Local Records Retention Schedules
Missouri Revised Statutes Chapter 109 (Public and Business Records) Section 255 authorizes the Local Records
Board to establish minimum retention periods for the administrative, fiscal and legal records created by local
Retention and disposition of records that are common to many offices are included in the General Schedule.
Records unique to particular offices are addressed in individual office schedules.
August 2024
Revised SCH097 Student Special Education Record to Student Special Education Record Student Plans
Added SCH184 Student Special Education Record - Supporting Documentation
Public School Records Retention Schedule
See also the General Records Retention Schedule.
Using this Records Retention Schedule
Every day local government offices throughout Missouri produce records that document the rights of citizens, the
actions of the government that serves them and the history of the community in which they live. It is the
responsibility of local government to effectively maintain and manage these records and to ensure the continued
preservation of those records of essential evidence that have enduring and permanent value.
The introduction to this retention schedule provides local government officials with basic information on records
and the application of retention schedules.
What is a Record?
A "record" is defined as any "document, book, paper, photograph, map, sound recording or other material,
regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or in connection with the
transaction of official business" (109.210(5) RSMo). This definition includes those records created, used and
maintained in electronic form.
Even though records include a broad spectrum of recorded information, not all recorded information is a record.
According to Section 109.210(5) RSMo, the following are not records: "...Library and museum material made or
acquired and preserved solely for reference or exhibition purposes, extra copies of documents preserved only for
convenience of reference, and stocks of publications and of processed documents are not included within the
definition of records..."
Other examples of non-records include the following materials:
Identical copies of documents maintained in the same file.
Extra copies of printed or processed materials (official copies of which are retained by the office of
Superseded manuals and other directives (maintained outside the office of record).
Materials documenting employee fringe activities (blood donors, charitable funds, social and professional
meetings, etc.)
Work papers and drafts of reports or correspondence. Transcribed stenographic materials.
Blank forms.
Materials received from other activities that require no action (official copies of which are retained by the
office of record).
Catalogs, trade journals and other publications or papers received from government agencies,
commercial firms or private institutions that require no action and are not part of an action case record.
Survey forms
Non-records do not require retention scheduling or destruction authorization or reporting. To control excessive
accumulation, it is necessary to keep only current, useful materials and to destroy non-records immediately after
needs have been satisfied. Avoid filing non-record material with records.
The Value of Local Government Records
Some records, because of their enduring administrative, fiscal, legal or historical value, should be permanently
retained. These records require that special care and consideration be given to their storage conditions and the
feasibility of preservation microfilming. Examples of permanent records include year-end reports; minutes;
property records such as deeds; and birth, death and marriage records.
Most records do not have values that warrant their permanent preservation. Those records with short-term value
should, upon reaching end of the retention period, be destroyed.
Statutory Authority for Establishing Records Retention Requirements
In 1965, the Missouri General Assembly established a State Records Commission to approve retentions for
records produced by state agencies. In 1972, Missouri's Business and Public Records Law (Chapter 109) was
expanded to include local government. Thus, the Missouri Local Records Board was established to set retention
times for local government records. The 16-member board, chaired by the Secretary of State, consists of local
government officials from all classes of counties and cities, elementary and secondary education, higher
education and a person active in historical society groups.
Supplemental to the Local Records Board, the Records Management and Archives Service of the Secretary of
State's office provides assistance to local governments and implements board policy.
Application of the Records Retention Schedule
This schedule establishes minimum retention periods and authorizes dispositions for many of the administrative,
fiscal and legal records common to most local governments. Retention periods are based upon federal and state
mandates, record surveys, business needs, and general knowledge as to how long records should be kept. Using
the schedule as a guide and without seeking further approval from the Local Records Board, any local
government may regularly dispose of any of its records that appear on this schedule. The schedule is subject to
the following exceptions and limitations:
A. Local government offices may retain any of their records beyond the retention periods set by the
schedule, as they deem necessary. The schedule establishes only a minimum period of retention. Before
retaining a record longer than the minimum time required, however, the office should be certain that it has
good reason to do so. Unnecessary retention of records can be expensive in space and filing equipment
and may expose the office to costly litigation and discovery requirements.
B. This schedule does not relieve local governments of retention requirements mandated by other state and
federal statutes and regulations. When such an obligation does exist, then the longer retention period
takes precedence.
C. This schedule generally reflects audit requirements in its prescribed retention periods, but audits are not
always completed in a timely fashion. Therefore, any record required for an audit must be retained until
completion of that audit, regardless of its stated retention period in the schedule.
D. This schedule does not authorize destruction of records that could be deemed relevant to current or
pending litigation.
Retention and disposition of records that are common to many offices are included in the General Schedule.
Records unique to particular offices are addressed in individual office schedules. All schedules are available on
the Secretary of State's website at http://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/localrecs/schedules .
Destruction of Records
The records classification and retention periods in this manual constitute legal authority for retention and disposal
of official records. No records can be destroyed until they meet the minimum retention period listed in this manual.
In cases where there is no schedule for a particular record series, the Local Records Board must grant permission
for the destruction.
The disposition of records should be recorded in a document such as the minutes of the city council or other
legally constituted authority that has permanent record status. The record should include the description and
quantity of each record series disposed of, manner of destruction, inclusive dates covered and the date on which
destruction was accomplished.
