Microsoft Cloud App Security
Top 20
use cases
for CASBs
15 /
Assess and protect your
IaaS environment
17 /
Getting started
06 /
Discover Shadow IT
in your organization
09 /
Protect your information
in the cloud
12 /
Detect and protect
against cyberthreats
04 /
A uniquely integrated CASB
05 /
Architectural considerations
03 /
18 /
Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs) are cloud-based security solutions that
provide a new layer of security to enable oversight and control of activities and
information across public and custom cloud SaaS apps and IaaS services. CASBs
are broken down into four key capability areas including Shadow IT Discovery,
Information Protection, Threat Protection and Compliance, and provide a central
control plane for governance and policy enforcement across all of your cloud apps
and services.
In this guide we share the top 20 use cases for CASBs that we recommend as a
baseline for a successful implementation to improve your cloud security.
The use cases can be leveraged as a starting point during a proof of concept,
or as youre getting ready to deploy your CASB solution and want to prioritize
your deployment.
Moving to the cloud requires a new
approach to security. As you enable
employees to work from virtually
anywhere and from any device of their
choice, your organizational access
perimeters and boundaries change. Your
new security controls need to adapt to
this dynamic environment and be able to
quickly respond to the constantly evolving
threat landscape.
A uniquely integrated Cloud Access Security Broker
Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS) is a
multimode Cloud Access Security Broker.
It provides rich visibility, control over
data travel, and sophisticated analytics to
identify and combat cyberthreats across
all your cloud services.
Our unique approach ensures that we deliver a powerful security solution that
enables a higher level of security and compliance for heterogeneous cloud
environments— across all your cloud apps and services.
One example is how Microsoft Cloud App Security delivers the only native Identity
and Access Management (IAM) + CASB solution in the market, by integrating with
Azure Active Directory (AAD) conditional access. This enables selective routing via
our reverse proxy infrastructure, and thereby minimizes end user impact, while
ensuring the highest level of control under risky conditions. AAD conditional access
allows you to specify when trafc is routed via the reverse proxy using conditions
such as device state, user, cloud app, location, and network, allowing for an
unprecedented balance of cloud security and end user productivity.
MCAS is designed with security professionals
in mind. It is built as a state-of-the-art concept
of native integrations to provide a simple
deployment experience, centralized management,
and innovative automation capabilities—while
still allowing you to integrate non-Microsoft
solutions from your existing environment such as
a SIEM or Secure Web Gateway.
Endpoint Detection & Response
Identity & Access Management
Data Loss Prevention
Unied Endpoint Management
Security Workow automation
Security incident & event management
Cloud Security Posture Management
Incident Response
Integrations with other enterprise solutions are important for an effective and
sustainable management of the CASB solution and the organization’s processes
and workows. Microsoft Cloud App Security supports all of the implementation
scenarios listed above and integrates with Microsoft native solutions, as well other
market leading solutions in the previously listed categories.
Architectural considerations
When implementing the various CASB use
cases that are outlined in this document,
organizations need to ensure a seamless
integration with their existing architecture
and software solutions.
Deployment options for cloud app discovery and blocking
A user’s Wi-Fi connection will dictate point of access to the cloud, but the log data will be
sent to Microsoft Cloud App Security.
A Cloud Access Security Broker should support
multiple deployment modes to ensure full
coverage of the key use cases within a single
management experience, including:
Log ingestion from Firewalls, Secure Web
Gateways and SIEMs
Cloud-to-cloud APIs-based connectors
Reverse Proxy integration with the
primary (IAM) provider
Addressing Shadow IT in your organization
It’s important for your IT teams to conrm whether all apps that
are currently being used across the organization meet internal
security policies and relevant industry or compliance requirements.
Microsoft’s CASB can help you assess the risk and compliance of any
discovered cloud app or service against more than 70 risk factors,
including general security
for example whether the app captures
an admin audit trail
regulatory compliance such as ISO 27018
and legal factors including GDPR. These allow your IT team to
make informed decisions about which apps should be supported
in the organization, and which require additional governance
or need to be blocked entirely.
