Employees of Contractors, Subcontractors, Grantees, Subgrantees,
or Personal Services Contractors
How to File a Whistleblower Reprisal Complaint
Employees of DoD contractors, subcontractors, grantees, subgrantees, or personal services
contractors who believe they have been discharged, demoted, or otherwise discriminated
against in reprisal for disclosing certain information may file a whistleblower reprisal complaint
under section 4701 of title 10 United States Code (10 U.S.C. § 4701), Protected
communications; prohibition of retaliatory personnel actions.” However, the provisions of 10
U.S.C. § 4701 do not apply to an employee of a contractor, subcontractor, grantee, subgrantee,
or personal services contractor of an element of the intelligence community whose disclosure
relates to an element of the intelligence community or was discovered while providing services
to the intelligence community.
Employees of DoD contractors, subcontractors, grantees, subgrantees, or personal services
contractors who allege a retaliatory action affecting eligibility for access to classified
information may file a complaint under Presidential Policy Directive 19 (PPD-19).
If you believe you have experienced reprisal in violation of 10 U.S.C § 4701 or PPD-19 read on
for more information about how to file a complaint with the DoD Hotline.
The online complaint form on the DoD Hotline website at
Complaint/ is a secure method of filing a complaint. Alternatively, you may download the PDF
form and send the information requested in Part 2, “Complaint Details” to: DoD Hotline, The
Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1900; or fax to: 703-604-8567, DSN 664-8567.
For classified complaints up to SECRET, you can file on SIPR at
http://www.dodig.smil.mil/hotline. For TOP SECRET complaints, file via the Joint Worldwide
Intelligence Communications System (JWICS) at http://www.dodig.ic.gov/hotline/index.html.
If you have any questions, please call the DoD Hotline at 1-800-424-9098.
Information You’ll Need For Filing a Complaint
Provide your full name, job title, status as an employee or former employee, company and
location, work and residence telephone numbers, and mailing and e-mail addresses.
Be prepared to provide a copy of the protected disclosure (if written) and any reply you
received about the matter. If a copy of the disclosure is not available, please provide the
following information:
o The date of the disclosure.
o Identify the official to whom the disclosure was made by including the official’s
name, title, organization and location, and telephone number.
o The content of the disclosure.
o Whether the matter was investigated, when, and by whom.
Identify each action taken (for example, demotion, discharge, or other discrimination). If
you are filing a PPD-19 complaint, identify each action affecting your eligibility for access
to classified information.
Be prepared to provide documentation for each action or action affecting eligibility. If
documentation is not available, please describe the action and the give date of the
Indicate why you believe there is a connection between your protected disclosure and the
action taken against you.
Provide the full name, title, company and location, and telephone numbers of the company
officials responsible for recommending or taking the action at issue.
Explain why and how any responsible official knew of the protected disclosure before
taking the personnel action.
Identify key witnesses that can provide evidence to support your reprisal complaint and
include their contact information.
If more than three years have elapsed since a personnel action was taken or withheld,
please explain why the complaint was not filed sooner.
If you previously filed this reprisal complaint with another agency, be prepared to provide a
copy of the complaint and any reply. If the documents are not available, please provide
details such as the agency, contract number, and date filed.
The following terms and descriptions may be helpful as you file a whistleblower reprisal
Term Description Related to
Abuse of Authority
An arbitrary and capricious exercise of authority
that is inconsistent with the mission of the DoD or
the successful performance of a Department
contract or grant ,
an arbitrary and capricious exercise of authority
that is inconsistent with the mission of the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration or
the successful performance of an Administration
contract or grant.
10 U.S.C. § 4701
Term Description Related to
The DoD, the Department of the Army, the
Department of the Navy, the Department of the Air
Force, the Coast Guard, and the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
10 U.S.C. § 4701
A Member of Congress or a representative of a
committee of Congress;
an Inspector General;
the Government Accountability Office;
an employee of the DoD responsible for contract
oversight or management;
an authorized official of the Department of
Justice or other law enforcement agency;
a court or grand jury; and
a management official or other employee of the
contractor or subcontractor who has the
responsibility to investigate, discover, or address
10 U.S.C. § 4701
A contract awarded by the head of an agency.
10 U.S.C. § 4701
A person awarded a contract with an agency.
10 U.S.C. § 4701
Eligibility for
Access to Classified
The result of the determination whether an
employee (a) is eligible for access to classified
information in accordance with Executive Order
12968 (relating to access to classified information),
or any successor thereto, and Executive Order 10865
of February 20, 1960, as amended (relating to
safeguarding classified information with industry), or
any successor thereto; and (b) possesses a need to
know under such orders.