The retention schedule does not prescribe the method of destruction (shredding, burning, landfills, etc.), however,
record series with a disposition of Destroy securely contain confidential data. These records should be destroyed
under the supervision of a competent person(s) designated (or appointed) to ensure that no records fall into
unauthorized hands and that the data cannot be reconstructed.
When records, open or confidential, have been destroyed by decay, vermin, fire, water or other means making their
remains illegible, the custodian of records may dispose of the remains after verification and documentation by the
Local Records Program, Office of the Secretary of State.
Preservation of Permanent Records
A fundamental, yet often neglected obligation of local government is to care for the permanent records it
generates and receives regardless of format. The records, both electronic and physical, that have been identified
as permanent require special handling and storage if they are to be preserved. The continuous interaction
between a physical record's medium: paper, magnetic tape, film, etc. -and the quality of the environment in which
it is kept-temperature, humidity, light, and air-determines the severity and rate of its deterioration. For electronic
records the concerns include media decay, hardware/software obsolescence, and migration of data into the
current standard: PDF-A, TIF, etc.
By imaging permanently valuable records, local governments can generate durable microfilm for preservation and
disaster recovery, while also maintaining an electronic version for access. When microfilmed, processed, and
maintained to archival specifications, a master negative will ensure that permanently valuable records are
preserved for generations to come (microfilm has an estimated shelf life of over 500 years). Microfilm that meets
the standards outlined here is eligible to be stored by the Missouri State Archives at no cost.
The Missouri Local Records Grant program can provide financial assistance in the form of grants-in-aid to
supplement local funds for preservation initiatives, such as archival supplies, shelving and preservation
Reformatting Standards
In accordance with RSMo 109.241.4, the Local Records Board has adopted the following standards for microfilm
and digitized records. To be in compliance for image permanence, microfilm must conform to the technical
standards outlined in the Guidelines for Microfilming Public Records, drafted by the Local Records Program and
available on the Secretary of State’s website at: http://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/pubs/mfmg. To ensure the
permanence of electronic records and digitized records, electronic records management systems must meet the
standards outlined in the most current version of ISO 15489. Certification that records have been reformatted in
accordance with these standards should be maintained locally and classified under General Records Retention
Schedule “GS 018 Records Management Records.”
A Note about Retention Periods
This schedule provides minimum retentions. Local authorities may choose to keep a particular series or record
for a longer period of time. It should be kept in mind, however, that a record kept beyond its listed retention must
be made available for inspection upon request.
The point at which a retention period begins is termed a cutoff, or trigger. Typically this is on a regular cyclethe
end of the calendar year, the end of the fiscal year, etc. This is the period of the inactive record. A traditional
example of this would be the period when records are boxed and removed from active file cabinets and work
When determining cutoffs, a good rubric is outlined in DoD 5015.02 “Electronic Records Management Software
Applications Design Criteria Standard”:
A. retention periods of less than 1 Year, the cutoff is equal to the retention period;
B. retention periods of 1 Year, or more, the cutoff is at the end of the fiscal or calendar year;
C. for records with a retention period based on an event or action, the cutoff is the date the action is
D. for records with a retention period based on a specific time period after an event or action, apply the
retention period after the action is complete.
Retention Definitions:
COA=Completion of Audit. Note that COA is coupled with a lot of 5-year entries to help encourage regular
audits. Not all jurisdictions are required to have audits by statute. Audits for some municipalities are governed by
the level of federal financing for bonds and public improvements, and thus are governed by federal retentions.
Most municipalities are governed by their local authority (alderman, council, mayor, etc.) for auditing policy. Local
jurisdictions may consult RSMo 29 to review the State Auditor's chapter for petition audits (see RSMo 250 for
large capital projects such as bonds for water and sewer). For general auditing explanations and advice we
recommend that clerks contact the State Auditor's office at 573.751.4213.
DCA=Destroy in Current Area/Reference. Series with these retentions are considered “reference” records and
may be destroyed when they are no longer of use.
Modifications and Additions
Because records reflect activities that are constantly changing, the retention requirements for them sometimes
require revision as well. Consequently, records retention and disposition schedules often need modification or
additions in order to be realistic and effective. Furthermore, because local governments are so large, it is
impractical to consult with every office regarding specific schedule entries. There may be some retention periods
and disposition requirements within this schedule that fail to account for all relevant factors and there may be
some important record series not addressed here which need to be added. The Local Records Program
welcomes all comments and suggestions concerned with improvement of record retention schedules through
modifications and additions.
For further information on any records management or preservation issue, please contact:
Missouri Secretary of State
Local Records Preservation Program
PO Box 1747, Jefferson City, MO 65101-1747
Telephone: (573) 751-9047
Administration ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Adult Education .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Buildings and Grounds ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Business Affairs ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Federal Programs .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Food Services .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Health Records ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
Instruction ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Personnel ................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Special Education .................................................................................................................................................... 20
State Programs ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Student Activities ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
Student Records ...................................................................................................................................................... 27
Transportation .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Career Education ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Public School Records Retention Schedule
See also the General Records Retention Schedule.
SCH001 Annual Secretary of the Board of Education Report
Also Called: ASBR
Function: Financial record of the district's receipts and disbursements for the fiscal year
Minimum Retention: Permanent
Disposition: Archive
Approval Date:
SCH003 District Reorganization Records
Also Called:
Function: Verify appointment of new board members annually and included in board packet
Content: Oath of office, notice of election, election results, appointment of custodian of records
and MSBA delegates
Minimum Retention: Permanent
Disposition: Archive
Note: See RSMO 162.152; 162.171; 162.181; 162.841
Approval Date:
SCH004 Missouri School Improvement Program Report
Also Called: MSIP; Final Report; State Board of Education Summary; Notice of Classification;
Annual Performance Report
Function: Report submitted to Department of Elementary and Secondary Education documenting
the district's performance on MSIP standards. Used to determine accreditation and track
performance standards.
