Our Supplier Code of Conduct Reformation
LYMI, Inc. dba Refo rmation (hereinafter “Reformation”) is
committed to conducting business in an ethical and legal
manner that protects the environment. As a Participating
Company of the Fair Labor Association (FLA), our Code of
Conduct references th e FLA Workplace Code of Conduct
which is based on International Labor Organization (ILO)
standards and internationally accepted good labor practices.
All of our suppliers are expected to adhere to our Workplace
Code of Conduct. Requirements in our Code of Conduct apply
to the entire supply chain, including sub-suppliers and
subcontractors. Standards comprised in our Code of Conduct
equally apply to permanent, temporary, and agency workers,
as well as piece-rate, salaried, hourly, part-time, night
workers, homeworkers, young workers and migrant workers.
EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP: Employers shall adopt and
adhere to rules and conditions of employment that respect
workers and, at a minimum, safeguard their rights under
national and international labor and social security laws and
NONDISCRIMINATION: No person shall be subject to any
discrimination in employment, including hiring,
compensation, advancement, discipline, termination or
retirement, on the basis of gender, race, religion, age,
disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion,
social group or ethnic origin.
HARASSMENT OR ABUSE: Every employee shall be treated
with respect and dignity. No employee shall be subject to any
physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.
FORCED LABOR: There shall be no use of forced labor,
including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor or
other forms of forced labor.
CHILD LABOR: No person shall be employed under the age of
15 or under the age for completion of compulsory education,
whichever is higher.
Employers shall recognize and respect the right of employees
to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
provide a safe and healthy workplace setting to prevent
accidents and injury to health arising out of, linked with, or
occurring in the course of work or as a result of the operation
of employers’ facilities. Employers shall adopt responsible
measures to mitigate negative impacts that the workplace has
on the environment.
HOURS OF WORK: Employers shall not require workers to
work more than the regular and overtime hours allowed by
the law of the country where the workers are employed. The
regular work week shall not exceed 48 hours. Employers shall
allow workers at least 24 consecutive hours of rest in every
seven-day period. All overtime work shall be consensual.
Employers shall not request overtime on a regular basis and
shall compensate all overtime work at a premium rate. Other
than in exceptional circumstances, the sum of regular and
overtime hours in a week shall not exceed 60 hours.
COMPENSATION: Every worker has a right to compensation
for a regular work week that is sufficient to meet the workers
basic needs and provide some discretionary income.
Employers shall pay at least the minimum wage or the
appropriate prevailing wage, whichever is higher, comply with
all legal requirements on wages, and provide any benefits
required by law or contract. Where compensation does not
meet workers’ basic needs and provide some discretionary
income, each employer shall work with the FLA to take
appropriate actions that seek to progressively realize a level
of compensation that does.
Implementation of our Code of Conduct
Reformation requires our suppliers to communicate our Code
of Conduct to all employees, including full-time, part-time,
permanent, and temporary employees.
Suppliers are required to:
Post our Code of Conduct, labor standards, and grievance
procedures in a conspicuous place, frequented by all
employees, in the local language(s) spoken and understood by
employees, supervisors and managers. Various translations of
the Code of Conduct can be found here .
Conduct annual, documented training efforts to educate
current and new employees about labor standards and
grievance mechanisms.
Contact us
Reformation would like to know If any of our suppliers are
violating any of these codes. Please email us at
COC@thereformation.us in your local language. All
information we receive will be kept in strict confidence and
your identity protected.
Code of Conduct Compliance Benchmarks
WORKPLACE CODE PROVISION: Employers shall adopt and adhere to rules and conditions of employment that respect workers and, at a
minimum, safeguard their rights under national and international labor and social security laws and regulations.
ER.1 Employment Management Systems / Human Resources
ER.1.1 Employers shall have in place written policies and practices
and maintain proper and accurate records governing all aspects of
employment from recruitment, hiring and probation, including
written terms and conditions of employment, job descriptions,
administration of compensation, and working hours for all positions,
through to retrenchment and termination processes.
ER.1.2 Employers shall assign responsibility for the administration of
human resources to a clearly defined and adequately qualified staff
member or staff members and ensure workers at all levels receive
communication and training about existing policies and procedures
or any revisions.
ER.1.3 Employers should implement an annual review process with
input from workers of all policies, procedures and their
implementation to ensure they meet legal requirements and the FLA
Workplace Code.
ER.2 Employment Management Systems / Special Categories of
Employers shall ensure that all legally mandated requirements for
the protection or management of special categories of workers,
including migrant, juvenile, contract/contingent/temporary,
probationary workers, home workers, and pregnant or disabled
workers, are implemented. Where local laws and FLA standards
differ, the employer is expected to follow the highest applicable
ER.3 Employment Management Systems / New Employee
ER.3.1 Employers shall provide an orientation to new employees at
the time of hiring, which includes explanations of the employers’
rules, compensation package and policies for human resources,
grievance systems, industrial relations, including respect of the right
to freedom of association, workers’ rights and responsibilities, FLA
Code of Conduct, health and safety, and environmental protection.
ER.3.2 Training should be updated on a regular basis, and in
particular, when any policies and procedures are revised.
ER.3.3 Workers should be provided with written documentation that
substantiates all the issues covered in orientation briefings.
ER.4 Employment Management Systems / Communication
Employers shall inform workers about workplace rules,
environmental protection systems, health and safety information,
and laws regarding workers’ rights with respect to freedom of
association, compensation, working hours, and any other legally
required information, and the FLA Code through appropriate means,
including posted in local language(s) throughout the workplace’s
common areas.
ER.5 Employment Management Systems / Supervisor Training
ER.5.1 Employers shall ensure that all supervisors are trained in
national laws, workplace regulations, and the FLA Code, workplace
grievance systems, and the appropriate practices to ensure
ER.5.2 Employers shall inform supervisors that they should not use
any form of harassment or abuse to maintain labor discipline.
ER.5.3 Trainings should be updated on a regular basis.
ER.6 Employment Management Systems / Skills Development
ER.6.1 Employers shall have written policies and procedures and
implement practices that encourage ongoing training of all
categories of workers with the goal of raising or broadening skills in
order to advance in their careers within the workplace or beyond.
ER.6.2 The policies and procedures should include how workers will
be informed of training opportunities, eligibility requirements for
participation, if the training will be compulsory or voluntary, if it will
take place during or after working hours, and if the training time will
be compensated.
ER.7 Employment Management Systems /Performance Reviews
ER.7.1 Employers shall have written policies and procedures with
regard to performance reviews that outline the review steps and
process, demonstrate linkages to job grading, prohibit
discrimination, are provided in writing and seek feedback and
agreement/disagreement from employees in writing, and that follow
all local legal requirements.
ER.7.2 The performance review process should be communicated to
the workforce and reviewed regularly.
ER.8 Employment Management Systems/Promotion, Demotion
and Job Reassignment
Employers shall have written policies and procedures with regard to
promotion, demotion, and job reassignment that outline the criteria,
demonstrate linkages to job grading, and prohibit discrimination or
use of demotion or job reassignment as a form of penalty or
punishment, are provided in writing and seek feedback from
employees in writing, and follow all local legal requirements
ER.9 Recruitment and Hiring / Contract, Contingent or Temporary
ER.9.1 Employers shall hire contract/contingent/temporary workers
only if such hiring is consistent with the national law of the country
of production.
ER.9.2 Employers shall have in place written policies and procedures
regulating the recruitment and hiring of contract/ contingent/
temporary workers.
ER.9.3 Contract/contingent/temporary workers shall only be hired if
one of the following conditions is met:
ER.9.3.1 the permanent workforce of the enterprise is not sufficient
to meet unexpected or unusually large volume of orders;
ER.9.3.2 exceptional circumstances * may result in great financial loss
to the supplier if delivery of goods cannot be met on time;
ER.9.3.3 work that needs to be done and is outside the professional
expertise of the permanent workforce.
ER.10 Recruitment and Hiring / Invalid Use of Contract, Contingent
or Temporary Workers
ER.10.1 Employers shall not hire contract/ contingent/ temporary
workers as a means to support continuing business needs on a
long-term basis.
ER.10.2 Employers shall not renew contracts for multiple successive
short terms in lieu of providing regular employment.