A legal instrument used to enter into a relationship:
(a) of which the principal purpose is to transfer a thing
of value to the recipient to carry out a public purpose
of support or stimulation authorized by a law of the
United States, rather than to acquire property or
services for the DoD’s direct benefit or use; (b) in which
substantial involvement is not expected between the
10 U.S.C. § 4701
Term Description Related to
DoD and the recipient when carrying out the activity
contemplated by the grant.
A person awarded a grant with an agency.
10 U.S.C. § 4701
Inspector General
An inspector general appointed under the Inspector
General Act of 1978, as amended, and any Inspector
General that receives funding from or has oversight
over contracts awarded for or on behalf of, the
Secretary of Defense.
10 U.S.C. § 4701
Investigation of
A Department of Defense (DoD) contractor,
subcontractor, grantee, subgrantee, or personal
services contractor employee who believes that he or
she has been subjected to a reprisal prohibited by
10 U.S.C. § 4701 may submit a complaint to the DoD
Office of Inspector General. Unless the IG determines
that the complaint is frivolous or untimely, fails to
allege a violation of the prohibition in subsection (a) of
the statute, or has previously been addressed in
another Federal or State judicial or administrative
proceeding initiated by the Complainant, the IG shall
investigate the complaint. Upon completion of such
investigation, submit a report of findings of the
investigation to the person who filed the complaint;
the contractor concerned; and the head of the agency.
10 U.S.C. § 4701
Personal Services
A contract that, by its express te rms or as
administered, makes the contractor personnel appear
to be, in effect, government employees.
10 U.S.C. § 4701
Qualifying Action
A discharge, demotion, or other discriminatory
action with respect to any employee of a DoD
contractor, subcontractor, grantee, subgrantee, or
personal services contractor as a reprisal.
10 U.S.C. § 4701
A communication to an authorized recipient, of
information that the employee reasonably believes
is evidence of:
gross mismanagement of a DoD contract or
10 U.S.C. § 4701
Term Description Related to
a gross waste of DoD funds;
an abuse of authority relating to a DoD contract
or grant;
a violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a
DoD contract (including the competition for or
negotiation of a contract) or grant; or
a substantial and specific danger to public health
or safety.
Protected disclosures also include providing
evidence of contractor or subcontractor misconduct
in any judicial or administrative proceeding relating
to waste, fraud, or abuse on a DoD contract or grant.
Authorized recipients of such information are:
a Member of Congress or a representative of a
committee of Congress;
an Inspector General;
the Government Accountability Office;
an employee of the DoD responsible for contract
oversight or management;
an authorized official of the Department of
Justice or other law enforcement agency;
a court or grand jury; and
a management official or other employee of the
contractor or subcontractor who has the
responsibility to investigate, discover, or address
A disclosure of information by the employee to a
supervisor in the employee’s direct chain of
command up to and including the head of the
employing agency, to the Inspector General of
the employing agency or Intelligence Community
Element, to the Director of National Intelligence,
to the Inspector General of the Intelligence
Community, or to an employee designated by
any of the above officials for the purpose of
receiving such disclosures, that the employee
reasonably believes evidences (i) a violation of
any law, rule, or regulation; or (ii) gross
mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an
Term Description Related to
abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific
danger to public health or safety;
Any communication described by and that
complies with subsection (a)(1), (d), or (h) of
section 8H of the Inspector General Act of 1978
(5 U.S.C. App.); subsection (d)(5)(A) of section 17
of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50
U.S.C. 403q); or subsection (k)(5)(A), (D), or (G),
of section 103H of the National Security Act of
1947 (50 U.S.C. 403-3h);
The exercise of any appeal, complaint, or
grievance with regard to the violation of Section
A or B of PPD-19 that does not disclose classified
information or other information contrary to law;
Lawfully participating in an investigation or
proceeding regarding a violation of Section A or B
of PPD-19 that does not disclose classified
information or other information contrary to law;
Cooperating with or disclosing information to an
Inspector General, in accordance with applicable
provisions of law in connection with an audit,
inspection, or investigation conducted by the
Inspector General that does not disclose
classified information or other information
contrary to law.
The term subcontract” means a contract or
contractual action entered into by a subcontractor for
the purpose of obtaining supplies, materials,
equipment, or services of any kind under a prime
10 U.S.C. § 4701
The term subcontractor” means any supplier,
distributor, vendor, or firm that furnishes supplies or
services to or for a prime contractor or another
10 U.S.C. § 4701
Subgrant A subgrant is an award of financial assistance in the
form of money, or property in lieu of money, made
under a grant by a grantee to an eligible subgrantee.
10 U.S.C. § 4701
Term Description Related to
The term includes financial assistance when provided
by contractual legal agreement, but does not include
procurement purchases, nor does it include any form
of assistance which is excluded from the definition of
grant in this part.
The term subgrantee means the government or
other legal entity to which a subgrant is awarded and
which is accountable to the grantee for the use of the
funds provided.
10 U.S.C. § 4701