70 Alzheimer’s Association. 2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. Alzheimers Dement 2021;17(3).
Race, Ethnicity and
Alzheimer's in America
Special Report
Despite decades of research and calls to
action to ensure that health care is accessible
and equal for all regardless of gender, race,
ethnicity, geography and socioeconomic
status, this aim is still far from reality for too
many Americans.
Disparities Still Impacting Health and
Health Care
Reducing or eliminating disparity has been part of the
national conversation as a key goal of the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services’ Healthy People initiative for
more than 20 years.
Yet disparity is still evident in
health and health care.
While health disparities and health care disparities are often
used interchangeably, there are important distinctions
between the two terms. A health disparity exists when
there is a higher burden of illness, injury, disability or
mortality in one group relative to another, whereas a health
care disparity is used to describe differences between
groups in health insurance coverage, access to and use of
health care, and quality of health care.
The existence and adverse effects of health disparities
are well documented. For example, Blacks and Native
Americans are more likely than Whites to report a range
of health conditions, including asthma and diabetes. Native
Americans also have higher rates of heart disease
compared with Whites.
The existence of health care disparities is similarly well
documented. Non-White racial/ethnic populations and
low-income individuals have historically faced greater
barriers to accessing care. One reason for this is that they
are more likely to be uninsured than Whites and people
with higher incomes.
Health and health care disparities are intertwined with
social, economic and environmental factors that perpetuate
disadvantage. Both health and health care disparities are
influenced by socioeconomic status, age, geographic
location, gender, disability status and sexual orientation.
Race and ethnicity are also important factors contributing
to health and health care disparities.
Health care system factors that contribute to disparity
should also be acknowledged. These include implicit
bias on the part of health care providers, as well as cultural
and language barriers that impede patient-provider
Understanding how different racial and ethnic groups view,
access and experience health care is critical to informing
improvements to the health care system and helping health
providers care for an increasingly diverse population. The
need to do so is urgent. It is projected that people of color
will account for over half (52%) of the population in 2050.
Pandemic Sparks New Discussions
About Disparities
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic and social justice
movements sparked new conversations about endemic and
long-standing health and health care disparities faced by
non-White racial/ethnic populations, especially when it
comes to access, discrimination and trust in the health care
These populations were disproportionately
affected by the environmental, societal and economic
impact of the pandemic — facing greater risk of losing
a job or income, being more likely to be frontline workers
with greater risk of exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus that
causes COVID-19, and having a higher likelihood of housing
uncertainty and food insecurity due to the pandemic.
The effects of these social, economic and environmental
factors, known as social determinants of health, can put a
population’s current and future health in jeopardy. For
example, they have created stark contrasts in COVID-19
infection rates and outcomes. Black, Native American and
Hispanic communities have seen COVID-19 cases,
hospitalizations and deaths at rates greater than Whites,
and these events far exceed their share of the U.S.
Special Report — Race, Ethnicity and Alzheimer's in America
Health Disparity vs. Health Care Disparity
Health disparity: a higher burden of illness,
injury, disability or mortality experienced by
one group relative to another.
Health care disparity: differences between
groups in health insurance coverage, access
to and use of care, and quality of care.
Both: differences that are not explained by
variations in health needs, patient preferences
or treatment recommendations and are
closely linked with social, economic and/or
environmental disadvantage.
72 Alzheimer’s Association. 2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. Alzheimers Dement 2021;17(3).
In seeking care for COVID-19, Black Americans nationwide
report on social media and in news stories that they
experienced bias and discrimination.
One study found
that Hispanics were prevented from accessing testing and
care for COVID-19 because they lacked insurance and
there were shortages of interpreters in local health
Language barriers and low health literacy also
contributed to misunderstanding of COVID-19 –related
health information and the spread of misinformation in
some Hispanic communities.
A separate survey found
that Asian and White individuals were more knowledgeable
about COVID-19 than Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black
individuals; this difference in awareness and understanding
could exacerbate existing disparities in health care.
Racial and Ethnic Disparities Exist in
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care
Racial and ethnic disparities in health and health care,
such as those observed during the pandemic, extend to
dementia care. Stigma, cultural differences, awareness and
understanding, and the ability to obtain a diagnosis, manage
the disease, and access care and support services for
dementia vary widely depending on race, ethnicity,
geography and socioeconomic status. These disparities
reach beyond clinical care to include uneven representation
of Black, Hispanic, Asian and Native Americans in
Alzheimer’s research in clinical trials.
As discussed in the Prevalence section (see page 18),
health and socioeconomic disparities and systemic
racism contribute to increased Alzheimer’s and
dementia risk in underrepresented racial and ethnic
Older Black and Hispanic
Americans are also disproportionately more likely to
have Alzheimer’s and other dementias, as well as more
likely to have missed diagnoses, than older White
Caregiving for individuals with Alzheimer’s or other
dementias differs between racial and ethnic groups too.
These differences include the availability of support
services, the time spent on caregiving, cultural perceptions
of the burden of caregiving, whether social networks
provide support, and the psychological well-being of the
384-388, 390
The State of Disparity in Alzheimer’s
and Dementia Health Care: Adult and
Caregiver Surveys
To better understand racial and ethnic attitudes and
experiences regarding Alzheimer’s and dementia care
in the United States, the Alzheimers Association
commissioned Versta Research to conduct surveys of
(1) U.S. adults and (2) current or recent caregivers of adults
age 50 or older with cognitive issues. Respondents were
asked about access to care and support services, trust in
providers and the health care system, participation in
clinical trials and research, and caregiver experiences.
This is the first Alzheimer’s Association survey to ask
and report the views of Asian Americans and Native
Americans on these issues. It is also one of the few reports
to investigate the experiences of diverse caregivers.
Key Findings
The Alzheimers Association surveys revealed:
Discrimination is a barrier to Alzheimer’s
and dementia care.
More than one-third of Black Americans (36%), and
nearly one-fifth of Hispanic Americans (18%) and Asian
Americans (19%), believe discrimination would be a
barrier to receiving Alzheimer’s care.
Half of Black Americans (50%) report they have
experienced health care discrimination; more than
2 in 5 Native Americans (42%) and one-third of Asian
Americans (34%) and Hispanic Americans (33%) likewise
report having experienced discrimination when
seeking health care.
Among non-White caregivers, half or more say they
have faced discrimination when navigating health care
settings for their care recipient, with the top concern
being that providers or staff do not listen to what they
are saying because of their race, color or ethnicity.
