faraday probe sweeps are taken at four different cathode
radial locations relative to thruster centerline: 18.1 (nominal
position), 21.9, 27.0, and 43.4 cm. At the cathode nominal position
and an axial chamber plate bias of 50 V, the current density is
approximately 25% higher as compared to values measured for the
grounded axial chamber plate condition. At other cathode positions,
the increase in current density is on the order of 4550% relative to
current densities measured for the grounded axial chamber plate
conditions. This variation of behavior in the current density measured
is enough to suggest that the increase in current density measured for
high axial chamber plate voltages is due in part to actual changes in
the HCT plume.
E. Comparison to the Small Missions for Advanced Research in
Technology-1 Mission
From the perspective of the HCT electrical circuit, the bias voltage
of the axial chamber plate acts to enforce a pseudo-far-field plasma
potential boundary condition. The axial plate is able to drive the
plasma potential by mediating the electron-ion loss rate to the facility
walls. The resulting increase in plasma potential and cathode-to-
ground potential is similar to behavior observed during the SMART-1
mission [12,13]. The plasma potential, during the SMART-1 mission,
was measured using the electric propulsion diagnostic package
(EPDP) and placed downstream from the thruster exit plane and in a
low ion-energy region of the PPS-1350 plume [43]. The measured
difference between the cathode-to-ground voltage and the plasma
potential remained approximately 19 V [13] throughout the mission.
Fig. 19 Current density profiles in the offaxis region of the HCT plume for varying cathode positions relative to thruster centerline: a) 18.1 cm, b) 21.9 cm,
c) 27.0 cm, and d) 43.4 cm.
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As shown in Fig. 10, there is a similar fixed voltage difference
between the HCT floating voltage and the centerline plasma
potential. The influence on the axial chamber plate on the HCT
floating circuit voltage and plasma potential is only evident once the
axial chamber plate is able to collect a net electron current. Due to the
high mobility of the electrons versus xenon ions, this occurs at a low
(greater than 5 V) voltage above ground. Once the axial plate bias
voltage is able to established net electron current collection, the axial
chamber plate begins to induce global changes in the HCT plume and
HCT electrical circuit. Overall, the potential difference behavior
between the plasma potential and the cathode-to-ground potential for
the T-140 HCT tested is similar to the behavior experienced by the
PPS-1350 in-flight operation.
A closer examination of the data collected in this experiment
reveals that the difference between the plasma potential and the
cathode-to-ground voltage has a small dependence on the axial
chamber plate bias. The difference between the plasma potential at an
angular position of 45 deg relative to thruster centerline and
cathode-to-ground potential is shown in Fig. 20. Given the placement
of the EPDP, this angular position is in a similar region of the HCT
beam. At lower axial chamber plate biases (0 15 V), where the beam
current is not fully collected by the plate, there is an increase in this
voltage difference by approximately 12 V as compared to the
nominal case. At higher axial chamber plate biases (2050 V), the
difference between the cathode-to-ground voltage and the plasma
potential increases by approximately 24 V relative to the nominal
condition. This voltage difference behavior is consistent with trends
observed at other angular positions. The increase in the potential
difference will result in a change in thrust of the T-140 that will be
smaller than the resolution of the calibration of the thrust stand used
in this investigation and is consistent with expectations based on the
work of Frieman et al. [20]. Though the change in thrust is not
measurable with the thrust stand used in this investigation, the change
in the potential difference between the cathode and the ambient
plasma potential is indicative of a change in the efficiency of the HCT
electrical circuit in extracting electrons from the cathode [29]. In
connection to the in-flight environment, the HCT plasma potential is
heavily influenced by the interaction with any charged surfaces, such
as the unshielded low-voltage solar panel contacts as seen in the
SMART-1 mission [12,13]. As seen in this investigation, a variation
in the plasma potential boundary condition relative to the HCT will
result in changes to cathode coupling efficiency.
V. Conclusions
This investigation reveals the impact of biasing a downstream
electrode on a Hall current thruster (HCT) in a vacuum chamber
environment. The bias of a downstream electrode is able to induce
global changes to the HCT plume and impacts the electron
termination pathways. At an axial chamber plate electron current
collection below the HCT beam current, the resultant change in HCT
behavior is consistent with observed in-flight behavior. The axial
chamber plate is able to drive global changes in the plasma potential
that affect the floating voltage of the HCT circuit and the available
electron termination pathways. As shown through first-order
analysis, there is electron current collected on the axial chamber plate
that is not sourced from the HCT, but it is relatively small compared to
the incident beam current. At an axial chamber plate electron current
collection well beyond above the HCT beam current, grounded
chamber surfaces become a source for electrons due to the
electrostatic potential gradient between the grounded facility walls
and the local plasma potential. Such a source of electrons is not
representative of the space environment and augments the
electrostatic acceleration potential by a few volts. The overall results
of this work show that, by biasing an electrode in the downstream
plume of the HCTabove the chamber ground, the net electron current
collection on the grounded chamber surfaces and thruster surfaces
can be eliminated and global changes in the plasma potential can have
an effect on cathode coupling efficiencies.
Jonathan Walker is supported by National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellowships under grant no. DGE-1148903. The
authors would like to thank Natalie Schloeder and Aaron Schinder for
their assistance in the collection of data for and in preparation of this
paper. Jonathan Walker, Samuel Langendorf, and Mitchell Walker
would like to acknowledge the Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Company for support of this investigation.
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J. Blandino
Associate Editor
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