Advance Approval Form for Coffee and
Light Refreshments or Meals with Meetings
Purpose of Meeting, Training Session, Division Retreat, Etc. (Give details of purpose, content and justification.)
Justification supporting serving coffee and/or light refreshments or a meal:
Event Name
Start Time
End Time
Date of Event
Estimated Cost
Contact Name
Mail Stop
Meeting Participants (list names of individuals who are being served, or, if meals or refreshments are being provided to a
very large group, list the name of the group(s) e.g. all student barbeque)
If food is being served on college premises, fill out section below:
Name of Food Vendor: BC Food Services Other*
*Per Bellevue College Policy 6700, if outside vendor is served on campus and an outside vendor is being considered,
please provide the proposed vendor name below, attach menu, and obtain advanced approval from Food Services.
BC Food Services Approval: ____________________________
Are coffee and light refreshments or meals being served while college business is being conducted? Yes No
(If yes, explain below what business or agenda item you will be conducting during the time the meal or refreshments are
being served.)
Catering Order
Regular Coffee Decaf Coffee Tea Soft Drinks (assorted) Juices (assorted)
Punch Other (please specify)
Refreshments** (please specify):
**This request includes serving dishes and supplies but does not include approval for alcoholic beverages or the required liquor permit.
I acknowledge that if permission is given for serving alcoholic beverages at a Bellevue College meeting/event, no college funds will be
Budget Number:
Dean/Vice President
Routing Instructions
1) Approval from Food Services if outside vendor is being used
2) Dean or Vice President
3) For services ordered from Bellevue College Food Services, send to Food Service
4) For payment to Outside Vendors, attach this form to a completed A-19 and send to the Finance Office for payment.
5) For employee reimbursement, attach this form to a completed and approved travel voucher and send to Finance Office.