This concern was especially high among Black
caregivers (42%), followed by Native American (31%),
Asian American (30%) and Hispanic (28%) caregivers.
Fewer than 1 in 5 White caregivers (17%) expressed
this view.
Two in 5 caregivers (41%) who provide unpaid care to a
Black person say that race makes it harder for them to
get excellent health care. Nearly 1 in 3 caregivers of
Hispanic people (32%) say the same.
People of color want health care providers who
understand their unique experiences and backgrounds,
but many doubt they would have access to culturally
competent providers.
An overwhelming majority of non-White Americans
say it is important for Alzheimer’s and dementia care
providers to understand their ethnic or racial
background and experiences, including Native
Americans (92%), Blacks (89%), Hispanics (85%) and
Asian Americans (84%).
But fewer than half of Black (48%) and Native
Americans (47%) feel confident there is access to
providers who are culturally competent, and only about
3 in 5 Asian Americans (63%) and Hispanics (59%)
likewise feel confident.
Black Americans lack trust in research clinical trials,
and half doubt that advances in Alzheimer’s treatments
will be shared.
Nearly two-thirds of Black Americans (62%) believe
medical research is biased against people of color, and
Black Americans are less interested in participating in
clinical trials for Alzheimer’s than all other groups
Only half of Black Americans (53%) trust a future cure
for Alzheimer’s will be shared equally regardless of race,
color or ethnicity.
Knowledge, concern and stigma about Alzheimer’s varies
widely across racial and ethnic groups.
Concern about developing Alzheimer’s is lower among
Native Americans (25%), Blacks (35%) and Hispanics
(41%), especially when compared with Whites (48%).
More than one-third of Native Americans (35%) and
nearly 3 in 10 Hispanics (28%) do not believe they will
live long enough to develop Alzheimer’s or another
More than half of non-White Americans believe
significant loss of memory or cognitive abilities is
a normal part of aging.
Hispanic, Black and Native Americans are twice as likely
as Whites to say they would not see a doctor if
experiencing thinking or memory problems.
One in 5 Black (21%) and Hispanic Americans (20%)
say they would feel insulted if a doctor suggested a
cognitive assessment.
Hispanic and Black Americans worry less than other
groups about being a burden on family if they develop
Alzheimer’s disease.
Nearly 2 in 3 caregivers (64%) across all groups say that
caregiving is stressful, but nearly all (92%) say caregiving
is rewarding as well.
Overall, the results of the Alzheimer’s Association surveys
indicate that despite ongoing efforts to address health
and health care disparities in Alzheimer’s and other
dementias, there is still much work to do. Non-White
racial/ethnic populations face more challenges in accessing
and receiving high quality dementia care and support
services in the current environment. The data suggest that
discrimination and lack of diversity in the health care
profession are significant barriers that demand attention.
Survey Design and Research Methods
Surveys across both groups explored wide-ranging issues
related to Alzheimers and dementia care, including:
Knowledge and understanding of the disease.
Access to care and support services.
Trust in health care, providers and disease research.
Interest in clinical trials.
Existence of discrimination and how that impacts care.
Survey of U.S. Adults
A survey of 2,491 U.S. adults age 18 and older was
conducted from October 26, 2020, to November 11,
2020. Data was collected by NORC at the University of
Chicago via the AmeriSpeak® panel. AmeriSpeak is a
probability-based panel of all U.S. households. The survey
included 945 White respondents. Oversamples of Hispanic
(n=541), Black (n=515) and Asian Americans (n=412) were
weighted back to their true population proportions for
statistical analysis and reporting. For full inclusion of Native
Americans, the same survey was administered to an
additional sample of 406 Native Americans recruited
through online (non-probability) panels with sampling
stratified and data weighted on gender, age, income and
education to match U.S. Census Bureau data. The survey
was offered in both English and Spanish.
Survey of Caregivers
A survey of 1,392 U.S. adults who were current or recent
unpaid caregivers for an adult relative or friend age 50 or
older experiencing problems with thinking, understanding
or remembering things was conducted from October 21,
2020, through November 22, 2020. The sample included
White (n=313), Hispanic (n=309), Black (n=305), Asian
(n=301) and Native American caregivers (n=154), and
caregivers who identified as belonging to another ethnic
or racial group (n=10). Respondents were recruited via
non-probability online panels used exclusively for research,
with full population screening and respondent data
weighted to match U.S. Census data on age, gender,
income, education and race/ethnicity to ensure accurate
representation of the caregiving population, and to correct
for demographic oversamples. The survey was offered in
both English and Spanish.
For both surveys, differences noted in the report
between racial and ethnic groups were tested and found
to be statistically significant at the p<.05 level.
Special Report — Race, Ethnicity and Alzheimer's in America
74 Alzheimer’s Association. 2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. Alzheimers Dement 2021;17(3).
Survey Results
Discrimination Continues to be a Barrier to
Dementia Care
The Alzheimers Association survey of U.S. adults found
that more than one-third of Black Americans (36%) and
one-fifth of Hispanic (18%) and Asian (19%) Americans see
discrimination as a barrier to receiving Alzheimer’s and
dementia care (Table 20). Specifically, they expect to be
treated differently because of their race, color or ethnicity.
Other perceived barriers to care cited by survey
respondents include affordability (especially among Asian
Americans), followed by lack of good health insurance
coverage, lack of good local health care (especially among
Black Americans and Asian Americans), and lack of family
and social support. Fewer respondents saw language
as a barrier to receiving dementia care, but among current
caregivers, almost 1 in 4 Asian Americans (23%) and
nearly 1 in 5 Hispanic caregivers (17%) cited language as
a barrier to care.
When asked more directly about the impact of race or
ethnicity on the quality of care, two-thirds of Black
Americans (66%) believe it is harder for Black Americans to
get excellent care for Alzheimer’s disease or other
dementias. Likewise, 2 in 5 Native Americans (40%) and
Hispanic Americans (39%) believe their own race or ethnicity
makes it harder to get care, as do one-third of Asian
Americans (34%).