ER.11 Recruitment and Hiring / Terms for Contract, Contingent,
Migrant or Temporary Workers
Employers must ensure the following minimum terms and conditions
are met in the employment of contract/ contingent/ migrant
/temporary workers:
R.11.1 The enterprise must define the job functions or tasks that
contract/contingent/migrant/temporary workers are hired to
perform and maintains information on the use of contract/
contingent/ migrant/ temporary workers in relation to production
ER.11.2 Contract/contingent/migrant/temporary workers shall be
provided an employment agreement in their native language setting
out the employment terms and conditions. For migrant workers, a
copy of their employment contract in their native language shall be
provided prior to departure from their country of origin;
ER.11.3 Workplace rules and regulations apply to
contract/contingent/migrant/temporary workers the same as for
permanent workers;
ER.11.4 National laws governing contract/ contingent/ migrant/
temporary workers shall be observed.
ER.11.1.5 Personnel files and all relevant employment information
for contract/ contingent/ migrant/ temporary workers shall be
maintained and accessible at the workplace site at all times;
ER.11.1.6 Contract/ contingent/ migrant/ temporary workers who
are hired on more than one occasion for seasonal production and
specialization shall sign a separate contract for each new hire event.
The workplace must retain all relevant information in each workers
personnel file; and
ER.11.1.7 Contract/ contingent/ migrant/ temporary workers shall be
given priority when the enterprise is seeking ‘new permanent
ER.12 Recruitment and Hiring / Transition to Permanent Employee
For any contract/contingent/temporary worker who becomes a
permanent employee, seniority and other benefits eligibility must be
dated from the first date as a contract/contingent/temporary worker
and not from the first day of permanent employment.
ER.13 Recruitment and Hiring / Apprenticeships and Vocational
ER.13.1 Employers shall comply with all regulations and
requirements of apprentice or vocational education programs, and
shall be able to document to monitors that these are legally
recognized programs. Informal arrangements of any kind are not
ER.13.2 Apprentice and vocational training programs shall be
reserved exclusively for workers who lack necessary training or
experience and therefore cannot yet be hired as regular workers.
ER.13.3 Apprentice and vocational training programs shall be subject
to workplace conditions as set by the FLA Workplace Code and
national laws and regulations.
ER.14 Recruitment and Hiring / Employers Agreement with
Employment Agencies
ER.14.1 Employers shall use standard contract language with
employment agencies or intermediaries that specifically imparts
power to employers to directly pay wages to migrant/ contract/
contingent/ temporary workers and ensures equality of
compensation and workplace standards as set under the FLA
Workplace Code and national laws and regulations.
ER.14.2 Employers shall use standard contract language with
employment agencies or intermediaries that specifically prohibits
practices that restrict any workers freedom of movement or ability
to terminate their employment.
ER.15 Termination and Retrenchment / Termination Payouts
ER.15.1 Employers shall have in place a procedure for determining
termination payouts, including methods for correct assessment of
payouts for all modes of termination/retrenchment, taking into
account national legal requirements.
ER.15.2 Employers shall establish channels for workers to
confidentially express any concerns or problems they may be
experiencing around legally owed payment during a retrenchment
ER.15.3 Employers shall not demand that workers sign any
declaration of good health, waivers or releases of other rights as a
condition of receiving severance pay or other legal benefits * from the
company, and shall not threaten to withhold benefits if workers do
not sign.
ER.15.4 Upon termination, severance shall be based upon the
workers current salary and seniority as calculated from the initial
date of hire.
ER.15.4.1 Where employers provide advance termination payouts as
allowed by law, these amounts may be subtracted from the final
severance payment but must be included as itemized deductions in
the final severance calculation.
ER.15.5 Where employers provide annual indemnization, original
contracts should remain without being terminated.
ER.16 Termination and Retrenchment / Policies and Procedures
ER.16.1 Employers shall maintain proper and accurate records in
relation to termination and retrenchment.
ER.16.2 When employers are faced with major changes in
production, program, organization, structure, or technology and
those changes are likely to result in temporary or permanent layoffs,
employers shall communicate any alternatives to retrenchment that
have been considered and consult any workers’ representatives as
early as possible with a view to averting or minimizing layoffs.
ER.16.3 Where temporary or permanent layoffs are unavoidable, a
plan should be developed and implemented that mitigates the
adverse effects of such changes on workers and their communities.
ER.16.4 The plan should be clearly communicated and posted, and
include feedback channels for workers to ask questions and provide
ER.16.5 Employers shall give retrenched workers opportunity to
transfer to other owned facilities in the country at a comparable
wage and make all efforts to facilitate re-employment in other
enterprises in the country.
ER.17 Grievance System / Worker-Management Communication
ER.17.1 Employers shall have a clear and transparent system of
worker and management communication that enables workers to
consult with and provide input to management. This might include
suggestion boxes, worker committees, designated spaces for worker
meetings, union representatives, and meetings between
management and workers’ representatives.
ER.17.2 There shall be a mechanism that allows workers to report
harassment and grievances confidentially, including any concerns or
problems they may be experiencing around legally owed payments
during a retrenchment process.
ER.17.3 Employers shall have in place written procedures that allow
a direct settlement of the grievance by the worker and the
immediate supervisor. Where this is inappropriate or has failed,
there should be additional options for senior management review
and consideration, depending on the nature of the grievance and the
structure and size of the enterprise.
ER.17.4 Employers shall ensure that the grievance procedures and
applicable rules are known to workers, and that workers are fully
trained on their use.
ER.17.5 Employers shall have in place procedures to track the
number, types, and timing and resolution of grievances, and to
communicate the resolution of grievances to the workforce.
ER.17.6 Employers shall have a system in place to prevent retaliation
against or discrimination towards workers who are filing grievances,
including grievances regarding harassment, abuse, violations of
factory procedures, compensation * , or unsafe working conditions.
ER.18 Work Conduct and Discipline / General Principles
ER.18.1 Employers shall have written disciplinary rules, procedures
and practices that embody a system of progressive discipline (e.g. a
system of maintaining discipline through the application of
escalating disciplinary action moving from verbal warnings to written
warnings to suspension and finally to termination).
ER.18.1.1 The disciplinary system shall be applied in a fair and
nondiscriminatory manner and include a management review of the
actions by someone senior to the manager who imposed the
disciplinary action.
ER.18.1.2 Employers shall maintain written records of all disciplinary
actions taken.
ER.18.2 Employers shall ensure managers and supervisors are fully
familiar with the workplace disciplinary system and in applying
appropriate disciplinary practices.
ER.18.3 Workplace Rules and policies, and disciplinary procedures
and practices shall be clearly communicated to all workers in the
language(s) spoken by workers. Any exceptions to this system (e.g.
immediate termination for gross misconduct, such as theft or
assault) shall also be in writing and clearly communicated to
ER.18.3.1 Workers must be informed in writing when a disciplinary
procedure has been initiated against them.
ER.18.3.2 Workers have the right to participate and be heard in any
disciplinary procedure against them.
ER.18.3.3 Workers must sign all written records of disciplinary action
against them.
ER.18.3.4 Records of disciplinary action must be maintained in the
workers personnel file.
ER.18.4 The disciplinary system shall include a third-party witness
during imposition, and an appeal process.
ER.18.5 Employers shall inform workers that any form of harassment
or abuse in the workplace shall be subject to disciplinary measures.
ER.18.6 The workplace shall commit to non-retaliation for all steps of
the disciplinary process, including for a worker requesting a witness
and filing an appeal of disciplinary action.
ER.19 General Compliance / Documentation and Inspection
ER.19.1 Employers shall maintain on file all documentation needed
to demonstrate compliance with the FLA Workplace Code and
required laws.
ER.19.1.1 Employers shall make these documents available to
third-party assessors commissioned by the FLA and shall submit to
inspections without prior notice.
ER.19.2 All notices that are legally required to be posted in the
workplace work areas shall be posted by employers.
WORKPLACE CODE PROVISION : No person shall be subject to any discrimination in employment, including hiring, compensation,
advancement, discipline, termination or retirement, on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality,
political opinion, social group or ethnic origin.
