Budget, Organization and
Support Services Office
Information Technology Office
International Affairs Office
Data Analytics Office
Office of Inspection on
Risk Management
Research Office
Research Office
Better Regional Banking
Policy Office
Resources and Management Division
General affairs, personnel affairs, service regulations, training, and management of the library
Organization, quota of staff, budget, accounting, and welfare
Maintenance and management of information system
Functions of the FSA (July 2023)
Division/Office Functions
Strategy Development and
Management Bureau
Overall coordination, control of planning, policy making and implementation of overall and basic policies as
well as other policy measures, control of research and analysis concerning the condition and trends of
risks common to the financial system and multiple financial institutions, and conduct of comprehensive or
particularly specialized research, analysis, and inspection
Planning and Management Division
Overall coordination, information disclosure / personal information protection, Diet affairs, public relations,
liaison and coordination with local financial bureaus, post on official gazette, administrative litigation,
administrative affairs of concerning administrative judgement on civil penalty.
Risk Analysis Division
Overall coordination of research and analysis concerning the condition and trends of risks common to
multiple financial institutions and the financial system, and conduct of comprehensive or particularly
specialized research, analysis and inspection
Collection and analysis of information to form the basis of an understanding of risks to the financial system
/ financial institutions
Social and Environmental
Finance Office
Planning and policy making for financial institutions and other parties responding to climate changes and
control of administrative affairs concerning Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Planning and policy making concerning international affairs
Strategy Development Division
Control of planning, policy making and implementation of overall and basic policies as well as other policy
measures, financial literacy, control of administrative affairs concerning taxation, policy evaluation,
research and studies concerning finance
Office of Asset Management
Business Reform
Planning, policy making and coordination concerning developing asset management
Cyber Security Policy Office Planning, policy making, and promotion concerning cyber security measures
Carrying out important inspections from among those aimed at understanding the risk management
situation of financial institutions
AML/CFT Policy Office
Affairs of concerning review of Financial Activity Task Force of financial institutions other and anti-money
laundering and combating the financing of terrorism
Economic Security Office Affairs of concerning economic security of financial services
Financial Service Intermediary
Business Office
Supervision of financial service intermediary business operators, and electronic payment services
Financial Services Users Office Handling complaints / provision of information in regard to inquiries
Money Lending Business Office Supervision of money lending business operators
Fintech Business Monitoring
Supervision of prepaid payment instruments issuers, funds transfer services providers, and crypto asset
exchange service providers
Financial Markets Division Planning and policy making concerning securities markets and other financial markets
Director for Risk Analysis Division
Conduct of important inspections
Policy and Markets Bureau Planning and policy making concerning domestic finance system
Planning and Management Division
Overall coordination of the Policy and Markets Bureau, control of administrative affairs concerning
formulation of the guidelines, control of planning and policy making for systems concerning international
services provided by domestic finance and financial institutions, planning and policy making for
fundamental and common issues
Deposit Insurance and Resolution
Framework Policy Office
Planning and policy making for systems concerning deposit insurance and Agricultural and Fishery Co-
operative Savings Insurance
Insurance System Planning Office
Planning and policy making concerning insurance system
Research concerning domestic and overseas financial systems and their operations
Corporate Accounting and
Disclosure Division
Planning and policy making for systems concerning corporate disclosures, planning and policy making for
CPA systems, reviews and actions on annual securities reports
Supervison Bureau Supervision of financial institutions
Planning and Management Division
Overall coordination of Supervisoon Bureau, control of administrative affairs concerning the formulation of
the guidelines of supervisory affairs
Formulation of guidelines concerning the supervisory affairs or research concerning measures
Deposit Insurance and
Resolution Framework Office
Ensure the suitable management of the business / organization of the Deposit Insurance Corporation of
Japan and the Agricultural and Fishery Co-operative Savings Insurance Corporation
Banking Business Division I Supervision of bank operators
Banking Business Division II
Supervision of bank operators (members of the Regional Banks Association of Japan or the Second
Association of Regional Banks)
Planning, policy making, and promotion of policy measures to support the improvement of productivity at
companies through the strengthening of regional financial functions
Digital Forensic Solutions Office
CPA Auditing Inspection
Non-Life Insurance/ Small-Claims and
Short-Term Insurance Business Office
Supervision of insurance business operators (Non-life insurance providers, small amount and short term
insurance providers)
Financial Cooperatives Office
Supervision of credit unions, credit union associations, labor credit unions, labor credit union associations,
and credit coorperative
Insurance Business Division Supervision of insurance business operators
Securities Business Monitoring Division
Collection of reports and materials, inspection of securities businesses based on the Financial Instruments
and Exchange Act and other laws
Securities Business Division Supervision of financial instruments business operators
Administrative Law Judge Administrative judgement on civil penalties
Securities and Exchange Surveillance
Commission Executive Bureau
Market surveillance, inspection of securities businesses, investigation of market misconduct, inspection of
corporate disclosures, investigation of criminal cases, etc.
Planning and Management Division
Overall coordination, general affairs and personnel affairs of the Executive Bureau
Preservation of evidence, investigation and analysis of electromagnetic records concerning objects
processed by electronic data processing system
Market Surveillance Division
Overall information gathering concerning the trading of securities and other transactions, market
Foreign Securities Business
Monitoring Office
Collection of reports and materials, inspection of foreign investment management business and other
financial instruments businesses
Director for Securities Business
Monitoring Division
Conduct of securities inspections
Market Miscounduct Investigation Division
Investigation of market misconduct based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
Disclosure Inspection Division Inspection of corporate disclosures based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
Criminal Investigation Division
Investigation of criminal cases based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Act on
Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds
Certified Public Accountants and Auditing
Oversight Board Executive Bureau
Administration of CPA Examinations, monitoring and inspection of audit work performed by audit firms
Planning, Management and
CPA Examination Division
General coordination in the Executive Bureau including international affairs and administration of CPA
Monitoring and Inspection Division Monitoring and inspection of audit work performed by audit firms
Inspection of audit work performed by audit firms