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Feb & July 2018 FL
Bar Exam
!Posted on October 22, 2017 by Aplus eBooks Posted in Bar Exam, FL
Essays, FL Multiple-Choice, Florida Bar Exam, Law Blog, MBE Info
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Feb 2018 FL Bar
Feb 2018 FL Bar
The February 2018 Florida
Bar Exam will be held on
Tues and Wed, Feb 24th
and Feb 25th. The clock is
set for Monday, Feb 23rd,
at 2359 hrs (11:59 pm)
Refresh the page for the
accurate time.
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February and July 2018
February and July 2018
Florida Bar Exam
Florida Bar Exam
We hope the following information
helps you in your 2018 Florida Bar
Exam study endeavors. If you have
questions or comments, either use our
contact form or the comments section to communicate
with us. Kind regards, and happy studying!
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
I. General Information
A. Florida Board of Bar Examiners v. The Florida Bar
B. When and Where is the February Exam?
C. When and Where is the July Exam?
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Feb & July 2018 FL
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FL Bar Exam Study
II. Part A (The Florida Portion)
A. The Exam’s Purpose
B. How is the Florida Portion Tested?
C. Time Allotments and Raw Scores
D. What Subjects are on Part A?
1. Essay Subjects
2. Multiple-Choice Subjects
III. Part B (The MBE)
A. The Exam’s Purpose
B. When and How is the MBE Tested?
C. Time Allotments and Raw Scores
D. What Subjects are on Part B?
IV. Passing Score Requirements
V. Additional Resources
VI. View this Page in Flip Book Format
I. General Information
I. General Information
A. The Florida Board of Bar Examiners v. The
A. The Florida Board of Bar Examiners v. The
Florida Bar
Florida Bar
As a bar exam applicant and a soon-to-be licensed Florida
attorney, it is a good idea to understand the difference
between the Florida Board of Bar Examiners and The
Florida Bar. Maybe you already know the difference. If so,
great. Explain it to your peers and to others. There tends
to be confusion on the worldwide web and among bar
exam applicants regarding this seemingly mundane, yet
important, difference, which is why we are taking the
time to discuss it here.
The Florida Supreme Court has exclusive power to license
and discipline Florida attorneys. [1] The Court performs
its duties through two entities: The Florida Board of Bar
Examiners and The Florida Bar. As an administrative
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Florida Courts
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Civil Procedure MBE
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agency of the Court, the Board is responsible for
implementing the rules regulating an applicant’s
admission to The Florida Bar. [2] The Board has authority
over an applicant’s admission to The Florida Bar.
The Florida Bar has no direct authority over an applicant’s
admission. [3] The Bar is an organization that oversees
unethical conduct of licensed attorneys—including the
unlicensed practice of law. Once you become a licensed
Florida attorney, you become a member of The Florida
Simply stated, as an applicant you answer to the Board;
as a licensed attorney you answer to The Florida Bar. If
you are interested in knowing the Board’s authority after
admittance, read Rule 5-14.
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B. When and Where is the February 2018 Exam?
B. When and Where is the February 2018 Exam?
The February 2018 Florida Bar
Exam will be tested on
Tuesday and Wednesday,
February 27-28, 2018. Part A,
the Florida portion, will be
tested on Tuesday, February 27th. Part B, the MBE, will
be tested on Wednesday, February 28th. The exam will
be held at the Tampa Convention Center, 333 South
Franklin Street, Tampa, Florida. You can find detailed
information such as arrival and exam session times on
the Florida Board of Bar Examiners website (“Exam
C. When and Where is the July 2018 Exam?
C. When and Where is the July 2018 Exam?
The July 2018 Florida Bar
Exam will be tested on
Tuesday and Wednesday, July
24-25, 2018, at the Tampa
Convention Center. Part A, the
Florida portion, will be tested on Tuesday, July 24th. Part
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MBE 2017 Real
Essays Florida Bar
Answering Essay
FL Essay Writing
FL Essays 14-Year
FL Questions
Answers 2003-
FL Tested Subjects
Fed Con Law Essay
IRAC Sample Essay
Torts Essay
Articles & Resources
FL Grading–Raw to
Scaled Score
FL Oath of
FL Bar Exam
Flashcard Links
FL Bar Exam
Review Videos
FL Civil Procedure
FL Crim Pro MC
FL Corporations
FL Courts
FL Dependency
Law in a Nutshell
FL Dependency
Law Overview
B, the MBE, will be tested on Wednesday, July 25th.