ND.1 General Compliance Nondiscrimination
ND1.1 Employers, employment agencies, and intermediaries shall
comply with all national laws, regulations and procedures
concerning non-discrimination. Where local laws and FLA standards
differ, the employer, employment agency, and intermediary is
expected to follow the highest applicable standard.
ND.1.2 If not provided by law, employers must provide protection to
workers who allege discrimination in any form, including recruitment
and employment practices, compensation, marital, or health status.
ND.2 Employment Decisions
ND.2.1 All employment decisions shall be made solely on the basis of
a person’s qualifications, in terms of education, training, experience,
demonstrated skills and/or abilities, as they relate to the inherent
requirements of a particular job.
ND.2.2 Employment decisions shall not be made on the basis of
gender, race, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, political
opinion, social group, ethnic origin, marital status, or union
affiliation or sympathy.
ND.3 Job Advertisements, Job Descriptions and Evaluation Policies
Recruitment and employment policies and practices, including job
advertisements, job descriptions, application and interview
questions and job performance/evaluation policies and practices
shall be free from any type of discriminatory bias.
ND.4 Disclosure of Personal Information
Employers may not request the disclosure of any personal, non-job
related information during the application, recruitment, or hiring
process, including but not limited to gender, race, religion, disability,
sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, social group, ethnic
origin, or marital status.
ND.5 Compensation Discrimination
There shall be no differences in compensation for workers for work
of equal value on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability,
sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, social group or
ethnic origin.
ND.6 Marital, Partnership, or Family Discrimination
ND.6.1 Employers shall not discriminate on the basis of marital,
partnership, or family status.
ND.6.2 Employers shall not threaten workers with dismissal or any
other employment decision that negatively affects their employment
status in order to prevent them from changing their marital,
partnership, or family status (including getting married or becoming
ND.6.3 Employers shall not, on the basis of a worker's marital,
partnership, or family status (including pregnancy), make any
employment decisions that negatively affect employment status,
including decisions concerning dismissal, demotion, loss of seniority,
or deduction of wages.
ND.7 Pregnancy Testing
ND.7.1 Employers shall not require pregnancy testing of workers,
except as required by national law.
ND.7.1.1 Employers shall not under any circumstances use
pregnancy tests or the use of contraception in their hiring or
employment decisions, even in cases where pregnancy tests are
required by national law.
ND.8 Protection and Accommodation of Pregnant Workers and
New Mothers
ND.8.1 Employers shall abide by all protective provisions in national
laws and regulations benefitting pregnant workers and new mothers,
including provisions concerning maternity leave and other benefits;
prohibitions regarding night work, temporary reassignments away
from work stations and work environments that may pose a risk to
the health of pregnant women and their unborn children or new
mothers and their newborn children, temporary adjustment of
working hours during and after pregnancy, and the provision of
breast-feeding breaks and facilities.
ND.8.1.1 Where such legal protective provisions are lacking,
employers shall take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and
health of pregnant women and their unborn children.
ND.8.1.2 Where legal protective provisions are lacking, employers
shall, at minimum provide paid leave for regular pre-natal and
post-natal doctor visits as well as breast-feeding breaks.
ND.9 Health-Related Discrimination
Employers shall not, on the basis of a person’s health status, make
any employment decisions that negatively affect the person’s
employment status, including decisions concerning recruitment,
termination, promotion, or assignment of work, unless such decision
is dictated by the inherent requirements of the job or a medical
necessity to protect the worker and/or other workers.
ND.10 Medical Examination
Employers are allowed to require routine medical examination to
assess general fitness as a condition for recruitment or continued
employment but shall not include testing for any disease or illness,
such as HIV/AIDS, that does not have an immediate effect on a
person’s fitness and is not contagious.
ND.11 Confidentiality of Health Status
Employers shall respect the confidentiality of workers’ health status
and not undertake any action that could lead to a breach of said
confidentiality, including screening, whether by direct or indirect
testing (for instance, by making an assessment of risk behavior), or
asking questions about previously taken tests or medications.
ND.12 Reasonable Accommodation for Health Reasons
Employers shall take measures to reasonably accommodate workers
with chronic illnesses, including HIV/AIDS-related illnesses, which
could include rearrangement of working time, the provision of
special equipment, opportunities for rest breaks, time-off for
medical appointments, flexible sick leave, part-time work and
return-to-work arrangements.
ND.13 Reasonable Accommodation, Modifications, and
ND.13.1 Employers shall make all reasonable modifications and
adjustments to accommodate specific religious, ethnic, gender, and
disability-based needs of all workers within the workplace as well as
within any employer- provided facilities such as dormitories or
ND.13.2 Workers shall not be required to reimburse the factory for
the cost of these accommodations.
ND.14 Dress Codes and Uniforms
ND.14.1 Employers shall not impose any discriminatory restrictions
on the dress or appearance of workers.
ND.14.2 In cases where the workplace requires uniforms or other
specific clothing, accommodations shall be made for religious
practice or disability.
ND.14.3 In cases where a workplace dress code is in place, the dress
code shall not discriminate against or set different standards for
ethnic or cultural groups.
ND.15 Spoken Languages
ND.15.1 Employers shall not require specific languages to be spoken
in the work environment, nor shall they prohibit the use of any
languages among workers.
ND.15.2 Employers shall make every reasonable effort to
communicate to workers in their native language.
WORKPLACE CODE PROVISION : Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity. No employee shall be subject to any physical, sexual,
psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.
H/A.1 General Compliance Harassment or Abuse
H/A.1.1 Employers shall comply with all national laws, regulations
and procedures concerning discipline, violence, harassment and
abuse, including that which is gender-based.
H/A.1.2 If not provided under law, employers must provide
protection to workers who allege harassment or abuse violations.
H/A.1.3 If not provided under law, employers must provide
protection to workers who are victims of domestic violence.
H /A.2 Discipline / Monetary Fines and Penalties
Employers shall not use monetary fines and penalties as a means to
maintain labor discipline, including for poor performance, for broken
or lost tools/machinery, or for violating company rules, regulations,
and policies.
H/A.3 Discipline / Access to Facilities
Access to food, water, toilets, medical care or health clinics or other
basic necessities shall not be used as either reward or as a means to
maintain labor discipline.
H/A.4 Discipline / Physical Abuse
Employers shall not use any form of or threat of physical
violence, including slaps, pushes or other forms of physical contact
as a means to maintain labor discipline.
H/A.5 Discipline / Verbal Abuse
Employers shall not use any form of verbal violence, including
screaming, yelling, or the use of threatening, demeaning, or insulting
language, as a means to maintain labor discipline.
H/A.6 Discipline / Psychological Abuse
Employers shall not use any form or threat of psychological
abuse, such as forcing workers to sign letters of self-criticism or
posting names of workers subject to disciplinary measures as a
means to maintain labor discipline.
H/A.7 Discipline / Freedom of Movement
Employers shall not restrain the freedom of movement of workers,
including movement in canteens, during breaks, using toilets,
accessing water, or accessing necessary medical attention, as a
means to maintain labor discipline.
H/A.8 Elimination of Violence, Harassment and Abuse in the
H/A.8.1 Employers shall ensure that the workplace and all workplace
facilities (such as employer provided transportation or dormitories)
are free from any type of violence, harassment or abuse, be it
physical, sexual, psychological, verbal, or otherwise.
H/A.8.2 Employers, in consultation with worker/union
representatives, shall assess specific hazards and risks of harassment
and abuse in the workplace, including gender-based violence. This
includes risks arising from working conditions, work arrangements
(such as night shifts or other schedules,) work organization, and
third parties such as recruitment agencies, contractors, or any other
H/A.8.3 Employers shall develop, implement and monitor policy and
procedures for eliminating the risk of violence, harassment, and
abuse in the workplace. Policies and procedures shall include a clear
statement that violence, harassment, and abuse will not be
tolerated, procedures for the investigation of allegations, and
measures to protect any complainants, victims, and witnesses.
H/A.8.4 Employers shall take all necessary precautions to eliminate
any action (by the employer, between or among employees, or by
third-parties who are retained by the employer or whose work is
connected with the workplace) that would result in gender-based
violence and/or harassment, regardless of whether such actions
occur in or outside of the workplace and/or working hours.