Content: Report includes: academic achievement, subgroup achievement, college and career
readiness, high school readiness, attendance rate, graduation rate
Minimum Retention: Permanent
Disposition: Archive
Approval Date:
SCH005 Post High School Status Reports
Also Called: 1 year follow-up; 5 year follow-up; 180-day follow-up
Function: Core data file that tracks student activity after graduation.
Content: May include: student name, what student predicted they would do after graduation, what
they are doing after graduation, list of career courses taken
Minimum Retention: Retain until superseded
Disposition: Destroy
Note: This is based on a template from DESE related to MSIP Standard 3 regarding college
and career readiness.
Approval Date:
SCH006 Written Curriculum Guide
Also Called:
Function: Documents curriculum used in the district, aligned with Missouri Learning Standards
Minimum Retention: Retain until superseded
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH007 School Improvement Plan
Also Called: Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
Function: Details mission, vision, goals and objectives for school district that ensure that
students meet or exceed grade-level standards established by the state board of education
Minimum Retention: Retain until superseded
Disposition: Destroy
Note: See RSMo 160.514; 162.1100
Approval Date:
SCH008 MSIP Supporting Documentation
Also Called: Data Files
Function: Data collected to generate MSIP Annual Performance Report
Content: Part of Core Data
Minimum Retention: 1 year after completion of cycle
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH010 Core Data--Source Documents
Also Called:
Function: General data collected by school district and reported 6 times per year to DESE Core
Data Collection System
Content: Includes information used in producing School Directory, estimated ADA, actual
summer school attendance, planned school calendar data, LEP census data, educators,
courses and assignments, enrollment, gifted education, information for federal special
education reports, home schooled count, free and reduced lunch count, December 31
ending fund balance, census of technology, end-of-year- data, library media center,
discipline, school calendar, special education exiter counts, secondary headcount,
attendance, Resident II Attendance, Resident II gpa, Physical Fitness Assessment,
Professional Development, Summer School Courses and Enrollment
Minimum Retention: 5 years or as otherwise indicated
Disposition: Destroy
Note: The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) maintains an
historical copy of data submitted electronically as part of the Core Data Collection
System. Although district staff members are encouraged to maintain copies as
appropriate for immediate local use, permanent copies of these data submitted by the
district are maintained by DESE and are therefore not required to be maintained by local
school districts
Approval Date:
SCH011 Application for Summer School Approval
Also Called:
Function: District application to DESE to hold summer school
Content: Includes: School district information, summer school director information, dates of
summer school, program information, estimated enrollment, dates of operation, hours of
operation, superintendent certification
Minimum Retention: 5 Years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH012 Multiple Consortium Co-ops Legal, Technical, Special Ed., Professional
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 5 Years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH084 Statement of Intention to Employ a Minor
Also Called: Certificate to Employ a Minor; Certificate of Age for Employment of Minors; Work
Function: Documents permission granted or denied to a student, aged 14 to 15 years to work at
any job during the school year. These permissions are issued by 1) the public school
superintendent, 2) the CEO of the charter school, 3) the school principal, or 4) the
designee of any of the aforesaid officials.
Content: May contain request to work, statement of intent to employ a student setting forth the
nature of work, exact hours of the day, number of hours per day and days of the week;
written consent of the parent, custodian or guardian; proof of age; certificate from
school documenting grades; certificate from a physician stating that work will not injure
the child's health or mental development
Minimum Retention: 5 years + audit
Disposition: Destroy
Note: This record is mandated by the Missouri Department of Labor. The required forms are
available from the Division of Labor Standards
http://labor.mo.gov/DLS/YouthEmployment/work_cert_permit.asp. Please see RSMo
chapter 294.
Approval Date:
SCH183 Excused Absences
Also Called: Parent Note; Doctor's Note
Function: Note from doctor or parent explaining student absences
Minimum Retention: End of the School Year + 1 Year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date: August 23, 2023
Candidacy Records
Also Called: Declaration of Candidate for Nomination; Declaration of Intent of Write-in Candidate;
Candidate Withdrawal; Filing Fee Receipt
Note: See Election Authority Schedule, 028.009
Adult Education
Adult Education
SCH015 Application to State for Reimbursement
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 5 Years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH016 Employment and Training Record of Students Follow-up
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 5 Years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
Buildings and Grounds
Buildings and Grounds
For Other Building and Grounds Records, Please Refer to General Schedule
SCH019 Americans with Disabilities Act Plan
Also Called: ADA Plan
Minimum Retention: 3 years, or until superseded; review for historical purposes
Disposition: Destroy*
Note: *If determined to be historically significant, Archive
Approval Date:
SCH020 Federal Environmental Reports
Also Called: Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act (AHERA) report
Function: Documents environmental inspections of school facilities
Content: Reports on asbestos, lead, radon, etc.
Minimum Retention: Until Superseded + 6 Years*
Disposition: Archive
Note: Under AHERA, triennial reinspections are required. *In the case of a final report, which
will not be superseded, maintain permanently.
