Microsoft Industry Reference Architecture
for Banking (MIRA-B)
May 2012
Microsoft® Corporation
Microsoft Industry Reference Architecture for Banking
Worldwide Financial Services
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The intended audience of this document includes financial institution CTOs, technical and business
architects, consultants, financial services technology vendors and others who are involved in
making technology decisions within the banking industry. It assumes the reader is familiar with
business and IT operations in the banking industry.
For further information and updates related to MIRA-B, please visit
Microsoft welcomes feedback and suggestions related to MIRA-B. Please email us at
Microsoft Industry Reference Architecture for Banking
Worldwide Financial Services
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Foreword ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction and Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. 5
Traditional Silos vs. Shared Service Integration Approach .................................................................. 6
Microsoft Capabilities and Solutions in the Financial Services Industry ......................................... 6
Microsoft Industry Reference Architecture for Banking (MIRA-B) .................................................... 7
MIRA-B Business View ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Alignment of Business View to Solutions and Capabilities .............................................................. 10
Technology Forces Driving Architecture ...................................................................................................... 12
Framework for Banking Solutions ................................................................................................................... 15
Example scenarios ............................................................................................................................................ 17
MIRA-B and Microsoft Platform Capabilities .............................................................................................. 22
Technology Capabilities View of Microsoft Enterprise Platform .................................................... 22
End User Experience ................................................................................................................................... 23
Application Services .................................................................................................................................... 25
Data Services ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Infrastructure Services ................................................................................................................................ 30
Lifecycle Management ............................................................................................................................... 33
Technology Capabilities View Microsoft Azure Platform ............................................................... 34
New Paradigms for Delivering Banking Applications .............................................................................. 36
Industry Standardization of Banking Services ....................................................................................... 36
Extending Application Architectures to the Cloud .............................................................................. 38
MIRA-B Developing a Services View of Architecture ...................................................................... 39
Microsoft Capabilities as an Enabler of Industry-standard Banking Services ............................ 43
Why Microsoft? ...................................................................................................................................................... 46
Summary .................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Appendix A Big Data.................................................................................................................................... 49
Appendix B Innovative End User Experience ...................................................................................... 50
Appendix C Detailed Capability View .................................................................................................... 54
Appendix D Approach to Mission Critical Architectures ................................................................ 56
Appendix E Integrated Security Services .............................................................................................. 58
Appendix F Rapid Provisioning with Cloud Computing ................................................................. 60
Appendix G BIAN Service Landscape .................................................................................................... 61
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Worldwide Financial Services
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Section I
Yoshio Taniguchi, the famous Japanese architect who redesigned the Museum of Modern Art in
New York, was quoted as saying: “Architecture is basically a container of something. I hope they
will enjoy not so much the teacup, but the tea.”
Microsoft and its technology partners provide horizontal computing solutions and vertical industry
applications to major financial services institutions around the world. As our worldwide financial
services team at Microsoft engages customers, partners, and industry analysts around the world
we have derived a simple vision. That is: “looking forward, financial institutions must be present in
the financial lives of their customers any time, any place, on any device, and across any channel,
and deliver value-added services in real-time.”
I want to thank our valued customers, partners and analysts who we are privileged to serve on a
daily basis. With your continued support we will together redefine the value being realized in the
industry as we innovate together in financial services. The by-product of sound architecture is a
seamless customer experience. As a result of our banking architecture work, I hope that our
banking customers as well as their customers enjoy not so much the teacup, but the tea!
Joseph Pagano
Managing Director, Worldwide Banking & Capital Markets
Microsoft Corporation
Supporting organisations
The following firms have provided endorsement for the MIRA-B framework:
magazine, 22 Nov 2004
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Worldwide Financial Services
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Section II
Introduction and Executive Summary
The banking industry is experiencing unprecedented change with some even questioning whether
it is possible for financial institutions to effectively serve customers, meet new regulatory
requirements, and create innovative new business models and solutions while sustaining
profitability. Financial institutions are facing competition from non-traditional players; for example,
global retailers providing in-store banking services, phone companies providing mobile financial
services, P2P payments firms taking increasing share of the lucrative payments market, P2P online
lending firms becoming more popular, and personal financial management firms offering
aggregation solutions that sit between the customer and the financial institution. Such
disintermediation puts the financial institution further away from managing the customer
experience across channels.
It is safe to say that with increasing Tier 1 capital requirements, declining margins, and increasing
operational costs, economics of the banking business must change. Research from Temenos has
shown that banking has the highest IT cost as a percentage of total costs. This research estimates
that 14% of costs in banking are IT related compared to a cross industry average of 7% caused by
multiple factors including redundant, outdated, and/or siloed applications.
In response, Microsoft
sees a number of financial institutions deploying shared resource models, removing silos and
consolidating business processes, applications, and data to help bring costs more in line and
dramatically impact the cost income ratio. This is a major rationale for the creation of the Banking
Industry Architecture Network (BIAN) which Microsoft co-founded in 2008 along with banks such
as ING and Credit Suisse. BIAN is focused on creating an industry-standard by defining common
business services for banking to simplify integration and reduce technology costs. Although
increasing operational efficiency is a good business practice, it only buys time. Innovation which
creates differentiated customer experiences at scale must be an equal partner on the agenda.
Reference architectures are an important tool that can help financial institutions modularize and
align business and technology assets in a predictable way. By developing business reference
architectures, financial institutions are in a position to start rationalizing and assigning role
ownership to various banking services which can then be consumed by other areas of the financial
institution as needed. Such repeatability and modularity removes redundancy and as a result
lowers costs and speeds up the flow of information. It can also result in faster delivery of products
to market, reduce operational risk, and improve the ability to listen to customers. Rapid
deployments for example, of multi-channel customer facing solutions can help capture new
customers and perhaps entire new markets as they emerge.
Repeatable architectures allow financial institutions to differentiate their products and services and
reuse commodity resources where efficiencies can be gained. Within the context of a common
architectural framework this provides new levels of data, application, and business process
transparency. Such transparency significantly improves a financial institution’s ability to manage
risk and understand the needs and wants of its customers.
Source: Tackling the Productivity Paradox (Temenos White Paper)
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Traditional Silos vs. Shared Service Integration Approach
Application, data, and process silos still exist in many banks. This increases the number of moving
parts, results in inconsistent customer experiences, and increases operational risk as well as
operational costs.
Figure 1: Traditional Silo vs. Shared Service Integration
An integrated platform aligned to a holistic architecture view can help break down process,
application, and data silos across the bank by fostering a shared services and resource capability.
The result can drive cross divisional insights and upsell capabilities, reduce cost and risks, and
improve customer satisfaction.
Microsoft Capabilities and Solutions in the Financial Services Industry
Microsoft is uniquely positioned to help financial institutions address industry challenges and
opportunities by providing a comprehensive array of mission-critical IT solutions and capabilities
which span from the back-office to the front-office, device to the datacenter, on-premise, and in
the cloud. Microsoft’s technologies are built for mission critical operations and are successfully
deployed throughout many of the world’s largest financial institutions. These capabilities include
highly scalable server and client infrastructure, secure data and application platforms, Big Data
and predictive customer analytics, ultra-low latency OS-level support, productivity, CRM/xRM,
workflow and collaboration, as well as the connected user experience both on premise and in the
cloud. Such capabilities are the foundation for Microsoft and its extensive ecosystem of industry
partners in the areas of Sales & Service, Digital Marketing, Governance, Risk, & Compliance,
Business Insights and Operations.
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Figure 2: Alignment of Microsoft Platform to Partner Solutions
Microsoft Industry Reference Architecture for Banking (MIRA-B)
The Microsoft Industry Reference Architecture for Banking (MIRA-B) depicts a banking architecture
based-on Microsoft’s technology platform and services. MIRA-B provides a logical architectural
point of view for financial institutions to use for planning purposes. This begins with a business
architecture view (aligned to the work of BIAN) of the vertical lines of the banking business and
aligns those to a logical banking technology architecture leveraging platform and infrastructure
services for on-premise and cloud deployments of banking application services.
Figure 3: MIRA-B Document Flow
Beyond the elements of the MIRA-B reference architecture, Microsoft also recognizes that mission
critical solution deployments in financial services require much more than just technical capability.
Microsoft advocates that the appropriate process, people and governance around financial
services solutions is also vital. This topic is explored in more detail in Appendix D Approach to
Mission Critical Architectures
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Section III
MIRA-B Business View
This section of the architecture presents a technology agnostic, business view of banking
operations. This business view is used in this document as a backdrop to highlight Microsoft
platform and partner capabilities and how they can be used within a financial institution’s
technology architecture framework.
It is vitally important to recognize the interrelation of business operations with technology
architecture. The two cannot be considered in isolation; they are very tightly connected. In
accordance with the practices set forward by BIAN, Microsoft also recommends that financial
institutions first consider a business architecture view of the banking environment. Optimal
efficiencies and savings occur when the business processes are transformed and supported by the
new technology architecture.