H/A.9 Sexual Harassment
H/A.9.1 Employers shall refrain from:
H/A.9.1.1 any act of sexual harassment, including inappropriate
remark, insult, joke, insinuation, and comment on a person's dress,
physique, age, family situation, etc.;
H/A.9.1.2 a condescending or paternalistic attitude with sexual
implications undermining dignity;
H/A.9.1.3 any unwelcome invitation or request, implicit or explicit,
whether or not accompanied by threats;
H/A.9.1.4 any lascivious look or other gesture associated with
sexuality; and
H/A.9.1.5 any unnecessary physical contact such as touching,
caresses, pinching or assault.
H/A.9.2 Employers shall not offer, or take any action that may
suggest an offer of,
recruitment, continued employment, promotion, improved working
conditions, preferential work assignments or other preferential
treatment in exchange for a sexual relationship.
H/A.9.3 Employers shall not subject workers to prejudicial treatment
of any kind in retaliation for refused sexual advances or corrected
inappropriate behavior.
H/A.10 Security Practices and Body Searches
H/A/10.1 All security practices shall be gender appropriate and
nonintrusive, so that the dignity of workers concerned is protected
when a search is undertaken.
H/A.10.1.1 Searching of bags and other personal items to prevent
theft is acceptable.
H/A.10.1.2 Body searches and physical pat downs shall only be
undertaken when there is a specific, legitimate reason to do so and
upon consent of workers, unless a state official with the power to do
so (e.g. police officer) has ordered the search.
H/A.10.1.3 Body searches shall not be undertaken in public and the
person who undertakes the search shall be of the same sex as the
person who is being searched.
H/A.11 Punishment of Abusive Workers, Supervisors, or Managers
Employers shall have a system to discipline supervisors, managers or
workers who engage in any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal
violence, harassment or abuse, through measures such as
compulsory counseling, warnings, demotions, and terminations or a
combination thereof regardless of whether such action was intended
as a means to maintain labor discipline with a view to preventing the
reoccurrence of violence and harassment, and facilitating their
reintegration into work, where appropriate.
WORKPLACE CODE PROVISION: There shall be no use of forced labor, including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor or other forms of
forced labor.
F.1 General Compliance Forced Labor
F.1.1 Employers, employment agencies, and intermediaries shall
comply with all national laws, regulations and procedures
concerning the prohibition of forced labor and human trafficking.
F.1.2 If not provided by law, employers must provide protection to
workers who allege violations of forced labor.
F.2 Freedom in Employment
F.2.1 All workers shall have the right to enter into and to terminate
their employment freely.
F.2.2 Employment terms shall be those to which the worker has
voluntarily agreed, in as far as those terms do not fall below:
F.2.2.1 provisions of national laws;
F.2.2.2 freely negotiated and valid collective bargaining agreements;
F.2.2.3 the FLA Workplace Code.
F.2.3 There can be no employment terms which allow employers,
employment agencies, or intermediaries:
F.2.3.1 to hold wages already earned; or
F.2.3.2 use earned back wages as penalties; and
F.2.3.3 in any way punishes workers for terminating employment.
F.3 Debt / Bonded Labor
F.3.1 Employers, employment agencies, or intermediaries shall not
bind workers to employment as a condition of fulfilling terms of a
F.3.2 Employers, employment agencies, or intermediaries may
provide loans directly to workers only if they are a component of a
larger loan program (e.g. housing or education loans) available to all
F.3.2.1 Lending and savings programs provided to workers by
employers, employment agencies, or intermediaries must comply
with all national laws and regulations for such programs.
F.3.3 The continuance of loans may not be dependent on continued
employment at the workplace, and no penalties may be assessed on
the loan for workers ending employment at the workplace.
F.3.4 Interest may not exceed the cost of administering the loan
program and any tax liabilities incurred by the program, and
according to legal limits.
F.4 Freedom of Movement
F.4.1 If workplace entrances are locked or guarded to prevent
nonemployee access to the premises for security reasons, workers
shall have free egress at all times,
F.4.2 No terms imposed by the employer or any employment
agencies or intermediaries shall confine or restrict employees’
freedom of movement or free transit
F.5 Employer Controlled Residence
Employers shall not require , or influence, workers to live in
employer-owned or -controlled residences as a condition of
recruitment, continued employment or to receive the same terms of
employment and working conditions as other workers in the same
F.6 Freedom of Movement in Employer Controlled Residence
The freedom of movement of workers who live in employer-owned
or -controlled residences shall not be unreasonably restricted.
F.7 Threat of Penalty
F.7.1 Employers shall not utilize, nor shall they use employment
agencies or intermediaries that utilize, practices that restrict any
workers freedom of movement, ability to terminate their
employment, or that create a threat of penalty. Examples of such
practices include, but are not limited to:
F.7.1.1 (the threat of) physical or mental coercion;
F.7.1.2 requiring deposits;
F.7.1.3 imposing financial penalties;
F.7.1.4 requiring workers to pay recruitment and/or employment
F.7.1.5 providing precarious employment * ;
F.7.1.6 using false information to recruit workers
F.8 Forced Overtime
The imposition of overtime where workers are unable to leave the
work premises constitutes forced labor.
F.9 Personal Identification and Other Documents
Workers shall retain possession and control of their passports,
identity papers, travel documents, work permits, and other personal
legal documents.
F.10 Storage for Employee Documents
F.10.1 Employers shall provide at employee request secure storage
for employee’s documents such as passports, identity papers, travel
documents, and other personal legal documents. Such storage shall
be freely accessible to workers at all times.
F.10.2 Employers shall not withhold any such documents or restrict
workers’ access to them for any reason, including ensuring that
workers shall remain in employment in the workplace.
F.11 Employment Fees
Fees and other costs associated with the employment of workers,
including migrant/contingent/contract/temporary workers, shall be
the sole responsibility of the employer.
F.12 Free Disposal of Wages
F.12.1 Employers may not limit in any manner the freedom of
workers to dispose of their wages.
F.12.2 Workers must be free from any coercion to make use of
enterprise or employer-operated stores.
WORKPLACE CODE PROVISION: No person shall be employed under the age of 15 or under the age for completion of compulsory education,
whichever is higher.
CL.1 General Compliance Child Labor
Employers shall comply with all national laws, regulations and
procedures concerning the prohibition of child labor.
CL.2 Child Labor
Employers shall not employ anyone under the age of 15 or under the
age for completion of compulsory education, whichever is higher.
CL.3 Government Permits and Parental Consent Documentation
Employers shall abide by all relevant rules and procedures where the
law requires government permits or permission from parents as a
condition of employment, and shall keep documentation on-site for
inspection at all times.
CL.4 Employment of Young Workers
Employers shall comply with all relevant laws that apply to young
workers (e.g. those between the minimum working age and the age
of 18), including regulations related to hiring, working conditions,
types of work, hours of work, proof of age documentation, and
CL.5 Hazardous Work for Young Workers
No person under the age of 18 shall undertake hazardous work, i.e.
work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried
out, is likely to harm the health or safety or morals of persons under
the age of 18.
CL.6 Young Workers Identification System
Employers shall have a system for identifying workstations and
operations that are inappropriate for young workers according to
applicable laws.
CL.7 Apprenticeships and Vocational Training / Minimum Working
Apprentices or vocational students shall not be under the age of 15
or under the age for completion of compulsory education, whichever
is higher.
CL.8 Proof of Age Documentation
CL.8.1 Employers shall collect and maintain all documentation
necessary to confirm and verify date of birth of all workers, such as
birth certificates.
CL.8.1.1 Employers shall take reasonable measures to ensure such
documentation is complete and accurate.
CL.8.1.2 In those cases where proof of age documentation is not
readily available or unreliable, employers shall take all necessary
precautions which can reasonably be expected of them to ensure
that all workers are at least the minimum working age, including
requesting and maintaining medical or religious records of workers,
or through other means considered reliable in the local context.
WORKPLACE CODE PROVISION: Employers shall recognize and respect the right of employees to freedom of association and collective
FOA.1 General Compliance Freedom of Association
FOA.1.1 Employers shall comply with all national laws, regulations
and procedures concerning freedom of association and collective
bargaining. national laws, rules, and procedures protecting the rights
of workers to organize and bargain collectively. Where local laws and
FLA standards differ, the employer is expected to follow the highest
applicable standard.