Approval Date: Revised, August 19, 2014
Federal Programs
Business Affairs
SCH026 Assessed Valuation Certification
Also Called:
Function: Letter from county certifying real and personal property valuation of district
Minimum Retention: Permanent
Disposition: Archive
Approval Date:
SCH027 Bound Book Generated by Bond Counsel
Also Called: School Bonds, general obligation bonds, leasehold revenue bonds, quality school
construction bonds, Build America bonds
Function: Financial records documenting bond issues
Minimum Retention: Maturity + 3 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date: August 24, 2010
SCH028 Sales Tax Exemption Letters
Also Called:
Function: Documents district's exemption from sales tax when making purchases
Minimum Retention: Retain until superseded
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH029 Tax Exemption Certificate
Also Called:
Function: Tax ID letter confirming exempt status
Minimum Retention: Retain until superseded
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH032 Surety Bonds
Also Called: Performance Bonds
Function: Official performance bonds from school officials
Minimum Retention: Completion of Audit + 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Note: Treasurer is the only official required to file bond; construction work requires contractor
to file surety bond
Approval Date:
SCH035 Certification of Property Tax Rates
Also Called:
Function: Documents tax rates, generated by State Auditor and sent to County Clerk
Minimum Retention: Completion of Audit
Disposition: Destroy
Note: This is a copy of a record kept by the County Clerk.
Approval Date:
Federal Programs
SCH036 Estimate of Required Local Taxes
Also Called:
Function: Documents tax rates, generated by State Auditor and sent to County Clerk
Minimum Retention: Completion of Audit
Disposition: Destroy
Note: This is a copy of a record kept by the County Clerk.
Approval Date:
Federal Programs
SCH037 Title I
Also Called:
Function: Records relating to federal programs for Educationally Deprived Children
Minimum Retention: 3 years after program year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH038 Title II
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 3 years after program year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH039 Title II-D e-MINTS Grant (competitive)
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH040 Title III
Also Called:
Function: Records relating to federal programs for English language acquisition
Minimum Retention: 3 years after program year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH041 Title IV
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 3 years after program year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
Federal Programs
SCH042 Title V
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 3 years after program year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH043 Federal Discretionary Grant Programs
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 3 years after program year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH044 Federal Impact-aid P.L. 815 & P.L. 874
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 3 years after program year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH173 Medicaid Records/Payments
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 3 years after program year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
Food Services
Food Services
SCH045 Food Application Agreements
Also Called: National School Lunch; Food Distribution; Special Milk; School Breakfast Program
Function: Agreement between local education agency and State Agency Coordinator, School Food
Services, detailing general and record-keeping requirements for national school lunch,
school breakfast, after-school snack, special milk and donated food programs
Minimum Retention: 3 Years after fiscal year
Disposition: Destroy
Note: See: 7 CFR 210 on USDA food assistance programs
Approval Date: Revised August 19, 2014
SCH177 Food Service Records
Also Called: Application for Free or Reduced Price Meals; Lunch, Milk, and Breakfast Claim for
Reimbursement; December 31 Commodity Inventory*; Cafeteria Records and Reports;
Cafeteria Register Tapes
Minimum Retention: 3 years
Disposition: Destroy
Note: *Food Management Company Schools Only; Replaces SCH046, 047, 048, 049, 050
Approval Date: August 20, 2013
Health Records
SCH051 Student Cumulative Health Record
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 10 years, or until the student turns 23, whichever is longer
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date: Revised August 28, 2012
SCH052 Immunization Records
Also Called: Immunization Record; Immunization Exemption; Medical Exemption; Religious
Function: Provides verification of immunizations received, or immunization exemptions (religious,
medical or parental)
Minimum Retention: 3 years after leaving school, or graduating
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date: August 25, 2009; Revised August 28, 2012
SCH053 Immunization--In Progress
Also Called:
Function: Document verifying student is current until next scheduled immunization is due.
Content: Card submitted by doctor or health department stating what immunizations student has
received and indicating when they will be up-to-date.
Minimum Retention: Until next dose is due; destroy when temporary exemption status has passed
Disposition: Destroy
Note: Information is destroyed when immunization is complete
Approval Date: August 25, 2009
SCH054 Emergency Contact Record
Also Called: Student Health Information; Student Emergency Information; Emergency Card
Content: May contain: student name, address, parent information, doctor's name, hospital
preference, medical history.
Minimum Retention: 1 Year*
Disposition: Destroy
Note: *Maintain only current contact information.
Approval Date: Revised August 19, 2014
SCH061 Health Care Plans
Also Called:
Function: Summary of the nursing plan of care for a student with special health needs
Minimum Retention: 1 year
Disposition: Destroy
Note: Evaluate annually--may be a part of the Individual Education Plan--IEP
Approval Date:
SCH062 Head Injury Note
Also Called:
Function: Documents any head injury sustained by student at school.