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II. Part A—The Florida Portion
II. Part A—The Florida Portion
A. Purpose of the Florida Portion
A. Purpose of the Florida Portion
Obviously, as an applicant, your purpose for taking the
bar exam is to pass it and become a licensed Florida
attorney. However, from a strategical stand point, have
you considered the purpose of the exam as seen through
the eyes of the examiners? We have, and we believe that
understanding it from the examiners perspective is
beneficial to understanding the exam in general. It allows
an applicant to “get into the examiners’ heads,” so to
According to the Florida Supreme Court, the purpose of
the General Florida Bar Exam is threefold. First, the exam
tests your “ability to reason logically.” Second, it tests
your ability to “accurately analyze the problem
presented.” And third, it tests your ability to
“demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the fundamental
principles of law and their application.” [4]
So when you’re studying for the bar exam, study like a
lawyer and not like a student. Know as much about your
opponent as is diligently possible. In this situation, your
opponent is the bar exam. The more insight and
understanding you have about the overall exam, and of
course, the substantive law, the more confident you
should feel when facing your opponent.
Taking the bar exam is very different from taking a law
school exam. The bar exam is all-encompassing. You
need to know a vast array of federal law subjects,
including Florida law distinctions. Memorization alone is
not enough to pass the exam, although mnemonics are
certainly helpful.
As you are studying, just keep in mind the exam’s
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FL Homestead
FL Juvenile Justice
FL Professional
FL Proposed Rule
FL Statutes & Rules
Last Minute Exam
MBE Civil Pro MC
MBE Hearsay
MBE Constitutional
Law Video
MBE 4th
UCC 9 Notes
UCC 9 Notes
UCC 9 Flowcharts
Nationwide Exam
Articles &
Bar Exam
Bar Exam Stupor
Don’t Let Failure
Defeat You
FL Bar Exam
Success Story
Note of
Rush it Away
purpose. Be prepared to show the examiners that you:
(1) have a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals of
law; (2) can accurately analyze the questions presented;
(3) know how to apply the law to the facts of the specific
question; and (4) can logically reason to reach a
conclusion. With this insight in mind, hopefully some
semblance of stress about your opponent will be relieved.
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B. How is Part A Tested?
