2425 Reedie Drive, 7th Floor
Wheaton, MD 20902
Updated 10/30/18
Fire Safety Inspection Guide
One- and Two-family dwellings, adoption and foster care.
Contact Name: _________________________ Phone: _______________________________
Inspector: Date:
**No FCC or Operational Permits**
Home is sprinkled? Yes No
Year of construction? _________d
House numbers should be a minimum of 5” in height and visible from the street.
Lights should be provided by exit doors.
Each bathroom and bedroom doorknob should be unlockable from outside the room.
The house should be free from obvious electrical hazards.
Extension cords should not be used on a permanent basis.
Heating equipment should be in good working condition.
The house has an escape plan that shows two ways out from each sleeping, living, or dining room. d
Exit doors and windows should open without a key or tool.
Smoke and CO alarms must comply with State Law.
Carbon monoxide alarms must comply with State and County regulations.
Escape windows: (if sprinkled, secondary escape is not required)
Measure the window when it is open. The window must meet all of the following:
- Must be a minimum of 20 inches in width.
- Must be a minimum of 24 inches in height. Minimum opening area is 5 sq. ft.
- The maximum height from the floor to the opening is 44 inches.