Minimum Retention: 1 year
Disposition: Destroy
Note: Need only be kept for the current year if the information contained within the document
has been summarized and recorded onto the individual clinic record or onto the
cumulative health record
Approval Date:
SCH063 Daily Clinic Log
Also Called:
Function: List of all students seen on any given day
Minimum Retention: 1 year
Disposition: Destroy
Note: This record is not considered to be adequate to document individualized care. Need
only be kept for the current year if the information contained within the document has
been summarized and recorded onto the individual clinic record or onto the cumulative
health record
Approval Date:
SCH174 Medical Treatments, Reports and Evaluations
Also Called: Clinic Record; Nursing Documentation; Medication Record; Treatment Records;
Physician Orders for Specialized Treatments/Procedures; Behavioral Assessment Tool*;
Accident Reports#; Child Abuse/Neglect Documentation; Screening Reports of Medical
Professionals; Sports Medicine Records
Function: Documents treatments, drug distribution and other services through school nurse's office
Content: Individual documentation of each clinic visit/assessment/care provided. May include:
Asthma peak flow records; seizure logs; catheterization records; G-tube feeding record;
Medical reports from accidents (diagnosis, hospital records, audiology reports, etc.)
Minimum Retention: Until student reaches age 23
Disposition: Destroy
Note: *To assess drug/alcohol use; #Physician releases to return to school/sports participation
or to be excluded from such. Replaces SCH055, 056, 058, 059, 064, 065, 066, 067
Approval Date: August 20, 2013; Updated August 25, 2015
SCH175 Medical Consents
Also Called: Medication Consents; Consents for Specialized Treatments/Procedures
Function: Permissions granted by parent/guardian/physician
Minimum Retention: Until student reaches age 23
Disposition: Destroy
Note: Replaces SCH057, 060
Approval Date: August 20, 2013
SCH180 Student Physical Records
Also Called: Athletic Physicals; Extracurricular Activities Schedules
Function: Annual physicals documenting fitness to participate in school sponsored extracurricular
Minimum Retention: 1 Year
Disposition: Destroy Securely
Note: Confidential Records
Approval Date: August 25, 2015
SCH181 Student Drug/Alcohol Testing Records
Also Called: Drug Screening Records
Function: Documents the testing of students for controlled substances prohibited by policy,
procedure or statute.
Content: Records may include but are not limited to the documentation of test results, the
collection process, the random sample process.
Minimum Retention: Retain positive test results until student graduates or leaves district; retain negative
test 1 Year
Disposition: Destroy Securely
Note: Confidential Records
Approval Date: August 25, 2015
SCH069 District Test Assessments
Also Called: District Test Scores
Function: Documents District-level performance on standardized tests, including, but not limited
to: MAP, MMAT, EOC, MAPA, College and Career Readiness Assessments, ACT, SAT,
ASVAB, TSA, Terra Nova, DRA, SRI.
Minimum Retention: 15 Years
Disposition: Destroy
Note: These are aggregate test scores for the district as a whole. Individual student scores will be
part of the student record.
Approval Date: Revised August 19, 2014
SCH070 Textbook Inventory
Also Called:
Function: Inventory of textbooks for each school.
Minimum Retention: Retain until superseded
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH071 Teacher's grade book
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 2 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH074 Counselor Records
Also Called:
Function: Documents meetings between guidance counselors and students.
Content: May include: notes taken by counselor, discipline reports, record of meeting.
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy Securely
Note: Confidential records
Approval Date:
SCH075 Teacher Plans, Programs, Recommendations
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH178 Driver Education
Also Called: Application for Approval for Matching Federal Funds to Train Driver Education Teachers;
Application for Federal Matching Funds to Purchase Driver Education Simulation Equipment
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Note: Replaces SCH072, 073
Approval Date: August 20, 2013
For Other Personnel Records see General Schedule
SCH083 Substitute Teacher Record
Also Called:
Function: Documents qualifications and performance of substitute teachers
Content: May contain evaluations of substitute, substitute certificate, background checks,
application, letters informing parents of long-term substitute assignment
Minimum Retention: 3 years
Disposition: Destroy
Note: This series may be obsolete.
Approval Date:
SCH182 Student Teacher Records
Also Called:
Function: Documents Student-Teacher observation, supervised and independent classroom teaching
during education rotation with a school
Content: May include: correspondence with colleges/universities, school approvals, assignments and
Minimum Retention: 3 Years after separation
Disposition: Destroy Securely
Approval Date: August 24, 2022
Special Education
Special Education
SCH087 Annual Report of Exceptional Pupil Programs
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 3 years
Disposition: Destroy
Note: This record is now a part of the ASBR SCH001.
Approval Date: Revised August 20, 2013
SCH092 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Entitlement Grants
Also Called: Applications for Special Education Programs, Application for Exceptional Pupil
Programs; Remedial Speech and Hearing Class Applications; Applications for Home
Teaching for Home-bound Instruction; Applications Report of Exceptional Pupil Programs
Minimum Retention: 3 years
Disposition: Destroy
Note: This series consolidates SCH088, 089, 090, 091, with 092 from the previous schedule.
Many of these applications are now done through DESE and no local records are
Approval Date: Revised, August 20, 2013
SCH093 619 Early Childhood Special Education Grants
Also Called: 619 Early Childhood Special Education Records; ECSE
Function: Reports verifying expenditures of funds
Content: ECSE Final Expenditure Report--expenditure detail, contact information core data
personnel, equipment expenditures, third-party contracts, extended school year,
operation of plant, staff mileage, supplies, transportation, personnel development, child
Minimum Retention: 3 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date: Revised August 20, 2013
SCH097 Student Special Education RecordStudent Plans
Also Called: IEP, IFSP, 504 Plan
Content: Individualized Education Plans (IEPs); Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP); 504 Plan
created under Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Minimum Retention: Permanent*
Disposition: Archive
Note: *Per RSMo 167.027, beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, all special education records
must be maintained permanently; For older special education records (previously scheduled
with a minimum retention of 3 Years from date of last service), the last, most recent, record
must be retained permanently.