B. How is Part A Tested?
Part A is comprised of two sessions—the Tuesday
morning essay session and the Tuesday afternoon
multiple-choice session. The morning session consists of
three hours answering three essay questions. The
afternoon session consists of three hours answering 100
multiple-choice questions. Part A tests your knowledge of
both federal law and Florida law. When federal law differs
from Florida law, be sure to answer all questions
pursuant to Florida law. [5]
C. Time Allotment and Raw Points
C. Time Allotment and Raw Points
You are essentially allotted one-hour to answer each
essay question. Each essay is worth 100 points for a total
possible essay raw score of 300 points. As for the 100
multiple-choice questions, you are essentially allotted 1.8
minutes to answer each question. The total raw score
available on the multiple-choice section is 90 points. This
is because 10 of the questions are “experimental” and do
not count toward your total score. The total raw points
available on Part A are 390—300 points on the essay
section and 90 points on the multiple-choice section. [6]
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D. What Subjects are Tested on the Florida
D. What Subjects are Tested on the Florida
As mandated by the Florida Supreme Court,
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July 2016 Bar
Exam Raw Scores
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Raw Scores
Feb 2016 Bar Exam
Feb 2016 Bar
Exam–Your Views
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FL Bar Exam Feb &
July 2015
July 2015 Raw
July 2015 FL Bar
July 2015 Exam
July Exam
July 2015 FL Bar
Feb 2015 Raw
Feb 2015 FL Exam
Feb 2015 Exam
“Part A consists of 6 one-hour segments. One
segment includes the Florida Rules of Civil and
Criminal Procedure and the Florida Rules of Judicial
Administration 2.330, 2.420, 2.505 and 2.515. The
remaining 5 segments, each of which includes no
more than 3 subjects, are tested from the following
subjects: (a) Florida constitutional law; (b) federal
constitutional law; (c) business entities; (d) wills and
administration of estates; (e) trusts; (f) real
property; (g) evidence; (h) torts; (i) criminal law,
constitutional criminal procedure, and juvenile
delinquency; (j) contracts; (k) Articles 3 and 9 of the
Uniform Commercial Code; (l) family law and
dependency; (m) Chapter 4, Rules of Professional
Conduct of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar; (n)
Chapter 5, Rules Regulating Trust Accounts of the
Rules Regulating The Florida Bar; and (o)
professionalism.” [7]
Notice that the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, Florida
Rules of Criminal Procedure, and Florida Rules of Judicial
Administration §§ 2.330, 2.420, 2.505, and 2.515 are
required subjects on every bar exam. It is a good idea to
know these three subjects because, rest-assured, they
will be on the exam.
The tested format for the above required subjects varies
at the discretion of the Florida Board of Bar Examiners.
We have broken-down the subjects based on the general
category of prior tested exams. For instance, we set forth
which subjects are most commonly tested as essay
questions and which ones are tested as multiple-choice
questions. You will see that a few of the subjects are
cross-overs, which means they might be tested on either,
or both of, the essays or the multiple-choice questions
(e.g., professionalism [ethics]). It goes without saying,
but just as a reminder, you must know the law in order to
pass the exam!
1. Essay Subjects
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New Subject MBE
2014 Florida Bar
FL Bar Exam Feb &
July 2014
Raw Scores July
Raw Scores Feb
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Results FL Bar Feb
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FL Bar Exam Feb &
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The number in parenthesis indicates the approximate
number of times the examiners have tested that
particular subject in essay format. The tested time period
extends from July 2003 through July 2017. [8]
a. Florida and Federal Constitutional Law (22)*
b. Professionalism [Ethics] (31)*
c. Real Property (13)
d. Family Law and Dependency (16)*
e. Contracts (18)
f. Torts (17)
g. Trusts (10)*
h. UCC 3 Negotiable Instruments (3)*
i. UCC 9 Secured Transactions (3)*
j. Constitutional Criminal Procedure, Criminal Law,
Juvenile Delinquency (2)
* Subject was tested on the July 2017 exam
2. Multiple-Choice Subjects
As previously stated, there are three subjects that must
be tested on every exam — the †Florida Rules of Civil and
†Criminal Procedure and the †Florida Rules of Judicial
Administration. The bar examiners have been generally
testing these three subjects in multiple-choice format,
along with two additional subjects from the following
a. Wills & Administration of Estates^*
b. Business Entities^
c. Evidence^*
d. Professionalism [Ethics] (MC/Essay)
e. Rules of Professional Conduct, Chapter 4 (MC/Essay)
f. Rules Regulating Trust Accounts, Chapter 5 (MC/Essay)
† Required Subjects on every exam
^ Heavily and consistently tested in MC format
* Subject was tested on the July 2017 exam
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Rodrigo Nathoo
Rodrigo Nathoo
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on Protected:
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FL Bar Exam
III. Part B—The MBE
III. Part B—The MBE
A. Purpose of the MBE
A. Purpose of the MBE
According to the National Conference of Bar Examiners
(NCBE), “The purpose of the MBE is to assess the extent
to which an examinee can apply fundamental legal
principles and legal reasoning to analyze given fact
patterns.” [9]
B. When and How is Part B Tested?
B. When and How is Part B Tested?
Part B, the MBE, will be tested on Wednesday, February
28, 2018, and again on Wednesday, July 25, 2018, at the
Tampa Convention Center. The MBE takes six hours to
complete and consists of 200 questions. The morning
session contains 100 multiple-choice questions which
shall be completed within three hours. The afternoon
session also contains 100 multiple-choice questions which
shall be completed within three hours.