The business architecture maps out a view of banking capabilities and services that will allow for
strategic growth. In this it is important to recognize that the nature of banking and the way
banking products are delivered has shifted dramatically since the 1980s and early 1990s. In the
past products were typically defined by the capabilities of legacy banking systems, with the branch
being the service channel. Financial institutions offered services based on what could be
processed rather than what customers needed. That has now changed with the ability to deliver
banking services through multiple channels and devices; and as a result a plethora of new
channels and banking products have been created within any given institution since the late
Microsoft recognizes that no two financial institutions are the same in terms of market focus,
segmentation, nor the respective deployment of technology. However, the logical diagram in
figure 4 shows a layered architecture for a ‘Universal Banking’ business that covers five main
market segments. This is shown for completeness, but few financial institutions in any given
market will operate in all five segments.
Market Segment
Investment Banking
This segment services corporations, other financial institutions and
governments with raising funds via capital markets. Additional offerings include
trading and investment services.
Commercial and Business Banking
These services are offered to larger domestic and multi-national commercial
clients and include payments and cash management, trade services, and
liquidity management.
Retail Banking
This represents the mainstream consumer banking segment for individuals and
small businesses. Typical products are checking (current) accounts and savings,
credit and debit cards and consumer loans.
Wealth Management
This represents private banking and wealth management services for high net
worth clients. Typical products offered are portfolio management and
investment services as well as financial planning and advice.
Life and Annuity Insurance
Products and services would typically include life insurance, accident, health
and annuities.
Non-Life Insurance
Non-life insurance products and services would typically include property and
casualty, and be offered to consumers and corporations.
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Figure 4: MIRA-B Business View
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Referring to figure 4, the business architecture of a financial institution is effectively segmented
into four groups: Sales and Service, Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC), Core Processing, and
Corporate Operations. This refers to products, functions and business services rather than specific
processing applications or technology environments. For this reason, delivery channels are not
explicitly identified at this level although the function of channel management is.
Business Architecture
Sales, Service,
Marketing, and
Product Management
This layer defines the products and services offered to customer entities by a financial
institution, and is also referred to here as the “front office”, or “order placement” Figure 4
shows how the products are aligned across distinct banking segments and customers.
This list includes (but is not limited to): consumers, corporations, public sector
departments and agencies, broker/dealers, and other financial institutions. Each customer
group will be offered a different suite of products and delivery channels
Risk Management
and GRC
Often referred to as the “mid-office,” this layer consists of common business support
services for risk management, governance, operational security and compliance. These
services have an enterprise focus regardless of industry segment, product offerings and
operational processes.
Core Processing
This layer of the business architecture defines operational functions, those essential to the
business of financial services. Functions in this segment are not customer-facing. These
are business operations areas focused on transaction processing and execution. Some
services are vertical specific (such as insurance policy admin and claims processing),
whereas others are functionally common across different vertical segments (such as G/L
posting and billing) but in reality would likely require separate instantiations. Additional
common functions and processing services (such as customer management and
payments processing) will support all vertical lines of business.
Corporate Operations
These functions have less to do with the business of banking and are focused on
corporate support functions within the organization. As such these services are very
horizontal in nature and include the financial institution’s ERP functions, HR, vendor
management etc.
By developing business reference architectures, financial institutions are in a position to start
rationalizing and assigning role ownership to various banking services which can then be
consumed by other areas of the financial institution as needed. This supports the concept of
shared services. Shared services are commonly thought of in technical terms (e.g. XML web
services), but are just as important in operations functions, processes, and the allocation of
resources. Business transformation and technology architecture go hand in hand.
Alignment of Business View to Solutions and Capabilities
Microsoft and its financial services technology partners offer solutions for the business areas of
Sales & Service, GRC, Core Processing and Corporate Services. Every one of these business
Shared Service Example
In many countries certain banking transactions must be screened against a government issued list of blocked
customers and counterparties. In the USA this is known as the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) watch list.
Business processes to which this screening process applies include deposit account opening, credit card issuing,
and high and low value payment processing. In the past multiple applications from various business units would
have performed this task, leading to redundancy in processing, and a high chance of inconsistency. By assigning
this as a shared service, an enterprise-wide view of screening can be made available to departments (and
systems) as needed. As discussed earlier, reaping the benefits requires a service-based approach to business
operations and technology.
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solutions is enabled by the Microsoft platform capabilities from systems development to
management, data, applications, and user experience. This is illustrated in the following diagram.
Figure 5: Microsoft Capabilities Mapped to Business Solution Areas
This is another area where Microsoft and its partners deliver key differentiation; the ability to
provide end to end platform services and business solutions based-on a cost-efficient, highly-
integrated Microsoft platform. Microsoft and its partners can deliver mission critical banking
operations at scale that provide the optimized customer experience, enhanced insight and
collaboration capabilities intended to lower TCO.
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Section IV
Technology Forces Driving Architecture
Financial services industry institutions are under significant pressure to modernize due to business
and technology drivers. Encumbering these efforts is the fact that many financial institutions are
constrained by outdated, inflexible and redundant technology architectures and systems which
were built over-time to support silo operations processes and data. Microsoft believes that the
majority of technology funding for banking applications is allocated to integration and
maintenance therefore leaving little budget or time for innovation and new product development.
In addition to legacy challenges, the pace of change in technology continuously accelerates, and
so the following trends must also be accommodated by the reference architecture:
Progression of banking architectures to industry standards and cloud computing
Microsoft sees the next architecture wave as standardizing banking IT services with an industry
view and extending architectures through the use of cloud computing. These are fundamental
drivers in banking reference architecture as they enable processes and services to be
distributed at an industry level, not just within the walls of a datacenter or confines of a
financial institution’s network. As financial institutions focus on strategic priorities, an
architecture that enables industry standard services and integration of cloud-based services
will facilitate the strategic sourcing of business functions. For more information see Section VII
- New Paradigms for Delivering Banking Applications.
o Development of Industry Standard Service Definitions First generation SOA initiatives
in the banking industry helped to reduce integration cost and complexity, but the
benefits were limited because the resulting services which were defined in each
financial institution were essentially “proprietary” instead of aligned with an industry
standard. With this approach SOA initiatives have, in essence, been reinvented for
each financial institution due to limited best practices for guidance and no
standardized integration of packaged solutions.
Microsoft advocates the development of industry-wide architecture standards for
banking IT services to promote interoperability and to reduce integration costs across
the banking industry. To this end, Microsoft is a founding member and active
contributor of two key industry architecture bodies: the Banking Industry Architecture
Network (BIAN) and the Interactive eXchange Forum (IFX). In concert, these two
standards organizations provide complementary capabilities and roadmap to enable
an industry standard banking integration architecture.
o Progression to Cloud-based platforms The highly automated, self-service, and
elastic-scaling characteristics of cloud technology creates unprecedented
opportunities for cost savings and efficiency for infrastructure and banking
applications. The cloud also enables new business models and access to new market
segments or ultra-low margin businesses that may have been cost-prohibitive in the
past. However, based-on evolving regulatory and business requirements, financial
institutions need the flexibility to leverage different combinations of public cloud,
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private cloud, as well traditional datacenter computing services. Microsoft provides
financial institutions with an integrated, and growing, set of capabilities that can be
developed, deployed, and managed consistently across on-premise and cloud based
computing resources to provide flexibility and a compelling TCO.
Data Explosion big data, big challenges, and big opportunities
Financial services is one of the most data-intensive industries. In addition to the retention
requirements for application data and the electronic imaging and storage of paper substitutes
(billions of checks, for example), financial institutions must deal with and manage data from
external sources. Financial institutions also need to see ‘between the applications’ and
interpret unstructured and social data to gain advanced operational insights. Huge quantities
of data, the disparate applications and systems, latent information delivery and error-prone
manual processes impede financial institutions from gaining a holistic view of the business, its
risk exposure, and customers. For information regarding Microsoft Big Data solutions, visit
online at
The ‘Consumerization’ of IT (CoIT)
Enterprises have fallen behind in technology innovations compared to consumers who are
adopting technology at a record pace, and demanding to use their personal devices in the
workplace. With this rapid technology adoption by consumers, new expectations have spread
to the enterprise to provide technologies that enable employees to perform their job with a
myriad of devices and in a more natural, collaborative working model. This is not easily
accomplished since many devices used are for consumers and not designed for the rigors of
banking data security requirements. However, Microsoft has cross-platform development tools
and productivity applications (e.g. Office, Lync Mobile communicator, SharePoint) as well as
capabilities and guidance for supporting CoIT in the banking enterprise with secure Windows
devices as well as other, non-Windows consumer devices. For detailed planning information
see Appendix B - Innovative End User Experience, or visit Windows Enterprise online at
it.aspx and download the white paper
Strategies for Embracing Consumerization
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Figure 6: Access Management Solutions for Remote Devices
Expanded and Integrated Platform Capabilities
This is the foundation that enables collaborative applications to be developed across the
widest possible base of users, and supports the development and integration of cloud and on-
premise technologies. Microsoft’s innovative enterprise platform enables more actionable and
collaborative business processes. A key
differentiator is the breadth of capabilities and level of
pre-built integration within Microsoft products
. The Microsoft platform has extended
capabilities at each layer of the technology stack whether it is for lifecycle management,
mission critical OLTP, high-volume integration, enhanced application services including
collaboration, productivity, and data insights, or delivering a modern end-user experience
across devices. For example; integrated communication and social collaboration, near real-
time analytics, integrated security models etc. To compare this to other industries, the
automotive industry learned a long time ago that they do not need to build all the parts of a
product in order to sell it. In banking, project finance and re-insurance are examples of shared
services. In such an environment, integration tools and standards like SWIFT enable integration
of shared financial services. To learn more about how Microsoft’s capabilities, services and
partners are powering banking enterprises worldwide, visit online at
As a consequence of these challenges and trends financial institutions need to rethink technology
investments to keep up with market pressures.