Approval Date: Revised August 19, 2014; Revised August 24, 2016; Revised November 16, 2023; Revised
August 28, 2024
Special Education
SCH184 Student Special Education Record - Supporting Documentation
Also Called: Chapter Programs; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Data; Title Programs
Function: Documents that support student special education plans
Content: May include, but not limited to: Record of Access Form; Documentation of and/or Consent
forms for Evaluations; Diagnostic Summaries; Notice and/or Consent Forms Placement and
Documentation of the Provisions of Appropriate Procedural Safeguards
Retention: 3 Years after last service
Disposition: Destroy
Note: See also SCH097 Student Special Education Record - Student Plans
Approval Date: August 28, 2024
SCH098 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Also Called:
Function: Reports Documenting expenditures and proposed expenditures.
Content: Final expense report, maintenance of effort, child count, amendment, budget grid,
request for payment, payment grid
Minimum Retention: Subject to Federal Requirements
Note: Under federal requirements, IDEA demands that destruction of records will not take
place until 3 years past the time the child no longer receives IDEA services which is in
most cases 3 years past graduation. However, even if the destruction is not occurring
until after the 3 year minimum guideline, the school district must attempt to notify the
parents or eligible student. Consult with DESE, Special Education for the most current
federal regulations
Approval Date:
SCH099 Local Compliance Plan and Monitoring Documentation
Also Called:
Function: Documents the local school district's version of the state compliance plan
Minimum Retention: Retain until superseded
Disposition: Destroy
Note: Combined with SCH100
Approval Date: Revised August 20, 2013
SCH179 Special Education--Pupil Test Protocols, Scores, Evaluations
Also Called: Test Protocols
Function: Documents Individualized Education Program (IEP) test protocols, scores, and evaluations
Minimum Retention: 3 Years after last service
Disposition: Destroy
Note: This series combines former series entries SCH095 with SCH096.
Approval Date: August 20, 2013; Revised August 19, 2014
State Programs
State Programs
SCH102 At Risk Student Programs
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH103 Career Ladder Records
Also Called:
Function: Documents teachers who achieve national board certification
Content: List of certified teachers and letters confirming certification
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH104 Child Care Development Fund Grant (Block Grant)
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH105 Drop Out Data
Also Called:
Function: Documents Student drop-outs
Content: Monthly report submitted to DESE.
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Note: Kept as part of Core Data
Approval Date:
SCH106 Minimum Salary Supplement
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH107 Parents as Teacher Project Records
Also Called:
Function: Documents district's participation in the Parents as Teachers Program
Content: May include: home visits, child screening, high needs characteristics, and data collection
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Note: Generated and submitted on a DESE form, used for program funding.
Approval Date:
State Programs
SCH108 Missouri Preschool Project Grant
Also Called:
Function: The Missouri Preschool Program Invitation for Bid/Invitation for Grant (IFB/IFG) is for programs
that will result in new or expansion of early care and education programs for children who are
one or two years from kindergarten eligibility.
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH109 Professional Development Committee Records
Also Called:
Function: Records generated by district-level committee that oversees professional development
of district's teachers
Content: Agendas, minutes, budget, by-laws, reports of professional development.
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH110 Teacher Education Scholarships
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH111 School Board Member Training Records
Also Called:
Function: Documents training of school board members
Content: May include: hours of training, date, name of class, and certificate.
Minimum Retention: Duration of service
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH112 State Gifted Records
Also Called:
Function: Documents district's gifted program, participation and requirements
Content: May include: testing protocols, test results, evaluation forms
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Note: May be kept as part of student record.
Approval Date:
SCH113 State Grants
Also Called: Health; A+ Schools; Vocational Enhancement; etc.
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
State Programs
SCH114 Summer School Records
Also Called:
Function: Documents summer school approvals from DESE and student enrollments
Content: May include: Summer School Checklist and Final Approval Form (DESE); district
enrollment forms
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Note: Grades should be filed with the student transcript.
Approval Date:
SCH115 Technology Plans
Also Called:
Function: Documents district plans for integrating and utilizing technology for both teaching and
Content: May include: objectives and goals related to student learning; teacher preparation;
administration, data management, communication processes; resource distribution;
technical support
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH116 Tuition Reimbursement
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
Student Activities
Student Activities
SCH117 Year Books
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: Permanent
Disposition: Archive
Approval Date:
SCH118 Student Policy Handbook
Also Called: Board of Education Rules and Regulations
Minimum Retention: Until superseded + 7 Years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date: Revised August 19, 2014
SCH119 Scorebooks (Athletics)
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH123 Athletic Conference Reports
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 1 year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH124 Eligibility Certificates
Also Called:
Function: Document student eligibility to engage in extracurricular activities.
Minimum Retention: 1 year
Disposition: Destroy
Note: These are now accessed and completed online through MSHAA
Approval Date:
SCH125 Events Schedules
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 1 year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
Student Activities
SCH126 Scholarship Awards
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 1 year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH128 Physical Education Excuses
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH129 Alumni Lists
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH130 Career and Technical Student Organization Records
Also Called: Future Business Leaders of America; Family, Careers and Community Leaders of
America; FFA; DECA; Skills USA; Student Council; etc.
Function: Document activities of district's chapters of national organizations.
Content: May include: record of expenses, rosters, meeting minutes.