Caregivers, too, see discrimination as a top barrier, with
1 in 4 Black caregivers (25%) citing discrimination as a
barrier, followed by Native American (19%), Asian American
(17%) and Hispanic (8%) caregivers. In fact, more than half
of Native American (63%), Black (61%) and Hispanic (56%)
Affordability of care 61% 55% 52% 70% 61%
Lack of good health care insurance coverage 31% 41% 31% 39% 36%
Lack of good health care services in my community 20% 24% 27% 27% 24%
Lack of family and social support to help me 20% 21% 20% 25% 20%
Being treated differently because of my race, color or ethnicity 1% 18% 36% 19% 12%
Not being able to communicate easily in English 4% 9% 9% 8% 5%
Other barriers 2% 1% 1% 1% 2%
There would be no barriers 21% 17% 20% 12% 14%
Perceived Barriers to Getting Excellent Health Care and Support for Alzheimer’s or Another Dementia Among U.S. Adults
Felt not listened to 17% 28% 42% 30% 31%
Provider acted like you were not smart 11% 26% 28% 28% 43%
Treated with less courtesy than others 11% 26% 26% 23% 22%
Treated with less respect than others 8% 24% 26% 20% 27%
Received poorer service than others 7% 21% 19% 10% 18%
Provider acted afraid of you 7% 11% 13% 7% 4%
Types of Discrimination Based on Race, Color or Ethnicity Among Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregivers
caregivers report having experienced racial discrimination
when navigating health care settings for their care recipient.
The same is true for nearly half of those who are Asian
American (47%). Two in 5 caregivers (41%) who provide
unpaid care to a Black person say that race makes it harder
for them to get excellent health care. Nearly 1 in 3
caregivers of Hispanic people (32%) say the same.
What specifically have caregivers experienced? The top
problem cited was that providers or staff do not listen to
them because of their race, color or ethnicity (Table 21).
This was especially high among Black caregivers (42%),
followed by Native American (31%), Asian American (30%)
and Hispanic (28%) caregivers. Fewer than 1 in 5 White
caregivers (17%) expressed this same view. More than
1 in 4 non-White caregivers report health care providers
treating them as if they were “not smart” (Native American,
43%; Asian American, 28%; Black, 28%; and Hispanic, 26%)
compared with about 1 in 10 White (11%) caregivers.
In addition, at least one-fifth of non-White caregivers
report being treated with less courtesy and/or less respect.
Not surprisingly, the belief among non-White Americans
(not just caregivers) that discrimination is a barrier to
Alzheimer’s and dementia care is rooted in their own
experiences with the health care system. Half of Black
Americans (50%), more than 2 in 5 Native Americans (42%)
and a third of all Asian (34%) and Hispanic (33%) Americans
report having experienced discrimination when seeking
health care (see Figure 18, page 76). In contrast, fewer than
1 in 10 White Americans (9%) report having experienced
discrimination because of their race, color or ethnicity.
Desire for Providers Who Understand Ethnic or
Racial Background
Given their own experiences with discrimination, it is
not surprising that non-White racial/ethnic populations
feel it is important for Alzheimer’s and dementia care
providers to be more culturally competent. Responses
from both surveys indicate a strong desire for dementia care
providers who understand different racial and ethnic
backgrounds, but many survey respondents say access
to these providers is lacking.
Figure 19 (see page 77) shows responses to two questions
that were tailored to a respondent’s race or ethnicity. For
example, Black respondents were asked: “How important
do you feel it is for Black people with Alzheimer’s or other
dementias to have health care providers who understand
their background and experiences as Black people?
And then: “How confident are you that Black people with
Alzheimer’s or other dementias have access to health
care providers who understand their background and
experiences as Black people?
An overwhelming majority of non-White respondents
said it was important for Alzheimer’s and dementia care
providers to understand their ethnic or racial background
and experiences, including Native Americans (92%), Black
Americans (89%), Hispanic Americans (85%) and Asian
Americans (84%). However, fewer than half of Black
respondents (48%) and Native American respondents (47%)
felt confident that people in their communities with
Alzheimer’s or other dementias currently have access
to such providers, and fewer than two-thirds of Asian
Americans (63%) and Hispanic Americans (59%) felt
the same.
The survey of caregivers mirrored these results. Among
those caring for a non-White person, most felt it was
important for health care providers to understand the
ethnic or racial background and experiences of the
person they are caring for, including 96% of those caring
for Native Americans, 94% of those caring for Asian
Americans, 91% of those caring for Black Americans
and 89% of those caring for Hispanic Americans.
Far fewer caregivers rated their current health care
providers as being “excellent” orgood” when it comes
to understanding the ethnic or racial background and
experiences of the person they are caring for (Native
Americans, 67%; Hispanic Americans, 65%; Black Americans,
61%; and Asian Americans, 53%).
Belief That Research Is Biased Is More Common
Among Non-Whites; Blacks Do Not Believe a Cure
Will Be Shared Equally
The experiences and views of discrimination expressed
by respondents in both surveys are reflected in their views
on clinical trials, research and potential treatment for
Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
A majority of Black Americans (62%) believe that medical
research is biased against people of color — a view shared
by substantial numbers of Asian Americans (45%), Native
Americans (40%) and Hispanic Americans (36%) as well.
Notably, even a third of White Americans (31%) see
medical research as being biased against people of color
(see Figure 20, page 78).
Its not surprising, then, that among Americans as
a whole, Blacks have less interest in clinical research
trials to prevent or slow the progression of Alzheimers
disease. White Americans are most likely to express
interest (82%), followed by Native Americans (81%),
Hispanic Americans (78%), Asian Americans (73%) and
lastly, Black Americans (67%).
Special Report — Race, Ethnicity and Alzheimer's in America
76 Alzheimer’s Association. 2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. Alzheimers Dement 2021;17(3).
Regularly From time to time
White Americans Hispanic Americans Black Americans Asian Americans Native Americans
Percentage of U.S. Adults Who Have Experienced Racial or Ethnic Discrimination When Seeking Health Care
Responses from caregivers present a somewhat different
picture. Compared with other groups, Black caregivers
and Hispanic caregivers are somewhat more interested in
clinical trials for their care recipient (Black caregivers, 73%;
Hispanic caregivers, 70%), while Asian American caregivers
are least interested in having their care recipient be
involved in clinical research (57%). Overall, interest in
clinical trial participation was higher in both Alzheimer’s
Association surveys than is reflected in current trial
participation, particularly for non-White racial/ethnic
Follow-up research is needed to better
understand mitigating factors that may prevent interested
individuals from actual trial participation.
Among U.S. adults who are not interested in clinical
trial participation, the most common reason cited
regardless of race or ethnic group is not wanting to be a
guinea pig” (see Table 22, page 79). This sentiment is
especially strong among Black Americans (69%), for whom
other differences stand out as well. For example, almost
half of Black Americans (45%) worry that treatments might
cause sickness. They are twice as likely as other groups to
say they “don’t trust medical research.” And they are more
than twice as likely than other racial or ethnic groups to say
they “might not be treated fairly.