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Section V
Framework for Banking Solutions
Reducing cost and complexity in the banking enterprise and introducing new technology
capabilities can be achieved by leveraging Microsoft platform and partner ecosystem. This section
will highlight the capabilities and differentiation of the Microsoft platform and highlight how the
Microsoft platform “stack” aligns into a Logical Banking Technology Architecture. Sample process
scenarios are included to provide examples of how banks can leverage capabilities to improve the
customer experience while increasing insights from data and reducing risk and complexity. This
section helps align the technology architectures and positions the reader for deeper details of
Microsoft platform capabilities which follow in subsequent sections of this document. To see
Microsoft products mapped to this diagram, refer to Appendix C.
Figure 7: MIRA-B Logical Technology Architecture
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Figure 8: Logical Banking Technology Architecture
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The platform enables integration to other systems through a wide-array of
interfaces and techniques. By aligning to industry standards such as ISO, BIAN, and
IFX, Microsoft believes the cost and complexity of integrating, managing and maintaining
business solutions can be further reduced in the banking industry.
Robust capabilities in the Microsoft platform are industry leading. The Microsoft platform and
partners provide a robust set of
capabilities across the IT lifecycle
spanning from the
mission-critical datacenter to the end-user device both in bank datacenters and the cloud.
Microsoft’s core infrastructure services provide the foundation of
Enterprise IT lifecycle
management and computing operations
while the cutting edge application services, business
productivity, and data services provide the platform for creating the applications that delivers
next-generation customer experience
Microsoft products are
highly integrated
, making the value of the holistic platform much more
valuable than the individual components. Since most business solutions require multiple
capabilities to address a specific challenge, often the integration of these capabilities becomes
a key cost and time factor both initially and over the long-term. Microsoft delivers a key
differentiator by having the broad set of capabilities it possesses in a highly-integrated
platform. This can reduce the matrix of integration points an enterprise needs to implement
and maintain, thus freeing up more budget for innovation.
Mission-critical data platform
can support very-large transaction volumes for the
mission critical workloads in banking. The economics of running mission critical processes and
transaction are very compelling on the Microsoft platform; which is being used to run stock
exchanges such as DirectEdge in the US, and to replace mainframes for core banking such as
in the case of SDC and in a growing number of mission critical solutions across the industry.
The SQL Server 2012 pre-release version was recently benchmarked with Temenos T24 core
banking and HP delivering 11,500 transactions per second on commodity hardware.
Microsoft is a
leading provider of Data and Business Intelligence platforms
providing a robust,
end-to-end data, analytics and collaboration platform. The platform provides Master Data
Management (MDM), Data Quality Services (DQS) and pre-defined BI sematic metadata
(BISM) which overlay BI capabilities delivered via pre-tuned data warehouse configurations,
near real-time analytics delivered through High-Performance technical Computing (HPC) and
Complex Event Processing (CEP), and the platform is pre-integrated into the scorecard and
collaboration platform (SharePoint) that helps data consumers discover, understand, share
and collaborate related to specific data. In addition, a Hadoop distribution and connectors
running on Windows and on Windows Azure (public cloud) are on Microsoft’s roadmap to
effectively analyze Big Data such as social feeds and other sources of big data.
Example scenarios
The following scenarios provide examples how banks can leverage capabilities to improve the
customer experience, while increasing insights from data, and reducing risk and complexity. The
following scenarios will help to highlight how Microsoft and partner capabilities are leveraged to
address next-generation banking scenarios. The first scenario is an enhanced multichannel
customer experience and the second scenario exemplifies how Microsoft technologies can help
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banks leverage and manage the exploding volume of data produced across the transactional,
analytical, and reference data.
Scenario One Enhancing the Multichannel Customer Experience
Excellent customer service is at the center of growth strategies for banks globally. Banks aspire to
improve existing sales and servicing processes and implement new capabilities to be more
relevant and accommodating to customers. Significant focus is being placed on providing
seamless and immersive experiences across multiple channels while capturing data about the
interaction, customer intentions and preferences to be more relevant in customer interactions.
Jane, a homeowner is shopping to refinance her home. She begins her experience online on a slate, moves to a
contact center via chat session, and concludes the experience with a loan advisor in a local branch.
Process Description
Capabilities & Microsoft Solution
Jane is browsing the internet to shop for a refinance on her
home to take advantage of the favorable interest rates. She
does a search and finds options for mortgages and
refinancing. Jane selects a bank whose link is near the top of
the search results.
Search Engine Optimization
provided by Web Development tools.
Microsoft Web Platform
Application Platform
Internet Explorer
Visual Studio
Bing Search
Jane clicks the link to a banking site for more information.
When she lands on the banking site, she is presented with an
advertisement offering a re-finance which is the topic she
searched online-for. While she
go directly to this offer,
she wants to explore the site and see if she can find more
information before applying for the offer
parameters are derived
from online search referral. The
parameters are passed to the
online portal
which serves-up the
personalized content as part of a seamless
online experience.
SharePoint for Internet Sites
Bing Search
With customers like Jane accustomed to searching online,
she notices a clearly marked search window on the bank
website and uses this to search for re-financing options at
the bank.
The website’s superior
search capabilities
help users find the information they seek
before abandoning purchases. A superior
search experience provides the ability to
quickly find results, refine and expand
searches, as well as provide feedback on
the effectiveness of the searches.
FAST Search
The customer clicks a link to go to the mortgage homepage
and spends a long time on the page. Sensing that a
customer could be ready to abandon the purchase, an
instant chat is offered to help the customer and avoid
abandoning the refinance.
IM Chat, Voice calls, and
provided by software-
based communications capabilities.
Jane sees each product contains reviews as well as ratings
and comments from other consumers. This is influential in
the sale as the “transparency” it provides between the bank
and the customer helps build trust with the customer.
Community forums
can target any
department in the bank. Therefore
moderating the banks’ community forum
requires approval and escalation workflows
to properly route requests to many
different stakeholders and approvers
SharePoint for internet Sites/ ECM
The customer decides on a refinance product and begins an
online application process. Multiple steps guide the customer
through gathering required information for the transaction.
The customer reaches a point where she has some
documentation to gather and she is delighted to see she can
save the application and proceed in any channel when she is
State Management
capabilities are
required to enable multichannel
Windows Server/Windows Azure
Dynamics CRM
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SQL Server/SQL Azure
depending upon
Jane’s online experience has been great. But she feels better
about meeting with an advisor at a branch for such an
important purchase. She is able to book times from any
channel to meet with an advisor, either via a web conference
or in-person.
Appointment scheduling capabilities are
provided by CRM/ sales automation and
enterprise messaging. Web conferencing
capabilities are provided by
communication and collaboration
Dynamics CRM
Jane books a time to meet an advisor at a local branch via
instant messaging with a contact center representative and
receives an SMS confirmation. Regardless of channel or
different systems in-which data exists, a bank representative
can view a 360° profile of the customer, the status of the
loan application, select a person in the right location with the
right skills, and remind the customer of documentation still
capabilities provided by enterprise
360° customer profile
by CRM and Business Intelligence
Exchange Server
Dynamics CRM
SQL Server BI platform
When Jane visits the branch she notices it appears rich with
technology, yet subtle and professional. Touch walls and
slate devices are available for customers to explore products
and even browse the web. Slate devices and Microsoft’s
multi-user tabletop computer “Microsoft Surface” are great
tools to enable advisors to have engaging interactions with
capabilities for branch devices
provided by operating system and core
Microsoft Surface
System Center
When Jane meets the lending advisor David, she does not
have to explain the application status or the intent of her visit
it is all captured in a CRM platform designed for
performing sales, service, and other tracking activities. Jane
and David use a Surface computer to compare loan products
and perform what-if scenarios. The experience is engaging
yet fun where both the customer and the bank employee are
viewing and navigating the same screens together.
capabilities for branch devices
provided by operating system and core
Microsoft Surface
System Center
During the branch appointment, Jane has a question which
the loan agent is unsure of the answer. The agent can
leverage a variety of tools to save time and avoid a costly call
to the helpdesk. This includes the knowledge portal with
search capabilities for policy and procedure documentation.
It also includes skill-based search capabilities which provide a
list of experts and their online availability. The loan agent
finds a remote expert who can help immediately and she
initiates a web conference so the expert, the customer, and
the loan agent can resolve the issue immediately on the first
Knowledge portal
provided by collaboration portal
. Skills
capabilities provided by
collaboration portal, communication and
enterprise messaging. Web Conferencing
capabilities provided by software-based
SharePoint for Internet Sites
The engaging and seamless experience has led to Jane’s
decision to proceed with the refinance. Jane is offered to set
alerts to contact her if there are any important events like
interest rate change, etc. She can be contacted via her
preferred channel including being called on her phone using
a voice IVR such as Microsoft’s cloud-based “Tellme” voice
capabilities provided by enterprise
Contact preferences
within CRM.