Deployment mode: Log collection
Native integrations: Microsoft Defender Advanced
Threat Protection, Azure Sentinel
Other integrations: SIEM, Firewall, Secure Web Gateway
Technical implementation
Our numbers show that Shadow IT makes up more than 60% of
cloud services in large organizations, introducing unknown and
unmanaged risks into the environment.
A CASB enables you to identify which cloud apps and
services are being used across your organization. Whether
these cloud services are being accessed on or beyond the
corporate network, managed or unmanaged by IT
all data is
captured. The discovery report includes all relevant information
based on users, IP addresses and machines.
Deployment mode: Log collection
Native integrations: Microsoft Defender Advanced
Threat Protection, Azure Sentinel
Other integrations: SIEM, Firewall, Secure Web Gateway
Technical implementation
Discover all cloud apps and services
used in your organization
Assess the risk and compliance
of your cloud apps
Addressing Shadow IT in your organization
With end users always on the lookout for apps to improve
their productivity, it’s key to stay on top of new services in
your organization.
With a CASB, you can setup a policy to detect changes in the
usage pattern of cloud apps, and be alerted when new, risky or
high-volume apps are discovered in your environment.
When the usage of a specic app spikes, you may want to
re-evaluate its risk score to ensure corporate data is being
handled safely. At the same time, this continuous monitoring
enables you to be alerted when new, risky apps are
detected and immediately take action to limit the impact on
your organization.
Deployment mode: Log collection
Native integrations: Microsoft Defender Advanced
Threat Protection, Azure Sentinel
Other integrations: SIEM, Firewall, Secure Web Gateway
Technical implementation
Making informed decisions is key when putting governance actions
for cloud apps in place.
Once you have analyzed the risk and compliance of your
cloud apps, you can use the CASB to start managing them by
classifying them into relevant app groups, which commonly
include Sanctioned, Unsanctioned or Restricted app tags. Once
categorized, further governance actions can include onboarding
an app to Azure Active Directory, dedicated monitoring of an
app over time, or blocking its use by end users.
In case you discover risky or duplicate apps, the cloud app catalog
which includes more than 16,000 cloud appscan be leveraged
to nd enterprise-ready alternatives.
Deployment mode: Log collection
Native integrations: Microsoft Defender Advanced
Threat Protection, Azure Sentinel
Other integrations: SIEM, Firewall, Secure Web Gateway
Technical implementation
Govern discovered cloud apps and
explore enterprise-ready alternatives
Enable continuous monitoring to
automatically detect new and risky
cloud apps
Addressing Shadow IT in your organization
With OAuth apps users grant cloud apps access to their
corporate user accounts without sharing credentials. While
originally created for consumer-facing services such as
Facebook, enterprise adoption of OAuth apps is increasing,
giving them programmatic access to a user’s corporate data and
permission levels.
With Microsoft’s CASB you can analyze 3rd party OAuth apps that
have been authorized to use the credentials of your corporate
logins to Ofce 365, G-Suite or Salesforce, to access other cloud
services that may not be sanctioned by IT.
Analyze their access levels and related activities to ensure they
are compliant with your internal guidelines.
Deployment mode: API-Connector
Technical implementation
Sensitive, corporate data is the most valuable asset in many
organizations. Therefore, it’s key to ensure that your data is
protected and cannot be exltrated from your organization for
improper use.
Microsoft’s CASB has out-of-the-box policies that will alert you
on suspicious usage within unsanctioned apps when activities
are performed that indicate a potential attempt to exltrate
information from your organization.
In addition you can congure custom policies to get alerted on
events that are important to your organization.
Deployment mode: Log collection
Native integrations: Microsoft Defender Advanced
Threat Protection, Azure Sentinel
Other integrations: SIEM, Firewall, Secure Web Gateway
Technical implementation
Detect when data is being exltrated
from your corporate apps
Discover OAuth apps that have access
to your environment
Protect your information in the cloud
No matter where in your cloud journey you are, many of your
end users likely started leveraging cloud services a long time
ago and have stored corporate data in various cloud applications.