A noteworthy difference for Asian Americans is that the
potential time and cost of clinical trials ranks second among
their reasons for not wanting to participate; this reason
was cited by 43% of respondents.
For caregivers, reasons for lack of interest were more
varied. Black caregivers were most focused on lack of
perceived benefit (35%) and not wanting the person to
be a guinea pig (32%). Hispanic caregivers were most
focused on not wanting a placebo treatment (28%). Asian
American caregivers were twice as likely as others to say
the person might not be treated fairly (20%). Native
American caregivers were more focused on not wanting
the person to be a guinea pig (40%) and potential lack
of support among family and community (39%).
The impact of discrimination and bias is also apparent in
respondents’ views on treatment access. Should clinical
trials identify a treatment or “cure” for Alzheimer’s disease,
only half of Black Americans (53%) trust that this cure will
be shared equally regardless of race, color or ethnicity
(see Figure 21, page 78). This is in sharp contrast to White
Americans (75% of whom believe it will be shared) and
lower than other racial and ethnic groups as well, including
Asian Americans (69%), Hispanic Americans (66%) and
Native Americans (65%).
While the majority of both White and non-White
Americans trust health care providers generally, trust is
somewhat weaker among Hispanic, Black and Native
Americans. Asian Americans are most likely to say
Important for Alzheimer's or dementia health care providers to
understand a (race/ethnicity) person's ethnic or racial background
Confident that (race/ethnicity) patients currently have access to
providers who understand their ethnic or racial background
Hispanic Americans
Black Americans
Asian Americans
Native Americans
Access to Health Care Providers Who Understand Racial and Ethnic Backgrounds Among U.S. Adults
they trust health care providers (93%), followed by
White Americans (88%), with lower numbers for Black
Americans (82%), Hispanic Americans (81%) and Native
Americans (79%).
Perhaps related to this, Hispanic, Black and Native
Americans are twice as likely as White Americans to say
they would not see a doctor if they were experiencing
thinking or memory problems. Almost 1 in 10 Hispanics
(9%), Blacks (8%) and Native Americans (9%) say they would
not see a health care provider, versus 1 in 25 White
Americans (4%). Six percent of Asian Americans say they
would not see a health care provider.
One in 5 Black Americans (21%) and Hispanic Americans
(20%) say they would feel insulted if a doctor suggested an
assessment for their thinking or memory, versus half as
many White Americans who would feel insulted (10%).
About 1 in 6 Asian Americans (16%) would feel insulted, as
would 1 in 7 Native Americans (14%).
Hispanics are also least confident they would be able to
access quality health care for Alzheimer’s disease or other
dementias if they needed it, especially compared with
White Americans. In particular, fewer Hispanic Americans
express confidence in being able to get excellent health
care for specialist testing and diagnosis (69% versus 79% of
White Americans) and health care and support to manage
the disease (67% versus 74% of White Americans).
Knowledge and Understanding of Alzheimer’s
Disease Varies
The Alzheimers Association survey of U.S. adults also
revealed that fewer non-White Americans report knowing
someone with Alzheimer’s. Four in 5 White Americans
(80%) report having known somebody with Alzheimer’s or
another type of dementia. The numbers among all other
groups are 15 to 20 percentage points lower (Hispanic
Americans, 64%; Black Americans, 65%; Asian Americans,
59%; and Native Americans, 65%).
Native Americans are least worried about developing
Alzheimer's disease, with 1 in 4 (25%) expressing concern,
followed by 1 in 3 Black Americans (35%) and 2 in 5
Hispanic Americans (41%). In contrast, almost half of White
Americans (48%) worry about it, as do nearly as many Asian
Americans (46%). Hispanic and Native Americans are also
more likely than other groups to believe they will not live
long enough to get Alzheimer’s or another dementia. More
than a third of Native Americans (35%) and one-quarter of
Hispanic Americans (28%) believe they will not live long
enough, versus fewer than 1 in 4 Asian Americans (19%),
Black Americans (20%) and White Americans (23%).
Additionally, more than half of non-White Americans
believe that significant loss of memory or cognitive abilities
is a “normal part of aging” rather than being an indicator of
disease (Hispanic Americans, 57%; Asian Americans, 56%;
Black Americans, 55%; and Native Americans, 53%).
Special Report — Race, Ethnicity and Alzheimer's in America
78 Alzheimer’s Association. 2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. Alzheimers Dement 2021;17(3).
This is in contrast to White Americans, among whom
fewer than half (48%) believe that memory loss or
cognitive decline is normal.
Caregiving Is Stressful But Rewarding
The Alzheimers Association survey of caregivers provided
additional insights, indicating that for many family and
friends who provide care for a loved one, the rewards of
providing care may help balance the stress.
Over half of unpaid caregivers surveyed report providing
assistance with personal care, such as bathing, eating or
dressing. The percentage providing this form of care is
highest among Black caregivers (71%) and Hispanic
caregivers (68%), followed by Asian American caregivers
(59%), Native American caregivers (56%) and White
caregivers (53%).
Fewer Black Americans (78%) and Hispanic Americans
(83%) worry about being a burden on family if they
develop Alzheimer’s disease compared with other groups
(White Americans, 93%; Asian Americans, 90%; Native
Americans, 84%).
And while nearly 2 in 3 caregivers (64%) say that caregiving
is stressful, nearly all (92%) say that caregiving is rewarding,
as well.
Bridging Racial and Ethnic Barriers in
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care: A Path Forward
Findings from the Alzheimer’s Association surveys indicate
that despite ongoing efforts to address health and health
care disparities in Alzheimer’s and dementia care, there is
still much work to do.
Current efforts to reduce health disparities, address social
determinants of health, build diversity in the health care
profession and train health care providers to meet the
needs of a growing population of older adults from
different racial and ethnic groups must be accelerated.
Amid broader calls for social justice, greater strides must be
made to eliminate discrimination and other forms of bias to
ensure all Americans have access to high quality dementia
care and support services, as well as opportunities to
participate in — and benefit from — Alzheimer’s research.
Based on the surveys’ findings, paths forward include:
Preparing the workforce to care for a racially and
ethnically diverse population of older adults.
Increasing diversity in dementia care.
Engaging, recruiting and retaining diverse populations
in Alzheimer’s research and clinical trials.