Automated Voice response
provided by Voice IVR.
Dynamics CRM
End of Process
Summary - This scenario provides many opportunities for the
customer to stop the purchasing process and choose a
competitor instead. However, the proper combination of
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tools can help mitigate customer abandonment at each step
by anticipating the needs of the customer and removing
complexity and delays in the process. Ultimately the
application is processed and the associated transactions are
Scenario Two Optimizing operations and improving insights from data
As we move from batch to real-time process integration in financial services, the requirement for
real time analytics and business intelligence becomes more acute. Operations managers need to
know about the state of operations regardless of client, transaction type, delivery channel or, for
example in the case of payments, settlement method. This is particularly so because clients have
higher expectations about the level of service demanded from their banks.
In addition to reliable and timely transaction processing, the data produced from the transaction
can be more valuable to the business than merely an official transaction record. The data
produced provides key
business insights
for operations, marketing, risk management, etc.
however the data is very-large volume, often exists in business silos, is structured and
unstructured, and exists inside the bank and on the internet.
Banks realize the ability to discover, trust, combine and analyze data can be a differentiator to
their business. They also need to meet increasing regulatory requirements via a holistic view of
business exposure and reserves. Whether the goals are to reduce risk or identify revenue
potential, it is increasingly difficult and costly to try to leverage the new volumes of data with
traditional business intelligence tools and legacy reports. Microsoft brings proven, cutting edge,
next-generation BI capabilities that can help banks gain a better view of their business overall,
reduce risk, and identify new revenue potential.
The transactions generated by Jane’s refinance in Scenario One results in transactions that generate data points
throughout the bank’s operations areas and systems.
Process Description
Capabilities & Microsoft Solution
The transactions generated by Jane’s refinance in scenario
one are mission-critical records which are posted at high-
volumes. Because of the importance of the transaction
records in the core systems, the systems that hold these
records are operated for high-availability, transactional
integrity, data security and recoverability.
Technical capabilities for
are provided by data and
application platforms as well as core
infrastructure and systems management
and monitoring.
Microsoft SQL Server is built for the rigors
of mission-critical operations. However,
Microsoft believes that technology
capabilities, while very important, are only
one piece of supporting mission-critical
systems; people, process, policy,
governance are also paramount to
operations. For more information on
Microsoft capabilities in Mission critical
operations, refer to Section VI and also
Appendix D in this document.
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The transactions from Jane’s branch activity create “events”
that initiate actions in near real-time to assess the
transaction’s validity (for example, anti-fraud measures) and
the impact on risk exposure in the lending portfolio.
Near real-time analytics
capabilities are
provided via Complex Event Processing
(CEP) and High-Performance technical
Computing (HPC), as well as end-user
analytics and certain LOB applications.
Microsoft SQL Server StreamInsight (CEP)
Microsoft Windows High-Performance
Computing Services
Microsoft Excel
.NET framework
The data is also leveraged for extensive business analysis and
reporting. Data is provisioned by IT as trusted data “cubes”
and analysts consume these on a self-service basis.
The data is analyzed directly in Excel’s PowerPivot and then
built into a dynamic report via Power View and shared with
other analysts responsible for risk management.
Multi-dimensional Analytics
provided by
Data and Business Intelligence solutions.
Self-service BI
capabilities provided by
end-user analytics provided by Data,
collaboration and end-user analytical tools.
Master Data Management and BI semantic
are provided by data and analytics
Microsoft SQL Server BI platform
SQL Server Reporting Service including
Power View
For Marketing purposes some internal data is combined with
external “big-data” from social feeds to monitor social
sentiment related to the bank brand.
capabilities provided by data and
analytics platform. Capabilities include
support for
between Hadoop, Data
warehouses, and end-user analytic tools.
Microsoft SQL Server Big Data Analytics
Microsoft SQL Server Parallel
Microsoft Excel
Finally these insights are delivered to business line
stakeholders via role-based scorecards and reports. Typical
user roles would include:
Branch management and performance measurement
Product profitability
Credit and operational risk management
Lending portfolio analysis
Basel III compliance analysis
Marketing analysis for additional cross-sell/up-sell
opportunities based on the product selected (e.g.;
Scorecards and dynamic reports
by data, analytics and collaboration
platform. This enables the discovery,
management, security and distribution of
reports and scorecards
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Excel
End of Process
Summary Microsoft’s Data platform is built for mission-
critical operations and facilitates high-availability and high-
performance. However, people, process, policy, governance
are all critical pillars to mission-critical operations. Traditional
BI and Analytics are not feasible for harvesting insights form
the massive volumes of data being produced within the
banks as well as in the public domain. Microsoft platform
provides economic benefits while delivering cutting-edge
tools to transform banking into the next-generation
operations that will be required for banks to thrive in the new
economic models within the banking industry.
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Section VI
MIRA-B and Microsoft Platform
Microsoft provides an industry-leading, highly-integrated, mission-critical technology platform at
commoditized pricing. The platform delivers the end-to-end infrastructure, application and data
platform, and business productivity capabilities needed to enable a modern, agile banking
enterprise. It provides a highly-integrated environment spanning back, middle and front-office
operations and can operate on-premises or in public or private cloud. The technology capability
view shows the capabilities of the underlying technology platform to support the financial
institution’s enterprise; from external customer solutions to internal user desktop and
collaboration; from security to data management; and from new product development to
managing mission critical operations.
Technology Capabilities View of Microsoft Enterprise Platform
The capabilities of Microsoft’s software portfolio are both deep and wide. The Technology
Capabilities View as shown in Figure 9 is intended to highlight capabilities of the Microsoft
platform and serve as a reference in enterprise planning.
Figure 9: Simplified Capabilities View of Microsoft Platform
Microsoft platform capabilities span the breadth of the IT lifecycle Development, Operations
Management, Systems Management, Integration, Data Management, Applications, and Business
Productivity. It is effectively too large to
all of the capabilities into the body of this document,
please refer to Appendix C for detailed capabilities views. These detailed capabilities views can
serve as an effective reference for planning and research purposes when financial institutions are
planning innovation of their operations.
The combination of highly integrated core infrastructure, application services and business
productivity is a significant differentiator of the Microsoft stack. The combination provides a robust
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platform designed to enhance the effectiveness of the people, processes and applications by
leveraging solutions based-on Microsoft technologies as it is one of the most comprehensive
enterprise platforms in the industry. A more detailed view of technology capabilities is shown in
the following diagram and is followed by additional layers of detail for the following segments:
End-user Experience
Application Services
Data Services
Infrastructure Services
IT Lifecycle Management.
Figure 10: Technology Capabilities View
End User Experience
Consider the following scenarios. A wealth advisor uses a slate device to review the customer
profile of her next appointment and research product performance before traveling to the
customer’s location to provide banking services. A trader uses transparent displays and
virtualization to work efficiently while sharing real-time data with other traders. A temporary
branch is set-up at a community event with specialized advisors and supervisors available by
video conference. A mobile phone provides treasury services for large corporations and banking
services to a previously unbanked village. A branch window displays gesture-based, interactive
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signage. Microsoft has delivered innovative end-user capabilities and applications for years.
Microsoft uses its research tools and methodologies to understand and test usage in order to
improve user efficiency. The Microsoft platform delivers capabilities to Windows and non-
Windows devices with rich end user functionality through a consistent, secure and well-managed
infrastructure, allowing financial institutions to explore new access channels and devices, such as
the TV and gaming systems to reach customers in any situation. Scenarios like those above are
enabled by Microsoft technology and are changing the end-user and customer experience in
banking to one that is more interactive, insightful, and collaborative.
Applications deliver expanded functionality including real-time insights, collaboration,
communication and social networking capabilities.
New user interfaces are supported including touch, gestures and voice; or pen/stylus support for
electronic signature capture.
Influxes of consumer-based electronics are finding their way into the enterprise and it has created
new challenges which have been referred to as the consumerization of IT (CoIT). Considering the
diversity of Windows and non-Windows-based consumer devices, CoIT has introduced new
application development, compatibility, security and management challenges to the enterprise.
Figure 11: Technology Capabilities End-user Experience
When considering the end user experience in the context of customer-facing banking experiences,
the Microsoft end-user experience capabilities can be deployed to provide a wide array of
innovative channels for delivering online, host-to-host and mobile financial services to retail or
commercial customers alike.
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Figure 12: Example Delivery Channels
Furthermore, R&D investments in Microsoft’s consumer devices such as the Xbox gaming system
and Kinect for Windows are now being leveraged by partners to deliver financial services
Application Services
Financial institutions’ requirements for application services are expanding. Leveraging the
application services in the Microsoft platform can reduce time to delivery and provide new
capabilities as part of the platform which can be the key to building better business processes
within the financial institution. Capabilities such as workflows and alerts for exception
management; communications enabled applications that connect customers to remote advisors;
embedded data analytics to provide decision support for front line employees, such as next-
product suggestions. Finally, location based services help build applications such as ATM locator
applications in online and mobile banking applications.