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH131 School Club and Organization By-laws
Also Called:
Function: Documents organizations that operate under the school's auspices
Content: May include: by-laws, affidavits, re-authorizations, proposed budgets, officer lists, etc.
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
Student Records
Student Records
SCH132 Student Cumulative Record--Transcripts
Also Called:
Content: May include: Grades; birth record; gpa; class rank; college prep or other, earned/awarded
certificates; standardized test scores
Minimum Retention: 75 Years
Disposition: Destroy
Note: If elementary, middle or junior high school records have been transferred to the Senior
High Record, then the transferring school's record is considered a non-record and may
be destroyed. This series also includes SCH014 Class and Grade Reports for
Individual Students and SCH165 Student Folders, which were previously classified
under Adult and Career Education
Approval Date: August 25, 2009; Revised August 20, 2013; Revised August 19, 2014; Updated 7/17/2024
SCH133 Student Cumulative Record--Other
Also Called:
Content: Any non-transcript material as defined in SCH132
Minimum Retention: 5 years after graduation or leaving school
Disposition: Destroy
Note: Includes information previously categorized under SCH137; includes English Language
Learner (ELL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) records
Approval Date: August 25, 2009; Revised August 20, 2013; Updated July 21, 2023
SCH138 Records of Serious Discipline Violations
Also Called: Committee on Conduct Records
Function: Documents student violations of the school's code of conduct as well as violations of
the Safe Schools Act, and actions taken.
Content: May include: correspondence; report to superintendent; incident information; supporting
documentation; guidance reports; summary of investigation; student discipline record;
determination review; code of conduct meeting minutes
Minimum Retention: Until student reaches age 23
Disposition: Destroy
Note: See RSMo 167.020 subsection 7 and 160.261 subsection 9
Approval Date:
SCH139 Student Accident Insurance Information
Also Called:
Function: Documents accident insurance that is available for parent purchase
Content: May include: fliers for program, rate information, etc.
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH140 New Student Orientation Schedules
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date: Revised August 19, 2014
Student Records
SCH141 School Publications Information
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH142 Class Meeting Minutes
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH143 Class Rosters
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH144 Current Class Schedule of District
Also Called:
Function: Master schedule of all classes in all schools in the district
Content: May include: school, class, teacher name, student names, student IDs
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH145 Deficiency Report
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH146 Graduation Records
Also Called: Commencement Records; End of Year Activity Arrangements
Minimum Retention: 1 year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
Student Records
SCH147 Graduation Records--A+ student records
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 10 Years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date: Revised, August 20 2013
SCH148 Honor Roll Lists
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 1 year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH149 Student Awards
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 1 year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH150 Letter Grade Distribution by Class
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH151 Student Directory
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: Destroy in Current Area
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH176 Student Registration Records
Also Called: Student Enrollment Records; Student Drop-Out Records; Student Transfer-in/Transfer-
out Records; Application for Admission
Function: Records regarding student enrollment, including application to enter school district and
career education, drop out and transfer information not part of the cumulative transcript.
Minimum Retention: 10 Years after leaving school
Disposition: Destroy
Note: These records are distinct from the student cumulative record and should be maintained
as a separate file. This series replaces SCH134, 135, 136.
Approval Date: August 20, 2013
Career Education
For Vehicle Maintenance and Ownership Records see General Schedule
SCH153 Annual Bus Route Approval Report
Also Called: Transportation Route Approval
Function: Records submitted for approval of bus routes
Content: May include: driver names, routes and time, mileage, school name, anticipated rider counts
Minimum Retention: 3 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH154 Ridership Lists
Also Called: Ridership counts
Function: Documents verification of students riding school-provided transportation.
Content: May include: route, driver name, bus number, list of riders by schools and route
number, student name, grade, ID number, distance transported, bus stop location,
report generated from preceding data
Minimum Retention: 3 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH156 Annual Bus Driver Certification
Also Called: Annual Physical Examination; Copy of Drivers' CDL
Minimum Retention: 1 year
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
Career Education
SCH159 Reimbursement for salaries for Career Education Programs
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH160 Application for Authorization to Purchase Equipment/Supplies
Also Called:
Function: Application to spend federal Perkins fund money for equipment and/or supplies for use
in technical schools.
Content: May include: DESE forms FV2, FV4; enhancement application for grant money
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Note: Funding made available through "Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education
Act, Public Law 105-332"
Approval Date:
Career Education
SCH161 Reimbursement Request for Approved Expenditures
Also Called:
Function: Application to reimbursement for equipment and/or supplies for use in technical schools.