Percentage of U.S. Adults Who Believe Medical
Research Is Biased Against People of Color
Percentage of U.S. Adults Who Trust an Alzheimer’s
Cure Will Be Shared Equally Regardless of Race, Color
or Ethnicity
Preparing the Workforce to Care for a Racially and
Ethnically Diverse Population of Older Adults
As described in the Prevalence Section (see page 18),
older Black and Hispanic Americans are more likely to
have Alzheimer’s or other dementias than Whites,
and this is likely due in part to health and health care
85,87,271-277, 284, 285,287-288
Coinciding with increasing
diversity in the general population, the number of older
Americans, particularly the oldest-old (those age 85 or
older), is also expected to grow — with more than twice as
many cases of Alzheimer’s and other dementias anticipated
by 2050.
Up to 39% of this older adult population in
2050 will be minorities.
Current and future health care providers need to be
prepared to screen, diagnose and treat Alzheimer’s and
dementia in this expanding racially and ethnically diverse
population of older adults so that disparities are
not perpetuated.
Earlier reports on racial and ethnic differences in
Alzheimer’s health care have proposed cultural competence
education as one solution to address disparities. Training
providers to recognize and overcome implicit bias is
another method that organizations are using to
tackle disparities.
Don’t want to be a guinea pig 49% 51% 69% 54% 51%
Treatment might cause sickness 37% 36% 45% 32% 18%
Time and cost might be too much 33% 26% 24% 43% 31%
Don’t trust pharmaceutical companies 28% 22% 29% 19% 26%
Doubt there would be any benefit 26% 26% 21% 28% 36%
Might get placebo 17% 12% 14% 20% 9%
Don’t trust medical research 10% 10% 24% 6% 16%
Unable to travel or get transportation 11% 11% 16% 19% 23%
Might not be treated fairly 3% 8% 22% 12% 10%
Reasons Cited By U.S. Adults for Not Being Interested in Clinical Trial Participation
Special Report — Race, Ethnicity and Alzheimer's in America
Cultural Competence
At the organizational level, cultural competence helps build
a diverse and inclusive workforce.
At the provider level,
cultural competence training equips professionals with the
skills and resources needed to connect with dementia care
recipients and caregivers across racial and ethnic groups in
a way that is sensitive to culture and language.
Elements of Cultural Competence
A culturally diverse staff that reflects the
population served.
Ability to overcome language barriers, either
with bilingual staff or interpreters.
Training for providers on the cultures and
languages represented in the population.
Patient materials and practice signage that are
translated and sensitive to cultural norms.
There have been several efforts to instill cultural
competence into dementia care. Stanford Health Care’s
Memory Support Program (MSP) is one such example.
The model’s efforts encompass culturally competent care
in inpatient and outpatient settings to ensure continuity
for patients and caregivers.
A case study showed that
MSP is a valuable way to provide culturally competent care
to African Americans and posits this model could be
implemented in other settings.
Cultural competence
80 Alzheimer’s Association. 2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. Alzheimers Dement 2021;17(3).
comprehensive Implicit Bias Training Guide for primary
care physicians.
Increasing Diversity in Dementia Care
Trust in health care and perceptions of health care quality
are eroded when individuals experience racial and ethnic
discrimination in clinical settings. An analysis of data from
the 2015 to 2016 Adult California Health Interview Survey
found that discrimination in a clinical setting “make[s] a
person less likely to have a future interaction with health
care,” such as by not receiving medical care when necessary
or not filling prescriptions.
The Alzheimers Association surveys uncovered weaker
trust in the health care system among Hispanics, Blacks
and Native Americans. The same groups were also less
likely to see a health care provider for diagnosis or
treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. This could exacerbate
existing health disparities. Non-Whites surveyed already
face discrimination and anticipate encountering future
discrimination when seeking Alzheimer’s care, and as a result
want to see their racial and ethnic backgrounds reflected in
their Alzheimer’s and dementia health care providers.
Currently, only 1 in 3 U.S. physicians are Black, American
Indian or Alaska Native, Hispanic or Asian.
Primary care
is more diverse, which is encouraging. Approximately 40% of
primary care physicians are Black, Hispanic, American Indian
or Alaska Native.
As discussed in the Alzheimers
Association 2020 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures
Special Report,
primary care physicians play an important
role in diagnosing and caring for people with Alzheimer’s and
other dementias. The survey results presented earlier
indicate that Hispanic Americans may rely on their primary
care providers more than other groups to test for and
diagnose Alzheimer’s disease because they face barriers to
accessing specialists. Ensuring diversity in these frontline
providers may help reduce future disparities in dementia
care. Diversity in other related specialties, such as neurology
and geriatric medicine, however, remains low.
Shortages of physicians and other health care professionals
in underserved areas contribute to health disparities.
The racial and ethnic diversity of medical school applicants
is not keeping pace with shifting demographics of the
U.S. population. Half of applicants are White and almost
one-quarter are Asian.
Together, Blacks, Hispanics,
individuals who are Latino or of Spanish origin, and
American Indians or Alaska Natives make up only 15% of
Since Blacks and American Indians or Alaska
Natives enrolled in medical school are two to three times
more likely than their White or Asian American counterparts
to practice in an underserved area, it is important to support
programs that recruit diverse students to medical schools in
greater numbers.
training has also been proposed as a component of
Alzheimer’s and dementia nursing and nursing assistant
training curricula.
Other organizations that engage health care providers who
may screen and treat individuals with dementia are also
committed to cultural competence. The U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services’ National Culturally and
Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards offer
information to improve communication with people from
different ethnic groups in a way that is respectful and
responsive to their culture.
Recognizing the changing
racial and ethnic demographics of Alzheimers disease, the
Alzheimer’s Association began promoting cultural
competence and cultural sensitivity in dementia care more
than a decade ago and this effort remains a priority.
In 2016, the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) formed an
Ethnogeriatrics Committee that issued a guidance
stressing the importance of cultural competence in
geriatric care.
An Ethnogeriatrics Special Interest Group
now convenes at the annual AGS meeting to discuss
ongoing projects and new developments in the field.
Implicit Bias
Implicit bias, or when people act unintentionally on
prejudices or stereotypes, is a key contributor to health
care disparities.
Implicit bias clouds decision-making
such that race, gender, ethnicity and other patient
characteristics influence how physicians treat people.
Medical schools are responding to the call to action to train
future physicians to recognize and overcome implicit bias.
Hospitals, clinics and health care systems are also working
to address this issue among their employees.
Although the Alzheimer’s Association surveys did not
explore how implicit bias is impacting dementia care,
respondents did indicate that they faced discrimination.
Discriminatory behaviors are often the result of implicit
A survey indicates that implicit bias held by the
investigators and clinical trial recruiters in the field of
cancer research may be a reason for the low recruitment
and participation of racial and ethnic minorities in cancer
clinical trials.