FOA.1.2 If not provided by law, employers must provide protection
to workers who allege violations of freedom of association.
FOA.2 Right to Freely Associate
Workers, without distinction whatsoever, shall have the right to
establish and to join organizations of their own choosing, subject
only to the rules of the organization concerned, without previous
authorization. The right to freedom of association begins at the time
that workers seeks employment and continues through the course of
employment, including eventual termination of employment, and is
applicable as well to unemployed and retired workers.
FOA.3 Alternative Means of Association
When the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is
restricted under law, employers shall not obstruct legal alternative
means of worker association.
FOA.4 Anti-Union Violence, Harassment or Abuse
FOA.4.1 Employers shall not use any form of physical or
psychological violence, threats, intimidation, retaliation, harassment
or abuse against union representatives and workers seeking to form,
in the process of forming, or who have joined an organization of
their own choosing.
FOA.4.1.1 Such practices shall not be used against workers'
organizations or workers participating or intending to participate in
formal or informal organizing activities, including strikes.
FOA.5 Anti-Union Discrimination / Dismissal, Other Loss of Rights,
and Blocklisting
FOA.5.1 Employers shall not engage in any acts of anti-union
discrimination or retaliation, i.e. shall not make any employment
decisions which negatively affect workers based wholly or in part on
a workers’ union membership or participation in union activity,
including the formation of a union, previous employment in a
unionized facility, participation in collective bargaining efforts or
participation in a legal strike.
FOA.5.1.1 Employers shall not use blocklists to restrict freedom of
association, for instance blocklists based on union membership or
participation in union activity.
FOA.6 Restoration of Workers Rights / Worker Reinstatement
Workers who have been unjustly dismissed, demoted or otherwise
suffered a loss of rights and privileges at work due to an act of union
discrimination shall, subject to national laws, be entitled to
restoration of all the rights and privileges lost, including
reinstatement and retroactive payment of wages, if they so desire.
FOA.7 Protection of Union Representatives
Employers shall comply with all relevant provisions where national
laws provide special protection to workers or worker representatives
engaged in a particular union activity (such as union formation) or to
worker representatives with a particular status (such as founding
union members or current union office holders).
FOA.8 Production Shift/Workplace Closure
FOA.8.1 Employers shall not (threaten to) shift production or close a
workplace site in an attempt to prevent the formation of a union, in
reaction to the formation of a union, in reaction to any other
legitimate exercise of the right to freedom of association and
collective bargaining, including the right to strike, or in an effort to
break up a union.
FOA.8.2 If a workplace is closing and there is a dispute that the
closure was done to prevent or hamper the legitimate exercise of
the right to freedom of association, employers shall provide proof
that can be assessed by a third party to determine the validity of the
reasons given for closure.
FOA.9 Severance Pay
Employers shall not offer or use severance pay in any form or under
any other name as a means of contravening the right to freedom of
association, including attempts to prevent or restrict union
formation or union activity, including strikes.
FOA.10 Employer Interference
Employers shall refrain from any acts of interference with the
formation or operation of workers’ organizations, including acts,
which are designed to establish or promote the domination,
financing or control of workers’ organizations by employers.
FOA.11 Employer Interference / Constitution, Elections,
Administration, Activities & Programs
FOA.11.1Employers shall not interfere with the right of workers to:
FOA.11.1.1 Draw up their constitutions and rules;
FOA.11.1.2 Elect their representatives; or
FAO.11.1.3 Organize their administration and activities.
FOA.12 Employer Interference / Registration
Employers shall not attempt to influence or interfere in any way, to
the detriment of workers’ organizations, with government
registration decisions, procedures and requirements regarding the
formation of workers’ organizations.
FOA.13 Employer Interference / Favoritism
FOA.13.1 Employers shall not interfere with the right to freedom of
association by favoring one workers’ organization over another.
FOA.13.1.1 In cases where a single union represents workers,
employers shall not attempt to influence or interfere in any way in
workers’ ability to form other organizations that represent workers.
FOA.14 Employer Interference / Police and Military Forces
Employers shall not in any way threaten the use of or use the
presence of police or military, to prevent, disrupt or break up any
activities that constitute an exercise of the right to freedom of
association, including union meetings, assemblies and strikes.
FOA.15 Facilities for Worker Representatives
Worker representatives shall have the facilities necessary for the
proper exercise of their functions, including access to workplaces
and office space where required by law.
FOA.16 Right to Collective Bargaining / Good Faith
FOA.16.1 Employers shall recognize the rights of workers to free and
voluntary collective bargaining with a view to the regulation of terms
and conditions of employment by collective agreements.
FOA.16.2 Employers and worker representatives shall bargain in
good faith, i.e. engage in genuine and constructive negotiations and
make every effort to reach an agreement.
FOA.17 Right to Collective Bargaining / Exclusive Bargaining &
Other Recognized Unions
Employers shall bargain with any union that has been recognized by
law or by agreement between the employer and that union,
provided such agreement does not contravene national law, as a, or
the exclusive, bargaining agent for some or all of its workers.
FOA.18 Right to Collective Bargaining / Unorganized Workers
Employers can only engage in collective bargaining with
representatives of unorganized workers when no workers’
organization exists.
FOA.19 Right to Collective Bargaining / Compliance with Collective
Bargaining Agreement
FOA.19.1 Employers, unions and workers shall honor in good faith,
for the term of the agreement, the terms of any collective bargaining
agreement they have agreed to and signed.
FOA.19.2 Worker representatives and workers shall be able to raise
issues regarding compliance with a collective bargaining agreement
by employers without retaliation or any negative effect on their
employment status.
FOA.19.3 Where a union exists in the workplace, employers shall
make available a copy of the collective bargaining agreement to all
workers and other interested parties.
FOA.20 Right to Collective Bargaining / Validity of Collective
Bargaining Agreement
FOA.20.1 Collective bargaining agreements that have not been
negotiated freely, voluntarily and in good faith shall be considered
not applicable.
FOA.20.2 Provisions in collective bargaining agreements that
contradict national laws, rules and procedures or offer less
protection to workers than provisions of the FLA Workplace Code
shall also be considered not applicable.
FOA.21 Rights of Minority Unions and their Members
Unions not recognized as a bargaining agent of some or all of the
workers in a facility shall
have the means for defending the occupational interests of their
members, including making representations on their behalf and
representing them in cases of individual grievances and disciplinary
actions, within limits established by applicable law.
FOA.22 Right to Strike / Sanction for Organizing or Participating in
Legitimate Strikes
Employers shall not impose any sanction on workers organizing or
having participated in a strike in accordance with ILO standards and
FOA.23 Right to Strike / Replacement Workers
Employers shall not hire replacement workers in order to prevent or
break up a strike that is in accordance with ILO standards and
jurisprudence, or to avoid negotiating in good faith.
WORKPLACE CODE PROVISION: Employers shall provide a safe and healthy workplace setting to prevent accidents and injury to health arising
out of, linked with, or occurring in the course of work or as a result of the operation of employers’ facilities. Employers shall adopt responsible
measures to mitigate negative impacts that the workplace has on the environment.
HSE.1 General Compliance Health, Safety, and Environment
Employers shall comply with all national laws, regulations and
procedures concerning health and safety, and the environment.
HSE.2 Document Maintenance / Workers Accessibility and
All documents required to be available to workers and management
by applicable laws (e.g. health and safety policies, MSDS,
environmental emergency procedures) shall be made available in the
prescribed manner and in the local language and language spoken by
the workers, if different from the local language.
HSE.3 Notification and Record Maintenance
HSE.3.1 Employers shall notify the relevant national and/or local
authorities of all illnesses and accidents and environmental
emergencies as required by applicable laws.
HSE.3.2 All illness, safety, accident, and emergency reports shall be
maintained on site for at least one year, or longer if required by law.
HSE.4 Permits and Certificates
HSE.4.1 Employers shall at all times be in possession of all legally
required and valid permits and certificates related to health, safety,
and environmental issues, such as:
HSE.4.1.1 Purchase and storage of chemicals;
HSE.4.1.2 Fire safety inspections;
HSE.4.1.3 Machinery inspections;
HSE.4.1.4 Waste disposal;
HSE.4.1.5 Environmental licenses/permits;
HSE 4.1.6 Sanitation permits, including those required for canteens;
HSE 4.1.7 Vehicle inspection and driver permits for all employer
provided transportation.