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH162 Federal Title IV Financial Aid--Administrative Files
Also Called: PELL grant student payment summary; Federal PELL grant payment voucher; IPS batch
report; Recipient data exchange summary report
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH163 Federal Title IV Financial Aid--Student Files
Also Called: SAR; ESAR; ISAR; Stafford Loan
Content: Verification worksheet and documentation including 1040s, Social Security printouts,
Family Services printouts, etc.; Acknowledgment of funds; Enrollment Agreement;
Promissory note; Entrance interview acknowledgment; Exit interview acknowledgment;
Financial aid transcript from other post-secondary schools (if other were attended); first
year students who receive funds and leave before completing 60% of the program will
have, in their file: Refund calculation worksheet; new perspectives intake form
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Note: For students who receive funds but leave before 60% of the programs is completed--the 5
year clock begins after the second year or the 180 day follow-up
Approval Date:
SCH164 Minutes of Career-Technical Education Committee
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 2 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH166 Career-Technical Building Payment Certificates
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: Permanent and update
Disposition: Archive
Approval Date:
Career Education
SCH167 Area Career Center Tuition Charges
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH168 Application for Reimbursement from Career-Technical Funds
Also Called:
Function: Reimbursement for salaries, travel and other allowable items
Minimum Retention: 3 years (subject to federal regulations)
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH169 Enrollment Report for Career-Technical Program
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 3 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH170 Grade Report Sheets--Career Center
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 2 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH171 Record of Curriculum
Also Called:
Function: Curriculum offered in Career-Technical education program/school
Minimum Retention: Retain until superseded
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
SCH172 Technology Consortium Meetings
Also Called:
Minimum Retention: 5 years
Disposition: Destroy
Approval Date:
619 Early Childhood Special Education Grants, 20
Alumni Lists, 26
Americans with Disabilities Act Plan, 9
Annual Bus Driver Certification, 30
Annual Bus Route Approval Report, 30
Annual Report of Exceptional Pupil Programs, 20
Annual Secretary of the Board of Education Report, 5
Application for Authorization to Purchase
Equipment/Supplies, 30
Application for Reimbursement from Career-Technical
Funds, 32
Application for Summer School Approval, 6
Application to State for Reimbursement, 8
Area Career Center Tuition Charges, 32
Assessed Valuation Certification, 10
At Risk Student Programs, 22
Athletic Conference Reports, 25
Bound Book Generated by Bond Counsel, 10
Candidacy Records, 7
Career and Technical Student Organization Records, 26
Career Ladder Records, 22
Career-Technical Building Payment Certificates, 31
Certification of Property Tax Rates, 10
Child Care Development Fund Grant (Block Grant), 22
Class Meeting Minutes, 28
Class Rosters, 28
Core Data--Source Documents, 6
Counselor Records, 17
Current Class Schedule of District, 28
Daily Clinic Log, 15
Deficiency Report, 28
District Reorganization Records, 5
District Test Assessments, 17
Driver Education, 18
Drop Out Data, 22
Eligibility Certificates, 25
Emergency Contact Record, 14
Employment and Training Record of Students Follow-up, 8
Enrollment Report for Career-Technical Program, 32
Estimate of Required Local Taxes, 11
Events Schedules, 25
Excused Absences, 7
Federal Discretionary Grant Programs, 12
Federal Environmental Reports, 9
Federal Impact-aid P.L. 815 & P.L. 874, 12
Federal Title IV Financial Aid--Administrative Files, 31
Federal Title IV Financial Aid--Student Files, 31
Food Application Agreements, 13
Food Service Records, 13
Grade Report Sheets--Career Center, 32
Graduation Records, 28
Graduation Records--A+ student records, 29
Head Injury Note, 15
Health Care Plans, 14
Honor Roll Lists, 29
Immunization Records, 14
Immunization--In Progress, 14
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 21
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Entitlement Grants, 20
Letter Grade Distribution by Class, 29
Local Compliance Plan and Monitoring Documentation, 21
Medicaid Records/Payments, 12
Medical Consents, 15
Medical Treatments, Reports and Evaluations, 15
Minimum Salary Supplement, 22
Minutes of Career-Technical Education Committee, 31
Missouri Preschool Project Grant, 23
Missouri School Improvement Program Report, 5
MSIP Supporting Documentation, 6
Multiple Consortium Co-ops Legal, Technical, Special Ed.,
Professional, 7
New Student Orientation Schedules, 27
Parents as Teacher Project Records, 22
Physical Education Excuses, 26
Post High School Status Reports, 5
Professional Development Committee Records, 23
Record of Curriculum, 32
Records of Serious Discipline Violations, 27
Reimbursement for salaries for Career Education
Programs, 30
Reimbursement Request for Approved Expenditures, 31
Ridership Lists, 30
Sales Tax Exemption Letters, 10
Scholarship Awards, 26
School Board Member Training Records, 23
School Club and Organization By-laws, 26
School Improvement Plan, 6
School Publications Information, 28
Scorebooks (Athletics), 25
Special Education--Pupil Test Protocols, Scores,
Evaluations, 21
State Gifted Records, 23
State Grants, 23
Statement of Intention to Employ a Minor, 7
Student Accident Insurance Information, 27
Student Awards, 29
Student Cumulative Health Record, 14
Student Cumulative Record--Other, 27
Student Cumulative Record--Transcripts, 27
Student Directory, 29
Student Drug/Alcohol Testing Records, 16
Student Physical Records, 15
Student Policy Handbook, 25
Student Registration Records, 29
Student Special Education Record, 20
Student Special Education Record - Supporting
Documentation, 21
Student Special Education RecordStudent Plans, 20
Student Teacher Records, 19
Substitute Teacher Record, 19
Summer School Records, 24
Surety Bonds, 10
Tax Exemption Certificate, 10
Teacher Education Scholarships, 23
Teacher Plans, Programs, Recommendations, 17
Teacher's grade book, 17
Technology Consortium Meetings, 32
Technology Plans, 24
Textbook Inventory, 17
Title I, 11
Title II, 11
Title II-D e-MINTS Grant (competitive), 11
Title III, 11
Title IV, 11
Title V, 12
Tuition Reimbursement, 24
Written Curriculum Guide, 6
Year Books, 25