Less has been reported on how implicit bias
contributes to low participation rates in Alzheimer's and
dementia research and suggests an area for
future investigation.
There is little information about the implementation and
outcomes of implicit bias training specifically in Alzheimer’s
and dementia care. However, specialties that play a role in
dementia care, such as primary care/family medicine and
geriatric medicine, do have materials to train providers.
For example, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) offers
resources on implicit bias for those who care for older
adults, and The EveryONE Project from the American
Academy of Family Physicians recently introduced the
Developing a workforce that reflects the demographics
of individuals with Alzheimer’s or other dementias should
begin during outreach and recruitment to training
programs, continue with programming designed to support
racially and ethnically diverse students during their training
years, and extend to offering residency opportunities in
health care settings that treat diverse populations. In
addition, hiring practices should consider diversity and
inclusion to meet the needs of local patient populations.
Future Alzheimers and dementia research can be
strengthened by increasing the diversity of investigators
and professionals who conduct clinical trial and population
health research. Doing so introduces varied perspectives,
lived experiences and cultural nuances vital to culturally
accountable research. For example, one study found that
Black community liaisons were able to successfully recruit
Black participants to a dementia clinical trial when they
were the ones to explain and manage trial procedures.
The innovative Institute on Methods and Protocols for
Advancement of Clinical Trials in Alzheimer’s disease and
related dementias (IMPACT-AD) program launched in
fall of 2020 is a step toward this goal.
A major emphasis
of this intensive training course is to enhance future
Alzheimer’s and dementia research, especially clinical
trials. IMPACT-AD includes efforts to ensure program
participants reflect diversity across the spectrum. Its
inaugural class included physicians, nurses, public health
professionals, scientists and study coordinators, as well as
postdoctoral researchers and research fellows from
universities and health care systems across the country.
Participants included both early-career and established
professionals. Seventy percent were women and more than
half self-identified as people of color.
Engaging, Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Populations
in Alzheimer’s Research and Clinical Trials
There is a large body of evidence demonstrating low
diversity in clinical trials and research, and in Alzheimer’s
research the participants are mostly older non-Hispanic
Efforts to ensure greater diversity in
Alzheimer’s disease research and clinical trials must be
accelerated. Without appropriate participation by Black,
Hispanic, Asian and Native Americans in Alzheimer’s clinical
trials and research, it is impossible to get a complete
understanding of how racial and ethnic differences may
affect the efficacy and safety of potential new treatments.
Future clinical trials must do more to reflect the entire
population so everyone benefits from advances in
Alzheimer’s research.
A critical first step to increasing diverse participation and
representation in clinical research is building and restoring
trust in underrepresented communities. One way to do so
is through community-based organizations (CBOs)
and other respected local partners.
These efforts are
gaining traction but should be expanded to more groups
and more communities. The Healthy Brain Initiative State
and Local Public Health Partnerships to Address Dementia:
2018-2023 Road Map, launched in partnership with the
Alzheimer’s Association and the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), is organized around a core
principle of “eliminating disparities and collaborating across
multiple sectors.” In addition, the Alzheimer's Association
and CDC collaborated to develop the first-ever Healthy
Brain Initiative Road Map for Indian Country. The Association
has used this guidebook to build relationships with
American Indian/Alaska Native communities, raise
awareness about Alzheimer's and collaborate with national
partners on communications tailored to the unique tribal
traditions present in American Indian/Alaska Native
To succeed, relationships with CBOs must demonstrate
that they are sustainable, transparent and integrated with
other public health efforts. Strong community relationships
can serve to address misconceptions and mistrust about
research because the community has a sense of ownership
in the research initiative.
Participants are stakeholders
rather than bystanders or subjects in the endeavor.
This could make a difference in reinstating trust that
Alzheimer’s treatments or cures will be shared equitably.
For example, a recent report suggests that strong
commitment to earning the trust of the Black community
is essential to encourage their participation in research.
The Alzheimer’s Association is working with several
CBOs and other groups to educate and engage diverse
communities about Alzheimer’s disease and care and
support services the Association provides. National
partnerships include those with the African Methodist
Episcopal Church, the National Hispanic Council on Aging
and SAGE (Advocacy & Services for LGBTQ Elders). In early
2021, the Association announced new partnerships with
the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and Tzu Chi USA.
Local Association chapters are also working with various
nearby groups to engage diverse communities. In addition,
several chapters are working with promotoras de salud
(community health workers) to provide Alzheimer’s
education and resources to Spanish-speaking communities.
Other notable but relatively new efforts to increase
recruitment and retention of diverse groups are also
underway. In 2018, the NIA released its National Strategy
for Recruitment and Participation in Alzheimer’s and
Related Dementias Research. The strategy outlines
practical, proactive approaches to help dementia study
sites engage a wider, more diverse group of volunteers.
Special Report — Race, Ethnicity and Alzheimer's in America
82 Alzheimer’s Association. 2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. Alzheimers Dement 2021;17(3).
New guidance released in late 2020 by the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration aimed at enabling greater diversity
in clinical trials through changes to eligibility criteria,
enrollment practices and trial designs is a welcome
development. This guidance offers new approaches to help
Alzheimer’s and dementia researchers navigate current
barriers that hinder clinical trial recruitment of racial
and ethnic minorities. These barriers include strict eligibility
requirements, participant burden, and lack of culturally
appropriate communication and outreach to build trust
with these diverse populations.
In December 2020, the Alzheimer’s Association and the
American College of Radiology announced the opening
of recruitment for the New IDEAS study with particular
focus on outreach in Black and Hispanic communities.
New IDEAS will enroll 7,000 participants, including 2,000
Hispanics/Latinos and 2,000 Blacks/African Americans.
New IDEAS will build upon the original IDEAS study, which
provided the strongest phase 4 data to date supporting
the clinical value of brain amyloid positron emission
tomography (PET) scans. The goal of New IDEAS is to
determine if using a brain amyloid PET scan can help
inform an individual’s memory care plan and improve
their health outcomes.
The Alzheimers Association surveys of U.S. adults and
caregivers of individuals with cognitive issues are among
the first to explore perspectives and experiences of
different racial and ethnic groups as they relate to health
care for Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Collectively, the
responses indicate that organizations must remain
committed to addressing health and health care disparities
for older adults. Disparities in Alzheimer’s and dementia
care are the result of deeply rooted issues in society and
the health care system. The NIA Health Disparities
Research Framework
recommends responses that are
multi-level and consider factors and risks over the
lifecourse to address these disparities. Actions and
solutions are needed to ensure that the already devastating
burden of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias on
disproportionately affected racial and ethnic groups is not
made worse by discrimination and health inequities in the
current health care system.