A CASB provides you with full visibility over all data stored
in sanctioned and connected cloud apps. It gives you deep insights
about each le, allowing you to identify whether it contains
any sensitive information, the owner and storage location, as
well as the access level of the le. Access levels distinguish
between private, internal, externally shared and publicly shared
les, allowing you to quickly identify potentially overexposed les
putting sensitive information at risk.
Deployment mode: API-Connector
Native integrations: Azure Information Protection
Technical implementation
Gain visibility into corporate data
stored in the cloud
Enforce DLP and compliance policies
for sensitive data stored in your
cloud apps
Cloud services such as Ofce 365 or Slack are key productivity
solutions in many organizations today. Consequently, sensitive
corporate data is uploaded and shared across them.
For existing data, a CASB solution can help you identify les that
contain sensitive information and it provides several remediation
options including removing external sharing permissions, encrypting
the le, placing it in admin quarantine or deleting it if necessary.
Additionally, you can enforce DLP policies that scan every le as
soon as it’s uploaded to a cloud app, to alert on policy violations
and automatically apply data labels and relevant restrictions to
protect your information. These policies can be created using
advanced techniques such as data identities, regular expressions,
OCR and exact data matching.
Deployment mode: API-Connector, Reverse Proxy
Native integrations: Azure Information Protection,
Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Intune,
Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection
Other integrations: Non-Microsoft DLP solution
Technical implementation
Protect your information in the cloud
Increasing collaboration needs and the simplicity of external
sharing require companies to enforce controls that protect the
sharing of sensitive information, as users collaborate internally,
as well as externally, using various cloud services.
With Microsoft Cloud App Security, you can enforce a wide set of
collaboration policies relevant to the sensitivity of a le. Automatic
actions include setting an expiration date on a shared link or
removing external collaborators, while informing the le owner.
In addition, you can congure controls that are applied to user
actions in real-time. For example, if a user is trying to send
sensitive information like a password via instant message (IM) in
apps such as Microsoft Teams or Workplace by Facebook, you
can enforce policies that will instantly block the message from
being sent.
Deployment mode: API-Connector, Reverse Proxy
Native integrations: Azure Information Protection,
Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Intune,
Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection
Other integrations: Non-Microsoft DLP solution
Technical implementation
Ensure safe collaboration and data
sharing practices in the cloud
Protect your data when it’s
downloaded to unmanaged devices
Today employees can work from anywhere. Whether it’s an
internal user accessing corporate apps from a hotel PC, or their
personal device at home, many devices are no longer managed
by your IT. In addition, external users such as agencies or partners
you’re collaborating with, are also allowed to access corporate
resources, using unmanaged devices.
Microsoft Cloud App Security identies the relevant device state
upon user login and can be congured with granular controls
to either prevent the download of sensitive les altogether, or
always apply a protection label when a le is downloaded
from an unmanaged device.
This ensures the continued productivity of all users, while ensuring
your data is safe wherever it travels.
Deployment mode: Reverse Proxy
Native integrations: Azure Information Protection,
Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Intune,
Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection
Other integrations: Non-Microsoft DLP solution
Non-Microsoft Mobile Device Management
Technical implementation
Protect your information in the cloud
In a cloud-rst world, identity has become the new perimeter
protecting access to all your corporate resources at the front door.
Microsoft Cloud App Security leverages Azure Active Directory
conditional access policies to determine a users session risk
upon login. Based on the risk level associated with a user
session, you can enforce adaptive in-session controls, that
determine which actions a user can carry out, and which may
be limited or blocked entirely. This seamless identity-based
experience ensures the upkeep of productivity, while preventing
potentially risky user actions in real-time. The adaptive
controls include the prevention of data exltration by blocking
actions such as download, copy, cut or print, as well as
the prevention of malicious data inltration to your cloud
apps by preventing malicious uploads or pasting text.