HSE.5 Evacuation Requirements
HSE.5.1 All applicable, legally required or recommended elements of
safe evacuation shall be complied with, including all of the following
HSE.5.1.1 posting evacuation plans;
HSE.5.1.2 installation and maintenance of fire alarms;
HSE.5.1.3 Installation and maintenance of emergency lighting;
HSE.5.1.4 ensuring aisles/exits are not blocked and that workers are
not blocked within their workstations;
HSE.5.1.5 employee education and training; and
HSE.5.1.6 evacuation procedures and fire drills.
HSE.5.2 Workers shall be trained in evacuation procedures.
HSE.5.3 Alarm systems shall be regularly tested and evacuation drills
shall be undertaken at least annually.
HSE.5.4 The emergency evacuation procedure (EEP) includes
procedures for notifying local community authorities in case of
accidental discharge or release of chemical/waste products or any
other environmental emergency.
HSE.6 Safety Equipment and First Aid Training
HSE.6.1 All safety and medical equipment (e.g. fire-fighting
equipment, first aid kits) shall be available in sufficient numbers
throughout the workplace, maintained and stocked as prescribed,
and easily accessible to workers.
HSE.6.2 A sufficient number of workers shall be trained in first aid
and firefighting techniques. Training shall be upon hire and with
periodic refresher training.
HSE.7 Personal Protective Equipment
Workers shall be provided at no cost with all the appropriate and
necessary personal protective equipment (e.g. gloves, eye
protection, hearing protection, respiratory protection) to effectively
prevent unsafe exposure (e.g. inhalation or contact with solvent
vapors, noise, dust) to health and safety hazards, including medical
HSE.8 Use of Personal Protective Equipment
Workers shall be provided with training on the use and maintenance
of personal protective equipment. Training shall be upon hire with
periodic refresher training offered to all workers. Management will
ensure use of PPE as necessary.
HSE.9 Chemical Management and Training
HSE.9.1 All chemicals and hazardous substances shall be properly
labeled and stored in secure and ventilated areas and disposed of in
a safe and legal manner, in accordance with applicable laws and
international standards.
HSE.9.1.1 Labels shall be placed in the local language and the
language spoken by workers, if different from the local language.
HSE.9.2 Workers shall receive training, appropriate to their job
responsibilities, concerning the hazards, risks and the safe use of
chemicals and other hazardous substances.
HSE.10 Material Safety Data Sheets/Workers Access and Awareness
HSE.10.1 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all chemicals and
hazardous substances used in the workplace must be available at the
usage and storage sites of the chemicals and hazardous substances,
in the local language and the language spoken by workers, if
different from the local language.
HSE.10.2 Workers shall have free access to MSDS.
HSE.11 Chemical Management / Pregnant Women and Young
To prevent unsafe exposure to hazardous chemicals and hazardous
substances, appropriate accommodations shall be made for
pregnant women and workers under the age of 18, as required by
applicable laws or the provisions of the FLA Workplace Code, in a
manner that does not unreasonably disadvantage workers.
HSE.12 Protection Reproductive Health
Employers shall ensure that women are not engaged in work that
constitutes a substantial risk to their reproductive health.
HSE.13 Ventilation/Electrical/Facility Installation and Maintenance
All necessary ventilation, plumbing, electrical, noise and lighting
services shall be installed and maintained to conform to applicable
laws and to prevent or minimize hazardous conditions to workers in
the facility.
HSE.14 Machinery Safety, Maintenance and Workers Training
HSE.14.1 All production machinery, equipment and tools shall be
properly guarded and regularly maintained.
HSE.14.2 Workers shall receive training in the proper use and safe
operation of machinery, equipment and tools they use.
HSE.14.3 Employers shall ensure safety instructions are either
displayed or posted near all machinery or are readily accessible to
the workers in language(s) spoken by workers.
HSE.15 Proper Use of Machinery
Employers shall not use negative incentives like monetary penalty
schemes to ensure workers use machinery, equipment and tools
safely and properly. Rather, training on risk awareness, proper
machine use, as well as positive incentives like bonuses should be
HSE.16 Workers Refusal to Use Unguarded or Unsafe Machinery
Workers shall not suffer any negative consequences for refusing to
work with machinery, equipment or tools that are not properly
guarded or reasonably considered unsafe.
HSE.17 Ergonomics
HSE.17.1 Workstations, including seating and standing arrangements
and reach required to obtain tools, shall be designed and set-up in
such a manner as to minimize bodily strains.
HSE.17.2 Employers shall train workers in proper lifting techniques,
and items such as lifting belts shall be provided.
HSE.18 Medical Facilities
HSE.18.1 Medical facilities shall be established and maintained in
factories as required by applicable laws.
HSE.18.2 Medical staff shall be fully licensed and recognized under
applicable national rules and regulations.
HSE.18.2.1 An appropriate number of medical staff shall be on duty
during all working hours, including any type of overtime, as required
under national law.
HSE.18.3 An appropriate stock of medical supplies shall be
maintained at all times.
HSE.18.3.1 Medicines of which the expiration date has passed must
be replaced immediately and disposed of in a safe manner.
HSE.19 Sanitation in Workplace Facilities
All facilities including workplace buildings, toilets, canteens,
kitchens, and clinics, shall be kept clean and safe and be in
compliance with all applicable laws, including relevant sanitation,
medical, and safety and health regulations.
HSE.20 Toilets
Employers shall establish the number of toilets required under
applicable laws within reasonable distance of the workplace. In
addition, the following should also be considered: number of toilets
based on number of workers, privacy for each individual and gender,
accessibility and hygiene.
HSE.21 Toilets/Restrictions
Employers shall not place any undue restrictions on toilet use in
terms of time and frequency.
HSE.22 Food Preparation
HSE.22.1 All food made available to workers shall be prepared,
stored, and served in a safe and sanitary manner in accordance with
all applicable laws and international standards.
HSE.22.2 All workers handling food must be trained and/or certified
to work in the facility preparing or serving food.
HSE.23 Drinking Water
HSE.23.1 Safe and clean drinking water shall be freely available at all
times, within reasonable distance of the workplace.
HSE.23.1.1 Drinking water shall be of a reasonable temperature.
HSE.23.1.2 The means to drink water (e.g. cups) must be safe and
sanitary and available in an appropriate number.
HSE.24 Drinking Water/Restrictions
Employers shall not place any undue restrictions on drinking water in
terms of time and frequency.
HSE.25 Dormitory Facilities
HSE.25.1 Dormitory facilities, including those provided by
employment agencies or intermediaries associated with the
employer, shall meet all applicable laws and regulations related to
health, safety, and environment, including fire safety, sanitation, risk
protection and electrical, mechanical, and structural safety.
HSE.25.1.1 All dormitories shall be kept secure, clean, and have
safety provisions (e.g. fire extinguishers, first aid kits, unobstructed
emergency exits, emergency lighting).
HSE.25.1.2 Emergency evacuation drills shall also be conducted at
least semi-annually.
HSE.26 Dormitories Separate from Production Facilities
All dormitory facilities must be structurally sound, in good repair,
and located separately from production, warehouse and hazardous
chemical storage areas.
HSE.27 Childcare Facilities/Children on Premises
HSE.27.1 Childcare facilities shall not physically overlap with
production areas and children shall not have access to production
HSE.27.2 Children under the minimum working age shall not be
allowed in workplace areas at any time, unless they are part of a
guided school tour or other such unusual event.
HSE.27.3 All childcare workers must be fully trained and licensed to
provide the level of care necessary at the factory. Where local legal
requirements are missing, childcare workers must have at least some
vocational training for childcare.
HSE.27.4 Childcare facility hours must match the working hours of
the factory shift schedule, following any regulations provided by
local law.
HSE.28 External Contractors
Employers shall create a system to ensure that all necessary Health
and Safety protections are provided for external contractors;
including protection when working within confined spaces,
maintenance issues, and general Health and Safety Issues.
HSE.29 High-Risk Areas
Employers shall provide all necessary protection for workers when
working at heights, confined spaces, and other high-risk areas.