The application services layer within the capabilities view separates application services into three
logical categories
Core Application
Productivity Application
services, and
both on-premise and into the cloud.
Figure 13: Technology Capabilities Application Services (High Level)
The level of these capabilities in Microsoft’s application services is large. The broad functionality in
the platform can accelerate time to market for banking applications while providing differentiated
functionality to the end-user, whether employee or customer.
Core application
services provides the APIs and runtimes to provide low-level application
capabilities like caching, state management, parallel programming, media delivery, and
location based services. It supports the remainder of the application services layer and
provides the foundation for development of business applications on Microsoft’s platform.
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The business
productivity application services
layer augments the platform with
specialized, higher-order application services. Leveraging these types of highly functional
applications services and even the finished software it provides can significantly reduce the
development and integration work by leveraging these capabilities as part of the
enterprise platform;
o Collaboration services - enable the composition of applications and processes for
delivery to the end user via portals. Enables social networking in the enterprise as
well as workflow and alerting
o CRM and XRM tools and frameworks track and manage customer information
o Business insight services - utilize data services and collaboration to deliver
interactive visualizations for the best possible insights to the end user. This would
include corporate performance management, risk analysis, customer insight and
broad operations management functions that replace many traditional reporting
o Enterprise search - locate and find documents, people and data.
o Unified communication services - provide the integration of presence, voice,
messaging, email and video to the desktop and devices. Instead of ‘telephony’
being managed separately it is integrated to the end-user experience to support
VOIP, instant messaging and video across the desktop and devices.
o Content management services form an important element of document and
records management and regulatory compliance.
Integration services provide integration capabilities that connect to legacy systems, across
platforms and to the cloud. Integration capabilities ranging from low-level data access to
low-latency Message Passing Interface (MPI), Complex Event Processing (CEP), message
queuing, ETL and SOA processes. It is the area where Enterprise services bus and
payments hubs operate. These leverage industry standard interfaces like SWIFT and ISO
via Microsoft’s BizTalk Server and the Accelerator for SWIFT which connects to payments
networks to create a rationalized payment “hub”.
Figure 14 breaks these capabilities down into more granular detail which exemplifies the depth
and breadth of capabilities in the applications services.
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Figure 14: Technology Capabilities - Application Services (Detail View)
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Data Services
Financial institutions seek to perform more transactions, reliably for less cost while improving the
access employees have to insights to help execute on the business strategy. In the context of
financial services application architecture, the following are examples of the data services
provided; transactional databases of service factories, data warehousing, reference and market
data, analytics and reporting.
Figure 15: Technology Capabilities - Data Services (High Level)
The following diagram highlights the breadth of Microsoft’s data & BI platform capabilities in the
areas of Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), Analytics, and
Information Delivery. Key capabilities to note for Banking are the extensive mission critical
capabilities which are a foundation of the data platform. Some key highlights include high-scale
analytics with Massively Parallel Processing (MPP), High Performance Distributed computing
(HPC), Complex Event Processing (CEP), column store indexing, horizontal scale-out and cloud-
based SQL Azure Data Platform which, for example, is used by Temenos to run T24 Core Banking
to support Microfinance in Mexico.
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Figure 16: Technology Services Data Services (Detailed View)
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Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) Financial institutions’ core operations depend
upon reliable transaction processing and can face adverse consequences from outages or
unreliable processing. However, because these services are commoditized they must be
delivered at scale with the best TCO possible. Microsoft Windows and SQL Server provide
mission-critical scale, performance and reliability for OLTP workloads.
Insight and Analytics The demand for information in banking is surging in many areas
including historical analysis, performance budgeting, business performance analytics,
executive dashboards, marketing and sales automation, product innovation, customer
profitability, regulatory compliance and risk management. There are so many sources of
data and so many people that need access to analytics, the delivery paradigms for
information and decision support must change. The Microsoft platform strategy for
addressing big data is to support massive scale in the back-end for OLTP and Data
Analytics and support new delivery paradigms like self-service and near real-time analytics
in the front-end. An example of this can be found in the Appendix A.
Infrastructure Services
Infrastructure Services provide networking, identity management and access, core computing
services via on-premise, virtualized, or cloud-based infrastructure. This layer is the foundation
providing core services to the other layers of the architecture; such as data interaction, scale and
security, application and productivity services, etc. As with other elements of the Microsoft
platform, this layer is built with security and integrity as essential considerations. Figure 17 below
breaks these services into more granular services that enable capabilities such as server and
desktop virtualization and server applications and workloads.
OLTP Example: Temenos, an alliance gold partner providing industry leading core banking solutions,
takes advantage of the SQL platform to run their core banking suite T24. In partnership, Temenos and
Microsoft have optimized T24 for the Microsoft Windows and SQL platform. Public benchmarks are
available demonstrating performance and near linear scalability for models up to 25 million accounts.
For more information, refer to
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Figure 17: Technology Services Infrastructure Services (Detail View)
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Infrastructure Services Deployment Scenarios
Scenario One; Private, Public, and/or Hybrid Cloud
A highly topical infrastructure service requirement is the ability to extend computing to the cloud.
Financial institutions are very interested in cloud computing because of the opportunities they
bring for innovation and cost. There is a particular interest by financial institutions to implement
private cloud in their datacenters, due to data privacy and other business factors which prevent
certain uses of public cloud resources today. The goal that is achieved with private cloud
deployments is efficiency and cost savings via a highly elastic, highly automated and self-service
computing environment. The Infrastructure Services layer lays the foundation for private cloud by
providing a highly virtualized and automated private cloud implementation in the financial
institution’s datacenter.
The foundation is built on Microsoft Hyper-v which provides virtualization services within
Microsoft’s platform. The Lifecycle Management layer of the architecture provides highly
automated operations and includes self-service provisioning through a service-portal in order to
realize the potential cost savings of the private cloud model. To help with the journey to cloud,
Microsoft has a number of professional services offerings, SI partners, and architectural guidance
specializing in Private cloud implementations.
Figure 18: Private Cloud configuration with the Microsoft platform
Microsoft Reference Architecture for Private Cloud
Scenario Two: Branch Renewal
As another usage example, this layer provides key capabilities to enable branch renewal in the
wave of branch modernization that is occurring. It provides computing services in centralized,
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distributed and hybrid branch topologies and provides the services needed to run technology for
the branch including specialty banking peripheral support, file, print, network access and
compression services, and security/encryption. Microsoft provides the infrastructure and systems
management to deliver a secure, efficient, and agile branch infrastructure that enables financial
institutions to deliver enhanced customer service at lower TCO. There are many choices needed
for renewing branch infrastructures depending upon the bandwidth, costs, employees and
customer volumes, etc. Microsoft provides specific planning and design tools for your branch
infrastructure called “Branch Office Infrastructure Solutions v3.0” It helps the
architect understand the depth of services available in the infrastructure and what considerations
one must make when planning branch modernization.
Figure 19: Source BOIS v3.0 Depicting high level branch infrastructure deployment
Lifecycle Management
IT Lifecycle Management involves the management of IT planning, operations and delivery.
Governance plays a huge role in Financial Services since there are many operational requirements
to comply with, and managing compliance of the systems supporting the business can be a
daunting. Microsoft provides GRC compliance libraries and controls to help insure the system are
running in a compliant and dependable fashion.
Microsoft enables low cost operations through highly automated management processes. These
are key capabilities to enable private cloud services since the management and system
orchestration within our management platform, System Center, is responsible for the enabling the
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self-service provisioning and dynamic scaling properties that make the private cloud so
compelling to financial institutions. The lifecycle management layer also provides endpoint
protection and encryption management to protect systems from data loss or production
interruptions and alleviates some of the hassles with cross-platform data protection through its
ability to manage devices across technology platforms.
Technology Capabilities View Microsoft Azure Platform
Microsoft’s development and management tools address cloud scenarios, on premise and hybrid
scenarios within the same suite of tools.
When looking at the Azure Public Cloud Platform and at our Private Cloud guidance, there is
focus on connectivity, development, and management across cloud and datacenter. It also has
core capabilities that are well aligned with on premise capabilities. The following graphic depicts
cloud capabilities for each layer of the Microsoft platform.
Trustworthy Computing and Security Development Lifecycle
The Microsoft platform is developed based on Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing initiative which includes the
Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle plan to guide the development and implementation of secure software.
The Microsoft portfolio is built with these guidelines and has returned positive results in maintaining security in
the platform. For example, SQL Server had no critical vulnerabilities in 2010 . The SDL artifacts are available for
use in the banking enterprise for governance and management of development and IT operations of business
applications. Information regarding the SDL visit online at
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Figure 20: End-to-End Capabilities Cloud Platform
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Section VII
New Paradigms for Delivering Banking
Microsoft sees the next architecture wave as standardizing the banking services with an industry-
view and extending component-based architectures to leverage cloud computing. These are
fundamental drivers in banking reference architecture as they enable processes and services to be
distributed at an industry level, not just within the walls of a datacenter or confines of a financial
institution’s network. As financial institutions focus on strategic priorities, an architecture that
enables industry standard services and cloud-based integrated business and technology services
will facilitate the strategic sourcing of business functions.