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C. What Subjects are Tested on the MBE?
C. What Subjects are Tested on the MBE?
The 2017 MBE brought changes to the Real Property
portion of the exam (see, e.g., 2017 MBE Real Property
Changes). It also brought with it changes to the number
of scored versus the number of unscored questions on
the exam.
In past years, the MBE consisted of 200 questions, only
190 of which were scored. However, as of 2017, the MBE
consists of 200 multiple-choice questions, only 175 of
which are scored. So now there are 25 unscored “pretest
questions” as opposed to a mere 10 unscored “pretest
questions.” [10]
In any event, according to the NCBE, the 175 scored
questions will be evenly distributed from the following
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1. Civil Procedure (25 Q)
2. Constitutional Law (25 Q)
3. Contracts (25 Q)
4. Criminal Law and Procedure (25 Q)
5. Evidence (25 Q)
6. Real Property (25 Q)
7. Torts (25 Q)
It might be worth your time to read the NCBE’s article
entitled, “Preparing for the MBE“. It contains new and
important MBE information.
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IV. Florida Bar Exam Passing Score
IV. Florida Bar Exam Passing Score
To pass the General Florida Bar Exam, you “must attain a
minimum scaled score of 136 points or above on both
Parts A and B under the individual method, and an
average scaled score of 136 or above under the overall
method.” [11]
When we were preparing our July 2013 Florida Bar Exam
information, the Florida Board of Bar Examiners website
stated that to pass Part A, an applicant must have an
average essay score of at least 45 points and correctly
answer at least 55% of the multiple-choice questions.
(See July 2013 Florida Bar Exam.)
However, for the February and July 2018 exam, the bar
examiners simply state that “an average scaled score of
136 or better” is required to pass the exam (“Overall
Method”). [12]
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V. Additional Resources
V. Additional Resources
The Florida Board of Bar Examiners published a “Virtual
Tour” of the exam in hopes of making your 2018 bar
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exam experience less stressful. They also published a
Study Guide” containing past essay questions and
sample multiple-choice questions. As previously stated,
the NCBE published a “2018 MBE Subject Matter Outline
which gives examinees valuable MBE information. We
also posted a Florida court jurisdiction flowchart page in
case you need it.
VI. View Page in Flip Book Format
VI. View Page in Flip Book Format
View this Page in Flip Book Format.
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1. FL Bar Exam Feb & July 2017
2. Dependency Law Nutshell
3. FL Bar Exam Review Videos
4. Fourth Amendment Podcasts
5. FL Bar Exam 14-Year Essay Graph/Chart
6. Questions and Selected Essay Answers 2003-2017
7. Note of Encouragement (includes prominent people who failed
the bar exam)
Article Sources:
1. Article V, Section 15 of the Constitution of the State of Florida
[back to text]
2. See Rule 1-13, Rules of the Florida Supreme Court [back to text]
3. The Florida Bar [back to text]
4. Supra, Rule 4-21 [back to text]
5. Florida Board of Bar Examiners (“Exam Information”) [back to
6. See, e.g., Raw Scores February 2013 [back to text]
7. Supra, Rule 4-22 [back to text]
8. See, e.g., Florida Bar Exam Essays 14-Year Graph [back to text]
9. 2018 MBE Subject Matter Outline [back to text]
10. Supra, Rule 4-26.2 [back to text]
11. NCBE Website [back to text]
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12. Supra, “Exam Information” [back to text]
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