HSE.30 Health, Safety & Environmental Management System,
Policies & Procedures
HSE.30.1 Employers shall develop, maintain, and regularly review
health, safety, and environmental policies to ensure that they
comply with all national laws, regulations and the FLA Workplace
Code concerning health, safety, and environmental standards,
regulations and procedures.
HSE.30.2 The health, safety, and environmental policies shall contain
the framework for a comprehensive health, safety, and
environmental management system including a HS&E risk
assessment within which the following are clear and regularly tested
and reviewed:
HSE.30.2.1 employers’ responsibilities;
HSE.30.2.2 workers’ rights and duties;
HSE.30.2.3 responsibilities of designated personnel;
HSE.30.2.4 procedures that enable workers to raise health, safety,
and environmental concerns;
HSE.30.2.5 procedures for reporting death, injury, illness and other
health and safety issues (for instance, near-miss accidents) and
environmental emergencies;
HSE.30.2.6 protections to workers who allege health, safety, and
environmental violations;
HSE.30.2.7 conducting root cause analysis on workplace accidents
and taking proactive action to prevent future accidents.
HSE.30.3 Environmental policies shall include procedures to
minimize environmental impacts with respect to energy, air
emissions, water, waste, hazardous materials, and other significant
environmental risks.
WORKPLACE CODE PROVISIONS: Employers shall not require workers to work more than the regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of
the country where the workers are employed. The regular work week shall not exceed 48 hours. Employers shall allow workers at least 24
consecutive hours of rest in every seven-day period. All overtime work shall be
Employers shall not request overtime on a regular basis and shall compensate all overtime work at a premium rate. Other than in exceptional
circumstances * , the sum of regular and overtime hours in a week shall not exceed 60 hours.
HOW.1 General Compliance Hours of Work
HOW.1.1 Employers shall comply with all national laws, regulations
and procedures concerning hours of work, public holidays and leave.
HOW.1.2 If not provided by law, employers must provide protection
to workers who allege violations of laws governing work hours.
HOW.2 Rest Day
Workers shall be entitled to at least 24 consecutive hours of rest in
every seven- day period. If workers must work on a rest day, an
alternative consecutive 24 hours must be provided within that same
seven-day period or immediately following.
HOW.3 Meal and Rest Breaks
Employers shall provide reasonable meal and rest breaks, which, at a
minimum, must comply with national laws.
HOW.4 Protected Workers (Women and Young Workers) /
Regulations on Hours of Work
Workplace shall comply with all applicable laws governing work
hours regulating or limiting the nature, frequency and volume of
work performed by women or workers under the age of 18.
HOW.5 Protected Workers (Women and Young Workers) / Record
Employers shall maintain necessary records identifying all women
workers and all workers under the age of 18 entitled to legal
protection concerning work hours.
HOW.6 Maintenance of Reasonable Levels of Staff
Employers' personnel practices shall demonstrate an effort to
maintain a level of staffing that is reasonable in view of predictable
or continuing fluctuations in business demand.
HOW.7 Overtime Calculation over Period Longer than One Week
Employers are allowed to calculate regular hours of work as an
average over a period of longer than one week, where national laws,
regulations and procedures provide for such a possibility, but only
when all formal and procedural requirements attached to such
calculation (for instance, obtaining official permission from the
relevant authorities or limits to the period during which such
calculations can be made) are met. However, the basis for such
calculation shall not exceed 48 hours per week.
HOW.8 Forced Overtime
HOW.8.1 Employers shall not require or permit workers to work
more than the overtime hours allowed by the law of the country
where the workers are employed.
HOW.8.2 All overtime work shall be consensual, and employers shall
enact a voluntary overtime system, including for overtime utilized in
exceptional circumstances * .
HOW.9 Explanation for Overtime in Exceptional Circumstances
HOW.9.1 Employers shall be able to provide explanation for all
periods when the exceptional circumstances exception has been
HOW.9.2 Employers shall take reasonable steps to inform workers
about the nature and expected duration of the circumstances
sufficiently in advance to allow workers to make alternative plans.
HOW.10 Public Holidays
HOW.10.1 Employers shall provide workers with all official public
holidays as required under national laws, regulations and
HOW.10.2 If not prohibited by local law, any replacement of official
holidays with alternative days off must be voluntary and agreed
upon in writing by the worker in advance.
HOW10.3 When using replacement holidays, all legal and FLA
requirements regarding overtime and hours of work apply.
HOW.11 Annual Leave
HOW.11.1 Employers shall provide workers with paid annual leave as
required under national laws, regulations and procedures.
HOW.11.2 Even where national laws allow employers to pay extra
compensation in lieu of paid annual leave, employers shall ensure
that this option is not utilized.
HOW.12 Annual Leave Determination
HOW.12.1 Employers shall not impose any undue restrictions on
workers’ use of annual leave.
HOW.12.2 The time at which annual leave is taken is determined by
employers in consultation with workers, taking into account work
requirements and the opportunities for rest and relaxation available
to workers.
HOW.13 Annual Leave Procedures
HOW.13.1 Any workplace procedures regulating the timing of annual
leave (e.g., requiring a minimum period of service before being
allowed to use annual leave, written requests to be submitted a
certain time before the annual leave) must be in line with national
laws, regulations and procedures.
HOW13.2 Workplace procedures regulating the timing of annual
leave must be communicated in full to all workers.
HOW.14 Annual Leave Wage Payments
Employers shall provide workers taking annual leave their normal or
average wages for the full period of annual leave in advance, unless
specified differently under national laws, regulations and
HOW.15 Retaliation for Taking Leave
Employers shall not impose any sanction on workers for requesting
or taking any type of leave, such as annual, sick, or maternity, in line
with all applicable rules and procedures.
HOW.16 Sick Leave
Employers shall provide workers with sick leave as required under
national laws, regulations and procedures.
HOW.17 Sick Leave Restrictions
Employers shall not impose any undue restrictions on sick leave. Any
workplace procedures regulating sick leave (e.g. informing the
employer as soon as possible, the provision of medical certificates,)
must be in line with national laws, regulations and procedures and
must be communicated in full to all workers.
HOW.18 Calculation of Absences
Absences from work for reasons beyond the control of workers, such
as sick leave or periods during which workplace operations are
suspended, shall not be counted as annual leave nor shall they be
deducted from calculations concerning length of service, unless
specified differently under national laws, regulations and
HOW.19 Suspension of Work
HOW.19.1 Employers can only suspend work in accordance with
national laws, regulations and procedures.
HOW.19.2 Workers shall be paid in full during periods of suspension,
unless national laws stipulate otherwise, workers and their
representative organizations agree otherwise, or the relevant
national authorities authorize the alternative arrangement.
HOW.19.3 Conditions of suspension should be communicated in full
to all workers.
HOW.20 Excessive Hours Reduction
Employers shall have in place practices that conduct regular analysis
of hours of work in their workplaces and procedures that
demonstrate a commitment to progressively reducing excessive
hours of work.
HOW.21 Overtime Hours
Other than in exceptional circumstances, the total weekly work
hours (regular work hours plus overtime including any alternative
shifts such as 4x4 or 3x3) shall not exceed 60 hours per week.
HOW.22 Time Recording System
HOW.22.1 Employers shall have in place policies for managing all
working hour, overtime, and leave records in normal and exceptional
HOW.22.2 Accurate time records shall be maintained by employers,
including overtime, breaks, and leave.
HOW.22.3 Time worked by all workers, regardless of wage system,
shall be fully documented by timecards or other mechanical or
electronic recording systems.
HOW.22.4 Employers shall not maintain multiple time-keeping
systems and/or records.
HOW.22.5 Time records maintained shall be authentic and accurate.
HOW.22.6 If not provided by law, employers must provide protection
to workers who allege existence of multiple time-keeping systems or
falsification of work time records.
WORKPLACE CODE PROVISIONS: Every worker has a right to compensation for a regular work week that is sufficient to meet the workers
basic needs * and provide some discretionary income * . Employers shall pay at least the minimum wage or the appropriate prevailing wage,
whichever is higher, comply with all legal requirements on wages, and provide any benefits required by law or contract. Where compensation
does not meet workers’ basic needs and provide some discretionary income, each employer shall work with the FLA to take appropriate
actions that seek to progressively realize a level of compensation that does.