Industry Standardization of Banking Services
When considering reference architectures, financial institutions must also consider the timeline
and progression of application architectures since the 1970s and 1980s. Over time the industry
has seen a progression from monolithic applications deployed on mainframes, through client-
server in the 1990s, to more composite applications on-premise; and now leveraging the scale of
the cloud.
Figure 21: Progression of Application Architectures
Banking solutions delivered as componentized sets of business services have now become
commonplace within the application vendor community and in-house development (as depicted
by the red box in figure 21). However, the definitions of these services are
industry vendors and financial institutions.
When tackled in isolation, initiatives to transform the Financial Services enterprise to
componentized services can prove to be daunting to undertake, challenging to complete and
provide less than optimal reuse across the enterprise or the banking industry. This is where
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collaborative efforts from BIAN and IFX can add value to enabling standardized services within the
banking enterprise.
BIAN (whose membership includes major global financial institutions, software vendors and
solution integrators) is focused-on the standardization of Service Oriented Architectures
across the banking industry. BIAN is in the iterative process of defining common, industry-
standard banking services at a business semantics level and creating guidance for the
implementation of these services in the banking enterprise. An example of the current BIAN
Service Landscape (version 1.5) can be found in Appendix G. Please also refer to for future versions of BIAN architecture documents and a full list of members.
Figure 22: BIAN Industry Deliverables
Microsoft also collaborates closely with Interactive eXchange Forum (IFX). IFX is an open,
interoperable financial messaging standard for defining financial message payloads. IFX
message specification and object oriented design makes it well-suited to be leveraged in a
web-service. IFX is designed for SOA but the IFX Forum mission does not focus on
standardized services. Conversely, BIAN does not define low-level financial messaging. This
makes IFX messaging and BIAN’s Service Definitions a good complement to each other. The
diagram below gives a simplistic example of that complement of the two standards. Please
also refer to for more information related to IFX and the IFX Forum.
Figure 23: Alignment of BIAN and IFX
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MIRA-B complements the value proposition of industry architecture bodies and extends those
elements to a reference architecture based on and deployed with Microsoft technology.
Extending Application Architectures to the Cloud
Cloud computing, and the ability to efficiently access cloud resources is now as important as
application composition and SOA for improving time to market and reach, while reducing cost of
operations. As we move into the future, the industry will provide more and more specialized
services which are designed to be integrated into a financial institution’s business processes as
application ‘building blocks’. This componentized approach can enable more ‘application
composition’ in lieu of every bank building redundant and often commoditized capabilities. Cloud
computing and Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) will play an increasingly important role since
many of these services will run in the cloud and financial services institutions will leverage SOA
patterns as a primary mechanism to interact with these services. As depicted below, Microsoft’s
platform provides cloud-based computing, application, data and virtualization services for Public
cloud. For connecting them together, Microsoft Windows and Azure provides the ability to quickly
and securely integrate public cloud resources into the enterprise including service bus and secure,
IPSec networking (via Windows Azure Connect, Service Bus Relay) and Federated Claims-based
Identity (via Active Directory).
Figure 24: Sample Cloud Integration Model
An architecture designed for leveraging cloud services enables more flexibility for financial
institutions to leverage business solutions and services that are built in-house as well as making it
easier to leverage an ISV or SI solutions as well.
As with other computing models, adoption of cloud computing is not an all or nothing
proposition. To benefit from cloud computing, financial institutions can take an
approach to adoption as is suitable for that institution. Cloud adoption will ultimately span a range
of scenarios from development and testing to production tier-1 applications and will leverage a
broad set of capabilities ranging from highly automated, elastic private cloud infrastructures
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(provided by Windows and System Center) to public, multi-tenant cloud platforms (such as
Windows Azure). For example, many benefits can be gained for development, test and/or
production but it does not have to be all projects at once. The same goes for adopting cloud
capabilities all capabilities and data storage need-not be migrated to the public cloud at-once.
For example customer data can be left on premises but cloud computing power can be used for
analytics and high performance computing or perhaps leverage the simplified connectivity and
caching capabilities in the cloud for connecting systems together. There are many different
strategies that can be used for migration to the cloud. Microsoft provides many options to help
you in the cloud journey including partners, professional services, as well as great self-service
resources at and Additionally books such as
To the Cloud: Cloud
Powering an Enterprise
by authors Pankaj Arora, Raj Biyani, and Dave Salil provide references and
high-level process guide for cloud migration.
MIRA-B Developing a Services View of Architecture
A critical challenge for financial institutions is integrating new channels, applications, data flows
and operational processes into the traditional back office. Financial institutions must recognize
that the driving forces of the product development and delivery channels versus the back office
are very different, and the reference architecture must accommodate this reality.
Front-office and Back-office Different Focus and Operating Models
Front office and delivery channels (customer experience and product delivery)
This is the point of differentiation in the marketplace, where financial institutions compete on
functionality of products and service
The primary point of customer experience
Major driving forces being innovation, agility for rapid product delivery, and customer service.
Operations (traditionally, the back office)
The commoditized area of banking and should be a black-box to customers
New channels create stress and change on operations; an area that demands stability and a
slow rate of change
The major drivers are stability, efficiency and reuse of shared services.
To enable agility, reduce integration cost, and increase reuse across the enterprise, financial
institutions must decouple the rapid change cycle of the channels from the stable processing of
the back office. To achieve this state, a multi-layered modular approach to enterprise architecture
is recommended to decouple business services from front-end processes.
services view
highlights the integration capabilities of the Microsoft platform which
enables banks to implement modern-day integration including the integration of cloud computing
resources into the banking architecture. The services view also shares Microsoft’s vision of how
banking industry-specific service definitions and messaging standards like BIAN, ISO, and IFX fit
into the reference architecture and how they could provide a foundation for building repeatable
and standardized software, not only across the banking enterprise, but across the banking
industry. Figure 25 shows the simplified capabilities view, introduces the typical workloads found in
each layer and shows how these capabilities support the
services view
of banking application
services view
is segmented into the following three strata: Service Factories (Service
Providers), Product Assembly (Service Composition), and Delivery (Service Consumption).
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Figure 25: MIRA-B Services View
The provider/composer/consumer model is one of many ways to logically depict banking
integration, and it is an appropriate view for demonstrating the points mentioned above including
the alignment to the BIAN Service Landscape within the architecture. The three strata are further
defined (bottom up) as follows:
1. Business Service Factories (Service Provider)
The Business Service Factories (Service Providers) are to all intents and purposes operational black
boxes. The Business Service Factories (Service Providers) tend to perform data intensive processes
dedicated to specific applications and functions of business operations; such as Payments,
Lending, Enterprise Risk and Customer. Each service provider will contain only the applications
and services specific to the nature of that service factory’s (provider’s) business. These service
factories provide functions that are exposed for reuse, by multiple consumers of the services. This
loose coupling helps to isolate the services provided by back office operations from the vast range
of user-specific requirements in the different end-user applications.
The service provider’s services are consumed directly or via an intermediary “product assembly”
(services composition) layer. All factories may provide and consume services either directly or via
the product assembly (services composition) layer.
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2. Product Assembly (Service Composition)
The service composition layer combines discreet services into business processes and applications
for consumption by service consumers. This is the logical layer where standardized application,
integration and collaboration technology is used to define processes and workflows between the
delivery channels and core banking applications. This layer enables channels to integrate vertically
to core banking applications and also provides platform services for application enrichment such
as using itinerary-based workflow, orchestration, data transformation, collaboration, and
productivity tools thus producing a more valuable “composite application” for consumption and
reuse by the Delivery (Services Consumer) layer. The Product Assembly (Service Composition)
layer is the point in the service view at which multi-channel delivery begins to diverge and it is
logically where the Enterprise Services Bus as well as distributed services such as those built with
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF Services) resides.
3. Delivery (Service Consumption)
Consumers of the enterprise services are typically applications supporting the front-office, mid-
office, or delivery channels; or another service (provider or composer). The Delivery (Services
Consumption) Layer of the MIRA-B services view defines the applications and devices that
consume enterprise services. The service consumer layer also enriches the services being
consumed with collaboration and productivity capabilities. At this layer, the focus is on end user
experience and accomplishing the task at hand in the most effective and efficient manner.
The Delivery (Services Composition) layer includes applications and devices by which customers
interact with the financial institution. This includes Teller, Advisor, Trader, Wealth Manager
applications as well as other applications for contact centers, branches, ATMs, voice response units
(VRU), online applications, mobile device applications, direct host to host communications for
commercial clients, and emerging channels such as the television and gaming consoles.
Taking this 3-layered model one step further, Figure 26 shows several examples of Delivery,
Product Assembly processes, and Product Factories (along with typical applications/modules one
might expect to find in the Risk and Payments service factories).