Deployment mode: Reverse Proxy
Native integrations: Azure Information Protection,
Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Intune,
Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection
Other integrations: Non-Microsoft DLP solution,
Non-Microsoft Mobile Device Management
Technical implementation
Enforce adaptive session controls to
manage user actions in real-time
Detect and protect against cyberthreats
Whether a user identity is compromised, or an employee is
deliberately carrying out risky actions across your environment
of cloud apps, its key to understand that adversaries act
regardless of whether an app or information is located
on-premises or in the cloud. Therefore, it’s key for your IT to
be able to trace and investigate the actions of any end user
or privileged account laterally and across hybrid environments.
A CASB enables you to capture a detailed audit trail of all
user and admin activities across your managed cloud and
on-prem services for forensic investigations. This allows
your IT to retrace all actions in case a breach or risky
event is identied. Tracked events include activities such
as sign-ins, downloads or uploads, and lateral movements, to
provide full coverage for hybrid environments.
Deployment mode: API-Connector, Reverse Proxy
Native integrations: Azure Active Directory,
Azure Advanced Threat Protection
Technical implementation
Record an audit trail for all user
activities across hybrid environments
Identify compromised
user accounts
Identity attacks have increased by more than 300% over the
past year, making them a key source of compromise and the
number one threat vector for organizations.
A CASB learns the behavior of users and other entities in
an organization and builds a behavioral prole around them.
If an account is compromised and executes activities that differ
from the baseline user prole, abnormal behavior detections
are raised.
Using built-in and custom anomaly detections, your IT will be
alerted on activities such as impossible travel, as well as activities
from infrequent countries or the implementation of inbox
forwarding rules, where emails are automatically forwarded
to external email addresses. These alerts allow you to act quickly
and quarantine a user account to prevent damage to
your organization.
Deployment mode: API, Reverse Proxy
Native integrations: Azure Active Directory,
Azure Advanced Threat Protection,
Technical implementation
Detect and protect against cyberthreats
Whether an employee is looking to leave your organization
with valuable information, or external partners with access
to your environment are trying to exltrate relevant, sensitive
data for competitive gain—there are many scenarios in which
users with legitimate access to your cloud resources become a
threat to your organization.
A CASB can help you detect anomalous behavior from
individual users. It will alert you to events such as mass
downloads by an internal user, or unusual, repeated activities
from your external user group, indicating insider threats and
allowing you to act quickly and suspend the relevant user
accounts to prevent data exltration.
Deployment mode: API-Connector, Reverse Proxy
Native integrations: Azure Advanced Threat Protection,
Azure Active Directory
Technical implementation
Detect threats from users inside
your organization
Detect threats from
privileged accounts
Attackers use mechanisms such as phishing, password spray,
and breach replay to compromise user accounts, and their
ultimate goal is often to gain control over a privileged account,
making these the most at-risk accounts and most important
to monitor.
A CASB will alert you to various activities indicating that a
privileged account may have been compromised. Relevant
alerts include mass impersonation by a single user, login from
a new country with an admin account, or unusual activity from an
MSSP admin.
The unied, identity-based Security Operations experience
provides a true hybrid identity threat protection. And to ensure
alerts are investigated in a timely manner, Microsoft Cloud App
Security provides an investigation prioritya list of accounts
recommended for immediate review, that considers factors
like the access level of a user.
Deployment mode: API-Connector, Reverse Proxy
Native integrations: Azure Advanced Threat Protection,
Azure Active Directory
Technical implementation
Detect and protect against cyberthreats
In recent years OAuth apps have become a popular attack
vector for adversaries. Hacker groups such as Fancy Bear have
leveraged OAuth apps to trick end users into authorizing the use
of their corporate credentials, for example by duplicating the
UI of a seemingly trustworthy platform.
A CASB enables you to closely monitor which OAuth apps are
being authorized against your corporate environments and either
manually review them or create policies that automatically
revoke access if certain, risky criteria are met. Key threat
indicators are the combination of an app that has requested
a high level of permissions, while having a low community use
status, indicating that its not commonly found in other
organizations and therefore more unlikely to be trustworthy.