A1. Estimated prevalence (number and proportion) of Americans age
65 and older with Alzheimer’s dementia for 2021: The number
6.2 million is from updated prevalence estimates based on data
from the Chicago Health and Aging Project (CHAP) and
population projections from the U.S. Census.
The number
is higher than previous estimates from CHAP data and the
US census because it used more recently updated Census
projections and incorporated information on the prevalence
of Alzheimer’s dementia for Hispanic/Latino Americans.
A2. Differences between CHAP and ADAMS estimates for
Alzheimer’s dementia prevalence: The number of people in the
U.S. living with Alzheimer’s dementia is higher in CHAP than in
the Aging, Demographics, and Memory Study (ADAMS).
This discrepancy is mainly due to two differences in diagnostic
criteria: (1) a diagnosis of dementia in ADAMS required
impairments in daily functioning and (2) people determined to
have vascular dementia in ADAMS were not also counted as
having Alzheimer’s, even if they exhibited clinical symptoms of
Because the more stringent threshold for
dementia in ADAMS may miss people with mild Alzheimer’s
dementia and because clinical-pathologic studies have shown
that mixed dementia due to both Alzheimer’s and vascular
pathology in the brain is very common,
the Association believes
that the larger CHAP estimates may be a more relevant estimate
of the burden of Alzheimer’s dementia in the United States.
A3. State-by-state prevalence of Alzheimer’s dementia: These
state-by-state prevalence numbers are based on an analysis of
incidence data from CHAP, projected to each state’s population
for 2020 and 2025, with adjustments for state-specific age,
gender, years of education, race and mortality.
projections come from a previous analysis of CHAP data that is
not the same as the analysis providing the total number for the
United States in 2021. State-by-state projections are not
available for 2021.
A4. Criteria for identifying people with Alzheimers or other
dementias in the Framingham Heart Study: From 1975 to 2009,
7,901 people from the Framingham Study who had survived free
of dementia to at least age 45, and 5,937 who had survived free
of dementia until at least age 65 were followed for incidence of
Diagnosis of dementia was made according to the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition
(DSM-IV) criteria and required that the participant survive for at
least 6 months after onset of symptoms. Standard diagnostic
criteria (the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria from 1984) were used to
diagnose Alzheimer’s dementia. The definition of Alzheimer’s and
other dementias used in the Framingham Study was very strict;
if a definition that included milder disease and disease of less
than six months’ duration were used, lifetime risks of Alzheimer’s
and other dementias would be higher than those estimated by
this study.
A5. Projected number of people with Alzheimer’s dementia,
2020-2060: This figure comes from the CHAP study.
Other projections are somewhat lower (see, for example,
Brookmeyer et al.
) because they relied on more conservative
methods for counting people who currently have Alzheimer’s
Nonetheless, these estimates are statistically
consistent with each other, and all projections suggest
substantial growth in the number of people with Alzheimer’s
dementia over the coming decades.
A6. Annual mortality rate due to Alzheimers disease by state:
Unadjusted death rates are presented rather than age-adjusted
death rates in order to provide a clearer depiction of the burden
of mortality for each state. States such as Florida with larger
populations of older people will have a larger burden of mortality
due to Alzheimers — a burden that appears smaller relative to
other states when the rates are adjusted for age.
A7. Number of family and other unpaid caregivers of people with
Alzheimer’s or other dementias: To calculate this number, the
Alzheimer’s Association started with data from the Behavioral
Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey. Between 2015
and 2019, 44 states and the District of Columbia utilized the
BRFSS caregiver module. This module identified respondents
age 18 and over who had provided any regular care or assistance
during the past month to a family member or friend who had a
health problem, long-term illness or disability. The module asks
a series of follow-up questions, including asking the caregiver
to identify what the main health problem, long-term illness, or
disability that the person they care for has. One of the reported
condition categories is Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or other
cognitive impairment. This number does not include caregivers
whose caregiving recipient has dementia, but is not their main
condition. To calculate the total percentage of adults that are
caregivers for individuals living with dementia, data collected in
2019 by the National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC)/AARP was
also utilized. The NAC/AARP survey asked respondents age 18
and over whether they were providing unpaid care for a relative
or friend age 18 or older or had provided such care during the
past 12 months. Respondents who answered affirmatively were
then asked about the health problems of the person for whom
they provided care: 11% of respondents reported dementia
as the main condition of their care recipient, while 26% of all
respondents reported the presence of dementia. Using this
ratio in combination with BRFSS data, the Alzheimer’s
Association was able to determine the percentage of adults in
44 states and the District of Columbia who are caregivers for
individuals living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. For the
6 states without 2015-2019 BRFSS data, this percentage was
estimated using state-specific BRFSS data from 2009 combined
with the aggregated average of BRFSS data from 2015-2017.
To determine the number of Alzheimer’s and dementia
caregivers in each state, the percentages were applied to the
estimated number of people age 18 and older in each state in
July 2020, using U.S. Census Bureau data available at: https://
documentation/research/evaluation-estimates.html. This
resulted in a total of 11.199 million Alzheimer’s and dementia
caregivers across all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
A8. The 2014 Alzheimer’s Association Women and Alzheimer’s
Poll: This poll questioned a nationally-representative sample
of 3,102 American adults about their attitudes, knowledge
and experiences related to Alzheimer’s and dementia from
Jan. 9, 2014, to Jan. 29, 2014. An additional 512 respondents
who provided unpaid help to a relative or friend with
Alzheimer’s or a related dementia were asked questions about
their care provision. Random selections of telephone numbers
from landline and cell phone exchanges throughout the
United States were conducted. One individual per household
was selected from the landline sample, and cell phone
respondents were selected if they were 18 years old or older.
Interviews were administered in English and Spanish. The poll
oversampled” Hispanics/Latinos, selected from U.S. Census
tracts with higher than an 8% concentration of this group. A
list sample of Asian Americans was also utilized to oversample
this group. A general population weight was used to adjust for
number of adults in the household and telephone usage; the
second stage of this weight balanced the sample to estimated
U.S. population characteristics. A weight for the caregiver
sample accounted for the increased likelihood of female and
white respondents in the caregiver sample. Sampling weights
were also created to account for the use of two supplemental
list samples. The resulting interviews comprise a probability-
based, nationally representative sample of U.S. adults. A
caregiver was defined as an adult over age 18 who, in the past
12 months, provided unpaid care to a relative or friend age
50 or older with Alzheimer’s or another dementia.