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Figure 26: MIRA-B Capabilities Services View
Figure 27 shows a sample business process for the Payments Services Factory which includes
services (which could be traditional applications) to perform high and low value payments,
external messaging and integration to payments networks, and a reconciliations service. Figure 27
shows a sample business model for executing payments via the mobile banking channel. In this
example the Services Factories will provide services to the Product Assembly layer as needed by
composite processes. The ‘Execute Payment’ service will require a payment screening service from
the Risk Factory, and also one or more payment services from the Payments Service Factory,
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based on the characteristics of the transaction. As part of daily operations, any given Services
Factory may also consume services from other Service Factories via the Product Assembly
integration layer (such as via a service bus). This is essentially what is defined as ‘itinerary-based
Figure 27: Extending Banking Services to the Cloud (Payments Example)
Reference architectures and development practices must also allow for composite applications
that utilize cloud-based resources. To that end, this model also allows for consumption of services
from the cloud. The example in Figure 27 also shows that the Watch List data published by
national governments is offered as a service in the public cloud rather than downloaded and
stored in multiple databases across any given banking entity. This approach opens up the
opportunity to provide commoditized banking services to an entire industry, thereby realizing the
type of efficiencies espoused by BIAN.
Microsoft Capabilities as an Enabler of Industry-standard Banking Services
This section illustrates how the integration capabilities of the Microsoft technology stack can be
leveraged to develop composite banking services that conform to the models developed and
maintained by BIAN. Figure 28 shows how BIAN services can be implemented leveraging to
Microsoft’s integration capabilities.
Cloud-Based Integration Example
By leveraging the cloud platform and services, government agencies, banks and compliance software vendors all stand
to benefit. For example, governments could publish reference data to the cloud repository. Compliance vendors could
deploy on-premise or cloud-based applications that consume reference data from the aforementioned data repositories.
Finally, banks around the world would benefit from lowered technology costs and reduced compliance risk as the
reference data would be universally accessible on demand from local access points.
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Figure 28: MIRA-B Services View Showing BIAN Integration
Starting at the top right, the BIAN architecture meta-models and service descriptions are
published and stored in an enterprise services registry and repository (components modelled in
the BizTalk Enterprise Service Bus Toolkit v2.1). Microsoft platform capabilities provide both
centralized and/or distributed service hosting capabilities (for example in an ESB built on BizTalk
Server) as well as distributed hosting such as in the Windows Communication Foundation and
AppFabric (an integration component within Microsoft Windows and Windows Azure) . The left
area of the diagram shows an expanded view of Microsoft’s application integration capabilities,
originally covered in Section V of this document. These relate to the discrete areas of: Enterprise
Services Registry and Repository; SOA and EDA; Business Process.
The lower right of the diagram illustrates a view of a Service Composition layer which leverages
Microsoft’s integration and messaging capabilities that enable faster development and integration
of services. For example, financial messaging components delivered by BizTalk Server and the
Accelerators for SWIFT and EDI to handle compliant SWIFT and EDIFACT/X12 message exchange.
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More details of the Microsoft Capabilities Model can be found in Appendix C. Additional details
regarding BIAN can be found in Appendix G or at
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Section VIII
Why Microsoft?
Management of data and technology is the cornerstone of financial services, and of banking in
particular. Financial institutions that can best manage data and systems, orchestrate business
processes and transactions, and have the highest level of insight into business operations can gain
a competitive edge in the industry in terms of product innovation, operational efficiency, and risk
Microsoft believes that a modern, agile banking architecture based-on Microsoft technology is a
key enabler in helping financial institutions quickly address industry trends and resolve technical
challenges to create new business opportunities in today’s banking industry.
So what differentiates the Microsoft value proposition in banking? There are four key areas:
1. Standards Based Integration
The Microsoft platform provides for deep integration with third party technology including Oracle,
IBM DB2, Sybase, and even proprietary mainframe applications and data. Industry-specific
standards such as ISO 20022 and those being developed within BIAN and W3C are directly
supported. Such flexibility allows for a financial institution to stage a core system migration or a
new solution using existing financial institution data and avoid business disruption.
2. Assets for the Front, Middle, & Back Office
Microsoft provides industry solutions that span devices to desktop, and datacenter to cloud. No
other company provides a “full solution stack”. Microsoft continues to innovate in R&D around
devices and the cloud to drive new technology models. The benefit is consistency across the
development platform, security model, and IT services that can help a financial institution optimize
its operational efficiency and impact the cost income ratio.
3. Price/Performance and Reliability for Mission Critical Solutions
The Microsoft back office platform has matured to the point where it is now being used to run
entire stock exchanges such as DirectEdge in the US, and to replace mainframes for core banking
such as in the case of Skandinavisk Datacenter, and in a growing number of mission critical
solutions across the industry. Microsoft works diligently with leading industry partners to optimize
their solutions for the Microsoft stack and develop benchmarks that demonstrate performance
and reliability.
4. Enterprise Class Development Tools
Microsoft offers a comprehensive suite of application lifecycle management tools for teams to
ensure quality results, from design to deployment. Whether you are creating new solutions or
enhancing existing applications, Visual Studio enables a quicker time to market, low TCO and
enterprise class robustness.
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Section IX
MIRA-B incorporates the elements discussed into a graphical view of the banking enterprise. This
includes how IT capabilities are mapped to the Microsoft platform, how industry standards are
leveraged, and how mission critical disciplines are applied. Microsoft has aligned MIRA-B to
Industry standards such as BIAN and explained the combination of great technology, people and
processes as key facets of mission-critical operations.
The Microsoft platform provides the foundational building blocks that allow financial institutions to
deliver world class solutions in the areas of Sales and Service, Digital Marketing, Governance, Risk,
and Compliance, Business Insight, and Operations. Case studies and customer success stories can
be found online at the Microsoft Financial Services industry pages. That said, banking solutions are
most successful when the success pillars of people, process, policy, governance, and technology
are considered in delivery.
In order to implement MIRA-B and the solutions it enables, Microsoft offers the services of its
industry partners as well as the architectural services of Microsoft Consulting Services. Our
enterprise banking customers are also invited to visit the Executive Briefing Center in Redmond
Washington to hear directly from Microsoft product teams and industry experts and see some of
the latest game changing solutions first-hand.
In summary, the repeatable standards based reference architecture provided by MIRA-B can help
the banking industry reduce overall costs and provide a platform for sustained innovation in
financial services. MIRA-B outlines a roadmap for the future with the architectural flexibility to
deliver industry solutions on-premise or in the cloud. This will lead to new business models, profit
streams, and customer experiences that enable a financial institution to be present in the financial
lives of their customers any time, any place, on any device, and across any channel.
At the end of the day, a by-product of sound architecture is a seamless customer experience.
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Appendix A Big Data
Traditional models for delivering analytics cannot address the growing quantities of data in the
same way as the past because the Time to Insight (TTI) can be too long to create, load and
analyze information.
Figure 29: Big Data Standards Analytics Lifecycle
The second diagram shows one approach possible with the Microsoft Data platform to analyze
data in-flight, dynamically create models and then query the data stream going-forward based on
the models. If desired, the analysis results can be stored in an archive but the key-is that users do
not have to wait for latent batch extract Transform and Load processes. This model is but one
example of many in-why Microsoft is considered a world thought leader around big data and
Figure 30: Big Data SQL StreamInsight
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Appendix B Innovative End User Experience
Delivering innovative, collaborative end user experiences and answering challenges to CoIT
Innovative End-user Capabilities
Microsoft-based Capabilities
The Banking
demands rapid
delivery of new
products and
Microsoft has an industry-leading application
platform and finished software services portfolio
that is rich with functionality.
Rapid, team application development for
cloud and on-premise deployments,
Windows and non-Windows clients.
Leveraging highly-functional services such
as SharePoint and Lync as components of
the application platform significantly
decreases the coding effort to deliver client
Rapidly deliver the end-user experience in
managed and highly automated fashion
for VDI/RDS, rich clients and browser
Key Microsoft capabilities include:
Award winning design and development
Leverages pre-built application capabilities
and solution accelerators
Versatile cloud and/or on-premise
application platform.
Support for Model View Controller (MVC)
Robust driver development kit for banking
peripherals such as receipt & validation
printers, image scanner, etc.
Integrated instrumentation plus automated
management and monitoring.
Rapid delivery to market for both Windows and
non-Windows client devices by using robust
application development tools, prebuilt platform
functionality, and automated systems management
Today’s users
need efficient
interaction in
the workplace.
Innovative application capabilities and client
applications enhance the effectiveness of
employees, raise customer satisfaction, and
decreases cost to serve.
Key Microsoft Capabilities include;
Intuitive interfaces for delivery across
multiple platforms, both Windows and
Advanced platform capabilities (finished
services and platform components):
o Integrated customer management (CRM)
o Integrated business productivity -
Collaboration, enterprise search,
presence, unified communications, data
visualization, data connectivity, content
management, etc.
Improved end user productivity via highly-
integrated application services and business
productivity capabilities as well as standalone client
Integrated customer management and business
productivity capabilities provide finished software
services as well as extend the capabilities of the
application platform.
Eliminates need to write infrastructure and
integration code to develop enterprise solutions.
Also enables upgraded functionality from Microsoft
over time.