Deployment mode: API Connector
Technical implementation
Identify and revoke access to risky
OAuth apps
Detect and remediate malware
in your cloud apps
As the sophistication of cyber threats continues to evolve,
malware is becoming one of the fastest growing security concerns
for organizations, with the majority of reported breaches now
involving some type of malware.
A CASB allows you to closely monitor your cloud storage
applications and identify potentially malicious les in your
environment. Pre-existing les are scanned using multiple
layers of detection engines to assess whether a le is malicious
and associated with known malware. Microsoft Cloud App
Security runs suspicious les through a sandboxing engine
to detect malicious behavior and enables you to react quickly
to zero-day malware in cloud storage solutions. You can
also leverage session controls to prevent the upload and
inltration of known malware in real-time across all of your apps.
Deployment mode: API-Connector
Native integrations: Ofce 365 Advanced Threat Protection
Technical implementation
Assess and protect your IaaS environment
The increase of automation and user self-service across IaaS
services requires continuous auditing to ensure that these cloud
instances have been congured correctly. Due to the large amount
of data, a single mistake can expose thousands of data records
and go undetected for extended periods of time.
A CASB’s Cloud Security Posture Management capabilities enable
you to conduct a security conguration assessment across your
IaaS environments. It enables you identify key data leak sources
such as publicly exposed AWS S3 buckets and provides specic
recommendations to improve your overall security conguration.
Common suggestions include enabling multi-factor authentication
(MFA) to accounts with owner permissions on your IaaS subscription,
applying disk encryption, or alerting you to a lack of endpoint
protection on your virtual machines.
Deployment mode: API Connector
Native integrations: Azure Security Center
Technical implementation
Audit the conguration of your
IaaS environments
Monitor user activities to protect against
threats in your IaaS environments
The impact of a user able to alter your IaaS environment can be
signicant and directly impact your ability to run your business,
as key corporate resources like the servers running your public
website, or a service you’re providing to customers can
be compromised.
Microsoft Cloud App Security captures and analyzes activity
within the IaaS platform, including custom applications.
These activities are analyzed with a highly sophisticated UEBA
engine to detect anomalous usage associated with compromised
accounts, insiders, and privileged users. It will alert you to events
such as an unusual deletion of virtual machines, indicating
an attempt to manipulate your environment in near real-time
to ensure that you quickly remediate any impacts.
Deployment mode: API Connector, Reverse Proxy
Native integrations: Azure Security Center,
Azure Advanced Threat Protection
Technical implementation
Assess and protect your IaaS environment
Organizations often have a magnitude of custom applications
serving business-critical functions. IaaS platforms have brought
an even greater level of accessibility and exibility to the adoption
and development of custom applications, sometimes at the expense
of security and compliance standards.
A CASB can help you monitor and act on various activities across
these apps in your organization in real-time, to ensure that
you have awareness and control of the location, and actions
taken on sensitive resources. Furthermore, by leveraging
integrations with Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Cloud
App Security enables you to achieve this deep visibility and parity
across your cloud apps, custom apps, and on-premise apps.
Deployment mode: API-Connector, Reverse Proxy
Optional integrations: Azure Active Directory conditional access,
Azure Active Directory App Proxy
Technical implementation
Capture user activities within custom
cloud and on-premise apps
We’ve created a prioritized list of the use cases in the document that will allow you
to improve your overall cloud security posture within a few hours and with very
little conguration, due to a seamless UI-based deployment experience and many
out-of-the-box capabilities of Microsoft Cloud App Security.
Getting started with your proof of
concept and prioritizing your deployment
We understand that many organizations
need to prioritize their deployment when
implementing a Cloud Access Security Broker.
1. Record an audit trail for all user
activities across hybrid environments
2. Detect threats from users
inside your organization
3. Identify and revoke access
to risky OAuth apps
5. Audit the conguration
of your IaaS environments
6. Discover all cloud apps and services
used in your organization
7. Gain visibility into corporate
data stored in the cloud
4. Detect and remediate malware
in your cloud apps
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Use our PoC guide to kick off your CASB project