Questionnaire design and interviewing were conducted by
Abt SRBI of New York.
End Notes
84 Alzheimer’s Association. 2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. Alzheimers Dement 2021;17(3).
A9. Number of hours of unpaid care: The BRFSS survey asks
caregivers to identify, within five time frames, the number of
hours they provide care in an average week. Using the method
developed by Rabarison and colleagues,
the Alzheimer’s
Association assumed the midpoint of each time frame was the
average number of hours for each caregiver within that time
frame and then calculated the overall average number of hours
of weekly care provided by dementia caregivers in each state.
This number was then converted to a yearly average and
multiplied by the number of caregivers in each state
determine the total number of hours of care provided. For the 6
states without recent BRFSS data, their number of hours was
calculated using the aggregated average of BRFSS data from
2015-2017. When added together, across all 50 states and the
District of Columbia, the total number of hours provided by
Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers is 15.338 billion hours.
A10. Value of unpaid caregiving: For each state, the hourly value
of care was determined as the average of the state minimum
hourly wage
and the state median hourly cost of a home
health aide.
The average for each state was then multiplied by
the total number of hours of unpaid care in that state
to derive
the total value of unpaid care. Adding the totals from all states
and the District of Columbia resulted in an economic value
of $256,650 billion for dementia caregiving in the United States
in 2020.
A11. Lewin Model on Alzheimer’s and dementia costs: These numbers
come from a model created for the Alzheimer’s Association by
the Lewin Group. The model estimates total payments for health
care, long-term care and hospice — as well as state-by-state
Medicaid spending — for people with Alzheimer’s and other
dementias. The model was updated by the Lewin Group in
January 2015 (updating previous model) and June 2015
(addition of state-by-state Medicaid estimates). Detailed
information on the model, its long-term projections and its
methodology are available at alz.org/trajectory. For the purposes
of the data presented in this report, the following parameters of
the model were changed relative to the methodology outlined at
alz.org/trajectory: (1) cost data from the 2011 Medicare Current
Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) were used rather than data from the
2008 MCBS; (2) prevalence among older adults was assumed to
equal the prevalence levels from Rajan and colleagues
included in this report (6.2 million in 2021), rather than the
prevalence estimates derived by the model itself; (3) estimates of
inflation and excess cost growth reflect the most recent relevant
estimates from the cited sources (Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services [CMS] actuaries and the Congressional Budget
Office); and (4) the most recent (2014) state-by-state data from
CMS on the number of nursing home residents and percentage
with moderate and severe cognitive impairment were used in lieu
of 2012 data.
A12. All cost estimates were inflated to year 2020 dollars using the
Consumer Price Index (CPI): All cost estimates were inflated
using the seasonally adjusted average prices for medical care
services from all urban consumers. The relevant item within
medical care services was used for each cost element. For
example, the medical care item within the CPI was used to inflate
total health care payments; the hospital services item within the
CPI was used to inflate hospital payments; and the nursing home
and adult day services item within the CPI was used to inflate
nursing home payments.
A13. Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey Report: These data come
from an analysis of findings from the 2011 Medicare Current
Beneficiary Survey (MCBS). The analysis was conducted for the
Alzheimer’s Association by Avalere Health.
The MCBS, a
continuous survey of a nationally representative sample of about
15,000 Medicare beneficiaries, is linked to Medicare claims. The
survey is supported by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS). For community-dwelling survey participants,
MCBS interviews are conducted in person three times a year
with the Medicare beneficiary or a proxy respondent if the
beneficiary is not able to respond. For survey participants who
are living in a nursing home or another residential care facility,
such as an assisted living residence, retirement home or a
long-term care unit in a hospital or mental health facility, MCBS
interviews are conducted with a staff member designated by the
facility administrator as the most appropriate to answer the
questions. Data from the MCBS analysis that are included in
2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures pertain only to
Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and older. For this MCBS analysis,
people with dementia are defined as:
Community-dwelling survey participants who answered yes to
the MCBS question, “Has a doctor ever told you that you had
Alzheimer’s disease or dementia?” Proxy responses to this
question were accepted.
Survey participants who were living in a nursing home or other
residential care facility and had a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
disease or dementia in their medical record.
Survey participants who had at least one Medicare claim with a
diagnostic code for Alzheimer’s or other dementias in 2008.
The claim could be for any Medicare service, including hospital,
skilled nursing facility, outpatient medical care, home health
care, hospice or physician, or other health care provider visit.
The diagnostic codes used to identify survey participants with
Alzheimer’s or other dementias are 331.0, 331.1, 331.11,
331.19, 331.2, 331.7, 331.82, 290.0, 290.1, 290.10, 290.11,
290.12, 290.13, 290.20, 290.21, 290.3, 290.40, 290.41,
290.42, 290.43, 291.2, 294.0, 294.1, 294.10 and 294.11.
Costs from the MCBS analysis are based on responses from
2011 and reported in 2020 dollars.
A14. Differences in estimated costs reported by Hurd and colleagues:
Hurd and colleagues
estimated per-person costs using data
from participants in ADAMS, a cohort in which all individuals
underwent diagnostic assessments for dementia. 2021
Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures estimated per-person costs
using data from the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey
(MCBS) to be $52,481. One reason that the per-person costs
estimated by Hurd and colleagues are lower than those reported
in Facts and Figures is that ADAMS, with its diagnostic evaluations
of everyone in the study, is more likely than MCBS to have
identified individuals with less severe or undiagnosed Alzheimer’s.
By contrast, the individuals with Alzheimer’s registered by MCBS
are likely to be those with more severe, and therefore more
costly, illness. A second reason is that the Hurd et al. Estimated
costs reflect an effort to isolate the incremental costs associated
with Alzheimer’s and other dementias (those costs attributed
only to dementia), while the per-person costs in 2021 Alzheimer’s
Disease Facts and Figures incorporate all costs of caring for
people with the disease (regardless of whether the expenditure
was related to dementia or a coexisting condition).
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The Alzheimers Association acknowledges
the contributions of Joseph Gaugler, Ph.D.,
Bryan James, Ph.D., Tricia Johnson, Ph.D.,
Jessica Reimer, Ph.D., and Jennifer Weuve,
M.P.H., Sc.D., in the preparation of 2021
Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures.
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leads the way to end Alzheimer’s and all other
dementia — by accelerating global research,
driving risk reduction and early detection,
and maximizing quality care and support.
Our vision: A world without Alzheimer’s and
all other dementia.
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