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Device, Security and Access Management
Employees need to perform their jobs across an expanded range of locations and with an
expanded array of devices; both corporate-issued and personal, Microsoft Windows-based and
non-Windows. IT organizations in the financial institution need to secure sensitive data and
provide low cost operations and management. To address this balance, Microsoft feels the best
TCO and highest level of information security can be achieved by standardizing on Windows-
based devices, applications, security, and management solutions. Microsoft also recognizes the
financial institutions need for multi-platform device and security management of non-Windows
based client devices in-addition to Windows devices. Microsoft provides the necessary strategies,
capabilities, applications and tools for managing and providing access to corporate resources by
Windows-based and non-Windows devices.
Support for
new model of
interaction with
In-addition to a traditional keyboard and
mouse for input; touch, gesture, pen/stylus, and
voice have become mainstream input
mechanisms and are supported by an extensive
set of APIs.
Key Microsoft capabilities include:
Windows Touch API
Gestures API
Speech Recognition API
Windows Presentation Foundation
Kinect API
Prebuilt functionality and APIs for rapid application
development of applications with Natural User
Build touch-screen Advisory applications for a
shared experience customer to provide new level of
transparency and trust in banking processes.
Pen/stylus support supports signature capture to
reduce paper processing.
Microsoft-based Capabilities
multiple device
form factors for
different use-
cases within the
Microsoft OEM partners provide an array of
Windows-based devices and form factors to
fit the range of banking users including;
roaming and stationary tellers, mobile and
branch-based advisors, analysts, and business
Devices are available in a range of form
Desktops, laptops, netbook, slates,
terminals, phones and more.
The benefits of a being able to leverage a
common Windows operating environment across
such a large range of devices includes consistent
compatibility, deployment, management, and
especially security which will ultimately lead to
lowest overall cost of operations and lower
information security risk.
Manage &
secure Windows
and non-
devices via one
toolset and
Microsoft provides Windows and non-
Windows based device management
including Windows Phone 7, iOS and
Key Microsoft capabilities include:
Exchange ActiveSync policy
Advanced Windows device
management via System Center
Configuration Manager
Active Directory for Digital Rights
Ability to enforce password policies, remote wipe,
restore factory image, attachment handling, etc.
Varies by manufacturer and device. For more
information about mobile management capabilities
by vendor, refer to this link.
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Active Directory & Group Policy
Windows Identity Foundation
Provide access
to corporate
applications and
while protecting
customer and
Microsoft infrastructure provides policy-based
access to corporate resources depending
upon user, level of trust of the device and
type of information being accessed.
Key Microsoft-based application access
capabilities include:
Remote Access via VPN or
DirectAccess and Forefront Unified
Access Gateway
Network Access Protection (NAP)
Remote Desktop Services
Application virtualization
Cloud/web-based applications such
as Outlook Web Access and Office
Leverages management and security capabilities
for both Windows and non-Windows based
devices to enable different methods of accessing
corporate applications and information depending
upon the capabilities and security of the device as
well as the sensitivity of information being
For example, an unmanaged device may only be
allowed access via a remote desktop connection to
a corporate device or given access to a web based
application while, domain-joined devices can
access corporate resources via these methods and
additionally allowed remote access via VPN and/or
DirectAccess with Network Access Protection
policies via Forefront’s Threat Management
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Deliver well-
applications and
varying network
conditions and
Microsoft Windows is based on SMB 2.1 - an
evolution of Server Message Block. SMB 2.1
provides caching and compression services
for the network to reduce network impact and
increase application performance.
Key Microsoft capabilities include:
Offline File Caching
File copy restart
Remote Differential (Network)
Distributed File Services (advanced
Background Intelligent Transfer
Reduce impact on WAN links between Branch
offices and Datacenters.
Improve application performance across WAN
links; improve task efficiency by reducing wait time
for file copy operations.
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Appendix C Detailed Capability View
Figure 31: Microsoft Products mapped to Logical Technology Architecture
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Figure 32: Detailed Capabilities View
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Figure 32: Detailed Capabilities View (cont…)
NOTE: The Service Categories in this document are
from Microsoft’s Infrastructure
Optimization (IO) assessment models. The models were developed in-partnership between Microsoft
and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a private research university located in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. For applicability to this architecture document, the models have been
The optimization models assess IT capabilities for existence in the enterprise as well as the maturity-
level of the IT capability.
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Appendix D Approach to Mission Critical Architectures
One of the key value points of industry reference architecture is that it provides a financial
institution with increased predictability and reliability when deploying IT solutions that solve for
critical business needs. However, technology capability as it relates to banking architecture is just
one of the success factors required for the implementation of highly available mission-critical
Microsoft believes that there are 5 pillars that require thought, planning, and resourcing in order
to achieve the expected results from the implementation of industry reference architectures, as
represented in the diagram below.
Figure 33: Mission Critical Approach
Implementation of a reference architecture model requires more than a commitment to
technology investment. There must also be buy-in and commitment to change from business
groups to whom solutions are delivered. In fact, failure in any one pillar can jeopardize the ability
to successfully transform to an agile banking architecture.
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Appendix E Integrated Security Services
Security is always a critical concern for banks and their customers. Criminals, both external and
internal are constantly trying to exploit security vulnerabilities to steal money and valuable
information. Security challenges today are exacerbated by the increasing volumes of data,
personal devices finding their way into the enterprise, and sources of security information
including botnets, phishing sites, social networks, portable and internet based storage.
Microsoft believes that there is no single solution for security and that protection is needed at
multiple layers of the technology stack and throughout the entire IT lifecycle. The multilayered
defense in depth is reflected in the suite of products that work in an integrated fashion to provide
and manage security and identity services for the enterprise. As shown in figure 32, Microsoft’s
platform provides integrated security, information protection, digital rights management, as well
as Identity lifecycle management services throughout Microsoft’s infrastructure, application,
database, and end users both on-premises and in the public cloud.
Figure 34: Multi-layered Security Defense in Depth
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At the foundation to Microsoft’s security approach, processes, and philosophy is the Trustworthy
Computing Initiative (TWC). This is a process guidance and governance model for software
security to implement multi-layered ‘defense in depth’ security program spanning from a Secure
Development Lifecycle (SDL), through all operations, all the way through to decommissioning. The
TWC initiative is a full lifecycle security process that governs all Microsoft products that are
delivered to the marketplace. Additionally the guidance is shared with the public so similar
processes and best practices can be implemented for banking enterprise operations.
Results from the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) which is maintained by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) exemplify the returns of the TWC initiative in
Microsoft for the enterprise: SQL Server 2008 R2 had zero (0) critical vulnerabilities identified in
the year 2010. As TWC marks its tenth year and continues into the future, focus will be placed on
the new world of device, data, and cloud services proliferation and everyone has a role to play.
For more information about Trustworthy Computing Initiative ‘v-next’, Secure Development
Lifecycle and Defense-in-depth, visit
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Appendix F Rapid Provisioning with Cloud Computing
Financial Services is a highly commoditized industry with rapidly changing regulation making “time
to market” a very clear benefit whether it is to capture a quickly emerging market opportunity or
to comply with changing regulations within the industry. As banks focus on strategic priorities, an
architecture that enables cloud-based business and technology services will facilitate the strategic
sourcing of business functions and enable faster delivery of business capabilities.
Microsoft cloud computing platform, both public and private, can help address these challenges in
ways that have outgrown traditional datacenter operations. By providing automated, self service
provisioning and elastic scaling capabilities; cloud computing capabilities can be a key asset to
help address time to market for financial institutions. The traditional process of sizing hardware
requirements, software and hardware procurement, setup and tuning, and then ongoing
operations seems to be the Achilles heel of “speedy delivery” for any technology-dependent
business initiative. Delivering business results can be a lengthy, costly, and hard to expand when
needed. Systems for projects are provisioned (often purchased) in-advance to handle redundancy
and the highest bursts of activity that can be expected. Next is the struggle for development
systems, lab and datacenter space, heating/cooling, etc. as well as ongoing maintenance. Before
delivering any business capabilities, significant time and cost is expended in this procurement and
provisioning process. Microsoft’s cloud capabilities on the other hand, whether public, private, or
hybrid provides a distinct value by enabling the
provisioning of computing services in
minutes instead of days, weeks, or even months can cut significant time to market for the
Costs are also clearly a factor in initiating new innovation and another clear benefit with cloud
computing. With Microsoft-based private cloud in your datacenter and public cloud
configurations in Azure, the underlying computing power is designed to be scaled-out as demand
requires and this can help limit upfront investments and time to provision. In addition to upfront
costs, the ongoing cost of operations for cloud infrastructures is hard to match with typical
datacenter operations due to the high-degree of automation and the large set of computing
resources which are pooled. Microsoft provides massive, public cloud computing at-scale via the
Windows Azure platform and provides private cloud computing via Windows and Hyper-v Server
with automation and management tools that span public cloud, private cloud, and traditional
datacenter operations. Microsoft also works with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to
provide pre-tuned and pre-configured virtualization ‘appliances’ as part of the Microsoft Private
Cloud Fast Track program which is optimized for price and performance.
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Appendix G BIAN Service Landscape
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