C.1 General Compliance Compensation
C.1.1 Employers shall comply with all national laws, regulations and
procedures concerning the payment of compensation to workers.
C.1.2 In any case where differences or conflicts in national law and
FLA Workplace Code arise, employers are expected to apply the
highest standard.
C.1.3 In any case where national laws, regulations and procedures do
not address the payment of compensation to workers, employers
shall follow all standards in the FLA Workplace Code that apply to
administration and payment of compensation and shall provide an
employment contract that includes stipulation of compensation
payment to workers.
C.2 Minimum Wage
Employers shall pay workers at least the legal minimum wage or the
prevailing industry wage, whichever is higher, for regular working
hours (not including overtime). Workers should also be informed
about the legal minimum wage.
C.3 Wage & Benefits / Probationary Status
C.3.1Where probationary employment is legally allowed, workers
C.3.1.1 Receive at least the minimum wage for regular workers or
the prevailing industry wage for regular workers, whichever is
C.3.1.2 Receive all legally mandated benefits;
C.3.1.3 No workers shall work more than three months in this
employment category.
C.4 Wage & Benefits / Apprenticeship or Vocational Training
C.4.1 For the time-period during which they receive training,
apprentices and vocational trainees shall:
C.4.1.1 receive at least the minimum wage for regular workers or the
prevailing industry wage for regular workers, whichever is higher;
C.4.1.2 Receive all legal mandated benefits.
C.4.1.3 If local law allows for a lower minimum wage for
apprentices/trainees, this lower minimum wage may only be applied
for the first 30 days, if that time is dedicated primarily
to training and not to production or other essential tasks.
C.5 Wage & Benefits / Contract, Contingent or Temporary Workers
C.5.1 Contract/contingent/migrant/temporary workers shall:
C.5.1.1 Receive at least the minimum wage for regular workers or
the prevailing industry wage for regular workers, whichever is
C.5.1.2 Receive all legally mandated benefits; and
C.5.1.3 Receive at least the same compensation as regular workers
performing the same job functions or tasks with similar levels of
experience or seniority.
C.6 Timely and Direct Payment of Wages
All wages, including payment for overtime, shall be paid directly and
in full within legally defined time limits. When no time limits are
defined by law, compensation shall be paid at least once a month.
C.7 Accurate Calculation, Recording, and Payment of Wage
All payments to all workers, including hourly wages, piecework,
benefits and other incentives, shall be calculated, recorded, and paid
C.8 Accurate Length of Service Calculation
All workers shall be credited with all-time worked for an employer
for purposes of calculating length of service and determine the
benefits to which workers are entitled.
C.9 Calculation Basis for Overtime Payments
C.9.1Employers shall compensate workers for all hours worked.
C.9.2 The factory shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations
and procedures governing the payment of premium rates for work
on holidays, rest days, and overtime.
C.9.3 Employees shall be compensated for overtime hours at such
premium rate as is legally required in the producing country.
C.9.3.1 In those countries where there is no legally established
overtime premium, employees shall be compensated for overtime
hours at the prevailing industry premium rate or at the
internationally recognized overtime rate * , whichever is higher.
C.10 Overtime Wage Awareness
Workers shall be informed, orally and in writing, in language(s)
spoken by workers about overtime wage rates prior to undertaking
C.11 Nonpayment of Incentives
Regardless of any production quotas, incentives shall not be reduced
or not paid if the result shall be wages below the legal minimum
wage or the prevailing industry wage, whichever is higher.
C.12 Deposit of Legally Mandated Deductions
C.12.1 All legally mandated deductions for taxes, social insurance, or
other purposes shall be deposited each pay period in the legally
defined account or transmitted to the legally defined agency. This
includes any lawful garnishments for back taxes, etc.
C.12.2 Employers shall not hold over any of these funds from one
pay period to the other unless the law specifies that deposits are to
be made less frequently than pay periods (e.g. monthly deposits,
weekly pay).
C.12.3 If the law does not specify, then deposits shall be made
before the next pay period in all cases.
C.13 Voluntary Wage Deductions
C.13.1 Voluntary wage deductions, including for savings clubs, loan
payments, union membership dues, or any other union fees, can
only be made with the express and written consent of individual
workers unless (in the case of union dues and fees) specified
otherwise in freely negotiated and valid collective bargaining
agreements. In all cases, voluntary wage deductions must fall within
the limits and conditions specified by law.
C.13.2 Written consent for voluntary wage deductions shall be
documented in employee files.
C.13.3 All such voluntary deductions shall be credited to proper
accounts and employers shall not hold funds illegally or
C.14 Voluntary Wage Deduction / Workers Access to Information
Workers shall have access to regular and full information concerning
the status of relevant accounts and the status and level of their
payments thereto.
C.15 Pay Statement
C.15.1 Employers shall provide workers a pay statement in languages
understood by workers each pay period and not less frequently than
once a month, which shall show:
C.15.1.1 earned wages,
C.15.1.2 wage calculations,
C.15.1.3 total number of hours worked,
C.15.1.4 regular and overtime pay,
C.15.1.5 bonuses,
C.15.1.6 all deductions, and
C.15.1.7 final total wage.
C.16 Compensation Receipt
C.16.1 All compensation records, including wages and benefits
whether in cash or in-kind, must be properly documented and their
receipt and accuracy must be confirmed by the relevant worker in
writing (e.g. signature, thumbprint).
C.16.2 No one can receive wages on behalf of a worker, unless the
worker concerned has, in full freedom, authorized in writing for
another person to do so.
C.17 Record Maintenance
Employers shall ensure that all legally required payroll documents,
journals and reports are available, complete, accurate and up-to
C.18 False Payroll Records
C.18.1 Employers shall not use hidden or multiple payroll records in
order to hide overtime, to falsely demonstrate hourly wages, or for
any other fraudulent reason.
C.18.2 Payroll records maintained shall be authentic and accurate.
C.19 Workers Awareness and Understanding of Compensation
C.19.1 Employers shall make every reasonable effort to ensure
workers understand their compensation, including:
C.19.1.1 the calculation of wages,
C.19.1.2 incentives systems,
C.19.1.3 benefits, and
C.19.1.4 bonuses they are entitled to at the workplace and under
applicable laws.
C.19.1.5 Employers shall communicate orally and in writing to all
workers all relevant information in the local language or language
spoken by the workers, if different from the local language.
C.20 Employer Provided Benefits
C.20.1 All workers have a right to use or not to use services provided
by employers, such as housing or meals.
C.20.2 Deductions for services to workers shall not exceed the cost
of the service to employers.
C.20.3 Employers must be able to demonstrate the accuracy or
reasonableness of these charges.
C.21 Legally Mandated Benefits
C.21.1 Employers shall provide all legally mandated benefits,
including holidays, leave, bonuses, severance payments and 13 th
month payments to all eligible workers within legally defined time
C.21.2 All benefits shall be calculated correctly.
C.22 Compensation Disputes
Employers must establish a system through which workers can
dispute compensation and receive clarifications in this respect in a
timely manner.
C.23 Fair Compensation / Basic Needs
Where compensation for a regular workweek is not sufficient to
meet workers’ basic needs * and provide some discretionary income * ,
each employer shall work with the FLA to take appropriate actions
that seek to progressively realize a level of compensation that does.
C.24 Piece Rate/Minimum Wage
C.24.1 Employers shall not set production targets, piece rates or any
other incentive or production system at such a level that workers
need to work beyond regular working hours as set under the FLA
Workplace Code, excluding overtime, in order to make at least the
minimum wage or the prevailing industry wage, whichever is higher.
C.24.2 Employers shall not set production targets, piecework, or any
other incentive or production system at such a level that the
payment for overtime work performed is less than the premium pay
required by law or the FLA Workplace Code.
C.25 Wage Advances
C.25.1 Wage advances shall not exceed three months' pay or legal
limits, whichever is less.
C.25.2 Advances shall only be made following clearly established
rules which have been communicated to workers.
C.25.2.1 Advances must be properly documented and their receipt
and accuracy must be confirmed by the relevant worker in writing
(e.g. signature,thumbprint).
C.25.3 No interest may be charged for wage advance.